2001 03 20 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 20, 2001 A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 2:00 p.m. by Mayor Pe~a. PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pe~a ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT - None CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with legal counsel - pending litigation - Conserve Our Village Environment, Kimberly Bird v. City of La Quinta, Riverside County Superior Court Case No. INC021658 - Government Code Section 54956.9(a) Council recessed to Redevelopment Agency and to Closed Session to and until the hour of 3:00 p.m. 3:00 P.M. The City Council meeting reconvened with no decisions being made in Closed Session which require reporting pursuant to Section 54957.1 of the Government Code (Brown Act). Mayor Pe~a led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT - None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA City Manager Genovese noted additional correspondence has been distributed for Business Item No. 2. , Council Member Adolph requested Consent Item No. 9 be moved to Business Item No. 3. City Council Minutes 2 March 20, 2001 ANNOUNCEMENTS - None PRESENTATIONS - None WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE 1. LETTER FROM ARTIST CENTAVA OFFERING DONATION OF PAINTING TO CITY. Council concurred to direct staff to place acceptance of the donation on the next Council agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION- It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the City Council Minutes of March 6, 2001, as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Pe~a requested Item No. 10 be pulled for separate action because he needs to abstain based on a potential conflict of interest. This arises as a result of his wife's business being a client of Granite Construction. 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED MARCH 20, 2001. 2. TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT FOR JANUARY 31, 2001. 3. TRANSMITTAL OF REVENUE & EXPENDITURES REPORT FOR JANUARY 31, 2001. 4. APPROVAL OF TERMINATION OF PUBLIC PROPERTY SUBLEASE BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND HOME DEPOT U.S.A. INC. 5. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO REAFFIRM THE CITY'S ADOPTION OF THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR CSA 152, AUTHORIZE RIVERSIDE COUNTY TO CONTINUE TO LEVY ASSESSMENTS, AND INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE COUNTY HARMLESS FOR LEVYING ASSESSMENTS ON CITY PARCELS UNDER CSA 152. (RESOLUTION NO. 2001-21) City Council Minutes 3 March 20, 2001 6. APPROVAL OF A REQUEST BY THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY HEALTH SERVICES AGENCY REGIONAL ACCESS PROJECT TO UTILIZE THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR A FREE LA QUlNTAIMMUNIZATION CLINIC ON APRIL 11, JULY 11, AND AUGUST 6, 2001, FROM 10:00 A.M. TO 12:00 P.M. AND THE STUDY SESSION ROOM FOR T.B. RECHECKS ON APRIL 13, JULY 13, AND AUGUST 8, 2001, FROM 10:00 A.M. TO 10:30 A.M. 7. APPROVAL OF A COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT TO THE AMERICAN RED CROSS. 8. AUTHORIZATION FOR THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF A GRANT DEED FROM MORRIS COMMUNICATIONS INC. FOR A PARCEL ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND WASHINGTON STREET. 9. SEE BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 3. 10. APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER FOR GRANITE CONSTRUCTION TO COMPENSATE FOR ADDITIONAL WORK CAUSED BY UNDOCUMENTED UTILITIES ENCOUNTERED DURING INSTALLATION OF SEWER LINE A, PROJECT NO. 98-19 A/B AND PROTOTYPICAL STREET. (See separate action below.) 11. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEND THE CITY CLERKS ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA ANNUAL INSTITUTE - APRIL 18-20, 2001, IN RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA. 12. APPROVAL OF A THREE-PARTY AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF PALM DESERT, THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, AND THE CITY OF LA QUINTA FOR THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF RAISED MEDIAN LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION ON WASHINGTON STREET FROM FRED WARING DRIVE NORTH TO COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE. 13. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AN ADDENDUM TO ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 88-386 FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 29436 TO DEVELOP 169 LOTS TO BE LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF EISENHOWER DRIVE, WEST OF WASHINGTON STREET. APPLICANT: U.S. HOMES. (RESOLUTION NO. 2001-22) MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended and amended with the exception of Item Nos. 9 and 10 and with Item Nos. 5 and 13 being approved by RESOLUTION NOS. 2001-21 and 2001-22 respectively. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2001-33. City Council Minutes 4 March 20, 2001 Item NO. 10 MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Adolph to approve Consent Item No. 10 approving a Contract Change Order to Granite Construction on a time and materials basis in an amount not to exceed $50,000 for loss of production resulting from undocumented underground utilities found during the installation of sewer trunk main line A. Motion carried with Mayor Pe~a ABSTAINING. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2001-34. BUSINESS SESSION 1. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 353 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 11.88, SECTION 11.88.040 OF THE LA QUINTA CHARTER AND MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE REGULATION OF SPECIAL SALES EVENTS. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to adopt Ordinance No. 353 on second reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pe~a NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None 2. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 354 City Attorney Jenson advised of a letter received from William Ross on behalf of Dr. and Mrs. William Franey at 77-713 Avenida Madrugada. They are objecting to the project and requesting reconsideration of Council's action on March 6, 2001, based on the fact they did not receive the hearing notice until after the public hearing. She stated the Franey's property is over 800 feet from the project and not legally entitled to a mailed notice. She said a notice however was mailed to the Franey's but was returned due to an expired forwarding address and was re-mailed by staff to the forwarding address listed on the returned envelope. She advised the Franey's were notified of this meeting and invited to speak under the second reading of the ordinance. In response to Council Member Adolph, City Manager Genovese confirmed there is no zone change for the property between the residential and commercial area. City Council Minutes 5 March 20, 2001 ORDINANCE NO. 354 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ZONE CHANGE 2001-067 CHANGING THE ZONING DESIGNATION FROM MEDIUM HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO VILLAGE COMMERCIAL ON A PORTION OF A 33-ACRE PARCEL LOCATED IMMEDIATELY SOUTH OF THE LA QUINTA EVACUATION CHANNEL AND EAST OF EISENHOWER DRIVE (KSL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION). It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adopt Ordinance No. 354 on second reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pe~a NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None 3. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER FOR GRANITE CONSTRUCTION TO REMOVE AND STORE TREES IN PROJECT NO. 98-19 A/B AND PROTOTYPICAL STREET. Mayor PeRa abstained due to a potential conflict of interest as a result of his wife's business being a client of Granite Construction and he left the dais. There were no changes to the staff report as submitted and on file in the City Clerk's Office. Council Member Adolph voiced concern about the palm trees surviving a second relocation. Council Member Sniff agreed and stated he preferred buying healthy, intermediate-size palm trees for the Civic Center Campus to maximize survivability. Council Member Perkins concurred. Council Member Henderson noted Council had directed staff to save as many of the palm trees as possible. She suggested those trees with the best chance for survival be relocated to the Cove Oasis and bike path. In response to Council Member Henderson, Public Works Director Vogt advised out of 47 palm trees, 33 have been moved to a temporary location. City Council Minutes 6 March 20, 2001 Council Member Henderson stated she did not want removal of the trees to delay the street improvement project. Council Member Sniff agreed with moving the viable trees to the Cove Oasis and Bear Creek Bike Path. City Manager Genovese stated staff will use its discretion in making sure the Council's goals are met in this matter. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Adolph to approve a Contract Change Order in an amount not to exceed $63,450 for removal and relocation of palm trees and directed that the trees be moved to permanent locations at the Cove Oasis and Bear Creek Bike Path and that the trees not be used at the Civic Center Campus. Motion carried with Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. MINUTE ORDER NO, 2001-35, STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF CITY MARKETING PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2001/2002. Management Analyst Wilson presented the staff report. In response to Mayor Pe~a, Assistant City Manager Weiss confirmed the City's participation in the ICSC has resulted in leads, such as the 99¢ Store that is locating in La Quinta. Mayor Pe~a stated he supports continued participation in special events, especially the Realtor's Breakfast which he felt provides an opportunity to showcase the City. Mr. Weiss added the breakfast is also an opportunity to express to realtors and the financial.industry the investment being put in the village by the public sector as well as the private sector. Mayor PeRa stated he understood several banks have purchased property and plan to build in La Quinta as a result of the last two years of marketing. Council Member Adolph commented on the sign program initiated for the street improvement project and noted the sign at Avenue 52 and Washington Street needs repair. Council Member Sniff commented on the effectiveness of the marketing program and stated he supports moving forward another year in basically the City Council Minutes 7 March 20, 2001 same pattern. He felt the infomercials are very effective and suggested additional factoids. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Wilson advised the current factoids are 10 and 30 seconds in length. Council Member Sniff supported at least four or five factoids of 10, 15, or 30 seconds in length and stated he believed the City should be as proactive as possible in support of existing and new businesses. He suggested emphasis on visit La Quinta, shop La Quinta, enjoy La Quinta, and invest in La Quinta. He stated he was less enthusiastic about the gold key (coupon) program and did not like the term "park" for the Civic Center. He also felt participation in local parades should be limited to two parades a year. Council Member Henderson agreed with continuing the infomercials and Realtor's Breakfast. She also supported participation in local events such as the Mariachi Festival but was not sure KSL would be doing the event this year. Doug Yavanian, 49-499 Eisenhower Drive, of KSL Desert Resorts, confirmed KSL is planning a Mariachi Festival and would like to expand it to more of a community event. He added KSL would like to partner with the City and Chamber of Commerce on local events such as a "La Quinta Celebrate America Fireworks" event on July 4th. They would also like to expand their holiday festival of lights with several days of activities and nexus with the City's holiday event to attract people to the community. He stated they would also be interested in looking at the gold key program to see how it might help them attract more people from the valley to their the La Quinta Resort. Mayor PeSa stated he felt many of the residents would support an effort by KSL to draw local people back to their facilities much as they did in the past. Mr. Yavanian stated KSL would also like to see a partnering event to coincide with the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic such as a "Breakfast of Champions." He noted in other areas such annual events become festivals and community activities. Council Member Henderson stated she would support the "Shop & Dine La Quinta" program coming back to Council for consideration based on last year's last minute interest by the business community and the opportunity to look at the gold key concept. She supported the City's involvement with a 4th of July celebration in La Quinta as well as its continued participation in parades but was not sure about the Palm Springs festival of lights and Veteran's Day parades. City Council Minutes 8 March 20, 2001 Mayor Pe~a stated he wished to continue participating in the Veteran's Day parade and suggested having the City's Congressional Medal of Honor recipient featured on the float. Council Member Henderson agreed and noted plans will need to be made if the City is going to have a parade for its 20th anniversary. She also suggested the City begin looking at a merchandising program for items such as the "beany baby" Gamby, City shirts and jackets. Council Member Perkins commented on the effectiveness of the City's marketing program and spoke in support of the proposed marketing plan. Council Member Adolph spoke in support of the infomercial video. He voiced concern about the number of new restaurants possibly taking business away from existing restaurants. He wished to see emphasis placed on attracting people to La Quinta from other communities. Mayor Pe~a was supportive of the infomercial and felt it should be included in the City's marketing program. He suggested targeting the Inland Empire and local market for print media, including the City's availability of electric power, and changing the gold key program to something more unique like the Gold "Q" program. He supported the City working in concert with the Chamber to publicize new business grand openings and suggested advertising the completion of the City's street improvement project once it is done. He also supported partnering with KSL and the Chamber rather than sponsoring some of the local events. He was not sure about the documentary. He noted a lot of valley businesses are looking for a second location and felt the City should take advantage of the opportunity. He also suggested the Civic Center grand opening be referred to as a "celebration" or "expansion" instead of grand opening and agreed with not calling the Civic Center a park. Council Member Perkins supported emphasizing that the Civic Center Campus belongs to the citizens of La Quinta. Council Member Sniff noted coupon programs develop a fatigue factor in a short period of time. He supported a merchandising program and suggested the items be sold only by the City and not at stores. Council Member Henderson suggested, at least for the first year, allowing the Chamber of Commerce to sell selected items at the Mainstreet Marketplace. Council Member Sniff suggested the City use the prototype street as a promotional area and holding multiple events there. Council Member Perkins suggested "before and after" pictures be taken of that area. City Council Minutes 9 March 20, 2001 2.DISCUSSION OF LIBRARY SERVICES OPTIONS. Management Analyst Wilson presented the staff report. Council Member Sniff stated he felt it's imperative City staff meet with County representatives to determine the City's options, hopefully before the next Council meeting. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Wilson stated the guidelines and applications for Proposition 14 library grant funds are expected to be available in September. In regards to the total revenue and net to County amounts reported on Attachment //1, he confirmed it is conceivable both amounts will continue to increase, depending on the terms of a new MOU. In response to Mayor Pe~'a, Mr. Wilson explained when Rancho Mirage withdrew from the County Library System they lost their no/Iow property tax funding because they waived their rights to it. He advised the City has not offered to waive its rights and intends to preserve its no/Iow property tax dollars. In response to Council Member Henderson, City Manager Genovese advised the City's no/Iow property tax amount is approximately $500,000. He stated it's staff's opinion at this time that the City would not be in danger of losing its funding if it withdraws from the County Library System which is different than the fire tax issue discussed a few weeks ago. Mayor Pe~a noted Rancho Mirage has created a Community Services District to operate their library. In response to Mayor Pe~a, Mr. Genovese stated it is unlikely the State could take the library dollars away from the City if it withdraws from the County system. Council Member Henderson stated she felt it's somewhat misleading to include the library revenue figures for FY 95/96, 96/97, and 97/98 in calculating the net-to-County amount because those years were bad for libraries everywhere. Council Member Adolph stated he felt the City would be better off with its own library instead of giving the money to the County. He noted Rancho Mirage is happy with their decision to withdraw from the County and supports La Quinta doing the same and building its own library. He felt it would be bad business to do otherwise. City Council Minutes 10 March 20, 2001 Council Member Sniff supported the City moving forward with its own library and contracting its operation with whomever provides the best program, or the City operating it utilizing City staff. He felt it is unreasonable and unfair for La Quinta to continue subsidizing the County Library System and wished to start planning a library on the Civic Center Campus. He felt the City should at least take the initial steps to withdraw from the County system to be timely. Council Member Henderson stated as the City's representative for the last four years on the Library Desert Zone Advisory Board, she wished to relay a message of appreciation from the other valley cities for La Quinta's prior decision not to withdraw from the County Library System. She noted the desert's libraries would not have survived if La Quinta had withdrawn from the system and felt La Quinta should be proud of the position it took. However, she believed the City's first responsibility is to the citizens of La Qui'nta. She noted a City library building is included in the CIP and will be built within the next few years whether La Quinta withdraws from the County's system or not. She also noted the current MOU with the County doubled the library's hours and space and increased staff. She agreed the City should pay attention to the filing deadlines and file the ,necessary documents to keep the legal options open to withdraw in 2002, but also understood the County may not be able to provide "black and white" answers at this time. She said there are a number of issues to be addressed by several agencies, including the County's contract with LSSI and the City's library building lease. She further noted La Quinta is not in the position of Palm Desert and Indian Wells to help worthwhile organizations like the new university and the McCallum Theatre but does have an opportunity here to participate in the reading and education for the entire valley. She urged Council to leave the door open and continue negotiations with the County to extend the MOU until the City's new library is ready for operation. She supported negotiating for a greater return to the City in the MOU and continuing with the County system. Council Member Perkins agreed with keeping the option open to withdraw but also renegotiating an MOU more in the City's favor with the understanding the City may withdraw from the County system within the next few years. He also supported the City having its own library up and running within two years and contracting its operation instead of staffing it with City employees. He was opposed to pulling out of the County system at this time. Mayor PaRa noted the need for the City Attorney to meet with County Counsel to find out where the County stands at this time. He agreed with keeping the City's options open, including withdrawal in the near future. He supported continuing negotiations with the County but also suggested initiating discussions with Rancho Mirage to possibly contract with them. He leaned City Council Minutes 11 March 20, 2001 toward withdrawing from the County system in the near future but noted the goal of libraries is literacy and that the City's money is going toward that goal. He felt it is important to get a good handle on tax increment and a funding source to avoid putting the City into a financial bind. He did not feel the City is in a position, at this time, to operate its own library and felt it should have a long-term and short-term approach. He stated he felt the residents are pleased with the current library services. Council Member Sniff questioned there being sufficient time to negotiate any significant improvement from the last negotiations. He also questioned La Quinta citizens being responsible for subsidizing literacy in the eastern part of the valley. He stated he did not have a problem negotiating with the County as long as the negotiations move forward effectively for La Quinta but he could not support going along with the County in the present mode. Mayor Pe~a stated what he wants