2001 Miraflores LP (LINC - DC&TC) - Assignment & Assumption AgrmtASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT (SENIOR APARTMENTS DEVELOPMENT) THIS ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT (SENIOR APARTMENTS DEVELOPMENT) ("Assignment and Assumption") is made and entered into as of this // day of 2001, by and among the LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a putlic body, corporate and politic ("Agency"), DC & TC, LLC, a California limited liability company ("Assignor"), and MIRAFLORES, L.P., a California limited partnership ("Assignee"). RECITALS: A. Agency and Assignor entered into that certain Affordable Housing Agreement dated as of December 20, 2000 ("AHA"), pursuant to which Assignor, as the "Developer" defined in the AHA, agreed to develop, with Agency's financial assistance, a 118 unit apartment complex for senior citizens on certain real property in the City of La Quinta, State of California, as described in the AHA. B. Assignor desires to assign the AHA, and all of Assignor's rights and obligations thereunder, to Assignee and Assignee desires to assume Assignor's position with respect to the AHA and all of Assignor's rights and obligations under the AHA subject to the terms of this Assignment and Assumption. C. In connection with the foregoing described assignment and assumption, the Agency and Assignee have agreed to a modification to the AHA as set forth to be effective upon full execution of this Assignment and Assumption by all the parties hereto. AGREEMENT: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing Recitals and the covenants and promises hereinafter contained, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: I. Assignment and Assumption. Assignor hereby transfers and assigns to Assignee all of Assignor's right, title and interest in and to, and obligations under, the AHA, and Assignee hereby assumes all right, title and interest in and to, and obligations under, the AHA. Agency hereby consents to the foregoing assignment and assumption. 2. Modification to AHA. Agency and Assignee agree that the AHA as assigned by Assignor to Assignee and as assumed by Assignee as set forth in Paragraph I above shall be modified as follows: RMBUMME\181813 1 4/26/01 Section 107 of the AHA is modified in part to revise the first paragraph thereof to read as follows (the remainder of Section 107 is not modified): "The Developer is Miraflores, L.P., a California limited partnership. The principal office and mailing address of the Developer for purposes of this Agreement is c/o LINC Housing Corporation, 110 Pine Ave., Ste. 525, Long Beach, California 92802." 3. No Other Modifications. Except for the modifications to the AHA set forth in Paragraph 2 hereof, the AHA shall remain in full force and effect and the provisions thereto, as modified herein, shall apply to the interpretation and enforcement ofthis Assignment and Assumption. 4. Counterparts. This Assignment and Assumption may be executed in counterparts, each of which, when this Assignment and Assumption has been signed by all the parties hereto, shall be deemed an original, and such counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument. (signature page follows) RI BUSOMEA81813 2 4/26/01 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed and entered into this Assignment and Assumption as of the date first above written. "Assignor" DC & TC, LLC By Michael J. SSh vlin, Managing Member "Assignee" MIRAFLORES, L.P., a California limited partnership By: LINC Housing Corporation Its: General Partner Y HunO CYohnson, President "Agency" LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY By �a✓J Thomas P. Genovese, Executive Director ATTEST: Ju ek, Agency Secretary 2MBUSONEA 81813 j 4/26/01 ,smART TITLE—R Iverside RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: BEST BEST a KRIEGER LLP (DEO) 7478C Highway 111, Suite 200 Indian Wells, CA 92210 Doc a 2001-282071 aatlia&&1 CanPonW Cagy Was ,vi lnsn neopwad with ar+eiNl crinlGarytL Ono r efterdar ASSUMPTION AGREEMIP.NT THIS ASSIIMPI'ION AGREEM>vNT ("Assumption A,g umem") is made end entered into as of this// dayof 2001, by andamongtheLAQUINTARIEDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body, co rate and politic ("Agency"), DC & TC, LLC, a California limited liability company ("Assigner, and MtRAFLORES, L.P., a Califotnia limited partnership ("Asaisnee"). RECUALS A. Agency and Assignor entered into that certain Affordable housing Agreement dated as of December 20, 2000, pursuant to which Agency &steed to advance cenain monies to Assignor (the "Loan"), which Loan is secured by certain real property in the City of La Quints County of Riverside, State of California, and more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporued.herein by reform=. B. Assignor executed a Promissory Note evidencing the Loan dated December 20, 2000 in the original principal amount of %.Oo0,000.00, payable to Agency (the "Note"). C. To seats repayrn ad of the Note, Assignor executed and delivered to Agency a Deed of Trust Ind Secu * Agreetnetn with Aaetgomeet of Rents