All American Canal DPR Report
DPR 523L (09/2013)
Identifier: Coachella Branch Canal Date Constructed: 1948
UTM Zone: 11S, Point 1: 587944; Point 2: 575778; Point 3: 574620 mE; Point 1: 3706742; Point 2: 3729846; Point 3: 3731065 mN
Neighborhood: Not Associated with a Residential Neighborhood
Tract: Not Associated with a Residential Neighborhood
Owner and Address: Coachella Valley Water District; PO Box 1058, Coachella CA 92236
Updated Description: The Coachella Canal branch of the All American Canal was completed in 1948. The canal runs west and
south through La Quinta to the Lake Cahuilla Terminal Reservoir. The canal was constructed as an unlined main canal and
underground distribution system, bringing water from irrigation from the Colorado River to the Coachella Valley. The canal is
capable of irrigating more than 80,000 acres of farmland in the Coachella Valley. During the current survey, the canal was observed
from the intersection of the canal and 52nd Avenue. The canal does not appear to have been altered since the previous survey. The
Canal is unlined, approximately 20 feet wide with two-foot-high sloping concrete embankments. The canal is surrounded by a chain
link fence on either side.
Updated Significance: A prior survey by Mellon and Associates in 1997 evaluated the property as status code 3S - Appears eligible
for NR individually through survey evaluation. The 1997 survey did not list any specific applicable criteria for potential NRHP
designation. The current survey found that the canal is associated with the Ranches and Agriculture (1900-1970s) theme and
possesses individual documented significance in relation to this theme. The 2022 evaluation is that the property should also be
assigned a 3CS status code: appears eligible for CR individually through survey evaluation; and a 5S2 status code: individually eligible
for local listing or designation. These codes should be added in addition to the previously assigned 3S status code.
The canal has been found individually eligible under NRHP/CRHR/Local Criterion A/1/B (events), as it is associated with significant
events or patterns of events in local, regional, state, or national history. The canal is considered an important linear engineered
structure that had a direct and significant impact on the production of crops in the Coachella Valley following its initial construction.
It changed the agricultural output of the region and enabled communities, such as La Quinta, to grow throughout the second half of
the 20th century. The property is not individually eligible under Criterion B/2/B (persons), as it has not been identified as having an
association with an important person. The property is not individually significant under NRHP/CRHR/Local Criterion C/3/C, as it does
not embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction. It is not individually eligible under Criterion
D/4/D, as further study of the property would not appear to yield information which could be considered important in local, regional,
state, or national history. The property was not found to be individually eligible under Local Register Criterion A, as it was not found
to exemplify a special element of the City of La Quinta. Additionally, the canal is not individually eligible under Local Register
Criterion E, as the canal considered a singular improvement and not a collection of sites, buildings, structures, improvements, or
objects. The canal has not been substantially altered since its construction and it maintains integrity from the historic period.
State of California — The Resources Agency
HRI #: None
Trinomial: N/A
CRHR Status Code: 3S / 3CS / 5S2
Other Listings: Urbana Survey No. 001
ý Update
Resource Name: Coachella Canal
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DPR 523L (09/2013)
All American Canal_1: View facing southwest of the canal on 52nd Avenue.
All American Canal_2: View facing southwest of the canal on 52nd Avenue.
State of California — The Resources Agency
HRI #: None
Trinomial: N/A
CRHR Status Code: 3S, 3CS, 5S2
Urbana Survey No: 001 Resource Name:: Coachella Cana l
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DPR 523J (09/2013) *Required Information
*Map Name: La Quinta and Indio *Scale: 1:24,000 *Map Date: 2021
State of California — The Resources Agency
HRI #: None
Trinomial: N/A
CRHR Status Code: 3S / 3CS / 5S2
Other Listings: Urbana Survey No. 001 Resource Name: Coachella Canal
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All American
State of California -- The Resources Agency Primary #
NRKP Status Cade 2
Other Listings
Review Cade Reviewer Date
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*Resource Name or #: All American Canal
P1. Other Identifier: Coachella Branch Canal_
*P2. Location: ❑ Not for Publication ❑ Unrestricted a. County Riverside
b. USGS 7.5' Quad La Quinta Date 1984 T 06S ;; R 07E: 114 of _114 of Sec 13, M.
c. Address City La Quinta Zip
d. UTM: (Give more than one for large and/or linear featurey Zone mE/ mN
e. Other Locational Data: (e.g. parcel #, legal description, directions to resource, elevation, additional UTMs, etc. as appropriate)
*P3a. Description: (Describe resource and its major elements. Include design, materials, condition, alterations, size, setting, and boundaries.)
