1990 09 18 RDAing -> 10 LA QUINTA HOTEL 49-499 Eisenhower Drive Salons 3 & 4 La Quinta, California 92253 REGULAR MEETING September 18, 1990 7:00 CALL TO ORDER Beginning Res. No. RA 90-8 a) Roll Call PUBLIC HEARINGS BUSINESS SESSION 1. Authorization for Executive Director to Execute Escrow Documents for Purchase of Property Located 51-319 Washington Street. a) Minute Order Action. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Minutes of September 4, 1990. CLOSED SESSION ADJOURNMENT DECLARATION OF POSTING I. Saundra L. Juhola, Secretary of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the Redevelopment Agency Meeting of September 18. 1990 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-105 Calle Estado and on the bulletin board at the La Quinta Post Office on Friday, September 14. 1990. DaZ:SeptemberZ, 1990 ZAuNDRAL.J1ZZretary La Quinta. Redevelopment Agency BIB] 01-07-1999-U01 03:27:05PM-U01 BASIC-U01 RDA-U02 09-U02 18-U02 1990-U02 ing -> 10 BUSINESS SESSION NO. / SALE 10-1 Zpg0 Z tZIrrte'e E*c,Z NZmZ PMMa W FINLEY 44ZZSANRABLOAVENUE ZPPZPMflFp Z Z othfl, PALM DESERT, CA Z Date ft9f Z3Z7 ThLECOPIER No. 619,341-8296 WE WILL IAND YOU $65,000.00 PLUS BUYER'S CLOSING COSTS, ON DEMAND, BEFORE CLOSE OF ESCROW p.Z eZAedZ 5' Z CeZ thrrsugs Esir's 65,00000 EZZasree 5' Z Z 5' Z ast'ile ielier Si y'su any i,mrrneras ehZ thiS Zrue, reQuiZ thall be Zyute,t ty Sc, SI 5' ehish Z are NZ Z Si use Zed55 er haters SEPT. 28, 1990 yeu Z S Ziy5' tate isa,iaZ slth tbe tie. ZZ`a e'55ZS, efi a hasilyy etus Si Siat beres nerinZ TZ Osisisie,Zes LOT 191 UNIT NO. 5 OF THE DESERT CLUB TRACT Aa per map recorded in bOOZ 21 page(s) 61-62 5' maps in the office of the County Recomer of RIVERSIDE CounW, Calif. MCro:PrpperyAfdress.. 51-319 WASHINGTON STREET, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 ahOwirgtftfeZZIefin: CITY OF AL QUINTA exact vesting to be determined before drawing of the Grant Deed) FREE FROM ENCUMBRANCES EXCEPT ONLY THE ITEMS NUMBERED BELOW: 1) Z and Special taaes for the fiacal year 19Z, 19Z. Zhich are not delinqueS as of Close of escrrei 2) The lien of supZerflefltal tares. it any, assessed pumuant to Chapter 49Z Statutes of IgIt, of the State of California 3) BondalAsseasments: None 4) Cdrienans, COnditions. reStridjdns. reserystiona. rights, rIghts of Zay. easements. and the EXCEPTION OR RESERVATION OF WATER, OIL. GAS, MINERALS. CARBONS, HYDROCARBONS OR KINDRED SUBSTANCES ON OR UNDER SAID LAND, nO, of record, it any INSTRUCTIONS A) AS A MATTER BETWEEN THE PARTIES, ESCROW HOLDER NOT TO BE CONCERNED'. Buyers have inspected subject property and agree to purchase AS-IS. Sellers are making no guarantees as to the condition of the roof, electrical wiring, plumbing, heating and/or air conditioni. B) This escrow is subject to the approval of the City Council of the City of La Quinta. Deposit into escrow of written approval from the City Council will remove this contin- gency C) This escrow is subject to Buyers' approval of the Preliminary Title Report within 5 days of receipt of same from escrow holder. If escrow holder receives no written disapproval,within the time limit specified, said report shall be deemed approved. An