and Agreements (the "Deed of Trust") of even date with the Note, whieki was recorded in the Official Records of Riv"da County, California on January 26, 2001 as Inatnnnad No. 2001-035562. D. Assignor desire, to assign to Assignee all of Assignor's rights and obligations tender the Note and Deed of Tnut, and Assiugttae h" a8rad to wars all of Assgnors dos, obligations eodUabilities arising out of the Note and Deed of Trust (the "Assumption"). The Agency has agreed to coneerd to Assignee's Assumption, ter sorer ea nit err My t If stdaatr MU to. as a+ &== Ne &&none • r r sacra usw tYa l� r r . IrAM aMaUS05014=2 20 'd 90EZ 9LZ BOB 'ON M 31111 jHvm3J.9 Wd OT ZO 03M 100Z=E1-NQf — H190 'd 'ON Xdd Wd 5£20 M1 i00Z-G1-Nllf _ AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing Recitals and the covenants and promises hawatter contained, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and udWeney ofwhich are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows. 1. A jI maent and Assumotion. Assignor hereby transfers and assigns to Assignee all of Assignor's right, title and interact in and to, and all obligations and liabilities under, the Note and Deed of Trust, and Assignee hereby unconditionally iswmes all right, title and interest ii and to, and agrees to be bound by an terms, provIsons, covenants and obligations under the Note and Deed of Trust, as if Assignee bad been the original maker ofthe Note and Deed of Trust. Assignee will pay all sums to be paid and perform each mid every obligation to be performed by Assignor under and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Note and Deed of Trust. 2. NafigWop to NWe Uld Deed of Trust. Assignee agrees that the property described in the Deed of Trust will remain subject to the lien, charge and eicumbrance of the Deed of Trust. Nothing contained in this Assumption Agreement or done putsu&M to this Assumption Agreement will al3bet or be construed to affect the lien, charge and encumbrance of the Dad of Taut 3, Countertiarts. This Assumption Agraanmt may be executed in counterparts, each of which, when this Assumption Agreement has been signed by all the parties hereto, shell be deemed an original, and such counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument. 4. (�.g=&a r aw. This Assumption Agreement will be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. S. &=rM, This Assumption Agreement will be binding upon and will slurs to the benefit of the parties to this Assumption Agreement and their respective hairs, wcceseon and assigns. Except as assigned and assumed hereunder, the Note and Dead of Trust will be unchanged and remain in full force and effect, and the provisions thereof shall apply to the interpretation and enforcement of this Assumption Agraetnent. anuosnsoI"M (signature page follows) S' NI EO 'd 2/90 'd 90EZ RE 806 'ON Xdd 'ON Xdd 31111 18HM31S Wd 01:ZO 03M 100241-0 Wd 9620 nHI 100d41-Nflf IN WITNESS WITREOF, the parties hereto have executed and entered into this Assignment and Assumption as of the date first above written. "Assignor" DC & TC, LLC Michael J. ShDAE, Managing Member "Asaipee„ MIRAFLORES, L.P., a California limited parvrership By; LILAC Housing Corporation Its; General Partner i Hunter L. JoRmoN, President "Agency" LA QUINTA R®EVEL•OPMENT AGENCY Byzd Thomas P. Genoves4 Executive Director ATTEST: jun;'J�Agency Sct dwy ammnacinmr 3 vzm 00 'd TZ/LO 'd 90E2 9LZ 008 'ON Xdi 3ull JEUM31S Nd TT,ZO 03M TOOZ-ET-V ,ON Xd.d Wd 9620 AHI 10OZ41—NAr " ..�.renec ecrNc�w�eu�muv� STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE On _ June 11 2001 _ before me. _ donna M Ellis personally appeared Michael J. Shovlln to be the person e personally known to me - whom name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknnariedged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacfiy, and the! by his signature on the instrumerd the person, or the en" upon behalf of whttfl the person acted, exewted the Instrument. DONNA All. S AAe Are Cornmuden WITNESS my hand and official seal. �vp�CouMy `A _ uMComri [xo*dSep5I / /jj• i sandvas� OPTIONAL Thai*fhe oWbmneon llebw Is not requkd by raw, it maYP" valuable to pera r[rY oc an the deaananf and count parent houdrssN remawl and ntamadsnent areas A7rm r° all dx' nr Description of Atfached Document Title or Type of Document: Number of PeOes: �-- Document Date: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: �— Cspacity(igs) Claimed by gigner(a) Signers Name: Will 1 8hoven e Individual e Corporate Officer Tioe(s): o Partner-0 UMd*d o General a A(tornoy-In•Facl a Trustee o OuardUn or Conservator a Other signer is Repres"d"ll: signers Name: [-I Individual U Corporate Officer Tdle(s): r-, Partner_. Cl United t') Generel c Anomey-in Pact Tnrslea(s) y—� Guardim or Conseil for 0 other. _ 5191W is Reprecenun9: 90iZ 91Z 808 'ON XHd 31,11 ISUM3JS Wd IL:ZO am LOOZ-EI-N11f- 90'd 2/90 'd 'ON gyd J Wd 5£20 f1H1 IOU-N-0 iALItt�R1VIN nor-r v... ��� - STATE OF CAUFORNIA COUNTY OF COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE On _ June 11. 