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2001 05 01 CC
IV T4'!t 4 4 Q" City Council Agendas are available on the City's web page @www.la-quinta.org City Council Agenda CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calle Tampico - La Quinta, California 92253 Regular Meeting Tuesday. May 1. 2001 - 2:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Beginning Res. No. 2001-46 Ord. No. 356 ROLL CALL: Council Members: Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. Please watch the timing device on the podium. CLOSED SESSION 1 . CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 (A), PENDING LITIGATION, COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT V. CITY OF LA QUINTA, RIVERSIDE SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. INC 010827. NOTE: Time permitting, the City Council may conduct Closed Session discussions during the dinner recess. Additionally, if the City is considering acquisition of real property, persons identified as negotiating parties do not attend the closed session. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE City Council Agenda RECONVENE AT 3:00 P.M. Page 1 May 1, 2001 f�ltJ-3_�L�Zdrl��li'il�y At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on items that appear within the Consent Calendar or matters that are not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. Please watch the timing device on the podium. For all Business Session matters or Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed "request to speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to the start of City Council consideration of that item. The Mayor will invite individuals who have requested the opportunity to speak to come forward at the appropriate time. VI. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA VII. Vill. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE CORRESPONDENCE FROM INDIAN WELLS TENNIS GARDEN OFFERING SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY. IX. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF APRIL 17, 2001. X. CONSENT CALENDAR Note: Consent Calendar items are considered to be routine in nature and will be approved by one motion unless requested for separate consideration by a member of the City Council or the public. 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED MAY 1, 2001. 2. AUTHORIZATION FOR THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT FOR PAINTING OF VARIOUS AREAS OF CITY HALL. 3. AUTHORIZATION FOR THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT FOR THE RETROFIT OF THREE SHADE STRUCTURES ALONG THE BEAR CREEK BIKE PATH. 4. ACCEPTANCE OF STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION, DESERT CLUB DRIVE NORTH OF AVENUE 52. 5. APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH CALTRANS TO INCLUDE A NEW INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED STREET NAME SIGN ON HIGHWAY 111 AT DEPOT DRIVE. 6. APPROVAL OF THE PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, AND ENGINEER'S ESTIMATES (PS&E) AND AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR PROJECT 2000-17, CALLE TAMPICO AND AVENIDA BERMUDAS TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS. 7. APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL GOALS. City Council Agenda Page 2 May 1, 2001 1. CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT REQUESTS FROM DESERT SPECIAL OLYMPICS, DESERT REHAB SERVICES, SOROPTIMIST CLUB OF LA QUINTA AND BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF COACHELLA VALLEY. I@Dl9 :901G17 :1:70411IQ11 2. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY THE COACHELLA VALLEY ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP TO AMEND ITS BYLAWS IN REGARD TO THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION 3. CONSIDERATION OF CITY MARKETING PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2001-2002. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION 4. CONSIDERATION OF A NEW GRAPHICS DESIGN FOR CITY VEHICLES. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION 5. CONSIDERATION OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH RAY LOPEZ ASSOCIATES FOR DESIGN/BUILD SERVICES FOR THREE MINI PARKS. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION 6. CONSIDERATION OF MODIFICATIONS TO THE DE MARTINO ART PIECE LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF WASH INGTON/H IGHWAY 111. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION 7. CONSIDERATION OF THE JEFFERSON STREET BRIDGE RAILING ENHANCEMENTS. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION XII. STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF FACILITY USE POLICIES. City Council Agenda Page 3 May 1, 2001 XIII XIV. XV REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. CVAG COMMITTEE REPORTS 2. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WORKSHOP/INFORMATION EXCHANGE COMMITTEE (PERKINS) 3. C.V. MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT (PERKINS) 4. C.V. MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY (SNIFF) 5. DESERT RESORTS REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY (HENDERSON) 6. DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AD HOC COMMITTEE (HENDERSON/ADOLPH) 7. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES COMMITTEE 8. MUSEUM EXPANSION COMMITTEE (ADOLPH/SNIFF) 9. PALM SPRINGS DESERT RESORTS CONVENTION & VISITORS AUTHORITY (HENDERSON) 10. PALM SPRINGS DESERT RESORTS AIRLINE SERVICES COMMITTEE (HENDERSON) 11. PALM SPRINGS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION 12. RIVERSIDE COUNTY FREE LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY COMMITTEE 13. RIVERSIDE COUNTY DESERT LIBRARY ZONE ADVISORY BOARD (HENDERSON) 14. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (PENA) 15. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY/SUNLINE SERVICES GROUP (PENA) 16. CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES - MEETING OF 03/08/01 17. INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES DATED MARCH 21, 2001. 1. CITY MANAGER A. RESPONSE(S) TO PUBLIC COMMENTS 2. CITY ATTORNEY 3. CITY CLERK A. REPORT ON UPCOMING EVENTS 4. BUILDING AND SAFETY DIRECTOR 5. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 6. COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR 7. FINANCE DIRECTOR 8. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER 9. POLICE CHIEF 10. FIRE CHIEF MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS RECESS TO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING City Council Agenda Page 4 May 1, 2001 RECONVENE AT 7:00 P.M. XVI. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak form and limit your comments to three (3) minutes. Please watch the timing device on the podium. XVII. XVIII. PUBLIC HEARINGS For all Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed "request to speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to the start of City Council consideration of that item. The Mayor will invite individuals who have requested the opportunity to speak, to come forward at the appropriate time. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 2001-068, AN AMENDMENT TO TITLE 13, SECTION 13.20.115 - AMENDING MAPS OF THE LA QUINTA CHARTER AND MUNICIPAL CODE BY ALLOWING APPROVAL BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. A. INTRODUCE ORDINANCE FOR FIRST READING B. READ BY TITLE ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING OF ORDINANCE 2. PUBLIC HEARING ON ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 94-287 TO CERTIFY AN EIR ADDENDUM AND APPROVE; 1) AN AMENDMENT TO SPECIFIC PLAN 94-025 ALLOWING A NEW PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF AN APPROVED MASTER PLANNED COMMUNITY OF 277 HOUSING UNIT TO SERVE TEN CUSTOM LOTS; 2) APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 99-047 FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A PRIVATE ROAD INTO HILLSIDE SLOPES EXCEEDING 20 PERCENT; AND 3) APPROVAL OF A PARCEL MAP 28617 FOR THE SUBDIVISION OF 330.70 ACRES INTO FOUR PARCELS AND OTHER LETTERED STREET LOTS FOR PROPERTY LOCATED TO THE SOUTH OF THE QUARRY AND BISECTED BY THE FUTURE EXTENSION OF JEFFERSON STREET. APPLICANT: AGIOTAGE LIMITED A. CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO THE MEETING OF JUNE 5, 2001 XIX. ADJOURNMENT - The next regular meeting of the La Quints City Council will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 15, 2001, in the City Council Chambers, 78-495 Calls Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. City Council Agenda Page 5 May 1, 2001 L1*dA_1` I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the City Council meeting of May 1, 2001, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin boards at the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce and at Stater Bros., 78-630 Highway 111, on Friday, April 27, 2001. DATED: April 27, 2001 S . JU REEK, CIVIC City Clerk, City of La Quinta, California PUBLIC NOTICE The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's Office at 777-7025, 24-hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. City Council Agenda Page 6 May 1, 2001 INDIAN WELU TENNII GARDEN April 20, 2001 Mayor John Pena City of LaQuinta P.O. Box 1504 LaQuinta, CA 92253 Dear Mayor Pena Thank you for taking the time this morning to discuss sponsorship and partnership opportunities for the City of LaQuinta at the Indian Wells Tennis Garden. As you are aware, we have just successfully completed a major concert featuring Luciano Pavarotti. We have already established the venue as a major worldwide tennis facility and our intent is to establish it as a major concert venue as well. Bobby Roberts and Peter Marin produced the Pavarotti concert and it is our intention, in partnership with them, to produce up to five concerts a year. We are bringing major artists that appeal to all demographics in southern California. This is very important for our continued success. Our next concert is on May 19, 2001 featuring Los Lobos with special guest Malo. Both acts attract Caucasian and Latino demographics. We are expecting a crowd of 6,000 people at the event. Our marketing campaign breaks next week and will include printed flyers; newspaper ads in The Desert Sun, El Informador de Valle, La Presna Hispana, and Riverside Press -Enterprise; Electronic Media; Radio on KUNA, KPSI, KLOB, and the Desert Radio Group; T.V. on KVER, KUNA, Fox Sports Noticias, Lifetime and USA. We have a co -title sponsor opportunity for the City of LaQuinta. The benefits to the City of LaQuinta would include: ♦ City of LaQuinta name and logo on all print advertising. ♦ The ticket stock would read "Sponsored by City of LaQuinta" ♦ The City of LaQuinta logo on top of the stage roof in a 3' x 4' size. ♦ 30 $65 complimentary tickets located on the main floor. ♦ Photo opportunity with council members with both bands (pending approval of acts). ♦ Opportunity for the mayor of LaQuinta to welcome the audience before the concert (pending approval). ♦ A donation of $2500 will be given back to a designated LaQuinta school band department or drama department. ♦ Field trip opportunities to La Quinta Schools Music and Drama classes. 78-200 Miles Aven Ve Indian Wells, CA 92210 760-360-3346 Fax: 760 772-3299 Box Office: 800-999-1585 w .masters series.com The above benefits are suggestions for the sponsorship opportunity and I welcome other ideas the council might have to fulfill your needs. The sponsorship fee is priced reasonably at $15,000 for this event. Most importantly, we would like to cultivate a relationship with the City of LaQuinta and work together on other events. Thank you for your consideration. Both Peter Marin and myself can meet with you asap to discuss this with individual council members and city staff. You can reach me at 345- 2473 and Peter Marin can be reached at 861-2922. Best regards, ZI/isher Director of Sales L0 c&t,,4a�w V � °c Q� AGENDA CATEGORY: 'y OF'FNt COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: MAY 1, 2001 ITEM TITLE: Demand Register Dated May 1, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: Approve Demand Register Dated May 1, 2001 BACKGROUND Prepaid Warrants: 44982 - 449981 75,823.28 44999 - 450051 6,845.57 45006 - 450141 8,363.71 45015 - 450181 14,032.82 Wire Transfers) 22,975.84 PERS Transfer) 11,218.81 P/R 6736 - 6804) 99,352.78 P/R Tax Transfers) 25,811.29 Payable Warrants: 45019 - 451591 2,185,850.67 $2,450,274.77 FISCAL IMPLICATIONS• Demand of Cash -City $2,423,366.07 John M. Falconer, Finance Director BUSINESS SESSION CONSENT CALENDAR STUDY SESSION PUBLIC HEARING CITY DEMANDS $2,423,366.07 RDA DEMANDS 26,908.70 $2,450,274.77 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 2:01PM 04/23/01 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF PAGE 1 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT NUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 45019 04/24/01 &01383 JOHN AMAN 85.00 45020 04/24/01 &01384 TRINETTE CANNON 38.00 45021 04/24/01 &01385 LA SALLE ELECTRIC 50.00 45022 04/24/01 &01386 MASTER POOLS 50.00 45023 04/24/01 &01387 MARIA PUENTE 45.00 45024 04/24/01 &01388 DON STANGER 65.00 45025 04/24/01 &01389 LA QUINTA GOLF ESTATES 300.00 45026 04/24/01 &01390 JULIE MARKEWITZ 60.00 45027 04/24/01 &01391 MICHELLE POEHNETT 60.00 45028 04/24/01 &01392 RCR COMPANIES 50.00 45029 04/24/01 &01394 COMPLETE VISION FLOORING 150.00 45030 04/24/01 &01395 DUANE DAWSON JR 48.00 45031 04/24/01 &01396 DANIEL HARTIGAN 30.00 45032 04/24/01 &01397 LORETTA DUFFY 48.00 45033 04/24/01 &01398 MARIA GALVAN 48.00 45034 04/24/01 &01399 TERRI SHOK 30.00 45035 04/24/01 &01400 LOUISE WEST 48.00 45036 04/24/01 AlRO01 A-1 RENTS 33.60 45037 04/24/01 ACE010 ACE HARDWARE 857.89 45038 04/24/01 AIK100 PATRICIA AIKEN DBA BROKEN 315.00 45039 04/24/01 AME040 AMERICAN HUMANE ASSOC 50.00 45040 04/24/01 AME175 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES 105.00 45041 04/24/01 AME200 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SVCS 58.27 45042 04/24/01 ARC100 ARCH 92.92 45043 04/24/01 ASCO01 A & S COFFEE SERVICE 552.00 45044 04/24/01 AT0010 A TO Z PARTY RENTALS 67.93 45045 04/24/01 AUT030 AUTOMATED TELECOM 279.33 45046 04/24/01 BAN015 DAVE BANG ASSOCIATES INC 4564.45 45047 04/24/01 BEN040 BENLO R V II 687.45 45048 04/24/01 BER150 BERRYMAN & HENIGAR INC 4603.50 45049 04/24/01 BES100 BEST BUY CO INC 5047.94 45050 04/24/01 BI0100 BIO TOX 198.10 45051 04/24/01 BRI100 BRINKS INC 275.40 45052 04/24/01 BUT010 RICHARD BUTLER 104.83 45053 04/24/01 CAD010 CADET UNIFORM SUPPLY 684.89 45054 04/24/01 CAL012 CALIF ANIMAL CONTROL DIR 35.00 45055 04/24/01 CAL070 CALLAWAY VINEYARD/WINERY 72.00 45056 04/24/01 CAR050 CAREER TRACK 129.00 45057 04/24/01 CAR300 CARQUEST 651.05 45058 04/24/01 CDWO50 CDW GOVERNMENT INC 2708.83 45059 04/24/01 COA082 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 717.88 45060 04/24/01 COR100 JAMES W CORNETT 3240.00 45061 04/24/01 CVI100 C V INDUSTRIAL & AG SUPP3 104.82 45062 04/24/01 DAN200 DANONE WATERS OF NORTH 64.49 45063 04/24/01 DEN010 DENBOER ENGINEERING AND 11340.00 45064 04/24/01 DEP100 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SVC 19.97 45065 04/24/01 DES018 DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 1046.51 n02 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 2:01PM 04/23/01 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF PAGE 2 CHECK NUMBER 45066 45067 45068 45069 45070 45071 45072 45073 45074 45075 45076 45077 45078 45079 45080 45081 45082 45083 45084 45085 45086 45087 45088 45089 45090 45091 45092 45093 45094 45095 45096 45097 45098 45099 45100 45101 45102 45103 45104 45105 45106 45107 45108 45109 45110 45111 45112 45113 45114 CHECK DATE 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 I`[i7 DES019 DESO40 DES051 DES060 DES065 DLO100 D00010 DOU200 DRU100 EVA050 EXP200 FED010 FRA010 GAS010 GAT020 GEN100 GRA007 GRAO10 GSDO50 GUM050 HAI100 HAR050 HIG010 HIL150 HOM030 HOP050 JPRO10 JUD010 KEI010 KIN100 KRI100 LAE100 LAI030 L00010 LOP050 LOW100 MOM100 MOR100 MUN010 NAW010 NEX010 NIC101 OFF005 OLI100 OUT100 OVE100 OWE020 PAR003 PET100 VENDOR NAME DESERT FIRE EXTINGUISHER DESERT JANITOR SERVICE DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHL DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO DESERT TEMPS INC DLO ENTERPRISES INC DBA DOUBLE PRINTS 1 HR PHOTO LES DOUGLAS DRUMMOND AMERICAN CORP DAVID EVANS & ASSOC INC EXPRESS DETAIL FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP MARNI FRANCISCO GASCARD INC GATEWAY BUSINESS THOMAS P GENOVESE GRAINGER GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO GS DIRECT BRAD GUMMER HAINES & COMPANY INC HARTZOQ & CRABILL INC HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC HILTON FARNKOPF & HOME DEPOT BOB HOPE CHRYSLER CLASSIC JP REPROGRAPHICS JUDICIAL DATA SYSTEMS COR KEITH COMPANIES KINER/GOODSELL ADVERTISNG BRUCE KRIBBS CONSTRUCTION LAERDAL MEDICAL CORP LAIDLAW TRANSIT INC LOCK SHOP INC RAY LOPEZ ASSOCIATES LOWE'S COMPANIES INC MOM'S GAS STATION CITY OF MORENO VALLEY MUNI FINANCIAL SERV INC RON NAWROCKI NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS NICKERSON & ASSOC INC OFFICE DEPOT INC OLINN MESSAGE CENTER OUTDOOR SERVICES INC OVERLAND RESOURCES OWEN & BRADLEY PARAGON SIGNS PET PICKUPS PAYMENT AMOUNT 5560.40 4378.50 80.00 2448.75 8687.20 2625.92 27.60 126.00 763.32 873.52 175.00 266.74 69.28 124.21 1616.41 31.50 292.56 1680964.93 152.62 385.00 201.72 1659.00 139.08 8819.00 789.00 25000.00 1517.11 102.13 3120.50 5449.90 7446.00 5254.54 194.44 385.42 600.00 49.33 899.72 5088.80 3882.99 1700.00 3010.05 7297.99 91.15 91.84 100.00 1000.00 516.83 118.25 639.17 003 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CITY OF LA QUINTA CHECK CHECK NUMBER DATE 45115 45116 45117 45118 45119 45120 45121 45122 45123 45124 45125 45126 45127 45128 45129 45130 45131 45132 45133 45134 45135 45136 45137 45138 45139 45140 45141 45142 45143 45144 45145 45146 45147 45148 45149 45150 45151 45152 45153 45154 45155 45156 45157 45158 45159 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 04/24/01 CHECK REGISTER BANK ID: DEF NO PIC100 PRIO16 PRI020 RAL050 RAS020 RBF100 REG200 RIV080 RIV100 RIV124 RIV152 SAX100 SECO50 SIM025 SIM040 SIT050 SMA010 SMI300 SOCO10 S00007 SOU100 SPL100 STA050 STA065 STA100 STA150 ST0100 SUN075 SUN080 TAR050 TKDO10 TOP010 TRIO10 TRI100 TRU010 TYLO50 UHA100 UPB100 USO100 USPOlO VOG050 WAL010 WEL150 WOR100 XER010 VENDOR NAME PICKENS FUEL CORP PRIME -STRIPE INC THE PRINTING PLACE RALPHS GROCERY CO RASA - ERIC NELSON RBF CONSULTING REGENCY LIGHTING RIVERSIDE COUNTY HEALTH RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFFS RIVERSIDE SUPERIOR COURT RIV COUNTY TRANSPORTATION SAXON ENGINEERING SERVICE SECURITY LINK/AMERITECH SIMON MOTORS INC SIMPLER LIFE EMERGENCY SITAG SMART & FINAL SMITTY'S DIESEL TRUCK/RV THE SOCO GROUP INC SOUTHWEST NETWORKS, INC SOUTHLAND GEOTECHNICL INC RON SPLUDE STAPLES STATE HUMANE ASSN STATE WATER RESOURCES STATER BROS STORIGHT SYSTEMS LTD SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY SUNLINE SERVICES GROUP TARGET/DAYTON'S T.K.D. ASSOCIATES INC TOPS'N BARRICADES INC TRI LAKE CONSULTANTS INC TRI STATE LAND SURVEYORS TRULY NOLEN INC ROBERT T TYLER U-HAUL COMPANY UPBEAT INC US OFFICE PRODUCTS U S POSTMASTER CHRIS A VOGT WAL MART STORES INC WELTY'S POSTAL CONNECTION WORLDCOM XEROX CORPORATION CHECK TOTAL 01PM 04/23/01 PAGE 3 PAYMENT AMOUNT 13.53 538.90 193.50 364.78 565.00 1720.45 358.63 980.00 253017.47 225.00 9924.00 840.00 130.00 8.71 897.77 4738.00 180.16 75.00 100.55 4592.50 5208.00 848.40 91.37 100.00 250.00 11.98 130.07 705.44 862.73 68.49 17.50 412.12 50494.50 5540.00 233.00 156.60 214.24 3185.94 1077.51 120.00 26.81 10.71 55.34 1550.00 289.50 2,185,850.67 004 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o H n W W W W W W W W W W W W W K O N O 1p m m J p� U W G O Z � O S Z O A b o [�^ n M m m b [H*1 D [Z•1 m p K M O H H H A r H H b M M 7 M 7 m M M m Gz] O z H M Z ro x M to 2 O M n n q .G. 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NAME ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 11:28AM 04/18/01 PAGE 1 45006 04/18/01 BUI041 BUILDING INDUSTRY ASSOC 45007 04/18/01 COM085 COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS OF 45008 04/18/01 GAT030 GATEWAY COUNTRY 45009 04/18/01 IMPO10 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 45010 04/18/01 INL075 INLAND EMPIRE ECONOMIC 45011 04/18/01 PENO10 JOHN PENA 45012 04/18/01 ROU100 JOSEPH ROUNAGHI 45013 04/16/01 VER200 VERIZON 45014 04/18/01 VER210 VERIZON INTERNET SOLUTION PAYMENT AMOUNT 25.00 100.00 1750.00 906.06 50.00 59.02 5000.00 404.63 69.00 CHECK TOTAL 8,363.71 028 r4 N Y1 f+l P b r m O� O N aZ rl ti rl .i fa d U F Z O m d m F F E F F F F F F F F F E F F m O N H O O O O O O O 01 O� O� O� M COy � O O Z F w Z �n o o io o m o in �n in �n in in m T O + N rn o Q £ � a Q 0 0 0 o N o M o 0 0 0 0 co 0 �n U o a o e o m o m N Z O O O o a a s o a a a o a ❑ a a z a z a a d a a a x a z a a z a Z w E W F £ F O F F d F N F F Z F O S O 0 0 0 > O O O O O O O w E ry F O F m F F a F ❑ F F O F O F F F a a U U U U U d \ a a w a u a z a w a a s >>>>>> a F a O H U O U O w 0 H O 0 U O 3 0 m m vi `n v> > O w 0 > a Z ❑ ❑ ❑ a ❑ W w ❑ \ ❑ a ❑ N ❑ Z ❑ 0 m F w a w ° w U w U w x w d w z z z z z W[ !a+] w W W> w> d> w> z> > > O O O O O z> E> ❑ W a £ �] O w d 2 x 2 x 2 0 Z m £ U w w a a U d d d d d d W w ❑ a m N N N rl m O r p w O O m Ol 0 O m ❑ � N v C P O r F a z z d a m w m a I o o w F w o o M o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 £ ❑ r r r r N �n ui ,n in �n �n rn Z M M N N M N Ol M M M M 1'1 f"1 O F Z O N M rl N M M M M 1�1 M � O O O O O N O � ifl ✓1 ifl N i(1 �(1 U a O O o O O o o O O O O O O O W Z O H O U �/1 O m U F N d ❑ O m £ a a m z o 0 M m o z m o r a o I z d o a H z F UU W H £ Q O IZi a z o H F a W z a m F Z N a w Z Z Z Z Z Z Z a o H Z a ❑ d x 0 0 0 0 0 0 O J+ O ❑ '.J '3 a Z d N N N N N N N Q a a £ W w Q Z w H H H H H d Q o H £ F d a x w a a a a a a a a ❑ ❑ o a £ z o O w w w w w w w N Z m U C9 H H h h > > > > > > > F w w Z O > N N O O ul O O O O O O O O O o f £ F d a z o a a a a a a a F o ¢ E ti w o w w w w w w W Q U m U t9 d a > > > > > > > o s o m .. u1 u o a z a a F O❑ O w F m a N a H W a Q F W d a E r W 3 U Z U O a❑ Q w O a 0 m m E Z Z 2 E Z W £ Z W N Z U m Z N ❑ O w 2 ry O > w W E E H U U U U U a F a >>>> U U W W m Q > O W IZ+ Z x a W W W W W F m [Y 0 £ O w m w w Z [w- 0 0 0 0 0 1U.] Z £ a w a O Z 2 2 x S S a 0 W m m 4. z O O F N O m U F m £ a Q 2 Z z m O N w a O o a w U F E m !� E Z W W Q a UI F Z U' S o Z ❑ Q a w a Q a ❑ z a F a z H ££ u r£ H a o E a O E W Z« a z« z Z z Z Z < a Z« m+ o a z❑ o+ o 0 0 0 o H o+ W* x �. a 3 ❑ O Z N N N N N N [Y N 0. O w O w a£ Q w Z w O z z a o o z es+ W w w w w£ w« o+ o o 0 0 > I-+ N Z Q n£ O Z w+ w w w W£ W* w* O O N O O O O O S m 0N U H>+>>> > H>+ 6. + O O 1> r-I a o O o o F H 7 Z Ul O O 1+ v O O O O O F O M M O M M J1 O a I W a m a Z 0. m 01 01 01 o o O £ o o £ F M . . . . . . . Q Q O O O O M JI O O 01 ✓l � �tl M� lO ifI m O O O Z Ul lO N O S �O r r r r r O N ✓1 E O O F M 4F. r M m W o o w m W I ❑ � ❑ a a o ❑ F a to [ail v1 u u U w O U w 0 a U rUil 4 p a o O O O O O E O O o 0 0 0 o E O F a W 2 0 o a w x Y' w w w w Q S U❑ Q x U❑ F 2 U m❑ U m V' (9 U' E U Z F U Z O U W W w E ❑ ❑ ❑ O w 0 O w 0 H W x x x O ❑ O O F a Z fu E a Z W a Z U U Q F E ❑ z S O S O a a a Z Z U E Z z U F Z z Z u ££ a E F F Q U U U 4l E Q Q Q ~ m H a M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O. Q O N O M M M O M M M M M N M N F-I O 01 m a a a F W F O O N N M M Q M M O N z O z o 0 0 0 0 .'; 1 N 1 O 1N .1. .0 . .O. .+ .N i .�'» N 3 m i o ooi u 0 UQ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0+ o+ o 0 (� QU u 0:31 0 0 m.. o a o� a a a F F w w J+ Jv O E w F w d w w E O F O a ❑ ❑ w w ❑ o a o a w 2 N S m U H Q am Q .a z a s a m a a a a 0 m .. w e w o ❑ a a o F a o z m a w m a a z o o w a m F 4] a � F F o m U O � U F O Q O o O o 0 0❑ a N F r r o 0 0 0 0 o til c� m Z o ri r'i o 0 0 0 0 o a O �o io 0 o w m m o o a I I 0 z w a a a F F m a F Q U F U O Q a F ❑ ❑ F F O w w O O F 2 S F F U U < Q o Z Z Z £ o O ❑ Z Z d Q I a w F r] y O O O O m a O o 0 0 o 0 0 0 w Q ❑ o 0 o a r] 2 y F w F O O O O 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 U U o o e Q U a a 032 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 1:37PM 04/16/01 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF PAGE 1 CHECK CHECK VENDOR NUMBER DATE NO. NAME ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 44999 04/16/01 ACE101 RAMIRO ACEVEDO 45000 04/16/01 BES101 BEST BUY 45001 04/16/01 COA005 CITY OF COACHELLA 45002 04/16/01 DEP008 DEPT OF CONSERVATION 45003 04/16/01 PET005 CASH/PETTY CASH 45004 04/16/01 SOU032 SOUTHERN CALIF ASSN CODE 45005 04/16/01 UN1005 UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT CHECK TOTAL PAYMENT AMOUNT 67.99 300.96 28.00 6125.48 223.14 60.00 40.00 6,845.57 033 rI U U U O O U U U U U U U U U O D U U C9 U £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ w W W W W W W W W W W w w w w w w w w w E E E F E F F E E F F F E E E E E F F F m m o m ri r o m o m rn N �o 0 0 10 O N N N ti ti ti N P .-� P lO P N N I � I O D O m O O O1 Ol O O O £ Q O m I 1t O UI U r1 N N m a m £ I I m a Q a fil W x x x x x x x x x x x x m a w a F o o W m m m m �n vi cn m vi cn �n £ U z O F £ F N F F a F O E ❑ E 0 O O O O .y .-+ O 4 E U N H F E F F F F F F F F F F E E x F F E a F a s w a w a w w a w w W W w w W W w W w W Q a a a O w 0 £ O w W 0 a a a W m m W a m W m m U 0 H 0 H 0 a❑ T❑ ❑ w w o ❑ N❑ a❑ w Z O Z O Z Z m m m m m m m m m m m m N Z Z 3 2 U> m> £> m w o m m a a a a a a a a a a a a m u > O N O O N O O N O O O N O O O O O O 0 0 o r+ o o m o o a m o 0 0 0 0 0 ri o� m r �n r �n ri ri ri o ry M m r ri o ri o o c o n �n N O N O O O •y ti 'i 'i ti rl N N N P �(1 ti O O O O o O O O O O O O C O O O O O Z Z O O m o Q F F m o w a s a O 2 W W W U > z z o 0 W F U U U U a z a N om 4 0 O O O O .] ❑ W W W m Z aQ m U ❑ ❑ Z O > m m J ❑U O O O O O E W to Q W Oa OU Q U a m D O x x x x x x x x x x x x x V] V1 VI VI Vl N N V1 N U] U1 Ul U1 a a a a a Q Q Q a a a a a U U U U U U U U U U U U U F F F E E E F F F F F F F E E F F F F F E F E E F H w w w W W w W w w w w w w a m W a a m a a a a a W m x x x x x x x x x x x x x UI << m m N Ul m N U] (n U y a a Q Q a a a a a a Q Q U U U V U U U U U U U U U ✓) � N ul �Il � Jl Jl J1 Yl ✓1 �(1 � O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O F F F F F E H F F F F F F w w w W W W W W w w w w w a a a m m a a a a m m a a 034 0 0 e w o h o x w m u m m N .« O ❑ m m ❑ s F r o o N N z N N £ N N N N N a N U N r m u o a a Q z a a a Q a a s a Q a s N a F ti ti U U U U U' 4] U U U U U w U Z U F V W £ Z�� ❑ Z a D O Z ❑ O w •+ •+ J+ r r r ti r r r r r O r r w r U F F a F F F S F F F F F Q F E F F w F N N E H w E H w N F F E E F w E Q F F F w N w w a s a a£ u a a a a ry a a N a o r w w w a a w w w O w w w W w w a N N a w> a z U 6. a a a a a N a U a Q a E w a ❑ w O N U Z Z w O O ❑ Z N F F w Q N o a a+ 2 Q lO >> S T F S x rl S S x x« x S x S 2 ti a a+ UI m N N w VJ N N N x Vl N O N L. N N w w+ Q a w Q a z a Q Q Q+ Q Q❑ a .+ a Q O N N+ U U O D U U U U U U« U U w U n] U U a z z+ a > a a w o o« r r r r r o r r r r r r W r u r r U U« F F a F F U F F F F+ F E U E F F F r F F 3 F F F F F H« H F Q F Z F F m' Z ❑ w W w W w w 4. w W W w« w w w a w w O m o 0+ w w❑❑ m O m m m a+ m m o o. w a a a a w+ a x w o F a E ❑ N w a+ N N H N N F N N N N+ (/� m N O N N z z w w w Q Q z a a a Q a Q+ a a Q o a a m ❑❑+ u u u u u u u u u+ u u u m u u 0 0' > U m m F 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0 o m o 0 m O m N a+ F E F F a F E F F+ F F w F b E F H r Z£ W w w + w w z Z w w O w w w w s w W U W O w O a m w o m ❑❑+ a m o a a U a h a w+❑ m a m N m o o m m a E > Z m o o io m � N ❑ r r e i a c� F �O N f� T \O O O !� O O ifl � N r � m Ol P O N F ✓l ✓1 O o io r N m o io o m m m m �n m o r m o m rn m m m m i w i io i u m N a N r w w u > U w O a O o 0 o F o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o F o 0 0 0 0 o a w x o 0 Y m W w a x U❑ U Z❑ w£ O 0 p W x❑ m '� F .] Z w ❑ o x O a a Z Z U F o w w x Q a N >o £ £ w a o a F F i U U Q U U w E 4 Q N O O O O O N O O O O O O O O a D w ti O O m O O O m O O O O O m+ O O O O O O O O Q a 0 1 t`l O ✓1 N a a F W F O O O O N I m N Z O Z o 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 �n �n ✓�i v� u� 3 0 �n �n �n �n in o 0 O r O U E U U U o 0 0 o O O O O O o 0 0 0 0 o O O O o 0 0 0 V�U 0 v O a a w F a z z 0 a a o w O o a F ❑ Z Z o Z O w O O > U � a O nai E > Z H O O P O O E ❑ a w O F] a a O o Q F F O O 1 0 z F m W to W U a ❑ a a J F m E Ul r] F m m Y U u OF U L] O U 4U1 Q < Y' w Q T U❑ F 2 U❑❑ U OF U [U.l E O w z w S 2 Z U U U Z v ❑ 7 2 a 2 4 Q O Z Z U F Z Z U E£ ❑ � i i w w z£� o d a � a w F a z m F a a ❑ w a x a a o a z m F w H Z O Z O O O O U E U a u a 036 o \ W 1 o Q 0 m � N F F Z Z W W z z F a F O E W F W In F W W W W m W W E O F O a W W U N !U] Jv vl fu F W F ❑ O a O .] W x m x m a a a a 0 m . I W v W o ❑ m a ❑ � E a r O Z 6� Q W m C a 2 O O W m F W I -I y 2 a ❑ F E O N U O I -I U F ❑ Q N N O N O O O❑ rvI O O N U' m Z . lO 10 O O� T O O O 4 0 m rn o v a r r I m I O Z W a a a F F m a F a U F U O a Q F H F o w w O O F S S F F U U m ❑ ❑ a �v �Z o z z z o ❑ o z z in W W 4. O O W a I a W F a z O O O O m a O o 0 0 wm o 0 0 0 ol a s N F m Q ❑ O o 0 0 y F F O O O O Z 0 Z O O O O O O O O O„ O U E U U Y U o 0 0 0 a U a 037 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 3:50PM 04/12/01 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF PAGE 1 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT NUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 44982 04/12/01 BES101 BEST BUY 1716.06 44983 04/12/01 BYRO10 RIV CO SHERIFF 256.80 44984 04/12/01 CAL040 CALIFORNIA VISION SERVICE 969.55 44985 04/12/01 CAN050 CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO 499.53 44986 04/12/01 CAT035 CATAMARAN HOTEL 2038.73 44987 04/12/01 CONO10 CONRAD & ASSOCIATES 60.00 44988 04/12/01 CRM100 CRM TECH 6000.00 44989 04/12/01 LAQO50 LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES 299.00 44990 04/12/01 MAR350 RAOUL MARTINEZ 112.45 44991 04/12/01 PAL020 PALM SPRINGS DESERT 33.00 44992 04/12/01 PRI050 PRINCIPAL MUTUAL 46142.66 44993 04/12/01 RIV040 RIVERSIDE CNTY DEPT CHILD 426.50 44994 04/12/01 STA010 STAMKO DEVELOPMENT 14514.55 44995 04/12/01 SUP100 SUPPORT PAYMENT CLEARING- 150.00 44996 04/12/01 TRA030 TRANSAMERICA INSURANCE 51.68 44997 04/12/01 UNI005 UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 174.00 44998 04/12/01 UNU050 UNUM LIFE INS 2378.77 CHECK TOTAL 75,823.28 P38 a O N � •� E Z 0 .Ni V (9 m m rn l9 l9 U (➢ m t9 U m m C'1 4 W a+ m m w w w w rn w w rn m rt e o m o M 0 ri F o m I �n �n o r o 0 0 o 1 ry z E O m a O. T O U O p m N t't 2 rl U ul m m Z Z I � w O ❑ m t•l O Q O w O N •y a rl N M N w �O ❑ a E F w Q w a a x > > w � a m a s w w E W w a U wi a a s a a u m a a > a a s a a a Q a Q a a a a Q a ❑.a Q a a Z £ F O F F F w a F F Q F a F F E O 0 0 O O O O O O O O a 0 m u a u F F Z F F F ❑ E Z m Z w a u a .z+ a vi a a a 0 a . 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O U U o o v v Q U Q N N e a 041 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK TRANSACTIONS 4/01/01-4/24/01 04/13/01 WIRE TRANSFER - DEFERRED COMP 04/13/01 WIRE TRANSFER - PERS 04/13/01 WIRE TRANSFER - CREDIT UNION $6,211.03 $11,218.81 $5,546.00 TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS OUT $22,975.84 044 f AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: May 1, 2001 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Authorization for the City Manager to Enter into PUBLIC HEARING: _ a Contract for Painting of Various Areas at City Hall • 11 11 l � ' • Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract for painting of various areas at City Hall at a cost not to exceed $15,000. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Funds in the amount of $32,377 have been allocated in the Equipment Replacement Fund for painting this fiscal year at City Hall. None. Each fiscal year an amount is budgeted in the Equipment Replacement Fund for painting at City Hall. This year the appropriation is $32,377. Staff has solicited bids for staining of the various wood trellis structures at City Hall including the structure that covers the courtyard, the parking structures on the north and south sides of the building, the trellis work around the City Hall, and the glulam beams that are part of the building structure. Due to of the extent of the work, it will be done in phases over the next couple of years. The low bid to complete the first phase of staining, (the courtyard trellis and the glulam beams on the exterior of the City Hall) is $14,455 which exceeds the $10,000 limit that the City Manager is authorized to execute per Resolution 98-14. The Resolution is included as Attachment 1. In order to proceed with the project, the City Council must authorize the City Manager to execute a contract in the higher amount. Staff has bid the work as a "Minor Public Works Project" per the provisions of Resolution 98-14. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract for painting of various areas at City Hall at a cost not to exceed $15,000; or 2. Do not authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract for painting of various areas at City Hall; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, 7-641.1 4 4(/y e Tom Hartung, Dire or of Building & Safety Attachments: 1. Resolution 98-14 Approve ,for submissi b Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager ,r. ,ti ,U ,-f. ATTACHMENT 1 RESOLUTION NO. y S -lq RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA REGARDING SOLICITATION OF BIDS AND AWARD OF CONTRACTS FOR PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 3.30 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMC), the City Council desires to prescribe specific procedures and rules governing the solicitation of bids and award of contracts for public works projects; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, does resolve as follows: Section 1: Applicability The procedures and rules herein shall apply to the solicitation of bids and award of contracts for public works projects pursuant to LQMC Chapter 3.30. Section 2: Local Contractor Preference A. For the purposes of this Chapter, the term 'local firm" shall mean a firm which has both maintained its headquarters or permanently -staffed regional office and has held a business license within the area encompassed by the boundaries -of the Coachella Vayley Association of Governments for a minimum of six consecutive months immediately prior to the closing date for submittal of bids on the contract. B. Determination of the lowest responsible bid for any public works contract shall allow an advantage of two percent (2%) of the lowest bid received to bids under which at least fifty percent (50%) of the contract cost is for work performed by local firms. C. Bidders desiring local preference shall submit, with their bids, in separate, unsealed packages, applications for local preference including qualifying evidence of local -firm status and a listing of the bid items and quantities to be performed or furnished by local firm(s). D. The Public Works Director shall review applications and accept or reject them based on completeness and the adequacy of evidence of local firm status. The denial of local firm status for any bid shall not affect the validity of the bid. E. Decisions regarding local -firm status shall be the sole discretion of the City and shall be deemed final at the time the contract is awarded. In submitting an application for local preference on any contract, the applicant shall agree that the granting or denial by the City of local preference to any bid or bids submitted for the contract shall not constitute cause for any claim of loss or damages suffered by the applicant. (U'A F. If a bidder qualifying for local -firm status is awarded a contract for an original amount higher than the lowest responsible bid received and the bidder fails to utilize local firms for the required percentage of the work in the original contract, and said failure is not due to variations from the estimated quantities or other factors unrelated to the bidder or bidder's subcontractors, the City shall have the right to deduct from the amount paid under the contract the difference between the bidder's original bid and any lower responsible bid submitted by a non -local firm. Section 3: Major Public Works Projects Major public works projects are defined as those projects having an estimated value of twenty five thousand dollars or greater. The solicitation and selection of bids and award of contracts shall conform with LQMC Section 3.30.020 and the following: A. Invitation for Bids. An Invitation for Bids (the "Invitation") shall be published in a newspaper, electronic bulletin board, world wide web site, or other generally -recognized source of local public works contract information, at least ten days prior to the date of the opening of bids. Invitations shall include general descriptions of the work to be performed, the time and place of the opening of bids, the place where bidders may obtain Bid Documents, the amount of bid security required, and the amount and nature of performance and labor and materials security that will be required of the successful bidder. B. Form of Bids. Bids conforming with the requirements of the Invitation shall be submitted to the Department Director (the "Director") in sealed packages or by other means which will prevent the divulging of bids prior to the stated time for opening of bids, all as specified in the Invitation or the Bid Documents. Unopened bids should be clearly marked or otherwise identifiable as bids for the project to which they apply. C. Bid Security. Bids shall be accompanied by cash, cashier's check, certified check, surety bond, or other form of security stated in the Invitation or bidding documents, in a sum equal to ten percent of the amount of the bid. D. Opening of Bids. At the time and place stated in the Invitation, the bids shall be publicly opened and announced. The bid amounts shall be tabulated and the tabulation shall be available for public inspection at the Public Works Department during regular business hours for a period of not less than thirty calendar days after the bid opening. E. Review of bids. The Director shall review all bids received for completeness, accuracy, responsiveness to the Invitation for Bids and Bid Documents, and the City's experience with or knowledge of the qualifications and reliability of each bidder and shall prepare a recommendation for the City Council. The Director's review shall consider the following: 1. Written amounts shall take precedence over associated numeric amounts. Mathematical errors, if found, shall be corrected and shall not disqualify a bid. The corrected total shall be the bid amount considered in determining the lowest responsible bidder and shall be the contract amount awarded if the bid is selected. 2. If one or more responsible bidders qualify for local preference, and the lowest responsible bidder does not qualify, the Director shall allow the two -percent preference to qualifying bids in determining the lowest responsible bidder. F. Award of contract. Contracts shall be awarded by the City Council to the lowest responsible bidder. Determination of the lowest responsible bidder shall be at the sole discretion of the City Council pursuant to findings and recommendations presented by the Director of Public Works at the time of the award of contract. G. Equal bids. If two or more equal low bids are received, the City Council may award the contract to any one of the equal low bidders. H. No bids. When no bids are received from responsible firms, the City Council may accomplish the project in any manner it sees fit. I. Reiection of Bids. The City Council may reject any or all bids presented and may then direct that the project be re -advertised, may authorize negotiation of a contract with one or more responsible firms, or may resolve that the project can be performed more economically by City forces, day labor, time and materials contract, or other method. J. Execution of contract. The successful bidder shall execute the contract and furnish required performance security and labor and materials security within ten days after the City mails or otherwise forwards a written notice of award to the bidder. K. Forfeiture of bid security. If the successful bidder fails to execute the contract and furnish security within the stated time, and said failure is not primarily due to actions or omissions of the City or to acts of God, the bidder shall forfeit the bid security provided. The City Council may then consider the bid of the next lowest responsible bidder. J. Release of bid security. Bidders are entitled to the return of their bid security unless forfeited as provided herein. The City shall retain all bid security until a contract has been executed or until the City Council rejects all bids at which time all bid security not forfeited shall be returned to the appropriate bidders. K. Disposition of forfeited bid security. The City shall retain forfeited bid security until a contract is awarded to another firm or the project is canceled. The City shall retain an amount equal to the difference between the forfeiting firm's bid and the new contract amount, if any, and an additional amount equal to administrative and other costs incurred as a result of the failure of the forfeiting bidder to enter into a contract and provide required security, and shall return any remaining amount of the bid security to the forfeiting bidder. L. Performance security and labor and materials security. The bidder to whom the contract is awarded (the "successful bidder") shall furnish performance security and labor and materials security in amounts specified in the Invitation or Bid Documents. Section 4: Minor public works projects Minor public works projects are defined as those projects having an estimated value of less than twenty five thousand dollars. The solicitation and selection of bids and award of contracts shall conform with LQMC Section 3.30.030 and the following: A. Security. Bid security and labor and materials security shall conform with the requirements for major public works projects but may be modified or waived if warranted and in the best interest of the City. B. Execution and Award of Contracts. The City Council may award contracts. 2. City Manager may award and execute contracts exceeding ten thousand dollars with the approval of the City Council. 3. The City Manager may award and execute contracts for ten thousand dollars or less, and may waive competitive bidding if in the best interest of the City, provided there are adequate unencumbered appropriations in the fund accounts against which the expenses are to be charged. 4. Department Directors may award and execute contracts of two thousand five hundred dollars or less with or without competitive bidding provided there are adequate unencumbered appropriations in the fund accounts against which the expenses are to be charged. Section 5: Exceptions Exceptions to the procedures specified herein shall be as specified in LQMC Section 3.30.040 and as follows: A. The authority awarding the contract may waive irregularities in bids received provided that such waiver is in the best interest of the City and does not result in unfair advantage to any bidder. � M # AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: May 1, 2001 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Authorization for the City Manager to Enter into PUBLIC HEARING: _ a Contract for the Retrofit of Three Shade Structures Along the Bear Creek Bike Path — Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract for the retrofit of the frames of three shade structures in an amount not to exceed $16,000. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Funds in the amount of $19,500 have been allocated through the mid -year budget process for the total project. The amount includes an estimated $16,000 for the retrofit of the frames as well as $3,500 for the installation of new fabric. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None There are four shade structures located along the Bear Creek bike path. The original construction consisted of a metal tubular frame and a fabric shade cloth which acted as a roof covering. As a result of vandalism, the fabric was destroyed and subsequently removed by the City. As an experiment, one of the structures was retrofitted with a metal mesh roof that acts as a protection for the fabric when it is installed over the mesh. The cost to retrofit the metal frame for one structure was approximately $5,000. The cost to replace the fabric was approximately $1,000 for the one structure. This was considerably less than the estimated $15,000 per structure that it would have cost to remove the old structure and replace it with a new all metal unit. The contract to retrofit the remaining three frames will exceed the $10,000 limit that the City Manager is authorized to execute per Resolution 98-14, which is included as Attachment 1 . In order to proceed with the project, the City Council must authorize the City Manager to execute a contract in the higher amount. Staff will bid the work as a "Minor Public Works Project' per the provisions of Resolution 98-14. The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract for the retrofit of the frames of three shade structures in an amount not to exceed $16,000; or 2. Do not authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract for the retrofit of the frames of three shade structures in an amount not to exceed $16,000; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, 77-�-4 Tom Hartung, Dire for of Building & Safety Attachments: 1. Resolution 98-14 Approve for submis�jo b . Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager �, n ATTACHMENT 1 RESOLUTION NO. y 8 -/y RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA REGARDING SOLICITATION OF BIDS AND AWARD OF CONTRACTS FOR PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 3.30 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMC), the City Council desires to prescribe specific procedures and rules governing the solicitation of bids and award of contracts for public works projects; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, does resolve as follows: Section 1: Applicability The procedures and rules herein shall apply to the solicitation of bids and award of contracts for public works projects pursuant to LQMC Chapter 3.30. Section 2: Local Contractor Preference A. For the purposes of this Chapter, the term 'local firm" shall mean a firm which has both maintained its headquarters or permanently -staffed regional office and has held a business license within the area encompassed by the boundaries of the Coachella ValYey Association of Governments for a minimum of six consecutive months immediately prior to the closing date for submittal of bids on the contract. B. Determination of the lowest responsible bid for any public works contract shall allow an advantage of two percent (2%) of the lowest bid received to bids under which at least fifty percent (50%) of the contract cost is for work performed by local firms. C. Bidders desiring local preference shall submit, with their bids, in separate, unsealed packages, applications for local preference including qualifying evidence of local -firm status and a listing of the bid items and quantities to be performed or furnished by local firm(s). D. The Public Works Director shall review applications and accept or reject them based on completeness and the adequacy of evidence of local firm status. The denial of local firm status for any bid shall not affect the validity of the bid. E. Decisions regarding local -firm status shall be the sole discretion of the City and shall be deemed final at the time the contract is awarded. In submitting an application for local preference on any contract, the applicant shall agree that the granting or denial by the City of local preference to any bid or bids submitted for the contract shall not constitute cause for any claim of loss or damages suffered by the applicant. Cc" 4 F. If a bidder qualifying for local -firm status is awarded a contract for an original amount higher than the lowest responsible bid received and the bidder fails to utilize local firms for the required percentage of the work in the original contract, and said failure is not due to variations from the estimated quantities or other factors unrelated to the bidder or bidder's subcontractors, the City shall have the right to deduct from the amount paid under the contract the difference between the bidder's original bid and any lower responsible bid submitted by a non -local firm. Section 3: Major Public Works Projects Major public works projects are defined as those projects having an estimated value of twenty five thousand dollars or greater. The solicitation and selection of bids and award of contracts shall conform with LQMC Section 3.30.020 and the following: A. Invitation for Bids. An Invitation for Bids (the "Invitation") shall be published in a newspaper, electronic bulletin board, world wide web site, or other generally -recognized source of local public works contract information, at least ten days prior to the date of the opening of bids. Invitations shall include general descriptions of the work to be performed, the time and place of the opening of bids, the place where bidders may obtain Bid Documents, the amount of bid security required, and the amount and nature of performance and labor and materials security that will be required of the successful bidder. B. Form of Bids. Bids conforming with the requirements of the Invitation shall be submitted to the Department Director (the "Director") in sealed packages or by other means which will prevent the divulging of bids prior to the stated time for opening of bids, all as specified in the Invitation or the Bid Documents. Unopened bids should be clearly marked or otherwise identifiable as bids for the project to which they apply. C. Bid Security. Bids shall be accompanied by cash, cashier's check, certified check, surety bond, or other form of security stated in the Invitation or bidding documents, in a sum equal to ten percent of the amount of the bid. D. Opening of Bids. At the time and place stated in the Invitation, the bids shall be publicly opened and announced. The bid amounts shall be tabulated and the tabulation shall be available for public inspection at the Public Works Department during regular business hours for a period of not less than thirty calendar days after the bid opening. E. Review of bids. The Director shall review all bids received for completeness, accuracy, responsiveness to the Invitation for Bids and Bid Documents, and the City's experience with or knowledge of the qualifications and reliability of each bidder and shall prepare a recommendation for the City Council. The Director's review shall consider the following: 1. Written amounts shall take precedence over associated numeric amounts. Mathematical errors, if found, shall be corrected and shall not disqualify a bid. The corrected total shall be the bid amount considered in determining the lowest responsible bidder and shall be the contract amount awarded if the bid is selected. 2. If one or more responsible bidders qualify for local preference, and the lowest responsible bidder does not qualify, the Director shall allow the two -percent preference to qualifying bids in determining the lowest responsible bidder. F. Award of contract. Contracts shall be awarded by the City Council to the lowest responsible bidder. Determination of the lowest responsible bidder shall be at the sole discretion of the City Council pursuant to findings and recommendations presented by the Director of Public Works at the time of the award of contract. G. Equal bids. If two or more equal low bids are received, the City Council may award the contract to any one of the equal low bidders. H. No bids. When no bids are received from responsible firms, the City Council may accomplish the project in any manner it sees fit. I. Resection of Bids. The City Council may reject any or all bids presented and may then direct that the project be re -advertised, may authorize negotiation of a contract with one or more responsible firms, or may resolve that the project can be performed more economically by City forces, day labor, time and materials contract, or other method. J. Execution of contract. The successful bidder shall execute the contract and furnish required performance security and labor and materials security within ten days after the City mails or otherwise forwards a written notice of award to the bidder. K. Forfeiture of bid security. If the successful bidder fails to execute the contract and furnish security within the stated time, and said failure is not primarily due to actions or omissions of the City or to acts of God, the bidder shall forfeit the bid security provided. The City Council may then consider the bid of the next lowest responsible bidder. J. Release of bid security. Bidders are entitled to the return of their bid security unless forfeited as provided herein. The City shall retain all bid security until a contract has been executed or until the City Council rejects all bids at which time all bid security not forfeited shall be returned to the appropriate bidders. K. Disposition of forfeited bid security. The City shall retain forfeited bid security until a contract is awarded to another firm or the project is canceled. The City shall retain an amount equal to the difference between the forfeiting firm's bid and the new contract amount, if any, and an additional amount equal to administrative and other costs incurred as a result of the failure of the forfeiting bidder to enter into a contract and provide required security, and shall return any remaining amount of the bid security to the forfeiting bidder. L. Performance security and labor and materials security. The bidder to whom the contract is awarded (the "successful bidder') shall furnish performance security and labor and materials security in amounts specified in the Invitation or Bid Documents. Section 4: Minor public works projects Minor public works projects are defined as those projects having an estimated value of less than twenty five thousand dollars. The solicitation and selection of bids and award of contracts shall conform with LQMC Section 3.30.030 and the following: A. Security. Bid security and labor and materials security shall conform with the requirements for major public works projects but may be modified or waived if warranted and in the best interest of the City. B. Execution and Award of Contracts. The City Council may award contracts. 2. City Manager may award and execute contracts exceeding ten thousand dollars with the approval of the City Council. 3. The City Manager may award and execute contracts for ten thousand dollars or less, and may waive competitive bidding if in the best interest of the City, provided there are adequate unencumbered appropriations in the fund accounts against which the expenses are to be charged. 4. Department Directors may award and execute contracts of two thousand five hundred dollars or less with or without competitive bidding provided there are adequate unencumbered appropriations in the fund accounts against which the expenses are to be charged. Section 5: Exceptions Exceptions to the procedures specified herein shall be as specified in LQMC Section 3.30.040 and as follows: A. The authority awarding the contract may waive irregularities in bids received provided that such waiver is in the best interest of the City and does not result in unfair advantage to any bidder. V '. T'ty' 4 4Q"Gfw COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: May 1, 2001 ITEMTITLE: Acceptance of Street Right of Way Dedication - Desert Club Drive North of Avenue 52 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Accept the street right of way offered for dedication from three lots adjacent to Desert Club Drive, north of Avenue 52. This action conveys no additional fiscal impact to the City. The subject street has been maintained by the City since incorporation in 1982. None. ryAA@J11[eJ;J§JfJJ1 I NXilil I II Chapman Golf Development, the developer of "Palmers" restaurant, Village Use Permit 2000-04, was conditioned to dedicate right of way on Desert Club Drive north of Avenue 52 to realign Desert Club Drive so it will connect to Avenue 52 at a 900 angle. The dedications are being made from 3 separate lots. Attachments 1,2 and 3 are the grant deeds and exhibits that were prepared for each of the lots to convey the right of way to the City. The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Accept the street right of way offered for dedication from three lots adjacent to Desert Club Drive, north of Avenue 52; or 2. Do not accept the street right of way offered for dedication from three lots adjacent to Desert Club Drive, north of Avenue 52; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. T\p DEP CCUNCIL\2001\010501d.wpd Respectfully submitted, /4x�� Chns A. Vogt Public Works Director/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Grant Deed and Exhibits, for lot 2 2. Grant Deed and Exhibits, for lot 3 3. Grant Deed and Exhibits, for lot 4 )o , T T W OEFRCOUNC1L120011010W1 d.wpd ATTACHMENT No Recording Fee Required Per Government Code Section 27383 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO! City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Space above this lire Is reserved for Recorder's use GRANT OF EASEMENT DEED RW-D 2001-004 FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, CHAPMAN GOLF DEVELOPMENT, a California limited liability company, (the Grantor), hereby grants to CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California Municipal Corporation, (the Grantee), a perpetual easement and right-of-way for public street and public utility purposes, in, on, under, across and through a portion of all that real property in Lot 2, Block 2, MB 19/75 as described per Exhibit "A" and as shown on Exhibit "Brr attached hereto and made a part hereof. This easement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of successors, heirs, executors,. administrators, permittees, licensees, agents or assigns of Grantor and Grantee. Executed this ,clay of /'�I 'i'/n 200 —/, at 2 NAME Its. Z.T EIECVTON O�TA RER90N By...` Its. "ANTED OR TYPED NAME TITIF OF EXECUTOR IF GRANTOR IS NOT A PERSON C- ,�i.1 F120 1/01 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Riverside March 29, 2001 before me, Christina J. Dores, Notary Public On Dale Name and Title of Officer (e.g., "Jane Doe, Notary Public") personally appeared David Chapman —-------- —---- —---- ------ Name(s) of Signer(s) personally known to me ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence CHRISTINA J. DORE$ Commission N 1291875 Notary Public - California Riverside County 1l%MVC01rMdesf,eb20,!r Place Notary Seal Above to be the person(s whose name(a) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that heisheRtaey executed the same in hisAhe4lihek authorized capacityOef�, and that by hisAttefkheir signature(4 on the instrument the person(o, or the entity upon behalf of which the persons} acted, executed the instrument. WIT S my hand and official s 1. Signature of p ublic OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: March 29, 2001 Document Date: None Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: V❑ II dividual L5 Corporate Officer — Title(s): ❑ Partner —❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: Grant of Easement Deed David Chapman President Chapman Golf Development Number of Pages: RIGHT THUMBPRINT OF SIGNERLN 0 1M Nafio,al Notary Asaocallon • MW De Salo Ave.. P.O. Boa 2402 • CMIswmM, CA 913132002 •..nailonalndary.oq Prod. No. S907 Na"r. tall la ls,ee tmwa,o-oear EXHIBIT "A" RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION DESERT CLUB DRIVE PORTIONS OF LOTS 2,3 AND 4 OF BLOCK 2 OF DESERT CLUB TRACT UNIT NO. 1 AS SHOWN IN MAP BOOK 19, PAGE 75, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 2, THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOTS 2,3 AND 4 SOUTH 00°05'00" EAST A DISTANCE OF 245.60 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 20.00 FEET AN ARC DISTANCE OF 32.61 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 93025'00" TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE FROM WHERE A RADIAL LINE BEARS NORTH 03030'00" WEST; THENCE ALONG SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 4 ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS, OF 775.00 FEET AN ARC DISTANCE OF 3.40 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00015'06" TO A POINT ON A NON -TANGENT CURVE, SAID CURVE BEING CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY AND FROM SAID POINT A RADIAL LINE BEARS NORTH 72°19'51" EAST; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 420.00 FEET AN ARC DISTANCE OF 128.91 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 17035'09" TO A POINT ON THE LINE BETWEEN SAID LOTS 3 AND 4; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID CURVE AN DISTANCE OF 27.56 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03045'36" TO A POINT ON A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 5.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOTS 3 AND 2; THENCE ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE NORTH 00005'00" WEST A DISTANCE OF 55.46 FEET TO A POINT ON THE LINE BETWEEN SAID LOTS 2 AND 3; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE NORTH 00°05'00" WEST A DISTANCE OF 83.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 2; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 2 SOUTH 89055'00" WEST A DISTANCE OF 5.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING.,,,,,, SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 2,062 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION BEING SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED No. 6687 EXHIBIT "B" AND HEREBY BEING MADE A PART HEREOF. M Exp. 06/30/04 Page 1 of 1 pqqAR D�U ND'"E SUPERVISION OF bALCKLLEHER " L-�l DATE O:4402561SURVEY\DC13TAKE2.doc THE KEITH COMPANIES - PALM DESERT TKC # 40702.00.019 760-346-9844 760-346-9368 ,rs! / EXHIBIT "B" f f P.O.B. N8755'00'E 136.3 5.00' 131.30, 25' g LOT 2 8 3 BLOCK 2 n m MB 19/75 Y .o N � z Y 5.00' N89'55'00'E 136.. a W 8 7 Q a' N � m � a• g J U Z LLJ V , Y Lr 1 Y Q C CALLE AMIGO _ CURVE TABLE 1 CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH Cl 2513'15' 450.DO' 182.38' C2 1735'09' 420.00' 128.91' C3 13'49'33' 420.00' 101.35' C4 OS45'36- 420.DO' 27.56' C5 93'25'W 20.00' 32.61' C6 OB'35'45' 775.00' 116.27' C7 OB'20'36' 775.00' 112.86' C8 00'15'06' 775.00' 3.40' ut..w' 8 8 LOT 3ul BLOCK 2 2 Z MB 19/75 ' 5.87' N89 55'00' E 136.30' Yp� 130.43' S\F P LOT 4 BLOCK19/75 MB ..:... TAKE _ LOT 90 TR 28470-1 MB 263/76-90 `� 52 PEE s SCALE 1"=50' 0 25 50 100 15 RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: Sip LAND SpP KEQ The Keith Companies op F� No. 6687 3 L7 Q/ EN• 06/30/0a 41-865 9Wd A Suite 101, Paton Desert, CA 92211 (760) .746-9644 DALFIE' LEHER DATE: sr4 ��1F \P LS 6687 EXP. 6-30-04 ATTACHMENT 2 No Recording Fee Required Per Government Code Section 27383 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 SReee above thie lirw IS rewrved for Recvder'e uae GRANT OF EASEMENT DEED RW-D 2001-005 FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, CHAPMAN GOLF DEVELOPMENT, a California limited liability company, (the Grantor), hereby grants to CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California Municipal Corporation, (the Grantee), a perpetual easement and right-of-way for public street and public utility purposes, in, on, under, across and through a portion of all that real property in Lot 3, Block 2, MB 19/75 as described per Exhibit "A" and as shown on Exhibit 11611 attached hereto and made a part hereof. This easement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of successors, heirs, executors, administrators, permittees, licensees, agents or assigns of Grantor and Grantee. Z - Executed this ltqlZAlav of u°% / , 200 L , at LG%� i By: SIONATU , MRIND OR TYPED N ME Its: MU OF EXECUTOR IF GRANTOR IS NOT A PERSON 11 SIGNATURE\ PRNITEO OR TYRDNAME Its: TITLE OF EXECUTOR IF OMNTOR IS NOT A PERSON F120 1/01 ^All rrnill ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of On Riverside March 29, 2001 Date personally appeared I ss. — , before me, Christina J. Dores, Notary Public Name and Tale of ORcer (e.g.,'Jane Doe, Notary lie) David Chapman ------- —----- — ----- ---------- CHRISTINA J. DORB Commission 0 12911373 - Notary Public - Califamia Riverside County t�iy Camm.6pYes Feb70. 