1987 04 07 RDA AGENDA LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY A regular meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, to be held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estido, La Quinta, California, April 7, 1987 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. HEARINGS 4. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of the Minutes of a regular meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency held March 1?, 1987. 1) Motion to IPProve Consent Calendar. ROLL CALL VOTE) 5. BUSINESS SES*ION A. Request for Approval Joint Use Sports a Community Use Complex Development and Improvement Project. developmen* and improvement project, 1) Motion9 *or adoption, 8. Finance Director's Report March, 1987, ADJOURNMENT I BIB] 10-22-1998-U01 09:24:16AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 04-U02 07-U02 1987-U02 *I7I*7 *A. DATE AGENDA ITEM # MEMORANDUM y<*P*OV[D oDENIED oCONTINUED TO CITY OF LA QUINTA %f** * To: Honorable Chairman and Agency Me. be*r;* From: Ron KiedrowsKi, Executive Director* Date: March 31, 1*8? Subject: Joint Use Sports & Community Use Complex Development and Improvement Project As Agency Director, I have reviewed the attached meuoranduu and conceptual plan of the La Quinta Middle School and sports complex improvement project. I have met with Desert Sands Unified School District Superintendent Ken Meberg and Richard M, Beck, Facilities Planner for the District, and have reached agreement with them regarding the conceptual plan and development of these improvements. It would be my recommendation that the Redevelopment Agency take the following actions: 1) Approve the conceptual plan of the project, including site layout and use of property. 2) Approve the project list. 3) Authorize the development of the following: a. Lease Agreement to include major issues of joint use and land title considerations. City and District only) b) Memorandum of Understanding detailing maintenance and operation responsibilities of each party, including all other agencies or groups participating In use of the facilities. c) A financial plan and program to fund the project in a timely manner beneficial to both the City and District. d) Formally request relocation of the I.I.D. power lines to be around the school park site. A requirement of The Grove project, the Executive Director will coordinate with The Grove and I.I.D. to expedite said relocation) Upon approval of the above actions by the Agency, I will authorize the School District to proceed. RLK/aj BIB] 10-22-1998-U01 09:24:16AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 04-U02 07-U02 1987-U02 **B*MUOA De*ert SanAs Unified Sc*ool Di5*ict DUNES RANCHO MIRAGE * 82-879 HIG*WAY ule INDIO. CALIFORNIA 92201-5678e 619)347-8531 * INDIAN WELLS * * PALMDESERt* April 1, 1987 * LA OUINTA Q INDIO * The Honorable William Hoyle Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency City of La Quinta P. 0. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Attention: Ron Kiedrowski Executive Director Dear Mr. Chairman: Desert Sands Unified School District has prepared a conceptual plan of the La Quinta Middle School and sports complex improvements. It is our desire to move forward in the joint-use project. Our first step is to have mutual approval of the conceptual plan and to proceed with development of commitments, agreements and a financial program. We have enclosed eight 8) copies of the conceptual plans for your review. We hope that the Redevelopment Agency will review the plans and consider this proposal at their next meeting. The following items should be approved or authorized: 1. Approve the conceptual plan of the project, including site layout and use of property. 2. Approve the project list. Cost estimates are tentative and will be more accurate upon completion of preliminary plans. 3. Authorize the development of the following: a. Lease agreement which includes major legal issues of joint use, including land title considerations District and City only). b. Memorandum of understanding which will detail maintenance and operation responsibilities of BIB] 10-22-1998-U01 09:24:16AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 04-U02 07-U02 1987-U02 William Hoyle April 1, 1987 Page 2 each party, including all other agencies or groups participating in the use. c. A financial plan and program which will fund the project in a timely manner beneficial to both the City and the District. d. Formally request relocation of the I.I.D. power lines to be around the school park site. Upon a formal authorization and approval, Desert Sands and the agency will proceed toward formalizing the agreements and development of preliminary plans and more detailed cost estimates. The preliminary plans will be brought before the agency in the future for approval, as well as the final detailed working plans. We sincerely hope that the plans, agreements and funding mechanism will proceed smoothly and quickly. Since we are attempting to expedite moving forward on the project, this proposal shall be subject to formal action of the Desert Sands Unified School District Board of Education. Tf there is any change to our proposal to the Agency, Desert Sands will forward those changes for Agency action. In conclusion, we again thank the City and Agency for their interest in this cooperative effort to serve the people. S/7i)>jjl*jjj ichard M. Beck Facilities Planner Enclosures RMB /Vmfll BIB] 10-22-1998-U01 09:24:16AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 04-U02 07-U02 1987-U02 LA QUINTA SCHOOL'S SPORTS & COMMUNITY USE COMPLEX DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT PR0*CT Multi-Purpose Building 