2001 01 02 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 2, 2001 A regular 'meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 2:00 p.m. by Mayor Pe~a. PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pe~a ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT - None CLOSED SESSION Mayor Pe~a and Council Member Adolph abstained from participating in Item No. 2 as they have consistently done in the past due to a potential conflict of interest. 1. Conference with legal counsel - pending litigation - Coachella Valley Water District V. City of La Quinta, Riverside Superior Court Case No. INC 010827 - Government Code Section 54956.9(a). 2. Conference with legal counsel - pending litigation - Robert M. Ready and Helen B. Ready V. City Council of the City of La Quinta, Riverside Superior Court Case No. INC 018982 - Government Code Section 54956.9(a). Council recessed to Redevelopment Agency and to Closed Session to and until the hour of 3:00 p.m. 3:00 P.M. The City Council meeting reconvened with no decisions being made in Closed Session which require reporting pursuant to Section 54957.1 of the Government Code (Brown Act). Mayor Pe~a led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT Elaine Reynolds, 49-294 Avenida Vista Bonita, commented on the possibility of placing artwork in the roundabout. City Council Minutes 2 January 2, 2001 CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed ANNOUNCEMENTS - None PRESENTATIONS - None WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE- None APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the City Council Minutes of December 19, 2000, as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED JANUARY 2, 2001. 2. APPROVAL OF CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS 2000-07 FOR A NEW FREESTANDING SIGN FOR A HISTORIC COMMERCIAL BUILDING LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF CALLE TAMPICO AND EISENHOWER DRIVE. APPLICANTS: JIM AND BRUCE CATHCART - LA QUINTA PALMS REALTY. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2001-01. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF ART PIECE FOR LA QUINTA COURT PROJECT. Community Services Director Horvitz presented the staff report. Council Member Sniff stated he felt the art piece is inappropriate for the location. Council Member Adolph agreed and stated he felt the art piece should be something people can associate with the City. __ City Council Minutes 3 January 2, 2001 Council Member Perkins agreed. Council Member Henderson agreed and stated she felt the art piece would not make the statement Council wishes to see made at this high-profile location. Mayor Pefia agreed and suggested an artistic water feature. Council Member Sniff suggested a curvilinear water feature with spray, rippling water, and colored lighting. He also felt the water feature could be accentuated with additional sculptures. Council Member Perkins supported a spectacular water feature with lighting. Milton Reiter, 44o311 Monterey Avenue, Palm Desert, representing the developer, Dale Frank, stated the Council can count on Mr. Frank's 100% cooperation in selecting artwork for this corner. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to refer the art piece for the La Quinta Court project back to staff and the Cultural Arts --- Commission for redesign based on Council's comments. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2001-02. 2. CONSIDERATION OF LOCATION FOR THE DEMARTINO ART PIECE ON THE CIVIC CENTER CAMPUS. Community Services Director Horvitz presented a brief staff report. Council Member Henderson noted there's a lot of activity planned for the east side of the Campus and suggested placing the artwork near the future library site on the west side of the sidewalk between #1 and #2 on Attachment #8. In response to Council Member Sniff, Ms. Horvitz advised the artwork consists of a 14' fiberglass moon beam and bronze sun and will be mounted on a concrete base. Mayor Pefia noted in 1993 the landscape architect recommended a site near the Council Chambers. He supported the location proposed on Attachment 8 (west of the sidewalk near #4). Council Member Henderson stated she would not support that location. City Council Minutes 4 January 2, 2001 Council Member Perkins noted the library has not been designed and that the artwork could end up facing the back wall of the library. In response to Council Member Henderson, Public Works Director Vogt confirmed the Senior Center putting green is south of #1. Council Member Henderson suggested placing the artwork west of #1 and north of the sidewalk near the Senior Center. Mayor Pefia suggested continuing this item until after Item No. 3. Council concurred to take up Business Session Item No. 3 at this time. 3. CONSIDERATION OF AN ANNEXATION OF THE AREA GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF AVENUE 52, NORTH OF AVENUE 62, EAST OF JEFFERSON STREET AND WEST OF THE CURRENT CITY BOUNDARIES AND A SPHERE OF INFLUENCE FOR THE ABOVE-NOTED AREA PLUS THE AREA BETWEEN JACKSON STREET, VAN BUREN STREET, HARRISON STREET, AVENUE 50, AND AVENUE 62, INCLUDING THE AREA KNOWN AS THE KOHL RANCH. Community Development Director Herman presented the staff report and reviewed the proposed Sphere of Influence and annexation area. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Herman confirmed the City has expanded the study area as requests to be included were received from residents. Mr. Herman advised the annexation pre-zoning can be done concurrently with the General Plan hearings, which are tentatively scheduled for March and April, or done separately and that property owners will know the pre-zoning designations prior to an annexation application being made to LAFCO. LAFCO is waiting on State guidelines to conduct a service area study but the City can annex within its Sphere of Influence without waiting for guidelines from LAFCO. He noted the Annexation Analysis includes the "Coral Mountains of La Quinta" project and recommended the annexation boundaries either be squared off at Avenue 62 and Jackson Street or follow the boundaries of the Coral Mountains project. He added the estimated timeline for completing the annexation process is 1 Y2 + years. In response to Mayor Pe~a, Mr. Herman confirmed property owners would be able to seek development approval from the County during the annexation process. City Council Minutes 5 January 2, 2OO1 Mr. Herman stated the General Plan update designates the annexation area as Low Density Residential (two to four units per acre) with an Agriculture Overlay District which will allow property owners to operate their agricultural uses as long as they wish. He noted there may be a need to address an issue during the pre-zoning hearings regarding a statement in the City Code which states if 'a permi{ted use is abandoned for more than one year the use goes away. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Herman advised the Riverside County Board of Supervisors has established a Community Council for the Vista Santa Rosa area which includes most of the proposed annexation area. He was unsure of the exact boundaries. Betty Mangan Smith, 82-470 Avenue 54, Thermal, stated she felt the study is insufficient for the City to correctly plan the area's future and added they have over 200 signatures in opposition to the annexation. She noted the area is subject to liquefaction and that farm runoff is important to the existence of the Salton Sea. She questioned how the City would provide energy and water to increased population in an area where shortages already exist. She also commented on the incompatibility of City life with the activities and odors of -- agriculture and horse ranch land uses. Tracy Darrou, 84-200 Calhoun Street, Coachella, stated the boundaries of the Vista Santa Rosa area are Avenue 66 to the south, Highway 86 to the east, La Quinta City Limits at Monroe Street to the west, and Avenue 52 to the north (except for a small area in Coachella). She suggested City representatives meet with members of the Vista Santa Rosa representatives to discuss the pre-zoning issue and commented on the importance of preserving agriculture land and open space. Lee Anderson Jr., 59-777 Calhoun Street, Thermal, spoke in opposition to the annexation and noted the City's boundary markers at Avenue 58 and Monroe Street and Avenue 60 and Madison Street are incorrectly placed. He felt agriculture uses are better served by the County and that the area's land values are better served with horses than houses. Sue Sally Hale, 83-230 Avenue 52, Coachella, spoke in opposition to the annexation and stated she felt the City has too many walled areas and that their area should be kept open for people to see. -- Mike Wells, P. O. Box 281, Thermal, representing the Thermal Community Council, spoke against the annexation and questioned City residents being willing to subsidize costs of maintaining infrastructure built by new development in the annexation area. City Council Minutes 6 January 2, 2001 Lynn Cox, 83-701 Avenue 61, Thermal, stated he was opposed to being part of the City and wishes to stay in the country. He noted the water table has already decreased and was concerned additional development will make it worse. Bob Perkins, 21160 Box Springs Rd, Moreno Valley, Executive Manager of Riverside County Farm Bureau, spoke against the annexation, stating he felt resort and urban development will encourage incompatible uses, hasten conversion and add pressure to nearby agriculture. He felt it is inappropriate for the City to take on an area in which it can not handle the infrastructure and believed annexation or expansion of the City's Sphere of Influence is premature at this time. Richard Meyer, 79-310 Port Royal, Bermuda Dunes, encouraged Council to consider including the area of Avenue 52 and Calhoun in the annexation. He stated most of the residents in that quarter section support annexation to La Quinta and noted Calhoun Street would provide an additional north/south corridor. Jess Mc Keever, 82-550 Avenue 60, Thermal, stated he owns 40 acres of mostly undeveloped land and was concerned about the zoning designation being changed if the land is not being used for agriculture. He also commented on the wrong use of ground water by PGA West and noted canal water should be used for grass irrigation. Jerry Lugo, 79-860 Boqueron, Bermuda Dunes, stated he owns property at 56-695 Jackson Street and has circulated a petition in support of the annexation that has been signed by several property owners in the area. He believed development will take place whether the area is City or County and felt it's important to address the inequities that will exist with development. William Devane, 84-393 Avenue 61, Thermal, stated he felt the Vista Santa Rosa residents would like to pattern the area after Rancho Santa Fe, which is a prosperous community that combines equestrian, agriculture, and development such as golf courses in a very compatible