CC Resolution 2001-059 RESOLUTION NO. 2001-59
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did on
the 1 .t day of May, 2001, and 5t~ day of June, 2001, hold duly noticed Public Hearings
to consider an Addendum to Final Environmental Impact Report #94112047
(Environmental Assessment No. 94--287), as prepared for Specific Plan 94-025
(Amendment #1), Conditional Use Permit 99-047, and Tentative Parcel Map 28617;
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California,
did on the 24~ day of October, 2000, 10t~ day of April, 2001, and 8~ day of May,
2001, hold duly noticed Public Hearings to consider an Addendum to Environmental
Impact Report #94112047 (EA 94--287), as prepared for Specific Plan 94-025
(Amendment #1), Conditional Use Permit 99-047, and Tentative Parcel Map 28617.
WHEREAS, said application has complied with the requirements of "The
Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (as amended;
Resolution 83-68 adopted by the La Quinta City Council} in that the Community
Development Department has prepared an Addendum to Environmental Impact Report
94-287 pursuant to CEQA Guidelines 15164; and
WHEREAS, the Revised Project does not call for the preparation of a
subsequent EIR pursuant to CEQA Guideline 15162 or Public Resources Code Section
21166, in that the Revised Project does not involve: (1) substantial changes to the
project analyzed in the EIR which would involve new significant effects on the
environment or substantially increase the severity of previously identified impacts; (2)
substantial changes with respect to the circumstances under which the project is being
undertaken which would involve new significant effects on the environment not
analyzed in the EIR substantially increase the severity of previously identified impacts;
or (3) new information of substantial importance which would involve new significant
effects on the environment not analyzed in the EIR substantially increase the severity
of previously identified impacts.
Re~olu'flon No. 2001-59
En~ronrnenta~ Aa~emm~en! 94-287
June 5, 2001
Page 2
WHEREAS, on June 6, 1995, the La Quinta City Council certified the EIR
(State Clearinghouse No. 94112047) for Specific Plan 94-025 encompassing 331 +
acres and allowing 277 single family residential houses bordering open space, hillside
WHEREAS, the revised project is a minor technical addition, which will
include redirecting a street from Jefferson Street along the northern portions of Parcel
2 and 4. The private street will be approximately 3,000 lineal feet with a right of way
width of 50 feet. However, only 1,600 lineal feet will cross through Parcel 4 where
there was previously no disturbance.
WHEREAS, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments,
if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said City Council did find the
following facts, findings, and reasons to justify certification of said Addendum:
1. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment and related applications will not have
the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, as the project in
question will 'not be developed in any manner inconsistent with the General Plan
and other current City standards. The project does not have the potential to
eliminate an important example of California prehistory, as extensive
archaeological investigations of the site were conducted in 1994 for the project,
subject to mitigation alternatives.
2. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment and related applications will not have
the potential to achieve short term goals.
3. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment and related applications will not have
impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable when
considering planned or proposed development in the immediate vicinity, in that
the proposed project is undertaken pursuant to the Specific Plan for which a
Final EIR has been certified.
4. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment and related applications will not have
environmental effects that will adversely affect humans, either directly or
indirectly, as the project contemplates single family residences, private roads
and other related infrastructure improvements previously addressed in the
certified Environmental Impact Report.
Re~olulfon No. 2OO1-59
Envtron~nental A~ee~rnent 94-287
June 5, 2001
Page 3
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by th& City Council of the City of
La Quinta, California, as follows:
1. That the recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the City
Council for this Addendum to Environmental Impact Report #94112047 (EA 94~
2. That it does hereby certify an Addendum to Environmental Assessment 94-287
for the applications.
PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta
City Council held on this 5t~ day of June, 2001, by the following vote:
AYES: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Sniff, Mayor Pe6a
NOES: None
ABSENT: Council Member Perkins
ABSTAIN: None ~Mayor
City of La Quinta, California
JUNE CMC, City Clerk
City of La Quinta, California
(City Seal)
Re~lufion No. 2001-59
Page 4
Green Speciflc Plan
Addendum to the Certified EIR
SCH# 94112047
Prepared For:
City of La Quinta
78-495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
Contact: Ms. Christine Di Iorio
Prepared By:
SFC Consultants
26012 Marguerite Parkway, Suite H424
Mission Viejo, CA 92692
Contact: Ms. Saundra F. Jacobs, REA
(949) 348-1233
May 5, 2001
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Role of the Addendum EIR 3
Decision to prepare an Addendum EIR 3
Backclround 4
Project Description 4
Approved EIR Project Description 4
Addendum Project Description 4
Findin(~s and Facts 6
Land Use 6
Traffic and Circulation 6
Noise 7
Air Quality 8
Water Resources 9
Soils/Geology/Seismic 9
Hydrology 9
Biology 10
AestheticsNisual 13
Cultural Resources 13
Recreation 13
Population, Housing and Employment 14
Risk of Upset 14
Public Services and Utilities 15
Regional Location Map 16
Local Vicinity Map 17
Site Plan 18
Role of the Addendum EIR
SFC Consultants (SFC) understands that the City of La Quinta, in compliance with the Califumia
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), as amended 1999, requires that an Addendum Environment. al
Impact Report (AEIR) be prepared for minor additions or cladficatJons to the Final EIR for the
Travertine and Green Specific Plans (SCH# 94112047), certified as adequate on June 6, 1995.
Regional, Local and Site Plan Exhibits have been attached to this Addendum EIR.
Modifications are proposed to Parcel 3 of the Green Specific Plan by redirecting a pdvate street
from within Parcel 2 of the Green property. A total of 1.8 acres, out of the 211.51 acres within
Parcel 4, will be disturbed. The pdvate street is proposed to be extended from the nor'them most of
three potential entry points along Jefferson (However, no tentative tract maps or intemal design
layouts have been approved by the City). The pdvate street will be approximately 3,000 lineal feet
from Jefferson Street to the boundary of Parcel 3 within a right-of-way width of 50-feet. However,
only 1,600 lineal feet (1.8 acres) will cross through Parcel 4 were there was previously no
disturbance. Refer to the project description on Page 5 for this Addendum for a detailed
The pdvate street addition is proposed within the boundary of the Green Specific Plan area and will
require the following land use approvals:
· An amendment to the Circulation Plan within the Green Specific Plan is required because
the original access to Parcel 3 was proposed from The Quarry developed to the north.
Access is now proposed from one of the three potential access points along Jefferson
Street within Parcel 2 (medium and Iow density land use), through Parcel 4 (open
space/recreation), to gain access to Parcel 3 (very Iow density land use).
· A Conditional Use Permit is required to allow the private street to cross the hillside within
Parcel 3, per Zoning Code Section
· A parcel map for the subdivision of property is required in order to separate the open
space area (Parcel 4) from developable areas (Parcels 1, 2 and 4). The pdvate street is
proposed as an easement from Jefferson Street to Parcel 3. The road will facilitate the
future development of Parcel 3.
No land use designations are proposed to change with the Addendum EIR.
The AEIR is the appropriate CEQA document based on CEQA Adicle 11, Section 15164(a, c, d, e),
Addendum to an EIR. These CEQA sections state the following:
Section 15'164(a)
The lead agency or a responsible agency shall prepare an addendum to a previously
certified EIR if some changes or additions are necessary but none of the conditions
described in Section 15162 calling for preparation ora subsequent EIR have occurred.
Sec~on '15164(c)
An addendum need not be circulated for public review but can be included in or attached
to the final EIR or adopted negative declaration.
Section 15146(d)
The decision-making body shall consider the addendum with the final EIR or
adopted negative declaration pdor to making a decision on the project.
Section '15164(e)
A brief explanation of the decision not to prepare a subsequent EIR pursuant to
Section 15162 should be included in an addendum to an EIR, the lead agencj/s
findings on the project, or elsewhere in the record. The explanation must be
supported by substantial evidence.
Decision to prepare an Addendum EIR (Section 15164(e))
Pursuant to Section 15162, a bdef explanation of the decision not to prepare a subsequent ErR has
been included in this Addendum EIR for inclusion with the City's findings on the project.
