E. 2035 LQ GP EIR - Geo. Tech. ReportTerra Nova/La Quinta General Plan EIR
Technical Appendices
Technical Background Report
to the Safety Element of the La Quinta
2035 General Plan Update
Seismic Hazards, Geologic Hazards, Flooding Hazards
Prepared by
Earth Consultants International, Inc.
1642 East Fourth Street
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Revised September 7, 2010
June 2010
of the
Prepared by:
1642 E. Fourth Street
Santa Ana, California 92701
(714) 544-5321 & (714) 412-2654
June 2010
Section Page No.
SEISMIC HAZARDS...................................................................................1-1
SEISMIC CONTEXT — EARTHQUAKE BASICS..................................................................................1-1
REGULATORY CONTEXT...........................................................................................................1-4
Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act.............................................................1-4
Seismic Hazards Mapping Act.................................................................................1-6
California Building Code.........................................................................................1-6
Unreinforced Masonry Law.....................................................................................1-7
Real Estate Disclosure Requirements.......................................................................1-8
California Environmental Quality Act......................................................................1-9
PAST EARTHQUAKES..................................................................................................1-9
Wrightwood Earthquake of December 8, 1812.......................................................1-9
San Jacinto Earthquake of 1899...............................................................................1-9
San Jacinto Earthquake of 1918.............................................................................1-11
San Jacinto Earthquake of 1937.............................................................................1-11
Desert Hot Springs Earthquake of 1948.................................................................1-1
San Jacinto Fault Earthquake of 1954....................................................................1-12
Borrego Mountain Earthquake of 1968..................................................................1-12
San Fernando (Sylmar) Earthquake of 1971...........................................................1-12
North Palm Springs Earthquake of 1986................................................................1-13
Elmore Ranch and Superstition Hills Earthquakes of 1987.....................................1-13
1.3.1 1
Joshua Tree Earthquake of 1992............................................................................1-13
Landers Earthquake of 1992..................................................................................1-14
Big Bear Earthquake of 1992.................................................................................1-14
Hector Mine Earthquake of 1999..........................................................................1-14
Baja California Earthquake of 2010.......................................................................1-15
SEISMIC GROUND SHAKING...................................................................................................1-15
San Andreas Fault Zone.........................................................................................1-24
San Jacinto Fault Zone...........................................................................................1-26
Burnt Mountain Fault............................................................................................1-27
Eureka Peak Fault..................................................................................................1-27
Pinto Mountain Fault.............................................................................................1-27
Pisgah — Bullion Mountain — Mesquite Lake Fault Zone........................................1-28
Elsinore Fault Zone................................................................................................1-28
SURFACE FAULT RUPTURE......................................................................................................1-29
Faults in the La Quinta Area..................................................................................1-31
GROUND FAILURE DUE TO EARTHQUAKESHAKING...................................................................1-31
Earthquake -Induced Slope Failure.........................................................................1-35
Seismically Induced Settlement.............................................................................1-36
Deformation of Sidehill Fills..................................................................................1-37
Ridgetop Fissuring and Shattering..........................................................................1-37
POTENTIAL SEISMIC HAZARDS.....................................................................................1-38
VULNERABILITY OF STRUCTURES TO EARTHQUAKE DAMAGE.......................................................1-40
Unreinforced Masonry Structures..........................................................................1-44
Soft -Story Buildings...............................................................................................1-44
Wood -Frame Structures.........................................................................................1-45
Pre -Cast Concrete Structures.................................................................................1-45
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Section Page No.
Tilt -up Buildings....................................................................................................1-46
Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings...................................................................1-46
Multi -Story Steel Frame Buildings..........................................................................1-46
Mobile Homes......................................................................................................1-46
Combination Types...............................................................................................1-47
1.9 EARTHQUAKE SCENARIO AND LOSS ESTIMATIONS.....................................................................1-47
Building Damage..................................................................................................1-52
Damage to Critical and Essential Facilities............................................................1-58
Economic Losses...................................................................................................1-61
Transportation Damage.........................................................................................1-62
Utility Systems Damage.........................................................................................1-63
Shelter Needs........................................................................................................1-65
1.10 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS......................................................................................1-66
GEOLOGIC HAZARDS.............................................................................2-1
2.1 PHYSIOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SETTING................................................................... 2-1
2.2 EARTH UNITS AND THEIR ENGINEERING PROPERTIES..................................................................2-2
Alluvial Sand and Gravel (map symbol: Qg)............................................................2-2
Windblown Sand (map symbol: Qs).......................................................................2-4
Alluvial Deposits (map symbol: Qa)........................................................................2-4
Interbedded Lacustrine and Alluvial Deposits (map symbol QI/Qa).........................2-4
Alluvial Fan Deposits (map symbol: Qf)..................................................................2-4
Landslide Deposits (map symbol: Qls).....................................................................2-5
Quartz Diorite (map symbol: qd).............................................................................2-5
2.3 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS IN THE LA QUINTA AREA..........................................................................2-6
Landslides and Slope Instability...............................................................................2-6
2.3. 1. 1 Types of Slope Failures..................................................................................
2-6 Mitigation of Slope Instability in Future Development ..................................
2-9 Mitigation of Slope Instability in Existing Development ...............................
Compressible Soils................................................................................................2-11 Mitigation of Compressible Soils.................................................................2-12
Collapsible Soils....................................................................................................2-12 Mitigation of Collapsible Soils.....................................................................
Expansive Soils......................................................................................................2-13 Mitigation of Expansive Soils.......................................................................2-13
Corrosive Soils......................................................................................................2-13 Mitigation of Corrosive Soils.......................................................................
Ground Subsidence...............................................................................................2-14 Mitigation of Ground Subsidence...............................................................2-17
Erosion..................................................................................................................2-17 Mitigation of Erosion...................................................................................
Wind -Blown Sand.................................................................................................2-19 Mitigation of Wind -Blown Sand..................................................................2-22
2.4 SUMMARY............................................................................................................................2-22
CHAPTER 3: FLOODING HAZARDS.............................................................................3-1
3.1 STORM FLOODING..................................................................................................................3-1
3.1.1 Hydrologic Setting...................................................................................................3-1
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Weather and Climate .........................................
Past Flooding......................................................
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) ..........
FEMA Flood Zone Mapping ................................
Flood Zone Mapping in La Quinta .....................
Existing Flood Protection Measures ....................
Future Flood Protection ......................................
Flood Protection Measures for Property Owners.
Bridge Scour .......................................................
3.2 SEISMICALLY INDUCED INUNDATION ...................................
Dam Inundation .................................................
Inundation From Above -Ground Storage Tanks..
3.3 SUMMARY.........................................................................
.................................................. 3-2
.................................................. 3-5
.................................................. 3-6
.................................................. 3-7
................................................ 3-10
................................................ 3-1 1
................................................ 3-16
................................................ 3-18
................................................ 3-18
................................................ 3-20
................................................ 3-21
APPENDIX A: REFERENCES................................................................................................................ A-1
APPENDIXB: GLOSSARY...................................................................................................................B-1
Figure 1-1: Regional Fault Map..............................................................................................1-3
Figure 1-2: Local Active and Potentially Active Faults............................................................1-5
Figure 1-3: Notable Regional Earthquakes...........................................................................1-10
Figure 1-4: Modified Mercalli Intensity ShakeMap for the June 28, 1992 Landers
Figure 1-5: ShakeMap for a Magnitude 7.8 Earthquake Scenario on the Southern San
Figure 1-6: Census Tracts Boundaries Used in the HazUS Analyses.....................................1-49
Figure 1-7: Generalized Flow Chart Summarizing the HazUS Methodology ........................1-51
Figure 2-1: Wind -Induced Soil Movement...........................................................................2-19
Figure 3-1: Alluvial Fan Outwash from the Rugged Santa Rosa Mountains near La Quinta .... 3-2
Figure 3-2: Peak Annual Streamflow Values for Gage Station USGS 10259300 located on
the Whitewater River near La Quinta...................................................................3-4
Table 1-1:
Abridged Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale........................................................1-16
Table 1-2:
Estimated Horizontal Peak Ground Accelerations and Seismic Intensities
inthe La Quinta Area.........................................................................................1-21
Table 1-3:
Seismic Source Type..........................................................................................1-43
Table 1-4:
HazUS Scenario Earthquakes for the City of La Quinta......................................1-52
Table 1-5:
Number of Buildings Damaged, by Occupancy Type........................................1-54
Table 1-6:
Number of Buildings Damaged, by Construction Type......................................1-55
Table 1-7:
Injury Classification Scale..................................................................................1-56
Table 1-8:
Estimated Casualties...........................................................................................1-57
Table 1-9:
Hospitals Near the La Quinta General Plan Area...............................................1-59
Table 1-10:
Expected Damage to Essential Facilities.............................................................1-60
Table 1-11:
Building -Related Economic Losses (in millions of $)..........................................1-62
Table 1-12:
Transportation System - Expected Damage and Economic Losses ......................1-63
Earth Consultants International Table of Contents Page iii
Table 1-13: Expected Utility System Pipeline Damage..........................................................1-64
Table 1-14: Expected Performance of Potable Water and Electric Power Services ................1-65
Table 1-15: Estimated Shelter Requirements.........................................................................1-66
Table 3-1: Average Annual Rainfall by Month for the La Quinta Area...................................3-3
Table 3-2: Average Annual Rainfall by Month for the San Jacinto Mountains .......................3-3
Table 3-3: Above -ground Water Tanks in La Quinta...........................................................3-20
Plate 1-1: Faults and Historical (1800-2010) Seismicity Map.............................................1-19
Plate 1-2: Seismic Hazards.................................................................................................1-34
Plate 1-3a: Engineering Site Classes.....................................................................................1-41
Plate 1-3b: Explanation for Engineering Site Classes.............................................................1-42
Plate2-1: Geologic Map......................................................................................................2-3
Plate 2-2: Mapped Slope Failures and Subsidence Zones.....................................................2-8
Plate 2-3: Wind Erosion Susceptibility Map.......................................................................2-21
Plate 3-1: FEMA Flood Map...............................................................................................3-14
Earth Consultants International Table of Contents Page iv
Earthquake -triggered geologic effects include ground shaking, surface fault rupture, landslides,
liquefaction, subsidence, tsunamis and seiches. Some of these hazards can occur in the city of La
Quinta, as discussed in detail below. Earthquakes can also lead to reservoir failures, urban fires,
and toxic chemical releases.
In seismically active southern California, an earthquake has the potential to cause far-reaching loss
of life or property, and economic damage. This is because damaging earthquakes are relatively
frequent, affect widespread areas, trigger many secondary effects, and can overwhelm the ability
of local jurisdictions to respond. Although it is not possible to prevent earthquakes, their
destructive effects can be minimized. Comprehensive hazard mitigation programs that include the
identification and mapping of hazards, prudent planning, public education, emergency exercises,
enforcement of building codes, and expedient retrofitting and rehabilitation of weak structures can
significantly reduce the scope of an earthquake's effects and avoid disaster. The record shows that
local government, emergency relief organizations, and residents can and must take action to
develop and implement policies and programs to reduce the effects of earthquakes. Thus, this
document not only discusses the potential seismic hazards that can impact La Quinta, but also
provides action items and programs that can help the City become more self-sufficient in the event
of an earthquake.
1.1 Seismic Context — Earthquake Basics
The outer 10 to 70 kilometers of the Earth consist of enormous blocks of moving rock called
tectonic plates. There are about a dozen major plates, which slowly collide, separate, and grind
past each other. In the uppermost brittle portion of the plates, friction locks the plate edges
together, while plastic movement continues at depth. Consequently, the near -surface rocks bend
and deform near plate boundaries, storing strain energy. Eventually, the frictional forces are
overcome and the locked portions of the plates move. The stored strain energy is then released in
seismic waves that radiate out in all directions from the rupture surface causing the Earth to vibrate
and shake as the waves travel through. This shaking is what we feel in an earthquake. Most
earthquakes occur on or near plate boundaries. Southern California has many earthquakes
because it straddles the boundary between the North American and Pacific plates, and fault
rupture accommodates their motion.
By definition, the break or fracture between moving blocks of rock is called a fault, and such
differential movement produces a fault rupture. Few faults are simple, planar breaks in the Earth.
They more often consist of smaller strands, with a similar orientation and sense of movement. A
strand is mappable as a single, fairly continuous feature. Sometimes geologists group strands into
segments, which are believed capable of rupturing together during a single earthquake. The more
extensive the fault, the bigger the earthquake it can produce. Therefore, multi -strand fault ruptures
produce larger earthquakes.
Total displacement is the length, measured in kilometers (km), of the total movement that has
occurred along a fault over as long a time as the geologic record reveals. It is usually estimated by
measuring distances between geologic features that have been split apart and separated (offset) by
the cumulative movement of the fault over many earthquakes. Slip rate is a speed, expressed in
millimeters per year (mm/yr). Slip rate is estimated by measuring an amount of offset accrued
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-1
during a known amount of time, obtained by dating the ages of geologic features. Slip rate data
also are used to estimate a fault's earthquake recurrence interval. Sometimes referred to as "repeat
time" or "return interval," the recurrence interval represents the average amount of time that
elapses between major earthquakes on a fault. The most specific way to derive the recurrence
interval for a given fault is to excavate trenches across the fault to obtain paleoseismic evidence of
earthquakes that have occurred during prehistoric time. Paleoseismic studies show that faults with
high slip rates generally have shorter recurrence intervals between major earthquakes. This is so
because a high slip rate indicates rocks that, at depth, are moving relatively quickly, and the stored
energy trapped within the locked, surficial rocks needs to be released in frequent (geologically
speaking), large earthquakes.
The city of La Quinta, and most of the western part of southern California, is riding on the Pacific
Plate, which is moving northwesterly (relative to the North American Plate), at about 50
millimeters per year (mm/yr), or about 165 feet in 1,000 years. This is about the rate at which
fingernails grow, and seems unimpressive. However, it is enough to accumulate enormous
amounts of strain energy over tens to thousands of years. Despite being locked in place most of
the time, in another 15 million years (a short time in the context of the Earth's history), due to plate
movements, Los Angeles (which, like La Quinta, is on the Pacific Plate) will be almost next to San
Francisco (which is on the North American Plate).
Although the San Andreas fault marks the main separation between the Pacific and North
American plates, only about 60 to 70% of the plate motion actually occurs on this fault. The rest
is distributed along other faults of the San Andreas system, including the San Jacinto, Whittier -
Elsinore, Newport -Inglewood, Palos Verdes, and several offshore faults. To the east of the San
Andreas fault, slip is distributed among faults of the Eastern California Shear Zone, including those
responsible for the 1992 MW 7.3 Landers and 1999 MW 7.1 Hector Mine earthquakes. (MW stands
for moment magnitude, a measure of earthquake energy release, discussed further below.) Thus,
the zone of plate -boundary earthquakes and ground deformation covers an area that stretches from
Nevada to the Pacific Ocean (see Figure 1-1).
Because the Pacific and North American plates are sliding past each other, with relative motions to
the northwest and southeast, respectively, all of the faults mentioned above trend northwest -
southeast, and are strike -slip faults. On average, strike -slip faults are nearly vertical breaks in the
rock, and when a strike -slip fault ruptures, the rocks on either side of the fault slide horizontally
past each other. However, there is a kink in the San Andreas fault commonly referred to as the
"Big Bend," located about 185 miles northwest of La Quinta (Figure 1-1). Near the Big Bend, the
two plates do not slide past each other. Instead, they collide, causing localized compression,
which results in folding and thrust faulting. Thrusts are a type of dip -slip fault where rocks on
opposite sides of the fault move up or down relative to each other. When a thrust fault ruptures,
the top block of rock moves up and over the rock on the opposite side of the fault.
In southern California, ruptures along thrust faults have built the Transverse Ranges geologic
province, a region with a unique east -west trend to its landforms and underlying geologic
structures that is a direct consequence of the plates colliding at the Big Bend. Many of southern
California's most recent damaging earthquakes have occurred on thrust faults that are uplifting the
Transverse Ranges, including the 1971 MW 6.7 San Fernando, 1987 MW 5.9 Whittier Narrows,
1991 MW 5.8 Sierra Madre, and 1994 MW 6.7 Northridge earthquakes. Thrust faults in southern
California have been particularly hazardous because many are "blind;" that is, they do not extend
to the surface of the Earth, and have therefore been difficult to detect and study before they
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-2
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rupture. Some earthquakes in southern California, including the 1987 Whittier Narrows
earthquake and the 1994 Northridge earthquake, occurred on previously unknown blind thrust
faults. As a result, a great amount of research in the last 15 years has gone into learning to
recognize subtle features in the landscape that suggest the presence of a buried thrust fault at
depth, and developing techniques to confirm and study these structures. Some geologists have
started to develop paleoseismic data for these buried thrust faults, including recurrence interval,
estimates of the maximum magnitude earthquake these faults are capable of generating, and
displacement per event.
A smaller kink in the San Andreas fault occurs in the vicinity of San Gorgonio Pass, to the
northwest of Palm Springs. This kink (or "knot" as it is often called) is a result of a slight bend and
a step in the main fault's surface trace. As with the Big Bend, complex fault patterns, including
thrust faulting, have developed in this area to accommodate these changes. Consequently, the
Coachella Valley area, including the city of La Quinta, is exposed to risk from multiple types of
earthquake -producing faults. The highest risks are due to movement on the San Andreas (strike -
slip, right -lateral) fault zone (which includes the San Gorgonio Pass thrust fault), the San Jacinto
(strike -slip, right -lateral) fault zone, the Pinto Mountain fault (strike slip, left -lateral), faults in the
Eastern California Shear Zone (including the right -lateral strike -slip Burnt Mountain, Eureka Peak,
and Pisgah -Bullion Mountain -Mesquite Lake faults), and the Elsinore fault (strike -slip, right -lateral).
These faults or fault zones will be discussed in more detail in Section 1-4 below.
1.2 Regulatory Context
1.2.1 Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act
The Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zones Act was signed into law in 1972 (in 1994 it was
renamed the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act). The primary purpose of the Act
is to mitigate the hazard of fault rupture by prohibiting the location of structures for human
occupancy across the trace of an active fault (Hart and Bryant, 1999; 2007). This State law
was passed in direct response to the 1971 San Fernando earthquake, which was associated
with extensive surface fault ruptures that damaged numerous homes, commercial buildings
and other structures.
The Act requires the State Geologist (Chief of the California Geological Survey) to delineate
"Earthquake Fault Zones" along faults that are "sufficiently active" and "well defined."
These faults show evidence of Holocene (the time period between the present and about
11,000 years before present) surface displacement along one or more or their segments
(sufficiently active) and are clearly detectable by a trained geologist as a physical feature at
or just below the ground surface (well defined). The boundary of an "Earthquake Fault
Zone" is generally about 500 feet from major active faults, and 200 to 300 feet from well-
defined minor faults. Alquist-Priolo maps are distributed to all affected cities and counties
for their use in planning and controlling new or renewed construction. The Act dictates
that cities and counties withhold development permits for sites within an Earthquake Fault
Zone until geologic investigations demonstrate that the sites are not threatened by surface
displacements from future faulting (Hart and Bryant, 2007). Projects include all land
divisions and most structures for human occupancy. State law exempts single-family
wood -frame and steel -frame dwellings that are less than three stories and are not part of a
development of four units or more. However, local agencies can be more restrictive.
There are no Alquist-Priolo zoned faults in the La Quinta area. The closest zoned fault is
the San Andreas fault to the north of the city (see Figure 1-2).
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-4
'�• It 1� � a
Pinto Mountaiin`ault
""fir Bu n1 Moun[aii� Fault � -- y
•�n,Q �---_-Fureka Peak Fault
rq w.
l dri San Gorgonio Pass Fault
able c_uI Fault
\� y
-- La 'Quin a
'r dF
San Diego �o'r,
Modified from: Jennings, 1995
w E
!R S
A&r International
Project Number: 3004
Date: 2010
�,• Fault Showing Evidence of Historic Rupture (Active).
Fault Showing Evidence of Holocene Rupture (Active).
Fault Showing Evidence of Quaternary and late
Quaternary Rupture (Potentially Active).
Local Active and Potentially
Active Faults
1.2.2 Seismic Hazards Mapping Act
The Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act only addresses the hazard of surface fault
rupture and is not directed toward other earthquake hazards. Recognizing this, in 1990,
the State passed the Seismic Hazards Mapping Act (SHMA), which addresses non -surface
fault rupture earthquake hazards, including strong ground shaking, liquefaction and
seismically induced landslides. The California Geological Survey (CGS) is the principal
State agency charged with implementing the Act. Pursuant to the SHMA, the CGS is
directed to provide local governments with seismic hazard zone maps that identify areas
susceptible to liquefaction, earthquake -induced landslides and other ground failures. The
goal is to minimize loss of life and property by identifying and mitigating seismic hazards.
The seismic hazard zones delineated by the CGS are referred to as "zones of required
investigation." Site -specific geological hazard investigations are required by the SHMA
when construction projects fall within these areas.
The CGS, pursuant to the 1990 SHMA, has been releasing seismic hazards maps since
1997, with emphasis on the large metropolitan areas of Los Angeles, Orange and Ventura
counties (funding for this program limits the geographic scope of this studies to these three
counties in southern California). As a result, at this time, there are no State -issued (and
therefore official) seismic hazard zone maps for the city of La Quinta. Nevertheless, the
methodology that the CGS uses to prepare these maps is well documented, and can be
duplicated in areas that the CGS has yet to map. To that end, and for the purposes of this
study, we have followed a simplified version of the CGS methodology to identify areas in
La Quinta that are susceptible to liquefaction or earthquake -induced slope instability.
These hazards are discussed in more detail in Section 1.6.
1.2.3 California Building Code
The International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) was formed in 1922 to develop a
uniform set of building regulations; this led to the publication of the first Uniform Building
Code (UBC) in 1927. In keeping with the intent of providing a safe building environment,
building codes were updated on a fairly regular basis, but adoption of these updates at the
county- and city -level was not mandatory. As a result, the building codes used from one
community to the next were often not the same. Then in 1980, recognizing that many
building code provisions, like exiting from a building, are not affected by local conditions,
and to facilitate the concept that industries working in California should have some
uniformity in building code provisions throughout the State, the legislature amended the
State's Health and Safety Code to require local jurisdictions to adopt, at a minimum, the
latest edition of the Uniform Building Code (UBC). The law states that every local agency,
such as individual cities and counties, enforcing building regulations must adopt the
provisions of the California Building Code (CBC) within 180 days of its publication;
although each jurisdiction can require more stringent regulations, issued as amendments to
the CBC. The publication date of the CBC is established by the California Building
Standards Commission and the code is known as Title 24 of the California Code of
Regulations. Based on the publication cycle of the UBC, the CBC used to be updated and
republished every three years.
Then, in 1994, to further the concept of uniformity in building design, the ICBO joined
with the two other national building code publishers, the Building Officials and Code
Administrators International, Inc. (BOCA) and the Southern Building Code Congress
International, Inc. (SBCCI), to form a single organization, the International Code Council,
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-6
(ICC). In the year 2000, the group published the first International Building Code (IBC) as
well as an entire family of codes, (i.e. building, mechanical, plumbing and fire) that were
coordinated with each other. As a result, the last (and final) version of the UBC was issued
in 1997. After the formation of the ICC and the publication of the IBC, the California
legislature did not address the matter of updating the CBC with a building code other than
the UBC. In fact, the California Building Standards Commission, after careful review of the
2000 IBC, chose not to use the IBC, but instead continued to adopt the older 1997 UBC as
the basis for the CBC. The 2001 CBC (based on the 1997 UBC) was used throughout the
State from 2001 to 2007, often with local, more restrictive amendments based upon local
geographic, topographic or climatic conditions.
In 2003, California considered adopting the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
5000 building code. Specifically, on July 29, 2003, the California Building Standards
Commission recommended adoption of the NFPA 5000 code as the basis for California's
next building code. However, state agencies that reviewed the proposed building code
found it to be incomplete, requiring the adoption of substantial amendments, many
transcribed directly from the CBC, to bring it to the level provided by the 2001 CBC. For
this and other reasons, including the cost of developing the amendments and training state,
county and city officials responsible for the enforcement of the code, on March 8, 2005,
the Coordinating Council of the California Building Standards Commission recommended
rescission of the 2003 decision to adopt the NFPA 5000 code, and instead recommended
adoption of the latest International Building Code (IBC) as the basis for the next CBC.
Thus, the California Building Standards Commission (BSC) reviewed the 2006 IBC, and
using the IBC as a basis, prepared the 2007 edition of the CBC. The building code in use
as of the writing of this document became available to the public on July 1, 2007, and
became effective on January 1, 2008. However, the 2010 California Building Standards
Code based on the 2009 International Building Code is expected to become effective on
January 1, 2011. [For more recent information regarding this subject, refer to the California
Building Standards Commission website at www.bsc.ca.gov4.
It is emphasized that building codes provide minimum requirements. With respect to
seismic shaking, for example, the provisions of the building code are designed to prevent
the catastrophic collapse of structures during a strong earthquake; however, structural
damage to buildings, and potential loss of functionality, are expected. Specific provisions
contained in the California Building Code that pertain to seismic and geologic hazards are
discussed further in other sections of this document.
1.2.4 Unreinforced Masonry Law
Enacted in 1986, the Unreinforced Masonry Law (Senate Bill 547, codified in Section 8875
et seq. of the California Government Code) required all cities and counties in zones near
historically active faults (Seismic Zone 4 per the Building Code at the time of the bill
passage) to identify potentially hazardous unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings in their
jurisdictions, establish an URM loss -reduction program, and report their progress to the
State by 1990. The owners of such buildings were to be notified of the potential
earthquake hazard these buildings pose. Some jurisdictions implemented mandatory
retrofit programs, while others established voluntary programs. A few cities only notified
the building owners, but did not adopt any type of strengthening program. Starting in
1997, California required all jurisdictions to enforce the 1997 Uniform Code for Building
Conservation (UCBC) Appendix Chapter 1 as the model building code, although local
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-7
governments could adopt amendments to that code under certain circumstances (ICBO,
2001; CSSC, 2006). The UCBC standards are meant to significantly reduce but not
necessarily eliminate the risk to life from collapse of the structure. Prior to 1997, local
governments could adopt other building standards that preceded the UCBC, and in fact, in
many jurisdictions, retrofits were conducted in accordance with local ordinances that only
partially complied with the latest UCBC. The 2007 California Building Code (CBC)
includes newly approved building standards for historical buildings (2007 California
Historical Building Code, Part 8 of Title 24), and building standards for existing buildings
(2007 California Existing Building Code, Part 10 of Title 24) based on the 2006
International Existing Building Code.
In 2006, the City of La Quinta reported to the Seismic Safety Commission that there were
seven historic URMs in the city. Five of these had been strengthened and were in
compliance with the City's mandatory mitigation program; one was slated for demolition;
and one had not been mitigated or shown mitigation progress. In 2010, personnel from
the La Quinta Building Department have indicated that these two URMs, which are adobe
structures, are still unmitigated, but vacant and not being used. Both are located on the
grounds of the La Quinta Resort.
1.2.5 Real Estate Disclosure Requirements
Since June 1, 1998, the Natural Hazards Disclosure Act has required that sellers of real
property and their agents provide prospective buyers with a "Natural Hazard Disclosure
Statement" when the property being sold lies within one or more State -mapped hazard
areas. For example, if a property is located in a Seismic Hazard Zone as shown on a map
issued by the State Geologist, the seller or the seller's agent must disclose this fact to
potential buyers. The law specifies two ways in which this disclosure can be made: (1)
Using the Natural Hazards Disclosure Statement as provided in Section 1102.6c of the
California Civil Code, or (2) using the Local Option Real Estate Disclosure Statement as
provided in Section 1102.6a of the California Civil Code. The Local Option Real Estate
Disclosure Statement (Option 2) can be substituted for the Natural Hazards Disclosure
Statement (Option 1) only if the Local Option Statement contains substantially the same
information and substantially the same warnings as the Natural Hazards Disclosure
California State law also states that when houses built before 1960 are sold, the seller must
give the buyer a completed earthquake hazards disclosure report and a copy of the booklet
entitled "The Homeowner's Guide to Earthquake Safety." This publication was written and
adopted by the California Seismic Safety Commission. The most recent edition of this
booklet is available from the web at www.seismic.ca.gov/. The booklet includes a sample
of a residential earthquake hazards report that buyers are required to fill in, and describes
structural weaknesses common in homes that if they fail in an earthquake can result in
significant damage to the structure. The booklet then provides detailed information on
actions that homeowners can take to strengthen their homes.
Those regions in the study area that have the potential of being impacted by seismically
induced liquefaction or slope instability (see Section 1.6), as identified in this report,
should be disclosed to prospective buyers, following the provisions of the Natural Hazards
Disclosure Act.
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1.2.6 California Environmental Quality Act
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) was passed in 1970 to insure that local
governmental agencies consider and review the environmental impacts of development
projects within their jurisdictions. CEQA requires that an Environmental Impact Report
(EIR) be prepared for projects that may have significant effects on the environment. EIRs
are required to identify geologic and seismic hazards, and to recommend potential
mitigation measures, thus giving the local agency the authority to regulate private
development projects in the early stages of planning. The law requires that these
documents be issued in draft form and made available at local libraries and City Hall for
individuals and organizations to review and comment on. The comments are addressed in
the final report submitted for approval or refusal by the Planning Commission and/or City
1.3 Notable Past Earthquakes
Figure 1-3 shows the approximate epicenters of some of the historical earthquakes that have
resulted in significant ground shaking in the southern California area, including La Quinta. The
most significant of these events, either because they were felt strongly in the area, or because they
led to the passage of important legislation, are described below.
1.3.1 Wrightwood Earthquake of December 12, 1812
This large earthquake occurred on December 8, 1812 and was felt throughout southern
California. Based on accounts of damage recorded at missions in the earthquake -affected
area, an estimated magnitude of 7.5 has been calculated for the event (Toppozada et al.,
1981). Subsurface investigations and tree ring studies show that the earthquake likely
ruptured the Mojave Section of the San Andreas fault near Wrightwood, and may have
been accompanied by a significant surface rupture between Cajon Pass and Tejon Pass
(Jacoby, Sheppard and Sieh, 1988; www.scecdc.scec.org/quakedex.html). The worst
damage caused by the earthquake occurred significantly west of the San Andreas fault at
San Juan Capistrano Mission, where the roof of the church collapsed, killing 40 people.
The earthquake also damaged walls and destroyed statues at San Gabriel Mission, and is
thought to have triggered an earthquake thirteen days later that damaged several missions
in the Santa Barbara area (Deng and Sykes, 1996). Strong aftershocks that occurred for
several days after the main earthquake collapsed many buildings that had been damaged
by the main shock.
1.3.2 San Jacinto Earthquake of 1899
This earthquake occurred at 4:25 in the morning on Christmas Day, in 1899. The main
shock is estimated to have had a magnitude of 6.5. Several smaller aftershocks followed
the main shock, and in the town of San Jacinto, as many as thirty smaller tremors were felt
throughout the day. The epicenter of this earthquake is not well located, but damage
patterns suggest the location shown on Figure 1-3, near the town of San Jacinto, with the
causative fault most likely being the San Jacinto fault. Both the towns of San Jacinto and
Hemet reported extensive damage, with nearly all brick buildings either badly damaged or
destroyed. Six people were killed in the Soboba Indian Reservation as a result of falling
adobe walls. In Riverside, chimneys toppled and walls cracked (Claypole, 1900). The
main earthquake was felt over a broad area that included San Diego to the southwest,
Needles to the northeast, and Arizona to the east. No surface rupture was reported, but
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-9
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■ ' 1915 1r1v40
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" 1892
Oc�-ai& X
N , Mexico •
Source: Jennings, 1994; SCEC earthquake catalog; NEIC earthquake catalog
w + E Explanation
s Magnitude 7+ � Quaternary faults
* Magnitude 6 - 7 1899 Earthquakes discussed
it x0 further in the text
• Magnitude 5 - 6
_=- suh Coni Figure
Intem&nal Notable Regional Earthquakes
Project Number: 3004 1-3
Date. 2010
several large "sinks" or subsidence areas were reported about 10 miles to the southeast of
San Jacinto.
1.3.3 San Jacinto Earthquake of 1918
This magnitude 6.8 earthquake occurred on April 21, 1918 at 2:32 P.M. Pacific Standard
Time (PST), near the town of San Jacinto. The earthquake caused extensive damage to the
business districts of San Jacinto and Hemet, where many masonry structures collapsed, but
because it occurred on a Sunday, when these businesses were closed, the number of
fatalities and injuries was low. Several people were injured, but only one death was
reported. Minor damage as a result of this earthquake was reported outside the San Jacinto
area, and the earthquake was felt as far away as Taft (west of Bakersfield), Seligman
(Arizona), and Baja California.
Strong shaking cracked the ground, concrete roads, and concrete irrigating canals, but
none of the cracks are thought to have been caused directly by surface fault rupture. The
shaking also triggered several landslides in mountain areas. The road from Hemet to
Idyllwild was blocked in several places where huge boulders rolled down slopes. Two men
in an automobile were reportedly swept off a road by a landslide, and would have rolled
several hundred feet down a hillside had they not been stopped by a large tree. Two
miners were trapped in a mine near Winchester, but they were eventually rescued,
uninjured. The earthquake apparently caused changes in the flow rates and temperatures
of several springs. Sand craters (due most likely to liquefaction) were reported on one
farm, and an area near Blackburn Ranch "sunk" approximately three feet (one meter)
during the quake (/www.scecdc.scec.org/quakedex.html).
1.3.4 San Jacinto Fault Earthquake of 1937
This magnitude 6.0 earthquake occurred on March 25, 1937 at 8:49 AM PST, just after the
advent of modern seismology, and as a result, it is one of the first earthquakes for which
both an epicentral location and numerical magnitude value (using the newly developed
Richter scale) were determined. The event is known as the Terwilliger Valley earthquake,
although this is actually a misnomer, since its epicenter is almost 19 miles (30 km) to the
east-southeast of Terwilleger Valley. The earthquake caused very little damage given that
the epicentral area was (and still is) sparsely populated. Nevertheless, a few chimneys
were toppled, plaster cracked, and windows broke in structures located relatively near the
epicenter (Wood, 1937). "It was recognized at the time, however, that the quake could
have easily caused the kind of damage seen in Santa Barbara in 1925 or in Long Beach in
1933, had it been located in a densely populated area, being nearly the same magnitude as
those destructive quakes" (http://www.data.scec.org/chrono_index/sanj37.htm1).
1.3.5 Desert Hot Springs Earthquake of 1948
This magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck on December 4, 1948 at 3:43 P.M. PST. The fault
involved is believed to be the South Branch of the San Andreas (or Banning fault,
depending on nomenclature used). The Desert Hot Springs earthquake of 1948 not only
was felt over a large area (as far away as central Arizona, parts of Mexico, Santa Catalina
Island, and Bakersfield), but also caused notable damage in regions far from the epicenter.
In the Los Angeles area, a 5,800-gallon water tank split open, water pipes were broken at
UCLA and in Pasadena, and plaster cracked and fell from many buildings. In San Diego, a
water main broke. In Escondido and Corona, walls were cracked. The administration
building of Elsinore High School was permanently closed, due to the damage it sustained,
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-11
as was a building at the Emory School in Palm City. Closer to the epicenter, landslides and
ground cracks were reported, and a road leading to the Morongo Indian Reservation was
badly damaged (Louderback, 1949). In Palm Springs, the city hit hardest by the quake,
thousands of dollars of merchandise was thrown from shelves and destroyed. Part of a
furniture store collapsed. Two people were injured when the shaking induced a crowd to
flee a movie theater in panic. Numerous other instances of minor structural damage were
reported. Fortunately, despite the damage brought on by this earthquake, no lives were
1.3.6 San Jacinto Fault Earthquake of 1954
This magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck on March 19, 1954 at 1:54 A.M. PST. Magistrale and
others (1989) suggest that the Clark fault of the San Jacinto fault zone was involved. The
1954 San Jacinto fault earthquake, sometimes referred to as the Arroyo Salada earthquake,
caused minor damage over a wide area of southern California, cracking plaster walls as far
away as San Diego, and knocking plaster from the ceiling at the Los Angeles City Hall. In
Palm Springs, a water pipe was broken, and the walls of several swimming pools were
cracked. Part of San Bernardino experienced a temporary blackout when power lines
snapped in the shaking. Indio and Coachella also experienced minor damage. The shock
was felt as far away as Ventura County, Baja California, and Las Vegas (Louderback,
1.3.7 Borrego Mountain Earthquake of 1968
This magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck on April 8, 1968 at 6:29 P.M. It resulted in about 18
miles of surface rupture along the Coyote Creek fault (a branch of the San Jacinto Fault
Zone), and triggered slip was observed on fault systems up to 40 miles away. When the
Borrego Mountain earthquake struck, it was the largest and most damaging quake to hit
southern California since the Kern County earthquake of 1952. It was felt as far away as
Las Vegas, Fresno, and even Yosemite Valley. The quake caused damage across most of
southern California — power lines were severed in San Diego County, plaster cracked in
Los Angeles, and the Queen Mary, in dry-dock at Long Beach, rocked back and forth on its
keel blocks for 5 minutes. A few ceilings collapsed at various places in the Imperial
Valley. Close to the epicenter, the quake caused landslides, hurling large boulders
downslope, damaging campers' vehicles at Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, and caused
minor surface rupture, cracking Highway 78 at Ocotillo Wells (Lander, 1968).
The event apparently caused small displacements along the Superstition Hills fault (2.2
cm), Imperial fault (1.2 cm), and the Banning -Mission Creek fault (0.9 cm), 45 km, 70 km,
and 50 km, respectively, from the epicenter. These fresh breaks and displacements were
not noticed immediately after the mainshock, but no other significant events occurred
within the interim that could have caused them. These are probably among the first noted
instances of triggered slip, and they proved to be some of the most intriguing features of the
Borrego Mountain earthquake.
1.3.8 San Fernando (Sylmar) Earthquake of 1971
This magnitude 6.6 earthquake occurred on the San Fernando fault zone, the westernmost
segment of the Sierra Madre fault, on February 9, 1971, at 6:00 A.M. The surface rupture
caused by this earthquake was nearly 12 miles long, and occurred in the Sylmar -San
Fernando area. The maximum slip measured at the surface was nearly six feet. The
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-12
earthquake caused over $500 million in property damage and 65 deaths. Most of the
deaths occurred when the Veteran's Administration Hospital collapsed. Several other
hospitals, including the Olive View Community Hospital in Sylmar suffered severe
damage. Newly constructed freeway overpasses also collapsed, in damage scenes similar
to those that occurred 23 years later in the 1994 Northridge earthquake. Loss of life could
have been much greater had the earthquake struck at the busier time of the day. As with
the Long Beach earthquake, legislation was passed in response to the damage caused by
the 1971 earthquake. In this case, the building codes were strengthened and the Alquist-
Priolo Special Studies (now call the Earthquake Fault Zone) Act was passed in 1972.
1.3.9 North Palm Springs Earthquake of 1986
This magnitude 5.6 earthquake occurred on July 8, 1986 at 2:21 A.M. PDT, along either the
Banning fault or the Garnet Hill fault. The epicenter was about 6 miles northwest of Palm
Springs, and about 28 miles from La Quinta. The North Palm Springs earthquake was
responsible for at least 29 injuries and the destruction or damage of 51 homes in the Palm
Springs-Morongo Valley area. It also triggered landslides in the region. Damage caused
by this quake was estimated at over $4 million. Ground cracking was observed along the
Banning, Mission Creek, and Garnet Hill faults, but these cracks were due to shaking, not
surface rupture (Person, 1986). Most of the ground fractures occurred on the northern side
of the fault, between Whitewater Canyon on the west, and Highway 62 on the east.
Fractures varied from single, discontinuous breaks less than 1 mm wide, to extensively
fractured zones 30 to 40 m (100 to 120 feet) wide (Morton et al., 1989).
1.3.10 Elmore Ranch and Superstition Hills Earthquakes of 1987
The magnitude 6.2 Elmore Ranch earthquake struck on November 23, 1987 at 5:54 P.M.
PST. This earthquake resulted in left -lateral strike -slip motion along the Elmore Ranch and
associated faults, and appears to have triggered a larger earthquake the next morning on
the right -lateral Superstition Hills fault, which is perpendicular to the Elmore Ranch
systems (Hudnut and others, 1989). A maximum surface offset of 12.5 centimeters was
reported, and the faults where surface rupture was observed included the Elmore Ranch
(main, west, and east branches), Lone Tree, and Kane Spring (main and east branches). The
magnitude 6.6 Superstition Hills earthquake occurred the morning of November 24, at
6:16 A.M. PST, near the Salton Sea. A maximum surface offset of about 20 inches was
observed on the Superstition Hills fault within 24 hours of the earthquake. However,
during the next several months, the offset was observed to have increased to about three
feet, and triggered slip was observed on the Imperial, San Andreas, and Coyote Creek faults
(Sharp et al., 1989).
1.3.11 Joshua Tree Earthquake of 1992
This magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck on April 22, 1992 at 9:50 P.M. PST, approximately
20 miles north of La Quinta. This event resulted from right -lateral strike -slip faulting and
was preceded by a magnitude 4.6 foreshock. The Joshua Tree earthquake raised some
alarms due to its proximity to the San Andreas fault. A San Andreas Hazard Level B was
declared following this quake, meaning that the San Andreas fault was given a 5% to 25%
chance of generating an even larger earthquake within three days. Roughly two months
and 6,000 aftershocks later, the Landers earthquake broke the surface of the Mojave Desert
in the largest quake to hit southern California in 40 years, showing that the concern caused
by the Joshua Tree earthquake was at least partially warranted. The aftershocks of the
Joshua Tree quake suggested that the fault that slipped is a north -northwest -trending, right -
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-13
lateral strike -slip fault at least 15 km long (Jones et al., 1995). Based on these data, and the
location of the shocks, researchers suggest that the Eureka Peak fault may have been the
fault responsible for this earthquake.
Damage caused by the Joshua Tree earthquake was slight to moderate in the communities
of Joshua Tree, Yucca Valley, Desert Hot Springs, Palm Springs, and Twentynine Palms.
