1984 02 21 CC AGENDA CITY ODUNCIL - CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting of the City Council to be held at City ~all, 78-105 Calle Estado, La ~,inta, California. Feb~,~ry 21, 1984 7:30 p.m. 1. C~TX. TO ORDER A. Flag Salute B. Invocation I~OT .T. C~T .T. 3. PUBLIC ~ This is the time set aside for citizens to address the City Council on matters relating to City business. When addressing the Council, please state your name and address. The procc~ings of the council ~ctings are recorded on tape, and oa'~,;~nts of each person sb~l 1 be limited to thrcc (3) minutes. 4. WRITTEN ~ICATIONS A. C~LJL,dnication frc~ Juan Flores regarding use of the La ~,~nta C~,onity Center. B. C~L,uonication frczn Audrey Ostrowsky regarding animal control measures. C. C~,'~dnication f~L, Sharon M. Atkins, Jr., regarding the senior citizen nc~s asses~-nt questionma~re.and the Animal control Depa~h¥~nt. 5. ~ BY COUNCIL M~4BERS A. Report frc~ council Member Wolff regardi ng a Traffic Study and Recu~u~ndations for the City of La ~ nta. 6. HEARINGS 7. OONS~T CALRNDAR Approval of the Minutes of a regular meeting held Febz~,~ry 7, 1984. PROPOSED BF-qOLUTION. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ODLrb~IL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROV/NG B. DEMANDS. BUS/NESS SESSION A. PROPOSED ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FOR THE CITY, BY REZONING CERTAIN PARCqqT.$ OF PROPERTY REFEP~ TO /~ CHANGE OF ZONE CASE NO. 83-003. 1. Ordinance for adoption. (ROLL CAT.T.) -D54Z.A***ity Council February 21, 1984 Page Two. B. PROPOSED * AN ORD*NCE OF THE CITY *UNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALI*RNIA, AME**DING THE OFFICIAL ZC*ING * FOR THE CITY, BY REZC*ING CE** PA* OF P*PER*Y TO IN * OF CASE No.83-005. 1. Ordinance for adoption. ROLL CALL) C. Special Report fr*u the C*ru[wuty safety Coordinator regarding the intersection of Avenida *Montezuma and Avenida Navarro and at Eisenhower Drive and Avenida Navarro. 1. *tion for adoption. A" *\* D. Request for Extension of Time Tentative Tract Map No.16449, Amended No.1, located at the southwesterly corner of Miles Avenue and Adams Street align- ment; LQD, Inc., Applicant. 1. *tion for adoption. Request for Extension of Time Tentative Tract Map No.16450, Amended No.1, located at the southwest corner of Fred Waring Drive and Adams Street alignment; LQD, Inc., Applicant. F. Report fram the Assistant to the City Manager regarding a proposal for a City *C*Im*cations program*. 1. *tion for adoption. G. Continued discussion with business owners and business property owners regarding downtown La Quinta. H. Other. Resolution approving funds re: Convention & Visitors Bureau. 1. Look at escrow instructions. I. Service Bonus Principal Planner J. School Establishment Task Force Committee. 9. Z*JoU***EUT BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z. is February 10, l98* To: Hon. Mayor Robert Baler Distinguished members of the City Council City of La Quinta From: Juan Flores Re: Use of La Quinta Community Center For the past twenty-one years I have studied the Korean art of Tang Soodo'', have attained the rank of fourth degree black belt, and am sanctioned and certified by the United States Karate Federa- tion to instruct. Over the years, karate has been very good to me. It has taught me self discipline, self respect, and respect for others. It is for this reason that I want to pass on what I have learned to other members of the community, young and old alike. During the seven months that I have conducted classes at the La Quinta Community Center, I have found that there is a great demand for this program by our youth as well as the adult population of our community. However, because of the costs connected with attending the school such as uniforms, instruction fees, grading fees, and federation dues, the costs have become prohibitive for many people. For this reason, I would like to propose the following: My more advanced students and I have agreed to give of our time at no charge to teach classes. We are requesting the support of the City Council to make the Community Center available to us at no charge on Mondays and Thursdays from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.,and Saturdays from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon. These eight hours a week would enable us to instruct two classes beginning and intermediate) each week. My costs for renting the Community Center has been $60.00 per week. It is my understanding that the Council has time reserved at the Center for functions such as this. I feel that it would be a great help to the community if the Council could assist in this matter. Re*ctfully submitted, *uanFlor*s 53-075 Herrera La Quinta, CA. 92253 56*-*853 BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z. +\ *4 \*` OITY OP * CALIPORNIA lOOCIVIC CENTER MALL P0 DRAWER 17SB * INDIO,CALIFORNIA922O2 Phone: 714) 347-23S1 W PHILLIp*AwES CITY MANAGER February 16, 1984 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Re: Juan Flores Mr. Juan Flores has operated business' within the City of Indio for various periods of time since 1973. These business' have been mainly sports-related enterprises, such as karate and boxing schools. We have never received any complaints regarding Mr. Flores or his business activities. I have known Juan Flores personally since 1975, and, have found him to be an honest and hard working individual. Any questions regarding Mr. Flores' relationship with the City of Indio should be directed to the undersigned. Yours truly, W. PHI(L(P*H7wEsTh City Manager WPH/mjs BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z. AUDREY OBOSTRO3W5IKY P.O. La Quinta, CA 92253 *B * February 13, 1984 The Mayor, City Council and City Manager LA QUINTA CITY HALL La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Sirs and Madam: My attorney has advised me to file a claim against this city because of the repeated incidents of wild dog packs harassing me and other residents. I did speak to the City Council at the meeting three weeks ago, but nothing has been done regarding this serious problem which has been going on for the six years I have been living in La Quinta. One of the issues pertinent to the incorporation of La Quinta was that something would be done to resolve this issue, but it has been just one year that a dogcatcher has been hired to handle the dog packs. Even though I have offered my help in publicizing the problem and working for the resolution of this matter, the city seems to feel that it is not an important issue. As Doug Brown informed me, the money needed to run the city comes from the large developers, such as Landmark, and their needs have preference over other problems of the Cove area. Dogs can roam all over La Quinta. Do we have to wait until someone at the Hotel and Tennis matches are attacked before any action will be taken? After all, the reputation of all La Quinta is an issue if any derogatory publicity is involved concerning the wild dog packs that do roam the area. Your reply stating the plans for the immediate resolution to the dog packs roaming the area is requested within the next couple of weeks or further action will have to be taken for the safety of my life and others. Very truly yours, AUDREY B. OSTROWSKY ABO/dm BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z.