1995 07 05 RDAing -> 10.W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 19 ing -> 10.W 2. CONSIDERATION OF THE LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION REQUEST FOR FUNDING FOR FY 1995/96 IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,000. A) MINUTE ORDER ACTION. 3. CONSIDERATION OF THE LA QUINTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REQUEST FOR FUNDING FOR FY 1995/96 IN THE AMOUNT OF $166,000. A) MINUTE ORDER ACTION. 4. TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT DATED MAY 31, 1995. A) MINUTE ORDER ACTION. CONSENT CAU?NDAR Note: Consent eiuk?r lien's wv co'is??ei!d to be roUUiie ill aud will be pmved by one moson. 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED JULY 5, 1995. DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1 TRANSMITTAL OF STATEMENT OF REVENUE & EXPENDITURES DATED MAY 31, 1995. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS' ii'L?Li? PUBLIC HEARINGS 7:00 P.M. NONE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.WCLOSED SESSION Note: Persons identified as negotiating parties where the City is considering acquisition of their property are not invited into the Closed Session meeting. 1. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR CONCERNING 50 INDIVIDUAL, RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES LOCATED GENERALLY IN THE COVE, SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED IN THE AGREEMENT WITH COACRELLA VALLEY LAND. NEGOTIATOR: BYRON RADAKKER. INSTRUCTING THE NEGOTIATOR CONCERNING PRICE, TERMS OF PAYMENT FOR ACQUISITION OF PROPERTIES PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8. 2. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR MR. NED MILLIS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 REGARDING POTENTIAL ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 77-885 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA. APPLICANT: LA QUINTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 3. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR CONCERNING THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 53-165 AND 53?185 EL?ENIIOWER DRIVE PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 INSTRUCTING THE NEGOTIATOR CONCERNING A REVISION TO THE TERMS OF SALE. APPLICANT: BOYS & GIRLS CLUB BUILDING HORIZONS. ADJOURNMENT DECLARA1ON OF PO?IING I, SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, Secretary of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the Redevelopment Agency Meeting of July 5, 1995 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 7S495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin board at the La Quinta Chamber of Corn ce on Frlday, June 30, 1995. La Quinta Redevelopment Agency 000003 BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.W AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: July 5, 1995 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of a resolution of the Redevelopment Agency PUBLIC REARING: approving a Second Implementation Agreement by and between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and E.G. Williams Development Corporation and making certain findings with respect to Article XXXIV of the State Constitute. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Agency Resolution approving the Second Implementation Agreement as presented and authorize the Chairman and Secretary to execute said agreement and other such documents as may be determined by Agency Counsel to implement the DDA as amended. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Agency adopted the original DDA in July, 1994. After the adoption, revisions became necessary based upon the requirements to receive tax allocation credits. The DDA was then amended by the Agency on September 20, 1994. On May 16, 1995, the Agency adopted an Implementation Agreement allowing revisions as permitted in the DDA. Additional revisions to the attachments for the single family and rental units are necessary to qualify for Fannie May approval and to facilitate obtaining investors and utilizing the low income housing tax credits for the senior rental portion of the project. The request before you is to allow the Redevelopment Chairman and Secretary, in conjunction with the Agency Counsel, to make the appropriate attachment amendments to accomplish the Agency's goal of providing affordable housing. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES. The options available to the Agency are 1 Adopt the agency resolution approving the Second Implementation Agreement; 2 Deny the request; Attachment: 1. Second Implementation Agreement BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10. W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.!W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10."W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.#W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.Wffl 0% AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: July 5, 1995 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TI'TLE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of the La Quinta Arts Foundation request for funding PUBLIC HEARING: for Fiscal year 1995/96 in the amount of $50,000 RECOMMENDATION: Approve the La Quinta Arts Foundation request ft)r funding for FY 1995/96 in an amount not to exceed $50,000 and authorize the Executive Director to enter into an Agreement with the La Quinta Arts Foundation. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Expenditure of $50,000 from the Redevelopment Agency/Contract Services Fund. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The La Quinta Arts Foundation is requesting $50,000 to continue to provide the service contract to the City for Festival activities and advertising. The $50,000 represents the same budget figure used for the past two fiscal years. Attached is a packet of information provided by the Arts Foundation which includes the proposed 1995/96 Service Contract, the 1994/95 Final Report, clipping file and documentation regarding the past season of activities and programs Attachment 1). FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: Options available to the Agency: 1. Approve the funding request not to exceed to $50,000 and direct staff to draft an Agreement for FY 1995/96; 2. Approve an alternate funding amount; 3. Deny the La Quinta Arts Foundation funding request. ryHe an C mmuni Development Director Attachments 1. La Quinta Arts Foundation packet of information see Council packet) 00001 1 CCJH.OO1 BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.W AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: July 5, 1995 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce request for PUBLIC HEARING: funding for Fiscal year 1995/96 in the amount of $166,000 RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Subcommittee recommendation for FY 1995/96 Chamber of Commerce funding of $153,000. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Expenditure of $153,000 from the Redevelopment Agency/Contract Services Fund. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Subcommittee of the Council, consisting of Mayor Peija and Council Member Sniff meet with the Chamber of Commerce Executive Committee on May 26th. The group discussed the following items: 1. The contract format does not need to be changed Attachment 1). 2. The Mainstreet Market Place is costing the Chamber more money than anticipated. The activity should remain because it is a viable community event. Chamber is requesting an additional $9,500 to maintain the activity. 3. The Chamber staff is overworked and wo?d like to convert apart-time employee to a fall time. This would cost an additional $6,000. 4. The City population increase requires the Newsletter publications to be increased from 7,000 to 8,000. No change to the number of months 10) published. This would require an additional $5,500. 5. The Chamber also discussed their proposal to establish a satellite facility at the La Quinta Plaza Shopping Center. No City funding for this facility was requested. 000012 BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.