1983 12 20 RDAX AGENDA 4 LA QLJI**A *EVKW*E** * A regular iteeting of the La Quinta Redevelo*ltEflt Agen* to be held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. December* 20, 1983 7:30 p.in. 1. CA*L To ORIER 2. *Tr.T. CAIL 3. * 4. Q:*SE* *- A. *roval of the Minutes of ad**ed regular iteeting of' the La Quinta Rede*rel*ent Agen*/City Council held Naveteer 22, 1983; the Minutes Qf the adjaurued regular u*eting held N**r*er 29, 1983; the Minutes of the, regular *ting held Dece* 6, 1983 5. BUSINESS SESSICN A. Ot*. 6. * BIB] 01-13-1998-U01 03:48:24PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 12-U02 20-U02 1983-U02