Section '15~62(a)(~) - Substantial changes are not proposed and will not require major
revisions to the previous EIR.
The modification to Parcel 3 of the Green Specific Plan is a minor technical addition, as described
by CEQA Section 15161(a)(1), which will include redirecting a pdvate street from within Parcel 2,
through the northern portion of Parcel 4. The Facts and Findings outlined in this Addendum EIR
are based on review of the previously approved Draft EIR and Technical Appendices, and Volumes
I and II of the Final EIR. Volume I of the Final EIR contains the Comments and Response to
Comments on the Draft EIR after public circulafion. Volume II of the Final EIR contains the
Mitigation Monitoring Program. No significant new environmental impacts, not previously
addressed, are anticipated. Previous reports are applicable to the Green Specific Plan, as
proposed to be revised. The previously approved Mitigation Monitoring Program remains
applicable and enforceable.
The Travertine and Green Specific Plans were both certified as adequate by the La Quinta City
Council on June 6, 1995. The Green Specific Plan development provides design guidelines and
development standards for 277 housing units on appreximatery 331 acres. Approximately 231
acres are above the toe of slope and have been reserved as open space. Access to Parcel 3 in
the northwest portion of the Green Property was originally proposed as an extension from The
Quarry residential and golf course development to the north of the site. Subsequent to approval in
1995, access from The Qua~ has been changed to the proposed pdvate street.
The Keith Companies (TKC) previously prepared the Draft and Final EIRs for the Travertine and
Green Specific Plans in March 1995. The Draft and Final EIR studied the impacts associated with
development of the Green and Travertine properties. Mitigation measures were outlined within a
Mitigation Monitoring Program with regard to mitigating impacts to less than significant levels, in
some cases, mitigation measures only mitigated impacts to the extent feasible. These impacts
were approved by the La Quinta City Council with overriding considerations. The private street
addition neither adds to existing impacts nor requires additional mitigation measures, which may
necessitate re-circulation of the document.
Project Description
Approved Green Specific Plan EIR Project Description
The Green Specific Plan project description included design guidelines and development standards
for 277 housing units on approximately 331 acres. Approximately 231 acres are above the toe of
slope and have been reserved as open space. The gross project density would be less than 1 unit
per acre. The three product types approved for the Green Specific Plan are as follows: 1) Cove
lots (medium density) with a minimum 8,000 square foot lot size, are located on the eastem portion
of the site; 2) Estate lots (Iow density) and Cove lots on 10,000 square foot minimum lots, with a
buffer on the open space areas on the west; and 3) Custom lots (very Iow density) located at the
northwestem comer of the project site adjacent to The Quarry development, which consists of
30,000 square foot lots.
Project access would be provided via three entry points off of the proposed Jefferson Street
alignment. Access to the ten custom lots in the northwest portion of the Green Property was
originally proposed as an extension from The Quarry residential and golf course development to
the north of the site. Subsequent to approval in 1995, and as discussed below in the Addendum
Project Description, access fi-om The Quarry has been changed to the proposed pdvate street.
Addendum Project Description
The project proponent proposes a modification to the Green Specific Plan by redirecting a pdvate
street from within Parcel 2 of the Green property. The pdvate street is proposed to be extended
westedy from the northern most of three potential entry points along Jefferson within the Green
property. The pdvate street is proposed to be approximately 3,000 lineal feet from Jefferson to the
boundary of Parcel 3 with a right-of-way width of 50-feet. However, only 1,600 lineal feet will cross
through Parcel 4 were there was previously no disturbance proposed. Therefore, a total of 1.8
acres of land, out of the 211.51 acres within Parcel 4, will be disturbed. The access point from
Jefferson for this pdvate street will likely be from the northeast comer of the Green property. A
secondary emergency access point will be required by the City through The Quarry development.
Findings and Facts
The Travertine and Green Specific Plan EIR identified significant or potentially significant
environmental effects associated with the project covered in Section III of the EIR. The findings,
and facts supporting the findings, are required by Section 21081 of the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) and Section 15091 of the State CEQA Guidelines. The Facts and Findings
previously approved in the EIR are still applicable and enforceable.