2� Place Notary Seal Above 9personally known to me ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persons) whose names) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helshekhey executed the same in hisAjerk-+e authorized capacity(ies), and that by hish%me heir signature(s}on the instrument the person*, or the entity upon behalf of which the persons} acted, executed the instrument. WITAESS my hand and official sea ��. Signature or o OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: March 29, 2001 Document Date: None Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: ❑ Individual [D,torporate Officer — Title(s): ❑ Partner —❑ Limited ❑ General [I Attomey in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Grant of Easement Deed David Chapman President Chapman Golf Development Signer Is Representing: O IM Nalioml Nolay Aapp08llq*9aaa De Salo Arc..P.O.Bo+ewe.creworm, Number of Pages: -1- — Yall 1-e— 1.algd]6E02] EXHIBIT "A" RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION DESERT CLUB DRIVE PORTIONS OF LOTS 2,3 AND 4 OF BLOCK 2 OF DESERT CLUB TRACT UNIT NO. 1 AS SHOWN IN MAP BOOK 19, PAGE 75, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 2, THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOTS 2, 3 AND 4 SOUTH 00°05'00" EAST A DISTANCE OF 245.60 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 20.00 FEET AN ARC DISTANCE OF 32.61 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 93025'00" TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE FROM WHERE A RADIAL LINE BEARS NORTH 03030'00" WEST; THENCE ALONG SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 4 ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 775.00 FEET AN ARC DISTANCE OF 3.40 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00015'06" TO A POINT ON A NON -TANGENT CURVE, SAID CURVE BEING CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY AND FROM SAID POINT A RADIAL LINE BEARS NORTH 72°19'51" EAST; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 420.00 FEET AN ARC DISTANCE OF 128.91 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 17035'09" TO A POINT ON THE LINE BETWEEN SAID LOTS 3 AND 4; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID CURVE AN DISTANCE OF 27.56 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03045'36" TO A POINT ON A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 5.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOTS 3 AND 2; THENCE ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE NORTH 00005'00" WEST A DISTANCE OF 55.46 FEET TO A POINT ON THE LINE BETWEEN SAID LOTS 2 AND 3; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE NORTH 00005'00" WEST A DISTANCE OF 83.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 2; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 2 SOUTH 89055'00" WEST A DISTANCE OF 5.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 2,062 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION BEING SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED No. 6687 EXHIBIT "B" AND HEREBY BEING MADE A PART HEREOF. ( I Exp. 06/30/04 Page I of I P PAR D UN HE SUPERVISION OF AL .LL HER DATE O:440256\.SURVEY0CBTAKE2.doc THE KEITH COMPANIES - PALM DESERT TKC # 40702.00.019 760-346-98" 760-346-9368 y '' EXHIBIT "B" N8555'00' E 136.30' 5.00' 131.30 I CURVE TABLE ( CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH g C1 23'13'15' 450.00' 182.38' 25' ; LOT 2 C2 17'35'09' 420.00' 128.91' BLOCK 2 8 C3 13'49'3T 420.00' 101.35' a m % MB 19/75 m C4 0345'3C 420.00' 27.56' C5 93'25'00' 20.00' 32.61' N g C6 08'35'45' 775.00' 116.27' z C7 08'20'38' 775.00' 112.86' ~7 5.00' N89'55'00'E 136.30' C8 00'15'05' 775.00' 3.40' 0 131.30' Ld / Z Y 3 g' LOT 3 S LOT 90 Q 8 BLOCK 2 ;9 TR 28470-1 3 $ MB 19/75 MB 263/76-90 C) 5.87' N89 55'00' E 136.30' yBa 130.43' W I \c^ LOT 4 $ BLOCK 2 $ W N MB 19/75 {� TAKE 0 / a'ti� 1 / Cl �S C6 \ CALLE AMIGO t� C g2 SCALE 1" =50' 0 25 50 100 RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: SEp LAND gL� KE(CFyE The Keith Companies ln<c \oE�p�E No. 6687 3 L71,0 Ex,. 06/30/04 41-e65 eoao.ou 5u;1. 101. Pam Dart. CA 92211 (760) 346-98++ DALE ELLEHER LS 6687 EXP. 6-30-04CF DATE: s'grf CA��f ATTACHMENT 3 No Recording Fee Required Per Government Code Section 27383 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Space above this lire is reserved for Recorder's use GRANT OF EASEMENT DEED RW-D 2001-006 FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, CHAPMAN GOLF DEVELOPMENT, a California limited liability company, (the Grantor), hereby grants to CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California Municipal Corporation, (the Grantee), a perpetual easement and right-of-way for public street and public utility purposes, in, on, under, across and through a portion of all that real property in Lot 4, Block 2, MB 19/75 as described per Exhibit "A" and as shown on Exhibit "Brr attached hereto and made a part hereof. This easement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of successors, heirs, executors, administrators, permittees, licensees, agents or assigns of Grantor and Grantee. Executed this �/// day of,2," 200 L F By: zw_:� e;:: 0 pRWTED OR TYPED NAME Its: ? L" TITLE OF EXECUTOR IF GRANTOR IS NOT A PERSON By: SIGNATURE \ PRINTED OR TYPED NAME Its. TITIF OF EXECUTOR IF GRANTOR IS NOT A PERSON F120 1101 R t TAPWDEPMOiN)RW-0 2001-006e.Wpd P .-Al ICnIMMIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Riverside I ss. March 29, 2001 Christina J. Dores, Notary Public On before me, Name antl T9e of Officer (e.g., "Jane Doe, Notary Public") Dote personally appeared David Chapman —--------- —----------- ------- Name(s) of Signer(s) EP personally known to me ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence 06 -AN CHRISTINA J. DORIES Commission N 1291875 Notary Public - California Riverside County @MyComm.BpkesFebZj2M5 Place Notary Seal Above to be the personal whose name(s) is/ere subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that hehsheAhey executed the same in hisrhor;their authorized capacityiiee), and that by his/4efii`44�eir signature(* on the instrument the persons),, or the entity upon behalf of which the persons} acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and to seal Signature of Notarpyu OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: March 29, 2001 Document Date: None Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: ❑1 Individual Lrs Corporate Officer — Title(s): ❑ Partner — ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Grant of Easement Deed David Chapman President Chapman Golf Development Signer Is Representing: Number of Pages: 01999 National Notary "l ocbllon • 9M Ds Solo Ave., P.O. Sox 2402 • CNlsvroM, CA 9131 &T402 • vmw.nanaunrolary.wg �,w. �_• -1- EXHIBIT "A" RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION DESERT CLUB DRIVE PORTIONS OF LOTS 2,3 AND 4 OF BLOCK 2 OF DESERT CLUB TRACT UNIT NO. 1 AS SHOWN IN MAP BOOK 19, PAGE 75, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 2, THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOTS 2,3 AND 4 SOUTH 00005'00" EAST A DISTANCE OF 245.60 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 20.00 FEET AN ARC DISTANCE OF 32.61 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 93025'00" TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE FROM WHERE A RADIAL LINE BEARS NORTH 03030'00" WEST; THENCE ALONG SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 4 ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 775.00 FEET AN ARC DISTANCE OF 3.40 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00015'06" TO A POINT ON A NON -TANGENT CURVE, SAID CURVE BEING CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY AND FROM SAID POINT A RADIAL LINE BEARS NORTH 72' 19'51" EAST; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 420.00 FEET AN ARC DISTANCE OF 128.91 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 17035'09" TO A POINT ON THE LINE BETWEEN SAID LOTS 3 AND 4; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID CURVE AN DISTANCE OF 27.56 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03045'36" TO A POINT ON A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 5.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOTS 3 AND 2; THENCE ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE NORTH 00005'00" WEST A DISTANCE OF 55.46 FEET TO A POINT ON THE LINE BETWEEN SAID LOTS 2 AND 3; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE NORTH 00005'00" WEST A DISTANCE OF 83.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 2; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 2 SOUTH 89055'00" WEST A DISTANCE OF 5.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 2,062 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION BEING SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED No. 6687 EXHIBIT "B" AND HEREBY BEING MADE A PART HEREOF. i I Exp. 06/30/04 Page 1 of 1 WALLL D UN HE SUPERVISION OF M,rch26.2001 HER DATE 0:W0256\SURVEY\DCBTAKE2.doc THE KEITH COMPANIES - PALM DESERT TKC # 40702.00.019 760-346-9844 760-346-9368 EXHIBIT PIT If f5.00, 25' g W mN W Y 1 CALLE AMIGO ZR IT 5.00' 5.87' .:: TAKE 131.30' CURVE TABLE ( I CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH Ct 23'13'16' 450.D0' 182.38' LOT 2 C2 1735'09' 420.00' 128.91, BLOCK 2 S C3 13'49'33' 420.D0' 101.35' MB 19/75 m C4 03'45'3C 420.00' 27.56' C5 93'25,W 20.00' 32.61' C6 0835'45 775.00' 116.27, C7 0920'3T 775.00' 112.86, )TE 136.30' C8 W15'06' 775.00' 3.40' 131.30, LOT 3 8 LOT 90 BLOCK 2 TR 28470-1 MB 19/75 MB 263/76-90 VE 136.30' 130.43' 3 LOT 4 BLOCK 2 0 MB 19/75 %11 / .11 A--- 52 SCALE 1"=50' Y 0 25 50 100 15 RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: SEA LA sU� KEl(� �f< The Keith Companies No. 6687 3 tp o� UP. 06/30/0+ +1-e05 eon.e.ou su11. 101, oam D+se 1, CA 92211 (760) 3+6-98++ LDS 6687LEXPE 6-30-04 DATE: �lgTP ct,wF \p AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _ COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: May 1, 2001 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: Approval of an Amendment to the STUDY SESSION: Maintenance Agreement with Caltrans to include PUBLIC HEARING: New Internally Illuminated Street Name Signs (IISNS) on Highway 111 at Depot Drive RM610MITTO 0•e •M Approve Amendment No. 4 to the Alternative Electrical Agreement #11-5172 adding four (4) new Internally Illuminated Street Name Signs on Highway 111 at Depot Drive to the City of La Quinta/Caltrans Maintenance Agreement List. Under the original agreement dated March 13, 1992 between the City and Caltrans, the City is required to pay 100% of the electrical charges, and Caltrans is required to pay 100% of the Maintenance and Operation costs for all shared traffic signals. As a result of the four (4) new Internally Illuminated Street Name Signs, the additional cost to the City for electrical charges is estimated at approximately $500.00 per year. Under the provisions of Proposition 218, no new projects may be added to the Landscape and Lighting Assessments. Therefore, costs for maintaining the Internally Illuminated Street Name Sign (IISNS) and electrical charges shall be paid for as part of the electrical utilities account in the Public Works Department (General Fund 101- 454-627-619), and as part of the Public Works Department Traffic Signal Service Contract (General Fund 101-454-621-619). u' • None Komar Investments is seeking an encroachment permit from Caltrans to widen Highway 111 between Jefferson Street and 1320' west of Jefferson Street. Staff is recommending that the Developer, Komar Investments, add the Internally Illuminated Street Name Signs to the Depot Drive traffic signal as a condition of the improvement. During the January 21, 1992 City Council Meeting, the City Council entered into an agreement with Caltrans for the maintenance, operation, and electrical charges for T:\P WOEPT\COUNCU2001 \010501 c. W pd City/State shared traffic signals. This agreement stipulated that the City would pay 1 00% of the electrical energy costs, and the State would pay 100% of the Operation and Maintenance costs. On July 1, 1997, the City Council approved Amendment No. 1 adding the signal at Home Depot and Highway 111 to the Agreement. On September 15, 1998, the City Council approved Amendment No. 2 adding the signal on Highway 111 and Plaza La Quinta to the Agreement. On October 17, 2000, the City Council approved Amendment No. 3 adding the signal on Highway 111 and La Quinta Centre Drive to the Agreement. The signals included currently under the agreement are: Highway 111 at Dune Palms Road Highway 111 at Adams Street Highway 111 at La Quinta Center Drive Highway 111 at Simon Drive Highway 111 at Washington Street Highway 111 at Home Depot Entrance Highway 111 at Plaza La Quinta Highway 111 at La Quinta Centre Drive Included as Attachment 1 is Amendment No. 4 to the Electrical Agreement for Maintenance of Signal and Lighting Systems on State Highways between the City of La Quinta and the State of California - Department of Transportation. This Amendment will replace the existing Exhibit A of Agreement #11-5172 and add the four (4) new Internally Illuminated Street Name Signs. The alternatives available to the City Council include: Approve Amendment No. 4 to the Alternative Electrical Agreement #11-5172 adding four (4) new Internally Illuminated Street Name Signs on Highway 111 at Depot Drive to the City of La Quinta/Caltrans Maintenance Agreement List; or 2. Do not approve Amendment No. 4 to the Alternative Electrical Agreement #11- 5172 adding a new Internally Illuminated Street Name Signs on Highway 111 at Depot Drive to the City of La Quinta/Caltrans Maintenance Agreement List; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. T:\PWOEPT\COUNCIL\2001\010501 c.wpd Respectfully submitted, xd� Chris A. Vogt Public Works Director/City Engineer Approved for submission by Thomas P. Genovese City Manager Attachments: 1. Amendment No. 4 T:\P W DEPT\COUNCIL\2001 \010501 c.wPd q (I ATTACHMENT AMENDMENT NO. 4 CITY OF LA QUINTA May 1, 2001 AMENDMENT TO ELECTRICAL AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF SIGNAL AND LIGHTING SYSTEMS ON STATE HIGHWAYS entered into by and between the City of La Quinta, hereinafter referred to as "the CITY" and the State of California, acting by and through the Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "the STATE". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, an Agreement for electrical maintenance and power costs on State Highway 111 was executed between the CITY and the STATE on March 13, 1992; and WHEREAS, said Agreement by its terms provides that it may be modified or amended at any time upon mutual consent of the parties; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto now desire that said Agreement be amended, THEREFORE, it is understood and agreed that said Agreement is hereby amended in accordance with the attached Exhibit "A", dated May 1, 2001, which shall replace like Exhibit "A" in said Agreement, and shall cancel and supersede such like page, becoming part of said Agreement for all purposes. In all other respects, said Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. This Amendment shall become effective this May 1, 2001 STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY OF LA QUINTA Department of Transportation JEFF MORALES Director of Transportation By: Mayor By By: District Division Chief City Clerk Office of Maintenance T:\PWDEPT\COUNCIL\2001\010501 c. WPD Effective March 13, 1992 Revised May 1, 2001 CITY OF LA QUINTA ELECTRICAL FACILITIES MAINTAINED BY STATE Distribution of Costs Operation and Maintenance - 100% STATE Electrical Energy - 100% CITY No Route P.M. Location E# Signal Safety Ilium. Lights Signs 1 111 32.50 Home Depot Entrance E0776 170 4-20OW 4-11OW (Note 2) HPS SNB 2 111 32.78 Dune Palms Road 2-20OW HPS 3 111 33.30 Adams Street E8320 170 4-20OW 3-11OW HPS SNB 4 111 33.44 La Quinta Center Dr. E8440 170 3-20OW 3-11OW HPS SNB 5 111 33.80 Simon Dr. E8802 170 4-20OW 4-11OW HPS SNB 6 111 33.97 Washington St. E8015 170 7-40OW MV 7 111 34.20 Plaza La Quinta (Note E0850 170 2-20OW 1) HPS 8 111 33.04 La Quinta Centre Dr. 170 4-20OW 3-11 OW (Note 2) HPS SNB Note 1 - Item 7, The City shall maintain Pre -formed loops under patterned concrete pavement for the Plaza La Quinta Traffic Signal. Note 2 - Items 1,8, The City shall be responsible for all material, including signs, sign panels, and for the installation and ongoing maintenance of the internally illuminated street name signs (IISNS). 11C1t T:\PWDEPT\COUNCIL\2001 \010501C.WPo AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _ COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: May 1, 2001 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: Approval of Plans, Specifications, and STUDY SESSION: Engineer's Estimates (PS&E) and Authorization to PUBLIC HEARING: Receive Bids for Project 2000-17, Calle Tampico at Avenida Bermudas Traffic Signal Improvements GT0di u rk , ED • Approve the Plans, Specifications, and Engineer's Estimates (PS&E) and authorize staff to advertise the bid of CIP Project 2000-17, Calle Tampico at Avenida Bermudas Traffic Signal Improvements. 1 a I 11 I ' 4_ • The following funding sources are available: Funding Source Transportation DIF Account Number 401-000-709-000 TOTAL: Less Prior Expenditure: Remaining Funds Available Amount $150, 000.00 $150,000.00 ($10.870.26) $139,129.74 Based upon the Engineer's estimated construction costs in the amount of $135,850.00, the following represents the probable project construction budget: Engineer's Estimated Construction Costs: $135,850 Inspection/Testing: $10, 528 Administration: $6.793 Subtotal: $153,171 Contingency: $15,317 Total Anticipated Costs: $168,488 As illustrated, the total probable construction related costs for this project is $168,488. The amount currently available is approximately $139,130. A shortfall may exist in the approximate amount of $29,358. Sufficient funding exists within the TAP WUEPT\COUNCIL\2001 \010501 b.wpd City's Transportation Developer Impact Fee Account to cover this shortfall. The shortfall is forecasted based upon the Engineer's estimated costs, rather than actual contractor construction bids. Staff will provide a recommendation for Council consideration after construction bids are received. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: The project is 100% funded with local developer impact fees. Subsequently, the project will be bid without prevailing wage requirements, which may result in lower construction bids. This project includes the construction and installation of a new traffic signal at the intersection of Calle Tampico and Avenida Bermudas. On August 8, 2000, staff issued an informal Request for Proposal (RFP) to obtain Professional Engineering and Design Services for the Calle Tampico at Avenida Bermudas Traffic Signal Improvement Project. The City of La Quinta received three informal proposals on September 5, 2000. The proposals were received from the following firms: Hartzog & Crabill, Inc. The Keith Companies RBF Consulting On September 11, 2000, the consultant selection committee, consisting of John Freeland, Senior Engineer, Leonard St. Sauver, Assistant Engineer, and Nick Nickerson, Project Administrator, unanimously selected Hartzog & Crabill to prepare the plans, specifications and engineer's estimate (PS&E) for the proposed traffic signal. On September 12, 2000, a purchase order in the amount of $5,200.00 was issued to Hartzog & Crabill, Inc. to prepare the plans, specifications and engineer's estimate (PS&E) for the new traffic signal at the intersection of Calle Tampico and Avenida Bermudas. The PS&E is now complete and is available for review within the City of La Quinta Public Works Department. Considering City Council approval of the PS&E and authorization to receive bids on May 1, 2001, the following project schedule is anticipated: '0'0 ti T:\PW OEPT\COUNCIL\2001 \010501 b.wpd Bid Period: May 2, 2001 - May 28, 2001 Contract Award: Sign Contract/Mobilize: Construction Period (90 days)' Project Acceptance/Close out: FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: June 5, 2001 June 15, 2001 June 18, 2001 - September 16, 2001 November 2001 The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve the Plans, Specifications, and Engineer's Estimates (PS&E) and authorize staff to advertise the bid of CIP Project 2000-17, Calle Tampico at Avenida Bermudas Traffic Signal Improvements; or 2. Do not approve the Plans, Specifications, and Engineer's Estimates (PS&E) and do not authorize staff to advertise the bid of CIP Project 2000-17, Calle Tampico at Avenida Bermudas Traffic Signal Improvements; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Chris A. Vogt Public Works Director/City Engineer Approved for Submission by: Thomas P. Genovese City Manager T:\PW OEPT\COUNCIL\2001 \010501 b.wpd 0 013 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: May 1, 2001 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE STUDY SESSION: Approval of City Council Goals PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Approve the City Council Goals for Fiscal Year 2001-02. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: No direct fiscal implications will result from this action. Staff proposes to develop programs to implement selected goals and will identify cost projections as part of the Economic Development Plan, Capital Improvement Program, and budget process. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: At the March 20, 2001 City Council meeting, the City Council held a study session to discuss its goals for fiscal year 2001-2002. The minutes from that study session are included as Attachment 1. Staff has updated the list of City Council Goals, and has placed them in a table that categorizes each goal. (Attachment 2) The categories are as follows: • Economic Development Plan; • Capital Improvement Program; • Budget; and • Other/Comments The goals that could be attributed to one of the components of the Strategic Planning Process (i.e. Economic Development Plan, Capital Improvement Program, Annual Budget) have been incorporated into those documents for Fiscal Year 2001- 02. Based on discussion during the March 20, 2001 study session, several goals from last year have been deleted. They are as follows: Goal -Insurance for Former Council Members -Visitor's Center -La Quinta Village Tower Project -Maintenance Program for Art Piece on Washington and Hwy. 111 -Infrastructure Improvements -Joint Meeting with City Council/ Planning Commission FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: Reason for Deletion Not feasible per City Attorney Deleted per City Council Deleted per City Council Maintenance agreement executed with developer Contained within CIP and currently underway First meeting took place on April 4, 2001 and now regularly scheduled The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve the City Council goals for fiscal year 2001-02; or 2. Do not approve the City Council goals for fiscal year 2001-02; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, homes P. Genovese, City Manager 0 Attachments: 1 . Minutes from City Council meeting on March 20, 2001 2. Table of City Council goals for fiscal year 2001-02 i t %'d ATTACHMENT 1 City Council Minutes 12 March 20. 2001 Council Member Perkins noted nothing precludes the City from i g the County to operate a City library and he felt that sh=thedesert out to the County. Council Member Henderson noted other zone, such as Palm Desert, are not getting dollar for q0oflibrary services on their contribution. Bob Wright, 44-330 mo Lavanda, President of Friends of the La Quinta Library, stated Vwrr recommendation is for the City to withdraw from the County Li y System and contract for services with firms like LSSL They fur the ecommend staying in the current library facility until a new library is 3. DISCUSSION OF CITY COUNCIL GOALS. City Manager Genovese presented the staff report. Council Member Sniff distributed a list of his proposed Council goals. Council Member Perkins reviewed the Council goals listed in the staff report as follows: #1 - he support medians in major streets but is opposed to dipping into the General Fund for medians; #5 - he supports pursuing a City library as soon as possible; #8 - he is not supportive of insurance for former Council members; #1 1 - he felt a visitor's center should be handled by the Chamber of Commerce; #13 - he supports continuing efforts in the southeast annexation; #14 - he is not supportive and questioned the effectiveness of sound walls; #17 - he supports improving ambulance services; #18 - he supports further exploration of public/private partnerships; #19 - he wishes to ensure the City has sufficient code enforcement personnel for the property upgrade program; #29 - he felt the City Hall expansion needs lot of thought; and #44 - he supports having an affordable golf facility. He stated he did not see any major changes in the goals and is satisfied with how things are going. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Genovese confirmed the current budget includes funding for library design services. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Genovese stated all of the Council goals will come back at the next meeting for final review and any new goals supported will be included in the chart. Council Member Henderson stated she hopes the Montero Estates sound wall is high priority in the CIP and about to become a reality. She supports moving forward incrementally with the annexation issue and noted LAFCO will soon be City Council Minutes 13 March 20, 2001 considering the Vista Santa Rosa group's request for certification which will give them two years before any further decisions are made on that area. She supported preliminary planning for a City store to merchandise City items and wished to stay strong on the City's housing needs. She also supported mini - parks and dog parks and hopes the putting course issue is going forward. She stated she supports most everything on the list. Council Member Sniff summarized his proposed list of goals with some additional comments. He believed emphasis is needed to create more commercial development to avoid a major revenue problem and feels a civic awards program is needed to award individuals, businesses, and/or groups. He felt it's important for the City to start planning expansion of City Hall to address the inadequacy of space for the E.O.0 and offices. He also felt the Civic Center Art Purchase Program should be held in abeyance until the Civic Center Campus is completed. Council Member Adolph stated he basically agrees with Council Member Sniff's list of goals as well as those contained in the staff report. However, he feels too many goals can be overburdening and that Council goals should be more specific and attainable. He supported adding a short-term goal to look at City administration and a salary review for staff. Mayor Pena suggested the "Live/Shop" concept be placed on the back burner and questioned the Village Tower Project. Council Member Sniff explained he had suggested the tower project as a focal point for the village but feels it is no longer needed since the village will have a six -story hotel. Mayor Pena stated he wished to embark on a code enforcement/beautification program and agreed with looking at adding staff. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Genovese confirmed the City has applied for a grant to purchase a CNG van. Mayor Pena suggested painting the van in a manner where it will be recognized as a City of La Quinta vehicle. He also suggested each Council Member appoint three citizens to serve on a citizen advisory committee for the purpose of assessing the need and support for the assessment districts. Council concurred. City Council Minutes 14 March 20, 2001 Council Member Adolph asked what is being done regarding the fire department's dispatch system in relation to the recent fire and if any type of backup system is being considered. Battalion Chief Dorian Cooley, of Riverside County Fire Department, reported an outside fire unit is investigating why the dispatch error occurred. He advised the dispatch center has a high-tech system and that they are looking to make sure training is up and if there are any changes to the process that need to be made. Council Member Perkins expressed appreciation for the fire department's up -front response to the incident. Council recessed to and until 7:00 p.m. - None - None PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PUBLIC HEARING TO OlEfFITIFY AN ADDENDUM TO A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (ENVIRO ENTAL ASSESSMENT 89-110) AND APPROVE A SOUTHBOUND LEFT TUR FROM WASHINGTON STREET ONTO LAKE LA QUINTA DRIVE FOR TRACT 230 (LAKE LA QUINTAI. APPLICANT: THE SPANOS COMPANIES. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING%QPEN at 7:05 p.m. Planning Manager di lorio presented the staff In response to Council Member Adolph, Ms. di lorio state is matter came up as a result of an application being filed by the Spanos Comp) ' s. Margo Williams, representing the Spanos Company, stated the"are in agreement with the conditions of approval and available to answer ques ns. ATTACHMENT 2 E f 7 c 8 E cot c § ƒ)// E e o 20®a ;o-� j2Et /EE» § $ \// §{/7 0 0 0Z) E 2 =ot/eI0- eEg� 000 tie-o 0 ±-0oI{=a§/ ��E=�Emo/ KSU� 62 9 « EtIE±0a) ®�»» 0 2w �222- e� b $ 77-0t ESA _ =o== pISSJ _ 5 - \ D c: ;*»¥ \0^ �/ / LL \0 0 0 �k k 2 m c f c: c: © _: % 7 U/2 /\ k\ I_- CL t y E 0 0 0 � § / CL c DCL \ ) f Q 0 f / ® k © D /o I \ a E E E 0 ) o ( [ \ a)@ I J j{ 9 T a 2 2] 2 4 w a 4 w K §d /& 'a\ t= » w)§ § 225$ ?)t§ § E \\27 /� `?/_ _ u 7/§/ o= /&\& y e p=o_ »»u§ Lu ®§fib / jP0 \k00 / 0 k f m o CL_ ) 2 _ {� , \aog mk )7}77� ok ]0 k o=to=f oo{= = o= oc o�-- 2D-0:3 2/\\ 7 % k�§ ?§ ` k\ ooE U \ 0 ƒ £ / f oC 7 7 7 02 k§ /§\j P >� R \ \ 0 k f § - = e t �a § 2 0 . 5 e\ \— c �§ ƒ� 7 Q ± 2 § )< )§ \g 2 eD0 2 ® fk �f �\ / @ \\\ § {/ £a 2e k ° ) bEe i2 tg § a § E 2 ) = E Z L \ 0 Z) E 7 O§ OE o . c E = R E o o« _ E \ Ob =E b a 3= 2 0 < m U J U < o@ u_ a / \b N § 9: r f 23 /£0 £ o-0 ? 2®2*g)�F t\3 �6kw(D t { @ 0)Cl 0 =2°» coD\E2277a5o oo Z)k E 0 Eac m0) .0 _aoo- - 05 >Cc R ©£2��®fk/k\/2@C'r5 °go § /===E 222/0 \2»2o»«t tt- o oc 3 @)22�E/f /\\ «E7k) �o 0 \t k : e=� co //k [_ £ £ 7 7 �/� k\ /\ U E / / 7 7 k§ k§ R \ : \ /° § / / k E 2 \ \ f ® f// \ ) $k 7= » 2 = 2 / / )cn / / /� 2F / \) %2( tt2 § e2 E\ § 2 ob [\\ �(} [ �/ /\ /E \/J 7j E \ /22 / /\ j J/ / § \ § joi 1-4 \ \ \ / r 0< )& )& / c f t = -2 ca)CD � • ga) = 0 CD o pc¥g E Gotboe _0 ) 0 �> 6\2/)§» 22»0o e J \\57k5 )�� a)'C: \«�{§/g ■ o=oo-o =_ 2EE- §Sett= �3»#j0 0 \tf/\f ka) \)�0 }\ /\ oSk \7 k 7�/ o=� //k \� 2 £ k�27L 7Q 2- ?0 ?L7- c coC: oo� cO ;O EQ E 2 / \ / / : £ / / / / / / ) ) 0§ \ \ \LkL \ U ) t » t = a) t a)b o E O C: a)E E k & 2 \ \ » « / g 5 © § § q _ / r $ / ƒ j _ c q ƒ \ / _ § § e k= { a o 2 e 0 = f e 0 m\ a2 E t\/}\§ 2°°°5 e E U 2 k /o //k�// §2 ( Eg e / =n ±» ) 2< oo»too o522oa k b- �0 o \ \ \ § \ / \ \ \ \ 0 §: ) _\ c » f � ° a) � � 0 20 eo »§ §Ua E \©/2C e: cg- =�22f c= 7/\ /�k § e« a¥z== o=� 22o Qm± 3 // RR� 5E: \/ @g eg U\- E M w / k7 �t k�} \ : __ Se§ Sf) co .0 \ 2\_� $ t $e U0 : Ua : — Q o� = 7) \§ Q > LLIR 0 2 Q % \ to { / 3 \ 0U \ a UgE \ _ �L 0� 2 k e 2 §\ \ $\�/ /, EE = y \/)n @® 000 p\ 2 E § c o / / /\\\ \ $ / \ ) / § $ LO q° I AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _ I- COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: May 1, 2001 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of Community PUBLIC HEARING: Services Grant Requests RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the City Council. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The Special Project Contingency Account #101-251-663-000 has an uncommitted balance of $19,781 as of this report, as provided in Attachment 1. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: At the November 2, 1999 City Council meeting, the City Council approved changes to the Community Services Grant process. The first meetings of August, November, February and May have been designated for review of the grants received. Four requests have been submitted for City Council consideration as of this report: 1. Desert Special Olympics: The Desert Special Olympics provides nine different sport competitions and social interactions in the Coachella Valley for people with mental retardation. The local organization hosts the annual area games. Teams from the area games then travel to five different Special Olympic Games throughout southern California. The Desert Special Olympics is seeking funding for awards and recognition, registration fees, supplies, printing, postage, uniforms, sport supplies and transportation. The Special Olympics is requesting $6,000 in grant funding (Attachment 2). The City of Palm Desert has sponsored this event in the amount of $4,000 for the past two years. 2. Desert Rehabilitation Services Inc.: Desert Rehabilitation Services provides residential treatment to Coachella Valley men, women and their families who are experiencing alcohol/drug related problems. Men and women who are unable to pay for needed services make up approximately 85% of the population served. Treatment includes: counseling, education groups, AA/NA meetings, family counseling and recreational activities. The money requested will be used to purchase ten dining room tables for the men's facility, "The Ranch." The center is presently building a pavilion that will serve as a dining area for residents and a place to hold fundraisers. Desert Rehabilitation Services is requesting $2,444 in grant funding (Attachment 3). Desert Rehabilitation Services received a Community Service Grant for $1,000 on May 2, 2000. In the past, the Cities of Indian Wells and Palm Desert have provided funding for the Desert Rehabilitation Services, Inc. 3. Soroptimist of La Quinta: Soroptimist of La Quinta is requesting $1,700 to be applied toward the facility use fees to use the La Quinta Senior Center for the club's Soroptimist Fall Meeting on October 19 and 20, 2001 (Attachment 4). The Soroptimist Club would like to use the Senior Center for 7 hours on Friday and 11 hours on Saturday to conduct business. The City's established Facility Use Fee for this request is $90 per hour plus an additional $80 set up fee. The Soroptimist Club is requesting a Community Services Grant to offset the facility use fee. 4. Boys and Girls Club of the Coachella Valley, La Quinta Club: The Boys and Girls Club of the Coachella Valley, La Quinta Club (Boys and Girls Club) is requesting $53,032 in grant funding for building repair and maintenance as well as parking lot maintenance as provided in Attachment 5. The amount of the request from the Boys and Girls Club exceeds the amount available through the Community Services Grant Program. The options available to the City Council include providing funding from the Special Projects Contingency Account in an amount less than the organization requested, direct staff to include this request as part of the Fiscal Year 2001-02 budget request, or utilize the General Fund Reserves to fund the request. Since 1995, the City of La Quinta has provided funding to the Boys and Girls Club in the amount of $30,000 for scholarships through the CDBG account as well as $30,000 for building maintenance annually through a Joint Use Agreement. Besides these two funding programs, the City of La Quinta has paid $3,000 to have the gymnasium floor refinished in the past as well as having paid $3,000 in February 2000 for the repair and replacement of panic hardware for doors at the La Quinta Club. S:\Community Services\CCReports\CC.107.Commuity Services Grant 00 2 Requests.wpd The Joint Use Agreement allows the City to use the facility after the regularly scheduled hours of the Boys and Girls Club. During the school year, the City utilizes the facility approximately 10 hours per week for open gym and computer classes. During the summer, the hours increase to approximately 15 hours per week. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: Authorize a Community Services Grant request from the appropriate account/fund as deemed appropriate by the City Council; or 2. Do not authorize a Community Services Grant request from: Desert Special Olympics and/or Desert Rehabilitation Services and/or Soroptimist of La Quinta and/or Boys and Girls Club of the Coachella Valley, La Quinta Club E ity Services Director Approved for submission by: omas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. 2000-01 Community Services Grant Balance 2. Community Services Grant Application from the Desert Special Olympics 3. Community Services Grant Application from the Desert Rehabilitation Services 4. Community Services Grant Request from the Soroptimist International of La Quinta 5. Funding Request from the Boys and Girls Club of the Coachella Valley, La Quinta Club 003 ATTACHMENT 1 Beginning Balance August 15 August 15 August 15 August 15 August 15 August 15 Balance Community Services Grants Fiscal Year 2000-01 Account 101-251-663-000 Meals on Wheels Program Transportation and Assistance La Quinta Arts Association Insurance Fees Soroptimist Club Facility Rental Fees -Senior Center Triangular Adoption Program Luncheon, Trip to 29 Palms, Marine of Quarter "Relay for Life" Silver Sponsor -Movie Tent CVRPD Extended Pool Hours $3,000 from Account 9101-251-663-539 September 19 "Relay for Life" Team Registration November 7 LQ High Air Force ROTC Uniforms and Mayor's Scholarship November 7 LQ High Band Boosters Santa Barbara Invitational & Equipment Repair November 7 Living Desert Business Shareholder Sponsorship November 7 Tuskegee Airmen Mural Project Mural Project November 7 Community Blood Bank, Inc. Bloodmobile Sponsorship November 21 Coachella Valley Arts Alliance Non-profit status filing $67,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,070 $3,640 $2,500 $371.81 $48,418 $100 $48,318 $2,499 $2,499 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $40,320 $ 60 $40,260 005 February 6, 2001 CARE Program $2,000 Seminar Speakers February 6, 2001 Veterans of Foreign Wars $800 Rental Fees -Senior Center $37,460 March 6, 2001 Prevent Child Abuse -CV $250 Blue Ribbon Campaign March 6, 2001 La Quinta Arts Foundation $8,834.85 Shuttle Service for Festival March 6, 2001 Tops and Barricades $93.53 Parking Lot Supplies Balance $28,281 March 20, 2001 American Red Cross $5,000 Mountain View Apt. Fire Victims Balance $23,281 March 23, 2001 Individual Red Cross Accounts $3,500 Mountain View Apt. Fire Victims Balance $19,781 00� 4 ATTACHMENT 2 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FISCAL YEAR 00-01 Name of Organization: Desert Special Olympics Amount Requested: s6 nnn Contact Person: Kathy Karstens - Area Director Mailing Address: P.O. Box 357 City:__ 1000 ,Palms State: — ca. Zip Code:_ g2zjf Phone No.: UQ_242 i722 -- 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: Date Submitted: 95-2649022 2-05-2001 Applications will receive consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. G U'i COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT APPLICATION (Must be typed) 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of your organization? 'Special Olyp ics Sports competitions and Social activities for people with Mental Retardation. 2. How long has your organization been in existence? 2n+ Years Months 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your organization: We offer 9 different sports out: here in the Coachella Valley: Swimming,Tennis,Bowling,Cycling,Track,Softball, Tennis,Golf and Powerlifting, Plus host an annual Area Games." 4. How many people does your organization currently serve? No. of Youth 18 No. of Adults 53 No. of Seniors 2 5. How many people do you intend to serve during this Fiscal Year? No. of Youth 18 No. of Adults 53 No. of Seniors 2 6. How many people served this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth No. of Adults 7 No. of Seniors 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your organization employ? Full time employees 0 Part time employees 0 Volunteers 83 8. Describe how your organization is managed and governed. We have a board that meets every Tues of each month which includes Area Director, Volunteer Committee, Family Committee, Finance Committee, Training & Competition Committee, Also all'Mead Coaches Attend meeting. At tnatme,,-..-,, each gvent or competition. C1 0 8 9.. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Kathy Karctanc A-rna Dirartnr P O LQX 157 1000 Palma 9997 343-1722 Art Sugitan Finance 40205 Barington P.D. 360-0714 Bane Bingham Transpnr+tation 73251 Cabazon Peaks 568-4248 Henrietta DeWolf Competition 69155 Dinah Shore #12 C.C. 321-6792 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your organization operate? We host our annual Area Games in March or April. (3-31-01) We take the teams to 4.or 5 competitions all over S.Calif. We operate year round training and competing.. 11. Do you charge admission, membership fee, dues, etc.? Yes x No If yes, please describe: 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Tennis/Golf Tournaments $5000 City of P.D. $4000 Total Needed Total Received Balance $ 24 , 000 $ 4,000 $ 20,000 009 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $ 4, 000 14. Has your organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? Yes x No If yes, when Amount received 15. Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the organization's funds are kept: Wells Fargo C/J So.Calif.Special Olympics, Culver City, Ca. 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals authorized to sign on the organization's account (must provide at least two individuals): Name: Title: Kathy Karstens Art Sugitan Jane Bingham Area Director Finance Transportation 17. Please provide, as an attachment, copies of the last three months bank statements as well as the last year's December bank statement of the organization's checking and savings account. 18. Need Statement. Clearly and plainly state the specific, detailed reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. Monies are required to fund the following: Awards & Recognition, Event Fees, Supplies,printing, Postage, Unihorms, Sports Supplies, transportation. 19. Goal Statement. Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. Children & Adults with Mental retardation will benefit from these funds. They will be.able to train and compete year round 4iving them opportunities to develop physical fitness demonstrate courage, experience ioy and participate in a sharing of gifts skills and friendship with family and friends. 20. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. 21. Non-profit organizations must attach a copy of the organization's current IRS Form 990. G11 m o_ 0 o M-(c <<Dcx o_ no C -a -a 0 N .+ CD o < � ;1 N O = j tT (a 7 .-f .. 0- CD 0 C) o & a• CD 5 fll X (n to CD (Q co cn -n rn fA .n = a @ C C C N C y 0 'Cp CD Q° N < CD N= 0 co CD N a N -. 7 N N N .TJ CD 90 fp CD a cn o CD o o � m v o 5 0 D 0 0000 W CA CAO[A(A A AAA -� N -► -� -+ -+ -' -+ 0 0 0) 0 0 0 Z -� N OD V cn A O W N O W OD o Cn 000000000 O 000 N V o N N O N O W Cn W Cn 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N -� co tV V O W NOO Ov 0 0 cn Cn00 p O O 000 o0o0Cn0 O O 000 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O W a 0 N N p W V 0 0 N 0 N N O cn cn 0 cn 0 0 00000 cn o 0 000 o O 000000OOOO O O 000 cn N N p w o cn w cn N in cn in cn o cn cn cn 0 0 cn 0 cn 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 0000000000 0 0 000 W -N+ N 0 + K) K) -• cn CA O 14 W OO NOOOCnCn"O O O 000 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O 0 000101 N D D m Q. Q �D r. v N cD a CO) a n �1 O 3 a n N ULr V0'V1 inLl 14:-'J rAe J1U ZlJ OJ60 JuLAL JrLL1AL VLiAr1LA 990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Under section 601(c) of the internal Revenue Code (except black lung or e foundation) «section 9Q(a)( exempt cfurluWbenefit e Wat polwimard w 7Rlswr -- I Hole: The w.,..�.,e Sati A For fine 1999 Calenaa B taodhx plum Y w9 ❑ avw ❑ Pow RWm aY,sm ❑ Neagle Rltun �l (laa✓aa ViD Il, �4 $na,aamrl9l G Type of organization ► to use a copy of this return to SPECIAL OLYMPICS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 6071 BRISTOL PARKWAY #100 CULVER CITY, CA 90230-6601 (alder section 501(c) ( WJ u1♦ oMe W. ISISOW7 1999 walawa (paaPM tents- VAPMM r D 6wabrrlaaabiewnalew )5-4538450 E TwomaawOx 310-215-8380 F C ► ❑ a uwhola, rwt� it obn'*V OR ► ❑ section a947(a)(1) n«,exema chanreore suss NOW: Section 501 C (9) OXGR4)1 « uons ArY .r,lw .,,..,.... . - N(a) le this a group realm filed for affitates7 ...................... Yes No 1 e lmlptither box u his (GEN) d'- enter tour4t9;19rpp (b) 11 yes., enter me number of affiliates for which this return is filed: ► A.Wjnon number (GEN) ► J AcooWhUng rrhe9hOd: Q Cash ®Accrval (e) Is this a sepstate return filed by an organization covered by a ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Other(specify) ► groupruGn 7 ................. I.......... I ...... ......... K Check here ► if the organizations gro86 receipts are not more than 925,000. The «gxftOOn need not file a rectum with Uhe Ins; rarmaly but if t received a Form 990 In the mai, it atxuW file a ratan vithioW Mhsncist -Cola Some alalea require a complete return._ _.._._._---- I___.we.. ancn rvVl al wrYl nl vnM_ ita: therm Cr n® YO Yiw�„ ,n ••��'�••� - Aewenue ((tees and Chan ec in 0 Assets or Fund sa(ances (sees Irnalrueuorls an e - 1 Contributions, gdts. grams• and slnaler amour's rec 11; ,a 3,904,016 . .......... e Diraet public support ................... ....................... lb 53 , 800 it Indirect publosuppon............................................. 1c . c GOvertnwm ComribuliOns (grants) ....................................... d Total (addWWSlathrough lc)(aUaohschedule orcontributors) $�_StatPllterit...1 817, 985 ) r: td 4,440,816 2 69 , 7 9 (cashs 3,622,831 noncasht ......... 2 'Program service revenue including government legs and contracts (from Pan VIC one 83) ................... a 3 MorMerehip dues and assessments � ............................... . .............................. ♦ 9 9 9 5 4 loon savings and temporary cash investments ................................................ west 9 .. ............... 5 Dividends and invest from securities ................. - . ....... ... ... 6i , x+r'SC 68 Gross rents ............................... at) t.�ss:rentalexpenses ................................................. sc c Net rentd income OF(bss) (subtract line 6b from One 6a) ..................... . ....................... ) 7 R v 7 Other lwm ossxd income (describe► A Securities (51 Other I eSit Gross amount horn sale of assets other than hwemory , .. an b Less: cost or other basis and sales expenses ........... c Gain or (Ws) (atach schedule) ...................... k ad .......,ee" ..t ......'e .. d Not 9dh or 0ase) (combine One 8e, columns (A) and (B)) .......... . ... ... . See Statement 2 9 Special events and Wdvifiw(altach schedule) , ;.. a Gross revenue (not including a d contributions 9a 1, 629, 601 reported on One la) .................................................. � 361,9 9 0 b Less: <IIroU axpernses other than funtlreishng expenses . , .......... .......... yc 1, 267 c Nat income Or (loss) from special events (subtract line 9b from line 9a) .................. 0 ............ . .. l0a Gross sales of inventory, less reams and allowances ............... ......... 10a b Less: cost of goods sold ............... .......... ........ ....... ..... tab Gross profit or (loss) from styes of inventory (attach $ChadWa) (subtract line IOb from lift 1Oa) ............... . '. roc 11 c 11 Other revenue (from Pan VII, fir* 103)........................................................ . . 12 5,878,221 -_ —_—, .._..__.._ ra. r m to 4 n a_ 6. 6c. 7. Be. 9C. 10C, and 11)................................... . _ A tlA1 G9G c 1J Program sorvkes (horn Ilse 44, column (ti))...............................................414 143 942n14 Managemom and general (tram Gne 44,column(C))......................................E16 Pundrarsvg (from line 44, Cdurm (D)) ........................:............16740.61518Paymorhle ..................1a fo a5illalas (s11aCh sehooWe) ............................ 530 1817 Total (add ones 16 and 44, column A))........ ...... ....rr 10 572, 03iA 16 Excess or (deficit) for rho year (subtract line 17 from rube 12)..................................la 229 895E .............. ........moyear (from line 73, cdurm (Aes (attach explanaticn).................................20 2 , 87 , 9 9 E e 21 Nat assets «fund balances at entl of ear (combine fines 18, 19, and 20) .............................. . cam, 99e nail xcw For Paperwork Reduction ACl Notice, see page 1 01 the separate InsWcUonS. Va, vo"/a Inn 1'dA 41U L16 OJOO ',VVAL JYLL1tlL VL151Y1VJ L1J u 1: rc.Mllver) SPECIAL OLzMPICS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 95-4538450 lisp 2 '... $1StE(11QRi of - - - - AN org.N:abwc mmrveu edumn W. Cwm*n (B), (C)..ne (P) w rNJrod br+actlon SOtg1Fe aw (q oryonitaN,.%.�a rUFWUUnar �,. ..«.. ---._.----....-----_-------- Do not include amounts re00rted on '. ':. A Total () (a) Program (CI t (D) fundraising Pine Mi. 66, 9b. 10b, or 16 0l Part I. . 1' services and general 22 Grena and allocalions (art. seh) ..... .... ;.... a s - :"' x"" ..r w,,;.•: 22 Specific assistance to individuals (alt. sch.) ........ 22 . 23 24 2s 3 2 3 , 5 2 5 2 71, 1 _ "........:. '.:: 2 9 , 117 24 Benefit, paid to or for nternbers (ad. sch.) ......... ---- 22 , 64 7 25 Compensation of officers, directors. etc............ 26 1,047,517 6, 71 9 , 446 73, 353 26 OBwrsalariasanClWages ...................... 27 0 5, 8 8 6 11, 02 7,754 27 Pension Plan contributions ..................... 2a Other employee benefits ............ ......... 29 29 110, 992 , 93,620 9, 809 7,563 29 Payroll taxes ................................ 30 30 Professional I"tdralSlrtg fags ................... 91 27,400 27,400 31 Accounting to. ........................ .... 32 Legal fees .................................. 33 suppGas 32 33 356,072 ,396 9,491 70,185 ................................... 3a Telephone ................................. 34 49,09 41, 9 4.,228 3, 18 72,054 34,211 23,069 14,774 3s Postage and 3 POng. ....................... 38 sa 114, 490 29 6, 99 36 Oupaoey................................. re s7 EgWpmerrtrental and mainhenaneg 37 99,859 102 653 98, 82 6 8 9 , 181 W) 10,784 3t Printing and punt adons ...................... 36 » , 34, 690 , 554 1 1, 136 39 Travel ..................................... 4o Confe ertcss, canvern era, and madames ........ - - 4d 411, 8 31 3 9 5 , 0 9 8 14 3 41 48,49943 41 Interest .................................... 42 Depretiadw,, depletion, ate. (attach schedule) .......r42 69, 504 099 odtermpen3es(iteetlze): a Statement 3 24 I, 992 1, 807, 9 1 bcd 44 7,anx.aa.r.•m,. {.aa vas zx e.0 N) 5 306, 184 4, 241, 625 - 323,942 740,617 m,�rmre.. 0eta�o.tr4r.. rorlsere+a-+s 44 RopoNng o1 Joint Coats. Did you (open in cottarm (a) (Program services) any joint costs from a Combined educational camPaign ► ® Yes ❑ No and hindralstrq solicitation?................................................. . ......................... . .. n .Yes: enter 0) the zagrsgats amount of Oise jam costs S 8 6 6, 694 ; 01) are amount WWCAad o Program services S 433,347 All AAI nn mnw 221 OUREm1BOa 0+ rFUWI hair i V-\ V ,..,wm ....n..v•� ---'-- - Inyhaak0a agartizad�n't wirtary exempt wlrpoae? ►See Statement AN orgarftaftu mart deeoribe their exempt purpose ad"vem"rds in a dear and cortdka mwvsr. State the number d dients 4•rve4 pubficedaa limied: etc. Discuss adtieyememis thet One not meaWable. (Section 501(c)(3) and (4) "ganizadaro and 4947(a)(1) nonexerttpl eMrttable trusts must eke enter to arronat of great and allocadorte to others.) I+roQam SerYiN {rteau•e aw+(0+) MW Wl Gorr" wos•mJ a See Statement 5 — — (Grams aid eeecadans S 0) 4,241,625 b (Orem ant allocation t c (Grants and allocations; S ) d Grans and allocatW* S ) e Olr+er ram ssrvicas attach acttetlWe) Grams and allocations S .._._, � e .. �_ e. ;-. c .... i.hn e.4 ,.n a{ em 44 miurrtn (B). Prooram services) .............................. ► c 4 , 291, 6 2 _ h 14 uml u010i InU 14.3O YAA J1U L1J OJOO JUTAL brh(1LAL VLIALrlkJ 49J U13 a9ot+assJ SPECIAL OLiXPICS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 95-4538450 Pw 3 Balance Sheets (See Specific Instructions on page 22.) "fe. N6+ue required, attached schedules and arnounls whin the description column should be l for end -of -year amounts ". Beginning of year End of year 46 Cash • non-•Sderest-beating..................................................... 8,132 , 2 78333 447 1, 717 , 17 3 46 Savings and iamporsry cash Investments ........................................... 47aAccourgswovable...................................• 47a 405,652 296,759 il 47e 405,652 b Lass: allowmice for doubtful actoums...................... 47b Asa Pledges recEevade..................................... 494 b Low: auowaua for doubtful accounts ...................... 40 49 49 Grants ceivable............................................................. re So 50 Receivables from officers, directors. trustees, and key OMPbYOSS (attach sch) ............... A 51 a Other rates and barn receivable (affach schedule) ........... file 2 SIC S b Less: allowatce for doubtful a OW= ..................... . st t, 62 Tntd 52 kweries hu $ale or ................. use ........... ........................... 22,416 63 15,255 s 53 Pf"Wif axpwup end deferred charges ......... ................................... 54 Investments- securities (adechscheduie) .........•. ••••.See..Statement...6 07 ss 273,702 650 ImrestmerNs • lard buildings. and equipment: basis............................................... 55a 55e b Less: accumulated depreciation (attach sehedIAS) ............. 55b Statement: 7 990,745 fill 724,469 sc Invasbnwts - other (attach acr+edule) ......................See . ... 99,925 s7e 160,083 57 a lard, buildings. and equipment basis ..................... 57a 2 9 3 , 47 9 b Less: acourruwae depreciation (attach schedule) Stmt .....8 570 13 3 , 3 9 6 19,5 2 50 11 0 2 so Othwmets(dewibe►See Statement 9 > 59 TOW assoU(add lines 459uauh58)(must equalline 74 ............................. 2,781,399 s5 3,328,659 so Accounts payable and accrued expenses ........................................... 420,392 so 437,663 L l 61 Grants payable . . ............ . ................................................ I A62 9 tataned rep entrs............................................................. 63 63 Loans from officers. directors, husteas, and key employees (atach schedule) ............... L "a Tax-exempt bond habit" (atach schedule) ........................................ 640 T I b Mortgages and other rates payabW (attach schedule) ................................. 62,048 es 20,00 as Otherlabetdes(dwrnbe ►See Statement 10 ) E s 6a ToWllaWlltioa addlines 60thfi5.................................... .••.... 482,440 66 457,663 e orgubtaaons That follow SFAS 117, check here ► 0 and complete lines 67 through 69 T and lines 73 and 74.x.r 1,995,699 21516 896 67 "s 67 Unrestricted.................................................................. 303, 0 sa 346, s E sa Tempormlyrestirted.......................................................... 69, 000 T s Permanently8PermanentlyreSaiclBd.......................................................... Organlntlons Dial do riot follow SFAS 117, check here ► ❑and complete fines 70 O n thmgh 74. 70 v W Capfthl sWCK tntsl principal, or current funds .. . . . . . ......... . . . . .................... 71 u w 71 Paid -In or capital surplus, a lard. building, and equipment fund ....................... . 72 0 72 Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated Income, or Direr funds ..................... Z , 2 9 8 , 9 5 9 7. 2,870,996 a 73 TOW net assets or fund balances (add Imes 67 through 69 OR lines 70 through 72: n column (A) musk equal line 19 and cdtkum (8) must equal fine 21) ................. ' . • ... _ 2,781,399 74 3,328 659 M s74 Total 9ab9tf"Will net asaetarfgndbawm=(add ones66and 73 ..................... Form 990 is averlable far pudic insPecfion and. for some paofpe, Serves as nnr e pnny or sae awryv,e •.n....o..,... o r•-.'-- - a-----.. Now this public pwosivu an organization in such cases may ba determined by the Information presented on its rehim. Therefore. Please make aura the return Is comb ate aid accurate and fully describes. in Pan III, the orgwftaWM'$ Programs and acwmPfiahmams- yj V 1'1 Poemrvrtm) SPECIAL 0(PICS SOUTHERN CF wit "Flit Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited Financial Statements with Revenue per Return (See Specifc Instructions, page 2C) a Tow revenue, gaits. and other support per audited financial statements ......... I. b Artnounts included on line a but not on line 12. Form 990: (1) Net unrealized gain+ on invesurars ..... S (2) Donal services and use offacLllee .. $ 1,960,650 (3) Recoveries of prim year grants ..... .. S (4) Other(Specify): s Add'routs on rows (1) through (4) ..... to c Line a minus line b ► d Anoints irxc uded on Una 12. Form 990 but not On One a: (1) Investment expenses rot included on line 61). Form 990 ... f2) Odler (speoily): 95-4538450 Paaa 4 Reconciliation of moenses per Audited Financial Statements with Expenses per Return a Total expenses and losses per audited financial statements ..................... ► b Am0ums included on I'xe a but not on line 17, Form 99W. (1) Donated services and use of facilities.... s 1,960,650 (2) Prior year adlustmems reported on line 20, Fonn 990........... S (3) Losees reported on line 20, Form 9% ..... s (4) Other (specify): 1,960,650 s Add amurs on Ones (1) through (4) ....... ► 5,878,221 a Line a minusfine b..................... ► d Amounts Included on fine 17, . Form 990 but rat on One a: (1) Imesonent expenses not Induded on line 6b. Form 990 .......... - S � 4._ _.. (2) Omer (specify): S s Add artaurft an 6103 (1) and (2) ........ ► d Add amounts on fines (1) and (2) .......... ► Idl. e Total revenue per One 12, Form 990 a Total expenses per One 17. Form 990 ► e 5,306,184 pinec usfowd) .................... ► e 5,878,221 finecplus line d ......... List of Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees (List each one even a not compensated: can Cnwifln Instructions on oace 24.) au Nyne aM aeo des M) Tied a• w,ange hours err wNK MrAW b Mieon WI comperwpfan PIMP-4WAIV-0O4 (D) CmuiwimK a ."now" pat 4 dpoaae Opmpmaaeen Q a+pwa auexx ano eMraYewarwaa tee Statement 11 317,705 161863 5,820 76 old any officer, director, trustee. or key employee receive aggregate compensation of morn man $100,000 from your organization and aU related organizations, of which more than $10,000 was provided by the related Organlzafans7 .......................... ► Yes ONO lf'Yes,' attach whadula • see Specific Instructions on page 25. 016 -- — — 1-1 —_1 1.1a .1V a. 0000 JU6nL MLl1nL U"AllUa 4J4 U I a •r Information (See Spmft Instructions on Me 25,) 76 Did the arganizatim engage In any aQW4 rtOtW0VtOUSIY reported to the IRS? If "Yes,' attach a detailed OQSCrIP1JOn Of eachactivity ............................ I .............. ... — -- ---- NT 77 Wets any charges made in the orgaftZIng or governing documents but not reported to the IRS? ....... if ees.* atuach a conlonnedl copy of ft Changes. 7as old pre orgaritallon have urvataledbasfnasa; grow letcome of $1.000 or more dwievg the year covered by this reWM7 ............. to if 'Yes,'has it Red a lax retuffm FOCTR 990-Tfor this Year? .......................................................... 79 Alas there a MjuidabM dissolution. termination, or substantial comcilon during 9* YW. it'Yes,' attach a stautmeru .................................................................................... 30a 13 fro O"J21WAVIOn r81210d (COW Inert by 113506800n Wth a Statewide of nationwide Organization) through common truimbefethip. governing bodes, truets". officers. etc., to any other exempt a normeMpt O(ganittitim? .................................. b If-fm.'order dAname oltaw ofgafication w NIA aid neck whiter 1ii; U QXWWOR U nOfMVnPL al Enter, the &,cLT4 Of poli" expenditures. direct or indirect, as described in the iftstructons for line 81 .1816 1 0 b Did the organ"tion file Form 112*JbOL ton It" Y8af7 .............................................................. &2& Did the organization receive donated services or the use of matartatis, equipment, or facilides at no charge Of at substantially Ianthan fair rental value? .............. ................................. ......................... ........ b It*yas., you may Wicals ate value of these items here. Do not include aria amount as revenue in Pad I or as art expense in Part IL (See ingtructions lor reporting in Part 111.) ............ .......... I 82b 1 11960165( 630 04 the agatzatlon cornply with the public WWpWM requIlamenta for returns and "aWdon applicators? .................... b W fro organ zation compty with the disclosure MWhMwft fling to qvial pro Quo contributions? ........................... $49 Did the Organization SONCit W OWrbULJOrM Of 011 MW WOM not tax deductible? ......................................... It,y".* do the rugerAzeelon In nude with every solictUffion an *W"s atelernant that such contributions or Qft were not tax deductible? . . ............. ............................................................ ............... SS SM (0)(4). (5), or (6) WggdZaft%. a Were substandally all dues noodedlucMdO W nwnbOfs? ............................... - Didtie &N,-donmake only fn�houselobbying exWdCWO$OfSZOOOO(less? .............. 1. ......................... -v It 'Yos' was answered to either Me or &r%b, do not conTiale e6c Through 85h below unless the Ofgar&AW received a waiver kr Proxy tax owed W 08 Prior Year. c Oults, assawtents, andsirrAer amounts from M&MbM ............................... *::,..,: 121 N/A d Section IlMe) lobbying and political "PlIndihm .......................................... N/A a Aggregate ncrdeductloift amount of section 6Me111)(A) duos noficatz ................. f Twoble Waits of lobbying and pollical expenditures (line Wd WA &96) ............... g Does the orginizallon SW 110 pay the &GcbOn 6=(6) tax On the amount in so .......................................... h if section 6D23(s)(1)(A) dues motion were &sm. does On orgaNTAIlOn " to add 9W amount in SIR 10 its reasonable "*na* of clues allocabia, to nordaductible WWWV end Political expenditures for the following tax year? — ...... .................... 46 501(c)(7) orgWazations. Enter. "a N/A a k*Wort Im &No capital contributions Included an line 12 .................... ............... III Gross receipt, included on line 12. for pLiblic Lee at club facilities ........................ .... sato N/A 97 501(c)(12) organizations. Enter 970 N/A a Gross inconta from members Of shafti'101d" .............................................. b Gross Inomb from other scurm, (Do not not amounts clue or paid to other sources against amovols N/A due Or received from lhen) ....... : ................................................ _ 87b as At any Who curing the you. CM to orgarecaliOn Own a 50% Of greater kftrOM in 2 12xsbl0 oo(poratiort or partnership? if -Yes.- complete Pan Ix .......................................................... .......................... 49a 501(c)(3) ortanktabortz. Enter. Mutt" of lax Imposed an the organization during the Y&W under. n - -wet'en 4912 ► 0 ;section 49M 11 0 C, 1 THE RANCH ATTACHMENT 3 Men's Services: 7885 Annandale Avenue • Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240 760-329-2924 • Fax'. 760-329.0169 Z HACIENDA VALDEZ QWomen's Services: 12890 Quinta Way • Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240 RESIDENTIAL ALCOHOL & DRUG PROGRAM SERVICES 760-329-2959 • Fax: 760-329-2953 April 1, 2001 ADVISORY BOARD Ms. Dodie Horvitz Bet" Ford City of La Quinta John B Friedrich P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Barb...Frlsdrich Rod Hendry Re: GRANT APPLICATION Paula Harris Dear Dodie, Eddie Hernandez Edwin C. Johnsen Enclosed please find our Community Services Grant Application with the following enclosures: R, C. Lindy Bid for tables from Murray's John P McGovern, M D. "Additional Capital Improvements" list Bob Reardon Operating Budget - current year IRS Form 990 Rena Rodman, MFCC 501(c)3 letter If I can be of any further assistance please feel free to contact me at (760) BOARD OF DIRECTORS 329-2924. Barbara Baxter, President Joseph Solomon, Vice President Thank you for the opportunity to apply for funds from the City of La Quinta. Randy Hewitson, Treasurer Sincerely, Wayne Stegall, Secretary Jeanne Anderson -Garrett Jack Garrett Rick Mesa Jim Harwell Executive Director Jim Leonard John McCormick Rene Mendoza Sandra S. Reid EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Rick Mesa A Nonprofit Corporation •IRS#237365064-Porflody Funded by Count,ofRlversco, Department of Menlo' Health Drug Abuse Programs G1b CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FISCAL YEAR 00-01 Name of Organization: DESERT REHAB SERVICES, INC. Amount Requested: $2,440.00 Contact Person: RICK MESA Mailing Address: 7885 ANNANDALE AVENUE City: DESERT HOT SPRINGS State: CA Zip Code: 92240 Phone Number: (760)329 2924 501 (c )3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: 237365064 Date Submitted: April 1, 2001 Applications will receive consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. 019 COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT APPLICATION 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of your organization? To provide residential treatment to Coachella Valley men, women and their families who are experiencing alcohol/drug related problems. Men and women who are unable to pay for needed services make-up approximately 85% of the population we 2. How long has your organization been in existence? 28 Years 5 Months 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your organization: 3-7 day detoxification 60-90 day residential treatment and 3-6 months community re -entry -transitional -living services Treatment includes: counseling education groups AA/NA meetings family counseling and recreational activities to name a 4. How many people does your organization currently serve? No. of Youth 0 No. of Adults 81 No. of Senior (81 adults includes seniors) 5. How many people do you intend to serve during the fiscal year? No. of Youth 0 No. of Adults 700 No. of Seniors 50 6. How many people served this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta Residents? No. of Youth 0 No. of Adults 30-40 No. of Seniors 5-7 7. How many employees/volunteers does your organization employ? Full Time Employees 19 Part Time Employees 1 Volunteers 10-15 8. Describe how your organization is managed and governed. Board of Directors are policy makers and oversee operations Executive Director implements policy and manages day to day operations 620 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person Name Title Home Address Phone Barbara Baxter President 258 Castellana So., Palm Dsrt, CA 92260 773-0041 Joe Solomon V. President 34 Calle Clair, Palm Dsrt, CA 92260 568-5519 Wayne Stioall Secretary 72630 Lotus Ct. Palm Dsert, CA 92260 340-2763 Randy Hewitson Treasurer 44850 San Pablo, Palm Dsrt, CA 92260 341-3171 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your organization operate? We operate twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Board holds fundraisers two to three times annually. Events are established June of each year. 11. Do you charge admission, membership fee, dues, Etc.? X Yes _No If Yes please describe: If clients are able they pay in full for treatment. Others are asked to contribute according to their ability to pay. Most are placed on Riverside County contract status due to lack of funds. 