Simplex/Fire & Security Alarm 98U-Simplex Proposal No. 426—T - 1098 Date dune-2,1999 Customer No. 436 0045288 By and Between Simplex Time Recorder —and La Qumnta Glivne Genter 1834 Business Center Drive 78-495 Calle Tampico Simplex La Quinta, CA 92253 San Bernardino, CA 92408 Attn: Mr. Tom Hartung (909) 381-1695 Phone: (760) 777-7000 x 7013 Services will be provided at the following location(s): Same address as above Simplex shall perform according to the terms and conditions on the pages that are attached and listed below: Type of Service: Life Safety Service Agreement - 2-50% Semiannual System Test and Inspections - Complete Documentation and Recommendations - Other Services Included in this Agreement (See "Special Provisions" pages for details) Price: All for the total annual sum of: One Thousand Two Hundred and Ninety Two Dollars ($ 1,292.00 ) Special Instructions: The Customer agrees to purchase, and Simplex agrees to provide the services identified in this Agreement subject to management approval and continuance of credit approval by Simplex. No waiver, change, or modification of any terms or conditions of this Agreement shall be binding on Simplex unless made in writing and signed by an officer or authorized manager of Simplex. The terms on the reverse side are part of this Agreement, and are hereby accepted by the undersigned. Simplex Time Recorder Co. By Title Service Sales Representati Approved For Simplex , By David Arcaro� Title Branch Service Manage Customer By l 0✓�'1 Title Re- 41-5-4 Date Z L -?f f F, P.O. Number Service That's Always A Step Ahead, 436 - T - 1998 O.Simplex Fire Alarm and Security Systems Testing and Inspection Simplex will test and inspect the Fire Alarm and/or Security System described in the attached list of equipment and/or on the following system drawings: (See list of equipment) Testing and Inspection Testing Intervals: 2-50% Semiannual Each inspection call will be scheduled by Simplex so that all tasks are performed using properly trained technicians and the special tools and instrumentation required to analyze the system to maintain its proper performance. Tasks include: System performance evaluation, adjustment, and calibration of control equipment components. Simplex will perform Pre -scheduled test(s) per year on equipment listed. Simplex will provide the Customer with a report that such tests have been completed. Predictive Maintenance Simplex will analyze equipment covered under this Agreement to detect potential failures. If corrective actions are found neces- sary, repair charges will be submitted for Customer's approval. Service That's Always A Step Ahead. 436 - T - 1998 p B.Simplex S ecial Provisions THIS IS A LIFE SAFETY TESTING AGREEMENT WITH THE FOLLOWING PROVISIONS: 1. TEST AND INSPECTION SERVICES: Under this agreement, Simplex factory trained technicians will perform 2-50% Semiannual inspections and functional/ diagnostic tests of panel functions, auxiliary/ monitoring functions, and all accessible peripheral devices listed and currently on-line with the facility Life Safety system. Tests will be scheduled in advance, and at the convenience of customer's staff. Simplex technicians will need the assistance from customer's staff for access to all areas of the facility in order to locate devices and ensure efficient transition between areas. (See "List of Equipment" page for equipment to be tested) Note: If equipment or devices are out of reasonable reach, customer will need to provide safe access (i.e. Scaffolding, mechanical lift, ladders, etc.). If requested in advance, Simplex can provide this equipment for an additional cost. ❑ CUSTOMER ASSISTED INSPECTIONS: Under this agreement provision, customer has agreed to provide at least one (1) able-bodied personnel to assist Simplex technicians for the duration of the visit. During this visit, customer's personnel will receive informal, hands-on training on basic system functions, and proper inspection procedures. FUNCTIONAL TESTING: In accordance with NFPA 72, all accessible peripheral devices will be functionally tested. Smoke detectors will be functionally tested using a smoke generator, punk stick, or other method acceptable to the