1983 10 21 RDA^ AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA QUINTA LA QUINT A REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency to be held at the La Quinta Community Building, 77-861 Avenida Montezuma, La Quinta, California. October 21, 1983 7:30 p.111. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Invocation B. Flag Salute 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC COMMENT 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 5. COMMENT FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS 6. HEARINGS 7. CONSENT CALENDAR 8. BUSINESS SESSION A. Report from the City Manager regarding the La Quinta Flood Control Redevelopment Project. 1. Description of reasons for the project. Mr. Usher. 2. Description of work to be done. Mr. Lowell 0. Weeks, General Manager and Chief Engineer, Coachella Valley Water District. 3. Description of method of financing. Mr. Usher. 4. Resolution of the City Council consenting to joint public hearing. 5. Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency consenting to joint public hearing. 9. ADJOURNMENT BIB] 01-13-1998-U01 12:17:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1983-U02 ^ IA QUINTA FL*OD C*Control*L REDEvE[DPME* INmR*I* IA QU* Flood CC*I*L REDEVEW*E*T IN**R*IC* What is the project for? The La Quinta Flood Control **evelopeent Project is intended to provide permanent protection fran catastrophic flood runoff fran surrounding mountains. It is a cooperative effort between the City of La QLiinta and the Coachella Valley Water District. What will the flood control work involve? While engineering is not yet ***plete, the probable work will incl**e the following: A new permanent channel will be constn*sed on the west side of the La Quinta cove to carry flood water fran Bear Creek canyon to the Oleander Reservoir, with ultimate discharge to the Whitewater River. A permanent channel will be constructed on the east side of the cove to carry flood water fran the watershed east of Bear Creek dawn past the cove to a new East Cove Reservoir. A reservoir will be constructed on the east side of the cove, near the base of the mountains. There will be a huried outlet fran the reservoir, probably in the area of Washington Street, which will carry the water to the La QQinta Flood E*Evacuation Channel near Washington Street and Avenue 50. Will there be a dam? There will not be a dam anove the La Quinta cove. The water fran the mountains will be *ded to the channels by dikes. The water will not be held above the cove. What will the project cost and hew will it be paid for? The flood control project will cost approximately $14,500,000.00. This will be paid for through the issuance of tax incr*rent bonds issued by the Redevelopment Agency. Does this mean there will be any increased cost to ne or an additional tax? No. The bonds will be funded through tax grotth resulting fr* new development. With or without a redevelopment project, when new development occurs, such as a new house on a lot or a new subdivision, the property is reassessed with a new property value which is higher than the value prior to development. The increased property tax resulting fran the reassess*I*nt is called the tax increment. Normally this tax growth is distributed among the various taxing agencies. When a redevelopment project is established, a portion of the growth in tax increment is distributed to the redevelopment agency for redevelopment purposes, in our case, flood control. How will my property be affected? Generally speaking, the only effect will be that property within the project area will have increased flood control protection. Will my property be s\:]bject to eminent domain or condemnation? The Redevelopment Plan states, The Agency may not, without the affected property owner's prior written consent, use the power of ennent dana* to acgire or assemble any residentially zoned property for the purpose of conveying such property to others for private development." *hen will the flood control work be done? It is our goal to c*r*lete the establishment of the redevelopment project by the end of 1983. We hope to complete engineering, obtain bids, *ell bonds and award a construction contract by mid-1984. We plan to complete construction of the flood control improvements in 1965. BIB] 01-13-1998-U01 12:17:16PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1983-U02