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F. 2035 LQ GP EIR - Noise
Terra Nova/La Quinta General Plan EIR Technical Appendices APPENDIX F City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report Prepared by Urban Crossroads, Inc. 41 Corporate Park, Suite 300 Irvine, CA 92606 June 3, 2011 F-1 41 Corporate Park, Suite 300 Irvine, CA 92606 Prepared by: Bill Lawson, P.E., INCE J.T. Stephens, INCE Prepared for: Ms. Nicole Criste TERRA NOVA PLANNING & RESEARCH, INC. 400 South Farrell, Suite B-205 Palm Springs, CA 92262 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL PLAN UPDATE NOISE ELEMENT TECHNICAL REPORT CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA June 3, 2011 JN:06879-03 BL:JS DRAFT City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 1 2.0 NOISE FUNDAMENTALS ................................................................................... 3 2.1 Range of Noise 2.2 Perceived Noise Levels 2.3 Effects of Noise 2.4 Community Noise Assessment Criteria 2.5 Noise Descriptors 2.6 Ground Absorption 2.7 Effects of Vegetation 2.8 Traffic Noise 2.9 Peak Noise Hour 2.10 Noise Control 2.11 Noise Barrier Attenuation 3.0 REGULATORY SETTING ................................................................................... 9 3.1 State Requirements 3.2 City of La Quinta Noise Element (Transportation Related) 3.3 City of La Quinta Noise Ordinance Criteria (Non-Transportation Related Noise) 3.4 City of La Quinta Vibration Standards 3.5 Significance Criteria 4.0 EXISTING NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENTS ........................................................ 15 4.1 Measurement Procedure and Criteria 4.2 Noise Measurement Locations 4.3 Short-Term Noise Measurement Results 5.0 TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT ........................................................... 24 5.1 Traffic Noise Prediction 5.2 FHWA Traffic Noise Prediction Model 5.3 Traffic Noise Prediction Model Inputs 5.4 Traffic Noise Contours 5.5 Traffic Noise Contours Comparison 6.0 BUS ROUTE RELATED NOISE IMPACTS ........................................................... 48 7.0 AIRPORT RELATED NOISE IMPACTS ................................................................ 50 8.0 COMMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ........................................... 53 9.0 CONSTRUCTION NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT ................................................. 54 9.1 Construction Related Noise Standards 9.2 Construction Noise Level Impacts 9.3 Construction Noise Mitigation City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) iii 10.0 LAND USE COMPATIBILITY ............................................................................. 57 11.0 GROUNDBOURNE VIBRATION ......................................................................... 58 11.1 Construction Related Vibration 11.2 Transportation Related Vibration 11.3 Standards for Vibration and Recommended Course of Action 12.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................... 61 13.0 GLOSSARY OF TERMS ................................................................................... 62 APPENDICES Existing City of La Quinta Noise Element .................................................................................................... 3.1 City of La Quinta Municipal Code ................................................................................................................. 3.2 Study Area Photos ......................................................................................................................................... 4.1 Noise Monitoring Data Printouts ................................................................................................................... 4.2 Short-term Leq To CNEL Calculations ......................................................................................................... 4.3 Traffic Axle Count Printouts ......................................................................................................................... 5.1 Transportation Noise Contour Printouts ...................................................................................................... 5.2 LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit Page 1-A Location Map ......................................................................................................................................... 2 2-A Typical Noise Levels and Their Subjective Loudness and Effects ...................................................... 4 3-A Land Use and Noise Compatibility Matrix .......................................................................................... 10 4-A Noise Level Measurement Locations ................................................................................................. 16 6-A Bus and Truck Routes......................................................................................................................... 49 7-A Existing Jacqueline Cochran Airport Noise Contours ........................................................................ 51 7-B Future Jacqueline Cochran Airport Noise Contours .......................................................................... 52 9-A Typical Noise Construction Noise Levels ........................................................................................... 55 11-A Typical Levels of Ground Vibration ..................................................................................................... 59 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) iv LIST OF TABLES Table Page 4-1 Existing Ambient 24-Hour Noise Level Measurements ..................................................................... 17 4-2 Existing Ambient Short-Term Noise Level Measurements ................................................................ 21 5-1 Average Daily Traffic Volumes .......................................................................................................... 26 5-2 Roadway Parameters ......................................................................................................................... 28 5-3 City of La Quinta Hourly Traffic Flow Distribution .............................................................................. 30 5-4 Existing Conditions Noise Contours ................................................................................................... 31 5-5 Existing Network Year 2035 General Plan Development Noise Contours ....................................... 33 5-6 Year 2035 Preferred Network General Plan Development Noise Contours .................................... 35 5-7 Year 2035 Alternative #1 General Plan Development Noise Contours ........................................... 37 5-8 Year 2035 Alternative #2 General Plan Development Noise Contours ........................................... 39 5-9 Year 2035 Preferred Alternative Noise Contour Comparison ........................................................... 42 5-10 Year 2035 Alternative #1 Noise Contour Comparison ....................................................................... 44 5-11 Year 2035 Alternative #2 Noise Contour Comparison ....................................................................... 46 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL PLAN UPDATE NOISE ELEMENT TECHNICAL REPORT CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the technical analysis for the City of La Quinta Noise Element update. The noise element identifies noise sensitive land uses and noise sources, and defines areas of noise impact for the purpose of developing programs to insure that the residents of within the community will be protected from excessive noise intrusion. The City of La Quinta is generally located in the Coachella Valley of Riverside County south of the I-10 Freeway and west of the 86S Freeway as shown on Exhibit 1-A. The State of California has mandated that each county and city prepare a Noise Element as part of its General Plan. Section 65302 (f) of the California Government Code requires that the noise element recognize the guidelines established by the Office of Noise Control in the State Department of Health Services and shall analyzed and quantify, current and projected noise levels for all noise sources. According to California Government Code, noise contours shall be used as a guide for establishing a pattern of land uses in the land use element that minimizes the exposure of community residents to excessive noise. The purpose of this noise study is to provide background and supporting information for the City of La Quinta Noise Element. This study contains background information on noise fundamentals, reviews the existing noise documents and analysis procedures, identifies potential noise sources, identifies existing and future noise impacts, and provides additional discussion of noise standards, aircraft overflights, traffic and operational noise impacts. 1 2 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) 2.0 NOISE FUNDAMENTALS Noise has been simply defined as "unwanted sound." Sound becomes unwanted when it interferes with normal activities, causes actual physical harm, or has adverse effects on health. Noise is measured on a logarithmic scale of sound pressure level known as a decibel (dB). A-weighted decibels (dBA) approximate the subjective response of the human ear to broad frequency noise source by discriminating against very low and very high frequencies of the audible spectrum. They are adjusted to reflect only those frequencies which are audible to the human ear. Exhibit 2-A presents a summary of the typical noise levels and their subjective loudness and effects that are described in more detail below. 2.1 Range of Noise Since the range of intensities that the human ear can detect is so large, the scale frequently used to measure intensity is a scale based on multiples of 10, the logarithmic scale. The scale for measuring intensity is the decibel scale. Each interval of 10 decibels indicates a sound energy ten times greater than before, which is perceived by the human ear as being roughly twice as loud. The most common sounds vary between 40 dBA (very quiet) to 100 dBA (very loud). Normal conversation at three feet is roughly at 60 dBA, while loud jet engine noises equate to 110 dBA which can cause serious discomfort. 2.2 Perceived Noise Levels Due to the logarithmic nature of the decibel scale, increasing a sound intensity by a factor of 10 raises its level by 10 dB; increasing it by a factor of 100 raises its level by 20 dB; by 1,000, 30 dB and so on. However, due to the internal mechanism of the human ear and how it receives and processes noise, when two sound sources of equal intensity or power are measured together, their combined effect (intensity level) is 3 dB higher than the level of either separately. Thus, two 72 dB cars together measure 75 dB under ideal conditions. Typically, a sound must be nearly 10 dBA higher than another sound to be judged twice as loud. Due to subjective thresholds of tolerance, the annoyance of a given noise source is perceived very differently from person to person. 3 4 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) 2.3 Effects of Noise Harmful effects of noise can include speech interference, sleep disruption and loss of hearing. Speech interference begins to occur at 40 to 45 decibels and becomes severe at about 60 decibels. Background noise levels affect performance and learning processes through distraction, reduced accuracy, increased fatigue, annoyance and irritability, the inability to concentrate and sleep prevention. Several factors determine whether a particular noise will interfere with sleep. These factors include the noise level and characteristics, the stage of sleep, the individual’s age and motivation to waken. Sleep prevention can occur when intruding noise levels exceed 50 dBA. Hearing loss, which can begin to occur at prolonged levels of 75 dBA and higher, is one of the most harmful effects of noise on people. 2.4 Community Noise Assessment Criteria In community situations, noise exposure and changes in noise levels occur over a number of years, unlike the immediate comparison made in a field study situation. The generally accepted level at which changes in community noise levels become “barely perceptible” typically occurs at values of greater than 3 dBA. Changes of 5 dBA are defined as "readily perceptible," and 10 dBA is considered twice as loud. 2.5 Noise Descriptors Environmental noise descriptors are generally based on averages, rather than instantaneous noise levels. The most commonly used figure is the equivalent level (Leq). Leq represents a steady sound level containing the same total energy as a time-varying level over a given measurement interval. Leq’s may represent any desired length of time; however, one hour is the most commonly used in environmental work. Consequently, Leq’s can vary depending upon the time of day. In traffic noise measurements, the noisiest hour of the day is considered the benchmark of a road's noise emissions; therefore, the peak hour Leq is the noise metric used by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for all traffic noise impact analyses. 5 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) Peak hour noise levels, while useful, do not completely describe a given noise environment. Noise levels lower than peak hour may be disturbing if they occur during times when quiet is most desirable, namely evening and nighttime (sleeping) hours. To account for this, the Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL), representing a composite twenty-four hour noise level is utilized. The Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) is the weighted average of the intensity of a sound, with corrections for time of day and averaged over 24 hours. The time of day corrections require the addition of five decibels to sound levels in the evening from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., and the addition of ten decibels to sound levels at night between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. These additions are made to account for the noise sensitive time periods during the evening and night hours when sound appears louder and it is weighted accordingly. CNEL does not represent the actual sound level heard at any particular time, but rather represents the total sound exposure. The City of La Quinta relies on the CNEL noise standard to assess transportation related impacts on noise sensitive land uses. 2.6 Ground Absorption To account for the ground-effect attenuation (absorption), two types of site conditions are commonly used in traffic noise models: soft site and hard site conditions. Soft site conditions account for the sound propagation loss over natural surfaces such as normal earth and ground vegetation. Section 5.2 discusses the assumptions included in the traffic noise prediction model used in this analysis. 2.7 Effects of Vegetation Shielding by trees and other such vegetation typically only have an “out of sight, out of mind” effect. That is, the perception of highway traffic noise impact tends to decrease when vegetation blocks the line-of-sight to nearby residences. However, for vegetation to provide a substantial or even noticeable noise reduction, the vegetation area must be at least 15 feet in height, 100 feet wide and dense enough to completely obstruct the line-of sight between the source and the receiver. This size of vegetation may provide up to 5 dBA of noise reduction. 6 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) 2.8 Traffic Noise The level of traffic noise depends on the three things: (1) the volume of the traffic, (2) the speed of the traffic, and (3) the number of trucks in the flow of traffic. Generally, the loudness of traffic noise is increased by heavier traffic volumes, higher speeds, and a greater number of trucks. Vehicle noise is a combination of the noise produced by the engine, exhaust, and tires. Because of the logarithmic nature of traffic noise levels, a doubling of the traffic noise (acoustic energy) results in a noise level increase of 3 dBA. Based on the community noise assessment criteria this 3 dBA noise level change is considered “barely perceptible”. In other words, a doubling of the traffic volume (assuming that the speed and truck mix do not change) results in a noise increase of 3 dBA. The truck mix on a given roadway also has a significant effect on community noise levels. As the number of heavy trucks increases and becomes a larger percentage of the vehicle mix, adjacent noise levels increase. 2.9 Peak Noise Hour According to Section N-3311 of the Caltrans Technical Noise Supplement, “the peak traffic hour is generally not the noisiest hour”. During rush hour traffic, vehicle speeds and heavy truck volumes are often low. Free flowing traffic conditions just before or after the rush hours often yield higher noise levels. 2.10 Noise Control Noise control is the process of obtaining an acceptable noise environment for a particular observation point or receiver by controlling the noise source, transmission path, receiver, or all three. This concept is known as the source-path-receiver concept. In general, noise control measures can be applied to any and all of these three elements and a noise barrier is most effective when placed close to the noise source or receiver. 2.11 Noise Barrier Attenuation Effective noise barriers can reduce noise levels by 10 to 15 dB, cutting the loudness of traffic noise in half. Noise barriers, however, do have limitations. For a noise barrier to work, it must 7 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) be high enough and long enough to block the view of a road. Noise barriers do very little good for homes on a hillside overlooking a road or for buildings which rise above the barrier. A noise barrier can achieve a 5 dB noise level reduction when it is tall enough to break the line-of-sight. 8 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) 3.0 REGULATORY SETTING____ The City of La Quinta has identified two separate types of noise sources: (1) mobile and (2) stationary. To control mobile or transportation related noise sources such as freeways and aircraft overflights, the City of La Quinta provides guidelines for acceptable community noise levels in the Noise Element of the General Plan. The most effective method to control community noise impacts from non-transportation noise sources (such as speakerphones, trash compactors, air-conditioning units, etc.) is through the application of a community noise ordinance. 3.1 State Requirements State law requires that the General Plan include a Noise Element, which is to be prepared according to guidelines adopted by the California Office of Noise Control. The Noise Element should cover relevant noise issues in the planning area, including: major sources of noise; existing and projected levels of noise and noise contours; existing and projected land uses; compatibility with ambient noise; and implementation measures and possible solutions that address existing and foreseeable noise problems. The State Office of Noise Control has developed guidelines showing the compatibility of various land uses for a range of noise levels. The noise compatibility matrix establishes the community noise exposure levels limits by land use category. At different exterior noise levels, individual land uses are identified as “normally acceptable”, “conditionally acceptable”, “normally unacceptable” or “clearly unacceptable”. The noise compatibly matrix criteria are designed to ensure noise compatibility of proposed land uses with the predicted future noise environment. It is to be used as a guideline to achieve long-term noise compatibility for land uses in the City of La Quinta. Exhibit 3-A illustrates the ranges of allowable exterior noise levels for various land uses based on the 2003 State of California General Plan Guidelines. According to the State of California Office of Planning and Research General Plan Guidelines, an acoustical study may be required in cases where noise-sensitive land uses are located in areas of 60 dBA CNEL or greater. Any land use that is exposed to levels higher than 65 dBA CNEL will require noise mitigation measures. Noise sensitive land uses include, but are not necessarily limited to, schools, hospitals, rest homes, long-term care facilities, mental care facilities, residential uses, places of worship, libraries and passive recreation areas. 9 10 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) Interior noise standards are included in Chapter 12 of the California Building Code. The code states that “interior noise levels attributable to exterior sources shall not exceed 45 dB in any habitable room. The noise metric shall be either Ldn or CNEL, consistent with the noise element of the general plan.” 3.2 City of La Quinta Noise Element (Transportation Related) The currently adopted City of La Quinta Plan Noise Element (March 20, 2002), presented in Appendix 3.1, provides the noise goal, policies, and programs: GOAL A healthful noise environment which complements the City’s residential and resort character, and the mix of land uses provided in the City. Policy 1: The City shall maintain noise standards in conformance with the Community Noise and Land Use Compatibility. Program 1.1: The Noise Ordinance (Municipal Code Section 9.60.230 et. Esq.) shall be amended to allow a 65 dBA CNEL outdoor noise level for sensitive receptors such as residential and institutional land uses. Program 1.2: The Building Department shall maintain Uniform Building Code standards which ensure that interior noise levels meet or exceed the standards in the Community Noise and Land Use Compatibility. Policy 2: New or redevelopment projects proposing sensitive receptors and located on arterial roadways whose CNEL levels are expected to exceed the City standard at buildout and who do not propose mitigation shall be required to prepare a noise impact analysis to mitigate noise levels to meet or exceed City standards. Policy 3: New or redevelopment commercial project proposed adjacent to existing residential development shall be required to prepare a noise impact analysis to mitigate noise impacts on adjacent residential properties. Policy 4: The City may require remedial noise control plans for areas experiencing noise in excess of adopted City standards. Program 4.1: The City shall add projects which address remedial mitigation measures required for noise attenuation to its Capital Improvement Program, as necessary. 11 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) Policy 5: The City shall periodically review land use patterns and the noise environment, and amend the Land Use Map as needed to ensure noise/land use compatibility. Policy 6: The City Engineer shall include noise impact analysis in his design of road widening projects to assure that they meet City noise standards, and shall incorporate appropriate mitigations into those designs. Policy 7: The City Engineer shall maintain a truck route plan which restricts truck travel to arterial roadways. 3.3 City of La Quinta Noise Ordinance Criteria (Non-Transportation Related Noise) The City of La Quinta has established maximum exterior noise levels for noise sensitive and non- residential land uses. Section 9.100.210, Noise Control, of the City of La Quinta Municipal Code, presented in Appendix 3.2, establishes base ambient noise level limits that shall apply according to the land use zone and time for stationary noise sources affecting both noise sensitive and other non-residential uses during the daytime and nighttime. Residential properties, schools, hospitals, and churches are considered nosie sensitive land uses, regardless of the land use district in which they are located. All other uses shall comply with the “Other Non-residential” standard. Noise level that may not be exceeded for a cumulative period more than… Noise Standard at Affected Land Use Noise Sensitive Other Non-residential Daytime 7 a.m. – 10 p.m. Nighttime 7 a.m. – 10 p.m. Daytime 7 a.m. – 10 p.m. Nighttime 7 a.m. – 10 p.m. 30 min/hr 60 dBA 50 dBA 75 dBA 65 dBA 15 min/hr 65 dBA 55 dBA 80 dBA 70 dBA 5 min/hr 70 dBA 60 dBA 85 dBA 75 dBA 1 min/hr 75 dBA 65 dBA 90 dBA 80 dBA Anytime 80 dBA 70 dBA 95 dBA 85 dBA Note: For the purposes of this section, the term “cumulative period” means the number of minutes that a noise occurs within any hour, whether such minutes are consecutive or not. If the noise consists entirely of impact noise, simple tone noise, speech or music, or any combination thereof, each of the noise levels specified in the table in this section shall be reduced by five (5) dBA. If the ambient or background noise level exceeds any of the preceding noise categories, no increase above such ambient shall be permitted. Emergency vehicles, other emergency operations, city maintenance and construction, and all other construction activities that are regulated by Section 6.08.050 of the City of La Quinta Municipal Code are exempt from these noise restrictions. 12 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) The City of La Quinta Municipal Code also limits the hours in which construction activities are permissible. Section 6.08.050 of the City’s noise ordinance limits construction to the hours as follows: October 1st through April 30th: Monday - Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday and Holidays: None May 1st through September 30th: Monday - Friday: 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday and Holidays: None 3.4 City of La Quinta Vibration Standards La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.100.220, Operational standards, states all uses and developed properties within any nonresidential district shall comply with the following standards for development, operation and maintenance. F. Vibration. No use except a temporary construction operation shall be permitted which generates inherent and recurrent ground vibration perceptible, without instruments, at the boundary of the lot on which the use is located. 3.5 Significance Criteria The following significance criteria are based on guidance provided by Appendix G of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. For the purposes of this report, noise and vibration impacts would be potentially significant if the proposed Project is determined to result in or cause: • Exposure of persons to or generation of noise or vibration levels in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies; • A substantial permanent increase in ambient noise or vibration levels in the Project vicinity above existing levels without the proposed Project; or 13 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) • A substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise or vibration levels in the Project vicinity above noise levels existing without the proposed Project. While the CEQA Guidelines and current City of La Quinta noise standards provide direction on noise compatibility and establish noise standards by land use type, they do not define the levels at which increases above the ambient noise levels are considered substantial. However, the Federal Highway Administration and Caltrans both identify changes in noise levels of greater than 3 dBA as "barely perceptible," while changes of 5 dBA are considered "readily perceptible.” This is consistent with the community response to noise characteristics described at Section 2.4 of this report. On this basis, and for the purposes of this study, a substantial increase in noise levels attributable to operations of the Project would occur if: 1. Ambient conditions are below applicable standards, and project-generated noise at receptor land uses would result in: • An exceedance of the suggested land uses/noise compatibility guidelines for surface transportation sources presented in the City of La Quinta Noise Element (mobile sources); or • An exceedance of the exterior noise standards defined in the City of La Quinta Noise Ordinance (area/stationary sources); 2. If ambient noise conditions exceed applicable Noise Ordinance Standards and project- generated noise would create a “barely perceptible” 3 dBA or greater permanent increase in ambient exterior noise levels. 3. For construction noise, a substantial increase in noise would occur if project-related construction activities occur outside the hours permitted under the Noise Ordinance as noted previously in this report. 14 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) 4.0 EXISTING NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENTS To determine the existing noise level environment and to assess potential noise impacts on the adjacent residential areas, noise measurements were taken throughout the City of La Quinta. A total of thirteen (13) short-term and seven (7) long-term, 24-hour noise level measurements were taken in the study area to determine the existing ambient background noise levels and existing noise environment. The noise level measurements were recorded by Urban Crossroads, Inc. on Tuesday, February 2nd and Wednesday, February 3rd, 2011. 4.1 Measurement Procedure and Criteria The short-term noise level measurements were taken using a Larson-Davis Model 824 Type 1 precision sound level meter to record noise levels in "A" weighted form. The sound level meter and microphone were mounted on a tripod, five feet above the ground and equipped with a windscreen during all measurements. The precision sound level meter was calibrated before the monitoring using a Larson-Davis calibrator, Model CAL 150. The 24-hour noise level measurements were taken using Quest DL Type 2 noise dosimeters to record noise levels in "A" weighted form. The Quest DL noise dosimeters were calibrated before the monitoring using a Quest QC-10 calibrator. All noise level measurement equipment meets American National Standards Institute (ANSI) specifications for sound level meters, S1.4-1983. 4.2 Noise Measurement Locations The noise monitoring locations were selected based on their proximity to major noise sources. In the City of La Quinta, the primary sources of noise are associated primarily with vehicle traffic on City streets and Highway 111. The noise level measurements were collected during the typical weekday traffic conditions that occur throughout the City. The noise monitoring locations shown on Exhibit 4-A were selected with input from City staff to identify the potential noise impacts on noise sensitive receptors. Appendix 4.1 includes the study area photos showing the noise level measurement locations described in detail below. The seven (7) long-term 24-hour noise level measurements were positioned near sensitive uses to assess the existing ambient hourly noise levels. To supplement the long-term measurements, 10- minute, short-term, sample noise level measurements we taken at other noise sensitive locations within the project study area. Long-term noise level measurement locations L1 through L7 were 15 16 Table 4-1 Existing Long-Term (Ambient) Noise Level Measurements 1 Receptor Location2 Description Time Of Measurement3 Primary Noise Source Hourly Noise Levels (Leq dBA)4 Daily Noise Levels (dBA CNEL)4 L1 Located north of Westward Ho Drive at La Quinta Park across from the La Quinta High School baseball fields. February 2-3, 2011 Traffic on Westward Ho Drive, Park Activities, Activities at La Quinta High School 44.9 - 63.6 60.2 L2 Located north of Highway 111 on southern portion of the commercial center west of La Quinta Drive. February 2-3, 2011 Traffic on Highway 111 50.4 - 64.1 65.3 L3 Located near the Washington St. and Via Marquessa intersection adjacent to the existing medical offices. February 2-3, 2011 Traffic on Washington Street 58.1 - 71.6 72.7 L4 Located north of the Coachella Drive and Eisenhower Drive intersection at the Legacy Villas of La Quinta. February 2-3, 2011 Traffic on Eisnhower Drive, Ambient 47.6 - 56.1 59.3 L5 Located next to the Crab Pot Restaurant on Avenida La Fonda in "The Village". February 2-3, 2011 Traffic on Ave. La Fonda, Ambient within "The Village" 43.1 - 65.4 58.9 L6 Located northeast of the 52nd Avenue and Jefferson Street intersection at land uses proposed as multi- family residential. February 2-3, 2011 Traffic on 52nd Ave. and Jefferson St.48.7 - 60.3 62.2 L7 Located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Jackson Street and 50th Avenue near the existing single-family homes. February 2-3, 2011 Traffic on Jackson St. 52.6 - 72.6 71.4 1 Noise measurements taken by Urban Crossroads, Inc. on February 2-3, 2011. 2 See Exhibit 4-A for the location of the monitoring sites. Measurement location photos are included in Appendix 4.1. 3 All measurement at locations L1-L7 were monitored for a period of 24 hours. 4 The long-term noise level measurements printouts are included in Appendix 4.2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of La Quinta General Plan Update Technical Noise Study City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.xls) 17 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) monitored for a period of 24 hours. • Site L1 is located north of Westward Ho Drive at La Quinta Park across from the La Quinta High School baseball fields. The 24-hour noise level measurements results indicate that the ambient noise conditions at this location experience hourly noise levels ranging from 44.9 to 63.6 dBA Leq with a daily noise level of 60.2 dBA CNEL. • Site L2 is located north of Highway 111 on southern portion of the commercial center west of La Quinta Drive. The 24-hour noise level measurements results indicate that the ambient noise conditions at this location experience hourly noise levels ranging from 50.4 to 64.1 dBA Leq with a daily noise level of 65.3 dBA CNEL. • Site L3 is located near the Washington St. and Via Marquessa intersection adjacent to the existing medical offices. The 24-hour noise level measurements results indicate that the ambient noise conditions at this location experience hourly noise levels ranging from 58.1 to 71.6 dBA Leq with a daily noise level of 72.7 dBA CNEL. • Site L4 is located north of the Coachella Drive and Eisenhower Drive intersection at the Legacy Villas of La Quinta. The 24-hour noise level measurements results indicate that the ambient noise conditions at this location experience hourly noise levels ranging from 47.6 to 56.1 dBA Leq with a daily noise level of 59.3 dBA CNEL. • Site L5 is located next to the Crab Pot Restaurant on Avenida La Fonda in "The Village". The 24-hour noise level measurements results indicate that the ambient noise conditions at this location experience hourly noise levels ranging from 43.1 to 65.4 dBA Leq with a daily noise level of 58.9 dBA CNEL. • Site L6 is located northeast of the 52nd Avenue and Jefferson Street intersection at land uses proposed as multi-family residential. The 24-hour noise level measurements results indicate that the ambient noise conditions at this location experience hourly noise levels ranging from 48.7 to 60.3 dBA Leq with a daily noise level of 62.2 dBA CNEL. • Site L7 is located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Jackson Street and 50th Avenue near the existing single-family homes. The 24-hour noise level measurements results indicate that the ambient noise conditions at this location experience hourly noise levels ranging from 52.6 to 72.6 dBA Leq with a daily noise level of 71.4 dBA CNEL. 18 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) Short-Term noise measurement locations S1 through S13 were monitored for a time period of 10 minutes. • Site S1 is located 100 feet from the Washington Street centerline north of the Fred Waring Drive intersection. The vehicle traffic noise levels from Washington Street measured 66.1 dBA Leq at 3:00 p.m. • Site S2 is located near the Jefferson Street and Fred Waring Drive intersection at an existing Walgreens. The vehicle traffic noise levels from Jefferson Street and Fred Waring Drive measured 69.3 dBA Leq at 3:17 p.m. • Site S3 is located near the Eisenhower Health center east of the Washington Street centerline. The vehicle traffic noise levels from Washington Street measured 69.3 dBA Leq at 3:43 p.m. • Site S4 is located near the La Quinta Unified School District Offices at the intersection of 48th Avenue and Dune Palms Road. The vehicle traffic noise levels from Avenue 48 measured 66.5 dBA Leq at 4:11 p.m. • Site S5 is located approximately 100 feet east of the Jefferson Street centerline north of the 50th Avenue intersection at the existing commercial center. The noise level at 10:27 a.m. measured 64.3 dBA Leq and the major source of noise was vehicle traffic from Jefferson Street. • Site S6 is located 50 feet east of the centerline in the front yard of 51915 Avenue Bermudas across from the community park south of the 52nd Avenue intersection. The noise level at 11:12 a.m. measured 66.2 dBA Leq and the major source of noise was vehicle traffic from Avenue Bermudas. • Site S7 is located south of 52nd Avenue at the Cahuilla Desert Academy School. The noise level at 11:55 a.m. measured 62.0 dBA Leq and the major source of noise was vehicle traffic from 52nd Avenue. 19 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) • Site S8 is located adjacent to the single-family homes near the intersection of Avenue Bermudas and Calle Arroba. The noise level at 11:29 a.m. measured 59.2 dBA Leq and the major source of noise was vehicle traffic from Avenue Bermudas. • Site S9 is located east of Madison Street at the Troon Way intersection near the existing single-family homes. The noise level at 1:10 p.m. measured 64.4 dBA Leq and the major source of noise was vehicle traffic from Madison Street. • Site S10 is located 100 feet west of the Harrison Street centerline south of the Airport Blvd. intersection. The noise level at 12:16 p.m. measured 62.1 dBA Leq and the major source of noise was vehicle traffic from Harrison Street. • Site S11 is located north of 50th Avenue centerline at the existing Boy and Girls Club. The noise level at 10:46 a.m. measured 57.7 dBA Leq and the major source of noise was vehicle traffic from 50th Avenue. • Site S12 is located 50 feet east of the Monroe Street centerline south of the 60th Avenue intersection and the existing residential uses. The noise level at 12:40 p.m. measured 60.4 dBA Leq and the major source of noise was vehicle traffic from Monroe Street. • Site S13 is located 100 feet west of the Jefferson Street centerline between 52nd and 54th Avenue at the proposed residential uses. The noise level at 1:30 p.m. measured 66.7 dBA Leq and the major source of noise was vehicle traffic from Jefferson Street. 4.3 Short-Term Noise Measurement Results The results of the short-term noise level measurements are presented in Table 4-2. Each site was monitored for a minimum time period of 10 minutes. The existing ambient Leq noise levels measured in the study area ranged from 57.7 dBA Leq to 69.3 dBA Leq. Appendix 4.2 includes the short-term noise level measurements data sheets. Since the City of La Quinta transportation related noise standards are based on the 24-hour Community Noise Equivalent Levels (CNEL), all of the short-term Leq noise levels need to be expressed using the 24-hour CNEL noise metric. The 24-hour noise level measurements collected 20 Table 4-2 (Page 1 of 2) Existing Short-Term (Ambient) Noise Level Measurements1 Receptor Location2 Description Time Of Measurement3 Primary Noise Source Noise Levels (Leq dBA)4 Noise Levels (dBA CNEL)5 S1 Located 100 feet from the Washington Street centerline north of the Fred Waring Drive intersection. 3:00 p.m.Traffic on Washington Street 66.1 68.4 S2 Located near the Jefferson Street and Fred Waring Drive intersection at an existing Walgreens. 3:17 p.m. Traffic on Jefferson St. and Fred Waring Dr. 69.3 72.9 S3 Located near the Eisenhower Health center east of the Washington Street centerline. 3:43 p.m.Traffic on Washington Street 69.3 71.6 S4 Located near the La Quinta Unified School District Offices at the intersection of 48th Avenue and Dune Palms Road. 4:11 p.m. Traffic on Avenue 48 66.5 67.1 S5 Located approximately 100 feet east of the Jefferson Street centerline north of the 50th Avenue intersection at the existing commercial center. 10:27 a.m.Traffic on Jefferson St.64.3 68.0 S6 Located 50 feet east of the centerline in the front yard of 51915 Avenue Bermudas across from the community park south of the 52nd Avenue intersection. 11:12 a.m.Traffic on Avenue Bermudas 66.2 71.3 S7 Located south of 52nd Avenue at the Cahuilla Desert Academy School. 11:55 a.m.Traffic on 52nd Avenue 62.0 66.6 S8 Located adjacent to the single-family homes near the intersection of Avenue Bermudas and Calle Arroba. 11:29 a.m.Traffic on Avenue Bermudas 59.2 64.3 S9 Located east of Madison Street at the Troon Way intersection near the existing single-family homes. 1:10 p.m.Traffic on Madison Street 64.4 67.5 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of La Quinta General Plan Update Technical Noise Study City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.xls) 21 Table 4-2 (Page 2 of 2) Existing Short-Term (Ambient) Noise Level Measurements1 Receptor Location2 Description Time Of Measurement3 Primary Noise Source Noise Levels (Leq dBA)4 Noise Levels (dBA CNEL)5 S10 Located 100 feet west of the Harrison Street centerline south of the Airport Blvd. intersection. 12:16 p.m. Traffic on Harrison Street 62.1 65.7 S11 Located north of 50th Avenue centerline at the existing Boy and Girls Club. 10:46 a.m.Traffic on 50th Avenue 57.7 61.5 S12 Located 50 feet east of the Monroe Street centerline south of the 60th Avenue intersection and the existing residential uses. 12:40 p.m.Traffic on Monroe Street 60.4 64.0 S13 Located 100 feet west of the Jefferson Street centerline between 52nd and 54th Avenue at the proposed residential uses. 1:30 p.m.Traffic on Jefferson Street 66.7 71.0 1 Noise measurements taken by Urban Crossroads, Inc. on February 2-3, 2011. 2 See Exhibit 4-A for the location of the monitoring sites. Measurement location photos are included in Appendix 4.1. 3 All measurement at locations S1-S13 were monitored for a period of 10 minutess. 4 The long-term noise level measurements printouts are included in Appendix 4.2. 5 The short-term noise level measurement to CNEL conversion printouts are included in Appendix 4.3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of La Quinta General Plan Update Technical Noise Study City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.xls) 22 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) nearest to each short-term measurement were used as the basis for calculating the appropriate hourly adjustments necessary to convert the short-term sample Leq measurements into estimated daily noise levels. When expressed in terms of the 24-hour CNEL noise level, the locations S1- S13 are expected to range from 61.5 dBA Leq to 72.9 dBA CNEL. Appendix 4.4 includes the Leq to CNEL calculations. 23 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) 5.0 TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT The following section outlines the methods and procedures used to model and analyze the existing and future noise environment and to develop noise contour boundaries for Existing, Current Network Year 2035, Preferred Network Year 2035, Alternative #1 Year 2035 and Alternative #2 Year 2035 conditions. 5.1 Traffic Noise Prediction The level of traffic noise depends on the three primary factors: (1) the volume of the traffic, (2) the speed of the traffic, and (3) the number of trucks in the flow of traffic. Generally, the loudness of traffic noise is increased by heavier traffic volumes, higher speeds and a greater number of trucks. Vehicle noise is a combination of the noise produced by the engine, exhaust and tires. Because of the logarithmic nature of traffic noise levels, a doubling of the traffic noise (acoustic energy) results in a noise level increase 3 dBA. Based on the FHWA community noise assessment criteria, this change is “barely perceptible”. In other words, a doubling of the traffic volume (assuming that the speed and truck mix do not change) results in a noise level increase of 3 dBA. The truck mix on a given roadway also has a substantial effect on community noise levels. As the number of heavy trucks increases and becomes a larger percentage of the vehicle mix, adjacent noise levels increase. 5.2 FHWA Traffic Noise Prediction Model The projected roadway noise impacts from vehicular traffic were projected using a computer program that replicates the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Traffic Noise Prediction Model- FHWA-RD-77-108 (the "FHWA Model”). The FHWA Model arrives at a predicted noise level through a series of adjustments to the Reference Energy Mean Emission Level (REMEL). Adjustments are then made to the reference energy mean emission level to account for; the roadway classification (e.g., collector, secondary, major and arterial), the roadway active width (i.e., the distance between the center of the outermost travel lanes on each side of the roadway), the total average daily traffic (ADT), the travel speed, the percentages of automobiles, medium trucks and heavy trucks in the traffic volume, the roadway grade, the angle of view (e.g., whether the roadway view is blocked), the site conditions ("hard" or "soft" relates to the absorption of the 24 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) ground, pavement or landscaping) and the percentage of total ADT which flows each hour throughout a 24-hour period. To account for the ground-effect attenuation, soft site conditions were used to calculate all noise contours. Soft site conditions account for the sound propagation loss over natural surfaces such as normal earth and ground vegetation. A drop-off rate of 4.5 dBA per doubling of distance is typically observed over soft ground, as compared with a 3.0 dBA drop-off rate over hard ground such as concrete, stone and very hard packed earth. In addition, soft site conditions account for the effect of existing topography, noise barriers or buildings that may alter the roadway noise levels. Soft site conditions are appropriate for the development of noise contours boundaries. 