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Source Amount City of Indian Wells $5 500.00 Desert Communities Foundation $5,000.00 City of Palm Desert $5,000.00 Jeanne Anderson Garrett $5,000.00 Aaua Calienta Band of Cahuilla Indians _$10,000.00 * Please see attached 'Additional Capitol Improvements' list in regard to above. Total Needed $ 49,850.00 Total Received $ 5,000.00 Balance $ 44,850.00 r2r 13. Amount of money requested form the City of La Quinta: $2,440.00 14. Has your organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? X Yes No 15. Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the organizations funds are kept: First Community Bank 74-750 Hwy 111. Indian Wells Ca. 92210 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals authorized to sign on the organization's account (must provide at least two individuals) Name: Title: Randy Hewitson Treasurer Wayne Stigall Secretary Barbara Baxter President Rick Mesa Executive Director 17. Please provide, as an attachment, copies of the last three months bank statements as well as the last year's December bank statement of the organization's checking and savings account. ATTACHED 18. Need Statement. Clearly and plainly state the specific, detailed reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used. We will use the funds reauested to Durchase 10 dinina tables for our men's facilit THE RANCH. We are currently building a Davillion that will serve as a dining area to our residents and a place to host fundraisers and outside meetings. 022 19. Goal Statement. Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. The direct benefit to the City of La Quinta is providing residential treatment services for their residents. The dining tables indirectly benefits the La Quinta community in that it permits us to satisfy food service requirements to the men and women we serve. The major benefits of our treatment are: decreasing crime, better use of tax payers dollars, reuniting families, our clients re-enter the work forces, lower medical costs to our emergency rooms, decreases the spread of infectious and fatal diseases, such as HIV and AIDS. 20. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. ATTACHED 21. Non -Profit organizations must attach a copy of the organization's current IRS Form 990 & 501(C)3 letter. ATTACHED MURRAY'S HOTEL AND RESTAURANT SUPPLY CO., INC. P.O. Box 926 298 E. Valley Blvd. COLTON, CA 92324 TEL (909) 825.1012 FAX (909) 825.1236 TO iYWATM iRP W DATE QUANTITY_ . /0 1 G" � MUL U M 1251 PLEASE INDICATE THE ABOVE NUMBER WHEN ORDERING OWTAT-ON DATE SALESPERSON I O INWIRV D„TE INWI YNWBBR S,wPIYD VrA. I P.o.{ DESCRIPTION 1 , �PRI v1vtO Gun- A-C4T*Z Tti- vlv(O Cw c- 4-6,P'Tbwt sti ��•.p-Fr•Itiln� Tib4 . . A ;I- AMOUNT aD I:*Llo D, .. 2(,y u /61v op rxll 30Y 1°-5- .714 g dS YIE ARE PLEASED TO SUBMIT THE ABOVE OUOTATION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. SMOULD VW PLACE AN ORDER. BE ASSURED IT WILL RECEIVE CAR PROMPT ATTENTION, THIS OVOTATION IS BUDJECT TO THE CONDITIONS PRINTED ON REVERSE SIDE, AND IS VALID FOR DAYS THEREAFTER 17 IS SUSJECT TO CHANCE WITHOUT NOTICE BY 1Q �f:(CLA+fIL fiETVVVILG _ ACCEPTED. DATE 0 RI%PNCPPa C~-ID%P.'.LC MITN CenNnl SIGN AND RETURN YELLOW ACCEPTANCE COPY WHEN ORDERING, TO m ASIM bA/�.Ar.i��1� A011tl NIAImIN,I .H . CJ 024 ADDITIONAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FY 2000/2001 The following list of items are needed for day-to-day operations in order of priority (written estimates are available upon request): 1. Alcohol/drug treatment literature and materials $4,000.00 (The Ranch & Hacienda Valdez) 2. Computer (2) $4,000.00 (The Ranch & Hacienda Valdez) 3. Folding Tables (10) & Stack Chairs (100) $4,360.00 (The Ranch) 4. Desks (6) $3,600.00 (The Ranch -office) 5. Workstation $2,600.00 (The Ranch) 6. Bookshelf (2) $500.00 (The Ranch) 7. File Cabinet (1 2-drawer, 1 lateral) $600.00 (The Ranch) 8. Globe Slicer, Kitchen Aid Mixers (2) & Diningware $2,190.00 (The Ranch & Hacienda Valdez) 9. Medication Room Renovation $3,000.00 (The Ranch -office) 9. Maintenance Truck $25,000.00 (The Ranch & Hacienda Valdez) TOTAL $49,850.00 6 2 :1 Ja v N m 7 P— a ¢0. 0 0 a 0 Cam] IN Qm u > 42 A 62U Desert Rehab Services, Inc. The Ranch Men's Detox 2000/2001 Projected Budget INCOME MONTHLY ANNUALLY Private Pay $ 700 $ 8,400 County Contract-detox 2,575 30,900 Share of Cost 100 1,200 Donations - - Other Income 10 120 Private Pay Refunds (20) (240) Total $ 3,365 $ 40,380 EXPENSES Salaries (Staff & Management) 3,305 39,660 Employee Benefits 375 4,500 Casual & Contract Labor 50 600 Payroll Taxes 265 3,180 Property Taxes 5 60 Insurances (Facility/Auto) 55 660 Utilities & Telephone 300 3,600 Repairs & Maintenance 100 1,200 Operations 250 3,000 Auto Repairs/Fuel 40 480 Food 370 4,440 Office Supplies 55 660 Licenses/Dues 15 180 Accounting & Professional Fees 125 1,500 Education & Training 50 600 Interest Expenses 35 420 Depreciation 200 2,400 Total $ 5,595 $ 67,140 Operating Reserves (Deficit) $ (2,230) $ (26,760) 0 2'7 Desert Rehab Services, Inc. The Ranch Men's Program 2000/2001 Projected Budget INCOME MONTHLY ANNUALLY Private Pay $ 14,210 $ 170,520 County Contract -resident 5,910 70,920 - County Contract-Dual/Diag. 2,300 27,600 ' Share of Cost 200 2,400 ' SASCA-Dedicated 5,100 61,200 SASCA 1,450 17,400 ' Food Stamps 1,100 13,200 Donations - - Other Income 150 1,800 Private Pay Refunds (1,140) (13,680) Total $ 29,280 $ 351,360 EXPENSES Salaries (Staff & Management) 17,890 214,680 Employee Benefits 1,975 23,700 Casual & Contract Labor 600 7,200 Payroll Taxes 1,430 17,160 Property Taxes 20 240 Insurances (Facility/Auto) 600 7,200 Utilities & Telephone 3,300 39,600 Repairs & Maintenance 1,100 13,200 Operations 2,100 25,200 Auto Repairs/Fuel 505 6,060 Food 4,070 48,840 Office Supplies 600 7,200 Licenses/Dues 140 1,680 Accounting & Professional Fees 575 6,900 Education & Training 150 1,800 Interest Expenses 350 4,200 Depreciation 2,180 26,160 Total $ 37,585 $ 451,020 Operating Reserves (Deficit) $ (8,305) $ (99,660) 028' Desert Rehab Services, Inc. The Ranch Men's Transition 2000/2001 Projected Budget INCOME MONTHLY ANNUALLY Private Pay $ 2,100 $ 25,200 SASCA-Dedicated 2,500 30,000 SASCA 255 3,060 Donations - Other Income 10 120 Private Pay Refunds (105) (1,260) Total $ 4,760 $ 57,120 EXPENSES Salaries (Staff & Management) 3,290 39,480 Employee Benefits 380 4,560 Casual & Contract Labor 200 2,400 Payroll Taxes 265 3,180 Property Taxes 15 180 Insurances (Facility/Auto) 180 2,160 Utilities & Telephone 1,000 12,000 Repairs & Maintenance 350 4,200 Operations 225 2,700 Auto Repairs/Fuel 150 1,800 Office Supplies 180 2,160 Licenses/Dues 40 480 Accounting & Professional Fees 160 1,920 Education & Training 50 600 Interest Expenses 110 1,320 Depreciation 660 7,920 Total $ 7,255 $ 87,060 Operating Reserves (Deficit) $ (2,495) $ (29,940) 029 Desert Rehab Services, Inc. Hacienda Valdez Women's Detox 2000/2001 Projected Budget INCOME MONTHLY ANNUALLY Private Pay $ 100 $ 1,200 County Contract-detox 2,575 30,900 Share of Cost 75 900 Donations - - Other Income 10 120 Private Pay Refunds 15 180 Total $ 2,775 $ 33,300 EXPENSES Salaries (Staff & Management) 3,615 43,380 Employee Benefits 420 5,040 Casual & Contract Labor 100 1,200 Payroll Taxes 320 3,840 Property Taxes 10 120 Insurances (Facility/Auto) 75 900 Utilities & Telephone 60 720 Repairs & Maintenance 100 1,200 Operations 60 720 Auto Repairs/Fuel 40 480 Food 410 4,920 Office Supplies 20 240 Licenses/Dues 5 60 Accounting & Professional Fees 125 1,500 Education & Training 50 600 Interest Expenses 35 420 Depreciation 25 300 Total $ 5,470 $ 65,640 Operating Reserves (Deficit) $ (2, 995) $ (32,340) Desert Rehab Services, Inc. Hacienda Valdez Women's Program 2000/2001 Projected Budget INCOME MONTHLY ANNUALLY Private Pay $ 2,000 $ 24,000 County Contract -resident 5,910 70,920 County Contract-Dual/Diag. 2,300 27,600 County Contract -Drug Court 840 10,080 County Contract -Female Offender 5,370 64,440 Share of Cost 100 1,200 SASCA-Dedicated 5,100 61,200 SASCA 3,000 36,000 Food Stamps 700 8,400 Donations 100 1,200 Other Income - - Private Pay Refunds 210 2,520 Total $ 25,630 $ 307,560 EXPENSES Salaries (Staff & Management) 11,520 138,240 Employee Benefits 1,320 15,840 Casual & Contract Labor 100 1,200 Payroll Taxes 935 11,220 Property Taxes 10 120 Insurances (Facility/Auto) 575 6,900 Utilities & Telephone 1,150 13,800 Repairs & Maintenance 800 9,600 Operations 460 5,520 Auto Repairs/Fuel 330 3,960 Food 3,285 39,420 Office Supplies 400 4,800 Licenses/Dues 30 360 Accounting & Professional Fees 500 6,000 Education & Training 100 1,200 Interest Expenses 90 1,080 Depreciation 170 2,040 Total $ 21,775 $ 261,300 Operating Reserves (Deficit) $ 3,855 $ 46,260 C,3i Desert Rehab Services, Inc. Hacienda Valdez Women's Transition 2000/2001 Projected Budget INCOME MONTHLY ANNUALLY Private Pay $ 1,200 $ 14,400 SASCA-Dedicated 1,900 22,800 SASCA 500 6,000 Donations - - Other Income 10 120 Private Pay Refunds (75) (900) Total $ 3,535 $ 42,420 1-0.42QUI : Salaries (Staff & Management) 2,810 33,720 Employee Benefits 315 3,780 Casual & Contract Labor 100 1,200 Payroll Taxes 245 2,940 Property Taxes 5 60 Insurances (Facility/Auto) 195 2,340 Utilities & Telephone 350 4,200 Repairs & Maintenance 250 3,000 Operations 180 2,160 Auto Repairs/Fuel 150 1,800 Office Supplies 180 2,160 Licenses/Dues 15 180 Accounting & Professional Fees 145 1,740 Education & Training 50 600 Interest Expenses 30 360 Depreciation 70 840 Total $ 5,090 $ 61,080 Operating Reserves (Deficit) $ (1,555) $ (18,660) G32 Internal Revenue Service Department of the Treasury District Director DESERT REHAB SERVICES INC 7885 ANNANDALE AVE. DESERT HOT SPRINGS, CA 92240 Dear Taxpayer: 300 N. Los Angeles Street, MS 7043 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Person to Contact: L . Barragan Telephone Number: (213) 894-2336 Refer Replyto: EO (0623) 98 Date: July 7, 1998 EIN: 23-7365064 This letter is in response to your request for a copy of the determination letter for the above named organization. Our records indicate that this organization was recognized to be exempt from Federal income tax in NOVEMBER 1972 as described in Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). It is further classified as an organization that is not a private foundation as defined in Section 509(a) of Code, because it is an organization described in Section 509(a)(2). The exempt status for the determination letter issued in NOVEMBER 1972 continues to be in effect. If you need further assistance, please contact our office at the above address or telephone number. Sincerely, j - &rr n L. Barragan Disclosure Assistant 033 ; 0h, 990 Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code (except black lung benefit trust or private foundation) or section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust Note: The organization may have to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting regt A For the 1999 calendar year, OR tax year period beginning 7 01 1999 and ending 6 B Check If: Phase C ❑ Change of address use IRS label or ❑ Initlalrelurn printer DESERT REHAB SERVICES, INC. typ ElFinal return Sae 7885 ANNANDALE AVENUE ® Amenciedreturn 'Pwffk DESERT HOT SPRINGS CA 92240 (requiredalsofor lmtnc- r Stale r sporting) tlarts. OMa No. 1545-0047 1999 This Farm is Open to Pubic rements. Inspection 30 2000 D Employeridentllicationnamber 23-7365064 E Telepharlenumber F Check ► ❑ It exemption application Is pending G Type of organization be ® Exempt under section 601(c) ( 3 ) '011 (insert number) OR ► ❑ section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust Note: Section 501(c)(3) exempt organizations and 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts MUST attach a completed Schedule A (Form 990). H(a) Is this a group return filed for affiliates? ........................ ❑ Yes ® No 1 If either box in H is checked "Yes," enter four -digit group (b) If "Yes," enter the number of affiliates for which this return is filed:. ► exemption number (GEN) ► (c) Is this a separate return filed by an organization covered by a J Accounting method: ❑ Cash ® Accrual arOUD ruling? ............................................ ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Other(soacifv) ► K Check here ► J If the organization's gross receipts are normally not more than $26,000. The organization need not file a return with the IRS; but if it received a Form 990 Package in the mail, it should file a return without financial data. Some states require a complete return. Note: Form 990-EZ may be used by oroanizations with cross receipts less than $100.000 and total assets less than $250.000 at and of vest. Ifar'k Revenue Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances see specific Instructions on page 15. R E v.......... E N u E 1 Contributions, gifts, grants, and similar amounts received: a Direct public support ................................................. I 1a 266,711 b Indirect public support ................................................ 1b c Government contributions (grants) ....................................... 1c d Total (add lines 1a through to) (attach schedule of contributors) (cash$ 266,711 noncash$ )........ See..Statement... 1 2 Program service revenue Including government fees and contracts (from Part VII, line 93).................... 3 Membership dues and assessments............................................................. 4 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments ................................................ 5 Dividends and interest from securities............................................................ ea Gross rents 68 b less: rental expenses ................................................. 6b c Net rental income or (loss) (subtract line 6b from line 6a)............................................. 7 Other investment income (describe ► ) (A) Securities (B) Other Ba Gross amount from sale of assets other than inventory .... Sa b Less: cost or other basis and sales expenses 8b c Gain or (loss) (attach schedule) 8c`�'� d Net gain or (loss) (combine line 8c, columns (A) and (B))............................................. 9 Special events and activities (attach schedule) a Gross revenue (not including $ of contributions reported on line 1a 9a���� p.................................................. It Less: direct expenses other than fundraising expenses ....................... c Net income or (loss) from special events (subtract line 9b from line 9a).................................. 10a Gross sales of inventory, less returns and allowances ........................ 10a b Less: cost of goods sold .............................................. 10b c Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory (attach schedule) (subtract line 101b from line 10a)................ 11 Other revenue (from Part Vll, line 103)........................................................... 12 Total revenue (add lines 1 d, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6c, 7, 8d, 9c, 10c, and 11)...................................... ..:::.:.::. ::..::...:.:. 266,711 .'. .... 111 2 823,307 3 4 5 ::.::...::. 6C 7 Bid 9c too 11 12 1 , 0 go TIT E v NE E s 13 Program services (from line 44, column (B))....................................................... 14 Management and general (from line 44, column (C))................................................ 15 Fundraising from line 44, column D 9(())........................................................... 16 Payments to affiliates (attach schedule)........................................................... 17 Total expenses add lines 16 and 44, column A 13 737, 835 14 233, 002 15 16 A E S T T IS 18 Excess or (deficit) for the year (subtract line 17 from line 12)........................................... 19 Net assets or fund balances at beginning of year (from line 73, column (A)) ............................... 20 Other changes in net assets or fund balances (attach explanation). ............................... 21 Net assets or fund balances at end of yew combine lines 18, 19, and 20................................ 18 119, 181 19 971, 173 20 21 1,090,354 KFA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 1 of the separate Instructions. 6,34 ,3,q )90 (1999) Fo(m990(1999) DESERT REHAB SERVICES INC. 23-7365064 Page Statement of All organizations must complete column(A).Columns(B),(CA and(D)are required for section 501(c)(3) and organizations and Functional Expenses section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts but optional forothers. (SeeSpecific Instructions on page 19.) Do not include amounts reported on line 6b, 8b, 9b, 10b, a 16 of Part I. (A) TO�I (8) Program services (C) Management and general (D) Fundraising . 22 Grants and allocations (att. sch.) ...............non (cash S cash S 1 23 Specific assistance to individuals (aft. sch.) ........ 24 Benefits paid to a for members (att. sch.) ......... 25 Compensation of officers, directors, etc............ 26 Other salaries and wages ...................... 27 Pension plan contributions ..................... 25 Other employee benefits ...................... 29 Payroll taxes ................................ 30 Professional fundraising fees ................... 31 Accounting fees ............................. 32 Legalfees.................................. 33 Supplies ................................... 34 Telephone ................................. 35 Postage and shipping ........................ 36 Occupancy ................................. 37 Equipment rental and maintenance .............. 38 Printing and publications ...................... 39 Travel ..................................... 40 Conferences, conventions, and meetings.......... 41 Interest .................................... 42 Depreciation, depletion, etc. (attach schedule)...... 43 Other expenses (itemize): a Statement 2 b 22'': 23 :: :.(.................:`.._......._.....::..:'...................;1 ...... I... ...... •..:: 24 25 26 479,850 364,686 115,164 27 29 71,658 54,460 17, 198 29 45,117 34,289 10,828 3o 31 20,547 15,616 4,931 32 33 15,295 11,624 3,671 34 11,649 8, 853 2,796 35 36 89,403 67,946 21,457 37 38 39 40 41 9,309 7,075 2,234 42 1 39,058 1 29,684 1 9,374 43a 188,951 143,602 45,349 43b c 43C d 43d Is 43e 44 Total functional expenses(add lines 22 thru 43)°gpnlatbns ufM completingcols(13HD), carry these totals tolMala-15.. 1 44 1 970, 837 737, 835 233, 002 0 Reporting of Joint Costs. Did you report in column (B) (Program services) any joint costs from a combined educational campaign and fundraising solicitation?..................................................................................... ► ❑ Yes ® No If "Yes," enter (1) the aggregate amount of these joint costs $ ; (II) the amount allocated to Program services $ II the amount allocated to Management and general $ ; and Iv the amount allocated to Fundraising$ ;Patt_1ii Statement of Program Service Accomolishments fSee SDecific Instructions on Dace 22.) What is the organization's primary exempt purpose? ► REHABILITATION All organizations must describe their exempt purpose achievements in a clear and concise manner. State the number of clients 9 P P P served, publications issued, etc. Discuss achievements that are not measurable. (Section 501(c)(3) and (4) organizations and 4947 e 1 nonexempt charitable trusts must also enter the amount of rants and allocations to others. ( )( ) P 9 ) Program Service Expenses (Required for 501(c)(3) and (4) orgs. and 4947(a)(1) trusts; but optional for others.) a ALCOHOL & DRUG REHABILITATION FACILITIES WITH DETOX FACILITIES, REHABILITATION AND AFTERCARE COUNSELING. (Grants and allocations$ 0 669,878 b (Grants and allocations $ ) c Grants and allocations $ ) d (Grants and allocations $ ) e Other program services attach schedule Grants and allocations $ _ t Total of Program service Expenses (should equal line 44, column (B), Program services) ............................. b 69 , 878 r 3 Form 990 It 999) Page 3 Par% fir€s' Balance Sheets (See Specific Instructions on page 22.) Note: Where required, attached schedules and amounts within the description column should be for end -of -year amounts only. (A) Beginning of year (B) End of year A S E T S 45 Cash - non -interest -bearing ..................................................... 46 Savings and temporary cash investments ........................................... 47a Accounts receivable .................................... 47a 42,328 b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts ...................... alb 48a Pledges receivable ..................................... 48a b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts ...................... 48b 49 Grants receivable............................................................. 50 Receivables from officers, directors, trustees, and key employees (attach sch)............... 51 a Other notes and loans receivable (attach schedule) 51a bLess; allowance for doubtful accounts ...................... 51b 52 Inventories for sale or use ....................................................... 53 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges ............................................ 54 Investments - securities (attach schedule) .......................................... 55a Investments - land, buildings, and equipment: basis............................................... 558 b Less: accumulated depreciation (attach schedule) ............. I 55b 56 Investments - other (attach schedule) .............................................. 579 Land, buildings, and equipment: basis ..................... I 57e 1 1,623,809 bless: accumulated depreciation (attach schedule)Stmt..... 3 1 57b 1 620,943 58 Other assets (describe ►See Statement 4 ) 59 Total assets (add lines 45 through 58) (must equal line 74) ............................. 276,796 45 233,935 46 33,332 42,328 47c ��•������ 48c 49 So 1, 780 •"�'�'� 51c 52 1,797 53 132 54 55c 56 843,654 57c 1,002,866 58 1,001 1,157,359 59 1,280,262 1 A B I L I r E S 60 Accounts payable and accrued expenses ........................................... 61 Grants payable............................................................... 62 Deferred revenue............................................................. 63 Loans from officers, directors, trustees, and key employees attach schedule Y( )............... 64 a Tax-exempt bond liabilities (attach schedule) ........................................ b Mortgages and other notes payable attach schedule ()............. .................... 65 Other liabilities (describe 0-) 66 Total liabilities (add lines 60 through 65)........................................... 36,785 6o 50,771 61 62 63 64a 149,400 sab 139,137 1 65 186,186 66 189,908 a E T a s E s T s o R uP N 0 B � N c E s Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here ► ® and complete lines 67 through 69 and lines 73 and 74. 67 unrestricted...............................................0.................. 68 Temporarily restricted ............................... 0.......................... 69 Permanently restricted.......................................................... Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here ► ❑ and complete lines 70 through 74. 70 Capital stock, trust principal, or current funds ........................................ 71 Paid -in or capital surplus, or land, building, and equipment fund ......................... 72 Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated income, or other funds ..................... 73 Total net assets or fund balances (add lines 67 through 69 OR lines 70 through 72; column (A) must equal line 19 and column (B) must equal line 21)........................ 74 Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances (add lines 66 and 73) ..................... 971,173 � :.:...:.. 1,090,354 67 68 69 70 71 72 971, 173 iiU.: 1,090,354 73 1,157,359 74 1,280,262 Form 990 is available for public inspection and, for some people, serves as the primary or sole source of information about a particular organization. How the public perceives an organization in such cases may be determined by the information presented on its return. Therefore, please make sure the return is complete and accurate and fully describes, in Part III, the organization's programs and accomplishments. C 3 u Fam9e0(1996) DESERT REHAB SERVICES INC. 23-7365064 Page t ilj� Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited i tt lY. 8 ; Reconciliation of Expenses per Audited Financial Statements with Revenue per Financial Statements with Expenses per Return (See Specific Instructions, page 24.) Return a Total revenue, gains, and other support per audited financial statements ......... No b Amounts included on line a but not on line 12, Form 990: (1) Net unrealized gains on investments ..... $ (2) Donated services and use of facilities .. $ (3) Recoveries of prior year grants ........ $ (4) Other (specify): Add amounts on lines (1) through (4) ..... ► o Line a minus line to ................... ► d Amounts included on line 12, Form 990 but not on line a: (1) Investment expenses not included on line 6b, Form 990 ... (2) Other (specify): a Total expenses and losses per audited financial statements ............... ► a 970 837 b Amounts included on line a but not on . Form 990' line 17 F ....................::....................' (1) Donated services and use of facilities.... (2) Prior year adjustments reported on line 20, Form 990 ........... $ (3) Losses reported on line 20, Form 990..... $ (4) Other (specify): Add amounts on lines (1) through (4) ....... ► 1, 09 0 , 018 c Line a minus line b ..................... ► d Amounts included on line 17, .............................. Form or 990 but not on line a: (1) Investment expenses not included on line 6b, Form 990 ........... $ (2) Other (specify): Add amounts on lines (1) and (2) ........ ► d Add amounts on lines (1) and (2) .......... ► Jill e Total revenue per line 12, Form 990 a Total expenses par line 17, Form 990 MRluslined .................... ► e 1,090,018 lines lusline d ...................... ► e 970,837 Mittt€:Y; List of Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees (List each one even if not compensated; see Specific Instructions on Daoe 24.) (N Name and ad dress (9)Tltle and average hours per week devoted to position ((.) Compensation (If not paiQ enter -0-.) to employee benefit benelfit plans a defamed compensation aons Eense acccounland other allowances BARBARA BAXTER PAST PRESIDEN None 0 0 0 258 CASTELLANA SOUTH PALM DESERT CA 92260 (ZAYNE STIGALL SECRETARY None 0 0 0 72630 LOTUS COURT PALM DESERT, CA 92260 2ANDY HEWITSON TREASURER None 0 0 0 44850 SAN PABLO AVENUE PALM DESERT, CA 92260 PICK MESA EXEC DIRECTOR None 0 0 0 10272 ORCHIDTREE COURT PALM DESERT, CA 92260 BOB REORDAN President None 0 0 0 13650 VIA BODALONA PALM DESERT, CA 92211 70E SOLOMON VICE PRESIDEN None 0 0 0 34 CALLE CLAIRE PALM DESERT, CA 92260 75 Did any officer, director, trustee, or key employee receive aggregate compensation of more than $100,000 from your organization and all related organizations, of which more than $10,000 was provided by the related organizations? .......................... ► ❑ Yes ® No If "Yes;' attach schedule - see Specific Instructions on page 25. 1,^1 V 3 1� Farm 960(1999) Fcrm9e0(1999)DESERT REHAB SERVICES, INC. 23-7365064 Page 5 !FC iit• Other Information (See Specific Instructions on oaae 25.) I Yes I No 76 Did the organization engage in any activity not previously reported to the IRS? If "Yes," attach a detailed description of eachactivity ............................................................................................... 77 Were any changes made in the organizing or governing documents but not reported to the IRS? .............................. If "Yes," attach a conformed copy of the changes. 78 a Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year covered by this return? ............. b If "Yes," has it filed a tax return on Form 290-T for this year?.......................................................... 79 Was there a liquidation, dissolution, termination, or substantial contraction during the year? ........:....:............ . If"Yes," attach astatement.................................................................................... 79 X 80 a Is the organization related (other than by association with a statewide or nationwide organization) through common membership, governing bodies, trustees, officers, etc., to any other exempt or nonexempt organization? ................................... e0a X b If "Yes," enter the name of the organization ► N/A .. ... . ............ and check whether it is U exempt OR U nonexempt. 81 a Enter the amount of political expenditures, direct or indirect, as described in the Instructions for line 81 . 181a 1 0 It Did the organization file Form 1120-POL for this year?.............................................................. 82 a Did the organization receive donated services or the use of materials, equipment, or facilities at no charge or at substantially less than fair rental value?.................................................................................... b If "Yes," you may indicate the value of these items here. Do not include this amount as revenue in Part I or as an expense in Part II. (See instructions for reporting in Part III.) ....................... 182b I N/A 83a Did the organization comply with the public inspection requirements for returns and exemption applications? .................... 93a I X b Did the organization comply with the disclosure requirements relating to quid pro quo contributions? ........................... 83b i X 84a Did the organization solicit any contributions or gifts that were not tax deductible? ......................................... 848 X b If "Yes," did the organization include with every solicitation an express statement that such contributions or gifts were not <!: .. taxdeductible?............................................................................................. 84b N A 85 501(c)(4), (5), or (6) organizations. a Were substantially all dues nondeductible by members? ............................... 85a N A b Did the organization make only in-house lobbying expenditures of $2,000 or less? ......................................... 85b N A If "Yes" was answered to either 85a or 85b, do not complete 850 through 85h below unless the organization received a waiver for proxy tax owed for the prior year. c Dues, assessments, and similar amounts from members ..................................... 85c N/A d Section 162(e) lobbying and political expenditures .......................................... 85tl N/A e Aggregate nondeductible amount of section 6033(e)(1)(A) dues notices .......................... 85e N/A If Taxable amount of lobbying and political expenditures (line 86d less 85e) ........................ 85f N/A g Does the organization elect to pay the section 6033(e) tax on the amount in 85f? In If section 6033(e)(1)(A) dues notices were sent, does the organization agree to add the amount in 85f to its reasonable estimate of dues allocable to nondeductible lobbying and political expenditures for the following tax year? .............................. 85h 1 N A 86 501(c)(7) organizations. Enter: a Initiation fees and capital contributions included on line 12.................................... 86a N/A "` R ER ::'s:fi�::'::.,t' is b Gross receipts, included on line 12, for public use of club facilities .............................. 86b N/A :•:•�••� 87 501(c)(12) organizations. Enter: a Gross income from members or shareholders .............................................. 87a N/A b Gross income from other sources. (Do not net amounts due or paid to other sources against amounts due or received from them.)........................................................... I 87b N/A 88 At any time during the year, did the organization own a 60% or greater interest in a taxable corporation or partnership? If"Yes," complete Part IX..................................................................................... 89a 501(c)(3) organizations. Enter: Amount of tax imposed on the organization during the year under: section 4911► 0 ; section 4912 ► 0 ; section 4955 ► 0 b 601(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations. Did the organization engage in any section 4958 excess benefit transaction during the year? If "Yes," attach a statement explaining each transaction...................................................... c Enter: Amount of tax imposed on the organization managers or disqualified persons during the year under sections 4912, 4955, and 4958.............................................................................► 0 d Enter: Amount of tax in 89c, above, reimbursed by the organization ................................................► 0 90a List the states with which a copy of this return is filed ► None b Number of employees employed in the pay period that includes March 12, 1999 (See instructions.) .......................... 90b 0 91 The books are in care of ► CREATIVE BOOKKEEPING Telephone no. ► 760 - 340 -173 8 Locatedat ► 74-633 EL PASEO #K, PALM DESERT, CA ZIP+4 ► 92260 92 Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990 in lieu of Form 1041 - Check here................................N/A ► ❑ and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the tax Year ............... ► 1 92 I N/A Form 990 (1999) G38 Fo:mgeo(1985) DESERT REHAB SERVICES, INC. 23-7365064 Page Pdkt NqUI Analysis of Income-ProducingActivities (See Specific Instructions on page 29.) Enter gross amounts unless otherwise indicated. 93 Program service revenue: a ALCOHOL & DRUG REHAB Unrelated business income Excluded by section 512, 513, or 514 (E) Related or exempt function income (A) Business code (B) Amount (C) Exclusion code (D) Amount 784,075 bINTEREST 14 4,028 cFOOD STAMPS 3 33,338 dVENDING & LAUNDRY 3 1,866 e f Medicare/Medicaid payments ................ g Fees and contracts from government agencies ... 94 Membership dues and assessments .......... . 95 Interest on savings & temporary cash investments 96 Dividends and interest from securities .......... 97 Net rental income or (loss) from real estate: a debt -financed property ..................... b not debt -financed property ................. . 98 Net rental income or (loss) from personal property 99 Other investment income .................... 100 Gain/loss from sales of assets other than inventory 101 Net income or (loss) from special events ........ 102 Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory ..... 103 Other revenue: a b c d e 104 Subtotal (add (columns (B), (D), and (E))........ ..,; ..N ' .'.> <t 823,307 105 Total (add line 104, columns (B), (D), and (E))........................................................ ► 823,307 Note: (Line 105 plus line 1d, Part 1, should equal the amount on line 12, Part I.) RArt,,V it, Relationship of Activities to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes (See Specific Instructions on page 30.) Line No. Explain how each activity for which income is reported in column (E) of Part VII contributed importantly to the accomplishment of the organization's exempt purposes (other than by providing funds for such purposes). N/A RfiK.:3C; Information Regarding Taxable Subsidiaries and Disregarded Entities (see specific Instruction on page 30) Name,address, and employer identification number of corporation or partnership Percentage of ownership Interest Nature of business activities Total Income End -of -year assets VA % Please Sign Here Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than officer) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge. (important: See General Instruction U, on page 14.) ' Signature of officer Date Type or print name and title. Paid Preparers' signature Robert E. Boseant CPA Date 11/16/00 Check if sell - employed ► ❑ Preparer's SSN or PTIN Preparer's Use Only Boseant Naffzi er & Piper CPAs Firm's name for yoursifself-employed) 44-100 Monterey#204 and address Palm Desert, CA EIN ► ----- ZIP+4 ► 92260 V 3 V 9g9 (1999) SCHEDULE A Organization Exempt Under Section 501(c)(3) (Form 990) (except Private Foundation) and Section 501(a), 501(f), 501(k), 501(n), or Section 4947(a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable Trust Supplementary Information - (See separate instructions.) Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service ► Must be completed by the above organizations and attached to their Form 990 or 99o-EZ. OMB No. 1545-0047 1999 Name of the organisation Employer identacatlan number DESERT REHAB SERVICES, INC. 1 23-7365064 ;;t[ t':`<t':;d Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Employees Other Than Officers, Directors, and Trustees (See page 1 of the instructions. List each one. If there are none, enter "None.") (b) Titleantlaverage hours (d) Contributions to (a)Expense (a) Norma an tl address of each employee paid more than $50,000 per week tlavototl to position (c) Compensation employee benefit plans & account and other None Total number of other employees paid over $50,000 ► 1 0 Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Independent Contractors for Professional Services (See page 1 of the instructions. List each one (whether individuals or firms.) If there are none, enter "None.") (a) Name and address of each Independent contractor paid more than $50,000 None Total number of others receiving over $50,000 for (b) Type of service I (c) Compensation ....:.:: .::..:::. ............ For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 1 of the Instructions for Form 990 and Form 990 EZ Schedule i (Form 990) 1999 KFA 040 9ealies9 Statements About Activities I Yes I No 1 During the year, has the organization attempted to influence national, state, or local legislation, including any attempt to influence public opinion on a legislative matter or referendum?....................................................... 1 X If "Yes," enter the total expenses paid or incurred in connection with the lobbying activities. ► $ NSA Organizations that m O a made an election under section 501 h b filing Form 5768 must complete Part VI -A. Otherorganizations 9 O Y g pate a o< e ch eckin g "Yes," must complete Part VI-B AND attach a statement giving a detailed description of the lobbying activities. ......................... :..:::. 2 During the year, has the organization, either directly or indirectly, engaged in any of the following acts with any of its trustees, directors, officers, creators, key employees, or members of their families, or with any taxable organization with which any such person is affiliated as an officer, director, trustee, majority owner, or principal beneficiary: a Sale, exchange, or leasing of property?......................................................................... b Lending of money or other extension of credit?................................................................... c Furnishing of goods, services, or facilities?...................................................................... d Payment of compensation (or payment or reimbursement of expenses if more than$1,000)?................................ e Transfer of any part of its income or assets?..................................................................... If the answer to any question is "Yes," attach a detailed statement explaining the transactions. 3 Does the organization make grants for scholarships, fellowships, student loans, etc.? ..................................... 4a Do you have asection 403(b)annuity plan for your employees?...................................................... b Attach a statement to explain how the organization determines that individuals or organizations receiving grants or loans from it 28 X 2b X 2c X 2d X 2e X 3 X 4a X Part;l Reason for Non -Private Foundation Status (See pages 2 through 4 of the instructions.) The organization is not a private foundation because It is: (Please check only ONE applicable box): 5 ❑ A church, convention of churches, or association of churches. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(i). 6 ❑ A school. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii). (Also complete Part V, page 4.) 7 ® A hospital or a cooperative hospital service organization. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(iii). 8 ❑ A Federal, state, or local government or governmental unit. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(v). 9 ❑ A medical research organization operated in conjunction with a hospital. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(iii). Enter the hospital's name, city, and state 10 ❑ An organization operated for the benefit of a college or university owned or operated by a governmental unit. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(iv). (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV -A.) 11 a ❑ An organization that normally receives a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or from the general public. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi). (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV -A.) 11 b ❑ A community trust. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(A). (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV -A.) 12 ❑ An organization that normally receives: (1) more than 33 1/3% of its support from contributions, membership fees, and gross receipts from activities related to its charitable, etc., functions —subject to certain exceptions, and (2) no more than 33 1/3% of its support from gross investment income and unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 tax) from businesses acquired by the organization after June 30, 1976. See section 509(a)(2). (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV -A.) 13 ❑ An organization that is not controlled by any disqualified persons (other than foundation managers) and supports organizations described in: (1) lines 5 through 12 above; or (2) section 501(c)(4), (5), or (6), if they meet the test of section 509(a)(2). (See section 509(a)(3).) Provide the following information about the supported organizations. (See page 4 of the instructions.) (a) Name(s) of supported organization(s) I (b) Line number from above 14 ❑ An organization organized and operated to test for public safety. Section 509(a)(4). (See page 4 of the instructions.) Schedule A (for 0419 A!9 StheduleA(Fwm990)l999 DESERT REHAB SERVICES INC. 23-7365064 Page ah`:1 Support SChedule (Complete only if you checked a box online 10, 11, or 12.) Use cash method of accounting. Note: You may use the worksheet in the instructions for converting from the accrual to the cash method of accounting. Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in)...... ► (a) 1998 (b) /997 (c) 1996 (d) 1995 (e) Total 15 Gifts, grants, and contributions received. (Do not include unusual grants. See line 28.) ............ N/A 16 Membership fees received ....... 17 Gross receipts from admissions, merchandles sold or services performed, or turn ism ing of fee l lit iss in any act lvlty that Is note business unrelated to the organizat Ion's charitable, etc., purpose . 18 Gross Income from Interest, dividends, amounts received from payments on securities (section 512(alrs)i, rents, royalties, and unrelated business taxable Income (1 ass section s11 taxes) from businesses acquired by the organization after June 39, 1975 .............. . 19 Net income from unrelated business activities not included in line 18 ... 20 Tax revenues levied for the organization's benefit and either paid to it or expended on its behalf 21 The value of services or facilities furnished to the organization by a governmental unit without charge. Do not Include the value of services or facilities generally furnished to the public without charge ......... 22 Other income. Attach a sch. Do not include gain or (loss) from sale of capital assets ..... 4 ........... 23 Total of lines 15 through 22 ...... 24 Line 23 minus line 17 ........... 25 Enter 1 of line 23............. .................................... 26 Organizations described on lines 10 or 11: a Enter 2% of amount in column (a), line 24 ............ N/A ..... III 26a ex b Attach a list (which is not open to public inspection) showing the name of and amount contributed by each person (other than a government unit or publicly supported organization) whose total gifts for 1995 through 1998 exceeded 26b the amount shown in line 26a. Enter the sum of all these excess amounts ...................................... 10. c Total support for section 509(a)(1) test: Enter line 24, column(e).............................................► :..:..:..:... .::......:...:...>:.,:. ,............... ....,:,.,:.,:.: 26c It Add: Amounts from column I for co u (e) o lines: 18 19 26d 22 26b ................► 26e e Public support (line 26c minus line 26d total)............................................................ file, f Public support percentage (line 26e (numerator) divided by line 26c (denominator)) .......................... Me I 26f % 27 Organizations described on line 12: a For amounts included in lines 15, 16, and 17 that were received from a "disqualified person," attach a list to show the name of, and total amounts received in each year from, each "disqualified person." Enter the sum of such amounts for each year: N/A (1998) (1997) (1996) (1995) b For any amount included in line 17 that was received from a nondisqualified person, attach a list to show the name of, and amount received for each year, that was more than the larger of (1) the amount on line 25 for the year or (2) $5,000. (Include in the list organizations described in lines 5 through 11, as well as individuals.) After computing the difference between the amount received and the larger amount described in (1) or (2), enter the sum of all these differences (the excess amounts) for each year: (1998) (1997) c Add: Amounts from column (e) for lines: 15 17 20 d Add: Line 27a total . . (1996) 16 21 and line 27b total ......... (1995) ..........► ..........► e Public support (line 27c total minus line 27d total)........................................................► f Total support for section 509(a)(2) test: Enter amount on line 23, column (a) .......... le 127f g Public support percentage (line 27e (numerator) divided by line 27f (denominator)) ..........................► h Investment Income percentage (line 18, column (a) (numerator) divided byline 271(denominator)) .............. le 26 Unusual Grants: For an organization described in line 10, 11, a 12 that received any unusual grants during 1995 through 1998, attach a list (which Is not open to public inspection) for each year showing the name of the contributor, the date and amount of the grant, and a brief description of the nature of tho grant. Do not include these grants in line 15. (See page 4 of the instructions.) N/A C 4 2 ScheduleA lFarmi l� edme A,(Porm99o)1999 DESERT REHAB SERVICES. INC. 23-7365064 Page Private School Questionnaire (See page 4 of the instructions.) (To be completed ONLY by schools that checked the box on line 6 in Part IV) N 29 Does the organization have a racially nondiscriminatory policy toward students by statement in its charter, bylaws, other governing instrument, or in a resolution of its governing body?......................................................... 30 Does the organization include a statement of its racially nondiscriminatory policy toward students in all its brochures, catalogues, and other written communications with the public dealing with student admissions, programs, and scholarships? ................. 31 Has the organization publicized its racially nondiscriminatory policy through newspaper or broadcast media during the period of solicitation for students, or during the registration period if it has no solicitation program, in a way that makes the policy known to all parts of the general community it serves?..................................................................... If "Yes," please describe; if "No," please explain. (If you need more space, attach a separate statement.) 32 Does the organization maintain the following: a Records indicating the racial composition of the student body, faculty, and administrative staff? ............................... b Records documenting that scholarships and other financial assistance are awarded on a racially nondiscriminatory basis? .......... c Copies of all catalogues, brochures, announcements, and other written communications to the public dealing with student admissions, programs, and scholarships?......................................................................... d Copies of all material used by the organization or on Its behalf to solicit contributions? ...................................... If you answered "No" to any of the above, please explain. (If you need more space, attach a separate statement.) 33 Does the organization discriminate by race in anyway with respect to: a Students'rights or privileges?.................................................................................. b Admissions policies?......................................................................................... c Employment of faculty or administrative staff?...................................................................... d Scholarships or other financial assistance?........................................................................ eEducational policies?......................................................................................... fUse of facilities?............................................................................................ gAthletic programs?.......................................................................................... h Other extracurricular activities?................................................................................. If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, please explain. (If you need more space, attach a separate statement.) 34a Does the organization receive any financial aid or assistance from a governmental agency? .................................. b Has the organization's right to such aid ever been revoked or suspended? ............................................... If you answered "Yes" to either 34a or b, please explain using an attached statement. 36 Does the organization certify that it has complied with the applicable requirements of sections 4.01 through 4.05 of Rev. Proc. 75-50, No Schedule A (Form) 1999 G43 Schedule A(Form San) less DESERT REHAB SERVICES, INC. 23-7365064 PageS gj�Lobbying Expenditures by Electing Public Charities (See page 6 of the instructions.) N/A (To be completed ONLY by an eligible organization that filed Form 5768) Check here ► a ❑ if the organization belongs to an affiliated group. Check here No b ❑ if you checked "a" above and "limited control" Provisions aooly. Limits on Lobbying Expenditures Affiliated group To be completed (The term 'expenditures" means amounts aid or incurred.) totals for ALL electing P P nrALLelfinne 36 Total lobbying expenditures to influence public opinion (grassroots lobbying) .................... 37 Total lobbying expenditures to influence a legislative body (direct lobbying) ..................... 38 Total lobbying expenditures (add lines 36 and 37)......................................... 39 Other exempt purpose expenditures................................................... 40 Total exempt purpose expenditures (add lines 38 and 39)................................... 41 Lobbying nontaxable amount. Enter the amount from the following table - If the amount on line 40 is - The lobbying nontaxable amount is - Not over $500,000...................... 20% of the amount on line 40................ . Over $500,000 but not over $1,000,0D0...... $100,000 plus 15% of the excess over $500,000 . . Over $1,000,000 but not over $1,500,000 .... $175,000 plus 10% of the excess over $1,000,000 Over $1,500,000 but not over $17,000,000 ... $225,000 plus 5% of the excess over $1,500,000. . Over$17,000,000......................$1,000,000............................... 42 Grassroots nontaxable amount (enter 25% of line 41)...................................... 43 Subtract line 42 from line 36. Enter -0- if line 42 is more than line 36 .......................... 44 Subtract line 41 from line 38. Enter -0- if line 41 is more than line 38 .......................... Caution: If there is an amount on either line 43 or line 44, you must file Form 4720. 4-Year Averaging Period Under Section 501(h) (Some organizations that made a section 501(h) election do not have to complete all of the five columns below. See the instructions for lines 45 through 50 on Pace 7 of the instructions.) Lobbying Expenditures During 4-Year Averaging Period Calendar year (a) I (b) I W I (d) I (a) (or fiscal year beginning In) ► 1999 1998 1997 1996 Total 45 46 47 Total nontaxable amount.... . ceiling amount line 45(e))............ 49 Grassroots of (150% of line amount Lobbying Activity by Nonelecting Public Charities (For reporting only by organizations that did not complete Part VI -A) (See page 8 of the instructions.) N/A During the year, did the organization attempt to influence national, state or local legislation, including any attempt to influence public opinion on a legislative matter or referendum, through the use of: aVolunteers...................................................................................... b Paid staff or management (Include compensation in expenses reported on lines c through h.)...................... c Media advertisements............................................................................. d Mailings to members, legislators, or the public........................................................... e Publications, or published or broadcast statements....................................................... f Grants to other organizations for lobbying purposes...................................................... g Direct contact with legislators, their staffs, government officials, or a legislative body .............................. h Rallies, demonstrations, seminars, conventions, speeches, lectures, or any other means .......................... Total lobbying expenditures (add lines c through h)...................................................... If "Yes" to any of the above, also attach a statement giving a detailed description of the lobbying activities. Amount Schedule A (Form 990) 1999 11414 schedule n (Form e90)1e99 DESERT REHAB SERVICES, INC. 23-7365064 Page Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharitable Exempt Organizations (See page 3 of the instructions.) 51 Did the reporting organization directly or indirectly engage in any of the following with any other organization described in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political organizations? a Transfers from the reporting organization to a noncharitable exempt organization of: (1) Cash................................................................................................ (it) Other assets.......................................................................................... b Other transactions: (I) Sales or exchanges of assets with a noncharitable exempt organization ............................................ (It) Purchases of assets from a noncharitable exempt organization................................................... (III) Rental of facilities, or other assets.......................................................................... (Iv) Reimbursement arrangements............................................................................ (v) Loans orloan guarantees................................................................................ (vi) Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations ................................................ c Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees ........................................... d If the answer to any of the above is "Yes," complete the following schedule. Column (b) should always show the fair market value of the goods, other assets, or services given by the reporting organization. If the organization received less than fair market value in any transaction or sharing arrangement, show in column (d) the value of the goods, other assets, or services received. Yes FNo 61a(1) X a(ii) X b(i) X b(II) X b(fill) X b(iv) X b(v) X b(vi) X c X (a) Line no. (b) Amount involved (c) Name of noncharitable exempt organization (d) Description of transfers transactions, and sharing arrangements N/A 62a Is the organization directly or indirectly affiliated with, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations described in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3)) or in section 527?........................................................ ► ❑ Yes ® No b If "Yes," complete the (a) I (b) I M Name of organization Type of organization Description of relationship 1999 Federal Statements Page 1 DESERT REHAB SERVICES, INC. 23-7365064 Statement 1 Form 990, Part I, Line 1d Contributions, Gifts, and Grants Not Open To Public Inspection Direct Contributions: Amount Contributor's Name Contributor's Address of Contr. DAVID TANNER TRUST 1930 S. STATE STREET $ 10,000 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84115 JOHN P. MC GOVERN M.D. 2211 NORFOLK, SUITE 900 60,000 HOUSTON, TX 77098-4044 AGUA CALIENTE BAND OF CAHUILLA 600 E. TAHQUITZ CANYON WAY 10,000 PALM SPRINGS, CA 92240 JEANNE S. ANDERSON 166 KIVA DRIVE 5,215 PALM DESERT, CA 92260 H.N. & FRANCES BERGER FOUND. P.O. BOX 13390 70,000 PALM DESERT, CA 92255 CORINNE & JOSEPH SOLOMON 34 CALLE CLAIRE 5,000 PALM DESERT, CA 92260 DESERT HEALTHCARE DISTRICT P.O. BOX 1508 50,000 PALM SPRINGS, CA 92263 THE CITY OF INDIAN WELLS 44950 ELDORADO DRIVE 5,000 INDIAN WELLS, CA 92210-7497 TUSCANY DESIGN & COMPANY, INC. 1400 E. CHAPMAN AVE 5,000 ORANGE, CA 92866 JEANNE ANDERSON GARRETT 166 KIVA DRIVE 25,000 PALM DESERT, CA 92260 DESERT CHARITIES, INC. P 0 BOX 865 9,000 RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270 MONA & EDWARD SHER #24 AVENIDA ANDRA 5,000 PALM DESR, CA 92260 THE CITY OF PALM DESERT 73510 FRED WARING DRIVE 5,000 PALM DESERT, CA 92260 r. A lV '2 t. 1999 Federal Statements Page 2 DESERT REHAB SERVICES, INC. 23-7365064 11 1 11:34 am Statement 1 (Continued) Form 990, Part I, Line 1d Contributions, Gift, and Grants Direct Contributions: Contributor's Name Contributor's Address JOHN & BARBARA FRIEDRICH FOUND 100 TOWN CENTER DR #100 OXNARD, CA 93030 Direct Contributions less than $5,000 Total Direct Contributions, Line la Total Contributions, Line id Amount of Contr. 6,000 $ -3,504 $ 266,711 $ 266,711 c 4'11 1999 Federal Statements Page 3 DESERT REHAB SERVICES, INC. 23-7365064 11 am Statement 2 Form 990, Part II, Line 43 Other Expenses (A) (B) (C) (D) Program Management Other Expenses Total Services & General Fundraising AUTO EXPENSES $ 19,356 14,711 4,645 CASUAL LABOR 13,344 10,141 3,203 EDUCATION & TRAINING 3,023 2,297 726 FOOD 65,170 49,529 15,641 INSURANCE 28,159 21,401 6,758 LICENSES & FEES 3,029 2,302 727 LIFE INSURANCE 601 457 144 PROGRAM MATERIAL 45,045 34,234 10,811 PROPERTY TAXES 148 112 36 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE 11,076 8,418 2,658 Total $ 188,951 143,602 45,349 0 Statement 3 Form 990, Part IV, Line 57 Land, Buildings, and Equipment Accum. Book Asset Basis Deprec. Value Miscellaneous $ 1,623,809 620,943 1,002,866 Total $ 1,623,809 620,943 1,002,866 Statement 4 Form 990, Part IV, Line 58 Other Assets Ending DEPOSITS ................................................... $ 1,000 Rounding................................................... 1 Total $ 1,001 048 YEAR California Exempt Organization 1999 Annual Information Return FORM 199 For calendar or fiscal year beginning month 07 day 01 year 1999, and ending month 06 day 3 w 2 00 0 �'AII't',Yuttr:l1t1d1bbrot0�;��11§�ed ::::AFlnalraturnT ❑Ves.lfyes,checkapplicablebox No Califom lacorporation number Federal employer identification number 0 ❑ Dissolved ❑ withdrawn ❑ Merged/R a organbe If(attach explanation) D 0668920 23-7365064 If a box is checked, enter date Attach Preaddressed Label B Check iamsfiled this year: State: ❑ log ❑ 100 loos or See Instructions Federal: N 990 ❑ 990EZ ❑ 990T ❑ 99OPF ❑ 1041 ❑ 1120H ❑ 1120 C If organization is exempt under R&TC Section 23701dand isaschool, Corporation/Organization name public charity, religious organization, or Is controlled by a religious organization, check box See General Instruction F. No filing fee Is required. • ❑ DESERT REHAB SERVICES, INC. D Is this a group filing? See General Instruction M......... • ❑ yes N No Address PMBno. E Accounting method used Accrual F Type of organization ElExempt under Section 23701 (insert letter) 7885 ANNANDALE AVENUE ❑ IRC Section 4947(a$1) trust DESERT HOT SPRINGS, CA 92240 Part I Complete Part I unless not required to file this form. See General Instructions B and C. 1 Gross sales or receipts from other sources. From Side 2, Part 11, line 8............................• 1 1 823, 3071 2 2 Gross dues and assessments from members and affiliates .....................................• 3 1 266 711 Receipts 3 Gross contributions, gifts, grants, and similar amounts received. See instructions.S.t&tettlent... 10 "' and Revenues 4 Total gross receipts for filing requirement test Add line 1 through line 3 This line must be completed. If the result is less than $25,000, see General Instruction, C............ • 4 1 1, 090,018 .' (Attach ch eck 5 Cost of goods sold ............................................ 5'. or money order here.) 6 Cost or other basis and sales a enses of assets sold ..... expenses """""' 6 ' 7 7 Total costs. Add line 5 and line 6.......................................................... a 1 , 090, 01$ 8 Total gross income. Subtract line 7 from line 4................................................ 9 Total expenses and disbursements. From Side 2, Part II, line 18.................................. 9 970 837 10 119, 181 Expenses 10 Excess of receipts over expenses and disbursements. Subtract line 9 from line 8 ..................... 11 Filing fee $10 or $25. See General Instruction F................................................ 11 10 . Filing Fee 12 Penalty for failure to file on time. See General Instruction L....................................... 12 13 Balance due. Add line 11 and line 12........................................................ 13 10 . 14 If exempt under R&TC Section 23701 d, has the organization during the year: (1) participated in any political campaign or (2) attempted to influence legislation or any ballot measure, or (3) made an election under R&TC Section 23704.5 (relating to lobbying by public charities)? If "yes," complete and attach form FTB 3509, Political or Legislative Activities ❑ Yes N No by Section 23701d Organizations.............................................................................. 15 Did the organization have any changes in its activities, governing instrument, articles of incorporation, or bylaws that have not been reported to the Franchise Tax Board? If "yes," complete an explanation and attach copies of revised documents ......... ❑ Yes N No 16 Is the organization exempt under R&TC Section 23701g?........................................................... ❑ Yes N No If "yes," enter amount of gross receipts from nonmember sources $ 17 Did the organization file Form 100, Form 100S, or Form 109 to report taxable income? ..................................... ❑ Yes N No If "yes," enter amount of total income reported $ 19 The financial records are in care of CREATIVE BOOKKEEPING Daytime telephone 760-340-1738 Please Sign Here Paid Preparer's Use only locatedat 74-633 EL PASEO #K, PALM DESERT, CA 92260 Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, Including accompanying sc he du lea and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it Is true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) Is based on all Information of which preparer has any knowledge. Title ► ► Signature of officer Date Telephone Preparer's signature ► Robert E. Boseant, CPA Firm's name(oryours, Boseant If self-employed)and ► 44-100 address & Piper CPAs preparer's social security no./PTIN Check if self-employed ❑ 570-86-3474 FEIN 1313-()A'��,dd1 760) 568- For Privacy Act Notice, gel form FTB 1131. 19999104059 F— Form 199 C1 G-29 A DESERT REHAB SERVICES. INC. 23-7365064 Part II r Organizations with gross receipts of more then $25,000 and private foundations regardless of amount of gross receipts - comolete Part II or furnish substitute information. See Soeciflc Line Instructions. Receipts from Other Sources 1 Gross sales or receipts from all business activities. See instructions page 3 ........................ 2 Interest............................................................................ 3 Dividends.......................................................................... 