~ Land Use:
The curTent zoning for the Green property consists of the following: LDR-Low Density
Residential. This zoning is based on Specific Plan 94-025 approved by the City of La Quinta
City Council in 1995.
The imposition and enforcement of the conditions and mitigation measures resolve
inconsistencies within existing City General Plan and zoning map designations. The
proposed private street will not require the conversion of any portion of previously
approved open space areas within the Green property.
Emergency access would be improved by the proposed Addendum Project. No significant,
short-term, or long-term negative impacts are anticipated. No cumulative negative impacts
are anticipated.
The City Council has based its findings upon the project's Final EIR, previous wdtten
public comments, previous wdtten responses to comments and all previous oral and
written testimony and other evidence presented at the public hearings on this project and
particularly the following facts:
a. The proposed pdvate street will not require the conversion of any portion of the
previously approved open space areas within the Green property.
~ Traffic and Circulation:
A Traffic Impact Study was prepared by Endo Engineering in October 1994 for the Travertine
and Green Specific Plan EIR. The Traffic Impact Study provided the basis for the mitigation
outlined in the Certified EIR. Jefferson Street is not currently constructed and is proposed for
improvement as part of the developments for both Travertine and Green properties. The
Green Specific Plan provides three possible access points from Jefferson Street, No tentative
maps or street alignments have been approved by the City for the Green property, The current
Addendum EIR proposed for this pdvate street extension would utilize one of the three access
points (northerly most). Access to Parcel 3 in the northwest podion of the Green property was
originally proposed as an extension from The Quarry residential and golf course development
to the nodh of the site. Subsequent to approval in 1995, access from The Quarry has been
changed to the proposed pdvate street.
The capacity of a typical two-lane road is 10,000 to 12,000 vehicle trips per day. Parcel 3
(10-1ors) within the Green property will generate approximately 150 tdps per day. No
additional traffic impacts will be generated with the extension of the private street.
The pdvate street addition will require an amendment to the Circulation Plan within the
Green Specific Plan, and as such, a Conditional Use Permit is required to allow the private
street within the hillside per Zoning Code Section, and parcel map for the
subdivision of property.
Access would be improved by the proposed Addendum Project. A secondary emergency
access point will be required by the City though The Quarry development. No significant,
short-term, or Iong-ten-n negative impacts are anticipated. No cumulative negative impacts
are anticipated.
The City Council has based its findings upon the project's Final EIR, previous written
public comments, previous written responses to comments and all previous oral and
wdtten testimony and other evidence presented at the public headngs on this project and
particulady the following facts:
a. The proposed private street will not generate additional traffic impact not already
addressed in the Green Specific Plan EIR.
^ Noise Impact Study was prepared by Endo Engineering in November 1994 for the Travertine
and Green Specific Plan EIR. The Noise Impact Study provided the basis for the mitigation
outlined in the Certified EIR.
Within the Draft and Final EIR, Parcel 3 was originally proposed to gain access from The
Qua~ development to the north. The noise formedy associated with traffic within The
Qua~ will be transfen~ to the new proposed access road. No additional noise impacts
will be generated with the extension of the road.
As noted above in the Traffic section, Parcel 3 within the Green prope~ will generate
approximately 150 tdps per day. These 150 vehicle trips will not increase the noise levels
not already discussed in the Travertine and Green Specific Plan Draft and Final
Noise related to construction of the road will be required to abide by the mitigation
measures approved within the Certified EIR.
The City Council has based its findings upon the project's Final EIR, previous written
public comments, previous written responses to comments and apl previous oral and
written testimony and other evidence presented at the public headngs on this project and
padiculady the following facts:
a. The proposed pdvate street will not generate additional noise impacts not already
addressed in the Green Specific Plan EIR.
Air Quality:
An Air Quality Impact Study was prepared by Endo Engineering in November 1994 for the
Travertine and Green Specific Plan EIR. The Air Quality Impact Study )rovided the basis for
the mitigation outlined in the Certified EIR.
The air quality impacts associated with traffic from Parcel 3 was originally discussed and
mitigated to the extent feasible within the Travertine and Green Specific Plan Draft and
Final EIR. Significant short-term impacts to air quality will result with implementation of the
Green Specific Plan. However, no additional air quality impacts will be generated with the
extension of the road.
