2016 12 20 CC MinutesCITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2016 A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Mayor Evans. PRESENT: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, Pena, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON AGENDA - None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Councilmember Radi requested that Consent Calendar Item No. 7 be moved to the Business Session for separate discussion and vote. Mayor Evans requested that Consent Calendar Item No. 2 be moved to the Business Session for separate discussion and vote. Council concurred. CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (2) OR (3) OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 (NUMBER OF POTENTIAL CASES: 1) 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(D)(1). ALVERIZ ET AL. V. CITY OF LA QUINTA ET AL., RIVERSIDE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. PSC 1503161; BARTON ET AL. V. CITY OF LA QUINTA ET AL., RIVERSIDE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. PSC 1505200 3. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF EISENHOWER DRIVE AND AVENIDA FERNANDO (APNS 658-170-015, 658- 170-016, AND 658-420-031) CITY NEGOTIATOR: FRANK J. SPEVACEK, CITY MANAGER PROPERTY OWNER: BT-LJMJM, LLC., A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY/JACK MCGRORY UNDER NEGOTIATION: PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT AND/OR DISPOSITION OF THE PROPERTY IDENTIFIED COUNCIL RECESSED TO CLOSED SESSION AT 3:03 P.M. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1 DECEMBER 20, 2016 MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 4:03 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT REPORT ON ACTIONS) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: City Attorney Ihrke reported that Councilmember Fitzpatrick recused herself and left the room during discussion on Closed Session Item No. 1 due to its connection to another SilverRock development item that Councilmember Fitzpatrick may have a conflict of interest on due to her former membership on the Planning Commission. City Attorney Ihrke also reported that no actions were taken in Closed Session that require reporting pursuant to Government Code section 54957.1 (Brown Act). PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Sanchez led the audience in the pledge of allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON AGENDA - None ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. EQUALITY ACT PROCLAMATION Mayor Evans and Council presented a Proclamation to Richard Noble who explained the purpose and hope of the Equality Act which adds sexual identity to Federal protected rights. 2. LEADERSHIP INVESTMENT AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING — CITY OF LA QUINTA ACADEMY RECOGNITION Mayor Evans and Council presented to the following seven City employees a certificate of completion in the program: Caroline Duran Michael Solas Elizabeth Escotel Tommi Sanchez Mary Fascano Angela Scott Pam Nieto 3. AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION 2015/16 PROJECT MERIT AWARD FOR TURF REDUCTION Mayor Evans and Council presented the Award to Design & Development Department staff and the project architect. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 6, 2016 2. pulled by Mayor Evans and moved to Business Session Item No. 3 >> APPROVE REVISIONS TO THE CITY'S ARTWORK DONATION POLICY CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2 DECEMBER 20, 2016 3. APPROVE RECIPIENT FOR THE 2017 SENIOR INSPIRATION AWARD 4. ADOPT A RESOLUTION CONSENTING TO INCLUDE PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY'S JURISDICTION IN THE CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL FINANCE AUTHORITY AND OPEN A PROPERTY ASSESSED CLEAN ENERGY PROGRAM 5. ADOPT RESOLUTION (1) APPROVING TWO AGREEMENTS WITH THE STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION TO PREPARE FOR AND TO ADMINISTER THE VOTER -APPROVED ONE PERCENT (1%) TRANSACTIONS AND USE TAX, AND (2) SETTING FORTH THE EMPLOYEE POSITIONS AUTHORIZED TO EXAMINE TAX RECORDS 6. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED DECEMBER 2 AND DECEMBER 9, 2016 7. pulled by Councilmember Radi and moved to Business Session Item No. 2 >>> RECEIVE AND FILE FISCAL YEAR 2015/16 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES ANNUAL REPORT 8. RECEIVE AND FILE FISCAL YEAR 2015/16 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT FEE REPORT MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Pena/Radi to approve the Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1, 3-6, and 8 as recommended, with Item No. 4 adopting Resolution No. 2016-047 and Item No. 5 adopting Resolution Nos. 2016-048 and 2016-049. Motion passed unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION 1. ADOPT A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING SPEED LIMITS FOR CERTAIN STREETS Principal Engineer Wimmer and Director Jonasson presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. Assistant Police Chief Walton and Willdan surveying engineer provided additional information. Councilmember Sanchez said he was concerned that some of the speed limits seemed unreasonably low. He said the Council would not want to create criminals out of residents who are trying to get home or to school and asked if there was data on the number of tickets issued in these surveyed sections and if there was an increase in accidents indicating the need for speed reduction. Councilmembers discussed the methodology of determining speed limits, and; number of traffic collisions per year. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Pena to adopt Resolution No. 2016-050 as recommended: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING SPEED LIMITS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 3 DECEMBER 20, 2016 Motion passed: ayes 4, noes 1 (Sanchez) 2. moved from Consent Calendar Item No. 7 >>> RECEIVE AND FILE FISCAL YEAR 2015/16 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES ANNUAL REPORT Councilmembers waived presentation of the staff report. Councilmember Radi said that the two City -entry monuments are showing signs of age, and since art is an authentic aspect of La Quinta's brand, he would suggest being proactive and commissioning artist(s) for designs. Mayor Evans suggested that the Community Services Commission include the project in their annual goals. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to receive and file fiscal year 2015/16 Art in Public Places Annual Report as recommended. Motion passed unanimously. 3. moved from Consent Calendar Item No. 2 >>> APPROVE REVISIONS TO THE CITY'S ARTWORK DONATION POLICY Mayor Evans requested that the policy also cover art loaned to the City. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Pena/Radi to approve the revisions to the City's Artwork Donation Policy as amended to include loaned art. Motion passed unanimously. STUDY SESSION - None PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON AGENDA PUBLIC SPEAKER: Peter Szolesany, La Quinta - Mr. Szolesany suggested withholding rental permits for properties in gated communities if the Homeowners' Association submits a letter to do so. He said owners making thousands per week on rentals are not deterred by small City fines. Mayor Evans referred him to discuss the matter with staff. DEPARTMENT REPORTS All reports are on file in the City Clerk's Office. MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBER'S ITEMS Mayor Evans and Councilmembers Pena and Radi reported on events, tours, volunteer dinners and mixers attended since the last meeting. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4 DECEMBER 20, 2016 REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS La Quinta's representative for 2016, Mayor Evans reported on her participation in the following organizations meeting: GREATER PALM SPRINGS CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU La Quinta's representative for 2016, Councilmember Radi reported on his participation in the following organization meeting: RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (RCTC) SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY GREATER COACHELLA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUB -COMMITTEE PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. ADOPT A RESOLUTION TO (1) MODIFY PLANNING COMMISSION'S APPROVAL OF SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005, INCLUDING THE SITE PLAN, ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND LANDSCAPING FOR PLANNING AREAS 2, 3 AND 4 OF THE SILVERROCK SPECIFIC PLAN IN RESPONSE TO APPEAL 2016-0004; AND (2) SUSTAIN FINDINGS OF CONSISTENCY WITH ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2014-1003; PROJECT LOCATION - SOUTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 52 AND JEFFERSON STREET [RESOLUTION NO. 2016-0511 COUNCILMEMBER FITZPATRICK ANNOUNCED THAT SHE MAY HAVE A CONFLICT OF INTEREST DUE TO HER VOTE ON THIS MATTER WHEN SHE WAS A MEMBER OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. COUNCILMEMBER FITZPATRICK LEFT THE DAIS AND EXITED THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS. City Attorney Ihrke further explained Councilmember Fitzpatrick's reason for recusing herself: recusal is recommended to avoid potential or actual bias or appearance of bias that may occur with a newly -elected Councilmember participating in an appeal of a decision made by the Planning Commission, where the Planning Commission has final approval authority under the Municipal Code, and the newly -elected Councilmember participated an voted as a Planning Commissioner on the item, which is now before the City Council on appeal. Planning Manager Perez and Design & Development Director Jonasson presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. Councilmembers discussed a temporary fence versus a permanent fence, and; the proposed material and height of a temporary fence; MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 5:09 P.M. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 5 DECEMBER 20, 2016 PUBLIC SPEAKER - Appellant: D. Wayne Brechtel, attorney for the appellants: Sierra Club and Center for Biological Diversity - Mr. Brechtel said that the solution proposed by staff is a solution for this project but wishes to be clear that the appellants do not accept the premise that the environmental review for this project is adequate without adoption of the amended condition. In 2002, it was recognized that there was a potential for Big Horn Sheep to go onto this property so the fence provision was added to the environmental review should the Sheep be found on the property. Since that time, the project has relied on a very summary type environmental review that makes findings that there is no chance of a significant impact to Big Horn Sheep. He said that is not true because the Sheep have entered the project site, they have suffered mortality because they have entered this project site and other project sites and the fence is not up. He said it may be counter -intuitive that allowing the Sheep