1986 Master Plan of DrainageMASTER PLAN OF DRAINAGE PRESENTATION CITY OF LA QUINTA CALIFORNIA Presented by: BSI CONSULTANTS, INC. 1415 East Seventeenth Street Santa Ana, California 92701 (714) 558-1952 DECEMBER 15, 1986 OEM 1985 by BSI in I J CITY OF LA QUINTA MASTER PLAN OF DRAINAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction The City of La Quinta has retained BSI Consultants,, Inc. to prepare a Master Plan of Drainage within its city limits. The purpose of this study is to analyze the existing drainage deficiencies and indicate possible solutions. This Master Plan is also intended to serve as a document for communication between the City of La Quintal the Coachella Valley Water District and the residential and commercial land developers within the City limits. For the purpose of this study, the overall flood control system serving the City of La Quinta was divided into two distinctly different components; "off -site" or regional and "on -site" flood control systems. The regional flood control system is a major flood control work planned, designed and being presently constructed for the Coachella Valley Water District by Bechtel Incorporated of San Francisco. This system was designed to collect the runoff from the steep mountains surrounding most of the City, and to convey it to the Whitewater River. It will be operated and maintained by the Coachella Valley Water District. The "on -site" flood control system is a network of local drainage facilities. The analyzing, planning and financing of these local "on -site" facilities, and the feasibility to convey "on -site" street and lot drainage to the regional facilities is the subject of this Drainage Master Plan. This Master Plan of Drainage provides the following: 1. A brief inventory of the "off -site" or regional and existing "on -site" facilities. 2. An overall concept for "on -site" drainage including sizes and locations for the required major storm drains, and priority listings. 3. Recommendations for drainage policies. 4. Cost estimates for proposed facilities. Methodology Applied All existing drainage data reports, "as-builts" plans and land use plans were collected from the City, Coachella Valley Water District and the consulting engineers serving - i - 9 21 the land developers within the City. The study was based on the Riverside County Survey and Road Department's 1975 aerials, (1 inch 200 feet scale and 4 foot contour intervals) and the City of La Quinta "General Plan", "Land Use Map" and " Circulation Map." For the purpose of the Master Plan of Drainage the City was divided into four areas. (See Exhibit 1) Each individual area presents similarities in land use, development and drainage pattern. Since part of the City is presently undeveloped while other parts have streets inadequately developed, certain assumptions were made for the analysis. These assumptions are as follows: 1. All existing streets without curbs and gutters would be reconstructed with them in the future. This is consistent with the City of La Quinta General Plan. 2. During reconstruction, these streets would be lowered so that the right of way line of the street would be one foot lower than the finished floor elevations of the adjacent building pads. (See Exhibit 2) 3. Each existing and future building pad will be generally drained toward the adjacent street (see Exhibit 3) 4. In case the above under item 2 and 3 cannot be accomplished due to existing utility interferences or impracticality due to major excavation, the drainage schemes presented on Exhibits 4 and 5 shall be adopted. Recommendations The "Master Plan of Drainage Report" recommends the following: 1. The City shall adopt the methodologies and criteria set forth by the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Districts "Design Manual". As indicated in Exhibit 6, there shall be one foot of minimum freeboard between the dwelling pad elevation and the 100-year water surface elevation which shall be retained within the street's right of way. This is consistent with the Federal Emergency Management Agency's requirement to have the lowest floor elevation (including basement) at or above the base flood (100- year flood) level. 