2001 before me. _ Donna M E111% personally appeared Hunter L Johnson . a proved to me on the bests of sagsisrlory evidenceto be the person whom name Ie subscribed to the wM t Instrument and acknowledged to me that he exacded the same In his authorkW capacity, and that by ids signature on the Instrument the person, orthe ene►y upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the ITIO urnOrx. 01196M WITNESS my hand and official sad. _ aaald.aeeear My commission explIM: OPTIONAL rhsuptl ale brlbmaw Dhow is not napdred by 161r, d My Prow vdWsW to pwwm MtMg on Ma doaanmt and oould pm ( IhudoNrd mn oW end roeead"wt Of Wd Fam to sew0w drown" DescriPdon Of AtMCW COCUMent TMe or Type of Document: Numberof pages: �— Document Date: "ner(s) Other Then Nemed Above: Capscby(Wo) Claimed by 519"r(s) Signers Name: Hunte_ U J a Individual a Corporate Omcer TIBe(S): o General o Partner— c Umited c AMmey4n-Fact a Trustee O Guardian Or COnlelvatot a Ogler signer is Repressnlingi Signers Name: lndlvidual y Corporate O1llcer Twe(s) General M partner— Limeed II G AttomW4wFad Q Trudeem Gualumn or Coltesrvelor Q Olw- signer is Repreft"w4p 90EZ 9LZ 80i3 'ON Xtlj 3'11I1 1NlI&S Rd 11:20 03M i00Z-El-W — 90 'd _. _. _--- 2/60 'd 'ON Xd9 Wd K20 M I0OZ-01-NM _. , slleoncc er_ucNowu_tulamrav � rYW,r-V[%1V11+�r- • - STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE On - June 11 2001 _- before me, _ REGENIA HEN51 EX - - personally apr eared Thomas P. Genovese e personaAy known to me - OR - c proved to me on the basis of sstblfadory evidence to be the person whose name Is aubeaibed to the within Instrument and acWwMM his authodzeeded to d capacity, and thatbyexecuted slDnatuneOn the Instrument the person, orthe entity upon behalf of which �NOaw UM person acted, executed the tnstrumeML fspltgNMG-ColIMMb MMwdftepNsCOWpM� wrrNEss my hand and offlclal sael. isnot mqu*ad by bat A my P" vMNWe to pm""*W on ft dowmeM and oMWd pp~t 7houph the lnrormeaon below houejow removw end reseaderwnt Of thta lam to owwow dow~. Description of Attached Document Title or Type Of Document: e /L 2 OG / Number of Pages: Document Dow: � - Slgner(s) Other Than Named Above: Capscity(iea) Claimed by Stgner(s) Signors Name: -MMM o 220M ese - s Individual o CoNorate Officer 'rows): o Partner— a Umlted o General o Afromey-In-Fact o Tnuetee o Guardian or Conservator c stoner Is ROermflidn - signers Name: y Individual Corporate Officer Tiu.cs): r Partner— II Limped C. General jr Anomey-In-Fed i Tnntee(s) g GUIMen or COlyervetor yI Other, signor is Napeaeang- 90EZ 91Z BOB 'ON Kdj 311i1 L8dM3dS Wd ll Z0 03M 100Z-El-Ntlf — 10 'd — — ----- -- — — IZ/Oi 'd ON Xdd Wd 9£20 nH1 i00Z-VI-Nnf EXHMTT'A' Remainder pared, of Traa No. 28601-1 as pa bW twmfdad in Book 278, Pages 86 dvou9b 90 of MIPS, Rxords of Rivaside CeuuYI Cahfocma. TED UPON AND SUBJECT ANY TAUS, ASSESSMENTS, LIENS, COVENANTS' Y CO ONSS,, RESTRICTIONS) EASEMENTS, nRMLAL RIG= R1MM-OF-WAY AND ENCUMBRANCES AS THEY MAY APPEAR OF RECORD. 4 srw� J ar®usmula= 90£Z 9LZ 806 'ON Xtld 311I,L ,L8tlM3J~S Vld ttsZO 03M IOOZ—£t—N(lf- 2/11 'd 'ON XU Wd 9£20 nH,1 t00Z-G1-Nof Order No. ERT TITLE-AlVerSWO Loan No. RECORDING REQUESTED BY: BEST DIST 6 RRIEM, LLP ATTENTIyb#kD ON�: t�D�,aavnv Olivier Acc el�(,MAIL, TO: Best Beat 3 Water 76760 Highway 111, Suite 200 Indian Weller, CA 92210 GRANT DUD THE UNDERSIGNED ORANTOR DECLARES: Doe as p200o1-2020'70 12312 Cmf omd Copy MW Mt b~ aaeparod with arlalnal Gary L O`no �r�r R�wtlt naa�ecer, Raasrdar 7W,W CRO ^O// .e, T)�mentary Tamdar Tax is $d&GMM 412) Drier Congalred m the full value of the itnarest f am or broo raoaie+e8 shemon at the =0 of sale. � Campuoed m the fn11 value less the value of Baas of eacemdttaoeee � vrldrb is hdd, gsaame(s) No Docurnes>te�' TtanatbrTax ie due siace this ooaveyaaee � and gtano mw ramie the same and cm=ue m hold the am Ptaportioerta mtaeat- APN: FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the recwpt of which is hemby aelmoevlcdmO- DC 8: TC, LLC. a California limited liability o=PanY. hereby gl2M to: MIRAFLORES, L.P., a California limited partnership the teal pmprty in the City of La QWM Camay of Riveee* State of California: SEE EXEflB[f `A' Ar j AC[�D ECER>:TO AND l INCORPORATED BY REF£R>3'iCE Dated: // 2001 Ide aroma eras am rr ME" IN atei " IJU fA r M Nguema . R Yee eR beer saw a r a .,race ■ rr r era aw aR pe ■ r . rueauSOErnte+ar DC de TC. LLC. a Coh mia limited h&"ty MWMY 2/ZO 'd 'ON Xdd Wd 9E20 AHI i00d-Gi-0 EXH BIT `A' Rcmaiad ParccL of iced No. 2S601-1 ae per"recorded in Bock 279, ?ages S6 oum& 90 of Maps. Rmords of Riverside County, Califomis. JJW CONVEYANCE IS MADE AND ACCEPTED AND SAID PROPERTY IS HEREBY GRANTED RESTRICTIONS, SOSIBCT TS, ANY RAAL RIGHTSSRIG �F WAY AAND ENCUMBRANCLIENS. coVENANTS. ESAS nWY MAY APPPEAR OF 6ASEM6NTS,NmdS RECORD, RPWl"M0%1alM H/£0 'd ON xy3 Wd 5£:30 f]H,l 100241—NOf _ STATE OF CALIFORNIA COuN W OF RIVERSIDE to be the pctmn who6a pt1FotwmMy kamm to me . Dame u ,; to tee within tmuum d and actuewt dd b and that M s on the W M sense in his tadbe�� b Wf of which the Pels= the imtntt� � Om� oir the aced. qn=W the insulumm WITNESS °°�� hoed and otlkial seat. OPTIONAL Tbagh the data