*IoF * 7*1O5 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA. CALIFORNIA *2253 619) 5&4-2246 February 28, 1984 lirs. Audrey Ostrowsky*sky P.O. Box 351 La Qu:inta, California 92253 Dear Mrs. OstrOws1*T: This letter is in response to your letter to the La OLlinta City Council dated February 13, 1984. You state in your letter that nothing has been done" regarding reports of wild dog packs harassing you and other residents. This simply is not so. Perhaps this is due to a lack of kna**ledge regarding our vigorous animal control efforts in La Quinta. Regarding your cwn use of animal control services we show the following: 1. 10-20-83 0900 hours: Dogs running*'g at large". Animal Control Officer Ac*) responded to area of 77-400 Calle Sinaloa at 0930 hours and was unable to locate any dogs loose in area. ACO also re-patrolled the area at 1044 hours, and still could not locate any loose dogs. 2. 10-23-83 0916 hours: ACO patrolled the area of 77-400 Calle Sinaloa and found no loose animals. *patrolled at 1021 hours-again with negative results. 3. 10-24-83 0842 hours: ACO again patrolled the area of 77-400 Calle Sinaloa no dogs loose. 4. 10-26-83 0944 hours: Dogs chasing Mrs. Ostrowsky*sky on her bike" ACO responded at 1002 hours and dis*vered two dogs loose in area. Followed dogs to a house at 51-573 Avenida Obregon. No one at hoce a warning notice was left for the occupants. Unable to capture anil[Lals. 5. l*28-83 0945 hours: ACO followed-up on loose a**s fr* 51-573 Avenida Obregon. Observed both ariirr*s tied in yard. 6. 11-3-83 1100 hours: ACO patrolled area of Avenida Obregon and Calle Sinaloa no loose dogs noted. Checked 51-573 Avenida Obregon and observed one German Shepard male dog tied to the house. 7. Ncve***r to January n*e*us occasions ACO conducted regLilar patrols of the area around Mrs. Ostrowsky' 5 residence. Several warning notices were js*ed and c:*laance noted. MAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 1504- LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z.8. 2-15-84 1040 hours: ACO drove past *-573 Avenida Obregon and witnessed the German shepard untied and chasing vehicles. No one at hare. Warning notice rrailed this tin* pre-citation warning). 9. 2-17-84 1115 hours: A* followed-up on call at 51-573 Avenida Obregon. No animal observed. Note: Frcxn the records on file at City Hall: *A.C.O. Aird has spoken on the phone with Mrs. Ostrowsky and has acknowledged the aniit* probl*ns in la Quinta. A.C.O. explained at length s*ne of her efforts and difficulties in animal control work. Mrs. Ostrowsky made numerous suggestions of her uwi regarding ardinal control. A.C.O. Aird briefed her on the legalistics of animal control L* Quinta Municipal Code, Penal Code, State Humane Laws, etc.) as to why t*Ax)gs were being done the way we are doing * Nan:: Frc*n the records on file at City Hall: ccir*ty safety Coordinator Brown has talked with Mrs. Ostrowsky on several occasions both in person and via telephone) regarding animal control. The thrust of the **ssage to Mrs. Ostrowsky was that we are doing the best we can with what resources are available. Mrs. Ostrowsky was also informed that dog traps were available for her use, but were never requested by her until 2-24-84.'* 10. 2-24-B4 1030 hours: Mrs. Ostrowsky requested a dog trap. ACO Aird delivered and set-up trap the sa** day. 11. 2-27-84 1000 hours: ACO Aird noted that the dog trap at Mrs. Ostrowsky' 5 had no bait in it. ACO will obtain scoe bait and service the trap later this date. Baiting the trap is explained in the instructions provided to trap users and is a responsibility of the trap user. 12. 2-27-84 1010 hours: ACO Aird patrolled area of Calle Sinaloa and Avenida Obregon. Dog at 51-573 Avenida Obregon was observed chained up to house. 13. 2-27-84 1210 hours: ACO Aird successfully captured two loose dogs in Mrs. Ostrowsky' 5 yard and transported th*n to the animal shelter in lndio. Fran October 1983 to the end of January 1984 the following is an accounting of various animal control activities: 1. 332 waiiinq notices have been issued for animals running at large. 2. 29 wanning notices have been issued for barking dogs. *. 137 animals have been captured and transported to the animal shelter. BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z.4. 29 arumal trap requests have been handled. 5. 5 injured am*s have been handled. 6. 38 dead anirnals have been r*r*ved fran roadways. A total of 663 axumal incidents have been handled and *leted * our solo animal control officer during her first four months of actually being on the job. We have only had our awn animal control officer for five months, and not one year" as you stated in your letter. The anirnal control officer spent her first *nth on the job Septeeber 1983) setting up the anirnal control de*ment including develcp"rent of all the legally proper operating policy, forms, warning letters, and licensing syst*n. She also procured animal control eguipeent and underwent special training. Our aniral control officer was also budgeted as only a half-time position with the other half of her time going ta**ards street maintenance. As it has turned out, about 90% of her time has been in the area of anu* control. MLlch is being done and has been done to corbat the afliir*l problE*ns in La Quinta. Unfortunately we cannot solve a problem in a few months which you pointed out in your letter, has been going on for the six years you have lived in La Cuinta. Much more reaains to be done. I would like to correct your sta**ts regarding what I told you in reference to money and developeent in La Quinta. I informed you, on more than one occasion, that the long-range fiscal well being of this city depends heavily on future c*""*cial an'd hotel developient, since these are substantial revenue producing areas. I also told you that to provide the variety and level of service desired by residents of the cove area, that property taxes fr* the cove area alone would fall short of providing needed revenues for those services. I did not tell you that developers' needs had a preference over other probl*ns of the cove area. As an exan*le: 90% of the incidents requiring service by the Ccmn*ty Safety Department are to the cove area. I hope this letter clarifies sane of the points you wrote in your letter regarding the ariunal control services in La QLlinta. Please feel free to contact either the Animal Control Officer or me if we can be of any further assistance to you. yours, *uglas A. Brown caimnity safety Coordinator i*/th cc: City Council City *4anaqer Animal Control Officer BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z. *iin3&We(/6kea/t* 78-390 SINGING PALMS DRIVE, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 619) 564-* 164 February 10, 1984 VB * City Council City Of La Quinta La Quinta City Hall, La Quinta, CA. 92253 Dear Council: Two complaints. First, the questionnaire mailed out in January. Typical political move, when the answers are only a smoke screen, as decision is already made to proceed. Answering in a negative way would have been like voting