2001 04 04 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL
APRIL 4, 2001
A special joint meeting of the La Quinta City Council and Planning Commission was
called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor John Pe~a, who led the pledge of allegiance.
PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor
PRESENT: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Tyler, Chairman Robbins
CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA - The agenda was confirmed by all present.
Steve Robbins, representing the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD),
introduced District Board Members Corky Larson and Peter Nelson. He then
delivered a power-point visual presentation outlining the various sources of
water utilized by CVWD. He discussed the declining water levels in the
Coachella Valley, stating an overdraft of 32,000 acre feet exists in the upper
valley and an overdraft of 104,000 acre feet exists in the lower valley.
Mr. Robbins discussed the components of the CVWD Water Management
Plan which were considered: 1.) No Project; 2.) Pumping restrictions; 3.)
Demand management; 4.) Ground water recharge; 5.) Source substitution
and finally a combination of the alternatives. He advised the elements
decided upon for the plan were water conservation measures, source
substitution and ground water recharge. In response to a question from
Commissioner Butler, Mr. Robbins said a large scale recharge plant is being
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planned for a federal site located south of Lake Cahuilla to recharge the
water tables in the lower valley.
Coachella Valley Water District Board Member Russ Kitahara arrived at 6:15
Council Member Sniff stated he feels the recharged water needs to be
introduced in an area that roughly parallels Washington Avenue.
Mr. Robbins stated an additional 800,000 acre feet of water is needed in the
future. He advised the Colorado River will yield 155,OOO acre feet, a
transfer from MWD will yield 100,000 acre feet, and the rest will be
provided by increased re-cycled water use, additional purchases of water and
desalting agricultural drain water.
The Council and Commission discussed the problems which arise from over-
drafting and Mr. Robbins advised that the subsidence occurring in the valley,
at this point, is very minor and has only been taking place for about 4-5
years. He stressed that conservation will help take care of the current
overdraft problem but in order to recharge the ground water, all of the plan
needs to be implemented.
Commissioner Kirk asked what action the District took in the instance of the
water skiing lake project in Indio. Mr. Robbins replied the District requested
a ruling from the State Water Resources Board with regard to the
appropriateness of recreational use of such a large body of water in the
desert. He said that a ruling was not forth-coming and in light of that,
CVWD negotiated use of canal water for this recreational lake use.
In conclusion he advised the implementation of the plan elements is expected
to begin in 2002.
Council Member Adolph asked if the golf course communities are required to
tap into the canal water for landscape irrigation. Mr. Robbins responded they
use canal water for the golf courses only, not for the residential landscaping.
Council Member Adolph also questioned the depth of the wells. Mr. Robbins
responded the wells go 600 to 900 feet in La Quinta.
Commissioner Tyler asked the reasons for the unkempt condition of the
CVWD well sites and stated the ones in La Quinta are "eye sores". He
requested the CVWD Board take steps to improve the appearance and safety
conditions of their well sites.
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Mayor Pena called a brief recess at 7:02 p.m.
A joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission was adjourned
at 7:17 p.m. All members of the City Council were present and all members
of the Planning Commission were present.
Community Development Director Jerry Herman introduced Nicole Criste of
Terra Nova Planning and Research, Inc., the City's consultant for the General
Plan and members of the Community Development staff in attendance. Ms.
Criste presented an overview of the General Plan process and advised that
the Housing Element will immediately follow the adoption of the General
Members of the Council and Commission expressed concern about the size
of the planning area shown. Staff responded that the planning area is only a
method of looking at future development in areas adjoining the City and the
impacts they may have on La Quinta's infrastructure and environment. She
said the size of the area designated, in no way indicates the City's
annexation intentions.
Ms. Criste stated there are relatively few major changes to the Environmental
Assessment. She stressed the document has been streamlined and the Draft
General Plan has enlarged the planning area significantly.
Land Use Designations
Ms. Criste discussed the use of the agriculture overlay and the Iow density
designation. Council Member Henderson asked if there is an equestrian
overlay component in the plan. Community Development Director Jerry
Herman stated he will be addressing the meetings held with the equestrian
community residents at a later point in the meeting.
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Commissioner Tyler expressed the opinion that the size of the planning area
and the Iow density designation may be misunderstood by the residents of
the Vista Santa Rosa community. Council Member Adolph and
Commissioner Butler concurred.
Director Herman reported that meetings have been held with the Vista Santa
Rosa Community of Interest residents and he distributed an outline of a rural
equestrian (RE) land use designation for the Community of Interest area. The
permitted uses they desire are: minimum five acre lots; one primary unit per
5 acres; ten horses per acre; all related equestrian uses permitted per primary
residence; golf country clubs with interior multi-purpose trails; residential
developments with interior multi-purpose trails; and caretaker housing. They
also suggested a number of conditional uses for the area and streets be
limited to two lanes except Airport Boulevard, Monroe Street, Jackson Street
and Harrison Street. Mr. Herman stated he believes this area can be
addressed with an RE land use designation.