below is act Muieed by �", it UW P� ylaable to Pin >c1Y�i on the docutnrnt and mould 999veft 2audu►m reattachment of this falls. op„gCBIpTION Op ATTACHED CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DOCUMENT IMrVIDUAL PMTE OFFICER �(,E OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT 1TeLE(S) ❑ PARTNIBR(S) a LiMrrW GENERAL t rl ATCORNEY•IN'FACL gER OF PAGES u TRUSTEE(S) p GUARDIANICONSERVATOR ❑ OrA DATE OF pOCUbfi I AAME OF PORSWM OROR fiN'I' WPS)) SZO,NIER(S) OTtB:R THAN NAtdED ABOVF 'ON Xdd Wd SE20 f1HI IOOZ-VI-NAP STATE OF CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA DEBT LIMIT ALLOCATION COMMITTEE 915 CAPITOL MALL, ROOM 311 MEMBERS SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 TELEPHONE: (916) 653-3255 SPhilitate pAn eadessurelides, Chairman FAX: (916) 653-6827 Laurie Weir Executive Director May 18, 2002 Gray Davis Governor Kathleen Connell State Controller William Marticorena, Esq. Rutan & Tucker, LLP 611 Anton Boulevard, Suite 1400 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Dear Mr. Marticorena: RE: IRS CERTIFICATION (Application #01-212) Enclosed is the required certification stating that the bonds issued by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of La Quinta for the Miraflores Senior Apartments Project met the requirements of Section 146 of the Internal Revenue Code. Please do not hesitate to contact either Carolyn Lutton or myself at (916) 653-3255 should you have questions. Sincerely, URIE WEIR Executive Director Enclosure cc: Thomas P. Genovese, La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Frank J. Spevacek, Rosenow Spevacek Group, Inc. STATE OF CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA DEBT LIMIT ALLOCATION COMMITTEE 915 CAPITOL MALL, ROOM 311 MEMBERS SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 TELEPHONE: (916) 653-3255 \ A/�� Philip Apelides, Chairman FAX: (916) 653-6827 ' J State Treasurer Laurie Weir yp Gray Davis Executive Director 1 /1 _`J�� Governor MAY 3 �(l Kathleen Connell State Controller May 18, 2002 Thomas P. Genovese Executive Director Redevelopment Agency of the City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Mr. Genovese: RE: RELEASE OF PERFORMANCE DEPOSIT (Application #01-212) This letter provides written authorization for the release of the $40,000 performance deposit that was certified by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of La Quinta in support of the application for an allocation of the 2001 State Ceiling on Private Activity Bonds for the Miraflores Senior Apartments Project. This release is being provided based upon information presented in the Report of Action Taken that was filed with the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee on April 16, 2002. The full amount of the deposit is being released since the full amount of the allocation was used to issue bonds. Please do not hesitate to contact either Carolyn Lutton or myself at (916) 653-3255 should you have questions. Sincerely, LAYR WEIR Executive Director cc: Frank J. Spevacek, Rosenow Spevacek Group, Inc. Hunter L. Johnson, LINC Housing Corporation eit# 4 .C'a 2u4rz`4 f a c s i m i l e OFFICE THE CITY CLERK TRANS M I T T A L JUNE S. GREEK To: Kathy Jenson Of: Rutan and Tucker Fax: (714)546-9035 Phone: (714) 641-3413 Pages: 4, including this cover sheet. Date: May 29, 2002 Kathy, Here are the letters and the form I called you about. Please advise if I need to do anything further. June From the desk of... State of California County of Riverside On before /O �-- before me, Phyllis Manley, Notary Public, personally appeared Thomas P. Genovese and June S. Greek, personally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their authorized capacities, and that by their signatures on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the persons acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (Seal) PHYLUS MANLEY Commission # 1196590 Z Z Notary Public - California; Riverside County QoMyComm. B sOa,t16,MQ2 2062-171478 F,EC;ORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Best Best & Krieger LLP 74-760 Highway 111, Suite 200 Indian Wells, California 92210 Attention: Daniel E. Oliver, Esq. (Space Above For Recorder's Use) ASSIGNMENT OF DECLARANT'S STATUS THIS ASSIGNMENT OF DECLARANT'S STATUS (this "Assimnent") is made this 3& ' day of July, 2002 by and between CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITIES, INC., a California corporation ("Catellus") and DC&TC, LLC, a California limited liability company ("Assignee"). WITNESSETH: A. Catellus is the "Declarant" under the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Reservation of Easements for Miraflores, recorded on February 3, 2000, as Instrument No: 2000-041793, in the Official Records of Riverside County, California, as amended (the "Declaration"). The Declaration covers certain real property in the City of La Quinta, Riverside County, California, including "Annexable Territory," as more particularly described in the Declaration (the "Propert "). B. Pursuant to Section 1.20 of the Declaration, Catellus desires to assign to Assignee any and all of Catellus' right, title and interest as "Declarant" under the Declaration (the "Declarant's Rights"). NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: 1. Catellus hereby assigns, sells, transfers, sets over and delivers unto Assignee all of Catellus' estate, right, title and interest in and to the Declarant's Rights, and Assignee hereby accepts such assignment "AS -IS", without any representation or warranty of any kind from Catellus and without any recourse against Catellus. 