2001 08 07 CCCity Council Agendas are available on the City's web page @www.la-quinta.org City Council Agenda CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calle Tampico - La Quinta, California 92253 Regular Meeting Tuesday, August 7, 2001 - 2:00 P.M. Beginning Res. No. 2001-99 Ord. No. 359 I. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Council Members: Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena II. PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. Please watch the timing device on the podium. III. CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS - SKI HARRISON, MARK WEISS AND JOHN RUIZ REGARDING NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957.6, MEET AND CONFER PROCESS. 2. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS - SKI HARRISON, MARK WEISS AND JOHN RUIZ REGARDING NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE LA QUINTA MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957.6, MEET AND CONFER PROCESS. - 3. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 (a), PENDING LITIGATION, COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT V. CITY OF LA QUINTA, RIVERSIDE SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. 010827 City Council Agenda Page 1 August 7, 2001 001 4. CONFERENCE WITH AGENCY'S REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, MARK WEISS, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 CONCERNING POTENTIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITION AND/OR DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF ADAMS STREET AND MILES AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER/NEGOTIATOR: FAMILY HERITAGE CHURCH OF VALLEY, INC. NOTE: Time permitting, the City Council may conduct Closed Session discussions during the dinner recess. Additionally, if the City is considering acquisition of real property, persons identified as negotiating parties do not attend the closed session. RECONVENE AT 3:00 P.M. IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE V. PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on items that appear within the Consent Calendar or matters that are not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. Please watch the timing device on the podium. For all Business Session matters or Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed "request to speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to the start of City Council consideration of that item. The Mayor will invite individuals who have requested the opportunity to speak to come forward at the appropriate time. VI. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA VII. PRESENTATIONS - None Vill. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE IX. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - 1. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JULY 17, 2001 X. CONSENT CALENDAR Note: Consent Calendar items are considered to be routine in nature and will be approved by one motion unless requested for separate consideration by a member of the City Council or the public. 1 . APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED AUGUST 7, 2001. City Council Agenda Page 2 August 7, 2001 0 0 A� 2. ACCEPTANCE OF A FISCAL YEAR 2001 LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT (LLEBG) AWARD IN THE AMOUNT OF $26,704 FROM THE BUREAU OF JUSTICE ASSISTANCE. 3. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR ONE COUNCIL MEMBER AND PERSONNEL/RISK MANAGER TO ATTEND THE CALIFORNIA JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY ANNUAL RISK MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE TO BE HELD OCTOBER 10-12, 2001 IN SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. 4. ACCEPTANCE OF STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION - NORTHWEST CORNER OF DUNE PALMS ROAD AND WESTWARD HO DRIVE. 5. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF AN AMENDED FINAL MAP AND SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR TRACT 29348-2, TOLL BROTHERS, INC., TOLL CA II L.P. 6. APPROVAL OF SUBMISSION OF THE EISENHOWER BRIDGE OVER THE LA QUINTA EVACUATION CHANNEL AS A CANDIDATE PROJECT FOR FY-2002 S.T.I.P. DISCRETIONARY FUNDS 7. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE PLANNING MANAGER AND PRINCIPAL PLANNER TO ATTEND THE APA 2001 ANNUAL CONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN SACRAMENTO, OCTOBER 20-22, 2001. 8. APPROVAL OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE CAMPESINOS UNIDOS, INC., FOR THE RESIDENTIAL ENERGY ASSISTANCE RATE PROGRAM. XI. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNITY SERVICE GRANT REQUESTS. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION. 2. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF MONTERO ESTATES SOUND WALL DESIGN CONCEPT. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION. 3. CONSIDERATION OF INSTALLATION OF ADDITIONAL LIGHTING AT THE LA QUINTA SPORTS COMPLEX. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION. 4. CONSIDERATION OF TEAM SPONSORSHIP FOR RELAY FOR LIFE EVENT ON NOVEMBER 3-4, 2001. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION. City Council Agenda Page 3 August 7, 2001 5. CONSIDERATION OF PARK NAME FOR THE 18 ACRE SITE ON WESTWARD HO AND ADAMS STREET. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION. 6. CONSIDERATION OF THE CIVIC CENTER CAMPUS ACKNOWLEDGMENT AREA CRITERIA. A. MINUTE ORDER' ACTION. 7. CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF STANDARD DRAWINGS RELATED TO INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. A. RESOLUTION ACTION 8. CONSIDERATION OF SELECTION OF A VOTING DELEGATE AND ALTERNATE TO THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING - SEPTEMBER 12-15, 2001. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION 9. CONSIDERATION OF AN IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT RELATING TO PREPAYMENT OF DEBT PURSUANT TO THE REPLACEMENT COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION XIi. STUDY SESSION - NONE XIII. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. CVAG COMMITTEE REPORTS 2. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WORKSHOP/INFORMATION EXCHANGE COMMITTEE (PERKINS) 3. C.V. MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT (PERKINS) 4. C.V. MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY (SNIFF) 5. DESERT RESORTS REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY (HENDERSON) 6. DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AD HOC COMMITTEE (HENDERSON/ADOLPH) 7. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES COMMITTEE 8. MUSEUM EXPANSION COMMITTEE (ADOLPH/SNIFF) 9. PALM SPRINGS DESERT RESORTS CONVENTION & VISITORS AUTHORITY (HENDERSON) 10. PALM SPRINGS DESERT RESORTS AIRLINE SERVICES COMMITTEE (HENDERSON) 11. PALM SPRINGS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION 12. RIVERSIDE COUNTY FREE LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY COMMITTEE 13. RIVERSIDE COUNTY DESERT LIBRARY ZONE ADVISORY BOARD (HENDERSON) 14. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (PENA) 15. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY/SUNLINE SERVICES GROUP (PENA) 16. MINUTES OF INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD OF JUNE 13, 2001 17. MINUTES OF CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION OF JUNE 21, 2001 004 City Council Agenda Page 4 August 7, 2001 XIV. DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1. CITY MANAGER 2. CITY ATTORNEY 3. CITY CLERK A. REPORT ON UPCOMING EVENTS. 4. BUILDING AND SAFETY DIRECTOR A. TENTATIVE TIME -LINE FOR PUBLIC SAFETY TAX MEASURE. 5. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR A. REPORT ON A REQUEST FOR A JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING ON THE GENERAL PLAN. 6. COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR A. FRANCES HACK LA QUINTA COMMUNITY PARK IMPROVEMENTS. 7. FINANCE DIRECTOR 8. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER 9. POLICE CHIEF 10. FIRE CHIEF XV. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS 1. DISCUSSION OF SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT DISPATCH PROCEDURES (ADOLPH) RECESS TO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING RECONVENE AT 7:00 P.M. XVI. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak form and limit your comments to three (3) minutes. Please watch the timing device on the podium. XVII. PRESENTATIONS 1. PRESENTATION OF LA QUINTA YMCA CHILDCARE ART WALL CERTIFICATES. XVIII. PUBLIC HEARINGS For all Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed "request to speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to the start of City Council consideration of that item. The Mayor will invite individuals who have requested the opportunity to speak, to come forward at the appropriate time. 005 City Council Agenda Page 5 August 7, 2001 1. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO CERTIFY A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2001-418, AND A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TO CHANGE THE ZONING DESIGNATION TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND THE GENERAL PLAN TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL FOR APPROXIMATELY 240 ACRES WITHIN THE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA FOR SUBSEQUENT ANNEXATION, BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY AVENUE 52, ON THE EAST BY MONROE STREET, ON THE SOUTH BY AVENUE 53, AND EAST OF THE EXISTING CITY LIMIT LINES. APPLICANT: NRI, LA QUINTA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. (APPLICANT HAS REQUESTED CONTINUANCE TO AUGUST 21, 2001) A. RESOLUTION ACTION(S) B. TAKE UP ORDINANCE AND WAIVE FURTHER READING C. READ BY TITLE ONLY AND INTRODUCE ORDINANCE 2. PURSUANT TO SECTION 2.04.130 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, A) DETERMINATION OF THE SCOPE OF PARTICIPATION IN THE HEARING; B) PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER APPEALS TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION TO ALLOW DEVIATION FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED MASS GRADING PLAN FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF AVENUE 54, BETWEEN JEFFERSON STREET AND MADISON STREET AND DETERMINATION OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION 3. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF AN ADDENDUM TO A PREVIOUSLY CERTIFIED MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2000-406), FOR PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SPECIFIC PLAN 2000-050 (SANTA ROSA PLAZA), PREVIOUSLY APPROVED VILLAGE USE PERMIT 2000-005 AND PREVIOUSLY APPROVED TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 28909; AND TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A MODIFICATION TO VILLAGE USE PERMIT 2000-005. APPLICANT: SANTA ROSA PLAZA, L.L.C. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION XIX. ADJOURNMENT - The next regular meeting of the City Council on August 21, 2001, in the City Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. 006 City Council Agenda Page 6 August 7, 2001 DECLARATION OF POSTING I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the City Council meeting of August 7, 2001, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin boards at the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce and at Stater Bros., 78-630 Highway 111, on Friday, August 3, 2001. DATED: August 3, 2001 JUNE S. GREEK, CMC City Clerk, City of La Quinta, California PUBLIC NOTICE The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's Office at 777-7025, 24-hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. 007 City Council Agenda Page 7 August 7, 2001 A,A gh/0 Joseph A. Broido P.O. Box 1314 La Quinta, CA 902253 August 7, 2001 TO: City Council of La Quinta FROM: Joseph A. Broido, 77-510 Calle Nogales, La Quinta RE: Process for revision of General Plan and associated documents. Very few citizens know the process for the revision of the General Plan. I request the City Council to send me a letter and to post on the city web site the following information. As time is of the essence I would like this done within the next week. The material you send me should contain the following information: 1. What is the process for development of the new General Plan and associated documents and it approval. 2. When was the contract with Terra Nova Planning let. Was it done pursuant to a public bidding procedure? What was the amount of the contract and have there been additions or overruns? 3. What is the history of Public Meetingi When were they held, how were they advertised, who attended and what is the affiliation of those who testified? 4. That is the schedule for moving forward on draft documents. How and when must comments be submitted? What is the schedule for more public debate and the approval cycle? 5. Anything else which you feel the public might benefit from knowing about this most important project. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. seph A. Broido L V - -�4,o J v� 1 / C&ty�o 4 �F'Qur�1w COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: AUGUST 7, 2001 ITEM TITLE: Demand Register Dated August 7, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: Approve Demand Register Dated August 7, 2001 BACKGROUND: Prepaid Warrants: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION CONSENT CALENDAR I STUDY SESSION PUBLIC HEARING 46063 - 460751 60,515.91 46076 - 460781 282.32 46079 - 460801 928.62 46081 - 460831 853.20 46084 - 460881 3,606.00 46089 - 460941 1,563.02 46095 - 461111 17,673.87 46112 - 461221 285226.23 46123 - 461241 22,202.32 Auto Mall Cks} 51,593.99 Wire Transfers} 90,489.36 P/R 7139 - 73141 99,304.69 P/R Tax Transfers} 26,853.99 CITY DEMANDS $2,1325180.60 Payable Warrants: 46125 - 462901 255535273.67 RDA DEMANDS 8255186.59 $259575367.19 $2,957,367.19 FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: VM. sh -City $291325180.60 er, Fhiatke Director 009 CITY OF LA QUINTA AUTO MALL BANK ACCOUNT TRANSACTIONS 5/1/01 - 5/30/01 CHECK # 1032 STAMKO DEVELOPMENT $50,356.49 1033 NICKERSON & ASSOC $1,237.50 TOTAL TRANSACTIONS $51,593.99 010 002 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK TRANSACTIONS 7/11/01 - 7/31/01 7/20/01 WIRE TRANSFER - DEFERRED COMP $5,496.87 7/20/01 WIRE TRANSFER - PERS $8,430.49 7/20101 WIRE TRANSFER - CREDIT UNION $5,297.00 7/26/01 WIRE TRANSFER - RDA ESCROW $46,265.00 7/26/01 WIRE TRANSFER - RDA ESCROW $25,000.00 TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS OUT $90,489.36 Oil 003 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 3:19PM 07/31/01 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF PAGE 1 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT NUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 46125 07/31/01 &01495 PETERSON BROTHERS CONST 50.00 46126 07/31/01 &01496 CONONEL ENTERPRISES INC 250.00 46127 07/31/01 &01497 FRAN CRANE 22.00 46128 07/31/01 &01498 BONNIE KODESCH 5.00 46129 07/31/01 &01499 LOU SLACK 22.00 46130 07/31/01 &01500 S R BRAY CORP DBA POWER 48.00 46131 07/31/01 &01501 HANS M BROST 5.00 46132 07/31/01 &01502 TERESA KEESHAN 22.00 46133 07/31/01 &01503 GERARDO MERGOZA 35.00 46134 07/31/01 &01504 JOHN MOYER 35.00 46135 07/31/01 &01505 JOSEF PONCE 35.00 46136 07/31/01 &01506 RON & BILLIE VANDERBEEK 600.00 46137 07/31/01 &01507 LOLA VILLECCO 8.00 46138 07/31/01 &01508 FRED ISBELL 66.00 46139 07/31/01 &01510 MARILYN BOWLES 80.00 46140 07/31/01 &01511 LION HEART CONSTRUCTION 50.00 46141 07/31/01 &01512 NINA MORALES 41.00 46142 07/31/01 &01513 JORDAN MORALES 25.00 46143 07/31/01 &01514 ANDREW PIERCE CORP 1526.00 46144 07/31/01 AlRO01 A-1 RENTS 313.60 46145 07/31/01 ABL001 ABLE RIBBON TECH 698.50 46146 07/31/01 ACE100 JAIME ACEVEDO 35.00 46147 07/31/01 ACT100 ACT GIS INC 5260.00 46148 07/31/01 AME102 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL 64.00 46149 07/31/01 AND010 ANDERSON TRAVEL SVC INC 201.50 46150 07/31/01 ARC100 ARCH 96.40 46151 07/31/01 ASCO01 A & S COFFEE SERVICE 466.50 46152 07/31/01 ATT030 AT&T WIRELESS LONG-DIST 101.48 46153 07/31/01 AVA100 AVAYA INC 694.27 46154 07/31/01 BAN015 DAVE BANG ASSOCIATES INC 650.66 46155 07/31/01 BER125 BERG & ASSOCIATES INC 57809.62 46156 07/31/01 BER150 BERRYMAN & HENIGAR INC 11359.25 46157 07/31/01 BI0100 BIO TOX 66.80 46158 07/31/01 B00010 BOOK PUBLISHING COMPANY 4789.46 46159 07/31/01 BRI100 BRINKS INC 275.40 46160 07/31/01 CAD010 CADET UNIFORM SUPPLY 496.70 46161 07/31/01 CAL031 CALIF PARKS & RECREATION 42.5.00 46162 07/31/01 CEL010 CELSOC 164.70 46163 07/31/01 CEN010 CENTURY FORMS INC 125.64 46164 07/31/01 CHE005 CHEC ENGINEERING 1870.00 46165 07/31/01 CIM050 CIMA COMPANIES INC 421.10 46166 07/31/01 COA030 COACHELLA VALLEY INSURANC 16929.33 46167 07/31/01 COA060 COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO 145839.71 46168 07/31/01 COA071 COACHELLA VALLEY PRINTING 5643.75 46169 07/31/01 COA073 COACHELLA VLLY RECREATION 17707.73 46170 07/31/01 COA083 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 374867.05 46171 07/31/01 COM020 COMPUTER PROTECTION TECH 2932.00 012 004 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF 3:19PM 07/31/01 PAGE 2 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT NUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT 46172 07/31/01 COR150 CORPORATE EXPRESS 1091.08 46173 07/31/01 COS050 COS'TCO BUSINESS DELIVERY 396.84 46174 07/31/01 CPR104 CPRS DIST XI 130.00 46175 07/31/01 CVA010 C V A G 74010.17 46176 07/31/01 DAN200 DANONE WATERS OF NORTH 464.80 46177 07/31/01 DDP100 DD PAINTING 350.00 46178 07/31/01 DES013 DESERT COMMUNITY COLLEGE 136120.99 46179 07/31/01 DESO40 DESERT JANITOR SERVICE 4525.04 46180 07/31/01 DESO43 DESERT MAP & AERIAL PHOTO 1340.00 46181 07/31/01 DES060 DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 6139.41 46182 07/31/01 DES065 DESERT TEMPS INC 13824.69 46183 07/31/01 DIE050 DIETERICH POST 196.16 46184 07/31/01 DII050 CHRISTINE DIIORIO 30.00 46185 07/31/01 DOU010 DOUBLE PRINTS 1 HR PHOTO 24.78 46186 07/31/01 ECO010 E C SEWER SVC INC 450.00 46187 07/31/01 ELI050 EL INFORMADOR 180.00 46188 07/31/01 ELM100 ELMS EQUIPMENT RENTAL INC 20.48 46189 07/31/01 EQUO10 DALE EQUITZ 50.00 46190 07/31/01 EVA050 DAVID EVANS & ASSOC INC 1742.00 46191 07/31/01 EXP200 EXPRESS DETAIL 1265.00 46192 07/31/01 FAL050 JOHN FALCONER 729.92 46193 07/31/01 FED010 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 426.24 46194 07/31/01 FER200 FERRIS, JOHNSON & ASSOC 1496.95 46195 07/31/01 GAS010 GASCARD INC 199.30 46196 07/31/01 GCS010 GCS WESTERN POWER & EQUIP 5584.89 46197 07/31/01 GRA010 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO 694538.46 46198 07/31/01 GUM050 BRAD GUMMER 192.50 46199 07/31/01 HAR010 HARRIS & ASSOCIATES 19230.00 46200 07/31/01 HAR100 JOHN HARDCASTLE 39.65 46201 07/31/01 HEG050 JIM HEGGE 295.00 46202 07/31/01 HIL150 HILTON FARNKOPF & 2760.00 46203 07/31/01 HOA010 HUGH HOARD INC 3200.58 46204 07/31/01 HOM030 HOME DEPOT 1437.04 46205 07/31/01 HOR100 DODIE HORVITZ 106.84 46206 07/31/01 IND030 INDIO SHOE STORE INC 129.00 46207 07/31/01 INF030 INFORMATION'RESOURCES 210.00 46208 07/31/01 INT014 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF 50.00 46209 07/31/01 JAS100 JAS PACIFIC 15179.00 46210 07/31/01 JPRO10 JP REPROGRAPHICS 566.63 46211 07/31/01 JUD010 JUDICIAL DATA SYSTEMS COR 101.50 46212 07/31/01 KEI010 KEITH COMPANIES 10438.00 46213 07/31/01 KRI100 BRUCE KRIBBS CONSTRUCTION 3844.00 46214 07/31/01 KUS050 KUSTOM SIGNALS INC 164.22 46215 07/31/01 LAQ010 LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION 100.00 46216 07/31/01 LAQ030 LA QUINTA CAR WASH 9.95 46217 07/31/01 LEA020 LEAGUE OF CALIF CITIES 395.00 46218 07/31/01 L00010 LOCK SHOP INC 110.62 46219 07/31/01 LOG020 MARK LOGAN LANDSCAPE INC 816.63 46220 07/31/01 MAR007 MARRIOT PHILADELPHIA 935.68 013 005 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 3:19PM 07/31/01 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF PAGE 3 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT NUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT 46221 07/31/01 MCDO10 MC DOWELL AWARDS 130.67 46222 07/31/01 MCM210 LESLIE MCMILLAN 92.50 46223 07/31/01 MOM100 MOM'S GAS STATION 766.00 46224 07/31/01 MOT050 MOTION PICTURE LICENSING 171.00 46225 07/31/01 MUN010 MUNI FINANCIAL SERV INC 3789.19 46226 07/31/01 NAT004 NATIONAL ARBOR DAY FOUND 50.00 46227 07/31/01 NAW010 RON NAWROCKI 3000.00 46228 07/31/01 NEX010 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 1977.59 46229 07/31/01 NIC101 NICKERSON & ASSOC INC 7377.50 46230 07/31/01 OFF005 OFFICE DEPOT INC 1211.43 46231 07/31/01 OLI100 OLINN MESSAGE CENTER 94.09 46232 07/31/01 OUT100 OUTDOOR SERVICES INC 200.00 46233 07/31/01 OWE020 OWEN & BRADLEY 186.50 46234 07/31/01 PAR030 PARKHOUSE TIRE INC 241.01 46235 07/31/01 PER010 RONALD A PERKINS 26.37 46236 07/31/01 PIC100 PICKENS FUEL CORP 22.46 46237 07/31/01 PIT010 PITNEY BOWES CREDIT CORP 1366.00 46238 07/31/01 PRE015 THE PRESS -ENTERPRISE CO 602.74 46239 07/31/01 PRI020 THE PRINTING PLACE 118.25 46240 07/31/01 PUR100 PURKISS ROSE-RSI 6180.16 46241 07/31/01 QUA200 QUALITY FENCE CO INC 8429.64 46242 07/31/01 QUI100 QUILAN PUBLISHING GROUP 154.89 46243 07/31/01 RAL050 RALPHS GROCERY CO 195.25 46244 07/31/01 RAS020 RASA - ERIC NELSON 1380.00 46245 07/31/01 RES005 RESERVE ACCOUNT 4000.00 46246 07/31/01 RIV030 RIVERSIDE COUNTY CLERK 4.00 46247 07/31/01 RIV080 RIVERSIDE COUNTY HEALTH 2290.00 46248 07/31/01 RIV100 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFFS 558048.42 46249 07/31/01 RIV108 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF 40.00 46250 07/31/01 RIV120 RIV COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT 74056.81 46251 ** AP CHECK RUN VOID ** 46252 07/31/01 RUT050 RUTAN & TUCKER 147459.23 46253 07/31/01 RZC100 R-Z COMPANY 2495.00 .46254 07/31/01 SAX100 SAXON ENGINEERING SERVICE 770.00 46255 07/31/01 SEC050 SECURITY LINK/AMERITECH 160.33 46256 07/31/01 SIM025 SIMON MOTORS INC 8.92 46257 07/31/01 SIM050 SIMPLEX TIME RECORDER CO 704.68 46258 07/31/01 SKY200 SKYTEL 26.53 46259 07/31/01 SMA010 SMART & FINAL 37.07 46260 07/31/01 SMI150 MALCOLM SMITH MOTORSPORTS 1005.92 46261 07/31/01 SOCO10 THE SOCO GROUP INC 104.94 46262 07/31/01 SOU007 SOUTHWEST NETWORKS, INC 2227.50 46263 07/31/01 SOU050 SOUTHERN CALIF MUNICIPAL 25.00 46264 07/31/01 SOU300 SOUTHERN CALIF SOIL & 1485.00 46265 07/31/01 SPA100 THE SPANOS CORPORATION 15000.00 46266 07/31/01 STA045 STAN'S AUTO TECH 300.54 46267 07/31/01 STA050 STAPLES 116.97 46268 07/31/01 STA150 STATER BROS 67.58 46269 07/31/01 TAG100 TAG/AMS INC 100.00 01 quG ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 3:19PM 07/31/01 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF PAGE 4 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT NUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT 46270 07/31/01 TAR050 TARGET/DAYTON'S 54.35 46271 07/31/01 TDD050 T D DESERT DEVELOPMENT 1822.40 46272 07/31/01 TER100 TERRA NOVA PLANNING & 32280.88 46273 07/31/01 TKDO10 T.K.D. ASSOCIATES INC 803.19 46274 07/31/01 TOP010 TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 62.67 46275 07/31/01 TRI100 TRI STATE LAND SURVEYORS 3640.58 46276 07/31/01 TRU010 TRULY NOLEN INC 286.00 46277 07/31/01 TTI100 TTI NATIONAL INC 7.87 46278 07/31/01 UPB100 UPBEAT INC 550.80 46279 07/31/01 USI150 US INVESTIGATIONS SVC INC 150.00 46280 07/31/01 VAL005 VALLEY ANIMAL CLINIC 80.00 46281 07/31/01 VAL020 VALLEY PLUMBING 16.77 46282 07/31/01 VOG050 CHRIS A VOGT 302.50 46283 07/31/01 WES020 WEST GROUP 43.00 46284 07/31/01 WHE050 WHEELER'S 1150.00 46285 07/31/01 WIN010 WINSTON TIRES 102.76 46286 07/31/01 WIS020 WISE MAINTENANCE & CONST 835.00 46287 07/31/01 WOR100 WORLDCOM 2295.00 46288 07/31/01 XER010 XEROX CORPORATION 1141.12 46289 07/31/01 XER011 XEROX CORPORATION 149.00 46290 07/31/01 ZUR050 ZUMAR INDUSTRIES ING 332.91 CHECK TOTAL 2,553,273.67 015 007 z 01 N Iq N N N !M N r-4 N M v LO l0 r H p Z —4 H .-4 ri O r-I M r O W U C-4 01 r-I Ol H O N O N O N M N M N M N M N M N M N M N E rtr Cq H H H H H EH H H H H H H a a N e1 O O O O O O O O O O O O N H W z D O O Ln O O LO O N N O Ln O N N O Co C O O N N O M O M O U� rM O 0 O Q 0 N a Cl 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 O 0 o 0 O 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 w O W u-) H O I-1 u) z N O N z u7 O z N O N U O Z q' z Un O z N O N W Ln Cu M wL� Cw M w 44 M O O a N U)cn U) U) U)H H H £ U H w 0 < Cra Cu Csr al H H Q 44 \ < Gu \ W E14 w W Cca a w Cu a oG W a a U cn a H ri+ a 0 H a 0 H a 0 H a a W a 0 H a 0 H a 0 a 0 a o 44 a c) z 0 w < Z H" "0 U H a 0 In Q W H D O U) < W. H Do cn < W H D O a < H (DO cn rC w H DO U) < w H no x r>: W H U O x Q W H U O cx 0:4 W H U O H 0 a W U H H cn E+ D a H U H x U H x U H x 0 H a U H x U H x U H O U H O U H O H D H O a H W a O 0 �. O w ix O w rz O w w O co a O w z O W cz O cn w O cn Qz O cn % O m Z a U 0 0 z z 0 O z z 0 0 z z 0 0 z z 0 0 z z 0 0 z z 0 O z z 0 0 z z 0 0 z z 0 0 z z 0 0 z z C] z H (n W 0 W Gu 9 0 W C74 > D W 44 > D W C.a > D W Gu > D W Cu > 0 W Ca > 0 W C&, > 0 W fs. > D W Cu > D W > 0 Cu cn 0 W a W a W x W a W a W a W x W x W x W a W x W a W w U W H 0 fx r a' O 1 z H O z H W x D H Ln O N O N M O �' N O r N O Ol N O O ODO 01 0 m I M O H ci z r N r1 H ri -1 ri r1 -4 O H Co H ri O H ,Y. a z a < m w a� a I O O C1 H x w o o ao ,-+ Ln LO U-) o o c Lr) v Ln w Ln w LO �o Ln ao a1 O M C C C O z �o r-I rn m r m r M r M o N r (`') r M r (M r M r M rn M H z 0 O o 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 o o 0 o O 0 O 0 0 o 0 0 O 0 0 o 0 0 O 0 0 o O 0 0 0 0 U U Q o ri O 'A o —4 O r-I O O O O o 0 O o H U H G4 x W p U V1 p a W W Cl Cn En 0 9 a I H a a H U W a 0 cHn Q ai p a W H W E-H rq z W W z 0 O x AG U U O P: W W W x W Ix W >+ U z 0 a a H p4 HO < D >4 a cn a a W z U W H 1 U) r� OG CQ £ a cn 0 x z a w a a o 0 H W z 0 z O D O a Cf) z Q a w a W x 0 vi O z 0 cn H Gu z w a U Cti cn a cn x H 0 h h a z p D p >+ > u7 M w l0 01 r 01 c O 0) v 0) 01 O O LO O Ln O Lr) O u7 O Ln u7 O LO O O u7 U H U H Q U _q O O r-+ O r a O O ka r-1 O W O r-1 O —4 O —4 O r-I O ­4 o z F O z aD O rM H r-I M H N M r1 N M cT LO O -4 M 0 M N r O W C7 x U F rrr M N r M N r M N r M N r O M r O M r O M r O M r O M r O M r r N r N r •-+ r E Q a a N Pa F F F F F F F F F F F E-+ F F H N z F O CD O O -O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O l0 C>\ M H r-I O CD O O W x >4 z O O 0b N N N N N N O O O al V N N LO M H to 00 1n M O 0D to a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cl o 0 O 0 o 0 0 0 0 o Ln O o Cl O W E � 0D z O x z O x z 01.0 x W O U OD 4 O z N O W H H a A W H N A z W N >4 1-4 M F W w w w F H E--� z U) 11 U) 11 a w w w z a r>; F O U H< a a F 0 H a 0 H cn s 0 H a W H a W a 4 F r>r r� a F 0 U) a w F 0 H a U) 4 PG EH 0 a F 4 H F Q F z W a a F a < F a PG Q W F W U z < W UP H O H a 0 F a (D O Ow 0 F D U x w D U x w D O U F x w a (7 0 A F a COW x 0 W F > Ow D O U E+ x w Pc D O O F x w rz z 0 w F W 04 P4 PG F z 0 F W U) c% O F a U O O F O U) a F U) H O > H H a U) O A w Ina D 0"1 W mono D D 0 D W O no D w O am D w O on D W O on D W O am D W W z H O A w W H 04 W H a O M W O 00 D W U) U) Q W A > CL4 W a > w W W 64 W w G4 > W a Gu > W x U4 > w W G4 > w a G4 > W X 44 > w D 01 W > a D U) 04 D Ua > tX4 > w U) H w w H Q O > I > a W co r l0 Ln r 00 C' N 1-1 M M OD N 00 I z H A H z H x D z r w N N O ri N O ri N O r4 r 1 H ri r-I -r4 00 r-1 4�0 Ln M 'A r-1 O N r--i r M O ­4 O O H x a < Po W co a 1 0 O G4 F rz W Po o o o rr In al -W Ln o o o ao .-4 M un v Ln c o o O 0 O O 0 o o 0 o o LO v rn o �o z r r i r M r M r M M N M C r M r M rn C N LO 1-1 w .-+ O r r-i O r r M Q' rn O l0 E+ z D O O O O O 0 O O 0 O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O In v Ln M Ln M O O r 1 U U a O ri Cl r-1 0 r-1 0 r-1 O r--1 O r-1 O O O O o 0 O Cl z O H M a U) F U D z OU U) a a Ov w F w F I r!; a z U U w a a a MCWA a a a a CQ a 3 O Po F U) W a O U P4 W H a U) z 0 W z 0 Po 0 w > W U z H pq H >4 DOI a a P4 0 H rt+ a En H A W U) H A W Ui H A W z a H PG W x z 0 O < z a A z w 04 A z a r1 P� W a a W s w £ H U) 0 F U) F 44 z W o w w w a z a a Q h a z O D 0 >+ U F U� > r O In -4 O w 00 O to r-1 0 w M O N r-4 0 w M O Ln r-1 0 4ro O H Ln H O w r1 r-1 LO r 4 O %a N r-1 In r-1 CD La M r-I In r-I O �a H U-) 1-4 O LaQ O O C4 r-1 O O a W RC H O O s W O O H W U RC O O 1-4 F U � FL 00.9 z --w Ln N H M c M M O r 1 N V U-)lD r m '-i O H z O M \ M x r U O) O) (Y) M M M O O O O O O M a> 0) m O W H H N N N N M M M m M M N r 1 1-1 H C� < r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r a s H H HE- H H E+ H H H HE-4 E-+ H H H N ri O O O O O O O O r r-I r l0 N 1n O o N H 0 o O Ln V O If) O r r N l0 l0 N O O z H W z O O V' -4 l0 r4 In CD C) r-1 V' O 0) - ao M N M OD o l0 O 0) In v to l0 M O) 1n o V' N C >+ 0 o LO N N r-4 l0 l0 co l0 V* M a r N N .-+ Ln o O O O O m r l0 N Cl (D u') 1n cv l0 tD O c rI 10 l0 ri a' O Ol 1.0 l0 O 01 t0 O Q\ LO H O N N c r-1 w l0 z 00 L W r W U U C� > > E-1 r� U) cn z z f!) 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U ri '-I ri ri r-I r-1 r-1 r-i r-1 r--1 Q O o O O O O O O O O O O O (D 0 0 r-1 ri r-I r-1 ri ri r--1 ri r-1 r-1 H r-1 V' r-I r-i ri a H U H z U) U) 1z1 U U U U H H H U z z z M �+ U U u U 11 0 1 W H H H H CD0 > H H H 0 0 H oG Cc a O >4 w 0i Z O O H w U' 1n Ea W -1 W W a s U H H H H a w w U) U) U) o a z z z U > W W W U) (f) U) U x x x I U U O 0 W Ea. 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H N z Ei W 2 r E D LO >+ O Q a rn N m M a z H O O U o a H o z a z H U) LL W w � W Gu U w H A Q'. ur) O I > o M H z O C] H x O a z w Q aq w w rx I O O r4 Ey rx O w O Im O E � M z O E-4 z �o :D LO O U U -4 Q O O M Z H O O co to W aCO H � I b W E-4 a z z F-I rz a z cn 0 z > O O H o U a a � N l0 M N (M LO LO N a Q E-4 O Ei E-4 z w a 036 029 ACCOUNTS CITY OF PAYABLE - AP5005 LA QUINTA CHECK REGISTER 1:38PM 07/26/01 BANK ID: DEF PAGE 1 CHECK CHECK VENDOR NUMBER DATE NO, NAME PAYMENT AMOUNT ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 46123 46124 07/26/01 07/26/01 COA073 COACHELLA VLLY RECREATION 21812.00 PET005 CASH/PETTY CASH 390.32 CHECK TOTAL 22,202.32 037 030 zN M IT Ln 1.0 r m O cY O E-+ z N � � 0 o Di x H E a s 0 M w E-4 Ew-� EW-q H H H E-4F Fw+ z E-+ O O O O O m tD O O M O O tD m r i O O tD z O O O m M N H to M H C I` N O O N M H N E-4 H CD ' o rn W N a O a O co m as as m as as m z a0 < coH 0 w w w w w w w w a a a a a x cz a E-4O H a z E- z x x x x x x x x m U) Cn u) U)U) (n E- CqQU UOH U U U U U U Ow H N H W E� E� F P F C� EPA Ems+ A z � O a w E- H E� E-H Ey E-4 w a w w a > w w U W a a w H A 0 fi z I z z z H A h1 H A z H x a z a rt ao w � x 1 Q O r.4 p D" w H m N O O O O O O O N O O O O O O O CQ :D U') m CD CD O CD O CD CD z E� O Ln in [� [� �--i [� In O M v M M O M Lo lD tD tD lD lD I- tD (n z O r Ln N M r-I m V O O to o �n O O O U r1 rI r+ ri C N tT rn a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O z O H E-+ M W a U o o w L,n a >4 cxn Cl) vxi co cxn cxn U) cxn I U U U U U U U U a z a H H H H h H H H °4 H >1 Ol a x w w w w w w w w a4 a4 a4 aJ a a a' Q U \ \ U < 0 U cxn vxi co co CO cxn vxi cxn U U U U U Z a0 W a U U U M N N Ln LO LO Ln Ln Ln p }, O p o o O O o o o 0 E-1 P Ei E-4 E-H E-F Ei Ey C) U U a a a a a a w a N fM N O N N N a a E-4 O E-4 E~ z w a 0 3 S 031 ACCOUNTS CITY OF PAYABLE - AP5005 LA QUINTA CHECK REGISTER 11:19AM 07/25/01 BANK ID: DEF PAGE 1 CHECK NUMBER CHECK DATE VENDOR PAYMENT NO. NAME AMOUNT ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 46112 46113 07/25/01 07/25/01 &01509 LANNIE DEERING 52 46114 07/25/01 AME026 BUI041 AMERICAN ASSOC OF CODE BUILDING 45.00 .00 46115 46116 07/25/01 COL045 INDUSTRY ASSOC COLT SECURITY SERVICES 29.00 46117 07/25/01 07/25/01 CO0100 ICS050 COOLEY CONSTRUCTION INC 196.00 1170.00 46118 46119 07/25/01 IMPO10 ICSC REGISTRATION DEPT IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 46120 07/25/01 07/25/01 LRP200 LRP PUBLICATIONS 728.50 8147.35 147.35 46121 46122 07/25/01 PET005 RIV102 CASH/PETTY CASH RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF 100.90 07/25/01 VER200 VERIZON 1233.94 33.94 CHECK TOTAL 28,226.23 039 032 O a7 O c ao N u-) t.0 r ODO '-i N M v LO W ul N r 0 W a p [U1 a4 U F U H U (7 rn E' w E-F F F w F w F E E E E E E£ F Ff E-4 F EW-+ F Ew+ '1 ' F z F 0 N L 0 � r O O O4 O O a O LO O o 0 0 O Ln ul H1O tr) O OO c) C q tO0 Oz O OO CD aM p H H u)O O qw 7 0O N r O H O lU N N O O .4 '-1 - N (N v O O 0 W CD p p O N O O z W rn OOD O O 0 '-' O r o M r '-� F' F' E' F F F F W W W W W W W Un z CO W F U w U) F E-F F E-+ E-+ F w w w w w w w w w w w w z w xzxxxxxza H F a w F xo z w cn W w aH F w w w F E" > 0 H 0H H H H H H H HEy aw wo wo wwwW H w o 2z xa co o 4 F-JZ H o 0 z °a F zz 0D w w w zzz o o Q U a F 0 naGO ,, Fw 0wzzQH xnO xn xn xm axD axa QxD aa z m ao U U U U U U Uz H o A w>> W a CO W w> W o w W> "' W F> w W U U U w w cn cn > H H H F w> w z a w> Z �. >• >+ >� >+ >. H H H H H H H a a a o > I w .� [q M con a a a a Q H H z CN U-) o O < z a ao W w a 1 0 o w F o LO d' 0 0 0 LO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 z r M � r M M Q co r r r r O o 0 0 0 0 0 E z 0 U O O N MCD I'p M M l0 l0 �O CDO O H N Cp �jLr) M O r N N O O M (n ko � ko r r l0 l0 CD O O O to O O O r-I O ,� p � O . I LO t0 1-4 H ') H N Cl CD Cl HO O O O O O O O O -4 r 4 ri H CDU 0 U o w U H zz a a a p F o z oO 0 H w O U � a U) (�F-I a w U) H F U 0 z z z o 0 0 �, < O x x x x x x x W M H W A Q z H U a U � 0 E P H H H a H Q H U U U U U U U >�, a s 0 W z z U z w H Q H � a w a W W W a a a U U U cn Q '-' w 1-4 o w P F' P F E-i F F F F F F F F F a a a a a w a z a O p O 0 O cn cn a a ai vxi cxn cxn vxi vxi cxn O >4 O F U N O IV O o °4 LO p 0 U O Q 0 O O O LO LO to (On lon vOj ►U-I p r-q 0 a4 H 0 N w 0 u) N }� l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O f1 ;! o 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a w w w w w H H a as w as a, n, 033 z r 00 O H z 0 u� N \ N x r O Q W a H 0 '-� E-4 z H o rn � O M M >4 O O O O C p� M 'n Ix O M H Q N \ '-I . H H O a � a w o a H o H oz a o O H H z H a o p; a w o F4 z o o z H CO z z W H W H W A > > a w w U W FA La LL' O N I > LO H (] H = H H p z r r H x r FC z a � W m a 1 0 o w H a W O N O M O �p z ,� M H CN �D z o 0 O 0 ,n U o d U L o r � Cu w H a w M x o U) o °v F+ z o a a z w W H � >4 a cr) O L% a (4 H a U) z z H W H w W x > 5 0 }H N o O 0 U H rI N > Q U H W a M N 1� N N OD N a H O E+ H z w E a 041 034 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF CHECK NUMBER 46095 46096 46097 46098 46099 46100 46101 46102 46103 46104 46105 46106 46107 46108 46109 46110 46111 CHECK DATE VENDOR NO. NAME ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 07/23/01 07/23/01 07/23/01 07/23/01 07/23/01 07/23/01 07/23/01 07/23/01 07/23/01 07/23/01 07/23/01 07/23/01 07/23/01 07/23/01 07/23/01 07/23/01 07/23/01 ABE001 AME051 BES100 BOB100 BUT010 COA080 CUN100 IMPO10 IRWO20 KIRO10 MIT150 PUE050 REY055 ROB150 TYL050 VER200 WRI050 JACQUES ABELS AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS BEST BUY CO INC BILL BOBBITT RICHARD BUTLER COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DENNIS CUNNINGHAM IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST BARBARA IRWIN TOM KIRK MICHAEL MITCHELL MARIA L PUENTE FRANK R. REYNOLDS P.E. STEVE ROBBINS ROBERT T TYLER VERIZON ROBERT S WRIGHT CHECK TOTAL 09:12AM 07/23/01 PAGE 1 PAYMENT AMOUNT 150.00 420.00 42.98 100.00 150.00 15411.53 100.00 524.27 50.00 150.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 150.00 25.09 50.00 17,673.87 04� Jwi ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK 08:14AM ID: DEF 07/19/01 PAGE 1 CHECK CHECK VENDOR NUMBER DATE NO. NAME PAYMENT AMOUNT ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 46089 46090 07/19/01 07/19/01 COA080 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 87.84 46091 07/19/01 LAQ050 RIV040 LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES RIVERSIDE 416.00 46092 46093 07/19/01 SUP100 CNTY DEPT CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CLEARING- 426.50 46094 07/19/01 07/19/01 UNIO05 UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 150.00 179.00 VER200 VERIZON 303.68 CHECK TOTAL 1,563.02 047' 036 z O ,r) ,� N M H N M V H z p m r O OD U W E" EE" E H 0) H rn E- am 0, E" am m FI w w w w E-I E4 E� E• zE+ 00 FY Co co 0 v M r .-� O Ln N 00 -qLO O 0 N N N N m m m m u7 u7 u7 r r r r NO M LO w 44 H W o z 1 H A H A H x w a z U O Z U U] Q> a aq H � z U U W W 3 3 0 0 O O o� r-� O O l0 to V 0 r °° a F O Cz7 O 0 A l0 p _' W o1 , a a Ea, I� O AO A W a> a p LO A to N 0" a s a Ft p A Z a> p\, p0 ' 5Ln I x H z a a a s O U) O A Z a> � a 00 < 3 W E-4 H a z a p • tin O A z x> a' U U U U ai W W W W z z z z x x x x a4 a CL a o m w r 01 Ol 01 0) �P V C C' l0 w w w Lnu-) Ln ur OD �D M a O z w O E-F z w >» a I A ~I w Fq ao as a 1 O O 44 E� CL H 0 p p 0 0 o o N N N N O 0 O N p O 0 o N p0 r-I op p N Cl 0 0 O op to N O 0 p o o p o CD CD CD 0 o p (D a) to Ln Lo M M M M l0 l0 l0 w u1 u) u) in '-4 .-i ri . -I H ri r-I ri O Cl O O M W H a z na H >4 01 a a s V) z o 0 U H u x OA 2 > a x 3 3 a a a a s W W x x U U a s 0 o 0 o C) o r� r>; U) pa, W }I �, H U H o a a a p o < a La x U E� a W A }' z U H a > H a p H a I z Ell ,4 U E- z x }4 a LL F a o a "' p ri n U) w W H 0 FC 3 A W E+ H `n O 0 H a ZZZZ o 0 0 0 fNI H H H a m a a > p o o p o p o 0 a a a a > > > > 044 037 ACCOUNTS CITY OF PAYABLE - AP5005 LA QUINTA CHECK REGISTER BANK ID: DEF CHECK CHECK NUMBER DATE NO. VENDOR NAME ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 46084 46085 07/17/01 07/17/01 DEP009 DEPT OF CRIMINAL JU STICE 46086 07/17/01 HEN050 TERRY HENDERSON 46087 07/17/01 PEN010 JOHN PENA 46088 07/17/01 SOU002 WEL025 SOUL OF CHINA WELLS FARGO BANKCARD CHECK TOTAL 11:55AM 07/17/01 PAGE 1 PAYMENT AMOUNT 42.00 865.00 695.00 244.14 1759. 86 3,606.00 045' 038 N (n Cr Lr) C4 O E-H Z O � � x p 0 < £ E E E E a °Q E' E'' F' H H H H H H r M E+ p CD C) C) Q �r O N p z E+ N m O w z N v N 1' O co m CD NU') N HO ao l0 M O O O O O O 00 w � a LO � Ln � ca � a w Qz OD 6Z lD N Q 44 O � O 0 Ea W U Ei ,.UUa a H w w U a2 z H H U Q w a a o z E' z H z H w E~ o O O� a4 o U EH� Ea > > H H a H n w o F O a o a o Q a (n ����- a O a 00 U a z U fZ C] a O a O H z O 2 Z H O H W z W z W z U z H H z Q > > E� Oa./ H W 0 H > a W > W cn O w w w a W U E W Ga U W p a4 O w "0 �o a z z x M rn CD CDrn w H 0 H O l0 l0 lD 1p l0 ao � H z < z E� a r� aq w w a o o w H a W p 0 CD 0 p O O CDO CDO O o o O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 0 0 z M O M M M r r r r -i M M M M O M to Fo �' �o 1,0 r to z ,-q � 00 H H N H C' l-) O N O 00 O O CD O O U o H M U Q I-f O r-q O '-I r-q rI H O 0 0 O O O O O o rI H H H � W U H E+ cr) a M O a x x z x x x H O Q Cq iA W m ai H W H o 0 0 0 0 W w z U z CQ w z a a a oc rz x w w w w w < oa O w 0 rx E� x z cn cn cn cn cn a s o a x x a a a a a E-H Ga 3 3 3 3 3 � O p LO CD N Lr) L-r) Lr) Lr) U-) o >4 U E� p O p O p N N N N N a, z z o 0 0 0 0 Q U p w W O W W W W W x a cn 3 3 3 3 3 04r 03q ACCOUNTS CITY OF PAYABLE - AP5005 LA QUINTA CHECK REGISTER 2:12PM 07/16/01 BANK ID: DEF PAGE 1 CHECK CHECK NUMBER DATE NO. VENDOR NAME PAYMENT AMOUNT ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 46081 46082 07/16/01 07/16/01 &01494 AGRIPINA RAZO 300.00 46083 07/16/01 PEN010 SPL100 JOHN PENA RON SPLUDE 150.00 403.20 CHECK TOTAL 853.20 047 n40 z N H M Q a O E� z 0 o w H E E c� a w w w �t m E 4 E- E- a a N 0 • O O O N E-+ O O CV z P . W z o o M p o o �+ 0 a 0 0 0 O O N W O LD O M O z u- o w M -4 C' � U Q a z z O � w " < U O 0 0 < O O H U p W Q O H a Q a a P a O O O U O a Q Q '4 Q n Q rzi cn D W > W H W 44 > > Q G] a z CO a E- H U W H Q a o w i > ao z z H z. Q FC z a < x w m a o o w E-H a O O N W O O Ol W O 0 LO E a M M Ol z to M O E� z O O M a o o u-) O O O N U r� o O O ­4 -4 ­4 M O 0 LO a a o N W W E-r r� Q H oa0 z w a a >+ a a cn < a H z a O a x z a o U z a E4 [L4 w O w rn o O >+ o U E- z �l ow < U a U) O N M LO OD E�+ O E-H H z w E a 04� 041 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF CHECK CHECK VENDOR NUMBER DATE NO. NAME ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 46079 07/16/01 IMPO10 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 46080 07/16/01 RCT100 RCTC CHECK TOTAL 09:17AM 07/16/01 PAGE 1 PAYMENT AMOUNT 472.62 456.00 928.62 04`l 042 z -i (N m vT U-) �D r m m o 90 H z 0 � � x t� U C7 C7 C� C7 C7 C� C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 O W H x x x x x x x x w w W a CO H E-+ H E-H H H H E F E- H H m O H (Y) lD O O H m 'D M H N O O \D �,O O O z H W z m rn rn c r r rn r N r x M .-1 .1 r-H O N Ln Un >+ Q cr Q a N O lD O N lD r Ln U) H w x U a H a < H rt z U U U U U U U U U U H H 0 > > > > > > > > > a O z 0 W H cn ul to cn cn H H H U H H a U U U U U U U U U U x a s Q H H H H H H H H H H H O H O > x cz cz rz rz cz D: r� cz rz rx n n z U H H H H H H H H H H z x z H cn U U U U U U U U U U W U W W W W W W W W W W W w > > o a a a a a a a a a a w cn w w w w w w w w w w m w w U C4 O O O cV cr c1 m m m CC) H Ci rz Ln un Ln w M M cy) N N N O W rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn > I > m M Ol Ql m a) Q1 m 0) (n C) z z x Ln u) Ln Ln Ln Ln "n Ln u) Ln H 0 H a O O O O O O O O O O H z O O O O O O O O O O 0 Ln Ln In to Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln a < w w as x I 0 0 w H a' N N N N N N N O O O O W m m M m M M M O O O O w lD lD lD �.D lD lD O O O O x z N N N N N N N N N N O lD lD lD lD lD lD lD lD lD lD r H (+) ch a Ln Ln Ln ur) Ln Ln Ln a) a-) Ln U') 0 --Zr vT N U U H -i O O O O O O O O O O O H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H M O O O O O O O O O O O H H H H . . H H H H O H H H H H H H H H H Ln FC a Cr Zx a a a a a a a a (S. H H H . H H H H H H w H a z a a a a a a a a a a H H h-1 >4 O a a a cz cz a Z cz Z cz < R: W W w W W w w w w w U a rrr 0 as as as a CL as a a a a H a 0 x x x z x x x x x x U (n z H H H H H H H H H H (.i. E-+ fs+ W z 0 > 0 00 o CD 0 0 CD CDo M r 4 r-I .--I f-i H r-1 -1 r-1 .-I H o Q >4 O O O O O O O O O O U H a a a a a a, a a a a H U H x x x x x x x x x x U < U Fi N CC) N a) I 0 H a W CO O H 050 043 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF CHECK CHECK VENDOR NUMBER DATE NO. NAME ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 46076 07/12/01 RIV101 RIV COUNTY SHERIFF/INDIO 46077 07/12/01 VER200 VERIZON 46078 07/12/01 VER210 VERIZON INTERNET SOLUTION CHECK TOTAL 2:47PM 07/12/01 PAGE 1 PAYMENT AMOUNT 150.00 63.32 69.00 282.32 051 044 z 9O H z 0 N H � � x U O W H � Q � a w a a M v' N H z H w z >+ O Q � a z O w H U H H W > a F-I CO w ca G] [s, U w H o a O w > I > W z z x F--I M H z H x a z a Q w uo ao a I O O w H a W ao E D z H z M O U U a (') O 0 LO a a 1 a W H a z (Y� H a � >4 a Q a a Q O a o w z H r4 w z O > O H U H a U H M v N U cD (D c7 W W W W H E-H E-F H O 0) M O N O v' OD O (M O L� r Ql N U-) M N l0 OD r-i N O N O O M O O to lD l0 Q rl H O E-H H z E W G] W U) fW Q O Q W a Q H £ E-H U H CL co OH U HO z HO Q > U O U) x > H a H 0Z "' o >4 o < o Z M W z H W W W w> O x> H> I W x z z 0 a H H o H m o a M N W � H I M I` E-H 0 0 0 O v' O r-1 O r-1 O H z 1- A r-4 44 H R' w x >4 H z 0 O U > H a O > H a v M k.0 —1 IZ �o Ln t` M N l0 l0 v' v' Lr) Ln v' v r-I r-4 O O r-4 r-1 z z O O N N H H a a w w > > 0 0 O O a z w w > > 0 0 0 rn 0 \D N O LO N O z O F-I H a O U) F W z p4 w H z I --I z O N I -A z w > O N x w > 045 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF CHECK CHECK VENDOR NUMBER DATE NO. NAME ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 46063 07/11/01 ATT075 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 46064 07/11/01 BUI041 BUILDING INDUSTRY ASSOC 46065 07/11/01 COA080 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 46066 07/11/01 COM085 COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS OF 46067 07/11/01 ELRO10 EL RANCHITO 46068 07/11/01 HOM030 HOME DEPOT 46069 07/11/01 IMPO10 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 46070 07/11/01 NEW400 THE NEW YORK PALACE 46071 07/11/01 SAN220 SAN DIEGO ZOO 46072 07/11/01 SOU010 SOUTHERN CALIF GAS CO 46073 07/11/01 SPRO10 SPRINT 46074 07/11/01 STA010 STAMKO DEVELOPMENT 46075 07/11/01 VER200 VERIZON CHECK TOTAL 1:30PM 07/11/01 PAGE 1 PAYMENT AMOUNT 55.79 44.00 1059.22 2000.00 256.18 3156.95 11.89 6978.96 51.60 44.88 912.73 45508.05 435.66 60,515.91 053 046 z rl H N M N M C LO w r O m O r-1 N w u-) M c CD H C; Z .-4 r OW CxJ H C7 E C7 E C7 E C� E C7 E CD E (7 C7 E C7 C7 E C7 E C7 E C7 E C7 E C7 E C7 E C7 E (7 E C7 E U x 4 9c Cq w H w H w H w H w H w E 4 W H w H W H w H w &4 W H w H w H w H w H w H w F. w H a a O N •• H Z H Ol r O O N O O N O O 00 r-4 O M '4 N Ln 0) m O C' O LO r M a) -4 1,0 r O 1 r O W x >+ < a z O O L sT e-1 Cn lD 00 lD M O O O N lD Ln N N Ol 1D O r-1 to O uO r-I N W 00 H r--1 N N 4 lD r lD 00 M N M L� lD O [h a) lD r-1 LO 01 r O O N N O O OD tO C1 0) Co l0 01 1n Ln C9 z c cr rn Ln Cl C7 z H C> O O x w z �c 1n N w Ln .-4 -4 1-1 OD r rn H E ❑ z (N z H (Y) �D U > a H w (� U) x cn U > z H W z< a a w s 4 a cn a s a a a to z O O x H 0 CO x H O H O Cn to H O 9 H E-+ O H O U >> U H O E- O H W U H a H H U U H Wz H Z H H H U H U H O a H a < O: O a D: 0 >> cn cn a O a x s O D O a O m w m W m W m W m W w W m W m W m W a 0 U H" U a 0 O U a O H H > z Z U 4 D ❑ Z ❑ z Iz (z ❑ Z w A z U A z H a F-1 a H a H a H a H a H a H a H a A z Z H C4 H A Z a ❑ z H H to W a 9> W W z> W W H W E-F W > Cl) E-H W > >+ E-H W > a a a s a a, a a a a a a a a a a a a> W U W U W> W W E-+ w > z W U) o w U W C7 Q 3 Q 3 w > H U D m D to D m D to D m D m D m D m D m a W s C4 O x > W W C-4 U W H A O fY. W (`M l0 r fn O fn D LO O C' m w N V' M N 00 V' r N M r N 0) r (M N 1n O C m > 1 z H A > z H M O :T in M O F-1 w O H w l0 O -1 O O N N .-4 N l0 O N O O 1-4 N N 0 N O N N r--1 N C7 -1 M lD l0 -1 VT 1-1 O H A H ,Y. z N M F>r > < > O -T '-1 (M O r O Co O W .4 lD O N O r -4 (Y) O Ln Cl LO a x w as a 1 O O w H a W O lD O O N M N w O O O O r C r R r V r C r C r Q r IT r IT 0 O Ol •-i N M O O O O tQ E l0 O lD lD O O 00 00 OD 00 OD 00 OD co O l0 lD O O D z 1O M r M H M r-1 M M w r M M O M O M O M O M O M O M O M O M O r N r N M M M O H z D M u) C� LO 1n LO C) Ln fM Ln V Ln C 1n M Ln M Ln M 1n c Ln r Ln V Ln C Ln O o M 1n O U r-1 r-1 Q' V' N .-I C' C' C' C' C' V' Q' •O' M U r>r H O .--1 O r-I r-1 O r-4 ,--1 O �4 r-i CD - r-1 O -4 O r-I r-i C) r-I H O ­4 r-1 O r-4 -4 O r-I r-1 O -i r A O �4 ­4 O -1 .-1 o r-I H O r-4 ,-1 C) - -4 O r-1 O H U) U O x a 44 O cn H cn H H C7 H w C7 W W a ❑ ❑ H > W 4 < 3 3 cn W z O z O W U O LO cn z H >+ W >+ W z E-H H a IC4 a a w cn z a >> s H a a rC w H a W H 4 O H H O H O H O H O H O H O E-+ O H O E-H O a H z H a O >+ N O a z (Yj H a H c7 z r4 a a s H H x U a w a w a w a w a, w a w a w a w a w a Q s Q S u w a 3 H❑ z z a A A A A A A A A A x x z Q �C a RC fz O H a a H U U W W w w w w W W W w a w s w z a ❑ E-+ FC D CO O U O U O U a W O x O x O x O x O x O x O x O x O x E H E H x E-, < (n F Gu z O D O >+ W > r C) V' C) O CD C)C) O O LO CD C)C) O O O M CD O M CD O M C) O M CD O M CD O M Cl O M O O M O O M CD O r1 CDC) O O O O �T Cl N N U H U H H E-H H D 4 O Q O x O w a x O x O E O E O x O E O E O x O 1: O a E s E w z 054 < U FC CO U U U w x x x x x x x x x H H z C7 047 z r- co m O .-, N fn cW Ln r-I r-4 r-j 0 H z 0 N I- U 0 0 0 0 U' 00 0 0 0 O W H E E E E E E E E E E C� < G] W W W W W w W W W E rC W H H H H H H H H H H a a 0 N •• OD to M M N O Ln fn LO co E-H aD o co ao O r-i o, r OD O Z H W Z N L�I- E 5 d N Ln Vn !- %D c M N r- >+ O I- Ln rn M M r-1 a O O M Ln w lD co N OD U) to LO c r-1 O M m N W a Lr) z 0 x a cn cn E z z w a a a a a 0 a < H H O < E O O O O W W O O W H H H H E E H z H H ->> a a a >>>> x H H P4 W O H O U O m m m cn O cn cA O H W W O > rz 0 > 0 0 0 < 0 z U z M z w w w w z co cn z 0 w w z H cn w w z z z z w w H z z w W > cn > 0 0 0 0> > a 0 0> 0 < x x x x 0 0 1% x x cn C7 a a a a a a w w U w O O O O m H 0 a M Ln Ln Ln M I- kD aD O w I- r-4 r-I r-4 ri lD m co > I > CQ N N N N O O O -1 z z x N I- f- t- M N O m H Gl H "J' V' M m M M C' C' C' H z m C' V' V' ao l0 w lD Ll o OD Oo co H LO Lf) Ln H Y. a a aq w m x 1 0 0 w H x o 0 0 0 0 0 M N o 0 W 0 0 0 0 0 o ur) M o o o O O o 0 o Ln lD O O o am Ln m m Ln m rn ri LO u) z N m O O (M O O fM M M lD lD lD lD lD lD lD l0 lD lD H z O O LO [- I- to m m Ln Ln Ln O N ,--1 w w H %D w V' r-1 r-I U U H r-1 ri r1 ri r-1 -4 -4 -4 ,--1 O O O O O O O O O O r-4 ri Q' ¢T 1-4 V V' r-1 ri ri O U M cn H H O < z z O C9 W W N E E Q H O O a a a 1 U �C > > W E-H W W a z z 0 0 w a s H H H H 0 0 0 0 0 >4 a x z z z z x x N N N a 0 D a a a a s a 4 a a 0 0 a a a a H H W W W cn z Cl) cn cn cn cn cn cn > > > E+ 44 W z O > O O O O O O O O O O a r-i ­4 r1 r-4 r-i r-i -1 O O O O �-+ O O O O O O O N N N U H o Qc a a x < Q w 0x x U H O a a a a H H w w w Q U cn cn cn cn cn cn cn > > > 055 048 A/P - AP6002 CHECKS TO BE VOIDED 4:12PM 07/18/01 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF PAGE 1 CHECK BK INVOICE VENDOR VENDOR NUMBER ID DATE AMT. PAID NUMBER NAME 44342 DEF 02/09/01 57809.62 BER125 BERG & ASSOCIATES INC TOTAL VOIDED 57,809.62 INVOICE DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 050 049 A/P - AP6002 CHECKS TO BE VOIDED 08:43AM 07/11/01 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF PAGE 1 CHECK BK INVOICE VENDOR VENDOR NUMBER ID DATE AMT. PAID NUMBER NAME 45996 DEF 05/03/01 45996 DEF 05/04/01 45996 DEF 05/10/01 45996 DEF 05/29/01 45996 DEF 06/20/01 45996 DEF 05/21/01 45996 DEF 05/21/01 45996 DEF 05/25/01 45996 DEF 05/10/01 45996 DEF 07/03/01 TOTAL VOIDED 192.30 HOM030 HOME DEPOT 106.21 HOM030 HOME DEPOT 1505.95 HOM030 HOME DEPOT 625.09 HOM030 HOME DEPOT 80.00 HOM030 HOME DEPOT 118.04 HOM030 HOME DEPOT 122.75 HOM030 HOME DEPOT 76.93 HOM030 HOME DEPOT 86.61 HOM030 HOME DEPOT 323.07 HOM030 HOME DEPOT 3,236.95 INVOICE DESCRIPTION SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES LATE CHARGES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 057 1050 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 7, 2001 ITEM TITLE: Acceptance of a Fiscal Year 2001 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) Award in the Amount of $26,704 from the Bureau of Justice Assistance RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: v- STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Accept a Fiscal Year 2001 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) in the amount of $26,704 from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: In Federal Fiscal Year 2001, the City of La Quinta is eligible to receive LLEBG funds in the amount of $26,704. The City is required to provide matching funds in the amount of $2,967. These matching funds would be made available from Special Enforcement Funds (Account #101-301-609-575). CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), has made law enforcement funds available for Federal Fiscal Year 2001 through their Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) program. The Department of Justice has developed and initiated an electronic process by which grant applicants use online services to process every component of their LLEBG application. On July 23, 2001, staff submitted an LLEBG FY 2001 application (Attachment 1) requesting receipt of the City's eligible grant award ($26,704). On July 24, 2001, the City received notification from the Department of Justice that the City's application had been approved in the amount requested (Attachment 2). In accordance with the grant application procedures, the next steps include: 058 accepting the funds (via the online process), conducting a Public Hearing in conjunction with a meeting of the LLEBG Advisory Board, and applying for a "draw -down" of the funds. The draw -down process includes identifying how the funds will be used, outlining a budget, and finally, acquiring the funds. During the draw -down process, staff intends to specify that the funds will be used for overtime hours and special enforcement activities. The deadline for the draw -down of funds is October 31, 2001. The City will have two years from the allocation date to spend the funds. Staff intends to accept the LLEBG funds and complete the application process, upon approval by the City Council. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Accept a Fiscal Year 2001 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) in the amount of $26,704 from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance; or 2. Do not accept a Fiscal Year 2001 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) in the amount of $26,704 from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Debbie Powell, Management Assistant Approved for submission by: r Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. FY 2001 LLEBG Application 2. Notification of LLEBG Award O59 002 Print Application https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov:8004/gms_u... n.apI ATTACHMENT 1 )rint Application was submitted on July 23, 2001 06:00:30 PM EDT. Lclose window 060 0,4 1 of 1 7/23/01 3:02 PM Debbie Powell - FY 2001 LLEBG Application. (9434 Approved H ,N. ATTACHMENT 2 From: <ojp@ojp.usdoj.gov> To: LQCity.lgcc(dpowell) Date: Tue, Jul 24, 2001 7:59 AM Subject: FY 2001 LLEBG Application (9434) Approved. Your Application for the FY 2001 LLEBG Program has been approved by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA).You will be notified via email when your official award documents are posted and are ready for you to accept on-line through this system. (Please Note: if you respond to this email do not change the subject line, thank you) 061 095 T 0 0 44f 4 QU&M COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 7, 2001 Authorization for Overnight Travel for One Council Member and Personnel/Risk Manager to Attend the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority Annual Risk Management Conference to be Held October 10 through 12, 2001 in San Francisco, California RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 3 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve authorization for overnight travel for one Council Member and Personnel/Risk Manager to attend the California Joint Powers Authority Risk Management Conference to be held October 10 through 12, 2001 in San Francisco, California. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The conference will be funded from the Travel, Training and Meetings Account Nos. 101-104-637-000 and 101-101-637-000. The breakdown of estimated expenditures for this conference is as follows: • Registration $ 500 • Meals 400 • Hotel 830 • Travel 500 • Total $2,230 CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) sponsors an annual Risk Management Conference. The conference has a variety of speakers and educational materials on various Risk Management topics. The conference will provide the City 06? with the opportunity to obtain the latest information concerning Risk Management issues. An overview of the conference is attached (Attachment 1). FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve authorization for overnight travel for one Council Member and Personnel/Risk Manager to attend the California Joint Powers Authority Risk Management Conference, to be held October 10 through 12, 2001 in San Francisco, California; or 2. Do not approve the request for overnight travel; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Mark Weiss, Assistant City Manager Approved for submission b Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Conference overview 063 9y.V L O C A T I O N The San Francisco Marriott boasts spectacular architecture, friendly service and a premium location in the heart of downtown San Francisco. The hotel, which is approximately 25 minutes from San Francisco International Airport and 35 minutes from Oakland International Airport, is just steps away from the Moscone Center, Powell Street cable car turnaround, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts and the San Francisco Shopping Centre. After the conference workshops, hotel guests may enjoy an indoor pool, spa and health club. HOTEL AND FLIGHT INFO RMATI ON A special hotel rate of $193 is being offered at the San Francisco Marriott. Reservations must be made by September 18 in order to receive the discount. The rate is available October 9 -11 only. Book directly with the hotel at (415) 896-1600. Please ask for the group rate for the CALIFORNIA JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY. Southwest Airlines is offering a 10% discount to conference attendees that wish to fly into either San Jose or Oakland. Call Southwest at (800) 433-5368 and reference code #R2754 to book your flight. M C L E C RED IT MCLE credit is available to attorneys attending this conference. GOLF TOURNAMENT The pre -conference golf tournament will be held on October 10 at San Francisco's historic Presidio Golf Course. Historical leaders like Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower played at the Presidio regularly. Perhaps it is fitting that a leader in golf, Arnold Palmer, operates this treasure by the bay. Located south of the Golden Gate Bridge, the fairways roll and meander past menacing bunkers toward lustrous greens. This course is the perfect way for a golfer to experience San Francisco. OT The CALIFORNIA JPIA invites you to join us for our Sixth Annual Risk Management Conference, October 10-12, in San Francisco. This conference is specifically designed to meet the risk management needs of California's local government agencies. CALIFORNIA JPIA is the largest municipal self-insurance pool in the state and has been serving its members since 1978. Members take 0 S`i 2 Shifting Your Risk to Others Why Employees Sue You Just the Facts, Ma'am Inverse Condemnation - It's More Than You Think Latest Court Rulings Erosion of the Exclusive Remedy Rule Early registration: (available until August 15) CALIFORNIA JPIA members: $200 Non-members: $250 Regular registration: (available between August 16-September 18) CALIFORNIA JPIA members: $250 Non-members: $300 Recognizing that City Managers play a critical role in risk manage- ment, the CALIFORNIA JPIA offers free registration to City managers with one paid registration for another staff member. Conference registration includes both days of seminars, two continental breakfasts, two lunches, pre -conference welcome dinner, reception and all conference materials. To register, complete the enclosed form and return it to the CALIFORNIA JPIA. For more information, call (800) 229-2343. Conference Cancellation Policy: 100% refund if cancelled by September 18, 50% refund if cancelled by September 24. No refunds after September 25. 065 005 4 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 7, 2001 ITEM TITLE: Acceptance of Street Right of Way Dedication - Northwest Corner of Dune Palms Road and Westward Ho Drive AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Accept the street right of way offered for dedication at the northwest corner of Dune Palms Road and Westward Ho Drive. This action conveys no additional fiscal impact to the City. The subject street has been maintained by the City since incorporation in 1982. None. The right-of-way offered for dedication will enable to the City of La Quinta to construct a handicap ramp on the northwest corner of Dune Palms Road and Westward Ho Drive. The improvement will be constructed as part of the Citywide Street and Sidewalk Improvements, Project No. 2000-04. Improvements at this location also include the widening and reconstruction of Dune Palms Road (West Side) from Westward Ho Drive north approximately 400 feet and Westward Ho Drive from Dune Palms Road west approximately 200 feet, the construction of new asphalt paving, curb and gutters, PCC sidewalks, driveway approaches, roadway grading and fill, adjustment of water valves to grade, and other incidental items. Attachment 1 is the grant deed and associated exhibits that were prepared for the right-of-way being conveyed to the City. 066 TAPWDEPT\COU NCIL\2001 \010807a.wpd The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Accept the street right of way offered for dedication at the northwest corner of Dune Palms Road and Westward Ho Drive; or 2. Do not accept the street right of way offered for dedication at the northwest corner of Dune Palms Road and Westward Ho Drive; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Chris A. Vogt Public Works Director/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1 . Grant Deed and Exhibits 067 TAPWDEPT\COUNCIL\2001 \01 0807a.wpd u 0 "- ATTACHMENT 1 No Recording Fee Required Per Government Code Section 27383 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 La Ouinta, CA 92253 Space above this line is reserved for Recorder's use GRANT OF EASEMENT DEED RW-D 2001-004 FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged,GARRY HOPKINS AND NANCY HOPKINS, Husband and Wife as Joint Tenants, (the Grantor), hereby grants to CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California Municipal Corporation, (the Grantee), a perpetual easement and right-of-way for public street and public utility purposes, in, on, under, across and through all that real property described per Exhibit "A" and as shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. This easement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of successors, heirs, executors, administrators, permittees, licensees, agents or assigns of Grantor and Grantee. his �� day of , 20C , Executed t y at �Y CITY s TE By: SIGNATURE ��R,CC4o PRINTEt OR TYPED NAM Its: TITLE OF EXECUTOR IF GRANTOR IS NOT A PERSON 9-- / • �KGNATURE Vj-i/ N PRINTS OR TYPED NAM Its: TITLE OF EXECUTOR IF GRANTOR IS NOT A PERSON F120 trot o04 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 24, 2000, AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2000-417277, O.R.; THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL NORTH 00011'02" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 25.93 FEET, ALSO BEING THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF DUNE PALMS ROAD, 44.00 FEE WIDE; THENCE SOUTH 41012'32" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 34.66 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL, ALSO BEING THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF WESTWARD HO, 33.00 FEET WIDE; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL, ALSO BEING THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF SAID WESTWARD HO, NORTH 89037'53" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 22.92 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 297 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS, AND AS SHOWN ON ATTACHED EXHIBIT "B" FOR GRAPHICAL PURPOSES SEE EXHIBIT `B" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. C�� LAND � � � D No. 6697 Exp. 06/30/04 � a. �I � Z rF OF CA��F�\� Dea alumbo PLS 6697 Exp. 06/30/04 06"1 0:\40748\4074800\survey\Easement Legal_604061019.doc U05 EXHIBIT "B" MAP TO ACCOMPANY OFFER OF DEDICATION EASEMENT 0 0 z O 604-061-019 INST 12000-417277 10/24/2000 PREPARE[YUNDER THE SUPERV ION OF: � �yl _ 44.00'_ r 6` " I�. �� .y�• N00.11 '02"W 25.9,3' O OI N89037'53"E b 22.92' 2 WESTWARD HO I--N89.375.3"E 66.81 649-020-009 LAND ANS��G No. 6697 Exp. 06/30/04 Q Z a TqT o 3� F CA TE C V4 SEC. 20, T5S, R7E SHEET 1 OF 1 604-062-006 649-040-001 SCALE: 1" = 40' STATE. OF CALIFORNIA ► ss. COUNTY OF L��Qn,t� tQ� ► On «, , before me, , I� l� Name Title, e.g., "Jane Doe, Notaryr c" personally appeared ��, o-*,-, CD 1V L"A Cam, t:!In ❑ personally known to me -- OR -fi� - Name(s) oMigner(s) proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s)X/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that tre-/-sMthey executed the same in -h+sfher/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by--his�he /their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. f) The following information is not required by law, however, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. Witness my hand and official seal. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER: ❑ Individual ❑ Corporate Officer: Title(s) ❑ Partner(s): ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Attorney -in -Fact ❑ Trustee(s) ❑ Guardian/Conservator ❑ Other: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING Name of Person(s) or Entity(ies) DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT Title or Type of Document Number of Pages Date of Document SIGNERS (Other than named above) 07 rw AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 7, 2001 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Adoption of a Resolution Granting Conditional Approval of an Amended Final Map for Tract 29348- PUBLIC HEARING: 2, Toll Brothers Inc., Toll CA II L. P. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council granting conditional approval of an Amended Final Map for Tract 29348-2, Toll Brothers Inc., Toll CA II L. P. None. None. Amended Tract 29348-2 is located east of Madison Street, west of Monroe Street, and north of Airport Boulevard. This is a re -subdivision of Tract 29348-2, which consisted of 39 numbered lots, filed October 20, 1999 (Attachment 1). Amended Tract 29348-2 consists of 37 numbered lots (Attachment 2). The developer has requested the City Council's conditional approval of the Final Map which will allow 30 days for completion of its processing. As of July 30, 2001, City staff has not received approval of the Amended Final Map from the City's Acting Surveyor; however, it is expected that a technically correct map will be submitted within the time allowed with its conditional approval. A Subdivision Improvement Agreement is not required since all associated securities were submitted per the original Tract 29348-2. As a result, City staff has prepared the attached Resolution which provides for conditional approval of the Amended Final Map. The approval is contingent upon receipt, within 30 days (September 6, 2001), of a technically correct Amended Final Map suitable for recording by the County Recorder with all required signatures except for the City Clerk. 0 7 2 TAPW DEPT\COUNCIL\2001 \010807f.wpd Once these items are received, the City Clerk will affix the City Seal to the Amended Final Map and offer the Amended Final Map for recording by the County Recorder. If any of the required items are not received by City staff within the specified time frame, the Amended Final Map will be considered disapproved and will be rescheduled for City Council consideration only after all required items have been received. The developer has demonstrated to City staff that sufficient progress has been made with the documents required for conditional Final Map approval. The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council granting conditional approval of an Amended Final Map for Tract 29348-2, Toll Brothers Inc., Toll CA II L. P.; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council granting conditional approval of an Amended Final Map for Tract 29348-2, Toll Brothers Inc., Toll CA II L. P.; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Chris A. Vogt Public Works Director/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Tract Map 073 T:\PWDEPT\COUNCIL\2001\010807f.wpd u 0 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2001- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING CONDITIONAL AMENDED FINAL MAP APPROVAL OF TRACT 29348-2, AND AUTHORIZING A TIME EXTENSION FOR SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF THE CONDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS TO VALIDATE THE APPROVAL WHEREAS, the City Council conducts only two regular meetings per month and the time interval between these meetings occasionally creates an undue hardship for business enterprises and individuals seeking approval of subdivision maps, and WHEREAS, the City Council as a matter of policy allows a subdivider to have city staff present the map for approval consideration when the requisite items necessary for final map approval are nearly, but not completely, finished thus yielding to the subdivider additional production time for preparation of those items, and WHEREAS, the subdivider has demonstrated to city staff and the City Council that it has made sufficient progress with items required for final map approval, and it is reasonable to expect the subdivider to satisfactorily complete the items, including city staff review time, within thirty (30) days without adversely impacting other ongoing work commitments of city staff, and WHEREAS, Section 66458(b) of the Subdivision Map Act grants the City Council broad authority to authorize time extensions regarding final map approval, or disapproval, upon receiving it for consideration, and WHEREAS, the City Council relies on professional city staff to review all required items for conformance with relevant requirements, and it is therefore appropriate for the City Council to approve the final map subject to review and confirmation of the required items by professional city staff, within a reasonable period of time as specified by the -City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1. The Amended final map for Tract 29348-2, is conditionally approved provided the subdivider submits all required items on or before September 6, 2001. 074 GO Resolution No. 2001- Tract 29348-2 Adopted: September 7, 2001 Page 2 Section 2. The City Council's approval of the Amended final map shall not be considered valid until the City Engineer has signed the map indicating that it conforms with the tentative map, the Subdivision Map Act and all ordinances of the City. Section 3. The City Engineer shall withhold his signature from the map until the subdivider has completed the following requirements to the City Engineer's satisfaction. A. Produced a technically correct drawing of the map area that is suitable for recording by the County Recorder B. Has obtained all requisite signatures on the map title page, except for the City Clerk's signature. Section 4. The City Clerk shall withhold affixing the City Seal to the map title page, along with her attesting signature, until the City Engineer has signed the map. Section 5. The time extension for satisfying the requirements of the conditional approval for this Amended final map shall expire when City offices close for regular business on September 6, 2001. If the subdivider has not satisfied the requirements in Section 3, herein, by the expiration deadline, the Amended final map shall be considered disapproved. Disapproval does not deny any rights the subdivider may have under the Map Act to resubmit the final map for approval, or disapproval. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 7th day of August, 2001, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None JOHN J. PENA, Mayor City of La Quinta, California 075 Gu4 Resolution No. 2001- Tract 29348-2 Adopted: September 7, 2001 Page 3 ATTEST: JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON , City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 076 OU5 A'ITA 1 VICINITY MAP AVENUE 54 AMENDEDI I NO SCALE TRACT NO. 29348- -r------ [-4 E--4 I W W I W W H I � U1 W Z O O p. z AIRPORT BOULEVARD I I I I AVENUE 58 M O! f f 79-799 OW Avmwo 52 077 E Lo Qt&ft, CA"m DOKICX �% VoW. 760.771-012 V s c X u L T z FAM 760-77140" � j L A N N E R S E N G I N E E R S S U R V E Y O R S I:\38202\MAPPING\VIC—AMAP.DWG 7/19/01 ATTACHME m m A > m `s L rn m m --I m= OLAA O m m r4i v m N Q 1- > > v = m Z� In A S� <C A A > � > v c> Vf yL D g > = O D > D C� vzi s n z �_ F c C ? > o n zy�m m m11 O O r A, Z N > m j t Z Apg� (n �m O A = H Z om C Z 2 n 0 r m s rnn DIgg z rQi Tr o D v Z m s vz-zim m � v nm Npz 8 �> if Om- y {�Om Tz _O N>5 >g �z �z c� Q 4Lo z> v 0 Q ,>-, JIm mm mm >m �� O> v ,>� 0- Q c) v 2rii >, CD 2 -M C�C zZCm o C mo Q~sr"'{._�r� ��� Q ^ fir- 3.7c rj,•1 `^ O M m �cn h Oz > H� I� ou>i� �N m> V! r M iA v'U> > y C 5 O p g z U = D g socmiA � po m ZFri " g _ �� {i m� > a g � mv� mz> � z Q Z, Z c� S y C D Z > m C m . 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I N 0 56 �� N 4 53'13 E 1 I Ph C N12�4p1E o (04 y „ � r*� � W ti W s� R m C4a N 4, N Z Z N 4.53'13'E 165. 16. I N Z > I V M m Z r m N I 3 N 4'53'13'E 5.00' I N 4' ? 1 � 5. 0' e t r MN 0 W I I 00 ygN 4'53'13 5. I � N 4'53'1 ' I65. 0' � CD C m Mp � o _ N 4'53'13O 165, a I N 4 3'I3' 6 .00' m c7� c Z I c N 8 CDI o ®� R - g y I N 4' ,, PJ -4 C 8m m z N 4'53'13'E 165. 00' M N t� I M :t C.) 0 w rTZ+I O00O # V! ON 4.53'13'E 165.00' N N N Q (34 COD2 ZA • V g o m N 4'53'13'E I65.00'rg I z A N _ r i� I c cl� gl W N N /• •� m N 4'S3'13'E 500' I Z W S m C11 I i w s N 4.53'13' I N 4' 3'13' 1f� 1 5.00' I N A a N 4.53' y I A $ 13'E 165. I I N 4.5 , , N I � N o N 4'53'13'E t I o N 4'5 •I " 16 .00' N r FILE - I N N 4.53'13'E 5. 0' I I N q• • 3• 1 �, N les I 0 0 O N4 8 33' I v m� �oo,�P,eT� s -gym m mr�<"7c p3 �m N 4 I 00, fi E mCC �r o>o'zo- Z r� ry r� O I Ian 00 OjZ>>� 8 01 O(7� Oi �'�N ~ • N2 a2 ZZ N VL= N HOC I _ N�65.623' NB5349'- �. ii '° f.•� N4'S3'13'E I Y ,Tm +i r�S2mTi ••fir{ a m m '\8 /�N181529' �8im Ti `��o '6N o�% - D �n �i W Fn cn 010 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 7, 2001 ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Submittal of the Eisenhower Bridge Over the La Quinta Evacuation Channel as a Candidate Project for 2002 STIP Discretionary Funds AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Authorize staff to submit the Eisenhower Bridge Over the La Quinta Evacuation Channel and the ultimate road improvements to Eisenhower Drive from the Bridge, North to Avenue 50, for funding consideration by the RCTC for 2002 STIP discretionary funds. The Eisenhower Drive Bridge and Drainage Improvements Project is identified within the City of La Quinta Fiscal Year 2001-2002 through 2005-2006 Capital Improvement Program. The project is identified to receive funding during Fiscal Year 2002-2003. The following represents the project's proposed funding sources. Funding Source Amount RDA Project Area No. 1 $247,000.00 DIF - Transportation $1,893,072.00 *Unidentified $500,000.00 TOTAL $2,640,072.00 The amount shown as *Unidentified represents the estimated costs associated with widening the east side of Eisenhower from the northern bridge abutment to Avenue 50 (adjacent to KSL golf hole 13). Staff is recommending that this project be submitted for funding consideration by the RCTC for the 2002 STIP Funding Cycle. In order to be as competitive as possible, it is proposed that the City match the STIP request at the rate of 25%. Therefore, the STIP request would be for a total of $1,980,054.00, with the City's local share being $660,018.00. TAPWDEPT\COUNCI L\2001 \010808e.wpd STIP funding will include Federal funds. If the City is successful in obtaining the requested grant monies, the project will be bid as a Federal Prevailing Wage job. Therefore, there are no Charter City implications. The proposed improvements on Eisenhower Drive, from the south bridge abutment north to Avenue 50, will widen the existing roadway and bridge (spanning the La Quinta Evacuation Channel) from 2 to 4 lanes, including curb, gutter, and sidewalk improvements. The project will also construct a sump pump and supporting storm drain system to the evacuation channel to remove flood water from a low point in Eisenhower Drive, north of the bridge. RCTC has announced a Call for Projects to program $25 million of 2002 STIP/Regional Improvement Program (RIP) funds. Projects approved for funding from the Call for Projects will be forwarded to the California Transportation Commission (CTC) for inclusion in the 2002 STIP in December 2001. Approved projects will receive funding after July 1, 2002. Funding for STIP eligible projects shall include State and Federal funds and will require projects to adhere to all federal provisions. Project applications are due to RCTC by 5:00 p.m. on August 17, 2001. The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Authorize staff to submit the Eisenhower Bridge Over the La Quinta Evacuation Channel and the ultimate road improvements to Eisenhower Drive from the Bridge, North to Avenue 50, for funding consideration by the RCTC for 2002 STIP discretionary funds; or 2. Do not authorize staff to submit the Eisenhower Bridge Over the La Quinta Evacuation Channel and the ultimate road improvements to Eisenhower Drive from the Bridge, North to Avenue 50, for funding consideration by the RCTC for 2002 STIP discretionary funds; or 082 TAMDEPT\COUNCIL\2001\010808e.wpd U 0 2 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfull sub itted, Chris A. Vogt Public Works Director/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager TAPWDEPT\COUNCI L\2001 \010808e.wpd COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 7, 2001 Authorization for Overnight Travel for the Planning Manager and Principal Planner to Attend the American Planning Association 2001 Annual Conference to be Held in Sacramento, October 20- 22, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve the authorization for overnight travel for the Planning Manager and Principal Planner to attend the American Planning Association (APA) 2001 Annual Conference to be held in Sacramento, October 20-22, 2001. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The approved Fiscal Year 2001 /2002 Budget allocates $2,800 for the Community Development Department staff to attend conferences. Attendance at this conference is estimated to be $1,170 per person based on the following costs: Registration $ 340 Hotel registration $ 387 Workshops $ 60 Travel $ 158 Meals 22 TOTAL $1,170 There are adequate funds budgeted in the Travel and Meetings Account for the Community Development Department (101-401-637-000 & 101-402-637-000) for attendance at this conference. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Funds have been budgeted for staff to attend conferences in years past. Information COH.001 084 FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve the authorization for overnight travel for the Planning Manager and Principal Planner to attend the American Planning Association (APA) 2001 Annual Conference to be held in Sacramento, October 20-22, 2001; or 2. Do not approve the request for the Planning Manager and Principal Planner to attend the American Planning Association (APA) 2001 Annual Conference to be held in Sacramento, October 20-22, 2001; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, er y Her n C munity Development Director Attachment: 1 . APA 2001 Annual Conference Information Approved for submission by: homas P. Genovese, City Manager u02 CCJH.001 085 ATTACHMENT #1 APA STATEWIDE CONFERENCE Plwue Tani Myers SACRAMENTO CONVENTION' CENTER f you can attend only one conference this year, CCAPA "At the Confluence" is the one you NEED! Packed with practical information that will empower you to energize projects and ensure success, this is the biggest and most diverse regional APA conference ever. It all begins on October 20 at the center of planning and legislation, Sacramento "At the Confluence." You'll network with key planners — planners who shaped the past and are creating the future. You'll learn from national and state experts who will divulge proven strategies. At the State APA 2001 Conference, you will be inspired by keynote speakers like Speaker Pro Tem of the State Assembly Fred Keeley, and National Public Radio's Susan Stamberg. You will be stimulated by nearly 1,000 of your colleagues in planning and related professions. You will learn innovative strategies that you can implement immediately. an a PA 14 a rM AT THE C LAP`) N F L U12 E N C E r• �-+�-�ti15� yr-^�, 5 err-"-+, �..-+•--..� 5 REGISTER TODAY TO ENSURE YOUR PLACE AT THE CONFERENCE. WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU IN SACRAMENTO! www.calapa.org Your name as it will appear on badge First Name Company Street Address City Phone Fax AICP? ❑YES ❑ NO Spouse's Name (if registered) ❑ Check here if you want child care information Last Name Title State Email Zip Student Verification: I certify that this student is currently enrolled full-time. Signature of Department/Program Head School Date REGISTRATION All registrations except Student and One -day include the following meals: two breakfasts, Opening Luncheon, Opening Reception. One -day includes breakfast and Opening Luncheon (if applicable). Registration fees postmarked by: APA/Allied Organization Member* Nonmember Special Nonmember Registration Plus 1 Year Chapter Only Membership ($90) Spouse Student/Life Member Planning Commission/City Council One -day (Circle: Sat. Sun. Mon.) • We welcome members of other organizations whose work dovetails with planning. For 8/31/01 10/1/01 On -site Total $310 $340 $360 $350 $380 $395 $395 $425 $455 $265 $280 $295 $90 $100 $110 $250 $260 $280 $155 $185 $190 more information on whether you or your organization qualify for the special Member rate, please visit our Web site at www.calapa.org. SUBTOTAL REGISTRATION FEES: MOBILESPECIAL EVENTS, EXTRA TICKETS, Special Events $/ticket Total Mobile Workshops $/ticket Total Nevada City/Grass Valley Autumn Color Tour (Sat.) $20 MW #1 "Back to the City" Central City Tour (Mon. AM) $20 El Dorado County Wine Tour (Sat.) $20 Sacramento River Boat Tour (Sun. Evening) $20 Extra Tickets $/ticket Total Opening Reception (Sat. evening) $30 California State Railroad Museum Sunday Lunch (box lunch) $20 MW #2 Re -Creating Traditional Town Centers in Sacramento (Sun. PM) $20 MW #3 Light -Rail and Revitalization (Sun. AM) $20 MW #4 Older Suburbs Facing Urban Development Issues (Mon. AM) $20 MW #5 Preserving Agricultural Lands in an Urban Region (Mon. PM) $20 MW #6 Wetlands/Natural Habitat Protection in the Sac. Region (Mon. PM) $20 MW #7 Planning/Development Issues in the Foothills (Sun. AM) $20 MW #8 Affordable Housing: Who's Done It/How Has it Worked? (Sun. PM) $20 Continental Breakfast (each) $15 MW #9 Waterfront Revival — Local Approaches and Results (Mon. AM) $20 (Circle: Sunday Monday) Planning Awards Luncheon (Mon,) $30 TOTAL REGISTRATION FEES, SPECIAL EVENTS, EXTRA TICKETS AND MOBILE WORKSHOPS Speaker Pro Tern Fred Keeley PAYMENT O Check payable to APA 2001 Conference enclosed Please charge $ to my: ❑ Mastercard ❑ Visa Expiration Date Card Number Signature U05 cardholder must sign here for us to process payment INSTRUCTIONS • Please complete the form in blue or black ink. Submit Your Registration • By mail, with check payable to By Phone with credit card info to • Please use a separate form for each registrant. To avoid double -billing, please use only one of the Care of CMS 916.635.7846. • For inquiries regarding registration or special following registration methods. 11325 Sunrise Gold Circle, Suite B Cancellation Policy: accommodations, contact 916.635.7846 • On the Web, by completing our new Sacramento, CA 95742 Cancellations received by Oct.1, 2001 will be fully ����•.��;- •�� �•.�•:�� F�-T �• .....,.��� • By FAY with rrertit ram info to Q1R.R53.RSR5. o-cn , r � _ • r L. •• `• ....... ....... .: ::: L• .•� ��til .� it '.ri :. •::: ••: .•:• � :•i.�.J .. � .. 1'• :•: •- ...... .... . . . 1• is Pre -Conference Saturday, October 20 Sunday, October 21 Monday, October 22 Friday, October 19 DO NOON 'UAening lundieon Susan Unmharr iea �rifi� WHERE TO STIN APA 2001 Conference guests get preferential rates at two Downtown Sacramento hotels. Both hotels are within a short walk to the Sacramento Convention Center where the conference will be held. To _et your special rates. be sure to say you're with the special rates. be sure to say you're with the APA Conference when you m�e yOur rese�a�i��2001 Conference when you m�e yOur reservati��. Reserve your room(s) early! Sheraton Grand Sacramento Hotel 1230 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 916.447.1700 Price: $129/night (single or double occupancy); $154/night (triple) Hyatt Regency Sacramento Hotel 1209 L Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 916.443.1;�4 Price: $129/night (single or double occupancy); $154/night (triple) TRANSPORTATION Discounted rates on Airfare and Rental Cars will be available to conference attendees. To make your travel arrangements, call Unigkibe Capital Travel at 916.444.3077 and let them know you are attending the APA 2001 Conference. u06 U WWW.calapa.org *.,.,.*.-.*a X.,.-Z T A T E W 1 D E Ed F A P A MOBILE WORKSHOPS MW# 1 -"BACK TO THE CITY" Monday, October 22 • 9:00 AM - 12:00 NOON Sacramento's experience in creating new residential neighborhoods in the central city. 1. A tour of the housing and mixed -use projects planned, under construction, and recently completed in the downtown area. 2. Projects related to the K-Street Mall (walking tour). 3. A mid -town tour. 4. Traffic calming in mid -town. Hosts: Sacramento Economic Development Department, Sacramento Planning & Building Department. MW#2 - "RE-CREATING TRADITIONAL TOWN CENTERS IN THE SACRAMENTO REGION" Sunday, October 21 • 1:00 - 5:00 PM Has the Reality Lived up to the Promise? (North Natomas and Laguna West Experiences) Host: Sacramento Planning and Building Department. MW#3 - "LIGHT -RAIL AND REVITALIZATION" Sunday, October 21 * 9:00 AM - 12:00 NOON See how Sacramento is building ridership through innovative re -use and redevelopment. Host: Sacramento Regional Transit District. Sacramento Planning and Building Department. MW#4 - "OLDER SUBURBS FACING URBAN REDEVELOPMENT ISSUES" Monday, October 22 • 9:00 AM - 12:00 NOON Local examples of making the best use of the assets and resources, and preserving the character of older suburban, built -out communities while revitalizing deteriorated and nonfunctional parts of the community. Host: City of Citrus Heights. MW#5 - "PRESERVING AGRICULTURAL LAND IN AN URBAN REGION" Monday, October 22 • 1:00 - 5:00 PM Agricultural preserves, regulatory techniques, private arrangements, and public and private incentives will show how precious agricultural lands are being conserved in the Sacramento region. Host: Yolo County Department of Planning and Public Works. MW#6 - "WETLANDS AND NATURAL HABITAT PROTECTION IN THE SACRAMENTO REGION" Monday, October 22 • 1:00 - 5:00 PM Take this tour to see some of the most innovative efforts in the state to preserve and enhance wetlands, both for the protection and preservation of biological resources and for the enjoyment of humans. Hosts: Yolo County Department of Planning and Public Works, Sacramento Planning & Building Department. MW#7 - "PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ISSUES IN THE FOOTH I LLS" Sunday, October 21 • 9:00 AM - 12:00 NOON Contending with tremendous growth pressures and development constraints, many foothill communities are taking innovative approaches to maintain the very features that have attracted so many residents and visitors to the region. Host: El Dorado County Planning Department. MW#8 - "AFFORDABLE HOUSING: WHO'S DONE IT AND HOW WELL HAS IT WORKED?" Sunday, October 21 9 1:00 - 5:00 PM Tour several of the region's success stories in providing affordable housing, and see how public and private agencies have been able to develop affordable housing while being sensitive to their surrounding neighborhoods. Hosts: West Sacramento Grants & Community Investment Dept., Sacramento Economic Development Department, City of Davis Community Development Department. MW#9 - "WATERFRONT REVIVAL - LOCAL APPROACHES AND RESULTS" Monday, October 22 • 9:00 AM - 12:00 NOON Experience the urban riverfronts that define Sacramento and Stockton, and leam how lfr.::::.::: :::<::>:::::., the cities have incorporated their rivers x into downtown planning and economic development efforts. Hosts: City of Sacramento Economic Development Department; West Sacramento Redevelopment Agency. U07E AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 7, 2001 CONSENT CALENDAR: Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with the Campesinos Unidos, Inc. for the Residential Energy Assistance Rate Program RECOMMENDATION: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve a Memorandum of Understanding with the Campesinos Unidos, Inc. for the Residential Energy Assistance Rate Program. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The Imperial Irrigation District's Residential Energy Assistance Rate Reduction Program reimburses the City $3.00 for each participant enrolled through the La Quinta Senior Center. In Fiscal Year 2000-01, the total revenue to the City through this program was $969.00. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: During Fiscal Year 2000-01, the United Way of Imperial County offered a program in which low income residential customers of the Imperial Irrigation District (IID) could apply for the Residential Energy Assistance Program. The rate for low income customers of IID was reduced 20% or 25% of the normal residential rate through this program. The City of La Quinta's Senior Center was chosen by the United Way of Imperial County to become an agency site for residents to enroll in this program. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was executed by the City and the United Way. The cities of Coachella and Indio also offered this program through their Senior Centers. This program is open to all low income residents, regardless of age. 090 As outlined in section V of the MOU, a requirement of an agency site is to determine who is qualified for relief, process applications and document and prepare required reports. City staff reviewed the program applications as completed by the applicants. The applicants were responsible for providing correct information. The United Way of Imperial County reimbursed the City of La Quinta $3.00 for each application that was processed through the City's site, which during the last fiscal year amounted to $969.00. 323 participants registered for the program through the La Quinta Senior Center from July 2000-May 2001 as provided in Attachment 1. In May 2001, IID extended this program and awarded the contract to Campesinos Unidos, Inc. to administer the program from July 1, 2001 to May 31, 2002. Both IID and Campesinos Unidos, Inc. have requested that the La Quinta Senior Center remain an agency site with the reimbursement schedule of $3.00 per participant. A new Memorandum of Understanding (Attachment 2) with Campesinos Unidos, Inc. is required to continue offering the program through the La Quinta Senior Center. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Authorize the City of La Quinta's participation in the Residential Energy Assistance Rate Program and authorize the City Manager to sign the Memorandum of Understanding with the Campesinos Unidos, Inc.; or 2. Do not authorize the City of La Quinta's participation in the Residential Energy Assistance Rate Program; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, is, .10 - Dodie Horvitz, 6�unity Services Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Memorandum from the Senior Center Supervisor 2 Memorandum of Understanding with the Campesinos Unidos, Inc. 091 S:\Community Services\CCReports\CC.138.MOU Campesinos Undios, Inc..wpd CT 0 ATTACHMENT 1 Tob 0 (V 4bf 4 Qumt4 MEMORANDUM LA QUINTA SENIOR CENTER TO: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director FROM: Marilyn Smith, Senior Center Supervisor DATE: July 16, 2001 SUBJECT: Imperial Irrigation District Residential Energy Assistance Rate Reduction Program The California State Legislature enacted legislation, Assembly Bill (AB) 1890. that requires consumer -owned electric utilities to collect a non-bypassable surcharge to be used to fund Public Benefit Programs. The IID Board chose to establish a program, which through a rate reduction, would lower rates for low-income customers of the District. The IID also chose to contract the administration and screening for this low-income rate to a qualified outside agency. United Way of Imperial County was chosen to serve as the administrative body for the overall program for the time period of June 1, 2000 through May 31, 2001. The La Quinta Senior Center was selected as one of 12 screening agencies, and United Way of Imperial County agreed to reimburse the senior center $3 per screening on a monthly basis. During the contract time with United Way, the senior center did 323 screenings, generating $969 in revenue. The screenings are done by trained volunteers and have little or no impact on senior center staff. In May 2001, IID extended this program for another year and sent out Proposals for the Administration of the Residential Energy Assistance to all agencies for bid. Campesinos Unidos, Inc. was selected to administer the program from July 1, 2001 through May 31, 2002. IID and Campesinos Unidos, Inc. have requested that the La Quinta Senior Center remain an agency site and will continue to reimburse the senior center $3 per screening.. DISTRICT HD Offers Low' Income Programs March 2001 AGENCIES TO CONTACT BRAWLEY Boys & Girls Club, 344-2040 Campesinos Unidos, 3444500 CALEXICO Campesinos Unidos, 357-6560 Neighborhood House, 357-6875 CALIPATRIA Calipatria Chamber of Commerce, 348-5039 COACHELLA Coachella Senior Center, 398-0104 Campesinos Unidos, 398-7878 EL CENTRO Catholic Charities, 353-6822 Senior Citizens Emergency Fund, 353-2620 Center for Family Solutions, 353-6922 Salvation Army, 3524528 HOLTVILLE Campesinos Unidos, 356-2678 I ova 0 Weatherization Program .... _cL' Brawley Coachella 344-4500 398-7878 Calexico Holtville 357-6560 356-2678 INDIO Catholic Charities, 347-1188 Indio Senior Center, 347-5111 Martha's Village & Kitchen 347-4741 LA QUINTA La Quinta Senior Center, 564-0096 NILAND Niland Family Resource (Grace Smith School), 359-3096 Community Center 354-1351(Bombay Beach) THERMAL Healthy Start - 397-2835 SALTON CITY Sea View/West Shores/Healthy Start 394-5551 WINTERHAVEN Healthy Start, 572-2705, ex-t. 2061 IID has partnered with Campesinos Unidos, Inc. Call for more information on: Installing adequate levels of attic insulation Duct wrap insulation Weatherstripping Caulking Water heater wraps Low flow shower heads Replacing windows and doors 1� Ask us about our Air Conditioner and Heat Pump Rebate Program IID offers families with low income to participate in the 20 %-25 % discount on their electric power bill. 20 %-25 % Persons: Bring: *your power bill *proof of income *identification Requirements—: Unlimited persons 1-2 persons 3 persons 4 persons Annual Income: Discount: up to $17,000 25% $17,001-$19,999 20% $20,000-$23,999 20% $24,000-$27,999 20% Each additional person add $4, 000 Ask your participating AIC Serviceman about the D Super A/C DI RICT Tune-up and get a $25 Discount ATTACHMENT 2 CAMPESINOS UNIDOS, INC. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING RESIDENTIAL ENERGY ASSISTANCE RATE PROGRAM This Memorandum of Understanding between CAMPESINOS UNIDOS (CUI) and LA QUINTA SENIOR CENTER defines the organizational relations between both parties. I. Terms of the Agreement: This agreement will cover the period from July 1, 2001 through May 31, 2002. This agreement may be revised per mutual agreement and renewal annually. It is the intent of all parties that proposed revisions be presented, discussed and incorporated into this agreement at least 90 days to May 31, 2002. II. General Obligations; CUI shall operate under the guidelines, policies, and practices of a special project of Campesinos Unidos, Inc. CUI through its administrative structure, will assume responsibility for the management of the programs, program oversight, and compliance with contractual requirements of the Imperial Irrigation District. III. ose: The relationship between CUI and Interviewing Agencies (including organizations) hereinafter referred to as Agency, is based upon mutual respect and understanding of the roles and functions of each. The Agency is an integral part of the whole range of human services. It is a key instrument through which concern for our neighbors and the well-being of the community is effectively transmitted into actions. The spirit with which the parties enter in to and carry out their relationship is the key to its success. If the parties are in agreement on basic functions and are clear about their expectations of each other, then the written documents become a framework for guiding the relationship in a positive manner. It is, therefore, essential that Campesinos Unidos, Inc. and Agency agree on their respective roles and functions and the basic principles which are the foundation of their affiliation. 094 CV 0 6 IV. Role of Campesinos Unidos Inc.: CUI serves as the administrative body for the overall programs. The administrative responsibilities are carried out in agreement with the respective contracts with the Imperial Irrigation District. CUI is charged with the responsibility to ensure compliance with the intent and purpose of the residential energy assistance rate programs, facilitate the implementation of program procedures and guidelines, track and monitor applications, and record number of household assisted. Additional responsibilities included but are not limited to: ► The addition to or reduction of the number of Agencies. ► Communication with Agency concerning program progress and service provided. ► Communication with III) regarding program progress, resolution of problems, policy and procedural changes. ► Training and orientation meetings with Agency prior to program implementation. ► Follow-up or feed back meeting with Agency at the conclusion of each project period. ► CUI shall pay agency $3 per interview on a monthly basis as performed and accepted. V. Role of Ate: Agencies are selected by CUI to participate in the rate assistance program(s). The Agency is responsible for determining who is qualified for relief, processing applications and documentation and preparing required reports. Agency must be available to provide assistance at least three times weekly during the program period. Qualified applicants are to be served regardless of their age, race, sex, religion, or place of residence. 0 095 CV � I Additional responsibilities include but are not limited to: ► Following the guidelines and procedures included as Exhibit 1. ► Providing CUI with required weekly reports on time and in the specified format. ► Attending orientation meetings and ensuring that all participants are properly trained/oriented. ► Suggesting changes and/or additions that could improve the programs. VI. If terms of this agreement are not met, CUI shall notify the Agency in writing for due cause and terminate this agreement. This action will not to be taken without providing the agency with a 24-hour advance notice to discuss the matter directly with CUI staff. VII. All agencies shall maintain liability insurance satisfactory to CUI and shall hold CUI and Imperial Irrigation District harmless for actions of its employees and volunteers while fulfilling this contract. VIII. All parties fully understand and accept the terms and conditions of the Memorandum of Understanding. ACCEPTED FOR: ACCEPTED BY LA QUINTA SENIOR CENTER CAMPESINOS UNIDOS, INC. Authorized Signature Title Date 3 Authorized Signature Title Date 096 08 RESIDENTIAL ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 2001-2002 EXHIBIT 1 AVAILABLE TO: Low-income residential customers who meet the Income Guidelines (see application). PROCESSING RATE ASSISTANCE APPLICATIONS: ► Have intake clerk fill out application and sign. ► Verify proof of income (see application) and number of persons in household. Attach copy of proof of income to agency copy of application. Verify account number from Imperial Irrigation District bill. ► Third Party Notification (If applicant is unable to apply in person). I. Any identification card 2. Two bills with applicants name and address 3. Written note with signature 4. Proof of income (see application) 5. Application must be signed by applicant and returned to agency ► Record the date, account number, name and telephone number on log to be turned in with the application to CUI by 10:00 a.m. each Friday morning. Any applications turned in after this time will be processed the following week. ► Inform applicant that applications must be filled out annually or they will be automatically dropped from the program. There will be no notification from Imperial Irrigation District. This rate reduction will start as the next billing cycle and will not be retroactive. ► Mobile Home Park Residents —The applicants 'is filled out the same except instead of account number, write in name of Mobile Home Park. Applicant must turn in their application to Mobil Home Park Operator for rate discount. ► Record must be retained for a minimum of three years. 097 rd AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 7, 2001 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: Consideration of Community Services Grant Requests RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the City Council. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: The Special Project Contingency Account #101-251-663-000 has an uncommitted balance of $53,000 as of this report, as provided in Attachment 1. The total amount requested by the various organizations is $23,370. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: At the November 2, 1999 City Council meeting, the City Council approved changes to the Community Services Grant process. The first meetings of August, November, February and May have been designated for review of the grants received. At the July 17, 2001 City Council meeting, Council reviewed the funding criteria to decide application guidelines for the Fiscal Year 2001-02. No changes were implemented. Attachment 2 provides the guidelines for the Community Services Grant program, as established on November 2, 1999. Eight requests have been submitted for City Council consideration as of this report: 1 . Riverside Sheriff's Department Pistol Team (Attachment 3): The members of the Riverside Sheriff's Pistol Team promote training and awareness in shooting and safety skills within the Department. The Riverside Sheriff's Pistol Team is requesting $1,500 in funding. Pistol Team members participate in over 20 events throughout the year. The funds will be used to offset the travel fees and expenses accrued by team members. 093 The funds will assist the Pistol Team with the match fees for the national competition in Jackson, MS. The fees average $240 per person and the goal is to be able to field a two person team and two teams of four. 2. Barbara Sinatra Children's Center (Attachment 4): The Barbara Sinatra Children's Center primarily serves children and families in the Coachella Valley. Individual and group counseling is provided with the assistance of an on -site psychiatric and psychological consultation. Counseling is carefully orchestrated with Child Protective Services, the criminal justice systems and other appropriate agencies and professionals. The Barbara Sinatra Children's Center is requesting $2,000 to provide individual outpatient therapy to children in the Coachella Valley suffering from the affects of child sexual, physical and emotional abuse. Individually designed counseling programs usually consist of one -hour sessions once per week for several months, depending on the severity of the abuse. With the funds requested, the Barbara Sinatra Children's Center can supplement funds from other sources to ensure the area's abused children receive help. The Barbara Sinatra Children's Center received grant funding in the amount of $1,000 in Fiscal Year 1998-99. 3. Meals on Wheels (Attachment 5): The Meals on Wheels Program in La Quinta serves those individuals, mostly seniors, who are unable to properly prepare nutritionally adequate meals for themselves because of physical or mental infirmity. The food is provided to residents through volunteer drivers. Meals on Wheels is requesting $2,300 in funding to be able to continue serving low-cost meals to those in need during Fiscal Year 2001-02 as well as use the requested funds to fully subsidize an occasional client who is unable to pay for a meal. Meals on Wheels received grant funding in the amount of $650 in Fiscal Year 1999-00 and $4,000 in Fiscal Year 2000-01. 4. La Quinta Arts Association (Attachment 6): The La Quinta Arts Association holds meetings once a month to educate artists. The meetings give artists a chance to network with other artists. The La Quinta Arts Association is requesting $4,000 to allow local artists the opportunity to display and sell their creations at various venues. The La Quinta Arts Association received grant funding in the amount of $4,000 in Fiscal Years 1999-2000 and 2000-01. S:\Community Services\CCReports\CC.144.Community Services Grant Requests . wpd 099 602 5. Lions Club of La Quinta (Attachment 7): The Lions Club is requesting $1,500 to host the First Annual All- La Quinta Family Festival on November 10, 2001 at Frances Hack Park. The Lions Club needs funds for promotion, awards, and park use fees required by the Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District. Funds would also be used to support a La Quinta High School Leo Service Club as well as helping those in the community that make a financial request to the organization. 6. Tools for Tomorrow (Attachment 8): Tools for Tomorrow provides disadvantaged children, grades K - 5 in the Coachella Valley, with a program designed to support their educational experience, nurture their creativity, enhance their self-esteem and expand their intellectual and cultural horizons. Tools for Tomorrow is requesting $5,000 to cover the cost of teacher salaries. 7. McCallum Theater (Attachment 9): The McCallum Theater educates and entertains the public though the performing arts, with an emphasis on serving children and youth of the Coachella Valley, and working cooperatively with other area arts and education organizations. The McCallum Theater is requesting $3,000 for the Theater's Aesthetic Education Program. Funds will be used to provide intensive teacher education and artists -in -residence in classrooms at Truman Elementary School and La Quinta Middle School, offering encounters with live performing works of art. Students have the unique opportunity to be actively involved with dance, theater, music and the visual arts. The McCallum Theater received grant funding in the amount of $2,600 in Fiscal Year 1998-99 and $2,215 in Fiscal Year 1999-2000. 8. Soroptimist International of La Quinta (Attachment 10): Soroptimist International is a worldwide organization for women in management and professions working through service projects to advance human rights and the status of women. Soroptimist International of La Quinta is requesting $4,070 in facility use fees for the La Quinta Senior Center. The Soroptimist is in need of a place to meet weekly and is requesting the use of the La Quinta Senior Center. There are 37 meetings each year at a cost of $1 10 per meeting. The fees will cover the facility use cost. Soroptimist International of La Quinta has received funds in the amount of $4,070 in Fiscal Year 2000-01 to be applied toward the rental fees for the use of the Senior Center. 100 C 0 3 FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Authorize Community Services Grant request(s) as deemed appropriate by the City Council; or 2. Do not authorize a Community Services Grant request from: Riverside Sheriff's Department Pistol Team and/or Barbara Sinatra Children's Center and/or Meals on Wheels and/or La Quinta Arts Association and/or Lions Club and/or Tools for Tomorrow and/or McCallum Theater and/or Soroptimist International; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respe tfully r Dodie Horvit Attachments: bmitted, C)Rmunity Services Director Approved for submission by: r • Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 1 . 2001-02 Community Services Grant Balance 2. Community Services Grant Program Guildelines S:\Community Services\CCReports\CC . 144 . Community Services Grant 114.1 Requests.wpd G 0 4 3. Community Services Grant Application from the Riverside Sheriff's Pistol Team 4. Community Services Grant Application from the Barbara Sinatra Children"s Center 5. Community Services Grant Request from Meals on Wheels 6. Community Service Grant Request from the La Quinta Arts Association 7. Community Services Grant Request from the Lions Club 8. Community Services Grant Request from Tools for Tomorrow 9. Community Services Grant Request from the McCallum Theater 10. Community Services Grant Request from Soroptimist International S:\Community Services\CCReports\CC.144.Community Services Grant log Requests.wpd 005 ATTACHMENT 1 Community Services Grant Program 101-251-663-000 Fiscal Year 2001-02 Beginning Balance $55,000 July 3, 2001 Vets Express -Transportation Costs $2,000 Balance $53,000 143 007 _ ATTACHMENT 2 P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO (760) 7 7 7 - 7 0 0 0 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777- 7 1 0 1 COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT GUIDELINES The City of La Quinta offers the Community Services Grant program to recognized nonprofit organizations that benefit the residents of La Quinta. Priority for funding is granted to organizations that directly benefit La Quinta residents, second consideration is given to organizations that indirectly affect the quality of life for the residents of La Quinta. Individuals are not eligible for funding through the Community Services Grant program. Organizations that receive Community Development Block Grants from the City of La Quinta during the same fiscal year are not eligible for funding through the Community Services Grant program. Completed grant applications will be considered by the La Quinta City Council at the first Council meetings of August, November, February and May of each fiscal year. Applications are due three weeks before the scheduled City Council meeting. Once the application is placed on the agenda for City Council consideration, the organization will be notified of the date of the meeting for consideration. Applications must be typed. Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant. Organizations requesting "seed" money are required to obtain matching funds from other sources in the same fiscal year before Community Services Grant funds will be released. Organizations requesting more than $2,499 are required to obtain matching funds from other sources in the same fiscal year. The City Council may authorize the release of up to $2,499 while matching funds are being secured by the organization. For more information on the Community Services Grant program, please contact the Community Services Department at 760-777-7032. 10 CU w -r-r w t% U RA C AIT 'I CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FISCAL YEAR 01-02 Name of Organization: Riverside Sheriff's Pistol Team Amount Requested: $ 1500 Contact Person: Sgt . Mike Blackwood Mailing Address: Po sox 581 City: La Quinta State: CA Zip Code: 92253 Phone No.: 760-861-8746 501(03 Taxpayer I.D. Number: Date Submitted: Applications will receive consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. CU9 COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT APPLICATION (Must be typed) 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of your organization? Members of the Riverside Sheriff's Pistol Team promote training and awareness in shooting and safety skills within the Department. Several of the team members are rangemasters and promote training and safety with local community groups. 2. How long has your organization been in existence? 25 Years Months 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your organization: around the country. The members promote the Department and train employees in techniques and safety. 4. How many people does your organization currently serve? No. of Youth No. of Adults 15 No. of Seniors 5. How many people do you intend to serve during this Fiscal Year? No. of Youth No. of Adults 15 No. of Seniors 6. How many people served this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth No. of Adults 3 No. of Seniors 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your organization employ? Full time employees 15 Part time employees Volunteers 8. Describe how your organization is managed and governed. The Pistol Team is directed by Department General Orders and Directives. �� - 11 I - • �. �. • • • • • • Sheriff's Athletic Federation. 0 `� Ci0 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Name Title Home Address Phone Larry Akin Captain 26130 Largo Hemet 909-765-3625 Jacqueline Lane Sec. 3907 Peirce Riverside 909-955-9225 Mike Blackwood Tres. PO Box 581 La Quinta 760-861-8746 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your organization operate? The --Pistol Team Participates in matches from March to October each year. They participate in over 20 matches'across the State, and in Arizona and Nevada. The Team travels to Jackson, Ms.in Sept. For National Competition. 11. Do you charge admission, membership fee, dues, etc.? Yes XX No If yes, please describe: 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Source Amount Sponsored Pistol Matches $8,000 Private Donation $1,500 IV - Total Needed $ Total Received $ Balance $ J C;:L 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $ 1500 14. Has your organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? Yes xx No If yes, when Amount received 15. Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the organization's funds are kept: 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals authorized to sign on the organization's account (must provide at least two individuals): Name: Title: M. Blackwood L. Tainter Tres. Past Captain 17. Please provide, as an attachment, copies of the last three months bank statements as well as the last year's December bank statement of the organization's checking and savings account. 18. Need Statement. Clearly and plainly state the specific, detailed reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. The Pistol Team participates in over 20 events throughtout the year and a maior portion of the fees and travel expenses are paid by the individual team member. TheGe funds will assist in off setting the expenses and continue interest in the team and promote the Department and our goals. C�i�' 19. Goal Statement. Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. The funds will assist the Pistol Team with the match fees for the National competition in Jackson, Ms. The fees average $240 per person and our goal is to be able to feild our twoperson and two four person teams. 20. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. 21. Non-profit organizations must attach a copy of the organization's current IRS Form 990. UIJ RIVERSIDE SHERIFF'S PISTOL TEAM PROJECTED 2001 SEASON BUDGET MATCH FEES SHOOTERS TOTAL Arizona Police Games $45 10 $ 450 Mesa, Az. Riverside SO $ $ LAP D # 1 $60 15 $ 900 Los Angeles Sheriff $60 15 $ 900 Santa Cruz Sheriff $60 15 $ 900 Sacramento CHP/CHP Memorial $70 15 $ 1050 Sacramento Long Beach PD/LBPD RES $60 15 $ 900 Stockton Police/Reserve $60 15 $ 900 LAPD #2 $60 15 $ 900 Sacramento Sheriff $60 15 $ 900 Ca. Police Summer Games $42 10 $ 420 San Jose San Diego Sheriff Regional $90 15 $ 1350 Nevada Police and Fire Games $40 10 $ 400 Las Vegas, Nv. Ca. Police Pistol State Match $70 15 $ 1050 Sacramento National Shooting Competition $240 10 $ 2400 Jackson, Mississippi Total Match Fees <$131420> Income RSO Sponsored Match 100 x $60 $ 6000 CHP Postal 70 x $20 $ 1400 SAC SO/SCPOA Postal 70 x $20 $ 1400 Donations Estimate Cash and prices $ 1500 Total Income $10,300 Sub Total <$ 31120> Debit CPPA prize rule 1/3 match fees to prizes <$ 1900> Total Loss <$ 5,020> C:1 4 RIVERSIDE SHERIFF ATHLETIC FEDERATION 73-520 Fred Waring Dr., Palm Desert, Ca 92260 760-836-1663 Dear Pistol Team Sponsor, The Riverside SheriffAthletic Federation provides monies for members ofthe Riverside County Sheriff s Department to participate in athletic competitions throughout the United States. The Federation is a non-profit organization which also gives a portion of all profits from fund-raisers and donations to local charity and community groups within Riverside County. The Riverside Sheriff s Pistol Team is a member and strong supporter of the Athletic Federation. The Riverside Sheriffs Department authorizes the formation of the Pistol Team within the ranks of the department. The purpose of the program is to represent the Riverside Sheriffs Department and promote shooting proficiency within the Sheriff s Department. The Pistol Team is comprised of 15 active members. The team competes in PPC (Practical Police Competition) against other law enforcement agencies throughout the state (California Police Pistol Association), as well as several matches in other States including the National Police Finals, in Jackson, Mississippi. The Riverside Sheriff's Department provides compensation for the team's ammunition, targets and some travel expenses, but with a shooting season of over 26 matches and the match fees from $30 to $50 per person ($255 per person for the National Police Finals), we consistently find ourselves needing additional financial assistance to complete the season. To fully fund the Pistol Team, we sponsor one ofthe pistol matches within the season and seek out financial sponsors. These funds are used to pay match fees, lodging at the matches not within reasonable travel time, awards that are customary for our sponsored match, and other reasonable fees and expenses during the year. Should you or your organization wish to sponsor the activities ofthe Riverside Sheriff s Pistol Team with a monetary and/or prize, you may forward any donation to the team member soliciting your assistance, or to the address on the bottom of this letter. For further information, please contact one of the team officers listed below. Your contribution will help support the men and women of the Riverside County Sheriffs Department in their athletic competitions and the local charities and community groups within the county. We thank you for your consideration. Deputy Larry Akin, Team Captain (909) 313-5968 lakintulrc-lawnet. org Sergeant Mike Blackwood, Treasurer (760) 861-8746 mblackwoaa,rc-lawnet. org Tax ID # 2005132 Riverside Sheriff Pistol Team P.O.Box 581 Sincerely, Larry Akin, Team Captain La Quinta, Ca. 92253 Visit us at www.vibank.com Last statement: November 30, 2000 This statement: December 29, 2000 Total days in statement period: 29 RIVERSIDE SHERIFF'S COMBAT ASSN PO BOX 581 LA QUINTA CA 92253-0581 VALLEY INDEPENDENT BANK Page 1 of 1 0007501706 (0) Direct inquiries to: 760-775-56558 Valley Independent Bank 81-790 Highway 1 1 1 Indio CA 92201 THANK YOU FOR LETTING US SERVE YOUR BANKING NEEDS, THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. WE LOOK FORWARD TO CONTINUING ' TO SERVE YOU 1N 2001. Business Checking Account Account number Avg collected balance 0007501706 Beginning balance $633.89 $633.00 Total additions .00 Total subtractions .00 Ending balance $633,89 * * No activity this statement period * * C16 Thank you for banking with Valley Independent Bank i MALWORTUAITY NOTICE: SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION F LENDER 110 •• .� —, � - www•v4.vkA4,f#6&%,V//L Nfj Be VALLEY INDEPENDENT BANK Last statement March 30. 2001 This statement: April 30. 2001 Total days in statement period: 31 RIVERSIDE SHERIFF'S COMBAT ASSN PO BOX 581 LA OUINTA CA 92253-0581 Page 1 of 2 0007501706 (9) Direct inquiries to: 760-775-5658 Valley Independent Bank 81-790 Highway 111 Indio CA 92201 START OR EXPAND YOUR BUSINESS WITH A LOAN FROM VIB. THERE ARE SEVERAL OPTIONS AND VIB IS A SSA PREFERRED LENDER, CALL OR VISIT YOUR VI8 BUSINESS LOAN CENTER TODAY FOR MORE DETAILS. Business Checking Account Account number Enclosures Avg collected balance 0007501706 Beginning balance 9 Total additions $5,504.00 Total subtractions Ending balance CHECKS Number Date Amount 3375 04-20 225.00 3376 04-09 426.00 3377_ _ 04-26 195.00 3378 T� 04-05 18.85 3379 0l'•-06 250.00 $1.218.89 6,333.00 1,994.76 $5,557.13 Number Date _ Amount 3380 04-18 _ 180.00 3381 04-17 600.91 3387 * 04-18 34.00 * Skip in check sequence DEBITS Date Description Subtractions 04-04 Deposit Ad j Debit 65.00 CREDITS 0 Date Description Additions t� '; �I .- 04-04 ' Deposit 1,988.00 2 SS 04-04 Deposit _ 1.390.00 �► 04-04 'Deposit _ —i 1,235.00 _ 04-06 Deposit - - 1 500.00 � 4 04-16 ' Deposit �� -� - 220.00 12tWuh dw- -A a, to sltlu= EQUAL HOUSING FD1 Cx,- LENDER NOTICE: SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION Woofs Ift"acatm"ft 113 C1� IV Visit us at www. vibank. com Last statement April 30, 2001 This statement: May 31, 2001 Total dsye in etstamoni pe*iodk 91 RIVERSIDE SHERIFF'S COMBAT ASSN PO BOX 581 LA QUINTA CA 92253-0581 VALLEY INDEPENDENT BANK Page 1 of 2 0007501706 ( 6) Direct inquiries to: 760-775-5658 Valley Independent Bank 81-790 Highway 1 1 1 Indio CA 92201 THE SECURITY AND CONFIDENTIALITY OF CUSTOMER INFORMATION IS A TOP PRIORITY AT OUR BANK. ENCLOSED IS A COPY OF OUR PRIVACY POLICY FOR YOUR REVIEW, Business Checking Account Account number 0007501706 Beginning balance $5,557.13 Enclosures 16 Total additions 4,546.70 Avg collected balance $6,409.00 Total subtractions 1,596.03 Ending balance $8,507.80 CHECKS Number _ Date Amount 3382 05-21 160.00 3383 05-31 120.00 3384 05-02 80.00 3386 * 05- 16 5.00 3388 *05-22 168.00 3389 05- 1 1 147.00 3390 05-22 60.00 120.00 3392 05-22 120.00 Number Date Amount 3393_ 05-22 120.00 3396 05-22 .._..._ 120.00 3397 05-22 13.00 3398 _ 05-22 - _..- 120.00 3399 05-18 200.00 3400 05-22 10.00 3403 * 05-23 33.03 o Ship--iri (;beat seWiffce CREDITS Date Description _ Additions 05-22 Deposit - 2,557.00 05-22 Deposit 1,989.70 DAILY BALANCES Date _ _ _ Amount 04-30 5,557.13 05-02 - - 5,477.13 Date Amount Date 05- 1 1 5,330. 13 05-16 5,325.13 05-18 05-21 _ Amount 5,125.13 4,965.13 112t 11 EQOA� hOUSING NOTICE: SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION LENDER ILCII dtVfllY'Jf M�YRf TO {i(b.� FM Cit Ad Gomm ..1upIM1Q t01110 104 C, I Visit us at www. vibank. com *1130 Last statement May 31. 2001 This statement: June 29, 2001 Total days in ctatomont poried! 20 RIVERSIDE SHERIFF'S COMBAT ASSN p0 BOX 581 LA QUINTA CA 92253-0581 VALLEY INDEPENDENT BANK Page 1 of 1 0007501706 ( 13) Direct inquiries to: 760-775-5658 Valley independent Bank 81-790 Highway 1 1 1 Indio CA 92201 - _ AT VALLEY INDEPENDENT BANK OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUR TOP PRIORITY. THANK YOU FOR TRUSTING US TO SERVE YOUR BANKING NEEDS. VALLEY INDEPENDENT BANK. GREAT PEOPLE. MORE BANK. Business Checking Account Account number 00075017.36 Beginning balance $8,507.80 Enclosures 13 Total additions 570.00 Avg collected balance $5,408.00 Total subtractions 4,503.00 Ending balance $4,574.80 CHECKS Number Date Amount Number Date Amount_ 3394 06-25 _ 128.00 3407 06_-21 60.00 3395 06-21 120.00 3409 * 06-21 �60.00 3401 a 06-07 75_00 3410 06-26 60.00 3402 06-06 3,640.00 3411 06-21 60.00 3404 * 06-21 60.00 3413 * 06-21 60.00 3405 _ 06-21 60.00 3415 * 06-27� 60.00 3406 _ 06-21 60.00 * Skip in check sequence CREDITS - Date Description _ Additions 06-21 Deposit 570.00 DAILY BALANCES Date _ Amount Date Amount Date Amount 05-31 _ 8,507.80 06-21 4,822.80 06-27 4,574.80 06-06 4,867.80 06-25 4,694.80 06-07 4,792.80 06-26 4,634.80 Thank you for banking with Valley Independent Bank 112t � EQUAL HOUSING NOTICE: SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION LENDER 11 2a6 inow r ;n..Rd m 51W.M0 FDIC* `r! ATTACHMENT 4 BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN"S CENTER AT EISENHOWER FOUNDERS Barbara & Frank Sinatra CHAIRMAN Barbara Sinatra PRESIDENT William N. Osterman VICE PRESIDENT Helene V. Galen TREASURER Marshall Gelfand BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jackie Autry Bernard M. Fauber Caroline H. Firestone Helene V. Galen Marshall Gelfand Tim Hanlon Charles G. Hanson Arthur L. Jacobson Robert O. Marx, Esq. William N. Narva, M.D Ernest G. Noia, Esq. Cydney Osterman William Osterman Walter E. Schoenfeld Daniel Schwartz Barbara Sinatra Grover Trask, II EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Susan Reynolds AFFILIATES PRESIDENT Clare Bowen AUNTS CLUB CHAIR Carole Stenzel UNCLES CLUB CHAIR Arthur L. Jacobson CHIEF PSYCHIATRIST Morton L. Kurland, M.D. INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF GOVERNORS Louis & Helene Galen Kirk Kerkorian Vincent & Mary Kickerillo Michael King John Kluge William & Cydney Osterman Laurance Rockefeller Jaclyn Rosenberg Walter & Esther Schoenfeld Barbara Sinatra Bob & Lynn Zimmer July 27, 2001 Community Services Grant Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Community Services Grant Department: The Barbara Sinatra Children's Center respectfully submits this proposal to the City of La Quinta for consideration regarding funds to counsel abused children. Frank and Barbara Sinatra founded the nonprofit Center in 1986 to counsel sexually, physically and emotionally abused children and to break the generation -to -generation cycle of abuse. Our outpatient facility is located on the Eisenhower Medical Center campus in Rancho Mirage. When the Center opened, the Sinatra's pledged that no child who needs help will be turned away due to an inability to pay for services. More than 96% of the children we counsel are from families with incomes below the poverty line. We are seeking $2,000 to provide individual outpatient therapy to children in the Coachella Valley suffering the affects of child sexual, physical and emotional abuse. Individual therapy allows children to work through devastating feelings and trauma associated with abuse. With the help of licensed counselors, these youngsters can be helped to lead normal, healthy, happy childhoods and become caring and responsible adults and parents. Attached is our application, copies of the last three month's bank statements and last year's December bank statement (please note the Center does not have an account separate from Eisenhower Medical Center but all funds are managed separately), current Program Operating Budget and current IRS Form 990. Your thoughtful consideration is greatly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require additional information or clarification. Thank you very much. Sincerely, Susan Reynolds Executive Director SR/lu The Mission of the non-profit Barbara Sinatra Children's Center is to counsel sexually, physically and emotionally abused chidren; and to break the devastating cycle of generation -to -generation abuse. ` Eisenhower Medical Center / 39000 Bob Hope Drive / Rancho Mirage, California 92270 l 760-340-2336 l FAX 760-340-1851 �� 0 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FISCAL YEAR 01-02 Name of Organization: Barbara Sinatra Children's Center Amount Requested: $2,000.00 Contact Person: Susan Reynolds Mailing Address: 39000 Bob Hope Drive City: Rancho Mirage State: CA Zip Code: 92270-3235 Phone No.: (760) 340-2336 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: Date Submitted: 33-0136550 July 27, 2001 Applications will receive consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. 11r7 .. -C-2.1 COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT APPLICATION (Must be typed) 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of you organization? The Mission of the non-profit Barbara Sinatra Children's Center is to counsel sexually, physically and emotionally abused children; and to break the devastating cycle of generation -to -generation abuse. 2. How long has your organization been in existence? 14 Years 9 Months 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your organization: The BSCC primarily serves children and families in the Coachella Valley. The majority of the populace for whom we provide services are low paid workers who support the tourist and agricultural industries. Individual and group counseling is provided with the assistance of on -site psychiatric and psychological consultation. Counseling is carefully orchestrated with Child Protective Services, the criminal justice systems and other appropriate agencies and professionals. The Center is among the nation's most tenured community -based child sexual abuse programs. 4. How many people does your organization currently serve? approx. No. of Youth 150 per month No. of Adults 24 No. of Seniors N/A S. How many people do you intend to serve during this Fiscal Year? approx. No. of Youth 800 No. of Adults 140 No. of Seniors N/A 6. How many people served this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta residents? approx. approx. No. of Youth 19 No. of Adults 8 No. of Seniors N/A 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your organization employ? Full time employees 17 Part time employees 5 Volunteers 300+ 8. Describe how your organization is managed and governed. The BSCC is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. An active volunteer Board of Directors governs the Center and complements the Center's staff and more than 300 volunteers and supporters who assist in a variety of meaningful ways. An executive director coordinates day-to-day activity, enacts the Center's mission and reports to the board. The Board includes: Barbara Sinatra, Chairman; William N. Osterman, President; Marshall Gelfand, Secretary/Treasurer and fourteen dedicated members. The Board meets ten times during the fiscal year. 118 C.2�: 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Name Title Home Address Phone (BSCC) Galen, Helene Vice President Rancho Mirage (760) 340-2336 Gelfand, Marshall Treasurer Palm Springs (760) 340-2336 Marx, Robert Executive Board New York, NY (760) 340-2336 Noia, Ernest Executive Board Palm Springs (760) 340-2336 Osterman, William President Rancho Mirage (760) 340-2336 Sinatra, Barbara Chairman & Founder Rancho Mirage (760) 340-2336 Contact: Reynolds, Susan Executive Director Palm Desert (760) 340-2336 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your organization operate? The Center provides year-round counseling for all children in need, 8am-5pm, M-F. Programs include winter and spring client holiday parties, winter self-esteem program for teenage girls that culminates in an early May "presentation" for supporters and family members, counseling that incorporates art and music as well as family group sessions and other activities that support individually designed counseling programs. 