CC Resolution 2000-154 Hideaway EA 1999-380RESOLUTION NO. 2000-154 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA CERTIFYING THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT PREPARED FOR A SPECIFIC PLAN, TENTATIVE TRACT MAP, STREET VACATION, AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AS BEING ADEQUATE AND COMPLETE, THE ADOPTION OF CEQA FINDINGS AND STATEMENT OF THE FACTS, AND FINDINGS AND STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS CASES: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 99-380 FOR SPECIFIC PLAN 99-035 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 29894; STREET VACATION 2000-041; AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2000-053 COUNTRY CLUB PROPERTIES, LP WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 21 ST day of November 2000, hold a duly noticed public hearing to consider the request of Country Club Properties, LP for approval of Environmental Assessment 99- 380 for a Specific Plan, Tentative Tract Map, Street Vacation, and Conditional Use Permit (hereinafter "the Entitlement Approvals") to allow construction of a 988-acre golf and residential community consisting of a private country club with three 18-hole golf courses and related club house facilities, and 819 single family homes (hereinafter "the Project") generally located on the north side of 54T" Avenue, between Jefferson Street and Monroe Street, more particularly described as: Portions of Section 9 and 10, T6S, R7E, S.B.B.M. WHEREAS, an EIR has been prepared and circulated, pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (herein "CEQA"), as amended (Public Resources Code §21000, et seq.); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta has read and considered all documentation comprising the EIR and the comments thereto, and has found that the EIR considers all potential significant adverse environmental impacts which may be caused by the proposed project, is complete and adequate, fully complies with all requirements of CEQA and reflects the City Council's independent judgement; and — WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered certain overriding considerations to any potentially significant adverse environmental impacts which cannot be reasonably mitigated to less than significant levels and has reviewed and considered the CEQA Findings and Statement of Facts prepared in connection with its consideration of the Project and the Entitlement Approvals; and Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 November 21, 2000 Page 2 WHEREAS, prior to action on the Project and the Entitlement Approvals, the City Council considered all significant adverse environmental impacts, mitigation measures, and proposed project alternatives identified in the EIR, and has found that all potentially significant adverse environmental impacts which may be caused by the Project and implementation of the Entitlement Approvals have been lessened or avoided to the extent feasible, and the City Council has determined that the proposed alternatives to the Project do not: 1) meet the City's and/or Country Club Properties, LLC's objectives for the Project Site; and/or 2) are not feasible; and/or 3) are not environmentally superior; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 24T" day of October, 2000, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider the Project, and did adopt Resolution 2000-077, recommending approval, subject to the Findings, Statement of Facts, and Statement of Overriding Considerations; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, does hereby certify the Final Environmental Impact Report (hereinafter "FEIR") for Specific Plan 99-035, Tentative Tract Map 29894, Street Vacation 2000-041, and Conditional Use Permit 2000-053, as adequate and complete and in compliance with the requirements of CEQA. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the-Qity._of La Quinta, California, the City Council adopts the CEQA Findings and Statement of Facts as shown on attached Exhibit "A", entitled "CEQA Findings and Statement of Facts", which is incorporated herein by this reference as though fully set forth. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, in addition to the findings made in the body of the FEIR, adopts the Statement of Overriding Considerations as shown on attached Exhibit "B", entitled "Statement of Overriding Considerations", incorporated herein by this reference as though fully set forth. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 21 ST day of November, 2000. AYES: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 November 21, 2000 Page 3 4(�L Jdvft. PE WMayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JU G EK, CMC, City Cle City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: 4 ATHE NE JENSON ity Attorney City of La Quinta, Califo nia Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 1 EXHIBIT "A" CEQA FINDINGS AND STATEMENT OF FACTS BACKGROUND AND PROCEDURE The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and Section 15091 of the State CEQA Guidelines provide that: "No public agency shall approve or carry out a project for which an environmental impact report (EIR) has been certified which identifies one or more significant environmental effects of the project unless the public agency makes one or more written findings for each of those significant effects, accompanied by a brief explanation of the rationale for each finding. The possible findings are: 1. Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as identified in the final EIR. 2. Such changes or alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of another public agency and not the agency making the finding. Such changes have been adopted by such other agency or can and should be adopted by such other agency. 3. Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations, including provision of employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the final EIR." The EIR for this project has identified certain significant effects that may occur as a result of the Project, or on a cumulative basis in conjunction with this Project and other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future projects. Further, the City Council approves this project and, after determining that the EIR is complete and has been prepared in accordance with CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines, the findings set forth herein are made as follows: IMPACTS EVALUATED IN THE DRAFT EIR In accordance with Sections 15060(c) and 15081 of the CEQA Guidelines, the City completed a preliminary review of the project and the decision was made that further evaluation of the Project's potential environmental impacts was needed in the form of an EIR. The topics evaluated in the EIR include all of the topics listed below: Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 2 0 Land Use Planning & Agriculture Resources • Geotechnical Considerations • Hydrology/Water Quality 0 Biological Resources 0 Cultural Resources 0 Traffic and Circulation • Air Quality 0 Noise 0 Public Services 0 Utilities and Service Systems 0 Solid Waste Disposal 0 Aesthetics The analysis in the EIR resulted in the following findings concerning the project's impacts and feasibility/desirability of alternatives. I. DIRECT PROJECT IMPACTS A. Less Than Significant Impacts Land Use Planning & Agriculture Resources The proposed golf uses and 819 residential units would comply with the existing General Plan and Zoning Code designations for the site Hydrology/Water Quality Adequate supplies of water could be provided to the project without impacting the quality of surface or groundwater. Drainage would collected via private storm drains and conveyed to numerous, localized retention basins within the project site. For the most part, these retention basins would be constructed in conjunction with the golf course water features. It is expected that the man-made ponds on the site would be lined with either artificial or clay material of and no infiltration of pond water into the groundwater basin would occur. This is common practice in golf course design and construction in the project vicinity (i.e., PGA West). Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 3 Biological Resources Project is not expected to impact the flat -tailed horned lizard, Coachella Valley fringe - toed lizard, Palm Springs pocket mouse, and Coachella Valley round -tailed ground squirrel since surveys for these species were negative. Project is not expected to reduce regional populations of Coachella Valley grasshopper. The only wet area present on the site was created by a break in an irrigation system and does not flow into any jurisdictional waters of the United States. Therefore, it is not considered a wetland habitat. The project site does not function as a wildlife movement corridor. Implementation of the proposed project would increase human and domestic animal presence in the area surrounding the project. Exotic and non-native plant species planted as part of this landscaping are not likely to invade adjacent natural areas. The development of the proposed project would increase the extent of nighttime light and glare on the natural areas surrounding the project site, but would be subject to the City's "Dark Sky" Ordinance. Cultural Resources Forty-three isolated finds and six prehistoric archaeological sites were identified within the study area. Thirty-five of these isolates are located within the current project boundary. In addition, five previously recorded sites were identified within the project site. Five residential complexes were also identified as having potential historic origin. Phase II testing has determined all of these sites to be insignificant and, therefore, not eligible for listing on the national Register of Historic Places nor the California Historical Landmark listing. Air Quality Localized emissions could also be generated by the clubhouse which may include a restaurant and beauty salon. Local emissions from these or similar uses must comply with SCAQMD Regulation XIII. Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 4 The project's emissions would, however, be consistent with those projected in the AQMP and the project should not jeopardize attainment of State and Federal ambient air quality standards in the Coachella Valley. Localized carbon monoxide (CO) levels near intersections would be well below state and federal standards. The proposed project would not generate, or be subject to, objectionable odors. Toxic air pollutants are not expected to occur in any meaningful amounts in conjunction with operation of the proposed land uses. Only common forms of hazardous or toxic substances typically used, stored, or sold in conjunction with golf course maintenance and household activities would be present in small quantities. The project would meet the SCAQMD's assumption for a one percent reduction in annual emissions for new projects. Noise Future noise levels at the residential units on the project site would be below the City's 60 dB(A) CNEL standard. The increase in noise levels attributable to project -generated traffic at off -site locations would not exceed thresholds. Utilities and Service Systems During the construction phases of development, non -potable water would be used to suppress dust generated by earthmoving activities, the operation of vehicles on dirt surfaces, and exposed dirt surfaces. This water would be obtained from the Coachella Canal. According to CVWD staff, the existing non -potable water supplies are adequate to serve the proposed project without causing any significant impacts. The proposed project is expected to generate approximately 212,575 gallons of wastewater per day. According to CVWD staff, the existing wastewater mains and treatment plant adequate capacity to serve the proposed project without causing any significant impacts on their service levels. Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 5 Aesthetics The Draft Specific Plan limits the height of residential structures to 28 feet. The maximum building height for any golf -related structure such as the clubhouse is 40 feet. These heights are not sufficient to block the existing views of the Coral Reef and Santa Rosa Mountains from areas around the project site. The project has also been designed so that residents of the project site and guests to the clubhouse would have views of these mountains. The proposed streetscape and entry features would be considered aesthetically pleasing and would be consistent with, and compatible with, the similar streetscape and entries that have been provided jus south of the site along the perimeter of PGA West. For this reason, the proposed project would not degrade the existing visual character or quality of the project site or its surroundings The development of the proposed project would increase the extent of nighttime light and glare on the project site and surrounding vicinity, but would be subject to the City's "Dark Sky" Ordinance which requires that light standards within parking lots, and exterior lights on buildings be directed downward without the light source visible and appropriate shielded to prevent light spillage and glare to adjacent properties. B. Impacts That Could be Significant, But are Mitigated to Less Than Significant Levels Land Use Planning & Agriculture Resources The Open Space Policy Diagram identifies a conceptual location for a future park facility within the project site along Avenue 54 between Jefferson Street and Madison Street. This park would not be included in the proposed project. 1 . Prior to the recordation of the final tract map, the residential project developers shall pay the applicable Quimby fees for the purchase of Neighborhood and Community Park land that are in effect at the time of development. 2. The proposed front yard setbacks in the Specific Plan for the portions of the site subject to the Rural Residential Overlay designation are not greater than the minimum required in the applicable zoning district as required by Land Use Element Policy 2-1.2.3. Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 6 3. Prior to adoption, the applicant shall revise the Specific Plan to provide for front yard setbacks that are larger than the minimum required by the applicable zoning for that portion of the site subject to the Rural Residential Overlay. Geotechnical Considerations Based on the results of the geotechnical evaluation, the development of the proposed project is feasible from a geotechnical perspective. The site has the potential to experience strong ground motions due to earthquakes on nearby active faults. There is a potential for liquefaction and associated dynamic settlement, and the soils at the site have the potential for hydroconsolidation with the addition of water, such as the results of substantial irrigation. This could result in settlement of the soils on the site. Also, loose soils observed on the site have a potential for settlement if subjected to structural loads if left in their present condition. These loose surficial soils are also subject to wind erosion and transport. Prior to the design and construction of any structural improvements, the project developers shall have comprehensive design level geotechnical evaluations conducted that include subsurface exploration and laboratory testing. Recommendations for grading/earthwork, surface and subsurface drainage, foundations, pavement structural sections, and other pertinent geotechnical design considerations shall be formulated and implemented based on the findings of this evaluation. 1. In order to safeguard against major seismic -related structural failures, all buildings within the project site shall be constructed in conformance with the Uniform Building Code, as adopted by the City of La Quinta. 2. The presence of liquefiable soils on the site shall be confirmed during the comprehensive design level geotechnical evaluations identified in Mitigation Measure 4.2-1. If such soils are found on the site, they shall be addressed by remedial grading, deep dynamic compaction, vibro-compaction, stone columns, and/or mat or deep foundations to the specifications of a qualified geotechnical engineer. 3. The potential for liquefaction and/or dynamic settlement of "dry sands" on the project site soils shall be evaluated during the comprehensive design level geotechnical evaluations identified in Mitigation Measure 4.2-1 . If on -site soils have a potential for liquefaction and/or dynamic settlement, they shall be addressed to the specifications of a qualified geotechnical engineer. Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 7 4. Loose surficial soils on the site shall be removed during site grading. Reuse of the soils as compacted fill shall be pursuant to the specifications of a qualified geotechnical engineer. 5. The potential for hydroconsolidation of project site soils shall be determined during the comprehensive design level geotechnical evaluations identified in Mitigation Measure 4.2-1. If on -site soils have a potential for hydroconsolidation, they shall be addressed through remedial grading, deep dynamic compaction, large-scale wetting of the subsurface soils, and/or other means as specified a qualified geotechnical engineer. 6. Prior to final drainage plan approval, an erosion control plan shall be prepared by the project applicant and/or developer and approved by the City of La Quinta that would ensure no substantial, wind- or water -induced erosion or sedimentation during project construction. _ 7. The potential for lateral spreading on the project site with development shall be determined during the comprehensive design level geotechnical evaluations identified in Mitigation Measure 4.2-1. If on -site soils have a potential for lateral spreading, they shall be addressed to the specifications of a qualified geotechnical engineer. 8. The potential for expansive soils (as defined in Table 18-1-B of the Uniform Building Code [19941) on the project site shall be determined during the comprehensive design level geotechnical evaluations identified in Mitigation Measure 4.2-1. If on -site soils have a potential for expansion, they shall be addressed to the specifications of a qualified geotechnical engineer. 