2. For Area One it is recommended that Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) facilities be constructed to convey runoff to the Bear Creek Channel, the Avenida Bermudas Detention Basin and the Crystal Canyon Detention Basins as shown on Plate 1. A 0 0 C, ILL low Wets < < 1;7 indian W,116.. ALI; fill + f ` IAL 10 LX'QUINTA%�I, NORTH IDIVERSIOW'.),%) OLEANDER"' RESERV,IOR.-,-,.,\, Irw10 Mt CB QRE EK �PYSITE�M jl� !j,j At 14 jo. ou "A 4 Nit"4141 �u om -BY�T r; q E, 04 LA E pit, 1/7 CAHUILLA t� It It JU t" 29 R AVC 'ur It C' Wdler 0) � U.1 A cm wL I- 0 � LU z LL 0 z CL cc: uj F- z 0 .j C.) Z zz cn So 0 Z CY 0 w < < 0 ti. - .j U. w co 0 Z o Exhlbft 1 j 4c z z w x ui lu Lu I- z LLI z z j z 7c IL six -1 r- 0 LU z I.- IL LU a 3: 0 z tu 0 a 0 rc j 0 Uj 0 Z uj U. z 4c .3 - 0 x 4c cm a 7c 03 MCC w 4c cc a D 0 0 o.j 0 0 0 a 0 3: OIL L uj .J � 00 w 0 IL ir Ir I- .J 0 dc I- ILO w A. U. ce 4c uj lz P uj UA nu >. WE z I >-F- z IL 0 ZE w lu�- xt ME 2 a z 3N[l AW/ra—lasuls 0 4J Q) 4J �4 0 a) �4 -14 04 -1 a4 Z 0 rn �4 3NII MIU 733—tfJLS (d 4J 4J 14 c 0�� Lu ro 0 -�4 fo 0 oc -rq U �4 U 4C 9L �4 4J -r-1 U. 0) rU CC 04 0 -w 0 -H >1 Ix -r-f 0 Q 4-) w r-i U 44 r. (1) z 0 p >1 .14 0 4J 4J w —4 41 u 0 P 0 w Q) U Q) 4 4J 41 cn rn 0 (1) z P ra 0 m E us 3 XC �4 TJ �4 P a) -H 0 Q) Q) 41 :j 0 > 4-) 'H V r-1 -11 ra H Q) rT4 Z 3: U $-4 0 0 0 X.j z W EXHIBIT 2 TYPICAL RECOMMENDED LOT DRAINAGE SCHEME FOR AREAS 1&2 F" B % % LOW B High point 10 /0 2 % min A A C C % 1% I% Curb PLAN Mudsill 3'rnin. 4' min. F- 6" min. jr-- 6 min POP BLDG FAD ELE SECTION C-C 3' min. 6 01 min mudsill lea a - SECTION A -A 12" - 18" (Bit min. above pod elevation Round off top SECTION B - B TYPICAL 13ERM DETAIL 4 1 — BLDG. PADI ELEV.— (—Elev. must be eQual ve Compacted berm to bldg. pod elev, or higher SECTION C-C d' to IS!' ALTERNATE EXHIBIT 3 RECOMMENDED LOT DRAINAGE I - IBM-] Alm w -IN11 L3!kij�433ujiR 34L .k33U.Le 0 3Nn m/u imuls m LU 0 w 0 w A tu z 0 w a UA IL z 0 z CC M z Z wo z 0 Z rc 0. Z 0 0 z w -1 cc w 0 -C U. a a M W 0 W 2 -P >i 44 rO m Z >1 .11 r. r� A ri Q) rd w -1 j 0 < -J I- Z 1.- 9: 0 ro ro 0 x 4c W:; 0 0 r-i -H a) Q) 10 W a 0 4) EQ -W P-1 0 < z w Q 4-) Q LLI a -c IL r-1 �4 -H M > 0 a 0 0 U. 0 ty) 0 E r-i fa m 0: a) 0 �4 -H C: 0 z Is A cc LL M M 04 > w Q) (a z a 0 0% >1 �4 lu 4c z ri) 4 4) cu >. w 3 A �4 4J w (D 01 - 0 fU -P M r. U3 (a ro tZ 'i r- Q) rn 04 Q) 3Nn mmliiuls r. -W 0 �4 W 4 -H U) q ra > a) U3 cc -li -W -H M-H �4 X rd M 4J fO r-4 ro 0 > z 0 z Q 133UJILS Q) �4 Z -ri (0 Q) r. 1-1 W �4 (0 4J cc -W 4J 0 4J W �4 W oc (a .,A 4J 4J fO Q) 0 z �: IQ fu 'i m �A �4 04 fa H 3NII M/U 133UIS w a) U) 0 fO r-4 w IL 4J M 0 0 P U M M r-� Q) m a) -H :� 0 P 4-4 (d 4 P 0 z (0 0 Z 4-) 0 -H z En a Wo -ri 0 4-) > z -H �4 04 fO Ea Q) ;: 0 4 0 0 �4 0 -H �4 to --I z E-4 44 4J r0 9 Z 0, LU zLL Z (DW z X� Z LU poz w 0 CL z 0 x MIX -c LU IL a IL EXHIBIT 4 EALTERNATE DRAINAGE SCHEME FOR LOT DRAINAGE AREAS 1&2 HIGH POINT Curb A C 1% C B 1,- 0, min 2 % min 3' min. I 'A MIN 6" min mudsill High Point 2 % min TIC'minknum --N- B SECTION A -A A A c c JMUDSILL a, MIN VARIES 130, MIN. N N MUDBILL 1% MIN. ELEV. SECTION B-B I% I / TYPICAL BERM DETAIL Curb s min. 4'min PLAN BLDG. PADI E LEV. 77 Mudsill 3' min. 4' min. �6" min bow* 76" min od lev. must be equal C::o BLDG ELEI 17 to bldg. pad elew