Thirty-two people had to be treated for minor injuries. Though somewhat forgotten in the
wake of the Landers earthquake, the Joshua Tree quake was a significant event on its own,
and was felt as far away as San Diego, Santa Barbara, Las Vegas, Nevada, and even
Phoenix, Arizona (Person, 1992).
1.3.12 Landers Earthquake of 1992
On the morning of June 28, 1992, most people in southern California were awakened at
4:57 by the largest earthquake to strike California in 40 years. Named "Landers" after the
small desert community near its epicenter, the earthquake had a magnitude of 7.3. More
than 50 miles of surface rupture associated with five or more faults occurred as a result of
this earthquake. The average right -lateral strike -slip displacement was about 10 to 15 feet,
but a maximum of up to 18 feet was observed. Centered in the Mojave Desert
approximately 120 miles from Los Angeles, the earthquake caused relatively little damage
for its size (Brewer, 1992). It released about four times as much energy as the very
destructive Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989, but fortunately, it did not claim as many lives
(one child died when a chimney collapsed). The power of the earthquake was illustrated
by the length of the ground rupture it left behind. The earthquake ruptured five separate
faults: Johnson Valley, Landers, Homestead Valley, Emerson, and Camp Rock faults (Sieh
et al., 1993). Other nearby faults also experienced triggered slip and minor surface
1.3.13 Big Bear Earthquake of 1992
This magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck little more than 3 hours after the Landers earthquake
on June 28, 1992 at 8:05:30 A.M. PDT. This earthquake is technically considered an
aftershock of the Landers earthquake (indeed, the largest aftershock), although the Big Bear
earthquake occurred over 20 miles west of the Landers rupture, on a fault with a different
orientation and sense of slip than those involved in the main shock. From its aftershocks,
the causative fault was determined to be a northeast -trending left -lateral fault. This
orientation and slip are considered "conjugate" to the faults that slipped in the Landers
rupture. The Big Bear earthquake did not break the ground surface, and, in fact, no surface
trace of a fault with the proper orientation has been found in the area.
The Big Bear earthquake caused a substantial amount of damage in the Big Bear area, but
fortunately, it claimed no lives. However, landslides triggered by the quake blocked roads
in that mountainous area, aggravating the clean-up and rebuilding process
1.3.14 Hector Mine Earthquake of 1999
Southern California's most recent large earthquake was a widely felt magnitude 7.1. It
occurred on October 18, 1999, in a remote region of the Mojave Desert, 47 miles east-
southeast of Barstow. Modified Mercalli Intensities of V (Table 1-1) were reported in the La
Quinta area (http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/dyfi/events/ci/hectormi/us/index.html).
The Hector Mine earthquake is not considered an aftershock of the M 7.3 Landers
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-14
earthquake of 1992, although Hector Mine occurred on similar, north-northwest trending
strike -slip faults within the Eastern Mojave Shear Zone. Geologists documented a 25-mile
(40-km) long surface rupture and a maximum right -lateral strike -slip offset of about 16 feet
on the Lavic Lake fault.
1.3.15 Baja California Earthquake of 2010
A magnitude 7.2 earthquake that occurred just south of the U.S. / Mexico border on Easter
Sunday, April 4, 2010, at 3:40:42 PM PDT, was felt throughout Mexico, southern
California, Arizona, and Nevada. Researchers are still reviewing the data, but preliminary
analysis suggests that there were two sub -events, with the first one rupturing an 18-km
section of the Pescadores fault, followed, six to 12 seconds later by a second, larger event
on the Borrego fault. Both of these faults are part of the Laguna Salada fault system, which
is the southern extension of the Elsinore fault. Surface rupture continued northward to just
past the border into California. The main earthquake caused triggered slip of up to a few
centimeters on several faults in the Salton Sea area, and as far north as in the Mecca Hills.
Secondary effects, including liquefaction, rockfalls and shattering were reported along a
wide area in the El Centro and Brawley region, and westward toward San Diego. A peak
instrumental ground acceleration of 1.1 g was recorded at the Salton Sea. Similar or
stronger shaking may have occurred closer to the epicenter, but given the lack of
instrumentation in that area, went unrecorded. Based on observations reported by many
residents, shaking in La Quinta as a result of this earthquake was light, in the Modified
Mercalli intensity IV range (http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/dyfi/events/ci/
14607652/us/index.html). Ten days after the main shock, more than 4,000 aftershocks had
been recorded(http://www.scsn.org/2010sierraelmayor.htm1). Many of the aftershocks
occurred along the Elsinore, San Jacinto, and the southern extension of the San Andreas
fault through the Brawley area. The largest aftershock to date was a magnitude 5.7 on June
14, 2010 that occurred just north of the International Border, about 5 miles from Ocotillo.
1.4 Seismic Ground Shaking
Strong ground shaking causes the vast majority of earthquake damage. As mentioned previously,
when a fault breaks in the subsurface, the seismic energy released by the earthquake radiates away
from the hypocenter in waves that are felt at the surface as shaking. In general, the bigger and
closer the earthquake, the more damage it may cause. However, other effects discussed below are
also important. Earthquakes are typically classified by the amount of damage reported, or by how
strong and how far the shaking was felt. An early measure of earthquake size still used today is the
seismic intensity scale, which is a qualitative assessment of an earthquake's effects at a given
location. The most commonly used measure of seismic intensity is called the Modified Mercalli
Intensity (MMI) scale, which has 12 damage levels (see Table 1-1). Although it has limited
scientific application, intensity is intuitively clear and quick to determine. Keep in mind, however,
that earthquake damage depends on the characteristics of human -made structures, and the
complex interaction between the ground motions and the built environment. Governing factors
include a building's height, construction, and stiffness, which determine the structure's resonant
period; the underlying soil's strength and resonant period; and the periods of the incoming seismic
waves. Other factors include architectural design, condition, and age of the structures.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-15
Table 1-1: Abridged Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale
Average Peak
Intensity Value and Description
(g _ gravity )
I. Not felt except by very few under especially favorable circumstances (I Rossi-
Fore[ scale). Damagepotential: None.
II. Felt only by a few persons at rest, especially on upper floors of high-rise
buildings. Delicately suspended objects may swing.
(I to II Rossi -Fore) scale). Damagepotential: None.
0.1 — 1.1
0.0017 — 0.014
III. Felt quite noticeably indoors, especially on upper floors of buildings, but many
people did not recognize it as an earthquake. Standing automobiles may have
rocked slightly. Vibration like passing of truck. Duration estimated. (III Rossi -
Fore[ scale). Damagepotential: None.
IV. During the day felt indoors by many, outdoors by few. At night some awakened.
Dishes, windows, doors disturbed; walls made creaking sound. Sensation like a
1.1 — 3.4
0.014 - 0.039
heavy truck striking building. Standing automobiles rocked noticeably. (IV to V
Rossi -Fore[ scale). Damagepotential: None. Perceived shaking: Light.
V. Felt by nearly everyone; many awakened. Some dishes, windows, and so on
broken; plaster cracked in a few places; unstable objects overturned.
Disturbances of trees, poles, and other tall objects sometimes noticed. Pendulum
3.4 — 8.1
clocks may have stopped. (V to VI Rossi -Fore] scale).
Damagepotential: Very light. Perceived shaking: Moderate.
VI. Felt by all; many frightened and ran outdoors. Some heavy furniture moved, few
instances of fallen plaster and damaged chimneys. Damage slight. (VI to VII
8.1 - 16
0.092 -0.18
Rossi -Fore[ scale). Damagepotential: Light. Perceived shaking: Strong.
VII. Everybody ran outdoors. Damage negligible in buildings of good design and
construction; slight to moderate in well-built ordinary structures; considerable in
poorly built or badly designed structures; some chimneys broken. Noticed by
16 - 31
0.18 - 0.34
persons driving cars. (Vill Rossi -Fore] scale).
Damagepotential: Moderate. Perceived shaking: Very strong.
Vill. Damage slight in specially designed structures; considerable in ordinary
substantial buildings with partial collapse; great in poorly built structures. Panel
walls thrown out of frame structures. Fall of chimneys, factory stacks, columns,
monuments, and walls. Heavy furniture overturned. Sand and mud ejected in
31 - 60
0.34 - 0.65
small amounts. Changes in well water. Persons driving cars disturbed. (Vill+ to
IX Rossi -Fore[ scale). Damage potential: Moderate to heavy. Perceived shaking:
IX. Damage considerable in specially designed structures; well -designed frame
structures thrown out of plumb; great in substantial buildings with partial
collapse. Buildings shifted off foundations. Ground cracked conspicuously.
60 - 116
0.65 — 1.24
Underground pipes broken. (IX+ Rossi -Fore[ scale). Damage potential: Heavy.
Perceived shaking: Violent.
X. Some well-built wooden structures destroyed; most masonry and frame structures
destroyed; ground badly cracked. Rails bent. Landslides considerable from
riverbanks and steep slopes. Shifted sand and mud. Water splashed, slopped
> 116
> 1.24
over banks. (X Rossi -Fore[ scale).
Damagepotential: Very heavy. Perceived shaking: Extreme.
X1. Few, if any, (masonry) structures remain standing. Bridges destroyed. Broad
fissures in ground. Underground pipelines completely out of service. Earth
slumps and land slips in soft ground. Rails bent greatly.
XII. Damage total. Waves seen on ground surface. Lines of sight and level distorted.
Objects thrown into air.
Modified from Bolt (1999); Wald and others (1999).
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Scientists used to measure the amplitude of ground motion, as recorded by an instrument a given
distance from the epicenter, to report the size of an earthquake (such as the now outdated Richter
magnitude). Seismologists now find that the most meaningful factor in determining the size of an
earthquake is the amount of energy released when a fault ruptures. This measure is called the
seismic moment (abbreviated Mj, and most moderate to large earthquakes today are reported
using moment magnitude. Both traditional magnitude scales and seismic moment scales are
logarithmic. Thus, each one -point increase in magnitude represents a ten -fold increase in
amplitude of the waves as measured at a specific location, and a 32-fold increase in energy. That
is, a Richter magnitude 7 earthquake produces 100 times (10 x 10) the ground motion amplitude
of a magnitude 5 earthquake. Similarly, a moment magnitude 7 earthquake releases approximately
1,000 times more energy (32 x 32) than a moment magnitude 5 earthquake.
An important point to remember is that any given earthquake will have one moment and, in
principle, one magnitude, although there are several methods of calculating magnitude, which
give slightly different results. However, one earthquake will produce many levels of intensity
because intensity effects vary with the location and the perceptions of the observer.
Fault dimensions and proximity are key parameters in any hazard assessment. In addition, it is
important to know a fault's style of movement (i.e., is it dip -slip or strike -slip), total displacement,
slip rate, and the age of its most recent activity. These values allow an estimation of how often a
fault produces damaging earthquakes, and how big an earthquake should be expected the next
time the fault ruptures. Horizontal ground acceleration is frequently responsible for widespread
damage to structures, so it is commonly estimated as a percentage of g, the acceleration of
gravity. Full characterization of shaking potential, though, requires estimates of peak (maximum)
ground displacement and velocity, the duration of strong shaking, and the periods (lengths) of
waves that will control each of these factors at a given location.
In general, the degree of shaking can depend upon:
■ Source effects. These include earthquake size, location, and distance. In addition, the
exact way that rocks move along the fault can influence shaking. For example, the 1995,
MW 6.9 Kobe, Japan earthquake was not much bigger than the 1994, MW 6.7 Northridge,
California earthquake, but the city of Kobe suffered much worse damage. This is in part
because during the Kobe earthquake, the fault's orientation and movement directed
seismic waves into the city, whereas during the Northridge earthquake, the fault's motion
directed waves away from populous areas.
■ Path effects. Seismic waves change direction as they travel through the Earth's contrasting
layers, just as light bounces (reflects) and bends (refracts) as it moves from air to water.
Sometimes seismic energy gets focused in one location and causes damage in unexpected
areas. Focusing of the seismic waves during the 1989 MW 7.1 Loma Prieta earthquake
caused damage in San Francisco's Marina district, some 62 miles (100 km) distant from the
rupturing fault.
■ Site effects. Seismic waves slow down in the loose sediments and weathered rock at the
Earth's surface. As they slow, their energy converts from speed to amplitude, which
heightens shaking. This is similar to the behavior of ocean waves — as the waves slow
down near shore, their crests grow higher. The Marina District of San Francisco also serves
as an example of site effects. Earthquake motions were greatly amplified in the deep,
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-17
sediment -filled basin underlying the District compared to the surrounding bedrock areas.
Seismic waves can get trapped at the surface and reverberate (resonate). Whether
resonance will occur depends on the period (the length) of the incoming waves. Waves,
soils and buildings all have resonant periods. When these coincide, tremendous damage
can occur.
[Waves repeat their motions with varying frequencies. Slow -to -repeat waves are called
long -period waves. Quick -to -repeat waves are called short -period waves. Long -period
seismic waves, which are created by large earthquakes, are most likely to reverberate and
cause damage in long -period structures, like bridges and high-rise buildings that respond to
long -period waves. Shorter -period seismic waves, which tend to die out quickly, will most
often cause damage in areas relatively close to the rupturing fault, and they will cause most
damage to shorter -period structures such as one- to three-story buildings. Very short -
period waves are most likely to cause near -fault, interior damage, such as to equipment.]
Seismic shaking has the potential to impact the La Quinta area, given that the city is located just
south of the most significant seismic source (fault) in southern California, the San Andreas fault,
and not too far from another significant fault, the San Jacinto. Both of these faults have the
potential to generate large to moderate earthquakes that would be felt in the La Quinta area.
Plate 1-1 shows the epicentral locations of earthquakes in and around the city that were
instrumentally detected between 1932 and April 2010, and those estimated to have occurred in
the area between about 1800 and 1932. Earthquakes that occurred prior to 1932 are only
approximately located because prior to that year there were no instruments available to measure
the location and magnitude of an earthquake. The map shows that only a few magnitude 4 and
smaller earthquakes have occurred in the La Quinta General Plan area proper. Significant
seismicity occurs to the north, along the San Andreas fault zone, and to a lesser extent to the
south, under the San Jacinto Mountains, most likely associated with the San Jacinto fault.
In order to provide a better understanding of the shaking hazard posed by those faults near the
General Plan area, we conducted a deterministic seismic hazard analysis for a central point in the
city (City Hall) and several other randomly selected points in the General Plan area using the
software program EQFAULT by Blake (2000). This analysis estimates the Peak Horizontal Ground
Accelerations (PHGA) that could be expected at these locations due to earthquakes occurring on
any of the known active or potentially active faults within about 62 miles (100 km). The fault
database (including fault locations and earthquake magnitudes of the maximum magnitude
earthquakes for each fault) used to conduct these seismic shaking analyses is that used by the
California Geological Survey (CGS) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for the National
Seismic Hazard Maps (Petersen and others, 1996; Cao and others, 2003). However, as described
further in the text, recent paleoseismic studies suggest that some of these faults may actually
generate even larger earthquakes than those used in the analysis. Where appropriate, this is
discussed further below.
PGHA depends on the size of the earthquake, the proximity of the rupturing fault, and local soil
conditions. Effects of soil conditions are estimated by use of an attenuation relationship derived
empirically from an analysis of recordings of earthquake shaking in similar soils during
earthquakes of various sizes and distances. Given that most of the developed portions of La Quinta
are underlain by alluvial sediments, we used alluvium for most of the deterministic analyses
conducted for this study, and the attenuation relationships of Campbell and Bozorgnia (1997,
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-18
This map Is Intended for general land use planning only. Information on this map Is not
suRdem to serve as suFstNute for detailed geologic lnvestigatlons of individual slue, -
nor does It satisfy the evaluaion requirements set forth In ge,logic hazard regulations.
Faultlineson thethe fa map auld used
not solbe ly uddoappru ofsife-somade fault location. The width and
,cation of the faults should not be used In lieu of sitespecitic investigations, evaluation,
and design. Det,.
reflnethelocled ogclrweetgtl"i s,tegofaglrench'ngstudes,maymakeltp. Thueto
re0oe the lamended as aew dataz o,.me.aolt All and amay not he shown. This map
should be amended as new data tecome available and are valldaced.
Earth Cumulates International (ECI) makes no representsi loin or warrami e regarding
the accuracy of the data from which these maps were derived. EClshallnctbellable
under any drcumelancas for any direct, Indirect, special, Incidental, w consequential
damages with respect m any Balm by any useror third parry on account of or arising
fiom, the use of this map.
Faults and Historical
Seismicity Map
La Quinta, California
Earthquake Magnitude
• 51106 • 21103
41105 • Q
3 to4
Active Fault, solid where well located,
dashed where approximately located,
dotted where concealed or inferred.
Bedrock (not active) Fault; dashed where
approximately located, dotted where concealed
or inferred.
Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone; boundaries
delineated as straight-line segments that connect
encircled turning points. From CGS, 2002.
/ La Quinta City Boundary
�.- La Quinta Sphere of Influence
N 8000 0 8000
1 a
R1 E 2000 0 2000
r \t Ctef\
S Scale:1:96,000
Base Map: USGS Topographic Map from Suml WPS RASTER, 1997.
Sources: Southem California Earthquake Center gentian, 1932 to April 2010),
National Earthquake Information Center (1800 to 1931); All -Priolo
Earthquake Fault Zones [Reproduced with permission CGS CD-ROM 2001-05
0002)I; Roger, 1965; Matti and others, 1983; and Dibblee, 2008.
Project Number: 3004
Date: 2010
Plate 1-1
revised, alluvium), and Boore et al. (1997; with NEHRP soil type D). The ground motions
presented here are the average of the acceleration values calculated using these two attenuation
equations. Based on the ground shaking analyses described above, those faults that can cause
peak horizontal ground accelerations of about 0.1g or greater (Modified Mercalli Intensities greater
than VIb in the La Quinta area are listed in Table 1-2. For maps showing most of these faults, refer
to Figures 1-1 and 1-2. Those faults included in Table 1-2 that could have the greatest impact on
the La Quinta area, or that are thought to have a higher probability of causing an earthquake, are
described in more detail in the following pages. The deterministic analyses indicate that the San
Andreas fault, and to a lesser degree the San Jacinto fault, have the potential to generate strong to
moderate ground shaking in La Quinta, with PGHA (median) of between 0.21g and 0.66g
(between 0.32g and 1.06g at the median plus 1 sigma standard deviation level). Shaking at these
levels can cause significant damage to older structures, and moderate damage to newer buildings
constructed in accordance with the latest building code provisions.
Table 1-2 shows:
■ The approximate distance, in miles and kilometers, between the fault and various points in
the La Quinta area, given as a range. Since these measurements are based on specific, but
randomly selected points in the study area; other points in the city could be closer or
farther away from the faults than the distances provided herein;
The maximum magnitude earthquake (M,..) each fault is estimated capable of generating;
■ The range in peak ground horizontal accelerations (PGHA), provided both for the median
(50" percentile) and median plus 1 sigma standard deviation (84`h percentile), or intensity
of ground motion, expressed as afraction of the acceleration of gravity (g), that could be
experienced in different areas of La Quinta if the M,n x occurs on the faults listed; and
The range in Modified Mercalli seismic Intensity (MMI) values estimated for the La Quinta
The peak ground horizontal accelerations and intensities summarized in Table 1-2 are shown from
largest to lowest for each fault; these should be considered as average values, since different areas
of La Quinta are expected to feel and respond to each earthquake differently in response to site -
specific conditions. As mentioned before, peak ground accelerations and seismic intensity values
decrease with increasing distanceaway from the causative fault. However, local site conditions,
such as reflection off of the hard rock forming the mountains in the region, can amplify the seismic
waves generated by an earthquake, resulting in localized higher accelerations than those listed
here. Please note that the PHGA analyses conducted for this study provide a general indication of
relative earthquake risk throughout the La Quinta General Plan area. For individual projects
however, site -specific analyses that consider the precise distance from a given site to the various
faults in the region, as well as the local near -surface soil types, should be conducted.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-20
Table 1-2: Estimated Horizontal Peak Ground Accelerations and
Seismic Intensities in the La Quinta Area
PGHA (g)
Distance to
Distance to
max from M
Fault or Fault Segment
La Quinta
La Quinta
of M
from M,
median + 1
San Andreas fault (entire Southern)
3.4 - 8.8
5.4 - 14.2
0.50 - 0.34,
1.06 - 0.73
San Andreas (Coachella segment)
3.4 - 8.8
5.4 - 14.2
0.50 - 0.36
0.79 - 0.52
San Andreas (Coachella + San
0.6 - 0.41,
3.4 - 8.8
5.4 - 14.2
0.95 - 0.65
San Andreas (San Bernardino)
17.6 - 28.2
28.4 - 45.4
0.23 -0.15,
0.36 -0.25
San Jacinto (Anza)
16.3 - 23.4
26.3 - 37.7
0.21 - 0.15,
0.32 - 0.24
Burnt Mountain
15.4 - 26.2
24.8 - 42.2
0.14 - 0.08,
0.23 - 0.14
Eureka Peak
16 - 26.7
25.8 - 43
0.14 - 0.08,
0.21 - 0.14
San Jacinto (Coyote Creek)
18 -23.8
29 - 38.3
0.13 - 0.10,
0.21 - 0.17
Pinto Mountain
28 - 37.8
45.1 - 60.9
0.13 - 0.09,
0.21 - 0.16
Pisgah - Bullion
31.5 - 39.5
50.7 - 63.6
0.12 - 0.09,
0.2 - 0.16
Abbreviations used in Table 1-2:
mi - miles; km - kilometer; Mmax - maximum magnitude earthquake; PGHA - peak ground horizontal
acceleration as a percentage of g, the acceleration of gravity; MMI - Modified Mercalli Intensity.
Several other faults have the potential to generate seismic shaking similar to that experienced in La
Quinta during the 1992 Landers earthquake. Faults that would generate a similar level of shaking
include: North Frontal (both East and West segments, individually), Calico -Hidalgo, Elsinore (Julian
segment), Lenwood-Lockhart-Old Woman Springs, Helendale-South Lockhardt, San Jacinto (San Jacinto
Valley segment), San Jacinto (Borrego segment), Brawley Seismic Zone, Earthquake Valley, and Elmore
Ranch. All of these faults would generate peak ground accelerations in the 0.05 to 0.09 range (median)
and 0.08 to 0.16 range (median plus 1 sigma), with Modified Mercalli intensities in the V to VIII range.
The ground motions presented in Table 1-2 are based on the largest earthquake that each fault, or
fault segment, is believed capable of generating, referred to as the maximum magnitude
earthquake (Mmax - as assigned by the California Geological Survey, although some researchers
believe some of these faults can generate even larger events). This deterministic approach is useful
to study the effects of a particular earthquake on a building or community. However, since many
potential earthquake sources can shake the region, it is also important to consider the overall
likelihood of damage from a plausible suite of earthquakes. This approach is called probabilistic
seismic hazard analysis (PSHA), and typically considers the likelihood of exceeding a certain level
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-21
of damaging ground motion that could be produced by any or all faults within a given radius of
the project site, or in this case, the city. Most seismic hazard analyses consider a distance of 100
km (62 miles), but this is arbitrary. PSHA has been utilized by the U.S. Geological Survey to
produce national seismic hazard maps such as those used by the Uniform Building Code (ICBO,
1997), the International Building Code (ICC, 2006) and the California Building Code (CBSC,
We ran the interactive ground motion module from the California Geological Survey
(http://www.consrv.ca.gov/CGS/rghm/pshamap/pshamap.asp) and that by the U.S. Geological
Survey (http://earthquake.usgs.gov/research/hazmaps/design/) to estimate the ground motions that
have a 10% and 2% probability, respectively, of being exceeded in 50 years in the vicinity of City
Hall. [Seismic design parameters in the 2007 California Building Code are based on the maximum
considered earthquake, with a ground motion that has a 2% probability of being exceeded in 50
years and a recurrence interval of about 2,500 years.] For La Quinta, the estimated level of
ground motion that has a 10% probability of being exceeded in 50 years near City Hall is about
0.5g. The level of ground motion with a 2% probability of being exceeded in 50 years is about
0.8g. The ground motions at a site near the northeast corner of the city with a 10% and 2%
probability of being exceeded in 50 years are 0.64g and 1.09g, respectively. This is the area of the
city closest to the San Andreas fault, the principal source responsible for these levels of shaking,
and a fault that has a relatively high probability of rupturing in the next 30 years. These levels of
shaking are in the moderate to very high range for southern California, and can be expected to
cause moderate to heavy damage, particularly to older and poorly constructed buildings.
Regardless of which fault causes a damaging earthquake, there will always be aftershocks. By
definition, these are smaller earthquakes that happen close to the mainshock (the biggest
earthquake of the sequence) in time and space. These smaller earthquakes occur as the Earth
adjusts to the regional stress changes created by the mainshock. As the size of the mainshock
increases, there typically is a corresponding increase in the number of aftershocks, the size of the
aftershocks, and the size of the area in which they might occur.
On average, the largest aftershock will be 1.2 magnitude units less than the mainshock. Thus, a
MW 6.9 earthquake will tend to produce aftershocks up to MW 5.7 in size. This is an average, and
there are many cases where the biggest aftershock is larger than the average predicts. The key
point is this: any major earthquake will produce aftershocks large enough to cause additional
damage, especially to already -weakened structures. Consequently, post -disaster response
planning must take damaging aftershocks into account.
Another way to communicate the seismic shaking hazard is with the use of ShakeMaps. A
ShakeMap is a representation of the various levels of ground shaking throughout the region where
an earthquake occurs. ShakeMaps are compiled from the California Integrated Seismic Network
(CISN) — a network of seismic recording instruments placed throughout the state — and are
automatically generated following moderate to large earthquakes. Preliminary real-time maps are
posted within minutes on the Internet (http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/shakemap/) giving
disaster response personnel an immediate picture of where the most damage likely occurred.
Although several shaking parameters can be illustrated on ShakeMaps, such as peak acceleration
and peak velocity, most people can relate more easily to maps illustrating the intensity of ground
shaking. Using actual instrumental ground motion recordings and comparing them to observed
Modified Mercalli Intensities from recent California earthquakes, scientists can now estimate
shaking intensities within a few minutes after an earthquake. Figure 1-4 shows the ShakeMap
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-22
generated by the U.S. Geological Survey for the 1992 Landers earthquake. Notice the strong level
of shaking reported for the Coachella Valley area, including La Quinta.
Figure 1-4: Modified Mercalli Intensity ShakeMap for the
June 28, 1992 Landers Earthquake
t 1
A [A4 4\
N���i •�rJ ��� S, v 1' lA, i i� �'
e� Y S�QrT1CAIII ti" k :�j't Jy� 41 yk,4�y ". tN..
34' N "*'4
yyy o-
4kr1 c tt rl k 6t4 r
33.Jr� TergAcula V• r
-117' -116 ° -115'
Ms p Vera is n 4 Proms Fri Feb 2, =10:➢0:29 A M PST,
Severe Vicalent Extreme
re rKr
'Very ighl
MccL-rare Hea�-A' Heavy Very Heavy
344E5 65-124 s124
31-60 B®-11B 119
Source: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/shakemap/sc/shake/Landers/
ShakeMaps can also be used for planning and emergency preparedness by creating hypothetical
earthquake scenarios. These scenarios are not predictions — knowing when or how large an
earthquake will be in advance is still not possible. However, using realistic assumptions about the
size and location of a future earthquake, we can make predictions of its effects, and use this
information for loss estimations and emergency response planning. Figure 1-5 is an Intensity
ShakeMap for the hypothetical magnitude 7.8 "Shakeout" earthquake scenario that involves
rupture of the entire southern San Andreas fault, from the Salton Sea northward to Lake Hughes, in
northern Los Angeles County. At its closest, the San Andreas fault would rupture approximately
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-23
3.4 miles east-northeast of La Quinta. The ShakeMap shows that the area in and around La Quinta
would experience severe shaking.
Figure 1-5: ShakeMap for a Magnitude 7.8 Earthquake Scenario on
the Southern San Andreas Fault
�4 ���lllrr✓//
Source: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/shakemap/sc/shake/ShakeOut2_fuI l_se/#Decorated
The most significant faults in Table 1-2 are discussed in greater detail in the pages below.
1.4.1 San Andreas Fault Zone
The San Andreas fault is the principal boundary between the Pacific and North American
plates. The fault extends over 1,100 km (690 miles), from near Cape Mendocino in
northern California to the Salton Sea region in southern California. This fault is considered
the "Master Fault" in southern California because it has frequent, large earthquakes and
controls the seismic hazards of the area. Many refer to an earthquake on the San Andreas
fault as "The Big One," and for many parts of southern California, including La Quinta, this
designation is indeed true. Other areas closer to the coastline are actually at greater risk
from other faults. Nevertheless, the San Andreas fault should be considered in all seismic
hazard assessment studies in southern California given its high probability of causing an
earthquake in the near future. A group of scientists referred to as the 2007 Working Group
on California Earthquake Probabilities (WGCEP, 2008) has calculated that the southern San
Andreas fault has a 59% probability of causing an earthquake of at least magnitude 6.7 in
the next 30 years.
Large faults, such as the San Andreas fault, are often divided into segments in order to
evaluate their future earthquake potential. The segmentation is based on physical
characteristics along the fault, particularly discontinuities that may affect the rupture
length. The southern and central San Andreas fault is now divided into ten segments
named, from north to south, Parkfield, Cholame, Carrizo, Big Bend, Mojave North, Mojave
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-24
South, San Bernardino North, San Bernardino South, San Gorgonio -Garnet Hill, and
Coachella (WGCEP, 2008). The southernmost segments are discussed further below.
Each segment is assumed to have a characteristic slip rate (rate of movement averaged over
time), recurrence interval (time between moderate to large earthquakes), and displacement
(amount of offset during an earthquake). While this methodology has some value in
predicting earthquakes, historical records and studies of prehistoric earthquakes show it is
possible for more than one segment to rupture during a large quake or for ruptures to
overlap into adjacent segments. For example, the last major earthquake on the southern
portion of the San Andreas fault (and the largest earthquake reported in California) was the
1857 Fort Tejon (M 8) event. The 1857 earthquake ruptured the Cholame, Carrizo, and
Mojave segments of the fault, resulting in displacements of as much as 27 feet (9 meters)
along the rupture zone. These fault segments are thought to have a recurrence interval of
between 104 and 296 years. Peak ground accelerations in La Quinta as a result of the
1857 earthquake are estimated at about 0.07g, a fairly low level of shaking. However, if
the entire southern San Andreas fault, including, from south to north, the Coachella, San
Gorgonio -Garnet Hill, San Bernardino and Mojave segments, ruptured in an earthquake
with its epicenter along that section of the San Andreas fault closest to La Quinta, the
resulting shaking in the city would be severe to violent, with peak ground accelerations
estimated at between about 0.5g and 1.1 g (see Table 1-2 and Figure 1-5). This is the
worst -case earthquake scenario for the city of La Quinta.
The Coachella and San Gorgonio -Garnet Hill sections combined extend about 124 km,
from Bombay Beach in the Salton Sea to San Gorgonio Pass. The straight Coachella
segment is predominantly strike -slip in character, whereas the San Gorgonio -Garnet Hill
section is very complex, and appears to be oblique strike -slip, with a major thrust
component of movement (Yule and Sieh, 2003). The Coachella segment has not produced
any large surface -rupturing earthquakes in historic times (Sieh and Williams, 1990);
paleoseismic studies suggest that the last surface -rupturing earthquake on this segment
occurred around A.D 1680. The San Gorgonio -Garnet Hill section is thought to have last
ruptured in 1812, although additional studies need to be conducted to confirm this (Yule et
al., 2006; Dawson et al., 2008). Paleoseismic data also suggest that the Coachella, San
Gorgonio Pass and San Bernardino segments ruptured simultaneously in earthquakes that
occurred around A.D. 1500, and possibly A.D. 1680 (Dawson et al., 2008, summarizing
data by Fumal et al., 2002, Yule et al., 2006, and McGill et al., 2002). Using a slip rate of
25 ± 5 mm/yr and a characteristic displacement of 4.0 +4,-2 meters, the 1995 WGCEP
derived a recurrence interval of 220 ±13 years for the Coachella segment. More recently,
the 2007 WGCEP assigned a slip rate of 20±6 mm/yr to the Coachella segment, and a slip
rate of 10±6 mm/yr to the San Gorgonio -Garnet Hill section. Rupture of the Coachella and
San Gorgonio Pass -Garnet Hill fault segments in a magnitude 7.2 earthquake is estimated
capable of generating peak ground accelerations in La Quinta of about 0.4g to 0.8g. If the
Coachella, San Gorgonio Pass -Garnet Hill and San Bernardino sections rupture together in
a magnitude 7.7 earthquake, La Quinta would experience peak ground accelerations of
between 0.4g and 1.0 g. These are strong to very strong ground motions.
The San Bernardino segments combined are about 43 miles (70 km) long and extend from
the San Gorgonio Pass northward to approximately Cajon Pass. Slip rate on the San
Andreas fault in this area decreases southward. At the north end of the San Bernardino
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-25
North segment, in the area of Cajon Pass and Pittman Canyon, the fault has a slip rate of
22±6 mm/yr. To the south, some of the slip is being transferred to the San Jacinto fault
through the Crafton Hills fault and related structures, so that slip on the San Bernardino
South segment is estimated at 16±6 mm/yr (WGCEP, 2008). Both segments appear to have
last ruptured in 1812. If both sections rupture together in the future, the resultant
magnitude 7.5 earthquake could cause peak ground accelerations in La Quinta of between
0.15g and 0.36g. If, as discussed above, the San Bernardino segments rupture in
conjunction with the Mojave and/or Coachella segments, higher ground motions would be
expected in the region.
1.4.2 San Jacinto Fault Zone
The San Jacinto fault zone consists of a series of closely spaced faults that form the western
margin of the San Jacinto Mountains. The zone is about 280 km (175 miles) in length and
extends from its junction with the San Andreas fault in San Bernardino, southeasterly
toward the Brawley area, where it continues south of the international border as the
Imperial fault. The San Jacinto fault has historically produced more large earthquakes
than any other fault in southern California, although none of these earthquakes has been as
large as the 1857 and 1906 earthquakes on the San Andreas fault. The two most -recent
surface -rupturing earthquakes on the San Jacinto fault were the April 9, 1968, MW 6.5 on
the Coyote Creek segment (Jennings, 1994), and the 1987 event on the Superstition Hills
segment. Offset across the fault traces is predominantly right -lateral strike -slip, similar to
the San Andreas fault, although Brown (1990) has suggested that vertical motion
contributes up to 10% of the net slip.
The San Jacinto fault zone has been divided into seven segments. From north to south
these include the San Bernardino Valley, San Jacinto Valley, Anza, Coyote Creek, Borrego
Mountain, Superstition Hills and Superstition Mountain segments. Each segment, in turn,
consists of a series of subparallel faults. Fault slip rates on the various segments of the San
Jacinto fault are less well constrained than for the San Andreas fault, but the data available
suggest right -lateral slip rates of 12±6 mm/yr for the northern segments of the fault and slip
rates of 4±2 mm/yr for the southern segments (WGCEP, 1995). This amounts to between
about 12% and 30% of the total slip on the San Andreas fault system. The Working Group
on California Earthquake Probabilities (1995) gave the San Bernardino and San Jacinto
Valley segments a 37% and 43% probability, respectively, of rupturing sometime between
1994 and 2024. These probabilities were reduced somewhat by the WGCEP (2008), to an
average of 31 % for all segments of the San Jacinto fault. The segments of the San Jacinto
fault closest to La Quinta include the Anza and Coyote Creek. These segments are
discussed further below.
The segment of the San Jacinto fault closest to La Quinta is the Anza segment. This section
of the fault has been studied extensively at Hog Lake, where at least 16 past earthquakes
have been resolved from the faulted stratigraphy (WGCEP, 2008 based on data provided
by T. Rockwell). The data indicate an average recurrence interval of 238 years for this
segment, with the most recent earthquake having occurred between about A.D. 1775 and
A.D. 1805. A MW 7.2 earthquake on this segment would generate peak ground
accelerations in the La Quinta area of between about 0.15g and 0.32g.
The next section to the south, the Coyote Creek segment, is about 22 miles (40 km) long.
There are no paleoseismic data for this segment, so independent fault parameters, such as
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-26
slip rate and recurrence interval, are not available. Assuming that this segment is similar to
the sections to the south, including the Borrego Mountain and Superstition Hills segments,
the Coyote Creek segment is thought to have a slip of 4±2 mm/yr and a recurrence interval
of about 175 years (WGCEP, 1995). A MW 6.6 earthquake on this segment of the San
Jacinto fault would generate peak ground accelerations in La Quinta of between about
0.10g and 0.21 g.
1.4.3 Burnt Mountain Fault
Like several of the other Eastern Mojave Shear Zone faults, the Burnt Mountain fault was
unknown prior to late June 1992, when a 3.1-mile- (5 km) length of this fault ruptured at
the ground surface, probably during a large aftershock of the Landers earthquake,
experiencing about 2.4 inches (6 cm) of right -lateral offset. Geologists later mapped this
area and determined that the Burnt Mountain fault has a total length of about 13 miles (21
km). Given its overall length, this fault is thought capable of producing a magnitude 6.0 to
6.5 earthquake (Wesnousky, 1986). The Burnt Mountain fault is at its closest approach
about 15 miles to the north of La Quinta. An estimated Mw 6.5 earthquake on this fault
could generate horizontal ground accelerations in the La Quinta area of between about
0.08g and 0.21g, with the higher accelerations occurring in the northern portions of the
city closest to the fault. The level of damage anticipated would be consistent with
Modified Mercalli intensities of between VI and IX.
1.4.4 Eureka Peak Fault
The Eureka Peak fault is a right -lateral strike -slip fault about 12.5 to 15 miles (20 to 25 km)
in length that last ruptured, together with other faults, during the 1992 Landers earthquake.
Only about 6 miles (10 km) of the fault ruptured at that time, but this allowed geologists to
discover the fault and map its full length. Maximum offset on this fault in 1992 was 21 cm;
geologists think that this slip occurred in two separate but closely spaced events, plus some
afterslip. The first rupture is thought to have occurred about 30 seconds after the Landers
mainshock, whereas the second rupture episode was probably as a result of a magnitude
5.6 aftershock that occurred less than three minutes after the mainshock. Researchers have
also suggested that the Joshua Tree earthquake of April 22, 1992 was caused by this fault
(Jones et al., 1995). The Southern California Earthquake Center estimates that the Eureka
Peak fault is capable of generating earthquakes of moment magnitude between 5.5 and
6.8. A M, 6.4 earthquake on this fault is estimated capable of generating horizontal peak
ground accelerations in La Quinta of between 0.08g and 0.21 g.
1.4.5 Pinto Mountain Fault
The Pinto Mountain fault is a prominent left -lateral strike -slip fault that bounds the north
side of the Little San Bernardino Mountains, about 28 miles north-northwest of the city of
La Quinta at its closest approach. The fault is at least 45 miles (73 km) long, and possibly
as much as 56 miles (90 km). Recent studies show that this fault has ruptured repeatedly in
the last 14,000 years, with at least four events within the last about 9,400 years (Cadena et
al., 2004). The fault is therefore active under the provisions of the Alquist-Priolo Act.
Current estimates on its rate of slip suggest a rate of between 1.1 and 2.3 mm/yr.
Additional studies should refine those estimates further. A magnitude 7.2 earthquake on
this fault could generate peak horizontal ground acceleration in La Quinta of about 0.09g
to 0.21 g. Such an earthquake would cause damage typical of Modified Mercalli intensities
between VII and IX in the city. An even larger, magnitude 7.5, earthquake on the Pinto
Mountain fault would generate stronger ground shaking in the La Quinta area.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-27
1.4.6 Pisgah — Bullion Mountain — Mesquite Lake Fault Zone
The Pisgah fault is a 34-km- (21 miles) long, right -lateral strike -slip fault that experienced
triggered slip in 1992 as a result of shaking from the Landers earthquake. The fault is
thought to have last moved in the Holocene, but the interval between surface -rupturing
earthquakes is unknown. The fault is thought to have a slip of about 0.8 mm/yr, but
geologic studies need to be conducted to confirm these estimates. If only the Pisgah fault
ruptured in an earthquake, the resulting event would have a magnitude MW between 6.0
and 7.0. However, the Pisgah fault may also rupture together with the 55-km- (34 miles)
long Bullion fault to the south, and the 40-km- (22 miles) long Mesquite Lake fault farther
south. The Bullion fault last ruptured on October 16, 1999 during the Mom, 7.1 Hector Mine
earthquake. Prior to that, both the Bullion and Mesquite Lake faults appear to have
ruptured during a large earthquake in the mid to late Holocene (Madden and others,
Recent studies of the Mesquite Lake fault have shown that this fault has had three large
surface -rupturing earthquakes in the past about 10,200 years, each creating an apparent
vertical offset of between 1.0 and 1.2 meters, suggesting similar -sized earthquakes. The
trenching data indicates this fault has a horizontal slip rate of between 0.7 and 0.9 mm/yr,
consistent with the slip rates estimated for several other faults in the Eastern California
Shear Zone. The paleoseismic data also seem to suggest that earthquakes on this fault
occur in clusters, separated by seismically quiet periods that last several thousands of
years, and that seismic activity in the shear zone flip flops between the eastern and western
faults in the region (Madden and others, 2006).
A magnitude 7.3 earthquake is estimated if all three fault segments — the Pisgah, Bullion
Mountain and Mesquite Lake — ruptured together. An earthquake of that size on these
faults would generate peak horizontal ground accelerations in the La Quinta area of about
0.09g to 0.2g, with Modified Mercalli intensities of VI to VIII.
1.4.7 Elsinore Fault Zone
The Elsinore fault is a major right -lateral strike -slip fault that extends from northern Baja
California to the Los Angeles Basin, a distance of approximately 306 km (190 miles)
(Treiman, 1998). As part of the San Andreas fault system in southern California, the
Elsinore fault accommodates about 10% of the motion between the Pacific and North
American plates (WGCEP, 1995), with a slip of about 5 mm/yr (Bergmann et al., 1993;
Millman and Rockwell, 1986; Vaughan and Rockwell, 1986). The 2007 Working Group
on California Earthquake Probabilities (WGCEP, 2008) assigned the Elsinore fault an 11%
probability of rupturing in a M>6.7 earthquake in the next 30 years.