9. The potential for on -site subsidence during groundwater withdrawal shall be determined during the comprehensive design level geotechnical evaluations identified in Mitigation Measure 4.2-1. If constraints are identified, they shall be addressed to the specifications of a qualified geotechnical engineer and hydrogeologist. Hydrology and Water Quality The primary water quality concern during construction activities is excessive erosion and sedimentation; however, other pollutants of concern include metals, nutrients, soil additives, pesticides, construction chemicals, and miscellaneous wastes from construction sites. In addition, demolition of existing structures and properties on the project site could also indirectly introduce existing pollutants into the ground or surface waters. Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 8 1 . Prior to the initiation of any construction activity on the project site, the project developer shall file for an NPDES permit from the RWQCB. A Notice of Intent (NOI), Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), and Monitoring Plan are requirements of the NPDES permit. The SWPPP shall include Best Management Practices (BMPs) in compliance with the NPDES program requirements. 2. Prior to the initiation of any construction activity on the project site, the project developer shall have a hazardous materials study or Phase I Environmental Site Assessment prepared for the site to determine the presence of existing or prior storage and/or use of potentially hazardous materials at the site. All recommendations of such a study shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the RWQCB. 3. Any existing groundwater wells located on the site that are no longer in use shall be abandoned in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws and regulations prior to the issuance of building permits. 4. Any existing or historic septic systems located on the site shall be abandoned in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws and regulations prior to the issuance of building permits. Water quality concerns associated with the proposed golf course and landscaped areas relate to the use of fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides in these areas, and to the potential for them to enter protected bodies of water, as well as the golf course ponds via stormwater and irrigation runoff. It should be noted that, due to the high cost of water and the high cost of maintaining golf courses in southern California, modern golf course design, construction, and management incorporates many features to minimize the use of fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides, as well as irrigation water runoff. 1 . Prior to operation of the golf course, the golf course operator shall prepare a Golf Course Management Plan that includes an irrigation plan, water usage plan, and chemical management plan in order to reduce, to the extent feasible, golf course irrigation runoff and percolation into the groundwater basin. Non -point sources of pollutants may enter nearby water bodies via stormwater or wet weather flows, or during dry weather flows. Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 9 1 . Design of new roads, golf courses, man-made ponds, common landscape areas, stormwater basins, and other facilities shall incorporate proper engineering controls to channel storm and irrigation runoff into detention/retention facilities that are sized to accommodate design year storms and that incorporate filtration systems or other devices to reduce the potential for herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, and other contaminants to percolate to groundwater or surface water runoff. Biological Resources The proposed project would remove approximately 25 acres of mesquite hummocks from the site. This vegetation community is considered "threatened" by the California Department of Fish and Game and is recognized the City of La Quinta General Plan as second only to wash habitats in significance and general habitat value within the City. Mesquite hummocks also are known to provide suitable habitat for the Coachella Valley milk -vetch, an endangered plant species. 1 . Prior to construction or site preparation activities, the project developer shall enter into a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) with CDFG and an appropriate non-profit organization whose purpose is to acquire and manage land for the purpose of protecting special status plants and wildlife. This MOU shall provide the organization chosen the financial resources necessary to purchase and manage 25 acres of mesquite hummock habitat in the Willow Hole area where the habitat is contiguous and large preserves already protect much of this habitat type. The exact location and cost shall be determined through consultation with CDFG and the selected organization. CDFG has indicated that sufficient mesquite hummock habitat is available for acquisition and preservation. Because Coachella Valley milk -vetch can occur with mesquite hummocks, the acquisition and preservation of mesquite hummock habitat is also proposed to mitigate for the loss of habitat on the site that may be suitable for the milk -vetch. A number of common and special -status bird species (particularly raptors) could be adversely affected as a result of construction or other site -preparation activities. Such activities could result in the direct loss of active nests or the abandonment of active nests by adult birds. Bird nests with eggs or young are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the California Fish and Game Code. Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 10 1. The project developer shall implement the following program if site grading and/or construction will occur during the nesting/breeding season (typically February through July) of native bird species potentially nesting on the site: 2. Prior to construction or site preparation activities, a field survey shall be conducted by a qualified biologist to determine if active nests of special -status birds (e.g., loggerhead shrike) or common bird species protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and/or the California Fish and Game Code, are present in the construction zone or within 50 feet of the construction zone. If active nests are found, a minimum 50-foot (this distance may be greater depending on the bird species and construction activity, as determined by the biologist) fenced buffer shall be established around the nest site. No construction activities will be permitted within this nest zone until the young birds have fledged, as determined by the project biologist. The proposed project would remove approximately 25 acres of mesquite hummocks from the site. This vegetation community is considered "threatened" by the California Department of Fish and Game and is recognized the City of La Quinta General Plan as second only to wash habitats in significance and general habitat value within the City. Mesquite hummocks also are known to provide suitable habitat for the Coachella Valley milk -vetch, an endangered plant species. 1 . Prior to construction or site preparation activities, the project developer shall enter into a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) with CDFG and an appropriate non-profit organization whose purpose is to acquire and manage land for the purpose of protecting special status plants and wildlife. This MOU shall provide the organization chosen the financial resources necessary to purchase and manage 25 acres of mesquite hummock habitat in the Willow Hole area where the habitat is contiguous and large preserves already protect much of this habitat type. The exact location and cost shall be determined through consultation with CDFG and the selected organization. CDFG has indicated that sufficient mesquite hummock habitat is available for acquisition and preservation. Because Coachella Valley milk -vetch can occur with mesquite hummocks, the acquisition and preservation of mesquite hummock habitat is also proposed to mitigate for the loss of habitat on the site that may be suitable for the milk -vetch. Resolution No. 2000-154 `— Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 11 Cultural Resources There is always a potential for unidentified subsurface components within or near the identified sites during future ground altering activities, including demolition of existing modern structures and facilities. 1. During any ground altering activities associated with project grading or construction, including demolition of existing structures and facilities, the project area shall be monitored by a qualified archaeological monitor. The monitor shall have the authority to halt any activities impacting potentially significant cultural resources until the resources can be evaluated for significance and cleared or mitigated. The monitoring program shall also include consultation with the local Native American representatives (e.g., Torres - Martinez and/or Morongo Reservations). 2. Collected cultural resources shall be properly packaged for long term curation, �- in polyethylene sealed bags, vials, or film cans as appropriate, all within acid - free, standard size, comprehensively labeled archive boxes and delivered to the City prior to issuance of first building permit for the property. Materials shall be accompanied by descriptive catalogue, field notes and records, primary research data, and the original graphics. Transportation and Circulation The intersections of Jefferson Street at Avenue 50 and Avenue 53 are projected to operate at unacceptable levels of service during the peak hours of 2005 with the proposed project and no roadway or intersection improvements. All of the study area intersections are projected to operate at unacceptable levels of service under the General Plan buildout scenario with the proposed project and no roadway or intersection improvements. 