down from the mountains to graze on the grass and drink the water is not a good thing, but these animals are extraordinarily susceptible to things found at golf courses and in urban developments. The Sheep get pneumonia, killed by cars, and eat poison plants. A 2015 report by the California Department of Fish & Wildlife showed that the survival rate of lambs in the wild mountain environment was three times higher than for those inhabiting golf course environments. Construction of the fence is a first step and he said he understands that adjacent lands to SilverRock still have to be dealt with but the City's promise made ten years ago to build a fence has to be kept. Mr. Brechtel said that adoption of the "revised attachment no. 7" [to the Condition of Approval for Administrative Appeal 2016-0004 for Site Development Permit 2016-0005 adding Condition CC-11 resolves the appellants' objections to this project. PUBLIC SPEAKER: William Cain, La Quinta - Mr. Cain agreed that it was time to install a fence and to put attention on the environment. MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 5:15 P.M. Councilmember Pena said that the City's intent has always been to protect the environment, and that the multi -year drought brought the Sheep down in large numbers. Mayor Evans said the City has been against installing a fence because it's important to determine the reasons the Sheep are coming down out of the mountains - the environmental impact report being done by the Coachella Valley energy and Environmental Resources Committee will provide clarity. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Pena/Radi to adopt Resolution No. 2016-051 as modified by the revised Attachment No 7 document provided and an authorization, added as Condition CC-2, for staff to immediately solicit bids for the temporary fence: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, MODIFYING THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S APPROVAL OF SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A 140 ROOM HOTEL, SPA, 29 HOTEL -BRANDED CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 6 DECEMBER 20, 2016 RESIDENCES, A MEETING CENTER, CONFERENCE CENTER AND SHARED SERVICES FACILITY WITHIN THE SILVERROCK SPECIFIC PLAN BY ADDING CONDITION OF APPROVAL CC-1 AND SUSTAINING THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S FINDING OF CONSISTENCY WITH ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2014-1003 Motion passed: ayes 4, noes 0, absent 1 (Fitzpatrick) COUNCILMEMBER FITZPATRICK RETURNED TO THE DAIS FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE MEETING 2. INTRODUCE FOR FIRST READING ORDINANCE NO. 552 AMENDING CHAPTERS 9.60 AND 9.100 OF TITLE 9 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE FOR SPECIAL EVENT REGULATIONS Planning Manager Gabriel Perez presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. Councilmembers discussed balancing government encroachment on residents and protecting the rights of neighbors; items that trigger the requirement to obtain a permit and those that would trigger revoking a permit; role of Code Enforcement in determining validity of complaints; rights of appeal; the new penalty provisions; frequency of fees; process for getting a multi -event permit, and; permit rules regarding occupants per bedroom. MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 5:52 P.M. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Melissa Labayog, La Quinta - Ms. Labayog spoke against adopting the ordinance as written. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Lawrence Labayog, La Quinta - Mr. Labayog spoke against adopting the ordinance. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Brian Brown, La Quina - Mr. Brown spoke against the ordinance as written. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Sally Weitzel, La Quinta - Ms. Weitzel spoke against the ordinance. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Lynne Daniels, La Quinta - Ms. Daniela spoke in favor of the ordinance but requested a change from 45-day application review to 30 days. PUBLIC SPEAKER: David Thoms, La Quinta - Mr. Thoms spoke in favor of the ordinance. MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 6:18 P.M. Councilmembers discussed event notification radiuses; noise limit provisions in the Municipal Code; annual number of Conditional Use Permit applications received from CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 7 DECEMBER 20, 2016 owners of large homes; ramifications of not obtaining required permits; standardizing the notification radius to 500 feet for all types of permits; sensible regulations tend to be observed; City's responsibility to both protect property rights, and not infringe on property rights; undesirable results of unregulated events or a total ban; importance of monitoring the effect of the regulation and making adjustments as needed, and; reasonableness of the 45-day time period if Fire Department and/or Alcohol Beverage Control approval are needed. MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING RE -OPENED AT 6:36 P.M. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Rob Daniels, La Quinta - Mr. Daniels asked for clarification regarding permit fees which staff answered. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Melissa Labayog, La Quinta - Ms. Labayog requested clarification regarding attendance limits and liquor licenses which Planning staff and the City Attorney answered. MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AGAIN AT 6:40 P.M. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to take up Ordinance No. 552 by title and number only and waive further reading. Motion passed unanimously. City Clerk Maysels read the following title of Ordinance no. 552 into the record: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTERS 9.60 AND 9.100 OF TITLE 9 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED TO SPECIAL EVENT REGULATIONS AS AMENDED BY COUNCIL MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to introduce at first reading Ordinance No. 552 as amended by Council to include a one year ban on eligibility for permits after any permit revocation, and set required notice radius at 500 feet for all residential special event permits. Motion passed unanimously. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to make a finding of exemption, included in Ordinance No. 552, under the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 15061 (B)(3) Review of Exemptions - General Rule and is consistent with the previously approved General Plan 2035 Environmental Impact Report. Motion passed unanimously. 3. ADOPT A RESOLUTION ADOPTING FINDINGS AND A STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS AND CERTIFYING THE VILLAGE BUILD -OUT PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT; AND, INTRODUCE FOR FIRST READING ORDINANCE NO. 553 AMENDING SEVERAL CHAPTERS OF TITLE 9 OF THE LA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 8 DECEMBER 20, 2016 QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE BUILD -OUT PLAN FOR THE LA QUINTA VILLAGE, INCLUDING VARIOUS DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ASSOCIATED THERETO City Attorney Ihrke explained that three of the five Members of Council have indicated they may have a conflict of interest on this item, and when this situation arises, the California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) has a process set forth in regulation 18705 to randomly select one of the conflicted Members for "legally required participation" in order to obtain a quorum of at least three members required to conduct City business. Councilmember Pena announced that he may have a conflict of interest due to the proximity of his property to the Village area. Councilmember Radi announced that he may have a conflict of interest due to the proximity of his property to the Village area. Councilmember Sanchez announced that he may have a conflict of interest due to a business relationship with a property owner within the Village area. COUNCILMEMBERS PENA, RADI AND SANCHEZ LEFT THE DAIS AND EXITED THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS. City Clerk Maysels followed the procedure set by FPPC regulation 18705 by putting the names of Councilmembers Pena, Radi and Sanchez in a cup and having Deputy City Clerk Radeva randomly select one name. Councilmember Pena's name was selected. COUNCILMEMBER PENA RETURNED TO THE DAIS TO PARTICIPATE IN THE DISCUSSION AND VOTE ON THIS ITEM BUT BEFORE COMMENCING, CITY ATTORNEY IHRKE EXPLAINED ONCE AGAIN THAT COUNCILMEMBER PENA HAD RECUSED HIMSELF DUE TO A POSSIBLE CONFLICT OF INTEREST DUE TO THE PROXIMITY OF HIS PROPERTY TO THE VILLAGE AREA. Consultant Planner Nicole Criste presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT APPROXIMATELY 6:55 P.M. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Mont Goodell, Self Reliance, Inc (Austin, Texas) - Mr. Goodell said he is working on a net -zero energy building design in the Village that would require the 60 foot height allowance in order to cover the cost of a highly "green" building. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Marshal Hughes, Owner of vacant lot, corner of La Fonda & Desert Club - Mr. Hughes said he is working on a net zero condo project on the lot and finds CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 9 DECEMBER 20, 2016 that the cost of the undergrounding the utilities has been a financial stumbling block. Requests the 60 foot height limit be adopted. MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 7:09 P.M. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Pena/Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 2016-052 as recommended: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING FINDINGS AND A STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS AND CERTIFYING THE VILLAGE BUILD -OUT PLAN EIR (SCH 2O15101019) PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (EA 2016-0012) Motion passed: ayes 3, noes 0, absent 2 (Radi and Sanchez) MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Pena/Fitzpatrick to take up Ordinance No. 553 by title and number only and waive further reading. Motion passed: ayes 3, noes 0, absent 2 (Radi and Sanchez) City Clerk Maysels read the following title of Ordinance no. 553 into the record: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SEVERAL CHAPTERS OF TITLE 9 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS WITHIN THE VILLAGE BUILD -OUT PLAN MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Pena/Fitzpatrick to introduce at first reading Ordinance No. 553. Motion passed: ayes 3, noes 0, absent 2 (Radi and Sanchez) ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Pena to adjourn at 7:13 p.m. Motion passed: ayes 3, noes 0, absent 2 (Radi and Sanchez). Respectfully submitted, Digitally signed by Susan Maysels DN: cn=Susan Maysels, s City La Quints, V(/� ou=Clerk's Office, email=smayselels@la-quinta.org, c=US Date: 2017.01.18 07:45:02-08'00' SUSAN MAYSELS, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 10 DECEMBER 20, 2016