The fault is divided, from south to north into the Laguna Salada, Coyote Mountain, Julian,
Temecula, Glen Ivy, Chino, and Whittier segments (Treiman, 1998). The section closest
to La Quinta is the Julian segment, which at its closest approach is about 39 miles to the
west. The 35-miles (65 km) long Julian segment is the longest section of the Elsinore fault
zone. Its north end is defined by a restraining bend, whereas at its south end, it steps
across a 4- to 5-km wide area to the Coyote Mountain section. The most recent surface -
rupturing earthquake on this section appears to have occurred about 1,500 years ago, and
the penultimate event about 3,000 years ago. There are too few earthquakes resolved on
this segment to calculate a recurrence interval. If the Julian segment of the Elsinore fault
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ruptured in a M 7.1 earthquake, peak ground motions of about 0.08g are anticipated in the
La Quinta area.
1.5 Surface Fault Rupture
1.5.1 Definitions
Primary fault rupture refers to fissuring and displacement of the ground surface along a
fault that breaks in an earthquake. Primary fault rupture is rarely confined to a simple line
along the fault trace. As the rupture reaches the ground surface, it commonly spreads out
into complex fault patterns of secondary faulting and ground deformation. In the 1992
Landers earthquake, the zone of deformation around the main trace was locally hundreds
of feet wide (Lazarte and others, 1994). Surface displacement and distortion associated
with secondary faulting and deformation can be relatively minor or can be large enough to
cause significant damage to structures.
Primary ground rupture due to fault movement typically results in a relatively small
percentage of the total damage in an earthquake, yet being too close to a rupturing fault
can result in extensive damage. It is difficult and generally costly to safely reduce the
effects of this hazard through building and foundation design. Therefore, the preferred,
and traditional mitigation measure for this hazard is to avoid active faults by setting
structures back from the fault zone. In California, application of this measure is subject to
requirements of the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act and guidelines prepared by
the California Geological Survey — previously known as the California Division of Mines
and Geology (CGS Note 42 by Hart and Bryant, 2007). The final approval of a fault
setback lies with the local reviewing agency.
Secondary fault rupture refers to ground surface displacements along faults other than the
main traces of active regional faults. Secondary ground deformation includes fracturing,
shattering, warping, tilting, uplift and/or subsidence. Unlike the regional faults, most
subsidiary faults are not deeply rooted in the Earth's crust and are not capable of producing
damaging earthquakes on their own. Movement along these faults generally occurs in
response to movement on a nearby regional fault. Yet, the zone of secondary faulting can
be quite large, even in a moderate -sized earthquake. For instance, in the 1971 San
Fernando quake, movement along subsidiary faults occurred as much as 2 km from the
main trace (Ziony and Yerkes, 1985). Triggered slip as a result of a regionally large
earthquake can also occur in faults many kilometers away from the causative fault. For
example, as a result of the 1992 Landers earthquake, triggered surface slips were
documented in the Coachella Valley area (Rymer, 2000). Similarly, following the 1999
Hector Mine earthquake, triggered surface slips were recorded in the Salton Trough (Rymer
et al., 2002; Meltzner et al., 2006). More recently, as a result of the April 4, 2010 Sierra El
Mayor earthquake in Baja California, triggered slip was reported on the San Andreas,
Superstition Hills, Imperial and Brawley fault zones.
Faults have formed over millions of years, usually in response to regional stresses. Shifts in
these stress regimes do occur over millennia. As a result, some faults change in character.
For example, a thrust fault in a compressional environment may become a strike -slip fault
in a transpressive (oblique compressional) environment. Other faults may be abandoned
altogether, and previously not active faults may be reactivated. Consequently, the State of
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-29
California, under the guidelines of the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act of 1972
(Hart and Bryant, 1999, 2007), classifies faults according to the following criteria:
■ Active: faults showing proven displacement of the ground surface within about the past
about 11,000 years (within the Holocene Epoch), that are thought capable of
producing earthquakes;
■ Potentially Active: faults showing evidence of movement within the past 1.6 million
years, but that have not been shown conclusively whether or not they have moved in
the past 11,000 years; and
■ Not active: faults that have conclusively NOT moved in the past 11,000 years.
The Alquist-Priolo classification is used primarily for residential subdivisions. Different
definitions of activity are used by other agencies or organizations depending on the type of
facility being planned or developed. For example, longer periods of inactivity are
generally required for dams or nuclear power plants. Faults that have ruptured historically
form an important subset of active faults. In California, that generally means faults that
have ruptured since 1769, when the Spanish first arrived and settled in the area. However,
since many parts of the State were not settled until well into the middle of the 1800s, some
historical earthquakes most likely went un-noticed and therefore unreported.
The underlying assumption in this classification system is that if a fault has not ruptured in
the past about 11,000 years, it is not likely to be the source of a damaging earthquake in
the future. In reality, however, most potentially active faults have been insufficiently
studied to determine their hazard level. For example, some of the faults that ruptured in the
1992 Landers and 1999 Hector Mine earthquakes were previously thought to be not
active, as they appeared to have not moved in at least 11,000 years. Also, although simple
in theory, the evidence necessary to determine whether a fault has or has not moved
during the past 11,000 years can be difficult to obtain.
In most cases, it is impractical to reduce the damage potential of surface fault rupture by
engineering design, and most regulatory agencies, following the position of the California
Geological Survey, currently do not allow engineering design for habitable structures
(although this is being reconsidered for "minor" faults at this time). Therefore, the most
often -used mitigation measure is to simply avoid placing structures on or near active fault
traces. The Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones Act requires that geologic investigations,
which generally include fault trenching or some other method of subsurface analysis, be
performed if conventional structures designed for human occupancy are proposed within a
fault zone. These studies must evaluate whether or not an active segment of the fault
extends across the area of proposed development following the guidelines for evaluating
the hazard of fault rupture presented in Note 49, a publication by the CGS that is available
on the world wide web at http://www.consrv.ca.gov/CGS/rghm/ap/index.htm.
Based on the results of these geologic studies, appropriate structural setbacks are
recommended to prevent the siting of the proposed structures directly on top or within a
certain distance from the fault. A common misperception regarding setbacks is that they
are always 50 feet from the active fault trace. In actuality, as part of a geologic
investigation, the project geologist is required to characterize the ground deformation
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-30
associated with an active fault. Based on these studies, specific setbacks are
recommended. If a fault trace is narrow, with little or no associated ground deformation, a
setback distance less than 50 feet could be recommended. Conversely, if the fault zone is
wide, with multiple splays, or is poorly defined, a setback distance greater than 50 feet
may be warranted.
1.5.2 Faults in the La Quinta Area
There is one main fault zoned by the State of California under the criteria of the Alquist-
Priolo Act near but outside the La Quinta General Plan area: the San Andreas fault zone,
which is located to the north and northeast of the city (see Plate 1-1).
Although a few bedrock faults have been mapped beneath and within the city of La Quinta
(Rogers, 1965; Jennings, 1994; Dibble, 2008; see Plate 1-1), these faults do not impact the
Quaternary deposits, and are therefore not considered active or potentially active. Thus,
no active faults have been zoned under the guidelines of the Alquist-Priolo Act in the La
Quinta General Plan area proper.
1.6 Ground Failure due to Earthquake Shaking
Various types of ground failure that are the result of earthquake shaking can cause substantial
damage to the built environment. The most destructive of these failures include liquefaction and
slope failure, but other tectonically induced forms of ground failure are also possible. These are
described further below.
1.6.1 Liquefaction
Liquefaction is a geologic process that causes various types of ground failure. It typically
occurs within the upper 50 feet of the surface, in saturated, loose, fine- to medium -grained
sandy to silty soils in the presence of ground accelerations over 0.2g (Borchardt and
Kennedy, 1979; Tinsley and Fumal, 1985). Earthquake shaking suddenly increases
pressure in the water that fills the pores between soil grains, causing the soil to have a total
or substantial loss of shear strength, and behave like a liquid or semi -viscous substance.
This process can be observed at the beach by standing on the wet sand near the surf zone.
Standing still, the sand will support our weight. However, if we tap the sand with our feet,
water comes to the surface, the sand liquefies, and our feet sink.
Liquefaction can cause structural distress or failure due to ground settlement, a loss of
bearing capacity in the foundation soils, and the buoyant rise of buried structures. That is,
when soils liquefy, the structures built on them can sink, tilt, and suffer significant
structural damage. In addition to loss of bearing strength, liquefaction -related effects
include ground oscillations, lateral spreading and flow failures or slumping. The excess
water pressure is relieved by the ejection of material upward through fissures and cracks;
water or water -soil slurries may bubble onto the ground surface, resulting in features called
"sand boils," "sand blows," "sand volcanoes," or "mud spouts." Seepage of water through
cracks may also be observed.
The types of ground failure typically associated with liquefaction are explained below.
Lateral Spreading — Lateral displacement of surficial blocks of soil as the result of
liquefaction in a subsurface layer is called lateral spreading. Even a very thin liquefied
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-31
layer can act as a hazardous slip plane if it is continuous over a large enough area.
Once liquefaction transforms the subsurface layer into a fluid -like mass, gravity plus
inertial forces caused by the earthquake may move the mass down -slope towards a cut
slope or free face (such as a river channel or a canal). Lateral spreading most
commonly occurs on gentle slopes that range between 0.3 degrees and 3 degrees, and
can displace the ground surface by several feet to tens of feet. Such movement
damages pipelines, utilities, bridges, roads, and other structures. During the 1906 San
Francisco earthquake, lateral spreads with displacements of only a few feet damaged
every major pipeline in the area. Thus, liquefaction compromised San Francisco's
ability to fight the fires that caused about 85% of the damage (Tinsley and others,
1985). Lateral spreading was also reported in and around the Port of Los Angeles
during both the 1933 and 1994 earthquakes (Barrows, 1974; Stewart and others, 1994;
Greenwood, 1998).
Flow Failure — The most catastrophic mode of ground failure caused by liquefaction is
flow failure. Flow failure usually occurs on slopes greater than 3 degrees. Flows are
principally liquefied soil or blocks of intact material riding on a liquefied subsurface.
Displacements are often in the tens of meters, but under favorable circumstances, soils
can be displaced for tens of miles, at velocities of tens of miles per hour. For example,
the extensive damage to Seward and Valdez, Alaska, during the 1964 Great Alaskan
earthquake was caused by submarine flow failures (Tinsley and others, 1985).
Ground Oscillation — When liquefaction occurs at depth but the slope is too gentle to
permit lateral displacement, the soil blocks that are not liquefied may separate from
one another and oscillate on the liquefied zone. The resulting ground oscillation may
be accompanied by the opening and closing of fissures (cracks) and sand boils,
potentially damaging structures and underground utilities (Tinsley and others, 1985).
Loss of Bearing Strength — When a soil liquefies, loss of bearing strength may occur
beneath a structure, possibly causing the building to settle and tip. If the structure is
buoyant, it may float upward. During the 1964 Niigata, Japan earthquake, buried
septic tanks rose as much as 3 feet, and structures in the Kwangishicho apartment
complex tilted as much as 60 degrees (Tinsley and others, 1985).
Ground Lurching — Soft, saturated soils have been observed to move in a wave -like
manner in response to intense seismic ground shaking, forming ridges or cracks on the
ground surface. At present, the potential for ground lurching to occur at a given site
can be predicted only generally. Areas underlain by thick accumulation of colluvium
and alluvium appear to be the most susceptible to ground lurching. Under strong
ground motion conditions, lurching can be expected in loose, cohesionless soils, or in
clay -rich soils with high moisture content. In some cases, the deformation remains
after the shaking stops (Barrows and others, 1994).
As indicated above, there are three general conditions that need to be met for liquefaction
to occur. The first of these —ground shaking of relatively long duration — can be expected
to occur in the La Quinta area as a result of an earthquake on the San Andreas, San Jacinto,
Burnt Mountain, and some of the other active faults in the region. The second condition —
geologically young, loose, unconsolidated sediments — occurs throughout the valley
portions of the La Quinta area (note the distribution of Quaternary alluvium — Qal,
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-32
interbedded Quaternary lake and alluvial deposits — QI/Qal, and windblown sand — Qs,
deposits, respectively, on Plate 2-1). The third condition — historically shallow
groundwater within about 50 feet of the surface, has been reported in the eastern half of
the General Plan area (DWR, 1964) both prior to the intense agricultural development of
the region (in the early part of the 20th century), and again in the 1950s through 1970s,
after the area started to rely significantly on imported Colorado River water. Due to the
increasing development pressures of the 1980s and 1990s, pumping of water out of the
underlying aquifers resulted in a significant lowering of the groundwater table. However, a
shallow groundwater table could occur again in the future if water levels rise in response
to decreased pumping of groundwater (due to increased use of imported water) and
groundwater recharge.
The areas of La Quinta where young unconsolidated sediments and historically shallow
groundwater conditions co -exist are shown on Plate 1-2 as susceptible to liquefaction. The
eastern half of the General Plan area, where groundwater within 30 feet of the ground
surface has been reported historically, is considered to have a high susceptibility to
liquefaction, whereas areas with historical groundwater between about 30 and 50 feet
below the ground surface are considered to have a moderate susceptibility to liquefaction.
Geotechnical studies to evaluate the potential for liquefaction -induced differential
settlement are recommended in these areas prior to development. Given that the
groundwater levels in this area may fluctuate seasonally, the geotechnical analyses should
use the shallowest groundwater levels reported in the area to calculate the anticipated
settlement due to liquefaction.
Absent an official map from the California Geological Survey, Plate 1-2 should be used as
if it were the official map, and site -specific liquefaction susceptibility studies should be
conducted in the mapped areas prior to any proposed development. In accordance with
the Seismic Hazards Mapping Act (SHMA), all projects within a State -delineated Seismic
Hazard Zone for liquefaction must be evaluated by a Certified Engineering Geologist
and/or Registered Civil Engineer (this is typically a civil engineer with training and
experience in soil engineering). Most often however, it is appropriate for both the engineer
and geologist to be involved in the evaluation, and in the implementation of the mitigation
measures. Likewise, project review by the local agency must be performed by geologists
and engineers with the same credentials and experience.
In order to assist project consultants and reviewers in the implementation of the SHMA, the
State has published specific guidelines for evaluating and mitigating liquefaction (CDMG,
1997; CGS, 2008). Furthermore, in 1999, a group sponsored by the Southern California
Earthquake Center (SCEC, 1999) published recommended procedures for carrying out the
California Geological Survey guidelines. More recently, a consensus report that describes
new criteria for the definition and study of the liquefaction resistance of soils has been
published by the Earthquake Engineering Research Center (Seed and others, 2003), and
additional studies can be expected in this field. Consultants should review and apply the
most recent, peer -reviewed guidelines for liquefaction study as applicable to the specific
site being studied.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-33
this map is intended for general land use planning only. Information on this map is not
sufficient to serve as a substitute for detailed geologic investigations of individual sites,
nor does it satisfy the evaluation requirements set forth in geologic hazard regulations.
Earth Consultants International (ECI) makes no representations or warranties regarding
the accuracy of the data from which these maps were derived. E C I shall not be liable
under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages with respect to any claim by any user or third party on account of, or arising
from, the use of this map.
T ;"t4�
Seismic Hazards
La Quinta, California
Earthquake -Induced Slope Instability
_ Very High Sail dock Slides
High Soil Slumps
Moderate Rock Falls
Liquefaction Susceptibility
High (areas underlain by youthful, unconsolidated
sediments, and historically shallow groundwater
within 30 feet of ground surface)
Moderate (areas underlain by youthful, unconsolidated
sediments, and historically shallow groundwater 30 to
50 feet below the ground surface)
Groundwater Elevation per DWR 1964
La Qu i nta City Boundary
La Quinta Sphere of Influence
6000 0 6000
-- 2000 0 2000
tttttt� �t
Scale: 1:72,000
Base Map: USGS Topographic Map from Sure!MAPS RASTLR, 1997
Sources: Modified from Riverside County General plan, Department of
Water Resources Bulletin 108 (1964), and USES 30m Digital Elevation Model
Earth .
Project Number: 3004
Date: 2010
Plate 1-2
In general, a liquefaction study is designed to identify the depth, thickness, and lateral
extent of any liquefiable layers that would affect the project site. An analysis is then
performed to estimate the type and amount of ground deformation that might occur, given
the seismic potential of the area. Mitigation measures generally fall in one of two
categories: ground improvement or foundation design. Ground improvement includes
such measures as removal and recompaction of low -density soils, removal of excess
ground water, in -situ ground densification, and other types of ground improvement (such
as grouting or surcharging). Special foundations that may be recommended range from
deep piles to reinforcement of shallow foundations (such as post -tensioned slabs).
Mitigation for lateral spreading may also include modification of the site geometry or
inclusion of retaining structures. The types (or combinations of types) of mitigation depend
on the site conditions and on the nature of the proposed project (CDMG, 1997; CGS,
1.6.2 Earthquake -Induced Slope Failure
Strong ground motions can worsen existing unstable slope conditions. Seismically induced
landslides can overrun structures, harm people or damage property, sever utility lines, and
block roads, thereby hindering rescue operations after an earthquake. Over 11,000
landslides were mapped shortly after the 1994 Northridge earthquake, all within a 45-mile
radius of the epicenter (Harp and Jibson, 1996). Although numerous types of earthquake -
induced landslides have been identified, the most widespread type generally consists of
shallow failures involving surficial soils and the uppermost weathered bedrock in moderate
to steep hillside terrain (these are also called disrupted soil slides). Rockfalls and rock -
slides on very steep slopes are also common. The 1989 Loma Prieta and 1994 Northridge
earthquakes showed that reactivation of existing deep-seated landslides can also occur
(Spittler and others, 1990; Barrows and others, 1995). One of the most impressive ancient
landslides in the southern California region is the Martinez Mountain Landslide located
immediately south of La Quinta (see Plate 2-2). Some geologists have suggested that
seismic shaking triggered this rock avalanche (Morton and Saddler, 1989).
A combination of geologic conditions leads to landslide vulnerability. These include high
seismic potential; rapid uplift and erosion resulting in steep slopes and deeply incised
canyons; highly fractured and folded rock; and rock with inherently weak components,
such as silt or clay layers. The orientation of the slope with respect to the direction of the
seismic waves (which can affect the shaking intensity) can also control the occurrence of
landslides. Groundwater conditions at the time of the earthquake also play an important
role in the development of seismically induced slope failures. For instance, the 1906 San
Francisco earthquake occurred in April, after a winter of exceptionally heavy rainfall, and
produced many large landslides and mudflows, some of which were responsible for
several deaths. The 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake however, occurred in October, during
the third year of a drought, and slope failures were limited primarily to rockfalls and
reactivation of older landslides that was manifested as ground cracking in the scarp areas
but with very little movement (Griggs and others, 1991).
The mountains south of La Quinta have not been mapped as being located within a State -
delineated Seismic Hazard Zone for seismically induced landsliding because this mapping
program has not yet been funded for Riverside County. Topographically, the La Quinta
General Plan area is bordered to the south and west by rugged mountains with steep
canyon walls. Although the hills and mountains themselves are for the most part
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-35
undeveloped, the developments and infrastructure at the foot of these mountains are
susceptible to earthquake -induced rockfalls. The older, heavily developed area of La
Quinta is surrounded on three sides by mountains composed of granitic rock. This rock
type weathers to form large boulders that often perch precariously on the slopes, posing a
rockfall hazard to areas adjacent to and below these slopes. Shallow, surficial failures
could also impact the areas directly downslope. Rockfalls may happen suddenly and
without warning, but are more likely to occur in response to earthquake -induced ground
shaking, during periods of intense rainfall, or as a result of man's activities, such as grading
and blasting. Wilson and Keefer (1985) reported that ground acceleration of at least 0.10g
in steep terrain is necessary to induce earthquake -related rockfalls. Although exceeding
this level of shaking does not guarantee that rockfalls will occur, this is certainly a concern
in La Quinta given the high ground accelerations anticipated in the area when the southern
San Andreas fault ruptures next.
Plate 1-2 shows those areas in the General Plan area where the combined topographic and
bedrock conditions indicate the potential for earthquake -induced slope instability. Areas
directly downhill from these mountainous regions are most vulnerable to the effects of
slope failure. Existing slopes that are to remain adjacent to or within proposed
developments should be evaluated for the geologic conditions mentioned above. For
suspect slopes, appropriate geotechnical investigation and slope stability analyses should
be performed for both static and dynamic (earthquake) conditions. Protection from
rockfalls or surficial slides can often be achieved by protective devices such as barriers,
retaining structures, catchment areas, or a combination of the above. The runout area of
the slide at the base of the slope, and the potential bouncing of rocks must also be
considered. If it is not feasible to mitigate the unstable slope conditions, building setbacks
should be imposed.
In accordance with the SHMA, all development projects within a State -delineated Seismic
Hazard Zone for seismically induced landsliding must be evaluated and reviewed by State -
licensed engineering geologists and/or civil engineers (for landslide investigation and
analysis, this typically requires both). In order to assist in the implementation of the
SHMA, the State has published specific guidelines for evaluating and mitigating seismically
induced landslides (CDMG, 1997; CGS, 2008). The Southern California Earthquake
Center (SCEC, 2002) sponsored the publication of the "Recommended Procedures for
Implementation of DMG Special Publication 117." The steep slope areas identified in
Plates 1-2 and 2-2 should be evaluated following these procedures if development near
these slopes is proposed.
1.6.3 Seismically Induced Settlement
Under certain conditions, strong ground shaking can cause the densification of soils,
resulting in local or regional settlement of the ground surface. During strong shaking, soil
grains become more tightly packed due to the collapse of voids and pore spaces, resulting
in a reduction of the thickness of the soil column. This type of ground failure typically
occurs in loose granular, cohesionless soils, and can occur in either wet or dry conditions.
Unconsolidated young alluvial deposits are especially susceptible to this hazard. Artificial
fills may also experience seismically induced settlement. Damage to structures typically
occurs as a result of local differential settlements. Regional settlement can damage
pipelines by changing the flow gradient on water and sewer lines, for example. As shown
in Plate 2-1, certain areas of La Quinta are underlain by young, unconsolidated alluvial,
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-36
lacustrine and wind deposits (map symbols Qa, Qa/QI and Qs). These sediments are
susceptible to seismically induced settlement.
Mitigation measures for seismically induced settlement are similar to those used for
liquefaction. Recommendations are provided by the project's geologist and soil engineer,
following a detailed geotechnical investigation of the site. Overexcavation and
recompaction is the most commonly used method to densify soft soils susceptible to
settlement. Deeper overexcavation below final grades, especially at cut/fill, fill/natural or
alluvium/bedrock contacts may be recommended to provide a more uniform subgrade.
Overexcavation should also be performed so that large differences in fill thickness are not
present across individual lots. In some cases, specially designed deep foundations,
strengthened foundations, and/or fill compaction to a minimum standard that is higher than
that required by the UBC may be recommended.
1.6.4 Deformation of Sidehill Fills
Sidehill fills are artificial fill wedges typically constructed on natural slopes to create
roadways or level building pads. Deformation of sidehill fills was noted in earlier
earthquakes, but this phenomenon was particularly widespread during the 1994
Northridge earthquake. Older, poorly engineered road fills were most commonly affected,
but in localized areas, building pads of all ages experienced deformation. The deformation
was usually manifested as ground cracks at the cut/fill contacts, differential settlement in
the fill wedge, and bulging of the slope face. The amount of displacement on the pads was
generally about three inches or less, but this resulted in minor to severe property damage
(Stewart and others, 1995). This phenomenon was most common in relatively thin fills
(about 27 feet or less) placed near the tops or noses of narrow ridges (Barrows and others,
This hazard could occur locally in the hillsides and mountains of the La Quinta region,
especially where service roads and foundation pads have been cut onto the side of a slope
(such as for above -ground water tanks). Fills placed on the outside side of a cut so as to
create a wider road or building pad are particularly vulnerable to deformation as a result of
ground shaking.
Hillside grading designs are typically conducted during site -specific geotechnical
investigations to determine if there is a potential for this hazard. There are currently no
proven engineering standards for mitigating sidehill fill deformation, consequently current
published research on this topic should be reviewed by project consultants at the time of
their investigation. It is thought that the effects of this hazard on structures may be reduced
by the use of post -tensioned foundations, deeper overexcavation below finish grades,
deeper overexcavation on cut/fill transitions, and/or higher fill compaction criteria.
1.6.5 Ridgetop Fissuring and Shattering
Linear, fault -like fissures occurred on ridge crests in a relatively concentrated area of
rugged terrain in the Santa Cruz Mountains during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.
Shattering of the surface soils on the crests of steep, narrow ridgelines occurred locally in
the 1971 San Fernando earthquake, but was widespread in the 1994 Northridge
earthquake. Ridgetop shattering (which leaves the surface looking as if it was plowed) by
the Northridge earthquake was observed as far as 22 miles away from the epicenter. In the
Sherman Oaks area, severe damage occurred locally to structures located at the tops of
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-37
relatively high (greater than 100 feet), narrow (typically less than 300 feet wide) ridges
flanked by slopes steeper than about 2.5:1 (horizontal:vertical). It is generally accepted
that ridgetop fissuring and shattering is a result of intense amplification or focusing of
seismic energy due to local topographic effects (Barrows and others, 1995).
Ridgetop shattering is likely to occur locally in the Santa Rosa and San Jacinto mountains
within and bordering the La Quinta area during a strong earthquake on the San Andreas or
San Jacinto faults. Given that there is none or very little development on these ridgelines,
and that no future development is anticipated, damage to structures as a result of this
hazard in the La Quinta area is anticipated to be low to none, with the exception of the
several above -ground water storage tanks located at the top of ridgelines in the General
Plan area. These tanks could experience strong ground shaking if the seismic energy is
amplified along the ridges.
Projects located or proposed in steep hillside areas should be evaluated for this hazard by
a Certified Engineering Geologist. Given that it is difficult to predict exactly where this
hazard may occur, avoidance of development along the tops of steep, narrow ridgelines is
probably the best mitigation measure. Recontouring of the topography to reduce the
conditions conducive to ridgetop amplification, along with overexcavation below finish
grades to remove and recompact weak, fractured bedrock is thought to reduce this hazard
to an acceptable level.
1.7 Other Potential Seismic Hazards
1.7.1 Seiches
A seiche is defined as a standing wave oscillation in an enclosed or semi -enclosed,
shallow to moderately shallow water body or basin. Seiches continue (in a pendulum
fashion) after the cessation of the originating force, which can be tidal action, wind action,
or a seismic event. Reservoirs, lakes, ponds, swimming pools and other enclosed bodies of
water are subject to these potentially damaging oscillations (sloshing). Whether or not
seismically induced seiches develop in a water body is dependent upon specific
earthquake parameters (e.g., frequency of the seismic waves, distance and direction from
the epicenter), as well as site -specific design of the enclosed bodies of water, and is thus
difficult to predict. Whether an earthquake will create seiches depends upon a number of
earthquake -specific parameters, including the earthquake location (a distant earthquake is
more likely to generate a seiche than a local earthquake), the style of fault rupture (e.g.,
dip -slip or strike -slip), and on the configuration (length, width and depth) of the basin.
Amplitudes of seiche waves associated with earthquake ground motion are typically less
than 0.5 m (1.6 feet high), although some have exceeded 2 m (6.6 ft). A seiche in Hebgen
Reservoir, caused by an earthquake in 1959 near Yellowstone National Park, repeatedly
overtopped the dam, causing considerable damage to the dam and its spillway (Stermitz,
1964). The 1964 Alaska earthquake produced seiche waves 0.3 m (1 ft) high in the Grand
Coulee Dam reservoir, and seiches of similar magnitude were reported in fourteen bodies
of water in the state of Washington (McGarr and Vorhis, 1968). Seiches in pools and
ponds as a result of the 2010 Baja California earthquake were reported and often captured
on video in southern California and Arizona, and the Chile earthquake of February 27,
2010 reportedly caused a 0.5-foot-high seiche 4,700 miles away in Lake Pontchartrain,
New Orleans.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-38
Given that there are several lakes, ponds, and reservoirs in and around La Quinta, seiches
as a result of ground shaking can be expected to occur in the study area. Specifically, the
enclosed bodies of water in La Quinta with the potential for seiching include Lake
Cahuilla, as well as smaller golf course lakes, and the recharge basins south of Lake
Cahuilla. The amplitude of the seiche waves that could occur in these water bodies cannot
be predicted given that several parameters combine to form these waves. Thus, property
owners down -gradient from ponds, lakes and pools that could seiche during an earthquake
should be aware of the potential hazard to their property should any of these bodies of
water lose substantial amounts of water during an earthquake. Water in swimming pools
is known to slosh during earthquakes, but in most cases, the sloshing does not lead to
significant damage.
Damage as a result of sloshing of water inside water reservoirs is discussed further in the
Flood Hazards Chapter (Chapter 3). Site -specific design elements, such as baffles, to
reduce the potential for seiches are warranted in tanks and in open reservoirs or ponds
where overflow or failure of the structure may cause damage to nearby properties.
Damage to water tanks in recent earthquakes, such as the 1992 Landers -Big Bear sequence
and the 1994 Northridge, resulted from seiching. As a result of those earthquakes, the
American Water Works Association (AWWA) developed Standards for Design of Steel
Water Tanks (D-100) that provide revised criteria for seismic design (Lund, 1994).
1.7.2 Tsunami
A tsunami is a sea wave caused by any large-scale disturbance of the ocean floor that
occurs in a short period of time and causes a sudden displacement of water. The most
frequent causes of tsunamis are shallow underwater earthquakes and submarine landslides,
but tsunamis can also be caused by underwater volcanic explosions, oceanic meteor
impacts, and even underwater nuclear explosions. Tsunamis can travel across an entire
ocean basin, or they can be local. Tsunamis are characterized by their length, speed, low
period, and low observable amplitude: the waves can be up to 200 km (125 mi) long from
one crest to the next, they travel in the deep ocean at speeds of up to 950 km/hr (600
mi/hr), and have periods of between 5 minutes and up to a few hours (with most tsunami
periods ranging between 10 and 60 minutes). Their height in the open ocean is very small,
a few meters at most, so they pass under ships and boats undetected (Garrison, 2002), but
may pile up to heights of 30 m (100 ft) or more on entering shallow water along an
exposed coast, where they can cause substantial damage. The highest elevation that the
water reaches as it runs up on the land is referred to as wave runup, uprush, or inundation
height (McCulloch, 1985; Synolakis et al., 2002). Inundation refers to the horizontal
distance that a tsunami wave penetrates inland (Synolakis et al., 2002).
Because of the substantial increase in population in the last century and extensive
development along the world's coastlines, a large percentage of the Earth's inhabitants live
near the ocean. As a result, the risk of loss of life and property damage due to tsunami has
increased substantially. Between 1992 and 2002, tsunamis were responsible for over 4,000
human deaths worldwide (Synolakis et al., 2002). Then, on December 26, 2004, a
magnitude 9.3 earthquake off the northwest coast of Sumatra, Indonesia caused tsunamis
in the Indian Ocean that resulted in more than 184,000 confirmed fatalities in the region,
with another nearly 170,000 missing, and presumed killed, in Indonesia alone. The
earthquake and resulting tsunamis also displaced nearly 1.7 million people in ten countries
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-39
in South Asia and East Africa, making it the most devastating natural event in recorded
history, and increasing overnight the worldwide awareness of tsunamis as a potentially
devastating natural hazard. Hundreds of tourists that did not know about evacuating to
higher ground were killed by the tsunamis. More recently, the September 29, 2009
earthquake and tsunami sequence in Samoa killed 189 people, and the February 27, 2010
earthquake in Chile also generated several tsunami waves. The damage from the 2010
Chilean tsunami has not been tallied yet.
Given La Quinta's inland location, the tsunami hazard in the city is nil.
1.8 Vulnerability of Structures to Earthquake Damage
Although it is not possible to prevent earthquakes from occurring, their destructive effects can be
minimized, especially since most of the loss of life and injuries due to an earthquake are related to
the collapse of hazardous buildings and structures. [FEMA (1985) defines a hazardous building as
"any inadequately earthquake resistant building, located in a seismically active area, that presents
a potential for life loss or serious injury when a damaging earthquake occurs."] Therefore, the
vulnerability of a community to earthquake damage can be reduced with a comprehensive hazard
mitigation program that includes the identification and mapping of hazards, prudent planning and
enforcement of building codes, and expedient retrofitting and rehabilitation of weak structures.
As discussed previously, building codes have generally been made more stringent following
damaging earthquakes. To mitigate for seismic shaking in new construction, recent building codes
use amplification factors to account for the impacts that soft sediments and proximity to
earthquake sources have on ground motion. Three main effects are considered: (1) soft soils, (2)
proximity to earthquake sources (referred to as near -source factors), and (3) the seismic
characteristics of the nearby earthquake sources (seismic source type). Each of these effects is
discussed further below.
Soft -Soil Effects — The soft soil amplification factors were developed from observations
made after the 1985 Mexico City, 1989 Loma Prieta and other earthquakes that showed
the amplifying impact that underlying soil materials have on ground shaking. The ground -
shaking basis for code design includes six soil types based on the average soil properties
for the top 100 feet of the soil profile (see Plate 1-3).
Youthful, unconsolidated alluvial sediments classified as site class type E soils may
underlie those portions of the La Quinta General Plan area that are susceptible to
liquefaction (refer to Plate 1-3). The lacustrine deposits (see Plate 2-1) may locally contain
clay layers thick enough to be described as site class E. Site -specific studies need to be
conducted in these areas to determine whether these soils fall within site class type E or D.
Other areas of the valley underlain by youthful, unconsolidated sediments, but where
groundwater is too deep for liquefaction to occur are best represented by site class D. The
older alluvial fan sediments at the base of the mountains, in the southern part of the
General Plan area, are best represented by site class C, except that these deposits are
expected to be significantly less than 100 feet thick, and underlain by hard bedrock. For
this reason, site class A or B may be most appropriate for these areas. Site -specific studies
designed to characterize the shear wave velocity and undrained shear strength of the soil
column would be necessary if these fans were to be developed. However, development of
these surfaces is not anticipated.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-40
This map is intended for general land use planning only. Information on this map is not
sufficient to serve as a subMi lute for detailed geologic investigations of individual sites,
nor does it satisfy the evaluation requirements set forth in geologic hazard regulations. s !M
Earth Consultants International (ECl) makes no representations or warranties regarding
the accuracy of the data from which these maps were derived. ECI shall not be liable ~
under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential R' _
damages with respect to any claim by any user or third party on account of, or arising
from, the use of this map.
-w-..._aY � .t,.• — _a ��� ) j- "I' l - f I � ii -..•-k 11_ -�. '. I -- - --
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1 ' _
1 f p..
Site Specific - m
Studies Required r r;
- I�ffl
V A L L ( E w
I 't
Site Specific Site Specific Studies Required
Studies Required
ply"• _ . -- -- - -- -
Site Specific Studies Required
Engineering Site Classes
La Quinta, California
(Based on Soil Profile Types per CBC, 2007)
City or La Quinta City Boundary
La Quinta Sphere of Influence
For Site Class Descriptions and Properties
See Plate 1-3b
11 6000 0 6000
E 2000 0 20011
S Scale: 1:72,000
Base Map: USGS Topographic Map from Sure! MAPS RASTER, 1997.
Sources. based on data from Dibblee, 2008 and CBC, 2007,
Eat h
=— Consultants �
Project Number: 3004
Date: 2010
Plate 1-3a
------ La Quinta City Boundary
La Quinta Sphere of Influence
Site Class Definitions (Based on 'Soil Profile Types) (from CBCr 2007)
Average Soil Properties for the Upper
- —
100 feet
Soil Profile
Shear Wane
Site Class
Strength (psf)
Hard Rock
2,500 to 5,000
dense soil
and soft rock
1,200 to 2,500
Stiff soil profile
600 to 1,200
15 to 50
1,000 to 2,000
Soft soil profile
Any profile with more than 10 feet of soil having the following characteristics:
1. Plasticity index PI > 20
2. Moisture Content w:>= 40%, and
3. Undrained shear strength < 500 psf
Any profile containing soil having one or more of the following characteristics:
1. Soils vulnerable to potential failure or collapse under seismic loading such
as liquefiable soils, quick and highly sensitive clays, collapsible weakly
cemented soils.
2. Peats and/or highly organic clays, where the thickness of this
section is more than 10 feet.
3. Very high plasticity clays (more than 25 feet of clay with plasticity
index PI 3 75).
4. Very thick soft/medium stiff clays (thickness of the soil a 120 feet).
Consultants ""
Project Number: 3004
Date: 2010
From Table 1613.5.2 of the 2007 California Building Code
psf = pounds per square foot
Explanation for
Engineering Site Classes
Near- Source Factors — The La Quinta area is subject to near -source design factors given
that the San Andreas fault is within 15 km of the city (see Table 1-2 and Plate 1-1). These
parameters, which first appeared in the 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC), address the
proximity of potential earthquake sources (faults) to the site. These factors were present in
earlier versions of the UBC for implementation into the design of seismically isolated
structures, but are now included for all structures. The adoption into the 1997 code of all
buildings in UBC seismic zone 4 is the result of observations of intense ground shaking at
levels higher than expected near the fault ruptures at Northridge in 1994, and again one
year later, in Kobe, Japan. The 1997 UBC also included a near -source factor that accounts
for directivity of fault rupture. The direction of fault rupture was observed to play a
significant role in distribution of ground shaking at Northridge and Kobe. For Northridge,
much of the earthquake energy was released into the sparsely populated mountains north
of the San Fernando Valley, while at Kobe, the rupture direction was aimed at the city and
was a contributing factor in the extensive damage. However, the rupture direction of a
given source cannot be predicted, and as a result, the UBC required a general increase in
estimating ground shaking of about 20% to account for directivity.
Seismic Source Type — Near -source factors also include a classification of seismic sources
based on slip rate and maximum magnitude potential. These parameters are used in the
classification of three seismic source types (A, B and C) summarized on Table 1-3.
Table 1-3: Seismic Source Type
Seismic Source Definition
Slip Rate,
Source Type
Seismic Source Description
Maximum Moment
Magnitude, M
Faults which are capable of producing
large magnitude events and which
M > 7.0 and
SR > 5
have a high rate of seismicity.
All faults other than Types A and C.
Faults which are not capable of
producing large magnitude
M < 6.5
SR < 2
earthquakes and which have a
relatively low rate of seismic activity.
Type A faults are highly active and capable of producing large magnitude events. Most
segments of the San Andreas fault, for example, are classified as Type A. The Type A slip
rate (>5 mm/yr) is common only to tectonic plate boundary faults. Type C seismic sources
are considered not capable of producing large magnitude events such that their potential
ground shaking effects can be ignored. Type B sources include most of the active faults in
California and include all faults that are neither Type A nor C. The Type A faults closest to
La Quinta are the San Andreas and San Jacinto faults. Type B faults in the region include
the Burnt Mountain, Eureka Peak, Pinto Mountain, Pisgah -Bullion, and all the faults in the
Mojave (or Eastern California) Shear Zone (see Table 1-2) (Cao and others, 2003). To
establish near -source factors for any proposed project in the city of La Quinta, one has to
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-43
determine the shortest distance between the project and the nearest active trace of the San
Andreas fault.
Building damage is commonly classified as either structural or non-structural. Structural
damage impairs the building's support. This includes any vertical and lateral force -
resisting systems, such as frames, walls, and columns. Non-structural damage does not
affect the integrity of the structural support system, but includes such things as broken
windows, collapsed or rotated chimneys, unbraced parapets that fall into the street, and
fallen ceilings.
During an earthquake, buildings get thrown from side to side and up and down. Given the
same acceleration, heavier buildings are subjected to higher forces than lightweight
buildings. Damage occurs when structural members are overloaded, or when differential
movements between different parts of the structure strain the structural components. Larger
earthquakes and longer shaking duration tend to damage structures more. The level of
damage can be predicted only in general terms, since no two buildings undergo the exact
same motions, even in the same earthquake. Past earthquakes have shown, however, that
some types of buildings are far more likely to fail than others. This section assesses the
general earthquake vulnerability of structures and facilities common in the southern
California area, including in La Quinta. This analysis is based on past earthquake
performance of similar types of buildings in the U.S. The effects of design earthquakes on
particular structures within La Quinta are beyond the scope of this study.
1.8.1 Unreinforced Masonry Buildings
Unreinforced masonry buildings (URMs) are prone to failure due to inadequate anchorage
of the masonry walls to the roof and floor diaphragms, lack of steel reinforcing, the limited
strength and ductility of the building materials, and sometimes, poor construction
workmanship. Furthermore, as these buildings age, the bricks and mortar tend to
deteriorate, making the buildings even weaker. As a result, the State Legislature passed
Senate Bill 547, addressing the identification and seismic upgrade of URMs.
In response to the URM Law, all cities and counties in what the Building Code in effect at
the time referred as Seismic Zone 4 were to conduct an inventory of their URMs, establish
an URM loss -reduction program, and report their progress to the State by 1990. The
Seismic Safety Commission has conducted updates to this inventory, more recently in 2003
and 2006.
In 2006, the City of La Quinta reported to the Seismic Safety Commission that there were
seven URMs in the city. Five of these had been retrofitted and thus are no longer classified
as unreinforced, one was slated for demolition, and there were no mitigation plans on file
for the seventh and final one. As part of this report, personnel from the City's Building
Department have indicated that the last two unmitigated URMs in La Quinta still exist, but
they are vacant and not being used. Both buildings, which are of adobe construction, are
in the grounds of the La Quinta Resort.
1.8.2 Soft -Story Buildings
Of particular concern are soft -story buildings (buildings with a story, generally the first
floor, lacking adequate strength or toughness due to too few shear walls). Residential units
above glass -fronted stores, and buildings perched atop parking garages are common
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-44
examples of soft -story buildings. Collapse of a soft story and "pancaking" of the remaining
stories killed 16 people at the Northridge Meadows apartments during the 1994 Northridge
earthquake (EERI, 1995). There are many other cases of soft -story collapses in past
earthquakes. In response, the State encourages the identification and mitigation of seismic
hazards associated with these types of potentially hazardous buildings, and others such as
pre-1971 concrete tilt -ups, mobile homes, and pre-1940 homes. The City of La Quinta
should consider conducting an inventory of their soft -stories, and encouraging the
structural retrofit of these structures so that they not collapse during an earthquake.