against motherhood, apple pie and the American flag. A more fair questionnaire would have been to explain the costs, outline where and how the costs would be financed, then ask the questions. The fact there is no free lunch, means someone, someplace is going to have to pay. Who? Second3 I witnessed two exhibitions out of three) in the past month, which I cannot let go without comment. This the capturing" of injured ducks at Lake Cahuilla by, I learned yesterday, your female Animal Control Officer. Seldom have I seen such a display of stupidity, not to mention cruelty. I first saw the County Parks boat with 2 people chasing a white duck about 3 weeks ago and chasing and chasing, for over half an hour. I later asked what they had been up to, as they were some distance from where I was fish- mg, thus I could only see what was going on, no details. I was told that one of the pet white ducks had a broken leg. I'd guess some nut broke it by throwing a rock.) Then yesterday, here came the boat again, with gasoline outboard motor. No such motors are allowed, except by the County on the County boat. There again were 2 people in the boat, this time I could see they were both in uniform. The duck chase began just before 2:00 PM. Soon the white duck was separated from the rest and the chase began to heat up. Back and forth. Zig zag. Around and around, Forward and back. Every time the boat got close, the duck would dive under the water. BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z.Page Two I could see the person in the bow of the boat was a young lady, holding what appeared to be a stick with a loop of cord attached. The stick was 2 or 3 feet long. Soon the chase got in front of some 50 fishermen. The operator of the boat and motor would call out look out for your lines:" and around and around they'd go. Down the bank, back up, back down, out in the middle and back again. Soon people who were camped began walking over to watch to total stupidity of 2 grown adults chasing a poor scared duck which being a pet, is too fat to fly. People were yelling at the boat occupants, but on and on the chase went. It was obvious to even the most stupid of us, that the girl needed a long handle attached to a net, like a fisherman's net, to slam down over the duck when it came up. A length of PVC 3/4" pipe, with a heavy wire loop and a *2.5O fisherman's net purchased at Yellow Mart would do. Finally they ran over the poor duck with the outboard and sliced it up: In later talking to the County Ranger who had been running the boat, he said he was sorry the accident" happened. Several of us said it was a miracle the poor duck survived as long as it did, over an hour, as they had made 500 to 1,000 or more passes at, over and around the duck, trying to guess at the spot the duck would surface. No accident. I asked why they were chasing the duck in the first place, as surely the poor duck was as strong as a mule to keep going that long. Oh it had a hook in * mouth or throat as you could see the leader trailing from it's mouth." Well that hook won't bother the poor bird now:) The Ranger said that was the third duck they'd had to chase down in the last 30 days. The gal is Animal Control with the City of La Quinta and the City * afford proper equipment you know." On Monday, February 6th, we had out-of-town friends arrive in their motor home, to stay out at the lake for a week1s fishing and vacation, thus I was out every day to visit and fish with them. Monday afternoon, a man drove up and called Here ducks, quack, quack" and the 12 or 15 pet ducks came rushing frotn all over to be fed stale bread. We went over and watched as the man hand fed them. On the afternoon of the 8th, I too took out some stale bread and fed the ducks, plus a partial can of corn which I'd been using for bait. On both occasions I saw the white duck with the line hanging out of it's beak, but this was a healthy duck who ate right along with the rest of the ducks. The hook might have been an irritation, but surely was not killing the bird. BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z.Page Three.... If your Animal Control Person had used some common sense, knowing these ducks are more-or-less pets, she might have made an effort to simply sit by the lakes edge and try hand feeding and make a grab at the bird. In any event, there were something close to 100 people watching this stupid chase and all were of a single mind: first it was cruel, next dumb and it cost what? Plenty, in time of 2 public employees, a boat, motor and some from of transportation to and from the lake for the Animal Control Person. As you know, I opposed Cityhood on just such grounds. More bureaucracy which is a nice name for stupidity) and no funds for same. This is a prime example of #IYOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK11. All the cry about lack of animal control in La Quinta Cove in the Cityhood campaign and promises of improved services at no additional cost, etc. It now seems clear that the City has taken on, as a formal and official function of the new City, to take care of the ducks at Lake Cahuilla, as this chase on February 9th was the third, at least the second I have seen with my own eyes. If the City is determined to take care of the ducks which mean people are hurting, then La Quinta City should and must do a more humane job. The City will have to invest in proper nets and procedures. I am today sending in a written complaint to the SPCA on this behavior. The SPCA may have some Guidelines on how to capture ducks without running over the poor birds with the prop of an outboard. One wonders, after witnessing such stupidity, if the Animal Control Officer acquires this degree of stupidity in classes after entering the program or if stupidity is a prerequisite for application for the job? If this is procedure", then the next time a call comes in for the Animal Control Officer to capture a stray dog, she likely would just run over the dog with her truck: Why not buy her a shotgun and she could just blow off a hind leg of any lose animals, that way saving time capturing them. whatts the difference between chopping up a duck or shooting stray dogs? I do not fault the County Panger, as he was simply trying to comply with orders to cooperate with the City Animal Control Officer and assist. Other County employees just rolled their eyes when I asked what the deal was with the La Quinta City Animal Control Officer and the duck chases. I might add, friends have a small ranch and white ducks about the property. Coyotes grab a sleeping duck now and then, usually doing harm, such as a broken wing or leg. The ducks heal up and flop about and hobble about just fine, let alone. It1s simply life. Further, fishermenvs lines will get tangled up with the ducks from time to time. BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z.Page Four.... And Man, is a cruel thing and there is that small percentage who will hurt and cripple defenceless animals. Look at the pelicans that someone is cutting off their upper bills. Thus unless you bar the public from Lake Cahuilla, the City of La Quinta will have a continuing cost of doctoring the injured ducks. I think it only fair that the citizens of La Quinta's elected representatives air this expense at a public Council Meeting and explain to the people why the tax dollars are being spent on the ducks at Lake Cahuilla. Again, if this be a humane program, I am all for it, but for God's Sake and the sake of the poor, scared ducks, do a proper job. So, long letter to say my TURKEY OF THE MONTH AWARD goes to the Questionnaire for January 1984 and to the Animal Control Officer for February 1984. Sin Sharon M. Atkins, Former Chairman of PAIN People Against Incorporation Now) cc: Humane Society Of Palm Springs BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z . RESOLUTION NO.84-il A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as shown on the Demand/Warrant register dated February 21, 1984. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 21st day of February, 1984. MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY ATTORNEY CI MAN BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z. ORDINANCE NO. 49 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FOR THE CITY, BY REZONING CERTAIN PARCELS OF PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN CHANGE OF ZONE CASE NO. 83-003. The city council of the City of La Quinta does ordain as follows: SECTION 1* Section 4.10 of Riverside County Ordinance No. 348 which was adopted by reference by this City Council by Ordinance No. 5, operative August 29, 1982) and La Quinta District Amended Official Zoning Plan Map No. 14, as amended, are further amended by rezoning from R-1, R-1-8,000 and R-1-12,000 to R-2-2,500 maximum 374 total dwellings), R-2-9,600 maximum 520;total dwellings) and R-5, those certain parcels shown and depicted for such rezonings on the map which is attached to and made a part of this ordinance, and which attached map is labeled Exhibit A, Case No. CZ 83-003". SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty 30) days after passage. SECTION 3. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days after passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the three public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on this 21st day of February 1984, by the following vote: AYES: Council M**bers Allen, Cox, Henderson and Mayor Baler. NOES: Council Mebber *lff. ABSENT: None. Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: City Attorney nager BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z. f$ ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FOR THE CITY, BY REZONING CERTAIN PARCELS OF PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN CHANGE OF ZONE CASE NC. 83-005. The city council of the City of La Quinta does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Section 4.10 of Riverside County Ordinance No. 348 which was adopted by reference by this City Council by Ordinance No. 5, operative August 29, 1982) and La Quinta District Amended Official Zoning Plan Map No. 14, as amended, are further amended by rezoning from A-1-10 to R-2-12,000 and R-3 SP)Specific Plan, those certain parcels shown and depicted for such rezonings on the nap which is attached to and made a part of this ordinance, and which attached map is labeled Exhibit A, Case No. CZ 83-005". SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty 30) days after passage. SECTION 3. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days after passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the three public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on this day of 1984, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: City Attorney City Manager BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z. MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members From: Douglas Brown, Community Safety Coordinator Date: February 16, 1984 Subject: SPECIAL REPORT Traffic near La Quinta Park This report is in response to a request by members of the City Council regarding traffic problems near the La Quinta Park, specifically at the intersections of Avenida Montezuma at Avenida Navarro and at Eisenhower Drive at Avenida Montezuma. The following action has been taken regarding your request: 1. It is common practice to have any traffic problem of this type studied by a traffic engineer, an expert" in traffic matters. I do not feel so qualified to render such opinions by myself. An attempt to recruit the services of the Riverside County Roads Department, Traffic Engineering Section, to do that work for us was made. We were advised by that section that it was impossible for them to provide such services within the next two months due to a backlog of other work. 2. This matter was brought up before the La Quinta Traffic Safety Committee at its meeting of February 9, 1984. Based on the data available to the committee which includes the Institute of Transportation Studies recent report, traffic accident statistics and reports, and warrants there is no serious11 traffic problem that needs immediate action in the area of the park. Using all guidelines and practices available to any other traffic safety committee it would be reasonable and prudent to recommend no action at this time. 3. The design of these two intersections, which were laid out many, many years ago when the tract was recorded, is to be considered unique. That is because we have both intersections being the convergence point for five separate traffic routes. Typically, an intersection will usually only consist of four or three traffic routes merging at a common point. Redesign of the intersections can then be a method for helping to eliminate the potential for accidents. 4. The proper and warranted traffic control signage for these intersections has been installed and functioning under the au species of the Riverside County Roads Department. BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z. SPECIAL REPORT, cont. PAGE 2 * La Quinta Park Traffic 5. One-way streets have been suggested as a possible solution to the problems at these intersections. The Traffic Safety Committee discussed this idea back in July of last year. However, Mr. Haley, the traffic engineer from I.T.S. recommended against the use of one-way streets in this area reference I.T.S. Traffic safety Evaluation report for La Quinta, page 43, suggested One-Way System Around Town Park.") To quote Mr. Haley from that report, To one-way these streets would appear to be applying more control than necessary." 