5.3 Traffic Noise Prediction Model Inputs The average daily traffic volumes and roadways parameters used for this study, presented in Tables 5-1 and 5-2, were obtained from the City of La Quinta General Plan Circulation Element Update Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by Iteris on March 30, 2011. Table 5-3 presents the hourly traffic flow distribution percentages of automobile, medium trucks and heavy trucks for input into the FHWA Model. The vehicle mixes used for city roadways were calculated based on axle counts taken on two (2) City of La Quinta roadways on February 15-16, 2011 and presented in Appendix 5.1. The roadways chosen were Eisenhower Drive between Calle Nogales and Calle Chihuahua, a Primary roadway, and Washington Street between Avenue 48 and Avenue 50, a Major roadway. The vehicle mix distribution for Highway 111 was taken from the 2009 Annual Average Daily Truck Traffic on the California State Highway System, published by Caltrans. 5.4 Traffic Noise Contours Noise contours represent the distance to noise levels of a constant value and are measured from the center of the roadway. Tables 5-4 and 5-8 present the CNEL noise contour boundaries for the 55, 60, 65 and 70 dBA noise levels for existing and all Year 2035 network alternatives. Each table presents a summary of the predicted noise contours and the estimated CNEL exterior noise level at a distance of 100 feet throughout the City of La Quinta. All transportation related noise contour 25 Table 5-1 (Page 1 of 2) Roadway Segment Roadway Classification1 Vehicle Speed (MPH) Site Conditions Washington St. n/o Fred Waring Dr. Major 55 Soft Washington St. btwn Fred Waring & Miles Major 55 Soft Washington St. btwn Miles & Hwy 111 Major 55 Soft Washington St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 Major 55 Soft Washington St. btwn Avenue 48 & Eisenhower Dr Major 55 Soft Washington St. btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenue 50 Major 55 Soft Washington St. btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico Major 55 Soft Eisenhower Dr. btwn Washington St & Avenue 50 Primary 50 Soft Eisenhower Dr. btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico Primary 50 Soft Avenida Bermudas btwn Calle Tampico & Avenue 52 Secondary 45 Soft Avenida Bermudas btwn Avenue 52 & Calle Durango Secondary 45 Soft Adams St. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 Secondary 45 Soft Adams St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 Secondary 45 Soft Dune Palms Rd. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 Secondary 45 Soft Dune Palms Rd. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 Secondary 45 Soft Jefferson St. n/o Fred Waring Major 55 Soft Jefferson St. btwn Fred Waring & Miles Major 55 Soft Jefferson St. btwn Miles & Westward Ho Dr Major 55 Soft Jefferson St. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 Major 55 Soft Jefferson St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 Major 55 Soft Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 48 & Avenue 50 Major 55 Soft Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 Major 55 Soft Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 Major 55 Soft Madison St. btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 Primary 50 Soft Madison St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd Primary 50 Soft Madison St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 Primary 50 Soft Madison St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 Secondary 45 Soft Monroe St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 Primary 50 Soft Monroe St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd Primary 50 Soft Jackson St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd Primary 50 Soft Jackson St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 Primary 50 Soft Jackson St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 Primary 50 Soft Jackson St. btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 Primary 50 Soft Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 Primary 50 Soft Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd Primary 50 Soft Van Buren St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 Primary 50 Soft Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 Primary 50 Soft Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 Secondary 45 Soft Harrison St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 Major 55 Soft Avenue 44 e/o Washington St Primary 50 Soft Off-Site Roadway Parameters ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of La Quinta General Plan Update Technical Noise Study City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.xls) 26 Table 5-1 (Page 2 of 2) Roadway Segment Roadway Classification1 Vehicle Speed (MPH) Site Conditions Off-Site Roadway Parameters Miles Ave. e/o Washington St Primary 50 Soft Hwy 111 e/o Washington St Major 55 Soft Hwy 111 e/o Adams St Major 55 Soft Hwy 111 e/o Dune Palms Major 55 Soft Avenue 48 e/o Washington St Primary 50 Soft Avenue 48 w/o Jefferson St Primary 50 Soft Avenue 50 e/o Washington St Primary 50 Soft Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St Primary 50 Soft Avenue 50 e/o Jefferson St Primary 50 Soft Calle Tampico btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenida Bermudas Primary 50 Soft Calle Tampico btwn Avenida Bermudas & Washington St Primary 50 Soft Avenue 52 w/o Washington St Primary 50 Soft Avenue 52 w/o Jefferson St Primary 50 Soft Avenue 52 e/o Jefferson St Primary 50 Soft Avenue 52 e/o Madison St Primary 50 Soft Avenue 54 e/o Jefferson St Primary 50 Soft Avenue 54 w/o Madison St Secondary 45 Soft Airport Blvd. e/o Madison St Primary 50 Soft Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St Secondary 45 Soft Avenue 58 e/o Monroe St Secondary 45 Soft Avenue 60 e/o Madison St Secondary 45 Soft Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St Primary 50 Soft Avenue 62 btwn Madison St & Monroe St Secondary 45 Soft Avenue 62 e/o Monroe St Secondary 45 Soft Avenue 62 e/o Jackson St Secondary 45 Soft Avenue 62 e/o Van Buren St Secondary 45 Soft 1 According to the City of La Quinta General Plan Circulation Element. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of La Quinta General Plan Update Technical Noise Study City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.xls) 27 Table 5-2 (Page 1 of 2) Existing Existing Network Preferred Network Alternative #1 Alternative #2 Washington St. n/o Fred Waring Dr.37.4 57.6 58.5 58.9 59.7 Washington St. btwn Fred Waring & Miles 40.6 65.2 66.2 66.0 66.6 Washington St. btwn Miles & Hwy 111 32.9 55.0 56.0 55.8 56.6 Washington St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 36.7 61.4 62.3 62.4 62.8 Washington St. btwn Avenue 48 & Eisenhower Dr 33.5 62.3 52.8 62.2 62.5 Washington St. btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenue 50 27.1 44.6 45.7 44.6 44.7 Washington St. btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico 23.4 37.2 38.5 37.3 38.0 Eisenhower Dr. btwn Washington St & Avenue 50 12.0 22.3 22.1 22.1 22.3 Eisenhower Dr. btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico 10.0 16.0 15.7 15.8 15.9 Bermudas btwn Calle Tampico & Avenue 52 3.4 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.8 Bermudas btwn Avenue 52 & Calle Durango 9.3 11.1 10.8 10.8 10.8 Adams St. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 13.7 21.4 21.9 21.8 22.3 Adams St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 12.0 23.5 22.8 22.9 23.3 Dune Palms Rd. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 9.3 16.6 16.8 16.8 17.6 Dune Palms Rd. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 8.4 22.1 22.0 22.7 22.2 Jefferson St. n/o Fred Waring 20.9 34.2 34.5 35.3 34.8 Jefferson St. btwn Fred Waring & Miles 23.8 46.6 47.3 47.1 47.4 Jefferson St. btwn Miles & Westward Ho Dr 21.0 52.0 52.2 52.5 52.4 Jefferson St. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 27.1 52.1 51.8 52.8 52.5 Jefferson St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 26.9 50.7 51.1 51.4 52.5 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 48 & Avenue 50 27.1 56.5 58.1 57.8 59.8 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 16.2 40.2 40.4 40.0 42.1 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 12.4 36.0 36.6 35.7 36.9 Madison St. btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 5.7 38.8 38.1 38.6 38.9 Madison St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 9.2 53.7 54.3 52.9 54.8 Madison St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 6.3 40.0 41.6 40.6 41.7 Madison St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 3.3 30.2 31.6 31.0 31.6 Monroe St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 3.1 36.8 37.6 36.8 37.8 Monroe St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 2.5 38.9 39.7 38.0 40.1 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 3.3 34.9 34.7 33.8 35.5 Jackson St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 2.3 36.0 35.8 34.7 37.4 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 1.7 29.5 30.6 30.4 31.8 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 1.6 21.5 23.3 22.7 23.9 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 4.7 32.6 34.7 31.5 35.8 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 3.3 27.9 27.4 26.4 28.0 Roadway Segment Average Daily Traffic (1,000's) Year 2035 Average Daily Traffic For Existing and Year 2035 Scenarios ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of La Quinta General Plan Update Technical Noise Study City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.xls) 28 Table 5-2 (Page 2 of 2) Existing Existing Network Preferred Network Alternative #1 Alternative #2Roadway Segment Average Daily Traffic (1,000's) Year 2035 Average Daily Traffic For Existing and Year 2035 Scenarios Van Buren St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 1.5 29.9 29.6 28.5 30.0 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 1.2 30.4 29.8 29.4 29.1 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 1.0 19.0 18.0 17.7 17.9 Harrison St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 6.7 69.1 72.7 71.8 75.2 Avenue 44 e/o Washington St 24.5 53.9 54.4 54.1 55.2 Miles Ave. e/o Washington St 9.8 15.5 15.6 15.3 15.7 Hwy 111 e/o Washington St 29.7 55.3 54.6 55.4 56.3 Hwy 111 e/o Adams St 31.3 41.8 41.1 45.2 46.2 Hwy 111 e/o Dune Palms 38.0 51.9 52.1 52.3 53.7 Avenue 48 e/o Washington St 12.9 17.3 17.4 17.2 17.6 Avenue 48 w/o Jefferson St 18.4 35.1 34.4 35.2 35.0 Avenue 50 e/o Washington St 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St 9.7 17.9 17.4 17.6 17.5 Avenue 50 e/o Jefferson St 10.0 31.5 32.5 32.3 32.2 Calle Tampico btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenida Bermudas 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 Calle Tampico btwn Avenida Bermudas & Washington St 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 Avenue 52 w/o Washington St 16.1 16.1 16.1 16.1 16.1 Avenue 52 w/o Jefferson St 13.5 34.2 35.6 34.2 35.2 Avenue 52 e/o Jefferson St 10.3 32.2 32.1 31.4 32.9 Avenue 52 e/o Madison St 7.2 28.7 28.5 29.2 29.2 Avenue 54 e/o Jefferson St 8.4 32.8 33.6 32.8 34.2 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 Airport Blvd. e/o Madison St 1.9 18.4 18.3 17.4 19.0 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St 2.2 10.2 11.4 10.3 11.6 Avenue 58 e/o Monroe St 1.6 17.2 18.9 17.2 19.2 Avenue 60 e/o Madison St 3.1 10.7 14.8 13.7 15.2 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St 0.9 10.9 11.7 10.8 11.9 Avenue 62 btwn Madison St & Monroe St 1.0 12.6 12.9 12.1 13.0 Avenue 62 e/o Monroe St 0.8 26.6 26.4 26.1 26.2 Avenue 62 e/o Jackson St 0.6 10.4 11.2 10.8 10.8 Avenue 62 e/o Van Buren St 0.9 4.6 4.9 4.6 4.5 1 According to the City of La Quinta General Plan Circulation Element Update Traffic Impact Analysis by Iteris on March 20, 2011. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of La Quinta General Plan Update Technical Noise Study City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.xls) 29 Table 5-3 City of La Quinta Hourly Traffic Flow Distribution Motor-Vehicle Type Daytime (7 am to 7 pm) Evening (7 pm to 10 pm) Night (10 pm to 7 am) Total % Traffic Flow Automobiles 76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% Medium Trucks 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% Heavy Trucks 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% Automobiles 81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% Medium Trucks 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% Heavy Trucks 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% Automobiles 73.4% 9.7% 16.9% 91.40% Medium Trucks 80.3% 5.5% 14.2% 6.49% Heavy Trucks 71.7% 6.5% 21.8% 2.11% 1 Based on axle counts on Eisenhower Drive between Calle Nogales and Calle Chihuahua, a Primary roadway on February 15-16, 2011. 2 Based on axle counts on Washington Street between Avenue 48 and Avenue 50, a Major roadway on February 15-16, 2011. 3 Based the Caltrans District 8 2009 Annual Average Daily Truck Traffic Report. Collector, Secondary, Primary1 Highway-1113 Major, Augmented Major2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of La Quinta General Plan Update Technical Noise Study City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.xls) 30 Table 5-4 (Page 1 of 2) Existing Conditions Noise Contours Distance to Contour (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 55 dBA CNEL Washington St. n/o Fred Waring Dr.70.8 113 243 524 1,128 Washington St. btwn Fred Waring & Miles 71.1 119 257 553 1,192 Washington St. btwn Miles & Hwy 111 70.2 104 223 481 1,036 Washington St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 70.7 111 240 517 1,114 Washington St. btwn Avenue 48 & Eisenhower Dr 70.3 105 226 486 1,047 Washington St. btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenue 50 69.4 91 196 423 910 Washington St. btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico 68.8 83 178 383 826 Eisenhower Dr. btwn Washington St & Avenue 50 65.4 RW 107 230 496 Eisenhower Dr. btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico 64.6 RW 94 203 438 Avenida Bermudas btwn Calle Tampico & Avenue 52 58.5 RW RW 80 172 Avenida Bermudas btwn Avenue 52 & Calle Durango 62.9 RW 73 156 337 Adams St. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 64.6 44 94 203 437 Adams St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 64.0 RW 86 186 401 Dune Palms Rd. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 62.9 RW 73 156 337 Dune Palms Rd. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 62.5 RW 68 146 314 Jefferson St. n/o Fred Waring 68.3 77 165 355 765 Jefferson St. btwn Fred Waring & Miles 68.8 83 180 387 833 Jefferson St. btwn Miles & Westward Ho Dr 68.3 77 166 357 768 Jefferson St. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 69.4 91 196 422 910 Jefferson St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 69.4 91 195 420 905 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 48 & Avenue 50 69.4 91 196 423 911 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 67.1 64 139 299 645 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 66.0 RW 116 251 540 Madison St. btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 62.2 RW 65 139 300 Madison St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 64.3 RW 90 193 416 Madison St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 62.7 RW 70 150 324 Madison St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 58.5 RW RW 79 170 Monroe St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 59.6 RW RW 94 203 Monroe St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 58.7 RW RW 81 176 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 59.9 RW RW 98 211 Jackson St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 58.3 RW RW 77 166 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 57.0 RW RW 63 136 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 56.6 RW RW 59 128 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 61.3 RW 57 122 264 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 59.9 RW RW 98 211 Road Segment CNEL at 100 Feet (dBA) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of La Quinta General Plan Update Technical Noise Study City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.xls) 31 Table 5-4 (Page 2 of 2) Existing Conditions Noise Contours Distance to Contour (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 55 dBA CNELRoad Segment CNEL at 100 Feet (dBA) Van Buren St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 56.3 RW RW 57 122 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 55.3 RW RW RW 105 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 53.3 RW RW RW 77 Harrison St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 63.3 RW 77 166 358 Avenue 44 e/o Washington St 68.5 80 172 370 797 Miles Ave. e/o Washington St 64.6 RW 93 201 434 Hwy 111 e/o Washington St 72.8 153 331 712 1,535 Hwy 111 e/o Adams St 73.0 159 343 738 1,590 Hwy 111 e/o Dune Palms 73.9 181 390 840 1,809 Avenue 48 e/o Washington St 65.7 52 112 241 520 Avenue 48 w/o Jefferson St 67.3 66 142 305 658 Avenue 50 e/o Washington St 64.4 RW 91 197 424 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St 64.5 RW 92 199 429 Avenue 50 e/o Jefferson St 64.6 RW 94 203 438 Calle Tampico btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenida Bermudas 61.9 RW 62 134 289 Calle Tampico btwn Avenida Bermudas & Washington St 64.7 RW 95 204 440 Avenue 52 w/o Washington St 66.7 60 130 280 603 Avenue 52 w/o Jefferson St 65.9 54 116 249 537 Avenue 52 e/o Jefferson St 64.8 RW 96 208 448 Avenue 52 e/o Madison St 63.2 RW 76 164 354 Avenue 54 e/o Jefferson St 63.9 RW 84 181 390 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St 62.4 RW 67 145 312 Airport Blvd. e/o Madison St 57.4 RW RW 67 145 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St 56.6 RW RW 60 129 Avenue 58 e/o Monroe St 55.1 RW RW 47 102 Avenue 60 e/o Madison St 58.1 RW RW 75 161 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St 54.0 RW RW RW 85 Avenue 62 btwn Madison St & Monroe St 53.3 RW RW RW 78 Avenue 62 e/o Monroe St 52.3 RW RW RW 66 Avenue 62 e/o Jackson St 50.7 RW RW RW 52 Avenue 62 e/o Van Buren St 52.6 RW RW RW 69 1 "RW" = Location of the respective noise contour falls within the right-of-way of the road ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of La Quinta General Plan Update Technical Noise Study City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.xls) 32 Table 5-5 (Page 1 of 2) Year 2035 Existing Network Conditions Noise Contours Distance to Contour (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 55 dBA CNEL Washington St. n/o Fred Waring Dr.72.7 150 324 698 1,504 Washington St. btwn Fred Waring & Miles 73.2 163 352 759 1,634 Washington St. btwn Miles & Hwy 111 72.5 146 314 677 1,458 Washington St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 72.9 157 338 728 1,569 Washington St. btwn Avenue 48 & Eisenhower Dr 73.0 158 341 735 1,584 Washington St. btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenue 50 71.5 127 273 589 1,268 Washington St. btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico 70.8 112 242 521 1,123 Eisenhower Dr. btwn Washington St & Avenue 50 68.1 75 161 347 748 Eisenhower Dr. btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico 66.7 60 130 279 601 Avenida Bermudas btwn Calle Tampico & Avenue 52 59.2 RW 41 88 189 Avenida Bermudas btwn Avenue 52 & Calle Durango 63.7 RW 82 176 379 Adams St. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 66.5 59 127 273 587 Adams St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 66.9 63 135 290 625 Dune Palms Rd. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 65.4 50 107 230 495 Dune Palms Rd. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 66.7 60 129 278 600 Jefferson St. n/o Fred Waring 70.4 106 229 493 1,062 Jefferson St. btwn Fred Waring & Miles 71.7 131 281 606 1,305 Jefferson St. btwn Miles & Westward Ho Dr 72.2 140 303 652 1,404 Jefferson St. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 72.2 141 303 653 1,407 Jefferson St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 72.1 138 297 641 1,380 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 48 & Avenue 50 72.6 148 320 689 1,484 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 71.1 118 255 549 1,183 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 70.6 110 237 510 1,099 Madison St. btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 70.5 108 233 503 1,083 Madison St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 71.9 135 290 624 1,345 Madison St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 70.7 111 238 513 1,105 Madison St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 68.0 74 159 344 740 Monroe St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 70.3 105 225 485 1,046 Monroe St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 70.5 108 234 503 1,085 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 70.1 101 217 468 1,008 Jackson St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 70.2 103 222 478 1,030 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 69.3 90 194 418 901 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 68.0 73 157 339 731 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 69.8 96 208 447 964 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 69.1 87 187 403 869 Road Segment CNEL at 100 Feet (dBA) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of La Quinta General Plan Update Technical Noise Study City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.xls) 33 Table 5-5 (Page 2 of 2) Year 2035 Existing Network Conditions Noise Contours Distance to Contour (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 55 dBA CNELRoad Segment CNEL at 100 Feet (dBA) Van Buren St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 69.4 91 196 423 911 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 69.5 92 198 427 920 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 66.0 54 117 252 542 Harrison St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 73.4 170 366 788 1,698 Avenue 44 e/o Washington St 71.9 135 290 626 1,348 Miles Ave. e/o Washington St 66.5 59 127 273 589 Hwy 111 e/o Washington St 75.5 232 500 1,078 2,323 Hwy 111 e/o Adams St 74.3 193 415 894 1,926 Hwy 111 e/o Dune Palms 75.2 223 480 1,033 2,226 Avenue 48 e/o Washington St 67.0 63 136 293 631 Avenue 48 w/o Jefferson St 70.1 101 218 471 1,014 Avenue 50 e/o Washington St 64.4 RW 91 197 424 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St 67.2 65 139 300 647 Avenue 50 e/o Jefferson St 69.6 94 203 437 942 Calle Tampico btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenida Bermudas 61.9 RW 62 134 289 Calle Tampico btwn Avenida Bermudas & Washington St 64.7 RW 95 204 440 Avenue 52 w/o Washington St 66.7 60 130 280 603 Avenue 52 w/o Jefferson St 70.0 100 215 462 996 Avenue 52 e/o Jefferson St 69.7 96 206 444 956 Avenue 52 e/o Madison St 69.2 89 191 411 886 Avenue 54 e/o Jefferson St 69.8 97 209 450 969 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St 62.4 RW 67 145 312 Airport Blvd. e/o Madison St 67.3 66 142 305 658 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St 63.3 RW 77 166 358 Avenue 58 e/o Monroe St 65.6 51 109 236 508 Avenue 60 e/o Madison St 63.5 RW 80 172 370 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St 65.0 RW 100 215 464 Avenue 62 btwn Madison St & Monroe St 64.2 41 89 192 414 Avenue 62 e/o Monroe St 67.5 68 146 316 680 Avenue 62 e/o Jackson St 63.4 RW 78 168 363 Avenue 62 e/o Van Buren St 59.9 RW 46 98 211 1 "RW" = Location of the respective noise contour falls within the right-of-way of the road ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of La Quinta General Plan Update Technical Noise Study City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.xls) 34 Table 5-6 (Page 1 of 2) Year 2035 Preferred Network Conditions Noise Contours Distance to Contour (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 55 dBA CNEL Washington St. n/o Fred Waring Dr.72.7 152 327 705 1,519 Washington St. btwn Fred Waring & Miles 73.3 165 356 766 1,650 Washington St. btwn Miles & Hwy 111 72.5 148 318 685 1,476 Washington St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 73.0 158 341 736 1,585 Washington St. btwn Avenue 48 & Eisenhower Dr 72.3 142 306 658 1,418 Washington St. btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenue 50 71.7 129 278 599 1,290 Washington St. btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico 70.9 115 248 534 1,150 Eisenhower Dr. btwn Washington St & Avenue 50 68.1 74 160 346 745 Eisenhower Dr. btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico 66.6 59 128 275 593 Avenida Bermudas btwn Calle Tampico & Avenue 52 59.1 RW RW 87 188 Avenida Bermudas btwn Avenue 52 & Calle Durango 63.6 RW 80 173 372 Adams St. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 66.6 60 129 277 597 Adams St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 66.8 61 132 284 613 Dune Palms Rd. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 65.5 50 108 232 500 Dune Palms Rd. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 66.7 60 129 278 598 Jefferson St. n/o Fred Waring 70.4 107 230 496 1,068 Jefferson St. btwn Fred Waring & Miles 71.8 132 284 613 1,320 Jefferson St. btwn Miles & Westward Ho Dr 72.2 141 304 654 1,409 Jefferson St. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 72.2 140 302 651 1,402 Jefferson St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 72.1 139 299 645 1,389 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 48 & Avenue 50 72.7 151 326 702 1,513 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 71.1 119 256 551 1,186 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 70.7 111 239 516 1,112 Madison St. btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 70.4 107 231 497 1,071 Madison St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 72.0 136 292 629 1,355 Madison St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 70.8 113 244 527 1,134 Madison St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 68.2 76 164 354 762 Monroe St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 70.4 106 228 492 1,060 Monroe St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 70.6 110 237 510 1,099 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 70.0 101 217 467 1,006 Jackson St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 70.2 103 221 476 1,026 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 69.5 93 199 429 925 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 68.3 77 166 358 770 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 70.0 101 217 467 1,006 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 69.0 86 185 399 859 Road Segment CNEL at 100 Feet (dBA) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of La Quinta General Plan Update Technical Noise Study City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.xls) 35 Table 5-6 (Page 2 of 2) Year 2035 Preferred Network Conditions Noise Contours Distance to Contour (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 55 dBA CNELRoad Segment CNEL at 100 Feet (dBA) Van Buren St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 69.3 90 195 419 904 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 69.4 91 196 422 908 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 65.8 52 113 243 523 Harrison St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 73.7 176 378 815 1,756 Avenue 44 e/o Washington St 72.0 136 292 629 1,356 Miles Ave. e/o Washington St 66.6 59 127 274 590 Hwy 111 e/o Washington St 75.4 230 496 1,068 2,301 Hwy 111 e/o Adams St 74.2 191 411 885 1,906 Hwy 111 e/o Dune Palms 75.2 223 481 1,036 2,233 Avenue 48 e/o Washington St 67.0 64 137 295 635 Avenue 48 w/o Jefferson St 70.0 100 215 464 999 Avenue 50 e/o Washington St 64.4 RW 91 197 424 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St 67.0 63 136 294 634 Avenue 50 e/o Jefferson St 69.7 96 207 447 962 Calle Tampico btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenida Bermudas 61.9 RW 62 134 289 Calle Tampico btwn Avenida Bermudas & Washington St 64.7 RW 95 204 440 Avenue 52 w/o Washington St 66.7 60 130 280 603 Avenue 52 w/o Jefferson St 70.1 102 220 475 1,023 Avenue 52 e/o Jefferson St 69.7 95 206 443 955 Avenue 52 e/o Madison St 69.2 88 190 410 883 Avenue 54 e/o Jefferson St 69.9 98 212 457 984 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St 62.4 RW 67 145 312 Airport Blvd. e/o Madison St 67.3 66 141 304 656 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St 63.8 RW 83 179 386 Avenue 58 e/o Monroe St 66.0 54 117 252 542 Avenue 60 e/o Madison St 64.9 46 99 213 460 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St 65.3 RW 105 226 488 Avenue 62 btwn Madison St & Monroe St 64.3 42 90 195 419 Avenue 62 e/o Monroe St 67.5 68 146 314 677 Avenue 62 e/o Jackson St 63.7 RW 82 178 383 Avenue 62 e/o Van Buren St 60.1 RW 47 102 220 1 "RW" = Location of the respective noise contour falls within the right-of-way of the road ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of La Quinta General Plan Update Technical Noise Study City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.xls) 36 Table 5-7 (Page 1 of 2) Year 2035 Alternative #1 Network Conditions Noise Contours Distance to Contour (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 55 dBA CNEL Washington St. n/o Fred Waring Dr.72.8 153 329 708 1,526 Washington St. btwn Fred Waring & Miles 73.2 165 355 764 1,647 Washington St. btwn Miles & Hwy 111 72.5 147 317 684 1,473 Washington St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 73.0 159 342 736 1,586 Washington St. btwn Avenue 48 & Eisenhower Dr 73.0 158 341 735 1,583 Washington St. btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenue 50 71.5 127 273 588 1,268 Washington St. btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico 70.8 113 242 522 1,125 Eisenhower Dr. btwn Washington St & Avenue 50 68.1 75 161 346 745 Eisenhower Dr. btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico 66.6 59 128 276 595 Avenida Bermudas btwn Calle Tampico & Avenue 52 59.1 RW 41 87 188 Avenida Bermudas btwn Avenue 52 & Calle Durango 63.6 RW 80 173 372 Adams St. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 66.6 59 128 276 594 Adams St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 66.8 61 132 285 615 Dune Palms Rd. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 65.5 50 108 232 500 Dune Palms Rd. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 66.8 61 132 283 611 Jefferson St. n/o Fred Waring 70.5 108 234 504 1,085 Jefferson St. btwn Fred Waring & Miles 71.8 132 283 610 1,315 Jefferson St. btwn Miles & Westward Ho Dr 72.3 141 304 656 1,413 Jefferson St. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 72.3 142 306 658 1,418 Jefferson St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 72.2 139 300 647 1,394 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 48 & Avenue 50 72.7 151 325 700 1,508 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 71.1 118 254 548 1,180 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 70.6 40,670 236 508 1,094 Madison St. btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 70.5 108 233 501 1,080 Madison St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 71.9 133 287 618 1,331 Madison St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 70.7 112 241 519 1,117 Madison St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 68.1 75 162 349 752 Monroe St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 70.3 105 225 485 1,046 Monroe St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 70.4 107 230 496 1,068 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 69.9 99 213 459 988 Jackson St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 70.0 101 217 467 1,005 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 69.5 92 198 427 920 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 68.2 76 163 351 757 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 69.6 94 203 438 944 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 68.8 84 180 389 837 Road Segment CNEL at 100 Feet (dBA) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of La Quinta General Plan Update Technical Noise Study City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.xls) 37 Table 5-7 (Page 2 of 2) Year 2035 Alternative #1 Network Conditions Noise Contours Distance to Contour (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 55 dBA CNELRoad Segment CNEL at 100 Feet (dBA) Van Buren St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 69.2 88 190 410 882 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 69.3 90 194 418 900 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 65.7 52 112 241 518 Harrison St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 73.6 174 375 809 1,743 Avenue 44 e/o Washington St 72.0 135 291 627 1,352 Miles Ave. e/o Washington St 66.5 58 126 271 583 Hwy 111 e/o Washington St 75.5 233 501 1,079 2,325 Hwy 111 e/o Adams St 74.6 203 437 942 2,030 Hwy 111 e/o Dune Palms 75.2 224 482 1,038 2,236 Avenue 48 e/o Washington St 67.0 63 136 292 630 Avenue 48 w/o Jefferson St 70.1 101 219 471 1,014 Avenue 50 e/o Washington St 64.4 RW 91 197 424 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St 67.1 64 138 297 641 Avenue 50 e/o Jefferson St 69.7 96 207 445 959 Calle Tampico btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenida Bermudas 61.9 RW 62 134 289 Calle Tampico btwn Avenida Bermudas & Washington St 64.7 RW 95 204 440 Avenue 52 w/o Washington St 66.7 60 130 280 603 Avenue 52 w/o Jefferson St 70.0 100 215 463 997 Avenue 52 e/o Jefferson St 69.6 94 203 437 941 Avenue 52 e/o Madison St 69.3 90 193 416 896 Avenue 54 e/o Jefferson St 69.8 97 209 449 968 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St 62.4 RW 67 145 312 Airport Blvd. e/o Madison St 67.0 63 137 294 634 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St 63.4 RW 78 167 361 Avenue 58 e/o Monroe St 65.6 51 110 236 508 Avenue 60 e/o Madison St 64.6 44 94 202 436 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St 65.0 RW 100 215 463 Avenue 62 btwn Madison St & Monroe St 64.1 RW 87 187 403 Avenue 62 e/o Monroe St 67.4 67 145 311 671 Avenue 62 e/o Jackson St 63.6 RW 80 173 373 Avenue 62 e/o Van Buren St 59.9 RW 46 98 211 1 "RW" = Location of the respective noise contour falls within the right-of-way of the road ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of La Quinta General Plan Update Technical Noise Study City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.xls) 38 Table 5-8 (Page 1 of 2) Year 2035 Alternative #2 Network Conditions Noise Contours Distance to Contour (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 55 dBA CNEL Washington St. n/o Fred Waring Dr.72.8 154 332 715 1,541 Washington St. btwn Fred Waring & Miles 73.3 166 357 769 1,657 Washington St. btwn Miles & Hwy 111 72.6 149 320 690 1,486 Washington St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 73.0 159 343 740 1,594 Washington St. btwn Avenue 48 & Eisenhower Dr 73.0 159 342 737 1,588 Washington St. btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenue 50 71.6 127 274 589 1,270 Washington St. btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico 70.8 114 245 529 1,139 Eisenhower Dr. btwn Washington St & Avenue 50 68.1 75 161 348 749 Eisenhower Dr. btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico 66.6 60 129 278 598 Avenida Bermudas btwn Calle Tampico & Avenue 52 59.1 RW RW 87 187 Avenida Bermudas btwn Avenue 52 & Calle Durango 63.6 RW 80 173 372 Adams St. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 66.7 60 130 280 604 Adams St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 66.9 62 134 288 622 Dune Palms Rd. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 65.7 52 111 240 516 Dune Palms Rd. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 66.7 60 130 279 602 Jefferson St. n/o Fred Waring 70.5 107 231 498 1,074 Jefferson St. btwn Fred Waring & Miles 71.8 132 284 613 1,320 Jefferson St. btwn Miles & Westward Ho Dr 72.3 141 304 656 1,413 Jefferson St. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 72.3 141 305 656 1,414 Jefferson St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 72.3 141 304 656 1,413 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 48 & Avenue 50 72.8 154 332 716 1,542 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 71.3 122 263 566 1,220 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 70.7 112 241 519 1,118 Madison St. btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 70.5 109 234 504 1,086 Madison St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 72.0 136 294 633 1,363 Madison St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 70.8 114 245 528 1,137 Madison St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 68.2 76 164 354 762 Monroe St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 70.4 107 229 494 1,065 Monroe St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 70.7 111 238 514 1,107 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 70.1 102 220 474 1,020 Jackson St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 70.4 106 228 491 1,058 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 69.7 95 204 440 948 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 68.4 78 169 364 784 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 70.2 103 221 476 1,026 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 69.1 87 188 405 871 Road Segment CNEL at 100 Feet (dBA) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of La Quinta General Plan Update Technical Noise Study City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.xls) 39 Table 5-8 (Page 2 of 2) Year 2035 Alternative #2 Network Conditions Noise Contours Distance to Contour (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 55 dBA CNELRoad Segment CNEL at 100 Feet (dBA) Van Buren St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 69.4 91 197 424 913 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 69.3 89 193 415 894 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 65.8 52 112 242 522 Harrison St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 73.8 180 387 834 1,797 Avenue 44 e/o Washington St 72.1 137 295 636 1,370 Miles Ave. e/o Washington St 66.6 59 128 275 593 Hwy 111 e/o Washington St 75.6 235 506 1,090 2,348 Hwy 111 e/o Adams St 74.7 206 444 956 2,060 Hwy 111 e/o Dune Palms 75.4 228 490 1,057 2,277 Avenue 48 e/o Washington St 67.1 64 138 297 639 Avenue 48 w/o Jefferson St 70.1 101 218 469 1,011 Avenue 50 e/o Washington St 64.4 RW 91 197 424 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St 67.1 64 137 295 636 Avenue 50 e/o Jefferson St 69.7 96 206 444 957 Calle Tampico btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenida Bermudas 61.9 RW 62 134 289 Calle Tampico btwn Avenida Bermudas & Washington St 64.7 RW 95 204 440 Avenue 52 w/o Washington St 66.7 60 130 280 603 Avenue 52 w/o Jefferson St 70.1 101 218 471 1,014 Avenue 52 e/o Jefferson St 69.8 97 209 450 970 Avenue 52 e/o Madison St 69.3 90 193 416 896 Avenue 54 e/o Jefferson St 70.0 99 214 462 995 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St 62.4 RW 67 145 312 Airport Blvd. e/o Madison St 67.4 67 145 312 672 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St 63.9 RW 84 182 392 Avenue 58 e/o Monroe St 66.1 55 118 254 548 Avenue 60 e/o Madison St 65.1 47 101 217 468 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St 65.4 RW 106 229 493 Avenue 62 btwn Madison St & Monroe St 64.4 42 91 196 422 Avenue 62 e/o Monroe St 67.4 67 145 312 673 Avenue 62 e/o Jackson St 63.6 RW 80 173 372 Avenue 62 e/o Van Buren St 59.8 RW 45 97 208 1 "RW" = Location of the respective noise contour falls within the right-of-way of the road ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of La Quinta General Plan Update Technical Noise Study City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.xls) 40 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) printouts are provided in Appendix 5.2. The values given in Tables 5-4 through 5-8 are based upon soft site conditions and do not take into account the effects of any noise barriers, topography or final roadway grades that may affect ambient noise levels. 5.5 Traffic Noise Contours Comparison Tables 5-9 through 5-11 present the comparison of the Existing Network Year 2035 CNEL contours at 100 feet presented in Table 5-5 against the Preferred Alternative Network, Alternative #1 Network, and Alternative #2 Network, respectively. The dBA CNEL at 100 feet comparison summary indicates that the Existing Network Year 2035 noise levels range from 59.2 to 75.5 dBA CNEL 100 feet from the street centerline. For the each of the alternative networks in Year 2035 conditions, noise levels are projected to increase from existing network conditions up to 1.5 dBA CNEL. 41 Table 5-9 (Page 1 of 2) Roadway Segment Existing Network Preferred Network Difference Washington St. n/o Fred Waring Dr.72.7 72.7 0.1 Washington St. btwn Fred Waring & Miles 73.2 73.3 0.1 Washington St. btwn Miles & Hwy 111 72.5 72.5 0.1 Washington St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 72.9 73.0 0.1 Washington St. btwn Avenue 48 & Eisenhower Dr 73.0 72.3 -0.7 Washington St. btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenue 50 71.5 71.7 0.1 Washington St. btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico 70.8 70.9 0.2 Eisenhower Dr. btwn Washington St & Avenue 50 68.1 68.1 0.0 Eisenhower Dr. btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico 66.7 66.6 0.1 Avenida Bermudas btwn Calle Tampico & Avenue 52 59.2 59.1 0.1 Avenida Bermudas btwn Avenue 52 & Calle Durango 63.7 63.6 -0.1 Adams St. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 66.5 66.6 0.1 Adams St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 66.9 66.8 -0.1 Dune Palms Rd. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 65.4 65.5 0.1 Dune Palms Rd. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 66.7 66.7 0.0 Jefferson St. n/o Fred Waring 70.4 70.4 0.0 Jefferson St. btwn Fred Waring & Miles 71.7 71.8 0.1 Jefferson St. btwn Miles & Westward Ho Dr 72.2 72.2 0.0 Jefferson St. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 72.2 72.2 0.0 Jefferson St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 72.1 72.1 0.0 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 48 & Avenue 50 72.6 72.7 0.1 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 71.1 71.1 0.0 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 70.6 70.7 0.1 Madison St. btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 70.5 70.4 0.1 Madison St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 71.9 72.0 0.0 Madison St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 70.7 70.8 0.2 Madison St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 68.0 68.2 0.2 Monroe St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 70.3 70.4 0.1 Monroe St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 70.5 70.6 0.1 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 70.1 70.0 0.0 Jackson St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 70.2 70.2 0.0 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 69.3 69.5 0.2 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 68.0 68.3 0.3 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 69.8 70.0 0.3 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 69.1 69.0 -0.1 Year 2035 Preferred Alternative Noise Contour Comparison CNEL at 100 Feet (dBA) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of La Quinta General Plan Update Technical Noise Study City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.xls) 42 Table 5-9 (Page 2 of 2) Roadway Segment Existing Network Preferred Network Difference Year 2035 Preferred Alternative Noise Contour Comparison CNEL at 100 Feet (dBA) Van Buren St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 69.4 69.3 -0.1 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 69.5 69.4 0.1 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 66.0 65.8 0.1 Harrison St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 73.4 73.7 0.2 Avenue 44 e/o Washington St 71.9 72.0 0.0 Miles Ave. e/o Washington St 66.5 66.6 0.0 Hwy 111 e/o Washington St 75.5 75.4 -0.1 Hwy 111 e/o Adams St 74.3 74.2 -0.1 Hwy 111 e/o Dune Palms 75.2 75.2 0.0 Avenue 48 e/o Washington St 67.0 67.0 0.0 Avenue 48 w/o Jefferson St 70.1 70.0 -0.1 Avenue 50 e/o Washington St 64.4 64.4 0.0 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St 67.2 67.0 0.1 Avenue 50 e/o Jefferson St 69.6 69.7 0.1 Calle Tampico btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenida Bermudas 61.9 61.9 0.0 Calle Tampico btwn Avenida Bermudas & Washington St 64.7 64.7 0.0 Avenue 52 w/o Washington St 66.7 66.7 0.0 Avenue 52 w/o Jefferson St 70.0 70.1 0.2 Avenue 52 e/o Jefferson St 69.7 69.7 0.0 Avenue 52 e/o Madison St 69.2 69.2 0.0 Avenue 54 e/o Jefferson St 69.8 69.9 0.1 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St 62.4 62.4 0.0 Airport Blvd. e/o Madison St 67.3 67.3 0.0 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St 63.3 63.8 0.1 Avenue 58 e/o Monroe St 65.6 66.0 0.1 Avenue 60 e/o Madison St 63.5 64.9 1.4 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St 65.0 65.3 0.3 Avenue 62 btwn Madison St & Monroe St 64.2 64.3 0.1 Avenue 62 e/o Monroe St 67.5 67.5 0.0 Avenue 62 e/o Jackson St 63.4 63.7 0.3 Avenue 62 e/o Van Buren St 59.9 60.1 0.3 1 A significant impact is considered both a level above 65 dBA CNEL and an increase greater than 3.0 dBA. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of La Quinta General Plan Update Technical Noise Study City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.xls) 43 Table 5-10 (Page 1 of 2) Roadway Segment Existing Network Alternative #1 Network Difference Washington St. n/o Fred Waring Dr.72.7 72.8 0.1 Washington St. btwn Fred Waring & Miles 73.2 73.2 0.0 Washington St. btwn Miles & Hwy 111 72.5 72.5 0.1 Washington St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 72.9 73.0 0.1 Washington St. btwn Avenue 48 & Eisenhower Dr 73.0 73.0 0.0 Washington St. btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenue 50 71.5 71.5 0.0 Washington St. btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico 70.8 70.8 0.0 Eisenhower Dr. btwn Washington St & Avenue 50 68.1 68.1 0.0 Eisenhower Dr. btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico 66.7 66.6 0.1 Avenida Bermudas btwn Calle Tampico & Avenue 52 59.2 59.1 0.1 Avenida Bermudas btwn Avenue 52 & Calle Durango 63.7 63.6 -0.1 Adams St. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 66.5 66.6 0.1 Adams St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 66.9 66.8 -0.1 Dune Palms Rd. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 65.4 65.5 0.1 Dune Palms Rd. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 66.7 66.8 0.1 Jefferson St. n/o Fred Waring 70.4 70.5 0.1 Jefferson St. btwn Fred Waring & Miles 71.7 71.8 0.0 Jefferson St. btwn Miles & Westward Ho Dr 72.2 72.3 0.0 Jefferson St. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 72.2 72.3 0.1 Jefferson St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 72.1 72.2 0.1 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 48 & Avenue 50 72.6 72.7 0.1 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 71.1 71.1 0.0 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 70.6 70.6 0.1 Madison St. btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 70.5 70.5 0.1 Madison St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 71.9 71.9 -0.1 Madison St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 70.7 70.7 0.1 Madison St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 68.0 68.1 0.1 Monroe St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 70.3 70.3 0.0 Monroe St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 70.5 70.4 -0.1 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 70.1 69.9 -0.1 Jackson St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 70.2 70.0 -0.2 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 69.3 69.5 0.1 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 68.0 68.2 0.2 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 69.8 69.6 -0.1 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 69.1 68.8 -0.2 Year 2035 Alternative #1 Noise Contour Comparison CNEL at 100 Feet (dBA) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of La Quinta General Plan Update Technical Noise Study City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.xls) 44 Table 5-10 (Page 2 of 2) Roadway Segment Existing Network Alternative #1 Network Difference Year 2035 Alternative #1 Noise Contour Comparison CNEL at 100 Feet (dBA) Van Buren St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 69.4 69.2 -0.2 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 69.5 69.3 0.1 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 66.0 65.7 0.1 Harrison St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 73.4 73.6 0.2 Avenue 44 e/o Washington St 71.9 72.0 0.0 Miles Ave. e/o Washington St 66.5 66.5 -0.1 Hwy 111 e/o Washington St 75.5 75.5 0.0 Hwy 111 e/o Adams St 74.3 74.6 0.3 Hwy 111 e/o Dune Palms 75.2 75.2 0.0 Avenue 48 e/o Washington St 67.0 67.0 0.0 Avenue 48 w/o Jefferson St 70.1 70.1 0.0 Avenue 50 e/o Washington St 64.4 64.4 0.0 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St 67.2 67.1 0.1 Avenue 50 e/o Jefferson St 69.6 69.7 0.1 Calle Tampico btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenida Bermudas 61.9 61.9 0.0 Calle Tampico btwn Avenida Bermudas & Washington St 64.7 64.7 0.0 Avenue 52 w/o Washington St 66.7 66.7 0.0 Avenue 52 w/o Jefferson St 70.0 70.0 0.0 Avenue 52 e/o Jefferson St 69.7 69.6 -0.1 Avenue 52 e/o Madison St 69.2 69.3 0.1 Avenue 54 e/o Jefferson St 69.8 69.8 0.0 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St 62.4 62.4 0.0 Airport Blvd. e/o Madison St 67.3 67.0 -0.2 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St 63.3 63.4 0.1 Avenue 58 e/o Monroe St 65.6 65.6 0.1 Avenue 60 e/o Madison St 63.5 64.6 1.1 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St 65.0 65.0 0.0 Avenue 62 btwn Madison St & Monroe St 64.2 64.1 -0.2 Avenue 62 e/o Monroe St 67.5 67.4 -0.1 Avenue 62 e/o Jackson St 63.4 63.6 0.2 Avenue 62 e/o Van Buren St 59.9 59.9 0.0 1 A significant impact is considered both a level above 65 dBA CNEL and an increase greater than 3.0 dBA. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of La Quinta General Plan Update Technical Noise Study City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.xls) 45 Table 5-11 (Page 1 of 2) Roadway Segment Existing Network Alternative #2 Network Difference Washington St. n/o Fred Waring Dr.72.7 72.8 0.2 Washington St. btwn Fred Waring & Miles 73.2 73.3 0.1 Washington St. btwn Miles & Hwy 111 72.5 72.6 0.1 Washington St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 72.9 73.0 0.1 Washington St. btwn Avenue 48 & Eisenhower Dr 73.0 73.0 0.0 Washington St. btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenue 50 71.5 71.6 0.0 Washington St. btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico 70.8 70.8 0.1 Eisenhower Dr. btwn Washington St & Avenue 50 68.1 68.1 0.0 Eisenhower Dr. btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico 66.7 66.6 0.1 Avenida Bermudas btwn Calle Tampico & Avenue 52 59.2 59.1 0.1 Avenida Bermudas btwn Avenue 52 & Calle Durango 63.7 63.6 -0.1 Adams St. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 66.5 66.7 0.2 Adams St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 66.9 66.9 0.0 Dune Palms Rd. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 65.4 65.7 0.3 Dune Palms Rd. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 66.7 66.7 0.0 Jefferson St. n/o Fred Waring 70.4 70.5 0.1 Jefferson St. btwn Fred Waring & Miles 71.7 71.8 0.1 Jefferson St. btwn Miles & Westward Ho Dr 72.2 72.3 0.0 Jefferson St. btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 72.2 72.3 0.0 Jefferson St. btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 72.1 72.3 0.2 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 48 & Avenue 50 72.6 72.8 0.2 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 71.1 71.3 0.2 Jefferson St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 70.6 70.7 0.1 Madison St. btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 70.5 70.5 0.1 Madison St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 71.9 72.0 0.1 Madison St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 70.7 70.8 0.2 Madison St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 68.0 68.2 0.2 Monroe St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 70.3 70.4 0.1 Monroe St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 70.5 70.7 0.1 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 70.1 70.1 0.1 Jackson St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 70.2 70.4 0.2 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 69.3 69.7 0.3 Jackson St. btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 68.0 68.4 0.5 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 69.8 70.2 0.4 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd 69.1 69.1 0.0 Year 2035 Alternative #2 Noise Contour Comparison CNEL at 100 Feet (dBA) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of La Quinta General Plan Update Technical Noise Study City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.xls) 46 Table 5-11 (Page 2 of 2) Roadway Segment Existing Network Alternative #2 Network Difference Year 2035 Alternative #2 Noise Contour Comparison CNEL at 100 Feet (dBA) Van Buren St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 69.4 69.4 0.0 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 69.5 69.3 0.1 Van Buren St. btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 66.0 65.8 0.1 Harrison St. btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 73.4 73.8 0.4 Avenue 44 e/o Washington St 71.9 72.1 0.1 Miles Ave. e/o Washington St 66.5 66.6 0.0 Hwy 111 e/o Washington St 75.5 75.6 0.1 Hwy 111 e/o Adams St 74.3 74.7 0.4 Hwy 111 e/o Dune Palms 75.2 75.4 0.1 Avenue 48 e/o Washington St 67.0 67.1 0.1 Avenue 48 w/o Jefferson St 70.1 70.1 0.0 Avenue 50 e/o Washington St 64.4 64.4 0.0 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St 67.2 67.1 0.1 Avenue 50 e/o Jefferson St 69.6 69.7 0.1 Calle Tampico btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenida Bermudas 61.9 61.9 0.0 Calle Tampico btwn Avenida Bermudas & Washington St 64.7 64.7 0.0 Avenue 52 w/o Washington St 66.7 66.7 0.0 Avenue 52 w/o Jefferson St 70.0 70.1 0.1 Avenue 52 e/o Jefferson St 69.7 69.8 0.1 Avenue 52 e/o Madison St 69.2 69.3 0.1 Avenue 54 e/o Jefferson St 69.8 70.0 0.2 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St 62.4 62.4 0.0 Airport Blvd. e/o Madison St 67.3 67.4 0.1 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St 63.3 63.9 0.1 Avenue 58 e/o Monroe St 65.6 66.1 0.1 Avenue 60 e/o Madison St 63.5 65.1 1.5 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St 65.0 65.4 0.4 Avenue 62 btwn Madison St & Monroe St 64.2 64.4 0.1 Avenue 62 e/o Monroe St 67.5 67.4 -0.1 Avenue 62 e/o Jackson St 63.4 63.6 0.2 Avenue 62 e/o Van Buren St 59.9 59.8 -0.1 1 A significant impact is considered both a level above 65 dBA CNEL and an increase greater than 3.0 dBA. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of La Quinta General Plan Update Technical Noise Study City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.xls) 47 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) 6.0 BUS AND TRUCK ROUTE RELATED NOISE IMPACTS The City of La Quinta is currently served by SunLine Transit Agency, which provide bus service to and through portions of La Quinta as part of their regional systems along three different lines. Buses do not run along all arterial streets in La Quinta; the routes are focused along travel ways with regional links. The highest concentration of bus service occurs on Highway 111 and Washington Street, the City’s two (2) main transportation corridors. The routes primarily serve commercial districts and corridors in the City, and large portions of residential neighborhoods are some distance from bus service. With an increased regional emphasis on improving public transit over the long term, the City anticipates that the public will demand improvements in transit service and local geographic coverage. This will necessitate coordination with SunLine Bus operators, and will involve evaluation of new service routes or increases in service frequencies based on service standards and other operational criteria. Noise impacts associated with bus stops include peak noise levels generated by bus brakes, shifting gears and engine noise during bus acceleration from the bus stop. Buses are equivalent to heavy trucks in terms of noise generation. Whether conditions or changes in bus service have a detrimental impact depends on the ambient noise level at the particular location. In other words, bus stops located near noise-sensitive uses create greater noise impacts when they occur at minor streets. Exhibit 6-A shows that most bus and truck routes within the City are along major roads. For any future developments, a noise analysis should be completed to evaluate noise impacts associated with additional bus routes and bus stops near noise sensitive uses, in particular stops located near noise sensitive residential area adjacent to collector and local roads. 48 49 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) 7.0 AIRPORT RELATED NOISE IMPACTS Aircraft overflights represent another transportation-related noise source. Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport is located approximately one (1) mile east of Harrison Street, the eastern border of the City. Most of the air traffic consists of single-engine planes that are local flights or transient from other small airports. While some aircrafts may fly over portions on the City of La Quinta, Exhibits 7-A and 7-B present the existing and future airport noise contours and show that the 65 dBA CNEL noise contour is located entirely outside the City boundary. While aircraft flyovers may be noticeable intermittently throughout the City, aircraft noise impacts do not represent a significant noise impact. 50 51 52 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) 8.0 COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT The noise impacts associated with commercial/industrial areas include: noise generated by loading dock operations, trucks entering and leaving commercial and industrial districts, and mechanical equipment (such as fans, motors and compressors) located inside and outside the buildings. Special awareness of noise compatibility issues should be given to noise-sensitive locations adjacent to commercial/industrial areas. The introduction of mixed-uses along residential and commercial corridors can create potential noise impacts to noise sensitive uses. Potential noise conflicts can occur when noise sensitive areas are exposed to noise from air conditioning units, truck deliveries, drive-through speakerphones and the use of mechanical equipment. All uses must comply with the exterior noise levels included in the City of La Quinta Municipal Code presented in Section 3.3 of this report. To minimize the noise impacts, the City should adopt the following practices where they have not already been implemented: • Require preparation of a noise analysis for all proposed commercial and industrial projects to be located adjacent to an existing noise-sensitive use, including but not limited to residential areas, schools and hospitals. • The construction of new commercial and industrial uses adjacent to noise-sensitive uses should be designed with noise mitigation measures to reduce the noise impacts associated with truck deliveries and stationary equipment, such as pumps, compressors and air conditioning units. • Require that all loading facilities be located and designed to minimize the potential noise impacts to adjacent noise sensitive uses. • Require that the hours of truck deliveries to commercial and industrial uses adjacent to noise sensitive uses be limited or provide noise mitigation measures, to minimize the noise impacts to adjacent noise sensitive uses. • Require that all parking areas, including parking structures for commercial and industrial land uses adjacent to residential uses, are designed to minimize the potential noise impacts to adjacent noise sensitive uses. Mitigation may include use of noise-absorptive materials, setbacks, walls and landscaping. 53 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) 9.0 CONSTRUCTION NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Construction noise represents a short-term impact on the ambient noise levels. This update of the City of La Quinta Noise Element does not involve construction activities but gives a planning level analysis of future construction impacts that will occur within the City limits. Noise generated by construction equipment (including trucks, graders, bulldozers, concrete mixers and portable generators) can reach high levels. Grading activities typically represent one of the highest potential sources for noise impacts. The most effective method of controlling construction noise is through local control of construction hours, and by limiting the hours of construction to normal weekday working hours. 9.1 Construction Related Noise Standards The City of La Quinta does not have construction noise standards, but limits construction activities to the daytime hours. Section 6.08.050 of the City’s noise ordinance limits construction to the hours as follows: October 1st through April 30th: Monday - Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday and Holidays: None May 1st through September 30th: Monday - Friday: 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday and Holidays: None 9.2 Construction Noise Level Impacts The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) had compiled data regarding the noise generating characteristics of specific types of construction equipment. These data are shown on Exhibit 9-A. Noise levels generated by heavy construction equipment can range from approximately 68 dBA to noise levels in excess of 100 dBA when measured at 50 feet. However, these noise levels would diminish rapidly with distance from the construction site at a rate of approximately 6 dBA per doubling of distance. For example, a noise level of 68 dBA measured at 50 feet from the noise source to the receptor, would be reduced to 62 dBA at 100 feet from the source to the receptor, and would be further reduced by another 6 dBA to 56 dBA at 200 feet from 54 55 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) the source to the receptor. 9.3 Construction Noise Mitigation Construction noise is of short-term duration and does not present any long-term impacts in the community. The following noise reduction practices should be employed as applicable for all projects containing construction activities: • During all excavation and grading, the construction contractors shall equip all construction equipment, fixed or mobile, with properly operating and maintained mufflers, consistent with manufacturers’ standards. The construction contractor shall place all stationary construction equipment so that emitted noise is directed away from the noise sensitive receptors. • The construction contractor shall locate equipment staging in areas that will create the greatest distance between construction-related noise sources and noise sensitive receptors during all project construction. • The construction contractor shall limit all construction-related activities that would result in high noise levels, according to the construction hours to be determined by City staff. • The construction contractor shall limit haul truck deliveries to the same hours specified for construction equipment. To the extent feasible, haul routes shall not pass sensitive land uses or residential dwellings. 56 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) 10.0 LAND USE COMPATIBILITY According to the Federal Highway Administration, the most effective method of controlling highway noise is by “developing land adjacent to highway in a manner that reduces or eliminates noise problems (i.e. noise-compatible land-use planning)”. The FHWA defines noise compatible land use planning as planning that eliminates or reduces the undesirable effects of highway traffic noise by encouraging the location of less noise-sensitive land uses next to highways, and by promoting the use of open space or special building construction techniques to minimize noise impacts to a particular use. According to the State of California Office of Planning and Research General Plan Guidelines, an acoustical study may be required in cases where noise-sensitive land uses are located in areas of 60 dBA CNEL or greater. Exhibit 3-A illustrates the ranges of allowable exterior noise levels for various land uses based on the 2003 State of California General Plan Guidelines. The noise compatibility matrix criteria are designed to ensure noise compatibility of proposed land uses with the predicted future noise environment. It provides a guide for noise compatible land use within the City of La Quinta. For residential uses, a community noise exposure of up to 55 dBA CNEL for residential uses is considered “normally acceptable”. Under “normally acceptable” conditions, the “specified land use is satisfactory, based upon the assumption that any buildings involved are of normal conventional construction, without any special noise insulation requirement”. A community noise exposure ranging from 55 to 70 for residential uses is considered “conditionally acceptable”. Under “conditionally acceptable” conditions, “new construction or development should be undertaken only after a detailed analysis of the noise reduction requirements is made and needed noise insulation features included in the design. Conventional construction, but with closed windows and fresh air supply systems or air conditioning, will normally suffice”. A community noise exposure of 70 to 75 dBA CNEL is considered “generally unacceptable”. Under these conditions, “new construction or development should generally be discouraged. If new construction or development does proceed, a detailed analysis of the noise reduction requirements must be made and needed noise insulation features included in the design”. Residential uses exposed to a community noise of 75 to 85 dBA CNEL are “Land Use Discouraged: new construction or development should generally not be undertaken.” Other specific guidelines for other land use types are also presented in the Community Noise And land Use Compatibility matrix. 57 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) 11.0 GROUNDBORNE VIBRATION Vibration is the periodic movement of mass over time. It is described in terms of frequency, amplitude and unlike sound; there is no standard way of measuring and reporting amplitude. Vibration is described in units of velocity (inches per second), and discussed in decibel (dB) units in order to compress the range of numbers required to describe vibration. This update of the City of La Quinta Noise Element does not involve activities that will generate vibration impacts but gives a planning level analysis of future vibration impacts that will occur within the City limits. Exhibit 11-A shows common vibration sources and the human and structural response to groundborne vibration. Although the human threshold of perception for vibration is around 65 Vdb (or 0.0018 inches/second), human response to vibration is not usually significant unless the vibration exceeds 70 Vdb (or 0.0031 inches/second). 11.1 Construction Related Vibration Construction vibration is generally associated with pile driving and rock blasting. Occasionally large bulldozers and loaded trucks can cause perceptible vibration levels at close proximity. According to the Transportation and Construction-Induced Vibration Guidance Manual prepared for Caltrans, groundborne vibration from grading construction equipment such as earthmovers and haul trucks at distances of 10 feet do not create vibration amplitudes that causes structural damage to nearby structures. According to the Transportation and Construction-Induced Vibration Guidance Manual prepared for Caltrans, structures at distances beyond 115 feet of rock blasting areas are typically not subject to vibration levels exceeding Caltrans’ threshold for damage prevention. Construction activity can result in varying degrees of groundborne vibration, depending on the equipment and methods used, distance to the affected structures and soil type. The effects of ground-borne vibration are generally limited to movement of building floors, rattling of windows and objects, and rumbling sounds, resulting in annoyance. 11.2 Transportation Related Vibration In general, earth-borne vibrations associated with transportation and construction activities 58 59 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) attenuate rapidly with distance from the source. Caltrans has taken vibration measurements throughout California and provides data in their “Transportation Related Earth-borne Vibrations” technical advisory TAV-02-01-R9601. Vibration of trucks is characterized by peaks considerably higher than those generated by automobiles. These peaks last often a fraction of a second and drop-off fast with distance. In general, more trucks will show up as more peaks, not necessarily higher peaks. Caltrans’ truck traffic vibration data suggests that at distances greater than 130 feet from the road the vibration levels are below the threshold of perception. 11.3 Standards for Vibration and Recommended Course of Action According to Caltrans’ “Transportation Related Earth-borne Vibrations,” the traditional view has been that highway traffic and construction vibrations pose no threat to buildings and structures or annoyance at a level below discomfort. However, the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration (FTA) provides criteria for acceptable levels of groundborne vibration for various types of special buildings that are sensitive to vibration. The Federal Transit Administration is the only agency that has standards for groundborne vibration and noise train impacts. For residential areas exposed to frequent events (more than 70 trains/day), the maximum groundborne vibration impact level is 72 VdB and the maximum groundborne noise is 35 dBA. To minimize the perceived vibration impacts, the City of La Quinta should limit the exposure of noise sensitive land uses to railroad lines, truck routes and construction areas. The City should also ensure that new developments minimize vibration impacts during construction. 60 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) 12.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Noise, which may be perceived by some as being annoying, may not be noticed at all by others. It is important to note that people who move into an area where a noise source already exists (such as near an existing highway are often more tolerant of that noise source than when a new noise generator locates itself in an established area that may be noise-sensitive (such as a factory that is constructed near an established residential community). The impacts of non-transportation noise (i.e. commercial and industrial centers) are controlled through the enforcement and application of the City's Noise Ordinance. The Noise Ordinance sets criteria for residential areas impacted by stationary noise sources, including "not to exceed" noise levels for various periods of time. The noise ordinance criteria included in Section 3.3 of this report do not apply to motor vehicle noise on public streets or other transportation related noise sources that are preempted by State or Federal government regulations. Special awareness of noise compatibility issues should be given to residential locations adjacent to commercial/industrial areas within the City. The introduction of mixed- uses along residential and commercial corridors can create potential noise impacts to noise sensitive uses. The best way to minimize these noise impacts are site design and limiting the hours of operation. In addition to commercial and industrial uses, impacts from activities at bus stops, transit centers, airports, and construction impact are analyzed within this analysis as well as practices that should be implemented to assist in minimizing noise impacts within the City of La Quinta Limits. In the City of La Quinta, the primary source of noise that already exists is related to the transportation noise impacts associated with the Highway 111 and major roadways. While aircraft noise may eventually be heard, aircraft noise impacts do not extend into La Quinta. The most effective method available to mitigate transportation noise and reduce community noise impacts, is through the construction of noise barriers and by site design review, by enforcing the California Vehicle Code, and by working with Caltrans and transit operators to utilize the best noise reduction technology, and to install and maintain noise mitigation elements in their vehicles and along right-of-ways when practical. These mitigation measures may include quieter payment types such as rubberized asphalt pavement noise barriers. The State Office of Noise Control has developed guidelines showing the compatibility of various land uses for a range of noise levels. 61 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) 13.0 GLOSSARY OF TERMS A Weighting: "A","B","C" and Linear are standard weighting networks available to represent average noise level measurements. These are frequency filters that cover the frequency range of human hearing (20 Hz to 20 kHz). "A" weighting is the most commonly used filter in both industrial noise applications (OSHA) and community noise regulations. "A" weighted measurements are often reported as dBA. The "A" weighted filter attempts to make the dosimeter respond closer to the way the human ear hears. It attenuates reduces the frequencies below several hundred hertz as well as the high frequencies above 6,000 hertz Absorption: The properties of a material composition to convert sound energy into heat thereby reducing the amount of energy that can be reflected. Ambient Noise: The total of all noise in the environment other than the noise from the source of interest. This term is used interchangeably with background noise. Noise level in a space from all sources such as HVAC or extraneous sounds from outside the space. Masking sound or low-level background music can contribute to ambient level of sound or noise. Attenuation: The reduction of sound intensity by as a function of distance traveled by any means (e.g., air, humidity, materials, etc.). Barrier: A material that when placed around a source of noise inhibits the transmission of that noise beyond the barrier. Also, anything physical or an environment that interferes with communication or listening e.g., a poor acoustical environment con be a barrier to good listening and especially so for persons with a hearing impairment. Baseline noise levels: The noise, resulting from the natural and mechanical sources and human activity, considered to be usually present in a particular area Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL): A noise measurement system introduced in the early 1970's by the State of California. CNEL can be measured using ordinary dBA readings and it is the measure of the average noise environment over a 24-hour period (weighted to penalize noise at night). CNEL has three basic time periods: noise events from 7am to 7pm have a weighting of one. Noise events from 7pm to 10pm have a weighting of three. Noise events from 10pm to 7am have a weighting of ten. The reason for these weightings is to reflect the increased disturbance cause by noise during the evening and nighttime hours. Decibel (dB): The unit used to express the intensity of sound (sound pressure level). The decibel scale is a logarithmic scale in which 0 dB approximates the threshold of hearing in the middle frequencies for young adults. The threshold of discomfort is usually noted between 85 and 95 dB and the threshold for pain is between 120 and 140 dB. Dosimeter: An instrument that measures sound levels over a specified time, stores the measurements, and calculates dose, time-weighted average and (perhaps) other parameters such as peak level, equivalent sound level, and sound exposure level. Frequency: The number of sound waves or vibrations in a specified time period. The rate can vary and the number of times per second a cycle pattern repeats itself defines a sound’s frequency. The unit of measurement is cycles per second (CPS) or Hertz (Hz). Frequency is also perceived as pitch. Humans can hear sounds within the range of frequencies from 20 Hz to approximately 20,000 Hz. The sensitivity of the human ear drops off sharply below about 500 Hz and above 4,000 Hz. 62 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) Leq: Highway traffic noise levels are always changing. As the traffic volume, type and speed of vehicles producing the noise vary, so do the noise levels. Because of these time-related variations in traffic noise on a highway, it is more convenient and practical to convert all the different noise levels for a given time period into a single representative noise level. One of the more common descriptors used to characterize the fluctuating noise levels is called the Equivalent Sound Level or Leq. The Leq sound level is the steady A-weighted sound energy which would produce the same A-weighted sound energy over the same given period of time as the specified time-varying sound. For traffic noise studies, Leq is usually evaluated over a one-hour time period and can also be denoted as Leq (h). Noise: Any unwanted sound. Sound: Is produced when a sound source sets the air nearest to it in wave motion. The motion spreads to air particles far from the sound source. Sound Level Meter: An instrument for the measurement of sound level, sometimes called a noise meter. The instrument contains a microphone an amplifier with a calibrated attenuator, a set of frequency-response networks (weighting networks), and an indicating meter. Spectrum: A signal’s resolution expressed in component frequencies or fractional octave bands. 63 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) APPENDIX 3.1 Existing City of La Quinta Noise Element 3.1-1 3.1-2 3.1-3 3.1-4 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) APPENDIX 3.2 City of La Quinta Municipal Code 3.2-1 3.2-2 3.2-3 3.2-4 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) APPENDIX 4.1 Study Area Photos Short-Term Measurement S1 Short-Term Measurement S1 Short-Term Measurement S1 Short-Term Measurement S2 Short-Term Measurement S2 Short-Term Measurement S2 4.1-1 Short-Term Measurement S3 Short-Term Measurement S3 Short-Term Measurement S3 Short-Term Measurement S4 Short-Term Measurement S4 Short-Term Measurement S4 4.1-2 Short-Term Measurement S5 Short-Term Measurement S5 Short-Term Measurement S5 Short-Term Measurement S6 Short-Term Measurement S6 Short-Term Measurement S6 4.1-3 Short-Term Measurement S7 Short-Term Measurement S7 Short-Term Measurement S8 Short-Term Measurement S8 Short-Term Measurement S8 Short-Term Measurement S9 4.1-4 Short-Term Measurement S9 Short-Term Measurement S9 Short-Term Measurement S10 Short-Term Measurement S10 Short-Term Measurement S10 Short-Term Measurement S11 4.1-5 Short-Term Measurement S11 Short-Term Measurement S11 Short-Term Measurement S12 Short-Term Measurement S12 Short-Term Measurement S12 Short-Term Measurement S13 4.1-6 Short-Term Measurement S13 Short-Term Measurement S13 4.1-7 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) APPENDIX 4.2 Noise Monitoring Data Printouts Location #:L1 Description:L1 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary La Quinta General Plan Noise Study Job Number:06879 J.T. Stephens Project Name: Analyst: Start Date:Thursday, February 03, 2011 Hourly Leq dB(A) Readings (unadjusted) 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Ho u r B e g i n i n g Hourly Leq dB(A) Measured Peak Noise Hour:7 Measured Peak Hour dBA Leq:63.6 Friday, June 03, 2011 4.2-1 Location #:L1 Description:L1 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary La Quinta General Plan Noise Study Job Number:06879 J.T. Stephens Project Name: Analyst: Start Date:Thursday, February 03, 2011 Leq To CNEL Noise Calculations Noise Hour Hourly Leq Adjusted Hourly LeqCNEL Penalty Calculated CNEL:60.2 04 6 . 9 1 0 5 6 . 9 14 5 . 6 1 0 5 5 . 6 24 4 . 9 1 0 5 4 . 9 34 5 . 7 1 0 5 5 . 7 44 7 . 9 1 0 5 7 . 9 55 0 . 9 1 0 6 0 . 9 65 5 . 9 1 0 6 5 . 9 76 3 . 606 3 . 6 85 7 . 605 7 . 6 95 7 . 505 7 . 5 10 56.4 0 56.4 11 56.9 0 56.9 12 59.0 0 59.0 13 58.0 0 58.0 14 59.7 0 59.7 15 60.5 0 60.5 16 59.6 0 59.6 17 59.0 0 59.0 18 58.3 0 58.3 19 59.2 5 64.2 20 57.0 5 62.0 21 55.9 5 60.9 22 52.6 10 62.6 23 46.7 10 56.7 Friday, June 03, 2011 4.2-2 Location #:L2 Description:L2 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary La Quinta General Plan Noise Study Job Number:06879 J.T. Stephens Project Name: Analyst: Start Date:Thursday, February 03, 2011 Hourly Leq dB(A) Readings (unadjusted) 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Ho u r B e g i n i n g Hourly Leq dB(A) Measured Peak Noise Hour:10 Measured Peak Hour dBA Leq:64.1 Friday, June 03, 2011 4.2-3 Location #:L2 Description:L2 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary La Quinta General Plan Noise Study Job Number:06879 J.T. Stephens Project Name: Analyst: Start Date:Thursday, February 03, 2011 Leq To CNEL Noise Calculations Noise Hour Hourly Leq Adjusted Hourly LeqCNEL Penalty Calculated CNEL:65.3 05 5 . 6 1 0 6 5 . 6 15 2 . 6 1 0 6 2 . 6 25 0 . 4 1 0 6 0 . 4 35 1 . 3 1 0 6 1 . 3 45 4 . 2 1 0 6 4 . 2 55 8 . 4 1 0 6 8 . 4 66 1 . 1 1 0 7 1 . 1 76 3 . 806 3 . 8 86 3 . 606 3 . 6 96 3 . 106 3 . 1 10 64.1 0 64.1 11 64.0 0 64.0 12 63.9 0 63.9 13 63.4 0 63.4 14 63.1 0 63.1 15 63.2 0 63.2 16 63.5 0 63.5 17 63.4 0 63.4 18 62.8 0 62.8 19 62.0 5 67.0 20 60.8 5 65.8 21 59.7 5 64.7 22 58.8 10 68.8 23 55.9 10 65.9 Friday, June 03, 2011 4.2-4 Location #:L3 Description:L3 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary La Quinta General Plan Noise Study Job Number:06879 J.T. Stephens Project Name: Analyst: Start Date:Thursday, February 03, 2011 Hourly Leq dB(A) Readings (unadjusted) 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Ho u r B e g i n i n g Hourly Leq dB(A) Measured Peak Noise Hour:8 Measured Peak Hour dBA Leq:71.6 Friday, June 03, 2011 4.2-5 Location #:L3 Description:L3 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary La Quinta General Plan Noise Study Job Number:06879 J.T. Stephens Project Name: Analyst: Start Date:Thursday, February 03, 2011 Leq To CNEL Noise Calculations Noise Hour Hourly Leq Adjusted Hourly LeqCNEL Penalty Calculated CNEL:72.7 06 0 . 7 1 0 7 0 . 7 16 0 . 0 1 0 7 0 . 0 26 2 . 1 1 0 7 2 . 1 35 8 . 1 1 0 6 8 . 1 46 3 . 0 1 0 7 3 . 0 56 6 . 8 1 0 7 6 . 8 66 9 . 4 1 0 7 9 . 4 77 1 . 407 1 . 4 87 1 . 607 1 . 6 97 0 . 707 0 . 7 10 70.0 0 70.0 11 70.1 0 70.1 12 70.1 0 70.1 13 70.0 0 70.0 14 70.3 0 70.3 15 70.4 0 70.4 16 70.3 0 70.3 17 70.5 0 70.5 18 69.6 0 69.6 19 67.9 5 72.9 20 67.1 5 72.1 21 66.9 5 71.9 22 65.8 10 75.8 23 63.4 10 73.4 Friday, June 03, 2011 4.2-6 Location #:L4 Description:L4 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary La Quinta General Plan Noise Study Job Number:06879 J.T. Stephens Project Name: Analyst: Start Date:Thursday, February 03, 2011 Hourly Leq dB(A) Readings (unadjusted) 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Ho u r B e g i n i n g Hourly Leq dB(A) Measured Peak Noise Hour:7 Measured Peak Hour dBA Leq:56.1 Friday, June 03, 2011 4.2-7 Location #:L4 Description:L4 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary La Quinta General Plan Noise Study Job Number:06879 J.T. Stephens Project Name: Analyst: Start Date:Thursday, February 03, 2011 Leq To CNEL Noise Calculations Noise Hour Hourly Leq Adjusted Hourly LeqCNEL Penalty Calculated CNEL:59.3 05 2 . 2 1 0 6 2 . 2 15 0 . 6 1 0 6 0 . 6 24 9 . 5 1 0 5 9 . 5 34 7 . 6 1 0 5 7 . 6 45 0 . 4 1 0 6 0 . 4 55 1 . 2 1 0 6 1 . 2 65 4 . 3 1 0 6 4 . 3 75 6 . 105 6 . 1 85 5 . 105 5 . 1 95 4 . 105 4 . 1 10 54.4 0 54.4 11 54.2 0 54.2 12 54.2 0 54.2 13 54.6 0 54.6 14 54.2 0 54.2 15 54.5 0 54.5 16 54.5 0 54.5 17 54.4 0 54.4 18 53.7 0 53.7 19 53.2 5 58.2 20 53.0 5 58.0 21 52.9 5 57.9 22 54.7 10 64.7 23 54.1 10 64.1 Friday, June 03, 2011 4.2-8 Location #:L5 Description:L5 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary La Quinta General Plan Noise Study Job Number:06879 J.T. Stephens Project Name: Analyst: Start Date:Thursday, February 03, 2011 Hourly Leq dB(A) Readings (unadjusted) 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Ho u r B e g i n i n g Hourly Leq dB(A) Measured Peak Noise Hour:12 Measured Peak Hour dBA Leq:65.4 Friday, June 03, 2011 4.2-9 Location #:L5 Description:L5 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary La Quinta General Plan Noise Study Job Number:06879 J.T. Stephens Project Name: Analyst: Start Date:Thursday, February 03, 2011 Leq To CNEL Noise Calculations Noise Hour Hourly Leq Adjusted Hourly LeqCNEL Penalty Calculated CNEL:58.9 04 5 . 2 1 0 5 5 . 2 14 3 . 6 1 0 5 3 . 6 24 3 . 1 1 0 5 3 . 1 34 3 . 7 1 0 5 3 . 7 44 6 . 4 1 0 5 6 . 4 54 7 . 4 1 0 5 7 . 4 65 1 . 7 1 0 6 1 . 7 75 5 . 105 5 . 1 86 0 . 006 0 . 0 95 9 . 905 9 . 9 10 61.4 0 61.4 11 61.2 0 61.2 12 65.4 0 65.4 13 64.2 0 64.2 14 55.0 0 55.0 15 53.1 0 53.1 16 52.4 0 52.4 17 51.8 0 51.8 18 51.8 0 51.8 19 52.7 5 57.7 20 51.1 5 56.1 21 52.7 5 57.7 22 48.6 10 58.6 23 47.9 10 57.9 Friday, June 03, 2011 4.2-10 Location #:L6 Description:L6 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary La Quinta General Plan Noise Study Job Number:06879 J.T. Stephens Project Name: Analyst: Start Date:Thursday, February 03, 2011 Hourly Leq dB(A) Readings (unadjusted) 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Ho u r B e g i n i n g Hourly Leq dB(A) Measured Peak Noise Hour:7 Measured Peak Hour dBA Leq:60.3 Friday, June 03, 2011 4.2-11 Location #:L6 Description:L6 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary La Quinta General Plan Noise Study Job Number:06879 J.T. Stephens Project Name: Analyst: Start Date:Thursday, February 03, 2011 Leq To CNEL Noise Calculations Noise Hour Hourly Leq Adjusted Hourly LeqCNEL Penalty Calculated CNEL:62.2 05 2 . 0 1 0 6 2 . 0 15 0 . 0 1 0 6 0 . 0 24 8 . 7 1 0 5 8 . 7 35 1 . 4 1 0 6 1 . 4 45 0 . 7 1 0 6 0 . 7 55 7 . 0 1 0 6 7 . 0 65 9 . 5 1 0 6 9 . 5 76 0 . 306 0 . 3 85 9 . 505 9 . 5 95 8 . 005 8 . 0 10 58.5 0 58.5 11 57.6 0 57.6 12 57.6 0 57.6 13 57.9 0 57.9 14 58.0 0 58.0 15 58.6 0 58.6 16 58.9 0 58.9 17 59.6 0 59.6 18 58.5 0 58.5 19 58.4 5 63.4 20 56.7 5 61.7 21 57.1 5 62.1 22 54.8 10 64.8 23 54.6 10 64.6 Friday, June 03, 2011 4.2-12 Location #:L7 Description:L7 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary La Quinta General Plan Noise Study Job Number:06879 J.T. Stephens Project Name: Analyst: Start Date:Thursday, February 03, 2011 Hourly Leq dB(A) Readings (unadjusted) 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Ho u r B e g i n i n g Hourly Leq dB(A) Measured Peak Noise Hour:7 Measured Peak Hour dBA Leq:72.6 Friday, June 03, 2011 4.2-13 Location #:L7 Description:L7 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary La Quinta General Plan Noise Study Job Number:06879 J.T. Stephens Project Name: Analyst: Start Date:Thursday, February 03, 2011 Leq To CNEL Noise Calculations Noise Hour Hourly Leq Adjusted Hourly LeqCNEL Penalty Calculated CNEL:71.4 05 5 . 6 1 0 6 5 . 6 15 6 . 4 1 0 6 6 . 4 25 2 . 6 1 0 6 2 . 6 35 4 . 4 1 0 6 4 . 4 45 8 . 4 1 0 6 8 . 4 56 7 . 4 1 0 7 7 . 4 66 9 . 3 1 0 7 9 . 3 77 2 . 607 2 . 6 87 1 . 307 1 . 3 96 9 . 006 9 . 