4 Gross rents......................................................................... 5 Gross royalties....................................................................... 6 Gross amount received from sale of assets ................................................. 7 other income. Attach schedule ............................... S.ee.Statement.... 2.. 8 Total gross sales or receipts from other sources. Add line 1 through line 7. Enter here and on Side 1, Part I, line 1.................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 823,307 ::•••+:'.•••��_,..,:o::.�:::.�::.�,:�,:<?'. a 823, 307 Expenses and Disburse- ments14 9 Contributions, gifts, grants, and similar amounts paid. Attach schedule ............................ 10 Disbursements to or for members........................................................ 11 Compensation of officers, directors and trustees. Attach schedule .... S.ee . Statement....3.. 12 Other salaries and wages.............................................................. 13 Interest............................................................................ Taxes.............................................................................. 15 Rents.............................................................................. 16 Depreciation and depletion............................................................. 17 Other. Attach schedule ..................................... Sae. Stat.ement.... 4.. 18 Total expenses and disbursements. Add line 9 through line 17. Enter here and on Side 1, Part I, line 9 .. 9 10 11 12 479 , 850 13 9, 309 14 45 117 15 89, 403 16 39, 058 17 308 100 18 970, 837 Assets (a) (b) c) (tl t Cash ............................ 276,796 233,935 2 Net accounts receivable .............. ..:..j 33,332 42,328 3 Net notes receivable. Attach schedule... .. ,. 1,780 4 Inventories ........................ - '14 11 5 Federal and state government obligations 6 Investments in other bonds. Attach schedule 7 Investments in stock. Attach schedule ........... 8 Mortgage loans (number of loans ) 9 Other investments. Attach schedule.....- " r•" 10 a Depreciable assets ........................ 1,425,539:< '�; .;: 1,623,809 .: b Less accumulated depreciation ..............( 581,8851) 843,654 ( 620,943 ) 1,002,866 11 Land...................................... 12 Other assets. Attach schedule . S.ee . StM... 5 1,797 1,133 13 Total assets ....................... 1,157,359 Liabilities and net worth 14 Accounts payable .................. .. 36, 785 ;' 50,771 15 Contributions, gifts, or grants payable ... 16 Bonds and notes payable. Attach sch ........... ':..'"� n Mortgages payable ................. 149,400 t 139,137 18 Other liabilities. Attach schedule ............... 1 19 Capital stock or principle fund......... 971,173 ;# 1,090,354 20 Paid -in or capital surplus. Attach reconciliation 21 Retained earnings or income fund..... . 22 Total liabilities and net worth .................. .: 1, 157,359 :: 1, 280.262 Schedule M-1 Reconciliation of Income per books with Income per return Do not complete this schedule if the amount on Schedule L, line 13, column (d), is less than $26,000. 1 Net income per books ............................ 2 Federal income tax ............................... 3 Excess of capital losses over capital gains ............. 4 Income not recorded on books this year. Attach schedule ................................. 5 Expenses recorded on books this year not deducted in this return. Aft schedule ......................... 6 Total. 7 Income recorded on books this year not included in this return. Attach schedule ................... 8 Deductions in this return not charged against book income this year. Attach schedule ................... 9 Total. Add line 7 and line 8 .......... 10 Net income per return. Side 2 Form 199 C1 1999 —� 19999204059 F_ CI 5 0 1999 California Statements DESERT REHAB SERVICES, INC. Statement 1 Form 199, Part I, Line 3 Contributions, Gifts, Grants, and Similar Amounts Received Not Open To Public Inspection Direct Contributions: Contributor's Name DAVID TANNER TRUST JOHN P. MC GOVERN M.D. AGUA CALIENTE BAND OF CAHUILLA JEANNE S. ANDERSON H.N. & FRANCES BERGER FOUND. CORINNE & JOSEPH SOLOMON DESERT HEALTHCARE DISTRICT THE CITY OF INDIAN WELLS TUSCANY DESIGN & COMPANY, INC. JEANNE ANDERSON GARRETT DESERT CHARITIES, INC MONA & EDWARD SHER THE CITY OF PALM DESERT Contributor's Address 1930 S. STATE STREET SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84115 2211 NORFOLK, SUITE 900 HOUSTON, TX 77098-4044 600 E. TAHQUITZ CANYON WAY PALM SPRINGS, CA 92240 166 KIVA DRIVE PALM DESERT, CA 92260 P.O. BOX 13390 PALM DESERT, CA 92255 34 CALLE CLAIRE PALM DESERT, CA 92260 P.O. BOX 1508 PALM SPRINGS, CA 92263 44950 ELDORADO DRIVE INDIAN WELLS, CA 92210-7497 1400 E. CHAPMAN AVE ORANGE, CA 92866 166 KIVA DRIVE PALM DESERT, CA 92260 P O BOX 865 RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270 #24 AVENIDA ANDRA PALM DESR, CA 92260 73510 FRED WARING DRIVE PALM DESERT, CA 92260 Page 1 23-7365064 Amount of Contr. $ 10,000 60,000 10,000 5,215 70,000 5,000 50,000 5,000 5,000 25,000 9,000 5,000 5,000 - G51 I1999 California Statements Page 2 DESERT REHAB SERVICES, INC. 23-7365064 Statement 1 (Continued) Form 199, Part I, Line 3 Contributions, Gifts, Grants, and Similar Amounts Received Direct Contributions: Contributor's Name Contributor's Address JOHN & BARBARA FRIEDRICH FOUND 100 TOWN CENTER DR #100 OXNARD, CA 93030 Direct Contributions less than $5,000 Total Direct Contributions Total Contributions, Line 3 Amount of Contr. 6,000 -3,504 $ 266,711 $ 266,711 V,%J4, 1999 California Statements Page 31 DESERT REHAB SERVICES, INC. 23-73650641 Statement 2 Form 199, Part II, Line 7 Other Income Program Service Revenue .................................... $ 823,307 Total $ 823,307 Statement 3 Form 199, Part II, Line 11 Compensation of Officers, Directors, and Trustees Name, Address and Social Security Number Title & avg. Hrs/wk devoted Comp. Employee Ben. Pln Contrib. Expense Account/ Other BARBARA BAXTER PAST PRESIDENT $ 0 0 0 258 CASTELLANA SOUTH None PALM DESERT, CA 92260 WAYNE STIGALL SECRETARY 0 0 0 72630 LOTUS COURT None PALM DESERT, CA 92260 RANDY HEWITSON TREASURER 0 0 0 44850 SAN PABLO AVENUE None PALM DESERT, CA 92260 RICK MESA EXEC DIRECTOR 0 0 0 40272 ORCHIDTREE COURT None PALM DESERT, CA 92260 BOB REORDAN President 0 0 0 43650 VIA BODALONA None PALM DESERT, CA 92211 JOE SOLOMON VICE PRESIDENT 0 0 0 34 CALLE CLAIRE None PALM DESERT, CA 92260 Total $0 0 0 Statement 4 Form 199, Part II, Line 17 Other Expenses Accounting Fees ............................................ $ 20,547 AUTO EXPENSES .............................................. 19,356 CASUAL LABOR ............................................... 13,344 EDUCATION & TRAINING ....................................... 3,023 1999, California Statements Page 4 DESERT REHAB SERVICES, INC. Statement 4 (Continued) Form 199, Part II, Line 17 Other Expenses FOOD....................................................... INSURANCE .................................................. LICENSES & FEES ............................................ LIFE INSURANCE ............................................. Other Employee Benefits .................................... PROGRAM MATERIAL ........................................... PROPERTY TAXES ............................................. Supplies................................................... Telephone.................................................. WORKERS COMP INSURANCE ..................................... Total Statement 5 Form 199, Schedule L, Line 12 Other Assets 23-7365064 65,170 28,159 3,029 601 71,658 45,045 148 15,295 11,649 11,076 $ 308,100 Ending Prepaid Expenses and Deferred Charges $ 132 DEPOSITS................................................... 1,000 Rounding................................................... 1 Total $ 1,133 (1.14 FORM RRF-1 (REV. 1-2000) MAIL TO: Reglatry of Charitable Trusts P_p. Boxaoaa4] Sa snt0. CA ae20a-a470 Telephorn (at ll] aa5-202 i h ttp:/lwww.wg.state.mmicharit les REGISTRATION/RENEWAL FEE REPORT TO ATTORNEY GENERAL OF CALIFORNIA Sections 12586 and 12587, California Government Code 11 CCR Sections 311 and 312 Falkre to submit this rspai assesally by January 15 mayresua in the loss of yov bw axemption and the assessment of aminbaan tax of feob, pkm Interest. If address changed check here .... ❑ and show changes below DESERT REHAB SERVICES, INC. Name of Organization 7885 ANNANDALE AVENUE Address (number and street) DESERT HOT SPRINGS, CA 92240 City or town, State, and ZIP code PART A - ACTIVITIES State Charity Registration No. Corporates Organiationela D 0668920 FederaildentifrationNa 23-7365064 1. During your most recent full accounting period did your revenue or assets exceed $100,000? (a) If the answer Is yes, you are required by Chapter 11 of the California Code of Regulations, Sections 311 and 312, to attach a check In the amount of $25.00 to this report. 2. For your most recent full accounting period (beginning 7 / 01 / 99 ending 6 / 3 0 / Gross receipts $ 1,090,018 Total assets $ 1,280,262 Yes I No no _) list: Actual X❑ Estimated ❑ PART B - STATEMENTS REGARDING ORGANIZATION DURING THE PERIOD OF THIS REPORT Note: If you answer "yes" to any of the questions below, you must attach a separate sheet providing an explanation and details for each "yes" response. 1. For the two years preceding the date you sign this RRF-1 report, were there any contracts, loans, leases or other financial transactions between the organization and any officer, director or trustee thereof either directly or with an entity in which any such officer, director or trustee had any financial interest? Yes No ❑ 2. For the two years preceding the dale you sign this RRF-t report was there any theft, embezzlement, diversion or misuse of your charitable property or funds? ❑ X❑ 3. For the two years preceding the Sate you sign this RRF-1 report, did your nonprogram expenditures exceed at least 50% of your gross revenues? ❑ X❑ 4. For the two years preceding the dale you sign this RRF-1 report, were any organization funds used to pay any penalty, fine or judgment? If you filed a Form 4720 with the Internal Revenue Service, attach a copy. ❑ X❑ Organization's area code and telephone number I declare under penalty of pal that I have examined this report. Incmdbgaccompanying documents, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, It Is true, correct and cdmpiete. Signature of authorized officer Printed Name Title Date C55 International of La Quinta-Coachella Valley P.O. Box 1081 • La Quinta • CA 92253 La Quinta City Council Mayor John Pena Don Adolph Terri Henderson Stan Sniff Ron Perkins Soroptimist International of La Quinta-Coachella Valley requests that the City of La Quinta grant our club and the Soroptimists of District 2 the use of the La Quinta Senior Center Facilities for our Soroptimist Fall Meeting, October 19-20, 2001. FALL Meeting is a time for Soroptimists to learn new things about our Nonprofit Organization, with lectures, workshops and good fellowship. Our club is grateful for the generous grant you previously awarded us to hold our weekly meetings at the Senior Center. We also request your consideration for waiver of fees to host this Soroptimist FALL Meeting for District 2. We expect between 120 to 150 Soroptimist members to attend from 15 clubs in District 2. We hope that you will allow us to attain this goal. See NEEDS below. Facility Needs for the Soroptimist FALL Meeting - are as follows: • October 19. 2001 - Friday - 4 pm to 11 pm - Kitchen - dinner to be catered - Hallway - registration - Auditorium & Patio - Set for serving dinner/entertainment/socializing - Lounge - Setup with club sales tables - Use of horseshoe pits; putting green; lawn bowling; croquet (We will bring our own equipment) • October 20. 2001 - Saturday - 7 am to 6 pm - Kitchen - breakfast & lunch will be catered - Auditorium & Patio - set for serving and the general meetings - Hallway - registration and sales tables - Lounge - club sales tables - Library/Craft Room/Computer Room - set with chairs for lectures (no Senior Center equipment will be used or touched) • No office space will be used or disturbed. Thank you for your consideration. Gloria Hill - District 2 Director Lana Sherman - President, Soroptimist International of La Quinta-Coachella Valley Mary Kay Berlier - Fall Meeting Director 05U LA QUINTA SENIOR CENTER V* V* .;. FACILITY USE POLICY & APPLICATION Adopted by City Council on October 1, 1996 C5It, CITY OF LA QUINTA No SMOKING SENIOR CENTER FACILITY USE APPLICATION ma,ai Name Address of Applicant: City Zip Hereby applies for permission to use: [Please check appropriate box(es)) ❑ MULTIPURPOSE ROOM (200 seated 390 standing) Expected Attendance: ❑ PATIO ❑ KITCHEN TIME TO BE OPENED BY STAFF: TIME EVENT BEGIN: TIME FACILITY DOORS LOCKED: EQUIPMENT NEEDED (Included in Rental Fee) No. of Tables: No. of Chairs: Stage: ❑ YES 0 NO PURPOSE OF EVENT(Be Specific): RENTAL DATE REQUESTED: ALTERNATE DATE: EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE FOR RENT: ❑ Public Address System ❑ Audio/Visual Equipment ❑ Ice ❑ Coffeemaker ❑ Piano Please check items Entertainment ❑ YES ❑ NO Alcohol Under 20% ❑ YES ❑ NO (Beer, Wine, Champagne) Decorations ❑ YES ❑ NO Staff Set Up ❑ YES ❑ NO Staff Clean Up Li YES ❑ NO Do Not Write in This Section - For Office Use Only Rental Fee: Approved: Notified By: Date Insurance Cert. Received: Security Dep: Date: Date: Cond. of Facility: Staff Services: Dep.'Paid:$ Sal Paid: $ Date Refund Reqd: Guard Services: Rec#`. Rec#: Comments: Addnl. Fees: Date: Date: Total Fees Due: Initials: Initials: Guards Scheduled: PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: CITY OF LA QUINTA STATEMENT OF INFORMATION AND AGREEMENT I have read and fully understand the Senior Center Rental Policy and Procedures for the use of the La Quinta Senior Center and the terms and conditions of use which are attached hereto and made a part hereof and agree to all terms and conditions set forth in said policy. Further, I certify that the information submitted in this application is true and correct. I certify that I am authorized by my organization to enter into this agreement on their behalf. The undersigned further understands that this application is approved only when approved by the City Manager or his designated representative. The undersigned states that, to the best of his/her knowledge, the City of La Quinta property for the use of which application is hereby made will be used for the purpose stated above and that purpose only. I understand any deviations from set policies, terms or conditions will result in closing down the premises and forfeiture of all fees and of future rights to the use of any City of La Quinta property. Signature of Responsible Renting Party: Print Daytime Phone: Evening Phone: _ Date: CO8 SENIOR CENTER RENTAL POLICIES & PROCEDURES CITY OF LA QUINTA 78-450 La Fonda, La Quinta, CA 92253 619-777-7019 It is the renter's responsibility to read and understand these policies. GENERAL POLICY The La Quinta Senior Center is designed for activities of the La Quinta Senior Citizen. Pursuant to the Community Development Block Grant Regulations, no use will preempt a senior activity. Therefore, availability is contingent upon scheduled senior activities. The Senior Center will not be available for use Mondays through Fridays between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The facilities shall be available for rental or usage by the general public when not in use for senior citizen scheduled activities. Activities and programs shall be classified into groups for the purpose of developing scheduling priorities. City activities will have priority use over other applications for the facility space. When conflicts occur, facility use permits held by nonsponsored groups may be canceled as authorized by the City Manager or authorized representative. As a rule, a minimum of two week's notice will be given when a facility permit is canceled. The City of La Quints reserves the right to cancel the Facility Use Permit without notice due to unforseen circumstances. Class 1. Civic sponsored activities and use by City Departments and Divisions of the City or fundraising activities sponsored by La Quints based Non-profit organizations incorporated for the sole purpose of benefitting the La Quints Senior Center. Class 2. La Quinta Civic groups, non-profit organizations, clubs and associations; other Governmental Agencies (Proof of non-profit status may be required). Class 3. La Quints resident weddings, receptions and private parties. Class 4. Commercially sponsored activities; use by businesses, groups, associations or individuals for any type of profit -making activity or event; use by non-residents. FEE SCHEDULE Senior Center Facilities Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Multipurpose Room No charge $55/hr S75/hr $90/hr Kitchen No charge $10/hr �20/hr $25/hr All rental fees are based upon a two hour minimum. Facilities are available for rental Monday through Friday 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and Saturdays 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and Sundays 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.. All fees will be doubled on scheduled holidays. Rentals falling on a holiday weekend add 50% to the rental fee. The following equipment is available for use as part of the rental fees: 15 - 60" round tables, 20 card tables, 80 folding chairs, and 120 arm chairs. 1 059 In addition to the basic rental fee as set forth in the fee schedule, additional fees will be assessed for the following activities or services regardless of use classification. Items B,C,D and E are assessed and fees charged only if the service is requested by the Renting Party. A. All Class 2, 3 and 4 are required to pay a $3OO.00 security deposit. The Security Deposit will be returned if the building is left in the same condition as prior to use. (See page 4 1 Refunds are mailed to the renting party. There is a minimum of four (4) week wait. B. Set up by City staff will be assessed a flat rate of $80.00. This service includes: set up of tables, chairs and trash cans. Renter provided tablecloths and centerpieces may be included with prior approval. There will be additional charges for extensive decorations. Renting party will not be admitted to the hall during the time staff is setting up. Tables, chairs and trash cans are provided by the facility. C. Clean up by City staff will be charged a flat rate of $125.00. This service includes the clean up and putting away of tables, chairs, trash removal, sweeping & mopping of floors and restroom clean up. This service does not include the clean up of trash outside the facility. Clean up of excessive trash outside the facility will result in additional charges (See page 4). D. Use of public address system will be assessed a flat rate of $15.00. E. Use of Audio/Visual Equipment will be assessed a flat rate of $25.00. 1. A Facility Use Application and Indemnification Form must be completed by each group desiring the use of the Senior Center. Forms must be submitted to the Building and Safety Department at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253, at least 30 days prior to the desired date of rental. Applications may be made no more than twelve (12) months in advance. Ongoing rental use (exceeding three (3) months in duration) will require City Council approval. 2. The Building and Safety Department will contact the applicant no sooner than two days after the permit has been submitted to inform applicant of the room's availability and the total fees assessed. 3. Reservations will be confirmed upon receipt of 50% of the total fees including security deposit and all paperwork completed. 4. All groups and private parties are required to provide proof of financial responsibility by means of liability insurance in an amount of not less than $500,000 general liability insurance coverage per occurrence, listing the City of La Quinta as an additional named insured. Persons or groups that do not have insurance may purchase special event insurance through the City's insurance policy. A binder must be presented to the Building and Safety Department office no later than two weeks prior to the scheduled event. Failure to provide the appropriate document will result in cancellation. Insured's name must appear as renting party on the Facility Use Permit. 5. All fees must be paid in full no later than two weeks prior to the event. Checks will be accepted if final payment is made at least three weeks prior to the event. Fees paid less than three weeks prior to the event must be paid in cash or money order. A confirmed Facility Use Permit will be issued upon receipt of all fees. 6. All class 2 groups that do not provide fourteen (14) days notice of cancellation will be charged a basic class 3 rental fee. 7. ANY CANCELLATION OF RESERVATION WILL RESULT IN LOSS OF 50% OF RENTAL FEE. ANY RESERVATION CANCELED 30 DAYS OR LESS FROM DATE OF RENTAL WILL BE PENALIZED IN LOSS OF 100% OF THE RENTAL FEE. 8. Approved use is non -transferable. The person signing the Facility Use Permit is responsible for the conduct of all user participants and shall have full responsibility for any breakage or damage to equipment or the building. 2 C 6 0 1. The Senior Center will be available for rental use from Monday through Friday, 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.. ALL RENTERS MUST HAVE THE FACILITY CLEANED AND VACATED ACCORDING TO THE TIMES APPROVED ON THE RENTAL PERMIT. Failure to comply with these regulations will result in forfeiture of the security deposit. 2. Usage must be within allotted Use of Facility Permit time. Permit time schedules and charges must include all preparation time and set up time as well as clean up time. 3. Approval for use of the Senior Center will be granted to responsible adults, age 21 years or older. 4. Renters or permittees shall be personally responsible for all damage to the building and shall be responsible for reimbursing the City of La Quints for any loss or damage to the Senior Center and/or City of La Quinta property. 5. Renters must comply with the health and safety codes pertaining to the flame proofing of all decorations. Decorations will be permitted only with prior approval by the City Manager or his designated representative. All decorations must be removed upon the conclusion of the event, including tacks and tape. 6. Glitter, rice, bird seed or like items are NOT allowed on the premises. This includes inside the senior center, outside on paved areas or the driveways. Failure to comply may result in loss of 100% of the security deposit. 7. All groups are expected to leave the premises in the same condition as they are found. The multi -purpose room must have all tables and chairs cleaned, floor swept, mopped if necessary, and garbage put in outside dumpster. Restrooms and lobby must be swept free of dirt and debris. Brooms and mops are supplied by city staff. Renters must provide all other cleaning supplies including cloths to wipe tables. 8. Upon arrival renter will complete a 'walk-through' tour of the building with the assigned staff person on duty. Damages and unclean items must be brought to the attention of the on -duty staff BEFORE the renter's party begins. At the conclusion of the event, the staff person on duty will accompany the renting party for a final walk-through of the facilities. Security deposits are considered released only after staff has reviewed the facility on the first business day following a rental. Checks are mailed, minimum of four weeks to process. 9. Users shall comply with all laws and City ordinances. 10. Control of lights, keys, locks and locking doors, gates, etc., will be attended to by the staff person on duty. An employee of the City of La Quints will be at the facility during rental hours. 11. Groups size is limited to maximum numbers as directed by the Fire Marshall to be as follows: Multipurpose Room - - - - - - - - 390 with chairs only Kitchen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 200 with tables 12. Smoking is NOT permitted inside the senior center. Renter is responsible for enforcing this policy. Smoking is permitted outside in designated areas. Renter is responsible for the removal of smoking debris at the conclusion of their event. 13. The public address system may be permitted use upon request and a fee will be assessed for use. 14. Office telephones are for department business use only and may be used only by assigned staff. A pay phone is provided in the lobby. 15. All teenage groups shall be accompanied by responsible adult chaperones including the signer of the Use of Facility Permit, on a ratio of two (2) adults for the first twenty juveniles and one (1) adult for each additional group of twenty (20) juveniles or part thereof. CHAPERONES MUST STAY WITH GROUP AT ALL TIMES. 16. Groups having entertainment (bands, disc jockeys, entertainers, etc.) and/or alcohol must abide by the following additional security requirements: -- 3 061 A. Security guard service will be required any time entertainment and/or alcohol is present. (Minimum of four hours per guard) For groups of 100 people or less a minimum of one (1) guard is required. For groups in excess of 100 people or a fraction thereof, an additional security guard is required. B. All juvenile parties will be required to have double the security requirement of item 16A. C. Guards service will be arranged by the Building and Safety Department but paid for by the renting group. Guards will report to the staff person on duty. D. Security requirements may be altered at the discretion of City Council. E. Any required City permits must be obtained by the renter and presented to the Building and Safety Department at the Civic Center office no later than two (2) weeks prior to the event. Most dances or special permits required by the City take three weeks to process. 17. The City of La Quints reserves the right to full access to all activities at any time in order to ensure that all rules, regulations, and laws are being observed, and if necessary may terminate an activity for the safety and welfare of city property. 18. Renters refusing to adhere to policies will be forced to leave the premises after one (1) verbal warning issued by staff to the signer of the Facility Use Permit. Renter/signer of Facility Use Permit must be on the premises during the hours of the event. City staff will be on site at all times during rental hours. 19. The City of La Quints assumes no liability for any injury, damage, theft or loss of property belonging to users, before, during or after usage. 20. No animals, except those necessary for disability assistance, are allowed in the Senior Center. • •iL*PtIJWA A. All alcohol to be consumed on premises must be approved beforehand in writing by the City Manager or his designated representative. NO EXCEPTIONS! Private parties will not be authorized to serve alcohol 20% or over. Private parties may be authorized to serve alcohol under 20% (wine, beer and champagne only). B. Any group or individual participating in the sale of alcohol in the senior center must show proof of license from the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. C. Parties refusing to adhere to alcohol policies will be shut down after one (1) verbal warning issued by staff to the signer of the Facility Use Permit. Renter/signer of Facility Use Permit must be on the premises during the hours of the event. D. Parties requesting use of alcohol will be required to adhere to the security guard requirement as listed in Conditions of Use, number 16. The security deposit of $300.00 is refundable as long as the building and equipment are left in the same condition as prior to use. (See page 2, item A) The following charges is a partial list of costs deducted for cleaning or any other misuse of the senior center and its equipment. 1. Burns to floors, carpets, furniture or walls - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $200.00 minimum 2. Floor stains---------------------------------------------- $200.00 minimum 3. Broken, scarred or damaged chair------------------------------- $300.00 4. Broken, scarred or damaged table------------------------------- $300.00 5. Excessive trash outside of the building - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $200.00 6. Cigarette butts left outside of building --------------------------- $100.00 7. Glitter, birdseed, rice, etc. ----------------------------------- $300.00 8. Unauthorized use of equipment -------------------------------- $300.00 It is the renter's responsibility to ensure that guests do not disturb equipment not authorized for use. This includes piano, public address system, furniture, kitchen equipment and other unauthorized items. The staff person on duty is responsible for maintaining the heating and air-conditioning controls. 4 0OB INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT I as a user of the La Quinta Senior Center, located at 78-450 Avenida La Fonda, La Quinta, California 92253, hereby agree to indemnify, defend and hold the City of La Quinta, its elected officials, officers, agents and employees, harmless from any claim or liability for damage which may arise from the use by the undersigned organization or individual. I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS AGREEMENT AND FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENTS. I AM AWARE THAT THIS IS A RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND A CONTRACT BETWEEN MYSELF AND THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, ITS ELECTED OFFICIALS, OFFICERS, AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES AND I SIGN THIS CONTRACT OF MY OWN FREE WILL. Executed at La Quinta, California on Date Releasor Witness C„3 TERMS AND CONDITIONS THIS LICENSE AND RENTAL AGREEMENT is made by and between the City of La Quinta ("Licensor") and the applicant identified as the ("Licensee"). 1. LICENSOR hereby grants to LICENSEE a license to occupy and use, subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the portion of the Licensor's property located at 78-495 Avenida La Fonda, La Quinta, California. 2. The above -described portion may be occupied and used by LICENSEE, its members, guests, and invitees, solely during the period and for the purpose(s) designated and approved by LICENSOR and set -out in this Facility Use Application and for incidental purposes related to such approved purpose(s). 3. LICENSEE shall pay LICENSOR for this license and any equipment and/or services specified, at the rates stated in the Fee Schedule for Senior Center Facilities and Equipment, attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein for all purposes, and LICENSEE shall tender such payments at the time(s) and in the manner specified by LICENSOR as specified in the Senior Center Facilities Use Policy attached hereto as Exhibit "A" . In addition, LICENSOR reserves the right to require tender of a Certificate of Insurance, security deposit and/or bond in the amount and manner provided by any or all of the attached exhibits. 4. LICENSEE agrees to abide by all rules, regulations and policies set -out in Exhibit "A". Any violation of these rules, regulations and policies by LICENSEE or its members, guests and invitees may, at the discretion of LICENSOR, result in immediate termination of this license together with the forfeiture of all sums paid and all additional sums payable under the terms of this Agreement. 5. LICENSEE assumes full responsibility for the conduct of, or damage caused by, any of LICENSEE, its members, guests or invitees. LICENSOR shall not be held liable for any injury, damage, theft, or loss of property to any person whatsoever before, during or after usage under the terms of this Agreement. LICENSEE shall hold LICENSOR harmless from and defend LICENSOR against all claims or liability for any injury or damage occurring in, on, or about the areas of use when that injury or damage was caused in whole, or in part, by the act, neglect, fault of, or omission of any duty by LICENSEE, its members, guests or invitees. 6. No alteration, addition, decorations, equipment or improvements shall be made to the premises without the written authorization of LICENSOR in the manner provided in Exhibit "A". r,14 7. This Agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties and.any prior understanding or representation of any kind preceding the date of this Agreement shall not be binding upon either party except to the extent incorporated in the Agreement. Any modification of this Agreement or additional obligation assumed by either party in connection with this Agreement shall be binding only if evidenced in writing signed by each party. LICENSOR expressly reserves the right to modify, develop, recommend, or promulgate certain operational guidelines in furtherance of the attached "Use Policy". 8. The rights and obligations of LICENSEE under this Agreement are non- transferrable and non -assignable. Either party may terminate this Agreement at those times and in the manner provided under its terms and attachments. Any notice or requests are required to be in writing. Should the above -described premises be totally destroyed by fire or other casualty prior to the commencement of this license, this Agreement shall immediately terminate. 9. In the event of any controversy, claim or dispute between the parties hereto, arising out of or related to this Agreement or the breach thereof, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the other party reasonable expenses, attorneys' fees and costs. 10. Should any provision or portion of this Agreement be held unenforceable or invalid for any reason, the remaining provisions and portions of this Agreement shall be unaffected by such holding. ATTACHMENT 5 BOYS & GIRLS CLUB April 20, 2001 Honorable Mayor John Pena & City Council City of La Quinta Calle Tampico & Washington Street La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Boys & Girls Club of Coachella Valley - La Quinta Clubhouse Improvements Honorable Mayor Peria & City Council: Several months ago I met with Mayor John Pefta and discussed improvements that are needed at the La Quinta Unit of the Boys & Girls Club. During the past several months I, and other BG Staff members, have also discussed the needs of the Boys & Girls Club in LQ, with City Council and Staff members. In the meeting with Mayor Pefia, he encouraged me to bring a proposal to the City for consideration of funding. Attached you will find bids for: interior painting of all rooms, replacement of flooring in all rooms and other miscellaneous items that need to be done. Also included you will find a list of repairs that have been completed in the last two months by the Boys & Girls Club itself. I've included this list so you can see that we are dedicated to upgrading, repairing and doing a better job of maintaining a clean, safe Club. In this same vain, we have also scheduled a "Community Day", on May 12th. We will be weeding, planting bushes, painting the ornamental iron fencing around the exterior of the Club, and completing other improvements deemed necessary. The Hyatt Grand Champions employees are excited about the "Community Day" and look forward in helping. We will contact other Service Organizations for their participation as well as going to local businesses for donations of plants, paint and other materials necessary to make the day a success. As background, the La Quinta Clubhouse opened July, 1994. In that time we have served 6,000 children with a average daily attendance of 250 during the school year and 300+ during the summer months. During that period of time we have not done any painting or floor replacement and consequently are now in desperate need of monies to complete all the requested work. Flooring in some rooms will be installed with a different material for better durability. OF COACHELLA VALLEY Boys & Girls Club of Coachella Valley 42-600 Cook Street Suite 120 Palm Desert, CA 92211 760 836-1160 760 776-9111 FAX e-mail jducatte@becofcv.org www.beco£cv.org CLUB BOARD OF DIRECTORS Carolyn Anderson Ralph Anderson Ed Baker Larry Blackerby Betty Case Larry Chank Mike DeGasperin David J. Erwin Jon FitzHenry Bob Frame Tom Freeman Brian S. Harnik, Esq. Gina Leslie Dick McClung Dennis A. Modrich Beverly Montgomery Lucia Moran Richard B. Nelson Mark Nickerson Larry Payton Hendrick Santos Lee F. Simmons Mark D. Simon Judy Vossler Mike Way Leo Wyler Doug Yavanian FOUNDATION BOARD OF TRUSTEES David J. Erwin John Foster Joan Frame Tony Lizza Al McCandless Dick McClung Dennis A. Modrich Mark Nickerson Les Peterson Ronnie Richardson Don Roberts, Sr. Mark D. Simon Leo Wyler The P�OSitiVe Place For Kids A United Way Ai I n l�t) Page 2 B&G Club of CV-LQ/City of La Quinta The amount requested of the City of La Quinta for the flooring and painting is $50,254.00. We have also received bids to slurry seal and re - stripe the parking lot and would like the City to consider this as an additional request. The lowest bid on re -sealing & striping the parking lot is $2,778.00. The total cost of the improvements that we are requesting from the City of La Quinta is $53,032.00. This amount would cover re- painting the entire interior, replace all flooring, re-surface/stripe the parking lot , repair/re-paint columns in front, re -paint the front entrance doors, re- paint the entry area and re -paint the gym doors. We would like to start the rehabilitation of the Boys & Girls Club in La Quinta as soon as possible and request the City schedule this for consideration at their earliest meeting possible. With the City's assistance, we are looking forward to starting painting right away and scheduling the flooring the week we are closed just before summer. Your earliest consideration of this matter is appreciated and I look forward to working with you. Sincerely, J!_� Ducatte, 4Lucia Moran, Executive Director Director of Community Development cc: Mayor Pro Tern Stanley Sniff Councilwoman Terry Henderson Councilman Don Adolph Councilman Ron Perkins Tom Genovese, City Manager Dodie Horvitz, Parks & Recreation Director G G 8 4 � 7 u G ),9 Z0 39Vd 3SIW06d--IA Ein-iD Bfi ITT69LL09L 99:60 T00tiye/ve Ron INNER INS fly El I E C 70 B0 39tld 3SIVU&MA 9111o988 11169LL09L 99:60 T00Z/90/00 kk kk -1 60 39tl8 35IW021d7lA arnom ITT69LL99L 99:60 L00Z/90/60 (; 72 50 3DVd 35IW021d-nA an-n '88 II169LL09G 99:60 t00b/90/00 90 39Vd 3SIW08d-M HrI' OT9 ITT69LL09L SUBCONTRACTORS WE WANT TO GO WITH r,; 1. CA SALE 60855 Washington Street #118 La Quinta 92253 %NG • 760 M-9554 • License 780683 Is pleased to ssthtsut this PROPOSAL FOR: NOTE Paint specifications are as follows; For doors, doorjambs, lockers and window casingss- Dunn -Edwards SYN-LUSTRO (9 SERIES) Industrial maintenance semi -gloss enamel. For all walls and bathrooms Dunn - Edwards PERMASBEEN I Acrylic semi -gloss enamel. $ 0 NOTE It is understood that there will be one coat applied throughout project and color wilt be the same. $ 0 IN Lobby area 100 $1,504 IN Conference Board room area 101 $ 446 IN All steel window casings throughout facility $ 1,386 IN All interior steel doors throughout facility $ 1,433 IN Copy roomand hall areas 103 and 105 $ 470 IN Staff bath area 102 $ 258 IN Directors office area 104 $ 446 IN Staff room area 107 $ 411 IN Multipurpose room area 113 $ 822 IN Kitchen area 118 $ 258 IN His and Hers bath areas 114 and 116 $ 423 IN Classes area recreation area area 130 $1,598 IN Library area 12t $ 728 IN Office area 122 $ 258 IN Computer room area 123 $ 423 IN Alcove area 125 $ 305 IN Exercise room area 144 $ 728 IN Gymnasium area 148 will only be painted up to the 8 foot level all the way around $ 822 IN Vestibule and boys bath area 132 and 131 $ 587 IN Boys locker room area 134 including lockers $ 705 IN Vestibule hall and girls bath areas 137, 138 and 140 $ 587 !N 1101!11 iB/OTMG 1 Sunday, March 11, 2001 lNis""/NflN6 Details of Proposal Stinday, March 11, 2001 IN Boys shower room area 133 $ 211 IN Girls locker room area 139 including lockers $ 705 IN Arts and crafts area 128 $ 634 IN Girls shower room area 141 $ 211 IN Exit area 2 area 145 $ 235 IN Weight room area 146 $ 705 IN Storage area 117 NO PAINTING $ 0 IN Trash room area 112 NO PAINTING $ 0 IN Elect room area 119 NO PAINTING $ 0 IN Storage area area 120 NO PAINTING $ 0 IN Janitor room area 150 and 142 NO PAINTING $ 0 IN Storage area 143 NO PAINTING $ 0 IN Storage area 147 NO PAINTING $ 0 IN Outdoor doorand doorjambs -(front entry and gym doors $ 376 IN Pressurewasirkitchen floorand apply one coat Dunn -Edwards two part floor $ 564 1N Pressure wash girls bathroom floor and apply one coat Dunn -Edwards two art floor epoxy - $ 611 IN Pressure.washbaysbathroom-floor andapply one coat Dunn -Edwards two art floor epoxy $ 611 IN Replace damaged drywaU behind boys room urinal $ 517 IN Install wainscoting to, boys and girls bathrooms to the standard 411. level $ 1,128 ER Repair and paint stucco on pillar in front $ 188 IN Health room $ 211 W INUEPN/MIOG 1., Sunday, March 11, 2001 W/filljwfmfid Details of Proposal Sunday, March 11, 2001 Pavment Schedule Deposit (work scheduled when deposit received) $ 2150 Progress Payment $9,677 At Completion of Job $ 9,679 Time to complete work will be 23 Da 23 QZ4 $ 21505 Above work will be completed in a professional and timely man=. Unless specified, each items includes all material costs. Any alteration from above specifications involving extra costs will become an extra charge over and above the estimate at a rate of $35.00 per man hour. All agreements are contingent upon strikes, accidents, or delays beyond our control. You, as owner or tenant, have the right to require the contractor to have it performance and payment bond. You, the buyer, may cancel this transaction at any time prior to midnight of the third business day after the date of this transaction. See attached Notice of Cancellation form for an explanation of this right. Cancellation by buyer after the right to rescind has passed shall be deemed a material breach of this agreement and entitles the contractor to damages. Contractors are required by law to be licensed and regulated by the Contractor's State License Board, which has jurisdiction to investigate complaints against contractors if a complaint is riled within four years of the -date of the alleged violation. Any questions concerning a contractor may be referred to the registrar, Contractors' State License Board, PO Box 26000, Sacramento, CA 95826. Please remit final payment to the PAINT CREW LEADER upon job completion and approval. This PROPOSAL is valid until: 4/1/20017:56:06 AM 440:40 �1aP + phnne/Fa . 760 285-9554 ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are hereby authorized to do the work as specified. OWNER represents that this agreement is a cash transaction wherein no financing is contemplated and contractor acts in relianceon said representation. The down payment must not exceed $1000 or 10% of the contract price, whichever is least. Signature: Date: W AffEP/7llmod Sunday, March 11, 2001 r 7 7 FFIOM C&C FLOORING, INC. PHONE NO. : 760 341 1423 Mar. 14 2001 05:07PM P2 C&C Vlooring,11nc. 41-91013oardwatk, Suite 4-7 Palm Desert, Califorrila 92211 Phone: (760) 341-9775 Fax, (760) 341-1423 SUBMITTED TO: Boys o s & Girls ia Moran of Coachella valley PROJECT: 79-975 Park Avenue La Quints, CA PROPOSAL & CONTRACT provisions & exclusions: PROPOSAL & CONTRACT License # 572402 PAGE: 2 of 2 DATE: March 14, 2001 PHONE 1: (760) 347-1412 PHONE 2: PAXt (760)347-9771 SALES REP: Steve TERMS: Not Due 1. Minor subfloor prep is included. Major subfloor prop is E91 included - if encountered, nnajor prep work to be done on a time and material basis with owner's prior approval. 2. Owner to move and teasel all furnishings. 3. Owner to provide dumpster for disposal of existing flooring. Deposit Amount $ Balance: $ materials. due upon completion_ N.I.C. N.T.C. N.I.C. TOTAL I $ 27,226.00 Proposal accepted, material purchase & labor authorized by: WARRANTY: C8 loodng, Inc. warrants their labor to be free fr0m s period oft Year from the pr,gi I date of installation. NM responsible for cracks in hard surface or grout where the foundation has cracked, mowd Or $clued_ if du I court ofnc.+ .,paid." Under a. paw, you.1 peg ypeaclf saahat s ub. 470" by min& Mfine eemro such aodt of br.row.,w.y sa o,laioai cooaac[ Ar iht wosY d�Dvovm,ent or a m,.tiKeation domes id the Office of me em.ty ..arde, of d O no,mly w4cm ere yropo,r/ is situm.d end nquirny,; uat a eonnsetor's payment bond be ,eco,ded in vwh office. Said bond shall be ie . amount not lea thin alai percent (50%) of pM contract price and %Wl, in &Milan m my ew,M ms re am pporfn ranee of the cmtmut be conditioned for the pa)mtnnt in full Of the aleims of aapeaons fanahinR labs, 3014 , east a materials for the Workduamed in aid canuaat. r78 8 FROM : C8C FLOORING, INC. PRONE NO. : 760 341 1423 Mar. 14 2001 05:06PM P1 0000� C&C Flooring, Inc. 41-910 50ardwaik, Sutte A-7 Palm Desert. Catuornia 92211 Phone: (760) 341-9775 Fax: (760) 341-1423 SUBMITTED TO: goLucia Moran Club of ('oaohella Valley PROJECT: 79-975 Park Avenue La Quinta, CA PROPOSAL & CONTRACT Furnish and install4" rubber topset base - coil type, color to be determined, Furnish and install Armstrong F.scclon V.C. tile -pattern 51858 Sandrift White. F,trnish and install Philadelphia Winchester 26 oz- Carpeting - direct glue installation (includes padding at exercise room only.") Furnish and install 12" x 12" ceramic file (no selections made - based on allowance). Furnish and install reducer strips where carpet and V.C. file abut. Labor to pull up existing carpeting. Labor to pull up existing rubber flooring. Labor to pull up existing V.C. tile. Labor to pull up existing ceramic tilo- pROPOSAL & CONTRACT Llcenie # 512402 PAGE: 1 Of 2 DATE: March 14, 2001 • Alternate: Delete Winchester carpet and padding at exercise room only - upgrade to Philadelphia Vocation with enhancer backing - add $961.00 to total. PHONE 1: (760) 347-1412 PHONE 2: FAX: (760) 347-8771 SALES REP: Steve TERMS: Net Due $ 2.700.00 $ 9,703.00 $ 4,111.00 rarravnta eir labor to be free from d@fscts for a Pere Of 1 year aom me w,gM ua, cracks In hard surface or grout where the foundation has cracked, moved or settled. $ 6,020.00 $ 98.00 S 1,445.00 $ 296.00 $ 2,382.00 $ 471.00 N.I.C. G79 Mar-13-01 21:22A CJjmgh F%wi.W, Air 8. El Cajon, CA 92021 (619)579-1357 * Fax(619)579-9433 Ucenss *665591 March 13, 2001 Boys and Girls Club of Coachella valley P.O. Box 1305 La Quinta, CA 92253 Attn: Lucia Moran Re: LaQuinta Boys and Girls Club Lucia, We propose to scrub screen, dry screen, and apply 2 coats of Hillyard Contender Finish for $3,168.00 Sincerely, DICTATED NOT READ SENT TO AVOID DELAY Kevin Johnson Vice President G8() A LA rage I ul I w yjt (760) 343 0013 Fax No. (780) 343-1077 Post Office Box 98 State License No. 626842 Thousand Palms, CA 92276 0ATE PHON PRQPOSALN MBER Apri13 2001 (760)347-1412 2001-0118 JOB NAMEILOCATION Boys & Girls Club Of Coachella Valley Same P O Box 1305 La Quints CA 92253 CONTACT JOB NURABE JOB PHON Lucia Moran HEREBY I7 SPECT N ANp ESTIMATES FOR: C_ F6NING: Clean entire surface to be seated, must be free from dirt and debris. $289. SEALCOAT APPLICATION: Apply a two (2) coat application of asphalt emulsion sealer on the entire asphalt surface area of complex using three percent (3%) acrylic latex additive with five (5) pounds of sand per gallon of undiluted mix in the first coat application, three percent (3%) acrylic latex additive with no extra sand in the second coat application. (APPROXIMATELY 13,994 tsq- ft.). $2,011, T I ING: Re -stripe parking stalls, directional arrows and signs as per original layout. (APPROXIMATELY 26 single stripes, 2 handicap stalls, 2 8-Foot Stop stencil, 2 arrows.) $478. LUMP SUM PROJECT TOTAL: 5278_, NOTE: CRACKS WILL REAPPEAR. The homeownerslowners are aware that there are a multitude of 118 in - 112 In. wide cracks throughout the street system which are too narrow to require maintenance at this time. Severe oil stained areas will peel. The surface will scuff in hot weather with tight turns. _. PAYME f MADE AS FOLLOWS: THIRTY PERCENT(30%) DEPOSIT UPON ACCEPTANCE, BALANCE BY LUMP SUM DUE IN FULL UPON COMPLETION. ma nar 15 guaranteed to be as apecifled. All work to be completed in a prnfesaiona) rn2nner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs will b¢ exactded only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. An agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays �"✓ beyond our wrtrol. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary THEODORE CLINKSCALES, AMD Insurance. Our workers are fully Covered by Worker's Compensation NOTEThis prmcm may be vAthdrawn ty"it not accepted mtnn. days. insurance. ACCEPTA F PR POSAL: The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do thiq work as specified (Please Indicate Option Number, If Applicable: �). Payment will be made as outlined above. DATE OF ACCEPTANCE SIGNATURE CUSTOMER COPY `ACCEPTANCE COPY" ASPHALT M.D'S COPY if 81 2d WtiTT:90 1:002 V0 -adti LLOT £b£ 092- : 'ON 3NDid SQW 17UHdSU : WOtLj ADDITIONAL BIDS 6S2 INTERIORS / EXTERIORS NEW HOMES AND REPAINTS CABINET FINISHING March 13, 2001 BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF COACHELLA VALLEY P.O. Box 1305 La Quinta, CA 92253 Attn. Lucia Moran FAX: 347-8771 WE PROPOSE TO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: VENETIAN PLASTER FAUX FINISHES OLD WORLD FINISHES 1) Prep as needed and repaint all painted interior walls & ceilings with one coat of satin enamel (except as noted below). 2) Prep and enamel all interior doors and jambs. 3) Prep and enamel 6 exterior doors, and window frames around entry doors. p 4) Prep and apply an epoxy coating to the floors of four bathrooms. FM 5) Prep and paint locker exteriors. 6) Repaint one column @ front entry. TOTAL PROPOSED COST: $26,985.00 NOTES: 1) Upper color in gym not included. 2) Storage rooms not included. 3) Bathroom stalls not included. i Terry Hunt, TERRY HUNT PAINTING AND DECORATING, INC. Lic. #485633 77-852 Wildcat Drive, Suite #2 • Palm Desert, California 92211 • Ph: (760) 345-8033 • Fax: (760) 345-3243 I;R3 Vropo9al GARRISONi1BNOWPAINTING qmmow CA Lie. #323306 NV. Lie. $42696 77.873 Wildcat Dr., Ste. A Palm Desert, CA 92211 PAINTING Phone(760)346.7691 Fax(760)772.3188 PRWaWeUmEDTO LA QUINTA BOYS 8. GIRLS CLUB FAX 347-8771 03/20/01 .oe..se AVE. 52 LA QUINTA BOYS & GIRLS CLUB cm..ure.w.3ecaos LA QUINTA, CA 92253 �^�+nc" AVENUE 52 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 }Nt Vropa#e hereby to furnish material and labor ---complete in accordance below, for the sum of: THIRTY NINE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED TEN DOLLARS dollars $39,910.00 ny.s. amass.. fis' .c Authorized .+.w.n.m.,........n.w.....�.«....,w...........w..m.,. w,w..,.w.....„,. Signature yanme,r,.v+tr..o-yry.Mwam eawx onrmu.n Rn.trnm.n,al.r m.rr.r lwwaw. Not.: Thu proposal may awflhda nby us WvwY,..n M'ewr.aWwwmn'. eo-„�.um.svao-.. us if not aeo.Pt.a within 30 days. We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: INTERIOR PAINTING COMPLETE EXCEPT: (1) ABOVE 9 ON GYM WALLS (2) WEST GYM STORAGE ROOM 1) SAME COLORS 2) MASK OFF AND PROTECT ALL UNPAINTED AREAS 3) NEW CARPET TO BE INSTALLED AFTER PAINTING 4) SAND, PREP, PRIME BARE METAL AND APPLY (THREE COATS) ENAMEL METAL WINDOW FRAMES, DOORS AND JAMBS 5) APPLY SEMI GLOSS LATEX ENAMEL TO WALLS AND CEILINGS. 6) BOYS & GIRLS LOCKER ROOM CABINETS INCLUDED 7) INCLUDES PAINTING KITCHEN, BOYS & GIRLS BATHROOM FLOORS. ACID WASH AND APPLY TWO PART EPDXY FINISH 8) REPAIR ALL DRYWALL BEFORE PAINTING 9) TOUCH UP INCLUDED AFTER CARPET INSTALLATION EXTERIOR PAINTING PAINTING FRONT ENTRANCE STUCCO REPAIR STUCCO (NO WOOD), THEN PAINT FRONT ENTRANCE Ra ptanre Of ]Prop4441 - The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as caromed above, Date of Acceptance: Signature Ifnrf MAR-13-2001 06:59 AM B&M CONSTRUCTION 760 771 4979 P.01 - I -------- , B&M CONSTRUCTION LIC.# 746760 7 668 Cale Chalmnlma ].a Quiuta. CA 92233 ]'llow (760)937-ri 478 Fax (7040-11-49-79 March 12, 2001 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO PHONE Lucia Moran (760) 347-)412 We hereby submit specifications and estimates Cow: FLOOR TILE (1)13e1110 eras "Hoar tile in end9 of Club (2) Remove carpet and prep area$ requested Sow tile (3) Install a common brand of 12"x12" txiramia We approximately 1.165 sxluare foet (4) Groat and seal OTO Q. Boys and Giro Club of La Quints WE PROPOSE hereby to firaish [material and labor — complete in saoordanee with above aped CWcna, for the awn of. dollars Paymerd to be made as Vlow $1,000.00 to start work, $3,000.00 upm arrival of materials, and remaining SI OB-00 span oamPWICW All aw"riai is guaranteed to be as specified. All vnxk to be oompided in a wori®anlike manner according to standard practices. Any alteration of drag m frOw above apeclfialdorta involving ex" costa will be executed only upon written ofdeM and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agraments omtingant upon str&ea, e03dents or delays beyond our control. Ovmer to tarty fire, esrthquke and/or other necessary bworanoe. Our workers are [Lily covered by Workman's Compensation lnarnatwe. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL --- The above price+, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby acc- Wed. You are Authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Date of Aooeptanoe:_ . Authorizes Signature Sip&4wo d W 0 W c O w on rn w O O O O r O I O V m IT ;- III W D w -• - m w O w O a O D D D D D D D -• CIO w S r m << r m O ow < M J j < Z y T m r m r 0 N m m m w „70< W m O P O Z p O m 70 D x? m : Z Dw p m m t cNil } r Co zOz m ![nn y G w r gg Z D p -0 "r; Z m � D b M 3 r \ C D { ir",..ro'. } w m Z O � O C m � o W D. D Z v n i\ R R } R } 0 ME 0 mm N m { m c mm I M=E <I<I< f y N w A rn w w 00 w (0 rn ry � V N j IN O O O OOi POW A 1V0 O O N N O. ? N I it r r H ' 0 W m 0 m m w m I D 20 D C G7 Sf D c w D [V0 14 p o C COO rn 0 aG)o m D D D A co w U) > m c � S ii _ s m d =r O O n D 0) < & o H m H m o Z p a _ rn m • c m p , (i0u D m p� Z D (D cc m m N= C 41 0 6< c 0 \ 0d��,((� a y:$ O IW W VI rya �\ ( •� ~ OI c^ w o; m � n 1 � o, (� 3: 0: y 111111 m. m Y Nc $ Z 'O ' p ONO C 0 00 e � 0 ----------------- c 11 0) 0 w LAN w w 0 m (4 4,1 p 90 p p 0 0 0 0 0 0 ///6\.\/�j] z z z z z z z'4tli w 0 N) S� K) 0 0 0 m 0 0 0 (n 0 Ul 0 0) 7-, > 0 z Ij -P. V .- > : 00 po rn 0 Ln o M: co En ko m M 0 c En P3 6 m cca F 0 z M m 0 m N 0 z (n 75 0 > x LAI %. N P JI c o a 3 a N z c 0 m o N pp 9. O N < JC g Ll O 0 C n m C F. N S N N y o ti C o c P m d 3 3 5 p N N 0 0 a < c N o m J O O 0 S � y y C J � a O N p J A Y v n I. N o m °f N o J m f N J N Q P y J 3 N N m a c c a y N d m m o D p a a J m r r N N C N D P J N z 5 < o O F 3 °o N O N m N O O m N Q j n �0 0 3 3 C m � n N 3 o N J a n o m a D m m 3 a 0 3 0 n O y o ^ m N O N m ° J a 3 c o l7 r a m o � 6 U ti m N _N ry .n N N y m c C Z G r T N y N N �I m a N T W� S O y o m N `ro = r I . z z o � O Ni T Z N o, w y l m Fi N o o O n c m � T o O w J O J 3 ° y^ 0 0 o a N < Y J N N C 3 m x n O J ` ! . yII I ,. en v n n a t O S O y 0 > a n rn < c p m D p 0 W (n� � 0 p O D D (h r m Z < v 0 p. 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H N W � x a Q N Z g = ca 3 0 F o W 0 H ca ca In m as � e yt W m m O ca o VJ n. In y 2 tii Qp O Q J J Q i- Z W f /1 3 G N y N x M 00 Q c W C W O � p y L W Lo O O C J Z O O N it `O D 9 0 0 0 O 0 c cc^� rs l ui k�� MI m y ..r 0 n 0 r O v M 0 O 0 O 0 M 0 f' O us y O Z O 000 0 a N N 4 J 10 O O O W O Ooi W W 4L �+ to li�l N i.A C7 W 'O L p L Z Z Z Z O y w y J w En cM o 0 OR; o 0 o m ui .6 36. CA ✓ 4 �1 r ,��.,' a N ICI _ � W � c Z W w s m cm co O r, m f W ? } G N 2 � 6 C W W = Q 0- 6 y ro co . M w LD N X W GC„'. Q N ci U D i uk lz z c 71 A� u r i j „ h N Lo LU LU ui _I Q O Z iiY. N} Z U Q W` m ': cc r W co y y O ❑ m Q } (M C cc U In U Q O N U M /y� er w i� y W a d m a Z ooMo, w z d o m3 p -' w�� R o rn o Qi M p T!. � i z'. c o c"'i o r, w Ln a o m 00 O A Z W Z J m } p> 0_ W n- O r d yP Q Q 0 a m D Co �� H '' v yY D a.:. Y F (� co :Q !•. 5G 't'd i; £ Q U m O 6J'_.•y ,a C .. O �.k p[ Z OC W y V+ M D m' v s. 4 t N m t `E E y o o ral: Q Q "' i O to y j S7 6 J C a LL ice" 0 x L W z o �L -9 : y Q txt:: aO N N LiY: N60.1 O CD m p 6 ii L m n - 0,0 Q O Cl) O rn 0 a 00 J U N J cc N Y O m 6 m 2 N J LO ui y ! 1 O' O SG 2>- Z O lug[ J ca a .P,w Cl) o t Cl) J o it O O F- ° V o J N N d C '= OCc C S 6 C > O « o wo m g o 0 E o« E d a p p 10 3 3 i0 c Q n E o L = N o U V O J d d ° E in j U N m = in V H m = °c a3 m a rn Z W O W � O � ca p Z a O O C W m � � G O Z � Z I � v�'Ff •t y IPh �� � F f H W JGy y Li . W : ..1 C y � N S 6 U C m 9 � m J 3 > N c � o r r 0 o U _ c t O f n rn B _ v c a7Ej m m X .c j6 E ii v o ai _ o °�- E L.I.a :_ �. O. o, 0 C= E c O C �•. N p N. F. �C 1� L ry m d '5 a li m L c c v Q o CC E E ' E $ o 3 o U v v IZ o o moo° E > j C N I N u a c to �, h a v 5 `o z a10i a c� 'w U c E o Q y i o °• x g W - i N W • m C ii a 1 14 00 rl � o o o ccoo, /F o o u N N �F Q a; W d7 z m m o- 0 x C.) Ci m N i !° Z � 0 W m Gi } ac 0 m W co 1 O W LO M o = N x a W W 0 0)1.- - LL H > 0 N N n ? cc 0 ca W Z o ^ a N w N m cr iy O W _ Cl) z Q x 0 z U � W W m m N 2 J W y U U+ U O Z : }O to a a. 0, m /^ W a a y+ > °° W us o o O tY Y 6 O O Q cc Zw O Q C Z N Qo>co z z a d O o J y Q ~a a O o LU An a ci U I a F 0; O a d) rn a II s .r 6 ,pl 00 0) 0) M Ln O Z :c m m m a �j. KIRBMAN SEALING & STRIPING POST OFFICE BOX 1591 PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 9=1.1591 (760) 776.1002 UCA 764937 April 3, 2001 LA QUINTA BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB 49.995 PARK AVE, LA QUINTA, CA. 922253 SUB: SEALING & STRIPING— LA QUINTA PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT HAVING COMPLETED A FIELD INSPECTION, WE FEEL THE FOLLOWING LIST OF WORK TO BE DONE WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. • CLEAN 14,789 SQUARE FEET OF ASPHALT AND SEAL. WITH (1) COAT OF ASPHALT EMULSION SEALER. • LAYOUT AND PAINT (30) SINGLE STRIPE STALLS. • LAYOUT AND PAINT (2) HANDICAP STALLS. • LAYOUT AND PAINT (2) STRAIGHT ARROWS, • LAYOUT AND PAINT (2) YELLOW CROSSWALKS. • LAYOUT AND PAINT (2) STOP STENCILS. TOTAL PRICE: $3,230.00 PRICE GOOD THROUGH AUGUST 31, 2001(IF CONFIRMED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE BID DATE). THANK YOU FOR THE OPPORTUNITY OF BIDDING YOUR PROJECT. KIRBMAN SEALING & STRIPING, 2ttl? APPROVED TO PROCEED BY: DATE: TERMS: PAYMENT IN FULL UPON COMPLETION. (EMIAL PLEASE } el'R G N-R-30-01 10[31 ,.m CONSTRUCTION —ZONE PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT Revised March 30, 2001 (NOT FOR li IMPROVEMENT) Delta: January 16, 2001 To Me Bov's 6 Girl's club of The Coachella valley , (hereinafter' Owner'), The Construction Zone (hereinafter Contractor") propose(s) to furnish all materials antl Perform all necessary labor n to complete the following at La Quinta Clubhouse, Avenue 50, La Quintal Calitomia which is further all lab below: This Wm aft does not include the Cost of City perk The 00slarlor shall provide prof of warkntan's Compensation insurance and liability iesurmce and a copy of their General Contractors license to the undemgned. Addibona or deabons from this description of walk and Contract may pis modified by the contractor aid the undersigned in writing Only, and may proportionally increase or wOrsea a me WWI Contract Prioa by this actual, mar of materials antl labor or the sub -contract Coat for that podian of wine dK dbW Allewancas m the Contra t shall be meneya set aside for that pennon of work de O ibed, howeve, the actual msr may Cis greater or Weser depending on selection of the product 0, material choacn including inatalab0a unless olo,wa, Specified In the event the msr is greater the Conti atoll Wform owne, In writing of any price cluunge. In the written notice play Shan agree upon a piece Including HWUNarion, prior to the Including installation alto in the WBM the mN is kSxr. me Connat(ur shall Issue the owner a credit for the dderenee between Ihv actual cost aoNmnp inafalku0n and allowonca. 1. Please refer to Addendum Ito Proposal and Contract. The boys a Gaut Club management shall be rasponsibk for removing all furnishings, gems from walk, computers, etc from each worA area the nlpM before work is to Commence in that area. This Warned includes only d,OW items kited in Addendum 1, all other Costs if any shall be ChOlead as an extra and shall be agreed upon in writing prior to the Commencement of any work. An of the above work is to be completed in a substantial and workmariike manner to standard practices for the sum of EICIIIIVMVIJI thousand IV2 IllinfidElid eighty-two/••».••»•••••••••••••.•......................Dollars 5 87.282.39 Plogress payments shall be made as follows: I. Payment due upon commencement of work. s 25,000.00 2. payment due upon completion of painting walls. $ 20,000.00 planning3. Payment due upon Completion Of planning removal and floor prep $ 20OOO Op a. Payment due upon completion of Y.O. tile installation, a 15.000.00 5. Payment 6A upon Completion of work. a 7.252.39 to the value of we hundred car cant (10ft of all work completed The remaining balance of contract to be paid "No Frye days anon completion. This proposal W WHO until Ab,n 30 2001 and it accepted m or before than date work will Commence app,Oxanoky on Aorll 9. 2001 and will be Substantially Completed approximately on Mav 25. 20ot, (exclusive of weekends and holidays) subject to delays Caused by acts Of God, atary weather, uncontrollable labor trouble, shortages Ormaknats, availability of Czlpet choice, delays In Governmental and city Inspections, urdOrsseen Contingencies. Any charges or additions maw to the Original some of work as toted in this proposal may substantially increase the Completion tang of this project. T he Commentement and completion dales listed herein may vary depending on the date this proposal is accepled ark depeni on the Contractors work load If the Commencement date Changes from that data listed. Any alteration or deviation from the above speci5Ca00ns, including but not limited to any such alterations or deviations involving additional matedai and/or labor mats, will be executed only upon a wrkW. Order for the same, signed by Owner antl Contractor, and iI there is any charge for such alteration Or deviation, the addivael charge and be added to the Contract price of this Wwact, pony payment M rid made when due, ConbadO may Wspend work On me)ob unlit such tare as all payments due have been made. A failure to make payment for a period in excess of Ellen days from the duo data shall be deemed a material breach of this contract In the event that the wait he. been Competed and the Instance due has nil been paid vrkhkr Jh y days the balance due shed be increased by a ten percent note fee ark 150 %of the rant of mledWn fees. attorney less. mayn Wek, filing Was and additional adminiatratwe lees of the Connector to Coned an remaining balaroal due to Contractor. Contractor reserves the right to cancel Contract for any reason prior to commencement. Respectfully submitted, The Construe ion Zone BY Charles M. Topalian, President T7-799 Jackal Drive, Suite B Palm Desert, California 92211-1136 - Caldomia State Contractors License No. 740276 (760) 772-3585 onmr (760) 772-3587 r.. ACCEPTANCE You are hereby authorized to furnish all materials and labor required to complete the work mentioned in this proposal, for which 17we agree to pay the contract price mentioned in this Proposal, and according to the terms thereof. Owe have read and agree to the provisions contained herein, and in any attachments hereto, which are made a part and are described as The Notice to Owner and Addendum 1 Attached to this contract. Bov's 3 Gid's Club of CeaChalla Valley M. 42-600 Cook Street Awe Palm Desert. CA 92211 (7601836.1106 (7601 ACCEPTED: e_ , oe.eaana... DATE ali syiww. DATE Contractor are required by law to be Licensed and regulated by the Contractors' State License Board. Any questions concerning a contractor may be retorted to the Registrar , contractors' State License Board, P.O. Box 26000, Sacramento, Ca 05826 ADDENDUM 1TO o-� PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT DATED January is, 2D01r(iDa Revised March 30, 2001 ✓ D Pmoertv Address Boys & Girls Club La Quints, CA 92263 Demolltion Remove existing carpet and V.C. tile. Prep Boor for new flooring materials. g 2 862 91 Caroef 1. Provide and install 26 cz Philadelphia Winchester 'Polypropylene Carpet by direct glue down E 8,351.66 With 4" bound edge carpet base in the following rooms Learning Center, Computer Lab, OMce's 1, 2, & 3, ffxz —Ha—Ilwa3713oard Room, Rec r 428,67 yd., total. 2. Provide and install 26 oz. Philadelphia Winchester "Polypropylene carpet over commercial felt padding in Exercise Room, including 4" bound edge carpet base. 125.33 yd., total. 3. Provide and install 26 oz. Philadelphia Winchaster *Polypropylene carpet over commercial felt in health room. Note: Based on using same cglpr and style carpet throughout. Tit Provide and install Armstrong Standard Excelon Vinyl Composition file m with 4- rolled rubber $ 13.335.75 tease in the following rooms: Game Room, & Community Room. 6,000 sq. ft. total V.C. tile. 662 L.F. total roiled rubber base. Note' Based on using same color and style throughout. Gymnasium floor Clean, buff and apply two (2) Coats of Sport Floor finish to re -coat existing gymnasium Boor. E 9,442.00 Ceramic file Provide and install approx. 440 sqft. of 12' x 12" ceramic the in entry including tile sealer. $ 8,709.41 1." Provide and install approx. 875 Sq. Ft. of 12" x 12" ceramic life in entry and office halfway. 