aflies SgsiZ this agreereent Z SZSiefSye receipt 5'. Z, 5' these isZruaesZ tfuree taees haaet 55 laeit CZihsZ tas bill as 5' close of escrow PmreC ssuZZ flZet Z as 5' N/A Z Zif hand ynd lee Z at his Zpte'n. PZre'e HOmeoZber's ZZZates duse as Of N/A Psorme merest 55 ateZ 5' receZ 5' N/A Z rents sec atfue depceiZ as 5' N/A taset 55 rem aaathmts Zet y'ou. Ary S,- Is Smens are Si be diZregZrrtet is yeur posatsrsS. Credit Zter ast Zi teeter the aZm 5' imf'Siusts. it.Z as d,Scateec ty beZidarir statemers Ims the h5'0Z of Iha hers 5' rZrd. Z by Buyer and by Seller THESE INSTRUITONI HAS READ THS AnOmONAL ESCROW CONDITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS ON ThE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF ZOVKZ ACCEPTS AND AtREES TOSE IOUND THEREBY AS THOUOH THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF APPEARED OVER THEIR SISNATURES. 1 BiiyerZZ-- CTrr'y nF r a gnT'trr'& fly Buyers Sgnatur. RON KIEDROWSKI Add. 7RZ1flZ Z FsZZdZ TZ Z Ca Z m. fur*Zsg,,..,. Z 55nd'SiZ' ast isemrtZ ast th,see 55 the reseree Site Z are Z epproreit and ZZpted is thai, emirety ant Zurred Is by me- I eiC tsasst t,su Zsry docurnaisfa Z,` ho' 55 ssy p.rt Si Zuse Ste Sib. Z as asuse. snan are SZ"orZ Si Z iries yoi h'Siid 5, hess Z Si be apried ftedi, ecs tsrth asuse stthe tire dSc abose Z PRY your thC'Sie chisees. my reco,eng f..s. thartes fur Z-.`; 5'S'. as celted ho' ZZIb.r Or ecZ this Z is Z these Ibe buyer Znet Si trey. Z era hasty 5uttosZ Si trey tonds, Z rasZ ast any hass Ol Z iZud'sg Ipausymet fesasies, it any, Si Z title nalted hoi PRy Z nSrser t- 55 as reZtsret. tsayZmi-iosashothsers; Si BY SEPARATE INSTRUCTION. S Si Z Sgsature GLADYS SHIPLEY KELLER Setter's Sigssture Z 12209 Pine Ridge N.E., Albuquerque, New mexico 87112 Z 505-293-8409 PLEASE PD OETIIOU BIB] 01-07-1999-U01 03:27:05PM-U01 BASIC-U01 RDA-U02 09-U02 18-U02 1990-U02 ing -> 10 PAGE 2 ADDITIONAL ESCROW CONDITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS OLt Out 0 act as fsTcrow 50105 cZU anti mS ZCpeninq- CT Escrow anch 5 OOtiSsj Os Te 050101 OS ss;'Ovt no-Cot at these tSttLStlOnS lorsa OL all Oartie'.Z Or Capy may n,1aferaity cancel ano scon wrirtOn soLes Ce some to vas. Se parts may SCrew 5505550 cocJmtorts S.C to sod 2. All tunes n 151505550w stat 000500 or NatiOns OSOR will OtnOt escrow Innas slake a,soZ'sements OS soul arose cheass nat Oresentec tar Caymost w Isis S's cc e 5501051 to sersice cnarqea in ascordance wits VOLt nonecZle n 0505 from time to' me taKe a an uStflCntS arc ororat Cs 30 cay n'astS C iso 0' Esortw 5 tto as 5tZZZ5Ot5 cs's occtdoc A tc.'.monIs arC Ones Cue 155 ssoectise oarr,ea set en to no seeresses set Out Os Sw tflOit 05000t-sO SIanStdtos. SiOSS IThOflAlsa Instructec. Cor stanaturos 0 oosZmen-5 naZninqtotsin 055555, tO cats out dnco"-t.t era sayr,, 3 t' oamswnt-ne.-e' nto'.