0 10 68.7 0 68.7 11 69.1 0 69.1 12 67.8 0 67.8 13 68.3 0 68.3 14 69.6 0 69.6 15 70.2 0 70.2 16 70.4 0 70.4 17 69.5 0 69.5 18 68.7 0 68.7 19 65.7 5 70.7 20 67.6 5 72.6 21 65.1 5 70.1 22 60.6 10 70.6 23 59.4 10 69.4 Friday, June 03, 2011 4.2-14 4.2-15 4.2-16 4.2-17 4.2-18 4.2-19 4.2-20 4.2-21 4.2-22 4.2-23 4.2-24 4.2-25 4.2-26 4.2-27 4.2-28 4.2-29 4.2-30 4.2-31 4.2-32 4.2-33 4.2-34 4.2-35 4.2-36 4.2-37 4.2-38 4.2-39 4.2-40 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) APPENDIX 4.3 Short-term Leq To CNEL Calculations Reference 24h Measurement Location:L3 Project :La Quinta GP Update Noise Measurement location:S1 Job Number:6879 Measurement Time:1500 Analyst:J. Stephens Measurement Level (dBA Leq):66.1 Hour Adjusted Hourly CNEL Hourly Leq Beginning Leq Penalty With CNEL Penalty 0000 56.4 10.0 66.4 0100 55.7 10.0 65.7 0200 57.8 10.0 67.8 0300 53.8 10.0 63.8 0400 58.7 10.0 68.7 0500 62.5 10.0 72.5 0600 65.1 10.0 75.1 0700 67.1 0.0 67.1 0800 67.3 0.0 67.3 0900 66.4 0.0 66.4 1000 65.7 0.0 65.7 1100 65.8 0.0 65.8 1200 65.8 0.0 65.8 1300 65.7 0.0 65.7 1400 66.0 0.0 66.0 1500 66.1 * 0.0 66.1 1600 66.0 0.0 66.0 1700 66.2 0.0 66.2 1800 65.3 0.0 65.3 1900 63.6 5.0 68.6 2000 62.8 5.0 67.8 2100 62.6 5.0 67.6 2200 61.5 10.0 71.5 2300 59.1 10.0 69.1 Resulting CNEL (dBA) : 68.4 U:\UcJobs\_06600-07000\06800\06879\Fieldwork\Measurements\Short Term\[LeqCNEL-24hmeasurement_based.xls]S1 MEASURED Leq TO CNEL CONVERSION 4.3-1 Reference 24h Measurement Location:L6 Project :La Quinta GP Update Noise Measurement location:S2 Job Number:6879 Measurement Time:1500 Analyst:J. Stephens Measurement Level (dBA Leq):69.3 Hour Adjusted Hourly CNEL Hourly Leq Beginning Leq Penalty With CNEL Penalty 0000 62.7 10.0 72.7 0100 60.7 10.0 70.7 0200 59.4 10.0 69.4 0300 62.1 10.0 72.1 0400 61.4 10.0 71.4 0500 67.7 10.0 77.7 0600 70.2 10.0 80.2 0700 71.0 0.0 71.0 0800 70.2 0.0 70.2 0900 68.7 0.0 68.7 1000 69.2 0.0 69.2 1100 68.3 0.0 68.3 1200 68.3 0.0 68.3 1300 68.6 0.0 68.6 1400 68.7 0.0 68.7 1500 69.3 * 0.0 69.3 1600 69.6 0.0 69.6 1700 70.3 0.0 70.3 1800 69.2 0.0 69.2 1900 69.1 5.0 74.1 2000 67.4 5.0 72.4 2100 67.8 5.0 72.8 2200 65.5 10.0 75.5 2300 65.3 10.0 75.3 Resulting CNEL (dBA) : 72.9 U:\UcJobs\_06600-07000\06800\06879\Fieldwork\Measurements\Short Term\[LeqCNEL-24hmeasurement_based.xls]S2 MEASURED Leq TO CNEL CONVERSION 4.3-2 Reference 24h Measurement Location:L3 Project :La Quinta GP Update Noise Measurement location:S3 Job Number:6879 Measurement Time:1500 Analyst:J. Stephens Measurement Level (dBA Leq):69.3 Hour Adjusted Hourly CNEL Hourly Leq Beginning Leq Penalty With CNEL Penalty 0000 59.6 10.0 69.6 0100 58.9 10.0 68.9 0200 61.0 10.0 71.0 0300 57.0 10.0 67.0 0400 61.9 10.0 71.9 0500 65.7 10.0 75.7 0600 68.3 10.0 78.3 0700 70.3 0.0 70.3 0800 70.5 0.0 70.5 0900 69.6 0.0 69.6 1000 68.9 0.0 68.9 1100 69.0 0.0 69.0 1200 69.0 0.0 69.0 1300 68.9 0.0 68.9 1400 69.2 0.0 69.2 1500 69.3 * 0.0 69.3 1600 69.2 0.0 69.2 1700 69.4 0.0 69.4 1800 68.5 0.0 68.5 1900 66.8 5.0 71.8 2000 66.0 5.0 71.0 2100 65.8 5.0 70.8 2200 64.7 10.0 74.7 2300 62.3 10.0 72.3 Resulting CNEL (dBA) : 71.6 U:\UcJobs\_06600-07000\06800\06879\Fieldwork\Measurements\Short Term\[LeqCNEL-24hmeasurement_based.xls]S3 MEASURED Leq TO CNEL CONVERSION 4.3-3 Reference 24h Measurement Location:L1 Project :La Quinta GP Update Noise Measurement location:S4 Job Number:6879 Measurement Time:1600 Analyst:J. Stephens Measurement Level (dBA Leq):66.5 Hour Adjusted Hourly CNEL Hourly Leq Beginning Leq Penalty With CNEL Penalty 0000 53.8 10.0 63.8 0100 52.5 10.0 62.5 0200 51.8 10.0 61.8 0300 52.6 10.0 62.6 0400 54.8 10.0 64.8 0500 57.8 10.0 67.8 0600 62.8 10.0 72.8 0700 70.5 0.0 70.5 0800 64.5 0.0 64.5 0900 64.4 0.0 64.4 1000 63.3 0.0 63.3 1100 63.8 0.0 63.8 1200 65.9 0.0 65.9 1300 64.9 0.0 64.9 1400 66.6 0.0 66.6 1500 67.4 0.0 67.4 1600 66.5 * 0.0 66.5 1700 65.9 0.0 65.9 1800 65.2 0.0 65.2 1900 66.1 5.0 71.1 2000 63.9 5.0 68.9 2100 62.8 5.0 67.8 2200 59.5 10.0 69.5 2300 53.6 10.0 63.6 Resulting CNEL (dBA) : 67.1 U:\UcJobs\_06600-07000\06800\06879\Fieldwork\Measurements\Short Term\[LeqCNEL-24hmeasurement_based.xls]S4 MEASURED Leq TO CNEL CONVERSION 4.3-4 Reference 24h Measurement Location:L6 Project :La Quinta GP Update Noise Measurement location:S5 Job Number:6879 Measurement Time:1000 Analyst:J. Stephens Measurement Level (dBA Leq):64.3 Hour Adjusted Hourly CNEL Hourly Leq Beginning Leq Penalty With CNEL Penalty 0000 57.8 10.0 67.8 0100 55.8 10.0 65.8 0200 54.5 10.0 64.5 0300 57.2 10.0 67.2 0400 56.5 10.0 66.5 0500 62.8 10.0 72.8 0600 65.3 10.0 75.3 0700 66.1 0.0 66.1 0800 65.3 0.0 65.3 0900 63.8 0.0 63.8 1000 64.3 * 0.0 64.3 1100 63.4 0.0 63.4 1200 63.4 0.0 63.4 1300 63.7 0.0 63.7 1400 63.8 0.0 63.8 1500 64.4 0.0 64.4 1600 64.7 0.0 64.7 1700 65.4 0.0 65.4 1800 64.3 0.0 64.3 1900 64.2 5.0 69.2 2000 62.5 5.0 67.5 2100 62.9 5.0 67.9 2200 60.6 10.0 70.6 2300 60.4 10.0 70.4 Resulting CNEL (dBA) : 68.0 U:\UcJobs\_06600-07000\06800\06879\Fieldwork\Measurements\Short Term\[LeqCNEL-24hmeasurement_based.xls]S5 MEASURED Leq TO CNEL CONVERSION 4.3-5 Reference 24h Measurement Location:L4 Project :La Quinta GP Update Noise Measurement location:S6 Job Number:6879 Measurement Time:1100 Analyst:J. Stephens Measurement Level (dBA Leq):66.2 Hour Adjusted Hourly CNEL Hourly Leq Beginning Leq Penalty With CNEL Penalty 0000 64.2 10.0 74.2 0100 62.6 10.0 72.6 0200 61.5 10.0 71.5 0300 59.6 10.0 69.6 0400 62.4 10.0 72.4 0500 63.2 10.0 73.2 0600 66.3 10.0 76.3 0700 68.1 0.0 68.1 0800 67.1 0.0 67.1 0900 66.1 0.0 66.1 1000 66.4 0.0 66.4 1100 66.2 * 0.0 66.2 1200 66.2 0.0 66.2 1300 66.6 0.0 66.6 1400 66.2 0.0 66.2 1500 66.5 0.0 66.5 1600 66.5 0.0 66.5 1700 66.4 0.0 66.4 1800 65.7 0.0 65.7 1900 65.2 5.0 70.2 2000 65.0 5.0 70.0 2100 64.9 5.0 69.9 2200 66.7 10.0 76.7 2300 66.1 10.0 76.1 Resulting CNEL (dBA) : 71.3 U:\UcJobs\_06600-07000\06800\06879\Fieldwork\Measurements\Short Term\[LeqCNEL-24hmeasurement_based.xls]S6 MEASURED Leq TO CNEL CONVERSION 4.3-6 Reference 24h Measurement Location:L6 Project :La Quinta GP Update Noise Measurement location:S7 Job Number:6879 Measurement Time:1100 Analyst:J. Stephens Measurement Level (dBA Leq):62.0 Hour Adjusted Hourly CNEL Hourly Leq Beginning Leq Penalty With CNEL Penalty 0000 56.4 10.0 66.4 0100 54.4 10.0 64.4 0200 53.1 10.0 63.1 0300 55.8 10.0 65.8 0400 55.1 10.0 65.1 0500 61.4 10.0 71.4 0600 63.9 10.0 73.9 0700 64.7 0.0 64.7 0800 63.9 0.0 63.9 0900 62.4 0.0 62.4 1000 62.9 0.0 62.9 1100 62.0 * 0.0 62.0 1200 62.0 0.0 62.0 1300 62.3 0.0 62.3 1400 62.4 0.0 62.4 1500 63.0 0.0 63.0 1600 63.3 0.0 63.3 1700 64.0 0.0 64.0 1800 62.9 0.0 62.9 1900 62.8 5.0 67.8 2000 61.1 5.0 66.1 2100 61.5 5.0 66.5 2200 59.2 10.0 69.2 2300 59.0 10.0 69.0 Resulting CNEL (dBA) : 66.6 U:\UcJobs\_06600-07000\06800\06879\Fieldwork\Measurements\Short Term\[LeqCNEL-24hmeasurement_based.xls]S7 MEASURED Leq TO CNEL CONVERSION 4.3-7 Reference 24h Measurement Location:L4 Project :La Quinta GP Update Noise Measurement location:S8 Job Number:6879 Measurement Time:1100 Analyst:J. Stephens Measurement Level (dBA Leq):59.2 Hour Adjusted Hourly CNEL Hourly Leq Beginning Leq Penalty With CNEL Penalty 0000 57.2 10.0 67.2 0100 55.6 10.0 65.6 0200 54.5 10.0 64.5 0300 52.6 10.0 62.6 0400 55.4 10.0 65.4 0500 56.2 10.0 66.2 0600 59.3 10.0 69.3 0700 61.1 0.0 61.1 0800 60.1 0.0 60.1 0900 59.1 0.0 59.1 1000 59.4 0.0 59.4 1100 59.2 * 0.0 59.2 1200 59.2 0.0 59.2 1300 59.6 0.0 59.6 1400 59.2 0.0 59.2 1500 59.5 0.0 59.5 1600 59.5 0.0 59.5 1700 59.4 0.0 59.4 1800 58.7 0.0 58.7 1900 58.2 5.0 63.2 2000 58.0 5.0 63.0 2100 57.9 5.0 62.9 2200 59.7 10.0 69.7 2300 59.1 10.0 69.1 Resulting CNEL (dBA) : 64.3 U:\UcJobs\_06600-07000\06800\06879\Fieldwork\Measurements\Short Term\[LeqCNEL-24hmeasurement_based.xls]S8 MEASURED Leq TO CNEL CONVERSION 4.3-8 Reference 24h Measurement Location:L7 Project :La Quinta GP Update Noise Measurement location:S9 Job Number:6879 Measurement Time:1300 Analyst:J. Stephens Measurement Level (dBA Leq):64.4 Hour Adjusted Hourly CNEL Hourly Leq Beginning Leq Penalty With CNEL Penalty 0000 51.7 10.0 61.7 0100 52.5 10.0 62.5 0200 48.7 10.0 58.7 0300 50.5 10.0 60.5 0400 54.5 10.0 64.5 0500 63.5 10.0 73.5 0600 65.4 10.0 75.4 0700 68.7 0.0 68.7 0800 67.4 0.0 67.4 0900 65.1 0.0 65.1 1000 64.8 0.0 64.8 1100 65.2 0.0 65.2 1200 63.9 0.0 63.9 1300 64.4 * 0.0 64.4 1400 65.7 0.0 65.7 1500 66.3 0.0 66.3 1600 66.5 0.0 66.5 1700 65.6 0.0 65.6 1800 64.8 0.0 64.8 1900 61.8 5.0 66.8 2000 63.7 5.0 68.7 2100 61.2 5.0 66.2 2200 56.7 10.0 66.7 2300 55.5 10.0 65.5 Resulting CNEL (dBA) : 67.5 U:\UcJobs\_06600-07000\06800\06879\Fieldwork\Measurements\Short Term\[LeqCNEL-24hmeasurement_based.xls]S9 MEASURED Leq TO CNEL CONVERSION 4.3-9 Reference 24h Measurement Location:L7 Project :La Quinta GP Update Noise Measurement location:S10 Job Number:6879 Measurement Time:1200 Analyst:J. Stephens Measurement Level (dBA Leq):62.1 Hour Adjusted Hourly CNEL Hourly Leq Beginning Leq Penalty With CNEL Penalty 0000 49.9 10.0 59.9 0100 50.7 10.0 60.7 0200 46.9 10.0 56.9 0300 48.7 10.0 58.7 0400 52.7 10.0 62.7 0500 61.7 10.0 71.7 0600 63.6 10.0 73.6 0700 66.9 0.0 66.9 0800 65.6 0.0 65.6 0900 63.3 0.0 63.3 1000 63.0 0.0 63.0 1100 63.4 0.0 63.4 1200 62.1 * 0.0 62.1 1300 62.6 0.0 62.6 1400 63.9 0.0 63.9 1500 64.5 0.0 64.5 1600 64.7 0.0 64.7 1700 63.8 0.0 63.8 1800 63.0 0.0 63.0 1900 60.0 5.0 65.0 2000 61.9 5.0 66.9 2100 59.4 5.0 64.4 2200 54.9 10.0 64.9 2300 53.7 10.0 63.7 Resulting CNEL (dBA) : 65.7 U:\UcJobs\_06600-07000\06800\06879\Fieldwork\Measurements\Short Term\[LeqCNEL-24hmeasurement_based.xls]S10 MEASURED Leq TO CNEL CONVERSION 4.3-10 Reference 24h Measurement Location:L1 Project :La Quinta GP Update Noise Measurement location:S11 Job Number:6879 Measurement Time:1000 Analyst:J. Stephens Measurement Level (dBA Leq):57.7 Hour Adjusted Hourly CNEL Hourly Leq Beginning Leq Penalty With CNEL Penalty 0000 48.2 10.0 58.2 0100 46.9 10.0 56.9 0200 46.2 10.0 56.2 0300 47.0 10.0 57.0 0400 49.2 10.0 59.2 0500 52.2 10.0 62.2 0600 57.2 10.0 67.2 0700 64.9 0.0 64.9 0800 58.9 0.0 58.9 0900 58.8 0.0 58.8 1000 57.7 * 0.0 57.7 1100 58.2 0.0 58.2 1200 60.3 0.0 60.3 1300 59.3 0.0 59.3 1400 61.0 0.0 61.0 1500 61.8 0.0 61.8 1600 60.9 0.0 60.9 1700 60.3 0.0 60.3 1800 59.6 0.0 59.6 1900 60.5 5.0 65.5 2000 58.3 5.0 63.3 2100 57.2 5.0 62.2 2200 53.9 10.0 63.9 2300 48.0 10.0 58.0 Resulting CNEL (dBA) : 61.5 U:\UcJobs\_06600-07000\06800\06879\Fieldwork\Measurements\Short Term\[LeqCNEL-24hmeasurement_based.xls]S11 MEASURED Leq TO CNEL CONVERSION 4.3-11 Reference 24h Measurement Location:L7 Project :La Quinta GP Update Noise Measurement location:S12 Job Number:6879 Measurement Time:1200 Analyst:J. Stephens Measurement Level (dBA Leq):60.4 Hour Adjusted Hourly CNEL Hourly Leq Beginning Leq Penalty With CNEL Penalty 0000 48.2 10.0 58.2 0100 49.0 10.0 59.0 0200 45.2 10.0 55.2 0300 47.0 10.0 57.0 0400 51.0 10.0 61.0 0500 60.0 10.0 70.0 0600 61.9 10.0 71.9 0700 65.2 0.0 65.2 0800 63.9 0.0 63.9 0900 61.6 0.0 61.6 1000 61.3 0.0 61.3 1100 61.7 0.0 61.7 1200 60.4 * 0.0 60.4 1300 60.9 0.0 60.9 1400 62.2 0.0 62.2 1500 62.8 0.0 62.8 1600 63.0 0.0 63.0 1700 62.1 0.0 62.1 1800 61.3 0.0 61.3 1900 58.3 5.0 63.3 2000 60.2 5.0 65.2 2100 57.7 5.0 62.7 2200 53.2 10.0 63.2 2300 52.0 10.0 62.0 Resulting CNEL (dBA) : 64.0 U:\UcJobs\_06600-07000\06800\06879\Fieldwork\Measurements\Short Term\[LeqCNEL-24hmeasurement_based.xls]S12 MEASURED Leq TO CNEL CONVERSION 4.3-12 Reference 24h Measurement Location:L6 Project :La Quinta GP Update Noise Measurement location:S13 Job Number:6879 Measurement Time:1300 Analyst:J. Stephens Measurement Level (dBA Leq):66.7 Hour Adjusted Hourly CNEL Hourly Leq Beginning Leq Penalty With CNEL Penalty 0000 60.8 10.0 70.8 0100 58.8 10.0 68.8 0200 57.5 10.0 67.5 0300 60.2 10.0 70.2 0400 59.5 10.0 69.5 0500 65.8 10.0 75.8 0600 68.3 10.0 78.3 0700 69.1 0.0 69.1 0800 68.3 0.0 68.3 0900 66.8 0.0 66.8 1000 67.3 0.0 67.3 1100 66.4 0.0 66.4 1200 66.4 0.0 66.4 1300 66.7 * 0.0 66.7 1400 66.8 0.0 66.8 1500 67.4 0.0 67.4 1600 67.7 0.0 67.7 1700 68.4 0.0 68.4 1800 67.3 0.0 67.3 1900 67.2 5.0 72.2 2000 65.5 5.0 70.5 2100 65.9 5.0 70.9 2200 63.6 10.0 73.6 2300 63.4 10.0 73.4 Resulting CNEL (dBA) : 71.0 U:\UcJobs\_06600-07000\06800\06879\Fieldwork\Measurements\Short Term\[LeqCNEL-24hmeasurement_based.xls]S13 MEASURED Leq TO CNEL CONVERSION 4.3-13 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) APPENDIX 5.1 Traffic Axle Count Printouts Counts Unlimited, Inc PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 268-6268 City of La Quinta Eisenhower Drive B/ Calle Nogales - Calle Chihuahua 24 Hour Directional Classification Count Northbound, Southbound LQAEINOCH Site Code: 051-11027 Date Start: 15-Feb-11 Date End: 15-Feb-11 Page 3 Start Cars &2 Axle 2 Axle 3 Axle 4 Axle <5 Axl 5 Axle >6 Axl <6 Axl 6 Axle >6 Axl Time Bikes Trailers Long Buses 6 Tire Single Single Double Double Double Multi Multi Multi Total 02/15/11 0 42 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 01:00 0 27 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 02:00 0 20 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 03:00 0 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 04:00 0 25 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 05:00 0 36 14 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 06:00 0 99 33 8 13 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 154 07:00 1 252 85 4 9 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 352 08:00 1 257 69 2 11 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 341 09:00 4 182 61 3 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 256 10:00 1 163 59 3 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 240 11:00 4 186 66 3 20 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 282 12 PM 3 212 76 1 13 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 307 13:00 0 223 81 6 12 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 325 14:00 2 238 84 2 13 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 341 15:00 2 259 98 3 17 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 381 16:00 3 279 79 3 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 378 17:00 3 341 95 2 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 454 18:00 1 292 86 1 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 389 19:00 1 192 66 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 266 20:00 2 166 53 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 225 21:00 1 142 24 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 171 22:00 0 101 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 131 23:00 4 43 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58 Total 33 3786 1194 45 176 2 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 5252 Percent 0.6%72.1%22.7%0.9%3.4%0.0%0.0%0.3%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% AM Peak 09:00 08:00 07:00 06:00 11:00 11:00 09:00 07:00 Vol.4 257 85 8 20 1 2 352 PM Peak 23:00 17:00 15:00 13:00 15:00 18:00 13:00 17:00 Vol.4 341 98 6 17 1 3 454 Grand Total 33 3786 1194 45 176 2 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 5252 Percent 0.6%72.1%22.7%0.9%3.4%0.0%0.0%0.3%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% 5 . 1 - 1 Counts Unlimited, Inc PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 268-6268 City of La Quinta Washington Street B/ Avenue 48 - Avenue 50 24 Hour Directional Classification Count Northbound, Southbound LQAWA4850 Site Code: 051-11027 Date Start: 15-Feb-11 Date End: 15-Feb-11 Page 3 Start Cars &2 Axle 2 Axle 3 Axle 4 Axle <5 Axl 5 Axle >6 Axl <6 Axl 6 Axle >6 Axl Time Bikes Trailers Long Buses 6 Tire Single Single Double Double Double Multi Multi Multi Total 02/15/11 0 119 33 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155 01:00 0 61 8 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 71 02:00 0 30 8 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 40 03:00 0 56 13 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 04:00 0 79 40 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 123 05:00 1 254 111 2 9 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 379 06:00 4 543 221 7 37 0 0 10 1 0 0 0 0 823 07:00 10 1555 477 8 55 2 0 17 1 2 0 0 3 2130 08:00 4 1475 401 10 65 2 0 11 7 1 0 0 1 1977 09:00 5 1179 390 10 65 5 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 1664 10:00 5 1231 370 15 75 2 0 12 3 0 0 0 4 1717 11:00 9 1224 373 5 55 1 0 13 1 0 0 0 2 1683 12 PM 9 1472 418 10 70 2 0 7 3 0 0 0 2 1993 13:00 15 1432 415 12 37 4 0 17 2 0 0 0 3 1937 14:00 9 1676 501 7 66 4 0 20 1 0 0 0 10 2294 15:00 19 1709 470 8 65 3 1 15 1 0 0 0 4 2295 16:00 8 1725 454 9 49 1 0 8 0 0 0 0 4 2258 17:00 8 1798 405 5 42 1 0 9 2 0 0 0 7 2277 18:00 4 1410 349 4 29 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 1802 19:00 3 998 215 4 24 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 1 1250 20:00 4 765 175 1 11 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 957 21:00 3 627 147 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 784 22:00 7 411 92 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 517 23:00 4 191 38 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 236 Total 131 22020 6124 118 776 27 1 158 27 3 0 0 47 29432 Percent 0.4%74.8%20.8%0.4%2.6%0.1%0.0%0.5%0.1%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.2% AM Peak 07:00 07:00 07:00 10:00 10:00 09:00 07:00 08:00 07:00 10:00 07:00 Vol.10 1555 477 15 75 5 17 7 2 4 2130 PM Peak 15:00 17:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 14:00 12:00 14:00 15:00 Vol.19 1798 501 12 70 4 1 20 3 10 2295 Grand Total 131 22020 6124 118 776 27 1 158 27 3 0 0 47 29432 Percent 0.4%74.8%20.8%0.4%2.6%0.1%0.0%0.5%0.1%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.2% 5 . 1 - 2 City of La Quinta General Plan Update Noise Element Technical Report City of La Quinta, CA (JN:06879-03.doc) APPENDIX 5.2 Transportation Noise Contour Printouts FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:n/o Fred Waring Dr. Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 37,426 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,743 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.85 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -12.74 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -15.84 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.5 67.8 64.9 59.1 68.668.1 64.5 65.4 63.1 57.0 54.0 63.463.1 64.1 56.0 54.5 64.063.8 Vehicle Noise:71.8 70.3 66.0 61.3 70.870.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 106 228 1,060492 113 243 1,128524 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-1 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Fred Waring & Miles Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 40,633 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,063 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.20 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -12.39 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -15.48 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.9 68.2 65.3 59.5 69.068.5 64.9 65.8 63.5 57.4 54.4 63.763.4 64.5 56.3 54.9 64.464.2 Vehicle Noise:72.2 70.7 66.4 61.7 71.170.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 112 241 1,119519 119 257 1,192553 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-2 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Miles & Hwy 111 Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 32,915 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,292 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.29 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -13.30 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -16.40 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.9 67.3 64.3 58.5 68.167.5 64.0 64.9 62.6 56.5 53.5 62.862.5 63.6 55.4 54.0 63.563.3 Vehicle Noise:71.3 69.7 65.5 60.7 70.269.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 97 210 973451 104 223 1,036481 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-3 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 36,710 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,671 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.76 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -12.83 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -15.92 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.4 67.7 64.8 59.0 68.568.0 64.5 65.4 63.0 56.9 53.9 63.363.0 64.1 55.9 54.4 63.963.7 Vehicle Noise:71.8 70.2 65.9 61.2 70.770.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 105 225 1,046485 111 240 1,114517 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-4 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 48 & Eisenhower Dr Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 33,465 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,347 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.36 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -13.23 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -16.32 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.0 67.3 64.4 58.6 68.167.6 64.1 65.0 62.6 56.5 53.5 62.962.6 63.7 55.5 54.0 63.563.3 Vehicle Noise:71.3 69.8 65.5 60.8 70.369.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 98 212 983456 105 226 1,047486 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-5 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenue 50 Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 27,129 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,713 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.45 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -14.14 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -17.24 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.1 66.4 63.5 57.7 67.266.7 63.1 64.0 61.7 55.6 52.6 62.061.7 62.8 54.6 53.1 62.662.4 Vehicle Noise:70.4 68.9 64.6 59.9 69.469.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 85 184 855397 91 196 910423 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-6 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 23,434 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,343 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.81 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -14.78 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -17.87 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.5 65.8 62.9 57.1 66.666.1 62.5 63.4 61.1 55.0 52.0 61.361.1 62.1 53.9 52.5 62.061.8 Vehicle Noise:69.8 68.3 64.0 59.3 68.868.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 78 167 775360 83 178 826383 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-7 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Washington St & Avenue 50 Road Name:Eisenhower Dr. Scenario:Existing Conditions 12,012 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,201 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.70 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -16.22 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -20.67 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.1 61.2 59.4 53.7 62.762.2 59.4 59.3 57.8 52.9 49.4 58.558.2 57.5 51.4 51.8 59.559.4 Vehicle Noise:65.8 63.9 60.8 56.7 65.465.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 46 100 464215 50 107 496230 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-8 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico Road Name:Eisenhower Dr. Scenario:Existing Conditions 9,975 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:998 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.51 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.03 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.48 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.3 60.4 58.6 52.9 61.961.3 58.6 58.5 57.0 52.1 48.6 57.757.4 56.7 50.5 51.0 58.758.6 Vehicle Noise:64.9 63.1 60.0 55.9 64.664.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 41 88 410190 44 94 438203 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-9 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Calle Tampico & Avenue 52 Road Name:Avenida Bermudas Scenario:Existing Conditions 3,388 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:339 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.74 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -21.26 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -25.71 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 56.0 54.1 52.3 46.6 55.655.0 52.5 52.8 50.9 46.0 42.5 51.651.3 51.0 44.9 45.3 53.152.9 Vehicle Noise:58.8 57.0 53.8 49.9 58.558.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 16 35 16175 17 37 17280 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-10 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 52 & Calle Durango Road Name:Avenida Bermudas Scenario:Existing Conditions 9,275 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:927 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.37 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -16.89 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -21.34 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 60.4 58.4 56.7 51.0 60.059.4 56.8 57.2 55.3 50.4 46.9 56.055.6 55.4 49.2 49.7 57.457.3 Vehicle Noise:63.2 61.4 58.2 54.3 62.962.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 32 68 316147 34 73 337156 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-11 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 Road Name:Adams St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 13,724 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,372 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.67 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -15.19 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -19.63 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.1 60.1 58.4 52.7 61.761.1 58.5 58.9 57.0 52.1 48.6 57.757.3 57.1 50.9 51.4 59.159.0 Vehicle Noise:64.9 63.1 59.9 56.0 64.664.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 41 88 410190 44 94 437203 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-12 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 Road Name:Adams St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 12,035 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,203 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.24 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -15.76 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -20.21 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.5 59.6 57.8 52.1 61.160.6 58.0 58.3 56.4 51.5 48.0 57.156.8 56.5 50.4 50.8 58.658.4 Vehicle Noise:64.4 62.5 59.3 55.4 64.063.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 38 81 376174 40 86 401186 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-13 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 Road Name:Dune Palms Rd. Scenario:Existing Conditions 9,282 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:928 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.36 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -16.88 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -21.33 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 60.4 58.4 56.7 51.0 60.059.4 56.9 57.2 55.3 50.4 46.9 56.055.6 55.4 49.2 49.7 57.457.3 Vehicle Noise:63.2 61.4 58.2 54.3 62.962.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 32 68 316147 34 73 337156 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-14 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 Road Name:Dune Palms Rd. Scenario:Existing Conditions 8,373 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:837 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.81 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -17.33 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -21.78 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 59.9 58.0 56.3 50.5 59.659.0 56.4 56.8 54.9 49.9 46.5 55.555.2 55.0 48.8 49.2 57.056.8 Vehicle Noise:62.8 61.0 57.8 53.8 62.562.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 29 64 295137 31 68 314146 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-15 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:n/o Fred Waring Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 20,913 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,091 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.32 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -15.27 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -18.37 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.0 65.3 62.4 56.6 66.165.6 62.0 62.9 60.6 54.5 51.5 60.860.6 61.6 53.5 52.0 61.561.3 Vehicle Noise:69.3 67.8 63.5 58.8 68.367.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 72 155 719334 77 165 765355 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-16 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Fred Waring & Miles Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 23,764 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,376 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.88 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -14.72 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -17.81 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.5 65.8 62.9 57.1 66.766.1 62.6 63.5 61.2 55.0 52.1 61.461.1 62.2 54.0 52.6 62.061.9 Vehicle Noise:69.9 68.3 64.0 59.3 68.868.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 78 169 783363 83 180 833387 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-17 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Miles & Westward Ho Dr Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 21,036 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,104 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.35 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -15.25 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -18.34 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.0 65.3 62.4 56.6 66.165.6 62.0 62.9 60.6 54.5 51.5 60.960.6 61.6 53.5 52.0 61.561.3 Vehicle Noise:69.3 67.8 63.5 58.8 68.367.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 72 155 722335 77 166 768357 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-18 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 27,112 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,711 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.45 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -14.14 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -17.24 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.1 66.4 63.5 57.7 67.266.7 63.1 64.0 61.7 55.6 52.6 62.061.7 62.7 54.6 53.1 62.662.4 Vehicle Noise:70.4 68.9 64.6 59.9 69.469.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 85 184 855397 91 196 910422 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-19 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 26,889 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,689 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.41 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -14.18 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -17.27 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.1 66.4 63.5 57.7 67.266.7 63.1 64.0 61.7 55.6 52.6 61.961.7 62.7 54.5 53.1 62.662.4 Vehicle Noise:70.4 68.9 64.6 59.9 69.468.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 85 183 850394 91 195 905420 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-20 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 48 & Avenue 50 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 27,133 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,713 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.45 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -14.14 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -17.23 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.1 66.4 63.5 57.7 67.266.7 63.1 64.0 61.7 55.6 52.6 62.061.7 62.8 54.6 53.1 62.662.4 Vehicle Noise:70.4 68.9 64.6 59.9 69.469.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 86 184 855397 91 196 911423 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-21 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 16,169 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,617 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.80 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -16.39 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -19.48 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.9 64.2 61.3 55.5 65.064.5 60.9 61.8 59.5 53.4 50.4 59.759.4 60.5 52.3 50.9 60.460.2 Vehicle Noise:68.2 66.6 62.4 57.7 67.166.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 61 130 605281 64 139 645299 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-22 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 12,399 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,240 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.95 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -17.54 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -20.64 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.7 63.0 60.1 54.3 63.863.3 59.7 60.6 58.3 52.2 49.2 58.658.3 59.4 51.2 49.7 59.259.0 Vehicle Noise:67.0 65.5 61.2 56.5 66.065.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 51 109 507235 54 116 540251 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-23 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 5,664 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:566 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.97 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.49 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.94 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 59.8 57.9 56.2 50.4 59.558.9 56.1 56.0 54.6 49.7 46.2 55.254.9 54.3 48.1 48.5 56.356.1 Vehicle Noise:62.5 60.7 57.6 53.5 62.261.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 28 61 281131 30 65 300139 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-24 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 9,219 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:922 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.85 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.37 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.82 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.9 60.0 58.3 52.5 61.661.0 58.2 58.2 56.7 51.8 48.3 57.457.0 56.4 50.2 50.6 58.458.2 Vehicle Noise:64.6 62.8 59.7 55.6 64.363.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 39 84 389181 42 90 416193 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-25 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 6,348 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:635 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.47 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.99 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.44 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 60.3 58.4 56.7 50.9 60.059.4 56.6 56.5 55.1 50.2 46.7 55.755.4 54.7 48.6 49.0 56.856.6 Vehicle Noise:63.0 61.2 58.1 54.0 62.762.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 30 65 303141 32 70 324150 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-26 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 3,341 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:334 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.80 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -21.32 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -25.77 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 55.9 54.0 52.3 46.5 55.655.0 52.4 52.8 50.9 46.0 42.5 51.551.2 51.0 44.8 45.2 53.052.8 Vehicle Noise:58.8 57.0 53.8 49.8 58.558.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 16 34 16074 17 37 17079 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-27 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 3,147 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:315 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -7.52 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -22.04 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -26.49 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 57.3 55.3 53.6 47.9 56.956.3 53.6 53.5 52.0 47.1 43.6 52.752.4 51.7 45.5 46.0 53.753.6 Vehicle Noise:59.9 58.1 55.0 50.9 59.659.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 19 41 19088 20 44 20394 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-28 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 2,532 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:253 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -8.46 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -22.98 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -27.43 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 56.3 54.4 52.7 46.9 56.055.4 52.6 52.5 51.1 46.2 42.7 51.851.4 50.8 44.6 45.0 52.852.6 Vehicle Noise:59.0 57.2 54.1 50.0 58.758.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 16 35 16476 18 38 17681 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-29 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd Road Name:Jackson St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 3,338 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:334 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -7.26 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.78 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -26.23 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 57.5 55.6 53.9 48.1 57.256.6 53.8 53.7 52.3 47.4 43.9 53.052.6 52.0 45.8 46.2 54.053.8 Vehicle Noise:60.2 58.4 55.3 51.2 59.959.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 20 43 19892 21 45 21198 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-30 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 Road Name:Jackson St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 2,326 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:233 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -8.83 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -23.35 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -27.80 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 56.0 54.0 52.3 46.6 55.655.0 52.3 52.2 50.7 45.8 42.3 51.451.0 50.4 44.2 44.7 52.452.2 Vehicle Noise:58.6 56.8 53.7 49.6 58.357.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 16 33 15572 17 36 16677 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-31 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 Road Name:Jackson St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 1,734 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:173 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -10.11 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -24.63 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -29.08 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 54.7 52.8 51.0 45.3 54.353.7 51.0 50.9 49.4 44.5 41.0 50.149.8 49.1 42.9 43.4 51.151.0 Vehicle Noise:57.3 55.5 52.4 48.3 57.056.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 13 28 12859 14 29 13663 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-32 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 Road Name:Jackson St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 1,569 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:157 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -10.54 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -25.06 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -29.51 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 54.3 52.3 50.6 44.9 53.953.3 50.5 50.5 49.0 44.1 40.6 49.749.3 48.7 42.5 42.9 50.750.5 Vehicle Noise:56.9 55.1 52.0 47.9 56.656.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 12 26 11955 13 27 12859 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-33 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 4,663 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:466 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.81 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.33 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.78 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 59.0 57.0 55.3 49.6 58.658.0 55.3 55.2 53.7 48.8 45.3 54.454.1 53.4 47.2 47.7 55.455.3 Vehicle Noise:61.6 59.8 56.7 52.6 61.360.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 25 53 247115 26 57 264122 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-34 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 3,346 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:335 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -7.25 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.77 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -26.22 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 57.5 55.6 53.9 48.1 57.256.6 53.8 53.8 52.3 47.4 43.9 53.052.6 52.0 45.8 46.2 54.053.8 Vehicle Noise:60.2 58.4 55.3 51.2 59.959.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 20 43 19892 21 46 21198 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-35 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 1,472 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:147 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -10.82 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -25.34 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -29.79 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 54.0 52.0 50.3 44.6 53.653.0 50.3 50.2 48.7 43.8 40.3 49.449.1 48.4 42.2 42.7 50.450.3 Vehicle Noise:56.6 54.8 51.7 47.6 56.355.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 11 25 11553 12 26 12257 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-36 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 1,176 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:118 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -11.79 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -26.31 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -30.76 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 53.0 51.1 49.3 43.6 52.652.1 49.3 49.2 47.7 42.8 39.3 48.448.1 47.4 41.3 41.7 49.549.3 Vehicle Noise:55.7 53.8 50.7 46.7 55.354.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 10 21 9946 11 23 10549 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-37 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 1,017 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:102 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -11.97 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -26.49 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -30.94 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 50.8 48.8 47.1 41.4 50.449.8 47.2 47.6 45.7 40.8 37.3 46.446.0 45.8 39.6 40.1 47.847.7 Vehicle Noise:53.6 51.8 48.6 44.7 53.352.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 71 6 7 234 81 7 7 736 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-38 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 Road Name:Harrison St. Scenario:Existing Conditions 6,690 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:669 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.63 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -20.22 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -23.32 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.0 60.3 57.4 51.6 61.260.6 57.1 58.0 55.6 49.5 46.5 55.955.6 56.7 48.5 47.1 56.556.3 Vehicle Noise:64.4 62.8 58.5 53.8 63.362.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 34 72 336156 36 77 358166 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-39 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Avenue 44 Scenario:Existing Conditions 24,492 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,449 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.39 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -13.13 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -17.58 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.2 64.3 62.5 56.8 65.865.2 62.5 62.4 60.9 56.0 52.5 61.661.3 60.6 54.4 54.9 62.662.5 Vehicle Noise:68.8 67.0 63.9 59.8 68.568.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 75 161 746346 80 172 797370 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-40 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Miles Ave. Scenario:Existing Conditions 9,828 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:983 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.57 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.09 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.54 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.2 60.3 58.6 52.8 61.961.3 58.5 58.4 57.0 52.1 48.6 57.657.3 56.6 50.5 50.9 58.758.5 Vehicle Noise:64.9 63.1 60.0 55.9 64.664.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 41 87 406188 43 93 434201 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-41 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Hwy 111 Scenario:Existing Conditions 29,726 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,973 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.63 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:73.4% 9.7% 16.9% 91.40% 80.3% 5.5% 14.2% 6.49% 71.7% 6.5% 21.8% 2.11% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -9.86 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.73 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.3 66.2 63.4 61.0 68.868.5 67.4 66.5 65.7 60.1 59.4 67.467.2 64.3 59.9 60.4 67.767.5 Vehicle Noise:72.2 70.2 66.2 65.1 72.872.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 147 317 1,474684 153 331 1,535712 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-42 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Adams St Road Name:Hwy 111 Scenario:Existing Conditions 31,348 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,135 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.86 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:73.4% 9.7% 16.9% 91.40% 80.3% 5.5% 14.2% 6.49% 71.7% 6.5% 21.8% 2.11% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -9.62 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.50 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.5 66.4 63.6 61.3 69.168.7 67.7 66.8 65.9 60.3 59.6 67.767.4 64.5 60.1 60.6 67.967.7 Vehicle Noise:72.5 70.4 66.4 65.3 73.072.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 153 329 1,527709 159 343 1,590738 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-43 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Dune Palms Road Name:Hwy 111 Scenario:Existing Conditions 38,037 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,804 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.70 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:73.4% 9.7% 16.9% 91.40% 80.3% 5.5% 14.2% 6.49% 71.7% 6.5% 21.8% 2.11% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -8.78 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -13.66 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.4 67.2 64.5 62.1 69.969.6 68.5 67.6 66.8 61.1 60.5 68.568.3 65.4 61.0 61.5 68.768.5 Vehicle Noise:73.3 71.3 67.3 66.2 73.973.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 174 374 1,737806 181 390 1,809840 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-44 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Avenue 48 Scenario:Existing Conditions 12,903 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,290 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.39 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -15.91 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -20.36 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.4 61.5 59.7 54.0 63.062.5 59.7 59.6 58.1 53.2 49.7 58.858.5 57.8 51.7 52.1 59.959.7 Vehicle Noise:66.1 64.3 61.1 57.1 65.765.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 49 105 487226 52 112 520241 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-45 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 48 Scenario:Existing Conditions 18,364 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,836 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.14 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.38 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -18.83 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.9 63.0 61.3 55.5 64.664.0 61.2 61.2 59.7 54.8 51.3 60.460.0 59.4 53.2 53.6 61.461.2 Vehicle Noise:67.6 65.8 62.7 58.6 67.366.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 62 133 616286 66 142 658305 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-46 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:Existing Conditions 9,486 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:949 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.73 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.25 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.70 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.1 60.1 58.4 52.7 61.761.1 58.4 58.3 56.8 51.9 48.4 57.557.2 56.5 50.3 50.8 58.558.3 Vehicle Noise:64.7 62.9 59.8 55.7 64.464.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 40 85 397184 42 91 424197 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-47 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:Existing Conditions 9,663 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:966 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.65 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.17 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.62 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.2 60.2 58.5 52.7 61.861.2 58.4 58.4 56.9 52.0 48.5 57.657.2 56.6 50.4 50.8 58.658.4 Vehicle Noise:64.8 63.0 59.9 55.8 64.564.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 40 87 402186 43 92 429199 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-48 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:Existing Conditions 9,990 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:999 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.50 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.02 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.47 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.3 60.4 58.6 52.9 61.961.3 58.6 58.5 57.0 52.1 48.6 57.757.4 56.7 50.6 51.0 58.758.6 Vehicle Noise:65.0 63.1 60.0 55.9 64.664.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 41 88 411191 44 94 438203 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-49 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenida B Road Name:Calle Tampico Scenario:Existing Conditions 5,350 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:535 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.22 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.74 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.18 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 59.6 57.6 55.9 50.2 59.258.6 55.9 55.8 54.3 49.4 45.9 55.054.7 54.0 47.8 48.3 56.055.9 Vehicle Noise:62.2 60.4 57.3 53.2 61.961.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 27 58 271126 29 62 289134 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-50 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenida Bermudas & Washi Road Name:Calle Tampico Scenario:Existing Conditions 10,063 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,006 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.47 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -16.99 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.44 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.3 60.4 58.7 52.9 62.061.4 58.6 58.5 57.1 52.2 48.7 57.757.4 56.7 50.6 51.0 58.858.6 Vehicle Noise:65.0 63.2 60.1 56.0 64.764.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 41 89 412191 44 95 440204 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-51 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Washington St Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:Existing Conditions 16,133 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,613 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.42 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.94 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.39 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.4 62.4 60.7 55.0 64.063.4 60.7 60.6 59.1 54.2 50.7 59.859.5 58.8 52.6 53.1 60.860.6 Vehicle Noise:67.0 65.2 62.1 58.0 66.766.