1.8.3 Wood -Frame Structures
The loss estimations conducted for this study (see Section 1.9) indicates that nearly 61% of
wood -frame structures in La Quinta are expected to experience slight to complete damage
as a result of ground shaking caused by an earthquake on the San Andreas fault, with about
10% experiencing moderate to complete damage. An earthquake on the Anza segment of
the San Jacinto fault is anticipated to cause at least slight damage to about 25% of the
wood -frame structures in the La Quinta area.
Structural damage to wood -frame structures often results from an inadequate connection
between the superstructure and the foundation. These buildings may slide off their
foundations, with consequent damage to plumbing and electrical connections.
Unreinforced masonry chimneys may also collapse. These types of damage are generally
not life threatening, although they may be costly to repair. Wood frame buildings with
stud walls generally perform well during an earthquake, unless they have no foundation or
have a weak foundation constructed of unreinforced masonry or poorly reinforced
concrete. In these cases, damage is generally limited to cracking of the stucco, which
dissipates much of the earthquake's induced energy. The collapse of wood frame
structures, if it happens, generally does not generate heavy debris, but rather, the wood
and plaster debris can be cut or broken into smaller pieces by hand-held equipment and
removed by hand in order to reach victims (FEMA, 1985).
1.8.4 Pre -Cast Concrete Structures
Partial or total collapse of buildings where the floors, walls and roofs fail as large intact
units, such as large pre -cast concrete panels, cause the greatest loss of life and difficulty in
victim rescue and extrication (FEMA, 1985). These types of buildings are common not
only in southern California, but abroad. Casualties as a result of collapse of these
structures in past earthquakes, including Mexico (1985), Armenia (1988), Nicaragua
(1972), El Salvador (1986 and 2001), the Philippines (1990), Turkey (1999) and China
(2008) add to hundreds of thousands. In southern California, many of the parking structures
that failed during the Northridge earthquake, such as the Cal -State Northridge and City of
Glendale Civic Center parking structures, consisted of pre -cast concrete components (EERI,
Collapse of this type of structure generates heavy debris, and removal of this debris
requires the use of heavy mechanical equipment. Consequently, the location and
extrication of victims trapped under the rubble is generally a slow and dangerous process.
Extrication of trapped victims within the first 24 hours after the earthquake becomes critical
for survival. In most instances, however, post -earthquake planning fails to quickly procure
the equipment needed to move heavy debris. The establishment of Heavy Urban Search
and Rescue teams, as recommended by FEMA (1985), has improved victim extrication and
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-45
survivability. Buildings that are more likely to fail and generate heavy debris need to be
identified, so that appropriate mitigation and planning procedures are defined prior to an
1.8.5 Tilt -up Buildings
Tilt -up buildings have concrete wall panels, often cast on the ground, or fabricated off -site
and trucked in, which are then tilted upward into their final position. Connections and
anchors have pulled out of walls during earthquakes, causing the floors or roofs to
collapse. A high rate of failure was observed for this type of construction in the 1971 San
Fernando and 1987 Whittier Narrows earthquakes. Tilt -up buildings can also generate
heavy debris.
1.8.6 Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings
Reinforced concrete frame buildings, with or without reinforced infill walls, display low
ductility. Earthquakes may cause shear failure (if there are large tie spacings in columns, or
insufficient shear strength), column failure (due to inadequate rebar splices, inadequate
reinforcing of beam -column joints, or insufficient tie anchorage), hinge deformation (due to
lack of continuous beam reinforcement), and non-structural damage (due to the relatively
low stiffness of the frame). A common type of failure observed following the Northridge
earthquake was confined column collapse (EERI, 1995), where infilling between columns
confined the length of the columns that could move laterally in the earthquake.
1.8.7 Multi -Story Steel Frame Buildings
Multi -story steel frame buildings generally have concrete floor slabs. However, these
buildings are less likely to collapse than concrete structures. Common damage to these
types of buildings is generally non-structural, including collapsed exterior curtain wall
(cladding), and damage to interior partitions and equipment. Overall, modern steel frame
buildings have been expected to perform well in earthquakes, but the 1994 Northridge
earthquake broke many welds in these buildings, a previously unanticipated problem.
Older, pre-1945 steel frame structures may have unreinforced masonry such as bricks, clay
tiles and terra cotta tiles as cladding or infilling. Cladding in newer buildings may be glass,
infill panels or pre -cast panels that may fail and generate a band of debris around the
building exterior (with considerable threat to pedestrians in the streets below). Structural
damage may occur if the structural members are subject to plastic deformation, which can
cause permanent displacements. If some walls fail while others remain intact, torsion or
soft -story problems may result.
1.8.8 Mobile Homes
Mobile homes are prefabricated housing units that are placed on isolated piers, jackstands,
or masonry block foundations (usually without any positive anchorage). Floors and roofs of
mobile homes are usually plywood, and outside surfaces are covered with sheet metal.
Mobile homes typically do not perform well in earthquakes. Severe damage occurs when
they fall off their supports, severing utility lines and piercing the floor with jackstands. The
results of the loss estimation analyses indicate that more than 95% of the mobile homes in
La Quinta area are likely to experience moderate to complete damage as a result of an
earthquake on the San Andreas fault, and almost 100% will experience some damage,
from slight to complete. An earthquake on the more distant San Jacinto fault is anticipated
to cause at least slight damage to about 59% of the mobile homes in the area. This
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-46
indicates that the seismic hazard in the La Quinta can be mitigated to some extent if
manufactured homes in the city are inspected and seismically retrofitted as needed.
1.8.9 Combination Types
Buildings are often a combination of steel, concrete, reinforced masonry and wood, with
different structural systems on different floors or different sections of the building.
Combination types that are potentially hazardous include: concrete frame buildings
without special reinforcing, precast concrete and precast -composite buildings, steel frame
or concrete frame buildings with unreinforced masonry walls, reinforced concrete wall
buildings with no special detailing or reinforcement, large capacity buildings with long -
span roof structures (such as theaters and auditoriums), large un-engineered wood -frame
buildings, buildings with inadequately anchored exterior cladding and glazing, and
buildings with poorly anchored parapets and appendages (FEMA, 1985). Additional types
of potentially hazardous buildings may be recognized after future earthquakes.
In addition to building types, there are other factors associated with the design and construction of
the buildings that also have an impact on the structures' vulnerability to strong ground shaking.
Some of these conditions are discussed below:
Building Shape — A building's vertical and/or horizontal shape can also be important in
determining its seismic vulnerability. Simple, symmetric buildings generally perform better
than non -symmetric buildings. During an earthquake, non -symmetric buildings tend to
twist, as well as shake. Wings on a building tend to act independently during an
earthquake, resulting in differential movements and cracking. The geometry of the lateral
load -resisting systems also matters. For example, buildings with one or two walls made
mostly of glass, while the remaining walls are made of concrete or brick, are at risk.
Asymmetry in the placement of bracing systems that provide a building with earthquake
resistance can result in twisting or differential motions.
Pounding — Site -related seismic hazards may include the potential for neighboring
buildings to "pound," or for one building to collapse onto a neighbor. Pounding occurs
when there is little clearance between adjacent buildings, and the buildings "pound"
against each other as they deflect during an earthquake. The effects of pounding can be
especially damaging if the floors of the buildings are at different elevations, so that, for
example, the floor of one building hits a supporting column of the other. Damage to a
supporting column can result in partial or total building collapse.
1.9 Earthquake Scenarios and Loss Estimations
HazUS-MHTM is a standardized methodology for earthquake loss estimation based on a geographic
information system (GIS). [HazUS-MH stands for Hazards United States — Multi -hazard.] A
project of the National Institute of Building Sciences, funded by the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA), HazUS is a powerful advance in mitigation strategies. The HazUS
project developed guidelines and procedures to make standardized earthquake loss estimates at a
regional scale. With standardization, estimates can be compared from region to region. HazUS is
designed for use by state, regional and local governments in planning for earthquake loss
mitigation, and emergency preparedness, response and recovery. HazUS addresses nearly all
aspects of the built environment, and many different types of losses. The methodology has been
tested against the experience of several past earthquakes, and against the judgment of experts.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-47
Subject to several limitations noted below, HazUS can produce results that are valid for the
intended purposes.
Loss estimation is an invaluable tool, but it must be used with discretion. Loss estimation analyzes
casualties, damage and economic loss in great detail. It produces seemingly precise numbers that
can be easily misinterpreted. Loss estimation results, for example, may cite 454 left homeless by a
scenario earthquake. This is best interpreted by its magnitude. That is, an event that leaves 400
people homeless is clearly more manageable than an event causing 4,000 homeless people; and
an event that leaves 40,000 homeless will most likely overwhelm the region's resources.
However, another loss estimation analysis that predicts 500 people homeless should be
considered equivalent to the 454 result. Because HazUS results make use of a great number of
parameters and data of varying accuracy and completeness, it is not possible to assign quantitative
error bars. Although the numbers should not be taken at face value, they are not rounded or
edited because detailed evaluation of individual components of the disaster can help mitigation
agencies ensure that they have considered all the important variables.
The more community -specific the data that are input to HazUS, the more reliable the loss
estimation. HazUS provides defaults for all required information. These are based on best -
available scientific, engineering, census and economic knowledge. The loss estimations in this
report have been tailored to the La Quinta General Plan area by including the more recent
Riverside County HazUS data obtained as part of a project that developed a more detailed
inventory of structures and essential facilities for Riverside, San Bernardino and Orange counties
(H. Seligson and MMI Engineering, 2008). The revised inventory includes structure -specific
information, including structural type, age and thus seismic design level (e.g., high, moderate, low,
or pre -code), height, occupancy, and building replacement cost, among other variables, as
provided by the owners of the structures. The HazUS analyses presented here also considered the
soil types that underlie the city, and modifications to the population count, as described further
HazUS relies on census data, which are reported by geographical areas or tracts. Unfortunately,
census tracts often do not correlate well with city boundaries, especially in areas with low
population densities. This is certainly the case for La Quinta, where six census tracts cover the
General Plan area but extend farther beyond, for a total area of almost 120 square miles (see
Figure 1-6). Population counts were modified from those provided in the HazUS database (that
date to the census of 2000) to acknowledge the significant growth that this area has experienced in
the last decade. Essentially, the 2000 census data indicated a population of nearly 37,000 in the
HazUS study region. This figure significantly under -represents the current population in the area,
as the California Department of Finance estimates that the population within City of La Quinta
boundaries on January 1, 2009 was 43,830, with another 41,043 people in neighboring Coachella
(http://www.dof.ca.gov/research/demographic/reports/estimates/e-1/2009-10/), part of which is
included in census tract No. 06065045603 (see Figure 1-6). For the purposes of this study, we
estimated a population of 62,176 for the HazUS study area considered. This number was reached
by multiplying the 2000 population count in each of the six census tracts in the region by a factor
that represents our estimate of the growth in that census tract, as determined from a semi -
quantitative count of new structures obtained from Google Earth images of the region dating from
1996, 2002 and 2010. In census tract 06065045603, we considered only the growth within the
city of La Quinta and its Sphere of Influence, to limit the impact that the city of Coachella
population counts could have on the results of the analysis.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-48
N 18000 0 18000 Explanation
Census Tract used in the HazUS analyses for La Quinta
W _ E 5000 0 5000
Meters La Quinta City Limit
S Scale' 1.216,000 -- La Quinta Sphere of Influence
Project Nutuber: 3004
Date: 2010
Census Tract Boundaries
Used in HazUS Analyses
To estimate the number of households in the region, we divided the revised population counts by
the average number of people per household in each census tract using the 2000 census numbers
as a base, or by 2.8 (the average number of people per household reported for La Quinta). The
number of households used in the analysis was 20,789.
As useful as HazUS can be, the loss estimation methodology has some inherent uncertainties.
These arise, in part, from incomplete scientific knowledge concerning earthquakes and their effect
upon buildings and facilities, and from the approximations and simplifications necessary for
comprehensive analyses. Users should be aware of the following specific limitations:
■ HazUS is driven by statistics, and thus is most accurate when applied to a region, or a class
of buildings or facilities. It is least accurate when considering a particular site, building or
■ Losses estimated for lifelines may be less than losses estimated for the general building
■ Losses from smaller (less than M 6) earthquakes may be overestimated.
■ Pilot and calibration studies have not yet provided an adequate test concerning the
possible extent and effects of landsliding.
■ The indirect economic loss module is still experimental. While output from pilot studies
has generally been credible, this module requires further testing.
■ The databases that HazUS draws from to make its estimates are often incomplete or as
mentioned above, either do not match the boundaries of the desired study area, or are no
longer representative of current conditions. In the case of La Quinta, and as explained
above, we made adjustments to the population counts in the HazUS database to
approximate the current population numbers.
Essential facilities and lifeline inventory are located by latitude and longitude. However, the
HazUS inventory data for lifelines and utilities were developed at a national level and where
specific data are lacking, statistical estimations are utilized. Specifics about the site -specific
inventory data used in the models are discussed further in the paragraphs below. Other site -
specific data used include soil types. The user then defines the earthquake scenario to be
modeled, including the magnitude of the earthquake, and the location of the epicenter. Once all
these data are input, the software calculates the loss estimates for each scenario (see Figure 1-7).
The loss estimates include physical damage to buildings of different construction and occupancy
types, damage to essential facilities and lifelines, number of after -earthquake fires and damage due
to fire. The model also estimates the direct economic and social losses, including casualties and
fatalities for three different times of the day, the number of people left homeless and number of
people that will require shelter, number of hospital beds available, and the economic losses due to
damage to the places of businesses, loss of inventory, and (to some degree) loss of jobs. The
indirect economic losses component is still experimental; the calculations in the software are
checked against actual past earthquakes, such as the 1989 Loma Prieta and 1994 Northridge
earthquakes, but indirect losses are hard to measure, and it typically takes years before these
monetary losses can be quantified with any degree of accuracy.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-50
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Two specific earthquake scenarios were modeled: an earthquake on the southern San Andreas
fault rupturing the Mojave, San Bernardino and Coachella Valley segments of the fault (the
ShakeOut scenario prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey in the fall of 2008 — see the ShakeMap
for this scenario in Figure 1-4), and an earthquake on the Anza segment of the San Jacinto fault
originating at the segment's mid -point, approximately 20 miles to the southwest of La Quinta, and
rupturing bilaterally to the north and south. Specifics about each of these earthquake -producing
faults were provided in Sections 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 above, and in Table 1-4 below.
Table 1-4: HazUS Earthquake Scenarios for the City of La Quinta
Fault Source
A large earthquake that ruptures the entire southern San Andreas fault
Southern San
using the U.S. Geological Survey's ShakeOut scenario. This
Andreas Fault
earthquake has a high probability of occurrence, and it would be the
worst -case scenario for the city of La Quinta.
Anza segment
Lower risk but relatively high probability earthquake event. The San
of San Jacinto
Jacinto fault has generated the largest number of historical earthquakes
in southern California. The Anza segment is the section of the fault
closest to La Quinta.
The results indicate that of the two earthquake scenarios modeled for the city, the MW 7.8
earthquake on the San Andreas fault will cause far more damage in La Quinta than a smaller
earthquake on the more distant San Jacinto fault. For most of southern California, an earthquake
on the San Andreas fault is not the worst -case scenario, as there are often other faults much closer
that have the potential to be equally or more damaging. However, the San Andreas fault is the
worst -case scenario for La Quinta and other communities in the Coachella and Imperial valleys —
the fault's location and high probability of rupturing in the next 30 years resolve into a high
probability, high risk seismic source for this region.
The following sections describe the specific losses anticipated in La Quinta due to the two
earthquake scenarios modeled.
1.9.1 Building Damage
HazUS provides damage data for buildings based on these structural types:
• Concrete
• Manufactured Housing (Trailers and Mobile Homes)
• Precast Concrete
• Reinforced Masonry Bearing Walls
• Steel
• Unreinforced Masonry Bearing Walls
• Wood Frame
and based on these occupancy (usage) classifications:
• Agricultural
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-52
• Commercial
• Education
• Government
• Industrial
• Other Residential
• Religion
• Single Family
Loss estimation for the general building stock is averaged for each census tract. Building
damage classifications range from slight to complete. As an example, the building damage
classification for light, wood frame buildings, the most numerous building type in the city,
is provided below.
• Slight Structural Damage: Small cracks in the plaster or gypsum -board at corners of
door and window openings and wall -ceiling intersections; small cracks in masonry
chimneys and masonry veneer.
• Moderate Structural Damage: Large cracks in the plaster or gypsum -board at
corners of door and window openings; small diagonal cracks across shear wall
panels exhibited by small cracks in stucco and gypsum wall panels; large cracks in
brick chimneys; toppling of tall masonry chimneys.
• Extensive Structural Damage: Large diagonal cracks across shear wall panels or
large cracks at plywood joints; permanent lateral movement of floors and roof;
toppling of most brick chimneys; cracks in foundations; splitting of wood sill plates
and/or slippage of structure over foundations; partial collapse of "room -over -
garage" or other "soft -story" configurations; small foundation cracks.
• Complete Structural Damage: Structure may have large permanent lateral
displacement, may collapse, or be in imminent danger of collapse due to cripple
wall failure or failure of the lateral load resisting system; some structures may slip
and fall off their foundations; or develop large foundation cracks.
The HazUS database includes about 22,000 buildings in the region, with a total building
replacement value (excluding contents) of $7,851 million. Approximately 91 % of the
buildings considered in the analysis (and 89% of the building value) are associated with
residential housing. In terms of building construction types found in the region, wood -
frame construction makes up approximately 83% of the building inventory, and
manufactured housing comprises another 9%. The remaining about 8% is distributed
between the other general building types.
Estimates of building damage are provided for "High," "Moderate" and "Low" seismic
design criteria. Buildings of newer construction (e.g., post-1973) are best designated by
"high." Buildings built after 1940, but before 1973, are best represented by "moderate"
criteria. If built before about 1940 (i.e., before significant seismic codes were
implemented), "low" is most appropriate. The building inventory for the six census tracts
considered indicates that about 0.3% of the housing units were built before 1940. About
3.5% of the building units were built between 1940 and 1969; and more than 87% of the
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-53
units were built after 1980. The remaining units (about 8.7%) were built in the decade
between 1970 and 1979. Therefore, most of the housing stock in La Quinta can be
described as in the "high" category for seismic design criteria. However, structural
engineers point out that buildings constructed before building codes were upgraded
following the 1994 Northridge earthquake have significant deficiencies that could result in
higher -than -expected levels of damage. Specifically, in the 1980s, low-rise wood -frame
construction relied on stucco and gypsum wallboard for shear resistance, but these
materials were observed to perform poorly during the Northridge earthquake. As a result,
the newer building codes reduced the shear forces permitted in these materials, and
promoted an increase reliance on plywood -sheathed shear panels instead (Graf, 2008).
The HazUS models estimate that between 5,010 and 1,623 buildings in the La Quinta
HazUS study area will be at least moderately damaged by the earthquake scenarios
presented herein, with the higher number representative of damage as a result of an
earthquake on the San Andreas fault, and the lower number representing damage as a
result of an earthquake on the San Jacinto fault. These figures represent about 22% and
7%, respectively, of the total number of buildings in the region considered in the analysis.
Table 1-5 summarizes the expected damage to buildings by general occupancy type,
whereas Table 1-6 summarizes the expected damage to buildings in the region, classified
by construction type.
Table 1-5: Number of Buildings* Damaged, by Occupancy Type
Occupancy Type
Other Residential
Single Family
Other Residential
Single Family
* Based on a total of 22,333 buildings in the region.
As a percentage of the building damage by occupancy type, the model estimates that more
than 74% of the residential structures other than single-family homes (i.e., multi -family
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-54
residential buildings, including duplexes, condominiums and apartments) will suffer at
least moderate damage from an earthquake on the San Andreas fault. Nearly 59% of the
industrial structures, 58% of the agricultural, and 54% of the commercial structures in the
La Quinta General Plan area will be at least moderately damaged by an earthquake on the
San Andreas fault. Similarly, about 48% of the education buildings, 59% of the
government buildings, and nearly 51 % of the religion buildings will suffer at least
moderate damage. A large -magnitude earthquake on the Anza segment of the San Jacinto
fault is expected to cause at least moderate damage to nearly 26% of the residential
structures other than single-family, and at least moderate damage to about 17%, 11.7%
and 14.6% of the industrial, agricultural, and commercial structures, respectively, in the
HazUS study area. The San Jacinto fault earthquake scenario is also anticipated to cause at
least moderate damage to about 8% of the educational buildings and to 20% of the
government buildings in the region.
Table 1-6: Number of Buildings* Damaged, by Construction Type
Structure Type
Reinforced Masonry
1 1,728
Reinforced Masonr
1 4,765
1 1,367
* Based on a total of 22,333 buildings in the region.
Although wood -frame buildings comprise the largest number of buildings in the area, and
therefore one would expect that most of the buildings damaged would be wood -frame
structures, the data show that the building type that will suffer the most damage is
manufactured housing. In fact, wood -frame buildings, as a group, are expected to perform
well during an earthquake. Case in point, the ShakeOut earthquake on the San Andreas
fault is anticipated to cause at least moderate damage to 1,903 wood -frame buildings,
comprising about 10% of the total number of wood -frame buildings in the region, and to
1,963 manufactured homes, equal to more than 95% of the total number of manufactured
homes in the study area. Similarly, an earthquake on the San Jacinto fault is expected to
cause at least moderate damage to less than 4% of the wood -frame buildings, but to more
than 33% of the manufactured homes in the region. The other building types in La Quinta,
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-55
by construction type, that are anticipated to suffer at least moderate damage as a result of
an earthquake on the San Andreas fault include steel (75.5% will be at least moderately
damaged), precast (67.1 %), concrete (56.5%), and reinforced masonry (55.3%). An
earthquake on the Anza segment of the San Jacinto fault is anticipated to cause at least
moderate damage to 19% of the steel buildings in La Quinta, 16.8% of the precast
buildings, 12.4% of the concrete buildings, and 11.7% of the reinforced masonry
1.9.2 Casualties
Casualties are estimated based on the observation that there is a strong correlation between
building damage (both structural and non-structural) and the number and severity of
casualties. In smaller earthquakes, non-structural damage, (such as toppled bookshelves
and broken windows) is typically responsible for most of the casualties. In severe
earthquakes where there is a large number of collapses and partial collapses, there is a
proportionately larger number of fatalities. Data regarding earthquake -related injuries are,
however, not of the best quality, nor are they available for all building types. Available
data often have insufficient information about the type of structure in which the casualties
occurred and the casualty -generating mechanism. HazUS casualty estimates are based on
the injury classification scale described in Table 1-7.
In addition, HazUS produces casualty estimates for three times of day:
■ Earthquake striking at 2:00 A.M. (population at home)
■ Earthquake striking at 2:00 P.M. (population at work/school)
■ Earthquake striking at 5:00 P.M. (commute time).
Table 1-7: Injury Classification Scale
Injury Severity Level
Injury Description
Severity 1
Injuries requiring basic medical aid without requiring
Injuries requiring a greater degree of medical care and
Severity 2
hospitalization, but not expected to progress to a life -threatening
Injuries which pose an immediate life -threatening condition if not
Severity 3
treated adequately and expeditiously. The majority of these
injuries are the result of structural collapse and subsequent
entrapment or impairment of the occupants.
Severity 4
Instantaneously killed or mortally injured.
Table 1-8 provides a summary of the casualties estimated for the earthquake scenarios
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-56
Table 1-8: Estimated Casualties*
Type and Time of Scenario
Level 1:
Medical treatment
Level 2:
Hospitalization but
not life threatening
Level 3:
and life threatening
Fatalities due
to scenario
2A.M. Educational
(max. residential Hotels
occupancy) Industrial
Other Residential
2 P.M. Educational
(max educational, Hotels
industrial, and Industrial
commercial) Other Residential
5 P.M. Hotels
(peak commute time) Industrial
Other Residential
1 0
2A.M. Educational
(max. residential Industrial
occupancy) Other Residential
2 P.M. Educational
(max educational, Hotels
industrial, and Industrial
commercial) Other Residential
5 P.M. Hotels
(peak commute) time) Industrial
Other Residential
1 2
1 0
*Based on a population base of 64,324
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-57
The analysis indicates that the worst time for a San Andreas fault earthquake to occur in La
Quinta is during maximum educational, industrial and commercial occupancy loads, such
as at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. An earthquake on the San Andreas fault sometime during
the day is anticipated to cause hundreds of Level 1 and Level 2 casualties, most likely
related to people trying to run outside and in the process bumping into overturned
furniture, being hit by flying objects falling off shelves in stores and offices, and by falling
debris resulting from the structural damage to primarily commercial and educational
buildings. Dozens of Level 3 and Level 4 casualties are anticipated as a result of damage
to primarily commercial structures, followed by educational structures. Significant damage
to steel, concrete, and reinforced masonry structures, construction types typically used in
non-residential applications, appears to control the anticipated injury severity levels and
counts, as extensive damage to these types of buildings generates heavy debris that can
result in significant numbers of trauma cases. Damage to residential structures, typically of
wood -frame construction, result in mostly Level 1 and Level 2 injuries. For these same
reasons, an earthquake occurring during maximum residential occupancy loads, such as at
2 o'clock in the morning, results in the least number of casualties, with most injuries
classified as Level 1 and Level 2.
Many injuries are anticipated to occur if the San Andreas fault earthquake occurs during
maximum commuting hours, such as at 5 o'clock in the evening, although similar numbers
would be expected if the earthquake occurs between about 7 and 9 o'clock in the
morning, or between 4 and 6 o'clock in the evening. These casualties are the result of
increased traffic accidents due to drivers losing control of their vehicles, vehicle crashes
due to stoplights being out, and the collapse of bridges and broken roadways (Shoaf,
An earthquake on the San Jacinto fault is anticipated to cause essentially the same number
of casualties in the La Quinta area regardless of the time of day when the earthquake
occurs. Most injuries will be classified as Level 1, with damage to commercial structures
controlling the number of casualties anticipated if the earthquake occurs during the day,
and damage to residential structures controlling the number and type of injuries that are
expected if the earthquake occurs at night. An earthquake on the San Jacinto fault is not
expected to result in any injuries to commuters.
1.9.3 Damage to Critical and Essential Facilities
HazUS breaks critical facilities into two groups: (1) essential facilities, and (2) high
potential loss (HPL) facilities. Essential facilities are those parts of a community's
infrastructure that must remain operational after an earthquake. Buildings that house
essential services include hospitals, emergency operation centers, fire and police stations,
schools, and communication centers. HPL or high -risk facilities are those that if severely
damaged, may result in a disaster far beyond the facilities themselves. Examples include
power plants, dams and flood control structures, and industrial plants that use or store
explosives, extremely hazardous materials or petroleum products in large quantities.
Other critical facilities not considered in the HazUS analysis but that should be considered
in both emergency preparedness and emergency response operations given their potential
impact on the community include: (1) High -occupancy facilities, such as large assembly
facilities, and large multi -family residential complexes because of the potential for a large
number of casualties or crowd -control problems; (2) dependent care facilities, such as
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-58
preschools, schools, rehabilitation centers, prisons, group care homes, nursing homes, and
other facilities that house populations with special evacuation considerations; and (3)
economic facilities, such as banks, archiving and vital, record -keeping facilities, and large
industrial or commercial centers, that should remain operational to avoid severe economic
There are no hospitals in La Quinta. The three closest hospitals to the study area include:
1) JFK Memorial Hospital in Indio, 2) Eisenhower Medical Center in Rancho Mirage, and 3)
Desert Regional Medical Center in Palm Springs. The following table summarizes
information about these hospitals, including their expected functionality immediately
following the two earthquake scenarios considered for this study.
Table 1-9: Hospitals Near the La Quinta General Plan Area
Address, Distance from
Expected Functionality
La Quinta
after Earthquakes
47111 Monroe Street,
Expected to be non-functional
Indio, CA 92201;
immediately after a M7.8 earthquake on
JFK Memorial
approximately 2 miles
158 beds
the San Andreas fault; nearly 70%
east of La Quinta, 7 miles
functional immediately after a M7.2
from downtown La
earthquake on the San Jacinto fault.
39000 Bob Hope Drive,
Expected to be almost non-functional
Rancho Mirage, CA
313 beds
immediately after a M7.8 earthquake on
the San Andreas fault; approximately 56%
approximately 8 miles
functional immediately after a M6.8
from northern La Quinta
earthquake on the San Jacinto fault.
1150 N. Indian Canyon
Expected to be non-functional
Road, Palm Springs, CA
immediately after a M7.8 earthquake on
the San Andreas fault; approximately 60%
approximately 20 miles
367 beds
functional immediately after a M6.8
from northern La Quinta,
earthquake on the San Jacinto fault.
24 miles from downtown
La Quinta
Hospitals lose functionality as a result of both structural and non-structural damage. Even
if the hospital buildings perform well, equipment failures can result in a lack of primary
and/or secondary emergency power. Rupture of water lines, and shearing of fire sprinkler
heads can result in significant water damage. This is what happened at the Olive View
Medical Center in Sylmar as a result of the 1994 Northridge earthquake, requiring the
evacuation of 300 patients, and the performance of health care functions in the parking lot
for about 30 hours (Pickett, 2008). The M7.8 ShakeOut scenario is expected to cause an
immediate interruption of commercial electrical power (Pickett, 2008). As a result, all
hospitals in the region should have emergency generators that would kick in automatically
upon loss of commercial power, with automatic transfer switches that make the transition
from the commercial power to the emergency power sources. All three hospitals near La
Quinta are expected to be impacted by the extensive damage to the external supply of
potable water, which in this region could take weeks to months to be repaired. The
external waste water system is also expected to be damaged extensively. The ShakeOut
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-59
scenario is also expected to result in an immediate interruption of commercial
telecommunication systems, which would impact the hospitals directly. Internal
communications within the hospitals may also be impaired as a result of structural
damage, power losses, and water damage that would cause the circuit breakers to be
tripped open.
Given that all three hospitals in the region are anticipated to be non-functional
immediately following a M7.8 earthquake on the San Andreas fault, and that hundreds of
people in the region are expected to require medical attention, alternate medical providers
both within and outside the community should be identified. Possible sources of care for
Level 1 and 2 casualties include urgent care and out -patient medical facilities, and private
doctors' offices. Severely hurt patients may have to be airlifted to other hospitals in
southern California or Arizona. It is also important to mention that access to hospitals in
communities on the east side of the San Andreas fault could be difficult if the fault rupture
damages the access roads. The data indicate that most injuries resulting from an
earthquake on the San Jacinto fault will not require hospitalization, and since the regional
hospitals are all expected to be relatively functional following that earthquake, the San
Jacinto earthquake scenario is not expected to place significant additional demands on the
local hospitals.
Other critical facilities in the HazUS database for La Quinta include 322 school buildings,
three fire stations, one police station, and one emergency operations center. The expected
damage to these essential facilities is summarized in Table 1-10, below. High potential loss
facilities in the area include four dams (the East Side Detention Dike No. 1, and West Side
Detention Dikes Nos. 2, 3 and 4), zero hazardous materials site, zero military installations,
and zero nuclear power plants. None of the dams are considered "high hazard."
Table 1-10: Expected Damage to Essential Facilities
# Facilities
At Least Moderate
With Functionality
Damage >50%
>50% on Day 1
Fire Stations
Police Stations
Fire Stations
Police Stations
According to the earthquake scenario results, the San Andreas fault will cause at least
moderate damage to 103 school buildings, with 22 school buildings displaying complete
damage to more than 50% of their structure. Thirty-nine school buildings are not expected
to be more than 50% functional on the day after the earthquake. By comparison, the San
Jacinto earthquake scenario is not expected to cause significant damage to any of the
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-60
school buildings in the HazUS area. Furthermore, only seven school buildings are not
expected to be more than 50% functional the day after the earthquake. This lack of
functionality is most likely the result of non-structural failures, such as toppled unanchored
bookshelves, or overturned computer equipment.
Two of the three fire stations, the one police station and the City's EOC are expected to be
more than 50% functional on the day after the San Andreas earthquake. All essential
facilities, with the exception of the school buildings discussed above are expected to be
more than 50% functional on the day after a San Jacinto fault earthquake.
1.9.4 Economic Losses
HazUS estimates structural and non-structural repair costs caused by building damage and
the associated loss of building contents and business inventory. Building damage can
cause additional losses by restricting the building's ability to function properly. Thus,
business interruption and rental income losses are estimated. HazUS divides building
losses into two categories: (1) direct building losses and (2) business interruption losses.
Direct building losses are the estimated costs to repair or replace the damage caused to the
building and its contents. Business interruption losses are associated with inability to
operate a business because of the damage sustained during the earthquake. Business
interruption losses also include the temporary living expenses for those people displaced
from their homes because of the earthquake.
Earthquakes may produce indirect economic losses in sectors that do not sustain direct
damage. All businesses are forward -linked (if they rely on regional customers to purchase
their output) or backward -linked (if they rely on regional suppliers to provide their inputs)
and are thus potentially vulnerable to interruptions in their operation. Note that indirect
losses are not confined to immediate customers or suppliers of damaged enterprises. All of
the successive rounds of customers of customers, and suppliers of suppliers are affected. In
this way, even limited physical earthquake damage causes a chain reaction, or ripple
effect, that is transmitted throughout the regional economy.
The model estimates that total economic losses in the La Quinta area will range from
nearly $178 million for an earthquake on the San Jacinto fault to about $911 million for an
earthquake on the San Andreas fault. These figures include building-, transportation-, and
lifeline -related losses based on the region's available inventory. Business -related losses
include direct building losses (capital stock losses such as structural and non-structural
damage, and damage to contents and inventory), and business interruption losses (loss of
income from wages, rental properties, relocation expenses, and capital related). Building -
related losses estimated for the two earthquake scenarios are summarized in Table 1-11
below. Transportation and utility lifeline losses are summarized in the following sections.
Direct building losses, excluding damage to contents and inventory, are estimated to
account for 65 and 68 percent of the building -related economic losses in the La Quinta
region as a result of an earthquake on the San Andreas and San Jacinto faults, respectively.
The loss analysis shows that residential occupancies would suffer the most, with a
substantial amount of the property damage due to non-structural losses; that is, cosmetic
damage to a structure that does not result in the collapse of the structure, and is repairable.
This is essentially what building codes are designed to do. Business interruption losses
account for about 15 to 16 percent of the losses in the region.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-61
Table 1-11: Building -Related Economic Losses (in millions of $)
Estimated as a Result of Two Earthquake Scenarios
Non -
1.9.5 Transportation Damage
Lifelines are those services that are critical to the health, safety and functioning of the
community. They are particularly essential for emergency response and recovery after an
earthquake. Furthermore, certain critical facilities designed to remain functional during
and immediately after an earthquake may be able to provide only limited services if the
lifelines they depend on are disrupted. Lifeline systems include transportation and utilities.
Transportation systems are discussed in more detail in the following paragraphs, whereas
utility lifelines are discussed further in the next section.
HazUS divides the transportation system into seven components: highways, railways, light
rail, bus, ferry, ports, and airports. Only highways, railways, and airports are relevant to the
area covered in the analysis for La Quinta. The replacement value for the transportation
system in the study area is estimated at nearly $771.3 million, with the highway segments
($677.90 million) and airport runways ($73.3 million) accounting for most of this value.
The HazUS inventory for the study region includes over 201 kilometers (108.5 miles) of
highways and 20 bridges.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-62
Damage to the transportation system in La Quinta is based on a generalized inventory of
the region, which includes areas outside of the city, since the transportation network
extends beyond corporate boundaries. Table 1-12 provides damage and loss estimates for
specific components of the transportation system. The results of this analysis suggest that
the transportation system in La Quinta will be impacted by an earthquake on the San
Andreas fault, with about half of the bridges in the highway system at least moderately
damaged and less than 50% functional one week after the earthquake. The facilities at the
Thermal Airport are also expected to be at least moderately damaged. Economic losses to
the transportation system as a result of the ShakeOut scenario are estimated at about $11
million. A M7.2 earthquake on the San Jacinto fault is estimated to cause minor damages
to the transportation in the La Quinta area, amounting to about $0.9 million.
The model assumes that roadway segments and railroad tracks are damaged by ground
failure only, but past earthquakes have shown that ground shaking can cause deformation
to the ground surface, with resultant damage to the roadways. Therefore, the economic
loss estimates for the highway system presented above may be low. It is also important to
remember that these same transportation systems may be significantly impacted in areas
outside of La Quinta due to surface fault rupture, landsliding, liquefaction or other types of
seismically induced ground deformation, which could directly and indirectly have an
impact on La Quinta's residents (especially those that commute) and businesses that rely
on products shipped on these transportation systems.
Table 1-12: Transportation System — Expected Damage and Economic Losses
With at
Day 1
Day 7
1.9.6 Utility Systems Damage
Utility lifelines include potable water, wastewater, natural gas, crude and refined oil,
electric power, and communications. The improved performance of lifelines in the 1994
Northridge earthquake relative to the 1971 San Fernando earthquake, shows that the
seismic codes that were upgraded and implemented after 1971 have been effective.
Nevertheless, the impact of the Northridge earthquake on lifeline systems was widespread
and illustrated the continued need to study earthquake impacts, upgrade substandard
elements in the systems, provide redundancies, improve emergency response plans, and
provide adequate planning, budgeting and financing for seismic safety. Water supply
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-63
facilities, such as dams, reservoirs, pumping stations, water treatment plants, and
distribution lines are especially critical after an earthquake, not only for drinking water, but
to fight fires. Possible failure of dams and above -ground water storage tanks as a result of
an earthquake is discussed further in Chapter 3.
If site -specific lifeline utility data are not provided for these analyses, HazUS performs a
statistical calculation based on the population served to develop an estimate of the total
length of pipelines that comprise the potable water, natural gas, wastewater and oil
systems. From this inventory, the model then calculates the expected number of leaks and
breaks in these systems. The replacement value for the utility lifeline system in the La
Quinta study area is estimated at $109.9 million.
Table 1-13 summarizes the expected damage to the potable water, waste water, and
natural gas systems in La Quinta as a result of the earthquake scenarios on the San Andreas
and San Jacinto faults. The models suggest that the potable water, waste water and natural
gas systems in La Quinta will experience extensive and minor damage as a result of an
earthquake on the San Andreas and San Jacinto faults, respectively. The San Andreas
earthquake scenario is expected to cause thousands of leaks and breaks in these systems.
Where potable water lines extend across leach fields or occupy the same trench as sewer
lines, breaks in these lines could result in contamination of the potable water supply. The
potable water system in particular is estimated to be so extensively damaged that the
community is anticipated to be without potable water for a minimum of three months (see
Table 1-14). Given these results, La Quinta residents should be strongly encouraged to
store at least a five-day supply of drinking water for the entire household (including pets),
allowing families to be self-sufficient immediately following the earthquake, and giving the
City and the Coachella Valley Water District some time to organize and develop alternate
methods of water delivery to their residents and customers.
Table 1-13: Expected Utility System Pipeline Damage
Total Pipelines
Length (kms)
Number of
Number of
Potable Water
San Andreas
Waste Water
Natural Gas
Potable Water
San Jacinto
Waste Water
Natural Gas
Table 1-14 shows the expected performance of the potable water, and electric power
systems using empirical relationships based on the number of households served in the
area. As briefly discussed above, and according to the models, an earthquake on the San
Andreas fault is expected to have a significant negative impact on both the potable water
and electric power services — essentially all households in the La Quinta study area are
expected to have no potable water for at least 90 days (3 months) following the
earthquake, and possibly even longer. The number of pipe breaks is expected to be such
that the entire water system is going to have to be recreated. Given that the M7.8
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-64
ShakeOut scenario is going to impact a very large area, "there will not be enough pipe and
connectors or trained manpower to repair all the breaks quickly. The worst hit areas may
not have water in the taps for 6 months" (Jones and others, 2008).
Thousands of households are also expected to be without electric power following the
earthquake, but repairs to this system are expected to occur more quickly. Thus, about
8,300 households are expected to be without power on the first day after the earthquake,
but by day 7, only 2,200 households would still be without power.
Table 1-14: Expected Performance of Potable Water and Electric Power Services
Number of Households without Service*
Day 1
Day 3
Day 7
Day 30
Day 90
San Andreas
Potable Water
Electric Power
San Jacinto
Potable Water
Electric Power
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
*Based on Total Number of Households = 20,789
The San Jacinto fault scenario, on the other hand, is not expected to cause any loss of the
potable water and electric power systems in the La Quinta area.
1.9.7 Shelter Needs
Earthquakes can cause loss of function or habitability of buildings that contain housing.
Displaced households may need alternative short-term shelter, provided by family, friends,
temporary rentals, or public shelters established by the City, County or by relief
organizations such as the Red Cross. Long-term alternative housing may require import of
mobile homes, occupancy of vacant units, net emigration from the impacted area, or,
eventually, the repair or reconstruction of new public and private housing. The number of
people seeking short-term public shelter is of most concern to emergency response
organizations. The longer -term impacts on the housing stock are of great concern to local
governments, such as cities and counties.
HazUS estimates that about 175 households in La Quinta will be displaced due to the San
Andreas fault earthquake modeled for this study, and that about 141 people will seek
temporary shelter in public shelters (see Table 1-15 below). Considering that the region is
anticipated to be without potable water for at least a month, if not longer, the displaced
households number for the ShakeOut scenario given below may be significantly
underestimated. An earthquake on the San Jacinto fault is anticipated to displace about 14
households, with approximately 10 people seeking temporary shelter in public shelters. In
both scenarios, those people displaced that do not seek short-term shelter in public
facilities are expected to find alternate temporary housing with family or friends.
The actual number of people seeking shelter may also be larger than the estimates given
because of the fairly large percentage of Hispanics in the General Plan area. Past history
has shown that Hispanics, especially those of Mexican and Central American ancestry,
generally prefer to camp out in parks and other open spaces rather than return to their
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-65
house soon after an earthquake, even if their house appears to be undamaged. This was
observed in the greater Los Angeles area following the 1994 Northridge earthquake, as
well as other previous earthquakes in California, such as the 1987 Whittier Narrows and
1989 Loma Prieta earthquakes (Tierney, 1994; Tierney, 1995; Andrews, 1995).
Table 1-15: Estimated Shelter Requirements
People Needing
Short -Term Shelter
San Andreas fault
San Jacinto fault
1.10 Summary and Recommendations
Since it is not possible to prevent an earthquake from occurring, local governments, emergency
relief organizations, and residents are advised to take action and develop and implement policies
and programs aimed at reducing the effects of earthquakes. Individuals should also exercise
prudent planning to provide for themselves and their families in the aftermath of an earthquake.
