1983 02 15 CC AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting of the City Council to be eld at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. February 15, 1983 7:30 p.m. 1 CALL TO ORDER A. Flag Salute 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC CONENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the City Council on matters relating to City business. When addressing the Council, please state your name and address. The proceedings of the Council meetings are recorded on tape. Comments of each person shall be limited to three minutes. 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS A. Communication from Coachella Valley Association of Governments regarding a CLEAN-A-THON'. B. Communication from the Palm Desert Board of Realtors, Inc., regarding an invitation to attend 3 luncheon honoring Gordon Nicolson, President, California Association of Realtors, February 17, 1983. C. Communication from the Indio-Coachella Valley Board of Realtors regarding an invitation to attend their weekly breakfast meeting February 16, 1983, and luncheon honoring Gordon Nicolson February 17, 1983. 5. CONIENT BY COUNCIL NEBERS 6. HEARINGS A. A public hearing regarding proposed use of Community Development Block Grant Funds in Fiscal Year 1983-1984. 1. Report from the City Nanager. 2. Public Hearing. 3. Notion for adoption. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of the Ninutes of the regular meeting of February 1, 1983. B. PROPOSED RESOLUTION. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. 8. BUSINESS SESSION A. PROPOSED ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QIJINTA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FOR THE CITY, BY REZONING CERTAIN PARCELS OF PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN CHANGE OF ZONE CASE NO. 3879. BIB] 09-05-1996-U01 10:26:56AM-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 15-U02 1983-U02 AGENDA CITY COUNCIL February 15, 1983 Page 2. 1. Ordinance for adoption. B. PROPOSED ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING SECTION 12.28.071 TO THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, RELATING TO STREETS AND PORTIONS OF STREETS ON WHICH ANGLE PARKING SHALL BE PERMITTED. 1 Ordinance for adoption. C. Report from the City nager regarding adjustment to automobile compensation for the Community Safety Coordinator. 1. Report from the Community Safety Coordinator. 2. Resolution for adoption. 3. Resolution for adoption. F). Report from the Community Safety Coordinator regarding the Automobile Club Traffic Survey. F. Report from the Cornrnunity Safety Coordinator regarding litter control activity. F. Other. 9. AF)JOURNMfNT BIB] 09-05-1996-U01 10:26:56AM-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 15-U02 1983-U02 CVAG COACHELLA VALLEY A9SOIATION of GVERNMENT9 COunt v of Riverside Coachella * Desert Hot Springs * Indio Palm Desert * Palm Springs Rancho Mirage January 25, 1983 Mayor Fred Wolff and Members of the City Council City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, California 92253 Dear Mayor Wolff and Members of the City Council: The CVAG Executive Committee met on January 25, 1983 and received a presentation on a CLEAN-A-THON' to be held April 16, 1983. This project, under the auspices of Desert Beautiful, would provide for valleywide clean-up efforts coordinated through pledges from organizations, groups and individuals. Proceeds from the CLEAN-A-THON would provide for a hydraulic-lift van for a young Indio woman who has been severely handicapped for the past few years as the result of an automobile accident. The CVAG Executive Committee took formal action endorsing the concept of the CLEAN-A-THON and further encouraging support from CVAG member agencies in this effort. Enclosed for your information is a fact sheet on the CLEAN-A-THON which was provided by the project coordinator. Your support in this effort would be most appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you should have any questions. Very truly yours, Gary Wiedle, Executive Director COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS cc: Laura D. Hinderaker, CLEAN-A-THON Coordinator Marian Henderson, Desert Beautiful yL> 74-133 El P6s60, PIm es6rt, C8Iif. 32260u BIB] 09-05-1996-U01 10:26:56AM-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 15-U02 1983-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-05-1996-U01 10:26:56AM-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 