manufacturer. "Canned Smoke" will not be used for this task, per manufacturer's recommendations. DETECTOR CLEANING: To help minimize false alarms, accessible smoke detection devices will be cleaned utilizing manufacturer's recommended procedures. Devices may be dismantled to expose the smoke chamber (where applicable) and cleaned prior to sensitivity testing using soft cloth, lint brush, or non -electrostatic vacuum. Devices will be cleaned at a rate of: 50% Per Year (Note: Certain types of analog smoke sensors will be cleaned as needed per panel readings.) ® This service has been declined by customer. SENSITIVITY TESTING: To ensure accuracy, sensitivity testing will be performed on smoke detectors per NFPA. Testing will be performed using only UL approved sensitivity testing equipment. Devices performing outside the listed sensitivity range will be re -cleaned and re -tested, and if necessary, noted and recommended for replacement. Devices will be tested at a rate of: 50% Per Year (satisfies bi-annual requirement) (Note: Certain types of analog smoke sensors automatically satisfy this requirement electronically.) ® This service has been declined by customer. 2. DOCUMENTATION: All accessible components and devices will be logged for: • Exact location • Test results/applicable voltage readings • Any discrepancies noted, recommendations for correction, and any corrections made on site Documentation will be provided to the customer. Copies will be kept on file by the Simplex branch office for five years. 3. Certain services may be required by the respective Authorities Having Jurisdiction (ref. NFPA 72). It is recommended that the customer review applicable codes and references to ensure compliance. Custo Simply; Date: Service That's Always A Step Ahead. All specifications and other information shown were current as of publication, and are subject to change without notice. Printed in US.A. ® 1997 Simplex Time Recorder Co. ADV-1355-11TRV-60mn-97 436 - T - 1998 SiSimplex Special Provisions ADDITIONALLY, THIS AGREEMENT PROVIDES FOR THE FOLLOWING: 4. OTHER SERVICES INCLUDED IN THIS AGREEMENT: ® NIA ❑ AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER - ❑ Annual complete test of listed sprinkler system per NFPA ❑ Annual waterflow switch test ❑ Annual manual test only (no water will be flowed) ® N/A ❑ SECURITY SYSTEM - Annual test and inspection of listed security system equipment. ® N/A ❑ CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION - Annual test and inspection of listed CCTV equipment. ® N/A ❑ EMERGENCY LIGHTING - Annual test of listed emergency egress lighting. 5. SERVICES NOT INCLUDED IN THIS AGREEMENT: ADDITIONAL LABOR: This agreement does not provide for any additional labor, including emergency service calls. Any additional labor needed (outside of regularly scheduled tests and inspections) will be invoiced separately at prevailing service rates. REPLACEMENT PARTS OR DEVICES: This agreement does not provide for any replacement parts or devices. Any replacement parts or devices needed to repair system can be provided at customer's request at additional cost. 6. OTHER SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS: ® N/A ❑ Quarterly Circuit (Zone) Test for compliance with the Joint Commission for Accredited Hospitals. (Each zone will be tested electronically, or by electronically testing peripheral devices in the field) ® N/A ❑ AnnualManual Pull Station Test (required by some Authorities Having Jurisdiction) Customei Simplex: Date: ? - P. 7 -9&' All specifications and other information shown were current as of publication, and are subject to change without notice. Printed in U.S.A. 01997 Simplex Time Recorder Co. Service That's Always A Step Ahead, ADV-1355-1 /TRV-60 m/ 7-97 436 - T -1998 135implex Serdce That's ANN}s ASS/Ifir-uu. List of Equipment QTY. EQUIPMENT SERIAL NO. MANUFACTURER DESCRIPTION/LOCATION COVERAGE CODE 1 2080-9020 NSN SIMPLEX COMMUNICATOR T 1 4100-8001 J03435 SIMPLEX F/A CONTROL PANEL T 1 2601-8005 L03012 SIMPLEX ANNUNCIATOR T 13 2099-9101 NSN SIMPLEX PULL STATION T 56 2098-9201 NSN SIMPLEX SMOKE DETECTOR T 6 2098-9649 NSN SIMPLEX DUCT SMOKE DETECTOR T 1 2901-9333 NSN SIMPLEX AUDIBLE DEVICE T