5*400 squire feet) $610,000 10% above state building allowances, including stage, curtains, stage lighting, sound system, etc. and mini-gym, furniture and miscellaneous equipment. Hardscape/Sports Fields 10 acres) $560,000 Including non-state funded hardcourts, soccer, baseball, basketball courts, volley ball, and tennis courts, etc. Sports Field Complex 960 square feet) $400,000 Restroom, snack bar, maintenance and equipment storage; other complex improvements, including lighting. Security Fencimg $ *0,00O Separation of entire play area from school building complex. Amphitheater $200,000 Outdoor stage, lighting, seating, stage frame. City Parking Lot $ 80,000 Development of 50+ space parking lot on the clty'park site. TOTAL $2,000,000 BIB] 10-22-1998-U01 09:24:16AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 04-U02 07-U02 1987-U02 gir* De8ert sana* Uni*eci Scliool Di5trict UERMUOA DUNES PANCHO MIRAGE * 82*79 HIGHwAY 11' * INDO CALIFOANIA 12201-5e78 e e193 347.8631 * INOAN WELLS 1 PALM OESEAT * LAQUINTA April 1, 1987 Q INOIO * The Honorable William Hoyle Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency City of La Quinta P. 0. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Attention: Ron Kiedrowski Executive Director Dear Mr. Chairman: Desert Sands Unified School District has prepared a conceptual plan of the La Quinta Middle School and sports complex improvements. It is our desire to move forward in the joint-use project. Our first step is to have mutual approval of the conceptual plan and to proceed with development of commitments, agreements and a financial program. We have enclosed eight 8) copies of the conceptual plans for your review. We hope that the Redevelopment Agency will review the plans and consider this proposal at their next meeting. The following items should be approved or authorized: 1. Approve the conceptual plan of the project, including site layout and use of property. 2. Approve the project list. Cost estimate* are tentative and will be more accurate upon completion of preliminary plans. 3. Authorize the development of the following: a. Lease agreement which includes major legal issues of joint use, including land title considerations District and City only). b. Memorandum of understanding which will detail maintenance and operation responsibilities of BIB] 10-22-1998-U01 09:24:16AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 04-U02 07-U02 1987-U02 William Hoyle April 1, 1987 Page 2 each party, including all other agencies or groups participating in the use. c. A financial plan and program which will fund the project in a timely manner beneficial to both the City and the District. d. Formally request relocation of the I.I.D. power lines to be around the school park site. Upon a formal authorization and approval, Desert Sands and the agency will proceed toward formalizing the agreements and development of preliminary plans and more detailed cost estimates. The preliminary plans will be brought before the agency in the future for approval, as well as the final detailed working plans. We sincerely hope that the plans, agreements and funding mechanism will proceed smoothly and quickly. Since we are attempting to expedite moving forward on the project, this proposal shall be subject to formal action of the Desert Sands Unified School District Board of Education. If there is any change to our proposal to the Agency, Desert Sands will forward those changes for Agency action. In conclusion, we again thank the City and Agency for their interest in this Cooperative effort to serve the people. 1elYjjj ichard M. Beck Facilities Planner Enclosures RMB/vmui BIB] 10-22-1998-U01 09:24:16AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 04-U02 07-U02 1987-U02 LA QUINTA SCHOOL'S SPORTS & COMMUNITY USE COMPLEX DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT *ulti-Purpose Building 5.400 square feet) $610,000 1O* above state building allowances, including stage, curtains1 stage lighting, sound System, etc. and mini-gym, furniture and miscellaneous equipment. Hardscape/Sports Fields 10 acres) $660,000 Including non-state funded hardcourts, soccer, baseball, basketball courts, volley ball, and tennis courts, etc. Sports Field Complex 960 square feet) $400,000 Restroom, snack bar, maintenance and equipment storage; other complex Improvements, including lighting. Security Fencing $ 50,000 Separation of entire play area from school building complex. Amphitheater $200,000 Outdoor stage, lighting, seating, stage frame. City Parking Lot $ 80,000 Development of 50+ space parking lot on the city*park site. TOTAL $2,000,000 BIB] 10-22-1998-U01 09:24:16AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 04-U02 07-U02 1987-U02 iLz!L7 AGENDAITEM# * *D DENIED La Quinta Redevelopment Agencv( CONTINUED TO Finance Directors ReDort March 31. 1987 BALANCE Februarv 28. 1987 RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS *AIANCE Restricted Cash $ 3,101,207.00 $ 3,101,207.00 Cash on Hand 0- 0- Pooled Account $ 3,379.02 **711.98 $ 25,657.02 3,433.98 Total Cash $ 3.104.586.02 $ 25,711.98 $ 25,657.02 $ 3,104,640.98 Investments $ 429,000.00 Total Cash and Investments *640.98 *UMMARY OF DISBURSEM*NTS Accounts Payable $ 25,657.02 Payroll 0- Tnvestm*nts 0- IQIAL $ 25,657.02 BIB] 10-22-1998-U01 09:24:16AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 04-U02 07-U02 1987-U02 La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Schedule of *nvested Funds March 31, 1987 Depository Date Invested Maturity Rate Amount State Treasurer various Call * 7.157% $ 429,0OO.uO * February yield BIB] 10-22-1998-U01 09:24:16AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 04-U02 07-U02 1987-U02