This is particularly important in the Coachella Valley area, and other areas immediately adjacent
to or bisected by the southern San Andreas fault.
Earthquake Sources:
o There are no known earthquake sources within the La Quinta General Plan area.
However, the city is within 4 miles of the San Andreas fault, and about 16 miles from the
San Jacinto fault. Both of these faults could generate an earthquake in the next 30 years,
with the San Andreas fault having a 59% probability of causing an earthquake of at least
magnitude 6.7 in the next 30 years. Therefore, all proposed new developments in La
Quinta should incorporate near -source factors in the design of the structures.
o A number of historic earthquakes have caused moderate ground shaking in La Quinta.
Strong ground shaking due to future earthquakes on nearby regional sources should be
expected and designed for.
Design Earthquake Scenarios:
o Geologists, seismologists, engineers and urban planners typically use maximum magnitude
and maximum probable earthquakes to evaluate the seismic hazard of a region, the
assumption being that if we plan for the worst -case scenario, smaller earthquakes that are
more likely to occur can be dealt with more effectively.
o The San Andreas and San Jacinto faults have the potential to generate earthquakes that
would be felt strongly in the La Quinta region. Unfortunately, we cannot predict when a
fault will break causing an earthquake, but we can anticipate the size of the resulting
earthquake and estimate the level of damage that the earthquake would generate in the
region. The southern section of the San Andreas fault closest to La Quinta is thought
capable of generating a M7.8 to 8.0 earthquake. Individual segments of this section of the
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-66
fault could generate M7.2 to M7.5 earthquakes. Similarly, the sections of the San Jacinto
fault closest to La Quinta are thought capable of generating earthquakes of M6.6 to M7.2.
Most other faults within 100 km (62 miles) of the city can generate earthquakes as large or
larger than the Mom, 6.7 Northridge earthquake, the single most -expensive earthquake yet to
impact the United States.
o The loss estimation analyses conducted for this study indicate that the San Andreas fault
would be the worst -case scenario for La Quinta, causing significant damage in the city,
with economic losses estimated at more than $900 million. The San Jacinto fault is not
expected to cause as much damage in the General Plan area because the maximum
magnitude earthquake that it is capable of generating is significantly smaller, and it is also
farther away.
Fault Rupture and Secondary Earthquake Effects:
o No active faults have been mapped within the La Quinta General Plan area.
o The California Geological Survey (CGS) has not conducted mapping in the La Quinta area
under the Seismic Hazards Mapping Act. This report presents a liquefaction susceptibility
map that was prepared using a similar but simpler form of the method used by the
California Geological Survey (geotechnical data providing density of the near -surface
sediments were not reviewed). Shallow ground water levels (less than 30 feet from the
ground surface) have been reported historically in the eastern part of the General Plan
area. Although the groundwater levels have dropped recently as a result of increased
pumping of the underlying aquifers, increased recharge of the basin could result in a rise in
the water levels to past historical highs. Studies in accordance with the guidelines prepared
by the CGS should be conducted in those areas identified as susceptible to liquefaction, at
least until sufficient studies have conclusively shown whether or not the sediments are
indeed susceptible to liquefaction.
o Precariously perched rocks are common on the mountains within and to the south-
southwest of the La Quinta General Plan area. Earthquake -induced ground shaking could
dislodge some of the rocks, posing a rockfall hazard to areas adjacent to and below these
o Those areas of La Quinta underlain by youthful unconsolidated alluvial sediments may be
susceptible to seismically induced settlement. Geotechnical studies to evaluate this
potential hazard should be conducted in areas underlain by Holocene sediments where
developments are proposed. If the sediments are found to be susceptible to this hazard,
mitigation measures designed to reduce settlement should be incorporated into the design.
Earthquake Hazard Reduction:
o Most of the loss of life and injuries that occur during an earthquake are related to the
collapse of hazardous buildings and structures, or from non-structural components,
including contents, in those buildings. The HazUS analyses conducted for this study
indicate that more than 74% of the residential structures other than single-family homes
(that is, multi -family residential buildings, including duplexes, condominiums and
apartments) will suffer at least moderate damage as a result of an earthquake on the San
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-67
Andreas fault. Nearly 59% of the industrial structures, 58% of the agricultural, and 54% of
commercial structures are also expected to be at least moderately damaged by a San
Andreas fault earthquake. Similarly, about 50% of the education, government and religion
buildings in the study area will suffer at least moderate damage. Nearly 95% of the
manufactured homes in the area will be damaged.
o The HazUS results indicate that the worst time for an earthquake to occur on the San
Andreas fault is during the day, during maximum education, commercial and industrial
laods. Because many of the buildings damaged generate heavy debris, an earthquake
during the day is anticipated to generate dozens of Level 3 and 4 injuries, in addition to
hundreds of Level 1 and 2 injuries.
o The regional hospitals are not expected to be able to meet the demand for medical care in
the aftermath of a San Andreas earthquake in the area. Emergency management personnel
and planners need to develop a contingency plan that provides for medical care at
facilities other than the local hospitals, in addition to agreements with hospitals outside of
the region that can provide assistance with Level 3 and 4 casualties. Given the extensive
damage anticipated to the transportation system, most victims that need to be transported
elsewhere for treatment will have to be airlifted out of the area.
o The inventory and retrofit of potentially hazardous structures, such as pre-1952 wood -
frame buildings, concrete tilt -ups, pre 1971- reinforced masonry, soft -story buildings and
especially mobile homes, are recommended.
o The best mitigation technique in earthquake hazard reduction is the constant improvement
of building codes with the incorporation of the lessons learned from past earthquakes. This
is especially true in areas not yet completely developed. In addition, current building
codes should be adopted for re -development projects that involve more than 50% of the
original cost of the structure. Current building codes incorporate two significant changes
that impact the city of La Quinta. First, there is recognition that soil types can have a
significant impact on the amplification of seismic waves, and second, the proximity of
earthquake sources will result in high ground motions and directivity effects. However, for
those areas of La Quinta already developed, and given that building codes are generally
not retroactive, the adoption of the most recent building code is not going to improve the
existing building stock, unless actions are taken to retrofit the existing structures.
Retrofitting existing structures to the most current building code is in most cases cost -
prohibitive and not practicable. However, specific retrofitting actions, even if not to the
latest code, that are known to improve the seismic performance of structures should be
o While the earthquake hazard mitigation improvements associated with the latest building
code address new construction, the retrofit and strengthening of existing structures requires
the adoption of ordinances. The City of La Quinta should consider the implementation of
a mandatory ordinance aimed at retrofitting older wood -frame residential buildings that are
not tied -down to their foundations, pre -cast concrete buildings, steel -frame buildings, soft -
story structures, and manufactured housing. Although retrofitted buildings may still incur
severe damage during an earthquake, their mitigation results in a substantial reduction of
casualties by preventing collapse.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-68
o Adoption of new building codes does not mitigate local secondary earthquake hazards
such as liquefaction and ground failure. Therefore, these issues are best mitigated at the
local level. Avoiding areas susceptible to earthquake -induced liquefaction or settlement is
generally not feasible. The best alternative for the City is to require "special studies" within
these zones for new construction, as well as for significant redevelopment, and require
implementation of the engineering recommendations for mitigation.
o Effective management of seismic hazards in La Quinta includes technical review of
consulting reports submitted to the City. For projects in areas susceptible to liquefaction,
the City should consider following the State law that requires that the reviewer be a
licensed engineering geologist and/or civil engineer having competence in the evaluation
and mitigation of seismic hazards (CCR Title 14, Section 3724). Because of the interrelated
nature of geology, seismology, and engineering, most projects will benefit from review by
both the geologist and civil engineer. The California Geological Survey has published
guidelines to assist reviewers in evaluating site -investigation reports (CDMG, 1997; CGS,
o The HazUS analyses suggest that the potable water, wastewater and electric systems in La
Quinta will be extensively damaged by an earthquake on the San Andreas fault, with
thousands of leaks and breaks anticipated in the potable water system. Hardest hit areas
may be without water at the tap for up to six months. The City and its lifeline service
providers should consider retrofitting the older pipelines in these systems, to reduce the
number of potential breaks as a result of corrosion and age, in addition to developing plans
to truck in water that is delivered directly to the City residents. Residents of the La Quinta
area should be encouraged to store at least a 5-day supply of water for all family members,
including pets, so that they can be self-sufficient immediately following the earthquake.
Earth Consultants International Seismic Hazards Page 1-69
Geologic hazards are generally defined as surficial earth processes that have the potential to cause
loss or harm to the community or the environment. The basic elements involved in the assessment
of geologic hazards are: 1) underlying geology (including soil types, rock types, groundwater, and
zones of weakness like faults, fractures, and bedding); 2) topography; 3) climate; and 4) land use.
The geology and types of geologic hazards affecting the La Quinta General Plan area are discussed
in the following sections.
2.1 Physiographic and Geologic Setting
The La Quinta General Plan area is located across the boundary of two very distinct physiographic
provinces, each having a unique landscape formed by geologic and climatic processes. The valley
portion of La Quinta is part of the Colorado Desert Province, a low-lying basin that stretches from
the Banning Pass to the Mexican border. The southwestern portion of La Quinta reaches into the
Santa Rosa Mountains, which are part of the Peninsular Ranges Province, a region characterized
by a series of northwest -trending valleys and mountain ranges.
Elevations across the valley floor, within the General Plan area, range between approximately 140
feet above sea level at the northern end, to about 120 feet below sea level at the southeastern
corner. The highest point within the General Plan mountain area is at an elevation of about 1,600
feet above sea level; this elevation is about 4,800 feet lower than Martinez Mountain, the highest
peak within the ridge forming the immediate backdrop to La Quinta.
The largest drainage in the region, the Whitewater River, crosses the northern part of the city. The
river intermittently drains the surrounding highlands, as well as the northern part of the Coachella
Valley. Streambeds in the Santa Rosa Mountains are dry most of the year, and have significant
flow only during and immediately after storms, when they carry large amounts of runoff for short
periods of time. Several canals and aqueducts cross the General Plan area, leading to the modern
Lake Cahuilla, a man-made storage reservoir.
Geologically speaking, the valley portion of La Quinta is situated at the edge of a broad structural
depression known as the Salton Trough. Over the last million years or so, the tectonically
subsiding trough has filled with a thick sequence of sediments that now forms the nearly flat valley
floor. Although the trough is physically continuous from the San Gorgonio Pass to the Gulf of
California, early settlers in the area gave different names to the northern and southern portions:
The portion north of the Salton Sea is known as the Coachella Valley or Indio region, and the
portion south of the Salton Sea is known as the Imperial Valley. La Quinta. is in the southern part
of the Coachella Valley.
The sedimentary sequence infilling the trough records the recent geologic history of the area. For
instance, the Imperial Formation, a geologic unit exposed in Garnet Hill to the north, but
occurring predominantly at depth, is of marine origin, indicating the trough was inundated by the
sea in latest Miocene to late Pliocene time (about 6 to 2 million years ago). In the last about two
million years, these marine sediments were in turn overlain by a thick sequence of terrestrial
sediments shed from the adjacent highlands. At about the same time, the Colorado River worked
to build its delta at the Gulf of California, effectively forming a dam by accumulating sediment at
the mouth of the river and turning the trough into a closed basin. The presence of interlayered
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 2-1
lakebed sediments in the stratigraphic sequence indicates the basin was periodically inundated
with fresh water derived from the Colorado River as it migrated back and forth across its delta.
Ancient Lake Cahuilla, the last, and possibly one of the largest of the ancient lakes to occupy the
basin, completely evaporated about 400 years ago when the Colorado River again changed course
and flowed directly into the Gulf of California. The size of ancient Lake Cahuilla is estimated at
over 2,000 square miles, covering most of the basin, including the valley portion of La Quinta's
General Plan area. In fact, the lake's paleo-shoreline transects the city of La Quinta, near the base
of the mountains (see Plate 2-1). The Salton Sea, which originally formed as water from the
Colorado River was unintentionally diverted to the basin by man, is considerably smaller by
The physical features described above reflect geologic and climatic processes that have affected
this region in the last few million years. The physiographic and geologic histories of the La Quinta
area are important in that they control to a great extent the geologic hazards, as well as the natural
resources, within the city. For example, wind-blown sand erosion poses a significant hazard in the
Coachella Valley due to funneling of fierce winds through the steep mountain passes, although
locations at the base of the mountains are somewhat sheltered from this hazard. Alternatively,
areas in and adjacent to the mountains are more likely to be impacted by rock falls and unstable
slopes. Regional tectonic subsidence along the valley floor, concurrent with uplift of the adjacent
mountains, is responsible to a great extent for the rapid deposition of poorly consolidated alluvium
that is susceptible to consolidation and/or collapse. On the other hand, the deep alluvium -filled
basin, which is bounded by relatively impermeable rock and faults, provides a natural
underground reservoir (aquifer) for groundwater, one of the area's primary sources of domestic
The La Quinta General Plan area is located within a region that is changing rapidly. In fact, this
area, which includes San Bernardino and Riverside counties, has the fastest -growing population in
all of California. The central to northern sections of the city, on the valley floor proper, are
currently the most heavily populated. Development is expanding however, and will eventually fill
in the remainder of the valley areas, spreading out eastward toward the boundary with the city of
Coachella, and southward, to the base of the mountains. The mountainous areas in the western
and southwestern parts of the city are included in the Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains
National Monument and will remain as open space.
2.2 Earth Units and Their Engineering Properties
The general distribution of geologic units that are exposed at the surface is shown on the Geologic
Map (Plate 2-1). This map is a slightly modified version of that published by Dibblee (2008). The
general physical and engineering characteristics of each unit are summarized in the following
2.2.1 Alluvial Sand and Gravel (map symbol: Qg)
This unit includes very young, unconsolidated alluvium deposited by the Whitewater
River. Consisting of crudely bedded sand, silt, gravel, boulders, and debris deposited by
floodwaters, these sediments are highly susceptible to erosion, reworking, and burial by
future flooding. Although construction is generally not allowed in these floodways,
roadways or pipelines may need to cross these areas out of necessity. River sediments are
highly compressible, so bridge supports need to extend through the unconsolidated
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 2-2
This map is intended for general land use planning only. Information on this map is not
sufficient to serve as a substitute for detailed geologic investigations of individual sites,
nor does it satisfy the evaluation requirements set forth in geologic hazard regulations.
Fault lines on the map are used solely to approximate the fault location. The width and
location of the faults should not be used in lieu of site -specific investigations, evaluation,
and design.
Detailed geologic investigations, Including trenching studies, may make it possible to
refine the location and activity status of a fault. All faults may not be shown. This map
should be amended as new data become available and are validated.
Earth Consultants International (ECI) makes no representations or warranties regarding
the accuracy of the data from which these maps were derived. ECI shall not be liable
under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages with respect to any claim by any user or third party on account of, or arising
from, the use of this map.
Geologic Map
La Quinta, California
Geologic Unit Descriptions
Alluvial sand and gravel Q� wind -laid dune sand
oFWhitewater River
Alluvial sand and clay of
valley areas
01 j
Alluvial Fan sand and gravel Quartz diorite
d ~ t, E ` ` " 'x
Active Fault; solid where well located,
dashed where approximately located,
dotted where concealed or inferred.
Bedrock (not active) Fault; dashed where
approximately located, dotted where concealed
or inferred. (See Plate 1-1 for additional information).
Geologic Contact
La Quinta City Boundary
La Quinta Sphere of Influence
N 6000 0 604111
E 2000 0 201.10
Scale: 1:72,000
Base Map: USGS Topographic Map from Sure!MAPS RASTER, 1997.
Sources: Modified from Dibblee (2008); Rogers (1965), and
Matti and others (1983).
Project Number: 3004
Date: 2010
Plate 2-1
sediments and anchored onto firm ground. Foundation elements placed in the river will be
susceptible to scour from floodwaters or to damage from boulders carried by fast-moving
2.2.2 Windblown Sand (map symbol: Qs)
Wind-blown sand is very common in the area, and mapped as a deposit throughout the
northern portion of the city. The windblown (also called eolian) deposits typically consist
of reworked alluvium. The strong winds in the area pick up and redistribute the silty sand
and fine- to medium -grained sand fractions, forming shifting sand dunes (Qs).
Engineering issues in areas mapped as Qs include high susceptibility to erosion, settlement,
and collapse.
2.2.3 Alluvial Deposits (map symbol: Qa)
The alluvium is primarily distributed along the base the Santa Rosa Mountains to the west.
The older developed area of the city constructed in the lee of Eisenhower Mountain is built
entirely on alluvium. Towards the valley these deposits are interbedded with fine-grained
sediments deposited in the prehistoric lakes.
How and where these deposits were laid down have a significant bearing on the properties
of these materials. Young near -surface alluvium often has organic debris, and is typically
deposited rapidly by flash floods. As a result, the engineering issues affecting these
geologically young deposits are: 1) compressibility, which occurs when additional loads
are applied, and 2) collapse (hydroconsolidation) upon introduction of irrigation water if
the deposit is dry. Being unconsolidated, the young alluvium is also highly susceptible to
erosion. Alluvial deposits also have moderate to high permeability. Alluvial sediments are
suitable for use as fill once the organic materials and oversized rocks are removed;
however, they typically require the addition of water to achieve compaction.
2.2.4 Interbedded Lacustrine and Alluvial Deposits (map symbol: QI/Qa)
Lacustrine (lake) sediments were deposited in ancient Lake Cahuilla and other large lakes
that once inundated the Salton Trough as recently as 400 years ago. The lacustrine
deposits are up to 300 feet thick and are interbedded with alluvial fan and colluvial
sediments shed from the adjacent mountains.
Due to the saturation of deeper sediments by the ancient lakes, the collapse potential of
those sediments below the youngest alluvium is believed to be low. Permeability is good
(high) except where interbedded silt or clay layers retard the downward percolation of
water. The potential for expansive soils is generally low, except where lake deposits of silt
and clay are within or just below the depth of the elements of a structural foundation. Clay
materials should not be placed in foundation areas if possible.
2.2.5 Alluvial Fan Deposits (map symbol: Qf)
Alluvial fan deposits are present on active fans emanating from the canyons that drain the
local mountains. These sediments generally consist of poorly bedded silt, sand, and
gravel. Boulders may be present in the upper part of the fans. The surfaces of the younger
fans are relatively smooth and support a network of braided ephemeral streams. Older fan
surfaces may be slightly elevated and dissected by entrenched stream channels. Fan
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 2-4
deposits gradually transition into the finer -grained alluvial and lacustrine deposits in the
lower valley areas.
Younger fan sediments are generally unconsolidated and subject to settlement or collapse.
They are also susceptible to erosion by water or wind. Oversize rocks (those generally
larger than about 12 inches) may hinder construction. Older fan deposits are generally
more consolidated, but as a result of pedogenic soil development, they may have a higher
percentage of clay at and near the surface, and the clayey section may be potentially
2.2.6 Landslide Deposits (map symbol: Qls)
Several large landslides have been mapped in the Santa Rosa Mountains above La Quinta
(Dibblee, 2008). One of the largest and most spectacular is the Martinez Mountain
Landslide, the bulk of which is located south of La Quinta (the toe of the slide encroaches
onto the southern edge of the city). This landslide, which occurred in prehistoric times, is
a rock avalanche consisting of coarse rubble. The debris was transported nearly six miles,
dropping more than a mile in elevation, at velocities estimated to have exceeded 75 miles
per hour (Baldwin, 1987). It is unknown what triggered the landslide, although seismic
shaking has been suggested (Morton and Sadler, 1989).
From an engineering perspective landslides are generally considered unstable. Some slides
may be compressible, especially around the margins, if subject to additional loads (such as
deep fill embankments), or in some cases they may become reactivated during strong
seismic shaking or by continued undercutting by streams at the toe.
2.2.7 Quartz Diorite (map symbol: qd)
The oldest geologic unit in the La Quinta. area consists of very hard, crystalline rock that
forms the mountains and is buried beneath the alluvium. Rock classifications are based
primarily on genesis, texture, and mineral composition. Because crystalline rocks are
usually highly variable in texture and mineralogy, often grading from one type to another,
the units are typically named by the dominant rock type. Based on genesis alone, rocks
underlying La Quinta are plutonic, meaning that the rocks crystallized from the molten
state deep within the Earth's crust. Plutonic rocks generally have large grains that can
easily be seen without magnification, and often have a spotted appearance. The rock
forming La Quinta's mountains is light-colored and has a mineral assemblage that most
closely aligns with quartz diorite (Dibblee, 2008). Most of this rock crystallized from a
magma that was emplaced over 65 million years ago.
The durability of this unit results in the formation of the steep slopes and deep canyons
within and above the city. The rock is very hard where not highly weathered, and cannot
be excavated easily. It is typically non -water bearing and has low to moderately low
permeability, except where joints and fractures provide avenues for water to move in and
around the rock mass. Crystalline rocks provide strong foundation support and are
generally non -expansive. Slope stability is generally good, however these rocks contain
fractures and cooling joints that may locally serve as planes of weakness along which slope
instability can occur. Very steep roadcuts are most vulnerable to this type of failure.
Slopes covered by boulders are subject to rockfall hazard.
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 2-5
2.3 Geologic Hazards in the La Quinta Area
2.3.1 Landslides and Slope Instability
Developments that encroach upon the edge of natural slopes may be impacted by slope
failures. Even if a slope failure does not reach the adjacent property, the visual impact will
generally cause alarm to homeowners. Although slope failures tend to affect a relatively
small area (as compared to an earthquake or major flood), and are generally a problem for
only a short period of time, the dollar losses can be high. Homeowner's insurance policies
typically do not cover land slippage, and this can add to the anguish of the affected
property owners.
A significant portion of the General Plan area encompasses hillside terrain. Hillside areas
within and adjacent to La Quinta are part of the Santa Rosa Mountains National
Monument and are designated as open space. However, because there is development
present at the base of the steep slopes, slope stability remains a potential hazard. Types of Slope Failures
Slope failures occur in a variety of forms, and there is usually a distinction made between
gross failures (sometimes also referred to as "global" failures) and surficial failures. Gross
failures include deep-seated or relatively thick slide masses, such as landslides, whereas
surficial failures can range from minor soil slips to destructive mud or debris flows.
Failures can occur on natural or man-made slopes. Most failures of man-made slopes
occur on older slopes built at slope gradients steeper than those allowed by today's grading
codes. Although infrequent, failures can also occur on newer, graded slopes, generally
due to poor engineering or poor construction. Furthermore, slope failures often occur as
elements of interrelated natural hazards in which one event triggers a secondary event,
such earthquake -induced landsliding, fire -flood sequences, and storm -induced mudflows.
Gross Failures
Landslides are movements of relatively large landmasses, either as nearly intact bedrock
blocks, or as jumbled mixes of bedrock blocks, fragments, debris, and soils. Landslide
materials are commonly porous and very weathered in the upper portions and along the
margins of the slide. They may also have open fractures and joints. The head of the slide
may have a graben (pull -apart area) that has been filled with soil, bedrock blocks and
The potential for slope failure is dependent on many factors and their interrelationships.
Some of the most important factors include slope height, slope steepness, shear strength
and orientation of weak layers in the underlying geologic unit, as well as pore -water
pressures. joints and shears, which weaken the rock fabric, allow water to infiltrate the
rock mass. This in turn results in increased and deeper weathering of the rock, increased
pore pressures, increased plasticity of weak clays that may be present in the rock, and
increased weight of the landmass. Geotechnical engineers combine these factors in
calculations to determine if a slope meets a minimum safety standard. The generally
accepted standard is a factor of safety of 1.5 or greater (where 1.0 is equilibrium, and less
than 1.0 is failure). Natural slopes, graded slopes, or graded/natural slope combinations
must meet these minimum engineering standards where they have the potential to impact
planned homes, subdivisions, or other types of developments. Slopes adjacent to areas
where the risk of economic losses from landsliding is small, such as parks and roadways,
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 2-6
are sometimes allowed a lesser factor of safety, at the discretion of the local reviewing
The rock types in the La Quinta General Plan Area are generally resistant to landsliding;
however, several "rock avalanche" landslides have been mapped in the mountains above
the city (see Plate 2-2). Depending on their fracture pattern, foliation, and weathering,
these rocks may become susceptible to slope failure if they are cut to very steep gradients,
such as are commonly found in highway roadcuts.
Surficial Failures
Surficial failures are too small to map at the scale used in Plate 2-2, however they may be
present locally in hillside areas, typically occurring in drainage swales and in the
accumulated sediments and deeply weathered bedrock near the base of steep slopes.
Surficial failures generally occur throughout the mountainous areas during winters of
particularly heavy and/or prolonged rainfall. The most common types of surficial
instability are described below.
Soil slip failures are generated by strong winter storms, and are widespread in mountainous
areas, particularly after winters with prolonged and/or heavy rainfall. Failures occur on
canyon sideslopes, and in soils that have accumulated in swales, gullies and ravines.
Slope steepness has a strong influence on the development of soil slips, with most slips
occurring on slopes having gradients between about 27 and 56 degrees (Campbell, 1975).
Slopes within this range of gradients are present in the higher hills and mountains within
and above the La Quinta General Plan Area.
Debris flows are the most dangerous and destructive of all types of slope failure. A debris
flow (also called mudflow, mudslide, and debris avalanche) is a rapidly moving slurry of
water, mud, rock, vegetation and debris. Larger debris flows are capable of moving trees,
large boulders, and even cars. This type of failure is especially dangerous as it can move at
speeds as fast as 40 feet per second, is capable of crushing buildings, and can strike with
very little warning. As with soil slips, the development of debris flows is strongly tied to
exceptional storm periods of prolonged rainfall. Failure typically occurs during an intense
rainfall event, following saturation of the soil by previous rains.
A debris flow most commonly originates as a soil slip in the rounded, soil -filled "hollow"
at the head of a drainage swale or ravine. The rigid soil mass is deformed into a viscous
fluid that moves down the drainage, incorporating into the flow additional soil and
vegetation scoured from the channel. Debris flows also occur on canyon walls, often in
soil -filled swales that do not have topographic expression. The velocity of the flow
depends on the viscosity, slope gradient, height of the slope, roughness and gradient of the
channel, and the baffling effects of vegetation. Even relatively small amounts of debris can
cause damage from inundation and/or as a result of crashing into a structure (Ellen and
Fleming, 1987; Reneau and Dietrich, 1987). Recognition of this hazard led FEMA to
modify its National Flood Insurance Program to include inundation by "mudslides."
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 2-7
This map is intended for general land use planning only. Information on this map is not
sufficient to serve as a substitute for detailed geologic investigations of individual sites,
nor does it satisfy the evaluation requirements set forth in geologic hazard regulations.
Earth Consultants International (ECI) makes no representations or warranties regarding
the accuracy of the data from which these maps were derived. E C I shall not be liable
under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages with respect to any claim by any user or third party on account of, or arising
from, the use of this map.
Martinez Mountain Landslide
Mapped Slope Failures
and Subsidence Zones
La Quinta, California
Documented Subsidence
Mapped Landslide, Dibblee (2008)
La Quinta City Boundary
La Quinta Sphere of Influence
1■ 7000 0 7000
2000 0 21)1M
Metc rs
Scale: 1:841,000
Base Map: USGS "lopographic Map from Sure!MAPS RASTER, 1997
Sources: Modified from Riverside County General Plan (Earth Consultants Int.,
2000), Dibblee (2008), and Sneed and Brandt (2007).
International - =
Project Number: 3004
Date: 2010
Plate 2-2
Watersheds that have been recently burned typically yield greater amounts of soil and
debris than those that have not burned. Erosion rates during the first year after a fire are
estimated to be 15 to 35 times greater than normal, and peak discharge rates range from
two to 35 times higher. These rates drop abruptly in the second year, and return to normal
after about five years (Tan, 1998). In addition, debris flows in burned areas can develop in
response to small storms and do not require a long period of antecedent rainfall. These
kinds of flows are common in small gullies and ravines during the first rains after a burn,
and can become catastrophic when a severe burn is followed by an intense storm season
(Wells, 1987). A recent example is the debris flows that impacted several communities at
the base of the portion of the Los Angeles National Forest that burned during the Station
Fire of August and September 2009. The debris flows, which occurred in February 2010,
following several intense rainstorms, severely damaged more than 40 homes and many
cars were swept by the mud- and debris -laden water.
Within the General Plan area, locations that are most susceptible to debris flows are those
properties at the base of moderate to steep slopes, or at the mouths of small to large
drainage channels.
Rockfalls are free -falling to tumbling masses of bedrock that have broken off steep canyon
walls or cliffs. The debris from repeated rockfalls typically collects at the base of extremely
steep slopes in cone -shaped accumulations of angular rock fragments called talus.
Rockfalls can happen wherever fractured rock slopes are oversteepened by stream erosion
or man's activities.
The bedrock common to the area's hillsides weathers into large boulders that perch
precariously on slopes, posing a rockfall hazard to areas adjacent to and below these
slopes. A rockfall or rockslide may happen suddenly and without warning, but is more
likely to occur in response to earthquake -induced ground shaking, during periods of
intense rainfall, or as a result of man's activities, such as grading and blasting. As
discussed in Chapter 1, rockfall hazard in the La Quinta General Plan area is largely
restricted to properties at or near the base of boulder -covered slopes. Mitigation of Slope Instability in Future Development
Careful land management in hillside areas can reduce the risk of economic and social
losses from slope failures. This generally includes land use zoning to restrict development
in unstable areas, grading codes for earthwork construction, geologic and soil engineering
investigation and review, construction of drainage structures, and if warranted, placement
of warning systems. Other important factors are risk assessments (including susceptibility
maps), a concerned local government, and an educated public.
The Municipal Code for the City of La Quinta includes regulations and standards for
development in hillside areas (Title 9: Zoning, Chapter 9.140: Supplemental Special
Purpose Regulations, Section 9.140.040: HC Hillside Conservation Regulations). The
intent of this regulation is to: 1) protect the health and safety of the public; 2) protect and
preserve existing landforms, drainage patterns, natural ridgelines and rock outcrops, scenic
vistas, native vegetation and wildlife habitat; 3) discourage mass grading and terracing; 4)
encourage variety in design; and 5) mitigate slope instability, erosion, and sedimentation
by requiring soils reports, and where necessary, engineered drainage facilities.
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 2-9
In the city of La Quinta all hillsides are zoned as open space and included in the HC
hillside conservation overlay district. The Code defines hillside areas as those with a slope
of 20% or greater and includes both mountain slopes and alluvial fans not protected by
flood control structures. The Code allows certain uses on alluvial fans sloping less than
20%, including single-family residences, however these are subject to various guidelines,
as well as planning and engineering reviews by the City. For slopes steeper than 20%,
uses are restricted to trails, and under some conditions, access roads.
For the unincorporated areas of the General Plan, Riverside County Ordinances provide
similar standards and guidelines for growth and development, in addition to providing a
basis for county -wide planning and construction of public facilities such as drainage
control. The ordinances address zoning, permitting, grading, and investigation
requirements for areas subject to potential geologic problems, including slope instability.
Soils and geology reports for hillside areas, which are required by both the City and the
County, should include a geotechnical evaluation of any slope that may impact the future
use of the property, as well as any impact to adjacent properties. This includes existing
slopes that are to remain natural, and any proposed graded slopes. This type of
investigation typically includes borings and/or test pits to collect geologic data and soil
samples, laboratory testing of the soil samples to determine soil strength parameters, and
engineering calculations. Numerous soil -engineering methods are available for stabilizing
slopes that pose a threat to development. These methods include designed buttresses
(replacing the weak portion of the slope with engineered fill); reducing the height of the
slope; designing the slope at a flatter gradient; and adding reinforcements to fill slopes such
as soil cement or layers of geogrid (a tough polymeric net -like material that is placed
between the horizontal layers of fill). Most slope stabilization methods include a subdrain
system to prevent excessive ground water (typically landscape water) from building up
within the slope area. If it is not feasible to mitigate the slope stability hazard, building
setbacks are typically imposed.
For debris flows, assessment of this hazard for individual sites should focus on structures
located or planned in vulnerable positions. This generally includes canyon areas; at the
toes of steep, natural slopes; and at the mouth of small to large drainage channels.
Mitigation of soil slips and debris flows is usually directed at containment (debris basins),
or diversion (impact walls, deflection walls, diversion channels, and debris fences). A
system of baffles may be added upstream to slow the velocity of a potential debris flow.
Other methods may include avoidance by restricting habitable structures to areas outside
of the potential debris flow path.
There are numerous methods for mitigating rockfalls. Choosing the best method depends
on the geological conditions (i.e., slope height, steepness, fracture spacing, foliation
orientation), safety, type and cost of construction repair, and aesthetics. A commonly used
method is to regrade the slope. This ranges from locally trimming hazardous overhangs, to
completely reconfiguring the slope to a more stable condition, possibly with the addition
of benches to catch small rocks. Another group of methods focuses on holding the
fractured rock in place by draping the slope with wire mesh, or by installing tensioned rock
bolts, tie -back walls, or even retaining walls. A third type of mitigation includes catchment
devices at the toe of the slope, such as ditches, walls, or combinations of both. Designing
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 2-10
the width of the catchment structure requires analysis of how the rock will fall. For
instance, the slope gradient and roughness of the slope determines if rocks will fall,
bounce, or roll to the bottom (Wyllie and Norrish, 1996).
Temporary slope stability is also a concern, especially where earthwork construction is
taking place next to existing improvements. Temporary slopes are those made for slope
stabilization backcuts, fill keys, alluvial removals, retaining walls, and underground utility
lines. The risk of slope failure is higher in temporary slopes because they are generally cut
at a much steeper gradient. In general, temporary slopes should not be cut steeper than
1:1 (horizontal:vertical), and depending on actual field conditions, flatter gradients or
shoring may be necessary. The potential for slope failure can also be reduced by cutting
and filling large excavations in segments, and not leaving temporary excavations open for
long periods of time. The stability of large temporary slopes should be geotechnically
analyzed prior to construction, and mitigation measures provided as needed. Mitigation of Slope Instability in Existing Development
There are a number of options for the management of potential slope instability where
development has already taken place. Implementation of these options should reduce the
hazard to an acceptable level, including reducing or eliminating the potential for loss of
life or injury, and reducing economic loss to tolerable levels. Mitigation measures may
■ Protecting existing development and population where appropriate by physical
controls such as improved drainage, slope -geometry modification, protective
barriers, and retaining structures;
■ Posting warning signs in areas of potential slope instability;
■ Encouraging homeowners to install landscaping consisting primarily of drought -
resistant, preferably native vegetation that helps stabilize the hillsides;
■ Incorporating recommendations for potential slope instability into geologic and soil
engineering reports for building additions and new grading; and
■ Providing public education on slope stability, including the importance of
maintaining drainage devices and avoiding heavy irrigation. U.S. Geological
Survey Fact Sheet FS- 071-00 (May, 2000) and California Geological Survey Note
33 (March, 2004) provide public information on landslide and mudslide hazards.
Both of these are available on the World Wide Web (see Appendix A).
2.3.2 Compressible Soils
Compressible soils are typically geologically young, unconsolidated sediments of low
density that may compress under the weight of proposed fill embankments and structures.
The settlement potential and the rate of settlement in these sediments can vary greatly,
depending on the soil characteristics (texture and grain size), natural moisture and density,
thickness of the compressible layer(s), the weight of the proposed load, the rate at which
the load is applied, and drainage.
In the La Quinta General Plan area, compressible soils are most likely to occur in the valley,
where young deposits are present (see Plate 2-1). This would generally include the
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 2-11
modern and prehistoric floodplains of the major drainages, such as the Whitewater River,
wind-blown deposits, and the upper part of the young alluvium that blankets the valley
floor. Compressible soils are also commonly found in hillside areas, typically in canyon
bottoms, swales, and at the base of natural slopes. Although the older alluvial fan deposits
in the La Quinta area are relatively dense, the upper few feet, which are commonly
weathered and/or disturbed, are typically compressible. Deep fill embankments, generally
those more than about 60 feet deep, will also compress under their own weight. Mitigation of Compressible Soils
When development is planned within areas that contain potentially compressible soils, a
geotechnical analysis is required to confirm whether or not this hazard is present. The
analysis should consider the characteristics of the soil column in that specific area, and
also the load of any proposed fills and structures that are planned, the type of structure (i.e.
a road, pipeline, or building), and the local groundwater conditions. Removal and
recompaction of the near -surface soils is generally the minimum that is required. Deeper
removals may be needed for heavier loads, or for structures that are sensitive to minor
settlement. Based on the location -specific data and analyses, partial removal and
recompaction of the compressible soils are sometimes performed, followed by settlement
monitoring for a number of months after additional fill has been placed, but before
buildings or infrastructure are constructed. Similar methods are used for deep fills. In
cases where it is not feasible to remove the compressible soils, buildings can be supported
on specially engineered foundations that may include deep caissons or piles.
2.3.3 Collapsible Soils
Hydroconsolidation or soil collapse typically occurs in recently deposited sediments that
accumulated in an arid or semi -arid environment. Sediments prone to collapse are
commonly associated with alluvial fan and debris flow sediments deposited during flash
floods. These deposits are typically dry and contain minute pores and voids. The soil
particles may be partially supported by clay, silt or carbonate bonds. When saturated,
collapsible soils undergo a rearrangement of their grains and a loss of cementation,
resulting in substantial and rapid settlement under relatively light loads. An increase in
surface water infiltration, such as from irrigation, or a rise in the groundwater table,
combined with the weight of a building or structure, can initiate rapid settlement and
cause foundations and walls to crack. Typically, differential settlement of structures occurs
when landscaping is heavily irrigated in close proximity to the structure's foundation.
The young alluvial and wind -deposited sediments in the La Quinta General Plan area may
be locally susceptible to this hazard due to their low density, rapid deposition in the desert
environment, and the generally dry condition of the upper soils. Mitigation of Collapsible Soils
The potential for soils to collapse should be evaluated on a site -specific basis as part of the
geotechnical studies for development. If the soils are determined to be collapsible, the
hazard can be mitigated by several different measures or combination of measures,
including excavation and recompaction, or pre -saturation and pre -loading of the
susceptible soils in place to induce collapse prior to construction. After construction,
infiltration of water into the subsurface soils should be minimized by proper surface
drainage design, which directs excess runoff to catch basins and storm drains.
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 2-12
2.3.4 Expansive Soils
Fine-grained soils, such as silts and clays, may contain variable amounts of expansive clay
minerals. These minerals can undergo significant volumetric changes as a result of changes
in moisture content. The upward pressures induced by the swelling of expansive soils can
have significant harmful effects upon structures and other surface improvements.
The valley portion of the La Quinta General Plan area is underlain by sediments that are
composed of alluvial sand and gravel interlayered with fine-grained lakebed deposits (silts
and clays). Consequently, after site grading, the expansion characteristics of the soils at
finish grade can be highly variable. Pedogenic soil profiles that have developed on older
alluvial fan deposits as a result of weathering are commonly clay -rich and probably fall in
the moderately expansive range.
The rock that forms the hills and mountains generally has low expansion characteristics,
however sheared zones within the rock may contain clays with expansive minerals.
In some cases, engineered fills may be expansive and cause damage to improvements if
such soils are incorporated into the fill near the finished surface. Mitigation of Expansive Soils
The best defense against this hazard in new developments is to avoid placing expansive
soils near the surface. If this is unavoidable, building areas with expansive soils are
typically "presaturated" to a moisture content and depth specified by the soil engineer,
thereby "pre -swelling" the soil prior to constructing the structural foundation or hardscape.
This method is often used in conjunction with stronger foundations that can resist small
ground movements without cracking. Good surface drainage control is essential for all
types of improvements, both new and old. Property owners should be educated about the
importance of maintaining relatively constant moisture levels in their landscaping.
Excessive watering, or alternating wetting and drying, can result in distress to
improvements and structures.
2.3.5 Corrosive Soils
Corrosive soils can, over time, cause extensive damage to buried metallic objects,
commonly impacting such things as buried pipelines (such as water mains), and even
affecting steel elements within foundations. The electrochemical and bacteriological
processes that take place between the soil and the buried structure are complex and
depend on a number of factors involving the structure type and certain soil characteristics.
For instance, the type, grade, length, and size of the piping, as well as the materials used in
the pipe connections, may control the electrochemical reactions that will take place
between the pipes and the surrounding soil, and different soils may react differently. For
soils, the most common factor used in identifying the potential for corrosion is electrical
resistivity. Soils with low resistivity are especially susceptible to corrosion reactions.
Other soil characteristics that increase the risk of corrosion to metals are low pH (acidic
soils), wet soils, high chloride levels, low oxygen levels, and the presence of certain
Soils with high concentrations of soluble sulfates are not directly corrosive to metals,
however the presence of sulfate -reducing bacteria in the soil may cause sulfates to convert
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 2-13
to sulfides, which are compounds that do increase the risk for corrosion. If the
concentration of soluble sulfates is high enough, the soil will be corrosive to concrete. Mitigation of Corrosive Soils
Corrosion testing is an important part of geotechnical investigations. Onsite soils, as well
as any imported soils, are typically tested in the laboratory for resistivity, pH, chloride, and
sulfates. For treatment of high sulfate content, special cement mixes and specified water
contents are typically used for concrete that will be in contact with the soil. For corrosion
of metals, there are a number of procedures used to protect the structure, including
cathodic protection, coatings such as paint or tar, or wrapping with protective materials.
As mentioned above, the corrosion processes are complex; consequently, the site -specific
recommendations must be provided by an engineer who is a corrosion specialist.
2.3.6 Ground Subsidence
Ground subsidence is the gradual settling or sinking of the ground surface with little or no
horizontal movement. Most ground subsidence is man -induced. In the areas of California
where ground subsidence has been reported (such as the San Joaquin Valley, Coachella
Valley, and Wilmington), this phenomenon is most commonly associated with the
extraction of fluids (water and/or petroleum) from sediments below the surface. Less
commonly, ground subsidence can also occur as a response to natural forces such as
earthquake movements. Earthquakes have caused abrupt regional elevation changes in
excess of one foot across faults. For instance, the Imperial Valley earthquake of 1979
resulted in ground subsidence of approximately 15 inches on the east side of the Imperial
fault (Sharp and Lienkaemper, 1982).