11. Do you charge admission, membership fee, dues, etc.? X Yes No If yes, please describe: The BSCC works with Medi-Cal, Riverside County, private insurance and other resources to help underwrite services. Counseling, however, is provided regardless of a family's ability to help. Part of a child's recommended counseling includes parental responsibility to contribute to the child's welfare via as manageable and appropriate payment schedule if possible. The base individual counseling session is $80. 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Source The Center's major annual fund-raiser is the annual Frank Sinatra Celebrity Golf Tournament. Since more than 96% of children we help are from families below the poverty line, assistance from supporters through a variety of donor clubs (Aunts, Uncles, Affiliates, Friends) and private donations supplement funds from grants and governmental agencies. We try to raise approximately10% of our budget from local and state funding. The balance is derived from donations and special events. Total Needed' $1,600,000 Total Received (projected) $1,500,000 Balance $ 100,000 11 . _ C 2 i 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $2,000.00 14. Has your organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? Yes x No If yes, when Amount received 15. Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the organization's funds are kept: Wells Fargo Bank, 4141 Inland Empire Blvd, Suite 350, Ontario, CA 91764 Contact name at bank: Joe Rhyne, Vice President 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals authorized to sign on the organization's account (must provide at least two individuals): Name: Title: Andy Deems CEO/President Lavonne Hansen Controller Aubrey Serfling Executive Vice President/CFO Judy Austin VP Patient Care Services 17. Please provide, as an attachment, copies of the last three months bank statements as well as the last year's December bank statement of the organization's checking and savings account. Attached. 18. Need Statement. Clearly and plainly state the specific, detailed reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. We are seeking $2,000 to provide individual outpatient therapy to children in the Coachella Valley suffering the affects of child sexual, physical and emotional abuse. Therapy allows abused children to work through their feelings and trauma. A child referred to the Center is scheduled for an initial intake and -assessment session with a clinician. Often the child's parents or legal guardian participates as well. Individually - designed counseling programs usually consist of one -hour sessions once per week for several months, depending on the severity of abuse and other circumstances. With the help of experienced, licensed counselors, these youngsters can be helped to lead normal, healthy, happy childhood and become productive, responsible adults and parents. With your needed assistance, we can supplement funds from other sources to ensure the area's abused children receive help. �� C24 19. Goal Statement. Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. Individuals and their families, as well as society at large, the City of La Quinta and the Coachella Valley stand to benefit from these funds. Children who have been sexually, physically and emotionally abused are many times more likely than others to develop serious problems. Social fallout can include truancy, homelessness, teen prostitution, teen pregnancy, substance and alcohol abuse, addictions, crime and domestic violence. Child abuse victims often blame themselves for the abuse and sometimes suffer from an inability to love, to be loved and sustain trusting relationships and meaningful attachments to family members, peers and as they grow to maturity, with other adults. 20. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. Attached. 21. Non-profit organizations must attach a copy of the organization's current IRS Form 990, Attached. 121 " y \ 17 WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Page 1 of 2 8,930 PO BOX 63020 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94163 Account Number. 415-9496595 269056144 Statement Start Date: f2t01100 Statement End Date: 12/31I00 BARBARA SINATRA'S CHILDREN H OPERATING ACCT 39000 BOB HOPE DR RANCHO MIRAGE CA 92270-0000 For Customer Assistance: Call your Customer Service Officer or Client Services 1-800-AT WELLS (289-3557) 5:00 AM to 6:00 PM Pacific Time Monday - Friday Account Number Beginning Balance Total Credits Total Debits Ending Balance WellsOne Account 415-9496595 0.00 144, 665.59 - 144, 665.59 0.00 Credits Deposits Effective Posted Amount Transaction Detail Date Date Dec 01 695.00 Deposit Dec 01 10,000.00 Deposit Dec 04 975.00 Deposit Dec 04 4,585.00 Deposit Dec 05 250.00 Deposit Dec 05 399.53 Deposit Dec 05 1,690.00 Deposit Dec 05 3,130.00 Deposit Dec 06 1,040.00 Deposit Dec 06 3,000.00 Deposit Dec 07 258.00 Deposit Dec 08 50.00 Deposit Dec 08 250.00 Deposit Dec 08 5,640.00 Deposit Dec 08 35,000.00 Deposit Dec 12 6,896.50 Deposit Dec 14 460.32 Deposit Dec 14 1,1r75.00 Deposit Dec 15 3,235.00 Deposit Dec 18 13,844.00 Deposit Dec 18 15,030.00 Deposit Dec 20 3,929.00 Deposit Dec 21 675.00 Deposit Dec 21 2,600.00 Deposit Dec 21 4,686.95 Deposit Dec 27 1,162.00 Deposit Dec 27 3,110.00 Deposit Dec 28 3,889.00 Deposit Dec 28 7,120.00 Deposit Dec 29 10.00 Deposit Dec 29 7,680.00 Deposit 142,765.30 Total Deposits Continued on next page C- 2 u NOTICE: see reverse side for important information. 122 Barbara Sinatra'S Children Operating Acct Electronic Deposits/ Bank Credits Page 2 of 2 Account Number: Statement End Date: 8,931 415-9496595 269056144 12131100 Effective Posted Amount Transaction Detail Date Date Dec 04 91.00 12104Bankcard Deposit-2690008848 Dec 04 219.70 12104Bankcard Deposit-2690008848 Dec 06 100.81 12106Bankcard Deposit-2690008848 Dec 08 110.00 12108Bankcard Deposit-2690008848 Dec 14 8.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit Dec 14 87.95 12114Bankcard Deposit-2690008848 Dec 18 840.83 12118Bankcard Deposit-2690008848 Dec 20 350.00 12120Bankcard Deposit-2690008848 Dec 21 10.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit Dec 27 12.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit Dec 27 70.00 Cash Vault Deposit ............................... .................................................................................:................. 1,900.29 Total Electronic De..ositsl Bank Credits ........................................................................................................................................................................ 144,665.59 Total Credits Debits Electronic Debits/ Bank Debits Effective Posted Amount Transaction Detail Date Date Dec 01 10,695.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Dec 04 5,870.70 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Dec 05 5,469.53 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Dec 06 4,140.81 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Dec 07 258.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Dec 08 41,050.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Dec 12 0.22 Bankcard Discount Fee - 2690008848 Dec 12 0.65 Bankcard Discount Fee - 2690008848 Dec 12 7.50 Bankcard Fee - 2690008848 Dec 12 9.66 Bankcard Discount Fee - 2690008848 Dec 12 15.12 Bankcard Fee - 2690008848 Dec 12 6,863.35 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Dec 14 2,031.27 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Dec 15 3,235.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Dec 18 29,714.83 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Dec 20 4,279.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Dec 21 7,971.95 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Dec 27 4,354.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 _ Dec 28 11,009.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Dec 29 7,690.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 .................................................................................................................................................................. 144 665.59 Total Electronic Debits/ Bank Debits ............................................................................. 144 665.59 To.tal Debits Daily Ledger Balance Summary Date Balance Date Balance Date Balance ............................................................ ov 30 Dec 01 0.00 .................................................. Dec 08 ...... 0.00 .....................................................0-0 Dec 21 .. 0.00 Dec 04 0.00 0.00 Dec 12 Dec 14 0.00 0.00 Dec 27 Dec 28 0.00 0.00 Dec 05 Dec 06 0.00 0.00 Dec 15 Dec 18 0.00 Dec 29 0.00 Dec 07 0.00 Dec 20 0.00 0.00 Average Daily Ledger Balance i nanK you for banking with Wells Fargo. 0.00 Member FDIC NOTICE: see reverse side for important information. 123 ' W. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. PO BOX 63020 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94163 BARBARA SINATRA'S CHILDREN OPERATING ACCT 39000 BOB HOPE DR RANCHO MIRAGE CA 92270-0000 Page 1 of 3 Account No: Statement Start Date: Statement End Date: 415-9496595 269056144 04/01/01 04/30/01 For Customer Assistance: Call your Customer Service Officer or Client Services 1-8001-AT WELLS (289-3557) 5:00 AM to 6:00 PM Pacific Time Monday - Friday --------- - --- -- ----- - - --- - - --- --- - - - ----- -- --------- -- --- - -- ---------- - -- - - - - -- Account Number Beginning Balance Ending Balance WellsOne Account 415-9496595 M EV ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits Deposits Effective Posted Date Date Amount Transaction Detail Apr 02 12,701.00 Deposit Apr 05 344.00 Deposit Apr 05 3,080.00 Deposit Apr 09 1,508.00 Deposit Apr 09 4,145.00 Deposit Apr 11 1,080.00 Deposit Apr 11 750,000.00 Deposit Apr 12 210.00 Deposit Apr 13 2,582.50 Deposit Apr 16 2,458.00 Deposit Apr 18 2,368.00 Deposit Apr 23 2,146.00 Deposit Apr 23 3,285.00 Deposit Apr 24 280.00 Deposit Apr 24 665.00 Deposit Apr 27 2,450.00 Deposit Apr 30 680.00 Deposit ............................. 7A9,982.50...Total .beposit.................. Electronic Deposits/ Bank Credits Effective Posted Date Date Apr 02 Apr 04 Apr 04 Apr 04 Apr 09 Apr 09 Apr 12 Apr 13 Amount Transaction Detail 28.00 04/02Bankcard Deposit -2690008848 36.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit 29.95 04/04Bankcard Deposit -2690008848 40.00 Cash Vault Deposit 11.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit 44.00 04/09Bag Deposit card -260000 8 8 22.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit 29.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit ------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Continued on next page Page 2 of 3 Account No: 415-9496595 BARBARA SINATRA'S CHILDREN Statement End Date: 04/30/01 OPERATING ACCT Electronic Deposits/ Bank Credits Effective Posted Date19 Amount Transaction Detail Date Apr 14.00 04/19Bankcard Deposit -2690008848 Apr 245.00 44.00 Cash Vault Deposit Cash Only Customer Deposit Apr Apr 23 23 57.95 04/23Bankcaard Deposit -269000884 Apt 25 37.00 170.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit Cash Vault Deposit Apr Apr 25 27 33.00 664.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit Cash Vault Deposit Apr 27 ............. ............................... 1,504.90... .0 otaiElectronic.Deposits/ i c .. . . ................... •......................... �791,487.40���Tota].�Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Debits Electronic Debits/ Bank Debits Effective Date Posted Date Amount 12,729.00 Transaction Detail Zero Balance Account Transfer Apt 02 105.95 To 4159496660 Zero Balance Account TransferTo Apr 04 6660 05 3,424.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer Apr 5,709.00 To 4159496660 Zero Balance Account Transfer Apr 09 To 4159496660 11 12.00 02690008848 d Deposit Apr Apr 11 751,068.00 Zero Bala6660Account Transfer 415949Apr 12 0.19 To Bankcard Fee - 2690008848 11 Apr 12 1.95 Bankcard Discount Fee - Apr 11 Apr 2690008848 12 4.80 card Discount Fee - Apr 11 Apr 2690 Apr 11 Ar 12 7.40 7.50 Bankcard Fee - 2690008848 Bankcard Fee - 2690008848 Apr 11 r 12 Apr pr 12 12.08 Bankcard Interchange Fee - Apr2690008848 Apr 11 Apr 12 12.80 2690pp d Discount Fee - 8848 12 185.28 Zero Balance Account Transfer Apr 2,611.50 To 4159496660 Zero Balance Account Transfer Apr 13 2,458.00 To 4159496660 Zero BalanceAccount Transfer Apr 16 2,368.00 Zero BalanceAccount Transfer Apr 18 259.00 To Zero Balance Account Transfer Apr 19 50532.95 To 4159496660 ZeroBalanceAccount Transfer Apr 23 945.00 To Zero Bal 6660Account Transfer Apr 24 . 207.00 To Zero Balance Account Transfer Apr 25 To 4159496660 ----------------------------------- Continued on next page 125 ■ Page 3 of 3 Account No: 415-9496595 BAR.BARA SINATRA'S CHILDREN Statement End Date: 04/30/01 OPERATING ACCT Electronic Debits/ Batik Debits Effective Posted Amount Transaction Detail Date Date 3,147.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer Apr Z7 To 4159496660 Apr 30 680.00 Zero Balance &r-count Transfer To 4159496660 .............. .............. " " " " .791 487.46�� Totai,Eleetronic6ebits / Bank Debits .......... ................... ......••..............791,487.40� �Total�Deb its __ _ _ _ -------------------------------------------------- --Daily Ledger Balance Summary Balance Data .........................•000 Mar......................... Apr 02 0.00 0.00 Apt 04 0.00 Apr 05 ppr 09 0.00 0.00 Apr 11 0.00 Apr 12 0.00 Apr 13 Average Daily Ledger Balance Date Balance ........................•0.00 Apr�16� Apr 18 00 00..00 Apr 19 Apr 23 0.00 Apr 24 0.00 0.00 Apr 25 Apr 27 0.00 Apr 30 0.00 -1.55 ------- -----------`,,pith Wells Fargo. Member FDIC Thank you for banking WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. PO BOX 63020 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94163 BARBARA SINATRA'S CHILDREN OPERATING ACCT ATTN: SUSAN SIMMONS# ACCTG. MGR. 39000 BOB HOPE DR RANCHO MIRAGE CA 92270-3221 Page 1 of 3 10,214 Account Number.' 415-9496595 269056144 Statement Start Date: 05101101 Statement End Date: 05/31/01 For Customer Assistance: Call your Customer Service Officer or Client Services 1-800-AT WELLS (289-3557) 5:00 AM to 6:00 PM PacificTime Monday - Friday Account Number Beginning Balance Total Credits Total Debits Ending Balance WellsOne Account 415-9496595 0.00 51, 814.69 - 51, 814.69 0.00 Credits Deposits Effective Posted Amount Transaction Detail Date Date May 01 400.00 Deposit May 01 1,804.96 Deposit May 02 2,330.00 Deposit May 04 2,205.00 Deposit May 09 45.00 Deposit May 09 4,719.75 Deposit May 10 240.00 Deposit May 11 100.00 Deposit May 16 28.00 Deposit May 16 440.00 Deposit May 17 2,000.00 Deposit May 18 1,215.00 Deposit May 22 2,261.00 Deposit May 22 2,485.67 Deposit May 24 30.00 Deposit May 24 268.32 Deposit May 24 520.00 Deposit May 2' 1.010.00 Deposit May 30 532.00 Deposit May 31 36.88 Deposit May 31 100.00 Deposit May 31 25,000.00 Deposit ........................................................................................................................................................................ 47,831.58 Total Deposits Electronic Depositsl Bank Credits Effective Posted Amount Transaction Detail Date Date � May 01 479.28 05101Bankcard Deposit-2690008848 May 02 28.00 051028ankcard Deposit-2690008848 May 03 15.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit May 03 726.00 Cash Vault Deposit May 08 20.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit May 08 1,628.34 Cash Vault Deposit Continued on next page C-3i NOTICE; see reverse side for important information. Barbara Sinatra'S Children Operating Acct Electronic Deposits/ Bank Credits Page 2 of 3 Account Number.• Statement End Date: Effective Posted Amount Transaction Detail Date Date May 11 7.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit May 11 394.50 Cash Vault Deposit May 15 42.99 05/ 15Bankcard Deposit-2690008848 May 16 27.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit May 17 60.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit May 17 55.00 Cash Vault Deposit May 22 6.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit May 22 29.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit May 24 14.00 05/24Bankcard Deposit-2690008848 May 25 53.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit May 25 314.00 Cash Vault Deposit May 30 70.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit May 31 14.00 05/31Bankcard Deposit-2690008848 a a a �r. :s 10,215 415-9496595 269056144 05/31 /01._ -.....,•.•.......................................3,983.11 .............Total Electronic Deposits/ Bank Credits.....-................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... 51,814.69 Total Credits Debits Electronic Debitsl Bank Debits Effective Posted Amount Transaction Detail Date Date May 01 2,684.24 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 May 02 2,358.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 May 03 741.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 May 04 2,205.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 May 08 1,648.34 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 May 09 4,764.75 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 May 10 0.22 Bankcard Discount Fee - 2690008848 May 10 0.35 Bankcard Discount Fee - 2690008848 May 10 2.54 Bankcard Discount Fee - 2690008848 May 10 7.03 Bankcard Interchange Fee - 2690008848 May 10 7.50 Bankcard Fee - 2690008848 May 10 22.24 Bankcard Fee - 2690008848 May 10 200.12 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 May 11 501.50 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 May 15 42.99 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 May 16 495.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 May 17 2,115.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 May 18 1,215.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 May 22 4,781.67 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 May 24 832.32 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 May 25 367.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 May 29 1,010.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 May 30 662.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 May 31 25,150.88 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 51,814.69 Total Electronic Debits/ Bank Debits ........................................................................................................................................................................ 51,814.69 Total Debits Daily Ledger Balance Summary Date Balance Date Balance Date Balance .................................................................................................................................................................................. Apr 30 0.00 May 01 0.00 May02 0.00 Continued on next page NOTICE: see reverse side for important information. Barbara Sinatra'S Children Operating Acct Page 3 of 3 10,216 Account Number., 415-9496595 269056144 Statement End Date: 05131101 Daily Ledger Balance Summary Date Balance Date Balance ......................................................... May 03 0.00 ........................................................... May 15 0.00 May 04 0.00 May 16 0.00 May 08 0.00 May 17 0.00 May 09 0.00 May 18 0.00 May 10 0.00 May 22 0.00 May 11 0.00 May 24 0.00 Average Daily Ledger Balance 0.00 Thank you for banking with Wells Fargo. Date Balance ----------0.00------ May May 29 0.00 May 30 0.00 May 31 0.00 129 Member FDIC C. NOTICE: see reverse side for important information. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. PO BOX 63020 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94163 BARBARA SINATRA'S CHILDREN OPERATING ACCT ATTN: SUSAN SIMMONS, ACCTG. MGR. 39000 BOB HOPE DR RANCHO MIRAGE CA 92270-3221 Page 1 of 3 1l,ls Account Number. 415-9496595 2690&1� . Statement Start Date: 06101/0f�, Statement End Date: For Customer Assistance: Call your Customer Service Officer or Client Services 1-800-AT WELLS ((289-3557)) 5:00 AM to 6:00 PM Pacific Time Monday - Friday Account Number Beginning Balance Total Credits Total Debits Ending Balance WellsOne Account 415-9496595 0.00 179,426.07 - 179,426.07 0.00 Credits Deposits Effective Posted Amount Transaction Detail Date Date Jun 01 127.59 Deposit Jun 01 1,050.00 Deposit Jun 05 1,150.00 Deposit Jun 06 1,156.00 Deposit Jun 11 4,080.25 Deposit Jun 13 694.00 Deposit Jun 15 1,025.00 Deposit Jun 18 24.00 Deposit Jun 20 100.00 Deposit Jun 25 1,000.00 Deposit Jun 27 3,000.00 Deposit Jun 28 73.76 Deposit Jun 28 2,379.32 Deposit ........................................................................................................................................................................ 15,859.92 Total Deposits Electronic Depositsl Bank Credits Effective Posted Amount Transaction Detail Date Date Jun 01 49.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit Jun 01 239.64 06101Bankcard Deposit-2690008848 Jun 01 859.00 Cash Vault Deposit Jun 07 31.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit Jun 07 28.00 06107Bankcard Deposit-2690008848 Jun 07 1,877.00 Cash Vault Deposit Jun 08 20.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit Jun 08 211.00 Cash Vault Deposit Jun 12 18.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit Jun 12 974.00 Cash Vault Deposit Jun 12 1,600.00 Cash Vault Deposit Jun 14 44.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit Jun 14 14.00 Cash Vault Deposit Jun 14 2,115.00 Cash Vault Deposit Jun 15 13.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit Continued on next page 034 %E. see reverse side for important information. -- i 'n Page 2 of 3 11,176 ' ! ' Account Number: 415-9496595 Barbara Sinatra'S Children 269056144 Operating Acct Statement End Date: 06130101 Electronic Deposits/ Bank Credits Effective Posted Amount Transaction Detail Date Date Jun 15 227.50 Cash Vault Deposit Jun 18 25.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit Jun 18 292.00 Cash Vault Deposit Jun 19 12.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit Jun 19 208.10 Cash Vault Deposit Jun 20 18.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit Jun 20 427.00 Cash Vault Deposit Jun 21 34.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit Jun 21 108.00 Cash Vault Deposit Jun 22 239.64 06/22Bankcard Deposit-2690008848 Jun 22 553.00 Cash Vault Deposit Jun 25 300.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit Jun 26 12.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit Jun 26 2,819.00 Cash Vault Deposit Jun 27 18.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit Jun 28 24.00 Cash Only Customer Deposit Jun 28 56.27 06/288ankcard Deposit-2690008848 Jun 29 100.00 Cash Vault Deposit Jun 29 150,000.00 Cash Vault Deposit ........................................................................................................................................................................ 163,566.15 Total Electronic Deposits/ Bank Credits ........................................................................................................................................................................ 179,426.07 Total Credits Debits Electronic Debits/ Bank Debits Effective Posted Amount Transaction Detail Date Date Jun 01 2,325.23 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Jun 05 1,150.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Jun 06 1,156.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Jun 07 1,936.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Jun 08 231.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Jun 11 4,080.25 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Jun 12 0.10 Bankcard Fee - 2690008848 Jun 12 0.40 Bankcard Discount Fee - 2690008848 Jun 12 1.33 Bankcard Discount Fee - 2690008848 Jun 12 1.61 Bankcard Interchange Fee - 2690008848 Jun 12 7.50 Bankcard Fee - 2690008848 Jun 12 7.74 Bankcard Discount Fee - 2690008848 Jun 12 15.93 Bankcard Fee - 2690008848 Jun 12 2,557.39 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Jun 13 694.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Jun 14 2,173.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Jun 15 1,265.50 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Jun 18 341.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Jun 19 220.10 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Jun 20 545.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Jun 21 142.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Jun 22 792.64 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Jun 25 1,300.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Jun 26 2,831.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Jun 27 3,018.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Jun 28 2,533.35 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 Jun 29 150,100.00 Zero Balance Account Transfer To 4159496660 179,426.07 Total Electronic Debits/ Bank Debits ........................................................................................................................................................................ 179,426.07 Total Debits Continued on next page NOTICE: see reverse side for important information. Barbara Sinatra'S Children Operating Acct Page 3 of 3 Account Number: Statement End Date: 11,177 415-9496595 269056144 06130101 Daily Ledger Balance Summary Date Balance Date Balance Date Balance ............................................................ May 31 0.00 ................................................... Jun 12 ...... 0....00 .......21 .... ................................... Jun ..... 0.00 .. Jun 01 0.00 Jun 13 0.00 Jun 22 0.00 Jun 05 0.00 Jun 14 0.00 Jun 25 0.00 Jun 06 0.00 Jun 15 0.00 Jun 26 0.00 Jun 07 0.00 Jun 18 0.00 Jun 27 0.00 Jun 08 0.00 Jun 19 0.00 Jun 28 0.00 Jun 11 0.00 Jun 20 0.00 Jun 29 0.00 Average Daily Ledger Balance 0.00 Thank you for banking with Wells Fargo. NOTICE: see reverse side for important information. 13� Member FDIC C� 3 ki p X O m n-1#-+M MOOT n�CDm r � ON.� � (D' cD a CD " �- , Z co r' O-, Xc z �°��X� v_�3cnNNcch m-°<� ;om�; >CCO o2)a ��m -c rn NcD 0 X 0� cn Z M G) a -a 2) 0 ccnn Zcc G 0 m C CD : m CD< N sv � a � u � CD cn co C C Z =3 ZCD mI'llr CD cn Cl) N n -< Co N D O 0o 00 N co N O 11 � N r 0 N W 00 C n (0 N CC) 'mil C0 00 W o -� -4 M M � O .-. rn N o N � O NoU1 .th, 0) N -Alw 00 —L � C0 cn co OWO � C0 00 �l 11 .P � W O �! Z 00 -n c� v G� o rnO O O � -.L —& N CO O cn w 11 W -.& W cn O CJt W� 0 W O -Ch. CD CJ7 IN �l N CD W N cn D -n I CA nD m z � m D rnZi O n ;u - _ � N r < X rn Z a > 0 0 N D Z zv m 6) ou X D c � rn G) z m mmVi v� _ OC G rn X 133 C-3` m m m m M m Z m m m m � m m m 0 CD Co o o 0 0 A W W N O j 3 (D (D W CDC O cD co O O N O O O OI O O (n A a N 0 O o 0 0 0 o an O o of C o o O g=< c �+ c m 0 0 0 _v O o a) CD n Cl FD= m c m (o c m_ 3 D <� Q 3 (D c r o o < »� oZ oZ fu 3 3 cn O y T. Qo CD N CA �I c � j y co Cn CA i o to N O !C11: (n tJ N 6) Cn CO O N N € " O O (T A (D N AA: N O (n O LO A O O V V *i: W A 0 0 Cii:; f V' A A V rn- (-III cn o 0 CD V %- I t 6 V' AA Cn V -+ Cn'' A O'' V OD 4W W (A! V -+. O. — Cn' Cn t C) O Co V E -4 I � Ul Cn -+ co i Cn A (D V OD CAI' N 0: V O (D O O t <A! O (n (4 O) :; 4€ T E W o Cn V -D, A n C) Cn A O V OD (7 V 0) (A Cn f O CA O Vco T C V O (D Cn Uv € n O Cn W O V:1 A' Ai I Cn, VI -+ Cn A rn'I V OD i F ti0'�' W <f�� V O (n (n 1 O C) Co V € W I I f VI AI All Cn 1V + {a A i co". W A O! -41 O W', Cn i I II I I � 1 VII, AI, Ai I ! € tip (nI NI Wi 1k. Cn A N V Os O' V (A W CT CA `"3a CO' A (D 1. (n !W 3 � i I VIA A (n A O V OD V'I �i CAI Cn 0 n.i3 O (3), V' EE VA I N: CA 01 J „,�y E A„ E C7D Cn A CD V O t71, N V 0)(o I Cn CA i7f'- O Cn W O -- -- -- E CT) V AI W v I j I Cn 4. CA -41 OD Y7D:s W Cw 3 I E A O O O O � v A A COO CO V O A A OOD N V N 0) CO W (On coO A. CO K)) v l N O co OD W ' Cn co O A Ai OD CO V O OI A'. OD (D V CO N V A OI WI V O N'1 co N NI On A. O (D vl O' N' V cn N' (3)1 COT coOO Cn A A COD N V VI CT CT O ,yp. N A O D) _ A A co -4 CA:; .� oo CD OD W V Cn ? W i N I CAI (n< O (n (J M A In CO O ~ ~ a v On v v v v ? O co O O O CA Cn O 0O .C+ A -A, A A A �' m V V V V o co (D 0M O n o 0 0 0 o coCD CO CO V V CU CO CD OD 1 CO O a? O o co oD V rn 1T1 "M 5 CO 5 O v a CO CO D CO c� ; < o o C to (A Cl (n D •rZJ .Z1 D or co a Zr a) 2 0 n 3 n �_ � 7p G� O O O O y T �rn '► �m O , ���� -C4 zzzzzcD 0000-n 0 T mm (Do D y CD a (o C 5 m a CL T m m m m m 2 m CoVM T . Cl 2 F 3 C N 5 C T 5< Cn T o y 0 m T � �-' c 3 c a 1 N y o A m y f € pp 3 ' �i OD O O: N Cn I ; W W O CD O' <ill' w A O O I N N .+'j- N W N O Cn ...+i +a j CA O A CA O Al i 0 O A V O V(D O r [ 401 O O O O O { F 3 O O O 1 O 0) O', O O O O O � 3! k ids O O O O' O' N (O V 11 O A -� (D O' O N co O O O co co O O O ? CA 0 o n A O O O O � v A A COO CO V O A A OOD N V N 0) CO W (On coO A. CO K)) v l N O co OD W ' Cn co O A Ai OD CO V O OI A'. OD (D V CO N V A OI WI V O N'1 co N NI On A. O (D vl O' N' V cn N' (3)1 COT coOO Cn A A COD N V VI CT CT O ,yp. N A O D) _ A A co -4 CA:; .� oo CD OD W V Cn ? W i N I CAI (n< O (n (J M A In CO O ~ ~ a v On v v v v ? O co O O O CA Cn O 0O .C+ A -A, A A A �' m V V V V o co (D 0M O n o 0 0 0 o coCD CO CO V V CU CO CD OD 1 CO O a? O o co oD V rn 1T1 "M 5 CO 5 O v a CO CO D CO c� ; < o o C to (A Cl (n D •rZJ .Z1 D or co a Zr a) 2 0 n 3 n �_ � 7p G� O O O O y T �rn '► �m O , ���� -C4 zzzzzcD 0000-n 0 T mm (Do D y CD a (o C 5 m a CL T m m m m m 2 m CoVM T . Cl 2 F 3 C N 5 C T 5< Cn T o y 0 m T � �-' c 3 c a 1 N y o A m y f € pp 3 ' �i OD O O: N Cn I ; W W O CD O' <ill' w A O O I N N .+'j- N W N O Cn ...+i +a j CA O A CA O Al i 0 O A V O V(D O r [ 401 O O O O O { F 3 O O O 1 O 0) O', O O O O O � 3! k ids O O O O' O' N (O V 11 O A -� (D O' O N co O O O co co O O O ? 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V -4; VI ODI OI V. 1 Eft iC(y�- O'' CTI O C) Ai �I N WI Al 0 V. W O) -4I V, V! 4 V V1 A' O', NI O I OO I A � I O N IOI,�IO��A -+ N' co N' •ri; C) V -4V'VIV;V1(DIO I W! 0, CO OD I CO ! N I V'�If� � Cjp Al. Oi NI trl, 0' OI CAI A1,' COS O -4 W V : N CJf A O CO -40 N. : , O) 1 V V -4! i (O O',. co 1 I i —i mil 11 O 0 01 O) I A ;: C, N CT A i W O V W CA V V V! V V ; CO OD co K) I OD j 0 V �' Q. W - W: CA N f N N V O O O) A -CD N C) N; N) O -+ V W O(D --4C)00< N -I. CT --4-4I V' O O CO -I N O O N O O N O O 'm m m C m'm m m mim m m p m m 00 O CO O j W W V V V CTI co 00 -4 to Co. 00 N_ lD V V � O CT 0 V V ', z A W 0 0 1 0 Cl 0 �:: 0,0 0 0 O j O O O of O 8 O .. 0 0 0 0 a o 0 lD 0 0 0 (0 y m p) n QO m �(D c- 0 CDv> (DIN a)) N N c U) c (;D 7 v- (A (D N '+ n 7 a) Cp C 01 r °1 C) (D y N CD QD m 0 r- ID N o 0 > )C T 0 `N° CD — � Q M m Wa m m o y — 7 c. v cc c 0) N N N 7 3 O A o+ � v co � + O) � (i+ � w 0 0 0 -00 CA - (O t3i1 A N O O 0 0 0 0 0 Cr O Cl O O N O W C) (D W: W (T CD N W:: O A CD ([E[E N co N! CD A (D CO' N' COO' V CT W N 0) A' N' (A W O Ah0) W A: K) I O A_ Ui N N (D N E J OOD A Oho (NO C7� -+ (n f [ '41 OND: 0) -4 CNIf , W N O) A N CT W OD J J cn CO A -•+ OD (O 01 CT N: E 'V O 0) V to W N (3) A N CT W OD € f7) O W A N CO. A -� CD (O CT -+'' CJ1 E V: co 0) --4 C' w N 0) A, N' (T.. W co i 4.. O W A N! E t[ O A CT, N f7(' N CO N': 00 A OD CO (T (n W N. O A N cT W' CO!fA Vi OD O) V (T O W A, (31 O A 01N ! F L71 IV CO IV W N O) ?. N i C n W OD € f7)'s 0) W A- N to CO:Ai -+ W (OI n �': CT WI C) O +i: OD! 0) V CT'', € tn•_ 0), W AI N' ''. W O A CJ) N I � I pf N CO N co A — OD cO CT Cr N ''� 0) A CT W co V co: 0)! --4: CT O) I W A I N W N : to 1 i 3 FF F OI A U, K) (11< N' COI N', O1 A' co (D CA �' 0 W K): O) A N CT W 00 -400 O) V' CT G)' O W A N', i O A al N f?i N CO N' ' OD i A — 00CO CT . CT V < CD 0 V (n W j N O A . K) c , W : 00 I rn ; (7) W la ' to I � -• E � cn N (jyf: (VD coo W ODD OND CT W V OD A CO CO OD -4 N :A; OND CT CCn 00 C1a -4 O O a 0 C•) Co m ' 4 V A N O n C.) C) C) r- A -n D N O � N W o 0 0 CD 0 0 0 0 0 O ..' N 0 M C E O d d d m d a DO � 3 v m, D U) o o x c G _ o � M 3 coo d cCD _O CD y c� m W Z Cu C Cn C Z C O0cn 0— n.I m d 0 Cj)0 (n c, y CD CD w ' ° m LU N Cp O O' ; c � M �. (D s; < ai a O OWD ONO O 9) W A O W OD V W V CA OD -+ Cn W Cn CA Cn W 6 N 0) N (n W W V W W V O W W A V O C071 CA W N A W V O CD A CO Cn CVn A O N c0 N Cn A OOi A Cp A WCO W W O 0� A V O Cn O U N A W V O co C y D Tm �_ X Cn W N -' _ (D > w W Cn Cn O - CC' A A CWn CD' O O N CO CT CO N CO V CO Cn Cn O O O W A O A a CD CO CO' Cn O CO N W W CO CO CO 1 _ -.. _..-_ .... ._ .. _. Z C A w . w OD CA) T� W VNi. C)CVO W CO.) CO' tNO. W CD co — A m O CO io CO CO 00 CD D A W Cn A Cn V O O V W Cn CD - n N W N (A CD V N N -+ QI Cn C.:) CA CON Co V N CA Cn CO CA O W CA. C) CA CD O Cn A C) CA C7 CD O v TT A W Cn V O V 0 CA W W O Cn 1 N N - -- - - . -- - - --- o m p m Z J WI Ch W W W OO O A. A W CO O O V A CA -+ A V CA A V, A � Z /� ` I c0 0 Cn' O O � V � Cn V cC CD to c0 0 A (1aD . O W W: A Cn m 0 w N) O C.T1 O CD W W CD O' CO Cal' . /V CD CD -+ A CD' O ao' CO CO CD: CD'; OJ: A W Cn A U V O O V CA Cn f CD I � i I a W N W " OD O CA Cn O O O Al CO' Cn, O Cn O O)i A'' W Cn V V O CD Cn1 Vi CA' V !; A W N --• CAI d W N V CO Cn; 00 C,): COI O CO -4 CA' CO'' O! CD; V CAI .. n ? CO Co � . A: V (D : CO CO ��. C o A ': O A W Cn A CID O O V: W! CD 1. CD A C4 �I CD C) CND CD a) CON) CO GO v a) UNi <O i 0 O CD CA O CA CD O U A O CA A W Cn V O V O CA W N' O Cn I A C..I W N V N OD w W N N Q) U O CD W W CO -+ O CO W CAI OD OD -+ A CO O OD CO CO OD CD ! CO ! Cn n V V U CO O W ', CO "M - O A W ! C A W .+ fla A V O V O Cn N V N O co CD CA 4ii Cn CD 0 -+ O CD CO A O U O N U CA A C)OD T M T--95 form q90 �wzL, THE BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN'S CENTER Exempt Organization Tax Returns For the Year Ended June 30, 2000 Copy - For Public Inspection 130 f.: IJ ERNST & YOUNG Cy42 Form 19 9 6 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax OMB No 154t. -0047, Under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code (except black lung benefit NN// 9 g Department of the Treasury trust or private foundation) or section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust This Form is Into Public Internal Revenue Service I Note: The organization may have to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements. Inspection A For the 1999 calendar year, OR tax year period beginning 0 7 0 1 1999 and endin 0 6 3 0 2 0 0 0 8 Check d Please C Name of organization D Employer identification number Change of use IRS address label or Initial THE BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN'S CENTER 33-0136550 return print of Final type, Number and street (or P.O. box if mail is not delivered to street address) Room/suite E Telephone number return See Amended Specific 39000 BOB HOPE DRIVE 760 773-1888 return (required Instrue- eq City Of town, state or country, and ZIP + 4 F Check ► .I exemption application also for tions. slate AN H MIRAGE, A 92270 is pending reporting) G Type of organization —► X I Exempt under section 501(c) ( 3 ) -4 (insert number) OR ► Ll section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust Note: Section 501 c 3 exempt organizations and 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts MUST attach a completed Schedule A Form 990). H (a) IS this a group return filed for affiliates? . . . . • . . • Yes X No 1 If either box in H is checked "Yes," enter four -digit group exemption number (GEN) ► (b) If "Yes," enter the number of affiliates for which this return is filed: ► J Accounting method: Cash X Accrual (c) Is this a separate return riled by an organization covered by a group ruling? . Yes X NO Other (specify) ► K Check here ► if the organization's gross receipts are normally not more than $25,000. The organization need not file a return with the IRS; but if it received a Form 990 Package in the mail, it should file a return without financial data. Some states require a complete return. Note: Form 990 EZ maybe used by organizations with gross receipts less than $100 000 and total assets less than $250,000 at end of year. ' Revenue, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances See 5 ecltic instructions on age lJ. 1 Contributions, gifts, grants, and similar amounts received: STMT 1 a Direct public support . • . . . • .. . ... . . . . . .. ... . 1 a 1,042 784 b Indirect public support . , • _ . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 b 9 7,168. c Government contributions (grants) • . , • • • • • , . . . . . . • 1 c 110 253, d Total (add lines I through 1c) (attach schedule of contributors) (cash $ 1, 15 3, 0 3 7. noncash $ 97,168.) ........... 1 d 1,250,205. 2 2 3 3 3 8 2 . 2 Program service revenue including government fees and contracts (from Part VII, line 93) . • • , , . . . 3 3 Membership dues and assessments • . , • • . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 140,315. 4 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments .. SSS. 5TAT F,MSNT. 5........ 5 513,015. 5 Dividends and interest from securities ......... SSS. STATFMF�NT. 5........ 6 a Gross rents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 a b Less: rental expenses , • • • _ • . • . . • • • . . . . . . . . 6 b c Net rental income or (loss) (subtract line 6b from line 6a) • • • • • • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 c 7 7 Other investment income (describe ► c a > 8 a Gross amount from sales of assets other A Securities B Other than inventory • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • 8 a 9 8 8 0 2 b Less: cost or other basis and sales expenses 8 b 127,000 . c Gain or (loss) (attach schedule) STMT 27 — 8 4 5 081 . 8 c — 2 8 19 8 . d Net gain or (loss) (combine line 8c, columns (A) and (B)) . • • . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 d — 8 7 3 2 7 9 . 9 Special events and activities (attach schedule) a Gross revenue (not including $ 24 , 607. of contributions reported on line 1a)• $.TM.T, ,7, .. $.TMT. 0.. 9al 81,053. b Less: direct expenses other than fundraising expenses . • • . . • • • 91bl 89,312. C Net income or (loss) from special events (subtract line 9b from line 9a) . . . . . . • • . . • . . 9 c — 8 2 5 9 . 10 a Gross sales of inventory, less returns and allowances • • • , . . • 0a b Less: cost of goods sold • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . . . • • 0b C Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory (attach schedule) (subtract line 10b from line 10a) . • • . • 10c 11 35,146. 11 Other revenue (from Part VII, line 103) . . . • ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1 2 9 0 5 2 5 . 12 Total revenue add lines 1 d 2 3 4 5 6c 7 8d 9c 10c and 11 . . . . . • • . 13 Program services (from line 44, column (B)) _ _ . • • • • • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1 j 691 970 . 14 223 776 . H 14 Management and general (from line 44, column (C)) • . • • • • . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 6 621 . a0r 15 Fundraising (from line44, column (D)) • • • . • • . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 n w 16 Payments to affiliates (attach schedule) • . . • . . • • . • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 1,922,367 . 17 Total expenses add lines 16 and 44 column A .......................... 0 m 18 Excess or (deficit) for the year (subtract line 17 from fine 12) . 18 — 6 31 8 4 2 . 19 14 8 0 7 19 8 . rn 19 Net assets or fund balances at beginning of year (from fine 73. column (A)) _ • . . . . . . . . .. . . . 20 664,911 . a 20 Other changes in net assets or fund balances (attach explanation) $ TMT. 9. . . . $.TM.T. 10. 21 14 840,267 Z21 Net assets or fund balances at end of year combine lines 18 19 and 20 - - . . . • • • • • • • • - It 1010 2.000 For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 1 of the separate instructions. - Fofm 99u (19 CA j For In 990 1999 33-0136550 Page 2 Statement of All organizations must complete column (A) Columns (B). (C), and (D) are required for section 501(c)(3) and (4) organizations Functional Expenses and section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts but optional for others (See Specific Instructions on page 19 ) Do not include amounts reported on line 6b, 8b, 9b, 10b, or 16 of Part 1. (A) Total (B) Program services (C) Management and general (D) Fundraising 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 b Grants and allocations (attach schedule) (cash S nonCash S ) Specific assistance to individuals (attach schedule) Benefits paid to or for members (attach schedule) Compensation of officers, directors, etc. Other salaries and wages Pension plan contributions ...... Other employee benefits , . _ , . _ Payroll taxes . , • , .......... Professional fundraising fees , . Accounting fees . • , . , • . , .... Legal fees . , .. . . . .. . . . Supplies ...... Telephone • , , • .......... Postage and shipping .. .. , .... Occupancy • . ............ Equipment rental and maintenance • Printing and publications . . • • . , . Travel . • • „ • ........... Conferences, conventions, and meetings . Interest . . ............... Depreciation, depletion, etc. (attach s5tMAT. 11.42 Other expenses (itemize): a S TMT 12 22 23 24 25 78,126. 39,063. 39,063. NONE 26 720,381. 687,895. 32,486. NONE 27 37,600. 36,250. 1,350. NONE 28 194,099. 186,881. 7,218. NONE 29 65,342. 63,153. 2,189. NONE 30 31 16,000. NONE 16,000. NONE 32 9,996. NONE 9,996. NONE 33 72 986. 56,451. 12,099 4 436 34 15 973. 13,624. 2,349. NONE 35 10,852. 6,299. 1 111 . 3,442. 36 36,714. 31,207. 5,507. NONE 37 15,346. 9,296. 1,640. 4,410. 38 35,196. 5 5 6 3 . NONE 29,633. 39 12 792. 10,431. 658. 1,703. 40 3 381 . 3,082. 299. NONE 41 5,941 NONE 5 9 41 NONE 89,840. 76,537. 13,303. NONE 4 3a 501,802. 466,238. 7 2 5 6 7. — 3 7 0 0 3. 43b c 43c d 43dl e 43e 44 Total functional expenses (add lines 22 through 43) Orgathese totals t lines 13-g1 cnlurms (B)-(Oqj. c.. • these totals to lines 13-15 - 44 1,922,367.1 1,691f.970.1 223,776.1 6,621. Reporting of Joint Costs. - Did you report in column (B) (Program services) any joint costs from a combined educational campaign and fundraising solicitation? • . . • • . • • . . • , . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► ❑Yes X❑ No If "Yes,' enter (i) the aggregate amount of these joint costs $ ; (ii) the amount allocated to Program services $ fir the amount allocated to Management and general $ ; and iv the amount allocated to Fundraising $ Statement of Program Service Accomplishments See Specific Instructions on Pac e 22. What is the organization's primary exempt purpose? ► SEE STATEMENT 13---------- Program service --------------------------------- Expenses All organizations must describe their exempt purpose achievements in a clear and concise manner. State the number (Required for 501(c)(3) and of clients served publications issued etc. Discuss achievements that are not measurable. Section 501 c 3 and 4 (4) orgs., and tiorW xt) . P � ( ()() () trusts; but optional for organizations and 4947(ax1) nonexempt charitable trusts must also enter the amount of grants and allocations to others.) others.) a SEE STATEMENT�� Grants and allocations $ 1,691,970. b (Grants and allocations $ ) c (Grants and allocations $ ) d Grants and allocations $ e Other program services attach schedule Grants and allocations $ A f Total of Program Service Expenses (should equal line 44, column (B) Program services) • . . - • . • . • • ► 1,691,970. 10201.000 � r-r4rTr 0(1919)44 /ltoii-7Ar1 7n7n 1 n /� n /�l11/1r1 1 c A c a nn c nn ^� n rM990 1999 33-0136550 Page 3 -j-.Tj1jM Balance Sheets (See Specific Instructions on page 22.) Note: Where required, attached schedules and amounts within the description column should be for end -of -year amounts onl _ F45 Cash - non -interest -bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Savings and temporary cash investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 a Accounts receivable . . . . . . . . . . . . 47a 169,585. b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts . . . , . . 47 b 80 600. ............ 48a Pledges receivable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48a 42 189 b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts 48b NONE 49 Grants receivable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Receivables from officers, directors, trustees, and key employees (attach schedule) , . . . . 51 a Other notes and loans receivable (attach schedule) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 a b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts . , . . 51 b 52 Inventories for sale or use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges . ... . ... .... . . . . . . . . . 54 Investments -securities (attach schedule). SEE. STATEMENT. la. . . . 55a Investments - land, buildings, and equipment: basis . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . 55a 599,044. b Less: accumulated depreciation (attach schedule) . , . . . . . . 5 5 b 56 Investments - other (attach schedule) .. SEE. STATEMENT. 15... . 57 a Land, buildings, and equipment: basis , 57a 2 , 3 8 4 , 057. b Less: accumulated depreciation (attach schedule) „ .SEE . STMT .11 57b. 1,054,302. 58 Other assets (describe ► SEE STATEMENT 16 (A) Beginning of year (B) End of year NONE 45 NONE 247 538. 46 1,236,940. 109 962. 47c 88,985. 177 968. 48c 42,189. 49 50 51c 52 52 736. 53 49,573. 12,744,562. 54 11,357,619. 666 360. 55c 599 044. NONEI 56 1 97,168. 1 236 631. 57c 1,329,755. 287,151. 58 1 231,928. 59 Total assets add lines 45 through 58 must equal line 74 • . . • . • • • . • 15,523,108. 59 15,033,201. 60 Accounts payable and accrued expenses ,., ...... 72,2 53, 60 90,628. 61 Grants payable , • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 62 Deferred revenue ... . . .. . . . ... . ... ..... . .. . . . . . . 62 63 Loans from officers, directors, trustees, and key employees (attach a schedule) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 64a Tax-exempt bond liabilities (attach schedule) ........ . . . . .... . . 64a 3 b Mortgages and other notes payable (attach schedule) , , , , , , • , . .... 64b 643.657. 65 Other liabilities (describe ► SEE STATEMENT 17 ) 65 102,306. 66 Total liabilities add lines 60 through 65 715,910. 66 192 934. Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here ► X and complete lines 67 through 69 and lines 73 and 74. 4,383,437, 6 7 3,906,198. m67 Unrestricted ...... ............................. 357,624. 228.704. 68 68 Temporarily restricted •,,,,,• ................. 10 576445. 10 19 5 0 5 7. 69 a 69 Permanently restricted ................. ......... 00 and here ❑ Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117 check g 0 complete lines 70 through 74. `0 70 Capital stock, trust principal, or current funds , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 71 71 Paid -in or capital surplus, or land, building, and equipment fund , , , , . . . . a 72 Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated income, or other funds , . , , , 72 < 73 Total net assets or fund balances (add lines 67 through 69 OR lines m 70 through 72; column (A) must equal line 19 and column (B) must z equal line 21) 14 807 198 . 73 14,840,267. 15,523,108. 74 . . . . . . ............................. 74 Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances add lines 66 and 73 15,033,201. Form 990 is available for public inspection and, for some people, serves as the primary or sole source of information about a particular organization. How the public perceives an organization in such cases may be determined by the information presented on its return. Therefore, please make sure the return is complete and accurate and fully describes, in Part III, the organization's programs and accomplishments. 4 C' ►30 1.000 141 Fbrm 990 (1999) 3 3- 013 6 5 5 0 Pace 4 Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited Reconciliation of Expenses per Audited Financial Statements with Revenue per Financial Statements with Expenses per Return (See Specific Instructions, page 24.) Return a Total revenue, gains, and other support a Total expenses and losses per per audited financial statements , , ► a 1 976 076. audited financial statements , , , , ► a 1,943,007. b Amounts included on line a but not on b Amounts included on line a but not line 12, Form 990: on line 17, Form 990: (1) Net unrealized gains (1) Donated services on investments $ 573,195. and use of facilities $ (2) Donated services (2) Prior year adjustments and use of facilities $ reported on line 20, (3) Recoveries of prior Form 990 , _ , $ year grants $ (3) Losses reported on (4) Other (specify) line 20. Form 990 $ (4) Other (specify). STMT 18 $ 276,028. Add amounts on lines (1) through (4) ► b 849,223. STMT 20 $ 89,312 . Add amounts on lines (1) through (4). , ► b 89,312. c 1,853,695. c Line a minus line b ► c 1,126,853.. c Line a minus line b,,,,,,,,,► d Amounts included on line 12, d Amounts included on line 17, Form 990 but not on line a: Form 990 but not on line a: (1) Investment expenses (1) Investment expenses not included on line not included on line 6b, Form 990 , , , $ 6b, Form 990 , , , $ (2) Other (specify): (2) Other (specify): STMT 19 s 163,672. STMT 21 s 68,672 . Add amounts on lines (1) and (2) ► d 163 672. Add amounts on lines (1) and (2) , , ► d 68,672. e Total revenue per line 12, Form 990 a Total expenses per line 17, Form 990 (line c plus lined) . . . .. . . . ► e 1,290,525.1 line c plus lined . • • . . . • • • . ► e 1,922,367. 1ZMM List of Officers, Directors, Trustees. and Kev EmDlovees (List each one even if not compensated: see SDecific Instructions on page 24.) (A) Name and address (B) Title and average hours per week devoted to position (C) Compensation (if not paid, enter -0-3 (D) Contributions to employee benefit plans 3 deterred compensation (E) E>pense account and other allowances 78,126. 18,138. NONE SEE STATEMENT 23 75 Did any officer, director, trustee, or key employee receive aggregate compensation of more than $100,000 from your organization and all related organizations, of which more than $10,000 was provided by the related organizations? III- F--J Yes XX No If 'Yes,' attach schedule - see Specific Instructions on page 25. JsA 9E 1040 1.000 Form 9 9 0 (1999) 14h' C.4 � •m990 1999 JJ—UIJ655U Page 5 faVil Other Information See Specific Instructions on page 25. Yes No Did the organization engage in any activity not previously reported to the IRS? If 'Yes," attach a detailed description of each activity , 76 X Were any changes made in the organizing or governing documents but not reported to the IRS? , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , _ 77 X If "Yes,' attach a conformed copy of the changes. a Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year covered by this return? , , , , , , , , , . 78a X b If 'Yes,' has it filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 78b N A Was there a liquidation, dissolution, termination, or substantial contraction during the year? If "Yes,' attach a statement , . , , , , , , 79 X a Is the organization related (other than by association with a statewide or nationwide organization) through common membership, governing bodies, trustees, officers, etc., to any other exempt or nonexempt organization? , , , , , , , , , , , , , 80a X b If "Yes," enter the name of the organization ► S TMT 24 and check whether it is X I exempt OR nonexempt. a Enter the amount of political expenditures, direct or indirect, as described in the instructions for line 81 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 81 a b Did the organization file Form 1120-POL for this year? , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 81 b X a Did the organization receive donated services or the use of materials, equipment, or facilities at no charge or at substantially less than fair rental value? , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 82a X b If "Yes," you may indicate the value of these items here. Do not include this amount as revenue in Part I or as an expense in Part II. (See instructions for reporting in Part III.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82b I N/A a Did the organization comply with the public inspection requirements for returns and exemption applications? , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 83a X b Did the organization comply with the disclosure requirements relating to quid pro quo contributions? , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 83b X a Did the organization solicit any contributions or gifts that were not tax deductible? , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 84a X b If "Yes," did the organization include with every solicitation an express statement that such contributions or gifts were not tax deductible? , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 84b X 501(c)(4), (5), or (6) organizations. a Were substantially all dues nondeductible by members? , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 85a X b Did the organization make only in-house lobbying expenditures of $2,000 or less? , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 85b X If "Yes' was answered to either 85a or 85b, do not complete 85c through 85h below unless the organization received a waiver for proxy tax owed for the prior year. c Dues, assessments, and similar amounts from members , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 85c N/A d Section 162(e) lobbying and political expenditures , 85d N/A e Aggregate nondeductible amount of section 6033(e)(1)(A) dues notices , , , , , , , , , , , , 85e N/A f Taxable amount of lobbying and political expenditures (line 85d less 85e) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 85f N/A g Does the organization elect to pay the section 6033(e) tax on the amount in 85f? , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 85q X h If section 6033(e)(1)(A) dues notices were sent, does the organization agree to add the amount in 85f to its reasonable estimate of dues allocable to nondeductible lobbying and political expenditures for the following tax year? . , , , , , , , , , , 85h N A 501(c)(7) orgs. Enter: a Initiation fees and capital contributions included on line 12 ,.. , , , , , , , , 86a N/A b Gross receipts, included on line 12, for public use of club facilities 86b N/A 501(c)(12) orgs. Enter: a Gross income from members or shareholders , , , , , , , , , , , , , 87a N/A b Gross income from other sources. (Do not net amounts due or paid to other sources against amounts due or received from them.) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 87b N/A - At any time during the year, did the organization own a 50% or greater interest in a taxable corporation or partnership, or an. entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulations sections 301.7701-2 and 301.7701-3? If "Yes," complete Part IX , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 88 a 501(c)(3) organizations. Enter: Amount of tax imposed on the organization during the year under: section 4911 ► NONE ;section 4912 ► NONE ; section 4955 ► NONE b 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) orgs. Did the organization engage in any section 4958 excess benefit transaction during the year or did it become aware of an excess benefit transaction from a prior year? If 'Yes," attach a statement explaining each transaction,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,___„_ 89b X c Enter: Amount of tax imposed on the organization managers or disqualified persons during the year under sections 4912, 4955, and 4958 ................................................► NONE d Enter: Amount of tax on line 89c, above, reimbursed by the organization , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ► NONE a List the states with which a copy of this return is filed ► CALIFORNIA b Number of employees employed in the pay period that includes March 12, 1999 (See inst.) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 190b I S TMT 28 The books are in care of ► S U S AN SIMMONS Telephone no. ► 7 6 0- 8 3 7- 8 2 69 Located at ►—39000 BOB HOPE DR, RANCHO MIRAGE, CA. ZIP +4 ► 92270 Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990 in lieu of Form 1041 - Check here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the tax year . . . ► 192 I NONE Form 990 (1999) 041 1.00o 4 ? r .. C4� A 0 0 70n )n )n 1 n /1 n /nnnn -1 c . Ac nn cnn A^) A cn n 33-0136550 Pale 6 _ _ ram__ J___:-- A_a:..:a:__ /r'�_� C`......:f.r tnr1�••rlir�nc nn n7nn 70 i a b c d e f 9 94 95 96 97 a b 98 99 100 101 102 103 b c d e 104 .al sis 01 . nounts unless otherwise r�rarrl servicerevenue: PROGRAM SERVICES .. ..--•----__ Unrelated __- - -- - - business income Excluded b section 512 513 or 514 (E) Related or exempt function income Business code (B) Amount Exclusion code (D) Amount 233 382. Medicare;Medicaid payments . . . . . . . Fees and contracts from government agencies Membership dues and assessments . . . Interest on savings and temporary cash investments Dividends and interest from securities . . Net rental income or (loss) from real estate: debt -financed property . . . . . . . . . not debt -financed property . . . . . . . Net rental income or (loss) from personal property - Other investment income . . . . . . . . Gain or (loss) from sales of assets other than inventory Net income or (loss) from special events . Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory . Other revenue: a MISCELLANEOUS 14 140,315. 14 513 015 . 18 - 8 4 5 0 81 . 01 — 8 2 5 9 . 01 354146. Subtotal (add columns (B), (D), and (E)) . -164,864.1 233,382o 105 Total (add line 104, columns (B), (D), and (E)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► 68,518. Note: Line 105 plus line 1 d, Part 1, should equal the amount on line 1 Z Part 1. 17TAT1111 Palatinnchin of Ar_tivitiPc to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes (See Specific Instructions on page 30.) Line No. ♦ Explain how each activity for which income is reported in column (E) of Part VII contributed importantly to the accomplishment of the or anization's exempt purposes other than by providingfunds for such purposes). 93A FEES TO CONDUCT EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS ON CHILD ABUSE AND PROVIDE TREATMENT AND COUNSELING TO VICTIMS AND THEIR FAMILIES IN FURTHERING THE ORGANIZATION'S EXEMPT PURPOSE. REVENUE RELATED TO EDUCATIONAL AND COUNSELING PROGRAMS. Information Regard in -Taxable Subsidiaries and D (A) (B) Name. address. and EIN d corporation. Perow"ge or er hig?. or disregarded ent9yownership interest e� % e� % Under pin ies of pe ' Clare al aye examined th' r 1 Please and belief it is a t. and c plate. Declaration d re rer (Imperil _ e rteral In ion on page 14.) Sign Here sig lure d officer Preparers `� •� Paid �' P"6- Preparees Firm s name (or E RN S T b y OUN G Use Only Yom if wlf/ 18111 VON BARMAN A and address I RV I N E CA 1060 1.000 488790 2020 12/19/2000 15:45:00 regarded tntmes sees eciilc msutucuuna wis a a Jv (C) (D) (E) Nature of activities Total income End -of -year assets including accom yyiirr�xgJ schedules and statements, and to the be: (other I officef isnbased on all information of which preparer has Date Type or print name and title. Date Check if Preparers SSN or PTIN •? '�0 �j ems I ► 0 0 0 3 3 5 EIN ► 34-6565596 E SUITE 1000 ZIP +4 ► 92612-1007 14 A Form 990 (1999) 59043-452 9C, [} r`orm t)tititl (12-2000) • R YOU are rinrry run do s-00111onat (not automatic) 3-Month Extension, complete only Part 11 and check this box Note: On corn to Part Bif - - 1 ly you have already been granted an automat% 3-+month extension on a previously filed Form 8868. • If you are filing for an Automatic 3-Month Extension, complete only Part I on a e 1). • Additional (not automatic) 3-Month Extension of Time - Must File Ori inal and One Copy, Name of Exempt Organization Type or Employer identification number print THE BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN'S CENTER File by the Number, street, and room or suite no. If a P.O. box, see instructions. For IRS use only extended Page 2 due date for V filing the City, town or post office. state. and ZIP code. For a foreign address, see instructions. return. See instructions. Check type of return to be filed (File a separate application for each return): X Form 990 Form 990-EZ Form 990-T (sec. 401(a) or 408(a) trust) Form 1041-A Form 5227 Form 8870 Form 990-BL Form 990-PF Form 990-T trust other than above Form 4720 Form 6 169 STOP: Do not complete Part 11 if you were not already granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previously filed Form 8868. • If the organization does not have an office or place of business in the United States, check this box, • If this is for a Group Return, enter the or anization's four digit Group Exemption Number (GEN • . • . If this . . ► for the whole group, check this box Jim.is . If it is for part of the group, check this box ► and attach a list with the names and EINs of all members the extension is for. 4 1 request an additional 3-month extension of time until 05 / 15 .20 01 . 5 For calendar year , or other tax year beginning 0 1999 24 and ending 0 _ 6 If this tax year is for less than 12 months, check reason: Initial return LJ Final return Chan a in accountin period 7 State In detail why you need the extension ADDITIONAL TIME IS NEEDED TO COLLECT ALL THE INFORMATION NECESSARY TO FILE A COMPLETE AND ACCURATE RETURN. 8a If this application is for Form 990-BL, 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter the tentative tax, less any nonrefundable credits. See instructions b If this application is for Form 990-PF, 990-T, 4720. or 6069, enter any refundable credits and estimated0.• tax payments made. Include any prior year overpayment allowed as a credit and any amount paid previously with Form 8868 _ _ _ $ c Balance Due. Subtract line 8b.from line 8a. Include your payment with this form, or, if required, deposit 0 with FTD coupon or, if required, by using EF1PS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System). See ee s •Signature and Verification 0 Under penalties of perjury. I declare that I have examined this form, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete, and that I am authorized to prepare this form. Date ► 02/15/O1 Notice to Applicant - To Be Completed by the IRS We have approved this application. Please attach this form to the organization's return. H—We have not approved this application. However, we have granted a 10-day grace period from the later of the date shown below or the due date of the organization's return (including any prior extensions). This grace period is considered to be a valid extension of time for elections aotherwise required to be made on a timely return. Please attach this form to the organcm,fivelal. We have not approved this application. After considering the reasons stat 'n ' T nnt grant our request for \6 Y q an extension of time to file. We are not granting a 10-day grace period. We cannot consider this application because it was filed afte )ulate of the return f which an extension was requested. Other nnnAA Director BY Alternate Mailing Address - Enter the address if you want the co returned to an address different than the one entered above. Type or print Title ► l �4 V� Er/1S t 7�iU J 111W, D,RsG!O� . tyG.OG� Date application for an additional 3-month extension .._...v RNST & YOUNG 0 /0 /i',e,4 /�,()�Q7'I _MIS Number and street (include suite, room, or apt, no,) Or a P.O. box number 8111 VON KARMAN AVENUE SUITE 1000 City or town, province or state, and country (including postal or LP code) RVINE, CA 92612-1007 19 Boss 1.00o Fnm, RRRR 2758 Application for Extension of Time to File hmr, 1998) Certain Excise, Income, Information, and Other Returns OMB No 1545-0148 nent of the Treasury Revenue Service 1 11' File a separate application for each return. ype or * the and ry by date I your ;ee •ons on Number, street, and room or suite no (or P.O. box no. if mad is not delivered to street address) City, town or post office. state, and ZIP code. For a foreign address, see instructions A 9227 Employer identification number 33-013 Corporate income tax return filers must use Form 7004 to request an extension of time to rile. Partnerships, REMICs, and trust must use Form 8736 to request an extension of time to file Form 1065, 1066, or 1041. luest an extension of time until ------- 05 5 2001 --------------- to file check only one): Form 706-GS(D) Form 990-T (sec. 401(a) or 408(a) trust) Form 1 120-ND (sec 4951 taxes) Form 8612 Form 706-GSM Form 990-T (trust other than above) Form 3520-A Form 8613 Form 990 or 990-EZ Form 1041 (estate) (see instructions) Form 4720 Form 8725 Form 990-BL Form 1041-A Form 5227 Form 8804 Form 990-PF HForm 1042 Form 6069 HForm 8831 If the organization does not have an office or place of business in the United States, check this box , . . For calendar year _ _ _ _ , or other tax year beginning _ _ _ _ - - - 0 7] 01119 9 9_ _ _ _ _ and ending _0 6 3 0 2. 