1987 04 21 RDA *&END* L* *UINT* REDEVELOPMENT **NCY * re3ula*- irieetifl3 of the La Quinta Redevelopivient *.3ency, to be held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle **tado, La Quinta, California *pril 21, 1987 7:30 p*rn. I C*LL TO ORDER 2* ROLL C*LL 3* HE*RIN&S 4* CONSENT C*LENDAR *` *pproval of the *inutes of a re*ular meeting of the La *uinta Redevelopitient *3ency held April 7, 19e7 El RESOLUTION NO RA-87-5 APPROVING DEMANDS I Motion to approve Consent Ca1enda* ROLL CALL VOTE) *` EIUSINESS SESSION 6 ADJOURNMENT BIB] 10-22-1998-U01 09:33:00AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 04-U02 21-U02 1987-U02 4.13. DATE AGENDAITEM# APPROVED DENIED oCONTINUED TO *;ESOLUTION R*-87-5 * RESOLUTION OF THE L* *UINTA REDEVELOPMENT *(;ENCY, *PPROVIN& DEM*NDS* EIE IT RESOLVED by the La Quinta Redevelopment **ency of the City of La Quinta* Califo*nia, to app*ove demands as shown on the Demand/Warrant Re3iste)- dated *2'-i1*2!* 19e *PPROVED and *DOPTED this * by the following roll call vote: *YES: NOES: **SENT: **ST*IN: *H*IRM*N ATTEST: SECRETARY BIB] 10-22-1998-U01 09:33:00AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 04-U02 21-U02 1987-U02 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Demand/Warrant Register April 21, 1987 check * NAME PURPOSE DATE AMOUNT 273 John Axt, Security Pacific Tax Increment tax allocation bonds 4/6/87 $ 38,107.99 274 Judith A Cox Auto/phone comp, April 4/14/87 100.00 275 William Hoyle Auto/phone comp, April 4/14/87 100.00 276 Stanley Sniff Auto/phone comp, April 4/14/87 100.00 277 Dale Bohnenberger Auto/phone comp, April 4/14/87 100.00 278 John Pena Auto/phone comp, April 4/14/87 100.00 279 Katz Hollis Initiation project review/March 4/14/87 1,607.58 Verification of project area taxable values, mo March TOTAL $ 40.215.57 BIB] 10-22-1998-U01 09:33:00AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 04-U02 21-U02 1987-U02