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 57 122 565262 60 130 603280 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-52 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:Existing Conditions 13,529 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,353 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.19 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -15.71 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -20.15 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.6 61.7 60.0 54.2 63.362.7 59.9 59.8 58.4 53.4 49.9 59.058.7 58.0 51.9 52.3 60.159.9 Vehicle Noise:66.3 64.5 61.3 57.3 65.965.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 50 108 502233 54 116 537249 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-53 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:Existing Conditions 10,306 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,031 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.37 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -16.89 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.34 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.4 60.5 58.8 53.0 62.161.5 58.7 58.6 57.2 52.3 48.8 57.857.5 56.9 50.7 51.1 58.958.7 Vehicle Noise:65.1 63.3 60.2 56.1 64.864.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 42 90 419195 45 96 448208 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-54 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Madison St Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:Existing Conditions 7,238 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:724 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.90 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.42 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.87 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 60.9 59.0 57.2 51.5 60.560.0 57.2 57.1 55.6 50.7 47.2 56.356.0 55.3 49.2 49.6 57.357.2 Vehicle Noise:63.6 61.7 58.6 54.5 63.262.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 33 71 331154 35 76 354164 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-55 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:Existing Conditions 8,386 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:839 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.26 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.78 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.23 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.5 59.6 57.9 52.1 61.260.6 57.8 57.7 56.3 51.4 47.9 57.056.6 56.0 49.8 50.2 58.057.8 Vehicle Noise:64.2 62.4 59.3 55.2 63.963.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 37 79 365170 39 84 390181 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-56 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Madison St Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:Existing Conditions 8,263 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:826 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.87 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -17.39 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -21.84 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 59.9 57.9 56.2 50.5 59.558.9 56.3 56.7 54.8 49.9 46.4 55.555.1 54.9 48.7 49.2 56.956.8 Vehicle Noise:62.7 60.9 57.7 53.8 62.462.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 29 63 292136 31 67 312145 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-57 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Madison St Road Name:Airport Blvd. Scenario:Existing Conditions 1,893 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:189 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -9.73 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -24.25 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -28.70 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 55.1 53.1 51.4 45.7 54.754.1 51.4 51.3 49.8 44.9 41.4 50.550.2 49.5 43.3 43.8 51.551.3 Vehicle Noise:57.7 55.9 52.8 48.7 57.457.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 14 29 13563 14 31 14567 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-58 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:Existing Conditions 2,188 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:219 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -8.64 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -23.16 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -27.61 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 54.1 52.2 50.4 44.7 53.753.2 50.6 50.9 49.0 44.1 40.6 49.749.4 49.1 43.0 43.4 51.251.0 Vehicle Noise:56.9 55.1 51.9 48.0 56.656.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 12 26 12156 13 28 12960 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-59 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:Existing Conditions 1,554 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:155 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -10.13 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -24.65 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -29.10 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 52.6 50.7 49.0 43.2 52.351.7 49.1 49.4 47.5 42.6 39.1 48.247.9 47.6 41.5 41.9 49.749.5 Vehicle Noise:55.5 53.7 50.5 46.5 55.154.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 10 21 9645 10 22 10247 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-60 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Madison St Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:Existing Conditions 3,067 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:307 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -7.17 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -21.69 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -26.14 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 55.6 53.6 51.9 46.2 55.254.6 52.0 52.4 50.5 45.6 42.1 51.250.8 50.6 44.4 44.9 52.652.5 Vehicle Noise:58.4 56.6 53.4 49.5 58.157.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 15 33 15170 16 35 16175 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-61 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:Existing Conditions 855 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:86 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -13.18 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -27.70 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -32.15 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 51.6 49.7 48.0 42.2 51.350.7 47.9 47.8 46.4 41.5 38.0 47.046.7 46.0 39.9 40.3 48.147.9 Vehicle Noise:54.3 52.5 49.4 45.3 54.053.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 81 7 8 037 91 8 8 540 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-62 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Madison St & Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 62 Scenario:Existing Conditions 1,025 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:102 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -11.93 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -26.45 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -30.90 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 50.8 48.9 47.1 41.4 50.449.9 47.3 47.6 45.7 40.8 37.3 46.446.1 45.8 39.7 40.1 47.947.7 Vehicle Noise:53.7 51.8 48.6 44.7 53.352.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 71 6 7 334 81 7 7 836 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-63 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 62 Scenario:Existing Conditions 804 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:80 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -12.99 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -27.51 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -31.96 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 49.8 47.8 46.1 40.3 49.448.8 46.2 46.6 44.7 39.8 36.3 45.445.0 44.8 38.6 39.1 46.846.6 Vehicle Noise:52.6 50.8 47.6 43.6 52.351.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 61 3 6 229 71 4 6 631 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-64 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Jackson St Road Name:Avenue 62 Scenario:Existing Conditions 557 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:56 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -14.58 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -29.10 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -33.55 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 48.2 46.2 44.5 38.8 47.847.2 44.6 45.0 43.1 38.2 34.7 43.843.4 43.2 37.0 37.5 45.245.0 Vehicle Noise:51.0 49.2 46.0 42.0 50.750.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 51 0 4 822 51 1 5 224 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-65 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Van Buren St Road Name:Avenue 62 Scenario:Existing Conditions 866 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:87 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -12.67 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -27.19 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -31.63 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 50.1 48.1 46.4 40.7 49.749.1 46.5 46.9 45.0 40.1 36.6 45.745.3 45.1 38.9 39.4 47.147.0 Vehicle Noise:52.9 51.1 47.9 44.0 52.652.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 61 4 6 530 71 5 6 932 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-66 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:n/o Fred Waring Dr. Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 57,577 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,758 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.72 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -10.87 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -13.97 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.4 69.7 66.8 61.0 70.570.0 66.4 67.3 65.0 58.9 55.9 65.265.0 66.0 57.9 56.4 65.965.7 Vehicle Noise:73.7 72.2 67.9 63.2 72.772.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 141 304 1,412655 150 324 1,504698 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-67 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Fred Waring & Miles Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 65,248 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:6,525 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 5.26 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -10.33 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -13.42 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.9 70.2 67.3 61.5 71.070.5 67.0 67.9 65.5 59.4 56.4 65.865.5 66.6 58.4 56.9 66.466.2 Vehicle Noise:74.2 72.7 68.4 63.7 73.272.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 153 331 1,535712 163 352 1,634759 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-68 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Miles & Hwy 111 Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 55,008 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,501 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.52 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -11.07 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.17 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.2 69.5 66.6 60.8 70.369.8 66.2 67.1 64.8 58.7 55.7 65.064.8 65.8 57.7 56.2 65.765.5 Vehicle Noise:73.5 72.0 67.7 63.0 72.572.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 137 295 1,370636 146 314 1,458677 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-69 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 61,380 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:6,138 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 5.00 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -10.60 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -13.69 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.6 70.0 67.0 61.2 70.870.2 66.7 67.6 65.3 59.2 56.2 65.565.2 66.3 58.1 56.7 66.266.0 Vehicle Noise:74.0 72.4 68.2 63.4 72.972.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 147 317 1,473684 157 338 1,569728 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-70 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 48 & Eisenhower Dr Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 62,273 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:6,227 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 5.06 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -10.53 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -13.63 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.7 70.0 67.1 61.3 70.870.3 66.7 67.6 65.3 59.2 56.2 65.665.3 66.4 58.2 56.7 66.266.0 Vehicle Noise:74.0 72.5 68.2 63.5 73.072.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 149 321 1,488691 158 341 1,584735 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-71 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenue 50 Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 44,599 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,460 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.61 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -11.98 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -15.08 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.3 68.6 65.7 59.9 69.468.9 65.3 66.2 63.9 57.8 54.8 64.163.9 64.9 56.7 55.3 64.864.6 Vehicle Noise:72.6 71.1 66.8 62.1 71.571.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 119 257 1,191553 127 273 1,268589 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-72 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 37,184 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,718 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.82 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -12.77 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -15.87 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.5 67.8 64.9 59.1 68.668.1 64.5 65.4 63.1 57.0 54.0 63.363.1 64.1 56.0 54.5 64.063.8 Vehicle Noise:71.8 70.3 66.0 61.3 70.870.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 105 227 1,055490 112 242 1,123521 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-73 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Washington St & Avenue 50 Road Name:Eisenhower Dr. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 22,274 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,227 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.98 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -13.54 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -17.99 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.8 63.8 62.1 56.4 65.464.8 62.1 62.0 60.5 55.6 52.1 61.260.9 60.2 54.0 54.5 62.262.1 Vehicle Noise:68.4 66.6 63.5 59.4 68.167.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 70 151 701325 75 161 748347 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-74 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico Road Name:Eisenhower Dr. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 16,046 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,605 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.44 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.97 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.41 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.4 62.4 60.7 55.0 64.063.4 60.6 60.6 59.1 54.2 50.7 59.859.4 58.8 52.6 53.0 60.860.6 Vehicle Noise:67.0 65.2 62.1 58.0 66.766.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 56 121 563261 60 130 601279 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-75 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Calle Tampico & Avenue 52 Road Name:Avenida Bermudas Scenario:2035 Existing Network 3,912 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:391 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.12 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -20.64 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -25.09 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 56.6 54.7 53.0 47.2 56.355.7 53.1 53.5 51.6 46.6 43.1 52.251.9 51.7 45.5 45.9 53.753.5 Vehicle Noise:59.5 57.7 54.5 50.5 59.258.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 18 38 17882 19 41 18988 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-76 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 52 & Calle Durango Road Name:Avenida Bermudas Scenario:2035 Existing Network 11,077 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,108 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.60 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -16.12 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -20.57 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.1 59.2 57.5 51.7 60.860.2 57.6 58.0 56.1 51.2 47.7 56.856.4 56.2 50.0 50.4 58.258.0 Vehicle Noise:64.0 62.2 59.0 55.0 63.763.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 36 77 355165 38 82 379176 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-77 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 Road Name:Adams St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 21,371 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,137 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.26 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -13.26 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -17.71 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.0 62.1 60.3 54.6 63.663.0 60.5 60.8 58.9 54.0 50.5 59.659.3 59.0 52.9 53.3 61.160.9 Vehicle Noise:66.8 65.0 61.8 57.9 66.566.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 55 119 551256 59 127 587273 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-78 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 Road Name:Adams St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 23,480 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,348 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.67 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -12.85 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -17.30 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.4 62.5 60.7 55.0 64.063.5 60.9 61.2 59.3 54.4 50.9 60.059.7 59.4 53.3 53.7 61.561.3 Vehicle Noise:67.3 65.4 62.2 58.3 66.966.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 59 126 587272 63 135 625290 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-79 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 Road Name:Dune Palms Rd. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 16,554 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,655 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.15 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -14.37 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -18.82 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.9 60.9 59.2 53.5 62.561.9 59.4 59.7 57.8 52.9 49.4 58.558.2 57.9 51.8 52.2 60.059.8 Vehicle Noise:65.7 63.9 60.7 56.8 65.465.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 46 100 465216 50 107 495230 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-80 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 Road Name:Dune Palms Rd. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 22,062 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,206 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.40 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -13.12 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -17.57 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.1 62.2 60.5 54.7 63.863.2 60.6 61.0 59.1 54.2 50.7 59.759.4 59.2 53.0 53.4 61.261.0 Vehicle Noise:67.0 65.2 62.0 58.0 66.766.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 56 121 563261 60 129 600278 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-81 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:n/o Fred Waring Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 34,185 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,419 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.45 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -13.14 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -16.23 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.1 67.4 64.5 58.7 68.267.7 64.1 65.0 62.7 56.6 53.6 63.062.7 63.8 55.6 54.1 63.663.4 Vehicle Noise:71.4 69.9 65.6 60.9 70.470.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 100 215 997463 106 229 1,062493 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-82 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Fred Waring & Miles Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 46,569 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,657 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.80 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -11.80 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.89 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.5 68.8 65.8 60.0 69.669.0 65.5 66.4 64.1 58.0 55.0 64.364.0 65.1 56.9 55.5 65.064.8 Vehicle Noise:72.8 71.2 67.0 62.2 71.771.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 123 264 1,226569 131 281 1,305606 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-83 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Miles & Westward Ho Dr Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 51,974 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,197 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.27 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -11.32 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.41 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.9 69.2 66.3 60.5 70.169.5 66.0 66.9 64.6 58.4 55.5 64.864.5 65.6 57.4 56.0 65.465.3 Vehicle Noise:73.3 71.7 67.4 62.7 72.271.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 132 284 1,319612 140 303 1,404652 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-84 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 52,121 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,212 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.29 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -11.31 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.40 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.9 69.3 66.3 60.5 70.169.5 66.0 66.9 64.6 58.4 55.5 64.864.5 65.6 57.4 56.0 65.565.3 Vehicle Noise:73.3 71.7 67.4 62.7 72.271.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 132 285 1,321613 141 303 1,407653 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-85 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 50,655 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,065 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.16 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -11.43 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.52 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.8 69.1 66.2 60.4 69.969.4 65.9 66.8 64.4 58.3 55.3 64.764.4 65.5 57.3 55.8 65.365.1 Vehicle Noise:73.1 71.6 67.3 62.6 72.171.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 130 279 1,296602 138 297 1,380641 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-86 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 48 & Avenue 50 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 56,483 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,648 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.64 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -10.96 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.05 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.3 69.6 66.7 60.9 70.469.9 66.3 67.2 64.9 58.8 55.8 65.264.9 65.9 57.8 56.3 65.865.6 Vehicle Noise:73.6 72.1 67.8 63.1 72.672.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 139 300 1,394647 148 320 1,484689 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-87 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 40,200 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,020 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.16 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -12.43 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -15.53 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.8 68.1 65.2 59.4 68.968.4 64.8 65.7 63.4 57.3 54.3 63.763.4 64.5 56.3 54.8 64.364.1 Vehicle Noise:72.1 70.6 66.3 61.6 71.170.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 111 239 1,111516 118 255 1,183549 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-88 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 35,993 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,599 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.68 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -12.91 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -16.01 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.3 67.6 64.7 58.9 68.567.9 64.4 65.3 63.0 56.8 53.9 63.262.9 64.0 55.8 54.4 63.863.7 Vehicle Noise:71.7 70.1 65.8 61.1 70.670.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 103 222 1,032479 110 237 1,099510 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-89 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 38,793 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,879 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.39 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.13 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -15.58 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.2 66.3 64.5 58.8 67.867.2 64.5 64.4 62.9 58.0 54.5 63.663.3 62.6 56.4 56.9 64.664.5 Vehicle Noise:70.8 69.0 65.9 61.8 70.570.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 101 218 1,014471 108 233 1,083503 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-90 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 53,689 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,369 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.80 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -9.72 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -14.17 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.6 67.7 65.9 60.2 69.268.7 65.9 65.8 64.3 59.4 55.9 65.064.7 64.0 57.9 58.3 66.165.9 Vehicle Noise:72.3 70.4 67.3 63.2 71.971.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 126 271 1,260585 135 290 1,345624 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-91 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 40,003 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,000 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.52 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.00 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -15.45 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.3 66.4 64.7 58.9 68.067.4 64.6 64.5 63.1 58.2 54.7 63.763.4 62.7 56.6 57.0 64.864.6 Vehicle Noise:71.0 69.2 66.1 62.0 70.770.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 104 223 1,035480 111 238 1,105513 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-92 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 30,242 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,024 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.77 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -11.76 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -16.20 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.5 63.6 61.8 56.1 65.164.6 62.0 62.3 60.4 55.5 52.0 61.160.8 60.5 54.4 54.8 62.662.4 Vehicle Noise:68.4 66.5 63.3 59.4 68.067.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 69 150 694322 74 159 740344 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-93 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 36,795 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,679 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.16 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.36 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -15.81 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.0 66.0 64.3 58.6 67.667.0 64.2 64.2 62.7 57.8 54.3 63.463.0 62.4 56.2 56.6 64.464.2 Vehicle Noise:70.6 68.8 65.7 61.6 70.369.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 98 211 979454 105 225 1,046485 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-94 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 38,876 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,888 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.40 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.12 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -15.57 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.2 66.3 64.5 58.8 67.867.3 64.5 64.4 62.9 58.0 54.5 63.663.3 62.6 56.5 56.9 64.764.5 Vehicle Noise:70.9 69.0 65.9 61.8 70.570.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 102 219 1,016471 108 234 1,085503 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-95 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd Road Name:Jackson St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 34,858 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,486 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.92 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.60 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.04 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.7 65.8 64.1 58.3 67.466.8 64.0 63.9 62.5 57.6 54.1 63.162.8 62.1 56.0 56.4 64.264.0 Vehicle Noise:70.4 68.6 65.5 61.4 70.169.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 94 203 944438 101 217 1,008468 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-96 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 Road Name:Jackson St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 35,982 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,598 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.06 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.46 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -15.91 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.9 65.9 64.2 58.5 67.566.9 64.1 64.1 62.6 57.7 54.2 63.362.9 62.3 56.1 56.5 64.364.1 Vehicle Noise:70.5 68.7 65.6 61.5 70.269.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 96 208 965448 103 222 1,030478 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-97 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 Road Name:Jackson St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 29,460 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,946 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.19 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -12.33 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.77 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.0 65.1 63.3 57.6 66.666.0 63.3 63.2 61.7 56.8 53.3 62.462.1 61.4 55.2 55.7 63.463.3 Vehicle Noise:69.7 67.8 64.7 60.6 69.368.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 84 182 844392 90 194 901418 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-98 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 Road Name:Jackson St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 21,511 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,151 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.83 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -13.69 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -18.14 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.6 63.7 62.0 56.2 65.364.7 61.9 61.8 60.4 55.5 52.0 61.060.7 60.0 53.9 54.3 62.161.9 Vehicle Noise:68.3 66.5 63.4 59.3 68.067.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 68 147 685318 73 157 731339 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-99 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 32,577 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,258 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.63 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.89 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.34 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.4 65.5 63.8 58.0 67.166.5 63.7 63.6 62.2 57.3 53.8 62.862.5 61.8 55.7 56.1 63.963.7 Vehicle Noise:70.1 68.3 65.2 61.1 69.869.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 90 194 903419 96 208 964447 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-100 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 27,860 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,786 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.95 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -12.57 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -17.02 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.8 64.8 63.1 57.3 66.465.8 63.0 63.0 61.5 56.6 53.1 62.261.8 61.2 55.0 55.4 63.263.0 Vehicle Noise:69.4 67.6 64.5 60.4 69.168.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 81 175 813378 87 187 869403 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-101 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 29,946 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,995 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.26 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -12.26 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.70 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.1 65.1 63.4 57.7 66.766.1 63.3 63.3 61.8 56.9 53.4 62.562.1 61.5 55.3 55.7 63.563.3 Vehicle Noise:69.7 67.9 64.8 60.7 69.469.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 85 184 853396 91 196 911423 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-102 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 30,363 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,036 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.32 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -12.20 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.64 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.1 65.2 63.5 57.7 66.866.2 63.4 63.3 61.9 57.0 53.5 62.562.2 61.5 55.4 55.8 63.663.4 Vehicle Noise:69.8 68.0 64.9 60.8 69.569.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 86 186 861400 92 198 920427 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-103 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 18,958 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,896 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.74 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -13.78 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -18.23 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.5 61.5 59.8 54.1 63.162.5 60.0 60.3 58.4 53.5 50.0 59.158.7 58.5 52.3 52.8 60.560.4 Vehicle Noise:66.3 64.5 61.3 57.4 66.065.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 51 110 509236 54 117 542252 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-104 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 Road Name:Harrison St. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 69,075 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:6,907 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 5.51 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -10.08 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -13.18 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 72.2 70.5 67.6 61.8 71.370.8 67.2 68.1 65.8 59.7 56.7 66.065.8 66.8 58.6 57.2 66.766.5 Vehicle Noise:74.5 73.0 68.7 64.0 73.473.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 159 343 1,594740 170 366 1,698788 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-105 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Avenue 44 Scenario:2035 Existing Network 53,886 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,389 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.82 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -9.70 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -14.15 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.6 67.7 66.0 60.2 69.368.7 65.9 65.8 64.4 59.4 55.9 65.064.7 64.0 57.9 58.3 66.165.9 Vehicle Noise:72.3 70.5 67.4 63.3 71.971.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 126 272 1,263586 135 290 1,348626 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-106 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Miles Ave. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 15,547 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,555 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.58 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -15.10 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.55 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.2 62.3 60.6 54.8 63.963.3 60.5 60.4 59.0 54.0 50.6 59.659.3 58.6 52.5 52.9 60.760.5 Vehicle Noise:66.9 65.1 62.0 57.9 66.566.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 55 119 551256 59 127 589273 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-107 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Hwy 111 Scenario:2035 Existing Network 55,333 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,533 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.33 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:73.4% 9.7% 16.9% 91.40% 80.3% 5.5% 14.2% 6.49% 71.7% 6.5% 21.8% 2.11% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -7.16 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -12.04 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.0 68.8 66.1 63.7 71.571.2 70.1 69.2 68.4 62.8 62.1 70.169.9 67.0 62.6 63.1 70.470.2 Vehicle Noise:74.9 72.9 68.9 67.8 75.575.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 223 480 2,2301,035 232 500 2,3231,078 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-108 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Adams St Road Name:Hwy 111 Scenario:2035 Existing Network 41,789 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,179 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.11 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:73.4% 9.7% 16.9% 91.40% 80.3% 5.5% 14.2% 6.49% 71.7% 6.5% 21.8% 2.11% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -8.38 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -13.26 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.8 67.6 64.9 62.5 70.370.0 68.9 68.0 67.2 61.5 60.9 68.968.7 65.8 61.4 61.9 69.168.9 Vehicle Noise:73.7 71.7 67.7 66.6 74.374.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 185 398 1,849858 193 415 1,926894 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-109 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Dune Palms Road Name:Hwy 111 Scenario:2035 Existing Network 51,902 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,190 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.05 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:73.4% 9.7% 16.9% 91.40% 80.3% 5.5% 14.2% 6.49% 71.7% 6.5% 21.8% 2.11% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -7.43 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -12.31 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.7 68.6 65.8 63.4 71.370.9 69.8 69.0 68.1 62.5 61.8 69.869.6 66.7 62.3 62.8 70.169.9 Vehicle Noise:74.7 72.6 68.6 67.5 75.274.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 214 460 2,137992 223 480 2,2261,033 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-110 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Avenue 48 Scenario:2035 Existing Network 17,254 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,725 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.13 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.65 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.10 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.7 62.7 61.0 55.3 64.363.7 61.0 60.9 59.4 54.5 51.0 60.159.8 59.1 52.9 53.4 61.160.9 Vehicle Noise:67.3 65.5 62.4 58.3 67.066.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 59 127 591274 63 136 631293 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-111 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 48 Scenario:2035 Existing Network 35,136 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,514 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.96 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.56 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.01 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.8 65.8 64.1 58.4 67.466.8 64.0 64.0 62.5 57.6 54.1 63.262.8 62.2 56.0 56.4 64.264.0 Vehicle Noise:70.4 68.6 65.5 61.4 70.169.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 95 205 949441 101 218 1,014471 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-112 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:2035 Existing Network 9,486 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:949 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.73 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.25 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.70 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.1 60.1 58.4 52.7 61.761.1 58.4 58.3 56.8 51.9 48.4 57.557.2 56.5 50.3 50.8 58.558.3 Vehicle Noise:64.7 62.9 59.8 55.7 64.464.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 40 85 397184 42 91 424197 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-113 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:2035 Existing Network 17,903 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,790 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.03 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.49 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -18.94 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.8 62.9 61.2 55.4 64.563.9 61.1 61.0 59.6 54.7 51.2 60.259.9 59.3 53.1 53.5 61.361.1 Vehicle Noise:67.5 65.7 62.6 58.5 67.266.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 61 130 606281 65 139 647300 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-114 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:2035 Existing Network 31,472 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,147 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.48 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -12.04 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.49 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.3 65.3 63.6 57.9 66.966.3 63.6 63.5 62.0 57.1 53.6 62.762.4 61.7 55.5 56.0 63.763.6 Vehicle Noise:69.9 68.1 65.0 60.9 69.669.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 88 190 882409 94 203 942437 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-115 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenida B Road Name:Calle Tampico Scenario:2035 Existing Network 5,350 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:535 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.22 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.74 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.18 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 59.6 57.6 55.9 50.2 59.258.6 55.9 55.8 54.3 49.4 45.9 55.054.7 54.0 47.8 48.3 56.055.9 Vehicle Noise:62.2 60.4 57.3 53.2 61.961.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 27 58 271126 29 62 289134 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-116 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenida Bermudas & Washi Road Name:Calle Tampico Scenario:2035 Existing Network 10,063 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,006 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.47 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -16.99 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.44 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.3 60.4 58.7 52.9 62.061.4 58.6 58.5 57.1 52.2 48.7 57.757.4 56.7 50.6 51.0 58.858.6 Vehicle Noise:65.0 63.2 60.1 56.0 64.764.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 41 89 412191 44 95 440204 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-117 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Washington St Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:2035 Existing Network 16,133 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,613 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.42 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.94 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.39 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.4 62.4 60.7 55.0 64.063.4 60.7 60.6 59.1 54.2 50.7 59.859.5 58.8 52.6 53.1 60.860.6 Vehicle Noise:67.0 65.2 62.1 58.0 66.766.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 57 122 565262 60 130 603280 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-118 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:2035 Existing Network 34,212 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,421 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.84 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.68 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.13 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.6 65.7 64.0 58.2 67.366.7 63.9 63.9 62.4 57.5 54.0 63.162.7 62.1 55.9 56.3 64.163.9 Vehicle Noise:70.3 68.5 65.4 61.3 70.069.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 93 201 933433 100 215 996462 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-119 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:2035 Existing Network 32,175 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,217 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.58 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.94 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.39 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.4 65.4 63.7 58.0 67.066.4 63.7 63.6 62.1 57.2 53.7 62.862.5 61.8 55.6 56.1 63.863.6 Vehicle Noise:70.0 68.2 65.1 61.0 69.769.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 90 193 895416 96 206 956444 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-120 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Madison St Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:2035 Existing Network 28,722 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,872 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.08 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -12.44 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.89 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.9 64.9 63.2 57.5 66.565.9 63.2 63.1 61.6 56.7 53.2 62.362.0 61.3 55.1 55.6 63.363.2 Vehicle Noise:69.5 67.7 64.6 60.5 69.268.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 83 179 830385 89 191 886411 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-121 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:2035 Existing Network 32,849 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,285 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.67 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.85 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.30 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.5 65.5 63.8 58.1 67.166.5 63.8 63.7 62.2 57.3 53.8 62.962.5 61.9 55.7 56.2 63.963.7 Vehicle Noise:70.1 68.3 65.2 61.1 69.869.