-sOC a mace herein tsr mO nasmont St ass Cl 155 instrument Cr no Dertorman-os C' ins SC OutSiOO St SOctow Os as escrow notaet snaIl nasa no esporsoil IL tserE'torZ,Z croon thotow-IS ann are 5005 cats CiZO.00 St am OCiSat on olatise ioereioZ 3 You anal not of rOspoflSiOIO or StOiC IS 555 manner wratnoeser tot me suffiroess3 at correotnesa as to 0Cm ma nor St fsxnoZt,on OS scilin tO at ass documents OOCOSIIOC in escrow nor as to tno loenlity. Culsorit' or fonts St 505 cOtnoti eaecuting tZo same 0 trer as to oocuments it rococo at 5050 nafleleC n thiS escrow #0.15051105 horesneor Snail Ce mitso to ma s5tOK50PiflOZ' ot 55cr mores arc Cocumesta 5550,500 CL 505 55 CSCtO* sober. ann lot ins olSOOSitiOr at Sesame in accordance wits my writfOn n5trLCtiCfl5 accoolea 05500 5 thiS escrow VOL Cr51. nOr Ce roaciroc to taKe ens action C conlteatien win 50 cOllectIon maturity or apparent Outlaw St any abirgationa nOpoSitOd tO lois escrow. unless Otnenwise nstructeo- 4 Setter quaranlees. and you ascii Ce fully Crolectec its assuming. tnat as to ens insbrance policy hsoded you each policy is in farce. Sea net been hypotnecateoZ arc tsat aft neceassly premiums therefore have teen pabd. You Will transmit for assignment any insurance policy nanded sos for isa IS thiS escrow CLI 505 SharI sat tie responstole fat serifoing the acceptance of tre assienment and Optics by So Znsurance company ESCROW HOLDER WIsL MAKE NC ATTEMPT TO VERIFY THE RECEIPT OF THE REObEST FOR ASSiGNMEZ'f' DY THE ISSUING CZMPANY You are t5o0ts00s5uZPT5m5e0%y EZyer. IT Is TrIE OBLIGATION OF THE INSURED OCeRoeHIaSaiRdEapSapffnment. the asLing cow an may d OS notice that if Ire naurance company Should fRI to to trY S SE,\TATIVE TO OfERI HE ACCEPTANCE OF THE ASSIGNMENT OF THE POLICY BY THE ISSUING COMPANY. 5. The ae10sIments are prorations called for, shall be compulec as set tOrtS below. or 55 otherwise amenoen in writing. a) Tases. including all las bill itOma escepI laces on personal property not norseyse mough this escrow. based On cLrrenI year's 15505 05, OOlwOOfl July Stand November 1Sf Os eacs year based on immed,atels preceoing year-s I5S05Z In each case. use the figures from the taR OZll sanded yea Cy the 501 er or 195505 turrisneo yOu Os the title company. without 1150015cr SOur 055 aS to Their cetrectnoss Setter acroes to pay prior to dOiSOsOSSy ass tacOs On real 550 personal property not being sole 5050,5 555155 isa den on ins real ptooeSi Ceing corsesod You are not to be concernelt Suith same tO Interest on Mortgages andlor Trust Doecs of record mongage insurance Cremmms, lOrdS acataed n ropound Account for utum Cayment of raCeS I to Or mortgage nauraoce Ra diSClOSOO by any beneficiary statement rose seo in eSCmwZ II any COnetictany StalOrment dZSclO5es that no unpale PRINCIPAL AMOU NT CUE ON ANY TRUST DEED OF RECORS 8 MORE OR LESS THAN THE AMOotZ HEREIN SET FORTH 50.551 the disOrOrce n cash tnrosgn this escrow. UnIOSS Otherwise prosidec for retorts S Ceilser assurances of Itte- ane in sbtarce poliSiOs. any tone 00501 senior encumorasce 0551505005 Ot t tflete to no encumbrances. menlo the buyer or his Order. Z It the condil,0n5 of Isis esotow nave rot ocen compien with prior 10150 espIration Of lime prosiceC br nerein. Or any ealersien thereof. you are nesertheleSa to complete 150 555 rOw 5550Cr as Ins OOnOitiOnS. escept as to lime nave 0055 caropt Oc with unleSs written camaro Snail have Seen made door you not to camtiiete Fc'.owino tocelot of sian 555,505 nemane not to como etetne escrow Lou 55010 prornolly mail a copy of 5510 eemanc