1992 07 07 RDAing -> 10 THE CITY OF La QenZcafla? 98 1; Decade E:I)E?E: PM? *r GE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 REGULAR MEETING July 7, 1992 3:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Beginning Res. No. RA 92-15 a) Roll Call APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of June 16, 1992 PUBLIC COMMENT BUSINESS SESSION 1. Consideration of Proposal of La Quinta Arts Foundation. a) Minute Order Action. 2. Consideration of Amendment to La Quinta Chamber of Comerce Contract. a) Minute Order Action. 3. Consideration of Proposals Submitted in Response to the Request Pursuant to the Owner/Participation Process for Properties Involved in the Proposed La Quinta Canyon Center. a) Minute Order Action. PUBLIC HEARINGS None 000001 BIB] 03-04-1999-U01 10:51:31AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 07-U02 1992-U02 ing -> 10CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Demand Register. 2. Award of Bid for Project No. 92-11 Sewer Connections to Hendrickson Construction in the Amount of $14,753. CLOSED SESSION a. Discussion of negotiations pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 La Quinta Canyon Center Development & Disposition Agreement Koenig Cortipanies OPA at Washington & Tampico Ralph's Center) b. Discussion of on-going litigation Government Code 54956.9 La Quinta RDA vs Altman re: Tampico right-of-way La Quinta RDA vs Otis re: Tampico right-of-way ADJOURNMENT DECLARATION OF POSTING Saun ra L. Juhola, Secretary of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the Redevelopment Agency Meeting of July 7, 1992 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-105 Calle Estado and on the bulletin board at the La Quinta Chamber of Comerce on Thursday, July 2, 1992. Da?d:;ul??>)19;2? AU JU L La Quinta Redevelopment Agency 000002 BIB] 03-04-1999-U01 10:51:31AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 07-U02 1992-U02 ing -> 10 C % z REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING DATE: July 7, 1992 AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: ITEM TITLE: BUSINESS SESSION: I CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE CONTRACT WITH LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION FOR 1992/93 IN THE CONSENT CALENDAR: AMOUNT OF $50,000, WITH $25,000 TO BE FUNDED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: A staff report is attached. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The total cost of the contract is $50,000. The budget for fiscal year 92/93 contains $25,000 in the General Fund and $25,000 in the Redevelopment Agency. APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Consideration of approval of the contract with La Quinta Arts Foundation for 1992/93 in the amount of $50,000 with $25,000 to be funded by the Redevelopment Agency. Submitted by: Approved for submission to Chairman and members of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency: J%/.31. Si?nature 000003 BIB] 03-04-1999-U01 10:51:31AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 07-U02 1992-U02 ing -> 10;1 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-11-1999-U01 11:42:36AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 15-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 10 I 0 z OF REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING DATE: July 7, 1992 AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: ITEM TITLE: BUSINESS SESSION: L CONSIDERATION OF THE AGREEMENT WITH THE LA QUINTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR FISCAL YEAR CONSENT CALENDAR: 92/93. STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: See attached staff report and contract. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Total cost of the contract is $125,000, to be split equally between the General Fund and the Redevelopment Agency. APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Approve the contract with the Chamber of Comerce for fiscal year 1992/93 in the a?ount of $125,000, with $62,500 funded by the Redevelopment Agency. Submitted by: Approved for submission to Chairman and members of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency: S i'gnature OOO?O5 BIB] 03-04-1999-U01 10:51:31AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 07-U02 1992-U02 ing -> 10;1 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-11-1999-U01 11:42:36AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 15-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 10 C'; z If o? REDEVELOP AGENCY MEETING DATE: July 7, 1992 AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: ITEM TITLE: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSIDERATION OF FINDINGS IN RELATION TO OWNER PARTICIPATION RULES AND DESIGNATION OF AREA CONSENT CALENDAR: FOR SUBJECT AREA GENERALLY BOUNDED BY HIGHWAY 111 ON THE NORTH, DUNE PALMS ROAD TO THE EAST, STUDY SESSION: 48TH AVENUE ON THE SOUTH AND ADAMS STREET TO THE WEST. BACKGROUND: On May 5, 1992, the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency designated an area for which the Agency desired to receive proposals for redevelopment and directed staff to notify owners in such areas based upon the Agency's adopted Rules for Owner Participation. The Agency has received responses however, such proposals are still under review and the staff believes that it would be premature for the Agency to determine if the said area should be developed as an integrated development.. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None at this time. APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Continue the decision in regards to the owner participation as well as the finding of an integrated development until staff has had an opportunity to fully evaluate the responses to the notifications of the process. Submitted by: Approved for submission to Chairman and members of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency: ignature 000007 BIB] 03-04-1999-U01 10:51:31AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 07-U02 1992-U02 ing -> 10;1 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-11-1999-U01 11:42:36AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 15-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 10;1 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-11-1999-U01 11:42:36AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 15-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 10REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JULY 7, 1992 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: BUSINESS SESSION: Demand Register CONSENT CALENDAR: I STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: Warrants 545 546 $21,738.74 FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: Demand of Cash $21,738.74 RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Demand Register Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council 000010 BIB] 03-04-1999-U01 10:51:31AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 07-U02 1992-U02 ing -> 10;1 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-11-1999-U01 11:42:36AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 15-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 10COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: ITEM TITLE: BUSINESS SESSION: Acceptance of Bid and Awarding of Contract to Hendrickson CONSENT CALENDAR: Construction Company STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: After advertising for proposals to connect to the sewer and abandon existing systems, four bids were received by the City: L. L. Wilson Construction Hendrickson Construction Indio $14,480 Cathedral City $14,753 ABC Underground, Inc. Steffen Plumbing Thousand Palms $16,889 Indio $19,840 Upon examination of the bid packages it was discovered that the apparent low bidder L. L. Wilson Construction) did not respond to the two addendums that were part of the bid package. As a result of the omission their bid was for 6 sewer tie ins while all other bidders included 8 tie ins. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: $14,753 total contract price for 8 sewer tie ins. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends rejection of bid from L. L. Wilson Construction and acceptance of next lowest bid and awarding contract to Hendrickson Construction. Submitted by: Approved for submission BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. to City Council: TOM HARTUNG BUILDING & SAFETY DIRECTOR 000012 BIB] 03-04-1999-U01 10:51:31AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDA-U02 07-U02 07-U02 1992-U02