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 91 196 908421 97 209 969450 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-122 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Madison St Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:2035 Existing Network 8,263 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:826 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.87 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -17.39 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -21.84 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 59.9 57.9 56.2 50.5 59.558.9 56.3 56.7 54.8 49.9 46.4 55.555.1 54.9 48.7 49.2 56.956.8 Vehicle Noise:62.7 60.9 57.7 53.8 62.462.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 29 63 292136 31 67 312145 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-123 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Madison St Road Name:Airport Blvd. Scenario:2035 Existing Network 18,353 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,835 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.14 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.38 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -18.83 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.9 63.0 61.3 55.5 64.664.0 61.2 61.2 59.7 54.8 51.3 60.460.0 59.4 53.2 53.6 61.461.2 Vehicle Noise:67.6 65.8 62.7 58.6 67.366.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 62 133 616286 66 142 658305 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-124 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:2035 Existing Network 10,172 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,017 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.97 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -16.49 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -20.94 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 60.8 58.8 57.1 51.4 60.459.8 57.2 57.6 55.7 50.8 47.3 56.456.0 55.8 49.6 50.1 57.857.7 Vehicle Noise:63.6 61.8 58.6 54.7 63.362.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 34 72 336156 36 77 358166 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-125 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:2035 Existing Network 17,192 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,719 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.31 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -14.21 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -18.66 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.1 61.1 59.4 53.6 62.762.1 59.5 59.9 58.0 53.1 49.6 58.758.3 58.1 51.9 52.4 60.159.9 Vehicle Noise:65.9 64.1 60.9 56.9 65.665.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 48 103 476221 51 109 508236 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-126 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Madison St Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:2035 Existing Network 10,698 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,070 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.75 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -16.27 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -20.72 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.0 59.1 57.3 51.6 60.660.0 57.5 57.8 55.9 51.0 47.5 56.656.3 56.0 49.9 50.3 58.157.9 Vehicle Noise:63.8 62.0 58.8 54.9 63.563.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 35 75 347161 37 80 370172 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-127 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:2035 Existing Network 10,888 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,089 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.13 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -16.65 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.10 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.7 60.7 59.0 53.3 62.361.7 59.0 58.9 57.4 52.5 49.0 58.157.8 57.1 50.9 51.4 59.158.9 Vehicle Noise:65.3 63.5 60.4 56.3 65.064.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 43 94 435202 46 100 464215 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-128 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Madison St & Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 62 Scenario:2035 Existing Network 12,627 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,263 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.03 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -15.55 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -20.00 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.7 59.8 58.1 52.3 61.460.8 58.2 58.5 56.6 51.7 48.2 57.357.0 56.7 50.6 51.0 58.858.6 Vehicle Noise:64.6 62.7 59.6 55.6 64.263.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 39 84 388180 41 89 414192 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-129 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 62 Scenario:2035 Existing Network 26,618 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,662 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.21 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -12.31 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -16.76 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.0 63.0 61.3 55.5 64.664.0 61.4 61.8 59.9 55.0 51.5 60.660.2 60.0 53.8 54.3 62.061.8 Vehicle Noise:67.8 66.0 62.8 58.8 67.567.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 64 137 638296 68 146 680316 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-130 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Jackson St Road Name:Avenue 62 Scenario:2035 Existing Network 10,380 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,038 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.88 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -16.40 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -20.85 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 60.9 58.9 57.2 51.5 60.559.9 57.3 57.7 55.8 50.9 47.4 56.556.1 55.9 49.7 50.2 57.957.7 Vehicle Noise:63.7 61.9 58.7 54.7 63.463.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 34 73 340158 36 78 363168 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-131 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Van Buren St Road Name:Avenue 62 Scenario:2035 Existing Network 4,613 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:461 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.40 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -19.92 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -24.37 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 57.3 55.4 53.7 47.9 57.056.4 53.8 54.2 52.3 47.4 43.9 52.952.6 52.4 46.2 46.6 54.454.2 Vehicle Noise:60.2 58.4 55.2 51.2 59.959.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 20 43 19892 21 46 21198 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-132 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:n/o Fred Waring Dr. Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 58,494 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,849 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.79 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -10.81 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -13.90 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.4 69.8 66.8 61.0 70.670.0 66.5 67.4 65.1 58.9 56.0 65.365.0 66.1 57.9 56.5 66.065.8 Vehicle Noise:73.8 72.2 67.9 63.2 72.772.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 143 307 1,427662 152 327 1,519705 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-133 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Fred Waring & Miles Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 66,219 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:6,622 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 5.33 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -10.27 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -13.36 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 72.0 70.3 67.4 61.6 71.170.6 67.0 67.9 65.6 59.5 56.5 65.865.6 66.6 58.5 57.0 66.566.3 Vehicle Noise:74.3 72.8 68.5 63.8 73.372.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 155 334 1,550719 165 356 1,650766 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-134 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Miles & Hwy 111 Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 55,989 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,599 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.60 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -11.00 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.09 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.3 69.6 66.6 60.8 70.469.8 66.3 67.2 64.9 58.8 55.8 65.164.8 65.9 57.7 56.3 65.865.6 Vehicle Noise:73.6 72.0 67.8 63.0 72.572.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 139 299 1,386643 148 318 1,476685 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-135 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 62,317 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:6,232 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 5.06 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -10.53 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -13.62 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.7 70.0 67.1 61.3 70.870.3 66.8 67.7 65.3 59.2 56.2 65.665.3 66.4 58.2 56.7 66.266.0 Vehicle Noise:74.0 72.5 68.2 63.5 73.072.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 149 321 1,488691 158 341 1,585736 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-136 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 48 & Eisenhower Dr Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 52,761 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,276 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.34 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -11.25 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.35 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.0 69.3 66.4 60.6 70.169.6 66.0 66.9 64.6 58.5 55.5 64.964.6 65.6 57.5 56.0 65.565.3 Vehicle Noise:73.3 71.8 67.5 62.8 72.371.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 133 287 1,332618 142 306 1,418658 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-137 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenue 50 Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 45,732 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,573 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.72 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -11.87 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.97 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.4 68.7 65.8 60.0 69.569.0 65.4 66.3 64.0 57.9 54.9 64.264.0 65.0 56.9 55.4 64.964.7 Vehicle Noise:72.7 71.2 66.9 62.2 71.771.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 121 261 1,211562 129 278 1,290599 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-138 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 38,511 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,851 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.97 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -12.62 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -15.71 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.6 67.9 65.0 59.2 68.868.2 64.7 65.6 63.3 57.1 54.2 63.563.2 64.3 56.1 54.7 64.163.9 Vehicle Noise:72.0 70.4 66.1 61.4 70.970.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 108 233 1,080501 115 248 1,150534 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-139 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Washington St & Avenue 50 Road Name:Eisenhower Dr. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 22,115 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,212 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.95 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -13.57 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -18.02 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.7 63.8 62.1 56.3 65.464.8 62.0 62.0 60.5 55.6 52.1 61.260.8 60.2 54.0 54.4 62.262.0 Vehicle Noise:68.4 66.6 63.5 59.4 68.167.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 70 150 697324 74 160 745346 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-140 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico Road Name:Eisenhower Dr. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 15,729 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,573 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.53 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -15.05 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.50 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.3 62.3 60.6 54.9 63.963.3 60.6 60.5 59.0 54.1 50.6 59.759.3 58.7 52.5 53.0 60.760.5 Vehicle Noise:66.9 65.1 62.0 57.9 66.666.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 56 120 556258 59 128 593275 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-141 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Calle Tampico & Avenue 52 Road Name:Avenida Bermudas Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 3,864 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:386 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.17 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -20.69 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -25.14 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 56.6 54.6 52.9 47.2 56.255.6 53.0 53.4 51.5 46.6 43.1 52.251.8 51.6 45.4 45.9 53.653.5 Vehicle Noise:59.4 57.6 54.4 50.5 59.158.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 18 38 17682 19 40 18887 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-142 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 52 & Calle Durango Road Name:Avenida Bermudas Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 10,780 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,078 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.71 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -16.24 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -20.68 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.0 59.1 57.4 51.6 60.760.1 57.5 57.9 56.0 51.0 47.5 56.656.3 56.1 49.9 50.3 58.157.9 Vehicle Noise:63.9 62.1 58.9 54.9 63.663.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 35 75 349162 37 80 372173 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-143 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 Road Name:Adams St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 21,884 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,188 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.36 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -13.16 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -17.61 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.1 62.2 60.4 54.7 63.763.2 60.6 60.9 59.0 54.1 50.6 59.759.4 59.1 53.0 53.4 61.261.0 Vehicle Noise:66.9 65.1 61.9 58.0 66.666.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 56 121 560260 60 129 597277 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-144 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 Road Name:Adams St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 22,773 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,277 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.53 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -12.99 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -17.44 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.3 62.3 60.6 54.9 63.963.3 60.7 61.1 59.2 54.3 50.8 59.959.5 59.3 53.1 53.6 61.361.2 Vehicle Noise:67.1 65.3 62.1 58.2 66.866.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 57 124 575267 61 132 613284 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-145 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 Road Name:Dune Palms Rd. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 16,785 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,678 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.21 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -14.31 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -18.76 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.9 61.0 59.3 53.5 62.662.0 59.4 59.8 57.9 53.0 49.5 58.658.2 58.0 51.8 52.2 60.059.8 Vehicle Noise:65.8 64.0 60.8 56.8 65.565.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 47 101 469218 50 108 500232 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-146 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 Road Name:Dune Palms Rd. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 21,962 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,196 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.38 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -13.14 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -17.59 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.1 62.2 60.5 54.7 63.863.2 60.6 60.9 59.0 54.1 50.6 59.759.4 59.2 53.0 53.4 61.261.0 Vehicle Noise:67.0 65.2 62.0 58.0 66.766.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 56 121 561260 60 129 598278 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-147 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:n/o Fred Waring Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 34,491 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,449 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.49 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -13.10 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -16.19 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.1 67.5 64.5 58.7 68.367.7 64.2 65.1 62.8 56.7 53.7 63.062.7 63.8 55.6 54.2 63.763.5 Vehicle Noise:71.5 69.9 65.7 60.9 70.470.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 100 216 1,003466 107 230 1,068496 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-148 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Fred Waring & Miles Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 47,344 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,734 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.87 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -11.72 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.82 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.5 68.8 65.9 60.1 69.669.1 65.6 66.5 64.1 58.0 55.0 64.464.1 65.2 57.0 55.5 65.064.8 Vehicle Noise:72.9 71.3 67.0 62.3 71.871.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 124 267 1,239575 132 284 1,320613 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-149 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Miles & Westward Ho Dr Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 52,233 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,223 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.30 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -11.30 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.39 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.9 69.3 66.3 60.5 70.169.5 66.0 66.9 64.6 58.5 55.5 64.864.5 65.6 57.4 56.0 65.565.3 Vehicle Noise:73.3 71.7 67.5 62.7 72.271.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 132 285 1,323614 141 304 1,409654 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-150 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 51,822 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,182 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.26 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -11.33 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.42 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.9 69.2 66.3 60.5 70.069.5 66.0 66.9 64.5 58.4 55.4 64.864.5 65.6 57.4 55.9 65.465.2 Vehicle Noise:73.2 71.7 67.4 62.7 72.271.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 132 284 1,316611 140 302 1,402651 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-151 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 51,128 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,113 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.20 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -11.39 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.48 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.9 69.2 66.3 60.5 70.069.5 65.9 66.8 64.5 58.4 55.4 64.764.4 65.5 57.3 55.9 65.465.2 Vehicle Noise:73.2 71.6 67.4 62.7 72.171.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 130 281 1,304605 139 299 1,389645 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-152 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 48 & Avenue 50 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 58,146 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,815 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.76 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -10.83 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -13.92 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.4 69.7 66.8 61.0 70.570.0 66.5 67.4 65.0 58.9 55.9 65.365.0 66.1 57.9 56.4 65.965.7 Vehicle Noise:73.7 72.2 67.9 63.2 72.772.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 142 306 1,421660 151 326 1,513702 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-153 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 40,351 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,035 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.17 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -12.42 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -15.51 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.8 68.1 65.2 59.4 69.068.4 64.9 65.8 63.5 57.3 54.4 63.763.4 64.5 56.3 54.9 64.364.2 Vehicle Noise:72.2 70.6 66.3 61.6 71.170.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 111 240 1,114517 119 256 1,186551 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-154 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 36,603 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,660 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.75 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -12.84 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -15.93 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.4 67.7 64.8 59.0 68.568.0 64.4 65.3 63.0 56.9 53.9 63.363.0 64.1 55.9 54.4 63.963.7 Vehicle Noise:71.7 70.2 65.9 61.2 70.770.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 104 225 1,044485 111 239 1,112516 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-155 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 38,127 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,813 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.31 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.21 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -15.65 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.1 66.2 64.5 58.7 67.867.2 64.4 64.3 62.9 57.9 54.4 63.563.2 62.5 56.4 56.8 64.664.4 Vehicle Noise:70.8 69.0 65.8 61.8 70.470.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 100 216 1,003465 107 231 1,071497 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-156 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 54,307 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,431 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.85 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -9.67 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -14.12 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.7 67.7 66.0 60.2 69.368.7 65.9 65.9 64.4 59.5 56.0 65.164.7 64.1 57.9 58.3 66.165.9 Vehicle Noise:72.3 70.5 67.4 63.3 72.071.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 127 273 1,269589 136 292 1,355629 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-157 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 41,591 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,159 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.69 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -10.83 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -15.28 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.5 66.6 64.8 59.1 68.167.5 64.8 64.7 63.2 58.3 54.8 63.963.6 62.9 56.7 57.2 64.964.8 Vehicle Noise:71.1 69.3 66.2 62.1 70.870.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 106 229 1,062493 113 244 1,134527 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-158 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 31,608 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,161 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.96 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -11.56 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -16.01 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.7 63.8 62.0 56.3 65.364.7 62.2 62.5 60.6 55.7 52.2 61.361.0 60.7 54.6 55.0 62.862.6 Vehicle Noise:68.5 66.7 63.5 59.6 68.267.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 72 154 715332 76 164 762354 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-159 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 37,577 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,758 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.25 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.27 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -15.72 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.1 66.1 64.4 58.6 67.767.1 64.3 64.3 62.8 57.9 54.4 63.563.1 62.5 56.3 56.7 64.564.3 Vehicle Noise:70.7 68.9 65.8 61.7 70.470.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 99 214 993461 106 228 1,060492 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-160 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 39,658 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,966 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.48 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.04 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -15.48 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.3 66.3 64.6 58.9 67.967.3 64.6 64.5 63.0 58.1 54.6 63.763.4 62.7 56.5 57.0 64.764.6 Vehicle Noise:70.9 69.1 66.0 61.9 70.670.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 103 222 1,029478 110 237 1,099510 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-161 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd Road Name:Jackson St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 34,708 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,471 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.91 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.61 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.06 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.7 65.8 64.0 58.3 67.366.8 64.0 63.9 62.4 57.5 54.0 63.162.8 62.1 56.0 56.4 64.264.0 Vehicle Noise:70.4 68.5 65.4 61.4 70.069.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 94 203 942437 101 217 1,006467 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-162 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 Road Name:Jackson St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 35,775 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,578 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.04 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.48 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -15.93 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.8 65.9 64.2 58.4 67.566.9 64.1 64.1 62.6 57.7 54.2 63.362.9 62.3 56.1 56.5 64.364.1 Vehicle Noise:70.5 68.7 65.6 61.5 70.269.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 96 207 961446 103 221 1,026476 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-163 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 Road Name:Jackson St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 30,627 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,063 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.36 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -12.16 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.61 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.2 65.2 63.5 57.8 66.866.2 63.4 63.4 61.9 57.0 53.5 62.662.2 61.6 55.4 55.8 63.663.4 Vehicle Noise:69.8 68.0 64.9 60.8 69.569.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 87 187 866402 93 199 925429 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-164 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 Road Name:Jackson St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 23,273 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,327 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.17 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -13.35 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -17.80 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.0 64.0 62.3 56.6 65.665.0 62.3 62.2 60.7 55.8 52.3 61.461.1 60.4 54.2 54.7 62.462.2 Vehicle Noise:68.6 66.8 63.7 59.6 68.367.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 72 155 721335 77 166 770358 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-165 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 34,705 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,471 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.91 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.61 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.06 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.7 65.8 64.0 58.3 67.366.8 64.0 63.9 62.4 57.5 54.0 63.162.8 62.1 56.0 56.4 64.264.0 Vehicle Noise:70.4 68.5 65.4 61.4 70.069.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 94 203 942437 101 217 1,006467 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-166 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 27,422 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,742 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.88 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -12.64 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -17.09 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.7 64.7 63.0 57.3 66.365.7 63.0 62.9 61.4 56.5 53.0 62.161.8 61.1 54.9 55.4 63.163.0 Vehicle Noise:69.3 67.5 64.4 60.3 69.068.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 80 173 805374 86 185 859399 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-167 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 29,568 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,957 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.21 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -12.31 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.76 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.0 65.1 63.3 57.6 66.666.1 63.3 63.2 61.8 56.8 53.3 62.462.1 61.4 55.3 55.7 63.563.3 Vehicle Noise:69.7 67.9 64.7 60.7 69.368.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 85 182 846393 90 195 904419 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-168 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 29,790 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,979 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.24 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -12.28 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.73 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.0 65.1 63.4 57.6 66.766.1 63.3 63.3 61.8 56.9 53.4 62.562.1 61.5 55.3 55.7 63.563.3 Vehicle Noise:69.7 67.9 64.8 60.7 69.468.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 85 183 850395 91 196 908422 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-169 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 17,959 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,796 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.50 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -14.02 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -18.47 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.2 61.3 59.6 53.8 62.962.3 59.7 60.1 58.2 53.3 49.8 58.858.5 58.3 52.1 52.5 60.360.1 Vehicle Noise:66.1 64.3 61.1 57.1 65.865.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 49 106 491228 52 113 523243 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-170 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 Road Name:Harrison St. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 72,700 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:7,270 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 5.73 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -9.86 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -12.95 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 72.4 70.7 67.8 62.0 71.571.0 67.4 68.3 66.0 59.9 56.9 66.366.0 67.0 58.9 57.4 66.966.7 Vehicle Noise:74.7 73.2 68.9 64.2 73.773.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 165 355 1,649766 176 378 1,756815 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-171 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Avenue 44 Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 54,351 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,435 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.85 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -9.67 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -14.12 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.7 67.7 66.0 60.2 69.368.7 65.9 65.9 64.4 59.5 56.0 65.164.7 64.1 57.9 58.3 66.165.9 Vehicle Noise:72.3 70.5 67.4 63.3 72.071.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 127 274 1,270589 136 292 1,356629 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-172 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Miles Ave. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 15,587 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,559 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.57 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -15.09 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.54 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.2 62.3 60.6 54.8 63.963.3 60.5 60.4 59.0 54.1 50.6 59.659.3 58.6 52.5 52.9 60.760.5 Vehicle Noise:66.9 65.1 62.0 57.9 66.666.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 55 119 552256 59 127 590274 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-173 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Hwy 111 Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 54,552 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,455 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.27 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:73.4% 9.7% 16.9% 91.40% 80.3% 5.5% 14.2% 6.49% 71.7% 6.5% 21.8% 2.11% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -7.22 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -12.10 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.9 68.8 66.0 63.7 71.571.1 70.1 69.2 68.3 62.7 62.0 70.169.8 66.9 62.5 63.0 70.370.1 Vehicle Noise:74.9 72.9 68.8 67.7 75.475.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 221 476 2,2091,025 230 496 2,3011,068 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-174 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Adams St Road Name:Hwy 111 Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 41,146 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,115 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.04 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:73.4% 9.7% 16.9% 91.40% 80.3% 5.5% 14.2% 6.49% 71.7% 6.5% 21.8% 2.11% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -8.44 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -13.32 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.7 67.6 64.8 62.4 70.369.9 68.8 68.0 67.1 61.5 60.8 68.868.6 65.7 61.3 61.8 69.168.9 Vehicle Noise:73.7 71.6 67.6 66.5 74.273.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 183 394 1,830850 191 411 1,906885 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-175 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Dune Palms Road Name:Hwy 111 Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 52,149 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,215 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.07 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:73.4% 9.7% 16.9% 91.40% 80.3% 5.5% 14.2% 6.49% 71.7% 6.5% 21.8% 2.11% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -7.41 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -12.29 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.7 68.6 65.8 63.5 71.370.9 69.9 69.0 68.1 62.5 61.8 69.969.6 66.7 62.3 62.8 70.169.9 Vehicle Noise:74.7 72.7 68.6 67.5 75.275.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 214 462 2,144995 223 481 2,2331,036 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-176 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Avenue 48 Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 17,424 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,742 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.09 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.61 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.06 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.7 62.8 61.1 55.3 64.463.8 61.0 60.9 59.5 54.5 51.0 60.159.8 59.1 53.0 53.4 61.261.0 Vehicle Noise:67.4 65.6 62.4 58.4 67.066.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 59 128 595276 64 137 635295 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-177 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 48 Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 34,370 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,437 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.86 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.66 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.11 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.7 65.7 64.0 58.3 67.366.7 63.9 63.9 62.4 57.5 54.0 63.162.7 62.1 55.9 56.3 64.163.9 Vehicle Noise:70.3 68.5 65.4 61.3 70.069.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 94 202 936434 100 215 999464 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-178 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 9,486 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:949 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.73 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.25 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.70 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.1 60.1 58.4 52.7 61.761.1 58.4 58.3 56.8 51.9 48.4 57.557.2 56.5 50.3 50.8 58.558.3 Vehicle Noise:64.7 62.9 59.8 55.7 64.464.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 40 85 397184 42 91 424197 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-179 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 17,356 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,736 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.10 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.62 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.07 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.7 62.8 61.0 55.3 64.363.7 61.0 60.9 59.4 54.5 51.0 60.159.8 59.1 53.0 53.4 61.161.0 Vehicle Noise:67.4 65.5 62.4 58.3 67.066.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 59 128 593275 63 136 634294 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-180 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 32,474 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,247 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.62 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.90 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.35 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.4 65.5 63.8 58.0 67.166.5 63.7 63.6 62.2 57.2 53.7 62.862.5 61.8 55.7 56.1 63.963.7 Vehicle Noise:70.1 68.3 65.2 61.1 69.769.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 90 194 901418 96 207 962447 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-181 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenida B Road Name:Calle Tampico Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 5,350 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:535 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.22 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.74 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.18 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 59.6 57.6 55.9 50.2 59.258.6 55.9 55.8 54.3 49.4 45.9 55.054.7 54.0 47.8 48.3 56.055.9 Vehicle Noise:62.2 60.4 57.3 53.2 61.961.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 27 58 271126 29 62 289134 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-182 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenida Bermudas & Washi Road Name:Calle Tampico Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 10,063 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,006 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.47 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -16.99 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.44 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.3 60.4 58.7 52.9 62.061.4 58.6 58.5 57.1 52.2 48.7 57.757.4 56.7 50.6 51.0 58.858.6 Vehicle Noise:65.0 63.2 60.1 56.0 64.764.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 41 89 412191 44 95 440204 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-183 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Washington St Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 16,133 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,613 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.42 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.94 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.39 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.4 62.4 60.7 55.0 64.063.4 60.7 60.6 59.1 54.2 50.7 59.859.5 58.8 52.6 53.1 60.860.6 Vehicle Noise:67.0 65.2 62.1 58.0 66.766.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 57 122 565262 60 130 603280 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-184 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 35,587 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,559 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.01 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.51 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -15.95 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.8 65.9 64.2 58.4 67.566.9 64.1 64.0 62.6 57.6 54.1 63.262.9 62.2 56.1 56.5 64.364.1 Vehicle Noise:70.5 68.7 65.5 61.5 70.169.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 96 206 958444 102 220 1,023475 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-185 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 32,117 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,212 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.57 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.95 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.40 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.4 65.4 63.7 58.0 67.066.4 63.7 63.6 62.1 57.2 53.7 62.862.4 61.8 55.6 56.1 63.863.6 Vehicle Noise:70.0 68.2 65.1 61.0 69.769.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 89 193 894415 95 206 955443 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-186 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Madison St Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 28,545 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,855 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.06 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -12.46 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.91 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.9 64.9 63.2 57.5 66.565.9 63.1 63.1 61.6 56.7 53.2 62.361.9 61.3 55.1 55.5 63.363.1 Vehicle Noise:69.5 67.7 64.6 60.5 69.268.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 83 178 827384 88 190 883410 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-187 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 33,594 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,359 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.76 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.76 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.20 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.6 65.6 63.9 58.2 67.266.6 63.8 63.8 62.3 57.4 53.9 63.062.6 62.0 55.8 56.2 64.063.8 Vehicle Noise:70.2 68.4 65.3 61.2 69.969.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 92 199 921428 98 212 984457 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-188 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Madison St Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 8,263 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:826 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.87 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -17.39 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -21.84 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 59.9 57.9 56.2 50.5 59.558.9 56.3 56.7 54.8 49.9 46.4 55.555.1 54.9 48.7 49.2 56.956.8 Vehicle Noise:62.7 60.9 57.7 53.8 62.462.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 29 63 292136 31 67 312145 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-189 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Madison St Road Name:Airport Blvd. Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 18,274 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,827 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.12 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.40 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -18.85 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.9 63.0 61.3 55.5 64.664.0 61.2 61.1 59.7 54.7 51.3 60.360.0 59.3 53.2 53.6 61.461.2 Vehicle Noise:67.6 65.8 62.7 58.6 67.366.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 61 132 614285 66 141 656304 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-190 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 11,366 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,137 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.49 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -16.01 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -20.45 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.3 59.3 57.6 51.9 60.960.3 57.7 58.1 56.2 51.3 47.8 56.956.5 56.3 50.1 50.6 58.358.1 Vehicle Noise:64.1 62.3 59.1 55.1 63.863.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 36 78 362168 39 83 386179 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-191 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 18,941 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,894 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.73 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -13.79 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -18.24 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.5 61.5 59.8 54.1 63.162.5 59.9 60.3 58.4 53.5 50.0 59.158.7 58.5 52.3 52.8 60.560.4 Vehicle Noise:66.3 64.5 61.3 57.4 66.065.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 51 110 508236 54 117 542252 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-192 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Madison St Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 14,808 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,481 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.34 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -14.86 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -19.30 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.4 60.5 58.7 53.0 62.061.5 58.9 59.2 57.3 52.4 48.9 58.057.7 57.4 51.3 51.7 59.559.3 Vehicle Noise:65.3 63.4 60.2 56.3 64.964.