is a definition from the City and County attorneys on how the finances are going to work and then decide how to move forward. Council Member Sniff supported getting started with phased construction plans for a library and contracting with the County or an interim provider in the current leased facility or an interim facility until the library is completed. He felt it's important for the County to know that the City either gets a better deal or it's gone. Council Member Adolph stated he is in agreement with Council Member Sniff. He felt the City could move forward with its own library and stop subsidizing the other cities in the County. Council Member Henderson explained each city's financial participation in the desert library zone is individually calculated, including the County's participation. Those funds make up the budget for the library system in the valley and it is not dealt with on a county-wise basis. She wished to leave the door open for the possibility that the zone budget can view the City's contribution in a much broader light, otherwise, she agreed the City has no option but to withdraw. Mayor Pe~a stated he felt the consensus is to go back to the County for legal answers and if a timely response is not received, to proceed forward in offering a timely withdrawal and looking at other entities for potentially beginning negotiations for library services. In response to Mr. Wilson, he confirmed that would include negotiations with the County for an enhanced MOU. City Council Minutes 12 March 20, 2001 Council Member Perkins noted nothing precludes the City from using the County to operate a City library and he felt that should be pointed out to the County, Council Member Henderson noted other cities in the desert zone, such as Palm Desert, are not getting dollar for dollar library services on their contribution. Bob Wright, 44-330 Camino Lavanda, President of Friends of the La Quinta Library, stated their recommendation is for the City to withdraw from the County Library System and contract for services with firms like LSSI. They further recommend staying in the current library facility until a new library is built. 3. DISCUSSION OF CITY COUNCIL GOALS. City Manager Genovese presented the staff report. Council Member Sniff distributed a list of his proposed Council goals. Council Member Perkins reviewed the Council goals listed in the staff report as follows: #1 - he support medians in major streets but is opposed to dipping into the General Fund for medians; #5 - he supports pursuing a City library as soon as possible; #8 - he is not supportive of insurance for former Council members; #11 - he felt a visitor's center should be handled by the Chamber of Commerce; #13 - he supports continuing efforts in the southeast annexation; #14 - he is not supportive and questioned the effectiveness of sound walls; #17 - he supports improving ambulance services; #15 - he supports further exploration of public/private partnerships; #19 - he wishes to ensure the City has sufficient code enforcement personnel for the property upgrade program; #29- he felt the City Hall expansion needs lot of thought; and #44 - he supports having an affordable golf facility. He stated he did not see any major changes in the goals and is satisfied with how things are going. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Genovese confirmed the current budget includes funding for library design services. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Genovese stated all of the Council goals will come back at the next meeting for final review and any new goals supported will be included in the chart. Council Member Henderson stated she hopes the Montero Estates sound wall is high priority in the CIP and about to become a reality. She supports moving forward incrementally with the annexation issue and noted LAFCO will soon be City Council Minutes 13 March 20, 2001 considering the Vista Santa Rosa group's request for certification which will give them two years before any further decisions are made on that area. She supported preliminary planning for a City store to merchandise City items and wished to stay strong on the City's housing needs. She also supported mini- parks and dog parks and hopes the putting course issue is going forward. She stated she supports most everything on the list. Council Member Sniff summarized his proposed list of goals with some additional comments. He believed emphasis is needed to create more commercial development to avoid a major revenue problem and feels a civic awards program is needed to award individuals, businesses, and/or groups. He felt it's important for the City to start planning expansion of City Hall to address the inadequacy of space for the E.O.C and offices. He also felt the Civic Center Art Purchase Program should be held in obeisance until the Civic Center Campus is completed. Council Member Adolph stated he basically agrees with Council Member Sniff's list of goals as well as those contained in the staff report. However, he feels too many goals can be overburdening and that Council goals should be more specific and attainable. He supported adding a short-term goal to look at City administration and a salary review for staff. Mayor Pe~a suggested the "Live/Shop" concept be placed on the back burner and questioned the Village Tower Project. Council Member Sniff explained he had suggested the tower project as a focal point for the village but feels it is