by regular marl. tO rho 015Cr party as Sp0CifiO0 5 CatactapS 2 SOrest JnZesa wttiten OOiocIion thereto trorm sscs othOr party is tOOClOOC Oy you no later tSar 5:00 O'Cloce PM on me assents Ztsf 0555005 055 following ySut mwlirg a copy 0' SaiC demand, 505 are nslruStOd to- tat comply with the 555,1105 aemana 10 not campietO ins 0551055.550 tC) return RI, monies are occumonts 5000 OSemont al sour c055011C1I05 1005. casts arc Ospenses. to 150 paSy Or pan Os depositing the same with you; and 151 you may CR55015515 escrow ann Ce so tolled ot any luStOr Cu, 0505 oCtigatisIns 55-tn 555051505010 I wIltICS OblOctiOs is teseivea muSts the lime statea C IS SCcCtO5SSO witS 555 proylS ass or paragraph B flereof a NO NOTICE, DEMAND OR CHANGE OF INSTR'.JCTIONS SHAL' ES OF ANV EFFECT tt T- S ESCROW UNLESS GIVEN 1N WRITING BY ALL PARTIES AFFECTED THEREBY 5 150 osOrI rontIic'ing 00555005 Or 5011505 Ste staCe Or sersoC 005 505 or any controversy atlaes between the paStas 505010 Ct w-tr a itulO pemoit orowinq 0010105's sting tots's 050-os" 50,55511 hasa 155 SOSO Ste tignI IC wishnold and slope I Z,rt50r 0r0500010g5 Ir 850 0Sr'CttnarO5 St Isis 15 OhOrsO 555 tsr to'ifiCflttOn saIiSlscto'y to 505 Of ISO SettlemOOl Of the controsersy by agreements-Ice 5511051505010. is Si inS fuegemenl Otacoirt Si 051555 551 haiCtiOn A ot Vre 05ni55101151505Cr055 SOtOCy IS nIly and 50505515 premise 500 agree to Cay Orcmptle on iconane is well as V iOoiontth Od and to SOlO Vii satmIeSS tim and 595151 SI I ligation ano intorplOeOer CoSts duZSqeS Iddoenrec Is espen5esZ 00:05' acs and sOit 0501 Osycs VIfiC w0tcn S 0000 faith. you may incur Or suffer in conneclion wits Or arising Out Si IsiS escrow. 55551505 sale ItigaIiilfl StetOlOSOOt. cot gallons. tidOilIliSS OS 05505505 arise curing the pentarmarce Of IhIS escrow Os 55005qu0n1 Ihetela citectty Or inetreStly 9Z Yes are hereny autnorized to Cocos leny funds or 0O5ZflOtt5 555000505 550Cr 55050 550mw flSIruoIiOrC.i- CaiSe rho Same 1000 debosilSO. witS any Cijis RuIhorizod 550-osslow 550tstZ 5,0105110 501.C Order slot prior to c-Ose--9-550w. in 5 SOOt 5505 COpOSlI sna- be Secossar' Or conserient ICr 150 conaummatiofl Si Isis esctc..5 OZ At OaSes agree 1551 as 13555 sOils 119515550555 i,i'0s ate iSSoiseO. tn'S ttSSSSSttOfl SLIt escrow SOC SOt Sc 0100' legal to arion 550 you Ste Rn OScrowbo Oct only on 150 wits S 055te5500 terms and yassnal, hase no rosponSis 111501 OOtiSLlng moor SS CI the paStes to-n's escrow Os aSs tele 505510 lear. eschange. Or other i555555t105 15501559 R55 5500055 505015 dOSCrIOSO 5r flI 5n5 5'c'it 555500 Cy any person. trw or corpora- ion 050005 agent are 055105 to this 5oct05 any 01505 escrow 5Ci.iOOOl 0 405n551t55 1505055,5 50550Z055 St toe act 1551 SOS' ItansactiontS) may be sanolee 0550515 ISis escrow Oslo anolner escrow It You 5505011050 50550550055115,15 55ZOS5t05 togs rod fly OSOOSSIOt Stat-s i-A r0CZZ.I St SflLtnct OsctiO,-u015. RESFA tRORI Estate Selliemest Proceoures As-ltZ teSZ SIlOS ith 5 LOSlilsiC 0 551055r051 drover i-li- n-I atrSrIieS. enoresaec or C led 54011505 are yoL to SO 50550,000 witS log OtnitisSces 550 OlvisioS secLiat Otis l Out r; tSStsISttOSS waco may Resets toot affect 150 tend or 1mprovemenIs Inst I tn's escrow 12 Tne P55105101015 escrow Save Satisfied 150m501v05 Outside St escrow 1581150 ISRS5RSII0S SOsOrOOCytS Soscrow is rolls slotatior lit ISO Sobdi. 