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 43 93 431200 46 99 460213 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-193 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 11,730 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,173 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.81 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -16.33 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -20.77 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.0 61.1 59.3 53.6 62.662.0 59.3 59.2 57.7 52.8 49.3 58.458.1 57.4 51.2 51.7 59.459.3 Vehicle Noise:65.7 63.8 60.7 56.6 65.364.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 46 98 457212 49 105 488226 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-194 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Madison St & Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 62 Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 12,896 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,290 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.94 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -15.46 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -19.91 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.8 59.9 58.1 52.4 61.460.9 58.3 58.6 56.7 51.8 48.3 57.457.1 56.8 50.7 51.1 58.958.7 Vehicle Noise:64.7 62.8 59.6 55.7 64.363.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 39 85 393183 42 90 419195 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-195 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 62 Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 26,429 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,643 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.18 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -12.34 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -16.79 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.9 63.0 61.3 55.5 64.664.0 61.4 61.7 59.9 54.9 51.4 60.560.2 60.0 53.8 54.2 62.061.8 Vehicle Noise:67.8 66.0 62.8 58.8 67.567.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 63 137 635295 68 146 677314 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-196 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Jackson St Road Name:Avenue 62 Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 11,232 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,123 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.54 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -16.06 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -20.51 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.2 59.3 57.5 51.8 60.860.3 57.7 58.0 56.1 51.2 47.7 56.856.5 56.2 50.1 50.5 58.358.1 Vehicle Noise:64.1 62.2 59.0 55.1 63.763.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 36 77 359167 38 82 383178 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-197 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Van Buren St Road Name:Avenue 62 Scenario:2035 GP Pref. Alt. 4,902 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:490 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.14 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -19.66 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -24.11 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 57.6 55.7 53.9 48.2 57.256.7 54.1 54.4 52.5 47.6 44.1 53.252.9 52.6 46.5 46.9 54.754.5 Vehicle Noise:60.4 58.6 55.4 51.5 60.159.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 21 44 20696 22 47 220102 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-198 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:n/o Fred Waring Dr. Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 58,895 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,890 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.82 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -10.78 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -13.87 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.5 69.8 66.9 61.1 70.670.1 66.5 67.4 65.1 59.0 56.0 65.365.1 66.1 57.9 56.5 66.065.8 Vehicle Noise:73.8 72.3 68.0 63.3 72.872.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 143 309 1,433665 153 329 1,526708 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-199 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Fred Waring & Miles Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 65,996 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:6,600 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 5.31 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -10.28 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -13.37 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 72.0 70.3 67.4 61.6 71.170.6 67.0 67.9 65.6 59.5 56.5 65.865.6 66.6 58.4 57.0 66.566.3 Vehicle Noise:74.3 72.8 68.5 63.8 73.272.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 155 333 1,546718 165 355 1,647764 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-200 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Miles & Hwy 111 Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 55,835 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,583 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.59 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -11.01 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.10 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.2 69.6 66.6 60.8 70.469.8 66.3 67.2 64.9 58.7 55.8 65.164.8 65.9 57.7 56.3 65.865.6 Vehicle Noise:73.6 72.0 67.7 63.0 72.572.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 138 298 1,383642 147 317 1,473684 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-201 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 62,391 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:6,239 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 5.07 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -10.53 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -13.62 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.7 70.0 67.1 61.3 70.870.3 66.8 67.7 65.3 59.2 56.2 65.665.3 66.4 58.2 56.7 66.266.0 Vehicle Noise:74.1 72.5 68.2 63.5 73.072.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 149 321 1,490691 159 342 1,586736 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-202 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 48 & Eisenhower Dr Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 62,179 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:6,218 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 5.05 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -10.54 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -13.63 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.7 70.0 67.1 61.3 70.870.3 66.7 67.6 65.3 59.2 56.2 65.665.3 66.4 58.2 56.7 66.266.0 Vehicle Noise:74.0 72.5 68.2 63.5 73.072.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 149 320 1,486690 158 341 1,583735 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-203 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenue 50 Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 44,570 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,457 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.61 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -11.99 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -15.08 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.3 68.6 65.7 59.9 69.468.9 65.3 66.2 63.9 57.8 54.8 64.163.8 64.9 56.7 55.3 64.864.6 Vehicle Noise:72.6 71.1 66.8 62.1 71.571.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 119 256 1,190553 127 273 1,268588 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-204 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 37,289 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,729 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.83 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -12.76 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -15.85 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.5 67.8 64.9 59.1 68.668.1 64.5 65.4 63.1 57.0 54.0 63.463.1 64.1 56.0 54.5 64.063.8 Vehicle Noise:71.8 70.3 66.0 61.3 70.870.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 106 228 1,057491 113 242 1,125522 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-205 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Washington St & Avenue 50 Road Name:Eisenhower Dr. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 22,136 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,214 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.95 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -13.57 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -18.02 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.8 63.8 62.1 56.3 65.464.8 62.0 62.0 60.5 55.6 52.1 61.260.8 60.2 54.0 54.4 62.262.0 Vehicle Noise:68.4 66.6 63.5 59.4 68.167.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 70 150 698324 75 161 745346 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-206 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico Road Name:Eisenhower Dr. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 15,791 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,579 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.51 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -15.03 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.48 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.3 62.3 60.6 54.9 63.963.3 60.6 60.5 59.0 54.1 50.6 59.759.4 58.7 52.5 53.0 60.760.6 Vehicle Noise:66.9 65.1 62.0 57.9 66.666.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 56 120 557259 59 128 595276 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-207 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Calle Tampico & Avenue 52 Road Name:Avenida Bermudas Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 3,882 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:388 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.15 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -20.67 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -25.12 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 56.6 54.6 52.9 47.2 56.255.6 53.1 53.4 51.5 46.6 43.1 52.251.9 51.6 45.5 45.9 53.753.5 Vehicle Noise:59.4 57.6 54.4 50.5 59.158.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 18 38 17782 19 41 18887 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-208 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 52 & Calle Durango Road Name:Avenida Bermudas Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 10,790 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,079 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.71 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -16.23 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -20.68 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.0 59.1 57.4 51.6 60.760.1 57.5 57.9 56.0 51.1 47.6 56.656.3 56.1 49.9 50.3 58.157.9 Vehicle Noise:63.9 62.1 58.9 54.9 63.663.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 35 75 349162 37 80 372173 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-209 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 Road Name:Adams St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 21,753 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,175 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.33 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -13.19 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -17.63 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.1 62.1 60.4 54.7 63.763.1 60.5 60.9 59.0 54.1 50.6 59.759.3 59.1 52.9 53.4 61.161.0 Vehicle Noise:66.9 65.1 61.9 58.0 66.666.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 56 120 557259 59 128 594276 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-210 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 Road Name:Adams St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 22,899 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,290 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.56 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -12.96 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -17.41 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.3 62.4 60.6 54.9 63.963.3 60.8 61.1 59.2 54.3 50.8 59.959.6 59.3 53.2 53.6 61.461.2 Vehicle Noise:67.1 65.3 62.1 58.2 66.866.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 58 124 577268 61 132 615285 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-211 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 Road Name:Dune Palms Rd. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 16,795 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,680 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.21 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -14.31 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -18.76 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.0 61.0 59.3 53.5 62.662.0 59.4 59.8 57.9 53.0 49.5 58.658.2 58.0 51.8 52.3 60.059.8 Vehicle Noise:65.8 64.0 60.8 56.8 65.565.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 47 101 469218 50 108 500232 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-212 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 Road Name:Dune Palms Rd. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 22,658 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,266 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.51 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -13.01 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -17.46 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.3 62.3 60.6 54.8 63.963.3 60.7 61.1 59.2 54.3 50.8 59.959.5 59.3 53.1 53.6 61.361.1 Vehicle Noise:67.1 65.3 62.1 58.1 66.866.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 57 123 573266 61 132 611283 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-213 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:n/o Fred Waring Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 35,285 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,528 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.59 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -13.00 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -16.09 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.2 67.6 64.6 58.8 68.467.8 64.3 65.2 62.9 56.8 53.8 63.162.8 63.9 55.7 54.3 63.863.6 Vehicle Noise:71.6 70.0 65.8 61.0 70.570.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 102 219 1,019473 108 234 1,085504 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-214 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Fred Waring & Miles Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 47,105 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,710 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.85 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -11.75 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.84 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.5 68.8 65.9 60.1 69.669.1 65.5 66.4 64.1 58.0 55.0 64.464.1 65.1 57.0 55.5 65.064.8 Vehicle Noise:72.8 71.3 67.0 62.3 71.871.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 124 266 1,235573 132 283 1,315610 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-215 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Miles & Westward Ho Dr Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 52,473 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,247 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.32 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -11.28 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.37 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.0 69.3 66.4 60.6 70.169.6 66.0 66.9 64.6 58.5 55.5 64.864.6 65.6 57.4 56.0 65.565.3 Vehicle Noise:73.3 71.8 67.5 62.8 72.371.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 133 286 1,327616 141 304 1,413656 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-216 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 52,755 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,276 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.34 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -11.25 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.35 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.0 69.3 66.4 60.6 70.169.6 66.0 66.9 64.6 58.5 55.5 64.964.6 65.6 57.5 56.0 65.565.3 Vehicle Noise:73.3 71.8 67.5 62.8 72.371.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 133 287 1,332618 142 306 1,418658 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-217 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 51,416 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,142 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.23 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -11.37 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.46 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.9 69.2 66.3 60.5 70.069.5 65.9 66.8 64.5 58.4 55.4 64.864.5 65.5 57.4 55.9 65.465.2 Vehicle Noise:73.2 71.7 67.4 62.7 72.271.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 131 282 1,309608 139 300 1,394647 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-218 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 48 & Avenue 50 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 57,820 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,782 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.74 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -10.86 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -13.95 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.4 69.7 66.8 61.0 70.570.0 66.4 67.3 65.0 58.9 55.9 65.365.0 66.0 57.9 56.4 65.965.7 Vehicle Noise:73.7 72.2 67.9 63.2 72.772.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 142 305 1,416657 151 325 1,508700 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-219 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 40,040 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,004 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.14 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -12.45 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -15.54 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.8 68.1 65.2 59.4 68.968.4 64.8 65.7 63.4 57.3 54.3 63.763.4 64.4 56.3 54.8 64.364.1 Vehicle Noise:72.1 70.6 66.3 61.6 71.170.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 111 239 1,108514 118 254 1,180548 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-220 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 35,737 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,574 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.65 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -12.95 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -16.04 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.3 67.6 64.7 58.9 68.467.9 64.3 65.2 62.9 56.8 53.8 63.262.9 63.9 55.8 54.3 63.863.6 Vehicle Noise:71.6 70.1 65.8 61.1 70.670.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 103 221 1,027477 109 236 1,094508 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-221 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 38,644 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,864 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.37 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.15 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -15.60 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.2 66.2 64.5 58.8 67.867.2 64.5 64.4 62.9 58.0 54.5 63.663.3 62.6 56.4 56.9 64.664.4 Vehicle Noise:70.8 69.0 65.9 61.8 70.570.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 101 218 1,012470 108 233 1,080501 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-222 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 52,877 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,288 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.73 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -9.79 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -14.23 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.5 67.6 65.9 60.1 69.268.6 65.8 65.7 64.3 59.4 55.9 65.064.6 64.0 57.8 58.2 66.065.8 Vehicle Noise:72.2 70.4 67.3 63.2 71.971.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 125 269 1,247579 133 287 1,331618 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-223 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 40,638 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,064 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.59 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -10.93 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -15.38 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.4 66.5 64.7 59.0 68.067.4 64.7 64.6 63.1 58.2 54.7 63.863.5 62.8 56.6 57.1 64.864.7 Vehicle Noise:71.0 69.2 66.1 62.0 70.770.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 105 225 1,046486 112 241 1,117519 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-224 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 30,987 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,099 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.87 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -11.65 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -16.10 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.6 63.7 62.0 56.2 65.264.7 62.1 62.4 60.5 55.6 52.1 61.260.9 60.6 54.5 54.9 62.762.5 Vehicle Noise:68.5 66.6 63.5 59.5 68.167.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 71 152 706328 75 162 752349 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-225 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 36,809 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,681 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.16 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.36 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -15.81 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.0 66.0 64.3 58.6 67.667.0 64.2 64.2 62.7 57.8 54.3 63.463.0 62.4 56.2 56.6 64.464.2 Vehicle Noise:70.6 68.8 65.7 61.6 70.369.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 98 211 979455 105 225 1,046485 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-226 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 37,994 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,799 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.30 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.22 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -15.67 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.1 66.2 64.4 58.7 67.767.2 64.4 64.3 62.8 57.9 54.4 63.563.2 62.5 56.4 56.8 64.664.4 Vehicle Noise:70.8 68.9 65.8 61.7 70.470.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 100 215 1,000464 107 230 1,068496 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-227 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd Road Name:Jackson St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 33,818 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,382 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.79 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.73 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.18 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.6 65.7 63.9 58.2 67.266.6 63.9 63.8 62.3 57.4 53.9 63.062.7 62.0 55.8 56.3 64.063.9 Vehicle Noise:70.2 68.4 65.3 61.2 69.969.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 93 199 926430 99 213 988459 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-228 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 Road Name:Jackson St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 34,682 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,468 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.90 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.62 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.07 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.7 65.8 64.0 58.3 67.366.8 64.0 63.9 62.4 57.5 54.0 63.162.8 62.1 56.0 56.4 64.264.0 Vehicle Noise:70.4 68.5 65.4 61.3 70.069.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 94 203 941437 101 217 1,005467 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-229 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 Road Name:Jackson St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 30,370 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,037 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.33 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -12.19 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.64 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.1 65.2 63.5 57.7 66.866.2 63.4 63.3 61.9 57.0 53.5 62.562.2 61.5 55.4 55.8 63.663.4 Vehicle Noise:69.8 68.0 64.9 60.8 69.569.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 86 186 861400 92 198 920427 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-230 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 Road Name:Jackson St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 22,675 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,267 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.06 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -13.46 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -17.91 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.9 63.9 62.2 56.5 65.564.9 62.1 62.1 60.6 55.7 52.2 61.360.9 60.3 54.1 54.5 62.362.1 Vehicle Noise:68.5 66.7 63.6 59.5 68.267.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 71 153 709329 76 163 757351 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-231 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 31,548 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,155 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.49 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -12.03 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.48 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.3 65.4 63.6 57.9 66.966.3 63.6 63.5 62.0 57.1 53.6 62.762.4 61.7 55.5 56.0 63.763.6 Vehicle Noise:69.9 68.1 65.0 60.9 69.669.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 88 190 884410 94 203 944438 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-232 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 26,366 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,637 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.71 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -12.81 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -17.26 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.5 64.6 62.9 57.1 66.265.6 62.8 62.7 61.3 56.3 52.8 61.961.6 60.9 54.8 55.2 63.062.8 Vehicle Noise:69.2 67.4 64.2 60.2 68.868.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 78 169 784364 84 180 837389 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-233 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 28,531 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,853 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.05 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -12.47 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.91 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.9 64.9 63.2 57.5 66.565.9 63.1 63.1 61.6 56.7 53.2 62.361.9 61.3 55.1 55.5 63.363.1 Vehicle Noise:69.5 67.7 64.6 60.5 69.268.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 83 178 826384 88 190 882410 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-234 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 29,374 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,937 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.18 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -12.34 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.79 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.0 65.0 63.3 57.6 66.666.0 63.3 63.2 61.7 56.8 53.3 62.462.1 61.4 55.2 55.7 63.463.3 Vehicle Noise:69.6 67.8 64.7 60.6 69.368.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 84 182 843391 90 194 900418 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-235 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 17,718 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,772 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.44 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -14.08 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -18.53 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.2 61.2 59.5 53.8 62.862.2 59.7 60.0 58.1 53.2 49.7 58.858.5 58.2 52.1 52.5 60.360.1 Vehicle Noise:66.0 64.2 61.0 57.1 65.765.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 49 105 486226 52 112 518241 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-236 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 Road Name:Harrison St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 71,849 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:7,185 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 5.68 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -9.91 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -13.01 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 72.3 70.6 67.7 61.9 71.570.9 67.4 68.3 66.0 59.8 56.9 66.265.9 67.0 58.8 57.4 66.866.7 Vehicle Noise:74.7 73.1 68.8 64.1 73.673.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 164 353 1,637760 174 375 1,743809 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-237 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Avenue 44 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 54,092 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,409 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.83 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -9.69 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -14.14 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.6 67.7 66.0 60.2 69.368.7 65.9 65.8 64.4 59.5 56.0 65.164.7 64.1 57.9 58.3 66.165.9 Vehicle Noise:72.3 70.5 67.4 63.3 72.071.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 127 273 1,266588 135 291 1,352627 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-238 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Miles Ave. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 15,339 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,534 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.64 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -15.16 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.61 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.2 62.2 60.5 54.8 63.863.2 60.4 60.4 58.9 54.0 50.5 59.659.2 58.6 52.4 52.8 60.660.4 Vehicle Noise:66.8 65.0 61.9 57.8 66.566.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 55 118 546254 58 126 583271 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-239 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Hwy 111 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 55,432 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,543 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.34 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:73.4% 9.7% 16.9% 91.40% 80.3% 5.5% 14.2% 6.49% 71.7% 6.5% 21.8% 2.11% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -7.15 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -12.03 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.0 68.9 66.1 63.7 71.671.2 70.1 69.2 68.4 62.8 62.1 70.169.9 67.0 62.6 63.1 70.470.2 Vehicle Noise:75.0 72.9 68.9 67.8 75.575.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 223 481 2,2331,036 233 501 2,3251,079 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-240 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Adams St Road Name:Hwy 111 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 45,195 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,519 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.45 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:73.4% 9.7% 16.9% 91.40% 80.3% 5.5% 14.2% 6.49% 71.7% 6.5% 21.8% 2.11% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -8.04 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -12.92 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.1 68.0 65.2 62.8 70.770.3 69.2 68.4 67.5 61.9 61.2 69.269.0 66.1 61.7 62.2 69.569.3 Vehicle Noise:74.1 72.0 68.0 66.9 74.674.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 195 420 1,949904 203 437 2,030942 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-241 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Dune Palms Road Name:Hwy 111 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 52,252 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,225 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.08 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:73.4% 9.7% 16.9% 91.40% 80.3% 5.5% 14.2% 6.49% 71.7% 6.5% 21.8% 2.11% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -7.41 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -12.29 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.7 68.6 65.8 63.5 71.370.9 69.9 69.0 68.1 62.5 61.9 69.969.7 66.8 62.3 62.8 70.169.9 Vehicle Noise:74.7 72.7 68.7 67.5 75.275.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 215 462 2,146996 224 482 2,2361,038 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-242 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Avenue 48 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 17,214 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,721 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.14 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.66 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.11 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.7 62.7 61.0 55.3 64.363.7 60.9 60.9 59.4 54.5 51.0 60.159.7 59.1 52.9 53.3 61.160.9 Vehicle Noise:67.3 65.5 62.4 58.3 67.066.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 59 127 590274 63 136 630292 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-243 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 48 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 35,162 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,516 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.96 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.56 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.01 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.8 65.8 64.1 58.4 67.466.8 64.0 64.0 62.5 57.6 54.1 63.262.8 62.2 56.0 56.4 64.264.0 Vehicle Noise:70.4 68.6 65.5 61.4 70.169.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 95 205 950441 101 219 1,014471 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-244 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 9,486 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:949 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.73 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.25 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.70 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.1 60.1 58.4 52.7 61.761.1 58.4 58.3 56.8 51.9 48.4 57.557.2 56.5 50.3 50.8 58.558.3 Vehicle Noise:64.7 62.9 59.8 55.7 64.464.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 40 85 397184 42 91 424197 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-245 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 17,646 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,765 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.03 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.55 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.00 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.8 62.8 61.1 55.4 64.463.8 61.1 61.0 59.5 54.6 51.1 60.259.8 59.2 53.0 53.5 61.261.0 Vehicle Noise:67.4 65.6 62.5 58.4 67.166.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 60 129 600278 64 138 641297 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-246 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 32,310 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,231 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.59 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.93 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.37 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.4 65.5 63.7 58.0 67.066.4 63.7 63.6 62.1 57.2 53.7 62.862.5 61.8 55.6 56.1 63.863.7 Vehicle Noise:70.1 68.2 65.1 61.0 69.769.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 90 193 898417 96 207 959445 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-247 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenida B Road Name:Calle Tampico Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 5,350 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:535 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.22 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.74 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.18 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 59.6 57.6 55.9 50.2 59.258.6 55.9 55.8 54.3 49.4 45.9 55.054.7 54.0 47.8 48.3 56.055.9 Vehicle Noise:62.2 60.4 57.3 53.2 61.961.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 27 58 271126 29 62 289134 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-248 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenida Bermudas & Washi Road Name:Calle Tampico Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 10,063 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,006 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.47 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -16.99 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.44 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.3 60.4 58.7 52.9 62.061.4 58.6 58.5 57.1 52.2 48.7 57.757.4 56.7 50.6 51.0 58.858.6 Vehicle Noise:65.0 63.2 60.1 56.0 64.764.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 41 89 412191 44 95 440204 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-249 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Washington St Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 16,133 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,613 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.42 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.94 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.39 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.4 62.4 60.7 55.0 64.063.4 60.7 60.6 59.1 54.2 50.7 59.859.5 58.8 52.6 53.1 60.860.6 Vehicle Noise:67.0 65.2 62.1 58.0 66.766.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 57 122 565262 60 130 603280 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-250 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 34,247 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,425 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.85 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.67 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.12 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.6 65.7 64.0 58.2 67.366.7 63.9 63.9 62.4 57.5 54.0 63.162.7 62.1 55.9 56.3 64.163.9 Vehicle Noise:70.3 68.5 65.4 61.3 70.069.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 93 201 933433 100 215 997463 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-251 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 31,413 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,141 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.47 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -12.05 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.50 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.3 65.3 63.6 57.9 66.966.3 63.6 63.5 62.0 57.1 53.6 62.762.4 61.7 55.5 56.0 63.763.5 Vehicle Noise:69.9 68.1 65.0 60.9 69.669.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 88 190 881409 94 203 941437 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-252 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Madison St Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 29,191 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,919 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.15 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -12.37 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.81 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.0 65.0 63.3 57.6 66.666.0 63.2 63.2 61.7 56.8 53.3 62.462.0 61.4 55.2 55.6 63.463.2 Vehicle Noise:69.6 67.8 64.7 60.6 69.368.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 84 181 839389 90 193 896416 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-253 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 32,781 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,278 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.66 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.86 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.31 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.5 65.5 63.8 58.1 67.166.5 63.7 63.7 62.2 57.3 53.8 62.962.5 61.9 55.7 56.1 63.963.7 Vehicle Noise:70.1 68.3 65.2 61.1 69.869.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 91 195 906421 97 209 968449 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-254 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Madison St Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 8,263 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:826 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.87 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -17.39 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -21.84 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 59.9 57.9 56.2 50.5 59.558.9 56.3 56.7 54.8 49.9 46.4 55.555.1 54.9 48.7 49.2 56.956.8 Vehicle Noise:62.7 60.9 57.7 53.8 62.462.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 29 63 292136 31 67 312145 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-255 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Madison St Road Name:Airport Blvd. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 17,378 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,738 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.10 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.62 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.07 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.7 62.8 61.0 55.3 64.363.8 61.0 60.9 59.4 54.5 51.0 60.159.8 59.1 53.0 53.4 61.261.0 Vehicle Noise:67.4 65.5 62.4 58.3 67.066.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 59 128 594276 63 137 634294 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-256 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 10,286 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,029 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.92 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -16.44 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -20.89 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 60.8 58.9 57.2 51.4 60.559.9 57.3 57.7 55.8 50.8 47.3 56.456.1 55.9 49.7 50.1 57.957.7 Vehicle Noise:63.7 61.9 58.7 54.7 63.462.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 34 73 338157 36 78 361167 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-257 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 17,204 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,720 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.32 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -14.20 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -18.65 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.1 61.1 59.4 53.7 62.762.1 59.5 59.9 58.0 53.1 49.6 58.758.3 58.1 51.9 52.4 60.159.9 Vehicle Noise:65.9 64.1 60.9 56.9 65.665.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 48 103 477221 51 110 508236 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-258 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Madison St Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 13,657 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,366 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.69 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -15.21 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -19.66 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.1 60.1 58.4 52.6 61.761.1 58.5 58.9 57.0 52.1 48.6 57.757.3 57.1 50.9 51.4 59.158.9 Vehicle Noise:64.9 63.1 59.9 55.9 64.664.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 41 88 409190 44 94 436202 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-259 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 10,830 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,083 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.15 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -16.67 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.12 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.6 60.7 59.0 53.2 62.361.7 58.9 58.9 57.4 52.5 49.0 58.157.7 57.1 50.9 51.3 59.158.9 Vehicle Noise:65.3 63.5 60.4 56.3 65.064.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 43 93 433201 46 100 463215 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-260 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Madison St & Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 62 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 12,127 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,213 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.20 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -15.72 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -20.17 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.5 59.6 57.9 52.1 61.260.6 58.0 58.4 56.5 51.6 48.1 57.156.8 56.6 50.4 50.8 58.658.4 Vehicle Noise:64.4 62.6 59.4 55.4 64.163.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 38 81 378175 40 87 403187 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-261 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 62 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 26,085 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,608 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.12 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -12.40 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -16.85 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.9 62.9 61.2 55.5 64.563.9 61.3 61.7 59.8 54.9 51.4 60.560.1 59.9 53.7 54.2 61.961.7 Vehicle Noise:67.7 65.9 62.7 58.7 67.467.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 63 136 629292 67 145 671311 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-262 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Jackson St Road Name:Avenue 62 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 10,802 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,080 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.71 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -16.23 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -20.67 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.0 59.1 57.4 51.6 60.760.1 57.5 57.9 56.0 51.1 47.6 56.656.3 56.1 49.9 50.3 58.157.9 Vehicle Noise:63.9 62.1 58.9 54.9 63.663.