Ground -surface effects related to regional subsidence can include earth fissures, sinkholes
or depressions, and disruption of surface drainage. Damage is generally restricted to
structures sensitive to slight changes in elevations, such as canals, levees, underground
pipelines, and drainage courses; however, significant subsidence can result in damage to
wells, buildings, roads, railroads, and other improvements. Subsidence due to the
overdraft of groundwater supplies can also result in the permanent loss of aquifer storage
capacity. Subsidence has largely been brought under control in affected areas by careful
management of local water supplies, including reducing pumping of local wells, importing
water, and use of artificial recharge (Johnson, 1998; Stewart et al., 1998).
The Coachella Valley is filled with as much as 14,000 feet of sediments, with the upper
2,000 feet defined as water -bearing deposits. As discussed in the previous chapter, the
area is tectonically active, and regional subsidence over the last several millions of years is
responsible for the great thickness of alluvial deposits along the valley floor. Nevertheless,
the rate of subsidence in some areas appears to have accelerated recently, at rates too great
to be accounted for solely by tectonics. Increased groundwater pumping coincident with
these rapid rates of subsidence suggests that groundwater extraction is causing the
subsidence that has been reported locally in the Coachella Valley. Recognizing that
significant subsidence in the area could pose a major environmental constraint, several
agencies (including the U.S. Geological Survey, and the Coachella Valley Water District)
are currently devoting resources to the study and mitigation of this potential hazard.
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 2-14
Regional subsidence related to groundwater withdrawal was first suspected in the
Coachella Valley when ground fissuring developed suddenly in the city of La Quinta in
1948 (see Plate 2-2). The fissures occurred after nearly 30 years of intense groundwater
pumping for agricultural, municipal and domestic purposes. Water levels declined as
much as 50 feet between the early 1920s and the late 1940s, before imported water from
the Colorado River became the area's main water source. Once surface water from the
Coachella Canal was introduced in 1949, pumping of ground water decreased, and
between 1950 and the 1970s, groundwater levels actually recovered throughout most of
the valley. Some of the basin recharge was also attributed to the leakage from unlined
water canals. Since the late 1970s, however, the demand for water has exceeded the
deliveries of imported surface water, and groundwater levels have again been declining as
a result of increased pumping. By 1996, water levels in some wells had dropped 50 to 100
feet, to all-time historical lows.
Recognizing that these observed declines in water level had the potential to induce new or
renewed land subsidence in the area, the U.S. Geological Survey established in 1996 a
precise geodetic network to monitor land subsidence in the lower Coachella Valley. This
network of monuments extended from the Salton Sea on the south to just northwest of
Indio (Ikehara et al., 1997). The study compared elevation measurements made in 1996
using Geographic Positioning System (GPS) technology with elevation survey data
collected by several agencies over several years, dating back to 1936. Because the
methods and geographic scales used varied from agency to agency, there are substantial
error bars on the results, but the data indicate that between 1936 and 1996, the lower
Coachella Valley subsided by as much as 0.5 feet (±0.3 feet) (Ikehara et al., 1997; Sneed et
al., 2001).
Where data were available, historical subsidence was plotted over time and compared to
water level changes in nearby wells. In general, subsidence occurred during periods of
water level decline, and rebound occurred during intervening periods of water level
recovery. Since the timing of the subsidence measurements corresponds with water level
declines, land subsidence appears to be occurring in response to groundwater pumping.
Water levels began declining below their previously recorded low levels in the early
1990s. Researchers believe that most of the subsidence measured in 1996 had probably
just occurred in the last few years prior to the survey. Rapid rates of subsidence over a
relatively short period of time are suggested by a study conducted in 1998, when 14 of the
17 original monuments were re -surveyed. The measurements indicate that between 1996
and 1998, vertical changes (subsidence) in the land surface elevation of between 0.04 to
0.22 feet (±0.13 feet) occurred locally.
Since a large portion of the Coachella Valley was not covered in the first study, new
technology referred to as Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) was used to
extend the study area northwesterly, to the Palm Springs/Palm Desert area. InSAR uses
differences in reflected radar signals acquired at different times to measure ground -surface
deformations. [This method has been used successfully in the last few years to study
changes in the land and built environment resulting from earthquakes, volcanic activity,
and even warfare]. The InSAR-generated maps reviewed by Sneed et al. (2001) show three
areas that appear to have subsided between May 7, 1996 and September 30, 1998: in the
Rancho Mirage/Palm Desert area, in the Indian Wells area, and southeast of the modern
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 2-15
Lake Cahuilla. The Rancho Mirage/Palm Desert area that appears to have subsided
extends from about Country Club Drive on the north, to Fred Waring Drive on the south,
and between Highway 111 and the San Jacinto Mountains on the west, to Portola Avenue
on the east. Subsidence of as much as 0.23 feet was measured in the southwestern
portion of this area. The subsidence area in Rancho Mirage/Palm Desert coincides with an
area of substantial groundwater development, where more than 70 production wells
produced about 170,000 acre-feet of water during the 1996-98 period (Sneed et al., 2001).
The results of a third study were released in 2002, covering the period between 1998 and
2000. During this time, four additional GPS stations were placed in the valley (including
one in the Rancho Mirage/Palm Desert area). Four InSAR images (two pairs) were
combined to evaluate ground elevation changes between two time periods as follows: 1)
June 1998 to June 1999, and 2) November 1999 to October 2000. The InSAR data
indicate that subsidence was still occurring in the three areas previously identified, plus in
a new area near La Quinta. The Rancho Mirage/Palm Desert subsidence area (with a 0.2
feet drop in the surface elevation during this period) coincides with or is near areas where
groundwater levels have again declined, in some cases to new lows from their recorded
histories (Sneed et al., 2002). The U.S. Geological Survey team recommended that
monitoring for subsidence be continued in the area. However, given that the rates of
subsidence appear to be small compared to the GPS measurement error, the team
indicated that GPS surveys need not be conducted on an annual basis.
The most current study released by the U.S. Geological Survey reports subsidence rates
have increased two to four times since the year 2000 in Palm Desert, Indian Wells, and La
Quinta. Water levels in wells within or near the subsiding areas fluctuated seasonally and
declined annually between 1996 and 2005. In fact some 2005 water levels were at the
lowest levels in their recorded histories. The report concluded that due to the localized
character of the subsidence, as well as the coincident areas of declining water levels and
subsidence, some aquifer compaction may be taking place. Although groundwater
pumping is the most likely cause of the subsidence, it could also be due to tectonic activity
in the valley (Sneed and Brandt, 2007).
Permanent (irreversible) subsidence can occur if ground water is removed from clay and
silt layers in the underlying aquifer. This later scenario has heavily impacted the Antelope
Valley where surface fissures or cracks in the land surface have been reported. The cracks,
which have measured as much as 1,300 feet long, 6 feet wide, and 13 feet deep, have
caused substantial damage to runways, roads, wells, pipelines, and other structures. With
the exception of the cracks observed in the La Quinta area in 1948, no cracks or fissures
have been reported in the Coachella Valley. There is however, the potential for fissuring to
develop if subsidence as a result of groundwater pumping continues or increases in the
area. It is not clear why ground fissures developed in the La Quinta area, but the area
where they developed, near the intersection of Avenue 52 and Adams Street, is near the
margin of the Coachella Valley, at the base of the Santa Rosa Mountains. While
subsidence typically occurs throughout an overdrafted valley, differential displacement and
fissures are generally manifested at or near the valley margin. Therefore, if subsidence
continues in the lower Coachella Valley, damage to structures as a result of regional
subsidence would be expected to be greatest at the valley margin.
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 2-16
CITY of LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA Mitigation of Ground Subsidence
Prevention of subsidence requires a regional approach to groundwater conservation and
recharge. Conservation efforts will be more than offset by the rapid growth of the region
and the heavy water requirements of golf courses (±8 acre-feet per acre per year) unless
water consumption is diligently managed. Some measures that can be implemented to
manage subsidence include:
■ Increase use of reclaimed water, storm water, or imported water;
■ Implement artificial recharge programs (some of this is already being done, with
percolation ponds near Palm Springs and recharge ponds near Desert Hot Springs);
■ Determine the safe yields of groundwater basins, so that available supplies can be
balanced with extraction;
■ Monitor the groundwater and basin conditions;
■ Establish a monitoring program to detect changes in ground elevations above
producing aquifers;
■ Protect groundwater quality;
■ Reduce long-term water demand with specific programs of water conservation; and
■ Acquire additional imported water supplies, and encourage water conservation
through public education.
Mitigation measures are expected to be difficult to implement; however, the Coachella
Valley Water Management Program (adopted by the Coachella Valley Water District
[CVWD] in October, 2002) addresses many of these issues, including artificial recharge
with water from the Colorado River Aqueduct, conservation programs, utilization of canal
and recycled water (i.e. for agriculture and golf courses), the inclusion of water efficient
plumbing in new construction, and the use of more efficient irrigation practices, especially
for high quantity users such as farmers, golf courses, and large developments. The goal of
the program is reduce water consumption in the valley even with the expected population
increases. In 2003, the Coachella Valley Water District adopted a landscape model
ordinance that calls for the use of water -efficient vegetation in new and remodeled
landscaping. The City of La Quinta, in conjunction with the CVWD, has created a city-
wide Landscape Water Management Program aimed at reducing landscape water usage
and eliminating sprinkler runoff. The program includes water audits, drought -resistant
landscaping, drip irrigation systems, and public education. Similar landscape ordinances
and programs should be considered by all desert communities, as the need for more
efficient use of water will only increase as the population in this area increases.
2.3.7 Erosion
Erosion, runoff, and sedimentation are influenced by several factors, including climate,
topography, soil and rock types, and vegetation. The topographic relief between the valley
and the adjacent mountains makes erosion and sedimentation an important issue for La
Quinta. The fractured condition of the bedrock forming the mountains, combined with
rapid geologic uplift and infrequent but powerful winter storms leads to high erosion rates.
Further, erosion can increase significantly when mountain slopes are denuded by wildfires.
Winter storms that follow a season of mountain wildfires can transport great volumes of
sediment onto the low-lying areas below.
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 2-17
In the La Quinta General Plan area, the unconsolidated sediments in the canyon bottoms
and valley floors are generally the most susceptible to erosion. Natural erosion processes,
even on more consolidated sediments, are often accelerated through man's activities —
whether they be agricultural or land development. Grading increases the potential for
erosion and sedimentation by removing protective vegetation, altering natural drainage
patterns, compacting the soil, and constructing cut and fill slopes that may be more
susceptible to erosion than slopes in their natural condition. Developments also reduce
the surface area available for infiltration, leading to increased flooding and sedimentation
downstream of the project. Mitigation of Erosion
Erosion will have an impact on those portions of La Quinta located above and below
natural and man-made slopes. Hilltop homes or structures above natural slopes should not
be permitted at the head of steep drainage channels or gullies without protective measures
against headward erosion of the gully. Structures placed near the base of slopes or near
the mouths of small canyons, swales, washes, and gullies will need protection from
sedimentation. Developments in the valley that are adjacent to natural drainage channels
should be adequately set back from eroding channel banks. Alternatively, modification of
the channel to reduce erosion should be included in the project design. Although
development is generally not present and not permitted within canyons and major
drainage channels, roadways and utility lines, out of necessity, must sometimes cross these
areas and will need protection from erosion and sedimentation.
Mitigation of erosion and sedimentation typically includes structures to slow down stream
velocity, such as check dams and drop structures, devices to collect and channel the flow,
catchment basins, and elevating structures above the toes of the slopes. Diversion dikes,
interceptor ditches, swales, and slope down -drains are commonly lined with asphalt or
concrete, however ditches can also be lined with gravel, rock, decorative stone, or grass.
There are many options for protecting manufactured slopes from erosion, such as terracing
slopes to minimize the velocity attained by runoff, the addition of berms and v-ditches, and
installing adequate storm drain systems. Other measures include establishing protective
vegetation, and placing mulches, rock facings (either cemented on non -cemented), gabions
(rock -filled galvanized wire cages), or building blocks with open spaces for plantings on
the slope face. All slopes within developed areas should be protected from concentrated
water flow over the tops of the slopes by the use of berms or walls. All ridge -top building
pads should be engineered to direct drainage away from slopes.
Temporary erosion control measures must be provided during the construction phase of a
development, as required by local building codes and ordinances, as well as State and
Federal stormwater pollution regulations. In addition, permanent erosion control and
clean water runoff measures are required for new developments. These measures might
include desilting basins, percolation areas to cleanse runoff from the development, proper
care of drainage control devices, appropriate irrigation practices, and rodent control.
Erosion control devices should be field -checked following periods of heavy rainfall to
assure they are performing as designed and have not become blocked by debris.
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 2-18
Both the City of La Quinta and the County of Riverside require plans be developed for both
temporary and permanent erosion control in new projects. Construction must comply with
the project's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and Best Management Practices,
which are part of the site's grading plans. The goal is to minimize or restrict the release of
runoff and sediment from the site, as well as debris or potential pollutants.
2.3.8 Wind -Blown Sand
Wind erosion is a serious environmental problem attracting the attention of many across
the globe. It is a common phenomenon occurring mostly in flat, bare areas; dry, sandy
soils; or anywhere the soil is loose, dry, and finely granulated. Wind erosion damages land
and natural vegetation by removing soil from one place and depositing it in another. It
causes soil loss, dryness and deterioration of soil structure, nutrient and productivity losses,
air pollution, and sediment transport and deposition.
Soil movement is initiated as a result of wind forces exerted against the surface of the
ground. For each specific soil type and surface condition, there is a minimum velocity
required to move soil particles. This is called the threshold velocity. Once this velocity is
reached, the quantity of soil moved is dependent upon the particle size, the cloddiness of
the particles, and the wind velocity itself. Suspension, saltation, and surface creep are the
three types of soil movement that occur during wind erosion (Figure 2-1). While soil can
be blown away at virtually any height, the majority (over 93%) of soil movement takes
place at or within one meter (3 feet) of the ground surface.
Figure 2-1: Wind -Induced Soil Movement
Wind -induced soil movement is initiated as a result of wind forces exerted against
the surface of the ground, and includes suspension, saltation, and surface creep.
Soil can be blown high into the atmosphere; however, most soil movement takes
place at or within one meter of the ground surface.
According to El-Aghel (1984), five physical factors determine the distribution and intensity
of the wind-blown sand hazard in the Coachella Valley:
Orientation of hill and mountain masses: The major mountain masses bordering
the valley have their long axes aligned in a northwest -southeast direction. As a
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 2-19
result, these mountains offer little resistance to the free flow of air down the long
axis of the Coachella Valley. The narrow San Gorgonio Pass accelerates the wind
and improves its ability to pick-up and transport sand.
■ Nature of the bedrock: The granitic rock that comprises the local mountains
readily weathers to grain size categories that are easily transported by wind.
■ Location of the Whitewater River floodplain: The Whitewater River is the main
stream feeding the upper Coachella Valley, and the floodplain is located at the
eastern end of San Gorgonio Pass, precisely where wind velocities are the greatest.
The river drains much of the adjacent parts of the San Bernardino Mountains, and
is the primary source of sand and gravel in the area. During flood events, large
quantities of sand and gravel are deposited on the Whitewater floodplain. Studies
have shown that increases in the amount of wind-blown sand are related to
episodic flooding of the Whitewater River (Sharp, 1964, 1980). For example, a 15-
fold increase in wind erosion rates has been noted following heavy flood events
(Sharp, 1980). Flood events generally change the character of the Whitewater
River drainage from a stony to a sandy appearance. Yet, within a few months of
the flooding event, the drainage bottom typically returns to a predominantly stony
appearance, as the finer -grained sand is removed from the streambed by the wind,
depositing it elsewhere on the valley floor where it becomes a nuisance. Plate 2-3
shows those areas underlain by sediments susceptible to erosion as a result of the
strong winds that physically assault the valley portion of the La Quinta General
Plan area.
■ Slope of the valley floor: From the summit of the San Gorgonio Pass, at an
elevation of about 1,300 feet, to the Salton Sea, with elevations below sea level,
the valley floor slopes without interruption, thereby allowing air to move
unhindered down the long axis of the Coachella Valley. The region of greatest
blow -sand activity is located down the central axis of the valley, in a region that
stretches from eastern Palm Springs to La Quinta.
■ Climate: The Coachella Valley is a hot dry desert with sparse, widely spaced
vegetation. As a result, surficial materials are exposed to wind activity. The
precipitation in the adjacent mountains is often short and intense, leading to
torrential run-off and considerable detritus deposition on the valley floor.
Wind and wind-blown sand pose an environmental, often destructive, hazard throughout
the Coachella Valley, including La Quinta. To measure the effects of the high winds that
blow through the valley, in the late 1970s, Caltech investigators conducted several tests
near Garnet Hill. The researchers stocked sample plots with 2- to 3-inch-thick lucite rods,
common bricks, hard crystalline rock, and gypsum -cement cubes. Then they measured,
over several years, the effects of the wind on these artifacts. As a result of wind erosion,
one lucite rod was severed, and many samples were eroded up to several centimeters per
year. It is no wonder, therefore, that buildings, fences, roads, crops, trees and shrubs can
all be damaged by abrasive blowing soil. In some areas, wind-blown sand has actually
forced the abandonment of dwellings and subdivided tracts in the central Coachella Valley
(Sharp, 1980). Utility poles in the area are frequently armored with sheet metal around the
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 2-20
This map is intended for general land use planning only. Information on this map is not
sufficient to serve as a substitute for detailed geologic investigations of Individual sites,
nor does it satisfy the evaIuatIan requirements set forth in geologic hazard regulations.
Earth Consultants International (ECI) makes no representations or warranties regarding
the accuracy of the data from which these maps were derived. ECI shall not be liable
under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages with respect to any claim by any user or third party on account of, or arising
from, the use of this map.
V - A
® r L- G
Wind Erosion
Susceptibility Map
La Quinta, {California
Wind Erodibility Rating
" Very high
- Low
Not rated or not available
Weather Station
�-� La Quinta City Boundary'~ La Quinta Sphere of Influence
N 6000 I1 6000
2000 0 2000
S Scale: 1:72,000
Base Map: USGS Topographic Map from SUre!MAPS RASTER, 1997.
Source: modified from Natural Resources Conservation Service Wind
Erodibiity Group - Riverside County, Coachella Valley Area.
_ Earth
international a
Project Number: 3004
Date: 2010
Plate 2-3
base to help reduce wind erosion. Wind-blown sand has repeatedly caused the closure of
roads, costing cities thousands of dollars in cleanup.
The presence of dust particles in the air is also the source of several major health problems.
Atmospheric dust causes respiratory discomfort, and may carry pathogens that cause eye
infections and skin disorders. Dust storms reduce highway- and air-traffic visibility. Since
high winds blow down the axis of the Coachella Valley, the recreational and resort
communities that first developed in the Coachella Valley were generally located in areas
sheltered from these winds, tucked in coves at the base of the mountains. The older parts
of La Quinta are an example of these early developments. However, as the area has
grown, development has spread into the central axis of the valley and into the high -wind
areas. Rapid development of the Coachella Valley is in part responsible for changes in land
use, such as removing native vegetation and building roads and other types of
infrastructure, that have led to increases in wind-blown sand across the valley floor.
(Grading a site for development results in loose soil that can be readily picked up and
transported down -wind.) Recreational land -uses, especially use of off -road vehicles, can
also accelerate erosion in the area.
Most of the La Quinta General Plan area is within the active wind erosion zone; only
portions of the city near the base of the Santa Rosa Mountains are somewhat protected.
The northern part of La Quinta is also underlain by highly erodible sediments (see Plate 2-
3). Mitigation of Wind -Blown Sand
Mitigation measures that have been used and are used in the area include hedges and
other barriers to wind. Increased development in the La Quinta area has had the positive
side -effect of reducing the local sand available to be picked up and transported by the
wind. This is due to the increasing amount of hardscape (homes, asphalt, and concrete)
and vegetation (such as golf courses and ornamental plants) covering the soil and isolating
it from the wind.
During grading and construction, however there is the potential for increased amounts of
soils available for transport. Therefore, water is typically sprayed at construction sites to
reduce dust in the air. On very windy days earthwork construction may be curtailed
2.4 Summary
The La Quinta. General Plan area is highly diverse geologically. This diversity is strongly related to
the youthful (in geologic terms) seismic setting of the surrounding region, which includes the
ongoing uplift of the San Jacinto/Santa Rosa Mountains to the west and south and tectonic
subsidence of the Coachella Valley on the east and north. This, along with the effects of climate,
has resulted in a landscape that is complex in geologic processes and hazards. As La Quinta's
population grows in the next decades, new development will be needed to meet the demand for
homes. When meeting this demand, it is imperative to manage land uses in a responsible way, as
development disrupts natural processes, often leading to negative impacts on the environment as
well as on the development and adjacent projects. The impacts of land development can be
minimized, however, if both site -specific and regional planning elements are recognized and
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 2-22
considered, the project incorporates knowledge gained from scientific research in developing and
implementing a design appropriate to the area, and protective measures are constructed and
maintained for the lifetime of the project.
Most of La Quinta's more densely developed areas are situated in its broad valley. The Santa Rosa
Mountains, which will remain as open space, not only form a dramatic backdrop to the area, but
also greatly influence the area's climate, geology, and hydrology. These elements combine in
various ways to create geologic hazards, as well as benefits to the community. Hazards that have
the greatest impact on the General Plan area are summarized below.
Slope instability is a potential hazard where development has encroached up to the base of the
mountains. The rock types forming the local mountains are generally resistant to landsliding, so
future slope failures are more likely to consist of surficial failures and erosion of sandy geologic
materials. Such failures typically occur during exceptional and/or prolonged rainfall, and may
manifest as mud or debris flows. Rockfall is a hazard near the base of the mountains, in areas
where the bedrock forms bouldery outcrops. Rockfalls or rockslides are more likely to occur as a
result of earthquake -induced ground shaking, posing a threat to structures and passing motorists.
Potentially compressible and/or collapsible soils underlie a significant part of the valleys and
canyons, typically where geologically young sediments have been deposited, such as young
alluvial fans, washes, and canyon bottoms. These are generally young sediments of low density
with variable amounts of organic materials. Under the added weight of fill embankments or
buildings, these sediments can settle, causing distress to improvements.
Some of the geologic units, primarily in that portion of the valley that was once occupied by
Ancient Lake Cahuilla, have fine-grained components that are likely to be moderately to highly
expansive. These materials may be present at the surface or may be exposed by grading activities.
Man-made fills can also be expansive, depending on the soils used to construct them.
Sediments in the valley areas may be corrosive to metallic objects, such as pipelines, that are in
contact with the soil. All soils should be tested for corrosion potential, with mitigation measures
developed by a corrosion engineer where needed.
Regional ground subsidence from groundwater withdrawal is a hazard that can reduced or
prevented by aggressive water management, the use of recycled water, the continued development
of new water sources, continuing public education, the widespread use of drought -tolerant plants
in landscaping, and the implementation and enforcement of stringent water conservation
measures, especially during droughts. The City should also consider requiring new subdivisions or
commercial developments to install the infrastructure for water recycling, so that these sites can be
connected to recycled water mains as they become available. With the expected increase in
population, water shortage is one of the most serious challenges ahead. Overdraft of the aquifers
underlying La Quinta could result in permanent ground subsidence, with resultant negative impact
on the area's environmental quality.
Because of the topographic relief in and around La Quinta, erosion and sedimentation are
inherently significant elements of the natural setting. Land development can have adverse impacts
on these elements by altering the natural processes, topography, and protective vegetation, in
addition to reducing the area of natural infiltration. This in turn can lead to damage from
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 2-23
increased flooding, erosion, and sedimentation in other areas, typically downstream. Erosion and
sedimentation are also important considerations on a site -specific basis, with respect to
developments adjacent to slopes and drainage channels. These issues are not only critical during
the design of a project, but also during construction and during the long-term maintenance of the
developed site.
Damage from strong winds and blowing sand is a hazard to La Quinta, although the "cove" areas
adjacent to the mountains are somewhat protected. Increased development and irrigation in the
Coachella Valley has alleviated the hazard of blowing sand somewhat, however many sand
sources are still available, including the Whitewater River.
Losses resulting from geologic hazards are generally not covered by insurance policies, causing
additional hardship on property owners. The potential for damage can be greatly reduced by:
■ Strict adherence to grading ordinances — many of which have been developed as a result of
past disasters;
■ Sound land planning and project design that avoids severely hazardous areas;
■ Detailed, site -specific geotechnical investigations, followed by geotechnical oversight
during grading and during construction of foundations and underground infrastructure;
■ Effective geotechnical and design review of projects performed by qualified, California -
registered engineering geologists, soil engineers, and design engineers; and
■ Public education that focuses on reducing losses from geologic hazards, including the
importance of proper irrigation and landscaping practices, in addition to the care and
maintenance of slopes and drainage devices.
Earth Consultants International Geologic Hazards Page 2-24
Floods are natural and recurring events that only become hazardous when man encroaches onto
floodplains, modifying the landscape and building structures in the areas meant to convey excess
water during floods. Unfortunately, floodplains have been alluring to populations for millennia,
since they provide level ground and fertile soils suitable for agriculture, as well as access to water
supplies and transportation routes. Notwithstanding, these benefits come with a price — flooding is
one of the most destructive natural hazards in the world, responsible for more deaths per year than
any other geologic hazard. Furthermore, average annual flood losses (in dollars) have increased
steadily over the last decades as development in floodplains has expanded.
The city of La Quinta and surrounding areas are, like most of southern California, subject to
unpredictable seasonal rainfall. Most years, the winter rains are barely sufficient to turn the hills
and mountains green for a few weeks, but every few years the region is subjected to periods of
intense and sustained precipitation that results in flooding. Historic flood events that occurred in
southern California have resulted in an increased awareness of the potential for public and private
losses as a result of this hazard, particularly in the highly urbanized parts of floodplains and
alluvial fans. As the population grows, there is an increased pressure to build on flood -prone
areas, and in areas upstream of previously developed land. With increased development also
comes an increase in impervious surfaces, such as asphalt. Water that used to be absorbed into
the ground becomes runoff to downstream areas. If drainage channels that convey storm waters
are not designed or improved to carry these increased flows, areas that have not flooded in the
past may be subject to flooding in the future. This is especially true for developments near the base
of the mountains and downstream from canyons that have the potential to convey mudflows.
3.1 Storm Flooding
3.1.1 Hydrologic Setting
The city of La Quinta and its Sphere of Influence are located at the western edge of the
Salton Trough (also known as the Salton Sink), an arid low-lying region with hot summers,
cool winters, and infrequent, but potentially violent rainstorms. Most of the existing
development in La Quinta is spread across the valley floor — a broad, gently sloping basin
formed by a combination of alluvial fans emerging from deeply incised canyons in the
adjacent Santa Rosa Mountains, past flooding of the basin's main watercourse, the
Whitewater River, and sediments deposited in prehistoric lakes that once occupied the
area. The western part of the city encompasses the base of the Santa Rosa Mountains —
undeveloped rugged terrain that is part of the Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains
National Monument.
La Quinta has no perennial rivers and streams. When a storm arrives, normally dry rocky
canyons and riverbeds can quickly become dangerous torrents of water, sand, mud, and
rocks, capable of transporting boulders, trees, and even cars. The Whitewater River, with a
watershed of more than 1,000 square miles, is the most significant watercourse in the
Coachella Valley. Collecting runoff from the San Bernardino, Little San Bernardino, San
Jacinto, and Santa Rosa Mountains, the river emerges from the mountains near the
southern entrance to the San Gorgonio Pass, and meanders southeastward, eventually
reaching the Salton Sea. Like much of its course through the valley, the reach within the
city of La Quinta is confined to a man-made channel. Drainage channels in the mountains
are deeply incised, however they loose their definition when they reach the valley floor,
where sediment -laden water typically spreads out into braided ephemeral stream channels
Earth Consultants International Flood Hazards Page 3-1
and sheet flow (Figure 3-1). Numerous drainages from the adjacent Santa Rosa Mountains
flow toward La Quinta; the most significant of these in terms of flood hazard are Bear
Creek and Devil Canyon. La Quinta has numerous facilities in place that have greatly
reduced the potential for flooding in the city from these and other sources.
Figure 3-1: Alluvial Fan Outwash from the Rugged Santa Rosa Mountains near La Quinta
3.1.2 Weather and Climate
Southern California owes its agreeable climate of generally mild winters and warm, dry
summers to a semi -permanent high-pressure area located over the eastern Pacific Ocean,
which deflects storms to the north. During the winter months, this high breaks down,
allowing the jet stream to move storms along a more southerly track.
In spite of southern California's reputation for a mild Mediterranean climate, there are
varied and distinct climatic zones in close proximity that are controlled by terrain and
altitude. The local mountain ranges, including the San Bernardino, San Jacinto, and Santa
Rosa Mountains, have a powerful effect on the climatic conditions in this region.
Capturing precipitation from strong Pacific storms that pass through, the mountains
separate the semi -arid environment to the west from the dry, desert regions to the east.
Most precipitation occurs in the winter months, between November and April. However,
high -intensity, short -duration tropical thunderstorms emanating from the south are
common during the summer and fall, typically occurring July through September. Often
accompanied by strong winds, these powerful storms frequently result in localized damage
to roadways, power poles, trees, and structures. These storms are highly localized,
Earth Consultants International Flood Hazards Page 3-2
drenching one area with several inches of rain in a short period of time, while leaving
nearby areas completely dry.
The mountains receive significantly more precipitation than the adjacent lowlands.
Consequently, mountain thunderstorms can inundate the adjacent valleys with
floodwaters, mud, and debris, even if no rain actually falls on the valley. The average
yearly precipitation in the La Quinta area is a little more than 3 inches (see Table 3-1),
whereas more than 25 inches (average) of precipitation fall annually in the San Jacinto
Mountains (Table 3-2).
Table 3-1: Average Annual Rainfall* by Month for the La Quinta Area
Source: Global Historical Climatology Network
Data based on 1314 months between 1877 and 1989
Weather Station location: Indio, California, about 33.70' N and 116.30' W
Weather Station elevation: About 9 feet above mean sea level
Source: http://www.worldcIimate.com/
*Average rainfall = Mean monthly precipitation, including rain, snow, hail, etc.
Table 3-2: Average Annual Rainfall* by Month for the San Jacinto Mountains
Source: NCDC Cooperative Stations
Data based on 8 complete years between 1965 and 1978
Weather Station location: Mount San Jacinto, California, about 33.80°N and 116.63°W
Weather Station elevation: About 8,425 feet above mean sea level
Source: http://www.worldcIimate.com/
*Average rainfall = Mean monthly precipitation, including rain, snow, hail, etc.
Not only does rainfall in southern California vary from one location to the next, often
within short distances, it is also extremely variable from year to year, with periods of
drought alternating with periods of flooding. For instance, annual rainfall totals are
illustrated in the peak streamflow graph for a gage on the Whitewater River (see Figure 3-
2). This gage is located at the Southern Pacific Railroad Crossing in Indio and therefore
best represents the extreme fluctuations in stream discharge for the last 42 years that can
occur near La Quinta. With peaks typically at or near zero cubic feet per second (cfs) for
most years, peak flows reached more than 10,000 cfs on November 22, 1965 and on
January 25, 1969. These floodwaters have been computed to move at high velocities, with
the potential to do considerable damage.
Both winter and monsoon storms can impact the La Quinta area, as described further
below, in the following paragraphs.
Earth Consultants International Flood Hazards Page 3-3
Figure 3-2: Peak Annual Streamflow Values for Gage Station USGS 10259300
located on the Whitewater River near La Quinta
4 4 �
4b 5000 0
L Q)
y 0
0 0 00 00W ° 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0'
1970 1976 1982 1988 1994 2000 2006
Data for 1966 through 2008
Drainage basin size: 1,073 square miles
Winter Storms. Winter storms are characterized by heavy and sometimes prolonged
precipitation over a large area. These storms usually occur between November and April,
and are responsible for most of the precipitation recorded in southern California. This is
illustrated by the data presented above in Tables 3-1 and 3-2. The storms originate over
the Pacific Ocean and move eastward. Mountain ranges, such as the San Bernardino and
San Jacinto Mountains, form a rain shadow, slowing down or stopping the eastward
movement of this moisture. A significant portion of the moisture is dropped on the
mountains as snow. If large storms are coupled with snowmelt from the local mountains,
large peak discharges can be expected in the main watersheds at the base of the
Some of the severe winter storm seasons that have historically impacted the southern
California area have been related to El Nino events. El Nino is the name given to a
phenomenon that originates every few years, typically in December or early January, in the
southern Pacific, off the western coast of South America, but whose impacts are felt
worldwide. Briefly, warmer than usual waters in the southern Pacific are statistically
linked with increased rainfall in both the southeastern and southwestern United States,
droughts in Australia, western Africa and Indonesia, reduced number of hurricanes in the
Earth Consultants International Flood Hazards Page 3-4
Atlantic Ocean, and increased number of hurricanes in the Eastern Pacific. Two of the
largest and most intense El Nino events on record occurred during the 1982-83 and 1997-
98 water years. [A water year is the 12-month period from October 1 through September
30 of the second year. Often a water year is identified only by the calendar year in which
it ends, rather than by giving the two years, as above.] These are also two of the worst
storm seasons reported in southern California in recent decades.
More recently, the severe storms of December 2004 and January 2005 have been blamed
on a different climatic condition, one where the sub -tropical jet stream carries moisture -
laden air directly from the tropics to the west coast of California. Because it passes over
the Hawaiian Islands, it is commonly referred to as the "Pineapple Express." In December
2004, as this condition was developing, the northern jet stream shifted towards the
California coast allowing storms from the north to tap into the deep tropical moisture,
dramatically increasing the rainfall in southern California (NOAA, 2005a). Powerful winter
storms during February 2005, however, have been attributed to a weak but persistent El
Nino condition, combined with an atmospheric condition that blocked or slowed the
normal eastward movement of the storms (NOAA, 2005b). These events combined to give
the region record -breaking rainfall in the 2005 water year, in addition to spawning
numerous waterspouts and small tornadoes.
Monsoon Storms. Typically developing in late summer to fall, these storms are usually
most prevalent in the higher mountains and the deserts, but can also move into nearby
valleys. They develop when moist, unstable air moves into our area from Mexico through
Arizona (Mexican monsoons), from the Sea of Cortez (Gulf Surge), or at times from tropical
storms or hurricanes off of Baja California. Once the monsoonal moisture enters California
and flows up steep mountain slopes, explosive thunderstorms can develop. Although these
high -intensity, short -duration storms typically impact relatively small areas, they often
release torrential rainfall that causes flash flooding and mudslides. Frequently packing
lightning, hail, very strong wind gusts, and even small tornadoes, thunderstorms cause
power outages and damage to people and property. Such storms have impacted La Quinta
and the surrounding area in the past.
3.1.3 Past Flooding
Because of the arid climate and the generally dry local washes, residents might be
surprised to learn that desert alluvial fans and valleys are the sites of infrequent but
catastrophic flooding. Flood hazards to the La Quinta area can be classified into two
general categories: 1) flash flooding down natural or man-made channels, and 2) sheet
flooding across the valley floor.
Flash floods are short in duration, but have high peak volumes and high velocities. This
type of flooding occurs in response to the local geology and geography, and the built
environment (man-made structures). The local mountains are steep and consist of rock
types that are fairly impervious to water. Consequently, little precipitation infiltrates the
ground. When a major storm moves in, water collects rapidly and runs off quickly, making
a steep, rapid descent from the mountains into natural or modified channels within the
developed valley areas. Because of the steep terrain and the constant shedding of debris
from the mountain slopes (primarily as dry ravel and rock falls), flood flows often carry
large amounts of mud, sand, and rock fragments. Sheet flow occurs when the capacities of
Earth Consultants International Flood Hazards Page 3-5
the existing channels (either natural or man-made) are exceeded or when channels
become blocked by debris or structures, causing water to flow into adjacent areas.
Using historical records dating back to 1769, the Army Corp of Engineers determined that
there were relatively large flood events in the Whitewater River basin in 1825, 1833, 1840,
1850, 1859, 1862, 1867, 1876, 1884, 1886, and 1891. Damaging floods also occurred in
January 1916, December 1921, April 1926, February 1927, February 1937, March 1938,
and December 1940. More recently, substantial floods occurred in November 1965,
December 1966, January 1969, February 1969, and September 1976. The maximum flood
of record in the lower Coachella Valley occurred in 1965. In general, the most extensive
flood damage occurs on alluvial fans between the base of the mountains and the
Whitewater River — the areas where most development in the valley has taken place
(FEMA, 2008a).
3.1.4 National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
Because floods are the leading cause of natural disaster losses in the United States, the
nation invests significant resources to reduce the risk of flooding. Floods can be
widespread and cause catastrophic losses, therefore insurance companies generally
consider flood hazards too costly to insure (National Research Council, 2009). In order to
manage the increasing flood losses, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
was mandated by the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 and the Flood Disaster
Protection Act of 1973 to evaluate flood hazards and provide affordable flood insurance to
residents in communities that regulate future floodplain development. To that end, FEMA
created Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMS) for the purpose of setting flood insurance
premiums and for regulating the elevations and flood proofing of structures in mapped
flood zones.
The NFIP is required to offer federally subsidized flood insurance to property owners in
those communities that adopt and enforce floodplain management ordinances that meet
minimum criteria established by FEMA. Floodplain management may include such
measures as requirements for zoning, subdivisions, and building construction, as well as
special-purpose floodplain ordinances. The National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994
further strengthened the NFIP by providing a grant program for State and community flood
mitigation projects. The act also established the Community Rating System (CRS), a
system for crediting communities that implement measures to protect the natural and
beneficial functions of their floodplains, and managing their erosion hazard.
The City of La Quinta has participated as a regular member in the NFIP since 1985
(Community ID No. 060709#). The City's most current effective FIRM maps are dated
2008 (12 community panels), however maps and flood elevations are amended
periodically to reflect future changes. For unincorporated areas, the County of Riverside
has participated as a regular member in the NFIP since 1980 (Community ID No.
Because La Quinta and Riverside County are participating members of the NFIP, flood
insurance is available to any property owner in the General Plan area. In fact, to secure
financing to buy, build, or improve structures in a Special Flood Hazard Zone (SFHZ — see
definition below), property owners are required to purchase flood insurance. Lending
Earth Consultants International Flood Hazards Page 3-6
institutions that are federally regulated or federally insured must determine if the structure
is located in a SFHZ and must provide written notice requiring flood insurance.
FEMA recommends that most property owners, whether residential or commercial,
purchase and keep flood insurance, even if they are not located in a mapped flood hazard
zone. Keep in mind that approximately 20% to 25% of all flood claims occur outside of
mapped high flood risk areas, and typical homeowner or business insurance policies do
not cover flooding. Residents or business owners that rent property can also purchase
coverage for the contents of their homes or business inventories. In low to moderate risk
areas, property owners should ask their insurance agents if they are eligible for the FEMA
Preferred Risk Policy, which provides inexpensive flood insurance protection. Insured
property owners can be reimbursed for all covered losses, even if the flood -impacted zone
is not officially declared a Federal disaster area. Residents should also be aware that
localized flooding could be caused by a temporary situation, such as a storm drain inlet or
culvert that becomes blocked by debris during a storm. Hillside areas are generally
outside of mapped flood zones, however these areas can be vulnerable to mudslides,
which are also covered under flood insurance.
FEMA also recommends that residents do not forgo purchasing insurance, assuming instead
Federal disaster assistance will pay for flood damage. In order to receive assistance, a
community must first be declared a Federal disaster area, and these declarations are issued
in less than 50% of flood events. Remember also that Federal assistance is usually in the
form of a loan, which must be repaid with interest. Furthermore, if uninsured property
owners do receive Federal assistance, they must purchase flood insurance to remain
eligible for future disaster relief.
3.1.5 FEMA Flood Zone Mapping
Flood risk information presented on FIRMs is based on historic, meteorological,
hydrologic, and hydraulic data, as well as topographic surveys, open -space conditions,
flood -control works, and existing development. Rainfall -runoff and hydraulic models are
utilized by the FIRM program to analyze flood potential, adequacy of flood protective
measures, surface -water and groundwater interchange characteristics, and the variable
efficiency of mobile (sand bed) flood channels. For riverine flooding, the extent of
potential flooding is predicted from statistical analyses and hydrologic models that rely
heavily on data from U.S. Geological Survey stream gages and land surface topography.
Some FEMA flood map features that are relevant to the residents of the General Plan area
Flood Insurance Study (FIS). To prepare FIRMs that illustrate the extent of flood
hazards in a flood -prone community, FEMA conducts engineering studies referred to
as Flood Insurance Studies. The La Quinta General Plan area is included in the FIS
for Riverside County; the most recent version is dated August 2008. This document
includes community descriptions, flooding sources (including the Whitewater River
and Bear Creek), information of historical flooding, existing flood protection
measures, hydrologic and hydraulic analyses, and definition of potential flood areas.
Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). Using information gathered in FIS studies, FEMA
engineers and cartographers delineate Special Flood Hazard Areas on FIRMS. SFHAs
Earth Consultants International Flood Hazards Page 3-7
are those areas subject to a high risk of inundation by a "base flood" which FEMA
sets as a 100-year flood. As mentioned above, SFHAs are regulated zones, requiring
the mandatory purchase of flood insurance. They are also subject to special
standards and regulations that apply to new construction, and in some cases, existing
buildings. Floodplain regulations required by the NFIP apply only to properties
located in a SHFA. However, these are minimum requirements, and local
jurisdictions may regulate areas outside of the SHFAs, based on knowledge specific
to their area.
Base Flood. The base flood, also called the 100-year flood, is defined by looking at
the long-term average period between floods of a certain size, and identifying the
size of a flood that has a 1 % chance of occurring during any given year. This base
flood has a 26% chance of occurring during a 30-year period, the length of most
home mortgages. However, a recurrence interval such as "100 years" represents
only the long-term average period between floods of a specific magnitude; rare
floods can in fact occur at much shorter intervals or even within the same year.
The base flood is a regulatory standard used by the National Flood Insurance
Program (NFIP) as the basis for insurance requirements nationwide. The Flood
Disaster Protection Act requires owners of all structures in identified SFHAs to
purchase and maintain flood insurance as a condition of receiving Federal or
federally related financial assistance, such as mortgage loans from federally insured
lending institutions.