Chairman Robbins questioned why there can't be an agricultural land use
with a Iow density overlay. Ms. Criste responded that the land use
designation is used to determine traffic volumes for the transportation and
circulation plan and therefore the highest traffic generator should be the land
Commissioner Kirk asked if there is anything in the law that would preclude
having a Iow density overlay with an agricultural designation. Ms. Criste said
she was not aware of anything in the law that precludes this type of plan but
strongly suggested that the map prepared be the one transmitted with the
EIR. She said alternatives can be addressed during the Public Hearing
Council Member Henderson requested that the maps used for the public
hearings be prepared with colored acetate overlays. Commissioner Kirk
suggested a "power-point" presentation could also show the underlying maps
and show overlays of the other components such as the land use
designations, specific overlays, boundaries, etc.
Commercial Land Use Designations
Nicole Criste then outlined the commercial land use designations. On the
existing General Plan the land on the east side of Washington Street between
48th and 47th, is shown as Community Commercial (CC) and the suggested
change will be to Neighborhood Commercial (NC).
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Mayor Pena asked if the map indicates the recent general plan amendments
such as the re-zoning for the Arnold Palmer Restaurant. Director Herman and
Ms. Criste confirmed that all of the most recent amendments to the general
plan need to be added to the map.
Chairman Robbins asked if the federally-owned property being considered by
CVWD for a recharge facility can be designated Major Community Facility
(MC) in the planning area.
Traffic and Circulation
The consultant, Ms. Criste reviewed the roadway classifications and the
multi-purpose trails. Council Member Perkins suggested that the sections of
Highway 111 that narrow down to two lanes in each direction, be looked at
for three lanes since Hwy. 111 carries a Major Arterial designation. Council
Member Sniff stated the City was assured that those sections could be
striped for three lanes (both directions) when necessary, without having to
acquire additional right-of-way.
Ms. Criste said the final major change to the roadway general plan is the
addition of the Phase 1 golf cart routes. Commissioner Tyler commented on
what he feels is a lack of adequate planned golf cart routes in the North East
section of the city.
Staff advised the schedule for future action is as follows:
Release of the Notice of Presentation 4-1 6-01
Release of the Environmental Impact Report 5-25-01
Start of the Public Hearings 7-17-01
Ms. Criste recommended the public hearings be conducted jointly by the
Council and Planning Commission. She stated this has worked out well in
other communities and cuts down the amount of time the public needs to
spend attending the hearings of both bodies. Council Member Henderson
proposed that only the first public hearing be a joint one to allow the Council
an ample opportunity to consider the comments of the Commission.
C~uestions and Comments
Council Member Henderson requested the language in the Administrative
Element of the draft reflect La Quinta's Charter City status.
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Mayor Pena requested that Policy 2 on Page 7 include Tribal Councils.
Commissioner Kirk said he feels the use of Specific Plans should be reserved
for larger properties with one ownership and not used for smaller, single uses
such as a restaurant. Ms. Criste referred to Policy 4, Page 16 as the
appropriate place to make such a modification.
Mayor Pena questioned if Policy 4 and 4.1, Page 16 should address over-
flights. Commissioner Tyler felt this is in the purview of the FAA. Mayor
Pena also stated he the language, "target golf courses" contained in Program
3.3 on Page 16, should be rephrased.
Commissioner Kirk, in regard to Program 4.2, Page 16, questioned if the City
has ever allowed parks fee credits for golf courses. He felt this is an area
that should be researched.
Council Member Sniff commented he is still unconvinced that joint Council/
Commission public hearings are a good idea and that he would like to have
more time to review the comments made by the Planning Commission before
the Council addresses the matter. Commissioner Abels stated he feels, since
this is something that has worked successfully in other communities, he
would like to see the City of La Quinta try it.
Commissioner Tyler read a list of his concerns regarding the age of some of
the data being used in the General Plan document. He also objected to
references in the Traffic and Circulation element to Avenue 44, since the
name was changed to Fred Waring Drive some time ago. Ms. Criste
requested any corrections noted by the Council and Commission, be provided
to staff to insure the final draft incorporates them.
Commissioner Kirk related a concern that whenever an image corridor
approaches the Village he feels the Village design standards should be
imposed. He also addressed a "regional" need to construct a roadway parallel
to Highways 111 and 86 that would diagonally connect to the old Indian trail
shown on the Cultural Resources Map (Exhibit 9.1) He felt this is essential to
the traffic circulation element for the lower valley as a whole.
There being no further discussion, it was moved by Council Member Sniff,
seconded by Council Member Henderson to adjourn the City Council meeting
at 9:02 p.m. The motion was unanimously carried.
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It was moved by Commissioner Butler, seconded by Commissioner Tyler to
adjourn the Planning Commission meeting at 9:03 p.m. The motion was
unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
June S. Greek, CMC
City Clerk, City of La Quinta, California
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