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 35 75 350162 37 80 373173 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-263 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Van Buren St Road Name:Avenue 62 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 1 4,612 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:461 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.40 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -19.92 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -24.37 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 57.3 55.4 53.7 47.9 57.056.4 53.8 54.2 52.3 47.4 43.9 52.952.6 52.4 46.2 46.6 54.454.2 Vehicle Noise:60.2 58.4 55.2 51.2 59.959.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 20 43 19892 21 46 21198 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-264 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:n/o Fred Waring Dr. Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 59,734 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,973 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.88 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -10.71 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -13.81 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.5 69.8 66.9 61.1 70.770.1 66.6 67.5 65.2 59.0 56.1 65.465.1 66.2 58.0 56.6 66.065.9 Vehicle Noise:73.9 72.3 68.0 63.3 72.872.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 145 312 1,447672 154 332 1,541715 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-265 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Fred Waring & Miles Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 66,591 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:6,659 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 5.35 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -10.24 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -13.34 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 72.0 70.3 67.4 61.6 71.170.6 67.0 67.9 65.6 59.5 56.5 65.965.6 66.7 58.5 57.0 66.566.3 Vehicle Noise:74.3 72.8 68.5 63.8 73.372.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 156 335 1,556722 166 357 1,657769 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-266 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Miles & Hwy 111 Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 56,575 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,658 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.64 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -10.95 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.04 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.3 69.6 66.7 60.9 70.469.9 66.3 67.2 64.9 58.8 55.8 65.264.9 65.9 57.8 56.3 65.865.6 Vehicle Noise:73.6 72.1 67.8 63.1 72.672.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 140 301 1,396648 149 320 1,486690 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-267 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 62,848 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:6,285 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 5.10 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -10.49 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -13.59 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.8 70.1 67.2 61.3 70.970.4 66.8 67.7 65.4 59.3 56.3 65.665.3 66.4 58.2 56.8 66.366.1 Vehicle Noise:74.1 72.5 68.3 63.5 73.072.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 150 322 1,497695 159 343 1,594740 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-268 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 48 & Eisenhower Dr Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 62,492 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:6,249 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 5.07 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -10.52 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -13.61 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.7 70.0 67.1 61.3 70.970.3 66.8 67.7 65.4 59.2 56.3 65.665.3 66.4 58.2 56.8 66.266.1 Vehicle Noise:74.1 72.5 68.2 63.5 73.072.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 149 321 1,491692 159 342 1,588737 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-269 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenue 50 Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 44,680 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,468 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.62 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -11.98 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -15.07 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.3 68.6 65.7 59.9 69.468.9 65.3 66.2 63.9 57.8 54.8 64.163.9 64.9 56.7 55.3 64.864.6 Vehicle Noise:72.6 71.1 66.8 62.1 71.671.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 119 257 1,192553 127 274 1,270589 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-270 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico Road Name:Washington St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 37,978 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,798 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.91 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -12.68 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -15.77 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.6 67.9 65.0 59.2 68.768.2 64.6 65.5 63.2 57.1 54.1 63.463.2 64.2 56.0 54.6 64.163.9 Vehicle Noise:71.9 70.4 66.1 61.4 70.870.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 107 231 1,070497 114 245 1,139529 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-271 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Washington St & Avenue 50 Road Name:Eisenhower Dr. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 22,316 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,232 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.99 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -13.53 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -17.98 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.8 63.8 62.1 56.4 65.464.8 62.1 62.0 60.5 55.6 52.1 61.260.9 60.2 54.0 54.5 62.262.1 Vehicle Noise:68.4 66.6 63.5 59.4 68.167.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 70 151 702326 75 161 749348 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-272 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 50 & Calle Tampico Road Name:Eisenhower Dr. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 15,913 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,591 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.48 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -15.00 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.45 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.3 62.4 60.7 54.9 64.063.4 60.6 60.5 59.1 54.1 50.7 59.759.4 58.7 52.6 53.0 60.860.6 Vehicle Noise:67.0 65.2 62.1 58.0 66.666.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 56 121 560260 60 129 598278 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-273 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Calle Tampico & Avenue 52 Road Name:Avenida Bermudas Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 3,833 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:383 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.21 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -20.73 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -25.17 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 56.5 54.6 52.9 47.1 56.255.6 53.0 53.4 51.5 46.6 43.1 52.151.8 51.6 45.4 45.8 53.653.4 Vehicle Noise:59.4 57.6 54.4 50.4 59.158.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 18 38 17581 19 40 18787 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-274 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 52 & Calle Durango Road Name:Avenida Bermudas Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 10,772 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,077 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.72 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -16.24 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -20.69 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.0 59.1 57.4 51.6 60.760.1 57.5 57.9 56.0 51.0 47.5 56.656.3 56.1 49.9 50.3 58.157.9 Vehicle Noise:63.9 62.1 58.9 54.9 63.663.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 35 75 349162 37 80 372173 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-275 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 Road Name:Adams St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 22,274 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,227 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.44 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -13.08 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -17.53 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.2 62.2 60.5 54.8 63.863.2 60.7 61.0 59.1 54.2 50.7 59.859.4 59.2 53.0 53.5 61.261.1 Vehicle Noise:67.0 65.2 62.0 58.1 66.766.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 57 122 566263 60 130 604280 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-276 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 Road Name:Adams St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 23,266 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,327 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.63 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -12.89 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -17.34 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.4 62.4 60.7 55.0 64.063.4 60.8 61.2 59.3 54.4 50.9 60.059.6 59.4 53.2 53.7 61.461.3 Vehicle Noise:67.2 65.4 62.2 58.3 66.966.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 58 126 583271 62 134 622288 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-277 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 Road Name:Dune Palms Rd. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 17,600 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,760 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.41 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -14.11 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -18.55 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.2 61.2 59.5 53.7 62.862.2 59.6 60.0 58.1 53.2 49.7 58.858.4 58.2 52.0 52.5 60.260.0 Vehicle Noise:66.0 64.2 61.0 57.0 65.765.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 48 104 484225 52 111 516240 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-278 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 Road Name:Dune Palms Rd. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 22,153 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,215 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.41 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -13.11 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -17.56 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.2 62.2 60.5 54.7 63.863.2 60.6 61.0 59.1 54.2 50.7 59.859.4 59.2 53.0 53.5 61.261.0 Vehicle Noise:67.0 65.2 62.0 58.0 66.766.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 56 122 564262 60 130 602279 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-279 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:n/o Fred Waring Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 34,759 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,476 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.53 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -13.07 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -16.16 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.2 67.5 64.6 58.8 68.367.8 64.2 65.1 62.8 56.7 53.7 63.162.8 63.8 55.7 54.2 63.763.5 Vehicle Noise:71.5 70.0 65.7 61.0 70.570.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 101 217 1,009468 107 231 1,074498 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-280 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Fred Waring & Miles Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 47,375 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,738 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.87 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -11.72 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.81 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.5 68.8 65.9 60.1 69.769.1 65.6 66.5 64.2 58.0 55.1 64.464.1 65.2 57.0 55.6 65.064.8 Vehicle Noise:72.9 71.3 67.0 62.3 71.871.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 124 267 1,240575 132 284 1,320613 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-281 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Miles & Westward Ho Dr Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 52,441 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,244 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.31 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -11.28 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.37 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.0 69.3 66.4 60.6 70.169.6 66.0 66.9 64.6 58.5 55.5 64.864.6 65.6 57.4 56.0 65.565.3 Vehicle Noise:73.3 71.8 67.5 62.8 72.371.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 133 286 1,327616 141 304 1,413656 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-282 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Westward Ho Dr & Hwy 111 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 52,527 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,253 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.32 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -11.27 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.37 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.0 69.3 66.4 60.6 70.169.6 66.0 66.9 64.6 58.5 55.5 64.864.6 65.6 57.5 56.0 65.565.3 Vehicle Noise:73.3 71.8 67.5 62.8 72.371.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 133 286 1,328616 141 305 1,414656 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-283 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Hwy 111 & Avenue 48 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 52,450 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,245 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.31 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -11.28 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -14.37 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.0 69.3 66.4 60.6 70.169.6 66.0 66.9 64.6 58.5 55.5 64.864.6 65.6 57.4 56.0 65.565.3 Vehicle Noise:73.3 71.8 67.5 62.8 72.371.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 133 286 1,327616 141 304 1,413656 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-284 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 48 & Avenue 50 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 59,809 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,981 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.88 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -10.71 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -13.80 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.5 69.9 66.9 61.1 70.770.1 66.6 67.5 65.2 59.0 56.1 65.465.1 66.2 58.0 56.6 66.165.9 Vehicle Noise:73.9 72.3 68.0 63.3 72.872.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 145 312 1,448672 154 332 1,542716 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-285 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 42,100 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,210 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.36 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -12.23 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -15.33 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.0 68.3 65.4 59.6 69.168.6 65.0 65.9 63.6 57.5 54.5 63.963.6 64.7 56.5 55.0 64.564.3 Vehicle Noise:72.3 70.8 66.5 61.8 71.370.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 115 247 1,146532 122 263 1,220566 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-286 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 36,937 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,694 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.79 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -12.80 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -15.89 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.4 67.8 64.8 59.0 68.668.0 64.5 65.4 63.1 57.0 54.0 63.363.0 64.1 55.9 54.5 64.063.8 Vehicle Noise:71.8 70.2 66.0 61.2 70.770.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 105 226 1,050487 112 241 1,118519 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-287 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 50 & Avenue 52 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 38,945 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,894 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.41 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.11 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -15.56 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.2 66.3 64.5 58.8 67.867.3 64.5 64.4 62.9 58.0 54.5 63.663.3 62.6 56.5 56.9 64.764.5 Vehicle Noise:70.9 69.0 65.9 61.9 70.570.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 102 219 1,017472 109 234 1,086504 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-288 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 54,795 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,479 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.89 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -9.63 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -14.08 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.7 67.8 66.0 60.3 69.368.7 66.0 65.9 64.4 59.5 56.0 65.164.8 64.1 57.9 58.4 66.166.0 Vehicle Noise:72.3 70.5 67.4 63.3 72.071.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 128 275 1,277593 136 294 1,363633 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-289 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 41,711 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,171 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.70 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -10.82 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -15.26 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.5 66.6 64.8 59.1 68.167.6 64.8 64.7 63.2 58.3 54.8 63.963.6 62.9 56.8 57.2 65.064.8 Vehicle Noise:71.2 69.3 66.2 62.2 70.870.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 106 229 1,064494 114 245 1,137528 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-290 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 31,577 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,158 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.95 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -11.57 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -16.02 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.7 63.8 62.0 56.3 65.364.7 62.2 62.5 60.6 55.7 52.2 61.361.0 60.7 54.6 55.0 62.862.6 Vehicle Noise:68.5 66.7 63.5 59.6 68.267.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 71 154 715332 76 164 762354 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-291 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 37,838 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,784 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.28 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.24 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -15.69 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.1 66.1 64.4 58.7 67.767.1 64.4 64.3 62.8 57.9 54.4 63.563.2 62.5 56.3 56.8 64.564.4 Vehicle Noise:70.7 68.9 65.8 61.7 70.470.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 100 215 997463 107 229 1,065494 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-292 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 40,072 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,007 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.53 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -10.99 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -15.44 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.3 66.4 64.7 58.9 68.067.4 64.6 64.5 63.1 58.2 54.7 63.763.4 62.7 56.6 57.0 64.864.6 Vehicle Noise:71.0 69.2 66.1 62.0 70.770.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 104 223 1,036481 111 238 1,107514 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-293 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd Road Name:Jackson St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 35,468 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,547 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.00 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.52 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -15.97 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.8 65.9 64.1 58.4 67.466.9 64.1 64.0 62.5 57.6 54.1 63.262.9 62.2 56.1 56.5 64.364.1 Vehicle Noise:70.5 68.6 65.5 61.4 70.169.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 96 206 955443 102 220 1,020474 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-294 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 Road Name:Jackson St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 37,445 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,744 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.24 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.28 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -15.73 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.0 66.1 64.4 58.6 67.767.1 64.3 64.2 62.8 57.9 54.4 63.563.1 62.5 56.3 56.7 64.564.3 Vehicle Noise:70.7 68.9 65.8 61.7 70.469.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 99 213 991460 106 228 1,058491 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-295 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 Road Name:Jackson St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 31,777 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,178 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.52 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -12.00 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.45 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.3 65.4 63.7 57.9 67.066.4 63.6 63.5 62.1 57.2 53.7 62.762.4 61.7 55.6 56.0 63.863.6 Vehicle Noise:70.0 68.2 65.1 61.0 69.769.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 89 191 888412 95 204 948440 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-296 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 Road Name:Jackson St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 23,882 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,388 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.28 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -13.24 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -17.69 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.1 64.1 62.4 56.7 65.765.1 62.4 62.3 60.8 55.9 52.4 61.561.2 60.5 54.3 54.8 62.562.4 Vehicle Noise:68.7 66.9 63.8 59.7 68.468.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 73 158 734341 78 169 784364 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-297 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 52 & Avenue 54 Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 35,767 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,577 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.04 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.48 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -15.93 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.8 65.9 64.2 58.4 67.566.9 64.1 64.0 62.6 57.7 54.2 63.362.9 62.3 56.1 56.5 64.364.1 Vehicle Noise:70.5 68.7 65.6 61.5 70.269.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 96 207 961446 103 221 1,026476 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-298 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 54 & Airport Blvd Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 28,001 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,800 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.97 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -12.55 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -17.00 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.8 64.8 63.1 57.4 66.465.8 63.1 63.0 61.5 56.6 53.1 62.261.9 61.2 55.0 55.5 63.263.0 Vehicle Noise:69.4 67.6 64.5 60.4 69.168.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 82 176 816379 87 188 871405 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-299 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 30,005 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,000 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.27 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -12.25 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.70 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.1 65.1 63.4 57.7 66.766.1 63.4 63.3 61.8 56.9 53.4 62.562.2 61.5 55.3 55.8 63.563.3 Vehicle Noise:69.7 67.9 64.8 60.7 69.469.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 85 184 855397 91 197 913424 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-300 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 58 & Avenue 60 Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 29,103 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,910 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.14 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -12.38 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.83 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.9 65.0 63.3 57.5 66.666.0 63.2 63.2 61.7 56.8 53.3 62.462.0 61.4 55.2 55.6 63.463.2 Vehicle Noise:69.6 67.8 64.7 60.6 69.368.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 84 180 837389 89 193 894415 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-301 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenue 60 & Avenue 62 Road Name:Van Buren St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 17,889 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,789 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.48 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -14.04 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -18.48 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.2 61.3 59.6 53.8 62.962.3 59.7 60.1 58.2 53.2 49.7 58.858.5 58.3 52.1 52.5 60.360.1 Vehicle Noise:66.1 64.3 61.1 57.1 65.865.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 49 105 489227 52 112 522242 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-302 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Airport Blvd & Avenue 58 Road Name:Harrison St. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 75,227 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:7,523 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 5.88 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:81.4% 10.4% 8.2% 96.05% 86.7% 5.3% 8.0% 2.65% 89.2% 3.4% 7.3% 1.30% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -9.71 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -12.81 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 72.5 70.8 67.9 62.1 71.771.1 67.6 68.5 66.2 60.0 57.1 66.466.1 67.2 59.0 57.6 67.066.9 Vehicle Noise:74.9 73.3 69.0 64.3 73.873.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 169 364 1,687783 180 387 1,797834 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-303 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Avenue 44 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 55,205 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,521 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.92 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -9.60 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -14.05 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.7 67.8 66.1 60.3 69.468.8 66.0 65.9 64.5 59.6 56.1 65.164.8 64.1 58.0 58.4 66.266.0 Vehicle Noise:72.4 70.6 67.5 63.4 72.171.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 128 276 1,283596 137 295 1,370636 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-304 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Miles Ave. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 15,709 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,571 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.54 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -15.06 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.51 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.3 62.3 60.6 54.9 63.963.3 60.5 60.5 59.0 54.1 50.6 59.759.3 58.7 52.5 52.9 60.760.5 Vehicle Noise:66.9 65.1 62.0 57.9 66.666.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 56 120 555258 59 128 593275 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-305 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Hwy 111 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 56,257 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,626 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.40 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:73.4% 9.7% 16.9% 91.40% 80.3% 5.5% 14.2% 6.49% 71.7% 6.5% 21.8% 2.11% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -7.08 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -11.96 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.1 68.9 66.2 63.8 71.671.3 70.2 69.3 68.5 62.8 62.2 70.270.0 67.1 62.7 63.2 70.470.2 Vehicle Noise:75.0 73.0 69.0 67.9 75.675.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 225 486 2,2551,047 235 506 2,3481,090 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-306 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Adams St Road Name:Hwy 111 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 46,229 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,623 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.55 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:73.4% 9.7% 16.9% 91.40% 80.3% 5.5% 14.2% 6.49% 71.7% 6.5% 21.8% 2.11% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -7.94 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -12.82 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.2 68.1 65.3 62.9 70.870.4 69.3 68.5 67.6 62.0 61.3 69.369.1 66.2 61.8 62.3 69.669.4 Vehicle Noise:74.2 72.1 68.1 67.0 74.774.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 198 426 1,978918 206 444 2,060956 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-307 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Dune Palms Road Name:Hwy 111 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 53,695 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:5,369 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:88 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.20 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:73.4% 9.7% 16.9% 91.40% 80.3% 5.5% 14.2% 6.49% 71.7% 6.5% 21.8% 2.11% -3.93 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -7.29 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -12.17 -3.92 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 89.939 89.840 89.850 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.9 68.7 65.9 63.6 71.471.1 70.0 69.1 68.3 62.6 62.0 70.069.8 66.9 62.5 63.0 70.270.0 Vehicle Noise:74.8 72.8 68.8 67.7 75.475.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 219 471 2,1861,015 228 490 2,2771,057 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-308 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Avenue 48 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 17,575 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,758 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.05 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.57 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.02 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.8 62.8 61.1 55.3 64.463.8 61.0 61.0 59.5 54.6 51.1 60.259.8 59.2 53.0 53.4 61.261.0 Vehicle Noise:67.4 65.6 62.5 58.4 67.166.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 60 129 598278 64 138 639297 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-309 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 48 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 35,005 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,501 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.94 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.58 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.03 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.7 65.8 64.1 58.3 67.466.8 64.0 64.0 62.5 57.6 54.1 63.262.8 62.2 56.0 56.4 64.264.0 Vehicle Noise:70.4 68.6 65.5 61.4 70.169.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 95 204 947440 101 218 1,011469 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-310 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Washington St Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 9,486 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:949 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.73 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.25 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.70 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.1 60.1 58.4 52.7 61.761.1 58.4 58.3 56.8 51.9 48.4 57.557.2 56.5 50.3 50.8 58.558.3 Vehicle Noise:64.7 62.9 59.8 55.7 64.464.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 40 85 397184 42 91 424197 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-311 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 17,462 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,746 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.08 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.60 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.05 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.7 62.8 61.1 55.3 64.463.8 61.0 60.9 59.5 54.6 51.1 60.159.8 59.1 53.0 53.4 61.261.0 Vehicle Noise:67.4 65.6 62.5 58.4 67.166.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 60 128 596276 64 137 636295 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-312 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 32,230 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,223 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.58 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.94 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.38 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.4 65.4 63.7 58.0 67.066.4 63.7 63.6 62.1 57.2 53.7 62.862.5 61.8 55.6 56.1 63.863.7 Vehicle Noise:70.0 68.2 65.1 61.0 69.769.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 90 193 896416 96 206 957444 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-313 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Eisenhower Dr & Avenida B Road Name:Calle Tampico Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 5,350 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:535 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.22 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.74 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.18 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 59.6 57.6 55.9 50.2 59.258.6 55.9 55.8 54.3 49.4 45.9 55.054.7 54.0 47.8 48.3 56.055.9 Vehicle Noise:62.2 60.4 57.3 53.2 61.961.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 27 58 271126 29 62 289134 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-314 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Avenida Bermudas & Washi Road Name:Calle Tampico Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 10,063 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,006 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.47 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -16.99 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.44 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.3 60.4 58.7 52.9 62.061.4 58.6 58.5 57.1 52.2 48.7 57.757.4 56.7 50.6 51.0 58.858.6 Vehicle Noise:65.0 63.2 60.1 56.0 64.764.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 41 89 412191 44 95 440204 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-315 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Washington St Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 16,133 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,613 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.42 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.94 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.39 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.4 62.4 60.7 55.0 64.063.4 60.7 60.6 59.1 54.2 50.7 59.859.5 58.8 52.6 53.1 60.860.6 Vehicle Noise:67.0 65.2 62.1 58.0 66.766.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 57 122 565262 60 130 603280 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-316 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 35,153 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,515 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.96 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.56 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.01 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.8 65.8 64.1 58.4 67.466.8 64.0 64.0 62.5 57.6 54.1 63.262.8 62.2 56.0 56.4 64.264.0 Vehicle Noise:70.4 68.6 65.5 61.4 70.169.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 95 205 950441 101 218 1,014471 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-317 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 32,887 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,289 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.67 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.85 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.30 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.5 65.5 63.8 58.1 67.166.5 63.8 63.7 62.2 57.3 53.8 62.962.6 61.9 55.7 56.2 63.963.7 Vehicle Noise:70.1 68.3 65.2 61.1 69.869.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 91 196 908422 97 209 970450 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-318 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Madison St Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 29,174 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,917 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.15 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -12.37 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.82 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.0 65.0 63.3 57.5 66.666.0 63.2 63.2 61.7 56.8 53.3 62.462.0 61.4 55.2 55.6 63.463.2 Vehicle Noise:69.6 67.8 64.7 60.6 69.368.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 84 181 839389 90 193 896416 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-319 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Jefferson St Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 34,154 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,415 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.84 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -11.68 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -16.13 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.6 65.7 64.0 58.2 67.366.7 63.9 63.8 62.4 57.5 54.0 63.162.7 62.1 55.9 56.3 64.163.9 Vehicle Noise:70.3 68.5 65.4 61.3 70.069.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 93 201 932432 99 214 995462 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-320 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Madison St Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 8,263 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:826 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.87 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -17.39 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -21.84 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 59.9 57.9 56.2 50.5 59.558.9 56.3 56.7 54.8 49.9 46.4 55.555.1 54.9 48.7 49.2 56.956.8 Vehicle Noise:62.7 60.9 57.7 53.8 62.462.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 29 63 292136 31 67 312145 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-321 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Madison St Road Name:Airport Blvd. Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 18,960 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,896 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.28 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.24 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -18.69 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.1 63.1 61.4 55.7 64.764.1 61.4 61.3 59.8 54.9 51.4 60.560.2 59.5 53.3 53.8 61.561.4 Vehicle Noise:67.7 65.9 62.8 58.7 67.467.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 63 136 629292 67 145 672312 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-322 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:w/o Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 11,646 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,165 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.38 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -15.90 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -20.35 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.4 59.4 57.7 52.0 61.060.4 57.8 58.2 56.3 51.4 47.9 57.056.6 56.4 50.2 50.7 58.458.2 Vehicle Noise:64.2 62.4 59.2 55.2 63.963.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 37 79 368171 39 84 392182 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-323 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 19,245 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,925 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.80 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -13.72 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -18.17 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.5 61.6 59.9 54.1 63.262.6 60.0 60.4 58.5 53.6 50.1 59.258.8 58.6 52.4 52.8 60.660.4 Vehicle Noise:66.4 64.6 61.4 57.4 66.165.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 51 111 514238 55 118 548254 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-324 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Madison St Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 15,191 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,519 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.23 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -14.75 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -19.19 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.5 60.6 58.9 53.1 62.261.6 59.0 59.3 57.4 52.5 49.0 58.157.8 57.6 51.4 51.8 59.659.4 Vehicle Noise:65.4 63.6 60.4 56.4 65.164.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 44 95 439204 47 101 468217 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-325 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 11,912 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,191 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:70 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.74 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.20 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -16.26 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -20.71 -4.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 93.808 93.714 93.723 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.1 61.1 59.4 53.7 62.762.1 59.3 59.3 57.8 52.9 49.4 58.558.1 57.5 51.3 51.7 59.559.3 Vehicle Noise:65.7 63.9 60.8 56.7 65.465.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 46 99 462214 49 106 493229 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-326 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:btwn Madison St & Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 62 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 12,997 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,300 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.90 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -15.42 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -19.87 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.8 59.9 58.2 52.4 61.560.9 58.3 58.7 56.8 51.9 48.4 57.457.1 56.9 50.7 51.1 58.958.7 Vehicle Noise:64.7 62.9 59.7 55.7 64.464.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 40 85 395184 42 91 422196 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-327 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Monroe St Road Name:Avenue 62 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 26,209 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,621 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.14 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -12.38 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -16.83 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.9 62.9 61.2 55.5 64.563.9 61.4 61.7 59.8 54.9 51.4 60.560.2 59.9 53.8 54.2 62.061.8 Vehicle Noise:67.7 65.9 62.7 58.8 67.467.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 63 136 631293 67 145 673312 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-328 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Jackson St Road Name:Avenue 62 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 10,771 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,077 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.72 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -16.24 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -20.69 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.0 59.1 57.4 51.6 60.760.1 57.5 57.9 56.0 51.0 47.5 56.656.3 56.1 49.9 50.3 58.157.9 Vehicle Noise:63.9 62.1 58.9 54.9 63.663.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 35 75 349162 37 80 372173 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-329 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:La Quinta GP Job Number:6879 Analyst:J.T. StephensRoad Segment:e/o Van Buren St Road Name:Avenue 62 Scenario:2035 GP Alt. 2 4,509 10% 100.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:451 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 100.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.50 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:76.8% 12.9% 10.3% 95.42% 84.1% 6.8% 9.1% 3.37% 79.4% 4.8% 15.9% 1.21% -4.52 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -20.02 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -24.47 -4.51 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.77 -4.88 -5.16 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 98.494 98.404 98.413 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 57.2 55.3 53.6 47.8 56.956.3 53.7 54.1 52.2 47.3 43.8 52.852.5 52.3 46.1 46.5 54.354.1 Vehicle Noise:60.1 58.3 55.1 51.1 59.859.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 20 42 19591 21 45 20897 Friday, June 03, 2011 5.2-330