1 . The project developer shall construct Madison Street from the Avenue 52 to Avenue 54 at its ultimate cross-section width as a Primary Arterial 0 10 foot right-of-way) in conjunction with development. 2. The project developer shall construct Monroe Street from the Avenue 53 to Avenue 54 at its ultimate half -section width as a Primary Arterial (110 foot right-of-way) in conjunction with development. Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 12 3. The project developer shall construct Avenue 52 from the west project boundary to the east project boundary at its ultimate half -section width as a Primary Arterial (1 10 foot right-of-way) in conjunction with development. 4. The project developer shall construct Avenue 54 from Jefferson Street to Monroe Street at its ultimate half -section width as a Primary Arterial (100 foot right-of-way) in conjunction with development. 5. The project developer shall construct Avenue 53 from the east project boundary to Monroe Street at its ultimate half -section width as a Collector roadway (64 foot right-of-way), plus a 12 foot westbound travel lane in conjunction with development. 6. The project developer shall construct Jefferson Street from the north project boundary to Avenue 54 at its ultimate half -section width as a Major Arterial roadway (120 foot right-of-way) in conjunction with development. Prior to the approval of final grading, landscaping, and street improvement plans, the project developer shall submit plans that demonstrate that the sight distance of each project entrance meet City of La Quinta and Caltrans sight distance standards. 1 . The project developer shall submit traffic signing/striping plans in conjunction with detailed construction plans for the project site. 2. The project developer shall contribute towards a citywide roadway and traffic signal improvement program through the payment of required Infrastructure Development Fees. These fees will be paid at the building permit stage of development. The project developer shall be solely responsible for new traffic signals at all project entrances, when warranted. Air Quality Development of the project would require site preparation (i.e., grading) and construction of the proposed residential and commercial uses, and infrastructure. 1 . Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the project developer shall develop a construction management plan, as approved by the City, which includes the following measures recommended by the SCAQMD, or equivalently effective measures approved by the SCAQMD. These measures shall be implemented through the grading and construction phases of development. Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 13 2. Configure construction parking to minimize traffic interference. 3. Provide temporary traffic controls during all phases of construction activities to maintain traffic flow (e.g., flag person). 4. Schedule construction activities that affect traffic flow on the arterial system to off-peak hours to the degree practicable. 5. Re-route construction trucks away from congested streets. 6. Consolidate truck deliveries when possible. 7. Provide dedicated turn lanes for movement of construction trucks and equipment on- and off -site. 8. Maintain equipment and vehicle engines in good condition and in proper tune as per manufacturers' specifications and per SCAQMD rules, to minimize exhaust emissions. 9. Suspend use of all construction equipment operations during second stage smog alerts. Contact the SCAQMD at 800/242-4022 for daily forecasts. 10. Use electricity from power poles rather than temporary diesel- or gasoline - powered generators. 11. Use methanol- or natural gas -powered mobile equipment and pile drivers instead of diesel if readily available at competitive prices. 12. Use propane- or butane -powered on -site mobile equipment instead of gasoline if readily available at competitive prices. Noise Golf course tournaments held at PGA West generate additional mobile and stationary source noise impacts in the project area. These tournaments typically occur once per year, last approximately one week, and typically include traffic management strategies to direct traffic and to keep it flowing freely along area roadways. This does not, however, preclude the possibility of short-term mobile and stationary source noise impacts on noise sensitive uses on the project site that may occur close to one of these roadways. Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 14 1 . The residential project developers shall provide all prospective purchasers with a written notice that PGA tournaments occur south of the project site, and shall provide information on the frequency, duration, and types of short-term impacts that may occur as a result of the tournaments (e.g., increased traffic and noise along project area roadways). Public Services Using the City's 3.0 acres or park land per 1,000 population standard, the project would generate the need for approximately 7.9 acres of new Neighborhood and Community Park land. The Open Space Policy Diagram of the City of La Quinta Genera/ Plan identifies a conceptual location for a future park facility within the project site along Avenue 54 between Jefferson Street and Madison Street. This park facility is not proposed as part of the Specific Plan 1 . Prior to the recordation of the final tract map, the project developers shall pay the applicable Quimby fees for the purchase of Neighborhood and Community Park land that are in effect at the time of development. Project development would increase the demand for services by the Riverside County Fire Department and Riverside County Sheriff's Department. Both departments have indicated that the project would not have a significant impact on their service levels in La Quinta or other areas, and would present exceptional problems. They have recommended several measures that are incorporated into this EIR. 2. All on -site water distribution facilities shall be constructed in accordance with Coachella Valley Water District and Riverside County Fire Department standards. 3. Fire hydrants shall be provided at the site to the satisfaction of the Riverside County Fire Department. 4. Adequate access and turning radii for fire trucks and other fire fighting apparatus shall be incorporated into project design plans to the satisfaction of the Riverside County Fire Department. 5. All on -site structures shall be built to conform with criteria contained within the Uniform Fire Code and in accordance with Riverside County Fire Department and City of La Quinta standards. Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 15 6. During the construction and operations phases, activities involving the use and storage of highly flammable substances (i.e., fuels and solvents) shall be conducted in accordance with Riverside County Fire Department standards. 7. All exterior doors shall have an industrial quality key and latch system and deadbolt locks. 8. All delivery doors for the golf course clubhouse and related structures shall be equipped with a peephole for delivery identification purposes. 9. The parking and unloading areas within the clubhouse area shall be designed to avoid creating traffic problems. Based on the student generation factors used by the Coachella Valley Unified School District (CVUSD), the proposed 819 residential units could generate up to approximately 549 elementary school students, 147 middle school students, and 328 high school students. Since the permanent capacity of the facilities is presently exceeded, the potential generation of this many additional students Is considered a significant impact. 1 . The project developers shall pay the school developer fees in effect at the time of development prior to the issuance of building permits for the individual residences. 2. The residential project developers shall provide all prospective purchasers with a written notice that the schools in their area are currently impacted and that students may not be able to attend the local schools in the area. The attended schools shall be established by the Coachella Valley Unified School District. Utilities and Service Systems The potable water demand of the proposed project is estimated to be approximately 479 acre-feet per year. Demand for non -potable irrigation water is estimated to be 5,250 acre-feet per year. According to CVWD staff, the existing potable and non - potable water supplies are adequate to serve the proposed project without causing any significant impacts. Water well sites would be provided on the project site in accordance with CVWD standards to provide water for the project. The water demand of the project would be assessed during the CVWD's SB 901 review. Specific water conservation measures for both landscaping and irrigation, and plumbing controls may be identified and placed as conditions on the connection of the project to the CVWD's facilities. Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 16 1 . To ensure that future land uses do not include activities which unnecessarily waste water or which consume exceptional amounts of water, the City will direct the project developers to consult with the CVWD to develop appropriate water conservation measures for both landscaping/irrigation requirements and plumbing controls. Consistent with CVWD's existing and future water conservation plans, policies and standards, the City will require that the developers implement the water conservation measures that are devised from the consultations with CVWD, and will require compliance with the City's water conservation programs and ordinance, to the extent applicable. The proposed project generate approximately 45,000 tons of construction wastes over its build -out period. Using common recycling practices in effect today, this amount could be reduced by at least 50 percent to 22,500 tons. To facilitate construction recycling efforts, the City of La Quinta encourages developers to recycle the maximum amount of construction waste possible. 1. During project construction, the project developers shall separate recyclable construction waste materials in separate bins, and shall arrange for transport of recyclable materials to facilities which accept the materials. A list of recyclable construction materials and recycling facilities is available, and shall be obtained, from the City of La Quinta. All recyclable materials shall be recycled. The proposed project would generate approximately 9,762 pounds per day (1,781) tons per year of solid waste. However, these numbers do not reflect any recycling activities on the part of the generator. It is expected that participation in the City's residential solid waste recycling program, and the recycling of green waste generated by landscaping and the golf course could exceed 50 percent which would comply with the goals specified in AB 939. Pursuant to the California Integrated Waste Management Board's (CIWMB) "Model Ordinance" and the City's Zoning regulations, the proposed project's individual project final site plan(s) would also be required to provide adequate areas for collecting and loading recyclable materials in concert with City of La Quinta efforts and programs to reduce the volume of solid waste entering landfills. The Riverside Countywide Integrated Management Plan indicates that the existing landfills within the County could accommodate the volume of waste that is forecast to be generated through the year 2008. After that, additional capacity would be needed to accommodate existing as well as the future residents and businesses. It is, however, reasonable to assume that the market forces that drive the waste disposal industry will put pressure on the industry and governmental agencies to continually identify new economically feasible means of waste disposal in the future to accommodate future growth. 4. Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 17 1. Builders competing for construction contracts shall be required to include proposals for the use of building products made of recycled materials. 2. Green waste generated on the project site shall be treated in such a way as to avoid disposal in landfills. This may be accomplished, for example, by composting either on -site or at approved facilities and mulching for use on- and off -site. 3. Prior to the issuance of building permits for each phase of the project, the project developers shall prepare a solid waste management program for that portion of the site or for larger areas if more efficient, for review and approval by the City of La Quinta. These programs shall maximize the recycling potential of packaging materials (cardboard), mixed papers, and scrap ferrous materials, and shall include designated areas for trash separation bins which are accessible to waste haulers, and identification of materials that are to be recycled. The following provisions shall be considered in the preparation of the plans: 4. Locate recycling/separation areas in close proximity to dumpsters for non- recyclables, elevators, loading docks, and primary internal and external access points. (From CIWMB Model Ordinance) 5. Locations of recycling/separation areas shall not conflict with any applicable federal, state or local laws relating to fire, building, access, transportation, circulation, or safety. 6. Locate recycling/separation areas so they are convenient for those persons who deposit, collect, and load the recyclable materials. (From CIWMB Model Ordinance) 7. Place recycling containers/bins so that they do not block access to each other. 8. Solid waste collection/recycling areas are to be compatible with nearby structures, secure, protected against adverse environmental conditions, clearly marked, adequate in capacity, number and distribution, and contain a sufficient number of bins, to serve the recycling needs of the development. (From CIWMB Model Ordinance) 9. Design and construct collection/recycling areas to accommodate front -loader packing trucks, including maneuvering room. (From CIWMB Model Ordinance) Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 18 10. Design and construct driveways and/or travel aisles with adequate width and maneuverability space for unobstructed garbage collection vehicle access and clearance. (From CIWMB Model Ordinance) 11. Post signs at all access points of the recycling areas that clearly identify all recycling and solid waste collection and loading areas and the materials accepted therein. (From CIWMB Model Ordinance) C. Significant and Unavoidable Impacts Land Use Planning & Agriculture Resources: Development of the proposed project would convert all of the prime agricultural soils on the site, including the 25 acres that have recently been used for agriculture, to residential and golf course uses. It should be recognized, however, that the grapevines and date palms are relatively old, not well maintained, and have reached the end of their productive lives. 1 . No feasible mitigation exists for the conversion of the prime agricultural soils. Air Quality Emissions of PM10 would exceed the thresholds of significance recommended by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) during the site preparation phase. 1 . Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the project developer shall develop a dust control plan, as approved by the City, which includes the following measures recommended by the SCAQMD, or equivalently effective measures approved by the SCAQMD. These measures shall be implemented through the grading and construction phases of development. 2. Apply approved non -toxic chemical soil stabilizers according to manufacturer's specification to all inactive construction areas (previously graded areas inactive for four days or more). 3. Replace ground cover in disturbed areas as quickly as possible. 4. Enclose, cover, water twice daily, or apply approved soil binders to exposed piles (i.e., gravel, sand, dirt) according to manufacturers' specifications. Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 19 5. Water active grading sites at least twice daily. 6. Suspend all excavating and grading operations when wind speeds (as instantaneous gusts) exceed 25 mph. 7. Provide temporary wind fencing consisting of 3- to 3-foot barriers with 50 percent or less porosity along the perimeter of sites that have been cleared or are being graded. 8. All trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials are to be covered or should maintain at least 3 feet of freeboard (i.e., minimum vertical distance between top of the load and the top of the trailer), in accordance with Section 23114 of the California Vehicle Code. 9. Sweep streets at the end of the day if visible soil material is carried over to adjacent roads (recommend water sweepers using reclaimed water if readily available). 10. Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads onto paved roads, or wash off trucks and any equipment leaving the site each trip. 11. Apply water three times daily or chemical soil stabilizers according to manufacturers' specifications to all unpaved parking or staging areas or unpaved road surfaces. 12. Enforce traffic speed limits of 15 mph or less on all unpaved roads. 13. Pave construction roads when the specific roadway path would be utilized for 120 days or more. During the construction phases of development, emissions of VOC would exceed the recommended daily threshold. This is a result of emissions associated with the application of architectural coatings. However, it is assumed that architectural coatings would comply with SCAQMD Rule 1113 for such materials. The daily operational emissions of VOC, NO., and PM10 generated by the project would exceed the SCAQMD's recommended thresholds of significance. 1 . Residential and golf facility uses shall utilize solar or low emission water heaters in residential uses to reduce natural gas consumption and emissions. 2. Residential and golf facility uses shall utilize built-in energy -efficient appliances to reduce energy consumption and emissions. Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 20 3. The project developers shall provide shade trees in close proximity to residential and golf facility structures to reduce building heating/cooling needs. 