00 • _ _ _ _ --j--f --------- If this tax year is for less than 12 months, check reason: El Initial return Q Final return � Change in accounting period Has an extension of time to file been previously granted for this tax year? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D Yes No State in detail why you need the extension ---------- _DITIONAL TIME_ IS_NEEDED _TO_ COLLECT_ ALL_ THE_ INFORMATION_ NECESSARY _TO _____- _ FILE_ A _COMPLETE_ AND_ ACCURATE_ RETURN____________________ ----------------------------- If this form is for Form 706-GS(D), 706-GSM, 990-BL, 990-PF, 990-T, 1041 (estate), 1042, 1120-ND, 4720, 6069, 8612, 8613, 8725, 8804, or 8831, enter the tentative tax, less any nonrefundable credits. See instructions , , , $ NONE If this form is for Form 990-PF, 990-T, 1041 (estate), 1042, or 8804, enter any refundable credits and estimated tax payments made. Include any prior year overpayment allowed as a credit $ Balance due. Subtract line 5b from line 5a. Include your payment with this form, or deposit with FTD coupon if required. See instructions $ NONE Signature and Verification penalties of perjury. I declare that 1 have examined this form, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge lief, it is true, correct, and complete: and that I am authorized to prepare this form. 0- ad Title 10' CPA OF /`o? 9 O ERNST �. YOUNG LLP Date ► rRIGINAL AND ONE COPY. The IRS will show below whether or not your application is approved and will return the copy. to Applicant - To Be Completed by the IRS We HAVE approved your application. Please attach this form to your return. We HAVE NOT approved your application,. However, we have granted a 10-day grace period from the iater of the date shown below or the due date of your return (including any prior extensions). This grace period is considered to be a valid extension of time for elections otherwise required to be made on a timely return. Please attach this form to your return. We HAVE NOT approved your application. After considering the reasons stated in item 4, we cannot grant your request for an extension of time to file. We are not granting the 10-day grace period. We cannot consider your application because it was filed after the due date of the return for which an extension was requested. Other. Director ant a copy of this form to be returned to an ai Name :—] ro 1D 1* n m .. .... --- - — — • — IN THE FUTURE EXTENSIONS FOR FORMS 990PF, 990, 990EZ, 990T, 990BL, 47201,5227, 1041 A, 6069. AND 8870 MUST FILE USING FORM 8868. Number. street. and room or suite no. (or P.O. box no. if mail is not delivered to street address) %, . vvrt AAMVlAN AVk;NUE SUITE 1000 City. town or post office. state. and ZIP code. For a foreign address. see irtstnxtiam. er ork Reduction Act Notice. see the next page JSA 488790 7090 01/94/,)nni i�•n�•�� • Date <r�OR; address to which the copy should, _siilt;�.,�� QG E�-:0(? '�CES cnnA'.1_Acn Form 2758 (Rev. 6-98) 2t58 June 1998) iment of the Treasury I 31 Revenue Service type or i^ile the at and opy by ,e date ng your See coons on Name Application for Extension of Time to File Certain Excise, Income, Information, and Other Returns File a separate application for each return. THE BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN'S CENTER Number street, and room or suite no (or P O box no it mail is not delivered to street address) 39000 BOB HOPE DRIVE City. town or post office, state. and ZIP code For a foreign address, see instructions RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270 I Employer identification number 3 3 - 0 1 3c:E-�_-= s: Corporate income tax return filers must use Form 7004 to request an extension of time to file. Partnerships. REMICs. and trust must use Form 8736 to request an extension of time to file Form 1065, 1066. or 1041. 'quest an extension of time until FEBRUARY 15, 2001 , to file check only one). ----- ----------------- ------------------ Form 706-GS(D) Form�J90=T a or 408(a) trust) Form 1120-ND (sec 4951 taxes) Form 8612 Form 706-GS(T) Form 990-T (trust other than above) Form 3520-A Form 8613 Form 990 or 990-EZ Form 1041 (estate) (see instructions) Form 4720 Form 8725 Form 990-BL Form 1041-A Form 5227 Form 8804 Form 990-PF Form 1042 Form 6069 Form 8831 If the organization does not have an office or place of business in the United States, check this box For calendar year _ _ _ _ , or other tax year beginning JULY-1,-1999---___--- --- and ending JUNE _30,- 2 000 - If this tax year is for less than 12 months, cheek reason: Initial return Q Final return -0 Change in accounting period Has an extension of time to file been previously granted for this tax year? , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , • . , , , . , , _ , , . , , Yes No State in detail why you need the extension ADDITIONAL TIME IS NEEDED TO OBTAIN INFORMATION REQUIRED TO ------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE A COMPLETE AND ACCURATE RETURN. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If this form is for Form 706-GS(D), 706-GSM, 990-BL, 990-PF, 990-T, 1041 (estate), 1042, 1120-ND, 4720, 6069. 8612, 8613. 8725, 8804, or 8831, enter the tentative tax, less any nonrefundable credits. See instructions . . . $ NONE If this form is for Form 990-PF, 990-T, 1041 (estate), 1042, or 8804, enter any refundable credits and estimated tax payrnerts made. Include any prior year overpayment allowed as a credit , , , , , . . , , . , , _ _ _ . s NONE Balance due. Subtract line 5b from line 5a. Include your payment with this form, or deposit with FTD coupon if required. See instructions , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , $ NONE Signature and Verification er penalties of perjury. I declare that I have examined this form, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge belief, it is true, correct, and complete; and that I am authorized to prepare this form. .lure � �L�� � Title II,CPA OF ERNST & YOUNG, LLP Date 0" ORIGINAL AND ONE COPY. The IRS will show below whether or not your application is approved and will return the copy. be to Applicant - To Be Completed by the IRS We HAVE approved your application. Please attach this form to your return. We HAVE NOT approved your application. However, we have granted a 10-day grace period from the later of the date shown below or the due date of your return (including any prior extensions). This grace period is considered to be a valid extension of time for elections otherwise required to be made on a timely return. Please attach this form to your return. We HAVE NOT approved your application. After considering the reasons stated in item 4, we cannot grant your request for an extension of time to file. We are not granting the 10-day grace period. . We cannot consider your application because it was filed after the due date of the return for which an extension was requested. Other ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lease Type or Print Director a copy of this form to be Name U'l ned to an address other tha ERNST & YOUNG, LLP C/O KARA ADAMS Number, street. and room or suite no. (or P.O. box no. d mail is not delivered to street address) 18111 VON KARMAN AVE., STE. 1000 City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code. For a foreign address, see instructions. IRVINE, CA 92612-1007 Fa?.Work Reduction Act Notice, see the next page Aso Date the address whit Q,b, f2�ittentr•-r, 1 A,-) NOV 17 ?,,,rJ RICHARD CREAMER. Director 1 � Rev 6.98) I i F C E F SCHEDULE A Organization Exempt Under Section 501(c)(3) OMB No 1545.0047 (Form 990) (Except Private Foundation) and Section 501(e), 501(o, 501(k), 501(n), or Section 4947(a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable Trust 00) Supplementary Information • (See separate instructions.) 99 Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service ► Must be completed by the above organizations and attached to their Form 990 or 990-EZ. Name of the organization Employer identification number THE BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN'S CENTER �3-0136550 Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Employees Other Than Officers, Directors, and Trustees lSPP nnnp 1 of the inctrurtinnc I ict Pnrh nnp If thprp arp nnnp enter "Nnnp "1 (a) Name and address of each employee paid more than S50,000 (b) Title and average hours per week devoted to position (c) Compensation. (d) Contributions to employee benefit plans & deferred compensation (e) Expense account and other allowances OIS-DOI__________________________ 4-020 ERIN ST. ALM DESERT CA 92260 CLINICIAL DIR. 40+ WEEK 65,542. 15 216_ 12,766. NONE AROL L . TROXELL ---------------------------------- 63 MAJORCA CIRCLE ALM SPRINGS CA 92262 CLINICIAN II 40+ WEEK 54,987. NONE ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Total number of other employees paid over $50,000 ► NONE KjUI ! Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Independent Contractors for Professional Services (Sp_p nnnp 1 of the inctntrtinnc I ict Parh nnp twhpthpr individimlc nr firm -,I If thprp are nnnp_ enter "Nnne_"1 (a) Name and address of each independent contractor paid more than S50,000 (b) Type of service (c) Compensation MORTON_ L _-KURLAND , -MD ------------------------ 39000 BOB HOPE DR. RANCHO MIRAGE CA EDICAL DIRECTOR 54,810. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Total number of others receiving over $50,000 for professional services ► LONE JSA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. see page 1 of the Instructions for Form 990 and Form 990-F7- 9E1210 1.000 Schedule A (Form 990) 1999 Schedule A (corm 990) 1999 33-0136550 Paoe 2 (= Statements About Activities I Yes I No During the year, has the organization attempted to influence national, state, or local legislation, including any attempt to influence public opinion on a legislative matter or referendum? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If "Yes," enter the total expenses paid or incurred in connection with the lobbying activities ► $ Organizations that made an election under section 501(h) by filing Form 5768 must complete Part VI -A. Other organizations checking "Yes," must complete Part VI-B AND attach a statement giving a detailed description of the lobbying activities. 2 During the year, has the organization, either directly or indirectly, engaged in any of the following acts with any of its trustees, directors, officers, creators, key employees, or members of their families, or with any taxable organization with which any such person is affiliated as an officer, director, trustee, majority owner, or principal beneficiary: a Sale, exchange, or leasing of property? , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , b Lending of money or other extension of credit? , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , c Furnishing of goods, services, or facilities? , , . , . . . . , , . d Payment of compensation (or payment or reimbursement of expenses if more than $1,000)? . SEE, STATEMENT. 2 5. e Transfer of any part of its income or assets? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If the answer to any question is "Yes," attach a detailed statement explaining the transactions. 3 Does the organization make grants for scholarships, fellowships, student loans, etc.? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4a Do you have a section 403(b) annuity plan for your employees? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b Attach a statement to explain how the organization determines that individuals or organizations receiving grants or loans from it in furtherance of its charitable programs aualifv to receive oavments. (See page 2 of the instructions.) � Reason for Non -Private Foundation Status (See pages 2 through 4 of the instructions.) The or anization is not a private foundation because it is: (Please check only ONE applicable box.) 5 A church, convention of churches, or association of churches. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(i). 6 A school. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii). (Also complete Part V, page 4.) 7 A hospital or a cooperative hospital service organization. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(iii). 8 A Federal, state, or local government or governmental unit. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(v). 9 A medical research organization operated in conjunction with a hospital. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(iii). Enter the hospital's name, city, and state ► --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101­1 An organization operated for the benefit of a college or university owned or operated by a governmental unit. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(iv). (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV -A.) 11 a X❑ An organization that normally receives a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or from the general public. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi). (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV -A.) 11 b A community trust. Section 170(b)(1)(Axvi). (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV -A.) 12 An organization that normally receives: (1) more than 33 1/3% of its support from contributions, membership fees, and gross receipts from activities related to its charitable, etc., functions - subject to certain exceptions, and (2) no more than 33 113% of its support from gross investment income and unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 tax) from businesses acquired by the organization after June 30, 1975. See section 509(a)(2). (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV -A.) 13 ❑ An organization that is not controlled by any disqualified persons (other than foundation managers) and supports organizations described in: (1) lines 5 through 12 above; or (2) section 501(c)(4), (5), or (6), if they meet the test of section 509(a)(2). (See section 509(a)(3).) Provide the following information about the supported organizations. (See pie 4 of the instructions.) (a) Name(s) of supported organization(s) I (b) Line number from above - A 14 An organization organized and operated to test for public safety. Section 509(a)(4). (Seepage 4 of the instructions.) 149 .. 1220 1.000 Schodulo A (Form 990) 1999 C53 hedule A (Form 990) 1999 3 3— 013 6 5 5 0 Pace 3 Support Schedule (Complete only if you checked a box on line 10. 11, or 12.) Use cash method of accounting. ki-#-• Vn.r rnav uca Ihsa wnrkchPp/ in Ihs+ inc►rurlinnc Mr rnnvsarlinn /rnrsn Iho nr-r•rju1ln ►he r• ch �sfhnri n/ mr•rnitnlinn ilendar year or fiscal year beginning in • . . . • a 1998 b 1997 c 1996 d 19.95 a Total Gifts, grants, and contributions received. (Do not include unusual grants. See line 28.) .. .. 0 8 7 9 01 . 4 81 7 8 9. 4 6 3 131 . 410 6 2 6. 4 4 3 4 4 7. i Membership fees received . • • . . . . • . . . . ' Gross receipts from admissions, merchandise sold or services performed, or furnishing of facilities in any activity that is not a business unrelated to the organization's charitable etc. purpose • . . . . . . • • • . . • 335,554. 354 509. 285 676. 395 703. 371 442 . 1 Gross income from interest, dividends, amounts received from payments on securities loans (section 512(a)(5)), rents, royalties, and unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 taxes) from businesses acquired by the organization after June 30 1975 .•••• 665,530. 623,788. 6161063. 5 7 0 8 0 3. 4 7 6 18 4. 3 Net income from unrelated business activities not included in line 18 . . • . • • . - Tax revenues levied for the organization's benefit and either paid to it or expended on its behalf . . . . . . . . . I The value of services or facilities furnished to the organization by a governmental unit without charge. Do not include the value of services or facilities generally furnished to the, public without charge • . • • . . • . . . . • . Z Other income. Attach a schedule. Do not include gain or (loss) from sale of capital assets 3 Total of lines 15through 22 .......... 088 985. 460 086. 364 870 377 132. 11291073. 1 Line 23 minus line 17 • • . • ..... • .. • 7 5 3 4 31 . 10 5 5 7 7 . 0 7 9 19 4 . 9 81 4 2 9 . 919 6 31 . i Enter 1%of line 23 • • •... ..... • • • • • 30,890. 34,601. 231649. 23,77 i Organizations described in lines 10 or 11: a Enter 2% of amount in column (e), line 24 ► 26a 198,393 . b Attach a list (which is not open to public inspection) showing the name of and amount contributed by each person (other than a governmental unit or publicly supported organization) whose total gifts for 1995 through 1998 exceeded the amount shown in line 26a. Enter the sum of all these excess amounts , , , , , , 5,TMT, 26. , . . ► 26b 498, 314. c Total support for section 509(a)(1) test: Enter line 24, column (e) ► 26c 919 631 . d Add: Amounts from column (e) for lines: 18 2 , 4 7 6 ,18 4 . 19 22 26b 1,498,314. ............ ► 26d 974 498. 26e 945 133. e Public support (line 26c minus line 26d total) . . . . ... , , , „ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► 26f F59.9330 % f Public support percentage line 26e numerator divided by line 26c denominator . ► Organizations described on line 12: a For amounts included in lines 15, 16, and 17 that were received from a 'disqualified person,' attach a list to show the name of, and total amounts received in each year from, each 'disqualified person.' Enter the sum of such amounts for each year. NOT APPLICABLE (1998)---------------- (1997)------------------- (1996)------------------- (1995)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - b For any amount included in line 17 that was received from a nondisqualified person, attach a list to show the name of, and amount received for each year, that was more than the larger of (1) the amount on line 25 for the year or (2) $5,000. (include in the list organizations described in lines 5 through 11, as well as individuals.) After computing the difference between the amount received and the larger amount described in (1) or (2), enter the sum of these differences (the excess amounts) for each year: (1998)---------------- (1997)------------- - - - - -- (1996)--------- - - - - -- - (1995)--------------- c Add: Amounts from column (e) for lines: 15 16 17 20 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . ► 27c d Add: tine 27a total and line 27b total , . . . . . . . . . . . . ► 27d e Public support (line 27c total minus line 27d total) . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . • • • • . • • . . • . • ► 27e f Total support for section 509(a)(2) test: Enter amount on line 23, column (e). . . . . . . . . . . 0,1 27f g Public support percentage (line 27e (numerator) divided by line 27f (denominator)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► 27 '% h Investment income percentage line 18 column a numerator divided b line 27f denominator 27h •% 1 Unusual Grants: For an organization described in line 10, 11, or 12 that received any unusual grants during 1995 through 1998,moun`5 4attach a list (which is not open to public inspection) for each year showing the name of the contributor, the date and at oC. the grant. and a brief description of the nature of the grant. Do not include these grants in line 15. (See page 4 of the instructions.) sr► E1221 00o Schedule A (Form 990) 1999 Schedule A (Form 990) 1999 33-0136550 Page 4 Private School Questionnaire (See page 4 of the instructions.) (To be completed ONLY by schools that checked the box on line 6 in Part IV) NOT APPLICABLE '.9 Does the. organization have a racially nondiscriminatory policy toward students by statement in its charter, bylaws, other governing instrument, or in a resolution of its governing body? Y9 10 Does the organization include a statement of its racially nondiscriminatory policy toward students in all its brochures, catalogues, and other written communications with the public dealing with student admissions, programs, and scholarships? 30 z 1 Has the organization publicized its racially nondiscriminatory policy through newspaper or broadcast media during the period of solicitation for students, or during the registration period if it has no solicitation program, in a way that makes the policy known to all parts of the general community it serves? 31 If "Yes," please describe; if "No," please explain. (If you need more space, attach a separate statement.) ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------------------------- ------------------------------ t2 Does the organization maintain the following: a Records indicating the racial composition of the student body, faculty, and administrative staff? 32a b Records documenting that scholarships and other financial assistance are awarded on a racially'nondiscriminatory basis? 32b c Copies of all catalogues, brochures, announcements, and other written communications to the public dealing with student admissions, programs, and scholarships? 32L32 d Copies of all material used by the organization or on its behalf to solicit contributions? If you answered "No" to any of the above, please explain. (If you need more space, attach a separate statement.) ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 33 Does the organization discriminate by race in any way with respect to: a Students' rights or privileges? . . . . . . , . . _ . . . . . 33a b Admissions policies? ................................................... 33b c Employment of faculty or administrative staff? . _ . _ . _ 33c d Scholarships or other financial assistance? ....................................... 33d e Educational policies? ................................................... 33e f Use of facilities? ................ ... .... ........... ...... .... ......... 33f gAthletic programs? ..... 33 .................... ......... .................. h Other extracurricular activities? . ... _ ... ....... . . . .. . _ . .. _ _ ... _ 3 3 h If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, please explain. (If you need more space, attach a separate statement.) ! I 4a Does the organization receive any financial aid or assistance from a governmental agency? ............. L3 b Has the organization's right to such aid ever been revoked or suspended? If you answered "Yes" to either 34a or b, please explain using an attached statement. 5 Does the organization certify that it has complied with the applicable requirements of sections 4.01 through 4.05 of Rev. Proc. 75-50 1975-2 C t3 587 covering racial nondiscrimination? If "No." attach an explanation . . . . . . Yes I No 11.000 Schodulo A (Form 990) 1999 C. J v! I Schedule A Form 990 1999 3 3— 013 6 5 5 0 Page 5 Lobbying Expenditures by Electing Public Charities (See page 6 of the instructions.) To be completed ONLY by -an eligible organization that filed Form 5768 NOT APPLICABLE Check here ► a if the organization belongs to an affiliated group. Check here ► b if you checked "a" above and "limited control' provisions aooly Limits on Lobbying Expenditures (The term "expenditures" means amounts paid or incurred.) 36 37 38 39 40 41 Total lobbying expenditures to influence public opinion (grassroots lobbying) Total lobbying expenditures to influence a legislative body (direct lobbying) Total lobbying expenditures (add lines 36 and 37) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other exempt purpose expenditures Total exempt purpose expenditures (add lines 38 and 39) Lobbying nontaxable amount. Enter the amount from the following table 36 37 38 39 40 If the amount on line 40 is - The lobbying nontaxable amount is - Not over S500,000 , , , , , , , , , , , , 20% of the amount on line 40 Over S500,000 but not over $1,000,000 , , , S100,000 plus 15% of the excess over S500,000 Over $1,000,000 but not over $1,500,000 , $175.000 plus 10% of the excess over $1,000,000 41 Over S1,500,000 but not over $17.000,000 $225.000 plus 5% of the excess over $1,5o0,0o0 Over S 17,000,000 • , . , , , , , , , , .$1,000,000 , , 42 43 44 _ - _ Grassroots nontaxable amount (enter 25% of line 41) Subtract line 42 from line 36. Enter -0- if line 42 is more than line 36 - - Subtract line 41 from line 38. Enter -0- if line 41 is more than line 38 42 43 44 (a) (b) Affiliated group To be completed totals for ALL electing organizations Caution: If there is an amount on either line 43 or line 44 you must file Form 4720.1 I I 4-Year Averaging Period Under Section 501(h) (Some organizations that made a section 501(h) election do not have to complete all of the five columns below. See the instructions for lines 45 through 50 on paae 7 of the instructions 1 Lobbying Expenditures During 4-Year Averaging Period Calendar year (or fiscal (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) year beginning in ► 1999 1998 1997 1996 Total Lobbying nontaxable 45 amount Lobbying ceiling amount 416 150% of line 45 e 47 Total lobbying expenditures Grassroots nontaxable 48 amount • • • • • Grassroots ceiling amount 49 150% of line 48 e - Grassroots lobbying 50 expenditures . . ...r..r.�r.A----i---.7 ----•-•-,y ••.Y vil.u11y rul"llu VI11di-Me5 (For reporting only by organizations that did not complete Part VI A) (See pa e 8 of the instructions. During the year, did the organization attempt to influence national, state or local legislation, including any attempt to influence public opinion on a legislative matter or referendum, through the use of: a Volunteers b Paid staff or management(Includecompensation in expenses reported on lines c through h.) , , c Media advertisements d Mailings to members, legislators, or the public _ e Publications, or published or broadcast statements- f Grants to other organizations for lobbying purposes - - - - - - - - g Direct contact with legislators, their staffs, government officials, or a legislative body • _- - h Rallies, demonstrations, seminars, conventions, speeches, lectures, or any other means - - i Total lobbying expenditures (add lines c through h) • • • • • , . - . - • . . - • - • • - • - - Amount If "Yes" to any of the above also attach a statement giving a detailed description of the lobbying activities 1l Schedule A (Form 990) 1999 A 1240 1 non Schedule A Form 990 1999 3 3- 013 6 5 5 0 6 Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharitable -Page Exempt Organizations (See page 8 of the instructions.) 51 Did the reporting organization directly or indirectly engage in any of the following with any other organization described in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political organizations? a Transfers from the reporting organization to a noncharitable exempt organization of: Yes (� Cash No . . . . . . . . . . . . . (it) Other assets .. _ b Other transactions: a ii X (i) Sales or exchanges of assets with a noncharitable exempt organization , , . b i X (i7 Purchases of assets from a noncharitable exempt organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . b ii X (ii) Rental of facilities, equipment, or other assets , . . . b iii X • _ (iv) Reimbursement arrangements • . , . , . _ _ (v) Loans or loan guarantees b iv X ......................................... (vQ Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations by X __PX , , _ b vi c Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees , c X d If the answer to any of the above is "Yes," complete the following schedule. Column (b) should always show the fair market value of the goods, other assets, or services given by the reporting organization. If the organization received less than fair market value in any trnncta!`+inn nr chl rinn err-nn n m--# r•4...... :.. ..-1......_ IAA •a._ ..-. _._ _ .. (a) Line no. (b) Amount involved (c) Name of noncharitable exempt organization (d) Description of transfers transactions and sharing arran ements MW vlyduicduun uirecuy or inalrecuy affiliated with, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations described in section 501(c) of the Code (other than.section 501(c)(3)) or in section 527? ► Yes X� No b If "Yes, " complete the followina schadulp- (a) Name of organization (b) Type of organization (c) of relationship -Description 9 I :o 1.000 A nrn-,.... ,. .... .. _ _ Schedule A (Form 990) 1999 THE BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN'S CENTER 33-0136550 FORM 990, PART I - INTEREST ON SAVINGS AND TEMPORARY CASH INVESTMENTS DESCRIPTION INTEREST INCOME TOTAL AMOUNT 140,315.. ------------ 140,315. 154 �; 5 g STATEMENT 5 9SPSPR 3 000 .. .. . - . - - n n THE BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN'S CENTER 33-0136550 FORM 990, PART I - DIVIDENDS AND INTEREST FROM SECURITIES DESCRIPTION ENDOWMENT FUND DIVIDEND INCOME TOTAL AMOUNT 513,015.. ------------ 513,015. SPSPR 3.000 STATEMENT 6 THE BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN'S CENTER 33-0136550 FORM 990, PART I - EXCLUDED CONTRIBUTIONS DESCRIPTION COOKBOOK SALES LUNCHEONS POLO MATCH LION KING PLAY TOTAL AMOUNT NONE. NONE 241607. NONE 24,607. C. 6 0 1SPSPR 3.000 STATEMENT 7 d'CD(In O 1 rn II (M Ol O N 1 to 11 to ()) ',ZT M 1 N () WI - - - - I - II EH X I %DNOd' I CD II W 0 1 z (.) I I I n z 1 i n H I I II I II 1 II lD M M O 1 N II co %D IKr " I .-I !) U) I E-H W I U to 1 Ol LO C) "Z? I (n II W z a w l I u H W I 1 II A >C I I li W I I II I II Nr-40 z I M II In lD -,r O 1 I.n II O)MI- z I O II to I N OD rn 1 r-I II w z I M N r-i I co II Owl I u a > 1 1 II c� w 1 I II a I 1 n I it fn �H w 4 a a o H I to U Ch H W I O O H H 1 O W x En a I mx a H vUi i ozao W i O A O I -I O A I 0►aas E-4 THE BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN'S CENTER 33-0136550 FORM 990, PART I - OTHER INCREASES IN FUND BALANCES DESCRIPTION UNREALIZED GAIN ON INVESTMENTS BOOK/TAX DIFFERENCE ON LOSS OF DONATED PROPERTY UNREALIZED GAIN ON DONATED PROPERTY TOTAL AMOUNT 573,195. 127,000. 591716. ------------ 759,911. 153 AVM• M 'SPR 3.000 488790 2020 1 '? /1 0 P)000 1 r,- n r,. n r% STATEMENT 9 THE BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN'S CENTER 33-0136550 FORM 990, PART I - OTHER DECREASES IN FUND BALANCES DESCRIPTION 1994 CANCELLED PLEDGE REVERSE GRANT AMOUNT 45,000. 501000. ------------ TOTAL 95,000. C6 15 STATEMENT 10 PR3om O to b M .-1 O 1 M M V a) C) TT �r rl V% r Am N r1 O v C r Ln r 1 v oo C .O N •0 T m en ao M -4 Vr .v a co w , m nci mCL N_ u C �- o E Uv U i. a �rnc c f- d a� x 3 N U N Q H Q U O J QC U _O J N U � O U oA C o 'V' N �"► nl p 0 l0 3 M O r ao co -4 %O ►A �O v b v m N Li E r V' ao Oo %1 M cmv A t0 b E N •E U d U E Q11 1 1Q CD a) G % m C v .4 Co v r r ` O O Of N M ►A to p _. 1- .-1 0o c" o 0 y 'U Ln C".-1 C" •y a) N ` Ln -V- Ln Ln %0 M .-i co M CD M v C N Uc m � c c X U) p W U M O) 7 .0 O O O O Vl O O O O O O O O o - O .-•1 O r-1 O r1 O .-1 N N Co. 1� A �-1 N OO M M LO G 3 f9 �O.0 U N M .1 M v `1' �ON CO c o an •r Ln Ln ao M -+ 0o M 00 �+ D N N c 4) co A A Co A A co A A C 0 ,0 U --1 .-4 Do4) o 0 0 DEN e0N O O O C � � O 0 rob we x N • Z O .� cx p $A z N a, a� ~ L) O ~ P Q N Q 10. 0 c Q a v O � N 0 o (� a 0 d L_ m a a W Q `� d A a V H� Q a ce . L � � w o M LLJN . N S 4 q I O i 1 1-i So w V01 J I -ii H).- Q 1 O " o t` N N 1 Irf O an O O O N A rl N .-1 O N O N 0 1 W W W W W W -- W W W W W W W W W -- I - II z 1 zzzzzzrrzzzzzzzZzln" I M 11 H 1 000000MM000000000mr-+ 1 o I1 1 z z z z z z m Lnz z z z z z z z z r-cn I o 11 II Q i r--I T CD I M 11 A I I II z 1 I II ;) 1 w I •Wwww -ww - -ww I H ww -ww I z I OOr1000"nr-0000o00Mm00 I �° W W I z2MzzaDlnvzzzzWzzMMzz ;Ili x z I _ _ _ - %D a I CV II W WI OD r�rM I n CD 1 W-A NrI 1 II z o I i u 0:4 z 1 . . . W . W W I . it lD ►n ►n N Lo rl r-I r'1 0 CD T 04 0() 71 00 z M z z I CO II to I m m r- m w lD m N m 00 r- m N O O �` 00 I M () C) W I r--I ZZ wwNNIDIl�1n(D,7..[� I N () ! O1CDlORZ?mr- aH (' > i O Mr-4 O U) 0) M r-i %D OD M U) N 1 I lD 11 lD II r-i 01 N r♦ lD D m N M C H 0 I II I a cn I I II M . . . . . . . . U) O O r-i O OD -Zr N kD (n OD U-) 0) U7 N t II 1 N II 1 w U7 01 N 01CDCDriCAkD00NMcor— rNOMUncDrI 1 O II ,a W U) r- lD N CV lD r--I U) CO M r-i I- M i CD I 0) CO 01 <r M 11 Ht 0 t , - _ CD CD r-A N d' Irr M r-1 kD 00 d' � t` CA-ZT 0) oo I O II E-H t 01 N r-1 f'1 rA 04 '7' r� I 1 to 11 r! 11 I I II 1 a H iW to 11 U to II -U) wii z w 11 9 w a W ii w U 0 A au w z H H 94 it x 11 E-4 In U A z �"� }' H x U E-+ 11 0 E-+ W U E� ul 11 I U 1-1 H O to 9 W Ei 11 I- I 11 �C7 End aH W O E-4 FA 1:4 H W W H W W z H HzWHE-H �HW Wtnwtn0 z awHz win v a ii cra w>z Woo w a cn z xwawU)U)04 EH 4-a0cwnazx09c�WWUNW�Xz a it w 11 o i 14 rn >C 0 O W W wwLDz 4UzrDzHLamw4w > 11 wan40WHz � v,zrnW 4z O 11 E+ i r�HHOHW Z: jHZWWwtnH H►-aHU)U)cn004ulHH�'+W CAza00 01 II m 11 w 1 H I Ua4E-4 v w E4E4W o0w� WxH En ►-a 1) p4 I HU:�wxHaaWC4 A zUUU 11 In 1 EnHcnwU4wwwwwwwv) >4 0 z 0 P N E-4 W40 >> WAHU)z W E-H W 4HaA�4z04 0M HwiiAiZU04 x t-1 a04PGHoa0 161 C6ZPS THE BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN'S CENTER 33-0136550 FORM 9901 PART III - ORGANIZATION'S PRIMARY EXEMPT PURPOSE CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION AND TREATMENT CENTER. SEE STATEMENT C-66 STATEMENT 13 THE BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN'S CENTER 33-0136550 FORM 990, PART IV - INVESTMENTS - SECURITIES DESCRIPTION US TREASURY SECURITY MORTAGE/ASSET BACKED SECURITY CORPORATE EQUITY SECURITY OTHER TOTALS BEGINNING BOOK VALUE 11827,314. 3,099,747. 6,994,888. 822,613. 12,744,562. ENDING BOOK VALUE 1,594,569. 890,224. 71225,736. 1,647,090. 11,357,619. C l Ira3 STATEMENT 14 SPSPR 3.000 THE BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN'S CENTER 33-0136550 FORM 990, PART IV - INVESTMENTS - OTHER DESCRIPTION CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUST TOTALS BEGINNING BOOK VALUE NONE --------------- NONE ENDING BOOK VALUE 971168. --------------- 97,168. 9SPSPR 3 000 STATEMENT 15 THE BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN'S CENTER 33-0136550 FORM 990, PART IV - OTHER ASSETS DESCRIPTION ART OBJECTS DONATED PROPERTY INTEREST RECEIVABLE MEDICAL EXAM RECEIVABLE TOTALS BEGINNING BOOK VALUE 1751033. 6,297. 94,041. 11,980. 287,351. ENDING BOOK VALUE 175,033. NONE 461729. 10,166. 231,928. C-6� �r STATEMENT 16 )SPSPR 3 000 THE BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN'S CENTER FORM 9901 PART IV - OTHER LIABILITIES -3-3-V 1-3OJJV DESCRIPTION DUE TO AFFILIATE - EMC BEGINNING BOOK VALUE 6431657. --------------- TOTALS 643,657. ENDING BOOK VALUE 102,306. --------------- 102,306. 9SPSPR 3.000 488790 2020 12/19/2000 15:45:00 59043-452 STATEMENT 17 32 THE BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN'S CENTER 33-0136550 FORM 990, PART IV -A - OTHER REVENUE ON BOOKS BUT NOT ON RETURN DESCRIPTION SPECIAL EVENT EXPENSE TAX LOSS ON SALE OF DONATED PROPERTY BOOK CONTRIBUTION INCOME ON DONATED PROPERTY, PREVIOUSLY INCLUDED IN TAX INCOME @ FMV UNREALIZED GAIN ON DONATED PROPERTY TOTAL AMOUNT 89,312. 59,716. --------------- 276,028. 3-&7 C7! PSPR 3.000 STATEMENT 18 I THE BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN'S CENTER 33-0136550 FORM _990,_PART _IV_A - OTHER REVENUE ON RETURN BUT N OT ON BOOKS DESCRIPTION INVESTMENT EXPENSES REVERSE GRANT 1994 CANCELLED PLEDGE TOTAL AMOUNT 681672. 50,000. 45,000. --------------- 163, 672 . +SPSPR 3,000 STATEMENT 19 A QO'7nn THE BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN'S CENTER 33-0136550 FORM 990, PART IV-B - OTHER EXPENSES ON BOOKS BUT NOT ON RETURN DESCRIPTION SPECIAL EVENTS EXPENSE TOTAL SPSPR 3.000 488790 2020 12/19/2000 1,-er.nn AMOUNT 89,312. --------------- 89,312. C. '/ 3 STATZ24ENT 20 -49; THE BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN'S CENTER 33-0136550 FORM 990, PART IV-B - OTHER EXPENSES ON RETURN BUT NOT ON BOOKS DESCRIPTION INVESTMENT EXPENSE TOTAL AMOUNT 68,672. --------------- 681672. --------------- --------------- U/ 4 STATEMENT 21 E-+ U rn I c�nGw 1 w w w w w w w w a w U I z z z z z z z z x z, O O O O O O O O w E-+ z z z z z z z z cn031 z O 1 w A a I azal w cn to I z w z 1 O w 4 H>-a 1 w w w W w w w w Howe z z z z z z z z xa , O o O O O o O O pq C4 H , z z z z z z z z H X H 1 04Ww i E+ W i z O z 1 O H W I U � I z1 01 H I W W W W W W W W HI z z z z z z z z 4 1 O O O O O O O O En 1 z z z z z z z z zl w 1 a I I o 1 I U I I I z 1 I O , H 1 I W H I H Cn 1 I E-H O 1 p I a 1 w A I a U �H I z0 C40 WO C40 Ix0 z0 En Pz 0 WA I o�E: f4x ox ox w x ox a W I EH� A� E-H� E-+� � F+� H H I LY. cn U cn Un to U En U to H rn cn U to HO 1 HLYi w a .a wrz E-+> I P4 wx C4 wx wx ax L>~x FA H In i xa oa Ea-+v oar per a'Zr >�' Ad' w z O O Ln a Ln .--I o O 0 o O O O O O O O 1` 1` 1` r- C- r- N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O1 rn M rn ON rn rn rn rn H W 44 N >H >47H >H >H >H z>H H a>H .--1 Ha p4Ha Ha WHa H wHa as aaa xa zaa L>~a way O AV [A AU AAU OAU AUAU AU zAU N AW �W - - QW - En W - zW - E-HW - W - OW - N Haw c aW cwaW Wald oaW c0304W aw xaw 400 cn00 000 C40�0 cn00 000 Z 0 0 u 0 0 C Hx� x� 4x� x� 1.4 :4 g�x� r- U) ALAH Cw7x� CQH LH=+xP4 fnH xm z m H 4 cn ox oX a0X wox oz oz cox woz 1D LA ►a LA a LA z o4 cn co LA o m w o f Q a4 O r+ o Qox w o aox O x0x H o AOx w O 0 C)W HCx zox Wox LAC U xOU cnoU OCU p4oU aCU wCU EHCU o4Cz Uoz 04Oz C4oz Qoz ►4oz ,-aoz 00z N rn .v�y o% VC4 rn x rn H CA w ON a m C.'irJ" N a E+ U cn I U a W I W W W W W W W W U I z z z z z z z xzI wE-+ O z O z o z 0 z 0 z 0 z cn 0 3 I z z oI w A a I a z ►-� I w to to I z w z 1 o w I H ►4 1 E-+ O W I W z W z 00 W W W W a s I o O 0 0 0 0 Cq W E-+ I z z z z z z co E-+ W z O z I O E-H W I U CQ I zI o I H I E-+ I W z W z W W W W v z z CN 0 0 0 0 z l z z z z W I a, I oI U I zI o I H 1 W H 1 H I W O z H (n I U) E+ w ; a K4 Q 1 o E-' E4 z 0 1 0 � H 1 H I WA t a0 Ox ao 0:4 Ea-,x unw ao Oz ao Ox a0 Ox ao Ox A a W I EA H \ E-H \ H W E- \ E-H E-+ --- z t-10 i E4> I wa ax wa H wx wx wa wa 0 W I H ax + ax ax ax ax A I Air H A Q o �r H A1:1 H Ad' H Air H Air cn a A w z 0 0 Ln v H O A O O o I` O [- o I- o 1` (7) r- N: I- t- rl- t- N N N N N N r- N r-1 W N >O) W (v w CN > w rn > w rn > W M > w (M a> N a� >a� a� aaa a� aKc way o zAU L1GAU AU WAU AU aAU AU cv zaw zaw x zaw to w04 N U)P4 m00 00 �00 maw 4400 �00 -00 axGP4 00 o oxa Hx� Lx9 x9 4x9 F-1 r- 4GQH hoX a4MF-i a0 U)mFA a0 f."(YiH O U) 0m •GBH O0 GU H m W W A PO 00 m z0 A 00 W co v a O fox 30 Ox x 0 ox a O QOx >+ 0 wox H O vox EH O aox ,,, I r_ x o U E'oz • o U :z:oz a 0 U aoz z 0 U C4C>z z 0 u Aoz w o U zoz W O U MC>z � Ham, wrna >+�+� aat 00,�,'�l "A' a� A THE BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN'S CENTER 33-0136550 FORM 990, PART VI - NAMES OF RELATED ORGANIZATIONS EISENHOWER MEDICAL CENTER EISENHOWER HEALTH SCIENCES THE BETTY FORD CENTER AT EISENHOWER ANNENBERG CENTER FOR HEALTH SCIENCES AT EISENHOWER EXEMPT EXEMPT EXEMPT EXEMPT PSPR 3,000 4RR7on 'fin o i 7 /1 n /)nnn I C . Ac _ nn cnnA-4-A�ii 173 C.'l STATEMENT 24 �4 THE BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN'S CENTER 33-0136550 SCHEDULE A, PART III - EXPLANATION FOR LINE 2D SEE FORM 990, PART V 4SPSPR 3 000 STATEMENT 25 THE BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN'S CENTER 33-0136550 FORM 990, PART 1 - LINE 8 (D) : LINE 8D REPRESENTS THE NET LOSS FROM INVESTMENT OF GROSS SALE PROCEEDS IS AVAILABLE IF NEEDED. IS RECORDED FROM MONTHLY STATMENTS RECEIVED FROM ACCOUNT CUSTODIAN. ACTIVITY. THE DETAIL THE NET LOSS REPORTED THE INVESTMENT STATEMENT 27 THE BARBARA SINATRA CHILDREN'S CENTER 33-0136550 PART IV, QUESTION 90B: ---------------------- ---------------------- THE ORGANIZATION DOES NOT FILE PRO EMPLOYEES REPORTED ON FORM 941 AS OF THE ORGANIZATION ARE REPORTED 0 EISENHOWER MEDICAL CENTER (PARENT CHILDREN'S CENTER FULLY REIMBURSES ORGANIZATION'S SHARE OF EMPLOYMENT QUESTION. THIS AMOUNT IS REPORTED OF FUNCTIONAL EXPENSES. M 941, THEREFORE THERE ARE NO OF MARCH 12, 1999. ALL EMPLOYEES N FORM 941 OF THE COMMON PAYMASTER, ORGANIZATION). THE BARBARA SINATRA THE RELATED ENTITY FOR THE RELATED COSTS OF EMPLOYEES IN ON THE APPROPRIATE LINE ON PART II 1?6 C. 8 STATEMENT 28 9SPSPR 3 00n • Provided 7,760 client hours of treatment for child sexual abuse, child physical abuse, childhood traumas, attention deficit disorder, behavioral problems, and pregnant and parent teen counseling. • Provided prevention outreach to 14 schools and reached over 2,184 school children. • In the Charles and Kay Hanson Birthing Center, counseled 318 new parents about bonding and parenting skills for their new infants. • Continued to provide guidance to both male and female teenage clients through the Image Enhancement and Self -Esteem Program. • The Sinatra Celebrity Golf Tournament, Escada Barbara Sinatra Children's Center Polo Game, and the Sinatra Celebrity Cookbook raised funds for the BSCC endowment fund. • More than one million people around the world were educated about the Children's Center's services through the Internet Web site. STATEMENT 29 177 ATTACHMENT 5 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FISCAL YEAR 0 1 -02 Name of Organization:_.__ La Ouinta .Meals on j4heels Amount Requested:$2300.00 Contact Person: Jeanne E. Parrish _ Mail inQ_Address.- _ 65 co gate Drive _ _ City Ranchg, Wii a e Statc.� 0� Zip Code 922�u Phone No.: 760-324-0976 _ M^ 501 (03 Taxpayer I.D. Number: Date Submitted: 7/26/2001 330 388 562 Applications will receive consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability . ills _082 COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT APPLICATION (Must be typed) 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of your organization? To serve those individuals (mostly seniors) who are unable to properly prepare nutritionally adequate meals for themselves because of physical or mental infirmity. To serve food and be a link to outreach services through volunteers. 2. How long has your organization been in existence? 28 Years Months 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your organization: The Desert Council'.on Aging is an agency serving the entire Coachilla Valley and provides information and referral to the client for services needed as well as being an advocate for services and nsgistnnne to mainly the ceninr client. 4. How many people does your organization currently serve? No. of Youth rare No. of Adults 7-10 No. of Seniors 70 5. How many people do you intend to serve during this Fiscal Year? throughout No. of Youth rarely No. of Adults 7-10 No. of Seniors 20-70 the year 6. How many people served this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth No. of Adults 7-10 No. of Seniors 60 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your organization employ? Full time employees 0 Part time employees 1 Volunteers 0 8. Describe how your organization is managed and governed. Governed by a Board of Directors of 4 officers Monthly meetings..- approved By Laws 1.7 (118 3 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Name Title Home Address Phone MOW 65 Colgate Dr. 760-324-0976 Jeanne E. Parrish Director Ranc94270rage,CA 6296 Rivercrest Dr. #K Richard Smith Coordinator Riverside CA 909-845-4798 erta Ave. Norma Bronson Secretary Indio, CA 760-347-7195 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your organization operate? Meetings monthly, -September thru July Forums and special programs of relevant topics for seniors, caregivers and families. 11. Do you charge admission, membership fee, dues, etc.? x Yes No If yes, please describe: $25.00 personal membership fee 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Source Grants. Bob Hope Classic Foundation other Philanthropies donation or grant Total Needed $ 5000 Total Received $ 3000 Balance $ 2000 Amount 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $ 2300 14. 15. Has your organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? x Yes No If yes, when 4/4/2000 Amount received $650.00 Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the organization's funds are kept: 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals authorized to sign on the organization's account (must provide at least two individuals): Name: Title: JEANNE E. PARRISH LISA JENNINGS Director MOW Coordinator, La Quinta MOW 17. Please provide, as an attachment, copies of the last three months bank statements as well as the last year's December bank statement of the organization's checking and savings account. 18. Need Statement. Clearly and plainly state the specific, detailed reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. We anticipate a change of sponsors during this year 2001-2002 and need money to subsidize an occassional client, about 10% of our seniors have no reserves for emergencies such as recovering from illnesses. Wedo not want to raise charges and deny any senior the needed nourishment. C; 5 r 19. Goal Statement. Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. All of the clients are La Quinta residents and this program helps those resirents recover or lighten their problems of being in need. W Without this program of providing at a minimal cost a nourishing meal, some residents might have to do without or incur additional expenses. 20. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. 21. Non-profit organizations must attach a copy of the organization's current IRS Form 990. 1812 c1 s 6 Program Operating Budget July 1, 2001 thru June 30, 2002 EXPENSES: Prepared meals 4.65 z anticipated clients 2026 = 9420.90 Delivery costs $10 a day z 253 days in yr = 2530.00 Coordinator 6.25 per hr. z 2hrs per day z 253 days in yr: 3162.50 Verizon--local service averaged $33 mo x 12 = 400.00 $15513.40 INCOME (anticipated) Resale of meals delivered 5.15 z 8 per day z 253 days per yr. 109424.00 Bob Hope Classic 39000 City of La Quinta 2,300 Other donations 200 15, 924.00 Reserve 410.60 183 JU! %J-U1 MUN u1 4c M UUH ~fiA ,NU. ! ---` ..� California Exempt Organization rwm 1999 Annual Information Return 199 For cekDdar of %WI YOU b4nningmonth M40 day jyew 1009, eii txiet� n?m -_ ,de� �-.5e-j — year _ a°--' V --- • Pird i roWyn? 1�8. tl yes. teCk 7ptw�lble toy, CeiliorMe nvlr�berI Feb wwk&w i WANooden ftonbw Dissolved 0 Wftrawn 1-1 lash * expbnetbe) 4 Q -7 r tt tox Is . errtet tl.re • ct * tone f"d INS ;*Qr: stall. 0109 fa 10C ❑ 1 WS S Attch Moet AOI famrat 2,9w 13 w, u 8 , 0 mil' d 104111 ;zest 131t2o or bw kukoictians C tr 00"bWA is OnWW t wt v RVC SOCttort Mot d and Is a soled, pwkr: Cos tt c>n�Qrpa*.Izatton Herne /'U� �_.+_ / �.. ftlly, rtktoas "Vin icrt, of ID+cw"w by I MO&W operation, che.,k W. No 8ewil Wdradlse i tin Mal No Is r$t►ed. s D Addrase PM9 no. r O is ws a avulse t tav see mantra« instnLt w M ........ a t) Yds rf f __-`C.�► A -LIE city j ,S�tatte+ ZIPCOW Type to, orpsribsocri Exw* under StdW 23701 _ - (.r tiart reins) U-1 AC Seeker 40471e)(11 tryst --- -- ftwt 1 ce ell.' e hm 11 t�dm mto r fro9 to fill tills tt m. 3M 8tt ! imtrocHeas d am C. _. . 1 Gross says ar receipts from other sotur�s. From Side 2, PartIt, lane 8 ............................. • 1 2 Grow dues and assesameft from rnem*s avid affiliates ................................ ..... ♦ 2 Recolph 3 Gross cortP661iwis, 4if$► Wants, and sim- dar amoarits rscaW. See instructeris ............. . . . . 3 and 4 Total grass receipts for Ong requirement test. Add litre i thmugh It d 3 � 1 r This llrtee mast h cemOviled. It the result Is le s than $25,Wo, see Generai instrtrcfti +. .... .... . • 4 D 7 of 11"+; 3 Cost of goods soli ..................... Ei tma.) ' 6 Cost or nhter basis, aruf salese4wses of assess sari ............... I Yo W costs. Add Pros 5 and We 6 . , ...................... . 7 � !� 6 Total press income. Subtract line T from Mime 4 - a - Et:pe+Mrtty 9 Total expenses and disbursements. From Side 2, Net ll, line 18 .. , ....................... I—— . , 4 1� �``"•"' 10 kuta Excess of revoaver exnettsea &W disburssrrcertts. Subtract 1im 5 from line 8 . ....... ........... C i0 q-7?Z- 11 filing tee $10 or $25. See Gierieral Instruction F................................... . ............. Flillag Fe►e 12 Aentttt} fur ftvwre to file on time. See Genera*! lrtstrtutiort t......... ......... . ..... . ............ . ... , ... 12 _1. 1_3 Ma -ice due. Add lino 11 artd Noe 12 13 14 If wiript uwWr R&TG Section 23701 d, has ttte crMlzat,on curing the year: (1) aarticipAed hi any petit c l wripAgn or _ (2) attompted to InflucnGe lectslatlon or any URO meatsure, or (3) made an ele0on under R&TG Section. 23704.5 (rbtatirlg to lobbying by public charities)? If `Yes' cemolate and attach form FTS 36M, Pci tical or I"egi5l&A A:G`u'YWes N. Sacion 23701d Organizallons ... l_J Yes L3 No 15 Did the orgawation have any chars in its activities, governing instnaciertt, articies of lncwporatior, or bjtaws chat have net been reported to the Franchise Tax Board? If "yes," romp;ets an expianatior, acd attach cnples �3' revlwi documarlts ............... D Yes 2-�a 16 is the organixat n a mpt under RUC 3eGdon 23701 g? ... ........................................... ............... D Yes CAO K 'fires," enter amount of gross recA is from nonmember sources -- / 17 Old the orgarkmio n tie Form 100, Form 1 OOS, or Foffn 109 to report taxanle Incom6? ...... .... , ................ G YPS d4r) If ` ms," enter amount cf total Income reported ._ . 16 TRe finaricial records are in care of T / A,16 eA 91-5 kscated at .__Spy _ t„C Z ,-+ 7S , Z e2 ' " r ':JjOeAAe, t kWm ul gwqwy t deoeav that I two 9xvimirmW Uk nOwn, Wckx 'n9 wxo r+pwft &-,*m s w wid enedrwiviu. artJ io tW bud of ny knavvSer A arri OW. ► h. PlttOi�e O"iv• carved, and avn 0eft.Ow lainkin d prepsra (v*w Ohm fir) is band on ae wftm men of wrh1vh pr*; r has"woWl"Ve. P►apeter`u C Nnck d SI rL3kwe IP �f ��C.L G�1'� 'V �L t/�-'7r ! j' f o4KQ4 L 1 Paid17iiT FT Proper en i:. m Qnty f =1rrn's nsam (or yaurs, tt � C 77G of AcC.6LA M'j AJ, -, s"`' erddfs°°°_.__.. FM ftf" 1r "ro *Iwa get ft" FM 1131. ~, 19499303 r' Form 1 g9 C1 1999 $itlo l 18 C;� JUL-23-01 MON 01:3U KI OOA FAX NO. i F. 32 Form t0.EZ (too that-5 0 mee�L-S Paw; 2 Stebnesnt of Aamies mots i:o g flc Instructions�36. (Required for 5ot(r `Jlthat is Ift o!gAftiratton'e PnMBfy OXWM t Pu""? �/ iD`' 2#0`-� and al ions i?escribe what was achieved tit carryingout the orbs eocenspt purposes. In a date and condse manner', and �47 t+ iruste: describe the seevioes provided. the tumer of persotto bertMitexi. or ~ relevant Infwroboet for each program titfa. 0PtkXW for ogees ... �....i"r.:L! IjeF.�: .. �.t �D.4�...�?:1.::�s ..T�?... rat`, l±l.: . ............................... ...........•............................................................................ ..... _ ............ .� rill ..........................................................................................................................• •........................I....................1...........................I.... ......................................... 30............................................................................................................................ ♦.............. •.......................... .................................. 0.6............ 1 .......... 0.................. •. 1Grants 31 Other ENIMSM ser�vdCUS attach sc;htedu .. . . . . . . . . Ar_vft 3.'U suet of bfflars oft T WO eWPI ore vw If rat see Wtoma igna on page ml :��r11� s4d addlN a W ' uia etwraQo � (Cl C�tta+ (0) ter nt to � f �SS Mad to M:biO isOflR�d ow OW skVI 406 IT#........... •.. • ..............a. �ajo• i/G"—XA A��� � /\.. r [l ► 14i�.:l:�...........•.e......,. ......_, writ* dw P....y.:f....... Y:�.S ::.. •...r....r ......•�ii/.•�......... /V01. ii1'�f/"l� r i i ! !. lift:' ri °S J `•%• ` �% " �` �' rb - — v t .. �f ISFt.T�ail�D OttsK nf�wrtlKioo instructions on Y"I No U fps the orWw taon ertgsgfa in my woolly not p Y mporW is the K? tt "Yet,• ttttKh 9 dftl$d OOWDVon Of eec^ a t"- 364 Ware any frhaW MOO to itw C MWMC Of govo" ft"ft U not WOW 10 the MI y "Yas" 9tach a ax ,•mad cM of tea or", 36 it ea QWftjhn had kfC ft ftm busindas ec& t $, &jCh ass of ore roartod or: YjW 2, 6, and 7 (enrc % oft-�s: but NOT reported on Fors 9WT, attach s statement flu #Wry ;+tour reaacn for not nvCrtfrg ttw income cri Fvm W-T. a Did the orgenizedlon haaei t+nreiated bushas gross Ir c" of S1,0DO or more or M33(0 ncbm, repotting, and proxy tax rscc :iWlW I:97 ~ +f b it "Yes," has it flied a tax return on fate fiWT for ft Tiara . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 36 Wale them a liquidation, 4*Mutbn, termktawn, or eutmwa as contraction during the yew? (;F "Yes,• ~. ,, a stattenw*t.) 37a Enter amot,itt of political exper0turels, direct or indirect, as descri ed In the !nstructions, b psi i .-- b Did the organization file Form I M-IOl for this yew? . i . . • . , , . . . Us Did the organization borrow tram, or make any loans to, any officer, dirat:to-. tn4sW9, ox X&v "Ooyee OR were any �� � • such loans, made in a Oor year and W, unpaid at the SW of the POW Covered by this rstutn? . . . . . . . t b If "Yes,' attach ft Schedule specified in the tine 30 inWucticns and enter the amwx-int inn ved. 36b 39 501;c)(7) orga-slrations, Enter; a initiation fees aid capitallt�corrt,►ibutions irtciude►d on lino 9 ' 11 /-rnee YMBtrlta InMik'lad M iLrM A. fM rvliltk- ilia nt Ch-bb faL`.�l WA . . b� 40a 501(ch'31 orgartiaeH=. Eraer: knwtt of tax knpmed on to orWO CIon dnrtrfj tttie year under. section 4911 ; wton 4912 i sectkm 491% ! b 501(c)(3) and 0) omsnizet ons. Did ft eeg862001 eroppe ir+ ary ire 4M excess bene>tt trwmaaction during !ha year or did it f become aware of an excess bwerat transaction from a prior year? tf `Year,' attach an explanation. c knount of tax impcsnd on orWiz*Wm r»an "s W dtsuatilied t "19 010 ywav :moat 4912, 4955, 6nd 4"8 itf d Enter: Amount of talc on tno 40c, above, reftLned I:y ft nrganhoWn . . . . . . . . . >P ....._ 41 fast the states with which a copy of tNs return Iss�,f led. tr .,..,fi 42 life books are in cam- of b . N!�! .. .R � ..... Tetepttr�r%6 no. 0 � .1 .: 1� ....... Located at ► .�..? .....!!eur1.'!Q..?:Y'+I.'!:�:lr .. w:�!:....................r...... Zip + 4 s _9'�:^Z................. .. 43 Section 4947(#1) nonax*mpt chwiteNe trusts Rfing Form 99i�- to Wu of Fmn 1041—ClIeC c here ► � ared eater the amount of tax -ex t irsteragt recOAd or a c4rued dust the, tax X2ae 43 1 UMW pram" of 040y, t awwo vW f twe awrkw eft mun wdudiM wwmpwMN vN�ctku erica 9Ddt+lstlw ts, i1r'+d t+. !ha beat of m Rnowladp Pl+era M arv9 belief. is is Um. cmed. ant camphft Owlemikm Of P WW W OW tt,en ofitarr) is baud an W1 ;F o , bw of wr>ic41 r;r*PW-f �p ant► know isoge. 3SigA'p°itaft Sae 4wtrueUor► lt, papf 14.?t -/ Here ` Sb Dame TWW 0 xwim rwnt ant two. ��"+^•�>"�-- Neiet P4�d flew only � prep+erer'Y rM„ a �,. (W/� rs d K-ernpin;rd LC�♦ , a i n ZIP + d 10 7 �3'rf 185 C.89 JUL-2J-U1 MUN J1:25 P11 GUfl FAX N0, 1 Snort Form Fan9904Z Return of organization Exempt From Income Tex under emetic- a01(ol afft li bm..i R.w m cod. teoeeeec l krp a torus or For `o�y�e�Nz.��wRn� riecsiptor welion �e t�>t)iir, $ae� lee Ospe�trnnt of"TaYuy ttlan ,WQ d tie and of Me year. kda w saw,. s W*4 1 ► 7M hew to NM & 06SW of 0* reWM to steed A NCI the IWO G&Mnder , on tox !='W191- 1 .1900. ad F. 01 01.09 No. 1645.1160 T 0111 9 9 This form Is open to Publk d Check 9; ftm a NaftV of WaanftW 0 Empbyer WontFf *tIon , MzW — - WA C�enpe of aoaYret i�sbl a ,3Z Sli Rollo ra t NurtAer end slaneet (or p,0, boot. d maN b ,at delivered t4 street ti wisuft E Tele� mariber Cl FMW nrewn to 9Zgf F E7 Amerldec teem tnetnre, city o► town, elate a ,and 2iP 4 F Cheek >f ``i 1 exernpt1w ( d swo for Hens. IN f b Z?.a P ,.moo. , is Pendi$� aim # MPWft c Ancolxrti N�n�(group exemption mettw: COO 0 Aocrusi Gte) 0. rGEN) 1 Type of organtxetim-- ► ice wrV under saction Sol(e)t 14 {insert numhO OR to W-f'Zcn 4947(A)'.') norrexampt 0wltab'e trust Now ltsaftn am C &rid "dkh �(VI) � 01':w+VmbJV bWfS MUST etf&sf1 s tr**WWed Schedule A (Fom 990. i Mo (3 it The sxgenixeftn's grass recetvts us rlalneily rtar mflrs than s25M. the arparritstfcx+ W not No a return wli~ the IRS: but ii t{:e organiiation received a form 9W Pac ka a !n tine =11 the oragnization should fin a retum witiiaLA tinan - at data. Sam dates to a eooa isle 161100, K tatter the organintiorl'a 1M QM68 Weipts (add hick ease lib, ib, &rid Tb, to Ike 9) . ► 4 .� If 41 or MM the nuM title lromt SW instead of Forum titWEL - P"MMLM ono kmNn ass en rM ^MW of F-1150snc" %§" SpBCiftc Instruct.,ons on page 32.E 00, 1 Contfibutions, gifts. grants, and similar amounts recalved (ahach schedule of comributors) 2 Program service revenue Including goverrment fm and cvtracts . . . . . . . 3 Membership Om and arseasrmm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Investment Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . 6s Grose amount %1 se m sale of ass other thaninver>.M , . b Lou: cost or other basis and sales expends . . . , , . . . e Gain or (loss) from saie of atsltets other than invert" (line 5a less line 5b) (attwh schedule) 8 SpwJ*l events and actMbes (attach schedule) a Gross rnsvenue (not including of contributions �- `i' O -Z reported on fine 1} Se s' b Loss: dims expenses other than fundraising expenses , , , . , i>tb '6 q e Net Income or (loss) from spacial events and ac*,ftles One 8a less t?* 6b) 7a Gross sales of Ir► entory, less rotur is and allowances . . . . , 7a b Lou: Brost of goods sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., a Gross profit or (Ides) from sales of Inventory (rime 7a 183s lime 7b) . . . . . . . 8 Other revoitm (describe l► = 'r.,� 9 Tom nwonere acid !Imes 14 2, 3 5o: 80 7a and 8 2 ..._. 4 Sc W 4 l , To a _ '7 . 10 Grants and skMar anxw is paid (attach schedule) . . . . . . . ... . . 11 8eneitts paid to or far members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Saiarles, ottner compensation, and employes benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Profeasionai fans and Other payments to indspen0ent �,tractom . . . . . . . . , 14 Occupancy, rare, utilkles, and aminterlsrlce . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 10 Printing. publicst«ro�n�s,�/hr+ostage,`ar�xi! shipping . • . . . . . 16 OtherexpOrexpensest4fiV b# • + 17 Total ea add Hrnaa 10 throe h 18 . 10 11 12 13 -- - 14 1 ;Q(�_ 1 4ir yp5 t i► 1? J 18 Exam or (d0c t) for the year (Ine gloss. Hne 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 19 Net asserts or f,asytt glances at beginning of year Pmrn line 21, colurml {A)) (mLm agree w1h1 end -of --year figure reported on prior year's return) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Other r hang" In not aasats or fund balances (attach exp+onaition) . , . . . . , , 21 Net sssso or fund bNanves st and of r cornboo tints 18 throe 20' , ! 18 Ig 19 20 21 8e(arioe Ofte#s-0 Total assets on Dra 25, roltxntt (8) are $250,OW Of ntov% 114 forth M Inroad of Form gJQ-E7r~.. (See 5pec4c Instm"orns on page X) 29 Cash, savings, and Inva"ents . . . . . . , , . 26 Land and buildings , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Other assets, (describe ► -__-- I 29 Total assets . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .4 6 N Tout liabM" (de$uibe ► _ l 27 Ns►t ataARb or fiend balances fino 27 of colurnn must agM w3ttn litre 21) , - - - - iai n" of ysu Is) 1-no of ym 22 i .23..�,.._,. 24 -7 LP 25 �4 "f ,l z-(p 96 .0 7 . — . wr.q, .-WT M r.vr„v.rWn, rw..rvan.W' aWW jav v t of env ■wwru < inwovaimns. W F10. 10042) foml WdV-tZ (199% r 186 690 JUL-cJ-ui MUN ,1- J%J Fri UUri rHA �tiU, I O�trat91946 with "M t"pk of non &on $95M andprint* favaiietione egaMiu et oau►i of gross reCeipb — ht U at hrrrialr ariatibela iidarn wait. see Mnellis U" lrfraefl«w 1 Grass sales or r$WP s from al business activities. See 1mWt Coons papa 3 ......... I ....... I.......... � . 2 Interest................................................................................ 2 _ Ron" 3 Dividends ................................. I ....... ..................................... 3 IMt : 4 Gross M*.............................................. ...........,............... d Down 5 Oro" Mysides ............................ 6 t�s 6 Gross amount received from sale of assets ..................... � , , ... � ... � � .. . � � 1 Otiwr iiac�me. Attach eatteduie .. . ........................................................ � ._..._.._..�._� ! "I" Grass Saks or reoeipta Iron other sourees. Add line 1 through "M 7. Enter herj and on Side 1. taer(1. ibis 1 9 Contributions, pft gents, and similar amounts paid. Attach schedu?e .. ... ......... .............. 4 10 Disburma is to . or far members .................... ..... t 101 Eww" 111 Compensation of oNtrcerrs, directors, and truces. At#4 scW* .................. . .............. 11 Md 12 Other salaries and wan ................ 12 ......... .... ..... ah6ame. 13 Interest ......................................... 13 Mew --- mei 14 Tees.....................................,....,............._.......,...........,. ... 14 ! 15 Hants .................. ............................................................. 15 J1!t Oepreciatian and depleWn ............................... .......... ..................... 5 tT Other. Attach schedule ............................ .......... .. 1i _ r $ _.____. _f g ' � expenses f,�lsburse�nents Add line g t .rauoh line .1i Eater here ands 1, Fart I. bee $ _ . 1a Jr iiNeta � l End a1 _�'.t�.__i it sub I+t�aNw Year i cash .................................... : lb r sr� 2 Net accounts recolvabk ..................... .�" 3 Net Hates recelvrgle. Attach schedule .......... 3 invtmetories ............................... _ 5 Fedetal and state p""m>$nt obligations ....... 5 Investments in other bonds. Attach schedule..... 7 invesbm * in stock. Attach scheckAe ..........- 8 Mortgage Mans (number of loans . )- 5 Other Investments. Attach schedule ............ 11 a Depreciable assrrts ....................... ' b Leo accurnuisted depredation .............. � "- 11 land ... ........ - 12 Othef assets. Attach sclwduls. ... . ............ 13 Toutatsssi% ............................... L191111fties ad not writ 14 Accounts payable .......................... 15 Contributions, prfts, or grants payable .......... ti U ds and rrotes pay *#. Attach schoule ....... __..4. 17 Madol Os payable.... .............. 1s Other liabilities. Attach schedule ............... ..-_.._ 1t1 Capital stock or principle fund ........ . .. . .... - tO Paid-1n or Capital sutpiirs. Attach recandhation ... 2t Retain --.7 ed earnings or income fund ......... r ... �_._ 2.2- Tv i.li -ML" Scfedub fill-1 RemWitittort of Irroeme per iealit M* ia:oeore prr wWw, �Do not cornAieW +lass schedule If the amount on Soule L, lire! 13, column (d), is less than $25,000 1 Not Income per books .. ... _ 7 Ir one raeorded or, 000ks ibis year APP 2 Federal income tax ...::................ _ � not WOW in this return. 3 Excess of capital lotSSeG over capita! gains .. . At1,lc:lr m�iute ...................... 4 lnconw not recxxded on book6 this 8 Deductions in ttIIS return not �wZar ed Yo Attach m.badvie ....................... against book Income this year. , 5 bxperlsM recorded c.1 bDO4 this year not Attach schalule .................... . deducted in this return. Atth schedule ......... � !ins ! ToW. pAM 7 arid IIne s ............. �.--- — - - -- 8 'Total. 18 Net itrcorrte r rt;turn. � Ad l�hrt,1hrouot+ lints 5 Subtratct !i ne S from Ur to Side 2 Form 199 Ct 19" 19999203 187 C91 PR More like you every day. DESERT AREA MEALS ON WHEELS C/O JEANNE E PARRISH 65 COLGATE DR RANCHO MIRAGE CA 92270 Statement S-lumm—nrn, J Account Number Type 3227920 Community Advantage Checking Page: 1 of 1 Account Number: 3227920 Statement Date: 06-30-2001 Number of Checks: 5 PROVIDENT BANK (800)442-5201 Balance 9,811.17 Account Summary for Community Advantage Checking - 3227920 Starting Interest Service Ending Balance + Deposits + Paid - Withdrawals - Charges = Balance 9,131.36 1,831.25 22.76 1,174.20 0.00 9,811.17 Transactions for Community Advantage Checking - 3227920 Checks/ Deposits/ Date Description Debits Credits 06-01 Starting Balance 06-04 191 Check -192.50 06-05 Deposit 996.10 06-06 192 Check -348.75 06-13 External Withdrawal CLARKE -34.65 AMERICAN CHECK ORDER BILLING - CHK ORDER 06-21 Deposit 6.00 06-22 194 Check -201.71 06-22 195 Check -33.89 �' 06-25 193 Check -362.70 06-26 Deposit 829.15 06-29 Eff. 06-30 Credit Interest 22.76 Checks for Community Advantage Checking - 3227920 Date Check Number Amount Date Check Number Amount 06-04 191 192.50 06-22 194 201.71 06-06 192 348.75 06-22 195 33.89 06-25 193 362.70 * denotes a missing check Balance 9,131.36 8, 938.86 9, 934.96 9,586.21 9,551.56 9,557.56 9,355.85 9,321.96 8, 959.26 9,788.41 9,811.17 The amount of interest earned between 06-01-2001 and 06-30-2001 is $22.76. The average daily balance during this period was 9,507.71. The minimum balance during this period was 8,938.86. The Annual Percentage Yield Earned for this account is 2.950. C92 PROVIDENT,tt',va... More like you every day. DESERT AREA MEALS ON WHEELS C/O JEANNE E PARRISH 65 COLGATE DR RANCHO MIRAGE CA 92270 Statement Summary Account Number Type 3227920 Community Advantage Checking Page: 1 of 1 Account Number: 3227920 Statement Date: 05-31-2001 Number of Checks: 5 PROVIDENT BANK (800)442-5201 Balance 9,131.36 Account Summary for Community Advantage Checking - 3227920 Starting Interest Service Balance + Deposits + Paid - Withdrawals - Charges 9,120.24 1,055.75 24.00 1,068.63 0.00 Ending = Balance 9,131.36 Transactions for Community Advantage Checking - 3227920 Checks/ Deposits/ Date Description Debits Credits Balance 05-01 Starting Balance 9,120.24 05-01 Deposit 1,055.75 10,175.99 05-04 186 Check -176.20 9,999.79 05-07 187 Check -306.90 9,692.89 05-16 188 Check -37.81 9,655.08 05-17 189 Check -152.47 9,502.61 05-21 190 Check -395.25 9,107.36 05-31 Credit Interest 24.00 9,131.36 Checks for Community Advantage Checking - 3227920 Date Check Number Amount Date Check Number Amount 05-04 186/5 176.20 05-17 1891, 152.47 05-07 187 306.90 05-21 190 /, 395.25 05-16 188/ 37.81 * denotes a missing check The amount of interest earned between 05-01-2001 and 05-31-2001 is $24.00. The average daily balance during this period was 9,535.80. The minimum balance during this period was 9,107.36. The Annual Percentage Yield Earned for this account is 3.00%. 