6. As an alternative to one-way streets, the Traffic Safety Committee discussed another possible solution. That solution would be to eliminate Avenida Montezuma around the south side of the park. That could be accomplished by cul- de-sacing both ends where they meet with Eisenhower and at Avenida Navarro. The thrust of this plan would be to make both intersections into typical four-way intersections. Access to Avenida Monte- zuma on the south side of the park would be off of Avenida Mendoza. Sufficient turning area would be provided on both ends. It would also be desirable to change the name of that portion of Avenida Montezuma to a court" or place" name, perhaps Montezuma Place. An added advantage to this plan would be that thru traffic around the south side of the park would be eliminated and much additional parking would be available for athletic events or visitors to the park. I would also like to call to the attention of the City Council that this would mean increased safety since the ballfield and the playground are both located on the south side of the park. This would prevent vehicles from zooming through that area as I have so often personally witnessed during night sporting events. The plan would also include blocking off both ends of Avenida Montezuma south) by using improvements such as curb- ing and gutters filled in with landscaped planters with walk- ways. This would help to satisfy other City Council objectives by helping to beautify downtown La Quinta. Crosswalks would also be planned to facilitate pedestrian safety to each side of the park. It is my recommendation to the City Council that one of the following courses of action be decided upon to resolve this situation: No. 1: Implement no changes at this time since no APPROVED changes are warranted per recent studies. No. 2: Adopt Item #6 as noted above and direct staff A*TOCONTENT. to take the necessary steps to implement it. *FOR CITY COUN*ZtL MEETINa *pec*ful* submitted, 0* *-*i.14 * Douglas Brown, Community Safety CITY MANAGER Coordinator BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z. MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Fellow Counc**bers From: Fred Wolff* Date: February 13, 1984 Subject: Traffic Report It seems all of us feel an urgency to take some steps to deal with traffic problems in La Quinta, as they relate to speed limits, signs and controls. I have taken the liberty to develop the attached study and recommendations for our deliberations. It seems when there is a written document to which we can relate....and which we can change, modify, add to or delete from, etc., etc. etc......action is more likely to follow. So, please look upon this as a point of departure to move us to action; it's the only concrete set of recommendations we have at this time. I am asking the City Manager to place this on the agenda for our next meeting. I suggest we then decide 1) are there items on which we can act now? 2) which items do we want to deal with later on,perhaps in a special mee 3) which items do we want to eliminate totally; ortl(fl4*? do we want a special session to deal with the whole problem of *Traffic*? Whatever action we take, I hope it1ll result in a safer, rational traffic pattern for our city.. Thank you for your consideration. cc. City Manager City Attorney BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z . NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z!. 1-h MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: The Planning Commission Date: February 21, 1984 Subject: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 16449, AMENDED NO. 1, Located at the Southwesterly Corner of Miles Avenue and Adams Street Alignment; LQD, Inc., Applicant At the February 14, 1984 meeting, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend denial of the extension of time request on the grounds that the project as originally approved is not consistent with the current development standards for single-family residential subdivisions. Consideration of this request was continued from the December 13, 1983, and January 10, 1984, Planning Commission meetings at the request of the applicant's representative. Neither the applicant nor his repre- sentative were present at the February meeting. A motion to deny the subject request for extension of time is respect- fully recommended. SLB dmv * APPROVED * TO CONTENT. *FOR CITY CO*ILM*TING * */ CITY M**GER BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z". NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z#. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z$. 2 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: The Planning Commission Date: February 21, 1984 Subject: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 16450, AMENDED NO. 1, Located at the Southwest Corner of Fred Waring Drive and Adams Street Alignment; LQD, Inc., Applicant At the February 14, 1984 meeting, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend denial of the extension of time request on the grounds that the project as originally approved is not consistent with the current development standards for planned residential develop- ments. Consideration of this case was continued from the December 13, 1983, and January 10, 1984, Planning Commission meetings at the request of the applicant's representative. Neither the applicant nor his repre- sentative were present at the February meeting. A motion to deny the subject request for extension of time is respectfully recommended. SLB:dmv * APPROVE[) *7A'S TO CONTENT. CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF CITY M**N*GER BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z%. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z&. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z'. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z(. MEMORANDUM 8 W. CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Ann Jennings, Assistant to the City Manager Date: February 13, 1984 Subject: Proposal for City Communications Program" At the City Council goal setting session held January 19, 1984, the Council established as its fifth priority the need for a City Communications Program", and requested the proposal for presentation by February 21, 1984. The following ideas represent staff recommendations for such a program based on two criteria: 1. Council/community need for an on-going information program. 2. Staff time necessary for implementation of such a program on a permanent, regular basis. The ideas presented are a PROPOSAL, and may serve as a guideline and beginning point in the City's efforts towards sharing our ideas and accomplishments with the community. This proposal may be changed, added to, amended or deleted from, as the Council desires. The structure of the program I have outlined is based on the Council's expressed willingness to provide the community with information regarding City legislation and local government issues; fostering a feeling of community cohesiveness; and to enlighten the residents of La Quinta relative to the activities and services which are available. 1 CITY NEWSLETTER To date, the City has published two newsletters... the first was mailed in November, 1983, and the second was mailed February 15, 1984. It would be staff's recommendation to publish the newsletter on a quarterly basis: February, May, August and November. Content would vary, and would be based on information which the City wishes the citizenry to be aware of; current and pending City legislation and codes; discussion involving Council activities; various City commissions * p committee involvement; news about City projects and items of community interest; and a Calendar of Events for the month. BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z). C( ijlun i c*t fl.