1994 05 17 RDAing -> 10' z IQe?ueLpment enc'j aJa Crl'v COUNCIL CHAMBER 78495 CalIe Tampico La Quinta, CaIi?rrna 92253 Regular Meeting May 17, 1994 3:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Beginning Res. No. RA 94?g a. Roll Call CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF a. Approval of Minutes of May 3 1994. PUBLIC COMMENT BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THAT ALL PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE PAC) ELECTION PROCEDURES WERE FOLLOWED AND DETERMINING THE VALIDITY OF ALL PAC ELECTION CHALLENGES. A) RESOLUTION ACTION. 2. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST BY KOEMG COMPANIES TO PERMIT TRANSFER OF A PARCEL OF PROPERTY WITHIN THE LA QUINTA VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PURSUANT TO OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT OPA). A) MINUTE ORDER ACTION. OOO??( BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' CONSENT CAIENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED MAY 7, 1994. 2. ACCEPTANCE OF CALLE TAMPICO IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO.92-12. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CRAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS' iii?L?? PUBLIC HEARINGS 7:00 P.M. Note: There are no public hearings scheduled for this meeting. CLOSED SESSION a. Conference with Real Property Negotiator pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 Proposal of Midland Properties for commercial development located at southwest corner of Highway Ill and Jefferson Street, including price, term of payment. ADJOURNMENT DECLARATION OF POSTING I, SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, Secretar, of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the Redevelopment Agency Meeting of May 17, 1994 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin board at the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce on Friday, May 13, 1994. Da? May 13, 1994. R?HOLA, Secretary La Quinta Redevelopment Agency 000002 BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: May 17, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIILE: Consideration of a Resolution of the City Council of the STUDY SESSION: City of La Quinta Finding that the Procedures for the Formation and Election of the Project Area Committee for the La Quinta Redevelopment PUBLIC REARING: Project were followed in the Election of the Project Area Committee and Determining the Validity of any Challenges to the Election RECOMMENDATION: Move to adopt Resolution 94-?, a Resolution finding that the procedures for the formation and election of the Project Area Committee for the La Quinta Redevelopment Project were followed in the election of the Project Area Committee and determining the validity of any challenges to the election. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On Tuesday, March 15, 1994, the City Council approved and adopted the Procedure for Formation and Election of the Project Area Committee for the La Quinta Redevelopment Project PAC Procedure"). Pursuant to the Project Area Committee PAC) Procedures, Agency staff conducted an information meeting/election on Wednesday, April 20,1994. Notice of the information/election meeting was published on April 6 and 13, 1994, in the Desert Sun newspaper. In addition, 9,974 meeting notices were transmitted, via first class mail, to all property owners, residential owners/tenants, business owners/tenants, and existing community organizations within the La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No.1 Project Area"). A total of 21 participants attended the information/election meeting. The meeting was held in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. The purpose of the information/election meeting was to acquaint the public with the PAC responsibilities, and conduct the election process. Agency staff, Agency Legal Counsel, and Redevelopment Consultant presented an overview of the proposed Redevelopment Plan Amendment, summarized the PAC r?e in this process, and detailed the PAC procedure; questions were also answered. Following the question and answer session, the residents, business persons, and existing community organizations elected their respective representatives to the PAC. A total of 7 candidates competed for 5 of the 9 seats on the PAC. There were no candidates and/or participants representing either the residential tenant category 2 representatives) or the existing community organizations category 2 representatives). The results of the PAC election are listed below: OOOO?3 CCSTFJH.004 BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' AGENDA CATEGORY: Af OF BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: May 17, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of a Request by KOENIG Companies to Permit Transfer of a Parcel of Property within the La Quinta Village PUBLIC HEARING: Shopping Center Pursuant to the Owner Participation Agreement RECOMMENDATION: 1. Move to approve the request by KOENIG Companies to transfer a 22,700 square foot parcel of the La Quinta Village Shopping Center Project Site to 1st Bank of Palm Desert; 2. Authorize the Executive Director to grant future transfer requests provided that the assignee and/or the transferee subscribe to the requirements established in the Owner Participation Agreement. FISCAL WUCATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On December 21, 1993, the Redevelopment Agency approved an Owner Participation Agreement OPA) between the Agency and KOENIG Companies. This OPA involves an approximately 8.8-acre parcel of property to be developed as the La Quinta Viflage Shopping Center Project Site). Pursuant to the OPA, the Agency will provide financial assistance for the installation of traffic signals at the entrances to the Project Site on Calle Tampico and Washington Street; this will occur when traffic warrants indicate a need to signalize these intersections. The Agency will fund 50% of the cost to install these signals. The OPA also provides that the Agency shall fund 25 % of the cost of the signal at Calle Tampico and Washington Street. However, since this signal is already in place, no further Agency funding is required. In order to ensure that the site uses are complementary to a grocery retail center, the OPA also provides that the Agency shall approve any assignments or transfers of interest in the Project Site prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion. Attachment I of this report is a letter from the KOEMG Companies requesting transfer approval. The KOENIG Companies is processing a tentative commercial parcel map that will feature 7 parcels. It is their intent to sell or lease these parcels to retail and service commercial users. The KOENIG Companies is currently in escrow with 1st Bank of Palm Desert who desires to acquire a 22,700 square foot parcel adjacent to Calle Tampico, approximately 95 feet west of Washington Street. 1st Bank will construct, own, and operate, a full-service bank facility at this location. A Reciprocal Parking and Easement Agreement between future lot owners will be executed to provide for ingress/egress and common parking, and the KOENIG Companies will be responsible for maintaining the grounds outside the bank building. sTFJ? 003 BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' S AGENDA CATEGORY: GP4OF BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: May 17, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Demand Register May 17, 1994 RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Demand Register. BACKGROUND & OVERVIEW: Prepaid Warrants: 18395-18411) $ 4,892.82 18413-18421) 456,342.51 P/R 10058-10118) 57,347.00 City Demands $ 564,689.91 Payable Warrants: 18423-18511) 1,476,247.66 RDA Demands $1,430,140.08 $1,994,829.99 $1,994,829.99 FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Demand of Cash RDA $1,430,140.08 WA' Richard Parzonko???nance Director 000013 BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 10' CATEGORY: AGENDA BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: May 17,1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: Acceptance of Calle Tampico Improvements Project PUBLIC HEARING: No. 92-12 RECOMMENDATION: By Minute Motion 94- accept CaUe Tampico Improvements Project No.92-12. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: FINAL ACTUAL COST: $17,025 to close Out project. * BUDGETED: FUND/ACCOUNT: RDA Project Area No. 1/Contract Services AMOUNT: $432,794 BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Refer to Consent Calendar Item No.4 David M. Cosper, D?rec r of Pu?ic Works 000027 BIB] 04-26-1999-U01 03:23:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1994-U02