2016 06 08 CC Special Council Meeting - B/C InterviewsSpecial City Council Agenda 1 JUNE 8, 2016 City Council agendas and staff reports are now available on the City’s web page: www.la-quinta.org Special City Council Agenda 2 JUNE 8, 2016    City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: June 8, 2016 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: INTERVIEWS AND APPOINTMENTS OF RESIDENTS TO VARIOUS CITY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS RECOMMENDATION Make appointments to fill vacancies on boards and commissions. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY  The City has established a number of boards and commissions, which require public participation and membership.  The City advertised for applicants to fill open positions and received 20 applications (Attachment 1).  The City Council will interview and appoint applicants to the vacancies by ballot after a random drawing to determine order (Attachment 2).  Recruitment is ongoing throughout the year, along with advertising in the Desert Sun, The Gem and on the City website since April 2016. FISCAL IMPACT The following Council-approved amounts (per member, per meeting attended) are included in the Fiscal Year 2016/17 Budget: Architectural & Landscaping Review Board $75 Community Services Commission $75 Investment Advisory Board $75 Planning Commission $100 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Council has established boards/commissions to facilitate broader participation in City governance, to solicit a broad range of opinions on City issues, and to introduce citizens to the municipal government process. All existing Board and Commission Members whose terms were expiring this year as well as applicants from the last rounds of appointments, who were not seated, were e-mailed and invited to reapply. Since sufficient applications were not received for all open seats, staff will continue to accept applications and set another date for Council interviews and appointments after receiving additional applications. BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 Applications were received from the following residents: ARCHITECTURAL & LANDSCAPING REVIEW BOARD (open: two full term & one alternate) John Hansen COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION (open: two full term, one mid-term vacancy & one alternate) Felice Chiapperini Donald Kagan Kathryn Lambert Dori Quill Doriel Wyler CONSTRUCTION APPEALS BOARD (open: 2 full term) No Applications received INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD (open: three full term, one mid-term vacancy & one alternate) Howard M. Borris Jane Johnson Sherwyn Turbow PLANNING COMMISSION (open: two full term & one alternate) Mary Caldwell Mike Etheridge Donald Florence Jane Johnson Javier Lopez Leila Namvar Steven Parker Paul Quill Andrea Spirtos Robert Wright Charles Yazel ALTERNATIVES Fill some vacancies and direct staff to re-advertise and set another date for Council interviews and appointments. Prepared by: Pam Nieto, Deputy City Clerk Approved by: Susan Maysels, City Clerk Attachment 1: Applications Attachment 2: Ballots