1994 03 15 RDAing -> 10'7 2 IQe?ua?ment anc'j Cfl'y COUNCIL CHAMBER 7S495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Regular Meeting March 15, 1994 3:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Beginning Res. No. RA 944 a Roll Call CO?ON OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF M]?TES a. Approval of Minutes of March 1 1994 PUBLIC COMMENT BUSINESS SESSION CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED MARCH 15, 1994. 2. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO.5 FOR WHITEWATERIWASHINGTON STREET BRIDGE PROJECT. 000001 BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 3. ACCEPTANCE OF BID FOR ASSESSMENT/SEWER HOOK-UP FEE SUBSIDY PROGRAM PROJECT 94-01 TO DATELAND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. 4. CONSIDERATION OF CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH ROSENOW, SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. FOR REDEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS' ITEMS P[?UC HEARINGS I. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 94-274 APPROVAL OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT DDA) BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND THE WILLIAMS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SENIOR AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING. NOTE: To be continued to April 19th. CLOSED SESSION 1 DISCUSSION OF NEGOTIATIONS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.S a. AMCOR Realty Properties Proposal and potential acquisition of property in the cove area. b. Midland Properties Proposal for commercial development at the approximate comer of Jefferson and Highway 111. c. Ms. Kathryn Hull Proposal for establishment of an ants academy. AwOIJRN? DECLARATION OF POSIING I, SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, Secretary of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the Redevelopment Agency Meeting of March 15, 1994 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin board at the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce on Friday, March 11, 1994. La Quinta Redevelopment Agency BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 * REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENCY MEETING DATE: MARCH 15, 1994 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PU?LIC HEARING: BUSINESS SESSION: Demand Register MARCH 15, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: Prepaid Warrants: 17876,17900-01 140,779.34 17858-17875 263,333.48 17894-17898 30,920.82 PIR 9753 9812 $59,595.79 CITY DEMANDS $374,903.84 Payable Warrants: 17903 18002 $1,398,297.97 RDA DEMANDS $1,518,023.56 $1,892,927.40 $1,892,927.40 FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY:___________________ Demand of Cash RDA $1,518,023.56 RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Demand Register Submitted by: Approved for submission to AGENCY BOARD nature EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 000003 BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 7 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING DATE: March 15, 1994 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Approval of Cohtract Change Order No.5 BUSINESS SESSION: for the Whitewater/Washington Street Bridge Project CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: SUMMARY: Refer to related Business Session Item No. 1. ANALYSIS/FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: No appropriation of additional funds is required to pay for this contract change order No 5 as sufficient?ient funding is in place within the project account as outlined below: Original Approved Budget: CVAG $1,406,173.00 SB300 476,547.00 CVWD 27,800.00 RCTD 45,760.00 RDA PA #1 542.855.00 2,499,135.00 Original Contract Award Cost 2,104,104.00> Contract Change Orders #1 #4 44.144.50> Total Uncommitted Funds $350,876.50 RECOMMENDATION: By Minute Motion No.94- approve contract change order No.92-3-OS in the amount of $15,135 for the installation of handrail at the WHITEWATER/Washington Street bridge. Submitted by: Approved for submission to the Redevelopment Agency Board: Q)(?//$X 2 Signature Robert L. Hunt, Executive Director 000019 BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING DATE: MARCH 15, 1994 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Acceptance of Bid for Assessment/Sewer BUSINESS SESSION: Hook-Up Fee Subsidy Program Project 94-01 to Dateland Construction Company Inc. CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: SUMMARY: Project 94-01 is for the hook-up of 14 sewers on the fee subsidy program, located on the attached map, Attachment No.1). Five contractors returned bids as follows: 1) Dateland Construction Company Inc. $29,196 2) Hendrickson Construction Company $33,322 3) L.L. Wilson Construction $34,500 4) Econo Sewer Service $42,500 5) Jones Brothers $92,215 The bid proposal for the project is included as Attachment No.2. HSCAL IMPLICATIONS: Funds of $12,756 are available in the RDA Assessment Subsidy Program, Assessment District 90-1 for the eight sewers located in Assessment District 90-1, and funds of $16,440 are available in RDA Assessment Subsidy Program, Assessment District 91-1, for the six sewers located in Assessment District 91-1, for a total $29,196. APPROVED BY: 7?? RECOMMENDATION: Move to accept the low bid from Dateland Construction Company Inc., for the hook-up of 14 sewers in the amount of $29,196. Subinitted by: Approved for subniission to Thomas Hartung, the Chair and Members of the La Building and Safety Director Quinta Redevelopment Agency: Signature Robert L. Hunt, Executive Director 000020 BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 * REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY March 15, 1994 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: Consideration of Contract PUBLIC HEARING: Services Agreement with Rosenow BUSINESS SESSION: Spevacek Group, Inc. for Redevelopment and Economic Development Services CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: SUMMARY: Refer to Council Business Session # 4. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Funding for the referenced Consultant Services is appropriated in the fiscal year 1993/94 City and Redevelopment Agency Budget. The approval of the Consultant Services Agreement will require not additional appropriations from the 1993/94 Budget. APPROVED BY: RECOMkNDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Contract Services Agreement with the Rosenow Spevacek Group, Inc. for Redevelopment Economic Development Services and authorization for the Executive Director to execute the said Agreement. Submitted by: Approved for submission to Thomas P. Genovese, Agency Board: Assistant Executive Director 5?gnature ROBERT L. HUNT, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 000027 BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10'7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-16-1999-U01 11:38:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 03-U02 15-U02 1994-U02