* 1' * rdm F*Iiruary IA, I9*4 P*'*e Two. The City newsletters have been extremely well received by La Quinta residents. They are currently distributed to all persons in La Quinta who receive their mail through a post office box or at their star route address, residents of both mobile home parks within the newly annexed areas to the north, and a mailing list composed of residents in the area just south of Plaza La Quinta and out-of-town residents or seasonal people. The newsletter enables these people to keep abreast of City activities and fosters their sense of belonging to a community and being a part of that community. Once a regular date for the newsletter has been established, a cut-off date for materials to be included in the newsletter will be used, and council members, staff or community groups will contribute based on these dates. All ideas for interesting items for the newsletter are appreciated, and will be included if space is available. II. TOWN HALL MEETINGS Town hall meetings are an idea which have been nurtured by several council members, and have been well received and attended by the public. Town hall meetings could be held as often as the Council A feels is useful, but staff would recommend that they be held *.` **semi-annually. It is further recommended that these meetings be 7h ld in the evening to permit business people and those employed * **full time to attend. The town hall meetings could be held at City Hall, or if the Council wishes, be scheduled for the La Quinta Community Center. It would be helpful to set the date for these town hall meetings well in advance such as the 2nd Monday in January and July, for instance), so that they may be publicized in advance. This will assure more community attendance and would enable people to give some thought to the various subjects they might wish to discuss in these open forum meetings. III. MONTHLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS Staff would prepare a MONTHLY Calendar of Events detailing City meetings and activities, City committee/commission meeting dates, and the scheduled meeting times of various community groups and special events such as the La Quinta Arts Festival or Bob Hope Classic) It i*s anticipated that the monthly calendar would be distributed to the City Council, staff and all City commissions/committees local citizen groups, the Chamber of Commerce and Property Owners' Association, and would be posted in several prominent places in town. It could also be used as a handout for walk-in traffic at City Hall, and possibly at a few local participating businesses. BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z*. Coitu!Iunication* Progr*ni February 13, 1984 Paq' Three. A monthly Calendar of Events would provide for community unity in the scheduling of*meetings and events which affect many people who are involved in several groups. It would also eliminate duplicate scheduling and lack of information between community groups and City scheduled meetings and events.. It is planned that input for the Calendar would be requested from various community groups to allow for mutual sharing of information. IV. COMMUNITY HANDOUTS & PUBLIC SERVICE INFORMATION Interest has been expressed numerous times for handouts which have information regarding municipal services, local utility information, etc. Based on these requests, and having looked at what several other agencies have done in this regard, it is suggested that staff prepare three handouts which will be available for public distribution: A. A directory of the City Council, Planning Commission, and other Council-appointed committees, describing their function of each group, the names of the members, the meeting time and place. The directory would also include information regarding the potential vacancy or availability of seats during the calendar year. B. A directory of local State, County and City officials, with names and addresses where they may be contacted. C. A directory of public service agencies and utility companies and also listing Valley-wide services, recreational facilities and services. Discussion of additional ideas for an on-going communications program is welcomed. This proposal is intended as a departure point and may be implemented beginning March 1, 1984. 1--; /71 APPROVED Uj AS *O CONTENT FA Ofl C*Y C*U!.*i*:,L MLE-IIr*G OF iTy * BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z+. DESERT RESORT COMMUNITIES CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU PARTICIPATION BY MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENTS Introduction Beneficial increases in tax revenues to city and county governments of the Coachella Valley, will result by their investment in the DRCCVB. Direct Benefit will accrue to municipalities when new visitor develop- ment efforts: higher bed tax revenues are generated; incremental sales tax revenue is also produced. Therefore, in their own self-interest, cities are urged to support the DRCCVB through the following tangible means. 1. Founder Representation Any person or entity may become a Founder. The chief benefit to being a Founder is the opportunity to participate in the development of the bureau's major policies, plans and procedures. Required Founder contribution: $5,000 2. Matching Funds Program Each city will have local private firms paying annual membership dues to the DRCCVB. The dues assessments to be approved by the Founders, are expected to range from $250-$l0,000 per member, depending on the revenue potential they could derive from increased visitor development. City governments are asked to match the annual membership funds paid by firms in their jurisdiction, up to the following maximum amounts per year* Palm Desert 40,000 Rancho Mirage 40,000 Cathedral City 20,000 Indian Wells 15,000 La Quinta 20,000 Indio 20,000 *These limits will be subject to review on a bi-annual basis. BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z,. MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Council From: Frank M. Usher, City Manager Date: February 17, 1984 Subject: Service Bonus, Principal Planner Sandra Bonner, our Principal Planner, has carried the major burden of the planning function since July 1983. We provided funds in the budget for the Planning Director position for 11 months of this fiscal year. With the filling of the position in March, there will be a salary savings of approximately $18,306. Because of the added responsibility which Sandy has handled, I am recommending a one-time bonus of $4,992, which represents the difference between her salary and A step of the Planning Director salary, times the 8 months from July through February. This would be a one-time payment, and would not be a change in salary. I believe that Sandy has worked very hard during this period, and has earned this consideration. If Council approves, an appropriate resolution authorizing payment will be prepared. BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z-. RESOLUTION NO.84-12 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING LUMP-SUM DIFFERENTIAL COMPENSATION FOR PRINCIPAL PLANNER. WHEREAS, Principal Planner Sandra L. Bonner has provided all planning services for the planning department in the absence of filling the Planning Director position for the period July, 1983, to March, 1984; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. principal Planner Sandra L. Bonner shall be paid, one-time, lump sum compensation in the amount of $4,992.00 as and for differential compensation for planning department services for the period July, 1983, to March, 1984. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 21st day of February, 1984. MAYOR ATTEST CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY MANAGER BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 -D54Z.. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 10:46:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 7#/4 1 * * MEMORANDUWI CITYOFLAQUINTA To: Mayor Robert Baier From: Jim Longtin, City Attorney Date: February 28, 1984 Subject: Desert Resort Communities Convention & Visitors Bureau Corporation. Escrow Instructions The attached escrow instructions Sec. Pac. Bank #338-6395-H, dated February 24, 1984) provide that the escrow holder shall hold the La Quinta $5,000 until the new corporation is formed and it holds a minimum aggregate of $50,000; at which time it would disburse the funds to the new corporation. If the conditions corporation formed and $50,000 accumulated) do not occur by March 30, the parties agree to further instructions to cancel the escrow and return the funds to each contributing party. Although the spirit is there, the strict wording of the instructions does not assure the City of La Quinta the right to absolute withdrawal at any time prior to close if the City has some disagreement with the provisions of the corporate forma- tion and function articles of incorporation and by-laws) In order to assure this right, I suggest the following language be added to the escrow instructions. *`Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, the City of La Quinta shall have the right to withdraw said $5,000 at any time and for any reason, by written request to escrow holder, prior to close of escrow Respectfully submitted, JL/aj Attachment BIB] 01-14-1998-U01 03:57:40PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 7#04 1 SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK P 0 Bo* 1*9* P*1* * CAuFoRNIA*226* F Th DATE * *: City of La Quinta P. 0. Box 1504 ESCROW NO *gR-*gg9-H La Quinta, Ca. 92253 Attn: Frank Usher L J Dear Mr. Usher Enclosed herewith are two copies of escrow instructions. Please sign and return one copy together with your resolution as verification of your City's authorization. A return*nve1ope has been*de*d for your convenience. 7 You* truly, Joan *7DFV* escrow officer 028001 12*76* 100 ICY E,cro* Oepa*tment Lette*head BIB] 01-14-1998-U01 03:57:40PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 7#14 I GENERAL SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK 5 EscRow No 338-6395-H Without Search of Title E5CROW INSTRUCTIONS February 24 To: SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL EANK Palm Desert OFFICE The CITY OF LA-----------------------------------------------------i-.pa C-.Qj*ppy.-a*.t.-i9.p,.-.py.1p-.r to March * hand 1........-..-..............QU..j..N..T..A.* a Munic * is to be held in t;h..is 5c-..row to be d.i..s..b.u.r.s.?.d tn a-.ccprd**a*n-.ce with 3. i..p..s-.t-.T.p..c.-.t..i.p-.n-.s *o...rl.t-.*in.-.e..*..k.e.1Qw............................-...............-................... 5. *..............................................................................*-------------------------------------------------- 6. 7. 9. 10. *...........-..--....-.---.-...--..............................................-.......................-....-..................... 11.......- 12- 13.........*........................................................................................................................... 15. 16. 17. 1* acc*oun*..nuaber.......-............................................................--------------------------................... 19............................................................................................-.........---.----.-....-.......--------- 20. 21. 22. 23....................-.......................................................................-......-...........-..-...-.............. 2 * 0. 27. *d--s**.................................................................................................------------------------- 28...........................-........................................................................-................................ 29. *pu ay......h?.r...e-.b..y authorized and instructed to discuss the terms and conditions of this 30. * **lbert Zimmerman and forward to h..12m copies of all instructions and/or 31........................e-.pi-.ayy.-egu.-e*st.........................It is further a*r.-e.-e--hat Gilbert Zimmerman may deposit documents as h 32- *.4d.1.t.iQ.n-.ai...i.n...structions into escrow fpy a.ppy-.p.y.a-.1..b..y.-..th.-.e-.p.a..r-..t.4.es hereto. IT IS IJNDERSfOOD 33. T*IL..Gilb.?.*.....i.*e...rm an is actip**.a---------------------------t-..h.e a*ge.-n o.-rm i>** the corP9.r.-.a..t..-i2p. and while not * * e.-.5.c...r.p..W.,...1..s....a....p.a..rt to same. 35------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36...........................-......................................................................................................... 37.........---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39.....--.-....-..--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40.......---......................................................................................................................-.... 41....................-......-......................................................................................................... 42-........-......--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43.........--.............................................................................--------------------------------------------- 45.......-..--........----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46.......-....-.-.--- 47. 48. 49........--..------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0. *UR-EAU*---INC*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------agrees to pay on demand your escrow fees, 2. any chargea for drawi*r*dh/o3rOrec,olrd9is8* documents, an*----------------------------------------------------------------------- 53. PRIOR TO-----------------------------------------------------------------, each party will hand you all fLmds and instruments n*sary on his 54. part to enable you to comply with these in*tructions. If the conditions of this escrow have not been complied with prior to the date 55. set out in this paragraph, or any extension thereof, you &e nevertheless to complete the escrow as soon as the conditions, except 56. as to timt, have been complied with, unless written demand shall have been made upon you not to complete it. I I BIB] 01-14-1998-U01 03:57:40PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 7#24 Pip Two) 63-- 65.-.--. 72......................................................-.........-.----.--.---.----------- 73......................................................-......................--....--.-.. 75.....................................................................-...-.-....---.-...-...----... 76...............................................................-.-..--..------.---....... 77......................................................