189 C.' .� PR TM More like you every day. COACHELLA DESERT AREA MEALS ON WHEELS C/O JEANNE E PARRISH 65 COLGATE DR RANCHO MIRAGE CA 92270 Statement Summary Account Number Type 3227920 Community Advantage Checking Page: 1 of 1 Account Number: 3227920 Statement Date: 04-30-2001 Number of Checks: 6 PROVIDENT BANK (800)442-5201 Balance 9, 120.24 Account Summary for Community Advantage Checking - 3227920 Starting Interest Service Ending Balance + Deposits + Paid - Withdrawals - Charges = Balance 10,338.86 0.00 23.54 1,242.16 0.00 9,120.24, Transactions for Community Advantage Checking - 3227920 Checks/ Deposits/ Date Description Debits Credits 04-01 Starting Balance 04-04 182 Check -192.50 04-05 179 Check -5.15 04-10 181 Check -451.05 04-18 184 Check -175.00 04-23 183 Check -367.35 04-27 185 Check -51.11 04-30 Credit Interest 23.54 Checks for Community Advantage Checking - 3227920 Date Check Number Amount Date Check Number 04-05 179 5.15 04-23 183 04-10 181* 451.05 04-18 184 04-04 182 192.50 04-27 185 * denotes a missing check Balance 10,338.86 10,146.36 10,141.21 9,690.16 9,515.16 9,147.81 9,096.70 9,120.24 Amount 367.35 175.00 51.11 The amount of interest earned between 04-01-2001 and 04-30-2001 is $23.54. The average daily balance during this period was 9,664.80. The minimum balance during this period was 9,096.70. The Annual Percentage Yield Earned for this account is 3.00%. 1-30 C-94 PR0V!0ENTAA,&'v"vA4vA,AT., More like you every day. COACHELLA DESERT AREA MEALS ON WHEELS C/O JEANNE E PARRISH 65 COLGATE DR RANCHO MIRAGE CA 92270 Statement Summary Account Number Type 3227920 Community Advantage Checking Page: 1 of 1 Account Number: 3227920 Statement Date: 12-31-2000 Number of Checks: 5 PROVIDENT BANK Balance 11,084.14 Account Summary for Community Advantage Checking - 3227920 Starting Interest Service Ending Balance + Deposits + Paid - Withdrawals - Charges = Balance 7,920.46 4,447.15 21.35 1,304.8.2 0.00 11,084.14 Transactions for Community Advantage Checking - 3227920 Checks/ Deposits/ Date Description Debits Credits Balance 12-01 Starting Balance 7,920.46 12-04 159 Check -103.50 7,816.96 12-08 158 Check -475.95 7,341.01 12-18 Deposit 1,447.15 8,788.16 12-18 160 Check -126.50 8,661.66 12-21 161 Check -79.67 8,581.99 12-26 Deposit 3,000.00 r/G 11,581.99 12-26 162 Check -519.20 11,062.79 12-30 Eff. 12-31 Credit Interest 21.35 11,084.14 Checks for Community Advantage Checking - 3227920 Date Check Number Amount Date Check Number Amount 12-08 158 475.95 12-21 161 79.67 12-04 159 103.50 12-26 162 519.20 12-18 160 126.50 * denotes a missing check The amount of interest earned between 12-01-2000 and 12-31-2000 is $21.35. The average daily balance during this period was 8,507.49. The minimum balance during this period was 7,341.01. The Annual Percentage Yield Earned for this account is 3.00%. ATTACHMENT 6 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FISCAL YEAR 01-02 Name of Organization: Z - Amount Requested: ' Contact Person: _ LA! /, Mailing Address::!Z9-.A504 City: /9 U Phone No.: 1760 ) . S6 �Z- Ui r// /I _ State: f�- Zip Code: �a�S� 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: -- 9 — (n -// 7("o 6� 0 Date Submitted: \j V 0/ Applications will receive consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. 199 Ci96 COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT APPLICATION (Must be typed) l . What is the overall purpose of your organization? We have a program once a month to educate artists our meetings give oour artists a chance to network with each other. 2. How long has your organization been in existence? 4 Years 2 Mos. 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your organization: To promote our community throu hg^art To operate a g_aller_v where our artists' works rngy be shown To exhibit their art in other venues. 4. How many people does your organization currently serve? No. of Youth 5 No. of Adults 95 No. of Seniors 65 5. How many people do you intend to serve during this Fiscal Year? No. of Youth 10 No. of Adults 130 No. of Seniors 100 b. How many people served this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta Residents? No. of Youth 2 No. of Adults 40 No. of Seniors 20 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your organization employ? Full time employees 0 Part time employees 0 Volunteers 35 8. Describe how your organization is managed and governed. We meet once a month at the Desert Sands Unified School District in La ouinta. Our officers (Board) and members manage and govern the organization 193 C 9 �' 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members: Name Title Home Address _ Phone Elaine Reynolds President 49294 Ave. Vista Bonita, LQ 564-1880 Gwen Hughes 1 st Vice Pres. PO Box 177, LQ 564-2284 Reuben Sklar Treasurer 78460 Sunrise, PD 360-5043 Sherry Bonnett Secretary 76593 Begonia Lane, PD 360-8828 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your organization operate? We operate from October through May. We plan the following: Two day show at Heritage Palms and two one day shows at the LQ Senior Center. 11. Do you charge admission, membership fees, dues, etc.? X Yes No. If yes, please describe: No charge for admission. $50 per year dues, $5 of which going to the Art Department of the Boys and Girls Club, LQ. 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Art shows, donations and membership fees. See attached proposed budget. 194 C.g 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta: 14. Has your organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? X Yes No If yes, when? 1999 Amount received 4 000 2000 Amount received 4 000 15. Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the organization's funds are kept. Downey Savings Washington and Hw.111. LQ 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals aauthorized to sign on the organization's account: Reuben Sklar Treasurer Elaine Reynolds President 17. Please provide, as an attachment, copies of the last three months bank 19,15 C-99 19. Goal Statement. Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. The City of La Quinta will benefit, because the art will bring excitement to the Senior Center and the Village. In addition, local artists wil be given the opportune tt o display and sell their creations. 20. Attach a copy. of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. 21. Non-profit organizations must attach a copy of the organization's current IRS Form 990. 100 IHZH Liability insurance �5�1 First installment, 9/6/2000 Second payment, l 0/6/2000 Travelers, officers liability, 9/21/2000 Refund Refund Desert Sun, non-profit listing Artwork, sign Kinko, stationery & application for membership Kinko, document creation City of La Quinta, business license Desert Sands Unified School District, meeting room Visa & MasterCard, bank machine ($ 18/mo. x 12 mos. ) Portable bank machine La Quinta Chamber of Commerce, 1-year membership La Quanta Chamber of Commerce, gallery expenses Kinko, application form Kinko, stationery Wanda, sign for gallery Command One, gallery security Flyer copies Telephone book yellow pages Newsletter stamps Newsletter printing Desert Sun Ads 9/29/2000 l 1 /8/2000 10/10/2000 Boys & Girls Club, donation Total i 5i3Io , S244.25 930.00 712.75 ( 140.00 ) (182.00) 35.00 50.00 58.19 48.38 15.00 182.00 216.00 39.00 80.00 311.88 29.09 65.62 193.87 60.00 65.16 92.93 238.00 70.00 193.50 322.50 177.00 200.00 S4,308.12 19'7 101 LA QUINTA ARTS ASSOCIATION PROPOSED BUDGET July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2002 Cash on Hand $41859 Shows, La Quints Senior Center (10%) 600 35 Memberships @ $50 1,750 $7,209 EXPENSES Desert Sands USD Meeting Room $ 392 LQ Senior Center Rental, 2 shows 1,100 Credit Card Charge 216 Newsletter, 7 x $60 420 City Business License 15 Insurance, D & O Liability 1,800 Desert Sun Ads, 2 @ $530 11060 LQ Boys & Girls Club Art Dept. 200 LQ Chamber of Commerce Membership 80 $7,084 102 CM WILL............ UL SIMIf I Your ATM, ATM Plug V12a or Aummg TO Cash c8rid is lost or steign: Cali 78'435BIGMT- ]LIF 1A QU WA - CA- "83 Jp �61 M,;d A, Pt=E 1W 1;; 14 LA-QUINTA ARTS -ASSOCIATION PO WX 4 LA OU114TA CA 92253 ole dd b1no tamew-M&WI low - PREVIOUSSTATEMENT BALANCE. 05-1.9-2001-0*0000*sefoo 640906691#0 eea*olgos 0 4 a $51-289.4? ARY OF TRANSACTIONS OW -THIS STATEMENT 0 DEPOSITS AND OTHER CREDITS--TOTALLING.0*000000000000000.eeese .00. INTEREST PAID THIS STATE14ENT.PERIODO'g000e*000eeao*oo**Og0000 00 5 CHECKS AND 3 OTHER DEBITS TOTALLING..000.s000aoot*ogo.oeoo 410.47- WING STATEMENT *seems PjB09,00 CNOM AN OTHER MITS CHECK PAD IDA EL CHECK RATE -A+ I'� P" T NUMBER AID 33 00 J32.1 335 05-15 -32., 3.36 06-04 o —04- 60'm -44 Am 2a 6 Caed. v.. .e� 3 cis c6l sid Ctiac c t.UrU."Te er, 41 IDATE 'DATE 4 wv 15, 06-04 41k :4 jit o .31 : 29, 55 06-19 5, .58 • T 199 103 TO S64S957 P 83 • LA QUINTA BRANCH MWNEYSAA 78-435 HIGHWAY ill SIATE,MEM' .DATE LA QUINTA CA 92253 L '-2QQ�L PHONE 760-564-66b1 PREVIOUS STATEMENT DATE 04-19-2001 PAGE 1 OF 2 LA QUINTA ARTS ASSOCIATION PO BOX 4 LA QUINTA CA 92253 4 •, *, nowat;+Ss it wag rst�s an " asd *�lytbe f *• L � new bOi� �"1►'e �1 mI�Ihli Z�AtG Oor w , are beii god Ott msy be rawt UCK1N YUR40-BATE INTEREST i.0a '�• PREVIOUS STATEMENT BALAKE 04-19-2001.,•....,.,;r,,,,,,, S II�� SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIORS ON --THIS STATEMENT 1 DEPOSITS Aim 0THE CREDITS TOTALL I 275*00 INTEREST PAID THIS -STATEMENT PERIOD..•,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .00 4 CHEZKS AND 3 OTHER.DEBITS TOTALLING ....................... 621078- E1r1DING STATEMENT BALANCE ------•-•--__- ••.....••••••.••••••.••••••...••••••.••..•••••.•• $5,289s4) DEPOSITS AND OTHER CREDITS DATE �. PwO.STSD DATE POSTE -241 275. . ; . ap ER PA.Ii AIDA - PAID -27 0.00 <; 30 5`02 131 .. t DOTS ... hf T_ �_ Hcus 1c,cos., �� d _� • ; - Zanc T , C k twat• �e S DA4 E .r DATE 04-24 4� h. AOMT 5,911.25 t1ATE 04-27 JIMOtMIT� '. �r �.r 1,Wo AMOUNT 5,711.25 104 I4 --)OJ'y,. P.02 LA QUINTA BRANCH 78-435 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA CA 92253- PHONE 760-564-6661 UO% Nn bAVD' 1 STATEMENT DATE PREVIOUS STATEMENT DATE 03-19-2001 PAGE 1 OF 2 LA QUINTA ARTS ASSOCIATION PO BOX 4 LA QUINTA CA 92253 ...I� �• � FYI .�, .� :�Mr, ,�ney t ZOR i'i%s M �0: the r; 1 k perfect me >�N Tour ctQre+ett or bq� tbst new dome - Don ibotbt* minute. _ Oaf eai bwt rreta dii here beets : bui i MEQ(IWG ACCOUNT Mt WER 36 493-6 YEAR-TO-DATE INTEREST s.00 ` PREVIOUS STATEMENT BALANCE 0,5-19-200I................................. $59447.37 SUMMARY OF TRAIiWTIOKS 09 THIS STATEMENT i 6 DEPOSITS AND OTHER CREDITS TOTALLING ........................ 3,112.40 INTEREST PAID THIS STATEMENT PERIOD ......................... .00 7 CHECKS AND 4 OTHER DEBITSTOTALLING ....................... 21,923.52 ELIDING STATEMENT BALANCE.... ........................................... $5,636.25 DEPOSITS AND OTHER CREDITS DATE DATE POSTED S EPOSTED i �►'� 0 �I21;.- ► ' �, -100. 00 z . - 4-:19 -05 9� . 03�-27 50. 00 'bus s 14cteff �c a : P ` � 0 w�Vus Vs Me Ca t34-11 161 2 A/ # NU 1" wi40OlVY e . } PAI f 316• . ►65.00� 324� � �4-16. 04Al 319 ��' r' . 0�3 _ 12 4 :. .32 * -� �# ��. T3 3 04-17 ?�60:00 � jo F OO US =4 THE tlsa AT KfTP : / /MMM . 9W*RTWWjW S . CON --A - Twit CWCK WTI! NJ! MOM STAXEMM If your ATM, ATM alws Visa on Ame" To C#fh card in tort or stoien: call i-m-en-eng- 20t 1liJ a 6"6."k TO 5645957 P.91 7i 093111 LA QUINTA BRANCH 78-435 HIGHWAY III LA QUINTA CA 92253 PHONE 760-564-6661 LA QUINTA ARTS ASSOCIATION PO 80X 4 LA QUINTA CA 92253 DoWNEY SAVINGS SIAIENFAT. DATE ilBA�a� r:e�. PREVIOUS STATEMENT DATE 11-18-2000 PAGE 1 OF 2 s. AD of as at -Downey Say wish you aad 11aftess, oars a hopp�, bealthj holiday season. We appreciate �oeu and took- 7orward to seryinj you in 2001 afnd for many years to coma 71 019CKING ACCOUNT NLWER 35-5301493-6 YEAR-TO-DATE INTEREST �S.00 PREVIOUS STATEMENT BALANCE 11-28-2000..............................,,, S3,896.861. SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS ON THIS STATEMENT ,I i 5 DEPOSITS AND OTHER CREDITS TOTALLING ........................ 1,344.59 INTEREST PAID THIS STATEMENT PERIOD ......................... .00 4 CHECKS AND 3 OTHER DEBITS TOTALLING ......................._ _ 560.77- } ENDING STATEMENT BALANCE..................... .......................... --S4,680.68 DEPOSITS AND OTHER CREDITS POSTED AMOUNT DATE � POSTED AMOUNT.r 11-27 513.60 A,12-19 �0.00 JI 12-07 242.50 Navin Vs "Iit��♦R�` -,Cred Card" 11 -21 ' 15Q Novus Services Settlement 11-21 48.E 3 CHECKS AN0.10THER DEBITS , CHEEK 6ATE NUMBER PAID AMOUNT NUMBER PAID =!' 304x 12-95 322.50'tin 307 12-08 1 3'g �27��`,t�r 306 11 30 30.16308 12-06 3g � 45.00 . FIND US CIN THE YEik AT WTT' : //WW. OQIINEYSAVIN" . Coll • W IN CHECK S[4Ntw_g�_ r THIS CW0( WILL sE iNCWDEO IN YOUR NEXT STAT@gNr. f 10 your ATM, ATM P 1 us Visa or Aeeess To Cash card is 1 oat or Stolen. call 1- so0-sn-96A9 ,..�. 202. 106 State California of ' Bill Jones Secretary of State STATEMENT BY DOMESTIC NONPROFIT CORPORATION I. DO NOT ALTER PAEPAINTED NAME IF ITEM 1 IS BLANK. PLEASE ENTER THE CORPORATE NAPE AND NUMBER C 197s388 PS OUE DATE 07-31-01 06881N THE LA QUINTA ARTS ASSOCIATION P O SOX 4 LA QUINTA, CA 922S3 This §me For F Use Orw 2. STREET ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICE IN CALIFORNIA. IF ANY CITY AND STATE ZIP CODE (II X0 . corrpwb 3) i 3 MMt ING ADDRESS CITY AND STATE ZIP CODE . ilkxI Lj) u r N A 901d 53 FOLLOWING OFFICERS: (The corporation must have those three c4 icers. An R officer may hold more than one office The appropriate INe for t CHIEF EXECUT FICER/ ADDRESS CITY AND STATE ZIP CODE LA I WEKEY d S 1�Q,� SECRETARY/ A DRESS CITY AND ST TE 21CODE - a 6. t11EF FIkANdAL OFFICER/ ADDRESS CITY AND STA E ZIP CODE -?L---))&bl -SIANPKE iFW Pn Lot kK 7. CHECK THE APPROPRIATE PROVISION BELOW AND NAME THE AGENT FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS ( I AN INDIVIDUAL RESIDING IN CALIFORNIA. t I A CORPORATION WHICH HAS FILED A CERTIFICATE PURSUANT TO SECTION 1505 OF THE CALIFORNIA CORPORA I IONS CODE. AGENT'S NAME 8. ADDRESS OF THE AGENT FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS IN CALIFORNIA. IF AN INDIVIDUAL CITY ZIP CODE CA COMMON INTEREST DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION (Section 1350, et seq., C+VII Code) 9. D THIS CORPORATION IS NOT AN ASSOCIATION FORMED TO MANAGE A COMMON INTEREST DEVELOPMENT (PROCEED TO ITEM 11) 10 THIS CORPORATION IS AN ASSOCIATION FORMED TO MANAGE A COMMON INTFREST DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE DAVIS-STIALING COMMON INTEREST DEVELOPMENT ACT. (PROCEED TO REM 10A AND 108) D 10A BUSINESS OFFICE STREET ADDRESS OR PHYSICAL LOCATION OF DEVELOPMENT. INCLUDING NINE -DIGIT ZIP CODE 10B NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE MANAGING AGENT 11. 1 DECLARE THAT I HAVE EXAMINED THIS STATEMENT AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF ►T 13 TRUE CORRECT, AND COMPLETE U41 t, s 5 5 Q� TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF SIGNING OFFICER OR AGENT OAI AL SIGNATURE Tt TLE D TE SO.100 (REV 1 11") Approvl0 by SacrWry of Slat* 203 10 �' a St Xl : ,4t SECRETARY OF STATE CORPORATION DIVISION 19-743S8 I, BILL JO ES, Secretary of State of the State of California hereby certify: That the annexed transcript has been compared, with the corporate record on file its this office, of which it purports to be a copy, and that same is full, true and correct. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I execute • tIiis t•ertilk-ate and affix the ( rcat Seal of the State of California this JUL t 9 1"6 Nec•retary of State 204 108 cl) 7- ATTACHMENT 7 205 109 00000, (n y N V► �� CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FISCAL YEAR 01-02 Name of Organization: Lions Club of La Quinta Amount Requested: $1,500 Contact Person: Don Ruh Mailing Address: 78-970 Bayberry Lane, City: La Quinta Ca. Phone No.: (760) 360 — 6656 92253 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: Lions International is Tax exempt: Club #051931 0316 E Dent# Date Submitted: 7-26-2001 Applications will receive consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. 206 110 COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT APPLICATION (Must be typed) 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of your organization? To create and foster a spirit of understanding among the peoples of the world. To promote the principle of good government and good citizenship. To take an active interest in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of the community. To promote friendships, good fellowship, and mutual understanding. To encourage service minded people to serve their community without personal financial reward as well as promote high ethical standards in all that we are involved in. 2. How long has your organization been in existence? 10 Years ' Months The La Quinta Lions is part of the world's largest service club organization — Lions 3' International. Our major emphasis has been in helping the blind and visual) impaired. We provide eye examinations, medical support,y p glasses, and are part of the Guide Dogs of the Desert ongoing project. The club provides scholarships to LQHS students. Our club sponsors and supports the LQHS Leo Service Club in their school and community work. It is the largest and most active service club on campus, with 70 active members. Other projects include aid to the needy upon request (cancer, Red Cross, etc.) and now we wish to become more involved in uniting the residents of La Quinta in pride, spirit, friendship, and mutual respect and understanding. 4. How many people does your organization currently serve? No. of Youth 150 No. of Adults 30 No. of Seniors 20 5. How many people do you intend to serve during this Fiscal Year? 250+ 200+ 100+ No. of Youth No. of Adults No. of Seniors 6. How many people served this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta residents? 95% No. of Youth No. of Adults No. of Seniors 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your organization employ? None Full time employees Part time employees Volunteers 8. nescribe how your organization is managed and governed. �r The Lions Club operates under the guidelines of Lions International. Our Club is in Multiple District 4 (California -Nevada) L5. See www.lions.orR. We have a President, two Vice -Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary, and Board of Directors. The La Quinta Lions is a non-profit service organization, functioning under the rules of Lions International. 207 11 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Name Title Home Address Phone Ed Rickards President 42208 Washington St.116 Ber. D 772-7123 Larry Johnson Treasurer 54-325 Ave. Obregon LQ 564-7523 Jane Hutchings Past Pres. 52-375 Avenidda Navarro LQ 564-6289 June Arden V.P. 53-390 Ave. Vallejo LQ 771-1456 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your organization operate? The La Quinta Lions meets the second and fourth Tues. of each month at Elmer's (Indio) 6:45 PM. The club suspends regular meetings for the months of July and August, but conducts periodic business meetings during this time. 1 1 . Do you charge admission, membership fee, dues, etc.? �C Yes No If yes, please describe: Dues of $80 a year are charged all members. Other assessments are charged as needed. 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Source Amount Yard/Rummage Sales $2,000 Ciro's of la Quinta Support Program (unknown — in progress) Total Needed $ $8,500 Total Received $ New Year starting Sept. Balance $ (See last bank statement) 208 112 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $ $1,500 14. Has your organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? Yes X No If yes, when Amount received 15. Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the organization's funds are kept: Valley Independent Bank — La Quinta Branch 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals authorized to sign on the organization's account (must provide at least two individuals): Name: Title: Ed Rickards Larry Johnson President Treasurer 17. Please provide, as an attachment, copies of the last three months bank statements as well as the last year's December bank statement of the organization's checking and savings account. 18. Need Statement. Clearly and plainly state the specific, detailed reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will- be used, if awarded. The La Quinta Lions would like to host the First Annual All-LaQuinta Family Festival on November 10, 2001. As we do not presently have funds to promote the event throughout the city, buy awards and equipment, nor pay the costs for the park use (clean-up, etc) we would request support. Our insurance would be covered by a Lions International Policy. Funds would also be used in support of the LQHS Leo Service Club and their work. Funds would also be used to help those in our community needing help and requesting such from our organization. 20 113 19. Goal Statement. Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. All funds raised by our organization, donated by our members, or provided through this grant will be used in the City of La Quinta to help others. The Festival is intended to unite the City and build a pride and spirit. It is for all ages and gender (see attachment). Leo Club service work is in the community as well as the high school. Others needing doctors, glasses, scholarships, guide dog training will provided upon request. 20. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. 21. Non-profit organizations must attach a copy of the organization's current IRS Form 990. Please note: We received this Grant Application from Dodie Horvitz on July 23, 2001. With four days to complete it in full has been a problem in that our Treasurer (Mr. Larry Johnson) is out of town on vacation and is therefor unable to supply the requested bank statements and other financial information as of this date — July 26. We will continue to contact him so that items may be passed on to you. The La Quinta Lions Club has been a rather small inconspicuous Club in recent years but has been revitalized, grown, established an enthusiastic support Leo Organization on the LQHS campus, and is ready to take on a prominent position in the service to the La Quinta Community. We hope our enthusiastic involvement in the recent La Quinta Birthday Bash might be seen as an indication of what we hope to do (with your support) in the year ahead. We thank you for including us in this Grant Application request. 1s'ANNUAL ALL -LA QUINTA FAMILY FESTIVAL It's an old fashioned family festival of picnicking, fun, and games. A time to have fun as a family, as well as get aquatinted with your La Quinta friends and neighbors. Everyone is invited to welcome winter and say goodbye to summer. It's a special day for those 3 — 80 years young.! SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10T" - FRANCIS HACK PARK, LA QUINTA Sponsored by the La Quinta Lions and La Quinta High School Leo Clubs All proceeds go to the "Guide Dogs of the Desert" and other Community Service projects of the La Quinta Lions Club and their supported La Quinta High School LEO Club HERE'S THE PLAN It's all free — if you just want to picnic and watch, but we'd rather have you get involved in all the fun and games below. A entire family can enter every event for a total donation of only $10. Remember, this is a tax-deductible donation to the La Quinta Lions -Leo Club Community Service work. (Ribbon and other awards to all places 1-3) EVENT SCHEDULE 9:30 am 4 mile walk, jog, or run from La Quinta High School to Fritz Bums Park ......... 25 cents Divisions: teens, 20-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60, 60 plus, and "dog and master" team. 11:15am "Auction in the Park" : (Bring anything you'd like to have auctioned and wait for the highest bid to make you rich.) ($2 of total price goes to the work of Lions - Leos) Noon Fresh Egg Toss Contest ...... 25 cents per team of two. Divisions: 8-12 yrs, teens, Mom & Dads, Seniors (55 plus) 12:30pm Human Wheel -barrow Races ...... 25 cents per team of two. Divisions: 4-5 yrs, 6-7 yrs, 8-9 yrs, 1:00pm 3-Legged Races ...... 25 cents per team of two. Divisions: 12 & under, teens, 18 yrs. Plus, Father -Son, Mother -Daughter, Seniors. 1:20pm "Auction in the Parr' : ( Same as the 11:15 am event, but new items on the block) 1:45pm Obstacle Course Races ...... 25 cents per two person team. Divisions: 3-4 yrs, 5-6 yrs, 7-8 yrs. 2:15pm Egg -in -Spoon Relay ...... 25 cents per two person team. Divisions: 12 & under, teens, 18 yrs plus, Mother -Daughter, Seniors. 2:45pm 50 meter dash races.....25 cents per individual. Divisions: 3-4 yrs, 5-6 yrs, 7-8 yrs, 9-10 yrs. 3:00pm Watermelon Seed Spitting for Accuracy ....... 25 cents per individual. Divisions: Divisions: 5-8 yrs, 9-12 yrs, teen, Mom -Dads, Seniors. 3:30pm Special Awards and Prizes: 1) Largest family attending, 2)Family with oldest - youngest, 3) Family with greatest number of ribbon awards Note: From 11:15am-3:00pm: The Lions -Leo Clubs will be selling HOT DOGS AND COLD DRINKS, POP CORN (if you don't want to bring your own picnic lunch) for "four bits" each (50cents). (Veterans get their hot dog free.) Bring your family and friends, a lot of "two bit" pieces, (or $10 per entire family "entry donations") Come prepared to have a barrel of fun at an old fashioned family picnic on this Veteran's Day Saturday. Remember, any and all money will be returned to your community in the form of service projects and in helping train the "Guide Dogs of the Desert". For more information call: 760 360-6656 211 ii5 ATTACHMENT 8 TOOLS FOR TOMORROW Nonprofit after sc hoofl proarsm o grmdaz Y{ through 5 April 23, 2001 City of La Quinta Community Services Grant Program P.O. Box 1504 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 To whom it may concern: La Quinta resident, James Reed, a member of our Advisory Board, urged submission of the enclosed grant request. TOOLS FOR TOMORROW is an on -site, after school program that includes academic tutoring, art, music, drama, creative writing and sports activities for children, grades K through 5. Although TOOLS FOR TOMORROW has been initially implemented in Desert Hot Springs, by September the program will be available -- free of charge and with appropriate training --to any school or school district in the Coachella Valley requesting it. Created by experts in education and the arts and the assistant director of arts education at the Palm Springs Desert Museum, in Desert Hot Springs TOOLS FOR TOMORROW collaborates with the Palm Springs Municipal School District and the Boys and Girls Club. Thank you for considering TOOLS FOR TOMORROW in your grant process. Most sincerely, RACHEL BRYANT DRUTEN, Chairman cc: James Reed Pa©o .Bol{ 115370 ?MjM Daz@rto CM111fornIm 92235-1 537 Peons: (760) 773-5587 FMX: (760) 346-3237 � o� o Pima V � II OF CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FISCAL YEAR00-01 Name of Organization: TOOLS FOR TOMORROW Amount Requested: $ 5, o 0 0. o 0 Contact Person: • Rachel Druten Mailing Address: P- 0. Box 115 5 7 City: Palm Desert State: CA Zip Code: 92255-1557 Phone No.: (760) 773-5687 501 (c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: 33-0889045 Date Submitted: April 2 3 , 2 0 01 Applications will. receive consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. 213 1. 2. 3. 4. 4 A 7. 8. COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT APPLICATION (Must be typed) What is the overall purpose or goal of your organization? To provide disadvantaged children in the Coachella Valley, grades K through 5, with a program designed to support their educational experience, nurture their creativity, enhance their self-esteem, and expand their intellectual and cultural horizons. How long has your organization been in existence? 3 Years Months Describe in general the activities or services of your organization: A four day a week, on -site, after school program that provides academic tutoring, art, music, creative writing, drama and sports activities. How many people does your organization currently serve? No. of Youth 200 No. of Adults No. of Seniors How many people do you intend to serve during this Fiscal Year? No. of Youth 800 No. of Adults No. of Seniors How many people served this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth No. of Adults No. of Seniors How many paid employees/volunteers does your organization employ? Full time employees Part time employees 5 Volunteers 16 high school mentors Describe how your organization is managed and governed. TOOLS FOR TOMORROW is managed by a part time coordinator and governed by a Board of Directors 214 118 9. . Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: = , - u - T,Mir- Rachel Druten, Chairman, 370 Cypress Point Dr.. Palm Desert CA 92211 (760) 773-5687 Victoria PaUp, 4 n395 Rlankhawk Dr_, Indian Wells, CA92210 (760) 772-2592 R.cLrC:rt�in - 41805 Ward Drive, Palm Desert, CA9221 1 (760) 837-3574 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your organization operate? October through June 11. Do you charge admission, membership fee, dues, etc.? Yes x No If yes, please describe: 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Source Amount JoAnn McGrath - Highland Street Connection $10,000.00 Desert Community FQund atjon s_nnn-nn Murphey Foundation 3.000.00 Junior League Sustainers 500.00 Palms to Pines Rotary Total Needed Total Received Balance $ 59,600.00 $ 18,000.00 UWIN .�� .. 500.00 215 119 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $ �, n n n _ n n 14. Has- your organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? Yes x No If yes, when Amount received 15. Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the organization's funds are kept: BANK OF AMERICA, Country/Club/Monterey, P.O.Box 37176, San Francisco, CA 94137-0001 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals authorized to sign on the organization's account (must provide at least two individuals): Name: Title: Victoria Page Rachel Druten Secretary/Treasurer Chairman 17. Please provide, as an attachment, copies of the last three months bank statements as well as the last year's December bank statement of the organization's checking and savings account. 18. Need Statement. Clearly and plainly state the specific, detailed reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. Funds will be used for teachers' salaries 216 120 1 9. Goal Statement. Indicate who,will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. The disadvantaged children in Desert Hot Springs will benefit from this program. Instructors and school administrators will document ea( child's progress in the following areas. academic p r specific knowledge and skills in art, music, drama annce , e at ive writing; responsibility, evidenced by regular a participation and dealing well with peers. 20. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. 21. Non-profit organizations must attach a copy of the organization's current IRS Form 990. TOOLS Due to the short time the organization has been in existence , FOR TOMORROW has not met the requirements for filing federal Form 990. As directed by Marni in the La Quinta Services office, I have enclosed instead a copy of the I.R.S. ruling dated June 22 , 2000 , as proof of our tax exempt status. 217 12i TOOLS FOR TOMORROW Nonprof t oftar sc hooO progrom - grodas K through 5 TUTORING - ART - MUSIC - DRAMA - G" R9T9NG PROGRAM BUDGET July 1,2001 to June 30, 2002 Supplies - Art Supplies - Music - Instruments Supplies - Drama and Writing Salary - Part -Time Administrator 10 mos. x $1,000/mo. Salary - Part -Time Arts Educator 10 mos. x 800/mo. Salary - Part -Time Music Educator 10 mos. x 800/mo. Salary - Part -Time Drama Educator 10 mos. x 800/mo. Salary - Part -Time Writing Educator 10 mos. x 800/mo. After -School Snacks Total $ 4,000 12,000 1,000 10,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 e $59,600 P.C. Box 11370 pm�m 10@B(OrT9 C 211farnom 927.55-1 5577 C��r��oDo aD�a1�c��C�ao�o�o� 21$ 122 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE P. 0. BOX 2508 CINCINNATI, OH 45201 Date: JUN 2 2 2000 TOOLS FOR TOMORROW INC C/O CHARLES DRUTEN 370 CYPRESS DR PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Dear Applicant: DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Employer Identification Number: 33-088904S DLN: 17053143049040 Contact Person: ERIK FILIAULT ID# 31303 Contact Telephone Number: (877) 829-5500 Accounting Period Ending: June 30 Foundation Status Classification: 509 (a) (1) Advance Ruling Period Begins: November 24, 1999 Advance Ruling Period Ends: June 30, 2004 Addendum Applies: No Based on information you supplied, and assuming your operations will be as stated in your application for recognition of exemption, we have determined you are exempt from federal income tax under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in section 501(c)(3). Because you are a newly created organization, we are not now making a final determination of your foundation status under section 509(a) of the Code. However, we have determined that you can reasonably expect to be a publicly supported organization described in sections 509(a)(1) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi). Accordingly, during an advance ruling period you will be treated as a publicly supported organization, and not as a private foundation. This advance ruling period begins and ends on the dates shown above. Within 90 days after the end of your advance ruling period, you must send us the information needed to determine whether you have met the require- ments of the applicable support test during the advance ruling period. If you establish that you have been a publicly supported organization, we will classi- fy you as a section 509 (a) (1) or 509 (a) (2) organization af; long as you continue to meet the requirements of the applicable support test. If you do not meet the public support requirements during the advance ruling period, we will classify you as a private foundation for future periods. Also, if we classify you as a private foundation, we will treat you as a private foundation from your beginning date for purposes of section 507(d) and 4940. Grantors and contributors may rely on our determination that you are not a private foundation until 90 days after the end of your advance ruling period. If you send us the required information within the 90 days, grantors and contributors may continue to rely on the advance determination until we make Letter 1045 (DO/CG) 219 123 Bankof America AW P.O. Sox 3530 Itancho cardovt, CA H74 r-9530 1703 E 0-1 TOOLS FOR TOMORROW 370 CYPRESS POINT OR PALM DESERT CA 92211-1713 Your Bank of America Business VERSATEL Checking Statement Statement Period: February 21 through March 22, 2001 Account Number: 17031.01714 At Your Servics Call: 760.340.1 &67, 24 hours, 7 days a week Written Inquiries Bank of America Country Club/Monterey PO Box 37176 San Francisco, CA 84137.0001 Customer since 2000 Bank of America appreciates your business and we enjoy serving YOU- 0 Summary of Your Business VERSATEL Checking Account 4 Kour Customer Service Calls $13,547,04 Number c 2 0 Beginning Balance on 02/21/01 Self -Service 0 Ending Balance �13,547A0 Assisted p important Information About Your Account Based on the rninirnurn balance you've rnaintalned in this account, your manthiy service charge has been waived. C3 Bank 01 Arner{ca News If You are issued a new Check Card with a different number, we may provide your new card th whom yu have set up a number and expiration date to a merchant +authorizedr scarring paymentrecurring payment in order to facilitate the continuation of your Why deliver your federal tax payment coupon to �� teller? adiwtii�al charge. For inforank of America mation ess Tax Debit you can handle this payment by phone dial SSS.666.0117, 124 22� Apr 20 01 04:35p Victoria Page 1-760-772-2492 p.l Bank of America �i P.O. Boot 35M Rancho Cordova, CA 15741-530 Your Bank of America Business VERSATEL 1703 Checking Statement E 0-2 Statement Period: January 24 through February 20, 2001 uti�",its,.i>,i„>,��>„tistti►�i�tt,���t��tt«,ttt��i�„t.iit�i TOOLS FOR TOMORROW 370 CYPRESS POINT DR PALM DESERT CA 92211-1713 Account Number. 17031.01716 At Your Service Cali: 760-340-1867, 24 hours, 7 days a week Written Inquiries Bank of America Country Club/Monterey PO Box 37176 San Francisco, CA 94137.0001 Customer since 2000 Bank of America appreciates your business and we enjoy serving you. p Summary of Your Business VERSATEL Checking Account Beginning Balance on 01/24/01 $3,650.00 Number of 24 Hour Customer Service Calls Self -Service 0 Total Deposits and Other Credits + 10,000.00 Assisted 0 Service Charge - 3.00 Ending Balance $13,547.00 Q important information About Your Account Based on the minimum balance you've maintained in this account, your monthly service charge has been waived In our continuing effort to maize banking more convenient for you, we want to authorize every transaction you request on your checking account. We can't always, but when we permit your check or Check Card purchase to create an overdraft on your account, the normal overdraft fees may be charged. 0 Deposits Number Date Posted Amount 961 02/12 $10,000.00 U Account Activity Date Posted Description Reference Number Amount Service Charge 02/20 In -Branch Transaction Fee - Deposits I $3.00 Continued on next page 010eeoa001.r17 California Page 1 of 2 221 121 Apr 20 01 04:35p Victoria Page 1-760-772-2492 p.2 BankofAmerica 4o3o,- TOOLS FOR TOMORROW Statement Period: January 24 through February 20, 2001 Account Number. 17031.01716 0 Daily Balance -- Date Amount Date Amount p Atnoun! 02/12 $13,550.00 02/20 13,547.00 ❑ Bank of America: in Balance To assist you in reconciling your account, we have provided the following summary information. A reconcillation worksheet is printed on the reverse of this page. + Your ending balance from ties statement .......................... +Subtract the monthly service charge from your checkbook register ................. 01 Q860UM T 17 California Page 2 of 2 0 2 222 r, Rpr 20 01 04:35p Victoria Page 1-760-772-2492 p.3 Bankof Americalow P.O. Box 3330 Rancho Cordova. CA 95741-3530 1703 E 0-1 TOOLS FOR TOMORROW 370 CYPRESS POINT OR PALM DESERT CA 92211-1713 Your Bank of America Business VERSATEL Checking Statement Statement Period: December 21, 2000 through January 23, 2001 Account Number: 17031.01716 At Your Service Call, 760-340-1867, 24 hours, 7 days a week Written Inquiries Bank of America Country Club/Monterey PO Box 37176 San Francisco, CA 94137-0001 Customer since 2000 Bank of America appreciates your business and we enjoy serving you. (3 Summary of Your Business VERSATEL Checking Account Beginning Balance on 12/21/00 $3,550.00 Number of 24 Hour Customer Service Calls Self -Service 0 Ending Balance $3,550.00 Assisted p L7 Important Information About Your Account Based on the minimum balance you've maintained in this account, your monthly service . charge has been waived. O Bank of America News Make your deposits at the ATM from January 2 through March 3 and you could win triple the amount of your deposit. The larger your deposit, the more you could winl See the enclosed insert for details and official rules or call 1.800.999.8415. No deposit necessary to enter. Sank of America and its affiliate Banc of America Investment Services, Inc. offer a wide range of business retirement programs, including: SEP Plans, Simple IRAs, Qualified Plans, and 401(k)s. Call 1.888.600.4000 for more details. (Investment products provided by Banc of America Securities, Inc. Non FDIC insured. May lose value. Not bank guaranteed.) This year, make your money work as hard as you do with the Business Interest Maximizer account from Bank of America. With multiple interest tiers, a bigger balance can mean a better rate. For more information, talk to your local Bank of America representative. 0109019.001.T17 California Page 1 of 1 ATTACHMENT 9 3C CMD c ic THEATRE July 26, 2001 Dodie Horvitz Community Services Director City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Ms. Horvitz: 73-000 FRED WARING DRIVE PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260 (760)346-6505 (760) 341-9508 FAX WWW.MCCALLUMTHEATRE.COM On behalf of The McCallum Theatre, I respectfully request a Community Services Department grant of $3,000.00 for support of the McCallum Theatre Institute Aesthetic Education Program — an arts education program that benefits area school children and classroom teachers, including those at Truman Elementary School and La Quinta Middle School. The completed Community Services Grant Application is enclosed, along with requested attachments. It is not the practice of the Theatre to disseminate copies of bank statements. However, these records are on file with Cameron Smith, Director of Business Operations and Facilities, and available for inspection by you and your colleagues. I am grateful for past support the Community Services Department has given McCallum Theatre Institute arts education programs for children, and the opportunity to submit this application for renewed funding. Your consideration is deeply appreciated. Sincerely, iteve Sharp Director of Development SS:pc Enclosures cc: Kajsa Thuresson-Frary Education Director THE MCCALLU M THEATRE FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS AT THE BOB HOPE CULTURAL C Rt v _ y ..9c121 rm �� 'iLA 3 a1 n a Z -� nr, A O H E o. ACID IOC �D C o �� n� n� y° ►p' �e O O II � o p�� Z:-� z� �y y• � n � � y� � a T ro n � :�'I THEATRE � �,, I a � O � H � ] n�. � y m °� m ° � °.'' ^ o r'., c vi o°o v�i ° � Q. ,..� •~, p phi � . CD ■rmo ��— 2�/ moeb `. A � z C I eb �t l I — f Wfi in3w z: __=- 129 e O p n ° c •"' CD = O "? s� 0. ° rpi Zr a <" G. 0. O :r O C uo � rl -t = n - < O ] < ►vy '� Cl —s= n n O < � n .� 'A n ? a� eb p -n C3 s v rD O O r' �. r� ° — .. Q n O H ' o � O n < r�� C .<+ O O' ^� .. O C '" ] 7 i r7 r' O- .t rD CA C et ft 9 C)- . i `a O z n cr- it arb p O C rD f10 "� ] nrD fft O w ?' rb 'r1 M��1 fD .�.t �' to :fl. ^] n "' Z• p cn M rDr -—wM SG, >C fD ° �v1 CL n Q Uo rfl 't3 C0. y y :t' f t ^°n .n9 s ?- rb CD ft �* Wn ft UQ •' ry ' s O n,a n a 3 = o �.,o -, M "a 3 c. "Eli v O n O ] O O H UQ .U-► ^: n n• ^* Q- a ]'a N• fD Or fD ILo eb = .v 'onx °, ° ] O C77 fD ,�i Sv H^ O CO n K fD eD H ° ey-► H ft y�CD d�. ,].� ems•► = =' ]• ?' ?' s O O. C oa :•' �' ►.� = ] fD o o d o aQ A (nao C;PTI c c o •' ? 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O. m m'um LA 3 0 m H N T 3 rr n S S GJ <' t0 C i-h n CL m� a o, D io' 3 o_ co 7r a v N a a o m-0 m a? ° a s C.1 y x Cr O ? rr v1m+ d C" 7 Q J3p w o- n p < d m 0 M m`+ ^o a 3 N C mC.ii ffD �. - S 3 f•1 0CA ' M c n 7 Z 0 fCD � O ` - m E �• v n 1 3 M. 3 fD r^ `� N a Ln >> °3' o� i> o m p C u rao 3 n o c cm, -0 rx+ n 3 m < m m m �^ �n v m 3 -< N "4f Z C r" a M _„ c n w I 3 aIA > sa �a D n F 0 G S rp a r D A N 1 T1 m < y 3 O -.+ O a p aLA ° S CD 0 O ^ Cr 3 O_ rf O Q m m N fD N' an d d GJ c J 3 c, w o a m a =< '� r1 O N m W N Lo n a c N �, a to D G �Dj c>> Cr N f " m M' O a n 3C-j �, o, � m m i M a r+ r+ O m r+ o m °i - N 3 Sr10 Cr � � `^ c � `� a 3 no � r-A r� r� OJ w � N ao so fD•x•o", a� 4. �• ., c fD �+ r�'o m° o 3 m o N w c rt N' O a ° N CL O m�.� 0 3 a� n c a� a� fl+ p N 3-a 9 g0�c 3 y � pi 7.C--1- dd 3 �� rN9?•pr n r 3 Sm d m �'�U O.p O�G n OJ ?? d 10 0. ko m°= LO d N K mi SJ RO N o. N In 1 n 3 m m _ 3 N m • 0' N C 0 0 m O N C n' m N m- O_ 3 Oi ry o O m c, m 3 N 0 n E3 M. m m 1� '+ n m o m 3 0 Qj Ln r+ o m �. N c a c rr 3 o a a c N X* 07 1C O_ n. m 3- 0 3 C 3 o- M a 2 rn rn v Z n m 229 133 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FISCAL YEAR 01-02 The McCallum Theatre Name of Organization: (aka Friends of the Cultrual Center, Inc.) Amount Requested: $3, 000.00 Contact Person: Steve Sharp Mailing Address: 73-000 Fred Waring Drive City: Palm Desert State: CA Zip Code: 92262 Phone No.: (760) 346-6505 (Extention 102) 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: 95-2834871 Date Submitted: July 26, 2001 Applications will receive consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. 230 134 COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT APPLICATION (Must be typed) 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of your organization? To educate and entertain the public through the performing arts, with an emphasis on serving children and youth of the Coachella Valley, working cooperatively with other area arts and education organizations. 2. How long has your organization been in existence? 28 Years 2 Months (Incorporated May, 1973; Theatre opened in January;-T988) 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your organization: As a presenting organization, the Theatre provides a variety of performing arts experiences for communities and constitutents served; and through the McCallum Theatre Institute offers a wide range of arts education and com- munity outreach programs for children, youth, and adults. 4. How many people does your organization currently serve? No. of Youth 30, 000* No. of Adults 99, 000 No. of Seniors 121, 000 5. How many people do you intend to serve during this Fiscal Year? No. of Youth 30, 000* No. of Adults 99, 00o No. of Seniors 121,000 6. How many people served this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth 2,400 No. of Adults 7,900 No. of Seniors 9,680 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your organization employ? Full time employees 30 Part time employees 15 Volunteers 400 8. Describe how your organization is managed and governed. The McCallum is governed by a Board of Trustees, and managed by a President/ CEO to whom five Directors report (Presentation/Theatre, Operations, Business Operations/Facilities, Education, Development and Marketing). *Includes 16,500 Valley school children and classroom teachers from 70 area public schools (e.g. Truman Elementary School, Adams School, 2 31 La Quinta High School and La Quinta Middle School) and an additional 13,500 children who attend other programs and special events throughout the season. a 10. 12. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Name Title Home Address Phone Ted Giatas President CEO La Quinta 760-346-6505 x100 Ka j sa Thuresson-Frary Education Director Palm Desert 760-346-6505 x140 Director of Steve Sharp Development Palm Springs 760-346-6505 x102 Chairman of Robert Rishwain the Board Indian Wells 760-341-1484 What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your organization operate? Public performances are generally scheduled from October through April. Activities of the McCallum Theatre Institute are conducted throughout the school year, with summer programs held at the Theatre in June and July. Do you charge admission, membership fee, dues, etc.? x Yes No esThe Theatre charges admission to public performances. If , please describe: y Arts education and community outreach activities offered by McCallum Theatre Institute are free of charge to participants, with the excep on oImagination Station Summer amp or which sc o ars ps are available to those unable to pay. Participating public schools provide 18% of funding required to offer the Theatres Aesthetic Education Program to school children and teachers. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Source Anticipated contributions (individuals/ foundations or business and municipal) Amount Projected for 2001-2002 (August 1 through July 31 $2,493,880 Anticipated ticket sales, Theatre rentals, front of house $6,2459121 Total Needed $8, 739, 001* Total Received $ -0- Balance $ 8,,739, 001 *See ATTACHMENT A for detailed expenses attributed to the Aesthetic ry Education Program of McCallum Theatre Institute. 2 3=' 136" 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $ 3, 000.00 14. Has your organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? x Yes No If yes, when 5/22/2000 Amount received $2, 215.00 5/25/1999 $2,500.00 15. Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the organization's funds are kept: Valley Independent Bank 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals authorized to sign on the organization's account (must provide at least two individuals): Name: Title: Ted Giatas Cameron Smith President/CEO Director of Business Operations/Facilities 17. Please provide, as an attachment, copies of the last three months bank statements as well as the last year's December bank statement of the organization's checking and savings account. 18. Need Statement. Clearly and plainly state the specific, detailed reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. City of La Quinta funds for the Theatre's Aesthetic Education Program will be used to provide intensive teacher education and artists -in -residence in classrooms at Truman Elementary School and La Quinta Middle School - offering encounters with live performing works of art. Students have unique oppor- tunities to be actively involved in dance, theatre, music and the visual arts. Twelve teachers from La Quinta (11 at Truman and 1 at La Quinta Middle School) participate in this program. 233 137 19. Goal Statement. Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. Primary beneficiaries of these funds are children and teachers of Truman Elementary School and La Quinta Middle School — participatngs in the Aesthetic Education Program of the McCallum Theatre Institute. Sutdents explore live performing works of art and exhibits; and teachers acquire tools and techniques to integrate the arts with their existing curriculum. 20. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. See ATTACHMENT B 21. Non-profit organizations must attach a copy of the organization's current IRS Form 990. See ATTACHMENT C 234 138 ATTACHMENTS 235 139 ATTACHMENT A McCALLUM THEATRE INSTITUTE AESTHETIC EDUCATION PROGRAM EXPENSES (2001-2002) Teaching Artists 17 TAs (10 returning; 7 added this year) LCI Training Session 17 artists x 16 hours of training at $15 per hour = $4,080 MTI Training Session 17 artists; 4 days x 8 hours of training at $15 per hour $8,160 SUB -TOTAL $ 12,240 Summer Session June 2001 — 5 learning TA's; 8 days x 8 hours per day at $15 per hour = $4,800 June 2001 — 12 teaching TA's; 6 days x 8 hours per day at $35 Per hour = $20,160 SUB -TOTAL $ 24,960 Planning Session - 70 teachers x 2 units each (1 planning session per unit — 1 TA per session) = 140 planning sessions x $120 per session rate SUB -TOTAL $ 16,800 Residencies 70 teachers x 2 units each, with a minimum of 3 TA classroom sessions per unit = 6 classroom sessions per teacher = $400 rate for 1.5 day = $28,000 SUB -TOTAL $ 28,000 Miscellaneous Costs Teaching supplies and materials SUB -TOTAL $ 2,500 Performing Artists A. LCI Training Session (April 2001); 1 artist (3 performances); Artist fees and expenses = $2,000 B. 4 artists in the disciplines of theatre, dance, music and visual arts (summer session — 5 performances; school year — 7 performances); average cost $6,000 per performance x 12 performances = $72,000 SUB -TOTAL $ 74,000 Travel and Accommodations Teaching Artists A. 17 TAs to 140 classroom residency sessions; 70 teachers x 2 units each with 1 planning session per unit; average mileage from theatre to school site and back is 40 miles x $.32 per mile (IRS rate) = $12.80 x 86 trips = $1,100 B. 17 TAs to 140 classroom residency sessions; 70 teachers x 2 units each with 3 residency sessions per unit; average mileage from theatre to school site and back is 40 miles x $.32 per mile (IRS rate) = $12.80 x 420 trips = $5,376 SUB -TOTAL $ 6,477 236 14U Lincoln Center Institute Consultants 2 consultants x 2 trips (TA training session; one other during the year); average cost $1,200 per consultant = $4,800 SUB -TOTAL $ 4,800 McCallum Theatre Institute Education Director/Program Coordinator/Field Representative 6 trips per year to Lincoln Center Institute and Association of Institutes for Aesthetic Education meetings and other training workshops; average cost $1,000 per trip = $6,000 SUB -TOTAL $ 6,000 Stage Labor Average $1,800 per day (including appropriate fringe benefits and taxes) x 12 performances SUB -TOTAL $ 21,600 Stage Door Security One person at $20 per hour (average 8 hour day); $160 per day x 7 school year performances SUB -TOTAL $ 1,120 Front of House Staff Includes House Manager, Head Ushers, Ushers, Support Person/Runner, Artists Services; $500 per day (including Appropriate fringe benefits and taxes) x 7 school year performances SUB -TOTAL $ 3,500 Miscellaneous Performance Needs (i.e. piano, risers, special lighting, special sound, special equipment rental); $200 average per performance x 7 school year performances SUB -TOTAL $ 1,400 Utilities (To open back of house) $1,000 per day x 12 performances SUB -TOTAL $ 12,000 Maintenance and Clean -Up $200 per day x 12 performances SUB -TOTAL $ 2,400 Advertising and Public Relations SUB -TOTAL $ 3,000 Teacher of Record Program master credit program instructor; summer session Lecturer SUB -TOTAL $ 1,500 Summer Session Lectures Summer session arts education lecturers — 5 SUB -TOTAL $ 1,500 Dues Yearly for Education Director to: 1) Association of Institutes for Aesthetic Education and; 2) California Alliance for Arts Education SUB -TOTAL $ 600 Miscellaneous Costs Mailings, postage, promotional materials, program guides, telephone, assessment forms, educational prospectus, etc. SUB -TOTAL $ 6,000 237 2 141 SUMMARY TEACHING ARTIST FEES $82,500 PERFORMING ARTIST FEES 74,000 TRAVEL & ACCOMMODATIONS TEACHING ARTISTS 6,477 CONSULTANTS 4,800 EDUCATION DIRECTOR 6,000 STAGE LABOR 21,600 STAGE DOOR SECURITY 1,120 FRONT OF HOUSE STAFF 3,500 MISCELLANEOUS PERFORMANCE NEEDS 1,400 UTILITIES 12,000 MAINTENANCE AND CLEAN-UP 2,400 ADVERTISING/PUBLIC RELATIONS 3,000 TEACHER OF RECORD 1,500 SUMMER SESSION LECTURES 1,500 DUES 600 MISCELLANEOUS COSTS 6,000 $228,397 TOTAL $2289397 2 ti 142 THE MCCALLUM THEATRE ATTACHMENT B Proposed Budget - 2001/2002 Season DESCRIPTION 98/99 ACTIAL 99/00 ACTUAL 00/01 YTD 00/01 BUDGET 01/02 BUDGET CHANGE OPERATING REVENUES Production Revenues $ 4,733,127 $ 4,221,565 $ 4,722,685 $ 5,281,125 $ 5,328,241 $ 47,116 Performance Income 308,839 238.960 164,173 112,000 350.000 238,000 Theater Rental Income 65,519 73,297 63,862 65,650 77,250 11,600 House income Total Production Revenues 5,107,485 4,533,822 4,950,719 5,458,775 5,755,491 296,716 Marketing Revenues 19,133 150 2,500 - 5,000 5,000 Other Revenues 57,984 56,900 84,670 55,000 75,950 20,950 Building Rental 2,306 2,623 216 240 240 n Miscellaneous Income Miscellaneous 39,830 80,343 19,196 2,400 408,440 406,040 Financial 100,120 139,866 104,083 57,400 484,630 427,230 Total Other Revenues TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 5,226,737 4,673,838 5,057,302 5,516,175 6,245,121 728,946 OPERATING EXPENSES Production Expenses 3,745,614 3,402,600 3,600,536 3,635,175 3,296,136 (339,039) Performance 7,159 8,590 5,102 9,000 9,000 Theatre Rental 157,496 152,349 119,906 172,319 188,609 16,290 Front of House 968,036 809,034 537,481 857,698 783,703 (73,995) Technical Department 187.296 182,604 132,005 189,097 202,044 12,947 Box Office 54,981 174,294 174,294 Production Administration 5,065,601 4,555,177 4,450,011 4,863,289 4,653,786 (209,503) Total Production Expenses Marketing Expenses 135,489 168,105 122,273 164,858 186,668 21,810 General Marketing 384,943 423,000 396,622 397,700 449,000 51,300 Media Advertising 20,404 12,748 8,818 23,400 18,000 (5,400) Publicity 173,960 94,190 117,510 127,500 193,000 65,500 Ad Production 714,796 698,043 645,223 713,458 846.668 133,210 Total Marketing Expenses Administration Expenses 533,116 509,879 344,273 471,116 481,702 10,586 General Administrative 177,802 199,849 176,471 218,808 301,052 82,244 Maintenance 63,759 31,686 42,776 33,200 43,800 10,600 Services 87,102 85,409 67,330 84,860 92,043 7,183 Insurance 65,184 61,995 49,434 85,800 109,800 24,000 MIS 168,851 170,668 113,821 161,600 214,200 52,600 Utilities 500.543 513,447 356,039 532,000 238,980 (293,020) Financial 435,028 529,675 373,097 474,000 509,580 35,580 Depreciation 2,031,385 2,102,608 1,523,241 2,061,384 1,991,157 (70,227) Total Administration Expenses TOTAL OPERATINGEXPENSES 7,811,782 7,355,828 6,618,475 7,638,131 7,491,611 (146,520) NET OPERATING INCOME/(LOSS) (2,585,045) (2,681,990) (1,561,173) (2,121,956) (1,246,490) 875,466 FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES (before Capital Campaign) Development Revenues 1,574,492 1,136,818 1,732,689 1,360,000 1,860,000 500,000 General Development 359,014 193,493 94,741 433,368 433,880 512 McCallum Theatre Institute 178,429 243,787 164,183 190,250 200,000 9,750 Muses 2,111,935 1,574,098 1,991,613 1,983,618 2,493,880 510,262 Total Development Revenues Development Expenses 372,034 335,767 600,955 486,398 674,777 188,379 General Development 233,239 271,332 139,766 351,883 490,074 138,191 McCallum Theatre Institute 36,459 77,519 54,090 79,274 75,314 (3,960) Muses 641.731 684,618 794,811 917,555 1,240,165 322,610 Total Development Expenses 1,470,204 889.480 1,196,802 1,066,063 1,253,715 187,652 NET FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES (1,114,841) (1,792,510) (364,371) (1,055,893) 7,225 1,063,118 NET INCOME/(LOSS) 239 � � ' ATTACHMENT C OMB No. 1545-0047 Form 990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code (except black lung benefit 1999 trust or private foundation) or section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust This Form is Department of the Treasury Open to Public Internal Revenue Service Note: The organization may have to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements. Inspection A For the 1999 calendar year, OR tax year period beginning 8 / 01 , 1999, and ending 7 31 , 2000 B Check If: Please C D Employer identification number ❑ Change of address use IRS 95-2834811label or ❑ Initial return "t cr FRIENDS OF THE CULTURAL CENTER, INC. E Telephone number ❑ Final return see 7 3- 0 0 0 FRED WAR I NG DR 7 6 0- 3 4 6- 6 5 0 5 ❑ Amended return specific PALM DESERT , CA 9 2 2 6 0 F check ► El if exemption e uired also for Instruc- � Q d lions. application is pen�r State reporting) G Type of organization ► ® Exempt under section 501(c) ( 3 ) t (insert number) OR ► ❑ section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust Note: Section 501(c)(3) exempt organizations and 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts MUST attach a completed Schedule A (Form 990). H(a) Is this a group return filed for affiliates? ........................ 0 Yes 0 No 1 If either box in H is checked "Yes," enter four -digit grow (b) If "Yes," enter the number of affiliates for which this return is filed:. ► exemption number (GEN) 0- (c) Is this a separate return filed by an organization covered by a J Accounting method: ❑ Cash ® Accrual group ruling? ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Other (specify) ► K Check here ► ❑ if the organization's gross receipts are normally not more than $25,000. The organization need not file a return with the IRS; but if it received a Form 990 Package in the mail, it should file a return without financial data. Some states require a complete return. Note: Form 990-EZ may be used by organizations with gross receipts less than $100,000 and total assets less than $250,000 at end of year. A Qnvnnlon =Wrumnane anti rhnnnoa in Not ACCPtc nr Flinn Ralances (Spa SnaCifin Instructions nn naaa 15.1 1 Contributions, gifts, grants, and similar amounts received: a Direct public support ................................................ la 1, 4 6 3, 7 0 3 b Indirect public support ................................................ 1b c Government contributions (grants) ....................................... 1c 137 , 215 d Total (add lines 1a through 1c) (attach schedule of contributors) 1d (cash $ 1, 410 , 6 61 noncash $ 190,257 ) ........ SEE..STATEMENT ... l 2 Program service revenue including government fees and contracts (from Part VII, line 93).................... 1,600,92 2 4 , 4 6 6 , 2 3 3 Membership dues and assessments............................................................. 4 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments ............................................... 4 2 6 , 3 i 5 5 Dividends and interest from securities ..................................... ... ................ 6a Gross rents ........................................................ 6a 56, 900 R E e N u E.....•.... b Less: rental expenses ................................................. 6b c Net rental income or (loss) (subtract line 6b from line 6a)............................................. 7 Other investment income (describe ► ) (A) Securities (B) Other 8a Gross amount from sale of assets other than inventory .... 32,759 8a b Less: cost or other basis and sales expenses ........... 33,386 8b 56, 9C sc 7 c Gain or (loss) (attach schedule) . STATEMENT..... 2 - 6 2 7 ac d Net gain or (loss) (combine line 8c, columns (A) and (B))............................................. - 6 8d 9 Special events and activities (attach schedule) a Gross revenue (not including $ of contributions reported online 1a).................................................. 9a b Less: direct expenses other than fundraising expenses ....................... 9b <'< 9c c Net income or (loss) from special events (subtract line 9b from line 9a) .......... ... ................. 10a Gross sates of inventory, less returns and allowances ........................ 10a 6 7 , 715 b Less: cost of goods sold .............................................. 10b 33,287 c Gross or (loss) from sales of inventory (attach schedule) (subtract line 10b from line 10a)SEE . STM... 3. .......... 3 4 , 4 1oc 11 4 , 7 profit 11 Other revenue (from Part VII, line 103).......................................................... 12 Total revenue (add lines 1 d, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6c, 7, 8d, 9c, 10c, and 11).............................. 12 6,189, 0 ( E P N15 E S A S E T T s 13 Program services (from line 44, column (B))....................................................... 14 Management and general (from line 44, column (C))................................................ Fundraising (from line 44, column (D)).......................................................... . 16 Payments to affiliates (attach schedule)........................................................... 17 Total expenses (add lines 16 and 44, column (A)) .................................................. 18 Excess or (deficit) for the year (subtract line 17 from line 12) ........................................... 19 Net assets or fund balances at beginning of year from line 73, column A 20 Other changes in net assets or fund balances (attach explanation)....................................2 21 Net assets or fund balances at end of year (combine lines 18, 19, and 20 13 5 , 219 , 9 14 2,076, 9 15 684,6: 16 17 18 7 , 9 81, 5 -1 , 7 9 2 , 5 19 7,914,7 6,122,2 KFA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 1 of the separate instrucuonbN ATTAMitu �4.EX Form 990 (1999) FRIENDS OF THE CULTURAL CENTER, INC. 9 5 - 2 8 3 4 8 71 Page 2 PalStatement of All organizations must complete column (A} Columns (B), (C), and (D) are required for section SOt(cx3) and (4) organizations and Functional Exoenses section 4947(axt) nonexempt charitable trusts but optional for others. (See Specific Instructions on page 19.) Do not include amounts reported on line 6b, Sb, 9b, 10b, or 16 of Part I. (A) Total (B) Program services (C) Management and general (D) Fundraising 22 Grants and o Iocations (atL sch. ........ non as ) (cash i as cash s 23 Specific assistance to individuals (att. sch.) ........ 24 Benefits paid to or for members (att. sch.) ......... 