2. Remove existing ceramic file in hallway. ($4AWSq. FL tile Allowance) Eguipment room flooring E 7,236,00 Remove existing V.C. tile.and install approx. 773 sqh. of 12" x 12" ceramic file on floor. Option. Install 12" x 12" V.C. file in lieu of ceramic tile. Deduct-$5.260.00 Painting:,54o,1,/� V4Jin1a'1'�w -.� E 24,666.00 1. Walls of Learning Center, Computer Lab, Offices 1, 2 & 3, Office Hallway, Board Room, Reception Area, Exercise Room, Game Room, Community Room, Health Room, Office RBsheom, Boys & Girl's Restroom walls shall be painted With Semi Gloss paint (One color only) 2, Paint boy's and girl's restroom floors aria kitchen floor using epoxy paint. (One color only) -• 3. Repair and repaint one (1) column at entry using exterior Bat paint. 4. Paint one pair of &0 x 710 entry doors and two pairs of 6l0 x 710 gymnasium doors. 5. Paint lockers in boys and Bids restrooms. Door repair: Repair and install existing 610 x 7/0 door and frame oft gymnasium. $ 300.00 (when counter too: Remove and replace back splash on ling side only, (approx. 1311.), repair $ 375.00 edge band, (approx. 24 I.Q. Drywall - Boys Restroom: $ 800.00 1. Remove and replace urinals in boys restroom. ',DAN 2. Remove existing damaged drywall behind urinals and replace with new. 3. Install F.R.P. on wall behind boys restroom umials. Suoervlalon. orofft&overhead. $ ___t1-.384.g6 TOTAL $ 87,282.39 "Option for Philadelphia PhD 100% Nylon commercial loop carpet. Add $ 1,785.00 Boys & Girl's Club of Coachella Valley The Construction Zone 42-600 Cook Street Charles M. Topalian, President Palm Desert, CA 92211 77799 Jackal Dr. Suite B (760) 836-1106 Palm Desert, CA 92211.1136 (750)T72.3585 (760)772-3587 Fax CA State Contractor's License No. 740276 I AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CWL COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: May 1, 2001 CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of Request by the PUBLIC HEARING: Coachella Valley Economic Partnership to Amend its Bylaws in Regard to the — Executive Committee As deemed appropriate by the City Council. None. None. The City, as a member of the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP), received a written request from CVEP to amend the bylaws relative to the composition of the Executive Committee (Attachment 1). The Executive Committee of the CVEP oversees the day-to-day operations of CVEP and it meets once per month on the second Tuesday of the month from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. (lunch is provided). The proposed bylaw amendment will designate two of the seven seats on the Executive Committee for elected officials from municipal and tribal governments who will be drawn on a random basis and serve a one year term. Elected officials appointed to the Executive Committee will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement. The confidentiality agreement concerns economic development leads which are received by CVEP. Both the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors approved this proposed bylaw amendment at recent meetings. Further details are included within the attachment. Staff has identified some potential opportunities and challenges associated with this request as follows: Opportunities: ■ Further legitimizes CVEP by increasing public agency/tribal group participation in the day-to-day operations of CVEP. ■ Adds to the stature of CVEP. Challenges: ■ In that it adds to the stature, it may also lead to political fragmentation (i.e. several other regional organizations provide for representation by all cities). ■ The implementation and enforcement of the confidentiality agreement. ■ Need to avoid issues related to potential equity/fairness issues in representing all cities (i.e. can one city equitably represent another?). As an investor/member of CVEP, the City is being asked to consider this bylaw amendment. The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Affirm the amendment to the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership's bylaws, and authorize the City Manager to execute an affirmative vote on the CVEP Proxy; or 2. Do not affirm the amendment to the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership's bylaws and authorize the City Manager to execute a negative vote on the CVEP Proxy; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, _" A - - Britt W. Wilson, Management Analyst City Manager's Office 9ifl Approved for submission by: ';2ho P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. CVEP correspondence (including Proxy) regarding proposed bylaw amendment in regard to Executive Committee. 0:NYDatO WPOOWCITV COVNCIL%CCSTFFCVEPBYUWS 05 01-01.wpd 1s` , Coachella Valley APR 5 ` Economic Partnership 73-710 Fred Waring Drive, Suite 205 • Palm Desert, CA 92260 • 760/340-1575 or 1-800-596-1007 • Fax 760/340-9212 Dear Investor: ATTACHMENT 1 At their respective March meetings, the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors have taken action to recommend to you a change in our Bylaws. Currently, the Executive Committee is comprised of seven (7) persons including the corporate officers and three additional persons and is responsible for many day -today decisions regarding project/program implementation. As the organization continues to grow and evolve, it is recommended that we designate two (2) of the seven (7) seats for an elected representative from our municipal and tribal governments. This would help insure that CVEP's mission and activities are consistent with those at the local level and create additional synergy within our communities. If approved, an elected representative from each of the two groups as described below would be invited to serve one-year terms on the Executive Committee. Each subsequent year, the next municipal/tribal organization would be provided the opportunity to place an elected official on the Executive Committee. In the event the municipal/tribal organization either is not a Class A or B investor (Class A has annual investment of $50,000, Class B has annual investment of $5,000) in CVEP or chooses not to place an elected official on the Executive Committee, then we shall defer to the next organization in the rotation. Selection Process: Participants shall be chosen by drawing at random to create a "rotation"... upon a municipality or tribal jurisdiction rotation becoming current, such entity shall have the option of placing an elected official on the CVEP Executive Committee. In the event that said jurisdiction does not wish to participate, the rotation shall move to the next participant. Term: Participants shall serve for a one-year term as a member of the Executive Committee Confidentiality: All participants shall be required to sign a confidentiality agreement between CVEP and themselves and the jurisdiction they represent. Both the Executive Committee and Board of Directors have strongly endorsed this Bylaw change as one that is needed to continue to grow and expand the capabilities of the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership. Please take a minute to review these potential changes and complete your proxy. Sincerely, Michael Bracken President and Chief Executive Officer Ca CVEP PROXY FOR BYLAW AMENDMENTS Affirmative vote to amend bylaws as stated below Negative vote to deny amendments to bylaws as stated below Voting Organization Signature of Voting Investor Please return Proxy to CVEP via mail to Coachella Valley Economic Partnership 73-710 Fred Waring Drive, Suite 205 Palm Desert, CA 92260 or fax to (760) 340-9212. Bylaw Amendments: 10.2. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Shall be comprised of seven (7) members, which shall include four (4) corporate officers, i.e., the Chair, the Vice -Chair, the Secretary, Treasurer, immediate past Chair and two (2) elected officials 10.2.1. Once Class A Executive Committee and Officer seats are filled each year, Class B Directors or Class C members (with annual investment of $1,000 in CVEP) selected by the Board of Directors, if any, shall fill the remaining seats. If the number of Class A members increases during the term of an Executive Committee seat filled by a non -officer Class B or Class C member, the Class A member shall be entitled to displace the Class B or Class C member. Displacement shall be decided by lot if more than 1 Class B non -officer or Class C member sits on the Executive Committee. the Coachella Valley and a Class A or Class B director. 10.2.2 GROUPS A rotation system shall be employed from each of the followine two arnnn as listed below, If a municipal -o tribal eoverunIent chooses not to paWcipWe or is not at that time a Class A or Class B director, the rotation shall move to the next municipality or tribal eovernment Group 1 City of Desert Hot Springs City of Pahn Springs City of Cathedral City City of Rancho Mirage City of Pabn Desert Agua Caliente Band Group 2 City of Indian Wells City of La Quinta City of Indio City of Coachella County of Riverside Cabazon Band COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: May 1, 2001 Consideration of City Marketing Plan for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve the City Marketing Plan for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 as prepared by Kiner/Goodsell Advertising. The proposed Marketing Plan, as prepared by Kiner/Goodsell Advertising, contains programs totaling $330,000; however $24,100 of that amount is for programs that are budgeted this year but, for a variety of reasons, were unable to be completed. As proposed, the $24,100 will be carried forward as a continuing appropriation to be spent next fiscal year. Therefore, the net effect on the pending Fiscal Year 2001- 2002 Budget will be $305,900 for marketing (the current fiscal year's budget for marketing is $279,800). If this Plan is approved by the City Council, staff will request appropriate budget amounts within the Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 currently scheduled for Council consideration on June 19, 2001 . None. The City, since 1998, has annually adopted a Marketing Plan to guide the City's marketing/advertising efforts. The City's marketing consultant, Kiner/Goodsell Advertising, has prepared the plan each year for the City Council's consideration. Once approved, the City Council budgets the appropriate dollars within the next fiscal year's budget to help the City achieve the goals of the marketing plan. Kiner/Gooddell prepared a draft Marketing Plan for the Council's consideration during a study session at the March 20, 2001 City Council meeting. Kiner/Goodsell took the Council's comments under advisement and with some other refinements created the attached Marketing Plan for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 (Attachment 1). The minutes from the March 201h City Council meeting are also attached (Attachment 2). The Marketing Plan includes general marketing programs (e.g. promotional items, seasonal banners, ICSC attendance, etc.) for the City as well as components that are envisioned for implementation by a contract services provider/consultant. Currently, Kiner/Goodsell Advertising implements a large portion of the City's marketing efforts. Unless directed otherwise, staff will begin contract negotiations with Kiner/Goodsell in the very near future and bring a contract to the City Council for consideration follwing adoption of the Preliminary Budget in June 2001. As the Plan is currently drafted, it is estimated that the contract with Kiner/Goodsell will be approximately $247,300 out of the total marketing budget of $3O5,9OO. As indicated at the March 2O1h Study Session, the Marketing Plan for Fiscal Year 2001- 2002 draws upon the framework and successes of the Marketing Plan currently being implemented by Kiner/Goodsell and the City. The proposed Marketing Plan will focus on business attraction and retention as well as some "community" related programs. Based on comments made at the Study Session and logistical/timing concerns, the proposed film documentary and "Holiday in the Park" were removed from the Marketing Plan (the City is still scheduled to have a tree -lighting ceremony as in past years). The shopper attraction "Gold Key" program's name has evolved into the "Gold Q" program to reflect the Q in Quinta. The Veterans Day Parade has been added as an event as well as a Fourth of July celebration (advertising only - possibly in conjunction with a fireworks show on KSL property or elsewhere in the Valley). The Fourth of July advertising has been categorized under Support Local Events along with support for other events to potentially include such events as a Breakfast of Champions breakfast during the Bob Hope Classic and providing promotional materials during the Mariachi Festival. The Support Local Events category falls within the Community Services Advertising portion of the Plan and its budget is proposed at $ 8,000. Some of the major components of the Marketing Plan include: ■ Community Services Advertising (e.g. 3 community parades, 2O1h Anniversary advertising, seasonal banner program, and Civic Center Campus Grand Opening) ■ Economic Development Electronic Media (e.g. Update infomercial and television advertisements) ■ Economic Development Print Media (e.g. Palm Springs Life, Bob Hope Chrysler Classic, Alaska Airlines, etc.) 002 ■ Business Retention (e.g. Gold "Q" program, Grand Opening of The Village) ■ Economic Development Events (e.g. International Council of Shopping Centers Conventions, V Annual Realtor's Breakfast) Although not necessarily part of the Marketing Plan, comments were made at the March 20, 2001 Study Session relative to a "City store"; a 201" anniversary parade; and a Fourth of July celebration. Other than advertising dollars for the Fourth of July celebration and the City's 20`h anniversary, no programs or dollars are included within the Marketing Plan as it is now drafted for these programs. The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve the City Marketing Plan for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 as prepared by Kiner/Goodsell Advertising; or 2. Approve the City Marketing Plan for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 as amended; or 1 3. Do not approve the City Marketing Plan for Fiscal Year 200g-2002; or 4. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, JE"z Britt W. Wilson, Management Analyst City Manager's Office Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1 . Marketing Plan prepared by Kiner/Goodsell Advertising 2. Minutes from the March 20, 2001 City Council Meeting GWVDeu\WP0ocs\CITY COUNCIL\CCSTFFMARKETINGPLANADOPTIONKINEPG00DSELL 05 01-01.wpd M, ATTACHMENT 1 sell Marketing Plan For the City of La Quinta Prepared by Kiner/Goodsell Advertising Fiscal Year July 1, 2001- June 30, 2002 The City Council Study Session on March 20, 2001, identified the key marketing elements to be pursued with the 2001-2002 Marketing Plan for the City of La Quinta. Several ideas were proposed in the study session. Following is a summary of those that were of most interest to the City Council, accompanied by some corresponding budget figures for the various marketing sub -categories. Also included within this Plan are other, general marketing programs of the City (e.g. ICSC attendance, street banners, promotional items, etc.) that may or may not be part of a marketing consultant's services. Based on the City Council's Study Session input, Kiner/Goodsell recommends the following marketing strategies in the areas of Economic Development, Business Retention and Community Involvement: Economic Development • Update the City's infomercial to include the Civic Center Campus, the new upgrades in The Village, the new developments on Highway 111, etc. Continue broadcast of the infomercial both locally and in the Inland Empire. Expand infomercial broadcast in the Pacific Northwest, which has shown the greatest response to the infomercial to date, and also add the Midwest as a new market. • Continue advertising in print media vehicles which best reach the targeted audiences for economic development, such as the Alaska Airlines Palm Springs 0®5 finer oodsell Desert Resorts issue and Franchise Times (the top trade publication for reaching franchisees in search of new locations). Continue maintaining a presence in the Palm Springs Life Desert Progress issue through a four -page advertorial, as well as advertising in the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic Program Guide. • Expand Realtor's Breakfast to include more developers and La Quinta land owners, and broaden focus to include all commercial real estate opportunities in La Quinta, not just The Village. • Continue sponsorship of the Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival. • Continue maintaining a presence at the Palm Springs and Las Vegas ICSC conventions, including advertising in the conference guide and providing prizes that will draw event attendees to La Quinta. • Purchase new, promotional items (i.e. giveaways). • Maintain a contingency account for unforeseen advertising opportunities. Business Retention • Reinstate a program that rewards consumers for spending retail, dining and service dollars in La Quinta. Refresh the program under a new, classier theme, such as the "Gold Q Program" where people would receive a small booklet that offers savings not just for retail and dining establishments, but also explore the feasibility of offering discounts to La Quinta cultural events. Demand from the - Page 2- ill • finer oodsell community and the Chamber of Commerce, as well as the trackability of a program such as this, make it an attractive and effective business retention tool for the City. To make this program different than shopping/dining incentive programs we've implemented in the past, the promotion would be held during the summer months of 2002. The summer program offers restaurants and retailers the opportunity to attract more business during the off-season. Many businesses are looking for ways to capture revenue during the Valley's slow parts of the year. The discounts offered by businesses would likely be more substantial during a summer program. • Support local businesses with advertising timed in conjunction with the grand openings of other new businesses in La Quinta, such as the movie theater and new developments on Highway 111 (campaign would be generic and would not list new businesses individually). The premise of the advertising would be to encourage people to come to La Quinta and experience the growth as well as the wonderful new dining and retail establishments the City has to offer. • Run an advertising campaign to support The Village and the completion of its "new look". The campaign would encourage the community to come and check out the fantastic upgrades and improvements in The Village, as well as its new businesses (which would not be named specifically, just given a generic welcome message). Community Involvement • Continue to maintain a presence in local parade events, specifically the Palm Desert Golf Cart Parade, the Veterans Day Parade and the Date Festival Parade. - Page 3 - 11 I finer oodsell Support local events put on by La Quinta businesses, when appropriate. For example, the Mariachi Festival gives away hand-held fans to attendees. The City could help pay for this collateral item, and then have its 20th Anniversary festivities printed on the back of each one. Other events to consider partnering on are a Breakfast of Champions event during the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic, and a Fourth of July Celebration. • Continue pursuing a seasonal banner program in the City starting with banners on Calle Tampico, Highway 111, and possibly Calle Estado. • Coordinate advertising to coincide with the "unveiling" of the new Civic Center Campus, and in support of any grand opening celebration event(s) held at the campus. • Coordinate advertising in support of the 20th Anniversary activities hosted by the City. MW finer oodsell 2001-2002 City of La Quinta Marketing Budget Community Services Advertising $60,000 • Support local events, such as the Mariachi Festival, Breakfast of Champions, Fourth of July Celebration, etc. • Participate in and create float for three community parades. • Advertise in support of the 20' Anniversary and to help kick-off the new Civic Center Campus. • Implement seasonal banner program. Economic Development Electronic Media $87,000 • Update infomercial and broadcast it in the Coachella Valley, the Inland Empire, the Pacific Northwest and the Midwest. • Revise 10-second and 30-second economic development TV spots and continue to broadcast during the newscasts and other local programming. Economic Development Print Media & Promo Items $679000 • Continue to advertise in print media vehicles which most effectively reach the target audience for economic development, such as the Palm Springs Life Desert Cities Progress Issue, the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic Program Guide, Alaska Airlines magazine, etc. • Order new, promotional items. • Maintain advertising contingency account. Business Retention $50,000 • Implement an upscale shopping/dining incentive program in La Quinta, which could be called the "Gold Q' program or something similar. • Advertise the grand opening/unveiling of The Village. - Page 5 - 009 elopment Events $30,000 • Advertise in the ICSC Program Guide, and provide promotional prizes for event attendees. Council and staff attendance, as appropriate, at ICSC conventions. • Host 3'd Annual Realtors' Breakfast, expanding its focus to all the new development opportunities in La Quinta. • Continue sponsorship of the Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival. Consultant Retainer $36,000 • Retainer fee to cover account service hours, planning, research, etc. TOTAL BUDGET - Page 6 - $33%000 010 ATTACHMENT 2 City Council Minutes 6 March 20, 2001 delay the street improvement project. Council Member Sniff agreed with moving the viable tre the Cove Oasis and Bear Creek Bike Path. City Manager Genovese stated staff wil its discretion in making sure the Council's goals are met in this mat MOTION - It was move ouncil Members Henderson/Adolph to approve a Contract Change in an amount not to exceed $63,450 for removal and relocation of trees and directed that the trees be moved to permanent locatio the Cove Oasis and Bear Creek Bike Path and that the trees not be u t the Civic Center Campus. Motion carried with Mayor Pena ABSENT. STUDY SESSION .==w+ 1. DISCUSSION OF CITY MARKETING PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2001 /2002. Management Analyst Wilson presented the staff report. In response to Mayor Pena, Assistant City Manager Weiss confirmed the City's participation in the ICSC. has resulted in leads, such as the 990 Store that is locating in La Quinta. Mayor Pena stated he supports continued participation in special events, especially the Realtor's Breakfast which he felt provides an opportunity to showcase the City. Mr. Weiss added the breakfast is also an opportunity to express to realtors and the financial industry the investment being put in the village by the public sector as well as the private sector. Mayor Pena stated he understood several banks have purchased property and plan to build in La Quinta as a result of the last two years of marketing. Council Member Adolph commented on the sign program initiated for the street improvement project and noted the sign at Avenue 52 and Washington Street needs repair. Council Member Sniff commented on the effectiveness of the marketing program and stated he supports moving forward another year in basically the Oil City Council Minutes 7 March 20, 2001 same pattern. He felt the infomercials are very effective and suggested additional factoids. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Wilson advised the current factoids are 10 and 30 seconds in length. Council Member Sniff supported at least four or five factoids of 10, 15, or 30 seconds in length and stated he believed the City should be as proactive as possible in support of existing and new businesses. He suggested emphasis on visit La Quinta, shop La Quinta, enjoy La Quinta, and invest in La Quinta. He stated he was less enthusiastic about the gold key (coupon) program and did not like the term "park" for the Civic Center. He also felt participation in local parades should be limited to two parades a year. Council Member Henderson agreed with continuing the infomercials and Realtor's Breakfast. She also supported participation in local events such as the Mariachi Festival but was not sure KSL would be doing the event this year. Doug Yavanian, 49-499 Eisenhower Drive, of KSL Desert Resorts, confirmed KSL is planning a Mariachi Festival and would like to expand it to more of a community event. He added KSL would like to partner with the City and Chamber of Commerce on local events such as a "La Quinta Celebrate America Fireworks" event on July 4th. They would also like to expand their holiday festival of lights with several days of activities and nexus with the City's holiday event to attract people to the community. He stated they would also be interested in looking at the gold key program to see how it might help them attract more people from the valley to their the La Quinta Resort. Mayor Pena stated he felt many of the residents would support an effort by KSL to draw local people back to their facilities much as they did in the past. Mr. Yavanian stated KSL would also like to see a partnering event to coincide with the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic such as a "Breakfast of Champions." He noted in other areas such annual events become festivals and community activities. Council Member Henderson stated she would support the "Shop & Dine La Quinta" program coming back to Council for consideration based on last year's last minute interest by the business community and the opportunity to look at the gold key concept. She supported the City's involvement with a 4th of July celebration in La Quinta as well as its continued participation in parades but was not sure about the Palm Springs festival of lights and Veteran's Day parades. 01? City Council Minutes 8 March 20, 2001 Mayor Pena stated he wished to continue participating in the Veteran's Day parade and suggested having the City's Congressional Medal of Honor recipient featured on the float. Council Member Henderson agreed and noted plans will need to be made if the City is going to have a parade for its 20th anniversary. She also suggested the City begin looking at a merchandising program for items such as the "beany baby" Gamby, City shirts and jackets. Council Member Perkins commented on the effectiveness of the City's marketing program and spoke in support of the proposed marketing plan. Council Member Adolph spoke in support of the infomercial video. He voiced concern about the number of new restaurants possibly taking business away from existing restaurants. He wished to see emphasis placed on attracting people to La Quinta from other communities. Mayor Pena was supportive of the infomercial and felt it should be included in the City's marketing program. He suggested targeting the Inland Empire and local market for print media, including the City's availability of electric power, and changing the gold key program to something more unique like the Gold "Q" program. He supported the City working in concert with the Chamber to publicize new business grand openings and suggested advertising the completion of the City's street, improvement project once it is done. He also supported partnering with KSL and the Chamber rather than sponsoring some of the local events. He was not sure about the documentary. He noted a lot of valley businesses are looking for a second location and felt the City should take advantage of the opportunity. He also suggested the Civic Center grand opening be referred to as a "celebration" or "expansion" instead of grand opening and agreed with not calling the Civic Center a park. Council Member Perkins supported emphasizing that the Civic Center Campus belongs to the citizens of La Quinta. Council Member Sniff noted coupon programs develop a fatigue factor in a short period of time. He supported a merchandising program and suggested the items be sold only by the City and not at stores. Council Member Henderson suggested, at least for the first year, allowing the Chamber of Commerce to sell selected items at the Mainstreet Marketplace. Council Member Sniff suggested the City use the prototype street as a promotional area and holding multiple events there. Council Member Perkins suggested "before and after" pictures be taken of that area. 013 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: May 1, 2001 Consideration of New Design for City Vehicles RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: f CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve a new design for City vehicles; approve a budget of up to $17,700 for incorporation into the FY 2001-2002 Budget; and direct staff to negotiate with an expert company(ies) to complete all necessary work. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The fiscal implications of this design project will depend on the scope of the project as determined by the City Council. Depending on the design selected and the number of vehicles affected, the price of the work may be as low as $700 (one vehicle per year) or up to $16,100 (all eligible vehicles in the City's fleet). The proposed project budget of $17,700 includes a 10% contingency. The Council may wish to allocate funds this fiscal year from the General Fund Reserve (Account #101-000-300-290) or allocate funds in next fiscal year's budget. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: At the February 6, 2001 City Council meeting, under "Mayor and Council Members' Items," the Council discussed an item pertaining to aesthetic modifications to City fleet vehicles. The Council directed staff to explore the idea further and come back with more information. Staff presented design concepts and cost information at the April 3, 2001 City Council meeting. The Council considered two basic designs produced by Kiner Goodsell, the City's marketing firm: a stripe design and a picture design (incorporating the sun and mountains). The Council generally favored the picture design and directed staff to make several color and layout modifications. Kiner Goodsell has made the modifications and has submitted three new options (A, B and C) for Council consideration (Attachment 1). The Council also asked staff to provide samples of logos that seemed similar to the design being considered for La Quinta vehicles (specifically, Cathedral City and Desert Resorts Regional Airport). Attachment 2 provides samples of these logos, and several others for comparison purposes. Staff viewed numerous logos for cities and professional associations in Southern California, and found that many incorporate the sun, mountains, and palm trees in their logos. These features seem to epitomize Southern California, especially the desert areas. As mentioned at the April 3, 2001 meeting, staff solicited cost information from various companies specializing in the type of work needed to complete this project. Since the Council seems to favor a picture design, as opposed to a stripe design, the work will involve the production of decals. Two methods can be used in the production of decals: 1) Silk Screening — This option involves a stencil method of printing, working with one color at a time. Silk screening may produce more vibrant colors and may be more durable; however, it may also be more expensive and time-consuming. 2) Digital Printing — This option involves printing a digital image directly onto paper, fabric or other such material. While digital printing may involve less work and less money, its color and durability would need to be examined. Staff was able to obtain rough cost information by contacting several companies and providing them broad project parameters. Staff informed the companies that several designs were under consideration and that the number of vehicles involved was undetermined, but could be up to 20. Upon closer review of the City's vehicle inventory list, staff has determined that 23 vehicles are eligible for the design, including: nine small trucks, eight full-size trucks, one emergency services vehicle, one water truck, one street sweeper, and three pool vehicles. Generally, the simpler the design, the less expensive the work. Similarly, the higher the number of vehicles involved, the less cost per vehicle. An analysis of the cost information submitted shows that the production of decals ranges from roughly $300 for a stripe design (which is no longer being considered) on nine small trucks to roughly $600 for a picture design on one full-size truck. An additional $200 per vehicle would need to be added for the installation of the decals given that most of the companies contacted did not provide installation services. 002 Considering this cost information and other factors (such as method, design, quantity and size), staff recommends setting aside up to $700 per vehicle. Accordingly, a budget of $17,700 (which includes a 10% contingency) is recommended if the Council wishes to apply the design to the entire City fleet. The item is before the City Council for consideration. Staff is seeking the Council's direction on a new design (A, B or C) for City vehicles, and general direction in relation to the implementation of this project. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve a new design for City vehicles; approve a budget of up to $17,700 for incorporation into the FY 2001-2002 Budget; and direct staff to negotiate with an expert company(ies) to complete all necessary work; or 2. Approve a new design for City vehicles; approve a budget allocation of up to $17,700 from the General Fund Reserve (Account #101-000-300- 290); and direct staff to negotiate with an expert company(ies) to complete all necessary work beginning this fiscal year; or 3. Do not approve the design project at this time; or 4. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, ManK�Casillas, M gement Analyst Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Modified Designs for City Vehicles 2. Samples of Various Logos 003 i Attachment 1 005 n 007 \\ » <# 2 >9 Cri� is \§ Z: in \ \ ( \tD\ \m'1- »»«« Attachment 2 dO ■ : AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: May 1, 2001 CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: _ Consideration of a Professional Services Agreement with Ray Lopez Associates for Design/Build PUBLIC HEARING: Services for Three Mini Parks RECOMMENDATION: Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Ray Lopez Associates for Design/Build Services for three mini parks to include remodeling and upgrading Eisenhower Park and not expanding the park into the vacant lot north of the existing park; design and build a mini park at the western boundaries of Saguaro and Bottlebrush Drives; and design and build a mini park at the northwestern corner of Temecula and Velasco on property donated by Mr. Meyran. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The City Council has appropriated a total of $340,720 in the Capital Improvement Program, Fiscal Year 2000-01 for the acquisition, design and construction of three mini parks in the cove area. Ray Lopez Associates has submitted a bid for Design/Build Services for three mini parks in the amount of $247,712.48. The proposed amount is under the budgeted amount for this project. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The City Council approved funding for expansion of Eisenhower Park in the 1997-98 Capital Improvement Program (CIP), the Cove Mini Park (Cove) and Bottlebrush/Sagebrush/Saguaro Mini Park in the 2000-01 CIP. At the October 17, 2000 City Council meeting, the City Council accepted a donation of property from Mr. and Mrs. Meyran on the northwest corner of Avenida Velasco and Calle Temecula to be used specifically as a park site, as provided in Attachment 1. Also at that meeting, the City Council directed staff to combine the Eisenhower Park Expansion, Bottlebrush/Sagebrush/Saguaro Mini Park and the Velasco/Temecula Park into one project and to advertise for Design/Build Services, also provided in Attachment 1. The funds allocated for Eisenhower Park and the two new mini parks were combined and listed in the 2000-01 CIP with the following allocations: Contract Services -Professional $10,840 Contract Services -Design $20,000 Contract Services -Technical $18,560 Contract Services -Construction $215,900 Land Acquisition $60,000 Administration $15,420 Total $ 340, 720 As of this report, available funding for these projects total $320,562. At the November 7, 2000 City Council meeting, Mr. Mel Robey presented his concerns regarding the expansion of the park and the negative impact upon his property, as provided in Attachment 2. Mr. Robey resides north of Eisenhower Park, between the existing Eisenhower Park and vacant land that had been designated in the 1997-98 CIP for the expansion of Eisenhower Park. At the December 19, 2000 City Council meeting, the City Council discussed not expanding Eisenhower Park due to the concerns of Mr. Robey, as provided in Attachment 3. On December 28, 2000, Ray Lopez Associates was the only firm to submit a Design/Build Proposal for the three mini park projects. On February 2, 2001, Mr. Lopez submitted a proposal for the three park projects. Mr. Lopez provided the Design/Build Proposal under the assumption that the vacant lot north of Eisenhower Park would not be developed into an additional playground. The Community Services Commission reviewed Mr. Robey's statements regarding the use of Eisenhower Park and does not agree with the statements that people do not use that park on a regular basis. The Community Services Commission requests that the City Council reconsider the decision not to expand Eisenhower Park. The Commission would like to see Eisenhower Park expanded as originally planned. If the City Council elects to expand Eisenhower Park, to include the vacant lot north of the existing park, a modification to the Design/Build Proposal by Mr. Lopez will be necessary and will be brought forward for City Council consideration at the next City Council meeting. S:\Community Services\CCReports\CC.108.Mini Parka Design.wpd 00,21 0(j, 1 V lJ (� Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Minutes of the City Council Meeting of October 17, 2000 2. Minutes of the City Council Meeting of November 7, 2000 3. Minutes of the City Council Meeting of December 19, 2000 4. Professional Services Agreement With Ray Lopez Associates S:\Community Services\CCReports\CC.108.Mini Parks Design.wpd I _ Ciro 4 ATTACHMENT 1 City Council Minutes 6 October 17, 2000 {� Council discussed selecting eight art panel designs, including the design J presented by Mr. Ladochy at an earlier Council meeting and directed the artist to provide more color in the rabbit design and to revise the color of the lizard in the lizard design. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to approve eight art panel designs (with minor changes to the rabbit and lizard designs) as provided by Mr. Peter Ladochy to be installed on the Civic Center Campus. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2000-189. 2. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL TO OBTAIN DESIGN/BUILD SERVICES FOR THE EISENHOWER PARK EXPANSION AND SAGUARO/SAGEBRUSH POCKET PARK, PROJECT NO. 2000-02. Public Works Director Vogt presented the staff report. Council Member Sniff stated he likes the idea of an additional mini -park in the Cove. After a brief discussion, Council concurred to take up Business Session Item No. 3 at this time, which deals with a Cove mini -park site, prior to taking action on this item. (See Page 7 for continuation of this item.) 3. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A DONATION OF TWO PARCELS OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF AVENIDA VELASCO AND CALLE TEMECULA. There were no changes to the staff report as submitted and on file in the City Clerk's Office. In response to Council Member Adolph, City Manager Genovese confirmed staff will work with Mr. Meyran regarding the design criteria for any wall or growth that might be placed next to Mr. Meyran's property and bring it back to Council if there are any concerns. He added the City will do its due diligence prior to recordation. 006 rC City Council Minutes 7 October 17, 2000 RESOLUTION NO. 2000-135 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A DONATION OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF AVENIDA VELASCO AND CALLE TEMECULA. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to adopt Resolution No. 2000-135 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. �2. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL TO OBTAIN DESIGN/BUILD SERVICES FOR THE EISENHOWER PARK EXPANSION AND SAGUARO/SAGEBRUSH POCKET PARK, PROJECT NO. 2000-02. (continued) (This item was continued from Page 6.) MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the Request for Proposal (RFP) for Design/Build Services for the Eisenhower Park Expansion, the Saguaro/Bottlebrush Pocket Park, and the Velasco/Temecula Pocket Park, Project 2000-02, and approve the combining of the following Capital Improvement Projects: Eisenhower Park Expansion, Saguaro/Bottlebrush Pocket Park, and the Velasco/Temecula Pocket Park and their respective budgets into a single park improvement project. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Vogt confirmed the layout designs will be brought back to Council for approval. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2000-190. Council expressed appreciation to Ms. Horvitz for her work on the "Relay for Life" event held October 14-15, 2000. 4. CONSIDERATION OF THE SOUTHEAST ANNEXATION SURVEY RESULTS. Community Development Director Herman presented the staff report and reviewed a map showing which properties responded favorably or opposed to annexation or inclusion in La Quinta's sphere of influence. He also indicated those that are undecided or did not respond to the survey. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Herman stated a mailing list from the Riverside County Assessor's Office was used to mail the surveys to 007 ATTACHMENT 2 _ LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 7, 2000 A regular meeting of the La Quints City Council was called to order at the hour of 2:00 p.m. by Mayor Pena. PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT Melvin Robey, 53-400 Eisenhower Drive, questioned the need to expand the Eisenhower Park and stated he felt the current size is adequate. He also spoke about the need to repair a hole in the block wall and the danger of children climbing on the wall and attached building. He was concerned a park expansion up to his property line would decrease the value of his property. CLOSED SESSION City Attorney Jenson noted a correction to the Assessor's Parcel Number in Item No. 2. 1. Conference with labor negotiators Ski Harrison, Mark Weiss, and John Ruiz regarding negotiations with the La Quinta City Employees Association pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 - Meet and Confer Process. 2. Conference with the City's real property negotiator, Mark Weiss, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential terms and conditions of acquisition of real property located on the southeast corner of Highway 111 and La Quinta Center Drive (APN 649-939-950 649-030-057). Property Owner/Negotiator: Stamko. 3. Conference with the City's real property negotiator, Mark Weiss, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential terms and conditions of acquisition of City right-of-way located on the north side of Highway 111 from Adams Street to La Quinta Drive. Property Owner/Negotiator: Woodpark Development and CalTrans. 4. Conference with legal counsel - pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) - pending litigation, City of La Quinta v. Baden, Case No. INC014012. Council recessed to Redevelopment Agency and to Closed Session to and until the hour of 3:00 p.m. 008 ATTACHMENT 3 City Council Minutes 12 December 19, 2000r Council Member Sniff suggested some type of illumination on the stop signs at Calle Tampico and Avenida Bermudas to make them easier to see at night. In regard to the Montero Estates sound wall, Mr. Vogt stated staff has met with two consultants who feel the costs are more in line with what the City has budgeted for the project. Staff hopes to bring this issue back in January for approval of a design contract. He noted the long lead time is due to Council's direction to present different design concepts. Council Member Sniff felt the wall should be consistent with the wall across the street. After a brief discussion, Council concurred to leave the design of an 8' high sound wall at the Montero Estates to staff's discretion and to soften it with landscaping. In regard to the Cove Mini -Park Expansion, Council Member Henderson stated she felt the adjacent property owner had made some valid points. She suggested using the lot for a house and build a third mini -park in the northwest section of the Cove. Council concurred to not expand the Eisenhower Park and to direct staff to locate an alternate mini -park site. City Manager Genovese noted an RFP has already gone out for the park expansion and will have to be retracted. He added staff will bring the mini -park issue back for action on a future agenda. Regarding the Sports Complex lighting improvements, Community Services Director Horvitz advised the additional light bars on existing poles will increase field usage at night. Council Member Henderson was concerned a statement 'in the CIP Status Update regarding the $500,000 allocation from Proposition 12 may be misunderstood by the public and noted the funds have not been received yet. Ms. Horvitz stated, once received, the funds can be used for soccer and/or baseball facility improvements in a park. Council Member Sniff stated he wished to see an "L" shape design for the sidewalk at the Community Park to maximize room for sport activities. 009 ATTACHMENT 4 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES (the "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA, ("City"), a California municipal corporation, and RAY LOPEZ ASSOCIATES ("Consultant"). The parties hereto agree as follows: 1.0 SERVICES OF CONSULTANT 1.1 Scope of Services. In compliance with all terms and conditions of this Agreement, Consultant shall provide those services related to Park Improvement Program, Project 2000-01 as specified in the "Scope of Services" attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference (the "services" or "work"). Consultant warrants that all services will be performed in a competent, professional and satisfactory manner in accordance with the standards prevalent in the industry for such services. 1.2 Compliance with Law. All services rendered hereunder shall be provided in accordance with all ordinances, resolutions, statutes, rules, regulations and laws of the City of La Quinta and any Federal, State or local governmental agency of competent jurisdiction. 1.3 Licenses Permits. Fees and Assessments. Except as otherwise specified herein, Consultant shall obtain at its sole cost and expense such licenses, permits and approvals as may be required by law for the performance of the services required by this Agreement. Consultant shall have the sole obligation to pay for any fees, assessments and taxes, plus applicable penalties and interest, which may be imposed by law and arise from or are necessary for the performance of the services required by this Agreement. 1.4 Familiarity with Work. By executing this Agreement, Consultant warrants that (a) it has thoroughly investigated and considered the work to be performed, lb) it has investigated the site of the work and fully acquainted itself with the conditions there existing, (c) it has carefully considered how the work should be performed, and Id) it fully understands the facilities, difficulties and restrictions attending performance of the work under this Agreement. Should Consultant discover any latent or unknown conditions materially differing from those inherent in the work or as represented by City, it shall immediately inform City of such fact and shall not proceed except at Consultant's risk until written instructions are received from the Contract Officer (as defined in Section 4.2 hereof). 1.5 Care of Work. Consultant shall adopt reasonable methods during the life of the Agreement to furnish continuous protection to the work performed by Consultant, and the equipment, materials, papers and other components thereof to prevent losses or damages, and shall be responsible for all such damages, to persons or property, until acceptance of the work by City, except such losses or damages as may be caused by City's own negligence. The performance of services by Consultant shall not relieve Consultant from any obligation to correct any incomplete, inaccurate or defective work at no further cost to City, when such inaccuracies are due to the negligence of Consultant. 1.6 Additional Services. In accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Consultant shall perform services in addition to those specified in the Scope of Services when directed to do so by the Contract Officer, provided that Consultant shall not be required to perform any additional services without compensation. Any addition in compensation not exceeding five percent (5%) of the Contract Sum may be approved by the Contract Officer. Any greater increase must be approved by the City Council. Page 1 of 13 010 1.7 Soecial Requirements. Additional terms and conditions of this Agreement, if any, which are made a part hereof are set forth in Exhibit "D" (the "Special Requirements"). In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the Special Requirements and any other provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of the Special Requirements shall govern. 2.0 COMPENSATION 2.1 Contract Sum. For the services rendered pursuant to this Agreement, Consultant shall be compensated in accordance with Exhibit "B" (the "Schedule of Compensation") in a total amount not to exceed two hundred forty seven thousand, seven hundred twelve dollars and forty eight cents ($247,712.48) (the "Contract Sum"), except as provided in Section 1.6. The method of compensation set forth in the Schedule of Compensation may include a lump sum payment upon completion, payment in accordance with the percentage of completion of the services, payment for time and materials based upon Consultant's rate schedule, but not exceeding the Contract Sum, or such other methods as may be specified in the Schedule of Compensation. Compensation may include reimbursement for actual and necessary expenditures for reproduction costs, transportation expense, telephone expense, and similar costs and expenses when and if specified in the Schedule of Compensation. 2.2 Method of Payment. Any month in which Consultant wishes to receive payment, Consultant shall submit to City no later than the tenth (10th) working day of such month, in the form approved by City's Finance Director, an invoice for services rendered prior to the date of the invoice. Such invoice shall (1) describe in detail the services provided, including time and materials, and (2) specify each staff member who has provided services and the number of hours assigned to each such staff member. Such invoice shall contain a certification by a principal member of Consultant specifying that the payment requested is for work performed in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. City will pay Consultant for all expenses stated thereon which are approved by City pursuant to this Agreement no later than the last working day of the month. 3.0 PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE 3.1 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. 3.2 Schedule of Performance. All services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be performed diligently and within the time period established in Exhibit "C" (the "Schedule of Performance"). Extensions to the time period specified in the Schedule of Performance may be approved in writing by the Contract Officer. 3.3 For Ma' re. The time period specified in the Schedule of Performance for performance of the services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be extended because of any delays due to unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of Consultant, including, but not restricted to, acts of God or of the public enemy, fires, earthquakes, floods, epidemic, quarantine restrictions, riots, strikes, freight embargoes, acts of any governmental agency other than City, and unusually severe weather, if Consultant shall within ten (10) days of the commencement of such delay notify the Contract Officer in writing of the causes of the delay. The Contract Officer shall ascertain the facts and the extent of delay, and extend the time for performing the services for the period of the forced delay when and if in his or her judgement such delay is justified, and the Contract Officer's determination shall be final and conclusive upon the parties to this Agreement. Page 2 of 13 Oil 3.4 Term. Unless earlier terminated in accordance with Sections 7.7 or 7.8 of this Agreement, this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until completion of the services, except as otherwise provided in the Schedule of Performance. 4.0 COORDINATION OF WORK 4.1 Representative of Consultant. The following principals of Consultant are hereby designated as being the principals and representatives of Consultant authorized to act in its behalf with respect to the work specified herein and make all decisions in connection therewith: Ray Lopez P.O. Box 12885 Palm Desert, CA 92255 760-772-3123 It is expressly understood that the experience, knowledge, capability, and reputation of the foregoing principals were a substantial inducement for City to enter into this Agreement. Therefore, the foregoing principals shall be responsible during the term of this Agreement for directing all activities of Consultant and devoting sufficient time to personally supervise the services hereunder. The foregoing principals may not be changed by Consultant and no other personnel may be assigned to perform the service required hereunder without the express written approval of City. 4.2 Contract Officer. The Contract Officer shall be Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director or such other person as may be designated by the City Manager of City. It shall be Consultant's responsibility to assure that the Contract Officer is kept informed of the progress of the performance of the services and Consultant shall refer any decisions which must be made by City to the Contract Officer. Unless otherwise specified herein, any approval of City required hereunder shall mean the approval of the Contract Officer. 4.3 Prohibition Against Subcontracting or Assignment. The experience, knowledge, capability and reputation of Consultant, its principals and employees were a substantial inducement for City to enter into this Agreement. Except as set forth in this Agreement, Consultant shall not contract with any other entity to perform in whole or in part the services required hereunder without the express written approval of City. In addition, neither this Agreement nor any interest herein may be assigned or transferred, voluntarily or by operation of law, without the prior written approval of City. 4.4 Independent Contractor. Neither City nor any of its employees shall have any control over the manner, mode or means by which Consultant, its agents or employees, perform the services required herein, except as otherwise set forth. Consultant shall perform all services required herein as an independent contractor of City and shall remain at all times as to City a wholly independent contractor with only such obligations as are consistent with that role. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its agents or employees are agents or employees of City. 4.5 City Cooperation. City shall provide Consultant with any plans, publications, reports, statistics, records or other data or information pertinent to services to be performed hereunder which are reasonably available to Consultant only from or through action by City. Page 3 of 13 ��G 5.0 INSURANCE INDEMNIFICATION AND BONDS. 5.1 Insurance. Consultant shall procure and maintain, at its cost, and submit concurrently with its execution of this Agreement, personal and public liability and property damage insurance against all claims for injuries against persons or damages to property resulting from Consultant's acts or omissions rising out of or related to Consultant's performance under this Agreement. The insurance policy shall contain a severability of interest clause providing that the coverage shall be primary for losses arising out of Consultant's performance hereunder and neither City nor its insurers shall be required to contribute to any such loss. A certificate evidencing the foregoing and naming City and its officers and employees as additional insured shall be delivered to and approved by City prior to commencement of the services hereunder. The amount of insurance required hereunder shall be determined by the Contract Sum in accordance with the following table: Contract Sum Personal Iniurv/Property Damage Coverage Less than $50,000 $100,000 per individual; $300,000 per occurrence $50,000 - $300,000 $250,000 per individual; $500,000 per occurrence Over $300,000 $500,000 per individual; $1,000,000 per occurrence Consultant shall carry automobile liability insurance of $1,000,000 per accident against all claims for injuries against persons or damages to property arising out of the use of any automobile by Consultant, its officers, any person directly or indirectly employed by Consultant, any subcontractor or agent, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, arising directly or indirectly out of or related to Consultant's performance under this Agreement. The term "automobile" includes, but is not limited to, a land motor vehicle, trailer or semi -trailer designed for travel on public roads. The automobile insurance policy shall contain a severability of interest clause providing that coverage shall be primary for losses arising out of Consultant's performance hereunder and neither City nor its insurers shall be required to contribute to such loss. A certificate evidencing the foregoing and naming City and its officers and employees as additional insured shall be delivered to and approved by City prior to commencement of the services hereunder. Consultant shall carry Workers' Compensation Insurance in accordance with State Worker's Compensation laws. Consultant shall procure professional errors and omissions liability insurance in an amount of $1,000,000. All insurance required by this Section shall be kept in effect during the term of this Agreement and shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days written notice to City of proposed cancellation. The procuring of such insurance or the delivery of policies or certificates evidencing the same shall not be construed as a limitation of Consultant's obligation to indemnify City, its officers, employees, contractors, subcontractors, or agents. 5.2 Indemnification. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless City, its officers, employees, representatives and agents, from and against those actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses, costs, and expenses, including legal costs and attorneys' fees, for injury to or death of person(s), for damage to property (including property owned by City) and for errors and omissions committed by Consultant, its officers, employees and agents, which Page 4 of 13 013 arise out of Consultant's negligent performance under this Agreement, except to the extent of such loss as may be caused by City's own negligence or that of its officers or employees. 5.3 Remedies. In addition to any other remedies City may have if Consultant fails to provide or maintain any insurance policies or policy endorsements to the extent and within the time herein required, City may, at its sole option: a. Obtain such insurance and deduct and retain the amount of the premiums for such insurance from any sums due under this Agreement. b. Order Consultant to stop work under this Agreement and/or withhold any payment(s) which become due to Consultant hereunder until Consultant demonstrates compliance with the requirements hereof. C. Terminate this Agreement. Exercise of any of the above remedies, however, is an alternative to any other remedies City may have. The above remedies are not the exclusive remedies for Consultant's failure to maintain or secure appropriate policies or endorsements. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting in any way the extent to which Consultant may be held responsible for payments of damages to persons or property resulting from Consultant's or its subcontractors' performance of work under this Agreement. 6.0 RECORDS AND REPORTS. 6.1 Reoorts. Consultant shall periodically prepare and submit to the Contract Officer such reports concerning Consultant's performance of the services required by this Agreement as the Contract Officer shall require. 6.2 Records. Consultant shall keep such books and records as shall be necessary to perform the services required by this Agreement and enable the Contract Officer to evaluate the cost and the performance of such services. Books and records pertaining to costs shall be kept and prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principals. The Contract Officer shall have full and free access to such books and records at all reasonable times, including the right to inspect, copy, audit, and make records and transcripts from such records. 6.3 Ownershio of Documents. Originals of all drawings, specifications, reports, records, documents and other materials, whether in hard copy or electronic form, which are prepared by Consultant, its employees, subcontractors and agents in the performance of this Agreement, shall be the property of City and shall be delivered to City upon termination of this Agreement or upon the earlier request of the Contract Officer, and Consultant shall have no claim for further employment or additional compensation as a result of the exercise by City of its full rights of ownership of the documents and materials hereunder. Consultant shall cause all subcontractors to assign to City any documents or materials prepared by them, and in the event Consultant fails to secure such assignment, Consultant shall indemnify City for all damages suffered thereby. In the event City or any person, firm or corporation authorized by City reuses said documents and materials without written verification or adaptation by Consultant for the specific purpose intended and causes to be made or makes any changes or alterations in said documents and materials, City hereby releases, discharges, and exonerates Consultant from liability resulting from said change. The provisions of this clause shall survive the completion of this Contract and shall thereafter remain in full force and effect. Page 5 of 13 014 6.4 Release of Documents. The drawings, specifications, reports, records, documents and other materials prepared by Consultant in the performance of services under this Agreement shall not be released publicly without the prior written approval of the Contract Officer or as required by law. Consultant shall not disclose to any other entity or person any information regarding the activities of City, except as required by law or as authorized by City. 7.0 ENFORCEMENT OF AGREEMENT. 7.1 California Law. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted both as to validity and to performance of the parties in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Legal actions concerning any dispute, claim or matter arising out of or in relation to this Agreement shall be instituted in the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California, or any other appropriate court in such county, and Consultant covenants and agrees to submit to the personal jurisdiction of such court in the event of such action. 7.2 Discutes. In the event of any dispute arising under this Agreement, the injured party shall notify the injuring party in writing of its contentions by submitting a claim therefor. The injured party shall continue performing its obligations hereunder so long as the injuring party commences to cure such default within ten (10) days of service of such notice and completes the cure of such default within forty-five (45) days after service of the notice, or such longer period as may be permitted by the Contract Officer; provided that if the default is an immediate danger to the health, safety and general welfare, City may take such immediate action as City deems warranted. Compliance with the provisions of this section shall be a condition precedent to termination of this Agreement for cause and to any legal action, and such compliance shall not be a waiver of any party's right to take legal action in the event that the dispute is not cured, provided that nothing herein shall limit City's right to terminate this Agreement without cause pursuant to Section 7.8. 7.3 Retention of Funds. City may withhold from any monies payable to Consultant sufficient funds to compensate City for any losses, costs, liabilities, or damages it reasonably believes were suffered by City due to the default of Consultant in the performance of the services required by this Agreement. 