-..............-.....-.-.-....... 79......................................................-.-.-....---...-.---*- 80............................................................. 81............................................................... 82............................................................ 83......................................................--........ 86......................................................-..... 87..............................................-.-.....-...... 88................................................................ 89......................................................-.-...........---- 90........................................................ 91........................................................-....... Make prorations on hasia 3O*sy montIL Mike disburiementi by your check; cheek. not pes*ted for paytoent witna Iz months after date e jeet to service chargea in accordance with liath's ichedule in effect from time to tinn* Dootimenta and check. in my favor to he nailed *my address below. You wUl* rn-i *gent, * any fire and other tn*ance of mine handed yoa or that lieneiclavies *nfortu you tIMy Isoli when property being conveyed is held In JoInt Tenaney any cub deri*t& therefrom In tils escrow ihall be eomtrued m Joint Tenaney funds- You shall be under no oblIgations or liability for failure to inform me rvgardiRg any asle, loan. erehanga, or other trinsaction, or ticts witdn your *owledge, evet though same concern the property descri led herei* provided they do not pr**ent your compliance with theae instructions, nor ihill you be liable for the sufficiency or correetnesa as to form, manoer of exeelition, or validity of any instrument deiosite& nor to identity, authority, or rights of any peson elecuting the same. Your liability ii escrow holder hafl le confined to the thinga specificafly provided for in my written instructions in this eirow- Should you before or after dose of escrow receive or become aware of any conflicting demanda or claims with reaped to this escrow or the rights of any of the partie; hereto. or any money or property de*ited herein or affected hereby. you shall have the right to diacontinue any or all further acts OR your part until such conflict ia reaolved to our satisfaction, and you shall have the further right to commence or defend any action orpmc*nga for the deter- mination of such conflicL The parties *erCto jointly and severally agrte to pay all costs, damages, judgmenti and expen** including re*nable attoru* fees. suffered or incurred by you in connection with, or aaiaing out of this escrow, including, but without linuting the geneldity of the foregoing, a suit in interpleader brought by you In the event you file a suit in interpleader, you shall ipio facto be fully released and discharged from all obligations further to perform any and all duties or obligations * upon you in this escrow. CITY OF LA QUINTA, a Municipal Corporation *i*ature By: Signature.................................-.......... By:..................................................Signature............................................ Signature.............. Street Street p 0. Box 1504 Address.............................................. Addre5s.................................................................City City& La Quinta, California 92253 Zip Code Telephone) Zip Code.............................................(Telephone) BIB] 01-14-1998-U01 03:57:40PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 7#34 I MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA OF* I To: Fellow Counci*Me mb e r 5 From: Fred Wolf Date: 2/28/84 Subject: Revised Plans for Downtown Development Because the businessmen and property owners of the downtown area were discouraged by one individual from responding to the City Councilts proposal for planning downtown development, we can not anticipate any cooperative effort from the group. However, I believe that we, as elected representatives of the people of this city, have a responsibility to assure desirable and orderly planning for the downtown area of our town. It seems to me now that this planning process needs to have broader participation than just city hall and a few businessmen/ property owners. All residents of our community, most par- ticularly those in the Covett, will be affected by what develops in that area; it's part of their town. While merchants and property owners perceive the issue frorn a profit viewpoint which is most proper), the residents of the town see it as a community concern, which is far broader and has additional implications. We do need to move and move rapidly on this planning effort lest the city is faced with small individual developments which make overall planning almost impossib1e.Thus* I respectfully present the following revised plan for you*consideration and discussion: REVISED PLAN FOR DOW*TOWN DEVELOPME*T 1. Establish a DOWNTOWN PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE with representation from a cross-section of the community: 1.1. Two representatives from the Property Owners Association selected by the organization). 1.2. Two representatives from the Chamber of Commerce selected by the Chamber) 1.3. Two representatives of the La Quinta Business Asso- ciation selected by the Association) 1.4. One member each from the City Council and the Planning Commission. 1.5. The City Planning Director. 2. Once the members are identified, the committe will be appointed by, and be advisory to, the City Council. BIB] 01-14-1998-U01 03:57:40PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02 7#44 I 2- 3. The City Manager will be asked to immediately employ a planner/community development specialist, to work under the supervision of the Planning Director. 3.1. Theassignment of the new staff person will be: One third of his time as staff to the D.P.A.C. Downtown Planning Committee); and two-third of his time be devoted to General Plan Development* Both assignments are inter-related. 4. The D.P.A.C. will develop broad and specific concepts for development of downtown including: 4.1. A theme An architectural motif Jdentification of initial geographic area Recommendations for types of enterprises in the area 4.2. The work of the D.P.A.C. shall be based on a time-line developed by them and approved by the City Council. This time-line shall be their first effort. 4.3. As products are developed by the D.P.A.C, they shall be presented to their constituent groups for discussions and reaction. 4.4. The City Council shall have final adoption authority for these plans, and take appropriate actions for compliance and implementation. 5. The Redevelopment Agency shall agree NOT to use eminent domain until the plan is adopted, or the time for finalizing the plan according to the adopted time-line) has expired: whichever happens sooner. 5.1. At that time, the Agency will only use eminent domain at the recommendation of the D.P.A.C. in order to assure that no one individual or group will stop the development agreed to by the rest. 5.2. Eminent domain shall not be used for other purposes. BIB] 01-14-1998-U01 03:57:40PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 21-U02 1984-U02