4. Residential and golf facility uses shall utilize energy -efficient and automated controls for air conditioners to reduce energy consumption and emissions. 5. Residential and golf facility uses shall be constructed using special sunlight - filtering window coatings or double -paned windows to reduce thermal gain or loss. 6. Residential and golf facility construction shall utilize automatic lighting on/off controls and energy -efficient lighting (including parking areas) to reduce electricity consumption and associated emissions. 7. Residential and golf facility uses shall use light-colored roofing materials in residential construction as opposed to dark roofing materials. 8. The project developers shall construct bus stops at locations on and adjacent to the site to be determined in coordination with the bus transit service provider that will serve the project area. Bus stops should be generally located 1 /4 mile walking distance from residential units. 9. The project developers shall contribute towards the synchronization of traffic lights on streets impacted by project development. 10. The golf course developers shall design and implement on -site circulation plans for clubhouse parking to reduce vehicle queuing. Noise Noise levels generated during the construction phase would primarily affect the occupants of nearby residential uses immediately to the south of Avenue 54. However, the closest homes to the construction area would be no less than 125 feet and would be shielded from outside noise by solid masonry walls. Construction activities would also be restricted on a daily basis in accordance with the La Quinta Municipal Code. Even with implementation of all feasible mitigation measures to reduce construction noise, it is anticipated that construction noise will result in temporary impacts at the nearest residences. Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 21 1 . Between May 1 and September 30, all construction activities on the project site shall only occur between the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. on Saturday, and shall be prohibited on Sundays and public holidays. Between October 1 and April 30, all construction activity on the project site shall only occur between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M. Monday through Friday, and from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. on Saturday, and shall be prohibited on Sundays and public holidays. 2. The project developers shall arrange for the noisiest construction operations to run concurrently to avoid continuing periods of greater annoyance. 3. The project developers shall locate construction staging areas on site to maximize the distance between staging areas and occupied residential areas. 4. When construction operations occur adjacent to occupied residential areas, the project developers shall implement appropriate additional noise reduction measures that include changing the location of stationary construction equipment, installing muffling devices on equipment, shutting off idling equipment, notifying adjacent residences in advance of construction, and installing temporary acoustic barriers around stationary construction noise sources. 5. The project developers shall prohibit off -site heavy truck activities on local collector streets. Utilities and Service Systems: The proposed project would generate approximately 9,762 pounds per day (1,781) tons per year of solid waste. However, these numbers do not reflect any recycling activities on the part of the generator. It is expected that participation in the City's residential solid waste recycling program, and the recycling of green waste generated by landscaping and the golf course could exceed 50 percent which would comply with the goals specified in AB 939. Pursuant to the California Integrated Waste Management Board's (CIWMB) "Model Ordinance" and the City's Zoning regulations, the proposed project's individual project final site plan(s) would also be required to provide adequate areas for collecting and loading recyclable materials in concert with City of La Quinta efforts and programs to reduce the volume of solid waste entering landfills. Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 22 The Riverside Countywide Integrated Management Plan indicates that the existing landfills within the County could accommodate the volume of waste that is forecast to be generated through the year 2008. After that, additional capacity would be needed to accommodate existing as well as the future residents and businesses. It is, however, reasonable to assume that the market forces that drive the waste disposal industry will put pressure on the industry and governmental agencies to continually identify new economically feasible means of waste disposal in the future to accommodate future growth. 1. Builders competing for construction contracts shall be required to include proposals for the use of building products made of recycled materials. 2. Green waste generated on the project site shall be treated in such a way as to avoid disposal in landfills. This may be accomplished, for example, by composting either on -site or at approved facilities and mulching for use on- and off -site. 3. Prior to the issuance of building permits for each phase of the project, the project developers shall prepare a solid waste management program for that portion of the site or for larger areas if more efficient, for review and approval by the City of La Quinta. These programs shall maximize the recycling potential of packaging materials (cardboard), mixed papers, and scrap ferrous materials, and shall include designated areas for trash separation bins which are accessible to waste haulers, and identification of materials that are to be recycled. The following provisions shall be considered in the preparation of the plans: a. Locate recycling/separation areas in close proximity to dumpsters for non- recyclables, elevators, loading docks, and primary internal and external access points. (From CIWMB Model Ordinance) b. Locations of recycling/separation areas shall not conflict with any applicable federal, state or local laws relating to fire, building, access, transportation, circulation, or safety. C. Locate recycling/separation areas so they are convenient for those persons who deposit, collect, and load the recyclable materials. (From CIWMB Model Ordinance) d. Place recycling containers/bins so that they do not block access to each other. Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 23 e. Solid waste collection/recycling areas are to be compatible with nearby structures, secure, protected against adverse environmental conditions, clearly marked, adequate in capacity, number and distribution, and contain a sufficient number of bins, to serve the recycling needs of the development. (From CIWMB Model Ordinance) f. Design and construct collection/recycling areas to accommodate front - loader packing trucks, including maneuvering room. (From CIWMB Model Ordinance) g. Design and construct driveways and/or travel aisles with adequate width and maneuverability space for unobstructed garbage collection vehicle access and clearance. (From CIWMB Model Ordinance) h. Post signs at all access points of the recycling areas that clearly identify all recycling and solid waste collection and loading areas and the materials accepted therein. (From CIWMB Model Ordinance) II. CUMULATIVE IMPACTS A. Less than Significant Impacts Land Use Planning_& Agricultural Resources: The proposed project's consistency with environmental plans and policies is project - specific in nature and would not result in corresponding cumulative impacts. Geotechnical Considerations: This project would not contribute to, and would not be affected by any significant cumulative impacts involving geotechnical considerations. Hydrology and Water Quality: Development of the remainder of the Colorado River Basin would result in water quality impacts similar to those of the proposed project. Furthermore, these projects would all be subject to similar water quality requirements and mitigation measures as outlined for the Proposed Project. Therefore, no cumulative water quality impacts from cumulative development is anticipated. Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 24 Cultural Resources: This project would not contribute to any significant cumulative impacts involving cultural resources. Noise This project would not contribute to significant cumulative noise impacts. Public Services: This project would not contribute to significant cumulative impacts on Fire services, Sheriff services or public parks. Aesthetics: This project would not contribute to any significant cumulative impacts on local or regional aesthetics. B. Impacts Reduced to less than significant LEVELS Hydrology/Water Quality The development of the remainder of the Colorado River Basin would result in water quality impacts similar to those of the proposed project, and would be subject to the same types of water quality requirements and mitigation measures (discussed below) as the proposed project to avoid potential for creating downstream and subsurface water quality impacts. Therefore, no cumulative water quality impacts from cumulative development are anticipated. Non -point sources of pollutants may enter nearby water bodies via stormwater or wet weather flows, or during dry weather flows. Design of new roads, golf courses, man-made ponds, common landscape areas, stormwater basins, and other facilities shall incorporate proper engineering controls to channel storm and irrigation runoff into detention/retention facilities that are sized to accommodate design year storms and that incorporate filtration systems or other devices to reduce the potential for herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, and other contaminants to percolate to groundwater or surface water runoff. Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 25 Transportation and Circulation: Cumulative impacts associated with addition development within the City of La Quality and ambient growth in other areas have already been addressed in this EIR section under the 2005 and General Plan buildout scenarios. In summary, intersection improvements would be needed to accommodate this project and other future development allowed by the City's General Plan and provide acceptable levels of service at all of the study area intersections. 1. The project developer shall contribute towards a citywide roadway and traffic signal improvement program through the payment of required Infrastructure Development Fees. These fees will be paid at the building permit stage of development. The project developer shall be solely responsible for new traffic signals at all project entrances, when warranted. Air Quality Emission reductions predicted for the project and the recommended mitigation measures (included above in project specific air quality impacts) represents reductions of 4.6 percent of the project's CO emissions, 3.9 percent of VOC emissions, 7.6 percent of NOx emissions, and 4.4 percent of PM10 emissions. Similar reduction percentages would occur on an annual basis. The SCAQMD's CEQA Air Quality Handbook does not identify any reduction efficiencies for emissions of SOx. It should be assumed, however, that these measures would reduce emissions of SOx by a minimum of one percent given that the minimum reduction for other mobile and stationary emissions is 4.4 percent. Therefore, the project would meet this assumption for annual emissions reductions and would not be considered cumulatively significant. Public Services: Cumulative development in the Coachella Valley would increase the number of students attending local schools. The increased number of students would exacerbate the overcrowded conditions. Until new school facilities are constructed, the impacts on the CVUSD would be considered cumulatively significant. Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 26 Utilities and Service Systems The increased growth throughout the Coachella Valley will require the CVWD to treat additional volumes of wastewater on a daily basis. However, the CVWD has indicated that the Mid -Valley Water Reclamation Plant could be expanded in the future to serve additional demand, including demand from the City of La Quinta. Therefore, the wastewater generation associated with cumulative project growth is not considered significant. C. Significant and Unavoidable Impacts Biological Resources: The proposed project would remove approximately 25 acres of mesquite hummocks from the site. This vegetation community is considered "threatened" by the California Department of Fish and Game and is recognized the City of La Quinta General Plan as second only to wash habitats in significance and general habitat value within the City. Mesquite hummocks also are known to provide suitable habitat for the Coachella Valley milk -vetch, an endangered plant species. 1 . Prior to construction or site preparation activities, the project developer shall enter into a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) with CDFG and an appropriate non-profit organization whose purpose is to acquire and manage land for the purpose of protecting special status plants and wildlife. This MOU shall provide the organization chosen the financial resources necessary to purchase and manage 25 acres of mesquite hummock habitat in the Willow Hole area where the habitat is contiguous and large preserves already protect much of this habitat type. The exact location and cost shall be determined through consultation with CDFG and the selected organization. CDFG has indicated that sufficient mesquite hummock habitat is available for acquisition and preservation. Because Coachella Valley milk -vetch can occur with mesquite hummocks, the acquisition and preservation of mesquite hummock habitat is also proposed to mitigate for the loss of habitat on the site that may be suitable for the milk -vetch. Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 27 Utilities and Service Systems The proposed project would generate approximately 9,762 pounds per day (1,781) tons per year of solid waste. However, these numbers do not reflect any recycling activities on the part of the generator. It is expected that participation in the City's residential solid waste recycling program, and the recycling of green waste generated by landscaping and the golf course could exceed 50 percent which would comply with the goals specified in AB 939. Pursuant to the California Integrated Waste Management Board's (CIWMB) "Model Ordinance" and the City's Zoning regulations, the proposed project's individual project final site plan(s) would also be required to provide adequate areas for collecting and loading recyclable materials in concert with City of La Quinta efforts and programs to reduce the volume of solid waste entering landfills. The Riverside Countywide Integrated Management Plan indicates that the existing landfills within the County could accommodate the volume of waste that is forecast to be generated through the year 2008. After that, additional capacity would be needed to accommodate existing as well as the future residents and businesses. It is, however, reasonable to assume that the market forces that drive the waste disposal industry will put pressure on the industry and governmental agencies to continually identify new economically feasible means of waste disposal in the future to accommodate future growth. 1. Builders competing for construction contracts shall be required to include proposals for the use of building products made of recycled materials. 2. Green waste generated on the project site shall be treated in such a way as to avoid disposal in landfills. This may be accomplished, for example, by composting either on -site or at approved facilities and mulching for use on- and off -site. 3. Prior to the issuance of building permits for each phase of the project, the project developers shall prepare a solid waste management program for that portion of the site or for larger areas if more efficient, for review and approval by the City of La Quinta. These programs shall maximize the recycling potential of packaging materials (cardboard), mixed papers, and scrap ferrous materials, and shall include designated areas for trash separation bins which are accessible to waste haulers, and identification of materials that are to be recycled. The following provisions shall be considered in the preparation of the plans: Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 28 4. Locate recycling/separation areas in close proximity to dumpsters for non- recyclables, elevators, loading docks, and primary internal and external access points. (From CIWMB Model Ordinance) 5. Locations of recycling/separation areas shall not conflict with any applicable federal, state or local laws relating to fire, building, access, transportation, circulation, or safety. 6. Locate recycling/separation areas so they are convenient for those persons who deposit, collect, and load the recyclable materials. (From CIWMB Model Ordinance) 7. Place recycling containers/bins so that they do not block access to each other. 8. Solid waste collection/recycling areas are to be compatible with nearby structures, secure, protected against adverse environmental conditions, clearly marked, adequate in capacity, number and distribution, and contain a sufficient number of bins, to serve the recycling needs of the development. (From CIWMB Model Ordinance) 9. Design and construct collection/recycling areas to accommodate front -loader packing trucks, including maneuvering room. (From CIWMB Model Ordinance) 10. Design and construct driveways and/or travel aisles with adequate width and maneuverability space for unobstructed garbage collection vehicle access and clearance. (From CIWMB Model Ordinance) 11. Post signs at all access points of the recycling areas that clearly identify all recycling and solid waste collection and loading areas and the materials accepted therein. (From CIWMB Model Ordinance) III. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED AND REJECTED Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 29 Alternative Sites The intent of Section 15126.6 (f) (2) of the CEQA Guidelines is to provide for consideration of alternative locations for a project which might avoid or lessen the significant impacts of the project. However, alternative site location analyses are considered more feasible for public projects, such as road extensions, fire and police stations, or post offices. For these types of projects, development of the facility is the primary consideration and the precise location within certain boundaries is the secondary consideration. The ability of a private applicant to secure alternative site locations is typically limited by property availability, market constraints, or sales prices. The project is proposed for a 988-acre site in the southeastern area of La Quinta. Based on a review of the Land Use Policy Diagram in the City of La Quinta General Plan, there are no other contiguous, vacant parcels of land within the City that are large enough to accommodate the size and proposed density of the project. The site that comes closest to being able to accommodate this project is the 690 acre site to the west of Jefferson Street known as The Ranch. However, that site has already been approved for development and an application for a new Specific Plan for that site is currently being considered by the City. There are numerous parcels of land located outside of the City boundaries in the unincorporated area of Riverside County that could possibly accommodate the project. These site may have fewer sensitive resources in their vicinity than the proposed project site; they may have more. However, it is not the intent of the City of La Quinta to encourage development within the unincorporated area when a project is consistent with the General Plan Land Use and Zoning Code designations for the site where it is proposed. In addition, the project applicant does not own any sites in the area outside of the City boundaries. For these reasons, alternative sites are not considered to be environmentally superior to development of this site at this time. Prime Agricultural Soils Preservation Alternative Changes to the proposed project design could be made in an effort to preserve the areas on the site identified as containing prime agricultural soils in the City's General Plan Environmental Conservation Element. Prime agricultural soils have been identified in the southwestern, northeastern, and southeastern corners of the project site. Of the prime agricultural soils on the site, only 25 acres in the southeastern part of the site have recently used for agricultural purposes, and the grapevines and date palms are relatively old, not well maintained, and have reached the end of their productive Resolution No. 2000-154 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 30 Preservation of these areas is not expected to preserve or increase agricultural productivity within the project site, the City of La Quinta or the Coachella Valley. Three non-contiguous parcels would be preserved to allow new agricultural operations to be initiated within these areas. It is not known if the size and shape of the areas preserved for agricultural use would be of a size or configuration that would support agricultural operations. The remainder of the site would be developed with residential and/or golf course uses. Reduced Residential Density Alternative This alternative examines alternative project designs that might result in lessening or avoiding the impacts of the project on the 25 acres of mesquite hummock habitat in the northwestern area of the site. This habitat is in the vicinity of the golf course clubhouse and related facilities. The private golf course country club with its three golf courses and related club house facilities are the primary element of the project. The golf courses and these related facilities would need to be redesigned. One approach to modify the project design would be to keep the three golf courses and reduce the amount of residential development and associated arterial roadways on the site by at least 25 acres. This development alternative would reduce the number of homes that could be built on the site by approximately 45 homes. This type of design would preserve the hummocks but allow development of golf courses or home around the hummocks. More of the surrounding desert scrub habitat could be preserved to buffer the hummocks from development if the amount of area used residential development was further reduced. Reduced Golf Course Use Alternative This alternative would preserve the 25 acres of mesquite hummock habitat on the site by reducing the amount of land dedicated to golf course uses and maintaining the type and amount of residential development proposed. Because the mesquite hummocks are located in the vicinity of the proposed golf course clubhouse and related facilities, substantial redesign of the golf courses would be necessary. Elimination of one of the three golf courses would be most logical. If one course is eliminated about 160 acres of the site could be preserved. If 25 of these 160 acres are set aside to avoid impacts to the hummock habitat, approximately 75 additional homes could be built on the remainder of this 160 acres. As with the previous alternative, the mesquite hummock areas would be preserved from development, but would be surrounded by the golf course and residential uses. �T ' Resolution No. 2000-154 `- Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "A" November 21, 2000 Page 31 No Project/Existing Conditions Alternative The "No Project" alternative would leave the project site in its present condition. None of the impacts associated with the development and use of the proposed residential and golf course uses would occur if the project is not approved. Implementation of this alternative would retain the existing natural and disturbed character of the project site and would avoid any of the adverse physical impacts associated with development. Resolution No. 2000-154 October 21, 2000 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "B" Page 1 EXHIBIT "B" STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS The Final Environmental Impact Report for the Country Club of the Desert's Specific Plan 99-035, Tentative Tract Map 29894, Street Vacation 2000-041, and Conditional Use Permit 2000-053, which allow for development of a 988-acre golf and residential community consisting of a private country club with three 18-hole golf courses and related club house facilities, and 819 single family homes (hereinafter "the Project"), recognizes that certain specified adverse environmental impacts may be caused by the approval and construction of the Project, which may not be mitigated to a less than significant level by the application of reasonable mitigation measures. Despite the recognition and finding in the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Project that such unavoidable adverse environmental impacts may be caused by the Project, nevertheless, the City Council of the City of La Quinta expressly finds and declares, after a thorough review and consideration of such potentially adverse environmental impacts, that the benefits of the Project outweigh the unavoidable adverse environmental impacts, and are therefore deemed to be acceptable by the City Council. The City Council of the City of La Quinta bases its determination on the following grounds: 1 . Implementation of the project is consistent with the City's goals and objectives for development of the Project Site, as set forth in the City's General Plan Land Use Element; and 2. Implementation of the Project will enhance the City's economic base from revenues derived from increased sales taxes, business licenses and other fees and taxes, which will flow from the development of the Project; and 3. Implementation of the Project will result in the elimination of certain negative aesthetic impacts associated with the current property condition, including but not limited to the development of landscaped setbacks that include pedestrian, bicycle, and equestrian amenities along the surrounding and internal roadways; and 4. The potential adverse environmental impacts identified with the construction and operation of the project are generally associated with normal growth, progress and prosperity in a developing community; and Resolution No. 2000-154 October 21, 2000 Environmental Assessment 99-380 Exhibit "B" Page 2 5. The Project will be instrumental in causing new area -wide public infrastructure improvements which are consistent with the City's General Plan to be constructed, which will benefit both existing development and other future development, including but not limited to street improvements and public utility improvements; and 6. The Specific Plan Project implementation will ultimately result in the creation of new jobs for construction and for the operations of new golf resort businesses associated with the Project; and 7. The Specific Plan Project implementation will ultimately result in the creation of new housing opportunities within the City of La Quinta that are consistent with regional forecasts; and 8. The proposed Project is substantially more restrictive in its development density, intensity, and potential adverse environmental impacts than the density, intensity and level of adverse environmental impacts of development which is currently permitted under the applicable General Plan and Zoning Code provisions pertaining to the Project Site. Consequently, the City Council finds that the Project is a preferred and appropriate balance between environmental concerns and the need for economic and residential development within the City of La Quinta.