25 Compensation of officers, directors, etc............ 26 Other salaries and wages ..................... 27 Pension plan contributions ..................... 28 Other employee benefits ...................... 29 Payroll taxes ................................ 30 Professional fundraising fees .................. 31 Accounting fees ............................. 32 Legal fees .................................. 33 Supplies ................................... 34 Telephone ................................. 35 Postage and shipping ........................ 36 Occupancy ................................. 37 Equipment rental and maintenance .............. 38 Printing and publications ...................... 39 Travel ..................................... 40 Conferences, conventions, and meetings.......... 41 Interest ................................... 42 Depreciation, depletion, etc. (attach schedule) ...... 43 Other expenses (itemize): a STATEMENT 4 b 22 23 24 25 26 1,596,677 984,087 329,713 282,877 27 21, 998 14,096 51259 2,643 28 154,650 98,204 34,021 22,425 29 122,737 76,946 23,896 21,895 30 31 19,656 19,656 32 3,590 3,590 33 93,561 19,475 30,775 43,311 34 35 139,663 99,375 18,948 21,340 36 37 51,776 32,846 13,275 5,655 38 39 65,564 5, 303 43,433 16,828 40 6,108 698 5, 41 C 41 403,401 403,401 42 504,661 504, 661 43a 4,797,474 31889,601 645,640 2 6 2, 23 43b c 43c d 43d e 43e 44 Total functional expenses (add lines 22 thru 43)Organiations completing columns (BHDI carry these totals to tiles 13 -1 S.. 44 7 , 9 81, 516 51219,933 2 , 0 7 6 , 9 6 6 684,617 Reporting of Joint Costs. Did you report in column (B) (Program services) any joint costs from a combined educational campaign and fundraising solicitation?..................................................................................... ► ❑ Yes E No If "Yes," enter (I) the aggregate amount of these joint costs $ ; (ii) the amount allocated to Program services $ (III) the amount allocated to Management and general $ ; and iv the amount allocated to Fundraising $ 'ari>at><1 Ctatamant of Prneram Service Aeemmplishments (See Specific Instructions on page 22.) What is the organization's primary exempt purpose? ► THEATRICAL/ INSTRUCTIONAL FACILITY organizations must describe their exempt purpose achievements in a clear and concise manner. State the number of clients All or g p p p served, publications issued, etc. Discuss achievements that are not measurable. (Section 501(c)(3) and (4) organizations and 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts must also enter the amount of grants and allocations to others.) Program Service Expenses (Required for50t(cx3) and (4) orgs. and optional f trusts-, but optional for others.) a PROMOTES CULTURAL EVENTS FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC. PROVIDES 5 , 219 , 9 3 STAGE TIME TO THE STUDENTS OF THE COLLEGE OF THE DESERT AND THEATRE PERFORMANCES TO LOCAL SCHOOLS. (Grants and allocations $ 13 7 , 215) b (Grants and allocations $ ) c (Grants and allocations $ ) d 140 (Grants and allocations $ ) e Other program services attach schedule Grants and allocations $ If Total of Drnnram Sprvir_p FYnenses (should eoual line 44. column (B). Program services) ....... ► 5,219,93 Form 990 (1 W Form 990 0999) FRIENDS OF THE CULTURAL CENTER, INC. 9 5 - 2 8 3 4 8 71 Page -atlif Balance Sheets (See Specific Instructions on page 22.) Note: Where required, attached schedules and amounts within the description column should be for end -of -year amounts only. (A) Beginning of year (B) End of year A S S E T S 45 Cash - non -interest -bearing .................................................... 46 Savings and temporary cash investments ........................................... 47a Accounts receivable .................................... 47a 146,265 b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts ..................... 47b 48 a Pledges receivable ..................................... 48a 629,375 b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts ...................... 48b 49 Grants receivable............................................................. 50 Receivables from officers, directors, trustees, and key employees (attach sch)............... 51 a Other notes and loans receivable (attach schedule) ........... 51a 6 0 , 161 b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts ...................... 51b 1 52 Inventories for sale or use ....................................................... 53 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges ............................................ 54 Investments - securities (attach schedule) .......................................... 55 a Investments - land, buildings, and equipment: basis.............................................. 55a b Less: accumulated depreciation (attach schedule) ............. 55b 56 Investments - other (attach schedule) .............................................. 57a Land, buildings, and equipment: basis ..................... 57al 18,939,738 b Less: accumulated depreciation (attach schedule)STMT..... 5 57b S,990,845 58 Other assets (describe ► ) 59 Total assets (add lines 45 through 58) (must equal line 74) ............................. 77,377 45 115,23 46 94,520 146,26 47c 902,232 629,37 48c 49 5o 60, 161 _. 60,16 51c 198,558 52 238,49 108,837 53 18,61 54 55c 400,000 56 300,00 13,179,345 12, 948,89 57c 58 15,021,030 59 14,457,04 L A B 1 L Tb E S 60 Accounts payable and accrued expenses ........................................... 61 Grants payable 62 Deferred revenue............................................................ 63 Loans from officers, directors, trustees, and key employees (attach schedule) SEE. .ST... 6. 64 a Tax-exempt bond liabilities (attach schedule) ........................................ Mortgages and other notes payable (attach schedule) ................................. 65 Other liabilities (describe ► ) 66 Total liabilities (add lines 60 through 65) . ............................... .......... 270,595 60 91,75 61 1,495,377 62 1,502,81 63 11910,00 64a S,340,273 64b 4,830,20 65 7,106,245 66 8,334,77 N T s7,012,553 s E T s o R F u N D D A L A N C s Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here ► ® and complete lines 67 through 69 and lines 73 and 74. 67 unrestricted.................................................................. 68 Temporarily restricted .... ....................... ............................. 69 Permanently restricted.......................................................... Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here ► ❑ and complete lines 70 through 74. 70 Capital stock, trust principal, or current funds ........................................ 71 Paid -in or capital surplus, or land, building, and equipment fund ......................... 72 Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated income, or other funds ..................... 73 Total net assets or fund balances (add lines 67 through 69 OR lines 70 through 72; column (A) must equal line 19 and column (B) must equal line 21)........................ 74 Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances (add lines 66 and 73) ..................... 5,492,90 67 902,232, 68 629,37 69 70 71 72 7,914,785 `' .......... 6,122,27 73 15 , 0 21 , 0 3 0 74 14 , 457, 04 Form 990 is available for public inspection and, for some people, serves as the primary or sole source of information about a particular organization. How the public perceives an organization in such cases may be determined by the information presented on its return. Therefore, please make sure the return is complete and accurate and fully describes, in Part III, the organization's programs and accomplishments. 24? 14U Form 990(1999) FRIENDS OF THE CULTURAL CENTER, INC. 95-2834871 Page 4 Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited P t*: I Reconciliation of Expenses per Audited Financial Statements with Revenue per Financial Statements with Expenses per Return (See Specific Instructions, page 24.) Return a Total revenue, gains, and other support per audited financial statements ......... 00, . . .............. ..... ........... % . ..................... . '** . ............ a Total expenses and losses per audited financial statements ..................... 0- Ta 6,222,924 al 8,015,773 ... ......... ................ ..... ..... .......... ... ....... b Amounts included on line a but not on line 12, Form 990: b Amounts included on line a but not on line 17, Form 990: (1) Net unrealized gains on investments ..... $ (1) Donated services and use of facilities.... $ (2) Donated services and use of facilities $ . ..... ..... ........ ... ... .. ....... ... ...... . .............. .. .............. .... . . .. ............ Prior year adjustments reported on line 20, ... . ........ (3) Recoveries of pdor ........ ......... ............. Form 990 ........... $ .............................. ... ... . ................. .... .... ........ Ye ar grants ........ $ (4) Other (specify): ...... ............. .... ........ ............. .............................. ........ . ...................... % ..................... . .............. . ........ .. ... . ..................... (3) Losses reported on line 20, Form 990 ..... $ .......... . ............. . ............ . ............ .............. ............. ............... ......... (4) Other (specify): ............. ........ ....... SEE STM 7 $ 3 3 9 1 6 . ......... ........... . . Add amounts on lines (1) through (4) ..... 0- SEE STMT 8 $ 34 1 257 . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . b 33 916 bi 34,257 Add amounts on lines (1) through (4) ....... 0- c 7, 981, 51E c Line a minus line b ................... 10, c 6,189,008 c Line a minus line b ..................... 00- ................... ............... . .................. ................ ............ ...... ................................................... d Amounts included on line 12, Form 990 but d Amounts included on line 17, not an line a: .......... ................................. Form 990 but not on line a: (1) !nvestment expenses .... ....... .... . ...... (1) Investment expenses not .................. ............... ....................... ................ ................................. . .......... not included on line 6b, Form 990 ... $ ...... ......................... .................................. ................. included on line 6b, Form 990 ........... $ .................................. ..................................... ...................... ................. ....................... (2) Other (specify): ...................... ................. .............. (2) Other (specify): .......... ............................ ............................. ... .... .. .. ....... ......... . ..... . ... ... ...... .............. ............... ............ ................ ......... .......... .. .............. .......... I ... ............ .............. . ........... ............ ........... d d Add amounts on lines (1) and (2) ........ 10- Add amounts on lines (1) and (2) .......... Po- e 6,189,008 e 7,981,51( e Total revenue per line 12, Form 990 (line c plus line d) .................... 10, e Total expenses per line 17, Form 990 (line c plus line d) ...................... lo- List of Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees (List each one even if not compensated; see Specific Instructions on page 24.) (A) Name and address (8) Title and average hours per week devoted to position (C) Compensation pf not paid, enter -0-.) (D) Contributions to employee benefit plans & deferred compensation (E)Expense account and other allowances 3EE STATEMENT 9 0 0 14 75 Did any officer, director, trustee, or key employee receive aggregate compensation of more than $100,000 from your organization and all related organizations, of which more than $10,000 was provided by the related organizations? .......................... No- 0 Yes M No If "Yes," attach schedule — see Specific Instructions on page 25. 243 Form 990 (IS Form ago (1999) FRIENDS OF THE CULTURAL CENTER, INC. 9 5 - 2 8 3 4 8 71 Page Paf Other Information (See Specific Instructions on page 25.) Yes Nc 76 Did the organization engage in any activity not previously reported to the IRS? If "Yes," attach a detailed description of eachactivity ............................................................................................... 76 77 Were any changes made in the organizing or governing documents but not reported to the IRS? .............................. 77 : If "Yes," attach a conformed copy of the changes. 78a Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year covered by this return? ............. 78a : b If "Yes," has it filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year?......................................................... 78b N A 79 Was there a liquidation, dissolution, termination, or substantial contraction during the year? If"Yes"attach a statement.................................................................................... 79 80 a Is the organization related (other than by association with a statewide or nationwide organization) through common membership, governing bodies, trustees, officers, etc., to any other exempt or nonexempt organization? ................................... 80al X b If "Yes," enter the name of the organization ► MCCALLLUM THEATRE ENDOWMENT, INC and check whether it is ® exempt OR nonexempt. 81 a Enter the amount of political expenditures, direct or indirect, as described in the instructions for line 81 81a 0 b Did the organization file Form 1120-POL for this year?.............................................................. 82 a Did the organization receive donated services or the use of materials, equipment, or facilities at no charge or at substantially less than fair rental value?.................................................................................... b If "Yes" you may indicate the value of these items here. Do not include this amount as revenue in Part I or as an expense in Part II. (See instructions for reporting in Part 111.) ....................... 82b I N/A 83a Did the organization comply with the public inspection requirements for returns and exemption applications? .................... b Did the organization comply with the disclosure requirements relating to quid pro quo contributions? ........................... 84 a Did the organization solicit any contributions or gifts that were not tax deductible? ......................................... b If "Yes," did the organization include with every solicitation an express statement that such contributions or gifts were not taxdeductible?............................................................................................. 85 501(c)(4), (5), or (6) organizations. a Were substantially all dues nondeductible by members? ............................... b Did the organization make only in-house lobbying expenditures of $2,000 or less? ......................................... If "Yes" was answered to either 85a or 85b, do not complete 85c through 85h below unless the organization received a waiver for proxy tax owed for the prior year. c Dues assessments and similar amounts from members ..................................... 85c N/A d Section 162(a)lobbying and political expenditures .......................................... 85d N/A e Aggregate nondeductible amount of section 6033(e)(1)(A) dues notices .......................... 85e N/A 85ff Taxable amount of lobbying and political expenditures (line 85d less 85e) ........................ N/A g Does the organization elect to pay the section 6033(e) tax on the amount in 85f?.......................................... 81 b : 82a : .............:.:.:::::::.:. 83a X 83b X 84a : 84b N A 85a N A 85b N A 185gl N A h If section 6033(e)(1)(A) dues notices were sent, does the organization agree to add the amount in 85f to its reasonable estimate of dues allocable to nondeductible lobbying and political expenditures for the following tax year? .............................. 85h N A ......................... ........................... ........................... 86 501(c)(7) organizations. Enter: a Initiation fees and capital contributions included on line 12.................................... 86a N/A b Gross receipts, included on line 12, for public use of club facilities .............................. 86b N/A 87 501(c)(12) organizations. Enter: a Gross income from members or shareholders ............................................. 87a N/A b Gross income from other sources. (Do not net amounts due or paid to other sources against amounts due or received from them.) ........................................................... F87b N/A 88 At any time during the year, did the organization own a 50% or greater interest in a taxable corporation or partnership? If "Yes," complete Part IX.................................................................................... 88 89a 501(c)(3) organizations. Enter: Amount of tax imposed on the organization during the year under: section 491110- 0 ; section 4912 ► 0 ;section 4955 ► 0 b 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations. Did the organization engage in any section 4958 excess benefit transaction during the year? If "Yes," attach a statement explaining each transaction..................................................... 89b c Enter: Amount of tax imposed on the organization managers or disqualified persons during the year under sections 4912, 4955, and 4958.............................................................................► d Enter: Amount of tax in 89c, above, reimbursed by the organization ................................................► 90 a List the states with which a copy of this return is filed ► CALIFORNIA b Number of employees employed in the pay period that includes March 12, 1999 (See instructions.) .......................... I 90b 91 The books are in care of ► FRIENDS OF THE CULTURAL CENTER Telephone no. ► 7 6 0 - 3 4 6 - 6 5 0 5 Located at ► 7 3 - 0 0 0 FRED WARING DR PALM DESERT, CA ZIP + 4 ► 92260 92 Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990 in lieu of Form 1041 - Check here ................................ it/A ► C' and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the tax year ............... 110,1 92 ( N/A Form 990 (19 244 148 Form 9900999) FRIENDS OF THE CULTURAL CENTER, INC. 9 5 - 2 8 3 4 8 71 Page 6 V A Anal sis of Income—ProducingActivities (See Specific Instructions on page 29.) Enter gross amounts unless otherwise indicated. 93 Program service revenue: a PERFORMING ARTS Unrelated business income Excluded by section 512, 513, or 514 (E) Related or exempt function income (A) Business code (B) Amount (C) Exclusion code (D) Amount 4,466,25- b C d e f Medicare/Medicaid payments ................ g Fees and contracts from government agencies ... 94 Membership dues and assessments ........... 95 Interest on savings & temporary cash investments 96 Dividends and interest from securities .......... 97 Net rental income or toss from mreaI estate a debt -financed property ..................... b not debt -financed property .................. 913 Net rental income or (loss) from personal property 99 Other investment income .................... 100 Gain/loss from sales of assets other than inventory 101 Net income or (loss) from special events ........ 102 Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory ..... 103 'Other revenue: a OTHER INCOME b C d e Subtotal toIadd columnsBD ,and E .... 105 Total (add line 104, columns (B), (D), and (E))........................................................ Note: (Line 105 plus line 1d, Part I, should equal the amount 14 26,376 i I 16 56,900 1 - 6 2 7 2 34,428 4,75( ....................:::.:..::::,. ............. 117 077 4� 471 , O1104 ► 4,588,090 on line 12, Part I.) 1-0airt::Vq11 RAlatinnchin of OctivitiPS to the Annnmnlishment of Exemnt Purnoses (See Soecific Instructions on oaae 30.) ..................... Line No. Explain how each activity for which income is reported in column (E) of Part VII contributed importantly to the accomplishment of the organization's exempt purposes (other than by providing funds for such purposes). )3-103 THE ABOVE INCOME PRODUCING ACTIVITIES ALL CONTRIBUTE TO THE PURPOSE OF THIS ORGANIZATION WHICH IS TO PROMOTE CULTURAL EVENTS FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC p;rt�X ............ .. . Information Regarding Taxable Subsidiaries and Disregarded Entities (See Specific Instruction on page 30) Name, address, and employer identification number of corporation or partnership Percentage of ownershipInterest Nature of business activities Total income End -of -year assets VA % Please Sign Here Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than officer) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge. (Important: See General Instruction U, on page 14.) ' Signature of officer Date Type or print name and title. Paid Preparer's Sig nature ' Date l SW 12 'LUU Check if self - employed ► ❑ Preparer's SSN or PTIN 1554-33-8150 Preparer's Use Only Firm's name (or LUND & GUTTRY LLP , CPA' S yours if self-employed) ,_P.O. BOX 250 and address RANCHO M I RAGE , CA EIN ► 9 5 - 21013 2 7 19- ZIP + 4► 9 2 2 7 0 24,1 c.. — eon i. er SCHEDULE A (Form 990) Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Organization Exempt Under Section 501(c)(3) (Except Private Foundation) and Section 501(e), 501(f), 501(k), 501(n), or Section 4947(a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable Trust Supplementary Information - (See separate instructions.) ► Must be completed by the above organizations and attached to their Form 990 or 990-EZ. OMB No. 1545-0047 1999 Name of the organization FRIENDS OF THE CULTURAL CENTER, INC. Employer identification number 95-2834871 Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Employees Other Than Officers, Directors, and Trustees (See page 1 of the instructions. List each one. If there are none, enter "None.") (a) Name and address of each employee paid more than $50,000 (b) Title and average hours per week devoted to position (c) Compensation (d)Contributions to employee benefit plans 6 deterred compensation (a) Expense account and other allowances THEODORE GIATAS DIRECTOR 40 135,000 0 0 73000 FRED WARING DR.P.D. JAMES ANDERSON AUDIO DIRECTOR 40 75,000 0 0 79281 PORT ROYAL BERMUDA DU STEVEN SHARP ASST DEV. DIR 40 65,000 0 0 73000 FRED WARING DR KEITH SMITH LIGHTING DIRECT 40 78,000 0 0 53120 OBREGON LA QUINTA, CA CAMERON SMITH DIR FINANCE 40 88,000 01 0 73-000 FRED WARING DR, P.D Total n number 0 f otherem l employees Paidover $ 50 000 0- 9 <Partl'l` Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Independent Contractors for Professional Services (See page 1 of the instructions. List each one (whether individuals or firms.) If there are none, enter "None.") (a) Name and address of each independent contractor paid more than $50,000 1 (b) Type of service (c) Compensation WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY INC 151 EL CAMINO DR BEVERLY HILLS CA 90210 PERFORMING ARTISTS 577,466 RIVERDANCE THE SHOW PERFORMING ARTISTS I 353,71E COLUMBIA ARTISTS 165 WEST 57TH, NEW YORK NY 10019 PERFORMING ARTISTS 488160C ORDWAY MUSIC THEATRE PERFORMING ARTISTS I 244,594 NETWORK PRESENTATIONS, LLC 19552 CLUB HOUSE RD GAITHEBURG MD 20879 PERFORMING ARTISTS 190,40, T fo r t number f receiving v 0 0 Total u b others over $50 00 er o o ers ece o 9 professional services es . .► 12 For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 1 of the Instructions for Form 990 and Form 990-EZ. Schedule A (Form 990) 1999 KFA 246 150 Schedule A (Form 990)1 NO FRIENDS OF THE CULTURAL CENTER, INC. 9 5 - 2 8 3 4 8 71 Page a>tll Statements About Activities Yes No 1 During the year, has the organization attempted to influence national, state, or local legislation, including any attempt to influence public opinion on a legislative matter or referendum?...................................................... 1 X If "Yes," enter the total expenses paid or incurred in connection with the lobbying activities. ► $ N/A Organizations that made an election under section 501(h) by filing Form 5768 must complete Part VI -A. Other organizations checking "Yes," must complete Part VI-B AND attach a statement giving a detailed description of the lobbying activities. 2 During the year, has the organization, either directly or indirectly, engaged in any of the following acts with any of its trustees, directors, officers, creators, key employees, or members of their families, or with any taxable organization with which any such person is affiliated as an officer, director, trustee, majority owner, or principal beneficiary: a Sale, exchange, or leasing of property?......................................................................... �2a 1_ I X b Lending of money or other extension of credit?................................................................... 12b I I X c Furnishing of goods, services, or facilities?...................................................................... I 2c I I X d Payment of compensation (or payment or reimbursement of expenses if more than$1,000)?................................ ( 2d I I X e Transfer of any part of its income or assets?..................................................................... 2e X If the answer to any question is "Yes," attach a detailed statement explaining the transactions. 3 Does the organization make grants for scholarships, fellowships, student loans, etc.? ..................................... 3 X 4a Do you have a section 403(b) annuity plan for your employees?...................................................... 4a X .................. .__ -.- ............................... b Attach a statement to explain how the organization determines that individuals or organizations receiving grants or loans from it in furtherance of its charitable programs qualify to receive payments. See instructions on page 2.) AaEr1f Reason for Non —Private Foundation Status (See pages 2 through 4 of the instructions.) The organization is not a private foundation because it is: (Please check only ONE applicable box): 5 ❑ A church, convention of churches, or association of churches. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(i). 6 ❑ A school. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii). (Also complete Part V, page 4.) 7 ❑ A hospital or a cooperative hospital service organization. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(iii). 8 ❑ A Federal, state, or local government or governmental unit. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(v). 9 ❑ A medical research organization operated in conjunction with a hospital. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(iii). Enter the hospital's name, city, and state 10 ❑ An organization operated for the benefit of a college or university owned or operated by a governmental unit. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(iv). (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV -A.) 11 a to An organization that normally receives a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or from the general public. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi). (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV -A.) 11 b ❑ A community trust. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi). (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV -A.) 12 ❑ An organization that normally receives: (1) more than 33 1/3% of its support from contributions, membership fees, and gross receipts from activities related to its charitable, etc., functions —subject to certain exceptions, and (2) no more than 33 1/3% of its support from gross investment income and unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 tax) from businesses acquired by the organization after June 30, 1975. See section 509(a)(2). (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV -A.) 13 ❑ An organization that is not controlled by any disqualified persons (other than foundation managers) and supports organizations described in: (1) lines 5 through 12 above; or (2) section 501(c)(4), (5), or (6), if they meet the test of section 509(a)(2). (See section 509(a)(3).) Provide the following information about the supported organizations. (See page 4 of the instructions.) (a) Name(s) of supported organization(s) (b) Line number from above 14 ❑ An organization organized and operated to test for public safety. Section 509(a)(4). (See page 4 of the instructions.) Schedule A (Form 990) 19'. 24'7 .. 151 Schedule A (Form 99o) 1999 FRIENDS OF THE CULTURAL CENTER, INC. 9 5 - 2 8 3 4 8 71 Page 3 $% '.Awj Support Schedule (Complete only if you checked a box on line 10, 11, or 12.) Use cash method of accounting. Note: You may use the worKsneet in the instrucuons Tor converting from cne accruai to the casn memoo or accounting. Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning iin)...... ► (a) 1998 (b) 1997 (c) 1996 (d) 1995 (e) Total 15 Gifts, grants, and contributions received. (Do not include unusual ants. See line 28.)............ 1,879,211 2,320,289 2,314,441 2,505,806 9,019,747 16 Membership fees received ....... 17 Gross receipts from admissions, merchandise sold or services performed, or furnishing of facilities in any activity that is not a business unrelated to the organization's charitable, etc., purpose .. 4,917,265 4,516,767 4,154,704 3,815,602 17,404,338 18 Gross income from interest, dividends, amounts received from payments on securities (section 512(ax5)� rents, royalties, and unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 taxes) from businesses acquired by the organization after June 30,1975 ............... 62,607 32,608 31,342 30,081 156,638 19 Net income from unrelated business activities not included in line 18 ... 20 Tax revenues levied for the organization's benefit and either paid to it or expended on its behalf 21 The value of services or facilities furnished to the organization by a governmental unit without charge. Do not include the value of services or facilities generally furnished to the public without charge ........ . 22 Other income. Attach a sch. Do not include gain or (loss) from sale of capital assets . ............. .. 23 Total of lines 15through 22 ...... 6,8S9,083 6,869,664 6,500,487 6,351,489 26, 580, 723 24 Line 23 minus line 17........... 11941,818 21352,897 2,345,783 2,535,887 91176,385 25 Enter 1% of line 23 ............. 68,591 68,697 65,005 6 3, 515 ................................... :`:.;`<<>;: 26 Organizations described on lines 10 or 11: a Enter 2% of amount in column (e), line 24 ......................► 26a 183,528 ................................................... .................................................... ction) showing the name of and amount contributed b n bAttach alist (which is not open topublic inspection) Y each perso r through t 98 exceeded h total i for 1995 t ou 9 supported organization) whose ota gifts other than a government unit orpubliclysuppo ed o g ) g 9 ( 9 .................................................... 26b 956,525 the amount shown in line 26a. Enter the sum of all these excess amounts........... SEE. STATEMENT.. 1-0 ..► c Total support for section 509(a)(1) test: Enter line 24, column(e)............................................. 10 26c 9,176,385 ................................................. . for n • 18 156,638 19 • Amounts from lump e o es d Add. mou isco () 26d 1,113,163 22 26b 956, 525................► 26e 81063,222 e Public support (line 26c minus line 26d total) ... ......................................................... Poo 26f 8 7 . 8 7% f Public support percentage (line 26e (numerator) divided by line 26c (denominator)) ..........................► 27 b Organizations described on line 12: a For amounts included in lines 15, 16, and 17 that were received from a "disqualified person," attach a list to show the name of, and total amounts received in each year from, each "disqualified person." Enter the sum of such amounts for each year: N/A (1998) (1997) (1996) (1995) For any amount included in line 17 that was received from a nondisqualified person, attach a list to show the name of, and amount received for each year, that was more than the larger of (1) the amount on line 25 for the year or (2) $5,000. (Include in the list organizations described in lines 5 through 11, as well as individuals.) After computing the difference between the amount received and the larger amount described in (1) or (2), enter the sum of all these differences (the excess amounts) for each year: (1998) (1997) (1996) (1995) c Add: Amounts from column (e) for lines: 15 16 17 20 21 .......... 10, 27c d Add: Line 27a total .. and line 27b total ......... ......... •► 27d e Public support (line 27c total minus line 27d total)........................................................ . ► 27e f Total support for section 509(a)(2) test: Enter amount on line 23, column e 10-27f g Public support percentage (line 27e (numerator) divided by line 27f (denominator)) ..........................► 27g 0/1 h Investment Income percentage (line 18, column (e) (numerator) divided by line 27f (denominator)) ..............► 27h % 28 Unusual Grants: For an organization described in line 10, 11, or 12 that received any unusual grants during 1995 through 1998, attach a list (which is not open to public inspection) for each year showing the name of the contributor, the date and amount of the grant, and a brief description of the nature of the rant. Do not include these grants in line 15. See page 4 of the instructions.) 248 Schedule A (Form 990)195 schedule A (Form 99o)1999 FRIENDS OF THE CULTURAL, CENTER, INC. 9 5 - 2 8 3 4 8 71 Pa;> 771 Private School Questionnaire (See page 4 of the instructions.) (To be completed ONLY by schools that checked the box on line 6 In Part IV) N/A N 29 Does the organization have a racially nondiscriminatory policy toward students by statement in its charter, bylaws, other governing instrument, or in a resolution of its governing body?......................................................... 30 Does the organization include a statement of its racially nondiscriminatory policy toward students in all its brochures, catalogues, and other written communications with the public dealing with student admissions, programs, and scholarships? ................. 31 Has the organization publicized its racially nondiscriminatory policy through newspaper or broadcast media during the period of solicitation for students, or during the registration period if it has no solicitation program, in a way that makes the policy known to all parts of the general community it serves?.................................................................... . If "Yes," please describe; if "No," please explain. (If you need more space, attach a separate statement.) 32 Does the organization maintain the following: a Records indicating the racial composition of the student body, faculty, and administrative staff? ............................... b Records documenting that scholarships and other financial assistance are awarded on a racially nondiscriminatory basis? .......... c Copies of all catalogues, brochures, announcements, and other written communications to the public dealing with student admissions, programs, and scholarships?........................................................................ . d Copies of all material used by the organization or on its behalf to solicit contributions? ...................................... If you answered "No" to any of the above, please explain. (if you need more space, attach a separate statement.) 33 Does the organization discriminate by race in any way with respect to: a Students' rights or privileges?................................................................................. . bAdmissions policies?........................................................................................ . c Employment of faculty or administrative staff?..................................................................... . d Scholarships or other financial assistance?....................................................................... . eEducational policies?......................................................................................... fUse of facilities?........................................................................................... . gAthletic programs? ......................................................................... ............. h Other extracurricular activities?................................................................................. If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, please explain. (If you need more space, attach a separate statement.) 34a Does the organization receive any financial aid or assistance from a governmental agency? .................................. b Has the organization's right to such aid ever been revoked or suspended? ............................................... If you answered "Yes" to either 34a or b, please explain using an attached statement. 35 Does the organization certify that it has complied with the applicable requirements of sections 4.01 through 4.05 of Rev. Proc. 75-50, 1975-2 C.B. 587. covering racial nondiscrimination? If "No," attach an explanation. . Schedule A (Form) 1 2411) 1531 Schedule A (Form 990)1999 FRIENDS OF THE CULTURAL CENTER, INC. 9 5 - 2 8 3 4 8 71 Page 5 Lobbying Expenditures by Electing Public Charities (See page 6 of the instructions.) N/A :I.-/ti:: (To be completed ONLY by an eligible organization that filed Form 5768) Check here ► a ❑ if the organization belongs to an affiliated group. Check here ► b ❑ if you checked "a" above and "limited control" provisions aooly. Limits on Lobbying Expenditures (The term "expenditures" means amounts paid or incurred.) 36 Total lobbying expenditures to influence public opinion (grassroots lobbying) .................... 36 37 Total lobbying expenditures to influence a legislative body (direct lobbying) ..................... 37 38 Total lobbying expenditures (add lines 36 and 37)......................................... 38 39 Other exempt purpose expenditures................................................... 39 40 Total exempt purpose expenditures (add lines 38 and 39)................................... 40 41 Lobbying nontaxable amount. Enter the amount from the following table - If the amount on line 40 is - The lobbying nontaxable amount is - Not over $500,000...................... 20% of the amount on line 40................ . Over $500,000 but not over $1,000,000...... $100,000 plus 15% of the excess over $500,000 .. Over $1,000,000 but not over $1,500,000 .... $175,000 plus 10% of the excess over $1,000,000 41 Over $1,500,000 but not over $17,000,000 ... $225,000 plus 5% of the excess over $1,500,000. . Over $17,000,000 ...................... $1,000,000 ............................... 42 Grassroots nontaxable amount (enter 25% of line 41)...................................... 42 43 Subtract line 42 from line 36. Enter -0- if line 42 is more than line 36 .......................... 43 44 Subtract line 41 from line 38. Enter -0- if line 41 is more than line 38 ......................... 44 Caution: If there is an amount on either line 43 or line 44, you must file Form 4720. Affiliated group To be completed totals for ALL electing organizations 4-Year Averaging Period Under Section 501(h) (Some organizations that made a section 501(h) election do not have to complete all of the five columns below. See the instructions for lines 45 through 50 on page 7 of the instructions.) Lobbying Expenditures During 4-Year Averaging Period Calendar year (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (or fiscal year beginning in) ► 1999 1998 1997 1996 Total 45 Lobbying nontaxable amount.... . 46 Lobbn9cei 'n9 amoun t t 9'0 . . 150 f line 45 a ......... ::::::::;:;<;::::;:: ::::;::::::;::<:>:: <::::>: > ::::::;:::<;:::::::::>:;::::;:;:>:» ;:: : < :::::<: ;::;:>::<»;::::::::>::::::< :::::::::.....::...... >::::: : 47 Total lobbying expenditures ...... 48 Grassroots nontaxable amount ... 49 Grassroots ceiling amount (150% of line 48(e)) ............. 50 Grassroots lobbying expenditures Lobbying Activity by Nonelecting Public Charities (For reporting only by organizations that did not complete Part VI -A) (See page 8 of the instructions.) N/A During the year, did the organization attempt to influence national, state or local legislation, including any attempt to influence public opinion on a legislative matter or referendum, through the use of: aVolunteers...................................................................................... b Paid staff or management (Include compensation in expenses reported on lines c through h.)...................... c Media advertisements............................................................................. d Mailings to members, legislators, or the public........................................................... e Publications, or published or broadcast statements....................................................... f Grants to other organizations for lobbying purposes...................................................... g Direct contact with legislators, their staffs, government officials, or a legislative body .............................. h Rallies, demonstrations, seminars, conventions, speeches, lectures, or any other means ........................... Total lobbying expenditures (add lines c through h)...................................................... If "Yes" to any of the above, also attach a statement giving a detailed description of the lobbying activities. Amount Schedule A (Form 990) 19S 250 154 Schedule A (Form 990)1999 FRIENDS OF THE CULTURAL CENTER, INC. 9 5 - 2 8 3 4 S 71 Page 6 ii#Wit Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharitable Exempt Organizations (See page 8 of the instructions.) 51 Did the reporting organization directly or indirectly engage in any of the following with any other organization described in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political organizations? a Transfers from the reporting organization to a noncharitable exempt organization of: Yes No (1) Cash................................................................................................ Slap) X (H) Other assets.......................................................................................... a(ii) X b Other transactions: (i) Sales or exchanges of assets with a noncharitable exempt organization ............................................ b(i) X (li) Purchases of assets from a noncharitable exempt organization................................................... b(il) X (iil) Rental of facilities, or other assets.......................................................................... b(III) X (Iv) Reimbursement arrangements............................................................................ b(Iv) X (v) Loans or loan guarantees................................................................................ b(v) X (vi) Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations ................................................ b(VI) X c Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees ........................................... c X d If the answer to any of the above is "Yes," complete the following schedule. Column (b) should always show the fair market value of the goods, other assets, or services given by the reporting organization. If the organization received less than fair market value in any transaction or sharing arrangement, show in column (d) the value of the goods, other assets, or services received. (a) (b) (c) (d) Line no. Amount involved Name of noncharitable exempt organization Description of transfers, transactions, and sharing arrangements N/A 52a Is the organization directly or indirectly affiliated with, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations described in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3)) or in section 527?........................................................ ► ❑ Yes ® No b If "Yes," complete the following schedule. N/A (a) I (b) I (c) Name of organization Type of organization Description of relationship Schedule A (Form 990)199' Form 2758 (Rev. June 1998) Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Please type or print. File the original and one copy by the due date for filing your return. See ins- tructions on back. Application for Extension of Time To File Certain Excise, Income, Information, and Other Returns ► File a separate application for each return. Name FRIENDS OF THE CULTURAL CENTER, INC. Number, street, and room or suite no. (or P.O. box no. if mail is not delivered to street address) 73-000 FRED WARING DR city, town or post office, state, and ZIP code. For a foreign address, see instructions. PALM DESERT, CA 92260 0 M 8 No. t545-0148 Employer identif ieatien numbe 95-2834871 Note: Corporate income tax return filers must use Form 7004 to request an extension of time to file. Partnerships, REMICs, and trusts must use Form 8736 to request an extension of time to file Form 1065, 1066, or 1041. 1 1 request an extension of time until 3 / 15 , 2 0 01 , to file (check only one): ❑ Form 706-GS(D) ❑ Form 990-T (401(a) or 408(a) trust) ❑ Form 1120-ND (sec. 4951 taxes) ❑ Form 8612 ❑ Form 706-GSM ❑ Form 990-T (trust other than above) ❑ Form 3520-A ❑ Form 8613 ® Form 990 or 990-EZ ❑ Form 1041 (estate) (see instructions) ❑ Form 4720 ❑ Form 8725 ❑ Form 990-BL ❑ Form 1041-A ❑ Form 5227 ❑ Form 8804 ❑ Form 990-PF ❑ Form 1042 ❑ Form 6069 ❑ Form 8831 If the organization does not have an office or place of business in the United States, check this box ..................................... ► [ 2a For calendar year , or other tax year beginning 8 / 01 / 19 9 9 and ending 7 / 31 / 2 0 0 0 b If this tax year is for less than 12 months, check reason: Initial return ❑ Final return ❑ Change in accounting period 3 Has an extension of time to file been previously granted for this tax year? .................................................❑ Yes ® Nc 4 State in detail why you need the extension ADDITIONAL TIME IS REQUIRED TO GATHER INFORMATION TO PREPARE RETURN 5a If this form is for Form 706-GS(D), Form 706-GSM, 990-BL, 990-PF, 990-T, 1041 (estate), 1042, 1120-ND, 4720, 6069, 8612, 8613, 8725, 8804, or 8831, enter the tentative tax, less any nonrefundable credits. See instructions............ $ b If this form is for Form 990-PF, 990-T, 1041 (estate), 1042, or 8804, enter any refundable credits and estimated tax payments made. Include any prior year overpayment allowed as a credit ......................................... $ c Balance due. Subtract line 5b from line 5a. Include your payment with this form, or deposit with FTD coupon if required. Seeinstructions....................................................................................$ Signature and Verification Under penalties of perjurdeclare that 1 have examined this form, io�1 ding accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, It Is true, correct, and complete; and that I m 4horized to prepare this;eign. ;? Signature ► Title ► Date ► / f FILE ORIGINAL AND ONE COPY. The IRS will show below whether or not your application is approved and will return the copy. Notice to Applicant - To Be Completed by the IRS ❑ We HAVE approved your application. Please attach this form to your return. ❑ We HAVE NOT approved your application. However, we have granted a 10-day grace period from the later of the date shown below or the due date of your return (including any prior extensions). This grace period is considered to be a valid extension of time for elections otherwise required to be made on a timely return. Please attach this form to your return. ❑ We HAVE NOT approved your application. After considering the reasons stated in item 4, we cannot grant your request for an extension of time to file. We are not granting the 10-day grace period. ❑ We cannot consider your application because it was filed after the due date of the return for which an extension was requested. ❑ Other: By. Director Date If you want a copy of this form to be returned to an address other than that shown above, please enter the address to which the copy should be sent. Name Please Type or Print LUND & GUTTRY LLP, CPA'S Number, street, and room or suite no. (or P.O. box no. if mail Is not delivered to street address) P.O. BOX 250 City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code. For a foreign address, see Instructions. RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270 15 6' 6 Q U KFA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form. J ~• Form 2758 (Rev. a-s AN OVERVIEW OF THE INSTITUTE PROGRAMS AESTHETIC EDUCATION PROGRAM (AEP) The AEP can most simply be defined as an approach to teaching and learning in the performing and visual arts. Students, educators and professional artists on McCallum Theatre Institute's faculty of teaching artists work side by side to deepen their understanding of themselves and the world through active engagement with specific works of art, focus works. The approach to this work is based on the belief that the arts should be studied in an active, experiential way. This process includes activities designed to explore the formal elements of each art form, active reflection, inquiry and contextual research. The program consists of three components - teacher education, artist's residencies in the classroom, and encounters with works of art. This program is developed in pnrtnership with Lincoln Center Institute in New York. During the 2001/2002 school year, 53 classroom teachers and approximately 2,500 students from nineteen different schools, K-12, in the Coachella and Morongo Valleys are participating in the AEP. The following works are under study: "The Happy Prince," a performance of Oscar Wilde's fairytale designed specifically for young audiences and performed by Italian actor Oreste Castagna; "Hamlet" by William Shakespeare performed by the Shenandoah Shakespeare Express; "About Anne - a Diary in Dance" performed by Helios Dance Theatre; The Tangos of Astor Piazzolla, performed by The New York -Buenos Aires Connection; and Arte Latino; Treasures from the Smithsonian American Art Museum - an exhibit that highlights more than 200 years of Latino Art from across the United States. THE FIELD TRI P 5ERI ES 2001/2002 A series of different music, theatre and dance performances are available for students and teachers each season at no cost to the schools. Approximately 15,000 students attend a performance at the McCallum through this program every year. For information dt reservations please call the McCallum Theatre Institute at 346-6505, ext. 141. Bayanihan - Philippine National Dance Company Monday, October 1, 2001 St. Petersburg Opera Friday, November 2, 2001 Scenes from selected Operas Shenandoah Shakespeare Express Tuesday, November 13, 2001 A Midsummer Night's Dream Robert "Tree"Cody Friday, November 16, 2001 Crossroads- a colorful blend of indigenous flutes - Native American, Mayan and Aztec Moscow Classical Ballet Wednesday, December 12, 2001 Selected scenes from The Nutcracker French Comic Opera of Denmark Tuesday, January 15, 2002 Lecture/Demonstration of Orpheus in the Underworld by Jacques Offenbach Our Sinatra .. Thursday, January 17, 2002 A Noise Within Thursday, January 31, 2002 Hoy Fever by Neal Coward The 6rigorovich Ballet Wednesday, February 6, 2002 Spartacus Macklomer Wednesday, February 13, 2002 Turtle Island String Quartet Tuesday, March 5, 2002 Art of the Groove Pilobolus Thursday, March 7, 2002 London City Opera Tuesday, April 2, 2002 Merry Widow 10:00 AM dt 11:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM C� n r r c 3 THEATRE INSTITUTE The Education Division of the McCallum Theatre for the Performing Arts THEATRE. DANCE MUSIC VISUAL. ARTS McCallum Theatre Institute 73-000 Fred Waring DrIV Palm Desert, CA 922bo (760)346-6505 (76o) 341-95o8 FAX WWW.MCCALLUNIT HEAT RE. COM The McCallum Theatre Institute seeks to enhance the role of the arts in our lives and in our community by inspiring greater awareness of their educational, cognitive, emotional and spiritual power. By encouraging an active and experiential study of the arts, the Institute advances the belief that all human beings are inherently creative. The programs developed by the Institute are designed to build on that creativity by equipping individuals with the skills necessary for an enduring relationship with the arts and an understanding of their essential contribution to enlightened citizenship. Member of the Association of Institutes for Aesthetic Education Please turn over. r 5 31 IMAGINATION STATION 2002 is scheduled for July. Imagination Station is a summer camp for children and teenagers. Campers are encouraged to play out the limitless possibilities of their imaginations in dram, dance, music, art, and stage tech workshops. The curriculum, inspired by the aesthetic education philosophy, emphasizes the creative process - the exploration of the arts and the process of making artistic choices. Teaching artists for camp includes local and regional professional artists and McCallum stage crew and staff. In July 2001, 105 Imagination Station campers presented "Wherever You Gv, There You Ire," a collaborative work created specifically for Imagination Station. Imagination Station TECHNICAL THEATRE INTERNSHIPS The McCallum Theatre Internship Program is designed for students and persons who are interested in pursuit of practical experience in the operation of a live performance facility. As an Intern with the McCallum Theatre for the Performing Arts, participants are exposed to many valuable learning opportunities in different areas of the theatre's operation. Interns are supervised and evaluated by key staff members while making maximum use of learning opportunities available in a team operation concept. The major degree of instruction will take place as a working relationship with the professional working staff. Interns are treated as valuable and vital members of the staff, contributing to the day-to-day operation of the McCallum Theatre. Stage Technical Internship Areas: Stage Management; Stage Crew - Electrics, Sound, Rigging, Carpentry; and Stage Door. EDUCATIONAL TOURS Every season, in-depth tours are offered to schools and other community organizations. The educational tours are conducted by Audio and Video Director Jim Anderson and focus on the stage technical aspects of the facility. More than 500 students annually are introduced to the McCallum and the performing arts this way! OTHER COMMUNITY PROJECTS ➢ Artists Residencies in local schools ➢ Aesthetic Education Workshops for adults ➢ Pre- and post -show workshops, lectures and discussions ➢ The Shakespeare Competition, in partnership with the Desert Branch of the English -Speaking Union ➢ Palm Desert Dance Under the Stars Choreography Festival in partnership with College of the Desert and City of Palm Desert ➢ Master Classes and Workshops For more information on any of these programs, please contact the Institute at (760) 346-6505, exts. 140 or 141. 15 07/27, 2001 14:32 17607771231 LQ COMMLHITY SERVICE PAGE 03 NT 10 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FISCAL YEAR 01-.0 2 Name of Organization; Soroptimist International of La Quinta Amount Requested:,?$ �� Coachella Valle Contact Person: Mailing Address: CitY.1-a nu ; n t- a _ State: Calif . Zip Code: 92253 Phone No.: 501 (c) 3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: 3 3- 0 0 5 4 8 3 2 Date Submitted: July 30 2001 Applications will receive consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. 250 10 9 07/ 27/ 2001 14: 32 17607771231 LQ C OMML NITY SERVICE PAGE 04 COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT APPLICATION (Must be typed) 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of your organization? "OROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL is a worldwide organization for women in management and professions working through service projects to advance human rights and the status of women. 2. How long has your organization been in existence? 1_Years Months 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your organization: _,$2000 to House of Hope y home for chemically dependant women - $2000 in scholarships to high school seniors going on to ,S.15._00 to HOW Foundation ( rape crisis ) - see attached page 4. How many people does your organization currently serve? We provide programs of service to Youth, Adults, Seniors in La No. of Youth No. of Adults No. of Seniors Quinta 5. How many people do you intend to serve during this Fiscal Year? Any individuals in the area matching our programs of service. No. of Youth No. of Adults No. of Seniors 6. How many people served this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta residents? Any individuals in the area matching our programs of service No. of Youth No. of Adults No. of Seniors 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your organization employ? All voluntary membership Full time employees_ Part time employees Volunteers all 8. Describe how your organization is managed and governed. Governed by a Board of Directors: President,2 Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasugrr4 2 Directors 256 160 CONTINUED: 3. Describe activitji6a-and services: $1000 to La Quinta Boys and Girls Club $1000 to Women's Opportunity Award $500 to Val Skinner Breast Cancer Foundation Birthday cakes monthly for Senior Center, Holiday gift certificates for food, Easter baskets 25-7 161 Golden West Region 2001 Club Directory/Roster Form Page 2 of 3 3. OFFICER INFORMATION (For the 2001— 2002 Club Year). PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY: 162 07/27/2001 14:32 17607771231 LO COMMUNITY SERVICE PAGE 05 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: NNNate Title Nome Address ress Phono 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your organization operate? Weekly meetings September through June - 7:30 - 8:30 AM on Tuesday 11. Do you charge admission, membership fee, dues, etc.? X Yes No If yes, please describe: Membership dues $90.00 per year - Weekly meeting fee - $5.00 each week. 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Souroo Amount Major fund Raiser- - Golf Tournament $10,000 Women of Distinction Luncheon 1,700 Total Needed Total Received Balance $ 4,070 37 meetings a year @ $1 1 0 per meeting 251 l 03 07/2.7/2001 14:32 17607771231 LO COMMLHITY SERVICE PAGE 06 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $ 4,070. 14. Has your organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? �x yes No If yes, when001 Amount received 41070. 15, Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the organization's funds are kept: Downey Savings and Loan - La Quinta 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals authorized to sign on the organization's account (must provide at least two individuals): Name: Title: Lana Sherman President Anita Zanesco Treasurer Terri Cross Secretary 17. Please provide, as an attachment, copies of the last three months bank statements as well as the last year's December bank statement of the organization's checking and savings account. 18. Need Statement. Clearly and plainly state the specific, detailed reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. We are in need of a place to meet weekly in La Quinta. By providing a place for us to meet, we can continue to provide our programs of service to this community. 164 07/27/2001 14:32 17607771231 LO COMMUNITY SERVICE PAGE 07 19. Goal Statement. Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. Soroptimist is a service organization benefiting the local community. By providing a place for us to meet, we can continue to provide our programs of service and community outreach. 20. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. 21. Non-profit organizations must attach a copy of the organization's current IRS Form 990. 261 1 b 5 Sooptimisist Intl of La Quinta/Coachella Valley Proposed Budget 2001-02 GENERAL FUND BUDGET 2001-2002 INCOME BUDGET TOTALS Accumulated SI & SIA Convention Funds $ 3,526.00 MEMBERSHIP INCOME 100 Dues 01-02 21 members $90 + 4 Mem $50 2,090.00 105 Meeting fees 19 members $5 x 25 mt 2,375.00 101 New Member Dues/Fees 4 x $120 480.00 TOTAL MEMBERSHIP INCOME $4,945.00 WAYS AND MEANS 110 Brags 100.00 111 Every Member's Project 19 members $25 475.00 112 General Fund Projects 1,600.00 TOTAL WAYS & MEANS $2,175.00 OTHER GENERAL INCOME 115 Guest fees - $0.00 TOTAL GENERAL INCOME $ 10,646.00 EXPENSES MEMBERSHIP EXPENSES BUDGET 201 Meeting Room - 202 Club Insurance 50.00 203 GWR Dues 21 members x $18 378.00 204 GRW New Member Dues 4 x $18 72.00 205 SIA Dues 21 members x $42 882.00 206 SIA New Members 4 x $49.50 198.00 TOTAL MEMBERSHIP EXPENSES $1,580.00 CLUB OVERHEAD 210 Newsletter 300.00 211 CPA/Tax Preparation 250.00 212 Chamber Membership 60.00 213 New Club Funding 30.00 214 Office Expenses 400.00 215 President's Expenses 400.00 216 GWR President's Retreat 140.00 217 SI Materials 100.00 SI Valley Phone Charges 50.00 TOTAL CLUB OVERHEAD EXPENSES $1,730.00 CON FERENCE/CONVENTIONS 220 Convention Fee - 221 Fall Meetings 250.00 222 GWR Conference 1,700.00 223 SIA Convention every 2 years - Save $600 per Yr 1,200.00 SIA 2 Yrs $ 1,200.00 224 SI Convention every 4 years - Save $500 per Yr 500.00 SI 4 Yrs $ 500.00 Future SI Convention Fund Expense 2,926.00 TOTAL CONFERENCE/CONVENTION $6,576.00 COMMITTEES 231 Amenities 100.00 232 Installation 200.00 233 Program Expenses 50.00 234 Public Relations 150.00 235 Recruitment/ Retention 260.00 TOTAL COMMITTEE EXPENSES $760.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 10 646.00 fbb SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL OF LA QUINTA /Coachella Valle SERVICE FUND BUDGET 2000-2001 Proposed INCOME BUDGET Surplus Service Funds 2000-01 Estimate 4,500.00 400 Bank Account Interest 90.00 401 Golf Tournament 10 000.00 402 Spring Fund Raiser WofD Luncheon 1,700.00 Girls Time Underwriting _ Sunshine Fund 60.00 TOTAL SERVICE INCOME $ 16,350.00 EXPENSES Estimated Expenses From Surplus Rollover $ 3,000.00 SERVICE COMMITTEES EDUCATION: 510 N. Willoughby Award $ 1 000.00 520 HEALTH: 521 House of Hope Monthly Donation 200000 522 House of Hope Shower,- 250.00 Val Skinner Breast Cancer Foundation 1,000.00 $ 3,250.00 530 ECONOMIC & SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 500.00 551 Donation B&G Club 500.00 552 Scholarships B&G Clubs 500.00 Capital Donation - B&G Coachella Unit 1,000.00 $2,500.00 540 HUMAN RIGHT / STATUS OF WOMEN: 541 WofD Luncheon 150.00 542 HOW Foundation 1 500.00 Girls Time 500.00 $ 2,150.00 560 ENVIRONMENT: $ 100.00 570 INTR'L GOODWILL & UNDERSTANDING: $ 100.00 TOTAL COMMITTEE EXPENSES $ 9,100.00 580 SOROPTIMIST IDENTIFYING PROJECTS 581 Womens Opportunity Award 1,000.00 582 Violet Richardson Award 1,000.00 1 /2 to Awardee - 1 /2 to Charitable Or .) 584 SI & SIA Projects 50.00 585 Soroptimist Foundation 350.00 TOTAL SOROPTIMIST IDENTIFYING PROJECTS $ 2 400.00 $ 2,400.00 Legislative Advocacy $ 250.00 $ 250.00 MISC. FUNDS 590 Sunshine Fund Uncommitted Funds $ 60.00 $ 1 540.00 $ 19600.00 TOTAL EXPENSES1 169350.00 �br LA QUINTA BRANCH 78-435 HIGHWAY ill LA QUINTA CA 92253 PHONE 760-564-6661 SOROPTIMIST INTL OF LA QUINTA PO BOX 1081 LA QUINTA CA 92253 D : SAvINGs EMENT DA 05-31-2001 MENT DATE 04-30-2001 PAGE 1 OF 2 �p Downey Sa vinm has great low rates on home loans, and it's the perfect time fo refinance your current mortgage or buy that new home 7ou've been considering. Don't wait another minute. Our great w rates here are, today, but may be gone tomorrow! So apply now, in person, by or oline. - phone, CHECKING ACCOUNT NUMBER 16-5301728-5 YEAR-TO-DATE INTEREST INTEREST EARNED $36.10 4,98 ANNUAL PE RCENTAGE YIELD EARNED ,. .42% PREVIOUS STATEMENT BALANCE 04-30-2001................................. $14,639.12 SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS ON THIS STATEMENT - 4 DEPOSITS AND OTHER CREDITS TOTALLING... .19580.00 INTEREST PAID THIS STATEMENT PERIOD ......................... 4.98 4 CHECKS AND 0 OTHER DEBITS TOTALLING.................. 1,810.31- ENDING STATEMENT BALANCE ............................................... $149413.79 DEPOSITS AND OTHER CREDITS DATE DATE POSTED AMOUNT POSTED AMOUNT 05-08 150.00 05-08 05-08 325.00 05-29 470.00 635.00 OTHER CREDITS Interest 05-31 4,98 CHECKS AND OTHER DEBITS CHECK DATE- CHECK DATE NUMBER PAID AMOUNT NUMBER PAID AMOUNT 403 05_08 336.87 405* 05-07 �_ _ 05 02 40.90 410* 05-22 1,359.66 72.88 DAILY BALANCE DATE AMOUNT DATE : 2 6 4 ..AMOUNT 05-02 149598.22 05-07 139238056 FIND US ON THE WEB AT HTTP: //WWW. DOWNEYS"INGS. COM 168 * GAP IN CHECK SEQUENCE M THIS CHECK WILL BE INCLUDED IN YOUR NEXT STATEMENT. If Your ATM, ATM Plus Visa or Access To Cash card is lost or stolen: Call 1-soO-936-9639 AS.. LA QUINTA BRANCH DowNEY SAVMGC- 78-435 HIGHWAY 111 STATEMENT DATE LA QUINTA CA 922.53 05-31-2001 PHONE 760-564-6661 PREVIOUS STATEMENT DATE 04-30-2001 PAGE 2 OF 2 SOROPTIMIST INTL OF LA QUINTA CHECKING ACCOUNT NUMBER 36-5301728-5 DAILY BALANCE - DATE AMOUNT DATE AMOUNT 05-08 13846.69 05-29 14,408.81 05-22 13:773.81 05-31 149413.79 FIND US ON THE WEB AT HTTP://WWW.DDWNEYS"XNGS.CDM .0 " * GAP IN CHECK SEQUENCE # THIS CHECK WILL BE INCLUDED IN YOUR NEXT STATEMENT. If your ATM, ATM Plus Visa or Access To Cash card is lost or stolen: Call 1-800-936-9639 A&IM LA QUINTA BRANCH DowNEY SAvINGc 78-435 HIGHWAY 111 STATEMENT -DATA LA QUINTA CA 92253 04-30-2001, PHONE 760-564-6661 REVIOUS ENT DATE - -2001 PAGE 1 OF 1 SOROPTIMIST INTL OF LA QUINTA PO BOX 1081 LA QUINTA CA 92253 Downey Savings has great low rates on home loans, and it's the perfect time to refinance your current mortgage or buy that new home 7ou've been considering. Don't wait another minute. Our great low rates are here today, but may be gone tomorrow! Su apply now, in person, by phone, or online. CHECKING ACCOUNT NUMBER JS-5301728-5 YEAR-TO-DATE INTEREST $31.12 INTEREST EARNED 5.13 ANNUAL PERC ENTAGE YIELD EARNED .42% PREVIOUS STATEMENT BALANCE 03-31-2001................................. $149906.48 SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS ON THIS STATEMENT 0 DEPOSITS AND OTHER CREDITS TOTALLING ..............*00*00*000 .00 INTEREST PAID THIS STATEMENT PERIOD ......................... 5.13 2 CHECKS AND 0 OTHER DEBITS TOTALLING .......................272.49- ENDING STATEMENT BALANCE.... ... .............. ___.................... $14 639.12 DEPOSITS AND OTHER CREDITS OTHER CREDITS DATE POSTED AMOUNT Interest 04-30 5.13 - CHECKS AND OTHER DEBITS NUMBER pgip CHECK DATE AMOUNT NUMBER PAID AMOUNT 401 04-17 128.45 404* 04-30 144.04 DAILY BALANCE DATE AMOUNT DATE AMOUNT 04-17 149778.03 04-30 149639.12 FIND US ON THE WEB AT HTTP://WWW.DOWNEYS"INGS.CDM 266 170 If your ATM, ATM Plus Visa or Access To Cash card is lost or stolen: Call 1-800-938-9639 LA QUINTA BRANCH DoWN'EY SAviNGc 78-435 HIGHWAY 111 EMENT DATE LA QUINTA CA 92253 03-31-2001 1 PHONE 760-564-6661 VIOUS MENT DATE 02-28-2001 PAGE 1 OF 1 SOROPTIMIST INTL OF LA QUINTA PO BOX 1081 LA QUINTA CA 92253 Whether your retirement is right around the corner, or years away, Downey Savings canhelpyou get ready with personal and business retirement plans to suit your needs. Here's to your future ... our retirement plans will help you get ready! CHECKING ACCOUNT NUMBER 16-5301728-5 YEAR-TO-DATE INTEREST INTEREST EARNED $25.99 6.52 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE YIELD EARNED .48X PREVIOUS STATEMENT BALANCE 02-28-2001................................. $169324.96 SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS ON THIS STATEMENT 1 DEPOSITS AND OTHER CREDITS TOTALLING 100.00 ........................ INTEREST PAID THIS STATEMENT PERIOD ......................... 6.52 4 CHECKS AND 0 OTHER DEBITS TOTALLING ....................... 19525.00- ENDING STATEMENT BALANCE ............................................... $149906.48 DEPOSITS AND OTHER CREDITS OTHER CREDITS DATE POSTED AMOUNT Check Reversal 399 (Correction) 03-09 100.00 Interest 03-31 6.52 CHECKS AND OTHER DEBITS DATE PAID NUMBER AMOUNT NUMBER NUMBER PAID AMOUNT 397 398 0327 19000.00 399 03_08 - 165.00 400 03 27 100.00 260.00 DAILY BALANCE DATE AMOUNT DATE AMOUNT 03-08 16,059.96 03-27 03-09 169159.96 03-31 14,899.96 14,906.48 26 FIND US ON THE WEB AT HTTP://WWW.DOWNEYS"INGS.COM 17 1 *_GAP IN CHECK SEQUENCE # THIS CHECK WILL BE INCLUDED IN YOUR NEXT STATEMENT If your ATM, ATM Plus Visa or Access To Cash card is lost or stolen: Call 1-800-936-9639 Asro•s LA QUINTA BRANCH 78-435 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA CA 92253 PHONE 760-564-6661 r SOROPTIMIST INTL OF LA QUINTA PO BOX 1081 LA QUINTA CA 92253 DowNEySAviNGc TEMENT 12-30-2000� PREVIOUS STi9TEME�IT DATE -�e-�eao— PAGE 1 OF 2 wish you and ours All of us at Downey SaVenappreciate happyyforwardeallthy holiday season. your fusiness, and Colook serving you in 2001 and for many years to come. CHECKING ACCOUNT NUMBER 36-5301728-5 INTEREST EARNED $13.76 YEAR-TO-DATE INTEREST $97.94 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE YIELD EARNED .77% PREVIOUS STATEMENT BALANCE 11-30-2000..........................0000000 $159670059 SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS ON THIS STATEMENT 5 DEPOSITS AND OTHER CREDITS TOTALLING ........................ 149575.25 INTEREST PAID THIS STATEMENT PERIOD ......................... 13.76 13 CHECKS AND 0 OTHER DEBITS TOTALLING .......................___ 119879.51- ENDING STATEMENT BALANCE .....................................:......... $18,380.09 DEPOSITS AND OTHER CREDITS DATE POSTED AMOUNT DATE POSTED AMOUNT 12-04 12-11 49450.00 5.00 12_12 12 12 29950.00 12-11 19700.25 39700.00 OTHER CREDITS Interest 12-30 13.76 CHECKS AND OTHER DEBITS CHECK DATE NUMBER PAID AMOUNT CHECK DATE NUMBER PAID AMOUNT 376 12--05 31 165.94 385 12-27 12_18 87.17 380* 12-22 381 12_12 59400.00 1$000.00 388* 12-26 38-57 383 12-12 1,000.00 389 390 12-28 500.00 47.91 384 12-26 291163.92 391 12-29 160.00 263 FIND US ON THE WEB AT HTTP://WWW.DOWNEYS"INGS.CGM * GAP IN CHECK SEQUENCE N THIS CHECK WILL BE INCLUDED IN YOUR NEXT STATEMENT If your ATM, ATM Plus Visa or Access To Cash card is lost or stolen: Call 1-800-936-9639 ASPM LA QUINTA BRANCH 78-435 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA CA 92253 PHONE 760-564-6661 SOROPTIMIST INTL Of LA QUINTA CHECKING ACCOUNT NUMBER DAILY BA`MCE DATE 36-5301728-5 AMOUNT DATE DowNE-Y SAVINGS STATEMENT DATE 12-30-2000 PREVIOUS STATEMENT DATE 11-30-2000 PAGE 2 OF 2 AMOUNT 12-04 12-05 i0,120.59 199954.65 12-22 12-26 219325.33 12-11 12-12 27,429.90 12-27 189661.41 189574.24 12-14 12-18 9079.90 ,041.33 27 12-28 12-29 189526.33 18,366.33 12-21 9025.33 269725.33 12-30 18,380.09 2f1 FIND US ON THE WEB AT WTP://WWW.DOWNEYSAVINGS.COM 1 'l 3 * GAP IN CHECK SEQUENCE * THIS CHECK WILL BE INCLUDED IN YOUR NEXT STATEMENT. If your ATM, ATM Plus Visa or Access To Cash card is lost or stolen: Call 1-800-936-9639 A:.o.s LA QUINTA BRANCH 78-435 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA CA 92253 PHONE 760-564-6661 SOROPTIMIST INTL OF LA QUINTA PO BOX 1081 LA QUINTA CA 92253 DoWNEY SAViNGE. S_T T DATE 05-31- PREVI STATEMENT DATE 04-30-2001 PAGE 1 OF 2 Downey Sa ''ngs has great low rates on home loans, and it's the time fo perfect refinance your current mortgage or buy that new home you ve been considering. Don't wait another minute. Our great row rates are here today, but may be ne tomorrow! go . 1 , Sa a PP 3' now - � in a parson, y phone, or online. CHECKING ACCOUNT NUMBER 16-5300008-0 YEAR-TO-DATE INTEREST INTEREST EARNED $5,92 1,43 - ANNUAL PERCENTAGE YIELD EARNED .42X PREVIOUS STATEMENT BALANCE 04-30-2001...........................000000 $4,317.49 SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS ON THIS STATEMENT 3 DEPOSITS AND OTHER CREDITS TOTALLING ........................ 19129.58 INTEREST PAID THIS STATEMENT PERIOD ......................... 1.43 4 CHECKS AND 0 OTHER DEBITS TOTALLING ....................... 845.48- DING STATEMENT BALANCE ............................................... $4,603.02 DEPOSITS AND OTHER CREDITS DATE DATE POSTED AMOUNT POSTED AMOUNT 05-08 155.00 05-29 942.00 OTHER CREDITS Check Reversal 2755 (Correction) 05-15 Interest 32.58 05-31 1.43 CHECKS AND OTHER DEBITS NUMBER PAID CHECK DATE AMOUNT NUMBER PAID AMOUNT 53 05_14 767.00 2755 05-14 2754 05 09 25.00 2757* 05-14 32.58 20.90 DAILY BALANCE DATE AMOUNT DATE AMOUNT, 21"'-"tQ 05-08 49472.49 05-09 49447.49 1.14. FIND US ON THE WEB AT HTTP://WWW.DGWNEYS"INGS.CDM * GAP IN CHECK SEQUENCE X THIS CHECK WILL BE INCLUDED IN YOUR NEXT STATEMENT. If your ATM, ATM Plus visa or Access To Cash card is lost or stolen: Call 1-800-936-9639 ASP.. LA QUINTA BRANCH DoWS4M�SAVWGE 78-435 HIGHWAY 111 STATEMENT DATE LA QUINTA CA 92253 05-31-2001 PHONE 760-564-6661 PREVIOUS STATEMENT DATE 04-30-2001 PAGE 2.OF --'2- SOROPTIMIST INTL OF LA QUINTA CHECKING ACCOUNT NUMBER 36-5300008-0 DAILY BALANCE .. j DATE AMOUNT DATE .AMOUNT 05-14 05-15 3627.01 3:659.59 05-29 05-31 4,601.59 - 4,603.02 FIND US ON THE WEB AT HTTP://WWW.DOWNEYS"INGS.COM 271 * GAP IN CHECK SEQUENCE M THIS CHECK WILL BE INCLUDED IN YOUR NEXT STATEMENT. If your ATM, ATM Plus Visa or Access To Cash card is lost or stolen: Call 1-800-936-9639 ^Sp•• LA QUINTA BRANCH 78-435 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA CA 92253 PHONE 760-564-6661 SOROPTIMIST INTL OF LA QUINTA PO BOX 1081 LA QUINTA CA 92253 DowNEY SmwGc- ; 94 EMENT DATE PAGE 1 OF 1 Downey Savings has great low rates on home loans, and it's the perfect time to refinance your current mortgage or buy that new home yyou've been considering. Don't wait another minute. Our great Iow rates are here today, but may be one tomorrows So apply now, in person, by phone, or online. CHECKING ACCOUNT NUMBER 16-5300008-0 YEAR-TO-DATE INTEREST INTEREST EARNED $4.49 1.38 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE YIELD EARNED 942% PREVIOUS STATEMENT BALANCE 03-31-2001................................. $49068.09 SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS ON THIS STATEMENT 1 DEPOSITS AND OTHER CREDITS TOTALLING ........................ 351.00 INTEREST PAID THIS STATEMENT PERIOD ......................... 1.38 2 CHECKS AND 0 OTHER DEBITS TOTALLING ....................... 102.98- NDING STATEMENT BALANCE -------------- ............................................... $49317.49 DEPOSITS AND OTHER CREDITS DATE DATE POSTED AMOUNT POSTED AMOUNT 04-30 351.00 OTHER CREDITS Interest 04-30 1.38 CHECKS AND OTHER DEBITS CHECK DATE CHECK DATE NUMBER PAID AMOUNT NUMBER PAID AMOUNT 2751 04-04 68.90 2752 04-30 34.08 DAILY BALANCE DATE AMOUNT DATE AMOUNT 04-04 39999.19 04-30 49317.49 FIND US ON THE WEB AT HTTP://WWW.DOWNEYSAVINGS.COM If your ATM, ATM Plus Visa or Access To Cash card is lost or stolen: Call 1-800-936-9639 LA QUINTA BRANCH 78-435 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA CA 92253 PHONE 760-564-6661 SOROPTIMIST INTL OF LA QUINTA PO BOX 1081 LA QUINTA CA 92253 DowNE-Y SAviNGc STATEMENT DAT 03-31-2001 VIDUS- STATEMENT DATE 02-28--M1--- PAGE 1 OF 2 Whether your retirement is right around the corner, or -help years away, Downey Savings can you get ready with personal and business retirement plans to suit your needs. Here's to your future ...our retirement plans will help you get ready! CHECKING ACCOUNT NUMBER 3-5300008-0 YEAR-TO-DATE INTEREST INTEREST EARNED $3,11 92 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE YIELD EARNE D .47x PREVIOUS STATEMENT BALANCE 02-28-2001................................. $29502.10 SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS ON THIS STATEMENT 2 DEPOSITS AND OTHER CREDITS TOTALLING ........................ 29075.80 INTEREST PAID THIS STATEMENT PERIOD ......................... .92 5 CHECKS AND 0 OTHER DEBITS TOTALLING ....................... 510.73- ENDING STATEMENT BALANCE ............................................... $4,068.09 DEPOSITS AND OTHER CREDITS DATE DATE POSTED AMOUNT POSTED AMOUNT 03-28 19317.80 03-28 758.00- OTHER CREDITS Interest 03-31 .92 CHECKS AND OTHER DEBITS CHECK DATE PAID NUMBER AMOUNT NUMBER PAID AMOUNT 2746 03-01 350.00 2749 03-14 2747 03-08 75.90 2750 03-14 40.32 8.51 2748 03-19 36.00 DAILY BALANCE DATE AMOUNT DATE AMOUNT 03-01 29152.10 03-08 29076.20 2 73 • FIND US ON THE WEB AT HTTP://WWW.DOWNEYSAVINGS.COM ►� 7 * CioP IN CHECK SEnUENCE y TYTC rbU=f%! WTi I er *ur•t iinrn •u vneen uerv-p ..�.--..—.._ If your ATM, ATM Plus Visa or Access To Cash card is lost or stolen: Call 1-800-936-9639 ASPM LA QUINTA BRANCH DowNEY SAVINGS 78-435 HIGHWAY 111 STATEMENT DATE LA QUINTA CA 92253 03-31-2001 PHONE 760-564-6661 PREVIOUS STATEMENT DATE 02-28-2001 PAGE 2 OF 2 SOROPTIMIST INTL OF LA QUINTA CHECKING ACCOUNT NUMBER 36-5300008-0 DAILY BALANCE DATE AMOUNT DATE AMOUNT 03-14 29027.37 03-28 49067.17 19991.37 03-31 49068.09 1 /8 FIND US ON THE WEB AT HTTP://WWW.DGWNEYS"INGS.COM If your ATM, ATM Plus Visa or Access To Cash card is lost or stolen: Call 1-800-936-9639 ASMSS LA QUINTA BRANCH DoWNEY SAVING 78-435 HIGHWAY 111 STATEME?I LA QUINTA CA 92253 12-30-2000 PHONE 760-564-6661 AJEMENT DATE 11-000 PAGE 1 OF 2 SOROPTIMIST INTL OF LA QUINTA PO BOX 1081 LA QUINTA CA 92253 All of us at Downey Savings wish you and yours happy, healthy holiday season. We appreciate your business, and look forward to serving you in 2001 and for many years to come. CHECKING ACCOUNT NUMBER 36-5300008-0 YEAR-TO-DATE INTEREST $15,27 INTEREST EARNED $,77 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE YIELD EARNED .75% PREVIOUS STATEMENT BALANCE 11-30-2000................................. $19152.68 SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS ON THIS STATEMENT 4 DEPOSITS AND OTHER CREDITS TOTALLING ..............Goose..... 899.69 INTEREST PAID THIS STATEMENT PERIOD ......................... .77 6 CHECKS AND 0 OTHER DEBITS TOTALLING .............................. 234.03- ENDING STATEMENT BALANCE ............................................... $19819.11 DEPOSITS AND OTHER CREDITS DATE DATE POSTED AMOUNT POSTED AMOUNT 12-12 85.00 12-29 79.00 12-23 683.00 OTHER CREDITS Check Reversal 2736 (Correction) 12-18 52.69 Interest 12-30 .77 CHECKS AND OTHER DEBITS NUMBER pgIp CHECK DATE AMOUNT NUMBER PAID AMOUNT 2732 12-05 23.00 2733 12-12 42.00 2735* 12-08 52.73 2736 12-15 52.69 2737 12-18 38.78 27 � FIND US ON THE WEB AT HTTP://WWW.DOWNEYSAVINGS.COM * GAP IN CHECK SEQUENCE X THIS CHECK WILL BE INCLUDED IN YOUR NEXT STATEMENT If your ATM, ATM Plus Visa or Access To Cash card is lost or stolen: Call 1-800-936-9639 AS►0.6 LA QUINTA BRANCH 78-435 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA CA 92253 PHONE 760-564-6661 SOROPTIMIST INTL OF LA QUINTA CHECKING ACCOUNT NUMBER 36-5300008-0 DowNEySAviNGc STATEMENT DATE 12-30-2000 PREVIOUS STATEMENT ,DATE 11-30-2000 PAGE 2 OF 2 DAILY BALANCE DATE AMOUNT DATE AMOUNT 12-01 12-05 1,127.85 1,104.85 12-18 12-23 1t056.34 1,739.34 12-08 12-12 1052.12 1:095.12 12-29 12-30 1,818.34 19819.11 12-15 1,042.43 276 180 FIND US ON THE WEB AT HTTP://WWW.DGWNEYS"INGS.CDM * GAP IN CHECK SEQUENCE # THIS CHECK WILL BE INCLUDED IN YOUR NEXT STATEMENT. If your ATM, ATM Plus Visa or Access To Cash card is lost or stolen: Call 1-800-936-9639 Alb JUL-27-2001 FRI 02:57 PM MICHAEL MENDOZA CPA 760 360 1314 P, 02 Form 990—EZ (:opikr:mom of Iho'reasury i ,ntarnai Revenue Snrvfce A For the 199fl Calendirr Short Form Return-64 Organization Exempt From Income Tax Under section 501(c) of the internal Revenue Code (except black lung heneflt trust or private foundation) ar section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charltattle trust r For organizations with gross receipts less than $100,000 and total as�;ets less than $250,000 at the and of the year. -► The organlzation may have to use a Copy of this return to satisfy state repert:ng requirements. ear, OR tax year beginning 7 / U .L , 1999, and ending 6%3 0 2 0 0 0 6 C,heCk if: please V Cuse IRS Change o! �d 1ra8� label or !nitia,;,6tue:� prima SOROPTTMTST INTERNATIONAL Off' LA QUTNTA ❑ (-Aa etarn Rae I P , 0 . BOX 1081 Amer'7adr8:U'ri spa'Jfic ! LA QUINTACA 92253 (rac:.irac also for Inist►tie— j , stata r•aoornrig) Lion t. II OrVa No. IS45_1,� 1999 This Form to Opon to Public. Inspoctlon (� Employer idonttfication number 33-005423? E Tarephone number F --hack: ► L it oxarnptrcn appli�ation is pan�ino I j Entai 'oar-gigit oup axerr.pcon numbdr (GE N) G Accounting method; ® Cash ❑ Accrual ❑ Other (specify) ► I Type of organization 11 19 Exempt under section 501(0) ( 4 ) (insert number) OR I~ © se+.-tl(jn 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust Note: Section 501(C)(3) organizations and section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts MUST attach a completed Schedule A (Form 99o), _ J Check ► ❑ If the organization's gross receipts are normally not more than $25,000. The organization ite(:d not file a return with the IRS; but if the.orga- nlWlCirl received a Foem 990 Package in the mail, the organlzatlon should file a return without financial data. Some states require a complete return. K Enter the organizations 1999 gross receipts (add back lines 5b, 6b, and 7b, to line 9) ............ . . . . F $ _ 38, 551 _ If $100,000 or more, the organization must file Form 990 Instead of Fc,rm 990-EZ. P 1111, : Revenues Expenses, and Ghange6 In Net Assets or Fund Balances (s_ea_Specific Instructions on a_qe 32.) 1 Contributions, gifts, grants, And similar amounts received (attach schedule of contributors)STPT!-LMENT. , ,1. 1 2 , 716 2 P ogram servi se revenue including govemmant fees and contracts ........................ . . . . . . . . . . . • 2 1 6 71 3 Membership clues and assessments .. . .................... . . . .............. . .. . .. . . . .......... 3 9 5 2,; 4 Investmant income ............ . ...... 4 7 .. 5a Gross amount from sale of assets other than inventory ,,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 5a b ! ess; cost or other basis and sales expenses . . ............................ c Gain or (loss) from sale of assets other than inventory (line U less line 5b) (attach schedule) ,, , ,, , , , , , , , , , e 5c v 6 Special event;. and activities (attach schedule): SEE STAT.'!aMENT 2----- > a Gross revenue (not including $ of contributions Ereported on llrie 1) 24, 548 b Lass: direct expenses other than fundraising expenses ...... . . . . . . . .......1::66:b1L1 � 12, 5807 ............. C Net income or (loss) from special svents and activities (Ilne 6a loss line 6b) ......... . . . .... . ............ 6c 11 , 9 61 7a Gross sales of inventory, less returns and allowances . . . .. . . . ..... . . . . .. . . . . .a b Less: cost of Goods sold .............................................. 7b e Gros; profit or (loss) from sales of inventory (line 7a less line 7b) ................... . . . • , . , . , , .... , , 7c 8 Other revenue (describo ► + e-- -"� 9 Total revenue (add lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5c, 6c, 7c, and $) .. ......... - . ... g 75, 9 6 4 10 Grants and similar amounts paid (attach schedule)... , , . 10 - - -- - 17 5 2 11 Benefits paid to or for members ... . .... .................................. ; 11 =-- X 12 Salaries, other oompensation, and employee benefits ...... . .. . . ...... . .. 12 --—_! - E 13 professional fees and other payments to Independent contractors ........ . ................ . 1 13 0 s14 Occupancy, rent, utilities, and maintenance ......... . .. . . . ........ . ... .. .. , . - ... ' .... 14 _ s 15 Printing, publications, post g t pn g .. . , ' . . . . . ... . ..... . . . . . -- - ... g, a a a, and Whl in ....................... . ....... ..... 15 21 5 16 Cther expenses (describe Ili- SEE STATKIEN'T' ? ) 16 i 14 , 2 3 9 17 Total expenses (add lines 10 through 11 . _ .. ► 17 i 2 6 , 555 18 Excess or (deficit) for the year (line 9 less line 17) ... . .......................... .. 18 �5 91 N 19 Net assets or fend balances at beginning of year (from line 27, column (A)) I. E (must agree w1h and -of -year figure reported on prior year's return) ........................... . .. . . . . . . 19 l 6 g 2 3 s 20 Other changes in net assets or fund balances (attach explanation) . ... . . . . ... . . ................ . . . . . .... 20 _ 21 Net assets or forid balances at end of year (combine lines 1$ thrOLtgh 20).. ... . w 21 5 232 Balance Sheets - If Total assets on line 25, Column (B) are $250,000 or more, file Form 9 :.0 instead of Form 990-EZ. (Sea Specific Instructions on page 36.) �(A) ang,nntnpOf year {a) Eno cr ,oar 2z Casn, savings, and investments . . . ............ . .....-- --- 6 8 2 3 - 23 Land and buildings .............................................................. 23 — 24 Other assets (describe ► _- �^ } � � 24 i - - 25 Total assets 6, 822 26 b 2 3 2 26 Total liabilities (de:cribe ► ) I - _ 0 28 / 27 Net assets or fund balances (line 27 of column �) must agree with line 21). —T 8 2 3 i 27 _ , 232 r<r•A For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 1 of the separate instructlons. Forrn 89o-FZ JUL-27-2001 FRI 02:49 PM MICHAEL MENDOZA CPA 760 360 1314 F�,irm!»o-Ezof 1!9e) SQRQPTIMIS`I' INTET-2kTIONAL OF J.A QUZNTA p A fly Statement of Program Serv.-,r� Accomplishments (See Specific Instructions -,2_r1'page 36, what is the organization's primary exempt purpose?- Descrlbe what was achieved in carrying out the organization's exempt purposas. In a clear and concise marine r, describe the services provided, the number of persons benefited, or other relevant Information for each program title._ 28 PROVIDED FUNDS FOR VARIOTJ'S YOUTH, HUMAN RESOURCES, HR J,TH AND EDUCATION WORLDWIDE CHARITY ORGANIZATIONS. _ — �(Grants 29 — --- P. 03 .33-0054832 Pagn 2 Expenses (Required for 601(c)(3) and (4) organizations and 4947(a)(1) trust,; optional for cthers.'t 28a 11 75 —_-- _ (Grants $ } I tea 30 _._. (Grants $ ) 30a 31 Other program services (attach schedule) Grants � -- ---- ( 32 Total program service expenses (add !iris: 28a through 31a) __- 32 List of Of ficersL Directors, Trustees, and Key Ern 10 ees (List each ono even 4 n,,t corripen.ate(i. boe Specific ,rwtr_c!;cns on page 3E.) () Tlilo and averago (C) Compnn1at:an (p) Cor.triput on& !c (1� Expense (A) Nama alai adQrasts hmoz pl+r yioek (If not paid, eniplo ee ganef y � Il plans ,� , account and cinvoted tr) position ant or —A- .) deferred compensatlen other a,iowancec ___._........ Other IntwMatlon (See Specific Instructions on page 37.) ;Yes No — - 33 Did organization engage In any activity not previously reported to IRS? If "Yes," attach a detailed descriptic,n of each activity ............ -- —, --,. -t-- . .. .' 34 Were any changes made to the organizing or governing documents but not reported to the IRS? If °Yee,' 4ach a canrormoo copy of the crnar.ges, 35 if the organization hao Income from business activities, such as those reported on lines 2, 6, and 7 (amt�nSI others), but NOT reported cn Form 990-7, attach a statement explaining your reason for not reporting the Income on Form 990-T. I' = a Did the organization have unrelated buslness gross income of $1,000 or more or 6033(e) notice, reporting, and proxy tax requirements? ... p If "Ye-J," has it filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? ..................................................... . ... . ...... I N . A 36 Was there a liquidation, dissolution, termination, or substantial contraction during the year? (If "Yes," attl4ch a statement.) .... . . . . . . .... . .. . 37a Enter amount of politlt;al expenditures, direct or indirect, as described In the instructions .............. .. io, 37a b Did the organlzation file Form 1120-POL for this year? ............... , ................ , , ...... .. , .......... ,_ .. ,_ , 38a Did the organization borrow from, or make any loans to, any officer, director, trustee, or key employee OR were any such loans made in a prior year and still unpaid at the start of the period covered by this return? ................ ........................ . . . . b If "Yes," attach the schedule specified in the line 38 instructions and enter the amount involved ............... ... 38b N/A f 39 501(c)(7) organizations. - Enter, a Initiatlon fees and capital contributions included an line 9 ............... . j 39a N/A b Gross receipts, Inclucitfd on line 9, for public use of club facilltless.................................... , Lab N/A 40a 501(c)(3) organization!.:. - Enter: Amount of tax imposed on the organization during the year under - section 4911 ► section 4912 Ir N/A ; section 4955 . ,VA b 501(c)(3) and (4) organizations. - Did the organization engage In any section 4958 excess benefit transacti in during the year or did it become aware of an excess beneflt transaction from a prior year? If "Yes," attach an explanation. Enter: Amount of tax Imposed on the organization managers or disqualified persons during the year under sections 4912, 4955, and 4958.................................................................. ............ 10, d Enter: Amount of tax on line 40c, above, reimbursed by the organization .......................... . . .......... ► _ 41 List the states with which a copy of this return Is filed. ► NONE _ 42 The books are in care of ► LANA SHERMAN Located 3t ► P . 0 Box 1081, LA QUINTA, CA 43 Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990-EZ in lieu of Form 1041 - Check hers ► T91epr10na nc, r 7 6 0 8 6 2 117 Y Z I P + 4 ► 9Z253 EIN / A -_—and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the tax year ................ , . 43 1 N/A _ unaer penaltlai of poriury, t declare that f hava axamined thl3 return, Incl. acoompanylnp tsahodulos a statementti, 3 to the ne.t of my knowiecQs 8 oelief, it is tru*, ccrro_I, Please cornplata. Declaration of proparor (other than of f lcar) is paaod an all Info, of w!c preparae has any knowledgo, Sign (Impor1ant::4e Deneral instruction U, pa©o 14.) Mere Slanati rt of officor gate ` Ty. n or print namo anu twa. Preparer'; Data wi Cr.ncK It 1 Prdpgrer'�i SSN or PTI:v P.j tl :,gnaturo self - , i M I CHAEL L . ME`"NDOZ.,A, CPA _!_omRloyed ► (� Preparar s MICHAEL L . MENDOZA CPA, Fis'rh'�rt�me:or , rIN � Use only yours If sell. ' 4 5 - 2 4 0 CLUB DRIVE amp.oyeci and addreae IND IAN WELLS, CA 12, P+4 F 92 210 Form 91--9295; JUL-27-2001 FRI 02:50 PM MICHAEL MENDOZA CPA 760 360 1314 P 04 F y �. r r { h .y .. .,. .; rS,ry ,k,i�•�. r•ri y :.i ..�.... .\�: { :\ yr.�•i :;./.; •:�•:ii%�r r ' ti` irk,. i y i •! 1�•r y , 1 L 1 ■ r, r �i GI. y 51 :T.lyi1 j' •^ r� .•f: .\.},kri•r.,>c\;S••Z•!:.•. •:6:'' .i;, � l �•►4� K�+�'TI����. ri STATEMENT 1 FORM 990-EZ, PART f, LINE 1 CONTRIBUTIONS, GIFTS, AND GRANTS NOT OPEN TO PUBLIC INSPEC."T'lCN NO S IN(�LE CONTRIBUTOR GAVE $ 5 , 000 OR MORZ )UR TNC THE YFA-'k . jUL-2,'-2UUI F�l U2:b1 PM ;ist MICHAEL MENDOZA CPA 760 360 1314 STATEMENT 2 FORM 990—EZ, PART 1, LINE 6 NET INCOME (LOSS) FROM SPECIAL EVENTS SPEC11,171tL EVENTS CT HER: SPECIAL EVENTS A OTHER 7 CROSS RECEIPTS $ 2 4 546 LESS: CONTATRUTIONS 0 gRoss 4, 548 LESS : DIRECT EXPENSES 12,587 0 �87 NET INCOME (LOSS) $ 11, 961 STATEMENT 3 FORM 990—EZ, PART 1, LINE 16 OTHER EXPENSIES PROMOTION ......... ..................... AWARDS .......................................... ..... $ CONFERENCE01 CONVENTIONS, AND MEETINGS ..................... 10,436 DUES FILING FEE:)' . . . . . . . . . . . . FI FLOWER 16:ljxPjl,14ND I TURE S ..................................... 75 INTEREST NEW MEMBER EXPEN ........................................... OFFICE EXPE'NDITURE PINS-ATTEWANCE PRESIDENTS EXPENDITURE ................ 16 PROGRAMS. ................................................. SUPPLIES.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TELEPHONE TOTAL $ 14-1.a,3c 230 Form 2758 Ap-glication for Extension of Time %--t^ilo (19ev.,l4ne1e9$' Certain Excise, Income, Information, and Other Returns ' . OMS �'o. 15.5 ct4o Ceparmcant of the Tr,,nsury l Intbmal Ravenue Service to, File a separate application for each return. Fmptoyar iekywhe4iLw number print, File the Please type or SOROPTIMI ST INTERNATIONAL OF LA OUINTA original and one Numhl,t, .moat, urid room or suite no. (or P u. box no, it mall is not Ueilvereil to strove nowow) copy by the due Mete for filing your P . o , nox 10 B 1 return. See ins- city, town or post orrice, state, and "LIP coda. For a torsion address, see instruction;,, �— tructlons on back. _ LA QUTNTA, CA 92253 Note: Corporate income tax return filers must use Form 7004.ta-regt7et girt a�efarygio n of time to file, Partnership), REMICs, and trusts must use Form 8736 to request an extension of time to fil.e�P6m 1065, 1066, or 1041. . 1 I request an extenson of time until $ / 5 , 2000 , to file (cipeck only one): _ ❑ Form 706-GS(D) ❑ arm 990-T (401(a) or 408(a) trust) -� ❑ Form 1120,.ND isec. 4951 taxes) ❑ Form 8612 ❑ Form 706-GS(T) Form 990-T (t ve) ❑ Forryi 3520•A ❑ Form 8613 ® Form 990 or 990-EZ Gj o se Instructions) 0 Form 4720 � [� Form 87..5 ❑ Form 990-BL ❑ Form 1041-A �''`"��. ❑ Form 5227 ❑ Form 8804 ❑ Form 99U-PP ❑ Form 1042 ❑ f=rrrrt 60rj9 ❑ Form 81331 If the organization d,.)es not have an office or place of business in the United States, check this box .... ... , . , , , . � ❑ 2a For calendar year 19 9 9 , or other tax year beginning and ending b 4 If this tax year is for less than 12 months, chock reason: Initial return Q Final return 11 0, hen le In aaccaun g period 3 Has an extension of time to file been previously granted for this tax year? ....................... ...... . .......... ........ 11 Yes ® No 4 State in detail why you deed the extension THE ORGANIZATION NEEDS ADDITIONAL TIME TO COMPILE 'E INFORMATION NECESSARY FOR THE PREPARATION OF THEIR .l',ETURNS . 5a If this form is for Form 746-GS(D), Form 708-GS(T), 990.6i_, 990-PF, 990-T, 1041 (estate), 1042, 1120-I4D. 4720, ^ 6059, 8612, 8513, 8 725, 8604, or $631, enter the tentative tax, loss any nonrefundable credits. See instructions. V b If this form is for Form 990-PF, 990-T, 1041 (estate), 1042, or 8804, enter any refundable credits and estim; ited tax payments made. Include any prior year overpayment allowed as a credit. ......................... .. . ........... $ U c Balance due. Subtract line 5b from line 5a. Include your payment with this form, or deposit with •FTD coupon if required, See Instructions.. .. $ Signature and Verification Ungar punalllae of periary, I dative Ihat I have examirlad this form, including accompanying achedulats and statements, and to the best of my �<no visooe and belief, it Is trUs, correct, anti conr:rlete; entl [flat I am authorized to prepars this form. ..� Signature Title Date jr FILE ORIGINA�E COPY. The iRS wl show below whether or not your application Is approved arid will return the copy. Notice to Applicant To Be Completed by the IRS We HAVE approved your application. Please attach this form to your return, Q We HAVE NOT itpproved your application. However, we have granted a 1 U-day grape period from th,3 h:,ter of the date shown below or the due date of your return (Including any prior extensions). This grace period is considered to bo a valid axiension of time for elections otherwise required to be made on a timely return. Please attach this form to your return. ❑ We HAVE NOT itpproved your application, After considering the reasons stated In item 4, we cannot grilnt your request for an extension of 1101110 to file. We are not granting the 10-day grace period.'\k We cannot consider your application because it was filed after tho'due date of the return for which an excenslon was requested, Uther If you want a copy of this form to be returned to an address other than that shown above, Tease enter the;c1drf-ss to 'which the copy should be sent. .,. �. �.-..-..._,..r,�.. Noma .�..,..... _._ _...�...� _. Pleas* MICHAEL, L . MENDOZA, CPA .:�+. ION APPROVED Type Number, street, and room or suite no. (or RD, box no. If mail Is not delivered to street Ft4drbss) or Print 4 5- 2 4 0 CLL'O'j3 DRIVE ' �y City, town or post offico, state, and ZIP coder For a foreign address, seo instructions. - I MDIAI\T WELLS, CA 92210 281 KFA For Paperwork ReduCtlon Act Notice, see back of form. LIh1t,AWEIGOPF FIELD DIR TO SUI=tIUiSSiJfit P'f't&E$SING, �....._._..__..�.-,_,__.. 185 P.04 ISOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL OF LA QUINTQA - COACHELLA VALLEY ZL INCOME AND EXPENSE STATEMENT 61l - 6/12p 2001 _ - GENERAL FUND Balance from check book $3,943.22 , Income: I_ ..._.._._ Meeting Fees $115.00 ,_ Brags _ { - -- -- r Ever member projects $25.00 3 dues 01/02 _ $ 60.00 arc# sale $20.00 _ ._ __. !_ Installation _ $200.00t _ �'otal Income $734 03 r 'President's Book $30.85_ -- Spring Conference $187. 78 Public Relations $22.65 newsletter $40,19 i Total Expense $261.47 ; _ GENERAL FUND BALANCE $4,395,75 1 $6,924.34 i �S�Ruj��.,r�•U.� D b�ita�l�:,f�onrt^�.he,�i�',�ok.. ,, 10.66 asunshine fund balance _ Income: I -.,- Melkesian Education Scholarship 1000.00------------- --- - - TOTAL INCOME $1,000.00 , _. Expenses 1 Scholarshi s _ $2,000.00 I SIA Foundation $350.00 SIA Identif in ro_e_ct _ $50.00' Y ��� 2 Education Committee $4.84 House of Hoe $200.00 irls Time - $166.97 -- -- - _ _....— �WOD Photos _ $12.99 - --.... _ —1— TOTAL EXPENSES $2,784.80 _�- ND �A NOE $6�j39.64 I - CONF/CONY ACCT6/1 /01 � _ 2,435.7 i TIMELKESIAN CD 6/1/01 1 __-__ i 1,281.881 F.02 tat; 07130,101 NV 365301'/M SCROPYrM1'$T INTL OF LA QUINTA ALL TRANSACTIONS r-0 DATA_ STATEMEN't DOTE MV,', TRCD DESCRIPTION NONCK AllUUNT 6/ 01/O 1 EtAI.,ANGC E FORWARD -- •_.. _..--.•—. ':> 6/0'7/0:1 CWO CHECK NUMBER 409 10DO.00 Ot CWO CHECK NUMi4ER 411 1000.00 6/12/0, DP DEPOSIT >iC 1.70 6/ 12/01. f,WO CHECK NUMBER 408 1000.00 c'/13/01 VP2 DEPOSIT 1000.00 6/13/01 DPO Dt-' P 05 1 T * 45.00 6/:3 3/01 ('U0 GNEC;K NUMBER 417 166.97 6/15/01 LWO CHECK NUMBER 416 17.83 6118/0:1 CWO CHECK NUMBER 414 50.00 6/19/01. 1)W85, RFTiJRNE.D DEPOSITl,p i;i• EUK >Ic 1.70 6 /19 / CI VWf)S RETURNED DEPOSTTE.D CHECK FEE 5.00 6/21/0;. (CWO 'CHECK NUMBER 415 350.00 h/' 0/oz IDO INTEREST PAID >fC 4.33 6/30/01 DAL ANC E 14413.'79 134.1:3.7? 12413.79 1241.5.49 11415.49 .12415.1, 12460. 4.9 12293.52 1227!�.69 12.225.69 12223.9? 12218.y9 i1.a6G.99 11873.3,E 283 HIS M30/01. ND 365RO0080 HROPTIMIST INTL UF• LA UUINTA ALL TRANSAC"TT.OW5 BY DATE.: STATEMENT LATE 6130/O1 DEa"(E TRC,1) DESCR"IF"ll ION NONCK AMOUNT BALANCE' 6/01. /01 X4AL..ANCE FORWARD _�........_�_ 4603.02 6/J.3 01 1?F'`..i I)F;NUSlT * :.K5.00 c)11,3f01 DP5 DE POSIT 759.00 897.02 ca!I"1 01 CWO CHECK NUMBER 2760 178.43 5718.59 6/15/01 CWO CHECK NUMBER 2759 1.03.04 5615.55 6/21 /01 CWO CHECK NLIM13E R 2763 480.00 5135.55 6/30/07, EDP? INTEREST PAID * 1.73 5137.28 6 186 284 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 7, 2001 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: Consideration of Approval of Montero STUDY SESSION: Estates Sound Wall Design Concept PUBLIC HEARING: Approve the "Berming and Sound Wall" concept for the Montero Estates Sound Wall; and Approve Contract Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $8,390.00 to the Harris & Associates' Professional Services Agreement (PSA), to prepare the Plans, Specifications, and Engineer's Estimate (PS&E) to landscape and add pilasters to the Sagebrush Sound Wall. Sufficient funding is available in the Transportation Development Impact Fee Fund to support staff's recommendation. This project is being funded entirely through local Development Impact Fees. It is intended the project be bid without prevailing wage requirements. The City may realize some savings in construction costs. In October 1996, Gordon Bricken & Associates, Acoustical and Energy Engineers, prepared an analysis of all sound study reports completed for Washington Street including the area fronting Montero Estates. On February 16, 1999, a Study Session was conducted to discuss the sound attenuation along Washington Street fronting the Montero Estates tract. During the Study Session it was determined that additional clarifications were necessary in regard to determining the type of mitigation that would be required along Washington Street to insure noise reduction within Montero Estates to levels indicated in the City's General Plan. TAPWDEPT\C0UNCIL\2001 \010807c.wpd On March 16, 1999, the City Council authorized Korve Engineering to proceed with an acoustical analysis of the Montero Estates for road noise from Washington Street and Avenue 50. The analysis was completed by Gordon Bricken & Associates and the report was presented to the City Council on June 11, 1999. Gordon Bricken's analysis concluded that a sound wall ranging from 10 to 12 feet high would be required along the west side of Washington Street, and a sound wall up to 8 feet high would be required along the north side of Avenue 50, in order to provide sufficient sound attenuation. If other sound attenuation measures were provided, the height of the sound wall may be decreased. In March 2000, the City Council approved a rubberized asphalt overlay for Washington Street and Avenue 50 as a pilot project to determine the noise attenuation value of rubberized asphalt. Gordon Bricken & Associates was contracted to complete traffic counts, noise level measurements and effects (if any) of the rubberized asphalt overlay. On March 8 and 9, 2000, Gordon Bricken & Associates completed traffic counts and noise level studies at four locations (prior to the placement of rubberized asphalt), two along Washington Street and two along Avenue 50, all fronting the Montero Estates Development. On March 29 and 30, 2000, noise measurements were again completed by Gordon Bricken & Associates (after the placement of rubberized asphalt) at the same locations as the March 8 and 9, 2000 noise measurements. On April 10, 2000, Gordon Bricken & Associates completed a report summarizing the effects of the rubberized asphalt overlay. In the report, Mr. Bricken states, "The rubberized treatment produced at least a 4 dBA reduction in the CNEL values at the two locations on Washington Street. The rubberized treatment did not produce any reduction in the CNEL values on Avenue 50." On September 19, 2000, City Council authorized staff to distribute a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the design of the Montero Estates Sound Wall, Project No. 2000- 12. On October 5, 2000, the City received one proposal in response to the RFP advertised to obtain professional engineering and design services for the Montero Estates Sound Wall Improvement Project No. 2000-12. The proposal was submitted by Holmes & Narver. Holmes and Narver proposed a lump sum fixed fee in the amount of $1 14,314.00. Considering the excessive proposed design fee, the project was re - advertised in an attempt to establish a more competitive selection process. During the December 19, 2000 City Council meeting, the City Council was provided a status report on the City's Capital Improvement Program (CI P) . This report included a schedule for all of the existing CIP projects including the Montero Estates Sound T:\PWDEPT\COUNCIL\2001\010807c.wpd 2 S 002 Wall. In order to expedite the design and bidding of the Montero Estates Sound Wall, the City Council, by consensus, directed the City Manager and staff to choose a design alternative for the Montero Estates Sound Wall. This alternative would be brought forward to the City Council for final approval. On January 4, 2001, the City received nine proposals in response to the RFP advertised to obtain professional engineering and design services for the Montero Estates Sound Wall Improvement Project No. 2000-12. On February 21, 2001, the Consultant Selection Committee interviewed the four top - ranked firms and unanimously recommended Harris & Associates be selected. On April 3, 2001, the City Council approved a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) in the amount of $70,998 with the firm, Harris & Associates to prepare the plans, specifications, and engineer's estimate for the Montero Estates Sound Wall Improvement Project No. 2000-12. As part of their contract for the design of the Montero Estates sound wall, Harris & Associates sub -contracted with Gordon Bricken & Associates to complete a new acoustical analysis so the wall height may be designed to provide sufficient noise attenuation. Due to his past experience with this project, Mr. Bricken completed 24-hour noise measurements at the exact same locations that were utilized in March 2000. On May 29, 2001, Gordon Bricken & Associates completed the new sound attenuation report, and the following are their findings: 1. The 2001 measurements indicate that the CNEL levels are similar to the conditions that existed before the rubberized treatment was installed; 2. As a result, the findings of the 1999 studies are recommended again. This would be a twelve foot (12') sound barrier along Washington Street and an eight foot (8') barrier along Avenue 50. After Mr. Bricken's report was received, City staff contacted Mr. Bricken with concern of the changes in the sound attenuating properties of rubberized asphalt. Mr. Bricken attributed this change to the aging of the rubberized asphalt and surface roughening. City staff asked Mr. Bricken if conventional asphalt were in place, would the aging and roughening of the conventional asphalt provide a higher noise level. Mr. Bricken stated he was unable to answer that question and was only reporting on the numbers that he had measured in the field. 2.87 TAMDEMCOUNCIL\2001 \010807c.wpd 003 Included as Attachment 1 is a copy of Page 7 of Gordon Bricken & Associates' Acoustical Analysis Verification of Sound Walls on Washington Street and Avenue 50. Tables 4 and 5 show Washington Street measurement comparisons and Avenue 50 measurement comparisons, respectfully, for the dates March 8 through 9, 2000 (before the placement of rubberized asphalt), March 28 through 29, 2000 (after the placement of rubberized asphalt) and May 15 through 16, 2001 (approximately one year and two months after the placement of rubberized asphalt). The measurements were taken at Positions #3 and 10 along Washington Street and #12 and #13 along Avenue 50. Included as Attachment 2 is a copy of a map from Mr. Bricken's report indicating the 24-hour measurement sites. On March 8 to 9, 2000, the traffic volume on Washington Street was counted at 19,239 vehicles per day. On May 15 to May 16, 2001 the traffic volume was counted at 24,512 vehicles per day. This is an increase of 5,273 vehicles per day (27.41 % increase). According to Mr. Bricken's comparison chart on Table 4, at location #3 along Washington Street, the decibal level has increased by 2.8 dBA CNEL since the condition of Washington Street prior to placement of the rubberized asphalt. At position #10 the dBA CNEL level has decreased by .7 dBA CNEL from the noise level prior to the placement of rubberized asphalt. Although the noise level appears to have increased at position #3 by a small amount, it has decreased at position #10. These measurements, included with the year of aging and roughening of Washington Street, and an increase in traffic of greater than 27%, indicate that rubberized asphalt may have made an impact to the noise levels of Washington Street. When analyzing Avenue 50, there appears to be no change in noise levels at position #12 for all three dates measurements were taken. Again, with over a year of aging and roughening of the rubberized asphalt, this may indicate that rubberized asphalt may be having an impact. In addition to this information, Mr. Bricken concluded in his report dated April 20, 2000 that the rubberized treatment did not produce any reduction in CNEL values on Avenue 50. However, in analyzing Table 5, the Avenue 50 measurement comparisons, at position #13, there appears to be a decrease in noise level before and after rubberized asphalt was placed in March 2000 in the amount of 5.1 dBA CNEL. The measurements taken at position #13 in May of 2001 show a total of a 5.2 dBA CNEL reduction from the conditions that existed prior to the placement of rubberized asphalt. This again is after over a year of aging and roughening. Staff was unable to make direct comparisons of traffic volumes on Avenue 50 since the traffic counters were cut during the March 8 to 9, 2000 traffic count. An estimated traffic volume was utilized by Gordon Bricken & Associates. The traffic counts of March 29 and 30, 2000 indicated a volume of approximately 700 vehicles 288 T:\PWDEPT\C0UNCIL\2001 \010807c.wpd 004 per day greater than the traffic count of May 15 to 16, 2001 . Although Mr. Bricken concluded that the rubberized asphalt had no effect on sound attenuation for Montero Estates, the numbers in the studies appear to be conflicting. Also, there appears to be a noise reduction while driving a vehicle on Washington Street between the rubberized asphalt area and the conventional asphalt area. In order to obtain more information on the effectiveness of rubberized asphalt as a noise reduction measure, the City staff received information from the Rubberized Asphalt Concrete Technology Center in the County of Los Angeles. Included as Attachment 3 is Page 4 from the "Rubberized Asphalt Concrete Technology Center Field Guide for the Construction Inspector." Under Advantages of Rubberized Asphalt Concrete, bullet point number 3 states: "provides a highly skid resistant surface, reduces tire noise by 50% to 80% and resists rutting and shoving." In the Conclusion of the Field Guide (Attachment 4) the following is stated: "Rubberized Asphalt Concrete (RAC) is a proven product that will stretch your agency's roadway maintenance funds and help reduce the stockpiles of scrap tires in California. When used in appropriate situations and constructed properly, RAC will produce a safe, high quality, durable, quiet roadway that is more cost effective than conventional asphalt concrete. But, quality construction is a must." The height of the wall recommended by Gordon Bricken & Associates is twelve feet (12') along Washington Street and eight feet (8') along Avenue 50. This is based on a target noise level of 60 dBA CNEL and a build -out traffic volume of 66,100 average daily trips (ADT). On June 27, 2001, Harris & Associates provided three sound wall design alternatives, along with their respective cost estimates, for City review. Alternative 1 provides for a twelve foot (12') sound wall with a retaining wall footing and desertscape drought tolerant landscaping for an estimated construction cost of $766,680. Alternative 2 provides a berm with a maximum height of two feet (2'). A ten foot 0 0') sound wall would be placed on top of the berm along Washington Street, and a six foot (6') sound wall would be placed on top of the berm along Avenue 50. The height of these walls has been determined utilizing an allowable noise level of 60 dBA CNEL and the projected build -out traffic volume of 66,100 ADT. The present traffic counts indicate approximately 20,000 ADT. Therefore, the noise levels as indicated in Mr. Bricken's report will not occur for a number of years. TAPWDEPT\C0UNCIL\2001 \010807c.wpd 005 Presently, the Community Development Department is updating the City's General Plan. As part of that update, there is a recommendation to increase the noise level threshold to 65 dBA CNEL. With a threshold of 65 dBA CNEL, Gordon Bricken & Associates' report indicates that an eight foot (8') wall would be required along Washington Street and a six foot (6') wall along Avenue 50. With a two foot (2') berm this would equate to a six foot (6') wall along Washington Street and a four foot (4') wall along Avenue 50. The recommendation for Alternative 2 (Attachment 5) is as follows: the concept will provide a two foot (2') high berm at a three to one slope with a six foot (6') sound wall along the top of the berm for both Washington Street and Avenue 50. Pilasters will be placed every 40' to 50', and the slopes will be landscaped with a drought - tolerant landscaping theme that is consistent with the City landscaping pallet. The estimated construction cost for this concept is $523,890. If the City Council were to adopt the General Plan and approve a new sound threshold of 65 dBA CNEL, that wall height would be sufficient for build -out. In case this does not occur, as part of the design the foundations and wall size will be constructed in order to add future courses of sound block material to provide a wall height up to ten feet (10') along Washington and eight feet (8') along Avenue 50. If the noise threshold remains at 60 dBA CNEL, the ultimate wall heights of ten feet (10') and eight feet (8') will not be required for a number of years until the City approaches build -out, and the traffic levels along Washington Street exceed 60,000 ADT. Alternative 3 provides for a twelve foot 0 2') sound wall with a retaining wall footing, 3.5 foot planter wall with a retaining wall footing, and desertscape drought tolerant landscaping for an estimated construction cost of $966,518. City staff requested a cost estimate from Harris & Associates to complete an aesthetic enhancement and landscaping design for the existing sound wall fronting Saguaro, Sagebrush and Bottlebrush. A cost of $8,390.00 has been provided by Harris & Associates to complete an aesthetic design consistent with Alternative 2, including pilasters and landscaping. The landscaping opportunity along the front of the sound wall fronting Saguaro, Sagebrush and Bottlebrush is somewhat limited due to the amount of space available. By approving Contract Change Order No. 1, Harris & Associates will complete the plans and specifications for the enhancement of the Saguaro, Sagebrush and Bottlebrush wall to be bid as part of the same package with the Montero Estates sound wall. A cost savings would be realized in constructing the enhancements to the Saguaro, Sagebrush and Bottlebrush sound wall along with the larger project for the Montero Estates sound wall. Representatives of the Montero Estates Homeowners' Association have approached 290 TAPWDEPT\C0UNCIL\2001 \010807c.wpd 006 City staff requesting enhancements to the Montero Estates sound wall at the northwest corner of Washington Street and Avenue 50. The enhancements requested would be consistent with the corner of the Duna La Quinta wall located on the southwest corner of the intersection of Washington Street and Avenue 50. This wall would include a different texture with a white finish, landscaping, lighting and lettering indicating "Montero Estates." Considering City Council approval of the sound wall concept (Attachment 1), the following represents how the project is expected to proceed: Project Design Complete Approval of PS&E/Authorization to Receive Bids Bid Period Approval to Award Construction Construction Period Accept Improvements September 2001 October 2001 November 2001 December 2001 December 2001 - February 2002 The alternatives available to the City Council include: March 2002 1. Approve the "Berming and Sound Wall" concept for the Montero Estates Sound Wall; and approve Contract Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $8,390.00 to the Harris & Associates' Professional Services Agreement (PSA), to prepare the Plans, Specifications, and Engineer's Estimate (PS&E) to landscape and add pilasters to the Sagebrush Sound Wall; or 3. Do not approve the "Berming and Sound Wall" concept for the Montero Estates Sound Wall; and do not approve Contract Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $8,390.00 to the Harris & Associates' Professional Services Agreement (PSA), to prepare the Plans, Specifications, and Engineer's Estimate (PS&E) to landscape and add pilasters to the Sagebrush Sound Wall; or 2 !11 TAMDEMCOUNCIU2001\010807c.wpd 007 4. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, //Z' Y / C ris A. Vogt Public Works Director/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Page 7 of Gordon Bricken & Associates' Acoustical Analysis Verification of Sound Walls on Washington Street and Avenue 50. 2. Map of 24-hour measurement sites. 3. Page 4 from the Rubberized Asphalt Concrete Technology Center Field Guide. 4. Field Guide Conclusion. 5. Preferred Alternative Berming and Sound Wall. 292 TAMDEPT\COUNCIU2001 \010807c.wpd 008 ATTACHMENT 01/310 It is clear that the mix listings and the volumes were not the same for the three measurement days. Therefore, the March, 2000 data was adjusted to the May, 2001 mix and volume. This results in corrections that are then applied to the March, 2000 data to calibrate the earlier measurements to the 2001 measurements. 4.0 COMPARISON OF MEASUREMENTS Tables 4 and 5 compare the measurements for the three samples for the 2001 mix and volume. TABLE 4 WASHINGTON STREET MEASUREMENT COMPARISONS DATE POSITION CNEL 3/8-91 2000 #3 67.6 3/28-29, 2000 64.9 5/15-16, 2001 70.4 3/8-9, 2000 #10 69.3 3/28-29, 2000 63.4 5/15-16, 2001 68.6 TABLE 5 AVENUE 50 MEASUREMENT COMPARISONS DATE POSITION CNEL 3/8-9, 2000 ##12 63.0 3/28-29, 2000 63.1 5/15-16, 2001 63.0 3/8-9, 2000 #13 63.5 3/28-29, 2000 58.4 5/15-16, 2001 58.3 Inspection of Tables 4 and 5 indicates the following: 1. On Washington Street, the reduction shown on March 28-29 for the rubberized treatment does not show up in May, 2001. In fact, the May, 2001 results are similar to the March, 2000 data before treatment. 2. On Avenue 50, there was virtually no difference in any of the three measurements at Location #12. There is little difference between the March 28-29, 2000 results and the May, 2001 results at Location #13. 7 293 00 tr � - - -,; '-w. V -A as .WTA , . , ., I kl- --Nw - _Ip� • UEN.- If"," a"I'M7 T WW44*- , ATTACHMENT 3 Ensures long-lasting, durable pavement that resists reflective cracking. Saves money. By using its superior resistance to reflective cracking, a RAC resurfacing project can save as much as $20,000 per lane mile over AC by placing a thinner section (2 inches RAC vs. 4 inches AC). Provides a highly skid -resistant surface, reduces tire noise by 50% — 80%, and resists rutting and shoving. uses over 2,000 tires per lane mile in a 2-inch resurfacing project, making RAC environmentally friendly. Provides excellent color contrast for striping and marking. Note: California generates over 30 million scrap tires annually. 012 ATTACHMENT 4 RAC is a proven product that will stretch your agency's roadway maintenance funds and help reduce the stockpiles of scrap tires in California. When used in appropriate situations and constructed properly, RAC will produce a safe, high -quality, durable, quiet roadway that is more cost effective than conventional asphalt concrete. But, quality construction is a must! As the eyes and ears of the agency you represent, you are charged with a great responsibility. Each project has been designed in accordance with accepted criteria using specifications that are, in reality, minimum requirements for the quality of the materials and the workmanship. Your job is to verify that the final field product conforms to the plans and specifications. It is an important job. It deserves your full attention. Remember: Quality construction can only be obtained through quality inspection... you are the key! OR 013 ;i 297 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 7, 2001 Consideration of Installation of Additional Lighting at the La Quinta Sports Complex RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the City Council. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: v CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: The cost for the additional light fixtures and to install the light bank on an existing light pole at the La Quinta Sports Complex would total $8,780. This project can be funded by the Quimby Account, which has adequate funds available. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: At the November 21, 2000 City Council meeting, the City Council authorized the installation of additional light banks at the La Quinta Sports Complex. The additional lights provided more playing area for the soccer organization, and some additional lighted areas on the baseball fields. The La Quinta Sports and Youth Association (Youth Baseball) has requested that the City install an additional light bank on an existing pole to light the batting cages located behind the snack bar at the La Quinta Sports Complex, as provided in Attachment 1. Attachment 2 provides a site plan which illustrates the area that was illuminated by the additional lights provided in November 2000, as well as the area of the Sports Complex in which the additional lights are being requested. The lighting manufacturer, Musco, has provided a quote for the materials needed to provide adequate light for the batting cages, for the cost of $4,781 .40 as provided in Attachment 3. The additional lighting fixtures should be purchased from Musco, as to be compatible with the existing fixtures. The Musco organization does not provide installation; therefore, installation quotes will 298 9 The Musco organization does not provide installation; therefore, installation quotes will be solicited and are estimated to be approximately $3,200. Following is a cost breakdown for the project: Additional Light Fixtures $4,782* Musco Lighting Installation of Fixtures $3,200 Approximate Cost Contingency $798 Total Project Cost $8,780 *rounded up from actual quote FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Authorize the expenditure of $8,780 from the Quimby Account to install additional light fixtures at the La Quinta Sports Complex; or 2. Do not authorize the expenditure of $8,780 from the Quimby Account to install additional light fixtures at the La Quinta Sports Complex; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, munity Services Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Correspondence from the La Quinta Sports and Youth Association 2. Site Map of Sports Complex 3. Material Quote from Musco for Additional Light Fixtures S:\Community Services\CCReports\CC.139.Sports Complex Lighting.wpd 4. 041 �L�L f `T� April 30, 2001 ATTACHMENT 1 SPORTS & YOUTH ASSOCIATION POST OFFICE BOX 262 • LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA • 92253 Dear Dodie Horvitz, We, the La Quinta Sports & Youth Association Board are formally requesting lighting for the batting cages and back lighting for field # 6. This can be accomplished by putting lights on the back side of the existing light pole on filed # 1 back right field. If any questions, please give me a call, 564-3423. Thank you for your cooperation and your promptness in this matter. Sincerely Edie Brito L.Q.S.Y.A. President cc: L. Q council members Mayor John Pena Tom Geneovise 300 (104 ATTACHMENT 2 /S 1 Additional Field Lights, November 2000 - i , Add g � , � r �dWO y y i 1 � Additional Lights Requested ' J ATTACHMENT 3 Colleen Marcum Musco Sports Lighting, Inc. COST ESTIMATE Phone: 714/540-9335 800/659-0117 toll tree Fax:714/540-9344 E-mail: colleen. marcumamusco.com DATE: July 9, 2001 3151 Airway Ave. Bldg G-1 TO: Mr. Dodie Horvitz - Director of Community Services Dept. costa Mesa, CA 92626 City of La Quinta Web site: www,musco.com Fax: (760) 777-1251 FROM: Ms. Colleen Marcum - Musco Sports Lighting, LLC SUBJECT: Cost Estimate PROJECT: La Quints Sports Complex Relight Addtl. Crossarm - La Quints, CA The following is our preliminary Cost Estimate for the project mentioned above. FIXTURES: Three (3) Musco SC-2 LV81500 watt metal halide luminaire assemblies complete with factory wiring through the cross arms and factory pre -aiming. Includes lamas. Guarantees - The entire units from the pre -cast concrete columns to the top of the pole are UL listed with all UL listed components. Musco guarantees the entire assembly for a period of five (5) years to be free from defects in material and workmanship. Musco will provide labor and material during the first two (2) years and replacement parts the remaining warranty years. Lamp failures the first twelve (12) months will be replaced and installed by Musco at no cost to the owner. Musco will replace lamp failures the second year to be installed by others. Electrical - To be provided by others. Light Performance - Musco assumes all responsibility for field light level requirements and the off -site glare -spill light control requirements per the project plans and specifications. Please see the enclosed computer models for the recommended field light levels. Alignment - Musco warrants accurate alignment of the luminaires on the luminaire assembly for a period of five (5) years. Specifications - inciudes providing all of the iighting performance specifications, as weii as, the structurai design. Technical Consultation - Musco will provide technical on site assistance as required by the City or Installing Contractor. All fine tune aiming, if necessary, will be Musco's responsibility. This service is provided as a courtesy. COST ESTIMATE: Fixtures - Includes all the aforementioned products and services. WHOLESALE COST: $4,781.40 If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. I will be happy to meet with you at your convenience. Thank you for your interest in Musco Lighting. 3oi? mus 006 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 7, 2001 Consideration of Team Sponsorship for Relay for Life Event on November 3-4, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the City Council. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: The cost is $10 per team member. Last year the City paid $100 for an unlimited number of team members. The Community Services Department Fiscal Year 2001-02 budget contains a line item under Account #101-251-663-667 for the Relay for Life event in the amount of $2,600. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The City of La Quinta sponsored a team in the Relay for Life event that was held at the La Quinta High School football field on October 14-15, 2000. Due to the event being held in La Quinta, the City Council appropriated $2,500 to sponsor the "Kid's Camp" section of the event along with an additional $100 for the team registration. Each team member was asked by the American Cancer Society to then raise a minimum of $100 each as donations to the American Cancer Society. The City sponsored team consisted of the Mayor and Council members, as well as Commissioners and Board members of the City's various advisory bodies. This year's event will be held at the Palm Desert Civic Center Park on November 3-4, 2001 as provided in Attachment 1. 303 The City Council allocated $2,600 in the Community Services Department Fiscal Year 2001-02 budget for this event, based on last year's contribution. Staff is seeking direction as to the amount the City Council would like to authorize as sponsorship for this event this year. Attachment 2 provides a list of sponsorship opportunities along with the cost of each. Staff is also seeking direction as to the level of participation the City should provide in this event. One possible option includes sponsoring a team by paying the team registration fee. Should the City Council authorize a team sponsorship, the same format could be used as last year, in which Commissioners and Board members are invited to participate. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Authorize the City sponsorship of a team in the Relay for Life event to be held on November 3-4, 2001 in Palm Desert and a sponsorship of a special category, to be funded by Account #101-251-663-667; or 2. Authorize the City sponsorship of a team in the Relay for Life event to be held on November 3-4, 2001 in Palm Desert to be funded by Account #101-251- 663-667; or 3. Do not authorize the City sponsorship of a team in the Relay for Life event; or 4. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respgctfully ,submitted, Dodie Horvitz!C�Vmunity Services Director Approved for submission by: 1 Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. American Cancer Society's Newsletter 2. Relay for Life Sponsorship Opportunities S:\Community Services\CCReports\= 140.Relay for Life Team.wpd 304 iE02 A �� E! R7 OR P. l - mna r O QJ 5 r C _ C002 Z x T N = co (D zm �s �� c w o' CD r C) A c 7 < C- C y < ° L' mDN� O L n 31'a y C. m - zpMOT mm� o D D C) � I O 0 21 CO y C C O X S L T � _, S � c• f � c 3 .. S Epp>_n> C4 Ln ;rn L a-o CD � n C � V] •r. � a � C � _ g 5° a f o F ;r C =r c CDCL ° c s n p � rA _ r. 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SALES LUMINARIA 4 r O M c O y'Of -4- x rn c m 7C o TRACK c>'� < 0 0 < X y VOLUNTEERS RELAY BOOTH STORE o' EDUCATION Mmi TENT wtr co a0 �'ib I �n�, D3� .z� �o� �g X-Po d >O z >zz > >2 y C1 i0 00 > M >� M -� oa 7C OO rn �3 mr"u Crn 7; Mn pbn w c: 19 o m O rn z N> '^ s TRACK TRACK TRACK among �v o 1 nn 3 9 IV- C D y o 0 ° o o' = o =rid i�i _ rn; i" W-3 -I c x M O 0 ; m s o �o a c O z~At7 -i w r r•a � ; o 3 co 0 c� 0 Nk c� ZC x Q 0 n. vs O� c t <C=1C1k oMi oM, M n Z Z Z I I -q r-r71;T====t -!-M0000 Wp_-iD o o r. 3 3 O O O ro 2 A O orno � � c O O ro to d�� H� ro O eo W Cr Q _ ,Do0 ,� m d0000eo^,� Ao+ �0a33°J�3.»�_'A`�6''?�ia�o3� A O, 7 N S+ 3 c C C p O O 3 �+ 7C = Ip A ('� 0 7 In Q o� 3 IUD 5�0��H>>�A'^DDD 2. A��oo,roA�Off3C1iR�°�a�W�c� m a SQ c�„ ao� 0 a�, G,, of 0 o 3 a o a c°'3'° "a a v+.�rn. d Owr.