no longer needed since the village will have a six-story hotel. Mayor Pe~a stated he wished to embark on a code enforcement/beautification program and agreed with looking at adding staff. In response to Mayor Pe~a, Mr. Genovese confirmed the City has applied for a grant to purchase a CNG van. Mayor Pe~a suggested painting the van in a manner where it will be recognized as a City of La Quinta vehicle. He also suggested each Council Member appoint three citizens to serve on a citizen advisory committee for the purpose of assessing the need and support for the assessment districts. Council concurred. City Council Minutes 14 March 20, 2001 Council Member Adolph asked what is being done regarding the fire department's dispatch system in relation to the recent fire and if any type of backup system is being considered. Battalion Chief Dorian Cooley, of Riverside County Fire Department, reported an outside fire unit is investigating why the dispatch error occurred. He advised the dispatch center has a high-tech system and that they are looking to make sure training is up and if there are any changes to the process that need to be made. Council Member Perkins expressed appreciation for the fire department's up-front response to the incident. Council recessed to and until 7:00 p.m. 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT - None PRESENTATIONS - None PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PUBLIC HEARING TO CERTIFY AN ADDENDUM TO A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 89-110) AND APPROVE A SOUTHBOUND LEFT TURN FROM WASHINGTON STREET ONTO LAKE LA QUINTA DRIVE FOR TRACT 24230 (LAKE LA QUINTA). APPLICANT: THE SPANOS COMPANIES. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 7:05 p.m. Planning Manager di Iorio presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Adolph, Ms. di Iorio stated this matter came up as a result of an application being filed by the Spanos Companies. Margo Williams, representing the Spanos Company, stated they are in agreement with the conditions of approval and available to answer questions. City Council Minutes 15 March 20, 2001 In response to Council Member Adolph, Public Works Director Vogt advised there are no plans at this time to place curb cuts on Washington Street between Avenue 47 and Avenue 48. Mayor Pe~a inquired if there is any existing overhead lighting at the proposed location, to which Mr. Vogt responded no. Council Member Sniff asked if additional lighting would make the proposed intersection safer. Mr. Vogt stated that would depend on placement and height of the lighting. John Malkasian, Via Montana, in Lake La Quinta spoke in opposition to the installation of the left-turn pocket based on the speed of traffic on Washington Street and the potential safety hazard a turn pocket could cause. Sandy Malkasian, Via Montana, also spoke against installation of the proposed left-turn lane. Tim Ellis, Manager of the Lake La Quinta Inn, spoke in favor of the left-turn lane because of the benefit to southbound traffic on Washington Street in entering both the Inn and the rest of the proposed commercial property, which would front on Washington Street but be accessed from Caleo Bay. There being no other requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:48 p.m. Council Member Perkins stated he generally supports left-turn pockets but feels the safety factors in this situation outweigh other considerations. He was concerned about having a left-turn lane in a high-speed traffic area where vehicles would be slowing down in the number one (fast) lane and the possibility of vehicles stacking up in the fast lane. He was also opposed to the number of plants that would have to be removed from the median to install the left-turn pocket. He also stated he expects the City to preclude any exits onto Washington Street from commercial developments in that area. Council Member Adolph agreed the speed on Washington Street is too fast for the left-turn lane and stated he would not support anything that may create another traffic signal on Washington Street. He noted only one commercial lot would benefit from the left-turn pocket and voiced concern about traffic U-turns in that location. He stated he could not support the left-turn pocket. City Council Minutes 16 March 20, 2001 Council Member Sniff stated he would like to support the applicant's request if significant night-time illumination could be installed. Otherwise, he felt it would be difficult for northbound traffic to see turning vehicles. Council Member Henderson stated she would like to support the request but was not sure all the problems related to the intersection could be solved. She felt the left-turn pocket would benefit the residential properties by reducing the commercial traffic on Avenue 47 and Avenue 45 but agreed the intersection needs illumination. She noted the development plans for the church across the street shows their southbound parking lot exit will be eliminated at some point in the future. She wished to know if the intersection can be illuminated, otherwise, she could not support it. Mayor Pe~a stated he could not support the left-turn pocket in its current configuration. He felt the intersection would be confusing to oncoming traffic and questioned there being sufficient stacking area. He believed the safety concerns outweigh the benefits to commercial properties. Council Member Sniff suggested continuing this item to give the developer an opportunity to develop a safer intersection. Mayor Pe~a stated he felt the left-turn pocket ruins the integrity of the entire median. Council Member Perkins stated he did not feel street lighting would help the situation. Council Member Henderson concurred. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to deny the request by the Spanos Companies to install a southbound left-turn pocket from Washington Street onto Lake La Quinta Drive for Tract 24230. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2001-36. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS C.V. Mosquito and Vector Control District -- Council Member Perkins referred to a letter from the District relative to the fire ants and complimented the District for doing a fantastic job in controlling the fire ants. He also reported the number of calls on Africanized Killer Bees has decreased. He added the formal grand opening for the District's new facility will be held sometime within the next several weeks. City Council Minutes 17 March 20, 2001 Palm Springs Desert Resorts Convention & Visitors Authority -- Council Member Henderson reported at their last meeting some members of the hotel industry voiced concern that Mike Fife may leave the Authority and suggested finding out what it would take to keep him. She stated the issue was added to the agenda as an urgency item and discussed in closed session where a sub-committee was formed to meet with Mr. Fife for the purpose of determining certain facts and issues to take back to the Board at a special meeting on March 27, 2001. C.V. Mountains Conservancy -- Council Member Sniff reported the Conservancy has voted to purchase property in various parts of the valley and/or to provide assistance grants to the Friends of the Desert Mountains to purchase eight parcels in the Travertine area. CVAG Energy & Environment Committee -- Council Member Sniff stated the Committee is continuing their discussions on the energy problem and that he has suggested everyone use smaller watt light bulbs and fluorescent bulbs whenever possible to reduce electricity usage. All other reports were noted and filed. DEPARTMENT REPORTS - None MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS 1. DISCUSSION REGARDING PARK POLICIES. Council Member Henderson asked that a business item be placed on a future agenda to discuss possible changes and/or additions to current park policies. She noted residents near the Adams Park have complained about not being able to use the neighborhood park because people from outside the area are using it as a community park. She referenced a recent incident where a large party held at the Adams Park impacted residents in that area because of the noise, number of vehicles parked on the streets, and loss of use of the neighborhood park. She stated the group brought in BBQ grills, a Mariachi band, and were possibly drinking liquor in the park. She wished to look at possible regulations such as permits for parties and to make sure "no alcoholic beverages allowed" signs are posted in the parks. She also wished to have a report from the Public Works Department on typical cleanup costs at the parks after weekend use. City Council Minutes 18 March 20, 2001 She also commented on the need to slow traffic down instead of trying to accommodate the faster speeds. Mayor Pe~a suggested the issue come back to Council as a study session item to review usage of all the City's parks. Council Member Perkins noted the speed limit adjacent to the Adams Park is 25mph but the northbound sign is partially blocked by a tree and the southbound sign is at the park entrance without any advance notice. He felt the Traffic Committee should schedule a special meeting to discuss this speed issue. He has recommended a stop sign be installed near the park, with or without traffic and pedestrian counts, and noted charter cities have absolute control over issues of local concern. He suggested contacting residents in the area to see how they would feel about the City providing parking permits to residents, including visitor parking permits, to keep park visitors from parking in front of their homes on weekends. Council Member Sniff felt the City Attorney should look into the legal pitfalls of this issue and noted the need to post "park regulations." Mayor Pe~a stated he felt Council should discuss the various issues in a study session then give it to staff and legal counsel to see what is appropriate. Council Member Henderson referenced comments made earlier in the meeting about the Civic Center and stated she agreed it should never be referred to as a "park" but rather the Civic Center "Campus." She felt there may be a need to have separate standards for the different types of facilities such as mini- parks, neighborhood parks, community park, Cove Oasis, Civic Center Campus, Bear Creek Bike Path, dog parks, etc. She noted some cities require permits for parties and charge a cleanup deposit. Council concurred to direct staff to place this matter on a future agenda as a study session item. 2. DISCUSSION REGARDING A FOUNTAIN FOR THE LA QUINTA COURT PROJECT. Council Member Perkins distributed photographs of a fountain on Country Club Drive which he felt might be appropriate for the La Quinta Court project or the Civic Center Campus. City Council Minutes 19 March 20, 2001 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Henderson/Sniff to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California