2. Assignee hereby assumes the performance of all of the terms, covenants and conditions imposed upon Catellus as Declarant under the Declaration accruing or arising on or after the "Effective Date" (as defined below). 3. Assignee hereby agrees to indemnify, protect, defend (with counsel chosen by Catellus) and hold Catellus harmless from and against any and all liability, loss, damage or expense (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees) which Catellus may incur 630167.03/OC -1- under the Declaration, and from any and all claims or demands whatsoever which may be asserted against Catellus by reason of any alleged obligation or undertaking on its part to perform or discharge any of the terms, covenants or agreements contained therein, to the extent such claims or demands are attributable to the period after the Effective Date. 4. In the event any action or suit is brought by a party hereto against the other party by reason of any breach of any of the covenants, conditions, agreements, indemnities or provisions on the part of the other party arising out of this Assignment, then in that event the prevailing party (which for purposes herein, is the party obtaining substantially the relief sought) shall be entitled to have and recover of and from the other party all costs and expenses of the action or suit, including reasonable attorneys' fees. 5. This Assignment may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which, together, shall constitute one and the same instrument. 6. This Assignment shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors, agents, personal representatives, heirs and legatees of the respective parties hereto. 7. This Assignment shall be governed by, interpreted under, and construed and enforceable in accordance with, the laws of the State of California. 8. This Assignment shall be effective as of October 25, 2000, which is the date that certain portions of the Property were conveyed to Assignee by Catellus' successor in interest, La Quinta Redevelopment Agency. The portions of the Property were conveyed to Assignee pursuant to that certain Grant Deed recorded on October 25, 2000, as Instrument No. 420072, Official Records of Riverside County, California. HI /// 630167.03/0C -2- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss. COUNTY OF C)P- p,, 4 6 6- On j,tr . L i , 2002, before me, a notary public, personally appeared jC, ev-,^ M A . S 0 AL personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same in his/her authorized capacity, and that by his/her signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ,! Jf f SMOOT By. \ Commission # 1271264 Mta y Pubic - Caffaida son Francisco CCU* 1„h,C0mm.eVh sJuf21,2M)4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY Op i V ei�5 id.Q ) OnaLt� t � � , 2002, before me, a notary public, personally appeared M i c'hn e 13. shod f i n personally known to me (or rov . to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is s bscribed to the within instrument and knowledged tome that(d/she executed the same iniher authorized capacity, and that by hi /her signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NORA CARRANZA B l i Commission # 1239134 Y +� -, G" Nolary Public - California # Rives my Cou^tY i CCMn16'.3.`i;'"S�ci`,2m:' 6301 G7.03.00 -4- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Catellus and Assignee execute this Assignment below. "Assignee": DC&TC, LLC, a California limited liability company By: -� Name: Title: AW AIA G /.yG "Catellus": CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITIES, INC., a California corporation By: Name: q rs Title: ACKNOWLEDGED AND APPROVED: LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body, corporate and politic Name: MARK WRTSS Title: Acting Exec„t;ytz Director By: Name: Title: 630167.03/OC -3- LINC Housing 1 10 PinC AVCMIC, SnIte S00 Lone Lkach.CA90802-4408 Telepn CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE lC �02.hSa.1 too Fucsimlle- 562.6R4-1137 ,owcv linchoLI WII" ore Project Name: SEASONS=at-AAiraflores=Affordable=Housing- SF;12ViNG, our. CDLAC Application No.: 01-212 COY1MUNITtES THROUGH Pursuant to Section 12 of Resolution No. 01-202 (the "Resolution"), Resolution„ HOUSING ), adopted by the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (the "Committee") on (12/19/2001), coaroRATE orriCras i Karen N. Maeshima, an Officer of the Project Sponsor, hereby Hunter L. Johnson certify under penalty _ of perjury that, as of the date of this President & Ccg Certification, the above mentioned Project is in compliance with all ';m r Lay Chan, 6-coo i of the terms and conditions set forth in the Resolution. Bxccr,ti�e vice President iinla I further certify that I have read and understand Section 3 of the K` "cu -coo" cooi/ Resolution, which specifies that once the Bonds are issued, the C,;er rinnncial officer terms and conditions set forth in Resolution shall be enforceable by Nina Doolev the Committee through an action for specific performance or any vice President other available remedy (as further explained in Section 12 of the Resolution). BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dee Hardison Chair Jeffrev M. Mindes Vice Chair Date Pant M. Non�atka Signatur� o Officer secre ry Robert J. Norris, Jr. Treasurer Karen Maeshima John � ,ive,n Printed Name of Officer 'I'icna Johnson -Hall Roger A. Martinez - Mark A. Montoya Co-COO/CFO Jodie Newtiery Title of Officer Jay Prag Cathy Roonev 'Ferry F. Tornek Per Section 17 I.G.: Elaine M. Winer pph ant (I uer) Affirmation Date CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE Project Name: SEASONS at Miraflores Affordable Housing CDLAC Application No.: 01-212 Pursuant to Section 12 of Resolution No. 01-202 (the "Resolution"), adopted by the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (the "Committee") on (12/19/2001), 1 Karen N. Maeshima, an Officer of the Project Sponsor, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that, as of the date of this Certification, the above mentioned Project is in compliance with all of the terms and conditions set forth in the Resolution. I further certify that I have read and understand Section 3 of the Resolution, which specifies that once the Bonds are issued, the terms and conditions set forth in Resolution shall be enforceable by the Committee through an action for specific performance or any other available remedy (as further explained in Section 12 of the Resolution). Signature of bfficer Date y Karen N. Maeshima Printed Name of Officer SVP/CFO Title of Officer Per Section 17 L- aZ \txt AOL -7/ uer) Affirmation ate CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE Project Name: SEASONS at Miraflores Affordable Housin CDLAC Application No.: 01-212 Pursuant to Section 12 of Resolution No. 01-202 (the "Resolution), adopted by the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (the "Committee") on (12/19/2001), 1 Karen N. Maeshima, an Officer of the Project Sponsor, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that, as of the date of this Certification, the above mentioned Project is in compliance with all of the terms and conditions set forth in the Resolution. I further certify that I have read and understand Section 3 of the Resolution, which specifies that once the Bonds are issued, the terms and conditions set forth in Resolution shall be enforceable by the Committee through an action for specific performance or any other available remedy (as further explained in Section 12 of the Resolution). ignature Offt r Dat Karen Maeshima Printed Name of Officer Co-COO/CFO Title of Officer Per Section 17 I.G.: ram' pplicant ( sue ffirmation Date � Nr, Ho u.s 555 E.Ocean Blvd, Suite 900 Lang Beach, CA 90802-5056 Telephone: 562.684.1100 Facsimile: 562,684,1 137 www.linchousing.org SERVING OUR COMMUNITIES THROUGH HOUSING CORPORATE OFFICERS Rebecca F. Clark President & CEO Karen Maeshima Sr. Vice President & CFO Suny Lai, Chang Sr. Vice President Nina Dooley Vice President BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mark A. Montoya Chair Cathy Rooney Vice Chair Paul M. ielowatka Secretary Terry E. Tornek Treasurer William A. Cipes John Given Tiena ohnson-hall Tina Lock_lear Roger A. Martinez Jill McCullough Jeffrey M. % index Jodie NeMibery Jennifer Orlick M e I i sna, 1,e�1a Jay Prag lff- U S. R :+t7.LLJ.L:eL V 1. AL GROUP Qwv/iryMutw%TySrMces February 09, 2015 Re: Village at Beechwood Pursuant to Section 13 of Resolution No. 02-30 (the "Resolution), adopted by the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (the "Committee") on, December 19, 2001, I, Simone Rojas, Compliance Specialist of U.S Residential Group, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that, as of the date of this Certification, the abovementioned Project is in compliance with all of the terms and conditions set forth in the Resolution. "Q I C, [gb?s Simone Rojas Compliance Specialist Date Annual Applicant Public Benefits and Ongoing Compliance Self -Certification "Self -Certification"' ACKNOWLEDGMENT: The California Debt Limit Allocation Committee ("CDLAC" or "Committee") does not expect to hold an Applicant (Issuer) responsible for. conditions they are not aware of; only for the Applicant to confirm their understanding of the status of the project/program based upon their own post -issuance compliance procedures. CDLAC will not review the Applicant's procedures, and in good faith, will assume that the Applicant has in -place procedures they judge to adequately satisfy their post - issuance responsibilities as defined under the Internal Revenue Code and CDLAC Regulations. An Applicant is free to request project information from the Project Sponsor and rely on