Air Quality impacts related to construction of the road will be required to abide by the
mitigation measures approved within the Final EIR.
The City Council has based its findings upon the project's Final EIR, previous written
public comments, previous wdtten responses to comments and all previous oral and
written testimony and other evidence presented at the public headngs on this project and
particularly the following facts:
a. The Green Specific Plan will result in significant shod-term impacts to air quality (as
identified in the Certified EIR).
b. Overriding considerations were approved by the City Council for impacts within the
Green Specific Plan that remained significant after mitigation.
c. The proposed pdvate street will not generate additional air quality impacts not already
addressed in the Green Specific Plan EIR.
Water Resources:
Construction of the private mad will not increase the water supply/demand or sewer needs
discussed in the Certified
The City Council has based its findings upon the project's Finai EIR, previous written
public comments, previous written responses to comments and all previous oral and
written testimony and other evidence presented at the public hearings on this project and
particularly the following facts:
a. The proposed private street will not generate additional water/sewer issues not already
addressed in the Green Specific Plan EIR.
The private road extension would be constructed within Carsitas Gravelly Sand and would
not result in significant impacts from a soils and geology standpoint. In addition, the Green
property, including the proposed private street right-of-way, are not located on designated
pdme agricultural soils, nor are they within the Coachella Valley Blowsand region.
Therefore, with implementation of the existing mitigation measures from the Certified
impacts associated with soil, geology and seismicity on the private road would be less than
significant. No additional soil, geology or seismic impacts will be generated with the
extension of the road.
The City Council has based its findings upon the project's Final E[R, previous written
public comments, previous wdtten responses to comments and all previous oral and
written testimony and other evidence presented at the public hearings on this project and
particularly the following facts:
a. The proposed private street will not generate additional soil, geology or seismic
impacts not already addressed in the Green Specific Plan EIR.
A stormwater analysis was prepared by Uainiere, Smith and Associates, Inc. August 29,
2000, and was performed for the proposed pdvate street extension using the Riverside
County Flood Control/AES unit-hydrograph program. A summary of the stormwater
analysis has been provided below. The report in its entirety is available at the City of La
Quinta Public Works Department.
Surface drainage under the proposed private street flows from two watershed areas. One
watershed is approximately 320 acres in size, and the second is approximately 125 acres.
These two watershed areas would result in a combined 100-year (Q100) stormwater flow
of approximately 522 cubic feet per second (cfs). In order to contain 522 cfs during a 100-
year storm event, a culvert at the road drainage crossing would be required. The
stormwater analysis indicates that a double box culvert, 5 feet wide by 5 feet deep (each
barrel) would allow the lower flows to pass under the proposed road. The full capacity of
the double box culvert would bo in excess of 1000 cfs without any debds.
The imposition and enforcement of this condition and mitigation measure will substantially
reduce the significant, or potentially significant effects of the project on hydrology.
Therefore, project impacts will be reduced to a level of insignificance.
Existing local hydrology and hydraulics would be marginally affected and improved by the
proposed project. No significant, short-term, or long-term negative impacts are
anticipated. No cumulative negative impacts are anticipated.
The City Council has based its findings upon the project's Final EIR, previous wdtten
public comments, previous written responses to comments and all previous oral and
wdtten testimony and other evidence presented at the public headngs on this project and
particularly the following facts:
a. The proposed improvements will help alleviate potential "washout' of the new private
A biological assessment was conducted for the Green property by Thomas Olsen Associates
in June 1994. The biological assessment provided the basis for the mitigation outlined in the
Certified EIR.