Section of the Coachella Canal, historically known as the All-American Canal, runs west and south through La
Quinta, beginning at Avenue 50 and Madison Street and ending at the Lake Cahuilla Terminal Reservoir, a
distance of approximately 4 miles. The unlined canal is approximately 20 feet wide, with two -foot -high sloping
concrete embankments starting at water level and dirt embankments above the concrete. Canal floor is dirt;
water in canal flows south and appears to be about five feet deep. Chain link fences topped by barbed wire run
along both sides of the canal.
* P3b. Resources Attributes: (List attributes and codes) HP9. Public Utility Building
*P4. Resources Present: El Building ❑ Structure ❑ Object ❑ Site ❑ District ❑ Element of District ❑ Other (Isolates, etc.)
y P5b. Description of Photo: (View, date, etc.)
*P6. Date Constructad/Age and Sources:
❑ Prehistoric 0 Historic ❑ Both
1948; City of La Quinta
Historic Context Statement
*P7. Owner and Address:
Cochella Valley Water District
- D --Special District
*P8. Recorded by:(Name, affiliation, address)
Vicki Stie emeY v erlMarc Roth
Mellon & Associates
_ Riverside, CA
*P9. Date Recorded: _9406/1997
*P1 Q. Survey Type: (Describe)
*P11. Report Citation: (Cite survey reporttother sources or "none")
*Attachments: ❑ NONE ❑ Location Map
❑ Archaeological Record ❑ District Record
❑ Photograph Record ❑ Other: (List)
C --Comprehensive Survey
❑ Sketch Map M Continuation Sheet ❑ Building, Structure and Object Record
El Linear Feature Record ❑ Mitling Station Record ❑ Rock Art Record ❑ Artifact Record
DPR 523A (1195) *Required information
State of California: -- The Resources Agency Primary. #
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Resource Name or #: All American Canal
L1. Historic and/or Common Name: All American Canal
L2a. Portion Described: ❑ Entire Resource 0 Segment ❑ Point Observation Designation:
b. Location of point or segment: (Provide UTM coordinates, legal description, etc. Show field inspected area on a Location Map.)
La Quinta segment of All-American Canal runs from the intersection of Avenue 50 and Madison Street
southwest, along western boundary of PGA West property, and ends at the Lake Cahuilla 'germinal Reservoir.
L3. Description (Describe constructions details, materials, and artifacts found at this segment or point. Provide plans or sections as appropriate.)
The Coachella Branch Canal, formerly called the All-American Canal, was begun in the 1920's by Dr. S.S.M.
Jennings to bring irrigation water from the Colorado River to the desert valley. Work on the unlined canal
halted during the Second World War years, but regular deliveries from the canal began early in 1948, and on
June 26, 1948, the 'Coachella Branch Canal was completed. Capable of irrigating more than 80,000 acres of
farm land, the canal receives water from the Imperial Reservoir on the Colorado River north of Yuma,
Arizona. Now used for irrigation of golf courses and agricultural land, and for (see Continuation Sheet)
L4. Dimensions: (in feet for historic features and
meters for prehistoric features.)
a. Top Width 40'
b. Bottom Width 20'
c. Height or Depth 81
d. Length of Segment 4 aniles
L5. Associated Resources:
1_4e. Sketch of Cross -Section (include scale) Facing:
LS. Setting: (Describe natural features, landscape characteristics, slope, etc. as appropriate.):
Canal is set into flat land, sometimes bordered on one side by a row (windbreak) of trees.
Li. Integrity Considerations:
Canal remains in use and appears to have maintained its integrity.
DPR 523E -Test (01/95)
L8b. Description of Photo, Map,
or Drawing: (View, scale, etc.)
View looking~ west of canal south
of Avenue 52
L9. Remarks:
L10. Form Prepared by: (Name, affiliation & address)
Vicki Stiegemeyer/Marcy Roth
Mellon & Associates
Riverside, CA
L11. Date: 03/26/1997
State of California -- The Resources Agency Primary N
Page 3 of 3 Recorded by Vicki StiegemeyerlMarcy Roth *Date 10106/1997 p Continuation p Update
*'Resource Name or #: All American Canal
L3. (cont.) replenishing the underground acquifer, the La Quinta segment of the canal is locally
significant and should be designated as a local historic linear engineered structure.
DPR 523L (3195) *Required information
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