15-U02 1983-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-05-1996-U01 10:26:56AM-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 15-U02 1983-U02 PALM DESERT BOARD O REALTORS, Inc. 73.641 HIGHWAY 111 PALM DESERT CALIFORNIA 92260 7 0] POST OFFICE BOX 64 TELEPHONE 619)3465837 REALTO The Smar+es+ Address on +e American Deser+" fr;. rt February 4, 1983 Fred WOLFF, City of La Quinta OFFICERS P. 0. Box 1504 RALPH B. WOOD La Quinta, CA 92253 PRESIDENT DON DRISKEL Dear Mayor Wolff: VICE PRESIDENT DON PERFETTI This is to confirm verbal invitation extended to you SECRETARY-TREASURER for a luncheon honoring the California Association of JACQUELINE DOYLE altors President, Cordon icolson, on Thursday, Febrrary EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 17th at the La QLiinta Hotel. Cocktails at 11:30 a.m. and JANIES A. SIEGRIST PAST PRESIDENT luncheon at noon. The Palm Desert Board Soon to be kom as the Palm Desert- DIRECTORS nancho Mirage-Indian Wells Board of nealtors) is hosting LOIS RADSTREET this ireting of the 28th District of the California Asso- WILLIAM CLEMENTS ciation, which consists of the boards in Indio, Palm Springs, MELITAS FORSTER JIM LOBLAN Desert Hot Springs, Yucca Valley, enty-Nine Palms and CHARLES RILEY Joshua Tree. Mayors, and representatives frc those cities MICHAEL SHASKI CLAIRETALBOT who do not have a mayor, will also be attending. Would it BARBARA TOWNSEND be possible for you to present to President Nicolson a Key HARRY WILLIAMS to the Ciyir? STATE DIRECTORS We uld appreciate your response by February 15th. Your ticket will be held at the door. RICHARD COFFIN Director at Large ROBERT COMPTON Honorary Director for Life) Sincerely, DON ORISKEL PHYLLIS JACKSON Honorary DirectOr for Life) JIM LOBLAND LORETTA RILEY B OOD Direclor at Large) BARBARA TOWNSEND President RALPH WOOD /jd j@ BIB] 09-05-1996-U01 10:26:56AM-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 15-U02 1983-U02 4-! MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Frank N. Usher, City Manager Date: February 15, 1983 Subject: Proposed Use of Community Development Block Grant Funds in Fiscal Year 1983-1984. We have been informed that approximately 4O,OOO in Community Development Block Grant funds will be allocated to the City of La Quinta in Fiscal Year 1983- 1984. Possible uses of such funds include: housing rehabilitation programs, code enforcement activities, street lighting, public infrastructure improvements- and fire stations after funds have been used for other eligible activities). A significant need in the community is the illumination of various intersections in order to increase driving safety. It is respectfully recommended that the first year's allocation of funds be utilized to provide street lights at various locations south of Calle Tampico. This would be consistent with our intention to locate stop signs on Eisenhower Drive, which would facilitate safer east-west traffic and safer driving speeds. BIB] 09-05-1996-U01 10:26:56AM-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 15-U02 1983-U02 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Couni1 of the City of La quinta, California, to approve deinands as shown on the Demand/Warrant Register dated February 15, 1983. APPROVED and ADOPTED tbis'l5th day of February, 1983. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM. APPROVED AS TO COTNT: CITY MANAGER 7.? BIB] 09-05-1996-U01 10:26:56AM-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 15-U02 1983-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-05-1996-U01 10:26:56AM-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 15-U02 1983-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-05-1996-U01 10:26:56AM-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 15-U02 1983-U02 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING AP FOR THE CITY, flY REZONING CERTAIN PARCELS OF PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN CHANGE OF ZONE CASE NO. 3879. The city council of the City of La Quinta does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Section 4.10 of Riverside County Ordinance No. 348 which was adopted by reference by this City Council by Ordinance No. 5, operative August 29, 1982) and La Quinta District Amended Official Zoning Plan Map No. 14, as amended, are further amended by rezoning from R2*8,000 and R-l to R2*8,000 and R-5, those certain parcels shown and depicted for such rezonings on the map which is attached to and made a part of this ordinance, and which attached map is labeled Exhibit A". SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty 30) days after passage. SECTION 3. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days after passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the 3 public places designated by resolution of the City Council, shall certify to the adoption and postin9 of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and it certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a rneeting of the City Council held on this day of 1983, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM APPROVED AS TO CONTENT. XCITY ATTORNEY Y'AGER BIB] 09-05-1996-U01 10:26:56AM-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 15-U02 1983-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-05-1996-U01 10:26:56AM-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 15-U02 1983-U02 ORDINANCE NO. 25 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING SECTION 12.28.071 TO THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, RELATING TO AND PORTIONS OF STREETS ON WHICH ANGLE PARKING SHALL BE PERMITTED. The city council of the City of La Quinta, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. A new section, to be numbered 12.28.071 hereby is added to the La Quinta Municipal Code, to read as follows: 12.28.071 Angle parking: permitted areas. Pursuant to Section 22503 of the California Vehicle Code, the following streets and portions of streets are designated as areas where angle parking shall be permitted: 1) CALLE ESTADO. In the center portion of the divided roadway of Calle Estado between Avenida Bermudas and Desert Club Drive, in such locations and spaces as shall be determined and appropriately indicated by markings or signs by the city traffic engineer. 2) CALLE LA FONDA. In the center portion of the divided roadway of Calle La Fonda between Avenida Bermudas and Desert Club Drive, in such locations and spaces as shall be determined and appropriately indicated by markings or signs by the city traffic engineer SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty 30) days after passage. SECTION 3. pOSTING. The City Clerk shall, within 15 days after the passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the 3 public places designated by resolution of the City Council, shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance, and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, to9ether with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held this 18th day of February 1983, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Allen, Cox, Henderson and Mayor Pro Tern Baler. NOES: None. ABSENT: Mayor Wolff. MAYOR BIB] 09-05-1996-U01 10:26:56AM-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 15-U02 1983-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-05-1996-U01 10:26:56AM-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 15-U02 1983-U02 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Frank Usher, City Manager From: Doug Drown, Community Safety Coordinator Date: January 28, 1983 Subject: vehicle allowance DATA The following i a weekly accounting of mileage I have recorded in the use of my personal vehicle(s) for city related business: Week of Miles * $l00o. Rate e 304 Mile Oct.11 Oct.15 168 Miles * 25 * o.40 Oct. 18 Oct. 22 195 25 58.50 Oct.25 Oct.29 344 1 25 103.20 Nov. 1 Nov. 5 181 if 25 54.30 Nov. 8 Nov.12 170 if 25 51.00 Nov.15 Nov. 19 279 II 25 83.70 Nov.22 Nov.26 143 if 25 42.90 Nov.29 Dec. 3 371 25 111.30 Dec. 6 Dec. 10 208 if 25 62.40 Dec. 13 Dec. 17 241 25 72.30 Dec. 20 Dec. 2 311 25 93.30 Dec.27 Dec.31 188 n 25 56.40 Jan. 1 Jan. 7 274 25 82.20 Jan. 10 Jan. 14 280 1 25 84.00 Jan.17 Jan.21 336 25 100.80 15 Weeks 3,689 Miles $375 *1106.70 These figures indicate that I am using my vehicle for average of about 250 miles per week. 1. With the anticipated purchase of City" vehicles, it should help to reduce some of the Mileage I am logging on my own vehicle. A radio system will also help reduce nmch of the rimning back and forth that we currently do. 2. Since my employient with the City, I have offered the full services of a newer model pickup truck my personal vehicle). This has been used to haul supplies, garbage, Christmas trees, etc. Additionally, the vehicle has been used off paved roadways for various prOCcts for the benefit of the City. BIB] 09-05-1996-U01 10:26:56AM-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 15-U02 1983-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-05-1996-U01 10:26:56AM-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 15-U02 1983-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-05-1996-U01 10:26:56AM-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 15-U02 1983-U02 RESOLUTION NO. 83-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROPRIATING FUNDS TRANSFERRING $750.00 TO ACCOUNT NO. 01-4200-170, PUBLIC SAFETY-TRAVEL & MEETINGS, FROM ACCOUNT NO. 01-4190-110, NON-DEPARTMENTAL-SERVICES CONTRACTUAL, CUSTODIAL. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, as follows: SECTION 1. $750.00 is hereby transferred to Account No. 01-4200-170, Public Safety-Travel & Meetings, from Account No. 01-4190-110, Non-Departmental-Services Contractual, Custodial. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 15t day of February 1983. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY ATTORNEY T<AGER BIB] 09-05-1996-U01 10:26:56AM-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 15-U02 1983-U02 RESOLUTION NO. 83-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 8256, RELATING TO AUTO COMPENSATION. RE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, as follows: SECTION 1. Section 2 of Resolution No. 82-56 is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 2. Monthly and supportive service remuneration shall be as follows: Council Member Automobile and Telephone Compensation $ 25.00 City Manager Automobile Compensation 100.00 Administrative Assistant/Secretary Automobile 50.00 Community Development Director Automobile Compensation 100.00 Counity Safety Coordinator Autorriobile Compensation 250.00 Mileage Reimbursement 30 per mile APPROVED and ADOPTED this 15th day of February 1983. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK APFROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER BIB] 09-05-1996-U01 10:26:56AM-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 15-U02 1983-U02 f-s MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Chairn and Mers of the City Council From: Douglas A. Brown, Community(1 Safety Coordinator Date: February 11, 1983 Subject: LITTeR COL ACTIVITY I am happy to report that significant achievements are being made and are in progress to help clean up La Quinta. Several tasks are being undertaken by staff to reduce the litter and illegal dumping problem. These tasks are outlined as follows 1 roadside cleanup a private contractor has leted a cleanup of several major roadsides in La Quinta. These include Washington Street, Avenue 50, Jefferson and Calle tampico. This was completed at a cast of $1,291. 2. DUMP site Currently a private contractor is cleaning up a large illegal dumpsite west of Montezuma and Monterey. The cleanup Will gO through the storm channel north to the golf course. Illegal entry points into the storm channel are being bermed up and reinforced to reduce accessibility by illegal dumps. 3. ENFOP The CTFTunity Safety Department has been conducting special patrols to locate illegal dump sites and to investigate the debris as to who dumped it. Thus far, a dozen individuals/families have been contacted to clean up their litter and cooperation has been 100%. Additionally, two individuals have been caught illegally dumping. They picked up their litter and also had to pay a $50 fine. 4. MANDATORY TRASH PICKUP The Council has passed a randatory trash pickup ordinance that is being coupled with a trash pickup contract with a disposal agency. Once this program gets established, it will be significant at reducing illegal dumping. 5. MJSCEANEOUS ACTIVITY As a part of the trash pickup contract, we will seek to have two days a year set aside for car[ity cleanup campaigns. Southern California Water Coapany is aiding us by benning up the upper cove dike to keep out illegal dumpers and trespassers. We have ordered signs that will be posted in areas prone to illegal dumping that will help serve as a notification and a deterrent to potential dumpers. G 5. BIB] 09-05-1996-U01 10:26:56AM-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 15-U02 1983-U02 MERAND3M The Honorable and ME!r)ers of the City CouncIl February 11, 1983 Page Two. Positive results are being made in the campaign against litter. I would like to thank the Council for their suort, the Sheriff S Departit for their assistance, and the media for publicizing our efforts. Respectf\:illy sUinitted, Douglas A. Brown BIB] 09-05-1996-U01 10:26:56AM-U01 CC-U02 02-U02 15-U02 1983-U02