515105 MRP Act Os any tither ass 559515i159 500 OlsisOn. iso Zi5 as escrow i'O.d05 ate 1511050001 &. 5sporS,bii 15 5S0,'0s dOt ily S COSOOCIlOn thetemilS. 550 are not to be concern 5015051 Of SOlO laws 13 5 the event ass Offer 10 Putcssse. fleposit Poor fit Or 555 OILer form Of Puscnase Agreement is flepO5,toO in In SeScrOw. 11,5 0nd055100St Inst 5055 COOLmenI shalt O0 Ohectice lIsts 35105 signing sale document. coo Ra escrow 50.0Cr 550 5011000 coScOtnee wIth 150 terms of Sacs CoCument and ate tOiiOyftS 01St e5oc' 515 lIly asotor i5bZltty fOr ISO enlorcement of Such elms and your orl, 55150015910 como,5 wits 150 i051r55ti055 501 Out S this 0ScrO0Z 0555 toRn lrRnSRCliOS involving an FHA or VA ose. 555 ste SuIhOriZOC t,,00150r5 coos of any such doosmert to PHA VA cr tense. is the case maybe. 14 Time is Of ISO esSence of these escrow 0515501055 515005001 of fat uSO 10 pay fees or 05505555 due you SOreuhoer on Comarn. I agree 100555 rOasonaDle tee for ary attorney a sersicos 555155 toss be togs 500 to 5011051 5555 fees or 55p0r505. 15. ff5 party 10 thiS escrow sOiSlotally ass 555 O'OroorsIneptoceeds of this escrow to be paClOotSOrInaS the 0519051 partieS to this escrow Such assignment or order Shail be 500155015510d 10 ISo espenses of this escrow. liens CI record CO ISO 5501051 5500005.550 pSymeols 01500100 lobe made by originRI parties together I ISO results Of SuSh assilonmenI or Order would DO to tease the 05050w WilSOil Sufficient 15505 IC 01050. then you are diSecied 10 close SOvOrthelOSS. anO 10 055 5550 assIgnments or orders only Out 01150 nOt proceecs due Occept for Such assignments or 050055. and 10 p55150w in the 05005 iS Which 5155 R551g5m0nl5 Or OSOOsS RIO received by yOsZ You 550 10 tuSSISS a Cocy of these inStSSStlOSS. SmeOdmerts therOb, closing statements 550505 SOy ether OOcLmenlS deposIted in this escrow 10 150 fOnder or lenders 5501Cr 150 real estate broker or brokers Involved is this trantoect on upon reguest of such lenders Or brokers In ISO 05051 of an assignment or trRnSfer Of inleresI by eperStios 0115w. wilh OS wtlhoul the approval or consent of 50501 all of 150 parties herelo, you snail retain 150 rignl to deduCI any and all escrow 50515. tees Rod Ospenses previrled for herein from Said Rasigned or transferred fjsds. OrOpertieS Or trghts. aRiC assignment or transfer soSWtthstasding. 16. These tnslrucIiOnS may be OseCuted 10 OOUhtOSpSflS, 0805 of which shall be deemed Rn onginsi regarOleSS of the CR10 Of its OSOCOIiOS and detiveSyZ Alt SsOh counterparts together shall cOnaIllutO ore and the same documenlZ I 7. The partieS to these escrow lOStruOtiortS aulfobrize you IC Ocathoy Ifosee ir'sIrcsCti005 and CII Other t05t55011055 550 recordS in IS,S escrow alanyt me after liso 51 years from date 0151050 Of 0555055. ESCROW COMPANIES ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO GIVE LEGAL ADVICE. IF YOU DESIRE LEGAL ADVICE, CONSULT YDUR ATTORNEY BEFORE SIGNING. BIB] 01-07-1999-U01 03:27:05PM-U01 BASIC-U01 RDA-U02 09-U02 18-U02 1990-U02