or higher. Competed berm SECTION C-C le to Is" S1 MON C-C ALTERNATE EXHIBIT 5 RECOMMENDED LOT DRAINAGE/ALTERNATIVE .4 -The 100-Year flood shall be contained within street R/W limits. The 10-Ytar flood shall be contained within the Top of curbs. Initiate a storm drain or channel when either condition is exceeded. W z W 75 z W - 71 Uj U) it wo WO U) r_ TYPICAL 7' FREE 80ARO 7- DWELLING UNIT PAD' UNOERGROUNO STORM DRAIN OPEN CHANNEL NOTES: Protection criteria shown are the Districts typical minimum requirments. Special conditions, or other authorities may require stricter controls;ie; for reasons of traffic of pedestrian safety, maintenance problems behind curbs etc., lower maximum depths of flow in streets may be required.Also see Riv. Co. Ord. No. 460. EXHIBIT 6 FLOOD PROTECTION GOALS The total cost for these improvements is $ 4f882f9OO. 3. For Area Two it is recommended that RCPf Reinforced Concrete Box (RCB), and grass lined open channels be constructed to convey runoff to the Bear Creek Channel and the All -American Canal. This area also includes the construction of a detention basin. The total cost for these improvements is $ 51075F100. 4. For Area Three it is recommended that all on going and new developments shall provide for the flood protection requirements adopted by this Master Plan. The total cost for these facilities is absorbed by the developers of this area. 5. For Area Four it is recommended that RCP and RCB facilities be constructed to convey runoff to the Whitewater River and a small portion to the All -American Canal. The total cost for these improvements is $ 28,791,000. However, this amount can be substantially reduced if the individual developers make provisions to retain on -site drainage. The total cost to the City of La Quinta to construct these improvements is $ 38,749,000 in January 1986 dollars. Priority Listin This Master Plan of Drainage recommends the following order of priority for construction of the recommended on -site storm drain facilities: 1. Area Two: The facilities that should have top priority are within Area Two, subareas three and four (see Plate 2). The facility shall be constructed in Calle Tampico to the park -detention basin. The next facility to be built is from the park -detention basin to Calle Ronda, along the proposed realignment of 52nd Avenue to the All -American Canal. 2. Area Four: The second priority is in Area Four subarea six (see Plate 4) . This facility shall extend from Washington Street along the future 48th Avenue. This system will eliminate the ponding that frequently occurs near the intersection of Washington Street and the future street of 48th Avenue. 3. Areas One & Two: The third priority is in Areas one and Two (see Plates 1 & 2). It includes all of the remaining recommended facilities by this Master Plan. This will provide the existing development with on -site flood control facilities. The remaining facilities that are recommended to be constructed will depend on the order of development. j Myolna k, Elm "I 0 10 wafow 1 DARRY RD /Y Well w Well' wo, < .p I Well Pf Wells, fl DO-'Vd "Co. rmir rl.'IRJF Lkf'QUINTA`� �INOATH 1 PiVERs1ok\,f 1. T�M", 'r:A 8 h EE W Ell, �o C "LAKE CAHUILLA 111 27 T OT COST: $38.7M ni 0 AVE";lf '11" 11 111 w co F cm F iL c � I N ON� w z LL 0 z a. cc LU F- z 0 U z ieee, eeeeeeee� z z rell 0000400% _0 Z 00 < W < 9 J to M LL M En O;t Z M o U sw�j L,L;qJ AVOW1 41;1j Exhibit 7 j Method of Ultimate Runoff Disposal for Area One The 100-year storm runoff from subarea one will flow into the Avenida Bermudas Detention Basin. In a similar fashion the 100-year runoff from subareas two through four will discharge into the Crystal Canyon Detention Basins. Finally, the 100-year runoff from subarea five will