2016-17 Boys & Girls Club of CV - CBDG Sub-RecipientFile No.: 4.LQ 27-16 SU CI LENT AG' EMENT FOR THE USE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I"' LOCK GRANT FUNDS 11 II I This Sub -Recipient Agreement for the Use of Community Development Block Grant Funds ("AGREEMENT") is made and entered into this 15th day of August, 2016 ("EFFECTIVE DATE"), by and between the City of La Quint, , a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY"„ and keys ans Girls Ckiib of Coachella Valley, La Quinta Unit, a California non-profit Coiporation, hereinafter referred to as "SUB-R.ECIPIENT". WITNFssE,TIA: WHEREAS, the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Title L as amended (the "ACT"), provides that certain grant funds may be used for certain discretionary projects which primarily benefit low and moderate income persons, persons with disabilities, remove slums or blight, or which meet urgent community development needs; and WHEREAS, CITY has received Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") funding for the 2016,-2017 program year through the Urban County CDBG Program administered through the County of Riverside ("COUNTY"), pursuant to that certain Supplemental Agreement for the Use of 2016-2017 Community Development Block Grant Funds, entered into by and between CITY and COUNTY and designated as County File No. 4.LQ.26-16 and 4.LQ.27-16 ("SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT'), and W 'ER.EAS, the CDG -assisted activities described. in this Agreement have been authorized pursuant to the Supplemental A eement and comply with one of the national objectives as required under Section 570.200(a)(2) of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations ("CFR") NOW, THER.EFORE, the CITY and SU -RECIPIENT mutually agree as follows: 11. PU11flN0°)S1000L SUI.00-R.ECIPIENT promises and agrees to undertake and assist with COUNTY'S community development activities by utilizing the sum of $20,121, ("Tot0;001 Granted Funding"), CDBG Entitlement Funds, as specifically identified in 100xhibit "Ai" which is attached hereto and by this reference is incorporated herein, for the following project: Boys and Girls Club — Coachella Valley Membership Waiver/Reduction Progra ("Project Name"). 2, TERM OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall become effective upon the Effective Date, as defined herein, and shall continue in full force and effect for a period of one (1) year from JULY 11, 20116 —JUNE 30, 2017. Final reimbursement submission is due to the City on or before M' rch 17, 20117 ("Date of final. submissi n"). 3. INCORPORATION OF SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT. All applicable terms ud conditions of the Supplemental Agreeinent between COUNTY and CITY are hereby n (.00 00„010 r1000010 001 10°0,2 d i inn °.01 anti n 00 apat 0o0 0t. h 00000 A ght00,00thntal t , 00.00 t he t %000 1000 s n 010 a [111'00 c,00.110011k„ 11'0 t hiA'n! S P P 11.11 u0+t 2100.104ro„00000•1010„00;«1i0 111,000010000 6E1%00 111°)1000atj 000,00a„00 rc0 \ :Juan 00„:00 t.11100 ch.00,000,0 (au 11. (03 ra c0.110 F 00. 00 tit]. n,0„; 000000010ta b00„,00 10:0001i 01000.111 0011,„00, ri ( 13 000 IR. 10'0 1 [I'll]; 10"00011- • P0..00.00,00,0000 00:00 IL 7 Digitally signed by Frank J. Spevacek DN: serialNumber=g8z17zn0v50w4d3x, c=US, st=California, l=La Quinta, o=Frank J. Spevacek, cn=Frank J. Spevacek Date: 2016.09.20 11:49:51 -07'00' SIGNEDINCOUNTERPART N/A