1990 09 04 RDAd_ REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA C Z Z CZtmIC T L CIIADZ:13ZZS 78-jOS aZiiZ Z LZ Z 92253 September 4, 1990 3:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Beginning Res. No. RA 90-8 a) Roll Call PUBLIC HEARINGS BUSINESS SESSION CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Minutes of July 31. 1990. 2. Award of Bid for Sewer Hook-Up and Abandonment of Existing Facilities to Low Bidder Hendrickson Construction. Inc. in the Amount of $24,072.00. CLOSED SESSION a. Discussion of Negotiations with Transpacific Development Co. Regarding Specific Plan 89-14. ADJOURNMENT DECLARATION OF POSTING Saundra L. Juhola, Secretary of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency. do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the Redevelopment Agency Meeting of September 4, 1990 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-105 Calie Estado and on the bulletin board at the La Quinta Post Office on Friday. August 31, 1990. Dated: August 31, 1990 I S'AUNDRA I Z. Z LZ JZUllOLA, Secretary BIB] 01-07-1999-U01 03:22:24PM-U01 BASIC-U01 RDA-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 d_ COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 4, 1990 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Acceptance of the Awarding BUSINESS SESSION: of the Bid for Contractor for the Sewer Connection CONSENT CALENDAR: 2 STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: After properly advertising for proposals to connect to sewer and abandon existing sewer systems, two bids were received by the City: Hendrickson Construction, Inc. Dateland Construction, Inc. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Hendrickson Construction is apparently the low bidder at $24,072.00 see attached). All certificates and licenses are in order. APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of and the awarding of contract to Hendrickson Construction, Inc. Submitted by:' Approved for submission ZDG ANDZAFETYZT. to City Council: TOM HARTUNG RON KIEDROWSKI BUILDING AND SAFETY DIRECTOR CITY MANAGER FORM. 7 BIB] 01-07-1999-U01 03:22:24PM-U01 BASIC-U01 RDA-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 d_ HENDRJCKSON CONSTRUCTION INC. BIDDING SCHEDULE BUILDING SEb[R HOOK-UP AND ABANDON EXISTING FACILITIES 1. PARCEL HOUSE NO. 54-414 Avenida Martinez STREET ADDRESS Sewer Hook-up 1.5. $ 1, 7ZZ'ZZ&J Abandon Existing Facilities L.S. Z Z TOTAL Z 2. PARCEL HOUSE NO. 77-125 Calle Madrid STREET ADDRESS Sewer Hook-up L.S. $ Z Abandon Existing Facilities 1.5. I. 1Z&. Z( TOTAL Z. ZZZc( 3. PARCEL HOUSE NO. 54-585 Z Sewer Hook-up L.S. $ Abandon Existing Facilities L.S. I, J'Z,' TOTAL Z,, F'7ZZ. Z 4. PARCEL HOUSE NO. 54-320 Avenida Carranza STREET ADDRESS Sewer Hook-up L.S. $ Z Z ZZ Abandon Existing Facilities L.S. A Z TOTAL 5. PARCEL HOUSE NO. 54-845 Avenida Ramirez STREET ADDRES5 Sewer Hook-up L.S. $ Abandon Existing Facilities L.S. I TOTAL 6. PARCEL HOUSE NO. STREET ADDRESS Sewer Hook-up L.S. $ Z Abandon ExistZng Facilities L.S. Z TOTAL Z4./ Z Z4('. Z S P-lZ BIB] 01-07-1999-U01 03:22:24PM-U01 BASIC-U01 RDA-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02 d_ fe DATELAND CONSTRUCTION INC. BIDDING SCHEDULE BUILDING SEIIIR HOOK-UP AND ABANDON EXISTING FACILITIES 1. PARCEl HOUSE NO. 54-414 Avenida Martinez STREET ADDRESS Sewer Hook-up 1.5. $ 5,410.62 Abandon Existing Facilities 5. I,ZbU.Jd TOTAL 6.971.00 2. PARCEL HOUSE NO. 77-125 Calle Madrid STREET ADDRESS Sewer Hook-up L.S. $ 3,370.02 Abandon Existing Facilities 5. 1 199Z48 TOTAL 4,565.50 3. PARCEL HOUSE NO. 54-585 Z Sewer Hook-up 5. $ 4,560.02 Abandon Existing Facilities L.S. 2.990.98 TOTAL 7.551 00 1. PARCEL HOUSE NO. 54-320 Avenida Carranza SIREET ADDRESS Sewer Hook-up L.S. $ 3,242:62 Abandon Existing Facilities L.S. TOTAL 4,563.50 5. PARCEL HOUSE NO. 54-845 Avenida Ramirez SIREEf ADDRESS Sewer Hook-up L.S. $ 3,907.77 Abandon Existing Ficilittes 1.5. 3.233,23 TOTAL 7.14100 6. PARCEL HOUSE NO. STREET ADDRESS Sewer Hook-up Abandon Ex1stZng Facilities LL:SS; $ TOTAL Zc. H-. BIB] 01-07-1999-U01 03:22:24PM-U01 BASIC-U01 RDA-U02 09-U02 04-U02 1990-U02