drain into the Bear Creek Channel. Method of Ultimate Runoff Disposal for Area Two The 100-year storm runoff from subareas one and two will flow into the Bear Creek Channel and oleander Reservoir. The 100-year storm runoff from subarea three is recommended to drain initially to a 36" flap -gated manhole opening at Calle Amigo and Desert Club Drive. When this system becomes full, the runoff will drain into the channel along the proposed realignment of 52nd Avenue. The 100-year storm runoff from subarea four will drain into the proposed park - detention basin at Calle Ronda and Avenida Tampico. Initially, some of the runoff west of Desert club Drive will drain to a second 36" flap -gated manhole opening at Avenida Tampico and Desert Club Drive. When this system becomes insufficient, the runoff will drain to the park -detention basin. After the park -detention facility develops head the water will drain through a pipe along Calle Ronda to the open channel along the proposed realignment of 52nd Avenue. The channel will continue along the proposed 52nd Avenue realignment to a point where it meets the existing 52nd Avenue alignment. At this point the channel will turn southerly and discharge into the All -American Canal. The recommended trapezoidal grass lined channel is 3.75 feet deep, with a 1 foot invert width, and 3:1 grass lined side slopes. Method of Ultimate Runoff Disposal for Area Three The 100-year storm runoff from subarea one will be detained in the Crystal Canyon Detention Basins and partially drained into the La Quinta Evacuation Channel via a 60" RCP. The 100-year storm runoff from subareas two and three should drain into retention facilities on -site. Method of Ultimate Runoff Disposal for Area Four The 100-year storm runoff from subareas one, two, and six will discharge into the La Quinta Evacuation Channel. The 100-year storm runoff from subareas three, four, five, and eight will drain to the Whitewater River. Subareas three and eight will flow through part of the City of Indio before reaching the Whitewater River. Subarea seven will also flow through part of the City of Indio before reaching the All - American Canal. The Reflections and the Groves development will retain the 100-year storm on -site. - iv - VIM I CITY OF LA QUINTA MASTER PLAN OF DRAINAGE PUBLIC MEETING DECEMBER 15, 1986 AGENDA: 1. INTRODUCTION 11. PURPOSE OF MEETING Ill. PRESENTATION OF THE STUDY IV. OPEN DISCUSSION V. CLOSING STATEMENT P CITY OF LA QUINTA MASTER PLAN OF DRAINAGE PUBLIC MEETING DECEMBER 15, 1986 AGENDA: 1. INTRODUCTION II. PURPOSE OF MEETING Ill. PRESENTATION OF THE STUDY IV. OPEN DISCUSSION V. CLOSING STATEMENT Aq, qj Resolution 86-96 Page 2 OWNER Calif ornia Castles, Inc. DATE AGENDA ITEM # ()APPROVED DEt4IED () CONTINUED TO ASSESSOR'S COST TO 25% ADMINI- PARCEL # ABATE STRATIVE COST TOTAL 773-284-024 $214.50 $53.63 $268.13 Kanner, Myna 774-085-023-0 Kanner, Myna 774-085-024-1 McClelland, 773-315-005 Brennan T. Overstreet, Emily 773-062-001-2 San Fernando 773-161-014-0 Airpost Corp. Smith, Donald E. 773-326-022-6 Smith, Trudie 773-163-015-7 Wadworth, Henry J 774-085-018-6 115.50 28.88 144.38 115.50 28.88 144.38 405.00 101.25 506.25 227.50 56.88 284.38 602.50 150.63 753.13 187.50 46.88 234.38 203.50 50.88 254.38 115.50 28.88 144.38 3. The City Manager is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the tax collector of the County of Riverside and said tax collector is hereby requested to collect the amount of each assessment herein at the time and in the manner of ordinary property taxes. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 2nd day of December, 1986. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY MANAGER/CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY