2001 02 06 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL '- MINUTES FEBRUARY 6, 2001 A regular meeting of the La Ouinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 2:00 p.m. by Mayor PaiSa. PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pe~a ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT - None CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with legal counsel - pending litigation - Coachella Valley Water District V. City of La Quinta, Riverside Superior Court Case No. INC010827 - pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(A). .. 2. Conference with legal counsel '- pending litigation - Center for Biological Diversity, at al V. Bureau of Land Management, Case No. C-O0-0927WHA-JCS, _ __ U.S. District Court Northern California District - pursuant to Government Code Section 54656(9)(c). 3. Evaluation of Council-appointed position - City Attorney - pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.6. Council recessed to Redevelopment Agency and to Closed Session to and until the hour of 3:00 p.m. 3:00 P.M. Mayor Pefla led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. pUBUC COMMENT Roger Compton, 54-080 Avenida Diaz, spoke regarding the need for maintenance of the sport fields at the Sports Complex. Community Services Director Horvitz advised a work order is in process to get the "- fields ready for opening day of the season. City Council Minutes 2 February 6, 2001 Paul Grinkevich, 78-188 Calla Norte, asked what studies have been done regarding replenishment of the Valley's water table. Mayor Per~a encouraged him to contact CVWD who is responsible for the City's water services. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed ANNOUNCEMENTS - None PRESENTATIONS Queen Scheherazade, Lynn Snyder, and her Court gave a brief presentation on their school activities and goals and encouraged everyone to attend the Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival in Indio, February 16-25, 2001. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE - None APPROVAL OF MINUTE~ MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the City Council Minutes of January 16, 2001, as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. (~0NSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED FEBRUARY 6, 2001. 2. APPROVAL OF THE DECLARATION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY. 3. ACCEPTANCE OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 2000-05, SPORTS COMPLEX LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS. 4. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PASSES TO THE BOB HOPE CHRYSLER CLASSIC GOLF TOURNAMENT TO BE HELD FEBRUARY 12-18, 2001. (RESOLUTION NO. 2000-02). City Council Minutes 3 February 6, 2001 5. APPROVAL OF A PROPOSAL FOR A MOBILE SOURCE AIR POLLUTION REDUCTION REVIEW COMMITTEE GRANT TO PURCHASE A CNG VAN. 6. ACCEPTANCE OF 199912000 crrYWIDE SLURRY SEAL/RE-STRIPING PROGRAM, PROJECT NO. 99-12. 7. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN OVERALL ANNUAL DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DBE) GOAL FOR FEDERAL FISCAL YEAR 200012001 FOR DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (DOT) ASSISTED CONTRACTS. {RESOLUTION NO. 2000-03) 8. APPROVAL OF FUNDING REQUEST FROM THE GREATER COACHELLA VALLEY SOAP BOX DERBY. 9. APPROVAL A CONTRACT AMENDMENT WITH TKD ASSOCIATES, INC. TO PROVIDE COORDINATION WITH VARIOUS ARTISTS DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE CIVIC CENTER CAMPUS IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE I, PROJECT 97-09. 10. ACCEPTANCE OF PARK AVENUE SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS. MOTION - It was moved by Council' Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended and with Item Nos. 4 and 7 being approved by RESOLUTION NOS. 2001-02 and 2001-03 respectively. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2001-11~. In response to Mayor PaiSa, Lucia Moran, of the Greater Coachella Valley Soap Box Derby, stated once the details are worked out for a "City Challenge" race she will prepare a draft letter for the City to mail. She added they are looking for additional corporate sponsorships for the derby event. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF A FUNDING REQUEST BY BOB HOPE CHRYSLER CLASSIC. Management Analyst Wilson presented the staff report. Bill Power=, 74-750 Highway 111, Indian Wells, of Bob Hope Chrysler Classic, asked Council to approve their funding request. He stated the funds are needed · '-- to cover the costs of additional police services and signage needed to direct traffic due to the closure of Jefferson Street at Highway 111. City Council Minutes 4 February 6, 2001 Mike Bilfer, Tournament Director for Bob Hope Chrysler Classic, reviewed the detour route and explained the additional signage to be used. In response to Mayor Pefla, Captain Singerton, of the Riverside County Sheriff's Department, stated she felt the additional officers would take care of any contingency. Council Member Sniff suggested a funding amount of $25,000. Council Member Perkins stated he preferred $30,000 but would support $25,000. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to approve an allocation of $25,000 to the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic from the Police Special Enforcement Funds to be used for traffic control. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2001-12. 2. CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT REQUESTS. Community Services Director Horvitz presented the staff report. Council Member Adolph asked if the issue of elder abuse and fraud has been covered at the Senior Center, to which Ms. Horvitz responded yes. In response to Council Member Henderson, Captain Singerton, of the Riverside County Sheriff's Department, confirmed the City's officers are very involved with the C.A.R.E. Program training. Juan De Lam, 82-675 Highway 111, Room 3140, Indio, of Riverside County C.A.R.E. Program, gave a brief overview of the program and urged Council to approve the grant request. Michelle Haddock, Judy Campbell, Dave McGowan, and Tim Grindle also spoke on the benefits of the program and emphasized training is the key to officers recognizing elder abuse. Jacques Abela, P.O. Box 1416, of Veterans of Foreign Wars-La Quinta Chapter, asked Council to approve their request for funding to cover the fees charged for use of the Senior Center for their monthly ~neetings. City Council Minutes 5 February 6, 2001 MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Perkins/Henderson to approve a Community Services Grant request in the amount of $2,000 to Riverside County C.A.R.E. Program and a Community Services Grant request in the amount of $800 to Veterans of Foreign Wars-La Quints Chapter #855 from the Special Projects Contingency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2001-13. 3. CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNITY PARK DESIGN AND PHASING. Community Services Director Horvitz presented a brief staff report. Steve Lang, 801 North Harbor Boulevard, Fullerton, consultant with Purkiss- Rose-RSI, reviewed the proposed concept and responded to Council's questions as follows: the park layout includes the number end sizes of soccer fields requested by the soccer league; no fencing is proposed for the baseball outfield which will extend into the soccer field area; the concession area and restrooms will be one building; the baseball bleachers will seat approximately 150 people and filter screen covering is proposed for shade; the retention basin can be incorporated for additional uses such as volleyball; lighting will exist along the perimeter and between soccer fields; the Musco lighting system will be directed downward; the park will have four drinking fountains; and a buffer zone of approximately 40 feet will exist on the north side. Mayor Per~a voiced concern about the covered bleachers posing a vandalism problem. Ms. Horvitz advised staff is looking at screening material for the covers that is more vandal resistant. Council Member Adolph suggested heavy landscaping on the north side to screen the lighting. He also noted the soccer league has requested an equipment storage area. Council Member Perkins noted the storage area could be a problem with different leagues using it. He also felt the landscaping should permit high visibility for law enforcement. Council Member Sniff agreed with the need for visibility for security purposes. Robert Tyler, 44-215 Villeta Drive, voiced concern about relocating the fire station. He urged Council to be more specific about when and where the new fire station will be built before moving forward with the park construction. City Council Minutes 6 February 6, 2001 Mayor Pe~ia advised the City is looking at an alternate site for the fire station within one mile of the park site. Mark Valentino, 79-119 Lake Club Drive, stated he is opposed to a one-sport facility. He agreed more soccer fields are needed but felt there's also a need for additional baseball fields. Mayor Per~a advised the City is working with the schools to have their baseball fields available for use. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Lang stated the baseball field will include a fenced screened area for the players. Council Member Sniff stated he felt the proposed concept is a big improvement and worthy of going forward. He supported including the concession area and restrooms in Phase 1. Mayor Pe~ia agreed and stated his only concern ia the amount of landscaping along the perimeter from the skate park area around in front of the parking lot. Council Member Henderson agreed and noted the City encourages developers to cut back on lush landscaping for water conservation purposes. She added it has been difficult for her to buy into the number of soccer fields versus baseball fields at the park but hopes the baseball fields at the Sports Complex will be upgraded for better usage. She supported the concession and restroom being in Phase 1 and suggested the possibility of using AB939 funds for recycled-material bleachers. In response to Council Member Henderson, Ms. Horvitz stated the consultant is proposing a fence along Adams because of the heavy traffic. She advised staff could research the use of Art in Public Places funds for an artistic fence. Mr. Lang noted the table on Page 5 of the staff report shows what essential and amenity items come within the available funding. Council Member Henderson noted the drainage costs have been significantly reduced due to the deal made with Century Homes to remove some of the soil. She also commented on the relocation of the fire station and noted the potential of locating the fire station within ½ mile of the park site. In response to Council Member Adolph, Ms. Horvitz stated the water feature alternative can be considered as an Art in Public Places expenditure. City Council Minutes 7 February 6, 2001 MOTION - It was moved by Council~.Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the Community Park Master Plan as presented. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2001-14. Mayor Per~a asked staff to look into the possibility of getting additional funds through Proposition 12 MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the items listed on Page 5 of the staff report as the base items for Phase 1. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2001-15. City Manager Genovese noted there may be insufficient design funding to include ell of the amenities as add-aitemates in the bid. After · brief discussion Council concurred to include all of the amenities as add- alternates in the bid except for the skate park and skate park shade. Council Member Henderson commented on the projected completion date of December 2001, and stated she hoped the work would be completed sooner. 4. CONSIDERATION OF THE INSTALLATION OF AN EMERGENCY GATE WITHIN THE SOUND ATTENUATION WALL AT WASHINGTON STREET AND SAGUARO DRIVE WITHIN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 2000-01, PHASE VI IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT 98-19 AREA D, SAGEBRUSH, BOTTLEBRUSH, SAGUARO. Mayor Peris abctained due to a potential conflict of interest due to Granite Conetmctlon being a client of hb wife's bualne~ and he left the dais. Public Works Director Vogt presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Vogt stated reinforced turf would be used between the wall and curb. Council Member Henderson questioned the need for a gate since most of the residents do not want the opening. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Vogt stated 1-3 residents in the area have voiced concern about needing an emergency gate. He further stated a sidewalk is planned on the outside of the wall along Washington Street but the only pedestrian ingress/egress is at Sagebrush. City Council Minutes 8 February 6, 2001 Pat Crou, 78-570 Saguaro Road, presented a petition in opposition to the emergency gate signed by 40 residents in the area. She stated they feel the gate will compromise the sound wall and do not want it.. Council Member Perkins wished to be sure the residents are aware of emergency response and that children walking to school will have to exit at Sagebrush before they can access the sidewalk on Washington Street. Ms. Cross responded the residents are aware and that most of the parents drive their children to school. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Vogt confirmed the fire department has indicated a wall without an emergency gate is acceptable. Tom Berg, of Tom Berg and Associates, advised the sound wall along Washington Street will extend from Sagebrush to south of Saguaro then eastward approximately 60 feet. Council Member Adolph suggested requiring the adjacent property to provide access between the two areas when it is developed. Council Member Henderson noted the residents do not want additional access. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Perkins to direct staff not to proceed with an emergency gate in the sound wall at Saguaro. Motion carried with Mayor Perle ABSENT. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2001-16. Council concurred to take up Department Reports at this time. DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1-A. STATUS ON MARKETING COMMII'rEE. In response to Council Member Henderson, Assistant City Manager Weiss confirmed the City is not actively pursuing a weather station but is keeping in contact with the Chamber of Commerce and its members who are looking into the issue. Mayor Pefla suggested contacting the Tradition Club regarding their web camera. City Council Minutes 9 February 6, 2001 B-A. REPORT ON THE CLIFF HOUSE RESTAURANT SIDEWALK REQUEST. Public Works Director Vogt reviewed the staff report. Council Member Perkins voiced concern about the mountain crumbling if the rock is disturbed. Mr. Vogt stated it is not known at this time if CalTrens will require a protective fence or a cut back and slope stabilization. In response to Mayor Per, a, Mr. Vogt stated he was not aware of any rocks falling on the highway due to the Point Happy construction. He advised Michael Shovlin is part owner of the rock area and CalTrens has right-of-way to make sure the highway is protected. Richard Boudreeu, 51-955 Avenida Diaz, owner of the Cliff House restaurant, spoke in support of a sidewalk as a safety precaution for pedestrians walking from the Point Happy site to the restaurant. .... Mayor Per~a said he understood Mr. Boudresu's desire to connect the Cliff House to the rest of the City and stated he felt the obstacles could be removed. Council Member Sniff suggested a double fence, one to stop rocks falling from the mountain and one to protect pedestrians from the street. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Vogt stated the cost of constructing a sidewalk will depend upon CalTrens' requirements. He added the conditions of approval for the Cliff House restaurant requires them to install a sidewalk, median, and irrigation but does not specify how far it must go. City Manager Genovese noted a funding source would need to be determined for both design and construction. Council Member Henderson suggested the possibility of using funds from the Development Impact Fee. After a brief discussion, Council concurred to direct staff to come back with a Request for Proposals and design concepts, as well as funding alternatives for construction and design costs. Council rece~,~l to and until 7:00 p.m. city Council Minutes 10 February 6, 2001 7:00 P.M. pRESENTATIONS The Mayor and Council Members presented art awards to the following students of Truman Elementary School whose artwork has been displayed at City Hall: Janet Acosta Marcantoni Diaz Arlene Nava Isaias Aguilar Ashray Doshi Luis Nicasio Yareli Alvarez Alina Duran Evelyn Nunez Michelle Archuleta Nicolette Eichel Crystal Ortiz Michelle Arellano Geena Flores Lexus Oswald Ernesto Arroyo Carson Graf Brittany Price Stephanie Avila Marygrace Gragasin Zachsia Price David Babicky Melissa Haydon Karina Ramirez Francisco Calderon Zachary Heavlin Jenna Richardson Irving Calderon Ralph Hernandez Sergio Rios Stevie Calvillo Tionya Hough Aaron Rivera Trevor Cantrell Shay Huff Briana Rivera Jordan Carlton Asia Khem Nicole Rivera Chayson Castleberry Mitchiko Khem Ana Ramirez-Rodriguez Nicole Castracion Olive Lalli Mark Ross Kriata Chacon Gregory Latta Kimberly Sero Bradley Clarke Nicolas Lazzarini Cody Sprueill Heidi Contreras Danielle Loe Alec Viveros Ryan Conway Oscar Lopez Jonathan Wolkowicz Bryan Bross Lidia Luna Gannon Wood Paola Curillo Danielle Mistier Clint Woods Krista Darr Jessica Mitchell Michael Yoshirnura Carrie Demarbiex Atalia Mora PUBLIC COMMENT Henry Schwartz, ~.~.-030 Dalea Circle, expressed appreciation for approval of the Community Park Master Plan. City Council Minutes 11 February 6, 2001 PUBUC HEARINGS 1. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ON 1 ) A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT; 2) GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2000-071, A REQUEST TO REMOVE 4.99 ACRES OF LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL USE AND REPLACE WITH VILLAGE COMMERCIAL USE, AND REMOVE 1.26 ACRES OF MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL USE AND REPLACE WITH VILLAGE COMMERCIAL ZONE; 3) ZONE CHANGE 2000-096, A REQUEST TO REMOVE 4.99 ACRES OF LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND REPLACE WITH VILLAGE COMMERCIAL ZONE AND REMOVE 1.26 ACRES OF COVE RESIDENTIAL USE AND REPLACE WITH VILLAGE COMMERCIAL ZONE; 4) VILLAGE USE PERMIT 2000-04, A REQUEST TO ALLOW DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR A 16,222 SQUARE FOOT RESTAURANT LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF AVENUE 52 AND DESERT CLUB DRIVE, AND 5) AMENDING THE VILLAGE DESIGN GUIDELINES BOUNDARIES. APPLICANTS: CHAPMAN GOLF DEVELOPMENT LLC AND THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 7:39 p.m. Community Development Director Herman presented the staff report and reviewed the proposed boundary and zone changes. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Herman advised the project's ingress/egress will consist of one right-in, right-out on Avenue 52 and a full- movement on Desert Club Drive. Tim Dan, of Keith Companies, representing Chapman Golf Development, stated they are in agreement with the conditions of approval. Audrey O~trowaky, P. O. Box 351, spoke in opposition to residential property within the Village being re-zoned commercial because vacant commercial property already exists in the Village. She also questioned the number of parking spaces for the restaurant being adequate. She felt it was unfair for developers to be allowed to purchase less expensive residential property and have it re-zoned commercial for development. Skip Lench, 43-040 Port Maria, Bermuda Dunes, stated he owns property adjacent to the proposed restaurant parking lot and is opposed to the 18-foot- high light poles. Michael Breuckmann, 78-535 Avenida Ultimo, stated he purchased his property adjacent to the proposed restaurant with the understanding that the vacant City Council Minutes 12 February 6, 2001 parcel was zoned residential. He asked Council to consider the lighting, location of the trash enclosure, and placing speed bumps in the parking lot. There being no further requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:52 p.m. Mr. Herman explained the commercial and multi-family residential buildings on the west side of Eisenhower Drive are more appropriate to the Village Commercial designation than Cove Residential District and noted this zone change will convert a non-conforming use to a conforming use. In regard to the lighting, he advised the lights will shine downward and be shielded from the residential area. He confirmed the lighting along the northern boundary could be lowered and speed bumps placed in the northerly driveway of the parking lot. He also stated the parking study completed by the applicant justifies the valet parking plan and the reduction in the number of required parking spaces. Mr. Dan pointed out the location of the trash enclosure on the site plan. Ron Gregory, landscape architect, advised Iow-level, bollard lighting does not meet the City's minimum lighting requirements of one foot candle per square foot. Council Member Adolph suggested putting lighting in the planters in the center of the parking lot and bollard lighting along the north wall. Council concurred. Planning Manager di Iorio stated Condition No. 75 can be added to require the lighting plan to provide Iow-level lighting with no spillage or glare beyond the north property line and meet the zoning code standards. In addition, Condition No. 76 can be added to require speed bumps be installed in the northern-most drive aisle. RESOLUTION NO. 2001-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT PREPARED FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2000-071, CHANGE OF ZONE 2000-096, VILLAGE USE PERMIT 2000-04, AND VILLAGE AT LA QUINTA DESIGN GUIDELINES AMENDED BOUNDARIES (CHAPMAN GOLF DEVELOPMENT LLC). It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2001-04 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes 13 February 6, 2001 RESOLUTION NO. 2001-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE. CITY OF LA QUlNTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2000-071 TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM GOLF LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (LDR) TO VILLAGE COMMERCIAL (VC} ON APPROXIMATELY 4.99 ACRES LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF AVENUE 52 AND DESERT CLUB DRIVE AND SEVEN PARCELS LOCATED ON EISENHOWER DRIVE, SOUTH OF CALLE TAMPICO (CHAPMAN GOLF DEVELOPMENT LLC}. It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Sniff to adopt Resolution No. 2001-05 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to take up Ordinance No. 352 by title and number only and waive further reading. Motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 352 .__ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUlNTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CHANGE OF ZONE 2000-096 RE-ZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM LOW DENSITY TO VILLAGE COMMERCIAL (VC) ON APPROXIMATELY 4.99 ACRES LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF AVENUE 52 AND DESERT CLUB DRIVE AND SEVEN PARCELS LOCATED ON EISENHOWER DRIVE SOUTH OF CALLE TAMPICO (CHAPMAN GOLF DEVELOPMENT LLC AND CITY OF LA QUlNTA}. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to introduce Ordinance No. 352 on first reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Per~a NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None RESOLUTION NO. 2001-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF'LA QUINTA, CAUFORNIA, APPROVING VILLAGE USE PERMIT 2000-04 FOR THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT PLANS OF A 16,222 SQUARE FOOT RESTAURANT FACILITY ON 4.99 ACRES (CHAPMAN GOLF DEVELOPMENT LLC). City Council Minutes 14 February 6, 2001 It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to adopt Resolution No. 2001-06 as amended (adding Condition No. 75, requiring the lighting plan be revised to provide Iow-level lighting with no spillage or glare beyond the north property line and meet the zoning code standards; and adding Condition No. 76, requiring speed bumps be added to the northern-most drive aisle). Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 2001-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE BOUNDARIES FOR THE VILLAGE AT LA QUINTA DESIGN GUIDELINES (CHAPMAN GOLF DEVELOPMENT LLC). It wes moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to adopt Resolution No. 2001-07 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. 