manner. He believed dialogue between the residents and City representatives would be beneficial and felt the property owners' greatest concerns are being able to maintain the current land use if the property is sold. Donna Lane, 82-820 Avenue 54, Thermal, voiced concern that she would not be allowed to sell her property with its current land use if the area is annexed. She was also concerned that residential developments in the area would affect City Council Minutes 7 January 2, 2001 what current agriculture and equestrian property owners are allowed to do on their property. Corky Linfoot, 84-485 Avenue 61, stated he was opposed to annexation because he felt it would limit the property owners' options. Merilyn Gilbert, 54-900 Shady Lane, spoke in opposition to annexation because of the pre-zoning designations and voiced concern her alfalfa farm would be out of business if the area's horse ranches do not survive. Tania Paneno, 83-135 Avenue 53, was opposed to the annexation because she felt the City's vision for the area differs from the property owners' vision. Brent Lance stated he owns property in the Vista Santa Rosa area and encouraged a meeting between the City and area residents to try to preserve everyone's interest. Gayle Cady, 82-831 Avenue 54, Thermal, spoke regarding the need for more equestrian trails in the City. She also voiced concern about energy and water -- shortages and stated her well water is diminishing because of golf course development. She suggested "perpetual" be included in the annexation zoning to ensure future property owners will have access to current rules and regulations that govern their properties. She noted the County is in a development stage as well as La Quinta and stated she prefers working with the City to negotiate practical resolutions to everyone's concerns. Sylvia Montenegro, 52-138 Shady Lane, Coachella, noted the Coachella Sanitary District currently serves a portion of the proposed annexation area. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Herman clarified the recommended action would authorize staff to start the annexation process, which will take 1 Y2 years or longer to complete. Public hearings for the General Plan and pre- zoning will be scheduled prior to submitting an application to LAFCO and property owners will have an opportunity during the public hearings to voice their concerns. Mayor Pe~a stated he felt the General Plan Amendment hearings would be the appropriate time for residents to give their input on land use. He noted the City's vision for the annexation area will develop during the public hearing process. Council Member Perkins expressed appreciation for the public comments and stated he shares their concerns due to past experiences as a horse owner. He City Council Minutes 8 January 2, 2001 supports preservation of agriculture and equestrian uses and stated he feels the City can do that better than the County. Council Member Henderson stated she is a strong supporter of the equestrian trail system and noted the proposed annexation was initiated by property owners who wish to be annexed to the City. She encouraged the property owners to make sure their support, opposition, or indecision on the annexation is so noted on staff's colored map of the area. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Herman confirmed zoning designations are with the property, not the property owner, and that properties may be sold and continued to be used for agriculture and/or equestrian use by the new owner. Council Member Adolph stated he would not support an annexation that changes the lifestyle of the property owners or is not supported by a vast majority of the property owners. He also would not support current City residents having to pay the safety and street improvement costs of the annexation area. He questioned the proposed annexation area becoming a Rancho Santa Fe area but stated he would like to see the area remain open as it is. Council Member Sniff stated he supports moving forward with the process and working together with the property owners. He did not feel the City wants to destroy property values or the lifestyles of the property owners. Mayor Pe~a suggested a committee, consisting of City and property owner representatives, meet on a regular basis to keep the dialogue open. Council Member Henderson agreed. Ms. Darrou agreed with setting up a committee and noted pre-zoning is a big issue with the property owners. They would also like to be on a mailing list for future meetings and/or issues that come up. Council Member Perkins suggested using today's speaker list to keep the property owners informed. Ms. Darrou stated it is difficult and expensive under the County's jurisdiction to get a zone change but noted under the City's pre-zoning designation a zone change could automatically happen when a property is sold. City Council Minutes 9 January 2, 2001 MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to direct staff to initiate the annexation and Sphere of Influence process in conjunction with the current General Plan update at the City's cost, expand the annexation area to Avenue 62 as the southern boundary, implement the appropriate potential solutions noted in the Annexation Analysis, and appropriate up to $30,000 from the General Fund Reserve. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2001-03. 2. CONSIDERATION OF LOCATION FOR THE DEMARTINO ART PIECE ON THE CIVIC CENTER CAMPUS. (Continued from Page 4) After a brief discussion, Council concurred to locate the artwork north of the Senior Center and west of #1 on Attachment 8. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to locate the DeMartino artwork north of the Senior Center and west of the sidewalk near the #1 designated on Attachment 8 of the staff report. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2001-04. Council recessed to Redevelopment Agency meeting. Council reconvened and recessed to and until 7:00 p.m. 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT - None PRESENTATIONS The Mayor and City Council presented Certificates of Outstanding Achievement to the following members of the La Quinta High School Blackhawk football team in recognition of their CIF Championship: Sammy Chavez Abraham Ramirez Jason O'Donnel -- Jamin Williams Marvin Caruthers Jorge Aguilar Angel Zabalza Ryan Burt Nick Maston Frederick Collins Michael Young Errie Wilson Drew Lindfield Ray Heredia Danny Bravo City Council Minutes 10 January 2, 2001 Jacob Pinson Ryan Flores Dustin Loutsenhizer Jamal Williams Joe Tiaga Fernando Chacon Maurice Burrell Michael Martinez Michael Portillo Michael Craven Anthony Barringer Ryan Galaz Joe Jiannoni Jarered Morgan Jeff Webb C. J. Achee Mike Perez Jesse Varela Colby Counley Stephen Nieto Nick Nieto Rhett Walker Ryan Zamora Lawrence Miles Matt Sturm Head Coach: Dan Armstrong Assistant Coaches: Bill Gadd, Doug McLeod, Ron Shipley, Josh Willis, Dave Drake, Bernie Valenzuela, Rob Aidridge, and Bob Hicks Head Trainer: Joanne Hansen Team Doctor: Stephen Steele Principal: Matt Bugg PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON 1) A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT; 2) GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2000-071, A REQUEST TO REMOVE 4.99 ACRES OF LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL USE AND REPLACE WITH VILLAGE COMMERCIAL USE, AND REMOVE 1.26 ACRES OF MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND REPLACE WITH VILLAGE COMMERCIAL ZONE; 3) ZONE CHANGE 2000-096, A REQUEST TO REMOVE 4.99 ACRES OF LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND REPLACE WITH VILLAGE COMMERCIAL ZONE, AND REMOVE 1.26 ACRES OF COVE RESIDENTIAL AND REPLACE WITH VILLAGE COMMERCIAL ZONE; 4) VILLAGE USE PERMIT 2000-04, A REQUEST TO ALLOW DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR A 16,222 SQUARE FOOT RESTAURANT LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF AVENUE 52 AND DESERT CLUB DRIVE; AND 5) AMENDING THE VILLAGE DESIGN GUIDELINE BOUNDARIES. APPLICANT: CHAPMAN GOLF DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. AND THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN. Community Development Director Herman stated staff is requesting this item be continued to February 6, 2001. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Sniff to continue the public hearing applications by Chapman Golf Development and the City of La Quinta for a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Village Use Permit, and amendment to the Village Design Guideline boundaries to February 6, 2001. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2000-05. City Council Minutes 11 · January 2, 2001 STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF COMMUNITY PARK DESIGN. Community Services Director Horvitz presented the staff report. Senator Jim Battin stated the intent of the Proposition 12 bond funds was that the ~500,000 be used for soccer fields. He urged Council to dedicate the park site for additional soccer fields. Council Member Henderson pointed out the concepts under consideration at this time came from community input. In response to Council Member Adolph, Senator Battin stated the Proposition 12 language specifically pinpointed the funds for a majority soccer use. Steve Lang, 801 N. Harbor Boulevard, Fullerton, Landscape Architect with Purkiss-Rose-RSI, reviewed Design Concept #4 and confirmed an overlay for soccer fields can be done on the baseball fields. Council Member Sniff suggested relocating the fire station and moving the family picnic area, concession stand, restroom facilities, and tot lot to that area. He suggested several small baseball fields doubling as soccer fields north and east of an L-shaped sidewalk and stated he felt that would provide the maximum from east to west of soccer fields on two-thirds of the park site. He also felt a basketball court could be placed in the southeast corner. Mayor Pe~a felt there should be a buffer between the neighborhood and park area and suggested encircling the park with a decomposed granite walking path. Council Member Henderson stated she felt the big issue is whether or not to relocate the fire station. Mayor Pe~a suggested allocating lY2 acres at the Miles Avenue/Washington Street park site for the fire station. John McLaughlin, Riverside County Fire Department Division Chief, confirmed 1 ~ acres is sufficient space for a fire station but noted at the Miles Avenue/Washington Street location, regional response would cover a large section of Indian Wells. He stated the Fire Department feels the Westward Ho/Adams Street site is one of the better locations to provide strategic service given the section of the City existing north of Fred Waring Drive between Adams Street and Washington Street. City Council Minutes 12 January 2, 2001 In response to Council Member Henderson, City Manager Genovese stated the issue raised by Chief McLaughlin is of some concern because the City already has a fire station where 50% of its service calls are outside the City. If the Miles/Washington site is selected the City would be paying for a fire station where the same situation exists. Mayor Pefia noted the Miles/Washington site is only ~ mile from the Westward Ho/Adams site and that either site would serve some region outside City limits. Council Member Adolph noted the Miles/Washington site would meet the Fire Department's main concern of being located on the north side of the Whitewater Channel. After a brief discussion, Council concurred to relocate the fire station with preference being given to the Miles/Washington site. Council Member Perkins questioned 10,000 square feet being sufficient space for a skate park and suggested the possibility of purchasing a few lots elsewhere for that purpose. He felt emphasis should be placed on soccer fields in the park. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Lang advised a mid-size skate park is typically 10,000-12,000 square feet. In response to Mayor Pefia, Ms. Horvitz stated the 10,000 square foot skate park in Palm Desert has an average of 75 participants daily. Ms. Horvitz advised staff is looking for prioritization of amenities to be included in the park design. Council Member Henderson commented on the importance of strategically locating trees in the park to provide shade. Council Member Sniff agreed but stated he felt function should be top priority. Brent Marchetti, 3183 Airway, Costa Mesa, representing Musco Lighting, recommended a total light control system and noted the importance of designing the playing fields in conjunction with the lighting design. He advised the light poles will be 75-90 feet high depending on the layout and noted lower poles result in the need for more poles to provide sufficient lighting. He also noted painted light poles require maintenance. In response to Council Member Adolph, Ms. Horvitz confirmed the 75-foot high light poles at the Sports Complex provide adequate lighting. City Council Minutes 13 January 2, 2001 In response to Council Member Henderson, Ms. Horvitz confirmed the design concept includes one restroom facility. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Lang advised the private retention basin in the northeast corner is approximately one acre. Public Works Director Vogt stated staff will look into the possibility of using the retention basin for recreational activities. Council Member Henderson stated she understood there has been some discussion about removing the wall in that area and having a walkway from the homes in the north to the high school. Henry Swartz, 44-030 Dalea Circle, stated he felt given the growing number of soccer participants, 12 soccer fields of varying sizes will be needed by 2003. He didn't feel soccer lighting would serve the needs of baseball and noted there are baseball fields at the schools. He also felt if this park is utilized for soccer fields that the lighting at the Sports Complex could be better situated for -- baseball. He asked Council to consider some type of storage facility at the park to store equipment and portable goals and stated they are willing to work with the community on the lighting hours. He also recommended the tot lot be centrally located for security purposes. Mark Woods commented on the growth of soccer and the need for additional fields. In response to Council Member Sniff, Ms. Horvitz advised 92 million has been set aside in the Capital Improvement Program to construct the park with the possibility of an additional 9500,000 available (thru Proposition 12). Mr. Genovese stated the amount is approximately half of what will be needed to complete the park. After a brief discussion, Council concurred to prioritize the park amenities as follows: 1) lighted soccer and baseball fields, concession stand, and restroom facility 2) skate/BMX park, playgrounds, and reserved picnic area for parties and bounce houses 3) perimeter walking path, par course, and walkway from homes north of the park to the high school 4) basketball court (possibly in retention basin) City Council Minutes 14 January 2, 2001 In response to Mayor Pe~a, Mr. Lang stated a re-designed park concept will be brought back to Council within 30 days. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS All reports were noted and filed. DEPARTMENT REPORTS - None MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS 1. DISCUSSION REGARDING A CITY CALENDAR. Council Member Sniff referenced a "Spirit of Palm Desert" calendar and suggested looking into the possibility of doing a calendar for La Quinta. Council concurred. 2. DISCUSSION REGARDING GUNFIRE IN THE COVE ON NEW YEARS EVE. Council Member Sniff commented on the need for additional law enforcement during New Years Eve to reduce gunfire incidents. 3. DISCUSSION REGARDING ENERGY SHORTAGE. Council Member Sniff suggested looking into solar power to address the energy shortage issue. 4. DISCUSSION REGARDING HOT AIR BALLOONS. Mayor Pe~a stated he has received a lot of complaints about hot air balloons flying low and asked the City Attorney to look into how they are regulated. _ City Council Minutes 15 January 2, 2001 5. DISCUSSION REGARDING IMPROVEMENTS TO THE COUNCIL CHAMBER. Council Member Perkins commented on the need to improve the lighting, PA system, and video screen in the Council Chamber. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Adolph/Sniff to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, JU~S.G~ity~ City of La Quinta, California