7.4 Waiver. No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy of a non defaulting party on any default shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver. City's consent or approval of any act by Consultant requiring City's consent or approval shall not be deemed to waive or render unnecessary City's consent to or approval of any subsequent act of Consultant. Any waiver by either party of any default must be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any other default concerning the same or any other provision of this Agreement. 7.5 Riohts and Remedies are Cumulative. Except with respect to rights and remedies expressly declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative and the exercise by either party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the other party. 7.6 Lecal Action. In addition to any other rights or remedies, either party may take legal action, at law or at equity, to cure, correct or remedy any default, to recover damages for any default, to compel specific performance of this Agreement, to obtain injunctive relief, or to obtain any other remedy consistent with the purposes of this Agreement. Page 6 of 13 Cl15 7.7 Termination Prior To Exoiration Of Term. This section shall govern any termination of this Agreement, except as specifically provided in the following Section 7.8 for termination for cause. City reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) days' written notice to Consultant. Upon receipt of any notice of termination, Consultant shall immediately cease all services hereunder except such as may be specifically approved by the Contract Officer. Consultant shall be entitled to compensation for all services rendered prior to receipt of the notice of termination and for any services authorized by the Contract Officer thereafter in accordance with the Schedule of Compensation or such as may be approved by the Contract Officer, except as provided in Section 7.3. 7.8 Termination For Default of Consultant. If termination is due to the failure of Consultant to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, City may, after compliance with the provisions of Section 7.2, take over work and prosecute the same to completion by contract or otherwise, and Consultant shall be liable to the extent that the total cost for completion of the services required hereunder exceeds the compensation herein stipulated (provided that City shall use reasonable efforts to mitigate such damages), and City may withhold any payments to Consultant for the purpose of setoff or partial payment of the amounts owed City as previously stated in Section 7.3. 7.9 Attorneys' Fees. If either party commences an action against the other party arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of suit from the losing party. 8.0 CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES: NONDISCRIMINATION. 8.1 Non -liability of City Officers and Employees. No officer or employee of City shall be personally liable to Consultant, or any successor in interest, in the event or any default or breach by City or for any amount which may become due to Consultant or to its successor, or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this Agreement. 8.2 Conflict of Interest. No officer or employee of City shall have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement nor shall any such officer or employee participate in any decision relating to the Agreement which affects his or her personal interest or the interest of any corporation, partnership or association in which she or he is, directly or indirectly, interested, in violation of any State statute or regulation. Consultant warrants that it has not paid or given and will not pay or give any third party any money or general consideration for obtaining this Agreement. 8.3 Covenant against Discrimination. Consultant covenants that, by and for itself, its heirs, executors, assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin or ancestry in the performance of this Agreement. Consultant shall take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin or ancestry. 9.0 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 9.1 Notice. Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval, communication either party desires or is required to give the other party or any other person shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by prepaid, first-class mail to the address set forth below. Either party may change its address by notifying the other party of the change of address in writing. Notice Page 7 of 13 G1t'3 shall be deemed communicated forty-eight (48) hours from the time of mailing if mailed as provided in this section. To City: CITY OF LA QUINTA Attention: Dodie Horvitz Community Services Director 78-495 Calle Tampico P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, California 92253 To Consultant: RAY LOPEZ ASSOCIATES Attn: Ray Lopez P.O. Box 12885 Palm Desert, CA 92255 9.2 Integrated Agreement. This Agreement contains all of the agreements of the parties and all previous understanding, negotiations and agreements are integrated into and superseded by this Agreement. 9.3 Amendment. This Agreement may be amended at any time by the mutual consent of the parties by an instrument in writing signed by both parties. 9.4 Severability. In the event that any one or more of the phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections contained in this Agreement shall be declared invalid or unenforceable by a valid judgement or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections of this Agreement which are hereby declared as severable and shall be interpreted to carry out the intent of the parties hereunder. 9.5 Authority. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of the parties hereto warrant that they are duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of said parties and that by so executing this Agreement the parties hereto are formally bound to the provisions of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the dates stated below. CITY OF LA QUINTA a California municipal corporation John Peha, Mayor ATTEST: June Greek, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. Katherine Jenson, City Attorney Date Page 8 of 13 Q1'7 CONSULTANT: By: Name: Ray Lopez Date: Title: Landscape Architect Page 9 of 13 018' Exhibit A Scope of Services The Ray Lopez Associates scope of services, dated March 19, 2001, is attached and made a part of this agreement. Page 10 of 13 Ci1y Exhibit B Schedule of Compensation Payment shall be in full at the rates listed in the Schedule of Billing Rates attached herewith for the actual hours submitted in conformance with Section 2.2 of the Agreement. Total compensation for all work under this contract shall not exceed two hundred forty seven thousand, seven hundred twelve dollars and forty eight cents ($247,712.48) except as specified in Section 1.6 - Additional Services of the Agreement. The Ray Lopez Associates Rate Schedule is attached and made a part of this agreement. Page 11 of 13 02U Exhibit C Schedule of Performance The Ray Lopez Associates project Schedule is attached and made a part of this agreement. Page 12 of 13 021 Exhibit D Special Requirements The Consultant will submit playground design and proposed play structures and park equipment information for City review before construction is to begin. Page 13 of 13 G22 Apr-18-01 04:14P P.Ol RAY LOPEZ ASSOCIATES POST OFFICE BOX 12885 PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92255 Phone: 7601772-3123 Fax: 760/772-3123 e-mail- RLAscapeng,AOL.com COST 13REAKDOWN/PROPO'AL for THE CITY OF LA QUTNTA - PARK IMPROVEMENT PROGW M - PROJECT No. 2000d12 19 March 2001 M$- Dodie ltorvitz, Community Services Director Mr, John M. Freeland, SeniorF.ngineer C1111Y OF I,A QUINTA 78-495 Calk Tampico / P.0 fiox 1504 La Quinla, CA 92253 Dear Mr. Freeland & Ms Horvitz. Ray Lopez Associates (RLA) and Land Concepts (I.C) respeet ully RE -submits two copies of the rust breakdown for each item proposed for the project mentioned above 'lhe proposal/project wns bitAwn hire the design phase and implementation phase for each of the three sites. In addition, an overalUtotal breakdown sheet is enclosed. Thank -you for allowing us this opportunity to submit this proposal. Sincerely, iy 7 Rey Lopez Landscape Architect #3474 Aid Sehedule rm, 1200-1 023 Apr-18-01 04:15P P.02 ITEM NO. ITEM DF.SCRIVVION UNIT 95T. UNIT PRICE I'fEA1 QT'1f. (is figures) 'TOTAL DOLLARS (in flguro) 1)OI-I.ARS s I YXl'LNSION OF P.INP,NFK) W HR FARM I Ihnipl(pl:nll ntmis(;cnxmll men4l>tls I SI1,f1•�.IXI SI 1,467.(IfY 2 IlnplcmcnwUun/l'.uasYlltCtimt /landwupu I 565925.9ti Sd5 V2S 9<.i I Skill -TOTAL, Design & Implementation S77,S92.% 4 5 M2 W ASl iLNU'!'PN 5IAL-RT MINI PARK I)mpn/plan/lnm1Avnnent I m filsl I $11,(,omo $I 1,li67.00 R lmpim 11tulion / µwlfwion i landscupe I SR'/,26125 Sfl9 .(1.25 9 SUB.TOTAI. Design & Implementation S100,928.25 10 11 12 NJ 60I3TfI C'()VF: ARFA MINI HA1lE 11 I)caiLm/ pull I ImiAgmam I metmp i 1 a6M;7 oo 16,W.UU 14 IlnlAcwntau,n I wu611eti(ul 1 Mndecupc I S62.524.27 S52324.27 15 SUB -TOTAL Design A Implementation S69,191.27 16 17 Is TOTAL DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION $247,712.48 Rid tklm-duk 1"`(:alg111114,kd1\TcsnEslimstt), llnl 1200-2 024 Apr-18-01 04:15P P.03 First Site Lopez/Grocheu Inspected 12116W REMODEL OF EISENHOWER PARK -�_ 1 c.- v I EISENHOWER MINI PARK REMODEL MIM-PARK ON WASHINOTON STREET MINI -PARK, SOUTH COVE AREA 1 - 4- Apdc 77,592.96 100,ffi5.25 69,191.27 267,712.46 -2",000.00 -267.52 F,&v, oofz� r"-r %ou -rgj,e o,%Y -:r, WAV$L GtJIAPTIT11tiS AN4 ?(-wcAt'o Ca15'cs wO ass Cow God av &P+& 1 .IJ Us w I 'f'1Z10Q 2.r , s g 004 1 +0 ,Ceef i,^ v^;AA }GAS- i-As+>'112iio.A` "3+4 404 t SON +o tizi- pel'", �e:•�c tjc (toa+t 4o Gi - 1 u; 11 1 / i -Wit-ry(ctl �r 1l) LA&WOO 6064(,741 025 Apr-18-01 04:15P P.04 Fil:lt Site topoWGrochou Inspected 12/16M REMODEL OF EISENHOWER PARK I" Abuinn I plan I manlnamant I MlYHnm' hid COad 031 d/01 I mwttorwork eMa MW a bas4 Ow awokueW 1 grodkV An MIME Ian a oomnw*, ow alslr a oont o*v meafts Totda design / phn I mmagwrowt I meetings: bid COW 11,867. im ementation / oonebucoon 1 Iantdecam bid ooats 03116/01 d@@crwwlwvrafwnwmcwwwk um unR wamnsm %1s mwp wo n a eohadtw 00 woo ca-muccr m am lumps. 1 s,800. s,ao0. 6 .63 L of traw Iu S. 1 OWN 600. 784.71 4" widb st Mom onA 235 0.00 2115. 2,480.24 rrgelbn r, linkad t4 ek I uw ar<Ndno Sao 1 3.b73.OD 3 b73. 4,556.47 bew wow dttked p mm each 1 490.00 490. $76.47 I rwne" work on aids km 4. 1 6 300,00 6,300. 7 411.7 3e'tloxtlsae each 0 1,3s0.00 0. 0.00 Ion 4hrubc aaoh 20 32.a0 ss0. i64. 1 1 and cow shn" wch 30 1 o.60 315. 370.5e pew 1 tlVddlbar at a so 2100 3 e M. 8054.12 eaddsd ma w w 700. .53 e0m . bunebyt !!!nbw Sao 1 2 300.00 300. 2 5.88 saps 1 + b 1b6. 1 M. ad 40* 1 1,7". t 7b6. 2086.24 very"_ � '4reruoa unw each 3 1 1235.29 Tr ah ach 2 400.00 am 941.18 plp* 11 748.24 3 comb Ndorm§5m lum e. 2 $00.00 ler C b lump s. 1 1 6i0-00 1 0.50. 2,176.47 ITohl: MnplenNnteW / corletrUcW I lendVA"; bld Goats JL_ 65,925.86 Total Deelp • hllp*"wftlion 77,a:.ee 026 Apr-18-01 04:15P P_05 rnird Site Lopez/ mchou lnVWod 12/1&W MINI PARK ON WASHINGTON STREET #2 lTefal_ daaian I olat I manamms; I nlaatinw: bid coats 1 11.467.001 Ietolementoollon I construction I landocam: bid cost@ ! 0319MI n f or work unk wAoft unf exlmaico 11 %15 m ovaftew OasarMkln i aenad 5,833.00 closong / wubbft / dame and redr4 lump s. 1 2 000.00 2.0M.0d 2 302.94 woomeal , on new woom s om otmalmo, each 1 050.00 ow.odl 744,71 wow mew new 3f4• vnew a 2 We aoh 1 2,110, 00 Plio,odl 2.482.35 rv4do It MOM LF 236 0,00 2,116. 2,400.24 FOUNIM Ft ro were AVM* a LF 0 0.00 0, 0.00 Nomwo PL no wo fp LF 0 0.00 0. 0. Soulhem PL no wall(leas b atnat LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 afssl LF 240 29. 5.720 7 905-88 ewl aneloaras each 1 0.002.00 052. 7,120.00 inked To ftI)<I eaGr 1 490.00 4a0. 67a.47 m w so s,NO 1. 0 10 309.41 70flowmonvor own 3 1.300. 4 060. 4 7 .71 x Vast each 6 216.00 1 375. 1,S1 , shfwm sad+ 200 7.647.00 1 cwAvshrubs each 150 10- 1 57 . 1.852 W ►twr 12" .wo* ar st l so 2.10D 2.78 5 7aB. 6,81 .82 NOW ow NMms SO 4 000 0,70 2 W0. 94.12 asusun P@61fOD satyr 1 7,414,00 7.414 8722. eel such 1 1.Mo 17 206@.24 BMW" each 2 W.00 1230. 1 05. rash eam 1 4 00.00 470.59 able. under agar 2 116s.00 2,740.24 lgmiskr vownew moudad �wmaw 840 1 2 500.00 2.500. 941.1s S cormnunity 'afar who n na I a. 1 2 a00.D0 for ccl Mwo 1 1450.00 1 aeo- 2,176.47 ToAd: implurnantation I oormtruction I landscape: bid costs 89,261.2 Tefat Oeal@n a Meplaawnfatlon ; 100.129.29 V2/ Apr-18-01 04:16P Second Site Lopez1ftchou Inspected 12/1WO MINI PARK SOUTH COVE AREA #3 4mi n 1 plen / mansoewnt / meaNn : bid coat 03/16/01 aWCN neie a one *090 conab clam I Mn i a auras councY. s0�11 a oonaae�ar s Total: dedan I pan J man@Ww I in h g : bid soft 8,087.00 Implementstlon ! construction / landsaacs: bid cents I nsliamll t 70E ENHEU-2. NEWFILICA s-aaariamglmp 011111111I.N;WOMEL14.1,11 * IBM etal©�lml=. I;WORMED tit=� .. , �. r . •1� t�',tiOJ ... � ttt� tttt©s;ai� ■�� � �� • taot�It>�n Total owlan • ample- 9 6- lvn 09,10147 028 Apr-18-01 04:16P P.07 RAY LOPEZ ASSOCIATES POST OFFICE BOX 12885 PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92155 Phone: 760/772-3123 Facet 760l772-3123 e-mail: RLAscapeCu?AOL.com DESIGN HOURS BREAKDOWN for THE CITY OF LA QITWTA - PARK IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - PROJECT No. 200"2 l9 March 2001 received Ms. Dodie Fiorvim Community Services Director Mr. John M. Freeland, Senior Engineer CITY OF LA QUWfA 78-495 C:alle'I'antpico I P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Mr, Freaimd & Ms. Horvitz. Per your requesn I am respectfully RE -submitting my hours breakdown for the Park Improvement Program - Project number 2000-02 If you have any questions regarding this breakdown, please do not hesitate to call Or e-mail my office, Sincerely, .-A--". I Ray Lopez Landscape Architect #3474 Wd Seaeduk V IWWA P.rW\TczPH.u, sEdKfru', 1200-1 0�' Apr-18-01 04:16P P.08 1'BREE PARKS ITEM NO. - HOURS BREAKLIOWN AS SUBMITPEP UNIT I RY RAY EST, QTY- LAMLL AN.W4L:IA'I'LN: UNITPRL(:E (1a 0gxns) DOLLARS ITEM TOTAL (ix figural DOLLARS M I L:XTFNSI0f4 OF h:ISLN110WUR PAP K I Slto Analytic& FwId Starry-6 hours 0 $0.00 $ndi 2 W,q q4ca-12 hours 12 $IOO.W $1,2W.fIU i Orsdrng Plan Mors 0 $IOU 00 SU.W 4 Cu[Lstroctioa Plan ltpws 12 $100.00 $3XX)00 .1 Irrigatian Plan, Ikdails, Sp¢Aw.iaas-20 hnuts 32 $1(*.W $.1,20000 b Plaut'"*Plan, Deans. 5pn.ihwtio -32 Iswn 32 $1 DOA) $3,20000 7 mwtll*a- 12 hoon n $0.Ix1 $U.00 S Camdiimtol-16 Ia,IKS 0 $000 W(k) 9 n.•built+. 12 Louro S S100.00 SWI).00 IU Miecxllanmua Intnp ann 1. $67.(X) $6700 II Suh'lolul 117 $11,667,00 12 a>,ninga�.•, k1% o $n,bta.lm SO.W TOTAL $11,667,00 Did Schedule F:1CoIg0ltPorksh'I'eaMla+ra.t:ar.l l'rm 1200-2 030 Apr-18-01 04:17P P_09 ITEM No rrEMDESCIRTPTION UNIT RST. QTY. UNff PRICE (Inllgarn) DOLLARS ITEM TOTAL. (i. ngums) DOLLARS 42 WASAINW ON 5;MCFTPARK Sit. Atulvsh A Field Stxwti -H Imin D SL00.00 WSW 2 Aaae Short Timm 12 1100.CA) $1 20f oo (iTaAing I11W hour it SIW).00 S0.00 4 CmivhltC[inn Plan Iwuts 12 51110.W S3.2W.00 5 5ligaiinn Plan, Dclailx Spmifjol a-32 Imes 2H 51000) S2.8W).00 L flantirlg T1an, IAlails, 5pMallic.tin11n- k) Iwuls 12 $1()O.iH) Sd,200.I1U 7 "wfil*s-12 twin 0 SI(H)(H) V)A)o H Clwnlinniinn-I(i 1K)US 0 SIM(N) S0.(K) ') Astwills hours 12 Sloom) S1,2(H)(H) 10 lkwrilme,an Imp sin 1 so (X) 567.00 i1 SO, iolal I17 S1I667.(10 12 Collultim)a9 10°% D $11 ,617170 S0.(X) 1.1 TOTAL tIL,66i.00 Rid Schedalc F `LoITUPParkslcfnV`n,wrn•fq;1.11.n 12M-3 031 Apr-18-01 04:17P P.10 ITEM NO. PENN ITEM UE$CRTPTION UNIT HST. QTY. UNITPRICK. (IN RRaroq DOLLARS 1'fEM TOTAL (ta 11Runa) DOLLARS N3 FUIJ I'llCOVC Pf.RK I Site/vuhaia A field S' c y -g }wtua it $t00.00 $0.(i0 2 Bussstew hVua4 i0 $1W.QL $i,W(1W :1 GroJing plan how, 12 $1 W.00 $1,200.W 4 CoWnwim VIM time, 12 $1or) AO $1,200.00 5 lrripatim Plus, Wn be. Sivciticatima - 32 I1wVa 12 $l W.(b $1,200.00 6 planting VIM, Ihhtilq Spaiflalimu-32 t1mt5 12 $1 owy) $1,200.00 1 Momp-12 twtm 0 AI(XIA0 Woo g Ck..)HuWtitv)1Cln,CVWU, EIc.)-12 hours 0 $1(N).(k) $0.()o ') Al-builra. 12 Nwrs $ $I Q100 $Am oo W M1VA'jlancoux lump sum $67.(N] $67,00 11 Sub-IAal 67 $(.i,(i67.00 12 Ctmli,ytuuv 10% 0 $G,(b700 $0.00 TOTAL. $6,667.00 FAd 9chaduk F.. ,40IiPAdnfQcxNlrnrx-l.x13.lin•. 12004 032 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: May 1, 2001 Consideration of Modifications to the De Martino Art Piece Located on the Northeast Corner of Washington/Hwy. 111 RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the City Council. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: The modifications being proposed for the art piece on the northeast corner of Washington Street and Highway 111 by Mr. De Martino total $36,700. The Art in Public Places fund can be used for this project. This account has an uncommitted balance of $265,993 as of March 31, 2001. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: At the December 14, 2000 Cultural Arts Commission (Commission) meeting, Mr. Louis De Martino presented ideas for improving the art piece on the northeast corner of Washington Street and Hwy. 1 1 1 . Mr. De Martino stated that he would like to install a larger lucite gem, remove the dark patina from the bronze and enhance the base color of the gem. On March 8, 2001, Mr. De Martino presented a marquette of the "Oasis 111 " sculpture with the modifications for the Cultural Arts Commission's review. Also, Mr. De Martino stated that he would place an enlarged "gem" in the current art piece. To give a sense of perspective of the suggested modification of the "gem", the enlarged "gem" was placed in the art piece at the corner of Washington Street and Highway 111 for review by the Commissioners. At the April 12, 2001 Commission meeting, Mr. De Martino presented the modifications to the art piece as well as the cost of such work. The proposal for revisions and additions to the "Oasis 111 " sculpture is provided as Attachment 1. The Commission reviewed the modifications and has requested that the following recommendations be considered by the City Council: 1. Acid etch and texture the concrete plinth to a variegated charcoal color; 2. Remove the dark patina from the pyramidal bronze "mountains"; 3. Resurface and refinish the bronze finish with a clear urethane; 4. Reface the base of the plinth with a bronze plate to match the bronze "mountains"; 5. Create a translucent jewel in an aquamarine color; 6. Resize the jewel to be eight times larger than the existing jewel; 7. Create bronze "retainers" in which to set the jewel within the "mountains"; 8. Install two lights, one on the Triple A building and one in the trees to shine down on the art piece at night; 9. Provide new ground lighting at the base of the art piece. The lighting system will include all control panels, conduit, lamps and wiring. A marquette of the art piece and the proposed modifications is available in the Community Services Department for review and will be presented at the City Council meeting for the Council's review and consideration. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve the proposed modifications to the De Martino art piece and authorize the expenditure of Art in Public Places funds in the amount of $36,700 for such modifications; or 2. Approve one or more of the proposed modifications to the De Martino art piece and authorize the expenditure of Art in Public Places funds in a different amount for such modifications; or 3. Do not approve proposed modifications to the De Martino art piece; or 4. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Services Director S:\Community Services\CCReports\CC.109.De Martino Art Work.wpd Approved for submission by: homas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Proposal for Revisions and Additions to Oasis 111 Sculpture 0 0 j S:\Community Services\CCReports\CC.109.De Martino Art Work.wpd FROM : Lcuis Dellartino FAX NO. : 909 763 2360 ATTACHMENT L2M5; LFM299TiN2 April 3, 2001 Dodie Horvitz City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Catle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 PROPOSAL FOR REVISIONS AND ADDITIONS TO OASIS I I I SCULPTURE Acid -etch and texture the concrete plinth to a variegated charcoal color to match the background mountains, when they are in the deep shadows of twilight. Remove the existing patina of the pyramidal bronze mountains. Resurface the bronze and refinish to a matt -polished surface. Seal and protect the bronze finish with a twenty-five year clear urethane. Reface the base of the plinth with bronzt 'plate to depict continuity with pyramidal bronze mountains. Create a new translucent acrylic jewel designed to glow as a cut and polished sapphire. The new jewel size will be approximately eight times larger than the existing gem (or slightly ten percent less than the Styrofoam mock-up model on the site). Create and fabricate bronze retainers that will act as a setting for the new gem. Add a complete lighting system that will include two sixteen foot lighting poles for down lighting; a new interior lighting system to creatr a radiating glow for the gem; and new ground lighting for frontal illumination. The lighting system shall include a complete control system, all conduits, junction boxes, lamps and power wiring. COST: $ 36,700 � Submitted by, • Louis DeMartino r.o. cox 391370,9 38921 n314?lRv Rsnv . nnzn. cn • 92539 vnsMe 19091 763-1315 . rT% (909) 763-2360 C' f_l 5 f COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: May 1, 2001 Consideration of Jefferson Street Bridge Railing Enhancements RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the City Council. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None at this time. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: At the November 7, 2000 City Council meeting, the Council authorized staff to negotiate an Art Purchase Agreement with Navarrete Studios (artists) to provide artistic bridge railing designs for the Jefferson Street Bridge over the All American Canal. Per the Art Purchase Agreement, the artists have provided two sketches depicting the railings for the Jefferson Street Bridge, as provided in Attachment 1 and 2. The direction given to the artist was to provide a design that is similar but somewhat different than the Washington Street Bridge railings. A sketch of the final Washington Street Bridge railings is provided as Attachment 3 as a reference. Staff presented the concepts for the Cultural Arts Commission review. The recommendation from the Commission is as follows: Base: Use the same raised design as on the Washington Street Bridge Railings: Use the same vertical lines in the railings as on the Washington Street Bridge Mountains: View #1, as presented by the artist, (Page 5 of this report) The options available for City Council consideration include: ■ Follow the Cultural Arts Commission's recommendation; or ■ Select one of the two artist's concepts; or ■ Make modifications to either proposal; or ■ Recommend the artist submit two additional concepts for consideration Should modifications be requested by the City Council, the artists will receive the Council's direction and incorporate the modifications into the designs for final City Council approval. Once the City Council has selected the Jefferson Street Bridge railing enhancements, the artist will be notified of the selected features, and an Agreement will be presented for the City Council's consideration regarding the working drawings for said art work. This is the same process that was followed for the Washington Street bridge railing enhancements. The working drawings for the Washington Street Bridge required an additional $5,000 from the APP fund to complete. It is anticipated that the Jefferson Street bridge railing enhancements will cost the same. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve the Cultural Arts Commission's recommendations for the Jefferson Street Bridge railing enhancements and direct staff to finalize the design with the Navarretes; or 2. Approve one concept as provided by the Navarretes for the Jefferson Street Bridge railing enhancements; or 3. Approve one concept with modifications as provided by the Navarretes for the Jefferson Street Bridge railing enhancements; or 4. Do not approve a concept as presented by the Navarretes and request two new concepts for consideration; or 5. Provide staff with alternative direction. Res Services Director S:\Community Services\CCReports\CC111.,7efferson Street Bridge Railings.SHELL.wpd 6 0 d, Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Concept #1 as provided by the Navarretes 2. Concept #2 as provided by the Navarretes 3. Approved concept for Washington Street Bridge railings S:\Community Services\CCReports\CC111.Jefferson Street Bridge Railings.SHELL.wpd r,013 777 2FN W S U a Ic a ATTACHMENT 3 T4hr44Q" COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: May 1, 2001 1-1t3 mi ll7 aA Discussion of Facility Use Policies RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: _ STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Review the restricted parking information and the proposed Facility Use Policies and provide staff with direction regarding implementation of restricted parking and the revision of policies regarding the use of parks and recreation facilities. l None at this time. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Presented are two issues for the City Council's consideration regarding the use of the City's parks: general park usage and the Facility Use Policies. General Park Usage: Recently several issues have been brought to the attention of the City Council regarding the use of City parks. Some of the major concerns that have been reported by the neighbors of park areas include: ■ Trash being left behind by private parties ■ Barbecues being brought to the park, hot coals being dumped into the trash cans ■ Park use after curfew ■ Excessive speed in the park areas • Lack of parking in the residential areas due to park participants • Lack of restroom facilities for park users There are three classifications in the City of La Quinta's General Plan Parks and Recreation Element. These are Neighborhood Parks, Community Parks and Regional Parks. A neighborhood park is defined in the City's General Plan as a park site between .3 and 10 acres and serves an area between 1 to 2 miles, or a population of 5,000. Attachment 1 provides a map of the City's park sites and the radius of the 2 mile service area. The service area is based upon the National Recreation and Parks Society standards and is a basic definition of a park site based upon a determined size and amenities. It is not intended to exclude people that live outside the service radius from being able to use the parks. The City's neighborhood parks include: Adams Park, Desert Pride Park*; Eisenhower Park; Fritz Burns Park'; and Seasons Park*. Additionally there are three other neighborhood parks either proposed or being developed. These include a 5 acre park site being developed in the near future, which is located in the Monticello development on the southwest corner of Fred Waring and Jefferson Street. Also being developed is a park at the corner of Temecula and Velasco, as well as in the Bottlebrush, Sagebrush, Saguaro area. The following steps have been taken to address the concerns brought forward by the neighbors of the City's parks: Trash. Barbecues and Curfew: The issues of trash, barbecues and hot coals in the trash containers as well as curfew can be addressed by enforcement of the City's existing Municipal Codes, specifically Chapter 11.44, Section 060, as provided as Attachment 2. The City of La Quinta's Municipal Code provides for the following activities to be limited or prohibited at public facilities (summary version): ■ Alcohol is not permitted on public property without a permit (Chapter 1 1.08.005) • Unreasonable noise that disturbs the people and quiet of any neighborhood or imposes on upon the privacy and rights of others (Chapter 11.08.040) ■ Trespass on public property after posted hours (Chapter 11.08.080) • Permits for gatherings and meetings: Need a Temporary Use permit for 50 people or more (Chapter 11.44.040) • Prohibited Conduct: 01.44.060) A. Loose animals of any kind B. Animals or vehicles on surfaces not designated as such C. Carry or discharge any firearm D. Firecracker or fireworks E. Break vegetation F. Cut or remove landscape materials G. Swim in ,areas not designated as such H. Make a fire in barbecue not provided I. Camp in any facility not designated for such use J. Cook or prepare food except in areas designated K. Wash dishes or dump wastewater L. Leave garbage, or other refuse expect in designated containers M. Model airplanes, golf, archery or other sports unless designated N. Gambling in any manner § 1 Although Fritz Burns Park is classified as a Neighborhood Park in the City's General Plan, the amenities found at the park are more closely identified with those of a Community Park such as restrooms, puking lot; swimming pool, and tennis courts. 002 0. Riotous, offensive, threatening, or indecent conduct, abusive, threatening, profane or indecent language P. Disturb picnic or meeting Q. Distribute handbills without permit R. Post commercial handbills S. Sell merchandise T. Loiter after 10:00 p.m. and before dawn U. Use restroom of the opposite sex V. Operate water craft except in designated areas W. Hunt or chase any animal or bird X. Fish except in designated areas Staff has posted signs in each park that has a bulletin board, outlining the Municipal Code sections in regards to trash, barbecues and park curfew, excessive noise and alcohol consumption. Also posted is a copy of Chapter 11.44 of the Municipal Code. These posted signs will allow the Sheriff's Department to enforce the park rules should park participants violate them. Staff is working with Sgt. Ammons of the La Quinta Police Department to inform the La Quinta Police Officers of the activities that are prohibited in the park, so that they are better able to quickly assess the park usage and determine if Municipal Codes are being violated. Excessive Speed: The La Quinta Police Department has been notified of the excessive speed near the parks and has increased their patrol in those areas. Additional traffic signs have been posted near the park, notifying drivers that they are approaching a reduced speed zone. Vegetation has been trimmed to provide clear visibility of speed limit signs on Adams Street. The Public Works Department is currently conducting a traffic study at the intersection of Adams Street and La Palma Drive to determine if a stop sign is warranted at that location. This item will be brought forward for City Council consideration at a future meeting date. Parkin The City Attorney has provided an opinion regarding restricted parking on public streets surrounding a City park. California Vehicle Code permits restricted parking on public streets and provides for exemptions from such restrictions to residents along those streets as provided in Attachment 3. The issue of enforcing the parking restrictions would require either the City's Code Compliance Officers or Sheriff's Officers to monitor the areas and issue citations to those violating the ordinance. Restrooms: With the exception of Fritz Burns Park, the City's current parks do not offer public restroom facilities. There are currently no plans to install public restrooms in existing parks. However, the Community Park as designed does provide for public restrooms. Facility Use Policies: The City of La Quinta adopted the Parks and Recreation Rules and Regulations on December 9, 1991, as guidelines for the public's use of the City owned facilities. This document is provided as Attachment 4. Since that date, many new facilities have been developed within the City. Due to the growth of the City and the addition of new facilities, the Parks and Recreation Rules and Regulations should be revised to provide use guidelines for all of the City's parks and recreation facilities. Currently, the Parks and Recreation Rules and Regulations provide for rental of Fritz Burns Park Tennis Courts, Eisenhower Park and the Sports Complex. Staff has reviewed the use of the parks and recreation facilities and is proposing changes to the existing Parks and Recreation Rules and Regulations. A redline version of the Parks and Recreation Rule and Regulations is provided as Attachment 5. The proposed Facility Use Policies is provided as Attachment 6. Some of the proposed changes to the Parks and Recreation Rules and Regulations include: Introduction: 1. Changing the policy from the Parks and Recreation Rules and Regulations to "Facility Use Policies" 2. Removing irrelevant text Section A 3. Adding the words "Facility Use" in front of Application 4. Changing Parks and Recreation Manager to Community Services Director Section B: 5. Including "Inflatable amenities" 6. Limiting inflatable amenities to Fritz Burns Park and the Community Park Section C: No content changes Section D: 7. Delete subsection (5) due to irrelevance Section E: No content change Section F: No content change Section G: Delete entire section due to irrelevance Section H: 8. Additional condition requiring the City to be listed as additionally insured when an inflatable amenity is used at the park. 110 Section I: No content changes Section J. No content changes Section K: No content changes Section L: No content changes Section M: 10. Subsection (4) restates the additionally insured requirement Section N: No content change. Deleted subsections are referenced in Sections F (2) and J (4). Section 0: No content changes Section P: No content changes Section Q: Irreverent to this policy Also, the City Manager's signature was removed from the document. As noted above, a major change proposed in the Facility Use Policies is limiting the use of inflatable amenities to Fritz Burns Park and the Community Park. Staff is recommending the inflatable amenities be limited to Fritz Burns Park and the Community Park due to the availability of areas that can accommodate such activities, as well as parking lots and restrooms that can accommodate party participants. Inflatable "bounce houses" for private parties in the park are rented by the individual hosting the party and are set up in the park for use at that party. According to the Municipal Code, Chapter 11.44. 060 (S), it is prohibited to "sell, or offer for sale any merchandise, article, or thing whatsoever, or practice, carry on, conduct, or solicit for, any trade, occupation, business or profession, unless the activity has been expressly allowed pursuant to specific provision to such effect contained in either: a permit issued pursuant to Section 11.44.040; ...or the like duly entered into or granted by the City Council." Currently, a permit from the City is not required for inflatable amenities to be brought into a City park. Staff is recommending that a section of the Facility Use Policies would require private parties planning to use inflatable amenities to apply for a permit through the Community Services Department. A permit fee would be established to offset the cost of staff time to issue the permit. By issuing a permit, section 11.44.040 is being followed. By issuing a permit for the inflatable amenities, the City can require the company supplying the apparatus to provide both a certificate of insurance naming the City iir,5 as additionally insured along with a Hold Harmless clause. This condition will be provided in Section H of the Facility Use Policies. As a part of the Facility Use Permit, a refundable $50.00 Security/Clean Up Deposit is required as part of the process for use of the facilities as identified in the current Parks and Recreation Rules and Regulations. Staff is recommending that a refundable Security/Cleanup Deposit be charged for private parties with inflatable amenities as part of the Facility Use Policies. The deposit will ensure the facility is left in a clean and acceptable manner after the party. The facility will be inspected for cleanliness in order to receive the refundable cleaning deposit. This task can be completed by the public works staff that is on duty during the weekend days. The staff time involved with this task can be included in the permit fee. An analysis of the staff costs involved with the permit process is currently being conducted and the information will be presented when the Facility Use Policies are presented for adoption by the City Council. The issues of trash, barbeques, and park use after curfew are addressed through education of the public by posting signs and the enforcement by the Sheriff's Department. The issue of excessive speed in front of park facilities is being researched by the Public Works Department and will be brought back for City Council consideration at a future meeting date. The issues before the City Council for consideration in this report include restricted parking on public streets surrounding a City park and the Facility Use Policy revisions. After City Council review, comment and direction, staff will bring the items of restricted parking and the Facility Use Policy revisions back for City Council consideration and adoption. Dodie Horvitz,'Corr%nunity Services Director Approved for submission by: 06 Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager t;116 Attachments: 1. City Park Map 2. La Quinta Municipal Code, Chapter 11.44 3. Memorandum Regarding Restricted Parking 4. Parks and Recreation Rules and Regulations 5. Redline Version of the Parks and Recreation Rule and Regulation 6. Proposed Facility Use Policies *Official Park names have not been adopted by the City Council as of this report. It is anticipated that the official names will be presented for City Council consideration at a future City Council meeting. S:\Community Services\CCReports\CC. 1 06.Facility Use Policies.doc City of La Quinta City Parks with 2 Mile Buffer / L 41 11.44.010 ATTACHMENT 2 Chapter 11.44 • PARKS AND RECREATION AREAS Sections: 11.44.010 Application of chapter. 11.44.020 Enforcement powers of peace officers and city personnel. 11.44.030 Public may be excluded. 11.44.040 Permits for gatherings and meetings. 11.44.050 Rules and regulations —Promulgation by city manager. 11.44.060 Prohibited conduct generally. 11.44.070 Use of pedestrian and equestrian ways. 11.44.080 Obstructing pathways. 11.44.090 Children visiting parks with lakes. 11.44.010 Application of chapter. A. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to and be in full force and effect at all park and recreation areas which are now or which may hereafter be under the jurisdiction and control of the city, including all grounds, roadways, avenues, parks, buildings, school facilities when they are in use as recreational facilities, and areas, under the control, management or direction of the city manager. The provisions of this chapter shall govern the use of all such parks and recreation areas and the observance of such provisions shall be a condition under which the public may use such parks and recreation areas. Certain provisions of this chapter shall further be applicable outside such parks and recreation areas where the context indicates an intention that they be so applied. B. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to any public officer, employee or peace officer who is acting in the course of and within the scope of the public business, nor to any other person conducting public business or related activities for, on behalf of, and pursuant to lawful authority of, an appropriate public entity. (Ord.10 § I (part),1982) 11.44.020 Enforcement powers of peace officers and city personnel. A. Power and authority is given to the city manager, the city manager's authorized representatives, and to any of the attendants employed in such parks or recreation areas, in their discretion, to eject and expel from the parks or recreation areas or building thereon, any person who violates any of the provisions of this chapter or any other law, ordinance or rule that may be in effect now or may hereafter by passed or adopted for the regulation and government of such parks or recreation areas, or of public places in general. In addition to his ordinary powers of arrest or citation, any peace officer enforcing any such law or regulations shall be authorized, in lieu of arresting or citing any violator, in his discretion to so eject and expel the violator. B. No person being ejected or expelled pursuant to the authority of subsection A of this section shall refuse to leave as ordered, nor shall any person who has been so ejected or expelled return, during the calendar day in which he was eje-ted, to the same park, recreation area or building, unless specifically permitted to do so by the person who ejected him or by the city manager or an authorized representative thereof. (Ord.10 § I (part),1982) 11.44.030 Public may be excluded. A. In an emergency or when the city manager, chief of police (or an appropriately designated representative of any such official) determines that the public safety, or public health, or public morals, or public interest demands such action, any park, square, avenue, grounds or recreation center or any part or portion thereof, may be closed against the public and all persons may be excluded therefrom until the emergency or other reason upon which the determination of the city manager of chief of police is based has ceased, and upon the cessation thereof the park, square, avenue, grounds or recreation center or part or portion thereof so closed shall again be reopened to the public by order of proper authority. B. No person having knowledge of or having been advised of any closure order issued pursuant to 0 410 (i 1 0 11.44.030 • subsection A of this section shall refuse or fail immediately to remove himself from the area or place so closed, and no such person shall enter or remain within any such area or place known by him to be so closed, until the area or place has been reopened to the public by order of proper authority. (Ord.10 § 1 (part), 1982) 11.44.040 Permits for gatherings and meetings. A. No person shall hold, conduct, participate in, attend or address any meeting, organized gathering or assemblage, group picnic, celebration, parade, service or exercise, of fifty or more persons, in any park or recreation area without a written permit granted by the city manager as provided in this section. B. The city manager (acting personally or by his delegated designee) is empowered to grant permits authorizing any person, society, association or organization to hold or conduct a meeting, organized gathering or assemblage, group picnic, celebration, parade, service or exercise for the observance of or commemoration of any public celebration, event, or demonstration of a patriotic, municipal or memorial character, or for social, educational, training, entertainment or recreational purposes. G An application for a permit shall be granted if the issuing authority determines: 1. That the requested activity is consistent and compatible with proper and appropriate park and recreation area uses at the location applied for, 2. That the requested activity is reasonable and will not interfere with general use of the park or recreation area by other individual or group members of the public 3. That the requested activity will in all respects comply with the provisions of this code and of any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation in effect at the time and place the activity is to be conducted; 4. That the requested activity is not reasonably anticipated to incite violence, crime or disorderly conduct; 5. That the requested activity will not entail unusual, extraordinary or burdensome expense or police operation by the city; and 6. That no other reason exists why the granting of the permit would be detrimental to the public interest D. Except in cases where a fee is paid adequate in amount to fully reimburse the public accounts for all involved costs and permits shall not be granted for the purpose of conducting services of any religious denomination or sect, or for the purpose of discussing, expounding, advocating or opposing the principles or creed of any religious denomination or sect. In all other respects, however, applications for such permits shall be considered and processed on an equal basis, subject to the same advantages, qualifications and limitations as other applications by or for another nonreligious organizations, groups or gatherings. E. In the event it is proposed that an admission fee be charged for attendance at the requested activity, or that contributions will be solicited or a collection taken up at the requested activity, the application for a permit shall expressly state such proposal. No person shall charge any such admission fee or solicit contributions or take up any collection at or for any such activity unless a provision allowing it to be done is included in a permit issued under this section. F. The issuing authority may attach conditions to any such permit which are deemed necessary or appropriate to assure that the activity will be carried on in conformance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, in a manner insistent with proper park and recreation area uses, and in a manner not detrimental to the public .nterest. Where deemed appropriate, the issuing authority may require suitable insurance, indemnity bond or other guarantee to protect city property from damage, to protect the public from unusual and undue expense, or to protect the city from liability of any kind or character. In this connection there may further be required a money deposit or payment to defray unusual expenses to be incurred by the city, such as costs of additional police services, fire protection services, cleanup services, or other municipal services of whatever nature. G. Any permit granted pursuant to the provisions of this section shall specify the time when and the place where the activity shall be held or conducted, and shall designate the name of the person, society, association or organization to whom the permit is issued. (Ord.10 § 1 (part), 1982) • 11.44.050 Rules and regulations —Promulgation by city manager. A. The city manager shall have power and authority to promulgate rules and regulations governing 411 (11 11 11.44.050 the use and enjoyment by the public and by individual members of the public, of any park, recreation . area, recreation or community center, or any portion thereof, or governing the use and enjoyment of any building, structure, equipment, apparatus or appliances thereon, or governing any portions of the foregoing. A copy of the rules and regulations, or a synopsis thereof shall be posted in some conspicuous place at or near the premises where the rules and regulations are to be effective, or in lieu thereof, signs or notices may be posted at or near the premises in order to give public notice of the rules and regulations. B. No person having knowledge of or having been advised of any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant to subsection A of this section, shall disobey, violate, or fail to comply with, any such rule or regulation. C. No person shall disobey, violate, or fail to comply with, any instruction, sign or notice posted in any park, recreation area, or community or recreation center, or in any building or structure thereon, for the control, management, or direction of the premises, when the instruction, sign or notice has been posted in implementation of any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant to subsection of this section. (Ord.10 § 1 (part),1982) 11.44.060 Prohibited conduct generally. Within the limits of any public park or recreation area of the city, no person shall: A. Hitch, fasten, lead, drive or let loose any animal or fowl of any kind; provided, that this shall not apply to a dog when led by a cord or chain, not more than six feet long, B. Ride or drive any horse or other animal, or propel any vehicle, cycle or automobile, except at a place especially designated and provided for such purpose; C. Carry or discharge any firearm, airgun, slingshot or other device designed or intended to discharge, or capable of discharging any dangerous missile; provided, that this subsection shall not apply to any peace officer or other person lawfully licensed to carry a concealed weapon or who regularly carries a weapon in connection with private employment protecting property or persons (e.g., private patrol services and bodyguards); . D. Carry or discharge any firecracker, rocket, torpedo or any other fireworks; provided, that this subsection shall not be deemed to prohibit the possession or use of safe and sane fireworks not otherwise prohibited by law, at places designated or provided for such purpose; E. Cut, break, injure, deface, or disturb any tree, shrub, plant, rock, building, cage, pen, monument, fence, bench or other structure, apparatus or property; or pluck, pull up, cut, take or remove any shrub, bush, plant or flower, or mark or write upon, paint or deface in any manner, any building, monument, fence, bench or other structure; F. Cut or remove any wood, turf, grass, soil, rock, sand, gravel, or fertilizer, G. Swim, bathe, wade in, or pollute the water of any fountain, pond, lake or stream, except at a place especially designated and provided for such purpose; H. Make or kindle afire except in a picnic stove, brazier, fire pit, or other appropriate device provided or approved for that purpose by the public authorities; I. Camp or lodge therein at any time, or otherwise remain overnight, whether or not in a structure permanently affixed to the ground, except at a place especially designated and provided for such purpose; J. Cook, prepare, serve or eat any meal, barbecue or picnic except at the places provided therefor; K Wash dishes or empty salt water or other waste I quids elsewhere than in facilities provided for such purposes; L Leave garbage, cans, bottles, papers or other refuse elsewhere than in receptacles provided therefor; M. Play or engage in model airplane flying, driving of golf balls, archery, baseball, softball, football, soccer, volleyball or any similar games of a hazardous nature except at such places as are especially set apart for such purposes; N. Play or bet at or against any game which is played, conducted, dealt or carried on with cards, dice, or other device, for money, chips, shells, credit or any other representative of value, or maintain or exhibit any gambling table or other instrument of gambling or gaming; • O. Indulge in riotous, offensive, threatening, or indecent conduct, or abusive, threatening, profane, or indecent language; 412 i I 11.44.060 P. Disturb in any unreasonable manner any picnic, meeting, service, concert, exercise or exhibition; Q. Distribute any commercial handbill (as defined in Section 5.20.020) without a prior permit so to do from the citymanager, which permit shall be issued onlyafter due processing of an application pursuant to Chapter 5.20, and then only if the city manager determines that it would be affirmatively in the public interest to allow upon public property the commercial activity involved; R. Post, place, erect, or leave posted, placed or erected, any commercial or noncommercial bill, handbill, circular, notice, paper, or advertising device or matter of any kind, in or upon any building, structure, pole, wire, or other architectural or natural feature of whatever character, except upon a bulletin board or such place especially designated and provided for such purposes, unless prior approval so to do has been obtained from the city manager, which approval shall be given only if the city manager determines that it would be affirmatively in the public interest to allow the use of public property for such purposes, or that constitutional principles require that it be allowed; S. Sell or offer for sale any merchandise, article or thing whatsoever, or practice, carry on, conduct, or solicit for, any trade, occupation, business or profession, unless the activity has been expressly allowed pursuant to specific provisions to such effect contained in either. a permit issued pursuant to Section 11.44.040; a permit issued pursuant to Chapter 5.36; a permit issued pursuant to Chapter 5.48; a concession agreement or franchise or the like duly entered into or granted by the city council; T. Remain, stay or loiter therein between the hours often p.m. and dawn of the following day, except while attending a gathering or meeting for which a permit has been issued or which is being sponsored or conducted by the city. This subsection shall not apply to persons lawfully lodging, camping or otherwise remaining overnight at a place Especially designated and provided for such purposes; U. Use any restroom, washroom or dressing facility designated for the opposite sex, except that this subsection shall not apply to children six years of age or younger who are accompanied by an adult or other older person; • V. Row, sailor operate any boat, craft or other device, on or in any pond, lake, stream or water except at such place as is especially designated and provided for use of such boat, craft, or device; W. Hunt, frighten, chase, set snare for, catch, injure or destroy any animal or bird, or destroy, remove or disturb any of the young or eggs of the same, or injure or maltreat any domestic or other animal; X. Fish with hook and line, seine, trap, spear, or net, or by any other means, in any pond, lake, stream or water, except at a place especially designated and provided for such purpose. (Ord.10 § 1(part),1982) 11.44.070 Use of pedestrian and equestrian ways. A. No person shall drive or operate any motor vehicle, motorcycle, motor -driven cycle (as the foregoing are defined in the Vehicle Code) or any other motorized or self-propelled vehicle or device upon which a person can ride, on, over or along any public property or easement (whether or not on a public park or recreation area) which has been designated, set aside, or is used, as a pedestrian walkway, trail, path, lane or way, or as an equestrian trail, path, lane or way. B. The public entity having ownership or control over any such trail, path, lane, way or walkway may cause it to be posted with an appropriate sign or signs expressly allowing the use of vehicles or devices otherwise prohibited under the provisions of subsection A of this section, and to the extent that such signs allow variations from such prohibitions, the provis'..ns of subsection A of this section shall be inapplicable. C. The provisions of subsection A of this section shall not apply to any electrically -driven wheelchair carrying a crippled or otherwise physically incapacitated person. D. The public entity having ownership or control over any trail, path, lane, way or walkway mentioned in subsection A of this section, may, by the posting of an appropriate sign or signs, further restrict the use of the trail, path, lane, way or walkway by persons riding bicycles or other nonmotorized vehicles or devices, or by equestrians, and when any such sign is posted, no person shall disobey any prohibition, restriction, direction or other regulation expressed thereon. (Ord. 10 § 1 (part), 1982) • 11.44.080 Obstructing pathways. No persons shall assemble, collect or gather together in any walk, driveway, passageway or pathway in any park or in other places set apart for the travel of persons or vehicles in or through any park or 413 ( c J 11.44.080 recreation area, or occupy the vehicle so that the free passage or use thereof by persons or vehicles passing . along the same is obstructed in any unreasonable manner. (Ord. 10 § 1 (part), 1982) 11.44.090 Children visiting parks with lakes. No parent or guardian, or any person having the custody of any child under the age of eight years, shall cause, permit or allow the child to enter or visit any public park or recreation area having a lake within the boundaries of the park or recreation area unless the child is accompanied by a person of not less than sixteen years of age. (Ord. 10 § 1 (part),1982) 0 414 014 AN I F�TL I `I UT PAUl5iRE0E0.0 Mn0.Y y`yU V RCHA0.0A CURNUIT IDEALS A. HAMPEL . IRIETUT THE OESIRPLIA &TUCKER AREAD LL IR ACL.IR SURIRNUHHH LAND 1 RIAL A T T O R N E Y 5 A T L A W 0 ROBERT C. BRAD N THOMAS I SALINGFR• A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS 01C LARSEN• CLIFFORD E. I611 ANTON BOULEVARD, FOURTEENTH FLOOR MICHAEL D. STEIN COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 193t (RAG. RIVEN• IRAC HV"N*AR D[RMArv• DIRECT ALL MAIL TO. POST OFFICE BOX 1950 STAN WOLCOTT' ROBERT S. BOWER COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92628-1950 DAVID I-ALESHVR TELEPHONE 714-641-5100 FACSIMILE 714546-9035 MAECIA AR FDRSYTH W ILLIAM M. MARTICORFNA INTERNET ADDRESS www.Tota D.com LRBIPS I. MORRIS A I (IJAY 19„1 LAMAS TUCKER ER IIBBB ATTACHMENT 3 WILLIAMI. CAPLAN 111,111 WXHISIZA TREGA PHILANDER MICHAEL T. HORNAR SOPHIED GRAPH tOOD ITS ",',A RCHARD0 ARRO VH t Y D. ROHN ADAM N VOLRERT KARA 5. CARLSOry SAICVOt IOEtO RUYERBERG IEEFREYA GOLDFARB ERICt OONN STFVEN A. PRO LOTS ERESTSL THOMAS G. BROCSN CHUM PARKER oG Er w LLAM w. 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DENNINGTON IULIE IF DREW MEMORANDUM TO: Dodie Horvitz FROM: Allison LeMoine-Bui, Deputy City Attorney DATE: April 16, 2001 FILE NO.: 015610-0002 RE: Establishment of Parking Permit Scheme I. Introduction You have asked us whether the City of La Quinta ("City") may establish a parking permit scheme on public streets surrounding a City park. II. Brief Answer The California Vehicle Code.permits municipalities to restrict parking on designated public streets, and to provide an exemption from such restrictions to residents and/or merchants located adjacent to those streets. III. Analysis California Vehicle Code Section 22507 provides that a local authority "may, by ordinance or resolution, prohibit or restrict the stopping, parking, or standing of vehicles... on certain streets or highways, or portions thereof, during all or certain hours of the day." (Veh. Code, § 22507, subd. (a).) The ordinance or resolution may grant preferential parking privileges to residents and merchants adjacent to designated streets for their use and the use of their guests, through the issuance of a permit that serves to exempt those persons from the restrictions contained in the ordinance. (Ibid.) 882/015610-0002 178867.01 a04/16/01 Cis LJTAN " CKER3 ..,O. NIYS AT LAW Dodie Horvitz April 16, 2001 Page 2 Consistent with these provisions, if the City desires to restrict parking on the public streets surrounding a City park during certain, specified hours, it may do so, by ordinance or resolution. The ordinance or resolution may provide that residents (and merchants, if applicable) in the area will be granted parking permits which exempt them from the parking restrictions. To ensure the effectiveness of the program, the City may include in the ordinance or resolution the establishment of some enforcement mechanism, such as ticketing those vehicles parked in violation of the ordinance. (Ibid.) Prior to enforcing the ordinance or resolution, however, the City must post signs providing notice of the new restrictions to persons currently parking on the designated streets. (Ibid.) A thirty -day notice period would likely be deemed adequate. Lastly, since the parking in question is the only effective means of accessing the City park for most members of the public, the City could face a challenge if it establishes an unduly restrictive parking scheme. Therefore, the City should allow parking for a reasonable period of time, such as two hours. IV. Conclusion Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions regarding this Memorandum. 8821015610-0002 178867.01 a04/16/01 G16 ATTACHMENT 4 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA PARKS AND RECREATION RULE AND REGULATION NO. Pursuant to the authority vested in me, as City Manager, by Section 11.44.050 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, I hereby promulgate the following rules and regulations, effective immediately: The rules and regulations herein have been developed to assure that Parks and Recreation facilities are used in a responsible manner and that the public's investment in these facilities is adequately safeguarded. It is the intent of the Parks and Recreation Division to operate these facilities so that, to the extent possible, the recreational needs of the citizens of the La Quinta community are met. All use and conduct shall be in accordance with Chapters 11.08 and 11.44 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, herein attached as Exhibit A and B, respectively. A. APPLICATION FOR USE OF FACILITY Application for use of facilities shall be made in writing on the form provided by the City of La Quinta, or a City designated organization, at least five (5) working days prior to use and submitted to the Parks and Recreation Manager. This requirement may be waived in exceptional cases by the authorization of the Parks and Recreation Manager. Applications will not be accepted more than six (6) mwiths iri advrnce of use, except for contiguous multi -day rentals. All applications for use of facility whatsoever are subject to approval of the Parks and Recreation Manager, and he/she shall have the right to deny service to any applicant. Said denial may be appealed to the Assistant City Manager. B. PRIVATE PARTIES The following will apply to use of City facilities for private parties such as wedding receptions, coming -of -age parties, birthday parties, baptismal parties, anniversary parties, etc.: Private parties are limited to a maximum of four hours in duration. Persons signing applications for a private party must be a resident of the City of La Quints. and one of the principal parties in the event, i.e., parent, guardian, bride, groom, etc. C. PRIORITY OF USE The City of La Quinta has first priority for all uses. La Quinta residents have second priority. All others are to follow in the priority of use. City of La Quinta residents shall have priority of use in the event two applications are submitted on the same day. Parks and Recreation Rule and Regulation No. E F. REASONS FOR DENYING APPLICATION The Parks and Recreation Manager may deny an applicant the privilege of using a facility, even if it is otherwise available, for the following reasons: 1. Applicant's violation of the conditions of use permit (current or prior permit). 2. Applicant's violation of the rules and regulations of the Parks and Recreation Division relating to the facility. 3. Failure to cooperate with City staff. 4. Previous incidents wherein use of facility resulted in damage to or misuse of City equipment. 5. The occurrence of any of the above described incidents/behavior at other facilities not owned by the City of La Quints, but at a program either co- sponsored or sponsored by the City of La Quinta. 6. The use proposed is not consistent with the recreational, civic, assembly or other purposes for which the particular facility has been approved. RENTAL RATE CLASSIFICATIONS Rental rates of City Parks and Recreation facilities are classified as Class I -IV. Definitions to determine the rate schedule applicable to a specific person or group is contained within the Comprehensive Fee Schedule, attached herein as Exhibit C. SECURITY/CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT The Security/Clean-Up Deposit is to be submitted with the application. Note: Applications for use will not be accepted without the Security/Clean-Up Deposit. The deposit will be refunded within five (5) working days after the event, except under the following conditions: If any damage to facility while premises are under responsibility of user, cost of repairs as determined by the Parks and Recreation Manager will be retained by the City and deducted from the deposit. If cost of damages exceeds amount available from deposit, user shall remit balance of cost to City upon receipt of invoice. Users not performing clean-up as described in Paragraph K, herein to the satisfaction of the Parks and Recreation Manager shall have an amount deducted from the security deposit and retained by the City. -2- 618 Parks and Recreation Rule and Regulation No. G. SPECIAL SERVICES The Parks and Recreation Manager may impose additional fees for special services at selected facilities. Fees for rental attendants, special equipment needs and trash services will be assessed as appropriate. Charges to rental group shall be made at supplier's cost. For lighting on ballfield and sound system use, see "Use Fee Structure" (Exhibit C) . No one other than the City rental attendant or other City employee may operate the lighting, heating, cooling and announcing systems unless otherwise permitted. No one other than the City rental attendant or other designated City employee may open or close facility, unless otherwise permitted. H. LIABILITY All persons to whom use permits are granted must agree in writing to hold the City of La Quinta harmless and indemnify City of La Quinta from any and all liability for injury to persons or property occurring as the result of the activity sponsored by the permittee, and said person shall be liable to the City of La Quinta for any and all damages to parks, equipment, and buildings owned or controlled by City which result from the activity of the permittee or is caused by any participant in said activity. A person exercising anv of the p-rivil�ges authorized by this policy does so at his/her own risk without liability on the part of the City of La Quinta for any injury to persons or property resulting therefrom. PAYMENT OF FEES AND DEPOSITS All fees and deposits are considered due at the time the application is submitted. J. USER CLEAN-UP RESPONSIBILITY The rental user of the facility shall be responsible for the following clean- up during and upon completion of the rental use: 1. Deposit all bottles, cans, cups, cigarettes and paper in proper receptacles. 