La Quinta Resort & Club Surface Drainage MaintenanceSeptember 26, 2016 Prepared by GeoKinetics Geotechnical & Environmental Engineers 77 Bunsen Irvine, CA 92618 Tel 949.502.5353, Fax 949.502.5354 GeoKinetics []\ Hydrology and Hydraulics Report for Surface Drainage Maintenance and Improvements at La Quinta Resort & Club La Quinta, California Prepared for Glaser Weil Fink Howard Avchen & Shapiro LLP Table 1 - Summary of Tributary Area Sizes and Estimated Flow Rates Page 1 of 1 Tributary Area Size Peak Run-Off for Tributary Area (CFS) Run-Off Rate Into Golf Course Channel Accounting for Time Lag (CFS) Peak Cumulative Flow in Golf Course Channel Without Basin (CFS) Peak Cumulative Flow In Golf Course Channel With Basin (CFS) 1 65 Acres 227 227 227 227 2 5 Acres 17 17 244 244 3 330 Acres 1,150 1,150 / 1538 1,394 782 4 11 Acres 38 234 1,428 816 5 264 Acres 921 3553 1,981 1,369 6 10 Acres 35 321 2,002 1,390 7 45 Acres 157 477 2,079 1,467 8 40 Acres 140 559 2,138 1,526 1 2 3 4 5 Peak flow occurs ≈ 1.2 minutes prior to arrival of peak flow from Area #'s 1, 2, and 3. Apply correction factor of 0.89 to adjust peak flow per hydrograph based upon time offset Peak flow occurs ≈ 4.4 minutes prior to arrival of peak flow from Area #'s 1, 2, and 3. Apply correction factor of 0.60 to adjust peak flow per hydrograph based upon time offset Peak flow occurs ≈ 6.4 minutes prior to arrival of peak flow from Area #'s 1, 2, and 3. Apply correction factor of 0.49 to adjust peak flow per hydrograph based upon time offset Peak flow occurs ≈8.6 minutes prior to arrival of peak flow from Area #'s 1, 2, and 3. Apply correction factor of 0.42 to adjust peak flow per hydrograph based upon time offset Peak flow reduced by detention basin. Table 2 - Summary of Calculated Flow Conditions Page 1 of 2 Channel New Basin Bulked Flow Section Flow Rate (CFS) Maximum Flow Depth (Feet) Water Elevation (Feet) Average Velocity (FPS) B 1394 5.99 57.89 12.40 C 1394 6.29 57.59 4.30 D 1394 8.10 57.50 2.60 E 1428 7.05 57.45 5.80 F 1428 6.80 57.10 8.80 G 2002 7.69 56.09 9.30 H 2002 7.18 54.78 8.90 I 2079 6.84 53.54 8.80 J 2079 4.90 50.90 5.20 K 2138 5.15 50.25 15.50 B 1394 6.88 58.79 10.20 C 1394 7.22 58.52 3.50 D 1394 9.05 58.45 2.00 E 1428 8.00 58.40 4.80 F 1428 7.80 58.10 7.10 G 2002 8.79 57.19 7.40 H 2002 8.45 56.05 7.10 I 2079 7.92 54.62 6.90 J 2079 5.67 51.67 4.20 K 2138 5.89 50.99 12.20 B 782 4.53 56.43 10.53 C 782 4.84 56.14 3.63 D 782 6.65 56.05 2.19 E 816 5.60 56.00 4.60 F 816 5.43 55.73 7.08 G 1390 6.61 55.01 8.37 H 1390 6.11 53.71 7.74 I 1467 5.91 52.61 7.73 J 1467 4.27 50.27 4.75 K 1526 4.27 49.57 13.75 B 782 5.24 57.14 8.61 C 782 5.59 56.89 2.89 D 782 7.43 56.83 1.75 E 816 6.38 56.78 3.81 F 816 6.25 56.55 5.81 G 1390 7.49 55.89 6.79 H 1390 7.14 54.74 6.25 I 1467 6.84 53.54 6.22 J 1467 4.95 50.95 3.62 K 1526 5.24 50.34 10.77 Existing No No Yes (10%) No Yes Yes (10%) Table 2 - Summary of Calculated Flow Conditions Page 2 of 2 Channel New Basin Bulked Flow Section Flow Rate (CFS) Maximum Flow Depth (Feet) Water Elevation (Feet) Average Velocity (FPS) B 1394 5.75 55.67 9.56 C 1394 5.65 55.50 6.17 D 1394 5.63 55.28 5.23 E 1428 5.63 54.95 6.42 F 1428 5.63 54.46 6.58 G 2002 5.58 53.98 8.59 H 2002 5.29 52.99 7.19 I 2079 5.42 52.12 7.59 J 2079 4.16 50.16 5.71 K 2138 4.13 49.23 13.97 B 1394 6.37 56.29 8.34 C 1394 6.27 56.12 5.36 D 1394 6.24 55.89 4.32 E 1428 6.27 55.59 5.58 F 1428 6.28 55.11 5.71 G 2002 6.24 54.64 7.38 H 2002 6.02 53.72 5.34 I 2079 6.35 53.05 6.12 J 2079 4.97 50.97 4.41 K 2138 5.06 50.16 11.03 B 782 4.49 54.41 7.41 C 782 4.42 54.27 4.89 D 782 4.45 54.10 4.45 E 816 4.48 53.80 4.89 F 816 4.61 53.44 4.85 G 1390 0.71 53.11 7.45 H 1390 4.53 52.23 6.44 I 1467 4.61 51.31 6.59 J 1467 3.54 49.54 5.22 K 1526 3.39 48.49 12.59 B 782 5.07 54.99 6.43 C 782 5.01 54.86 4.14 D 782 0.05 54.70 3.68 E 816 5.11 54.43 4.2 F 816 5.26 54.09 4.15 G 1390 5.39 53.79 6.28 H 1390 5.27 52.97 5.07 I 1467 5.40 52.10 5.39 J 1467 4.16 50.16 4.05 K 1526 4.14 49.24 9.99 Improved No No Yes (10%) Yes No Yes (10%) SEDIMENT/DEBRIS BULKING FACTORS AND POST-FIRE HYDROLOGY FOR VENTURA COUNTY FINAL REPORT June 2011 Prepared for: Prepared by: Ventura County Watershed Protection District WEST Consultants, Inc. San Diego, California WEST Consultants, Inc. Ventura County Bulking Study June 2011 Final Report 4-4 4.3.2 Manning’s n Coefficients To model hyperconcentrated flow, Manning’s n values should be adjusted as follows (Appendix A): Manning’s n (laminar flows, Re < 500): 0.74 /bulked bulkednq (English units only) (4.2) Manning’s n (turbulent flows, Re > 500): 1/9 bulked bulkednn   (4.3) where: V = flow velocity (ft/sec) y = depth of flow in the channel (ft) q = is the bulked flow per linear foot width of the channel (ft2/sec) Re bulkedVy/4 = Reynolds number (dimensionless) To test the use of the Manning’s n equation for bulked, turbulent flows, an HEC-RAS hydraulic model for Pole Creek was used as an example. The Reynolds number ranged from approximately 800 to 2,400 (depending on the peak discharge and cross section), which corresponds to the turbulent flow threshold of approximately 500 cfs (using νbulked = 0.282 ft2/s). Table 4-2 shows computed nbulked values for a range of sediment concentrations by volume. As sediment concentration by volume and clear water Manning’s n increase, Manning’s nbulked increases, which indicates that higher n values are required to represent sediment-laden flows. Table 4-2. Computed Manning’s n for Bulked Flows – Pole Creek Example (Turbulent Flow) Sediment Concentration (% by Volume) Manning's n 0 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 10 0.018 0.024 0.030 0.036 20 0.023 0.030 0.038 0.045 30 0.029 0.039 0.048 0.058 40 0.035 0.047 0.059 0.071 50 0.045 0.060 0.075 0.090