that information if they believe it satisfies their own compliance procedures and responsibilities. That information can then serve as the basis for the Applicant's response to the questions within this certification. INSTRUCTIONS: Per the CDLAC Regulations, all Projects/Programs within an existing bond regulatory period and/or CDLAC compliance period shall be monitored for compliance with the terms and conditions of the Committee Resolution by the Applicant -(issuer). Mortgage Credit Certificate Single Family Housing Programs with outstanding authority shall be monitored for the same requirements. The Applicant shall complete and submit the Annual Applicant Public Benefits and On -going Compliance Self Certification provided on the CDLAC website; certifying whether or not the Project/Program meets the terms and conditions of the Committee Resolution. The self -certification must be submitted by the Applicant to CDLAC no later than March 1 of each year (or at such other time as defined in the CDLAC Regulations or requested by the Committee). This form will not be accepted if it has been altered in anyway other than to answer the questions provided. ALL APPLICANTS: Applicant/Issuer Certification of Delivery of Public Benefits Applicant/Issuer Name: City of La Quinta Housing Authority (formerly La Quinta Redevelopment Agency) Project Name (N/A for Single Family Housing Programs): SEASONS at Miraflores Affordable Housing Program Type_(QRRP, SFH, EXEMPT, IDB, Etc.): QRRP Application Number (s): 01-212 Resolution Number(s): 01-202 Property Address (N/A for Single Family Housing Programs): 47747 Gertrude Way, La Quinta, CA 92253 Project Completion Date (NIA for Single Family Housing Program): If the depreciable assets and/or project is "under rehabilitation or "under construction'; please note this and then respond to questions 1 and 2. Revision 5/21/14 Annual Applicant Public Benefits and Ongoing Compliance Self -Certification "Self -Certification" SECTION A: All Applicants Must Complete: 1. To the best of your knowledge, have there been any changes to the ownership entity, principles or property management of the project since the bonds were issued, or since the last certification was provided? Please answer "Yes" or "No". If YES, please explain the change below and attach a request to revise the resolution along with Attachment W-1, the legal status questionnaire (Attachment Y) from the standard application along with an organizational chart of the organizational structure noting all pertinent information regarding the change of ownership. For changes to the property management company, please explain the change,' attach a request to revise the resolution (if necessary), and include Attachment X from the standard application. lue 2. To the best of your knowledge, has there been a change of use for the project? NO Revision 5/21 /14 Annual Applicant Public Benefits and Ongoing Compliance Self -Certification "Self -Certification" SECTION B: QRRP APPLICANTS ONLY: Applicant/Issuer Certification of Ongoing Compliance (Please attach the project sponsor -completed Ceertification of Compliance form as provided in the Committee Resolution) 1. To the best of your knowledge, has the project satisfied all of the requirements memorialized in the Exhibit A of the Committee Resolution and bond regulatory agreement (i.e. qualifying project completion;lqualifying depreciable asset purchase, qualifying loan originations, the use of public funds, QRRP manager units, QRRP income rent restrictions, QRRP sustainable building methods, etc.; as applicable), and thus achieving all public benefit requirements (excluding QRRP service amenities) as presented to the Committee? (if there is more than one resolution for this project the most recent resolution will supersede all previous resolutions) a) As Issuer for the subject project, were you able to confirm to the satisfaction of your current requirements that the defined public benefits were conveyed at the completion of the development of the subject project? N/A b) If the public benefits have been confirmed, what evidence to the satisfaction of your current requirements was received (i.e. invoices, contracts, agreements, rent rolls, on - site audits, etc.)? Rent rolls, resident services contract, CTCAC audits, and quarterly financials c) When was the evidence provided to the Issuer, or a site visit completed, to confirm the public benefits? Financial rolls are sent to lender and trustee (Wells Fargo) d) Is the project currently in compliance? If not, what corrective action was taken to bring the project into compliance? The project is currently in compliance. There has been no history of non-compliance. CTCAC conducted -a site inspection and file review in April 2014,.with no findings. e) For projects awarded an allocation post 2011, were the Minimum Sustainable Building Standards achieved (within the scope of work completed)? If so, please provide the third party evidence of completion (evidence must be provided within two years of receiving the award of allocation). N/A Revision 5/21/14 Annual Applicant Public Benefits and Ongoing Compliance Self -Certification "Self -Certification" 2. As captured in Exhibit A of the resolution, the QRRP project has committed to and is currently providing the following service amenities for a minimum of ten years, on a regular and ongoing basis, which are provided free of charge (with the exception of day care services): Please check the services that apply or write N/A where appropriate. if necessary, please modify the list below to reflect service amenity commitments as captured in the Exhibit A: .After -school Programs X Educational, health and wellness, or skill building classes Health and Wellness services and programs (not group classes) Licensed Childcare provided for a minimum of 20 hours per week (Monday -Friday) X Bona -Fide Service Coordinator/ Social Worker a) For this reporting period, what evidence (i.e. MOU's, contracts, schedules, calendars, flyers, sign-up sheets, etc.) was provided to the satisfaction of your current requirements to confirm that the above listed services. are being provided and have met the requirements of Exhibit A of the Resolution? - -- - — - - - -Rent rolls resident services contract;-CTCAC audits, -and -quarterly -financials -- -- - -- b) Is the project currently in compliance with all service amenity requirements? If all compliance requirements were not met, what corrective action has been taken thus far? Yes Revision 5/21/14 Annual Applicant Public Benefits and Ongoing Compliance Self -Certification "Self -Certification" SECTION C: INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOND AND RECOVERY ZONE BOND APPLICANTS ONLY: . Applicant/Issuer Certification of Post -Issuance Compliance (if applicable) (Note: Once the job creation/retention goals have been achieved, no additional reporting for this section is required by CDLAC in the subsequent annual certifications.) 1. As captured in Exhibit A of the Committee Resolution, the Applicant or Project Sponsor reasonably expects a certain minimum number of new and/or retained jobs associated with the project within two (2) years following the completion of that project: Please provide the following information: Number of Existing Jobs Originally Anticipated to be Retained Number of New Jobs Originally Anticipated to be Created Is the project complete? No. STOP HERE (no additional reporting on this section is necessary until project completion). Yes. Please Complete the Following Information: - -- - - --- --a)---What evidence -was -provided -to -confirm -that -the -above -listed jobs -were -retained and/or--- provided and that the project achieved the job creation/retention goals noted in Exhibit A of the Committee Resolution? b) Did the evidence received or observed meet your standards for compliance with the applicable job creation/retention goals? Revision 5/21 /14 Annual Applicant Public Benefits and Ongoing Compliance Self -Certification "'Self -Certification" SECTION D: SINGLE FAMILY HOUSING APPLICANTS ONLY: The Applicant/Issuer is required to report to CDLAC until the authority/bond proceeds have been exhausted. 1. To the best of your knowledge, has the program satisfied the requirements memorialized in the Exhibit A of the Committee Resolution? If not, please explain. 2. Was the MCC authority/Were the bond proceeds exhausted by the IRS -required deadline? If "Yes", no future Compliance Self -Certifications are required for this allocation. If "No", please explain. 3. If the MCC authority/bond proceeds balance for this allocation award exceeds $1 million, please provide the balance of the amount remaining along with an explanation of the planned use of the authority/proceeds (i.e. rate of issuance, existing pipeline loans, etc.). Revision 5/21 /14 Annual Applicant Public Benefits and Ongoing Compliance Self -Certification "Self -Certification" SECTION E: QUALIFIED ENERGY CONSERVATION BONDS ONLY: Applicant/Issuer Certification of Post -Issuance Compliance To the best of your knowledge, has the program satisfied the requirements memorialized in the Exhibit A of the Committee Resolution? Check the item that applies below, answer "Yes" or "No", and provide any necessary third party documentation. If the requirement was not satisfied please explain. Did the program meet the energy consumption in publicly -owned buildings by 20 percent? Please attach the third party verification showing the improvement was met. Did the program meet the estimated reduction in energy consumption measured by Kilowatt Hours of Electricity per year? Please attach the third party verification showing the reduction was achieved. Did the program meet the estimated greenhouse gas emissions measured in MMTCO2e (million metric tons of CO2 equivalent)? Did the, program provide the estimated funding of grants and loans anticipated? ;Siginat re of Issu Frank J. Spevacek Printed Name of Issuer Executive Director. La Quinta Housing Author! Title of Issuer / Officer Carla Triplett, Housing Program Coordinator Contact Person ctriplett@la-guinta.org E-mail Address 760.777.7000 Phone number 760.777.7120 Phone number Revision 5/21 /14