v' The imposition and enforcement of the conditions and mitigation measures within the
Draft and Final EIR attempt to mitigate biologically related impacts to less than
significant levels. However, the loss of natural habitat, prescdbod sensitive animal
species habitats (including the praide falcon, blacktailed gnatcatcher, loggerhead
shdke, desert tortoise, the Palm Spdngs Round-tailed Ground Squirrel and sensitive
bat species habitat's), and the loss of sensitive plants species remained significant
after mitigation. Cumulative impacts to the Sonoran Creosote Bush Scrub, desert dry
woodland plant and animal communities remained significant and unavoidable after
In order to mitigate impacts to the extent feasible for the taking of sensitive plant
species and the incremental loss of plant and animal communities with the Coachella
Valley, the following mitigation measure concerning the Multi-species Habitat
Conservation Plan (MSHCP) was required within the Final EIR for the Travertine and
Green Specific Plans. One purpose of an area-wide multi-species habitat
conservation plan was to provide a vehicle for property owners to mitigate for the loss
of otherwise irreplaceable biological resources.
Mitigation Measure 3.8.1 states that:
The City of La Quinta shall ensure, as proposed by the Coachella Valley
Association of Governments, that mitigation/compensation funds shall be made
available to the Coechella Valley multi species planning process prier to any
habitat impacting activities (grading permit), due to this project. Such funds should
be calculated on the basis of acreage of habitat disturbed, pursuant to a formula
for fees which is equitably and uniformly applied throughout the Coachella Valley.
The method of verification within the Monitoring Program for this mitigation
measure is "Plan Review' by the Community Development Department. The Final
EIR also gees on to state that the City may choose to become the trustee of fund
contributed to CVAG until such time as the MSHCP is adopted.
The biological studies prepared for the Green Specific Plan did not find desed tortoise
or Palm Spdngs Round-tailed Ground Squirrel habitat and therefore no mitigation was
required for this species.
Since certification of the Draft and Final EIR for the Green Specific Plan, a draft
designation of both Essential and Critical Habitat for the Peninsular bighorn sheep has
been established by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. The Final EIR for the Travedine
and Green Specific Plans requires the following mitigation measure in order to mitigate
impacts to the bighorn sheep. Although this mitigation measure was developed
particularly for the Travertine Specific Plan, elements of the measure are still
applicable to the Green Specific Plan.
Mitigation Measure 3.8.3 states that:
The applicant shall ensure that a habitat management plan HMP for the bighom
sheep is prepared by a biologist, reviewed by the Department of Fish and Game,
and implemented pdor to issuance of grading permits. Elements of the
management plant shall include the following measures. These measures will be
required even ff the preparation of the HMP is stalled or prevented from being
See the Travertine and Green Specific Plans Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
Program Checklist for the specific measures.
The method of vedfica~on within the Monitoring Program for this mitigation
measure is "Approval from Califomia Depadment of Fish and Game."
,/ Since certification of the Draft and Final EIR for the Green Specific Plan, the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers have published new Nationwide Permits (NWP) criteria. The
maximum impact allowed for most NWP's is ½ acre and formal ACOE notification is
required where impacts exceed 1/10~ acre. In addition, NWP 14 (road crossings) will
be limited to a maximum of 200 linear feet of all waters of the U.S.
The access road will require a box culvert for storm drainage of approximately 10 feet
in width. According to engineering calculations provided by the project engineer,
approximately 1/10th (0.10) acre of would be impacted. The same drainage was
crossed within The Quarry project to the north of the site.
¢' If blueline streams are located on the subject property and are subsequently impacted
by construction of the pdvate street, the mitigation measures outlined in the Cedified
EIR will mitigate impacts to less than significant levels.
The following mitigation measures has been added to this Addendum EIR:
Based on the information obtained from a site visit by Deparfment of Fish and
Game personnel, the Deparfment has determined that a Lake and/or Streambed
Alteration Agreement under Fish and Game Code Subsection 1600 is required for
this project.
This mitigation measure is hereby incorporated into the Monitoring Program
prepared for the previously CedJfied Draft and Final EIR. The method of
verification within the Monitoring Program for this mitigation measure is "Approval
from California Department of Fish and Game." See TPM Exhibit.
¢' The proposed pdvate street will not require the conversion of any portion of previously
approved open space areas within the Green property.