The base flood is also used by Federal agencies, as well as most County and State
agencies, to administer floodplain management programs. The goals of floodplain
management are to reduce losses caused by floods, while preserving and restoring
the natural and beneficial value of the floodplain.
Base flood elevation (BFE). This is the calculated elevation of the water surface
during a base flood event. The BFE is important because it is the regulatory standard
used for the elevation or flood proofing of structures. Further, the height of the first
floor elevation above the BFE determines the amount of the flood insurance
premium. BFEs are shown on FIRMs for those flooding sources that have been
analyzed using detailed methods. BFEs on the maps have been rounded to whole -
foot elevations and are intended for use in flood insurance rating purposes only. For
construction or floodplain management, data in the FIS should be utilized as well.
Floodway. The basis of floodplain management is the concept of the "floodway."
FEMA defines this as the channel of a river or other watercourse, and the adjacent
land areas that must be kept free of encroachment in order to discharge the base
flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than a certain
height. The intention is not to preclude development, but to assist communities in
managing sound development in areas of potential flooding. The community is
responsible for prohibiting encroachments into the floodway unless it is
demonstrated by detailed hydrologic and hydraulic analyses that the proposed
development will not increase the flood levels downstream.
Earth Consultants International Flood Hazards Page 3-8
Mapped flood areas outside of the 100-year flood zone. FIRMS in the La Quinta
area also show the estimated limits of areas with moderate to low risk of flooding.
The flood having a 0.2% annual chance of occurring (also called the 500-year flood)
is usually the basis for these categories, with moderate risk defined as the zone
between the limits of the 100-year and 500-year floods, and low risk defined as the
area outside of the 500-year flood limits. These zones may also include areas where
the base flood is less than one foot deep, or where the drainage basin is small (less
than one square mile), or areas that are protected from the base flood by levees.
Flood insurance is available for properties in these zones, but is not mandated by the
Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). A Letter of Map Revision is a modification to the
FIRM or floodway boundaries, generally based on physical changes that affect the
hydraulic or hydrologic characteristics of the flood source (usually as a result of
development or new flood control facilities). The letter is typically accompanied by
an annotated copy of the portion of the map that has been revised. Modifications to
the FIRM maps are usually made in response to an agency supplying new hydraulic
data that show that the flooding hazard in a specific area has changed or has been
abated. Two LOMRs have been issued for the La Quinta area since the FIRMs were
updated in 2008 (FEMA, 2009a,b). The flood zones shown on Plate 3-1 include the
modifications brought about by these two LOMRs.
In addition to their original purpose of setting insurance rates and regulating flood hazards,
FIRMs are now widely used by local and regional planners for other purposes, including
land -use planning, emergency preparedness and response, natural resource management,
and risk assessment. However, it should be noted there are many uncertainties inherent in
the establishment of FEMA flood zones (Larsen, 2009). Given the importance of these
maps, some of the limitations that communities should be aware of are discussed below:
It is important to realize that FIRMS only identify potential flood areas based on the
conditions at the time of the study, and do not consider the impacts of future
changes in the area. Conditions that affect the maps and decisions made on their
basis may include changes in corporate boundaries, changes in population, man-
made and natural changes to the landscape, removal of vegetation, changes to
hydrologic systems, construction of flood control facilities, and potential climate
changes. These changes in the environment may increase or reduce the area
susceptible to flooding.
The level of detail studied and presented on the maps, as well as the boundaries of
the area studied, depend on the type of flood hazard, the funding available, and the
risk of flood damage at the time of the analysis. For instance, areas studied by
approximate methods do not provide BFEs on the map, and some study areas are
limited in extent.
■ The maps do not necessarily identify all areas of flooding. For instance, drainages
of small size, areas of localized ponding during storms, or areas where drainages
are restricted by temporary or permanent structures may not be shown.
■ The analytical process relies on many assumptions and incomplete data. Data
used to construct the maps may be too old, incomplete, interpolated, and/or
Earth Consultants International Flood Hazards Page 3-9
inaccurate. For instance, in relatively flat floodplains, small elevation errors in the
topography can result in large errors in flood zone boundaries.
One major drawback is the very short time period for which we have
meteorological records. Research on some parts of southern California has shown
slight climate fluctuations between wet and dry cycles have occurred since the late
1800s (Hereford and Longpre, 2009). Future global climate change is still intensely
debated, but many scientists now believe even slight global warming could bring
an increase in precipitation overall, although the specific effects on the La Quinta
region are not known.
Long-term changes in the watershed or floodplain, primarily from man's
encroachment, are even harder to predict. Even flood -control structures, such as
berms and levees, can increase the flood risk to other areas. The design of high -
density developments often requires taking drainages that used to be spread over a
wide area and constricting them into narrow channels, thereby increasing the
velocity and erosive power of the flow, and perhaps leading to overtopping.
Consequently, there are clearly limitations in using hydrologic calculations based
on past, imperfect records to predict the future.
Larsen (2009) also argues that the process of placing a line on a map (flood zone
boundaries) conveys a sense of certainty about the risk to the public and policy
makers that does not exist.
Flood Map Modernization Program. Because many flood maps and related products were
outdated, FEMA started its Map Modernization Program in 2003 to reduce reliance on
paper maps and transition to digital processes for distributing and reading flood maps. The
program also includes collecting new flood data for unmapped areas. Based on funding
limitations and feedback from stakeholders, FEMA changed its goals mid way through the
program. Rather than try to create digitized flood maps for the entire nation, it was
decided to improve the accuracy of the newly updated maps by establishing two criteria:
1) a floodway boundary standard that would insure flood maps match the topographic data
used (although use of the standard itself does not validate the accuracy of the topographic
data); and 2) guidelines for determining whether an existing flood study is adequate for
current use or if an updated study is needed. The adjusted goal is to have 65% of the
continental U.S. land area and 92% of the population covered by digital maps (National
Research Council, 2009).
Risk MAP Program. With the Risk Map Program approved in March 2009, FEMA is
moving from simply portraying flood hazard zones on maps to more accurately
communicating and assessing risk to the local community. Building on the digitized maps,
FEMA has developed a five-year plan to fill in data gaps, increase public awareness,
increase their outreach on flood risks, support state and local agencies in risk -based
mitigation planning, and provide an enhanced digital platform that improves
communication and sharing of risk data.
3.1.6 Flood Zone Mapping in La Quinta
As part of the National Flood Insurance Program, the extent of flooding on portions of the
La Quinta General Plan area have been analyzed through the Flood Insurance Study for
Riverside County (2008). The potential flood zones mapped by FEMA are published in
Earth Consultants International Flood Hazards Page 3-10
Flood Insurance Rate Maps, which were updated in 2008. Since that time however,
through mapping and detailed analyses, two floodplain map revisions within the city were
approved by FEMA (FEMA, 2009a,b). According to the Master Drainage Plan (MDP) for
the City of La Quinta, the result of this effort is that all developed areas within city limits
are now outside of the 100-year flood zone and are removed from the requirement to
purchase flood insurance (Psomas, 2009). Those areas shown as Zone A (susceptible to
the 100-year flood) are now primarily restricted to flood control channels, detention or
retention basins, and some golf course locations that double as flood retention areas.
FEMA studies indicate several parts of La Quinta and its Sphere of Influence could still be
flooded during an event stronger than the 100-year storm (shown as shaded Zone X).
However it should be noted that within portions of the General Plan limits, some study
areas are limited and the flood zones are incomplete. Consequently, there are areas
outside of the mapped flood zones that are likely to be subject to flood hazards. The
current FEMA flood zones for the General Plan area, including modifications by the recent
LOMRs, are illustrated on Plate 3-1.
3.1.7 Existing Flood Protection Measures
According the La Quinta Master Drainage Plan, flood control facilities fall into two
Regional facilities that convey runoff from the mountains to the Whitewater River.
The river and its major tributary facilities are maintained by the Coachella Valley
Water District.
Local facilities that collect runoff from local streets and properties, and direct it to
the regional channels and basins. These are usually maintained by the City.
The La Quinta Master Drainage Plan is a document prepared by the Costa Mesa office of
PSOMAS in March 2009. The Master Drainage Plan includes several figures, in Atlas Map
format, that show the existing storm drain facilities in the city. The study included an
analyis the existing public facilities with emphasis on those FEMA flood zones in the
northeastern portion of the Cove that were the focus of the Letters of Map Revision
(LOMRs) discussed in Section 3.1.5; percolation testing to verify or establish infiltration
rate criteria for future retention basins; identification of hydraulic deficiencies, if any, in the
existing storm drain infrastructure; determination of potential improvements to the storm
drain infrastructure; and prioritization and cost estimation of recommended projects. The
document, which did not require adoption by City Council, is available on the City's
website at http://www.la-quinta.org/index.aspx?page=590. The Master Drainage Plan was
originally used to document the changes to the floodway boundaries that allowed the City
to procure, in January 2009, two Letters of Map Revision (LORMs). The Plan is now used
primarily for maintenance purposes, as it shows the locations of the existing storm drains
and catch basins in the city (Brian Ching, City of La Quinta Public Works Department,
personal communication, September 1, 2009).
Flood control facilities in the La Quinta area are briefly described below and major
structures are identified on Plate 3-1.
Earth Consultants International Flood Hazards Page 3-1 1
Whitewater River: The Whitewater River is the principal drainage course through the city
of La Quinta. It is typically dry, but flows southeasterly through the Coachella Valley when
carrying water. Much of the Whitewater River, including the portion that transects La
Quinta, is a man-made channel that somewhat follows the recent historical path of the
natural river. The channel is known throughout the valley as the Coachella Valley
Stormwater Channel (in some publications it is referred to as the Whitewater River Storm
Channel). The 50±-mile long channel is mostly unlined with an average cross-section
width of about 260 feet.
Levees constructed of large sandpiles with no reinforcement occur along portions of the
channel. The levees are easily eroded and require periodic maintenance. Although the
levees conform to FEMA standards for 100-year flood protection, the instability of the sand
limits the dependability of that protection (FEMA, 2008a). According to the most recent
(August 2008) FIRMs, the levees along the Whitewater River that impact La Quinta are
Provisionally Accredited by FEMA, meaning that the owner of the levee (the Coachella
Valley Water District) was to provide documentation to FEMA showing that the levees
comply with Federal regulations regarding their 100-year flood protection capabilities (per
Title 44, Chapter 1 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 65.10) by August, 2009.
According to Mr. Tesfaye Demissie, Associate Stormwater Engineer with the Coachella
Valley Water District (CVWD), the CVWD submitted the appropriate documentation to
FEMA by the due date, but, as of September 2, 2010, the levees have not yet been certified
by FEMA. FEMA points out that because these structures are potentially at risk of
overtopping or failure, citizens, community officials, builders, insurance agents, lenders,
and others need to understand the risk to life and property that resides behind these levees.
This is a risk that even the best flood control system cannot completely eliminate.
Communities traversed by these flood -protection facilities are well served by having
evacuation plans in place, and property owners adjacent to these structures are
encouraged to purchase flood insurance.
FEMA (2008a) indicates there is a potential for a major breakout of the Whitewater River
during a 100-year storm at the bend in the river between Jefferson Street and Miles
Avenue, where the man-made channel deviates from the natural watercourse. FEMA
attributes this to the lack of sufficient channel capacity at that point and the erodibility of
the levee at the bend. A breakout would result in a 50% loss of channel capacity and send
floodwaters throughout the cities of Indio and Coachella, as well as the northeast corner of
the La Quinta's Sphere of Influence. FEMA also reports that improvements to levees along
the Coachella Valley and La Quinta Evacuation Storm Channels have improved this
Bear Creek System: The Upper Bear Creek System consists of the Upper Bear Creek
Training Dike, the Upper Bear Creek Detention Basin, Bear Creek, and Bear Creek
Channel. The Upper Bear Creek Training Dike diverts into Bear Creek the 100-year
stormwater runoff, occurring mostly in the form of sheetflow, from 1.7 square miles of
drainage area to the south of the dike (FEMA, 1991). Runoff collected in Bear Creek then
flows into the Upper Bear Creek Detention Basin. Riprap slope protection is provided to
prevent erosion of the dike embankment. Flows from Bear Creek enter the basin via a 5:1
(horizontal:vertical) sloped inlet protected by one -quarter to one -ton riprap. The Upper
Bear Creek Detention Basin has a storage capacity of 752 acre-feet for temporary detention
of storm runoff and debris. Outflows from the basin enter the Bear Creek Channel via a
Earth Consultants International Flood Hazards Page 3-12
rectangular concrete spillway in the basin embankment. After a storm, the water detained
in the basin drains into the Bear Creek Channel until the basin is empty.
The 2.5-mile long Bear Creek Channel is designed to convey floodwaters from the Upper
Bear Creek Detention Basin and to intercept runoff from the mountains to the west. It is a
soil -cement lined, trapezoidal channel that is 40 feet in width, except for the last 400 feet,
which is 70 feet wide. Channel bank heights were designed so that the channel can carry
the 100-year event. Four side inlet channels along the western margin of the Bear Creek
Channel drain smaller canyons and carry flows into the channel while storing debris
during a major storm event. In its upper two miles, the channel has a relatively steep
gradient of 2.8%, whereas in its lower 0.5 miles, it has a gradient of 0.15% and contains a
drop structure just upstream of the Oleander Reservoir. The levee on the east side of Bear
Creek Channel is also at this time provisionally accredited, and like the levees along the
Whitewater River, has not yet been certified by FEMA, although the appropriate
documentation was provided by the CVWD.
Oleander Reservoir: This reservoir is a detention basin within an existing golf course,
namely the La Quinta Resort and Club Mountain Course. The reservoir collects storm
runoff from the Bear Creek system as well as the drainage areas north and west of the
reservoir, and discharges it into the La Quinta Evacuation Channel. During a 100-year
storm the water level in the reservoir is projected to rise to an elevation of 44 feet.
La Quinta Resort Channel: This man-made channel intercepts runoff from drainages in the
mountains west of the La Quinta Resort area, and carries it to the Oleander Reservoir for
detention. According to the CVWD, this channel is not part of their flood control system.
At this time it is unclear whether the City of La Quinta or the La Quinta Resort is
responsible for the maintenance of this structure.
East La Quinta System: The East La Quinta System consists of the East La Quinta Channel
and several detention basins. The system is designed to collect runoff from the hills east
and southeast of Calle Bermudas. The channel intercepts flows from drainages in the hills
and carries it, along with outflows from the Calle Tecate Detention Basin, to the Avenue
Bermudas Detention Basin. The East La Quinta Channel is trapezoidal with full riprap
lining that follows the existing natural drainage channel. The Avenida Bermudas
Detention Basin is designed to handle runoff and retain debris from the surrounding
drainage areas. During a 100-year flood the system discharges flows through a 60-inch
reinforced concrete buried storm drain to the La Quinta. Evacuation Channel.
La Quinta Evacuation Channel: The La Quinta Evacuation Channel is about 3.5 miles long,
extending from the Bear Creek Channel to the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel.
Winding through developed areas in the valley, its main purpose is to collect and convey
stormwater from the various flood control systems throughout La Quinta. The channel
consists of two distinct reaches: the lower 2.4-mile reach is a 50-foot wide trapezoidal
earthen channel, while the upper 1.1 miles is an irregularly shaped grass -lined channel.
Earth Consultants International Flood Hazards Page 3-13
NOTES: -_- FEMA Flood Zones and
This map is Intended for general land use planning only. Information on this map is not — - ` —
sufficient to serve as a substitute for detailed geologic investigations of Individual sites, ((
nor does it satisfy the evaluation requirements set forth In geologic hazard regulations. _ 1 w Flood Control i ac i i it i es
t li
Earth Consultants International (ECq makes no representations or warranties regarding California
'''' j.
the accuracy of the data from which these maps were derived. E C I shall not be liable I �! La Qu ] nta, 4,_ a / i f orn i a
under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages with respect to any claim by any user or third party on account of, or arising
from, the use of this map. Whitewater River�X,pinaIDi
High Risk Areas
1 { rafewa Zone that corresponds to the 100 year Flood areas, as determined by
I-.� approximate methods. Because detailed hydraulic analyses were not
= . iea t;:. _ — f t� 1 "" performed, no base flood elevations or depths are shown. Mandatory
-y y� _ i I Flood insurance is required.i� levee`a-�� eq�.
f Dee Canyon StornllNater Channel ' ' Zone that corres onds to 100 year shallow flrx�d areas
p p
r Y _ `l A� where average depths are between 1 and 3 feet (usually
Coachella Val ley A x ; ' from sheet Flow on sloping terrain),' Mandatory flood
y { _....,. insurance is required.
� Stvrmwater Channel `' . -levee,.
% Coachella � �r , - �' - Moderate and Low Risk Areas
t / Canal Zone that corresponds to areas of 500-yea r flood; areas of 1 W-year Flood p l with average depths of less than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than
La uinia Eva -•r ^'° 1 square mile; and areas protected b levees from 100-year flood. No
f I yq p Y
Q cuatign _ base flood elevations or depths are shown. Flood insurance is available
M — La Quints Resort Channel q but not required.
Channel ,
Oleander Reservoir M 0 Zone that corresponds to areas outside of the 5OD-year flood. No base
flood elevations or depths are shown. Flood insurance is available
Ad �R but not required.
Undetermined Risk Areas
1 Bear Creek Channel a Zone that corresponds to unstudied areas where flood hazards are
undetermined, but flooding is possible. Flood insurance is available
but not required.
Avenida Bermudas Detention Basin X "�
� Dike
levee Xi La Quints City Boundary
r _ East La Qutnta Channel La Quints Sphere of Influence
River or stream
Upper Bear Creek
i • , � ` for elevations or depths see original FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps
y Detention Basin available at the City, County, or www.fema.gov.
Calle Tecate
1 -
A Detention Basin �N Sole: 1:84,004
✓, -,- ,J 7000 0 7000
Upper Bear Creek Lake Cahuilla _
- Training Dike ` `Dike N. 2,�
1'► Feet
� 2 0 2
X _ _ — S Kilometers
��' I X —;Dike No 4
.� eF j�� ( x Base Map: USES Topographic Map from Sure! MAPS RASTER, 1997
t \ Source: Federal Emergency Management Agency, San Bernardino, Flood Insurance Rate
Map [Panel plumbers: 060650229C, 01061C1241 C, 06065C2243C, 01061C1211 C,
Guadalupe Dike
mVil Canyon Training Dike X - -
{ Earth
f G�aaXlxf Interrlatlonal
Project Number: 3004
�-� �� • �r � ,+ �-- _ � , ........,... ,.... ... ,
®ate: 2010
Plate 3-1
Dikes: In addition to the Bear Creek Training Dike mentioned above, there are several
other dikes near the base of the mountains that provide protection to properties on the
distal parts of alluvial fans. The Bureau of Reclamation constructed the District's Eastside
Dike to protect the Coachella Canal. Two other dikes, Dike No. 2 and Dike No. 4, totaling
5.2 miles, were constructed on the west side of the valley to protect Lake Cahuilla and
lands between Avenue 58 and Avenue 66. (Guadalupe Dike and Guadalupe Training Dike
are considered part of Dike No. 4). Funds were obtained under a loan approved by voters
in the canal -irrigated area. Dike No. 4 has been certified by FEMA, but Dike No. 2 has not
(T. Demissie, Coachella Valley Water District, personal communication, September 2,
Local Structures: These include storm drains, culverts, and catch basins located both
within private developments and along local streets. These small retention and catch
basins, located throughout the city, serve to collect stormwater and irrigation runoff, where
it is temporarily retained during a storm, or where it is detained and allowed to evaporate
or percolate into the ground. The locations of these retention and catch basins are shown
on the Map Book Atlas pages that are part of the City's Master Drainage Plan (PSOMAS,
2009; available from the City's website at http://www.la-quinta.org/index.aspx?page=590.
Unless waived by the City Engineer, all new developments are required to retain on site
the stormwater runoff produced over the peak twenty-four hour period of a one -hundred
year storm (Municipal Code Title 13, §13.24.120).
3.1.8 Future Flood Protection
La Quinta's Master Drainage Plan indicates no substantial drainage deficiencies exist
within the city, and therefore, no major capital improvements are needed (PSOMAS,
2009). However the report notes there are areas within the city where local flooding could
occur, primarily due to the lack of local retention basins and storm drains that locally are
As new developments are considered, it is important that hydrologic studies be conducted
to assess the impact that increased development may have on the existing development
down gradient. These studies should quantify the effects of increased runoff and
alterations to natural stream courses. Such constraints should be identified and analyzed
in the earliest stages of planning. If any deficiencies are identified, the project proponent
needs to prove that these can be mitigated to a satisfactory level prior to proceeding
forward with the project, in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
guidelines. Mitigation measures typically include flood -control devices such as catch
basins, storm drain pipelines, culverts, detention basins, desilting basins, velocity reducers,
as well as debris basins for protection from mud and debris flows below hillside areas.
Flood control requirements for new subdivisions in the City of La Quinta are spelled out in
the City's Municipal Code, Title 13, §13.24.120.
The methodology for analysis and design of flood -control structures is set forth by the
Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (RCFC&WCD).
Developers of new projects are required to design flood control measures and submit them
for review. Future responsibilities for operation of regional flood control facilities will be
with the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD), whereas the local storm drains and
other structures outside of the regional system are the responsibility of the City of La
Earth Consultants International Flood Hazards Page 3-15
Quinta. Therefore, both agencies must be involved in the planning and approval of
mitigation measures, to assure compatibility.
Across the United States, substantial changes in the philosophy, methodology and
mitigation of flood hazards are currently in the works. For example:
Some researchers have questioned whether or not the current methodology for
evaluating average flood recurrence intervals is still valid, since we are presently
experiencing a different, warmer and wetter climate. Even small changes in
climate can cause large changes in flood magnitude (Gosnold et al., 2000).
Flood control in undeveloped areas should not occur at the expense of
environmental degradation. Certain aspects of flooding are beneficial and are an
important component of the natural processes that affect regions far from the
particular area of interest. For instance, lining major channels with concrete
reduces the area of recharge to the underlying groundwater table. Thus there is a
move to leave nature in charge of flood control. The advantages include lower
cost, preservation of wildlife habitats and improved recreation potential.
Floodway management design in land development projects can also include areas
where stream courses are left natural or as developed open space, such as parks or
golf courses. Where flood control structures are unavoidable, they are often
designed with a softer appearance that blends in with the surrounding
Environmental legislation is increasingly coming in conflict with flood control
programs. Under the authority of the Federal Clean Water Act and the Federal
Endangered Species Act, development and maintenance of flood control facilities
has been complicated by the regulatory activities of several Federal agencies
including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Environmental Protection Agency,
and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. For instance, FEMA requires that the County
and its incorporated cities maintain the carrying capacity of all flood control
facilities and floodways. However, this requirement can conflict with mandates
from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regarding maintaining the habitat of
endangered or threatened species. Furthermore, the permitting process required by
the Federal agencies is lengthy, and can last several months to years. Yet, if the
floodways are not cleared of vegetation and other obstructing debris in a timely
manner, future flooding of adjacent areas could develop.
As the population of La Quinta grows, the consequences of flooding are likely to increase.
In light of the uncertainties with respect to estimating floods, land use planning in the City
and the General Plan area in general could benefit from additional mapping in
undeveloped areas, a conservative approach to permitting, and a strong adherence to an
area -wide, long-term vision for flood safety as individual projects are considered.
3.1.9 Flood Protection Measures for Property Owners
As discussed above, flooding remains a risk locally, especially in areas of future
development where adequate mapping of the flood hazard is incomplete. Mitigation
measures that can reduce the flood hazard are discussed below.
Earth Consultants International Flood Hazards Page 3-16
At the community level:
■ Continue the enforcement of the County's provisions for flood hazard reduction,
tract drainage, and storm water management (Ordinance Nos. 458, 460, and 754)
and the City's flood hazard and floodplain regulations (Municipal Code Chapters
8.11, 8.70, 9.140 and 13.24.120, available from http://gcode.us/codes/laquinta/).
These regulations include construction standards that address the major causes of
flood damage — i.e., structures that are not adequately elevated, flood -proofed, or
otherwise protected from flooding. The regulations apply to new construction or
substantial improvements, and include provisions for anchoring, placement of
utilities, elevating the lowest floors, flood resistant materials, and other methods to
minimize damage.
■ FEMA recommends that communities be proactive in protecting lives and
preventing property damage in areas with provisional structures (such as levees and
dikes), due to the risk of overtopping of failure of the structure. This might include
having evacuation plans in place and encouraging residents and businesses to buy
flood insurance.
■ Encourage residents to purchase flood insurance for areas outside of the 100-year
flood zone.
■ Develop methods to conduct real-time storm warnings and evacuations if
■ Continue to educate the public on the risks of flooding, including the uncertainties
inherent in flood hazard zoning.
■ Establish easements for entrenched flow paths.
■ Create flood overlays for zoning and land use maps.
■ Create an atmosphere of working with nature and the natural processes inherent to
the semi -arid environment characteristic of this area.
For Property Owners:
■ Elevate new homes on pads, foundations, or piers in flood -prone areas.
■ Orient new homes and pads to provide minimum obstruction to the direction of
flow, and do not force flows onto adjacent properties.
■ Try to accommodate natural flows rather than restricting them.
■ Any grading to direct flow around a home or structure should include directing it
back to its natural path downstream.
■ Protect foundations or piers from erosion and scour.
■ Numerous methods are available for flood protection — which methods are most
appropriate for an individual lot should be based on the local conditions
surrounding and upstream from the lot.
■ Some lots may require special engineering studies to determine the extent of the
hazard and to design appropriate mitigation.
FEMA has identified several flood protection measures that can be implemented by
property owners to reduce flood damage. These include: installing waterproof veneers on
the exterior walls of buildings; putting seals on all openings, including doors, to prevent
the entry of water; raising electrical components above the anticipated water level; and
Earth Consultants International Flood Hazards Page 3-17
installing backflow valves that prevent sewage from backing up into the house through the
drainpipes. Obviously, these changes vary in complexity and cost, and some need to be
carried out only by a professional licensed contractor. For additional information and
ideas, refer to the FEMA web page at www.fema.gov. Structural modifications require a
permit from the City or County Building Departments. Refer to them for advice regarding
whether or not flood protection measures would be appropriate for your property.
3.1.10 Bridge Scour
Nationwide, several catastrophic collapses of highway and railroad bridges due to scouring
and a subsequent loss of support of foundations have occurred. This has led to a
nationwide inventory and evaluation of bridges (Richardson and others, 1993). Scour at
highway bridges involves sediment -transport and erosion processes that cause streambed
material to be removed from the bridge vicinity. Scour is generally separated into
components of pier scour, abutment scour, and contraction scour. Pier scour occurs when
flow impinges against the upstream side of the pier, forcing the flow in a downward
direction and causing scour of the streambed adjacent to the pier. Abutment scour
happens when flow impinges against the abutment, causing the flow to change direction
and mix with adjacent main -channel flow, resulting in scouring forces near the abutment
toe. Contraction scour occurs when flood flow is forced back through a narrower opening
at the bridge, where an increase in velocity can produce scour. Total scour for a particular
site is the combined effects of each component. While different materials scour at different
rates, the ultimate scour attained for different materials is similar and depends mainly on
the duration of peak streamflow acting on the material (Lagasse and others, 1991). Scour
can occur within the main channel, on the floodplain, or both. California's seismic retrofit
program of bridges includes underpinning of foundations that is expected to help reduce
the vulnerability to undermining of the foundations by scour.
For the La Quinta Evacuation Channel, the Eisenhower Drive and Washington Street
crossings are considered "all-weather flood channel crossings." Washington Street and
Jefferson Boulevard are the city's main crossing of the Whitewater River. Both of these are
also "all-weather flood channel crossings," consisting of bridges over the river. The limits
of the floodway areas shown in Plate 3-1, however, are based on the assumption that there
are no obstructions, such as debris, in the floodway. Obstructions in the floodway can
result in higher and wider zones of flooding than those shown, with the potential to impact
the bridge crossings. It is thus very important that these crossings continue to be inspected
by City's Public Works Department during and after flooding, for obstructions and
potential scour damage, respectively.
Roads that extend across the branch of the All -American Canal in La Quinta include
Jefferson Street and Avenues 50 and 52. Given that the canal is not a flood -protection
facility and its water level is not impacted by precipitation or runoff, flooding of the roads
that extend across the canal is not likely.
3.2 Seismically Induced Inundation
3.21 Dam Failure
Seismically induced inundation refers to flooding that results when water retention
structures, such as dams, fail due to an earthquake. Statutes governing dam safety are
defined in Division 3 of the California State Water Code (California Department of Water
Earth Consultants International Flood Hazards Page 3-18
Resources, 1986). These statutes empower the California Division of Dam Safety to
monitor the structural safety of dams that are greater than 25 feet in height or have more
than 50 acre-feet of storage capacity.
A review of records maintained by the California Office of Emergency Services indicates
that there are no existing dams with the potential to inundate the city of La Quinta. Lake
Cahuilla, although a water storage facility with more than the 50-acre feet of storage
capacity does not fall under the purview of the Division of Dam Safety because it is not
impounded by an artificial barrier (dam). Lake Cahuilla is the terminal reservoir on the
Coachella Branch of the All -American Canal, was constructed in 1969 to serve as storage
for a reserve supply of irrigation water needed chiefly in emergency periods when water is
used to combat weather conditions. Since it takes water 24 hours to arrive in the Coachella
Valley after being ordered from Imperial Dam, the lake gives the district some latitude
when weather conditions change unexpectedly.
Constructed at a cost of $1.56 million, exclusive of rights -of -way and land acquisitions, the
lake was financed by a rehabilitation and betterment loan from the U.S. Bureau of
Reclamation approved by voters in the Colorado River service area. Located between
Avenues 56 and 58, west of Jefferson Street, against the foothills of the Santa Rosa
Mountains on the west side of the Coachella Valley (Plate 3-1), the lake is three-quarters of
a mile long and half that wide at its widest point. The lake is between 11 and 12 feet deep
and contains approximately 1,500 acre-feet of water. At the time of its construction it was
the largest soil -cement lined reservoir in the world. The basin of the lake was excavated to
provide soil for building dikes 25 feet high and 100 feet wide. The bottom of the lake was
sealed with six inches of compacted soil cement. The Riverside County Parks Department
has an agreement with the water district for development of the lake and surrounding
grounds for general recreational use by the public on a fee basis.
The modern Lake Cahuilla is not to be confused with the Ancient Lake Cahuilla, a natural
lake that covered a large portion of the Salton Trough more than anout 400 years ago (see
Section 2.1 and Plate 2-1).
Local flooding associated with failure of the Coachella Canal levees or overtopping of Lake
Cahuilla (such as a result of seiching) has not been evaluated. The levee systems could be
impacted by a severe earthquake, with the potential for the foundation soils to fail as a
result of lateral spreading (see Chapter 1, Section 1.6). Should these systems fail
catastrophically, development immediately downstream could be impacted; however, no
engineering analyses that include potential inundation mapping are currently available for
these structures. Liquefaction and lateral spreading damaged Imperial Valley canals during
earthquakes in 1979 and 1987, and more recently, as a result of the Easter Sunday (Sierra
El Mayor-Cucapah) earthquake of 2010. However, field reconnaissance of the Imperial
Valley canal following the 2010 earthquake showed that, although there was significant
slumping and lateral spreading along the canals, none of them failed, and there were no
reports of flooding as a result of slumping of the canal levees. The Coachella Valley Water
District considers it unlikely for the branch of the All -American Canal that extends across
La Quinta to fail during an earthquake. The only place where flooding could occur is
where the canal extends across the SilverRock Resort. In this area, and according to the
CVWD, the City of La Quinta removed the canal's 3.5-foot overboard, and as a result,
overtopping as a result of surges in the water level in the canal has occurred a few times.
Earth Consultants International Flood Hazards Page 3-19
When this has happened, the overflow water has gone into the golf course, with no ill
effects to the residential structures in the area (M. Schaefer, Coachella Valley Water
District, personal communication, September 2, 2009).
3.2.2 Inundation From Above -Ground Storage Tanks
Seismically induced inundation can also occur if strong ground shaking causes structural
damage to above -ground water tanks. If a tank is not adequately braced and baffled,
sloshing water can lift a water tank off its foundation, splitting the shell, damaging the roof,
and bulging the bottom of the tank (causing what is referred to as "elephant's foot") (EERI,
1992). Movement can also shear off the pipes leading to the tank, releasing water through
the broken connections. These types of damage were reported as a result of the 1992
Landers, 1992 Big Bear, 1994 Northridge, and 2010 Sierra El Mayor-Cucapah (Baja
California) earthquakes. The Northridge earthquake alone rendered about 40 steel tanks
non-functional (EERI, 1995), including a tank in the Santa Clarita area that failed and
inundated several houses below. As a result of lessons learned from the 1992 and 1994
earthquakes, revised standards for design of steel water tanks were adopted in 1994 (Lund,
1994). The revised tank design includes flexible joints at the inlet/outlet connections to
accommodate movement in any direction.
According to the Coachella Valley Water District, there are ten water reservoirs in La
Quinta. They are all constructed of welded steel and are built to current seismic standards
as well as current standards of the American Water Works Association. The reservoirs are
summarized below.
Table 3-3: Above -ground Water Tanks in La Quinta
Reservoir No.
Year Built
(millions ofgallons)
550' southeast of Ave. Villa and Ave. Bermudas
550' southeast of Ave. Villa and Ave. Bermudas
1/4mile south of Calle Tecate on service road
'A mile south of Calle Tecate on service road
1 mile south of Calle Tecate on service road
1 mile south of Calle Tecate on service road
PGA West on Southern Hills
1/2 mile northwest of Lake Cahuilla on service road
3/4mile northwest of Lake Cahuilla on service road
Schwabaker Road at The Quarry
Source: Coachella Valley Water District.
Earth Consultants International Flood Hazards Page 3-20
Water lost from tanks during an earthquake can affect not only structures down slope from
the tanks, but can significantly reduce the water resources available to suppress
earthquake -induced fires. Damaged tanks and water mains can also limit the amount of
water available to residents. The main aqueducts that deliver imported water to many parts
of southern California are likely to suffer extensive damage if a major earthquake occurs on
either the San Andreas fault or other nearby active faults. Repairs to these aqueducts could
take weeks to months (Toppozada et al., 1993; Jones et al., 2008); as discussed in Chapter
1, Section 1.9, in the La Quinta area, the potable water system is expected to be non-
functional for at least 30 days, if not longer, following a M7.8 earthquake on the San
Andreas fault. Similar damage can be expected to the groundwater wells in the region,
also limiting the water available to the community after an earthquake. Therefore, it is of
paramount importance that the water storage tanks in the area retain their structural
integrity during an earthquake, so water demands after an earthquake can be met. In
addition to evaluating and retrofitting water reservoirs to meet current standards, this also
requires that the tanks be kept at or near full capacity at all times.
3.3 Summary
The City of La Quinta and the Coachella Valley Water District, the agency in charge of
flood control, have been proactive is protecting developed areas of the city from significant
flooding. Currently there are no developed areas (except for some golf courses that double
as stormwater retention areas) in the city that are within a FEMA Special Flood Hazard
Zone requiring property owners to purchase flood insurance. There are however, areas
within the city subject to localized flooding, due most commonly to the lack of adequately
sized storm drains or lack of temporary retention facilities. Unpredictable local flooding
can also occur during storms if catch basins or inlets get clogged with debris, or if levees
become damaged or overtopped. Further, there are significant developed areas in the city
that are zoned by FEMA as having a moderate flood hazard, meaning they may be flooded
during a storm stronger than the 100-year event, or subject to shallow flooding during a
100-year storm. For these reasons FEMA encourages property owners outside of the
Special Flood Hazard Areas to purchase flood insurance.
In undeveloped areas of the city and in its Sphere of Influence, there are significant areas
mapped by FEMA as having a moderate flood hazard, but more importantly, planners,
builders, and property owners should be aware that flood zone mapping in these areas is
incomplete and not well defined.
The City should have evacuation plans in place in the event of a levee or dike failure. This
is especially important for critical facilities such as schools. This also true for facilities
using, storing, or otherwise involved with substantial quantities of onsite hazardous
materials, unless all requirements for elevation, anchoring, and flood proofing have been
satisfied. Hazardous materials should always be stored in watertight containers that are
not capable of floating.
Because La Quinta is located in a seismically active region, inundation resulting from
failure of a water retention or storage facility during a strong earthquake is a concern.
There are no State -regulated dams within or upstream of the city that could lead to
inundation. However many of the levees are constructed of sand and built on sand,
leaving them vulnerable to seismic settlement or possibly liquefaction if a strong
Earth Consultants International Flood Hazards Page 3-21
earthquake occurred during or after a stormy period. Lake Cahuilla, the local canals, and
other open bodies of water in the city are subject to seiches (sloshing of water back and
forth) during an earthquake, which in itself can damage containment structures such as
levees and berms.
According to the Coachella Valley Water District, the water storage tanks in the area are
built to current seismic standards. Given the anticipated extensive damage to the regional
potable water system (including aqueducts, water mains, and distribution lines) resulting
from a large -magnitude earthquake on the San Andreas fault, it is very important that the
water storage tanks in the area remain structurally sound, and that they be maintained as
full of water as possible. Thus, even if the water distribution pipelines are damaged, the
City would have access to stored water that can be distributed to the community using
water trucks or other similar methods until the pipelines are repaired.
The City should continue to require that future planning for new developments consider
the impact on flooding potential, as well as the impact of flood control structures on the
environment, both locally and regionally. Flood control should not be introduced in the
undeveloped areas at the expense of environmental degradation. Land development
planning should continue to consider leaving watercourses natural wherever possible, or
continuing to develop them as parks, nature trails, golf courses or other types of recreation
areas that can withstand inundation.
Earth Consultants International Flood Hazards Page 3-22
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Earthquakes Occurring in California on the San Andreas Fault: U.S. Geological Survey
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R.L. (editors), Landslides — investigation and mitigation: Transportation Research Board
Special Publication 247, pp. 474-504.
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Yashinsky, M., Simek, J., Murugesh, G., and Mualchin, L., 2002, Highway performance during the
16 October 1999 Hector Mine, California, earthquake: Bulletin of the Seismological
Society of America, Vol. 92, No. 4, pp. 1621-1632.
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Vol. 77, No. 2, p. 245.
Yule, D., and Sieh, K., 2003, Complexities of the San Andreas fault near San Gorgonio Pass:
Implications for large earthquakes: Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 108, No. B11,
pp. 2548.
Zappe, D.P., 1997, Testimony of David P. Zappe, General Manager -Chief Engineer, Riverside
County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Impact of the Endangered Species
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Ziony, J.I., and Yerkes, R.F., 1985, Evaluating earthquake and surface -faulting potential; in Ziony,
J.I. (editor), Evaluating Earthquake Hazards in the Los Angeles Region — An Earth -Science
Perspective: U.S Geological Survey Professional Paper 1360, pp. 33-91.
Useful Websites
Geologic Hazards in General
USGS Hazard Team website. Hazard information on commonly recognized
hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, and volcanoes. Contains maps and slide
A webpage by the USGS on hazards such as hurricanes, floods, wildland fire,
wildlife disease, coastal storms and tsunamis, and earthquakes. Also has
information on their Hazard Reduction Program.
Homepage for the California Geologic Survey (formerly the Division of Mines and
Geology). Information their publications (geologic reports and maps), programs
(seismic hazard mapping, Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Study Zone maps); and
other brochures (asbestos, natural hazard disclosure).
California Governor's Office of Emergency Services website. Contains information
on response plans regarding natural disasters (earthquakes), terrorist attacks, and
electrical outages, and information on past emergencies.
Earth Consultants International References and Useful Websites Page A-19
Geologic Maps
Homepage for the Southern California Aerial Mapping Project (SCAMP), which is
the USGS' program to update geologic maps of Southern California at a 1:100,000
scale and release these in a digital GIS format.
Seismic Hazards, Faults, and Earthquakes
Shows the current list of seismic hazard maps available from the California
Geologic Survey. These can be downloaded in a pdf format.
Southern California Earthquake data center (hosted by SCEC, USGS, and Caltech.
Shows maps and data for recent earthquakes in Southern California and worldwide.
Catalogs of historic earthquakes.
List of California earthquakes (date, magnitude, latitude longitude, description of
Earth Consultants International References and Useful Websites Page A-20
Website at the USGS Earthquake Hazard's Program that lists seismic acceleration
maps available for downloading.
Homepage of the California Seismic Safety Commission. Contains information on
California earthquake legislation, safety plans, and programs designed to reduce
the hazards from earthquakes. Includes several publications of interest, including
"The Homeowner's Guide to Earthquake Safety." Also contains a catalog of recent
California earthquakes.
Homepage of the National Earthquake Information Center. Maintains an extensive
global seismic database on earthquake parameters. Its mission is to rapidly
determine the location and size of all destructive earthquakes worldwide, and
disseminate that information as quickly as possible to concerned national and
international agencies, scientists, and the public in general.
Site where Shakemaps for actual and scenario earthquakes can be obtained.
Landslides and Debris Flows
USGS Landslide webpage. Links to their publications, recent landslide events, and
bibliographic databases.
California Geologic Survey website on Seismic Hazard maps.
USGS Volcanic Observatory website list of links regarding mudflows, debris flows
and lahars.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) fact sheet website about
landslides and mudflows.
Flooding, Dam Inundation, and Erosion (Note: the information on some of these web sites has
been removed due to safety concerns; but may be posted again in the future in limited form).
US Geological Survey Volcanic Observatory website list of links regarding
sediment and erosion.
US Army Corps of Engineers website regarding waterway regulations.
Earth Consultants International References and Useful Websites Page A-21
FEMA website about the National Flood Insurance Program.
Precipitation rates at different rain stations in the world measured over time.
Stream gage measurements for rivers throughout the US.
http:H www.bsc.ca.gov
Site of the California Building Standards Commission. Provides information
regarding the status of the building codes being considered for future approval in
Earth Consultants International References and Useful Websites Page A-22
Acceleration — The rate of change for a body's magnitude, direction, or both over a given period
of time.
Active fault — For implementation of Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act (APEFZA)
requirements, an active fault is one that shows evidence of having experienced surface
displacement within the last 11,000 years. APEFZA classification is designed for land use
management of surface rupture hazards. A more general definition by the National Academy of
Sciences (1988) is ''a fault that on the basis of historical, seismological, or geological evidence has
the finite probability of producing an earthquake." The American Geological Institute (1972)
defines an active fault as one along which there is recurrent movement, usually indicated by small,
periodic displacements or seismic activity.