2. Mop up any liquid spilled on floor. 3. Leave kitchen or concession stand and all equipment therein in clean, sanitary condition. 4. Remove any decorations used ( deposit in proper trash receptacle or remove from premises). 5. All groups are responsible for setting -up and taking -down chairs and tables, and for clean-up of facility and the immediate area. -3- C1 9 Parks and Recreation Rule and Regulation No. K. FOOD OR BEVERAGE No food or beverage may be sold or served at any event without approval of the Parks and Recreation Manager. L. ENDING TIME OF ALL EVENTS All events held in the Parks and Recreation facilities must be completed by 10:00 p.m. The playfield lighting shall not be available after 10:00 p.m. M. CLEARANCES, LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES User may be required, depending upon the nature of the event, to secure any or all of the following clearances, licenses and/or certificates before the application is approved: 1. Dance permit or business license clearance (granted by the La Quinta Business License Division). 2. Police clearance (granted by the Riverside County Sheriff's Department) . 3. Special daily beer or liquor license (issued by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Office in San Bernardino, California) . 4. Certificate or proof of insurance. N. DECORATIONS No decorations of any kind are permitted unless approved by the Parks and Recreation Manager. If permitted, the following requirements shall be met: 1. Decorations may not be fastened to light fixtures. 2. Only masking tape may be used. No scotch tape, thumb tacks, staples, etc. will be permitted. 3. The restrictions set forth in #1 and #2 above also apply to banquet tables, chairs, stage, etc. 4. Existing facility decorations may not be removed. User must decorate around them. 5. No open flame devices will be permitted in the facilities. 6. Decorations belonging to user must be disposed of after the event and before leaving the premises. O. PUBLICITY No publicity of any event held in Parks and Recreation facilities may be released until final approval of the application for facility use. -4- C20 Parks and Recreation Rule and Regulation No. P. SMOKING Smoking is not permitted in any government building. Q. SPORTS ORGANIZATIONS The City may enter into an agreement with any sports organization or user to effectively provide and promote other recreation programs. psrreVI. rev/cj Revised 10/09/91 RONALD L. KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER -5- C21 EXHIBIT C CITY OF LA QUINTA PARKS AND FACILITIES USE FEE SCHEDULE The following fees and charges are assessed for reservation/use by groups or individuals for the City's parks: ITEM CLASS I CLASS II CLASS III CLASS IV Tennis Court N/C $ 5.00 hr $ 5.00 hr $ 10.00 hr Baseball Diamond N/C $ 5.00 hr $ 10.00 hr $ 20.00 hr Eisenhower Mini -Park N/C $ 5.00 hr $ 10.00 hr $ 20.00 hr Soccer Field N/C $ 5.00 hr $ 10.00 hr $ 20.00 hr Snack Bar N/C $ 10.00 hr** $ 15.00 hr** $ 20.00 kr** Field Lights N/C $ 15.00 hr $ 15.00 hr $ 15. 00 hr Announcing System $ 5.00 flat $ 10.00 flat $ 15.00 flat $ 20.00 flat Diamond Preparation $ 24.00 hr $ 24.00 hr $ 24.00 hr $ 24.00 hr (1/2 hour minimum) Bases $ 2.50 hr* $ 2.50 hr* $ 5.00 hr* $ 10.00 hr* Restrooms (Key Deposit) the $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 Security/Clean-Up Deposit $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 CLASSIFICATION OF GROUPS Class I 1. La Quinta youth (18 and under), 501(c)3 recreation organizations. 2. Desert Sande Unified School District. Class II 1. La Quinta residents. 2. La Quinta non-profit organizations and community -based organizations. Class III 1. La Quints, business and profit organizations. Class IV 1. Non city residents, organizations, businesses. *$150.00 Deposit **$ 50.00 Deposit for snack bar Charges NOT applicable to: 1. YMCA Special events. 2. City sponsored events. p=kf"s.9ch/cj r- 10/25/91 CITY OF LA QUINTA, eORN:A ATTACHMENT 5 The itiles and regulatio is i.e ei Facility Use Policies have been developed to assure that Parks and Recreation facilities are used in a responsible manner and that the public's investment in these facilities is adequately safeguarded. It is the intent of �.... ... r ... _ _ ..._ ....... possible, the reereatio ial needs of the citizens of the La Eluinta eo n nunity are i net. All use and conduct shall be in accordance with Chapters 11 .08 and 11.44 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, A. APPLICATION FOR FACILITY USE�F FA£iEFT'f The Facility Use Application for of facilities shall be made in writing on the form provided by the City of La Quinta, or- . atiorr, submitted at least five (5) working days prior to use. and be waived in exceptioial cases by the authorization of the Pa*3 and Ree,eation Manager-. Applications will not be accepted more than six (6) months in advance of use, except for contiguous multi -day rentals. All Facility Use Applications for use of facility vuhatsoeve are subject to approval by the Community Services Director. of the Parks and Recreation Manavei, and heishe Shall have the ight to deny servie_! to any applicant. Said denial may be appealed to the Assistant City Manager. B. PRIVATE PARTIES The following will apply to use of City facilities for private parties: such ns wedding receptions, conmig of age parties, bistliday parties, baptisnal .. includinp parties with inflatable amenities: Private parties are limited to a maximum of four hours in duration. Persons signing applications for a private party must be a resident of the City of La Quinta and one of the principal parties in the event, i.e., parent, guardian, bride, groom, etc. Facilities available for private parties with inflatable amenities are limited to Fritz Burns Park and the Community Park. ��3 C. PRIORITY OF USE 1. The City of La Quinta has first priority for all uses. La Quinta residents have second priority. All others are to follow in the priority of use. 2. City of La Quinta residents shall have priority of use in the event two applications are submitted on the same day. D. REASONS FOR DENYING APPLICATION The Pa ks a id Roe meatio i Me iage Community Services Director may deny an available, aoolication for the following reasons: 1 . Applicant's violation of the conditions of Facility Use permit (current or prior permit). 2. Applicant's violation of the City's rules and regulations of the Parks and Ree.eatmo i Bivision relating to the facility use of facilities. 3. Failure to cooperate with City staff. 4. Previous incidents wherein Facility Use use-of4aeility resulted in damage to or niscrse of City equiprrtertt oror)erty. The use proposed is not consistent with the recreational, civic, assembly or other purposes for which the particular facility has been approved. E. RENTAL RATE CLASSIFICATIONS Rental rates of the City Parks and Recreation facilities are classified as Class I -IV along with the Fee Schedule for each classification. Definitions Exhibit E F. SECURITY/CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT The Security/Clean-Up ing Deposit is to be submitted due with the Facility Use Application. Note: Applicatiois fe use will not be accepted The deposit will be refunded within five (5) working days after the event, except under the following conditions: 1 . if any Damage to the facility while premises are under responsibility of user. Cost of repairs as determined by the U!4 Community Services Director will be retained by the City and deducted from the deposit. If cost of damages exceeds amount available from deposit, user shall remit balance of cost to City upon receipt of invoice. 2. If the facility is not left in a clean and orderly manner, the cost to clean the facility appropriately will be deducted from the Deposit. users not satisfactoo- of the Parks and Reweation Manager shall have a . a ou deducted fio... th. secu ity deposit and retained by the City. M."', - - - �.! .1-1j. H. LIABILITY All persons receiving a Facility Use Permit to whoin use perinits are granted must agree in writing to hold the City of La Quinta harmless and indemnify City of La Quinta from any and all liability for injury to persons or property occurring as the result of the activity sponsored by the permittee, and said person shall be liable to the City of La Quinta for any and all damages to parks, equipment, and buildings owned or controlled by City which result from the activity of the permittee or is caused by any participant in said activity. A person exercising any of the privileges authorized by this policy does so at his/her own risk without liability on the part of the City of La Quinta for any injury to persons or property resulting therefrom. All activities involving an inflatable amenity must provide the City of La Quinta with a Certificate of Insurance naming the City of La Quinta as additionally insured Policy limit is $1 000 000 minimum of combined single limits. PAYMENT OF FEES AND DEPOSITS All fees and deposits are considered due at the time the application is submitted. J. USER CLEAN-UP RESPONSIBILITY The rental user of the facility shall be responsible for the following clean- 1.. 0O5 up daring aid upon completion of the rental use: Deposit all bottles, cans, cups, cigarettes and paper in proper receptacles. 2. Mop up any liquid spilled on floor. 3. Leave kitchen or concession stand and all equipment therein in clean, sanitary condition. 4. Remove any decorations used (deposit in proper trash receptacle or remove from premises). 5. All groups are responsible for setting -up and taking -down chairs and tables, and for clean-up of facility and the immediate area. K. FOOD OR BEVERAGE No food or beverage may be sold or served at any event without appi oval of the Psi Its a, id Recreation Ma unless specified on the Facility Use oermit. L. ENDING TIME OF ALL EVENTS All events held in the Parks and Recreation facilities must be completed by 10:00 p.m. The playfiefd Ball field lights are not be available after 10:00 p.m. M. CLEARANCES. LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES Users may be required, , to secure any or all of the following clearances, licenses and/or certificates before the Facility Use Permit Application is approved. Dance permit or business license dear ee (granted by the City of La Quinta Business License Division). 2. Police clearance (granted by the Riverside County Sheriff's Department). 3. Special daily beer or liquor license (issued by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Office in San Bernardino, California). 4. Certificate or proof of insurance naming the City of La Quinta as Additionally Insured. N. DECORATIONS and Recreation Managei. If , The following requirements shall be met: Decorations may not be fastened to light fixtures, tables. chairs. stage or other City property. 0PC) 2. Only masking tape may be used. No scotch tape, thumb tacks, staples, etc. will be permitted. 5. No open flame devices will be permitted in the facilities. O. PUBLICITY No Publicity ff r of —any event held in at any Parks and Recreation facilities y may not be released until final approval of the Facility Use Application. for facility use. � r3uKXULCJ Smoking is not permitted in any government City building. • �;,:..-moo 027 CITY OF LA QUINTA ATTACHMENT 6 (Proposed) Facility Use Policies The Facility Use Policies have been developed to assure that Parks and Recreation facilities are used in a responsible manner and that the public's investment in these facilities is adequately safeguarded. All use and conduct shall be in accordance with Chapters 11.08 and 11.44 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. A. APPLICATION FOR FACILITY USE 1. The Facility Use Application shall be made in writing on the form provided by the City of La Quinta, at least five (5) working days prior to use. 2. Applications will not be accepted more than six (6) months in advance of use, except for contiguous multi -day rentals. 3. All Facility Use Applications are subject to approval by the Community Services Director. B. PRIVATE PARTIES The following will apply to use of City facilities for private parties with inflatable amenities: 1. Private parties are limited to a maximum of four hours in duration. 2. Facilities available for private parties with inflatable amenities are limited to Fritz Burns Park and the Community Park. C. PRIORITY OF USE 1. The City of La Quinta has first priority for all uses. La Quinta residents have second priority. All others are to follow in the priority of use. 2. City of La Quinta residents shall have priority of use in the event two applications are submitted on the same day. D. REASONS FOR DENYING APPLICATION The Community Services Director may deny an application for the following reasons: 1. Applicant's violation of the conditions of Facility Use permit (current or prior permit). 2. Applicant's violation of the City's rules and regulations relating to the use of facilities. 3. Failure to cooperate with City staff. ��v 4. Previous incidents where Facility Use resulted in damage to City property. 5. The use proposed is not consistent with the recreational, civic, assembly or other purposes for which the particular facility has been approved. E. RENTAL RATE CLASSIFICATIONS Rental rates of the City Parks and Recreation facilities are classified as Class I-1V along with the Fee Schedule for each classification. F. SECURITY/CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT The Security/Cleaning Deposit is due with the Facility Use Application. The deposit will be refunded within five (5) working days after the event, except under the following conditions: Damage to the facility while premises are under responsibility of user. Cost of repairs as determined by the Community Services Director will be retained by the City and deducted from the deposit. If cost of damages exceeds amount available from deposit, user shall remit balance of cost to City upon receipt of invoice. 2. If the facility is not left in a clean and orderly manner, the cost to clean the facility appropriately will be deducted from the Deposit. H. LIABILITY All persons receiving a Facility Use Permit must agree in writing to hold the City of La Quinta harmless and indemnify City of La Quinta from any and all liability for injury to persons or property occurring as the result of the activity sponsored by the permittee, and said person shall be liable to the City of La Quinta for any and all damages to parks, equipment, and buildings owned or controlled by City which result from the activity of the permittee or is caused by any participant in said activity. A person exercising any of the privileges authorized by this policy does so at his/her own risk without liability on the part of the City of La Quinta for any injury to persons or property resulting therefrom. All activities involving an inflatable amenity must provide the City of La Quinta with a Certificate of Insurance naming the City of La Quinta as additionally insured. Policy limit is $1,000,000 minimum of combined single limits. PAYMENT OF FEES AND DEPOSITS All fees and deposits are considered due at the time the application is submitted. C4J J. USER CLEAN-UP RESPONSIBILITY The rental user of the facility shall be responsible for the following clean- up upon completion of rental use: 1. Deposit all bottles, cans, cups, cigarettes and paper in proper receptacles. 2. Mop up any liquid spilled on floor. 3. Leave kitchen or concession stand and all equipment in clean, sanitary condition. 4. Remove any decorations (deposit in proper trash receptacle or remove from premises)• 5. All groups are responsible for setting -up and taking -down chairs and tables, and for clean-up of facility and the immediate area. K. FOOD OR BEVERAGE No food or beverage may be sold or served at any event unless specified on the Facility Use permit. L. ENDING TIME OF ALL EVENTS All events held in Parks and Recreation facilities must be completed by 10:00 p.m. Ballfield lights are not available after 10:00 p.m. M. CLEARANCES. LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES Users may be required to secure any or all of the following clearances, licenses and/or certificates before the Facility Use Permit Application is approved. Dance permit or business license (granted by the City of La Quinta Business License Division). 2. Police clearance (granted by the Riverside County Sheriff's Department). 3. Special daily beer or liquor license (issued by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Office in San Bernardino, California). 4. Certificate or proof of insurance naming the City of La Quinta as additionally insured. N. DECORATIONS The following requirements shall be met: Decorations may not be fastened to light fixtures, tables, chairs, stage ,30 or other City property. 2. Only masking tape may be used. No scotch tape, thumb tacks, staples, etc. will be permitted. 3. No open flame devices will be permitted in the facilities. O. PUBLICITY Publicity for any event held at any Parks and Recreation facility may not be released until final approval of the Facility Use Application. P. SMOKING Smoking is not permitted in any City building. C31 CITY OF LA QUINTA PARKS AND FACILITIES USE FEE SCHEDULE The following fees and charges are assessed for reservation/use by groups or individuals for the city's parks and recreation facilities: ITEM CLASS I CLASS II CLASS III CLASS IV Tennis Court N/C $ 5.00 hr $ 5.00 hr $ 10.00 hr Baseball Diamond N/C $ 5.00 hr $ 10.00 hr , $ 20.00 hr Eisenhower Mini -Park N/C $ 5.00 hr $ 10.00 hr $ 20.00 hr Soccer Field N/C $ 5.00 hr $ 10.00 hr $ 20.00 hr Snack Bar N/C $ 10.00 hr ** $ 15.00 hr "* $ 20.00 hr *" Field Lights N/C $ 15.00 hr $ 15.00 hr $ 15.00 hr Announcing system $ 5.00 flat $ 10.00 flat $ 15.00 flat $ 20.00 flat Diamond Preparation $ 24.00 hr $ 24.00 hr $ 24.00 hr $ 24.00 hr (1/2 hour minimum) Bases $ 2.50 hr " $ 2.50 hr " $ 5.00 hr " $ 10.00 hr " Restrooms (Key N/C $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 Deposit) Security/Clean-Up $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Deposit CLASSIFICATION OF GROUPS Class I 1. La Quints youth (18 and under), 501(c)3 recreation organizations. 2. Desert Sands Unified School District. Class II 1. La Quints residents 2. La Quinta non-profit organizations and cornmunity-based organizations. Class III 1. La Quints business and profit organizations. Class IV I. Non city residents, organizations, businesses. *$150.00Deposit , **$ 50.00 Deposit for snack bar Charges NOT applicable to: 1. YMCA Special events. 2. City sponsored events. (wp9) S:\Community Ser ices\NewDocs\P&RR&PEGS-Study Session Version.wpd 032 REPORT/INFORMATIONAL ITEM: CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 8, 2001 C���i•Zdd�7�:7 A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Shamis presided over the meeting. Commissioner Reynolds led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Denise Diamond Commissioner Elaine Reynolds Commissioner Rosita Shamis (Chairperson) MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Leslie McMillian STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Marni Francisco, Recreation Supervisor It was moved by Reynolds/Diamond to excuse Commissioner McMillian. Unanimous. II. PUBLIC COMMENT - None III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of February 8 , 2001 B. Art in Public Places Financial Report for February 2001 C. Monthly Department Report for January 2000 It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Diamond to approve the Consent Calendar with one change to the minutes, page 011, paragraph 6, Commissioner Shamis requested that the record show the words "should not be an" following that. Unanimous with change. V. PUBLIC HEARING - None VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. De Martino Artwork Modification Mr. De Martino provided a modified art work replica of the modifications he had previously suggested be made to the art piece that he designed on the northeast corner of Washington and Hwy. 111. Mr. De Martino discussed the modifications with the Commission. The example of the black acid stain foundation will feature two copper mountains with a gem featured in the middle. The gem will relay light from different angles of the sun. Mr. DeMartino brought a spotlight and gave the Commission examples of light relays from the gem. Commissioner Diamond mentioned that the gem S:\Community Services\CAComm\CACMIN.3-08-Ol.wpd seemed a bit off centered to the proportions of the mountains. Mr. DeMartino moved the gem to the center of the piece. After much discussion of the size of the gem and the mountains, Mr. DeMartino said he would present the Commission with a proposed sample of the full size gem so Commissioners could go to the sight and get a better understanding of the art piece measurements. B. Map of Public Art Work Commissioner Diamond has had access to city files to begin the process of researching documenting the art pieces/public art that exist within the city. Commissioner Diamond said that some of the files are incomplete and do not have specific dates, costs and name of artists. Commissioner Diamond is still in the process of completing the list. Ms. Horvitz mentioned that she has been in contact with the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce and that all the city's public art features will be featured in the next La Quinta Chamber Map. Commissioner Diamond said she will have the list completed by the end of next week. It was moved by Reynolds/Diamond to have the City's public art pieces placed in the proposed La Quinta Chamber of Commerce Calendar presently being discussed by City Council. Unanimous. C. Community Picnic Commissioner Shamis stated that it was important to the Commission to be well represented at the upcoming April 28' Picnic. Commissioner Shamis said she wanted two Cultural Arts Commissioners to be at the picnic to provide information and hand out trinkets and possible have a hands on art project for the participants. Commissioner Reynolds said that she could not attend due to a previously planned trip. Commissioner Diamond said it was her son's birthday that day and she doubted that she would attend as well. Commissioner Shamis and Diamond said that they wanted to see an interactive art project at their booth. Recreation Supervisor, Marni Francisco reminded the Commission that they still had hundreds of the "Heart for Arts" key chains remaining from the last picnic. Ms. Francisco said she will have them ready to go that day. Ms. Horvitz reminded the Commission that they had $300 as a picnic budget to provide interaction and or trinkets at the event. It was moved by Reynolds/Diamond to participate in the annual Community Picnic and City Birthday Celebration. Unanimous. D. Temporary Art Program Community Services Director Dodie Horvitz respectfully suggested to the Commission that this item be tabled for discussion until an expense budget exists to support the program and to cover installations of proposed art work. No formal action was taken on this time. E. Round Table Presentation S:\Community Services\CAComm\CACMIN.3-08-Ol.wpd 002 Commissioner Shamis requested that this item be tabled until next month so she can do some more research on the issue. Commission Diamond asked for clarification about the meeting as to whether the meetings would be held during the regular monthly meetings or at additional meetings. Commissioner Shamis replied by saying that the additional meeting would be held on Saturdays not the monthly Thursday times. No formal action was taken on this time. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. John Kennedy Art Piece -Reynolds Commissioner Reynolds began by saying that she thought that Mr. John Kennedy was an extemely gifted artist and that it would be a shame not to place his art work at the southeast corner of Washington and Highway 111. She also mentioned that she thought the Commission was passed over by the City Council, by not proposing Mr. Kennedy's art work. Community Services Director Dodie Horvitz said that a water feature has been discussed and decided on by City Council Commissioner Diamond said that although the Commission greatly admires Mr. Kennedy's work but a corner that big for a piece of work at that dimension would get lost and difficult to appreciate. Mr. Kennedy himself mentioned that a piece of that nature is not intended for such a large sight and that in fact it would be lost there at the busy intersection. The Commission agreed that the art work would be appreciated at an appropriate site. Vill. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Commissioner Woodard's Resignation-Shamis Commissioner Shamis reported on the letter sent by Stewart Woodard. She also mentioned she met with the Mayor to discuss the importance of the Cultural Commission and what was the perception of the Mayor and City Council members. The Mayor assured Commissioner Shamis that the Cultural Commission plays a significant part in the City of La Quinta and that the Commission will continue to function. B. Culture in the Courtyard Commissioner Shamis was pleased that the last Culture in the Courtyard was well received. Commissioner Reynolds noticed an error in the record that states the dates for Culture in the Courtyard. Commissioner Diamond said the upcoming Chamber of Commerce article should include the Culture in the Courtyard and the Community Picnic. SXommunity Services\CAComm\CACMIN.3-08-Ol.wpd 003 C. Arts Festival Artists Commissioner Reynolds suggested that the artists at the La Quinta Arts Foundation be given Artist Bank applications to be filled out and returned. Commissioner Shamis stated that the artists at the Arts Festival do not necessarily provide art work that will function as public art. She did not think that this would be a good idea. She also stated that the Committee should focus on a large piece instead of hanging pictures for the Civic Center art work. IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Diamond to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION April 12, 2001 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room • Washington & Hwy. 111 Art Piece Modification • Map of Public Art Work • Continue discussion on Community Picnic Submitted by: Marhi Francisco, 14creation Supervisor S:\Community Services\CAComm\CACMIN.3-08-Ol.wpd rl 1`1 4 REPORT/INFORMATIONAL ITEM: /I INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD Meeting March 21, 2001 CALL TO ORDER Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the hour of 5:48 P.M. by Vice Chairman Mahfoud followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Board Members Irwin, Lewis, Mahfoud, and Moulin ABSENT: Board Members Felice, Olander and Osborne OTHERS PRESENT: John Falconer, Finance Director and Secretary II PUBLIC COMMENT - None III CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Staff noted that the Minutes in the Agenda Packet of February 14, 2001 meeting should be amended to reflect the presence of Board Member Irwin. In addition, Board Member Irwin had several interest rate charts that were distributed and will be discussed under Board Member comments IV CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Minutes of Meeting on February 14, 2001 of the Investment Advisory Board. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Irwin/Lewis to approve the Minutes, as amended, of February 14, 2001. Motion carried unanimously. i Investment Advisory Board March 21, 2001 Minutes V BUSINESS SESSION A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for January 2001 Board Member Moulin commented that the portfolio has grown to over $72 million. Mr. Falconer responded that a major portion of these funds were committed to capital projects. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Lewis/Irwin to review, receive and file the Treasurers Reports for January 2001. Motion carried unanimously. B. Consideration of Fiscal Year 2001/02 Investment Policies In response to Board Member Mahfoud, Mr. Falconer reported that staff has identified three investment policy issues that have been discussed in prior meetings for consideration in next year's policy, as well as incorporation of State legislation changes. The three investment policy issues are : (11 Percentage of Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSE's), (2) Percentage of Treasury Issues, and (3) Type of Money Market Sweep Account. The new State legislation affecting local government investments, summarized as an attachment, requires local governments to submit their Investment Policies and Quarterly Investment Reports to the State, limited deposits to financial institutions with at least a satisfactory overall Community Redevelopment Agency rating, and changed the maximum maturity period on Bankers Acceptance investments from 270 days to 180 days and Commercial Paper from 180 days to 270 days. In response to Board Member Lewis, Mr. Falconer stated that SB 1493 only applies to the Counties in California. Board Member Lewis commented that it was appropriate that the Government Code restrict investments to a satisfactory or better ratings. Board Member Lewis and Irwin stated that these practices should be followed by LAIF as well. In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Falconer stated that the City will be able to meet the 60 day Quarterly reporting requirement as set forth in AB 943. Mr. Falconer responded that the City has difficulty 09 Investment Advisory Board Minutes March 21, 2001 preparing the Treasurer's report within 30 days after the end of the month. Board Member Irwin stated that this is the seventh Investment Policy this body has considered and he would like to restrict discussions to the four issues listed in the staff report. The Board was in general agreement with Board Member Moulin adding that an additional item be considered based upon the discussions in the September Board meeting dealing with having the same investment percentages for similarly rated paper. Mr. Falconer reported that with the recent maturity of a GSE for $5,000,000 which was reinvested in a U.S. Treasury Note, and if the scheduled maturity of another GSE for $5,000,000 were reinvested in U. S. Treasury Notes, the City would be nearing its 75% limit in U. S. Treasury Paper. Mr. Falconer stated that he could invest in other investments such as Commercial Paper, however, based upon the interest rate environment spreads were narrowing. Board Member Lewis commented that most people believe the Federal Reserve will continue to tighten interest rates. In response to Board Member Irwin, Mr. Falconer stated that the Treasury Note that was purchased matures May 31, 2001 at 4.5 %. Board Member Irwin stated that last year the board approved raising the limit of Commercial Paper from $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 per name and increased the length of investment from 30 to 90 days. He was surprised of the increase in Commercial Paper from 180 to 270 days supported by Palm Desert because the Commercial Paper he sees is in the 30 to 90 day range. Similarly, some of the GSE's are being rated today AAA or AA - FNMA and Freddie Mac. Board Member Irwin believed that GSE's should be treated similar to Al /P1 Commercial Paper with a $2,000,000 per issuer limit. Board Member Irwin stated that the previous and current administration in Washington (D.C.) would not support a Government bailout of GSE's and that the $9 billion line of credit available from Congress on a $1 .6 trillion debt was inadequate. Board Member Mahfoud asked if the City would be giving up any yield with this change. Board Member Irwin referred to the interest rate chart handed out at the beginning of the meeting to describe the difference in the GSE yields and 2 Year Treasuries. Board Member Moulin stated that 3 Investment Advisory Board Minutes March 21, 2001 he was more comfortable with FNMA and Freddie Mac because they are under public scrutiny. In response to Board Member Lewis, Board Member Moulin stated that the Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLB) is owned by the savings and loan members and is not a public entity. Board Member Irwin stated that he was not aware of a rating for FHLB paper. Board Member Moulin supported Board Member Irwin on the $2 million limit per issuer, stating that this was the point he was making earlier in the meeting about the September meeting last year and changing the investment percentages. Board Member Moulin stated that the $2 million Commercial Paper limitation may or might not be enough. Similarly, the Board may find that the investment per GSE of $2 million may or may not be enough but that he believed the investment plan should be consistent. Board Member Moulin reiterated his past position that he would be in favor of no limitation on the amount of U.S. Treasuries as long as they were not in the same issue. Board Member Irwin stated that he a difficult time distinguishing between Al /P1 and AAA and AA rating. Mr. Falconer stated that he would not recommend raising the limit of Commercial Paper over $2 million per issuer and 90 days because it is basically an IOU of the Company. Board Member Irwin stated that Riverside County invested $40 million in PGE and they are still waiting for their funds. Board Member Lewis was in support of a $2 million 90 day limit on Commercial Paper. Board Member Irwin stated that this issue began in September when FNMA and Freddie Mac were going to issue a large portion of funds in subordinated indebtedness which to his knowledge has not occurred. Board Member Moulin stated that he was aware that there were proposed regulations of a Federally mandated regulatory net worth test. If adopted he understood that Freddie Mac would currently pass, but that FNMA would not; and that FNMA is trying to get proposed regulation changed. Board Member Lewis stated that both Administrations have stated that GSE's are not backed by the full faith and credit of the federal government and they would not bail them out but he would find it hard to believe that the Government would not do at least a partial bail out because of the impact it would have on the credit market if either a Government Sponsored or Government Agency were allowed to default on an issue. Board Member Irwin stated that a Republican Congress and Administration believe that no institution is too big to fail. Board Member Lewis is not aware of any financial issues that would cause any of the GSE's to fail. Board Member Irwin Investment Advisory Board Minutes March 21, 2001 read from an article (which was then distributed to the Board Members and included in Board Member Items) about a Congressman Baker who Chairs the House Capital Markets Sub - Committee and quotes that the Government Accounting Office has reported that GSE regulators lack the enforcement powers that bank regulators have. Board Member Moulin stated that he believes the current policy is inconsistent because it limits Commercial Paper to $2 million per issuer or about 3% of the portfolio while GSE's are limited to 25% per issuer. Board Member Irwin believes that GSE's should be lumped into the GE Capital's, GMAC's and Ford Motor Credit's in analyzing investments. Mr. Falconer stated that he does place reliance on the implicit guarantee of the Federal Government versus no guarantee from Commercial Paper issuers such as Southern California Edison (SCE) and Pacific Gas and Electric (PGE). Board Member Irwin stated that the difference would be the political pressure placed upon Congress in the event of a default. Board Member Lewis stated that from a philosophical standpoint he did not disagree with a Republican Congress and Administration policy not bailing out a GSE but from a practical stand point they would have to come to the aid of the GSE. Board Member Irwin believed that there was a small or remote chance of a GSE default but why take the chance. Board Member Lewis believed that the chance is so small that it is not worth worrying about. Board Member Mahfoud asked what the difference in yield was in investing in a GSE and a Two Year Treasury and Board Member Irwin responded that the City would be giving up 30-40 basis points. Board Member Mahfoud wanted the Board to realize that it would be giving up 30-40 basis points to U.S. Treasuries and that this risk/reward analysis should be considered in any change. Board Member Mahfoud wanted to know if the Board was concerned with the financial leverage risk or the business risk of the GSE's. Board Member Irwin believed that we are dealing with public funds and that an endowment may take the approach that 30-40 basis points is worth the investment but that he did not feel comfortable taking that approach with public funds. Board Member Lewis stated that if the Board takes that approach we would limit our investments to U.S. Treasuries. Board Member Irwin stated that the City does have Commercial Paper. Board Member Moulin suggested placing a cap on each GSE and based upon the Board and Staff input he believed that the current cap of 25% was too high. Board Member Lewis stated that if this approach was taken that we would reach the 75% limit in U.S. Treasuries. Board Member Irwin believed that the limit should be increased from 75% to 100%. Board Member 5 Investment Advisory Board Minutes March 21, 2001 Lewis stated that the issue was not whether U.S. Treasuries were unsafe, but that diversity and yield purposes are also important. Board Member Moulin believed that diversification is very important as it allows Staff to select investments and increase the percentage to 100%. Board Member Irwin believed that while diversification is a factor the only factor, is safety. Board Member Moulin stated that there are four criteria and it is one of them. Board Member Mahfoud believed that we did not have the information to do a risk/reward analysis and asset allocation plan at this time. Board Member Moulin believed that the Board should take a subjective approach based upon the Board Members' previous experience and that the Treasurer would do the detail work; if the Treasurer believed the Board was limiting him then he should let the Board know. Board Member Moulin and Board Member Irwin concurred that safety was the most important criteria. Board Member Irwin stated that while he felt confident that Riverside County would receive their funds from their investment in PGE they were still waiting. Board Member Lewis stated that $40 million was a significant amount to invest in regardless of the percentage of the portfolio. Mr. Falconer stated that from Staff's perspective any dollar amount lost would come under public scrutiny. Board Member Lewis stated that the public looks at the investments not as the City's but as public funds. Board Member Irwin stated that a discussion of GSE's cannot take place without discussing U.S. Treasuries and he recommended an increase in the percentage to 100%; to take into consideration times of financial stress and that if the Board reduces the percentage in GSE's the percentage in U.S. Treasuries should be increased. Board Member Lewis stated that as a practical standpoint the Treasurer will never be 100% invested in U.S. Treasuries. Board member Irwin stated that the policy is for one year and that was comfortable in recommending that U.S. Treasuries be increased to 100% and that GSE's be cut back to the limitations placed on Commercial Paper. Board Member Moulin concurred. Board Member Irwin stated that if a change were to be made that it be orderly. Mr. Falconer stated that the Investment Policy was in place through June 30 `" and that he would not recommend selling a GSE at a loss if the Board did recommend a change. Board Member Mahfoud asked if their were liquidity concerns with GSE's and Board Member Irwin stated that normally this would not be a concern but that it could happen down the road. Board Member Mahfoud was concerned that the Investment Policy was becoming too conservative in that the City would be giving up yield. Board Member Lewis stated that he agreed that diversification G1 Investment Advisory Board Minutes March 21, 2001 was 41h in the order of investment objectives; however, it still was an objective and helped with liquidity and rate of return and that 100% in any asset class is a bad thing. Board Member Irwin stated that he was not recommending that 100% be invested in U.S. Treasuries, only that the Treasurer have the ability to do so. Board Member Moulin stated that the current Investment Policy allows 20% of the portfolio be invested in Money Market Funds, which could include a GSE option, and if we impose limitations on GSE's we could invest in Money Market GSE funds which are sponsored by large investment organizations; and in certain situations these investment organizations stepped in to protect the investment in mutual funds. Board Member Irwin and Lewis concurred. In response to Board Member Mahfoud, Mr. Falconer stated that updating the Investment Policies takes several months and that staff is not looking for a final decision this evening. Mr. Falconer continued that Staff could contact Wells Fargo about GSE Sweep options. Staff is currently limiting GSE's to 5 million per issuer and no new purchases have been made since the September discussion. The $5 million in FNMA investments in early March was rolled over to a U.S. Treasury Note which were 30 basis points lower then GSE's at the time of the investment. Mr. Falconer stated that he felt comfortable with 100% investments in U.S. Treasuries but that the City would sacrifice on the yield. Board Member Mahfoud asked if a independent evaluation of each GSE would be performed or would an across the board reduction in each GSE be proposed. Board Member Moulin stated that for each non - government insurer paper a specific dollar limitation be in place similar be the dollar limitation placed upon Commercial Paper. Board Member Moulin stated that from the other City Policies he has reviewed none limited investments in U.S. Treasuries nor did the State impose such limits. Board Member Lewis stated that the State does not place a limitation on LAIF and Mr. Falconer responded that no limitation was placed on GSE's by the State. Board Member Irwin stated that as an asset class he looked at GSE and Commercial Paper similarly, however, after listening to Board Member Mahfoud he did look at FNMA and Freddie MAC more favorably than FHLB and that in making a decision he may want to weight some more favorably than others. Board Member Moulin stated that the Board could define within the GSE those that are publicly held and therefore under more scrutiny. Board Member Lewis believed that when he was at the bank the Federal Regulators 7 Investment Advisory Board Minutes March 21, 2001 considered FHLB a less credit risk than FNMA or Freddie MAC. Board Member Moulin stated that GSE's are all basically government sponsored with differing purposes. Board Member Irwin asked Mr. Falconer about the $5 million GSE maturing at the end of March and what he intended to invest in. Mr Falconer responded that he has previously reported to the Board that he has intended to limit the use of Commercial Paper to $5 million and LAIF to $7-8 million and that he plans to limit his investment in GSE's to $5 million per issuer. Mr. Falconer stated that he had a decision between a GSE or a U.S. Treasury Note. Board Member Lewis stated that he had no problem limiting the dollar amount per GSE; however, he thought that the $2 million amount was too limiting due to the implicit Government guarantee. Board Member Lewis stated that GSE's were looked at by the market between U.S. Treasuries and Commercial Paper and that limiting the GSE's to between $2-5 million was worthy of discussion with $10 million too much. Board Member Irwin stated that there are seven or eight GSE's that are available for investment. Mr. Falconer stated that one of these GSE's -GNMA is too long a maturity to be eligible for investment. Mr. Falconer stated that there are four GSE's that are readily available. Board Member Moulin stated that FNMA, Freddie MAC, FHLB, Federal Farm Credit GSE's were readily available. Mr. Falconer stated that Federal Farm Credit Paper is more difficult to obtain then the others . Board Member Irwin and Moulin supported the proposal that Board Member Lewis had discussed earlier. Board Member Lewis stated that what needed further discussion was the dollar limitation per limitation and what the overall percentage of the investment category (GSE) should be. Board Member Irwin concurred and added that the Treasurer needed the increased percentages in U.S. Treasuries. Board Member Moulin and Mahfoud concurred with Board Member Mahfoud, stating that U.S. Treasuries are a risk free investment and inquired as to the basis for determining the dollar amount limitation per GSE. Board Member Irwin stated that he would approach the dollar limit similar to how the Board arrived at the Commercial Paper limit - first a $1 million limitation per issuer and then as the Board felt more comfortable it was raised to $2 million. Mr. Falconer stated that another condition that was looked at was the overall market conditions. Board Member Moulin stated that a number of sound companies that issue Commercial Paper are looking a lot less solid today. Board member Lewis stated that initially the Investment Policy did not allow Commercial Paper and it took several years before Commercial Paper was approved. Board Member Lewis 0 Investment Advisory Board Minutes March 21, 2001 stated that he recommended that at the next Board Meeting the Members bring back their dollar limitation and percentage for GSE's and their percentage of Treasuries. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Lewis/Irwin to continue this item to next Board Meeting. Motion carried unanimously. VI CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL A. Month End Cash Report and Other Selected Financial Data - March 2001 Mr. Falconer reported that the analysis included an analysis of the budget to actual variances that were discussed at the January Meeting which could be found on page 15. Mr. Falconer reported that a formula error was discovered during the course of this analysis which has been corrected and discussed the salaries and fringe benefit, transient occupancy tax and sales tax figures. In response to Board Member Irwin, Mr. Falconer stated that he could not report the sales tax figures for any particular business. Noted and Filed B. Pooled Money Investment Board Reports - December 2000 Board Member Lewis commented that he has reviewed the Time Deposit information on Page 5, and discussed the criteria LAIF uses for selecting the financial institutions. Mr. Lewis did not feel comfortable with financial institutions LAIF was investing Time Deposits in. Board Member Lewis stated that he was interested to see LAIF raise their yield from December 1999 to December 2000 when yields were falling. Mr. Falconer stated that the use of Commercial Paper has increased. Board Member Lewis also did not understand why LAIF broke out Time Deposits and Certificate of Deposits separately in the LAIF Report. Noted and Filed 9 Investment Advisory Board Minutes VII BOARD MEMBER ITEMS March 21, 2001 Board Member Irwin stated that the interest rate charts were prepared for the GSE discussion. The Board Members expressed their thanks for the report. In response to Board Member Mahfoud, Mr. Falconer described the reporting of the Sweep Money Market funds and would present the Sweep options to the Board at the next Meeting. 191 e � �111�i!Itrll�i!�� MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Lewis/Moulin to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Submitted by, John M. FalcJert Finance Director I'M �a Q, DEPARTMENT REPORT: Imo` oW 4a�w �n^^aW4 4S cFM OF'CKF'O TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager n DATE: May 1, 2001 RE: Department Report — Response(s) to Public Comments The following is the response to public comments made at the April 17, 2001 City Council meeting: 1. Ms. Susan Francis, P.O. Box 777, Executive Director of the La Quinta Arts Foundation presented a 2001 Arts Festival poster to the City Council. The Council thanked Ms. Francis. No additional response was necessary. 2. Ms. Lucia Moran, P.O. Box 1305, of the Greater Coachella Valley Soap Box Derby, addressed the Council regarding the success of the Soap Box Derby event and presented a poster signed by all the participants. . The Council thanked Ms. Moran. No additional response was necessary. 3. Mr. William Cain, 52-485 Avenida Rubio, addressed the Council regarding his "pathway of dreams" art proposal for the Bear Creek Bike Path. He stated that his work has the support of many residents and school officials. Mr. Richard Virgin, 53-190 Avenida Rubio, Mr. Lawrence Cox, 52-505 Avenida Diaz, Mr. James Lewis, 52-545 Avenida Rubio, and Mr. Kris Virgin, 52-640 Avenida Rubio, all spoke in support of Mr. Cain's art proposal. They also asked the Council to address the graffiti problem on the Bear Creek Bike Path, and felt the artwork would serve as a deterrent. Information on the art proposal was provided at the meeting. No additional response was necessary. DEPARTMENT REPORT: 3nA MAY 15 JUNE 5 JUNE 6 JUNE 19 JUNE 25 JULY 3 JULY 17 AUGUST 7 CITY COUNCIL'S UPCOMING EVENTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY COUNCIL MEETING LA QUINTA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION CITY COUNCIL MEETING CVAG GENERAL ASSEMBLY (BLYTHE) CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 21 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 2001 Monthly Planner 1 2 3 4 5 2:00 PM City 10:00 AM ALRC 12:00 PM { April Council Mayors Lunch S M T W T F S Meeting 2 3 4 5 6 7 i, 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 i61718192021 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 i 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7:00 PM C.V. 9:00 AM RCTC- 12:00 PM Mosquito Pena Energy/Envi- Abate.-Perkins 5:30 PM Invest- Sniff 7:00 PM Plan- ment Advisory 7:00 PM Cultural ning Commis- Board Arts Commission sion Meeting 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10:00 AM Public 9:00 AM CVB- Safety-Perkins Henderson Mother's Day 12:00 PM Transportation- 2:00 PM City Council Perkins Meeting 6:00 PM League of Calif. Cities- Riv.Div. 7:00 PM Commu- nity Services Commission 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 7:00 PM Plan- 12:00 PM CVAG 9:00 AM ning Commis- Human/Comm- LAFCO- sion Meeting Adolph Henderson 4:00 PM DRRA 3:30 PM Historic Airp-Henderson Preservation Commission 27 28 29 30 31 Memorial lipIL Day (City Hall T F SClosed) r2425 1 27 8 9 14 15 i621 22 23 28 29 30 Printed by Calendar Creator Plus on 4/20/2001 June 2001 Monthly Planner 1 2 9� July S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 14 15 i6171819 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 f 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 i° V 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31 w 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6:00 PM CVAG- 2:00 PM City 10:00 AM ALRC Exec Com-Pena Council Meeting 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10:00 AM Public 7:00 PM C.V. 9:00 AM RCTC- 12:00 PM Safety -Perkins Mosquito Pena Energy/Envi- 12:00 PM Abate. -Perkins 5:30 PM Invest- Sniff Transportation- 7:00 PM Plan- ment Advisory 7:00 PM Cultural Perkins ning Commis- Board Arts Commission 6:00 PM League of Calif. Cities- Sion Meeting Riv.Div. 7:00 PM Commu- Flag Day nity Services Commission 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 9:00 AM CVB- 3:30 PM Historic Henderson Preservation Father's Day 2:OQ PM City Commission Council Meeting 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 6:00 PM CVAG- 7:00 PM Plan- 12:00 PM CVAG 9:00 AM Exec Com-Pena ning Commis- Human/Comm- LAFCO- sion Meeting Adolph Henderson 4:00 PM DRRA Airp-Henderson Printed by Calendar Creator Plus on 4/20/2001 July 2001 Monthly Planner bunuay zi i ... .. ., r .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2:00 PM City 10:00 AM ALRC 12:00 PM Council Indepen- Mayors Lunch Meeting it dence Day (City Hall Closed) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 10:00 AM Public 7:00 PM C.V. 9:00 AM RCTC- 12:00 PM Safety -Perkins Mosquito Pena Energy/Envi- 12:00 PM Abate. -Perkins 5:30 PM Invest- Sniff Transportation- 7:00 PM Plan- ment Advisory 7:00 PM Cultural Perkins ning Commis- Board Arts Commission 6:00 PM League of Calif. Cities- sion Meeting Riv.Div. 7:00 PM Commu- nity Services Commission 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 9:00 AM CVB- 3:30 PM Historic Henderson Preservation 2:00 PM City Commission Council Meeting 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 7:00 PM Plan- 12:00 PM CVAG 9:00 AM ning Commis- Human/Comm- LAFCO- sion Meeting Adolph Henderson 4:00 PM DRRA Airp-Henderson 29 30 31 6:00 PM CVAG- Exec Com-Pena une August S MT W T F S S M T W T F S 2 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 Printed by Calendar Creator Plus on 4/20/2001 Tay 4 v*1A Q" AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: May 1, 2001 CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: Public Hearing to Consider Zoning Code Amendment 2001-068, an Amendment to Title 13, Section PUBLIC HEARING: 13.20.115-Amending Maps of the La Quinta Charter and Municipal Code by Allowing Approval by the Community Development Director RECOMMENDATION: Approve an amendment to Title 13 of the La Quinta Charter and Municipal Code relating to Subdivisions. Move to take up Ordinance No. _ by title and number only and waive further reading. Move to introduce Ordinance No. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The City Council, at its September 15, 1998 meeting, approved Ordinance No. 326 amending Title 13-Subdivision Regulations to add Section 13.16.100-Amending Maps as well as revised Section 13.32.020 and 13.32.060-Lot Line Adjustments. Because there was no restriction on the number of lots that could be reconfigured with a lot line adjustment, developers were using this procedure to make significant changes to approved final subdivision maps. The lot line adjustment process only requires administrative approval and is not subject to public notification and approval by a governing body. Therefore, the Amending Map process (Subdivision Map Act-66472- 1) was incorporated into the City's Subdivision Regulations in order to allow for more significant changes to approved Final Maps. Currently, the process requires the Planning Commission and City Council to review and conditionally approve, approve, or deny an application at a public hearing. G:\WPDO CS\ccjhMunciAmd.wpd The Planning Commission at its April 10, 2001 meeting unanimously recommended approval of the changes to the Subdivision Regulations pertaining to amending Final Maps (Attachment 1). Project Request: Staff is recommending that the Community Development Director, designated per the Subdivision Regulations as the "Advisory Agency" (Section 13.04.040), review and approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove amended maps so as to streamline the process for amending of final maps. Currently the Director, acting as the Advisory Agency, reviews and conditionally approves, approves or denies Parcel Maps using the public hearing process. The State of California Subdivision Map Act Section 66474.7-Advisory Agency May Approve or Deny Maps for Governing Body, states that "such appellant shall be entitled to the same notice and rights regarding testimony as are accorded a subdivider under Section 66452.5-Subdivider, advisory agency and interested person appeals." Within the attached Ordinance, staff has modified the appropriate Subdivision Regulations (Section 13.04.040, 13,04.060, 13.12.130, 13.20.115 & 13.20.130) to allow the Community Development Director, acting as the Advisory Agency to approve, conditionally approve or deny amendments to Final Maps using the public hearing process provided there is an appeal process. Public Notice: This case was advertised in the Desert Sun on April 20, 2001, as a one-third display ad. To date, no correspondence has been received. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The findings necessary for recommending approval of the Zoning Code Amendment can be made as noted in the attached Ordinance. The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve an amendment to Title 13 of the La Quinta Charter and Municipal Code relating to Subdivisions by: Move to take up Ordinance No. _ by title and number only and waive further reading. Move to introduce Ordinance No. _; or 2. Do not move to take up Ordinance No. _ by title and number only and waive further reading, nor move to introduce Ordinance No. _; or 3. Refer the matter to the Planning Commission for further consideration; or 4. Continue the request and provide staff with alternative direction. G:\WPDOCS\ccjhMunciAmd.wpd Respectfully submitted, ry Herman mmunity Development Director �Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: Planning Commission Minutes for April 10, 2001. q() G:\WPDOCS\ccjhMunciAmd.wpd ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO TITLE 13, SECTIONS 13.04.040 ADVISORY AGENCY; 13.04.060 REVIEW AND APPROVAL AUTHORITY; 13.12.130 APPEALS; 13.20.115 AMENDING MAPS; AND 13.120.130 APPEALS OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 2001-068 CITY OF LA QUINTA WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 1 8T day of May, 2001, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider a Zoning Ordinance Amendment regarding revisions to the Subdivision Regulations; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did on the 10th day of April, 2001, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider revision to the Municipal Code Title 13 Sections 13.04.040, 13.04.060, 13.12.130, 13.20.115, and 13.20.130 within the City of La Quinta; and, WHEREAS, said request has complied with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (as amended), and adopted by City Council Resolution 83-68, in that the Community Development Director has determined that the project could not have any significant adverse effect on the physical environment; therefore, the project is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3); and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did find the following facts, findings, and reasons to justify the recommendation for approval of said Zoning Code Amendment. 1. The proposed revisions will not adversely affect the planned development of the City as specified by the General Plan for the City of La Quinta because the regulations provide requirements which work in concert with and enhance the community. 2. The proposed Amendment would not be detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the City in that it is only a procedural change which still requires the public hearing process. WHEREAS, Section 66472.1 of the California Government Code allows the Advisory Agency to review the amendment of final maps, if prescribed by local ordinance, by a process which includes public notification and an appeal process. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California that it does ordain as follows: Ordinance No. _ Subdivision Regulations -Amending Maps SECTION 1. Section 9.100.140 (1) and (5) of the La Quinta Municipal Code is hereby amended for the reasons set forth in this Ordinance and as setforth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. SECTION 2. ENVIRONMENTAL. Said Zoning Ordinance Amendment request has been determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 1 5061 . SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. SECTION 4: POSTING. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, and shall cause the same to be posted in at least three public places designated by resolution of the City Council, and shall cause this Ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. The foregoing Ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on this day of , 2001, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JOHN J. PENA, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California GAWPDOCS\OrdAmdMap.wpd '- Ordinance No. _ Zoning Code Amendment 2001-068 EXHIBIT "A" 13.04.040 ADVISORY AGENCY The Community Development Director is designated an "Advisory Agency" under state law for the purposes of: A. Investigating and preparing reports to the Planning Commission on the design and improvement of subdivisions. B. Approving, conditionally approving or disapproving tentative parcel maps. C. Approving, conditionally approving or disapproving amending of final maps. 13.04.060 REVIEW AND APPROVAL AUTHORITY The authority for review and approval of subdivisions and related land actions is as follows: Type of Action Review Authority Approval Authority Tentative maps *City Staff City Council *Other responsible agencies •Planning Commission Vesting tentative maps •City Staff City Council *Other responsible agencies *Planning Commission Tentative parcel maps *City Staff Community Dev't. Dir. *Other responsible agencies Tentative map extensions •City Staff City Council •Other responsible agencies •Planning Commission Final and parcel maps •City Staff City Council *Other responsible agencies •Planning Commission G:\ W PDOCS\OrdAmdMapEx.wpd Ordinance No. _ Zoning Code Amendment 2001-068 Waivers of parcel maps *City Staff Community Dev't. Dir. *Other responsible agencies Reversions to acreage •City Staff City Council •Other responsible agencies •Planning Commission Lot line adjustments Lot & parcel mergers Amending Final Maps 13.12.130 APPEALS *City Staff *Other responsible agencies *City Staff *Other responsible agencies City Staff Other responsible agencies Community Dev't. Dir. Community Dev't. Dir. Community Dev't. Dir. A subdivider or any other interested party may appeal a decision of City Staff, Advisory Agency or the Planning Commission by using the following procedures: A. Appeal of the Advisory Agency Within ten (10) calendar days after the date of the decision by City Staff, a written appeal, accompanied by the appropriate filing fee, may be submitted to the Community Development Department. The "date of decision" shall be either the time a formal noticed hearing is held or the date noted on correspondence mailed to the subdivider indicating the Staff decision. The appeal shall state the item to be appealed and the reason for the request. The Community Development Director shall set the matter for hearing before the Planning Commission within thirty (30) days after the date of filing the appeal. Written notice of the hearing shall be provided by mail to the subdivider, the property owner and those property owners or individuals originally noticed at the time of the first public hearing. Within ten (10) days fullowing the conclusion of the B. Appeal of the Planning Commission's Decision Within ten (10) calendar days after the date of the decision by the Planning Commission, a written appeal, accompanied by the appropriate filing fee, may be submitted to the Community Development Department. The City Clerk shall set the matter for hearing before the City Council. GAWPDOCS\OrdAmdMapEx.wpd Ordinance No. _ Zoning Code Amendment 2001-068 The hearing on the appeal shall be held not more than thirty (30) day from the date of receipt of the appeal and shall give written notice of the hearing to the subdivider, property owner, and those property owners or individuals originally noticed at the first public hearing. 