The City Council has based its findings upon the project's Final EIR, previous wdtten
public comments, previous wdtten responses to comments and all previous oral and
written testimony and other evidence presented at the public headngs on this project and
particularly the following facts:
a. Overriding considerations were approved by the City Council for impacts within the
Green Specific Plan that remained significant after mitigation.
b. Mitigation measures outlined in the Certified EIR for the Green Specific Plan will be
required for implementation of this Addendum EIR.
c. An additional mitigation measure has been added by the Califomia Depadment of Fish
and Game concerning a Lake and/or Streambed Alteration Agreement.
d. No new impacts not already addressed in the Cedified EIR, would result with
implementation of this Addendum EIR.
e. The proposed pdvate street will not require the conversion of any portion of the
previously approved open space areas within the Green property.
The aesthetic impacts associated with ten lots was originally discussed and mitigated
within the Travertine and Green Specific Plan Draft and Final EIR. No additional aesthetic
impacts will be generated with the extension of the private street
The City Council has based its findings upon the project's Final EIR, previous written
public comments, previous written responses to comments and all previous oral and
written testimony and other evidence presented at the public hearings on this project and
particularly the following facts:
a. The proposed private street will not generate additional aesthetic impacts not already
addressed in the Green Specific Plan EIR.
Cultural Resources:
A Cultural F~esources Survey was conducted for the Green property by Dr. Paul Chace,
Director of Cultural Resources with The Keith Companies in July 1994.
The Cultural Resources analysis prepared by Dr. Paul Chase for the Green Specific Plan
property found no cultural resources. Dr. Chase confirmed for SFC that the odginal
analysis encompassed the proposed road extension therefore, implementation of the
proposed pdvate street would not impact any new cultural resources. No new studies are
The City Council has based its findings upon the project's Final EIR, previous wdtten
public comments, previous written responses to comments and all previous oral and
wdtten testimony and other evidence presented at the public headngs on this project and
particularly the following facts:
a. The proposed pdvate street will not generate additional cultural impacts not already
addressed in the Green Specific Plan EIR.
Construction of the proposed private street would not result in the need for additional park
and recreational facilities within the Green Specific Plan area.
The City Council has based its findings upon the project's Final EIR, previous written
public comments, previous written responses to comments and all previous oral and
written testimony and other evidence presented at the public headngs on this project and
particulaHy the following facts:
a. The proposed private street will not generate the need for additional parks or
recreational facilities within the Green Specific Plan ErR.
Population, Housing and Employment:
No mitigations were originally proposed for this issue within the Green Specific Plan EIR.
However, project specific and cumulative population, housing and employment impacts
were considered significant and growth inducing within the certified EIR.
The addition of the pdvate street will not increase the number of units previously approved
in the cedified EIR.
The City Council has based its findings upon the project's Final EIR, previous wdtten
public comments, previous wdtten responses to comments and all previous oral and
written testimony and other evidence presented at the public headngs on this project and
particularly the following facts:
a. Overriding considerations were approved by the City Council for growth inducing
impacts within the Green Specific Plan that remained significant after mitigation.
b. The proposed pdvate street will not generate the need for additional mitigation
measures within the Green Specific Plan EIR.
Risk of Upset:
No impacts were anticipated on the Green Specific Plan property related to the risk of
The City Council has based its findings upon the project's Final EIR, previous written
public comments, previous wdtten responses to comments and all previous oral and
wdtten testimony and other evidence presented at the public headngs on this project and
particularly the following facts:
a. The proposed private street will not create a new dsk of upset within the Green
Specific Plan EIR.
Public Services and Utilities:
Law enforcement, fire protection, medical and transit services will benefit from construction
of the proposed private street. Schools, electricity, gas, telephone, cable service, solid
waste issues will not be impacted by construction of the private street.
Emergency access ~,~uld be improved by the proposed Addendum Project. No significant,
short-term, or long-term negative impacts are anticipated. No cumulative negative impacts
are anticipated.
The City Council has based its findings upon the project's Final EIR, previous written
public comments, previous written responses to comments and all previous oral and
written testimony and other evidence presented at the public hearings on this project and
particularly the following facts:
a. The proposed private street will not generate the need for additional public
services and utilities not already addressed in the Green Specific Plan EIR.
~ Not to Scale
Proposed Access Road
AT £
Not to Scale
Proposed Access Road