2. PUBLIC HEARING TO 1) CERTIFY A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2000-406; 2) APPROVAL OF DESIGN GUIDEUNES AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR .. A 16.25-ACRE COMMERCIAL CENTER (SPECIFIC PLAN 2000-050); 3) DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR A SIX-STORY 145-ROOM HOTEL (VILLAGE USE PERMIT 2000-05); 4) AND APPROVAL OF THE CREATION OF 11 LOTS RANGING IN SIZE FROM .4 TO 6.2 ACRES (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 29909). APPLICANT: SANTA ROSA PLAZA LLC. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 8:30 p.m. Planning Manager di Iorio presented the staff report and reviewed the site plan and elevations. Bridgette Meyem, managing member of Santa Rosa Plaza, gave a brief presentation on the proposed project. Hovak NaJarlan, 78-395 Palm Garden Place, voiced concern about high-rise buildings blocking the view of the mountains. William Hembree, 79-175 Canterra Circle, spoke in support of the project because it will provide affordable lodging in La Quinta and bring business into the City. Dane Hooper, 78-620 Avenida Tujunga, stated he did not have a problem with Embassy Suites providing affordable lodging in La Quinta but was opposed to City Council Minutes 15 February 6, 2001 the high-rise building. He was concerned it will negatively alter the character of the City and asked Council to deny the project. Jeffrey Smith, 54-631 Avenida Alvaredo, stated he was not opposed to the project but is opposed to the height of the hotel. Joan Rebich, 53-810 Avenida Cortez, was pleased the City has attracted a quality hotel but was opposed to the height. Fred Wolff, 77-227 Calle Ensenada, stated he felt the six-story hotel is unacceptable because it violates the ambiance of the community. He was also concerned it will bring in other high-rise developments. Seth Ho;~',.,an, 52-862 Eisenhower Drive, spoke in opposition to the height of the hotel because he felt it would wipe out the intimate, small-town atmosphere that currently exists. Kay Wolff, 77-227 Calle Ensenada, urged Council to adhere to the City's current height limit for buildings in the Cove and deny the six-story hotel. Rupert Yeesaylan, P.O. Box 251, concurred with previous speakers on the height of the hotel and suggested it be reduced to three or four-stories. He was also concerned about setting a precedent for other high-rise developments. Klm Bird, 52-360 Avenida Madero, also spoke in opposition to the height of the hotel. Thomaa Harms, 79-605 Cetrino, supported the concept of a moderately-priced hotel but felt spreading out the footprint of the building and reducing the height would make it an economical project. He also voiced concern about setting a precedent for other high-rise buildings. Jack Vincent, 78-720 Castle Pines Drive, spoke in opposition to the height of the hotel because he felt it would take away from the area's beauty. W~yne Nystrom, 78-094 Calle Norte, President of Duna Gardens and Duna Fairway Homeowners Association, spoke in opposition to the proposed project because of the hotel height, He questioned a six-story hotel having a place in the "village" atmosphere as well as the impact on fire services of such a facility. -- Michael Brauckmann, 78-535 Avenida Ultimo, objected to the height of the proposed hotel. City Council Minutes 16 February 6, 2001 Cindy Heywerd, 54-733 Avenida Diaz, spoke in opposition to the height of the proposed hotel and voiced concern about the project's lighting affecting the City's night sky. Bubba Uoyd, 77-313 Calle Mazatlan, spoke in support of the project because he felt it has some attributes that will help jump-start businesses in the City, but noted Council is going to have to determine "how high is high." Pat Crosa, 78-570 Saguaro Road, spoke in support of the project because she felt the City needs a hotel for visitors to stay in when events such as the Arts Festival and various golf tournaments take place in the City. She urged Council to find a compromise on the height of the hotel rather than reject the project. Lucia Moran, P. O. Box 1305, stated she supports the project and noted the transient occupancy tax will provide the City additional revenue to help support its safety concerns and recreation programs. She felt the project would act as a catalyst for the village and did not believe it would set a precedent. Joyce Slvley, 79-775 Westward Ho Drive, read a letter from Colonel Mitchell Paige in support of the project. She also urged Council to approve the project because it will provide jobs and much-needed tax revenues for the City. Robert Cunard, 48-825 Avenida Anselmo, expressed support for the project and stated he felt it is needed in the City. Wally Reynolds, 79-860 Fiesta Drive, stated he supports the project and read a letter from Beverly Sfingi who also supported the project. Batty Harris, 53-995 Avenida Cortez, stated she felt the proposed project is needed to help the businesses in the village and urged Council to support it. Laurie Savage, 79-815 Pecan Valley, spoke in support of the project and stated she felt it would fit in with the ambiance of La Quinta. She noted the tax revenues will also help provide fire and police services as the City continues to grow. Barbara Irwin, 44-065 Camino La Cresta, stated she supports the project and feels it's needed to spark development in the village. Marshall Harrla, 53-995 Avenida Cortez, spoke in support of the project and noted the date grove that previously existed on the site was taller than the proposed hotel. He also commented on photos taken of a hot air balloon placed on the sight to demonstrate the height of the project. City Council Minutes 1 ? February 6, 2001 Robert Cox, 78-315 Crestview Terrace, stated he was opposed to the height of the hotel and did not feel the City could afford the fire services to protect it. There being no other requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 9:41 p.m. In response to Council Member Adolph, Eric Jacobs, 9336 Civic Center Drive, Beverly Hills, of Hilton Hotels Corporation, stated the Embassy Suites in Naps is a four-story hotel that was originally built by Granada Royale and is not one of their prototypical designs. He understood the same type of situation exists with the Palm Desert hotel. He believed the atrium environment of the hotel would provide a significant advantage over other hotels in booking cdnferences during the summer heat. He advised a two or three-story hotel would not be economically feasible. He noted the height of the surrounding elements will soften the height of the hotel. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Jacobs stated the 145-room hotel prototype is one of the smallest Embassy Suites and was created for secondary markets like La Quints. The Embassy Suites in Scottsdsle, Arizona is similar to _._ the proposed design. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Jacobs stated the projected average daily room rate is $145. In response to Council Member Sniff, Den Brown, stated the fire department's concern has been more with earthquake rescue capability than with fire concerns. As for the project's cost, he stated the estimated budget for construction of the hotel is $20 million with the remaining project bringing the total up to $50 million. He reviewed the projected tax revenues for the project and stated the applicant feels the village will be a viable pert of the long-term success of the hotel. He also confirmed that financing for the project, as proposed, is in place. In response to Mayor Per, a, City Manager Genovese confirmed the closest fire station with a ladder truck is in Palm Desert. Council Member Perkins noted quality of life is costly and that the City depends on commercial taxes to provide City improvements such as landscaped medians and bridges. He felt the City needs an affordable hotel and did not feel the proposed hotel would block the view because it's located in the center of a large lot. He strongly supported the project and looked at it as a strong catalyst for improvement of the Cove. City Council Minutes 18 February 6, 2001 Council Member Henderson commented on the Council's responsibility to determine if a project is good or bad for the City and the fact that the City has spent a good many years trying to develop the village. She also commented on the difficulty of attracting a mid-priced hotel. She stated she supports the project and feels it will be the catalyst to create what everyone wants for the village. Council Member Adolph commented on the amount of time the City spent determining regulations for the village. He also spoke about how non- enforcement of City ordinances, such as balloons at the auto mall, opens up a pandora's box and how precedents are set when height restrictions are not maintained. He questioned why ordinances are adopted and then not followed and stated he felt they should be brought back for revision if Council is not going to follow them. He stated he supports the project but has a problem with the height of the hotel because it violates the zoning ordinance. He noted some residents have envisioned for years what the village will be like and he did not feel the proposed height element fits that ambiance. He felt the project should be revised to meet the criteria set forth in the City's zoning ordinance. Council Member Sniff noted in spite of all the effort made to make the village work it remains basically the same as years ago. He felt hotels are a vital component to the City's future economics and noted the City has waited a long time for a hotel proposal to consider. He believed the proposed location is great for a hotel and felt it's time to seize the issue and move forward. He also believed the project can be a catalyst for development in the village by providing the much needed pedestrian traffic to make the village viable. He viewed the project as a great opportunity for the City and village and noted it will provide jobs and additional revenue to help support the City's needs such as parks and police and fire protection. He agreed the height is a concern but noted them is no guarantee when another project will come along and provide the catalyst needed for the village. He noted many sincere visions for the village have come and gone for 67 years and he felt it is time to seize the opportunity by moving forward with this project. Mayor Pefia pointed out there have been several projects in the City through the years that have been met with differences of opinions on whether or not they should be approved. He stated he has concerns about the height of the hotel and leans toward the Planning Commission's recommendation to reduce the hotel to four stories. However, he also understood a four or five-stow hotel may not create the ambiance sought by the developer. He stated he would like to have seen a computer-generated image of the hotel to get a better idea of how the structure will look on the site but does not feel the height of a structure has any relevance to ugliness. He also commented on the demands City Council Minutes 19 February 6, 2001 for more parks, police and fire protection due to the City's growth and noted it is difficult for small cities to provide those services without increasing taxes. If this project is approved, visitors to the project will be paying much of those costs. He understood the concern about setting a precedent and the difficulty of saying no to future projects that may exceed the City's height restriction. He also understood people not wanting to lose their view of the mountains but noted changes come with growth. In response to Mayor Pefla, Community Development Director Herman advised the closest residence to the six-story hotel is approximately 300 feet. Mayor Per~a noted many times communities compete for projects by offering to help fund the project but this developer is not asking the City for funding. He noted the City is changing and felt it comes down to what the City needs to provide for the community and what will help the community most. He did not know how great the visual impacts of the project will be but felt Council should take a hard look at it. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Herman explained a specific plan _ _ allows the Council to modify the development standards of a project but not the General Plan policies. A specific plan allows the City to review a project on a case-by-case basis and deal with specific requests for that project. He also confirmed the Council would not be violating the City's zoning ordinance. Council Member Perkins noted the current infrastructure improvements in the village does not guarantee new businesses will come into the village and he felt it is important for the City to be current with the changing times. He also looked forward to having a place for committee luncheon meetings in La Quinta. RESOLUTION NO. 2001-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUlNTA, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2000-406 PREPARED FOR SPECIFIC PLAN 2000-050, VILLAGE USE PERMIT 2000-005, AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 29909 (SANTA ROSA PLAZA LLC). It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Sniff to adopt Resolution No. 2001-08 as amended (adding "with deletion of Planning Commission recommendation Condition No. 15A of the Specific Plan" to//2 on Page 7 of the staff report). Motion carried with Council Member Adolph voting NO. City Council Minutes 20 February 6, 2001 RESOLUTION NO. 2001-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DESIGN GUIDEUNES AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A HOTEL, CASITAS, AND COMMERCIAL RETAIL/OFFICE SPACE ON 14.3 ACRES ON THE NORTH SIDE OF CALLE TAMPICO BETWEEN DESERT CLUB DRIVE AND AVENIDA BERMUDAS (SPECIFIC PLAN 2000-050 - SANTA ROSA PLAZA LLC). ' It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2001-09 as amended (modifying Condition No. 15A to read, 'the height of the hotel shall not exceed 78 feet.'; 'and adding 'with deletion of Planning Commission recommendation Condition No. 15A" to #2 on Page 27 and #18 on Page 33 of the staff report). Motion carried with Council Member Adolph and Mayor Pef~a voting NO. RESOLUTION NO.' 2001-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF A 145-ROOM HOTEL ON A PORTION OF A 14.3-ACRE SITE ON THE NORTH SIDE OF CALLE TAMPICO BETWEEN DESERT CLUB AND AVENIDA BERMUDAS (VILLAGE USE PERMIT 2000-005 - SANTA ROSA PLAZA LLC). It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2001-10 as amended (modifying Condition No. 69C to read," .... 78 feet in height"; and adding to Condition No. 70" .... with deletion of Planning Commission recommendation Condition No. 69C). Motion carried with Council Member Adolph voting NO. RESOLUTION NO. 2001-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE SUBDIVISION OF 14.3 ACRES INTO NINE NUMBERED LOTS AND TWO LETTERED LOTS (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 29909 - SANTA ROSA PLAZA LLC). It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2001-11 as submitted. Motion carried with Council Member Adolph voting NO. City Council Minutes 21 February 6, 2001 ~I, ISINESS SESSION .......... continued 5. CONSIDERATION OF LA QUINTA COURT ART FEATURE. Community Services Director Horvitz presented the staff report. Council Member Sniff understood there has been a consideration to allow more funding for this art piece because of its location and suggested an amount not to exceed $150,000. He supported moving forward and authorizing an RFP for an art feeture/weter feature and landscaping. Council Member Henderson was concerned about delaying the project and suggested approving alternative #3 which authorizes funds for a modified water feature and art piece pad and authorizes staff to prepare an Art Purchase Agreement. In response to Mayor Peris, Ms. Horvitz stated to her knowledge the art feature will have no impact on construction of the road work. ..... In response to Council Member Adolph, Ms. Horvitz stated the developer has not provided a location for a future sculpture/art feature but noted it can be added if Council wishes. Council Member Perkins stated he felt the water feature is more important than an art sculpture and was having a difficult time visualizing it from the rendering provided in the staff report. He wished to see a better rendering of the proposed fountain and suggested the fountain include colored lighting that changes. Ms. Horvitz noted there are eight walls of varying heights up to six feet high in front of the restaurant and cascading water can be on both sides of any number of the walls. In response to Council Member Henderson, Ms. Horvitz confirmed the fountain is a concept at this point and specifics such as materials can be determined at a later date. Council Member Adolph stated he felt the building behind the water fountain will help complete the look the Council is. looking for. Council Member Sniff wished to see the water rippling down the walls as opposed to dropping off the sides. He felt it should also have water spraying up a few feet and colored lighting. City Council Minutes 22 February 6, 2001 City Manager Genovese stated if the overall layout is acceptable to Council, staff can work with the developer on the details of the monolith/wall features. Staff will also contact the developer regarding lighting facing the structures and the possibility of a water spray feature in front of some of the walls. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Perkins to authorize the expenditure of Art in Public Places funds in the amount of $65,000 for the modified water feature and art piece pad and authorize staff to prepare an Art Purchase Agreement. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2001-17. Council concurred to take up Item No. 7 at this time. 7. CONSIDERATION OF "GAMBY" DISTRIBUTION PLAN. Management Analyst Wilson presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Wilson stated the total cost for 2,500 Gambys is $13,225 plus shipping and tax, resulting in an individual cost of approximately $5.25. Council Member Henderson stated she wished to recoup enough of the initial costs to cover an additional order. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Wilson advised the glass case in the hallway can be utilized to display Gambys for sale Mayor Pe~a felt they could also be sold through the Chamber of Commerce, restaurants, and businesses throughout the City. Council Member Perkins suggested a selling price of $7.50. Council Member Adolph voiced concern about children pulling the stuffed Gamby apart and choking on the pieces. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Sniff to approve the sale of Gamby at a price sufficient to recoup costs with or without gift packaging (i.e. approximately $7.00-8.00). Motion carried with Council Member Adolph voting NO. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2001-18. City Council Minutes 23 February 6, 2001 B. CONSIDERATION OF MID-YEAR BUDGET REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 200012001. Finance Director Falconer presented a brief staff report. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Falconer advised the $300,000 for slurry seal/striping was carried over from last year. In response to Mayor Pefta, Mr. Falconer stated the Sheriff's Department is behind four months in billing the City for law enforcement aervices resulting in a Iow expenditure percentage for services/supplies. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to 1) approve an increase in estimated revenues for Project Area No. I and 2 as outlined in Attachment No. of the staff report totaling $2,978,062; 2) approve the new appropriations as outlined in Attachment No. 1 of the staff report totaling $1,037,700 from the General Fund, $37,600 from the Quimby Fund, and $1,154,910 in RDA Project Area No. 1 and 2 Fund; 3) approve the transfer of $2,196,225 from the Debt Service Project Area No. 1 Fund to the Capital ..... Projects Area No. 1 Fund; 4) approve the transfer of $1,077,512 from Debt Service Project Area No. 2 to the Capital Projects Area No. 2 Fund; and 5) receive and file the Mid-Year Budget Report for Fiscal Year 2000/2001. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2001-19. 8. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TO PROVIDE STREET SWEEPING SERVICES. There were no changes to the staff report as submitted and on file in the City Clerk's Office. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to authorize staff to distribute a Request for Proposals (RFP) for providing street sweeping services. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2000-20. 9. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FROM COACHELLA VALLEY MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY TO SELECT TWO COUNCIL MEMBERS IN CONJUNCTION WITH STAFF TO MEET WITH THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, STATE DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME, C. V. MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY, AND " CVAG TO DISCUSS ISSUES RELATING TO THE BIGHORN SHEEP. There were no changes to the staff report as submitted and on file in the City Clerk's Office. City Council Minutes 24 February 6, 2001 Council Member Sniff noted BLM will also be participating in the meetings and the meetings will be held at City Hall. After a brief discussion, Council concurred to appoint Council Member Sniff and Mayor Per~a. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Perle to appoint Council Member Sniff and Mayor Per~a to meet with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, State Department of Fish and Game, C. V. Mountains Conservancy, and CVAG to discuss issues relating to the Bighorn Sheep. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2001-21. STUDY SESSION - None DEPARTMENT REPORTS...' ....... continued 5. REQUEST FOR JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION STUDY SESSION. . . After a brief discussion, Council concurred to tentatively schedule a joint meeting with the Planning Commission for March 7, 2001, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEM.~ Chamber of Commerce Workahop/Informetion Exchange Committee -- Council Member Adolph stated he has completed his term of three meetings. City Manager Genovese stated the matter will be agendized for reappointment. All other reports were noted and filed. City Council Minutes 25 February 6, 2001 MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS 1. DISCUSSION OF AESTHETIC MODIFICATIONS TO CITY FLEET VEHICLES. Council Member Perkina suggested some type of additional design on City vehicles to enhance their appearance, as well as a phone number on the back. Council concurred to direct staff to come back with concepts for Council's consideration. 2. DISCUSSION OF AMENDING ZONING REQUIREMENTS TO PERMIT DALLY OUTDOOR DISPLAY OF SALES ITEMS FOR RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS. Council Member Hen;lemon stated her intent was to allow stores such as Home Depot, Lowes, and Wal-mart to display outdoor plants more than four times a year for 10 days. Council concurred to direct staff to explore permits for outdoor display and sale of floral and plant material during the periods of time when retailers receive major seasonal deliveries. 3. DISCUSSION REGARDING TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS AT THE LA QUINTA HIGH SCHOOL. A brief discussion ensued regarding a complaint about recent vehicle citations issued at the high school parking lot. 4. DISCUSSION REGARDING THE REGULATION OF GARAGE SALES. Mayor Palta requested staff bring the'issue of garage sales back to Council for discussion. The City Attomey made an announcement regarding Closed Smion Item No. 2 regarding The Center for Biological Divemity V. Bureau of Land Management and · ',ated the Council has unanimoualy authorized the City to proceed with the objections to the consent decree~ propo.~d In that ca~e and ha. unanlmoualy authorized the -- aubmleslon of the City'a objections to Congreuwoman Bono, Department of the Interior, and the Department of Agriculture. City Council Minutes 26 February 6, 2001 Council recessed to Redevelopment Agency meeting. Council reconvened and recea~ed to Closed Session aa dellnceted on Page 1. The City Couneli meeting reconvened with no further declelone being mede In Closed Seeeion which require reporting pumuent to Section 54957.1 of the Govemment Code (Brown Act). ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting was. adjourned. Respectfully submitted, JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California