$W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.%W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.'W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.)W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.*W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.+W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.,W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.-W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10..W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10./W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.0W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.1W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.2W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.3W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.4W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.5W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.6W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.7W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.8W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.9W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.:W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.;W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.<W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.=W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.>W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.&W ffl AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: July 5,1995 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION. PUBLIC HEARING: Transmittal of Treasurer's Report as of May 31,1995 RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Transmittal of Treasurer's Report dated May 31,1995 for the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with California Government Code Section 53645 as amended Ill /86; and is in conformity with City Code 3.OB.010 to 3.08.070 Investment of Money and Funds. I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet ext nth's es at expenditures. I, hn M. Falco r, Finance Director 000038 BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.?W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.(W OF AGENDA CAThOORY: BUSINESS SESSION COUNCIURDA MEETING DATE: JULY 5,1995 CONSENT CA??ENDAR ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION PUBLIC HEARING Demand Register Dated July 5, 1995 RECOMMENDATION: Approve Demand Register Dated Ju]y 5, 1995. BACKGROUND: Prep aid Warrants: 21969-21971 $931.50 21972 13,337.15 21973-2]983 18,414.34 21984-21986 1,420.50 CITY DEMANDS $703,198.88 21987-219881 16,989.50 21989-219911 96,032.54 21992-219941 313.00 p/R12001-12065 57,548.13 PIR T?x Transfers 18,085.08 Payable Warrants: RDA DEMANDS 67,328.29 21995 22087?? 547,455.43 RDA-'WTLLIAMS 0.00 $770,527.17 $770,527.17 FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Demand of Cash RDA 4A M Falconer, Finance Director 000040 BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.@W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.AW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.BW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.CW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.DW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.EW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.FW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.GW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.HW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.IW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.JW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.KW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.LW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.MW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.NW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.OW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.PW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.QW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.RW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.SW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.TW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.VW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 ing -> 10.WW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 d_#& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-09-1999-U01 03:01:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 06-U02 1993-U02 d_#& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-09-1999-U01 03:01:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 06-U02 1993-U02 d_#& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-09-1999-U01 03:01:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 06-U02 1993-U02 d_#& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-09-1999-U01 03:01:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 06-U02 1993-U02 d_#& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-09-1999-U01 03:01:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 06-U02 1993-U02 d_#& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-09-1999-U01 03:01:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 06-U02 1993-U02 d_#& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-09-1999-U01 03:01:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 06-U02 1993-U02 d_#& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-09-1999-U01 03:01:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 06-U02 1993-U02 d_#& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-09-1999-U01 03:01:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 06-U02 1993-U02 d_# & NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-09-1999-U01 03:01:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 06-U02 1993-U02 d_#& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-09-1999-U01 03:01:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 06-U02 1993-U02 d_#& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-09-1999-U01 03:01:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 06-U02 1993-U02 d_#& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-09-1999-U01 03:01:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 06-U02 1993-U02 d_#& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-09-1999-U01 03:01:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 06-U02 1993-U02 d_#& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-09-1999-U01 03:01:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 06-U02 1993-U02 d_#& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-09-1999-U01 03:01:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 06-U02 1993-U02 d_#& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-09-1999-U01 03:01:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 06-U02 1993-U02 d_#& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-09-1999-U01 03:01:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 06-U02 1993-U02 d_#& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-09-1999-U01 03:01:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 06-U02 1993-U02 d_#& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-09-1999-U01 03:01:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 06-U02 1993-U02 d_#& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-09-1999-U01 03:01:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 06-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 10.UW 0 z AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: July 5,1995 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIILE: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Transmittal of Revenue and t?+.S??p: Expenditures RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Transmittal of the May 31,1995 Statement of Revenue and Expenditures for the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency. f\,\,? oooos'? BIB] 06-09-1999-U01 09:59:40AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 05-U02 1995-U02 d_#& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-09-1999-U01 03:01:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 06-U02 1993-U02 d_#& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-09-1999-U01 03:01:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 06-U02 1993-U02