Adjacent grade — Elevation of the natural or graded ground surface, or structural fill, abutting the
walls of a building. See highest adjacent grade and lowest adjacent grade.
Aeolian (or eolian) — Related to or pertaining to the wind; carried, eroded or deposited by wind
Aftershocks — Minor earthquakes following a greater one and originating at or near the same
Aggradation — The building up of earth's surface by deposition of sediment.
Alluvial — Pertaining to, or composed, of alluvium, or deposited by a stream or running water.
Alluvial fan — A low, outspread relatively flat to gently sloping surface consisting of loose sediment
that is shaped like an open fan, deposited by a stream at the place where the stream comes out of
a narrow canyon onto a broad valley or plain. Alluvial fans are steepest near the mouth of the
canyon, and spread out, gradually decreasing in gradient, away from the stream source.
Alluvium — Surficial sediments of poorly consolidated gravels, sand, silts, and clays deposited by
flowing water.
Amplitude — The height of a wave between its crest (high point) and its mid -point.
Anchor — To secure a structure to its footings or foundation wall in such a way that a continuous
load transfer path is created and so that it will not be displaced by flood, wind, or seismic forces.
Aplite — A light-colored igneous rock with a fine-grained texture and free from dark minerals.
Aplite forms at great depths beneath the earth's crust.
Aquifer — A body of rock or sediment that contains sufficient saturated permeable material to
allow the flow of ground water and to yield economically significant quantities of ground water to
wells and springs.
Argillic — Alteration in which certain minerals of a rock or sediments are converted to clay. Also
said of a soil horizon characterized by the illuvial accumulation of clay.
Earth Consultants International Glossary Page B-1
Armor — To protect slopes from erosion and scour by flood waters. Techniques of armoring
include the use of riprap, gabions, or concrete.
Artesian — An adjective referring to ground water confined under hydrostatic pressure. The water
level in wells drilled into an artesian aquifer (also called a confined aquifer) will stand at some
height above the top of the aquifer. If the water reaches the ground surface, the well is referred to
as a "flowing" artesian well.
Aspect — The direction a slope faces.
Attenuation — The reduction in amplitude of a wave with time or distance traveled.
A zone — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, area subject to inundation by the 100-year
flood where wave action does not occur or where waves are less than 3 feet high, designated Zone
A, AE, Al -A30, A0, AH, or AR on a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM).
Base flood — Flood that has as 1-percent probability of being equaled or exceeded in any given
year. Also known as the 100-year flood.
Base Flood Elevation (BFE) — Elevation of the base flood in relation to a specified datum, such as
the National Geodetic Vertical Datum or the North American Vertical Datum. The Base Flood
Elevation is the basis of the insurance and floodplain management requirements of the National
Flood Insurance Program.
Basement — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, any area of a building having its floor
subgrade on all sides. (Note: What is typically referred to as a "walkout basement," which has a
floor that is at or above grade on at least one side, is not considered a basement under the
National Flood Insurance Program.)
Bedding — The arrangement of a sedimentary rock or deposit in beds or layers of varying thickness
and character.
Bedrock — Designates hard rock that is in its natural intact position and underlies soil or other
unconsolidated surficial material.
Bench — A grading term that refers to a relatively level step excavated into earth material on which
fill is to be placed. A bench is also a long, narrow, relatively level or gently inclined platform of
land or rock bounded by steeper slopes above and below.
Biotite — A general term to designate all ferromagnesian micas. More specifically, biotite is a
widely distributed and important rock -forming mineral that is usually black, brown or dark green,
and that is an original constituent of igneous and metamorphic rocks, or a detrital constituent of
sedimentary rocks.
Blind thrust fault — A thrust fault is a low -angle reverse fault (where the top block is being or has
been pushed over the bottom block). A "blind" thrust fault refers to one that does not reach the
Earth Consultants International Glossary Page B-2
Braided stream — A stream that divides into or follows an interlacing or tangled network of several,
small, branching and reuniting shallow channels separated from each other by channel bars. Also
referred to as an anastomosing stream.
Brush — A collective term that refers to stands of vegetation dominated by shrubby, woody plants,
or low -growing trees.
Building code — Regulations adopted by local governments that establish standards for
construction, modification, and repair of buildings and other structures.
Cast -in -place concrete — Concrete that is poured and formed at the construction site.
CEQA — The California Environmental Quality Act (Chapters 1 through 6 of Division 13 of the
Public Resources Code). A state statute that requires state and local agencies to identify the
significant environmental impacts of their actions and to avoid or mitigate those impacts, if
Cladding — Exterior surface of the building envelope that is directly loaded by the wind.
Clay — A rock or mineral fragment having a diameter less than 1/256 mm (4 microns, or 0.00016
in.). A clay commonly applied to any soft, adhesive, fine-grained deposit.
Climate — The average condition of weather over time in a given region.
Code official — Officer or other designated authority charged with the administration and
enforcement of the code, or a duly authorized representative, such as a building, zoning, planning,
or floodplain management official.
Collapse — A relatively sudden change in the volume of a soil mass resulting in the local settlement
of the ground surface, with the potential to cause significant damage to overlying structures. If due
to strong ground shaking, the soil grains in the soil column are re -arranged by the shaking so that
the pore space between grains is reduced and the grains become more tightly packed, resulting in
the overall reduction of the thickness of the soil column. This is referred to as earthquake -induced
subsidence. Collapse can also occur in certain types of sediments, where with the introduction of
water (due to an increase in irrigation, for example), the cement between soil grains dissolves,
allowing the soil particles to become more tightly packed, again resulting in the local settlement of
the ground surface. This process is also referred to as hydro -collapse or hydroconsolidation.
Column foundation — Foundation consisting of vertical support members with a height -to -least -
lateral -dimension ratio greater than three. Columns are set in holes and backfilled with compacted
material. They are usually made of concrete or masonry and often must be braced. Columns are
sometimes known as posts, particularly if the column is made of wood.
Compressible soil — Geologically young unconsolidated sediment of low density that may
compress under the weight of a proposed fill embankment or structure.
Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) — Building unit or block larger than 12 inches by 4 inches by 4
inches made of cement and suitable aggregates.
Earth Consultants International Glossary Page B-3
Conglomerate — A coarse -grained sedimentary rock composed of rounded to subangular fragments
larger than 2 mm in diameter set in a fine-grained matrix of sand or silt, and commonly cemented
by calcium carbonate, iron oxide, silica or hardened clay. The consolidated equivalent of gravel.
Connector — Mechanical device for securing two or more pieces, parts, or members together,
including anchors, wall ties, and fasteners.
Consolidation — Any process whereby loosely aggregated, soft earth materials become firm and
cohesive rock. Also the gradual reduction in volume and increase in density of a soil mass in
response to increased load or effective compressive stress, such as the squeezing of fluids from
pore spaces.
Corrosion -resistant metal — Any nonferrous metal or any metal having an unbroken surfacing of
nonferrous metal, or steel with not less than 10 percent chromium or with not less than 0.20
percent copper.
Coseismic rupture - Ground rupture occurring during an earthquake but not necessarily on the
causative fault.
Cretaceous — The final period of the Mesozoic era (before the Tertiary period of the Cenozoic era),
thought to have occurred between about 136 and 65 million years ago.
Dead load — Weight of all materials of construction incorporated into the building, including but
not limited to walls, floors, roofs, ceilings, stairways, built-in partitions, finishes, cladding, and
other similarly incorporated architectural and structural items and fixed service equipment.
Debris — (Seismic) The scattered remains of something broken or destroyed; ruins; rubble;
fragments. (Flooding, Coastal) Solid objects or masses carried by or floating on the surface of
moving water.
Debris impact loads — Loads imposed on a structure by the impact of flood -borne debris. These
loads are often sudden and large. Though difficult to predict, debris impact loads must be
considered when structures are designed and constructed.
Debris flow — A saturated, rapidly moving saturated earth flow with 50 percent rock fragments
coarser than 2 mm in size which can occur on natural and graded slopes.
Debris line — Line left on a structure or on the ground by the deposition of debris. A debris line
often indicates the height or inland extent reached by flood waters.
Deflected canyons — A relatively spontaneous diversion in the trend of a stream or canyon caused
by any number of processes, including folding and faulting.
Deformation - A general term for the process of folding, faulting, shearing, compression, or
extension of rocks.
Design flood — The greater of either (1) the base flood or (2) the flood associated with the flood
hazard area depicted on a community's flood hazard map, or otherwise legally designated.
Earth Consultants International Glossary Page B-4
Design Flood Elevation (DFE) — Elevation of the design flood, or the flood protection elevation
required by a community, including wave effects, relative to the National Geodetic Vertical
Datum, North American Vertical Datum, or other datum.
Development — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, any manmade change to improved
or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to buildings or other structures, mining,
dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation, or drilling operations or storage of equipment or
Differential settlement — Non -uniform settlement; the uneven lowering of different parts of an
engineered structure, often resulting in damage to the structure. Sometimes included with
liquefaction as ground failure phenomenon.
Dike — A tabular shaped, igneous intrusion that cuts across bedding of the surrounding rock.
Diorite — A group of igneous rocks that form at great depth beneath the earth's crust. These rocks
are intermediate in composition between acidic and basic rocks.
Displacement - The length, measured in kilometers (km), of the total movement that has occurred
along a fault over as long a time as the geologic record reveals.
DMA 2000 - Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000. Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency
Assistance Act, as amended by Public Law 106-390, October 30, 2000. DMA 2000 is intended to
establish a continuing means of assistance by the Federal Government to State and local
governments in carrying out their responsibilities to alleviate the suffering and damage which
result from disasters by (1) revising and broadening the scope of existing disaster relief programs;
(2) encouraging the development of comprehensive disaster preparedness and assistance plans,
programs, capabilities, and organizations by the States and by local governments; (3) achieving
greater coordination and responsiveness of disaster preparedness and relief programs; (4)
encouraging individuals, States, and local governments to protect themselves by obtaining
insurance coverage to supplement or replace governmental assistance; (5) encouraging hazard
mitigation measures to reduce losses from disasters, including development of land use and
construction regulations; and (6) providing Federal assistance programs for both public and private
losses sustained in disasters .
Dynamic analysis — A complex earthquake -resistant engineering design technique capable of
modeling the entire frequency spectra, or composition, of ground motion. The method is used to
evaluate the stability of a site or structure by considering the motion from any source or mass, such
as that dynamic motion produced by machinery or a seismic event.
Earth flow — Imperceptibly slow -moving surficial material in which 80% or more of the fragments
are smaller than 2 mm, including a range of rock and mineral fragments.
Earthquake — Vibratory motion propagating within the Earth or along its surface caused by the
abrupt release of strain from elastically deformed rock by displacement along a fault.
Earth's crust — The outermost layer or shell of the Earth.
Effective Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) — See Flood Insurance Rate Map.
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El Nino — Phenomenon that originates, every few years, typically in December or early January, in
the southern Pacific Ocean, off of the western coast of South America, characterized by warmer
than usual water. This warmer water is statistically linked with increased rainfall in both the
southeastern and southwestern United States, droughts in Australia, western Africa and Indonesia,
reduced number of earthquakes in the Atlantic Ocean, and increased number of hurricanes in the
Eastern Pacific.
Encroachment — Any physical object placed in a floodplain that hinders the passage of water or
otherwise affects the flood flows.
Engineering geologist — A geologist who is certified by the State as qualified to apply geologic
data, principles, and interpretation to naturally occurring earth materials so that geologic factors
affecting planning, design, construction, and maintenance of civil engineering works are properly
recognized and used. An engineering geologist is particularly needed to conduct investigations,
often with geotechnical engineers, of sites with potential ground failure hazards.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) — Federal agency tasked with ensuring the protection of
the environment and the nation's citizens.
Ephemeral stream — A stream or reach of a stream that flows only briefly in direct response to
Epicenter — The point at the Earth's surface directly above where an earthquake originated.
Erodible soil — Soil subject to wearing away and movement due to the effects of wind, water, or
other geological processes during a flood or storm or over a period of years.
Erosion — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, the process of the gradual wearing away
of landmasses. In general, erosion involves the detachment and movement of soil and rock
fragments, during a flood or storm or over a period of years, through the action of wind, water, or
other geologic processes.
Erosion analysis — Analysis of the short- and long-term erosion potential of soil or strata, including
the effects of wind action, flooding or storm surge, moving water, wave action, and the interaction
of water and structural components.
Evacuation — Movement of people from an area, typically their homes, to another area considered
to be safe, typically in response to a natural or man-made disaster that makes an area unsafe for
Expansive soil — A soil that contains clay minerals that take in water and expand. If a soil contains
sufficient amount of these clay minerals, the volume of the soil can change significantly with
changes in moisture, with resultant structural damage to structures founded on these materials.
Fanglomerate — A sedimentary rock consisting of a heterogeneous mix of fragments of all sizes,
originally deposited in an alluvial fan and subsequently cemented into a firm rock. Generally said
of the coarser, consolidated rock material that occurs in the upper part of an alluvial fan.
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Fault — A fracture (rupture) or a zone of fractures along which there has been displacement of
adjacent earth material.
Fault segment — A continuous portion of a fault zone that is likely to rupture along its entire length
during an earthquake.
Fault slip rate — The average long-term movement of a fault (measured in cm/year or mm/year) as
determined from geologic evidence.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) — Independent agency created in 1979 to
provide a single point of accountability for all Federal activities related to disaster mitigation and
emergency preparedness, response and recovery. FEMA administers the National Flood Insurance
Federal Insurance Administration (FIA) - The component of the Federal Emergency Management
Agency directly responsible for administering the flood insurance aspects of the National Flood
Insurance Program.
Feldspar — The most widespread of any mineral group; constitutes —60% of the earth's crust.
Feldspars occur as components of all kinds of rocks and, on decomposition, yield a large part of
the clay of a soil.
Fill — Material such as soil, gravel, or crushed stone placed in an area to increase ground
elevations or change soil properties.
Five -hundred (500)-year flood — Flood that has as 0.2% probability of being equaled or exceeded
in any given year.
Flash flood — A local and sudden flood or torrent overflowing a stream channel in an usually dry
valley, carrying an immense load of mud and rock fragments, and generally resulting from a rare
and brief but heavy rainfall over a relatively small area having steep slopes.
Flood — A rising body of water, as in a stream or lake, which overtops its natural and artificial
confines and covers land not normally under water. Under the National Flood Insurance Program,
(a) a general and temporary condition or partial or complete inundation of normally dry land
areas from:
(1) the overflow of inland or tidal waters,
(2) the unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source, or
(3) mudslides (i.e., mudflows) which are proximately caused by flooding as defined in (2)
and are akin to a river of liquid and flowing mud on the surfaces of normally dry land areas,
as when the earth is carried by a current of water and deposited along the path of the
current, or
(b) the collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a lake or other body of water as a
result of erosion or undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding anticipated
cyclical levels or suddenly caused by an unusually high water level in a natural body of water,
accompanied by a severe storm, or by an unanticipated force of nature, such as flash flood or
abnormal tidal surge, or by some similarly unusual and unforeseeable event which results in
flooding as defined in (1), above.
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Flood -damage -resistant material — Any construction material capable of withstanding direct and
prolonged contact (i.e., at least 72 hours) with floodwaters without suffering significant damage
(i.e., damage that requires more than cleanup or low-cost cosmetic repair, such as painting).
Flood elevation — Height of the water surface above an established elevation datum such as the
National Geodetic Vertical Datum, North American Vertical Datum, or mean sea level.
Flood hazard area — The greater of the following: (1) the area of special flood hazard, as defined
under the National Flood Insurance Program, or (2) the area designated as a flood hazard area on a
community's legally adopted flood hazard map, or otherwise legally designated.
Flood insurance — Insurance coverage provided under the National Flood Insurance Program.
Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, an official map
of a community, on which the Federal Emergency Management Agency has delineated both the
special hazard areas and the risk premium zones applicable to the community. (Note: The latest
FIRM issued for a community is referred to as the effective FIRM for that community.)
Flood Insurance Study (FIS) — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, an examination,
evaluation, and determination of flood hazards and, if appropriate, corresponding water surface
elevations, or an examination, evaluation, and determination of mudslide (i.e., mudflow) and/or
flood -related erosion hazards in a community or communities. (Note: The National Flood
Insurance Program regulations refer to Flood Insurance Studies as "flood elevation studies.")
Flood -related erosion area or flood -related erosion prone area — A land area adjoining the shore
of a lake or other body of water, which due to the composition of the shoreline or bank and high
water levels or wind -driven currents, is likely to suffer flood -related erosion damage.
Flooding — See Flood.
Floodplain — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, any land area susceptible to being
inundated by water from any source. See Flood.
Floodplain management — Operation of an overall program of corrective and preventive measures
for reducing flood damage, including but not limited to emergency preparedness plans, flood
control works, and floodplain management regulations.
Floodplain management regulations — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, zoning
ordinances, subdivision regulations, building codes, health regulations, special purpose
ordinances (such as floodplain ordinance, grading ordinance, and erosion control ordinance), and
other applications of police power. The term describes such state or local regulations, in any
combination thereof, which provide standards for the purpose of flood damage prevention and
Floodway — The channel of a river or other watercourse, and the adjacent land areas that must be
kept free of encroachment in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the
water surface elevation more than a certain height.
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Flow failure — A type of liquefaction -induced failure that generally occurs in slopes greater than 3
degrees, and that is characterized by the displacement, often over tens to hundreds of feet, of
blocks of soil riding on top of the liquefied substrate.
Footing — Enlarged base of a foundation wall, pier, post, or column designed to spread the load of
the structure so that it does not exceed the soil bearing capacity.
Footprint — Land area occupied by a structure.
Freeboard — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, a factor of safety, usually expressed in
feet above a flood level, for the purposes of floodplain management. Freeboard tends to
compensate for the many unknown factors that could contribute to flood heights greater than the
heights calculated for a selected size flood and floodway conditions, such as the hydrological
effect of urbanization of the watershed.
Gabbro — A group of dark -colored intrusive igneous rocks composed principally of plagioclase.
The approximate intrusive equivalent of basalt.
Geomorphology — The science that treats the general configuration of the Earth's surface. The
study of the classification, description, nature, origin and development of landforms, and the
history of geologic changes as recorded by these surface features.
Geotechnical engineer — A licensed civil engineer who is also certified by the State as qualified for
the investigation and engineering evaluation of earth materials and their interaction with earth
retention systems, structural foundations, and other civil engineering works.
Gneiss — A metamorphic rock in which bands of granular minerals alternate with bands in which
mineral have a flaky or prismatic habit, with less than 50 percent of the minerals showing
preferred parallel orientation.
Grading — Any excavating or filling or combination thereof. Generally refers to the modification of
the natural landscape into pads suitable as foundations for structures.
Granite — Broadly applied, any completely crystalline, quartz -bearing, plutonic rock.
Ground failure — Permanent ground displacement produced by fault rupture, differential
settlement, liquefaction, or slope failure.
Ground lurching — A form of earthquake -induced ground failure where soft, saturated soils move
in a wave -like manner in response to intense seismic ground shaking, forming ridges or cracks at
the surface.
Ground oscillations — A type of liquefaction -induced failure where liquefaction occurs at depth, in
an area where the ground surface is too level to permit the lateral displacement of the overlying
soil blocks. The blocks instead separate from one another and oscillate above the liquefied layer.
This may result in the opening and closing of fissures or cracks, and the formation of sand boils or
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Ground rupture — Displacement of the earth's surface as a result of fault movement associated
with an earthquake.
Hazardous material (HAZMAT) — Substance that has the ability to harm humans, property or the
environment. The United States Environmental Protection Agency defines hazardous waste as
substances that:
1) may cause or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious
irreversible, or incapacitating reversible illness;
2) pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when
improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of or otherwise managed; and
3) whose characteristics can be measured by a standardized test or reasonably detected by
generators of solid waste through their knowledge of their waste.
Hazardous waste is also ignitable, corrosive, or reactive (explosive) (EPA 40 CFR 260.10). A
material may also be classified as hazardous if it contains defined amounts of toxic chemicals.
Highest adjacent grade — Elevation of the highest natural or regarded ground surface, or structural
fill, that abuts the walls of a building.
Holocene — An epoch of the Quaternary period spanning from the end of the Pleistocene to the
present time (the past about 11,000 years).
Hornblende — The most common mineral of the amphibole group. It is a primary constituent in
many intermediate igneous rocks.
Hydrocompaction — Settlement of loose, granular soils that occurs when the loose, dry structure of
the sand grains held together by a clay binder or other cementing agent collapses upon the
introduction of water.
Hydrodynamic loads — Loads imposed on an object, such as a building, by water flowing against
and around it. Among these loads are positive frontal pressure against the structure, drag effect
along the sides, and negative pressure on the downstream side.
Hydrostatic loads — Loads imposed on a surface, such as a wall or floor slab, by a standing mass of
water. The water pressure increases with the square of the water depth.
Hypocenter — The earthquake focus, that is, the place at depth, along the fault plane, where an
earthquake rupture started.
Igneous — Type of rock or mineral that formed from molten or partially molten magma.
Infiltration — The process by which water seeps into the soil, as influenced by soil texture, soil
structure, and vegetation cover.
Intensity — A measure of the effects of an earthquake at a particular place. Intensity depends on
the earthquake magnitude, distance from the epicenter, and on the local geology.
Invasive plants — Plants that aggressively expand their ranges over the landscape, typically at the
expense of native plants that are displaced or destroyed by the newcomers. Invasive species are
typically considered a major threat to biological diversity.
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jet stream — A relatively narrow stream of fast-moving air in the middle and upper troposphere.
Surface cyclones develop and move along the jet stream.
jetting (of piles) — Use of a high-pressure stream of water to embed a pile in sandy soil.
joist — Any of the parallel structural members of a floor system that support, and are usually
immediately beneath, the floor.
ka — thousands of years before present.
Lacustrine flood hazard area — Area subject to inundation by flooding from lakes.
Landslide — A general term covering a wide variety of mass -movement landforms and processes
involving the downslope transport, under gravitational influence, of soil and rock material en
Lateral force — The force of the horizontal, side -to -side motion on the Earth's surface as measured
on a particular mass; either a building or structure.
Lateral spreading — Lateral movements in a fractured mass of rock or soil which result from
liquefaction or plastic flow or subjacent materials.
Left -lateral fault — A strike -slip fault across which a viewer would see the block on the opposite
side of the fault move to the left.
Lifeline system — Linear conduits or corridors for the delivery of services or movement of people
and information (e.g., pipelines, telephones, freeways, railroads)
Lineament — Straight or gently curved, lengthy features of earth's surface, frequently expressed
topographically as depressions or lines of depressions, scarps, benches, or change in vegetation.
Liquefaction — Changing of soils (unconsolidated alluvium) from a solid state to weaker state
unable to support structures; where the material behaves similar to a liquid as a consequence of
earthquake shaking. The transformation of cohesionless soils from a solid or liquid state as a result
of increased pore pressure and reduced effective stress.
Live loads — Loads produced by the use and occupancy of the building or other structure. Live
loads do not include construction or environmental loads such as wind load, snow load, rain load,
earthquake load, flood load, or dead load. See Loads.
Load -bearing wall — Wall that supports any vertical load in addition to its own weight.
Loads — Forces or other actions that result from the weight of all building materials, occupants and
their possessions, environmental effects, differential movement, and restrained dimensional
changes. Permanent loads are those in which variations over time are rare or of small magnitude.
All other loads are variable loads.
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Lowest floor — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, the lowest floor of the lowest
enclosed area (including basement) of a structure. An unfinished or flood -resistant enclosure,
usable solely for parking of vehicles, building access, or storage in an area other than a basement
is not considered a building's lowest floor, provided that the enclosure is not built so as to render
the structure in violation of National Flood Insurance Program regulatory requirements.
Lowest horizontal structural member — In an elevated building, the lowest beam, joist, or other
horizontal member that supports the building. Grade beams installed to support vertical
foundation members where they enter the ground are not considered lowest horizontal structural
Ma — millions of years before present.
Macroburst — A strong downdraft over 2.5 miles in diameter that can cause damaging winds
lasting 5 to 20 minutes. Formed by an area of significantly rain -cooled air that after hitting ground
levels spreads out in all directions.
Magnitude — A measure of the size of an earthquake, as determined by measurements from
seismograph records. Also refers to both a fire's intensity and severity.
Main shock — The biggest earthquake of a sequence of earthquakes that occur fairly close in time
and space. Smaller shocks before the main shock are called foreshocks; smaller shocks that occur
after the main shock are called aftershocks.
Major earthquake — Capable of widespread, heavy damage up to 50+ miles from epicenter;
generally near Magnitude range 6.5 to 7.0 or greater, but can be less, depending on rupture
mechanism, depth of earthquake, location relative to urban centers, etc.
Manufactured home — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, a structure, transportable in
one or more sections, which is built on a permanent chassis and is designed for use with or
without a permanent foundation when attached to the required utilities. The term "manufactured
home" does not include a "recreational vehicle."
Masonry — Built-up construction of combination of building units or materials of clay, shale,
concrete, glass, gypsum, stone, or other approved units bonded together with or without mortar or
grout or other accepted methods of joining.
Mass casualty — Incident in which the number of victims exceeds the capability of the emergency
management system to manage the incident effectively.
Maximum Magnitude Earthquake (Mmax) — The highest magnitude earthquake a fault is capable
of producing based on physical limitations, such as the length of the fault or fault segment.
Maximum Probable Earthquake (MPE) — The design size of the earthquake expected to occur
within a time frame of interest, for example within 30 years or 100 years, depending on the
purpose, lifetime or importance of the facility. Magnitude/frequency relationships are based on
historic seismicity, fault slip rates, or mathematical models. The more critical the facility, the
longer the time period considered.
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Mediterranean climate — The climate characteristic of the Mediterranean region and most of
California, characterized by hot, dry summers, and cool, wet winters.
Metamorphic rock — A rock whose original mineralogy, texture, or composition has been changed
due to the effects of pressure, temperature, or the gain or loss of chemical components.
Mean sea level (MSL) — Average height of the sea for all stages of the tide, usually determined from
hourly height observations over a 19-year period on an open coast or in adjacent waters having
free access to the sea. See National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
Microburst — A very localized zone of sinking air, less than 2.5 miles in diameter, producing
damaging, straight-line, divergent winds at or near the ground surface lasting 2 to 5 minutes.
Mitigation — Any action taken to reduce or permanently eliminate the long-term risk to life and
property from natural hazards.
Mitigation Directorate — Component of Federal Emergency Management Agency directly
responsible for administering the flood hazard identification and floodplain management aspects
of the National Flood Insurance Program.
Moderate earthquake — Capable of causing considerable to severe damage, generally in the range
of Magnitude 5.0 to 6.0 (Modified Mercalli Intensity <VI), but highly dependent on rupture
mechanism, depth of earthquake, and location relative to urban center, etc.
Modified Mercalli Intensity — A qualitative measure of the size of an earthquake based on people's
description of how strongly the earthquake was felt, and the damage it caused to the built
environment. The scale has 12 divisions, ranging from I (felt by only a very few people) to XII (total
Mutual Aid Agreement — A reciprocal aid agreement between two or more agencies that defines
what resources each will provide to the other in response to certain predetermined types of
emergencies. Mutual aid response is provided upon request.
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) — A group that issues fire and safety standards for
industry and emergency responders.
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) — Federal program created by Congress in 1968 that
makes flood insurance available in communities that enact and enforce satisfactory floodplain
management regulations.
National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) - Datum established in 1929 and used as a basis for
measuring flood, ground, and structural elevations, previously referred to as Sea Level Datum or
Mean Sea Level. The Base Flood Elevations shown on most of the Flood Insurance Rate Maps
issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency are referenced to NGVD or, more recently,
to the North American Vertical Datum.
Near -field earthquake — Used to describe a local earthquake within approximately a few fault
zone widths of the causative fault which is characterized by high frequency waveforms that are
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destructive to above -ground utilities and short period structures (less than about two or three
New construction — For the purpose of determining flood insurance rates under the National Flood
Insurance Program, structures for which the start of construction commenced on or after the
effective date of the initial Flood Insurance Rate Map or after December 31, 1974, whichever is
later, including any subsequent improvements to such structures. (See Post -FIRM structure.) For
floodplain management purposes, new construction means structures for which the start of
construction commenced on or after the effective date of a floodplain management regulation
adopted by a community and includes any subsequent improvements to such structures.
Non -coastal A zone — The portion of the Special Flood Hazard Area in which the principal source
of flooding is runoff from rainfall, snowmelt, or a combination of both. In non -coastal A zones,
flood waters may move slowly or rapidly, but waves are usually not a significant threat to
buildings. See A zone and coastal A zone. (Note: the National Flood Insurance Program
regulations do not differentiate between non -coastal A zones and coastal A zones.)
Non -load -bearing wall — Wall that does not support vertical loads other than its own weight. See
Load -bearing wall.
North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) — Datum used as a basis for measuring flood, ground,
and structural elevations. NAVD is used in many recent Flood Insurance Studies rather than the
National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
Oblique -reverse fault — A fault that combines some strike -slip motion with some dip -slip motion in
which the upper block, above the fault plane, moves up over the lower block.
Offset ridge — A ridge that is discontinuous on account of faulting.
Offset stream — A stream displaced laterally or vertically by faulting.
One hundred (100)-year flood — See Base flood.
Orthoclase — One of the most common rock -forming minerals; colorless, white, cream -yellow,
flesh -reddish, or grayish in color.
Paleoseismic — Pertaining to an earthquake or earth vibration that happened decades, centuries, or
millennia ago.
Peak flood — The highest discharge or stage value of a flood.
Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) — The greatest amplitude of acceleration measured for a single
frequency on an earthquake accelerogram. The maximum horizontal ground motion generated by
an earthquake. The measure of this motion is the acceleration of gravity (equal to 32 feet per
second squared, or 980 centimeter per second squared), and generally expressed as a percentage
of gravity.
Pedogenic — Pertaining to soil formation.
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Pegmatite — An igneous rock with extremely large grains, more than a centimeter in diameter.
Perched ground water — Unconfined ground water separated from an underlying main body of
ground water by an unsaturated zone.
Perennial Stream — A stream that flows continuously throughout the year.
Plagioclase — One of the most common rock forming minerals.
Playa — Term used in the Southwestern US to describe a flat -floored, typically unvegetated area
composed of thin, stratified sheets of fine clay, silt or sand that represent the bottom or central part
of a shallow, completely closed or undrained desert lake basin where water accumulates after a
rainstorm and quickly evaporates, leaving behind deposits of soluble salts.
Plutonic — Pertaining to igneous rocks formed at great depth.
Plywood — Wood structural panel composed of plies of wood veneer arranged in cross -aligned
layers. The plies are bonded with an adhesive that cures on application of heat and pressure.
Pore pressure — The stress transmitted by the fluid that fills the voids between particles of a soil or
rock mass.
Post foundation — Foundation consisting of vertical support members set in holes and backfilled
with compacted material. Posts are usually made of wood and usually must be braced. Posts are
also known as columns, but columns are usually made of concrete or masonry.
Post -FIRM structure — For purposes of determining insurance rates under the National Flood
Insurance Program, structures for which the start of construction commenced on or after the
effective date of an initial Flood Insurance Rate Map or after December 31, 1974, whichever is
later, including any subsequent improvements to such structures. This term should not be confused
with the term new construction as it is used in floodplain management.
Potentially active fault — According to the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone Act guidelines, a
fault showing evidence of movement within the last 1.6 million years but that has not been shown
conclusively whether or not it has ruptured in the past about 11,000 years ago. The U.S.
Geological Survey considers a fault potentially active if it has moved in the time period between
about 11,000 years ago (the Holocene) and 750,000 years ago, and that is thought capable of
generating damaging earthquakes.
Precast concrete — Structural concrete element cast elsewhere than its final position in the
structure. See Cast -in -place concrete.
Primary fault rupture - Fissuring and displacement of the ground surface along a fault that breaks
in an earthquake.
Project — A development application involving zone changes, variances, conditional use permits,
tentative parcel maps, tentative tract maps, and plan amendments.
Quartzite — A metamorphic rock consisting mostly of quartz.
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Quartz monzonite — A plutonic rock containing major plagioclase, orthoclase and quartz; with
increased orthoclase it becomes a granite.
Quaternary — The second period of the Cenozoic era, consisting of the Pleistocene and Holocene
epochs; covers the last approximately 1.6 to 2 million years.
Rain shadow — A reduction in precipitation in an area on the leeward side of a mountain or range
of mountains, caused by the release of moisture on the windward side.
Resonance — Amplification of ground motion frequencies within bands matching the natural
frequency of a structure and often causing partial or complete structural collapse; effects may
demonstrate minor damage to single -story residential structures while adjacent 3- or 4-story
buildings may collapse because of corresponding frequencies, or vice versa.
Recurrence interval — The time between earthquakes of a given magnitude, or within a given
magnitude range, on a specific fault or within a specific area.
Reinforced concrete — Structural concrete reinforced with steel bars.
Remote shutoff — Valve that can be used to shut off the flow of a substance or chemical from a
location away from the spill or break.
Response spectra — The range of potentially damaging frequencies of a given earthquake applied
to a specific site and for a particular building or structure.
Retrofit — Any change made to an existing structure to reduce or eliminate damage to that
structure from flooding, erosion, high winds, earthquakes, or other hazards.
Revetment — Facing of stone, cement, sandbags, or other materials placed on an earthen wall or
embankment to protect it from erosion or scour caused by flood waters or wave action.
Rhyolite — A group of extrusive igneous rocks, generally exhibiting flow texture, with large crystals
(phenocrysts) of quartz and alkali feldspar in a glassy to cryptocrystal line groundmass. The
approximate extrusive equivalent of granite.
Ridgetop shattering — An earthquake -induced type of ground failure that occurs along at or along
the top of ridges, forming linear, fault -like fissures, and leaving the area looking like it was plowed.
Right -lateral fault — A strike -slip fault across which a viewer would see the block on the opposite
side of the fault move to the right.
Riprap — Broken stone, cut stone blocks, or rubble that is placed on slopes to protect them from
erosion or scour caused by flood waters or wave action.
Rockfall — Free -falling to tumbling mass of bedrock that has broken off steep canyon walls or cliffs
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Sand boil — An accumulation of sand resembling a miniature volcano or low volcanic mound
produced by the expulsion of liquefied sand to the sediment surface. Also called sand blows, and
sand volcanoes.
Sandstone — A medium -grained, clastic sedimentary rock composed of abundant rounded or
angular fragments of sand size set in a fine-grained matrix and more or less firmly united by a
cementing material.
Saturated — Said of the condition in which the interstices of a material are filled with a liquid,
usually water.
Scarp — A line of cliffs produced by faulting or by erosion. The term is an abbreviated form of
Schist — A metamorphic rock characterized by a preferred orientation in grains resulting in the
rock's ability to be split into thin flakes or slabs.
Scour — Removal of soil or fill material by the flow of flood waters. The term is frequently used to
describe storm -induced, localized conical erosion around pilings and other foundation supports
where the obstruction of flow increases turbulence. See Erosion.
Secondary fault rupture - Ground surface displacements along faults other than the main traces of
active regional faults.
Sediment — Solid fragmental material that originates from weathering of rocks and is transported or
deposited by air, water, ice, or that accumulates by other natural agents, such as chemical
precipitation from solution, and that forms in layers on the Earth's surface in a loose,
unconsolidated form.
Seiche — A free or standing -wave oscillation of the surface of water in an enclosed or semi -
enclosed basin (such as a lake, bay, or harbor), that is initiated chiefly by local changes in
atmospheric pressure, aided by winds, tidal currents, and earthquakes, and that continues,
pendulum -fashion, for a time after cessation of the originating force.
Seismic Moment — A measure of the size of an earthquake that is associated with the amount of
energy released (the force that was necessary to overcome the friction along the fault plane), the
area of the fault rupture, and the average amount of slip.
Seismogenic — Capable of producing earthquake activity.
Seismograph — An instrument that detects, magnifies, and records vibrations of the Earth,
especially earthquakes. The resulting record is a seismogram.
Shearwall — Load -bearing wall or non -load -bearing wall that transfers in -plane lateral forces from
lateral loads acting on a structure to its foundation.
Sheet flow — An overland flow or downslope movement of water taking the form of a thin,
continuous film over relatively smooth soil or rocks surfaces and not concentrated into channels
larger than rills.
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Shutter ridge — That portion of an offset ridge that blocks or "shutters" the adjacent canyon.
Sidehill fill — A wedge of artificial fill typically placed on the side of a natural slope to create a
roadway or a level building pad.
Silt — A rock fragment or detrital particle smaller than a very fine sand grain and larger than coarse
clay, having a diameter in the range of 1/256 to 1/16 mm (4-62 microns, or 0.00016-0.0025 in.).
An indurated silt having the texture and composition of shale but lacking its fine lamination is
called a siltstone.
Slip Rate — The speed at which a fault is moving, typically expressed in millimeters per year
(mm/yr), and generally estimated by measuring the amount of offset that has occurred in a given,
known amount of time.
Slope ratio — Refers to the angle or gradient of a slope as the ratio of horizontal units to vertical
units. For example, in a 2:1 slope, for every two horizontal units, there is a vertical rise of one unit
(equal to a slope angle, from the horizontal, of 26.6 degrees).
Slump — A landslide characterized by a shearing and rotary movement of a generally independent
mass of rock or earth along a curved slip surface.
Soft -story building — Building with a story, generally the ground or first floor, lacking adequate
strength or toughness due to too few shear walls. Examples of this type of structure include
apartments above glass -fronted stores, and buildings perched atop parking garages.
Soil horizon — A layer of soil that is distinguishable from adjacent layers by characteristic physical
properties such as structure, color, or texture.
Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, an area having
special flood, mudslide (i.e., mudflow) and/or flood -related erosion hazards, and shown on a
Flood Hazard Boundary Map or Flood Insurance Rate Map as Zone A, AO, Al-A30, AE, A99, AH,
V, V1-V30, VE, M or E.
Storage capacity — Dam storage measured in acre-feet or decameters, including dead storage.
Strike -slip fault — A fault with a vertical to sub -vertical fault surface that displays evidence of
horizontal and opposite displacement.
Structural concrete — All concrete used for structural purposes, including plain concrete and
reinforced concrete.
Structural engineer — A licensed civil engineer certified by the State as qualified to design and
supervise the construction of engineered structures.
Structural fill — Fill compacted to a specified density to provide structural support or protection to
a structure. See Fill.
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Structure — Something constructed, such as a building, or part of one. For floodplain management
purposes under the National flood Insurance Program, a walled and roofed building, including a
gas or liquid storage tank, that is principally above ground, as well as a manufactured home. For
insurance coverage purposes under the NFIP, structure means a walled and roofed building, other
than a gas or liquid storage tank, that is principally above ground and affixed to a permanent site,
as well as a manufactured home on a permanent foundation. For the latter purpose, the term
includes a building while in the course of construction, alteration, or repair, but does not include
building materials or supplies intended for use in such construction, alteration, or repair, unless
such materials or supplies are within an enclosed building on the premises.
Subsidence — The sudden sinking or gradual downward settling of the Earth's surface with little or
no horizontal motion.
Swale — In hillside terrace, a shallow drainage channel, typically with a rounded depression or
"hollow" at the head.
Talus — The cone -shaped accumulation of angular fragments of rock or soil at the base of a cliff
that has experienced rockfalls.
Tectonic plate — Any of several large pieces, or blocks, of the Earth's lithosphere that are slowly
moving relative to each other as part of the process called plate tectonics.
Thrust fault — A fault, with a relatively shallow dip, in which the upper block, above the fault
plane, moves up over the lower block.
Transform system — A system in which faults of plate -boundary dimensions transform into another
plate -boundary structure when it ends.
Transpression — In crustal deformation, an intermediate stage between compression and strike -slip
motion; it occurs in zones with oblique compression.
Tsunami — Great sea wave produced by submarine earth movement, volcanic eruption, oceanic
meteor impact, or underwater nuclear explosion.
Unconfined aquifer — Aquifer in which the upper surface of the saturated zone is free to rise and
Unconsolidated sediments — A deposit that is loosely arranged or unstratified, or whose particles
are not cemented together, occurring either at the surface or at depth.
Undermining — Process whereby the vertical component of erosion or scour exceeds the depth of
the base of a building foundation or the level below which the bearing strength of at the
foundation is compromised.
Unreinforced Masonry (URM) structure — Building without adequate anchorage of the masonry
walls to the roof and floor diaphragms and lack of steel reinforcement, of limited strength and
ductility, and as a result, that tends to perform poorly when shaken during an earthquake.
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Uplift — Hydrostatic pressure caused by water under a building. It can be strong enough lift a
building off its foundation, especially when the building is not properly anchored to its foundation.
Upper bound earthquake — Defined as a 10% chance of exceedance in 100 years, with a
statistical return period of 949 years.
Variance — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, grant of relief by a community from the
terms of a floodplain management regulation.
Violation — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, the failure of a structure or other
development to be fully compliant with the community's floodplain management regulations. A
structure or other development without the elevation certificate, other certifications, or other
evidence of compliance required in Sections 60.3(b)(5), (c)(4), (c)(10), (d)(3), (e)(2), (e)(4), or (e)(5)
of the NFIP regulations is presumed to be in violation until such time as that documentation is
Watershed — A topographically defined region draining into a particular river or lake.
Water surface elevation — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, the height, in relation to
the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (or other datum, where specified), of floods of
various magnitudes and frequencies in the floodplains of coastal or riverine areas.
Water table — The upper surface of groundwater saturation of pores and fractures in rock or
surficial earth materials.
Water year — The 12-month period from October 1 through September 30 of the following year.
Weather — The short-term state of the air or atmosphere with respect to heat or cold, wetness or
dryness, calm or storm, clearness or cloudiness, or any other meteorologic phenomena.
X zone — Under the National Flood Insurance Program, areas where the flood hazard is less than
that in the Special Flood Hazard Area. Shaded X zones shown on recent Flood Insurance Rate
Maps (B zones on older maps) designate areas subject to inundation by the 500-year flood. Un-
shaded X zones (C zones on older Flood Insurance Rate Maps) designate areas where the annual
probability of flooding is less than 0.2 percent.
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