13.20.115 AMENDING MAPS Final maps and parcel maps may be amended in conformance with Government Code Section (GC§) 66469 through 66472.1 and the following: A. If amendments are confined to those set forth in GC§ 66469, the amending map shall be filed with the City Engineer in accordance with Sections 13.20.040 and 13.20.050. The City Engineer shall examine the map and if he or she finds that the amendments are limited to those set forth in GC§ 66469 and the amending map complies with GC§ 66470, shall endorse thereon a certification of said finding and the applicant may submit the amending map to the county recorder for recordation. B. An amending map which exceeds the changes set forth in GC§ 66469 but conforms with GC§ 66470 may be filed in accordance with GC§ 66472.1 and the provisions of this section. The map shall be filed with the Community Development Department and shall include the initial application materials and fees specified in Sections 13.12.040 and the materials are as follows: 1. A five hundred foot radius map exhibit, drawn to scale, which displays those properties within five hundred feet of the subdivision boundaries and which identifies the names the affected property owners, as listed in the latest updated county equalized tax rolls; 2. One set of self-adhesive mailing labels and one photocopy of the names and addresses of those property owners with five hundred of the subdivision boundary; 3. Fifteen copies of the amending final map, folded accordion style to a size not exceeding sight and one-half inches by eleven inches, with reduced reproducible originals not exceeding eight and one- half inches by eleven inches in size; 4. A preliminary title report prepared and dated not more than ninety days prior to submission of the application; lz' Cj AWPDOCS\OrdAmdMapEx.wpd Ordinance No. _ Zoning Code Amendment 2001-068 5. This list is not all inclusive and any other special studies required will be determined by city staff on a case -by -case basis. Prior to map and, if necessary, plan checking by the City Engineer, the applicant shall submit the map checking application materials and fees specified in Section 13.20.50 and (if necessary) the plan checking fees specified in Section 13.24.180. The map shall be processed in the following sequence: Cursory review by staff and outside agencies deemed affected by the amendments; Review and Consideration by Advisory Agency at public hearing; If approved, map and plan checking, as necessary, by the City Engineer; preparation and execution of any needed revisions to the improvement agreement; signatures by City Engineer, City Clerk, and (if a new or amended improvement agreement required) the City Attorney and Community Development Director; recordation via the City's normal process for subdivision maps. Section 13.20.130 Appeals of City staff, Advisory Agency, or Planning Commission decisions concerning final maps, amending final maps, parcel maps and waivers of parcel maps shall be processed as provided in Chapter 13.12.140, Subdivision Regulations. G:\WPDOCS\OrdAmdMapEx.wpd 1) i? ATTACHMENT #1 Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2001 stated he made a proposal to Mr. Green just last week -which was not res on eet with Mr�een at any ime Twith a 24-hour notice. He has no interest i meeting with an engineer or attorney. He would like to me ith the principal, the person who can make the decision. a would like t do that he would be more than pleased to that. If the Corn ion would like a referee in the room of necessarily o ' but to hear both sides and mak uggestio that a fine. He is available at any i e as he has for ven years. Ch Robbi there were any questions of staff. er Ty ed what initiated this. Staff stated map cha requested to be made by the applicant under a lot e add This does not allow for a public hearing. Senior Weer peer explained that an amending map is done there a map recorded and you want to change the on. There are two levels of amending maps. If there is s g technically wrong, it is doe at the staff level. If there is r onfiguring of the lots it has to go to a public hearing and in amending map process you can only focus on the issues of hat is being done to the map. You can no longer condition the map. If you do not like what they are doing you can deny the map and in that case the applicant could go back through the tentative tract map processing process and then conditions could be added. Because it is limited only to the changes that are being made to the map, and we do want some type of public hearing process, G:\WPDOCS\PC4-10-01.wpd 22 11 i Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2001 3. al 5. Vill. COMMI staff is trying to take it to the Director's level rather than through two legislative bodies. To amend a map you have to own all the lots in the property or have consent from all the property owners in the tract, therefore, it usually is limited to a developer because they have control over all the lots. Chairman Robbins asked if under the ame ess are you allowed to create any additional s. St din . Commissioner Tyler commentfiWon the Chairman Robbins asked if other A. Commis#Wr Tyler gave a report of the City Council meeting of April 3, 2001. TN no further business, it s moved and seconded by Commissioners Abets/ utler to adjourn this regular meeti of the Planning Commission to the next regular meeting of the Planning_Commission t e held April 24, 2001, at 7:00 p.m. This meet' tanning Commission.Was ed at 9:18 p.m. on April 10, 2- G:\WPDOCS\PC4-10-01.wpd 23 1` Tity,, 4 4 Q" COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: May 1, 2001 Public Hearing on Environmental Assessment 94-287 to Certify an EIR Addendum (State Clearinghouse #94112047) and Approving (1) an Amendment to Specific Plan 94-025 Allowing a New Private Access Road to Serve 10 Custom Lots along the North Boundary of an Approved Master Planned Community of 277 Housing Units, (2) Conditional Use Permit 99- 047, Allowing Development of a Private Road into Hillside Slopes Exceeding 20 percent, and (3) Tentative Parcel Map 28617, Subdividing 330.70 Acres into Four Parcels and Other Letter Street Lots for Property Located to the South of The Quarry and Bisected by the Future Extension of Jefferson Street Applicant: Agiotage Limited RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: OL PUBLIC HEARING: dM Continue the public hearing to the City Council meeting of June 5, 2001. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Previous Planning Commission Meeting On April 10, 2001, the Planning Commission, on a 5-0 vote, continued this case to May 8 to allow the applicant additional time to meet with the adjacent property owner regarding access through The Quarry (Attachment #1). SR CC Green Cont 5-1-01 Final Greg T.48; Page 1 FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1 . Continue the public hearing to the City Council meeting of June 5, 2001; or 2. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted by, ierrpbn unity Development Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Planning Commission Minutes of April 10, 2001 #� g SR CC Green Cont 5-1-01 Final Greg T.48; Page 2 Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2001 7. There being no Commissioners Resolution 200' as recommud Attachment 1 rOsslon, it was moved and yler to adopt Plannin approving Conditional U ROLL CALLS: Commissioners hairman Robbins. AW ABSTAIN: None. It was moved and adopt Planning SW DevelopmentJiM None d by Coml �e sion Resolution 2001-695, as rec ROLL CALL: Commissioners VIrman Robbins. ABSTAIN: None. NO None. by 2001-057, Kirk, Tyler, and ABSENT: Nonga Kirk, Tyler, and ABSENT: None. C. Environmental Assessment 94 287 Addendum Specific Plan 94-025 Amendment #L Conditional Use Permit 99-047. and Tentative Parcel Map 28617; a request of Agiotage Limited/Mainiero, Smith and Associates for Certification of an Environmental Impact Report Addendum allowing a new access road for an approved master planned residential community of 277 hours; Development of a private road on a hillside slope exceeding 20 percent; Amend the Specific Plan allowing a 3,000 foot long private access road along the north side of a 330.70 acre property to serve ten custom lots; and a Tentative Parcel Map subdividing 330.70 acres into four parcels and other lettered street lots located at the bisection of the future Jefferson Street, approximately one half mile south of Avenue 58. 1 Commissioner Tyler asked Assistant City Attorney Ramirez that since they had just been handed this multi -page document pertaining to this project and somehow they were to absorb it and let it inter their thinking as they make a determination on this project, did they have to acknowledge the contents. He has objected previously and is objecting again to these fifth hour submittals and his question are: a) do they have consider at this late entry; and b) if they do need to consider it, can they continue it to allow adequate time to consider it. Assistant City Attorney Ramirez stated staff and his office have had time to review the letter and digest its contents and he will have comments on this letter during the hearing process. They will provide the G:\WPDOCS\PC4.10-01.wpd 3 Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2001 Commission with an assessment of the letter as well as the impact, or reported impact, on the previously adopted EIR and Addendum before the Commission. The Commission does have to consider it at this late time as it has been provided prior to the Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Tyler stated that may be well and good but staff and the Attorney's office are not the ones voting on the project. The Commissioners are and they have not had the time to digest its contents. Assistant City Attorney Ramirez stated he understood this and certainly it was not an ideal situation. Staff always encourages early participation but it is not always the case and the only thing staff can do is help the Commission understand the contents and impact of the contents. Commissioner Tyler stated he appreciated the advice, but his immediate reaction is to put it aside and dwell only on the information that was given to him in his agenda packet. 2. Chairman Robbins stated that sometimes the purpose of a late entry is to get the Commission to postpone their decision. Assistant City Attorney Ramirez stated the Commission could ask Mr. Hogan of the Center for Biological Diversity, who wrote the letter, why it was so late. 3. Commissioner Butler stated he concurred with Commissioner Tyler's comments and strongly resented the letter being presented at the last hour. If they have the ability to produce a document such as this they also have the ability to get it to the City in a timely for them to review it and not have to rely on staff to read and digest it for them. As he is voting on this tonight, he agrees with Commissioner Tyler, that he would reject the document based on the basis that he has never had the opportunity to even read it, although he recognizes that is nothing they can deal with at this meeting. He would like them to know if it happens again, don't come. 4. Commissioner Kirk stated he does not completely agree with his colleagues as he has been on the other end and often, and he is sure the Commission will hear from Mr. Hogan, and it is one mitigating factor, that they don't just have a letter but also have a person testifying and addressing the issues. Sometimes you do not have the time to prepare for public hearings and there may be factors the Commission is unaware of. It would be nice to receive G:\WPDOCS\PC4-10-Ol.wpd 4 Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2001 notices in advance. However, the law is very clear on this issue. If it is submitted a minute before the hearing it is required that the Commission address and considered the contents during the hearing process. Therefore, he would strongly suggest the Commission not reject it out of hand. 5. Commissioner Butler stated he did not disagree with what Commissioner Kirk stated. What he does disagree with is the opportunity to absorb the contents himself and he does understand that late arrivals do create more interest. 6. Commissioner Kirk stated he concurred and it would be nice to have the letter in advance, but again, the Commission is obligated under the law to consider everything presented. Assistant City Attorney Ramirez, stated that as the Commission goes through the staff report, staff and the City Attorney's office views that the letter does not impact the Addendum at all which obviously the Commission has had time to review. 7. Chairman Robbins opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Planning Manager Christine di lorio presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 8. Chairman Robbins asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Butler asked staff if this area was part of the area where the Commission had taken a field trip. Staff stated yes and showed the area on the map. g. Commissioner Kirk asked where the grades were on the proposed roadway and where the 20% slope began and ended. Senior Engineer Steve Speer indicated on the map, the location where the road would cut into the toe of slope. Commissioner Kirk asked if the City had permitted road cuts in this type of slope. Staff stated something similar at the Tradition, but did not cross a ridge line. We have shaved across the face of slopes in various locations, the Point Happy project is the most recent. Commissioner Kirk asked if the right of way asphalt was noted by the grey on the map. Staff stated yes and explained the road. 10. Commissioner Butler asked staff to clarify that this road was being requested because they could not gain access through the Quarry. Senior Engineer Steve Speer explained there were two issues in regard to the Quarry. First was a vacation of right-of-way. r. •N %AiPnnr.S\PC4.10-01.wpd 5 Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2001 Officially this property had had accessed the street right of way. There were no street improvements. Adams Street right of way was west of this location and Avenue 58 use to extend across the north side of the Quarry. As a condition of vacating that right of way and taking away access to the Green property, the Quarry is obligated to enter into an agreement with this property to provide access. However, the two property owners have never been able to come to terms on what the cost sharing would be. Second, technically the Quarry is in default. They have never recorded the street vacation. When the City approved the final tract map for the Quarry they were again conditioned to provide access and it was to be mutually agreed upon between the two parties. They do have their map, but the street vacation has never been officially recorded and therefore, officially there is still street right of way at the Quarry passing through their golf course and several lots. 1 1. Commissioner Kirk asked staff to explain what "default" means and why it occurred. Staff stated that when a street right of way is vacated, the City approves the concept with conditions and the developer has to satisfy the conditions before they have a final project. In this instance, the right of way is not considered vacated until it is recorded. The Quarry has never recorded the street vacation because they have never perfected the requirement of providing access to the property that will be denied access. 12. Commissioner Abels asked if there was any time line to complete the recording. Staff stated there was no timeline placed on them to complete the requirements. 13. Commissioner Tyler asked if the City had the ability to force the road so a road would not have to be constructed through the hill. Staff stated this may be the opportunity to do that. 14. Commissioner Kirk asked if there was an opportunity to condition the Quarry which is where the problem lies. Staff stated the issue before the Commission is the road which is. the applicant's alternative as a result of not being able to reach a solution with the Quarry. This issue of the Quarry denying access to the Green property has come up time and time again. Staff has spoken with the attorney for Mr. Green where the Quarry was denying access to real estate people to show the property whereas before the Quarry allowed this. G:\WPD0CS\PC4-10-01.wpd 6 Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2001 15. Commissioner Tyler asked if this application of the road opened the whole Environmental Assessment process. Assistant City Attorney John Ramirez stated that to the extent the Commission was taking about potential impacts to habitat and the like, his answer would be no. It would not open up the conclusions drawn on the EIR or the Addendum. Commissioner Tyler stated the road only encompasses a small portion of the project. Is that what they are to limit their focus to. Assistant City Attorney John Ramirez stated that to the extent the Addendum and project before the Commission is this road, not the alternative right of way or the condition that was imposed on the Quarry. Commissioner Tyler asked if any issue other than the road was open for discussion at this time. Assistant City Attorney John Ramirez stated no, but as issues are discussed he can clarify whether or not it pertains to this application. 16. Commissioner Kirk asked, somewhat in jest if there was anything to stop someone from walking on that public right of way for Avenue 58 even though it was within the Quarry. Staff stated the public right of way exists, but he is sure someone would try to stop anyone from entering. Commissioner Kirk asked legal counsel if this was possible. Assistant City Attorney John Ramirez stated it was a question of right versus practicality. Certainly as a public right of way you would have every legal right to be on that public right of way, but obviously to the extent there are physical barriers that would be a practical impediment. 17. Ms. Saundra Jacobs, SFC Consultants, gave a presentation on the EIR Addendum prepared for this project. 18. Chairman Robbins asked if the Commission denied the Addendum, it would only deny the road to the ten lots but the remainder of the project that was previously approved could proceed. Ms. Jacobs stated that was her understanding. 19. Commissioner Kirk questioned the Army Corp nation-wide permit process of a tenth of an acre. Ms. Jacobs stated that was correct based on their engineering calculations. Commissioner Kirk asked staff if they have had any conversations with the Corp regarding this project. Ms. Jacobs stated not with the Corp directly. However, as it moves through the process and should the applicant need a streambed alteration permit, the Corp will be consulted on that process and if the Corp decides it is more than p f. G:\WPDOCS\PC4-10-01.wpd 7 Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2001 a tenth of an acre based on their analysis, then there will need to be a modification in the road alignment or another alternative. Commissioner Kirk asked based on the Supreme Court's action, does staff believe the Corp has jurisdiction over this project. Ms. Jacobs stated that if they find that there is a blueline stream on the property, they will need to do a wetland analysis or wetlands delineation to decide that and then the Corp would review that application for a nation wide permit. Commissioner Kirk asked if this was a navigable body of water. Ms. Jacob stated it was a blueline on the U.S.G.A. map. Commissioner Kirk asked if staff was familiar with the U. S. Supreme case. Ms. Jacobs stated she was not. Commissioner Kirk stated it was his understanding that there had been some changes in Corp policy. Has staff or legal counsel had any interaction with them regarding this. Assistant City Attorney John Ramirez stated he is aware of the case cited, but is not aware of any Corp policy changes in response to the case. He would argue that this was a case where they lack jurisdiction. Without knowing the Corps reaction to the case he is somewhat limited on providing information as to where they stand on the issue. Commissioner Kirk stated this is only one of the issues that the applicant may have many of. Ms. Jacobs added it is the same streambed crossing that the Quarry crossed when they developed. 20. Chairman Robbins asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Marvin Roos, Director of Planning Services for Mainiero Smith, engineer representing the project, stated they were in agreement with most of the conditions. They would prefer to have taken access through the Quarry, but it is difficult to get two private parties to agree. 21. Commissioner Tyler stated this proposal is before them because no agreement could be reached between the two private parties; has everything possible been done in good faith to achieve this? Mr. Roos stated Mr. Green's attorney has been diligently working on this, but to no avail. They are before the Commission at this time as one of the things they believe necessary to create an atmosphere where they can reach a closure on this issue. They need to be able to negotiate from a position of having some rights as opposed to begging for rights. This is why they have asked for the road. It can be done very sensitively. It is their hope to not do the road, but if they have to, they are prepared to do so. G:\WPDOCS\PC4-10-Ol.wpd 8 Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2001 22. Chairman Robbins asked if there was any other public comment. Mr. Bill Morrow, representing the Quarry, stated they have been in every one of the discussions with Mr. Green and Mr. Schlecker over the last seven years and at no time has any proposal ever been made by Mr. Green to him as to what they would or would not do with regard to getting into their property. They are perfectly amenable and agreeable to allowing that to occur as it part of the agreement they reached in 1993, when they first developed the property and that has not changed. As late as last week he made the tenth, fifteenth, or twentieth proposal to Mr. Green and he did not respond to it. So, at no time have they made any contradiction, action, proposal, anything whatsoever to the Quarry and they have done it over and over again. So I think the conversation you are hearing from these folks is really coming out of the side of their mouth because they are agreeable to doing this. To run a road up here and change the City's hillside ordinance and so forth, to satisfy their needs, I think strictly has to do with money and they are not that difficult to deal with if they will come up with a proposal. They have not done so and he has done so over and over again and have no comment back from them. This has gone on for year after year after year. What the Commission is hearing is one side of the coin, but actual side of the coin is that they will do anything that is necessary to make this work and they do not believe this road is the proper answer. They have stated they are not here for the purpose of building the road, but or the purpose of negotiating with him and that should not have been necessary, hasn't been necessary. If they make a proposal, he will be glad to listen to it. 23. Mr. Bob Mainiero, Mainiero Smith and Associates representing Agiotage, stated he too has attended four meetings in Palm Desert with representatives of the Quarry and in his opinion there was never an effort to negotiate in good faith. Each time they left the meeting, with the conclusion was that there was going to be a lawsuit and Mr. Green did not want to pursue that avenue. 24. Mr. David Hogan, Center for Biological Diversity, offered an apology for the late date of the letter. It was an honest mistake. He had confused the date between the City Council hearing in May with this meeting and he apologized for submitting it so late. Obviously he would prefer they have the time to consider the points they brought up. He would like to request time to rebuttal to the City's attorney discussion after Mr. Hogan's presentation. 9 G:\wPDOCS\PC4-10-01. wpd Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2001 Chairman Robbins stated that was not proper. He would be allowed an opportunity to make comments and the City would have theirs. Mr. Hogan stated his primary purpose in appearing is to request the Commission deny certification of the Environmental Impact Report Addendum for the Green and to request of the applicant submission of a subsequent EIR addressing new information and changed circumstances regarding the Peninsular Big Horn Sheep prior to reconsideration by this Commission and City Council. Some of the point are that the project applicant needs to prepare a subsequent EIR due to substantially changed circumstances and the availability of new information. He will hit on that information very quickly. That information includes substantial decline in the Martinez Canyon ewe group of Big Horn Sheep since consideration of this project in the original EIR. It also includes a listing of the species as a Federally Endangered Species by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Since listing there was the formation of a recovery team which came up with what's known as an "Essential Habitat Boundary" which includes the Green property in its entirety. The term "essential' relates to basically all habitat which is considered necessary for the survival and recovery of the species. That is why the recovery team developed the term and map that included essential habitat on the Green project as well as obviously elsewhere throughout the range of the species. The last point he would like to make on new information is that there has been a major comprehensive study on the effects of urbanization on Peninsula Big Horn Sheep produced by the Big Horn Institute and that contains a lot of new data about the effects, not only direct impacts from development, but the effects from lighting, noise, landscaping, all these things basically called edufacts on Big Horn Sheep populations and unfortunately are negative. All this information, the decline of the ewe group, decline of the Peninsula Big Horn Sheep numbers throughout the species range, Federal listing and the urbanization study are clearly changed circumstances. Federal listing of the Peninsula Big Horn Sheep as an endangered species also triggered a mandatory finding of significance not present during the CEQA review process. According to the case law right now, regardless of what is on the table tonight, the City has the obligation to consider any new information relating to this project and go back and require a subsequent EIR if that information has become available and has he has said it has become available. The last point is that there were many, many points made by the Department of Fish and Game on this project back on when they commented back in 1995. They commented both on the draft EIR as well as the Final G:\WPDOCS\PC4-10-01.wpd 10 Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2001 EIR and found there was significant flaws in those documents and those documents did not respond adequately to those comments. That is another reason they would ask that this be revisited today Regarding the Corp jurisdiction issue, there has been no new regulations in response to the Supreme Court decision. The Salton Sea is a navigable body of water. This is a tributary to the Salton Sea Clean Water Act which places Corp jurisdiction over all waters of the U.S. which are navigable and tributaries to navigable waters in the U.S. is his understanding. The Corp jurisdiction really has nothing -to do with CEQA responsibility here to go back and do a subsequent Environmental Impact Report because they are completely separate processes. Corp jurisdiction falls under the Clean Water Act and this is a CEQA issue that is being considered now. There was also the assertion made that mitigation addresses all the new information that has come up since 1995. Unfortunately, as indicated by Fish and Game and in their comment letter, there has never been any release of the specifics of that mitigation. There is going to be what is called a "Habitat Management Plan", but Fish and Game pointed out in their comment letters, and he reiterates that tonight, that that plan was never presented for public review and comment and without that they do not know if that plan is going to be adequate to mitigate impacts to the sheep and that is probably one of the most important reasons for revisiting this. Ultimately, this project can proceed but it is going to be how the impacts of this project are mitigated, especially those edge -effects and the way light, increased human presents, as well as whether or not there is going to be any compensation for the direct loss of habitat. 25. Commissioner Tyler stated there was an article in the local newspaper stating how happy everyone was that the Big Horn Sheep were alive and well and thriving and had more Iambs this season than ever before: How does that equate to the picture he is painting here. Mr. Hogan stated he has not seen the article, but there certainly are not more Iambs than there ever were before. The sheep have undergone a precipitous decline since 1973 when it was originally listed under Fish and Game Code. There has been fluctuation in population numbers, but the overall trend has been downward. In the early 1990's was when there was the most significant decline and that was, when the Martinez Canyon ewe group, which is found basically south of Highway 74 in the southern Santa Rosa Mountains took the biggest hit and that population has not recovered and this is based on a conversation r •\ W PnOCS\PC4-10-01. wod 11 Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2001 he had today with Jim DeForge at the Big Horn Institute. Commissioner Tyler asked if his organization was publicly funded or private. Mr. Hogan stated they were a nonprofit private conservation organization endangered species advocacy habitat protection. It is membership funded as well as -from foundations. 26. Commissioner Kirk asked if any further information had been received from Fish and Game relating to the Addendum. Ms. Jacobs stated yes, they reviewed and concurred with the Addendum and had comment and that was the mitigation measure concerning the lake and streambed alteration permit. Commissioner Kirk stated Mr. Hogan indicated that going back to the 1995 letter which did express some concerns regarding the commitment or lack thereof of mitigation measures, have they repeated those concerns. Ms. Jacobs stated not during the course of this Addendum EIR. Any of the original concerns dealt with the Travertine property and how close it was to the Martinez Rock Slide south of it. The Habitat Management Plan is still a requirement for the project, but has not been prepared yet and any and all information that is available for the consultant who eventually prepares it will be made available. Keep in mind it is the applicant of the project who is responsible for that preparation. The City is not required to prepare it. Commissioner Kirk asked if there was any requirement for Fish and Game or other agency oversite to the substance of the Habitat Management Plan. Planning Manager Christine di lorio stated Fish and Game has to approve the Habitat Management Plan. Commissioner Kirk asked if that was for both specific Plans. Staff stated yes and there is an outline as to what is to be contained within the Management Plan and that outline came from Fish and Game. Commissioner Kirk stated that presumably if the Department of Fish and Game had any concerns about the details or lack thereof, of mitigation measures, they could address them through the Habitat Management Plan and/or streambed alteration permit process. Staff stated yes and this Habitat Management Plan has to be approved by Fish and Game prior to issuance of a grading permit. Mr. Hogan stated this is a subject of significant confusion because Fish and Game when they do the streambed alternation permit also has to also do the CEQA analysis. He is very confused about the process and has a feeling that they are more dropping the ball than agreeing actually to what is going on given their lack of staffing. His concern is that they will come in two months from now and G-\WPDOCS\PC4-10-01.wpd 12 Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2001 say wait, wait, wait, we have these concerns and we have to do a CEQA analysis and it is their problem, but that is something that there would be no streambed alteration permit until CEQA was completed. 27. Commissioner Kirk asked if the Commission could ask the two parties to address the negotiations. 28. Chairman Robbins stated he heard two opposing positions on what had taken place in regard to negotiations and he did not know whether or not it would be beneficial to hear from the two parties. 29. Commissioner Kirk stated it is very confusing because one side says specific proposals have been put on the table and the other side stated no, perhaps they haven't. Perhaps he is confused by the facts in this case. Mr. Bill Morrow stated he has made proposals specifically in writing to Mr. Green on more than one occasion and have never ever once had any response in writing or verbally with a proposal back from him at any time. Mr. Mainiero stated he saw one proposal early on in the process. Independently he was asked by Mr. Green to prepare a cost estimate for what he believed to be the improvements related to access to the ten lots in the northwest corner and he did that. What he recalls is that Mr. Green offered three times what he calculated and that still was not acceptable. The proposal he saw from the Quarry had items that did not relate to access and no agreement was ever reached. In his opinion, as an engineer, the City should never have approved the final map without that compensation being resolved. Approving it and leaving it to the parties to resolve brings us here today. 30. Mr. Jack Becker, stated he was one of the owners of the Green property, and the thing that has motivated him most to speak was the commentary by the party representing fish and game. As he understands Fish and Game is a State entity, is that correct? Chairman Robbins clarified that Mr. Hogan did not represent Fish and Game. Mr. Becker asked if Fish and Wildlife was a Federal agency. Chairman Robbins stated that was correct. Mr. Becker stated he has owned the land for 20 years and envisioned what the Quarry eventually did only they did a fantastic thing out of a gravel pit. He envisioned a beautiful cove that he owns, a nice beautiful golf course with very low density which has happened nnnnc�orn_1f1.nt ,.,nd 13 Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2001 literally everywhere. At that time there was only 100 flat acres and they basically had a couple hundred acres of Santa Rosa Mountains and has often wished the Quarry would buy that one little twelve acre section and forget these problems. Years ago he was trying to work out something to trade the Santa Rosa portion of their half section, approximately 200 acres of Santa Rosa Mountains, for some of the flat area that is contiguous to his land that belongs to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Section 32 is south of his property and there is a triangular section that is 70-75 acres. In the process he got a hold of Fish and Game, Mr. John Sorrow, who was in charge of accessing property for Fish and Game. He had several meetings with him and they walked his property. He was concerned about the Big Horn Sheep and all the other biological aspects involved in a big piece of property. He asked Mr. Sorrow if they could make a trade for the Santa Rosa Mountains for the flat area. Mr. Sorrow stated the land belongs to BLM and he would see what he could. He has the documents to back up these conversations. Mr. John Sorrow sent him a document stating that the actual property in Section 29 did not in any way affect the Big Horn Sheep and therefore they are not interested in acquiring the property. They were in favor of trading those mountains and keeping them as they are, for that land. He then contacted Ed Hasty at BLM in California, and Mr. Hasty called him and at that time Section 32 was part of a Wilderness Proposal and anything in that status with the Federal government can have nothing done to it. Even though it would have been a beautiful arrangement to trade off those mountains and let the ELM have them and let us have the 75 acres, we would of had enough land to have all the flat with the aesthetics of the mountains. It was a great thought, but because of the status of Section 32 it fell by the wayside. The point he is trying to make is that Fish and Game said this part of the Santa Rosa Mountains have no affect on the Big Horn Sheep. He did not hear all the dialog given by Mr. Hogan, but If he is trying to deny this request on the basis of Big Horn Sheep, he is trying to create a situation that has already been resolved by virtue of his former meeting with Fish and Game. He sat with the founders of the Quarry in make shift Council meetings before they ever built the Quarry. He loves the Quarry, but they did have an agreement. If they vacated Avenue 58 and Adams Street to public streets and give them access to their 12 acres, that was part of the agreement. He has been through the Quarry gate a lot of times and there has been times when they have yp. ,,,_n, .,M 14 Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2001 denied him access even though the rule is they cannot deny him access. He does not want to get into that type of hassle. What bothers him is that the same person who built the Quarry did the specific plan on their property. If they can't come up with the exact figures there is something wrong somewhere. What is wrong with allowing them to build their road. 31. There being no further public participation, Chairman Robbins closed the public participation portion of the hearing and opened the subject to Commission discussion. 32. Commissioner Kirk stated Mr. Hogan has made some good points. Staff and the consultant have done a good job on the Addendum, but there have been some new issues that have cropped up. The other consideration he has is the comment that was made that suggested if the Commission did approve this perhaps negotiations would speed along between the two parties. Frankly, that wasn't a factor that he considered and maybe ought a freeway to eider,et to that interesting that if they were to approve site, maybe negotiations would immediately come to pass. He does have concerns about development over the toe of the slope and in particular over a ridge line, so the concerns raised several years ago by the Department of Fish and Game and more recently raised by Mr. Hogan do resinate with him. He would be interested in hearing how the rest of the Commission feels about these issues at the same time. 33. Commissioner Butler stated this is an issue bigger than approving an access to ten lots. If the Commission concentrates on access to ten lots and the toe of the slope issue, as brought up by Commissioner Kirk, he believes they have mitigated to some extent the issue about access to the ten lots in the path they have chosen to access those ten lots. The overall picture is that if they are approving the access to the ten lots, is it ais negotiating grub inwth the sell the ten lots to the Quarry. es on the basis of what we whole situation. It is not just saying y are presented by staff, this is what we should make our decision on. He gets conflicting messages that the owners of the Quarry are willing to allow access to the ten lots and if this were true, then this road would not have to go forward. He is confused. 34. Commissioner Tyler asked if the whole crux of this hearing has to do with the road that requires the Conditional Use Permit approval. If the CUP were denies the rest of it would be moot. Assistant G:\W PDOCS\PC4-10-01 . wpd IS r Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2001 City Attorney John Ramirez stated that was right, it is an extension of a package of entitlements before the Commission. The CUP is a necessary component of the road. To the extent there is a scenario that envisions the lessening a lessening of the grade perhaps that would ameliorate the need for a CUP, but as proposed, a CUP is required. Commissioner Tyler asked if the CUP was not approved the other resolutions would not be necessary. Assistant City Attorney Ramirez stated that if the CUP were not approved, the project would not go forward. The other approvals to some extent, are intertwined, but to another extent they stand on their own merit. Does the Commission want him to address the comments made by Mr. Hogan on the EIR? 35. Chairman Robbins asked legal counsel to address the comments made by Mr. Hogan. Assistant City Attorney John Ramirez stated there were three comments. One may be relevant or irrelevant, but as a quick background, the Center for Biological Diversity filed a lawsuit against BLM some time ago seeking to close a number of public access trails including the Boo Hoff Trail at the north end of the Cove. The lawsuit was slated to be settled by stipulation by the former U.S. Attorney's office and the Center just days prior to the prior presidential administration leaving office. A number of affected entities in the Valley were informed of this at the 11`h hour by the local office of the BLM and filed a brief in opposition to that stipulated settlement. Certainly the City encourages and does in fact encourage broad public participation of a wide variety of individuals and groups including the Center for Biological Diversity. Given the lack of participation by the Center with respect to other City projects for years prior, he raised the issue as to whether or not there is some nexus with the City's brief filed in that case which was merely five or six weeks ago and their participation here. That aside and dealing with the legal issues in the letter there are really two issues. The first is the original EIR adopted in 1995 for Specific Plan. That EIR studied thoroughly the impact to the Peninsular Big Horn Sheep and although there is documentation throughout the EIR, Pages 3.8-5 to 3.8-10, he thinks are particularly relevant including the finding as expressed in the EIR that potentially impacts to Big Horn Sheep are considered significant. This was included in the 1995 EIR. That EIR, as the Commission knows, was adopted on the basis of overriding considerations specifically dealing with the significant impact to the Peninsular Big Horn Sheep. To the extent the letter is trying to raise an issue as to the adequacy of the study, that is time barred by Public Resources Code Section 21167.2. Certainly the Public Resources Code and the Guidelines make quite clear Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2001 that one is not able to reopen previously approved EIR's when those EIRs considered the issue we have here which is the impact to Peninsular Big Horn Sheep. With respect to the allegations in the letter that there are changed circumstances, the City Attorney's office has reviewed along with staff and consultants and they believe there are no changed circumstances. The impact, as stated earlier, was studies in the 1995 EIR. A couple cases are relevant here, Sierra Club vs. Gilroy City Council, 1990 Court of Appeals decision 222 Cal.App.3d30 was a case involving the allegation that a discovery of an endangered species on a project site years after an EIR was adopted required a new EIR as opposed to an Addendum, and the Court rejected the Addendum on the basis that the previously approved EIR fully studied the significant impact to endangered species. A second case, Chaparral Greens vs. City of Chula Vista, 1996, 50 Cal.App.4th 1134, again the allegation that new information exists does not reopen the EIR when the previously adopted EIR studied the impacts to species or habitat. Significantly, the consultant recognized the trustee agency, California Fish and Game has been working with the City on the mitigation measures. This is the agency that is statutorily obligated and charged with the enforcing the endangered species act. They have worked with the City and provided their thoughts on the Addendum and as the consultant stated earlier, the only issue they raised was with respect to the Streambed Alteration Permit requirement. The allegation that the 1995 letter and the issues contained therein were not resolved is simply wrong. In the comments received in the Response to Comments prepared in conjunction with 1995 EIR, there is ample documentation with respect the comments raised by the Fish and Game and responded to by the lead agency in the EIR. And finally, he might add, in reference to the allegation of impact and where we are with respect to the status of Big Horn Sheep, Jim.DeForge's name was referenced with respect to the latest study, the latest newspaper article Commissioner Tyler referred to which is April 9, 2001, the heading is "Valley's Big Horn population is thriving". Jim DeForge is quoted, "the numbers are up in both ranges. So to the extent that there is an allegation of decline, this is not supported by this study, nor is it supported in the Recovery Plan adopted by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. So based on our review we think the Addendum is both adequate and appropriate. 36. Commissioner Tyler stated that if there was a written signed agreement between the two developers stating they have been unable to settle the issue, and the road is the only alternative, he would feel a lot different about it. We have double talk and dialog, Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2001 but no hard facts have been presented. He shares Commissioner Kirk's concern about approving a road that goes over the toe of slope and ridgeline. There is nothing in the CUP as written that even limits it to a specific plan to show exactly where the road will go. Right now he cannot endorse the CUP. 37. Commissioner Butler stated he would agree with most of what Commissioner Tyler stated, but by the same token the Commission is being put into a position where they are denying access to a property owner which we have approved for the purpose of development. It is getting to a grey area whether they access it through Quarry or they access it through their own property. He is uncertain whether in fact we accept the toe of slope and access route they have chose, but he does not know if the Commission can stop them from accessing their own property. He does not disagree with the points made, but with all other issues aside, the Commission does have to deal with the fact that this gentleman has the right to get to his ten lots. From that standpoint the Commission has to consider it and not just say no that CUP will not allow it. Once we say no, we have isolated his ten lots and if he does not settle with the Quarry, we are creating a problem. 38. Commissioner Tyler stated the Commission has considered it on various occasions in the past and the City Council has considered it. It is not a new issue. It has been around for many years. 39. Commissioner Kirk stated this issue does arise if we do have to allow some sort of development if that is the only development allowed. However, it is his understanding that because the Green Specific Plan includes lots of other developable area, this would not be considered a taking, at least not under the current interpretation of the law, because there is other land that can be developed. Assistant City Attorney John -Ramirez stated yes, and we said we have vision access to prior processes which makes it a little different. He would generally agree.. Commissioner Kirk stated he is concerned about the process at this meeting. The Commission has heard him address issues of signage, for example, chain stores versus the small businesses, and we have something similar here and it just came up in terms of the process. When staff receives correspondence it is generally included in the agenda packet and if those letters address issues they generally address those in the staff report. The Commission received a letter, at the last minutes, from the Center for Biological Diversity and it is an organization he is somewhat familiar with and for the most part, n Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2001 generally do not agree with their tactics or substance of their issues; personally or politically. At the same time he is really concerned about the process. Mr. Hogan asked if he could rebut the likely comments made by our City Attorney. We held off on the City Attorney comments until after the public participation portion of the hearing and to him that is wrong. He finds that disagreeable, unfair, and if City staff did that on every letter that came in they would have a lot of unhappy residents and justifiably so. The Assistant City Attorney did a fine job of rebutting the issues and was very articulate and he had a very well prepared rebuttal to Mr. Hogan's points and that should have been made in the staff report to give Mr. Hogan a chance to address those issues. Therefore, he has a real concern about this and he hopes this does not happen in the future. He finds it certainly inappropriate at the best. 40. Commissioner Abels stated there was no time for this to have been included in the staff report. 41. Commissioner Kirk stated he agreed but yet the City Attorney had time to prepare a well planned verbal response that should have been included in the staff report to give to those in the public a chance to rebut or address those issues. Assistant City Attorney John Ramirez stated they could reopen the public participation of the hearing if the Commission wanted to provide for nominal rebuttal time. Commissioner Kirk stated he has significant concerns. He does not think that is fair. I do not think the Commission should do that to people who go out of their way to come to the public hearing and don't have a chance to address the issue. He would leave it up to the Chair as to whether he would reopen the public hearing. 42. Chairman Robbins stated everyone has been focusing on the EIR portion and no one has made any comment on the Specific Plan or whether any of the addendum or changes to the Specific Plan are appropriate and he would like to say that we also need to look at the Specific Plan changes and one of the changes he has found significant is that it does not address landscape guidelines or any other issues. If they get the point of approving this project, he would like to add some conditions that they develop landscape guidelines that conform with the City's landscape ordinance. He has a questioned as to whether approving the Addendum opens the 30-day review process for the entire EIR to challenge. Assistant City Attorney John Ramirez stated he does not know the statue as to challenging the Addendum. It perhaps is 30 days, but in Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2001 certainly it does not open up a challenge to the previously adopted EIR. Chairman Robbins stated his concern was that by approving the road be reopening the EIR for challenge. Assistant City Attorney John Ramirez stated pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21167.2 and others perhaps, it is quite clear that the previously EIR is time barred from subsequent challenges. Chairman Robbins clarified that only the relevant issues to the Addendum could be challenged. Assistant City Attorney John Ramirez stated the question is that pursuant to CEQA Guidelines is the Addendum a permissible way to go under CEQA. Chairman Robbins stated it has been intimated by one side or the other that the Quarry is not cooperating with this whole process and there is a whole issue with the Quarry with public right of way going through their golf course and several of their lots. Is it at the discretion of the Commission that if a future request came through for the Quarry for a approval of something, that the Commission could deny any future approvals on the Quarry until matters of right of way, vacation, and access were resolved. Assistant City Attorney John Ramirez stated he was hesitate to answer this in the absence of a specific project or scenario. Certainly, he would recommend that the Commission look at this project in isolation. Obviously, there is background that is relevant, but he is uncomfortable answering as to what future options there are to condition the Quarry. As he understands the previous condition, it is something akin to agreeing to agree and obviously by all accounts, has not happened yet. Chairman Robbins stated Mr. Hogan made some comments relative to what essential habitat is and he would like to comment that to his understanding, essential habitat has absolutely no legal standing under the law and it was a term developed specifically and exclusively for use in the Big Horn Sheep. The law has critical habitat which has since been established which has a different boundary than the essential habitat and the essential habitat was something made up for the purposes of the Big Horn Sheep Recovery Plan. He also has had the opportunity to discuss Big Horn Sheep issues with Fish and Wildlife personnel and have discussed Big Horn Sheep close to this property and in all his discussions, the Green property was not of concern with Fish and Wildlife while the Travertine was of grave concern to Fish and Wildlife. The last issue he would like to raise is that he would like to apologize to Commissioner Kirk and the other Commissioners, after listening he agrees with Commissioner Kirk and should have conducted the meeting differently and that would have been the proper way to do it. G:\WPDOCS\PC4-10-01.wpd 20 (1 . r Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2001 43. Commissioner Kirk stated he had a creative or foolish suggestion. As pointed out, the Commission is in a difficult position. He would therefore, suggested continuing this and ask the parties to work together on the access issue with a neutral third party present. He would then like to see them come back with an arbitrator or City Attorney's third party assessment and perhaps with some support from the City Engineer on the value of the access and appropriate maintenance cost and the like. That could influence their decision in the future. If they do not do this at this stage, he agrees with Commission Tyler that he would not be comfortable with the application. There are too many questions that have been raised and he would vote against it at this stage. 44. Commissioner Abels concurred and he would like to make a motion that this be continued to another date that would be agreeable with the two parties concerned so they can resolve this issue. 45. Chairman Robbins asked the Assistant City Attorney if the Commission could make such a motion. Assistant City Attorney John Ramirez stated they can vote to continue the hearing and provide guidance as to what the Commission wants brought back. 46. Commissioner Tyler stated he seconded the motion. 47. Commissioner Butler asked if they decided to vote at this meeting, it was obvious that they would unanimously deny this effort, and if it moved on to the City Council for their decision, are they pushing the applicant to meet and mediate with their neighbor? By going this way they are opening the time frame to allow them to resolve the issue. 48. Commissioner Kirk stated he would like to ask the applicant and he is not sure it is a unanimous disapproval and he is not sure if they came back, based on a neutral parties assessment, how he or others would vote. He asked the two parties for their opinion. Mr. Bob Mainiero asked the Commission wanted it back or would they prefer to go forward. Discussion followed regarding the options. Chairman Robbins recessed the meeting at 8:55 p.m. and reconvened at 9:04 p.m. 49. Chairman Robbins asked Mr. Mainiero what they would prefer. Mr. Mainiero stated that in the interest of good faith and cooperation they are willing to try negotiations. Mr. Morrow Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2001 stated he made a proposal to Mr. Green just last week which was not responded. He would be glad to meet with Mr. Green at any time with a 24-hour notice. He has no interest in meeting with an engineer or attorney. He would like to meet with the principal, the person who can make the decision. If he would like to do that he would be more than pleased to do that. If the Commission would like a referee in the room to not necessarily negotiate, but to hear both sides and make suggestions, that would be fine. He is available at any time as he has been for the last seven years. 50. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kirk/Abets to continue this item to May 8, 2001. Unanimously approved. D. onino o e mendment 2 ; a request of the City for an Am dment to Section 13.20.115 - Amending Maps, of the Municipal Code allow approval of final maps by the Community Development Director. 1. Chair an Robbins opened the public hearing and asked for the staff re ort. Planning Manager Christine di lorio presented the informati contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Com unity Development Department. 2. Chairman Rob 'ns asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner T er asked what initiated this. Staff stated map changes were req\ee d to be made by the applicant under a lot line adjustment. oes not allow for a public hearing. Senior Engineer Steve Sexplained that an amending map is done when there is a ecorded and you want to change the configuration. Thre o levels of amending maps. If there is something techniwro g, it is doe at the staff level. If there is a reconfiguringe lots 't has to go to a public hearing and in the amending macess y u can only focus on the issues of what is being donthe map. You can no longer condition the map. If you do nowhat the are doing you can deny the map and in that case tplicant cou go back through the tentative tract map processrocess and t n conditions could be added. Because it is limitnly to the cha es that are being made to the map, and we do want some type of public hearing process, G:\WPDOCS\PC4-10-Ol.wpd 22 bw,ee aSg Pm, S-/-O/ ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO TITLE 13, SECTIONS 13.04.040 ADVISORY AGENCY; 13.04.060 REVIEW AND APPROVAL AUTHORITY; P.140 PPEALS; 13.20.115 AMENDING MAPS; AND . 30 APPEALS OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 2001-068 CITY OF LA QUINTA WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 1 ST day of May, 2001, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider a Zoning Ordinance Amendment regarding revisions to the Subdivision Regulations; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did on the 10th day of April, 2001, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider revision to the Municipal Code Title 13 Sections 13.04.040, 13.04.060, 13.12.140, 13.20.115, and 13.20.130 within the City of La Quinta; and, WHEREAS, said request has complied with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (as amended), and adopted by City Council Resolution 83-68, in that the Community Development Director has determined that the project could not have any significant adverse effect on the physical environment; therefore, the project is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3); and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did find the following facts, findings, and reasons to justify the recommendation for approval of said Zoning Code Amendment. 1. The proposed revisions will not adversely affect the planned development of the City as specified by the General Plan for the City of La Quinta because the regulations provide requirements which work in concert with and enhance the community. 2. The proposed Amendment would not be detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the City in that it is only a procedural change which still requires the public hearing process. WHEREAS, Section 66472.1 of the California Government Code allows the Advisory Agency to review the amendment of final maps, if prescribed by local ordinance, by a process which includes public notification and an appeal process: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California that it does ordain as follows: Ordinance No. _ Subdivision Regulations -Amending Maps SECTION 1. C�ections 13.04.040, 13.04.060, 13.12.140 13.20.115 and 13.20.130 of the La Quinta Municipal Code is hereby amended for the reasons set forth in this Ordinance and as setforth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. SECTION 2. ENVIRONMENTAL. Said Zoning Ordinance Amendment request has been determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 15061. SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. SECTION 4: POSTING. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, and shall cause the same to be posted in at least three public places designated by resolution of the City Council, and shall cause this Ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. The foregoing Ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on this day of , 2001, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JOHN J. PENA, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California G A W PDOCS\OrdAmdMap. wpd Ordinance No. _ Zoning Code Amendment 2001-068 EXHIBIT "A" 13.04.040 ADVISORY AGENCY The Community Development Director is designated an "Advisory Agency" under state law for the purposes of: A. Investigating and preparing reports to the Planning Commission on the design and improvement of subdivisions. B. Approving, conditionally approving or disapproving tentative parcel maps. C. Approving, conditionally approving or disapproving amending of final maps. 13.04.060 REVIEW AND APPROVAL AUTHORITY The authority for review and approval of subdivisions and related land actions is as follows: Review Authority ..IRWRTA Tentative maps *City Staff City Council *Other responsible agencies •Planning Commission Vesting tentative maps •City Staff City Council *Other responsible agencies •Planning Commission Tentative parcel maps •City Staff Community Dev't. Dir. •Other responsible agencies Tentative map extensions *City Staff City Council *Other responsible agencies •Planning Commission Final and parcel maps *City Staff City Council *Other responsible agencies *Planning Commission G:\WPDOCS\OrdAmdMapEx.wpd Ordinance No. _ Zoning Code Amendment 2001-068 Waivers of parcel maps Reversions to acreage Lot line adjustments Lot & parcel mergers Amending Final Maps •City Staff *Other responsible agencies *City Staff •Other responsible agencies •Planning Commission •City Staff •Other responsible agencies *City Staff *Other responsible agencies City Staff Other responsible agencies Community Dev't. Dir. City Council Community Dev't. Dir. Community Dev't. Dir. Community Dev't. Dir. 13.12.140 APPEALS A subdivider or any other interested party may appeal a decision o Eitq-Staff, Advisory Agency or the Planning Commission by using the following procedures: A. Appeal of Eity-Staff the Advisory Agency Decision Within ten (10) calendar days after the date of the decision by E7ty Staff Advisory Agency a written appeal, accompanied by the appropriate filing fee, may e6 submitted to the Community Development Department. The "date of decision" shall be either the time a formal noticed hearing is held or the date noted on correspondence mailed to the subdivider indicating the Staff decision. The appeal shall state the item to be appealed and the reason for the request. The Community Development Director shall set the matter for hearing before the Planning Commission within thirty (30) days after the date of filing the appeal. Written notice of the hearing shall be provided by mail to the subdivider, the property owner and those property owners or individuals originally noticed at the time of the first public hearing. Within ten (10) days following the mmltision of the B. Appeal of the Planning Commission's Decision Within ten (10) calendar days after the date of the decision by the Planning Commission, a written appeal, accompanied by the appropriate filing fee, may be submitted to the Community Development Department. The City Clerk shall set the matter for hearing before the City Council. GA W PDOCS\OrdAmdMapEx.wpd Ordinance No. _ Zoning Code Amendment 2001-068 The hearing on the appeal shall be held not more than thirty (30) day from the date of receipt of the appeal and shall give written notice of the hearing to the subdivider, property owner, and those property owners or individuals originally noticed at the first public hearing. 13.20.115 AMENDING MAPS Final maps and parcel maps may be amended in conformance with Government Code Section (GC§) 66469 through 66472.1 and the following: A. If amendments are confined to those set forth in GC§ 66469, the amending map shall be filed with the City Engineer in accordance with Sections 13.20.040 and 13.20.050. The City Engineer shall examine the map and if he or she finds that the amendments are limited to those set forth in GC§ 66469 and the amending map complies with GC§ 66470, shall endorse thereon a certification of said finding and the applicant may submit the amending map to the county recorder for recordation. B. An amending map which exceeds the changes set forth in GC§ 66469 but conforms with GC§ 66470 may be filed in accordance with GC§ 66472.1 and the provisions of this section. The map shall be filed with the Community Development Department and shall include the initial application materials and fees specified in Sections 13.12.040 and the materials are as follows: 1. A five hundred foot radius map exhibit, drawn to scale, which displays those properties within five hundred feet of the subdivision boundaries and which identifies the names of the affected property owners, as listed in the latest updated county equalized tax rolls; 2. One set of self-adhesive mailing labels and one photocopy of the names and addresses of those property owners within five hundred feet of the subdivision boundary; 3. Fifteen copies of the amending final map, folded accordion style to a size not exceeding eight nd one-half inches by eleven inches, with reduced reproducible originals not exceeding eight and one- half inches by eleven inches in size; 4. A preliminary title report prepared and dated not more than ninety days prior to submission of the application; G:\WPDOCS\0rdArndMapEx.wpd Ordinance No. _ Zoning Code Amendment 2001-068 5. This list is not all inclusive and any other special studies required will be determined by city staff on a case -by -case basis. Prior to map and, if necessary, plan checking by the City Engineer, the applicant shall submit the map checking application materials and fees specified in Section 13.20.50 and (if necessary) the plan checking fees specified in Section 13.24.180. The map shall be processed in the following sequence: Cursory review by staff and outside agencies deemed affected by the amendments; Review and Consideration by Advisory Agency at public hearing; If approved, map and plan checking, as necessary, by the City Engineer; preparation and execution of any needed revisions to the improvement agreement; signatures by City Engineer, City Clerk, and (if a new or amended improvement agreement required) the City Attorney and Community Development Director; recordation via the City's normal process for subdivision maps. Section 13.20.130 Appeals of £ity- staff, Advisory Agency, or Planning Commission decisions concerning final maps, amending final maps, parcel maps and waivers of parcel maps shall be processed as provided in Chapter 13.12.140, Subdivision Regulations. G:\WPD0CS\0rdArndMapEx.wpd