� A 3 3 N 3A°' 3 c° CQ 3 Z ri pr 10- c o, nc 3 �w o go O pr m --i ri f1 c o eb M c 3 306 PROGRAMS AND SERVICES OF THE DESERT PALMS AREA Support groups and visitation programs for mastectomy, laryngectomy and ostomy patients. Medical equipment loan and ep gratis supply of dressings, wigs, prostheses and other items. Youth Adult Education programs p stressing prevention, risk • reduction and early detection. Transportation to treatment mileage reimbursements and i • hotel accommodations for area patients. The American Cancer Society is the largest source of i non -governmental research funds in the United States. EXPENDITURES OF THE AmmcAN CANCER So= MANAGEMENT DETECTION S GENERAL a TREATMENT 7% 14% FUND-RAISING PAnENT SERVICES 17% PREI/ENTION RESEARCH 20% 70% Based on figures from the 1998 National Annual Report ATTACHMENT 2 Please attach copy as you wish it to appear, or submit camera-ready artwork. Inside Front/Back Cover Full Page Half Page $500 $300 $200 Live Live 71/2' x 10" 71/2' x 10" Trim 81/2 x l V Trim Bleed 8v2 x 11" 71/2" x 47/s" 83/4" X 111/4" Quarter Page Business Card $100 $50 34/5" x 47/s" 35/s" x 3/s' COMPANY: CONTACT NAME: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: PHONE: FAX: Attached is my check for $ (tax deductible). Please make check payable to The American Cancer Society. Please charge my credit card: Visa MC Amex Credit Card # Exp. Date Desert Palms Area (760) 568-2691, Press 3 74-140 El Paseo, Suite One Palm Desert, CA 92260 Tax I.D. 941170350 Solicited by: RELAY9N Pr A TEAM RV12NT TO Flow 4CJ NICER 307 0�1 RELAY9N 0 r A TEAM EVENT TO FIGHT CANCER SPONSORSHIP INFORMATION Relay For Life 2001 Palm Desert Civic Center Park November 3=4, 2001 308 RELAY9N r A TEAM EVENT TO FIGHT CANCER $159000 $109000 $ 79500 $ 5,000 $ 29500 $19000 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 250 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY'S RELAY FOR LIFE 2001 Relay is a celebration of life where people come together for a 24-hour block party. Teams walk around the track to raise money while spectators enjoy entertainment, food and community spirit. You and/or your company can take pride in sponsoring the life-saving work of the American Cancer Society as a Relay sponsor. Sponsorship Menu of Opportunities Title Sponsor - you are recognized as the premier event sponsor ($25,000 for a two-year commitment) Excalibur Sponsor - you are awarded a national Excalibur award by the American Cancer Society Platinum Sponsor - you receive recognition before, during & after event Gold Sponsor - you receive recognition before and during event Silver Sponsor - you receive recognition during event Bronze Sponsor - you receive recognition at one event activity Community Sponsorships Security Sponsor - recognition at one of two security booths Transport Sponsor - recognition on golf carts/volunteer vehicles Water Station Sponsor - recognition at one of 4 water stations Team Photo Sponsor - recognition on commemorative team photos (SOLD) Street Signs - recognition on 2 street signs along pathways Your charitable contribution to Relay For Life is tax deductible in most cases. Please consult your tax advisor for additional information. American Cancer Society * Desert Palms Area Office 74-140 El Paseo, Suite One * Palm Desert, CA 92260 Updated 03/15/01 11:00 am 309 (760)568-2691, Press 3 Fax (760)341-8783 (. J 8 RELAY9N r A TEAM EVENT TO FOCHT CANCER AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY'S RELAY FOR LIFE 2001 SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS TITLE SPONSOR - $159000 (SOLD) (Or $25,000 for a two-year commitment) * Title Name Recognition. Your representative co -hosts the opening, luminary and closing ceremonies. You receive special recognition throughout the 24-hour event. You participate in all publicity opportunities. High -Quality Visibility with face-to-face access to a prime consumer target audience including youth ages 12 - 22 and adults ages 22 - 64. Your company logo is prominently displayed on newsletters, posters, t-shirts, program, goody bags and in all media. >Ar Automatic Team Status. Your group/company receives team status including 24 sponsor shirts, a VIP hospitality tent for 24 including a catered dinner and breakfast during the event and a commemorative sponsor team photo. Life -Saving Information for Your Employees. The American Cancer Society will come to your workplace/meeting place at your discretion to provide important cancer education and prevention information to your group. The program could include a trained nutritionist, a smoking -cessation facilitator or a physician, as appropriate. Association with the American Cancer Society. Your company will be associated with the largest source of private cancer research funds in the United States, awarding over $25 million to California researchers this year alone. The American Cancer Society has funded 30 Nobel Laureates and is one of the Top 10 best managed nonprofits in the country, according to U.S. News and World Report. You can be proud of your efforts to fight cancer in your own community. American Cancer Society * Desert Palms Area Office 74-140 El Paseo, Suite One * Palm Desert, CA 92260 (760)568-2691, Press 3 Fax (760)341-8783 Updated 03/15/01 11:00 am 310 C: 09 RE LAYM I�0 r A TEAM EVENT TO FIGHT CANCER AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY'S RELAY FOR LIFE 2001 SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS EXCALIBUR SPONSOR - $109000 (Limited to Three Sponsors) Local Recognition. Your name appears on printed materials, signage and participant t- shirts. You are recognized at the opening and luminary ceremonies. At the closing ceremony, you will give out achievement awards and receive a commemorative photo. National Recognition. You receive EXCALIBUR standing in a nationally -recognized donor membership group which entitles you to special briefings on cancer research and attendance at an exclusive roundtable meeting at a world-renowned scientific research institution somewhere in the United States. You also receive a handsome EXCALIBUR award. �k Team Benefits. You receive automatic team status along with sponsor shirts and VIP seating including a catered dinner during the event. * Association with the American Cancer Society. You will be associated with the largest source of private cancer research funds in the United States, awarding over $25 million to California researchers this year alone. The American Cancer Society has funded 30 Nobel Laureates and is one of the Top 10 best managed nonprofits in the country, according to U.S. News and World Report. You can be proud of your personal efforts to fight cancer in your own community. American Cancer Society * Desert Palms Area Office 74-140 El Paseo, Suite One * Palm Desert, CA 92260 (760)568-2691, Press 3 Fax (760)341-8783 Updated 03/15/01 11:00 am 311 C10 RELAY9N III'I A TEAM EVENT TO FIGHT CANCER AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY'S RELAY FOR LIFE 2001 SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS PLATINUM SPONSOR - $79500 (Limited to Three Sponsors) Local Recognition. You will be recognized before, during and after the event. Your name appears on printed materials, signage and participant t-shirts. You participate in local publicity opportunities. Team Benefits. You receive automatic team status including 12 sponsor shirts and reserved seating (including refreshments) for 12 during the event along with a commemorative photo. * Naming Opportunity. You may choose one of the following event components to be named after your company/group/self. 1) Concession Sponsor - Your name is prominently displayed on banners above all concession areas, on napkins, tablecloths and recycle bins throughout the stadium. You will announce all meal breaks. 2) Luminary Sponsor - Your name is printed on all keepsake luminary bags sold before and during the event (estimate: 3500). Your name is displayed at the luminary sales and staging areas. You will co -host the luminary ceremony and announce the turning on and off of the stadium lights. 3) Main Stage Sponsor - Your name is featured over the main stage area during the entire 24 hours. Your name is mentioned on the air during live radio and TV broadcasts. Your name is featured on signage listing the entertainment schedule. Association with the American Cancer Society. You will be associated with the largest source of private cancer research funds in the United States, awarding over $25 million to California researchers this year alone. The American Cancer Society has funded 30 Nobel Laureates and is one of the Top 10 best managed non -profits in the country, according to U.S. News and World Report. You can be proud of your personal efforts to fight cancer in your own community. Updated 03/15/01 11:00 am American Cancer Society * Desert Palms Area Office 74-140 El Paseo, Suite One * Palm Desert, CA 92260 3 I (760)568-2691, Press 3 Fax (760)341-8783 . 41 C: JL RELAY41 .� �A A TEAM EVENT TO FIGHT CANCER AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY'S RELAY FOR LIFE 2001 SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS GOLD SPONSOR - $59000 (Limited to Five Sponsors) Local Recognition. Your name appears on printed materials, signage and participant t- shirts. You are recognized before and during the event and receive a commemorative photo. You participate in local publicity opportunities. Team Benefits. You receive automatic team status including 12 sponsor shirts and special seating (including refreshments) during the event. Naming Opportunity. You may choose one of the following event components to be named after your company/group/self. 1) Opening Ceremony - Your name is displayed on the main stage, at the starting line and on the first lap banner. You will announce the start of the relay. 2) Closing Ceremony - Your name is displayed on the main stage, and on the morning entertainment schedule. You announce the total income raised and give out the award for the highest earning team/individual. 3) Luminaria Ceremony - Your name is displayed on the main stage. You will co -host the luminaria ceremony, read an inspirational poem and announce how many luminarias were sold. 4) Fun Zone - Your name is displayed over all the main entrances to the adult and children's activity areas. 5) Celebration of Life Sponsor - Your name is featured on t-shirts for cancer survivors. Your name is displayed on the cancer survivor's hospitality tent. Your name is featured on commemorative photos for cancer survivors. Association with the American Cancer Society. You will be associated with the largest source of private cancer research funds in the United States, awarding over $25 million to California researchers this year alone. The American Cancer Society has funded 30 Nobel Laureates and is one of the Top 10 best managed non -profits in the country, according to U.S. News and World Report. You can be proud of your personal efforts to fight cancer in your own community. Updated 03/15/0111:00 am American Cancer Society * Desert Palms Area Office 74-140 El Paseo, Suite One * Palm Desert, CA 92260 (760)568-2691, Press 3 Fax (760)341-8783 313 C,1.2 RELAYM A A TEAM EVENT TO FIGHT CANCER AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY'S RELAY FOR LIFE 2001 SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS SILVER SPONSOR - $29500 Local Recognition. Your name appears on printed materials, signage and participant t- shirts. You are recognized during the event and receive a commemorative photo. Naming Recognition. You may choose one of the following opportunities. 1) Team Sponsor - Sponsor a team of walkers (up to 24 people) by paying their registration fee and minimum $100 per person fund-raising goal. 2) Survivor's Wall of Champions - Your name is featured over a lighted billboard where participants can post pictures in honor of cancer survivors. The wall is a special place of reflection and dedication. 3) Memorial Wall of Champions - Your name is featured over a lighted billboard where participants can post pictures and remembrances in memory of loved ones lost. - SOLD 4) Relay Track Signs - Your name is featured on each Track Sign placed around the track for all to read. Track signs display cancer messages (prevention, nutrition, statistics, etc.). 5) Relay Store - Your name is featured on the Relay Store. A variety of Relay For Life merchandise will be available in the store throughout the event. - SOLD 6) Cancer Survivor Tent - Your name is featured at the Cancer Survivor Tent. This tent will serve as a reception area for cancer survivors to have refreshments and relax. 7) Education Tent - Your name is featured at the Education Tent. A variety of educational activities and information will be available for all who visit. 8) Activity Sponsor - Your name is featured over one of the following: a) Kid's Kamp - Children's activities area to include assorted games and crafts. b) Movie Tent - An outdoor movie theatre featuring a big screen TV, movies and popcorn. c) Entertainment - Name recognition on stage during a six -hour block of time during which performers will keep the crowd busy. d) Survivors Reception and Celebration Luncheon - A reception and luncheon for cancer survivors held in the Survivor's Tent. 9) Registration Tent - Your name featured over the main registration area. 10) Art of Surviving Cancer - Your name featured at a display of artwork by survivors. - SOLD *Association with the American Cancer Society. You will be associated with the largest source of private cancer research funds in the United States, awarding over $25 million to California researchers this year alone. The American Cancer Society has funded 30 Nobel Laureates and is one of the Top 10 best managed nonprofits in the country, according to U.S. News and World Report. You can be proud of your personal efforts to fight cancer in your own community. American Cancer Society * Desert Palms Area Office 3 1 4 74-140 El Paseo, Suite One * Palm Desert, CA 92260 (760)568-2691, Press 3 Fax (760)341-8783 C 1 j RELAYM AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY'S RELAY FOR LIFE 2001 SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS BRONZE SPONSOR - $19000 A TEAM EVENT TO FIGHT CANCER �k Local Recognition. Your name appears on printed materials, signage and participant t-shirts. You are recognized during the event and receive a commemorative photo. Naming Recognition. You may choose one of the following opportunities: 1) Ice Cream Social Sponsor - Your name is announced before and during the Saturday afternoon ice cream party and your sign is placed on stage and at the ice cream serving stations. 2) Saturday Night Fever Sponsor - Your name is announced before and during the Saturday night dance party and your sign is placed on stage and at the dance floor. 3) Midnight Madness Sponsor - Your name is announced before and during the Midnight Madness games and gathering. Your sign is placed on stage and at the "Pick Me Up" station. 4) Rise & Shine Sponsor - Your name is announced before and during the morning wake up and workout activities. Your sign is placed on stage and at the fitness area. 5) Information Booth - Your name is displayed over the Information Booth which is open the entire 24 hours. (SOLD) 6) Barometer - Your name is displayed on the fund-raising barometer. (SOLD) 7) Balloon Arch - Your name is displayed along the balloon arch that signals the starting point of the survivors lap and the beginning of the Relay. (SOLD) 8) Awards - Your name displayed on event awards and you will co -host the ceremony. 9) Program - Your name displayed on the printed program and at program distribution. *Association with the American Cancer Society. You will be associated with the largest source of private cancer research funds in the United States, awarding over $25 million to California researchers this year alone. The American Cancer Society has funded 30 Nobel Laureates and is one of the Top 10 best managed nonprofits in the country, according to U.S. News and World Report. You can be proud of your personal efforts to fight cancer in your own community. Updated 03/15/01 11:00 am American Cancer Society * Desert Palms Area Office 74-140 El Paseo, Suite One * Palm Desert, CA 92260 (760)568-2691, Press 3 Fax (760)341-8783 315 C 1 RELAY"IN C w A TEAM EVENT TO FIGHT CANCER "Relay for Life" to benefit the American Cancer Society Desert Palms Area November 3-4, 2001 Palm Desert Civic Center Park Yes, please include my company as a sponsor for Relay for Life. (Please print name as you would like it listed in program.) Level Of Sponsorship: Check enclosed (payable to American Cancer Society) COMPANY NAME: MANAGER/OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: E-MAIL: COMMENTS: Signature FAX: Date Sponsors will be listed in Relay for Life Update newsletter and brochures with each revised printing. Final deadline for program printing is October 5, 2001. Updated 03/15/01 11:00 am American Cancer Society * Desert Palms Area Office 316 74-140 El Paseo, Suite One * Palm Desert, CA 92260 (760)568-2691, Press 3 Fax (760)341-8783 �v CV AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: 15 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 7, 2001 CONSENT CALENDAR: Consideration of a Park Name for the 18 Acre Site on Westward Ho and Adams Street RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the City Council. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None for this action. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: At the June 5, 2001 City Council meeting, the City Council considered possible names for five parks in the City. One of the parks being considered for a permanent name was the 18 acre park site located on the northeast corner of Adams Street and Westward Ho. Provided is a brief background of the park site: 1990 The Redevelopment Agency purchased the land specifically for a park site 1993 A Master Plan of the park was completed by Purkiss-Rose-RSI with the title of the property "La Quinta Community Park North" 1999 A revision to the park's Master Plan was begun 2000 City Council directs the word "North" be removed from the title of the park site 317 Throughout the developmental process for the park site design, the project has been called the La Quinta Community Park (North). At the May 14, 2001 Community Services Commission meeting, the Commission provided a recommendation regarding park names for the City Council's consideration. The Commission recommended that the 18 acre park site be named the "La Quinta Community Park." At the June 5, 2001 City Council meeting, the Council directed staff to work with the Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District (District) for removal of the words "La Quinta Community Park" from the name of the "Frances Hack La Quinta Community Park" title of the District's park located on Avenida Montezuma in La Quinta. Minutes of this meeting are provided as Attachment 1. Staff attended the July 11, 2001 Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District's Board meeting to request the words "La Quinta Community Park" be removed from the "Frances Hack La Quinta Community Park" title. After some discussion, the Board decided to not change the title of the District's park in La Quinta. Correspondence from the District is provided as Attachment 2. The City of La Quinta Community Services Department receives many calls regarding the "Frances Hack La Quinta Community Park." Of the calls received, very few, if any, refer to the "Frances Hack La Quinta Community Park" by its proper title. The park is called the "Downtown Park" or the "Village Park." Staff has checked with the La Quinta Police Department as to how the officers reference the park. The police officers call the District's park the "Montezuma" park. Staff is now seeking direction as to an official name for the 18 acre park site. At the June 5, 2001 City Council meeting, the City Council preferred the title "La Quinta Community Park." Given the District has decided to retain the name "Frances Hack La Quinta Community Park," and the majority of the community as well as the police department do not reference the park by its proper name, the City Council may wish to finalize the 18 acre park site official name as the "La Quinta Community Park." FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Authorize the official park name for the 18 acre park site to be the "La Quinta Community Park"; or 2. Authorize another official park name for the 18 acre park site ; or S:\Community Services\CCReports\CC.141.Park Name for Commuity Park.wpd 318 3. Do not select an official name for the 18 acre park site; or 4. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respefttfully sAjbmitted, rvitz, CoNnmunity Services Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1 . Minutes of the June 5, 2001 City Council Meeting 2. Correspondence from the Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District S:\Community Services\CCReports\CC.141.Park Name for Commuity Park.wpd 319 ATTACHMENT 1 City Council Minutes 4 June 5, 2001 13. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THREE COUNCIL MEMBERS AND CITY MANAGER TO ATTEND THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES MAYORS AND COUNCIL MEMBERS EXECUTIVE FORUM TO BE HELD JULY 25-27, 2001, IN MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended and amended with the exception of Item No. 12. Item Nos. 2 and 5 were approved by RESOLUTION NOS. 2001-56 and 2001-57 respectively. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 200 1 -67. BUSINESS SESSION CONSIDERATION OF PARK NAMES. Community Services Director Horvitz presented the staff report. Council Member Perkins spoke in support of the park names recommended by staff. Council Member Henderson noted the possibility of people assuming parks named after subdivisions might belong to the subdivisions. In response to Council Member Sniff, Ms. Horvitz advised Mr. Meyran requested the park on Avenida Velasco be named after the street instead of the Meyran family. Council Member Henderson suggested a plaque be placed at the Velasco Park in recognition of the Meyran Family property donation and Council concurred. Council Member Sniff suggested naming the park at Adams Street and Westward Ho Drive "La Quinta Family Sports Park." Mayor Pena suggested eliminating "Family." Council Member Henderson stated she would like to find out if the Coachella Valley Recreation & Park District has a problem removing "La Quinta Community" from the Frances Hack La Quinta Community Park name. Mayor Pena Stated he liked "La Quinta Community Park" for the park at Adams Street and Westward Ho Drive. 36.0 (' 0 5 City Council Minutes 5 Council Members Adolph and Henderson concurred. June 5, 2001 MOTION • It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the following park names; Season's Park, Desert Pride Park, Monticello Park, Velasco Park, and La Quinta Community Park; and directed staff to work with the Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District for removal of the words "La Quinta Community Park" from the Frances Hack La Quinta Community Park name. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2001.68. 2. CONSIDERATION OF CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION'S 2001 /2002 WORK PLAN. Community 'Services Director Horvitz presented the staff report. Council Member Henderson suggested changing the language on Page 6 under Council Role to "Provide support, subject to final City Council approval." In response to Mayor Pena, Ms. Horvitz confirmed the Commission Time on Page 9 is an increase over last year. Council Member Henderson voiced concern about the amount of work the Commission proposes to take on. Ms. Horvitz explained the Commission wishes to expand its role in the community by offering more events. She noted each event will come back to Council for approval. Council Member Sniff stated he felt the proposed work plan gives the Commission some latitude subject to Council final approval. Denise Diamond, Cultural Arts Commission Member, advised the variety of events proposed in the Work Plan are in response to community interest and are expected to take less time than last year's symposium. Elaine Reynolds, Cultural Arts Commission Member, stated the Commission feels since the commission was changed from Art in Public Places Commission to Cultural Arts Commission that it should provide more cultural activities in the City. In response to Council Member Henderson, Ms. Horvitz confirmed the "Culture in the Courtyard" program has been postponed until the Civic Center Campus is completed. 321 00 6 Coachella Valley Recreation & Park District 45-871 Clinton Street, Indio, California 92201 (760) 347-3484 FAX (760) 347-4660 www.cvrpd.org July 12, 2001 Tom Genovese, City Manager CITY OF LA QUINTA P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Tom, ATTACHMENT 2 General Manager Don Martin Superintendent Laura McGalliard At our regularly scheduled board meeting of July 11,' 2001, the board considered your request to rename the "Frances Hack La Quinta Community Park." After much discussion, the Board of Directors made the decision not to rename the park. Sincerely, DON MARTIN, General Manager COACHELLA VALLEY RECREATION & PARK DISTRICT DM/dg 322 Palm Desert - Indian Wells - La Quinta - Indio - Coachella - Thousand Palms - Rancho Mirage - Bermuda Dunes - Thermal - Oasis - Mecca - Salton Sea AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 7, 2001 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of the Civic Center Campus PUBLIC HEARING: Acknowledgment Area Criteria RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the City Council. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None for this action. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On September 19, 2000, the City Council approved an Art Purchase Agreement with artist William (Bill) Ware to provide three acknowledgment areas for the Civic Center Campus, as provided in Attachment 1. The three areas would be designated to represent veterans, celebrities and sports figures. A set of recognition criteria for selecting the names for the acknowledgment areas is needed so that staff can begin soliciting names for the acknowledgment areas. Attachment 2 provides criteria used by cities that have such acknowledgment areas as well as the methodology used to select the honoree. The City Council may wish to consider the following points when establishing the acknowledgment area recognition criteria: Veterans: The length of time a person has been a resident of La Quinta (part time or full time); 3149. The period of time in .which a person resided in La Quinta: i.e. before, during or after military service; Proof of Military Service required; and Living or deceased Celebrities and Sports Figures: The level of recognition achieved (local, state or national level); The period of time in which a person resided in La Quinta (before, during or after recognition); The length of time a person has been a resident of La Quinta (part time or full time); Major contribution to the City's image; and Living or deceased Once the criteria for the acknowledgment area recognition has been established, a pamphlet will be developed outlining the criteria, review process and program deadlines, along with an application to be completed for consideration. The program can be advertised in the Community Services Department brochure, the Chamber newsletter and through flyers distributed in various locations. The City Council may also wish to consider the review .process for the program. The City Council may wish to review the applications or the Community Services Commission may be directed to review applications for the acknowledgment areas and provide recommendations for the City Council's consideration and ultimate approval. The City Council may also wish to establish a review schedule, much along the same lines as the Community Services Grant applications, in which the applications are reviewed on a quarterly basis. The design of the monuments allow for panels to be removed in order for the names to be engraved. It would be cost effective to engrave several names at one time. By approving several names at once, the cost of engraving would be minimized. Dependent upon the review process that has been established, once the names for the acknowledgment areas have been selected by the City Council, staff will then work with the artist to have the names engraved on the panels. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1 . Authorize the acknowledgment area recognition criteria and direct staff to S:\Community Services\CCReports\CC.123.Civic Center Campus Acknowledgment Area Criteria.wpd Afto C o� develop the program; or 2. Do not authorize the acknowledgment area recognition criteria; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Res ctfull� submitted, Dodie Horvitz, _kommunity Services Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Staff Report and Minutes of September 19, 2000 2. Synopsis of Sample Criteria Used by Other Cities nS:\Community Services\CCReports\CC.123.Civic Center Campus Acknowledgment Area Criteria.wpd COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: September 19, 2000 Approval of an Art Purchase Agreement with William Ware for the Civic Center Campus Artwork MKIIIJ, q:TV I Lei► ATTACHMENT 1 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: '7 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve the Art Purchase Agreement with William Ware for the Civic Center Campus Artwork and authorize the City Manager to execute the Art Purchase Agreement with the artist at a cost not to exceed $90,000. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: At the July 18, 2000 City Council meeting, the City Council approved the "La Quinta Mountain Range" for the Civic Center Campus project, as presented by William Ware. The cost of the three sets of "mountains" total $90,000. The funds for this project have been allocated from the Art in Public Places Account #701 -000-255-211 for the Civic Center Campus project. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: At the January 18, 2000 City Council meeting, it was determined that the Civic Center Campus improvement project would include five artist components: bronze relief map, enhanced pavement amenities; acknowledgment areas for veterans, sports figures, and celebrities; enhanced bridge railings and a linear water feature. The amount of $340,000 from the Art in Public Places account was allocated for these artistic amenities. At the March 7, 2000 City Council meeting, a Request for Qualifications was approved and sent out to 94 artists for possible submission of proposals for the Civic Center Campus. Seven concepts were submitted for consideration: one bronze relief map, two bridge railing enhancements and four sculptures. 326 Ciu5 At the May 2, 2000 City Council meeting, the City Council approved the general concept of the Bronze Relief Map by Artist Sandy Swan, and did not approve the other proposals. At the June 20 City Council meeting, the final details to be included as part of the Bronze Relief map were approved and an Art Purchase Agreement was authorized for the Bronze Relief Map. At the May 16, 2000 City Council meeting, a second Request for Qualifications was approved by the Council to solicit proposals for the following components of the Civic Center Campus Artwork: A geyser type water feature; acknowledgment areas for celebrities, sports figures and veterans; and pavement amenities. A total of 498 RFQ's were sent to artists. Twelve artists had submitted proposals for the Civic Center Campus Artwork: six proposals were submitted for the geyser type water feature; six proposals were submitted for the acknowledgment areas; and five proposals were submitted for the pavement amenities. At the July 13, 2000 Cultural Arts Commission meeting, the Commission reviewed the proposals and forwarded four recommendations: "Tree of Life" as proposed by Carlos and Miguel De La Torre "Animal Tracks" as proposed by Sandy Swan "La Quinta Mountain Range" as proposed by William Ware "Mosaic Native American Themes" as proposed by Peter Ladochy At the July 18, 2000 City Council meeting, the City Council approved the art work concepts presented by Sandy Swan, William Ware, and Peter Ladochy, as provided in Attachment 1. The proposal by Mr. Ware includes three .bronze "mountain ranges" that will have a height of approximately seven feet with a width of six to seven feet each and a depth of four to five. Each "mountain range" will have panels that can be removed for engraving the names of veterans, celebrities, and sports figures onto the panels. The Art Purchase Agreement between the City and Mr. Ware is provided as Attachment 2. The Schedule of Compensation included in the Art Purchase Agreement (Attachment 2) provides payment to the artist as the project progresses. Unlike Public Works project progress payments, the artist requests payment upon the start of the project, to purchase materials and supplies specific to the art work for the City. Final payment is issued upon final acceptance of the project. S:\Community Services\CCReports\CC.064.wpd Once the Art Purchase Agreement has been executed, the artist will work with Tom Doczi of TKD and Associates, the Landscape Architect for the Civic Center Campus project. FINDINGS AND. ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve the Art Purchase Agreement with William Ware for the Civic Center Campus Artwork and authorize the City Manager to execute the Art Purchase Agreement with the artist at a cost not to exceed $90,000; or 2. Do not approve the Art Purchase Agreement with William Ware for the Civic Center Campus Artwork; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respeftful ly submitted, Dodid Ho Attachments: unity Services Director Approved for submission b Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 1. Minutes from the July 18, 2000 City Council Meeting 2. Art Purchase Agreement s:\Community Services\CCReports\CC.064.wpd 36. N, � r ' City Council Minutes 8 July 18, 20 C ncil Member Henderson supported staff continuing informal meeti with the ious agencies and coming back with a formal recommendati t the end of the r. Council Me r Sniff agreed and felt the informal dis sions should include a mission state t, membership, powers, terms, b get, and staffing needs. Council Member Adolfgreed. Council Member Perkins felt y sho not be limited to quarterly meetings and wished to have a recomm on back to Council in time to consider before next year's budget. Mayor Pena suggested the ould also repo the Chamber of Commerce sub- committee and tYthity's representative o hat committee could report back to Council.ed to have a report bac Council during the first quarter of next y MOTION - It as moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson uthorize staff to continu meeting informally with the Chamber of Commerce, and other interes parties to discuss marketing strategies and to report back ouncil after a end of the year. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORD O. 2 -137. 8. CONSIDERATION OF CIVIC CENTER CAMPUS ART WORK PROPOSALS. Community Services Director Horvitz presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Adolph, Ms. Horvitz stated decorative railings on the bridge were removed from the RFQ and not included with this funding. She stated the pavement amenities will be scattered throughout the campus. Council Member Adolph voiced concern about continuity. Ms. Horvitz stated the Cultural Arts Commission has recommended the Tree of Life for the water feature, the Mosaic Native American Themes and Animal Tracks for pavement amenities, and, the La Quinta Mountain Range for the acknowledgment areas for a total expenditure of $273,000. Council Member Adolph did not recall Council asking for an art feature in the lake other than a fountain geyser. X .� C. 0 8 City Council Minutes 9 July 18, 2000 Council Member Sniff noted a location for the DeMartino art piece still needs to be determined. In response to Mayor Pena, Senior Engineer Freeland stated the geyser is anticipated to be located at the north end of the lake approximately 60-80 feet from the shore. Council Member Henderson understood the three acknowledgment areas would be spread throughout the campus. Mayor Pena understood the DeMartino art piece was designed to be located behind the archway. Ms. Horvitz advised the Cultural Arts Commission has recommended the DeMartino art piece be located southeast of the lake and the artist. has agreed with this placement. Council Member Sniff suggested contacting companies that design and install water features/fountains instead of having an artist design it. He liked the idea of water in motion similar to the fountain in front of Laguna de la Paz. Council Member Henderson agreed and noted there are water architects that make the water itself the art piece. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Freeland confirmed water rapids will be featured under the bridge. Council Member Adolph suggested a design similar to the Washington Street bridge be used on the bridge railings. Council Member Perkins agreed. Council proceeded to discuss the Commission's recommendations as follows: After a brief discussion, Council concurred to direct staff to contact water architects to design a water feature and to report back to Council. Council Member Perkins suggested the sidewalks be constructed with colored cement. 0, C.09 City Council Minutes 10 Jul) Council concurred. Council further concurred on utilizing seven panels of the Mosaic Native Indian Themes and 12 sections of Animal Tracks (descriptive plaques to be considered at a later time) to be placed randomly throughout the campus. A brief discussion ensued regarding the Mountain Range art piece and Ms. Horvitz advised it could be separated into three separate pieces. Bill Ware, the artist for the Mountain Range, advised he could create three different mountain ranges in a reduced size (approximately 8' X 7') for the same price and would work with the landscape architect for a covering around the bottom edges. Council Member Henderson spoke regarding the memorial monuments proposed by Peter Urbon and stated she felt four of them would look too much like billboards and that they exceed the budget amount. However, she felt there might be some potential for modification to reduce the cost and asked if there was any consideration by Council to possibly use one on the campus. -, Council Member Perkins suggested one of the pieces could be used at the entrance for the City Seal. Council concurred to utilize three Mountain Range art pieces for three acknowledgment areas and to look at the other proposals when the water features come back for Council's consideration. City Manager Genovese advised contracts will be negotiated for each of the selected art pieces (Mosaic Native Indian Theme panels, Animal Tracks, and Mountain Ranges) and brought back individually for Council's consideration. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to direct staff to negotiate contracts with the three artists for selected art pieces (seven Mosaic Native Indian Theme panels; 12 Animal Track sections, and three reduced -size Mountain Ranges) for the Civic Center Campus and to bring them back to Council for approval. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2000-138. 331 010 • : *1 _; O 1 ail THIS ART PURCHASE AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is entered into this day of , 2000, by and between THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California municipal corporation (the "City"), and WILLIAM WARE ("Artist"). RECITALS A. The CITY is currently constructing the Civic Center Campus. The CITY is commissioning the fabrication and installation of certain ARTWORK (the "Artwork") to be installed and displayed at the SITE LOCATION which is located on the Civic Center Campus, at the southwest corner of Calle Tampico and Washington (the "Site Location"). NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto, for the consideration and under the conditions hereinafter set forth, hereby mutually agree as follows: ARTICLE I. SCOPE OF SERVICES 1.1 Scope of Design Services. Artist shall prepare or cause to be prepared, any required approvals for all shop drawings, details, and samples, and shall do all other things necessary and incidental to the performance of the Artist's obligations pursuant to this Agreement. 1.2 Scope of Fabrication Services. Artist shall fabricate, transport and install the Artwork pursuant to and by the times set forth in the Scope of Design Build Services and the Schedule of Performance attached hereto as Exhibit A and Exhibit B, respectively, and incorporated herein by this reference. The City shall have the right to review the Artwork at reasonable time s during the fabrication thereof. Artist shall submit to the City monthly progress narratives, including photographs, as required by the Schedule of Performance (Exhibit B). The narratives shall include the percentage of the Artwork completed to date, along with an estimated completion date. Artist shall furnish all tools, equipment, apparatus, facilities, plant, labor, services, materials, and all utilities and transportation, including power, fuel, and water, and to perform all work necessary to construct, transport and install in a good and workmanlike manner the scope of work set forth in the Scope of -Design Build Services (Exhibit A), or reasonably inferable therein, together with the appurtenances thereto, at the Site Location. It is understood and agreed that all said plant, labor, services, materials, equipment, and facilities shall be furnished and said work performed and completed by Artist as an independent contractor, subject to the inspection and approval of the City or its representatives. The Artist shall present to the City in writing for further review and approval any and all significant changes in the scope, design, color, size, material or texture, of the Artwork not permitted by or not in substantial conformity with the approved working drawings and the S:\Community Services\Civic Center Campus Artwork\WARE-MONUMENT ART PURCHASE AGREEMENT 332 011 Art Purchase Agreement Scope of Design Build Services (Exhibit A). A significant change is any change in the scope, design, color, size, material, texture, or Site Location which affects installation, scheduling, site preparation, or maintenance for the Artwork or the schematic concept of the Artwork as represented -in the schematic drawings, the approved working drawings, and the Scope of Design Build Services (Exhibit A) . Artist shall at all times maintain proper facilities and provide safe access for inspection of the Artwork by the City, its engineer or representatives, and to the sites wherein the Artwork is located prior to installation. Where specifications require work to be specially tested or approved, it shall not be tested without timely notice to the City, of its readiness for inspection and without the approval thereof, or consent thereto by the City. The Artist shall promptly notify the respective departments or official bodies when its work is ready for inspection and shall, at once, do all work required to remove any violations or to comply with such inspections, without additional charge to the City. The Artist shall perform all work necessary to obtain approvals from the authorities mentioned above without additional cost to the City. 1.3 Changr,-rders. In addition to the change orders and extra work specified and provided for in the Scope of Design Build Services (Exhibit A), the City may at any time during the progress of the completion and installation of the Artwork and up to the date of the issuance of a Notice of Completion as hereinafter defined, when in the City's reasonable determination the public interest and necessity so require, request any alterations, deviations, additions to or omissions from this Agreement, Scope of Design Build Services (Exhibit A), or the work, labor and materials to be furnished thereunder, and the same shall in no way affect or make void this Agreement. Artist shall adhere strictly to the Scope of Design Build Services (Exhibit A), unless a change therefrom is authorized in writing. In such case, the terms of said change shall be understood and agreed upon in writing by the City and Artist before commencement of said revised work. a. The Artist shall notify the City in writing when fabrication of the Artwork is completed and ready for delivery and installation at the Site Location which is designated in Exhibit A and B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. b. Upon completion and at all times during fabrication and installation, the Artwork shall comply with all applicable statutes, ordinances and regulations of any governmental agency having jurisdiction over the Artwork. 1.5. Post -Installation. a. The Artist shall be available at such reasonable time or times as may be S:1Community ServiceslCivic Center Campus Artwork\WARE-MONUMENT ART PURCHASE AGREEMENT 333 C,F12 Art Purchase Agreement agreed between the City and Artist to attend any and all inauguration, ground breaking, or presentation ceremonies upon completion of the Artwork. b. The City shall use reasonable efforts to arrange for publicity for the completed Artwork by local media and publications, and otherwise as may be determined between the City and Artist as soon as practicable following installation. C. Upon installation of the Artwork, the Artist shall provide the City with written instructions for appropriate maintenance and preservation of the Artwork. WINEV � IR_ do _t a. The Artist shall advise the City in writing that the Artwork will become the responsibility of the City on the effective date of completion of the project and the acceptance as complete by the City. Following receipt of such notice the City shall cause the installed Artwork to be inspected by suitably qualified and appropriate professional(s), and within five (5) days following completion of such inspection(s), the City shall either provide Artist with reasonably specific written objections to the installed Artwork or notify the Artist of its acceptance of the Artwork by a Notice of Completion in the form attached hereto as Exhibit D. Such Notice of Completion (Exhibit D) shall be evidence of the satisfactory completion and installation of the Artwork in conformity with this Agreement, subject to the indemnification, representations, and further performance obligations set forth in this Agreement. b. Final Acceptance by the City of the ownership of the Artwork will occur at the filing of the Notice of Completion. 13 Risk of Loss. Upon receipt of the Notice of Completion, the risk of loss or damage to the Artwork shall be bome by the City. The Artist shall take such measures as are necessary to protect the Artwork from loss or damage, through insurance or other adequate security, and to maintain the Artwork until the Notice of Completion is made by the City. 1.8 JjJJQ. Title to the Artwork and any construction drawings, plans, or other work product generated pursuant to this Agreement shall remain with the Artist and shall pass and vest with the City upon issuance of Final Acceptance or Termination pursuant to Article IX hereof. ARTICLE II. TIME OF PERFORMANCE 2.1 Time. Artist does agree to punctually and diligently perform all their obligations under this Agreement. It is further understood and agreed that should the Artist fail to furnish the labor, materials, equipment, and or services, to perform all work and labor as herein provided in the manner herein set forth in good and workmanlike manner, Artist shall, in addition to any other penalties provided in the Agreement, be liable to the City for all losses or damages that either may suffer on account thereof. In the event Artist at the time refuses or neglects to supply a sufficient number of S:1Community Services\Civic Center Campus Artwork\WARE-MONLTJAENT ART PURCHASE AGREEMENT 334 013 Art Purchase Agreement properly. skilled workers or a sufficient quantity of materials of proper quality, or in effect be adjudicated bankrupt, or files a voluntary petition in bankruptcy, or commits any act of insolvency, or makes an assignment, for benefit or creditors, without the City's consent, or fails to make prompt payment to his materialmen and laborers, or fails in any respect to properly and diligently prosecute the work covered by this Agreement, or otherwise fails to perform fully any and all of the Covenants and obligations herein contained; then the City may, at its option, after giving twenty-four (24) hours written notice to Artist, provide any such labor and materials as may be necessary and deduct the cost thereof from any money then due or thereafter to become due to Artist under this Agreement; or the City and may at its option, terminate the Artist's right to proceed with the work and, in that event, the City shall have the right to enter upon the Artist's warehouse and take possession, for the purpose of completing the work included under this Agreement, of the Artwork or any portion thereof, and all materials, tools, and appliances thereon, and may employ any other person or persons to finish the work and provide the materials therefor. In the case of such discontinuance of Artist's right to proceed with the work, Artist shall not be entitled to receive any further payment under this Agreement until the work undertaken by the City is completely finished. At that time, if the unpaid balance of the amount to be paid under this Agreement exceeds the expenses incurred by the City in finishing Artist's work, such excess shall be paid by the City to the Artist, but if such expense shall exceed such unpaid balance, then Artist shall promptly pay to the City the amount by which such expense shall exceed such unpaid balance. The expense incurred by the City as herein provided, either for furnishing materials or for finishing the work, and any damages incurred by the City by reason of Artist's default, shall be chargeable to, and paid by Artist, and the City shall have a lien upon all materials, tools, and appliances, taken possession of, as aforesaid, to secure the payment thereof. If the City elects not to terminate Artist's right to proceed, Artist agrees to reimburse the City fo r losses or damages resulting from the delay in speedy progress of work. If Artist should neglect to prosecute the work properly or fail to perform any provisions of this ' Agreement, the City, after three (3) days' written notice to Artist, may without prejudice to any other remedy it may have, make good such deficiencies and may deduct the cost thereof from the payment then or thereafter due Artist; provided, however, that the City shall approve such action and certify the amount thereof to be charged to Artist. ARTICLE III. WARRANTIES 3.1 Title. The Artist represents and warrants that: (a) the Artwork is solely the resul t of the artistic effort of the Artist; (b) except as otherwise disclosed in writing to the City, the Artwork is unique and original and does not infringe upon any copyright; (c) the Artwork, or a duplicate thereof, has not been accepted for sale elsewhere; and (d) the Artwork is free and clear of any and all encumbrances and/or monetary liens. 3.2 Quality and Condition. The Artist represents and warrants, except as otherwise disclosed to the City in writing, that: (a) the fabrication of the Artwork will be performed in a workmanlike manner; (b) the Artwork, as fabricated and following installation, will be free of patent and latent defects in material and workmanship, including any defects consisting of "inherent vice" or qualities which cause or accelerate deterioration of the Artwork; and (c) SACommunity Services\Civic Center Campus ArtworkMARE-MONUMENT ART PURCHASE AGREEMENT 335 014 Art Purchase Agreement reasonable maintenance of the Artwork will not require procedures substantially in excess of those described in the maintenance recommendations to be submitted by the Artist to the City hereunder. The warranties described in this Section 3.2 shall survive for a period of one (1) year after the Acceptance of the Artwork, except the representation and warranty concerning latent defects shall survive for a period of three (3) years from after Acceptance of the Artwork. The City shall give notice to the Artist of any observed and claimed breach with reasonable promptness. The Artist shall, at the request of the City, and at no cost to the City, cure reasonably and promptly the breach of any such warranty which is curable by the Artist and whic h cure is consistent with professional conservation standards (including, for example, cure by means of repair or refabrication of the Artwork). ARTICLE IV. PERFORMANCE BONDS The Artist shall not be required by the City to post any performance bonds or similar undertakings, and any requirement of any other authority for performance bonds shall be the responsibility of the City. Nevertheless, Artist shall prevent any lien from attaching to the Artwork by any person claiming under Artist. ARTICLE V. REPRODUCTION RIGHTS 5.1 General. The Artist shall retain all rights under the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. Sections 101 to seq., and all other rights in and to the Artwork except ownership and possession, except as such rights are limited by this Agreement. In view of the intention that the Artwork in its final dimension shall be unique, the Artist shall not make any additional exact duplicate, dimensional reproductions of the final artwork, nor shall the Artist grant permission to others to do so except with the written permission of the City and at such time as Final Acceptance by the City at which time the City alone map approve. The Artist gr ants to the City, and its agents an irrevocable license to make two-dimensional reproductions of the Artwork for noncommercial purposes, including but not limited to reproductions used in advertising, brochures, media publicity, and catalogues or other similar publications, provided that these rights are exercised in a tasteful and professional manner. 5.2 Notice. All reproductions by the City shall contain a credit to the Artist and denote its location, provided that the Artwork is protected by United States copyright law and reasonable substantiation thereof is provided to the City. 5.3 Regis tion. The Artist may at its expense cause to be registered, with the United States Register of Copyrights, a copyright in the Artwork in the Artist's name. SACommunity Services\Civic Center Campus Artwork\WARE-MONUMENT ART PURCHASE AGREEMENT 3 3.6.E �. Art Purchase Agreement ARTICLE VI. ARTIST'S RIGHTS 6.1 Identification. The City shall, at its expense, prepare and install at the Site, a plaque identifying the Artist, the title of the Artwork and the year of completion, and shall reasonably maintain such notice in good repair against the ravages of time, vandalism and the elements. 6.2 Maintenance. The parties recognize that maintenance of the Artwork on a regular basis is essential to the integrity of the Artwork. 6.3 Epairs and Restoration. a. The City shall have the right to determine, after consultation with a professional art conservator, when and if repairs and restoration to the Artwork will be made. To the extent practical, the Artist, during the Artist's lifetime, may be given the opportunity to make or personally supervise significant repairs and restorations and shall be paid a reasonable fee for any such services, provided that the City and the Artist mutually agree in writing, prior to the commencement of any significant repairs or restorations, upon the Artist's fee for such services. No fees shall be paid to Artist for repair or restoration due to a breach of the representations and warranties set forth herein. b. All repairs and restorations shall be made in accordance with recognized principles of conservation. a. The City shall maintain the Artwork in a manner that the City determines . appropriate in its sole discretion. b. The City shall use its reasonable efforts to meet and consult with Artist prior to the time of making any alteration. If any alteration is made without the consent of Artist, Artist shall have the right to direct the City to remove Artist's name from the Artwork. In connection herewith, Artist hereby acknowledges and agrees that Artist is familiar with Section 987 of the California Civil Code and the rights and protection afforded Artist thereunder, and Artist hereby waives each and all of Artist's rights and protection under Section 987 of the California Civil Code to the extent such rights and protection are inconsistent with this Section 6.4; provided, however, that to the extent that the rights and protection afforded Artist under Section 987 of the California Civil Code are not inconsistent with this Section 6.4 or pertain to matters that are not dealt with in this Section 6.4, Artist shall retain such rights and protection. 6.5 der ane t� Record. The City shall maintain a record of this Agreement and of the location and disposition of the Artwork. 6.6 Artist's Address. The Artist shall notify the City of changes in their address. The City shall take reasonable effort(s) to locate the Artist when matters arise relating to the Artist's S:\Community Services\Civic Center Campus ArtworMWARE-MONUMENT ART PURCHASE AGREEMENT Art Purchase Agreement rights under this Agreement. 6.7 Survivine Covenant. The covenants and obligations set forth in this Article VI shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, legatees, executors, administrators, assigns, transferees and all their successors in interest, and the City's covenants do attach and run with the Artwork and shall be binding to and until twenty (20) years after the death of the Artist unless otherwise stated herein. Upon the death of the Artist, the representative of Artist's estate shall assume the surviving covenants and obligations of Artist set forth in this Article VI. ARTICLE VII. ARTIST AS INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The Artist shall perform all work under this Agreement as an independent contractor and not as an agent, joint venturer, partner or an employee of the City. The Artist shall not: a. be supervised by any employee or official of the City; b. exercise supervision over any employee or official of the City; C. have authority to contract for or bind the City in any manner; or represent itself as an agent of the City; or otherwise be authorized to act for or on behalf of the City; d. have status as the City's employees or have any right to any benefits that the City grants to its employees. ARTICLE VIII. ASSIGNMENT OR TRANSFER No party shall assign or transfer an interest in this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other parties, provided, however, that claims for money due or to become due from the City under this Agreement may be assigned to a financial institution without approval. ARTICLE IX. TERMINATION The City may, by written notice to the Artist, terminate this Agreement either (a) upon the failure by Artist to perform any of its obligations hereunder in accordance with the term s hereof or any other breach by Artist of the terms of this Agreement, when such failure or breach continues uncured for fifteen (15) days following notice thereof from the City to Artist ("Termination for Default"), or (b) at any other time in the sole and absolute discretion of the City ("Discretionary Termination"). Termination for Default and Discretionary Termination are sometimes hereinafter collectively referred to as "Termination". Upon Termination, except as provided in this Article IX, all parties shall be released from all further obligations and liability hereunder. Effective upon a Termination, the Artwork, or so much thereof or has then been completed, shall be transferred to and shall belong to the City. In such event and upon Artist's S:\Community Services\Civic Center Campus Artwork\WARE-MONUMENT ART PURCHASE AGREEMENT 333 Co 17 Art Purchase Agreement written request, the City shall remove Artist's name from the Artwork. Upon a Termination for Default and subject to Article 2.1, the Artist shall be entitled only to that portion of the. total compensation due Artist that is then payable pursuant to the Schedule of Compensation (Exhibit C); upon a Discretionary Termination, Artist shall be entitled to the full Artist Fees provided for in Exhibit C hereto and that portion of the costs and expenses of Design, Fabrication and Installation of Artwork provided for in Exhibit C hereto that is then payable pursuant to the Schedule of Compensation (Exhibit C), plus all other costs reasonably incurred by Artist following the last payment pursuant to the Schedule of Compensation (Exhibit C), prior to the date of the Discretionary Termination, provided that Artist shall be required to provide the City with reasonable substantiation for such costs. Notwithstanding anything else herein contained, Artist shall not be relieved of liability to the City for damages sustained by the City by virtue of any breach of this Agreement by the Artist, and the City may reasonably withhold payments to the Artist until such time as the exact amount of such damages is determined. ARTICLE X. CONTRACTOR ADMINISTRATOR The Contract Administrator for this Agreement shall be the City Community Services Director. Wherever this Agreement requires any notice to be given to or by the City, or any determination or action to be made by the City, the City Community Services Director shall represent and act for the City. ARTICLE XI. NON-DISCRIMINATION In carrying out the performance of the services designated, the Artist and the City shall not discriminate as to race, color, creed, religion, marital status, national origin or ancestry, and the Artist shall comply with the equality of employment opportunity provisions of State and local laws and regulations as presently existing or hereafter amended. ARTICLE XII. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement, consisting of 22 pages and four exhibits, embodies the entire Agreement and understanding between the parties hereto, and there are no other agreements and understandings, oral or written, with reference to the subject matter hereof that are not merged herein and superseded hereby, except as set forth hereinabove. ARTICLE XIII. MODIFICATION No alteration, change or modification of the terms of the Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by each party hereto and approved by appropriate action of the City. ARTICLE XIV. WAIVER S:\Community Services\Civic Center Campus Artwork\WARE-MONUMENT ART PURCHASE AGREEMENT 339, Art Purchase Agreement No waiver of performance by .either party shall be construed as or operate as a waiver of any subsequent default of any terms, covenants and conditions of this Agreement. The payment or acceptance of fees for any period after a default shall not be deemed a waiver of any right or acceptance of defective performance. ARTICLE XV. GOVERNING LAW 15.1 This Agreement, regardless of where executed or performed, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 15.2 In addition to any other rights or remedies and subject to the restrictions otherwise set forth in this Agreement, either party may institute legal action to seek specific performance of the terms of this Agreement, to recover damages, or to obtain any other remedy, at law or in equity, consistent with the purpose of this Agreement. Such legal actions must be instituted in the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, in an appropriate Riverside County municipal court, or in the Federal District Court in the district of California which includes Riverside County. 15.3 If any party to this Agreement brings a legal action or proceeding against another party to enforce the provisions of this Agreement, or on account of a claim or dispute arising out of this Agreement, then the prevailing party in such arbitration or legal action or proceeding shall be entitled to reimbursement by the other party of the legal fees and costs, including reasonable attorney fees, incurred by the prevailing party in connection with the legal action or proceeding. ARTICLE XVI. HEIRS AND ASSIGNS This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the City and Artist, and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors and permitted assigns. ARTICLE XVII. NOTICES All notices, requests, demands and other communications which are required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given upon the delivery or receipt thereof, as the case may be, if delivered personally or sent by registered or certified mail, returned receipt requested, postage prepaid, as follows: a. if to the City, to:. City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Attention: Community Services Director b. if to the Artist, to: S:\Community Services\Civic Center Campus Artwork\WARE-MONUMENT ART PURCHASE AGREEMENT Art Purchase Agreement William Ware 73-891 Masson Street Palm Desert, CA 92260 ARTICLE XVIII. INDEMNITY With respect to acts, errors or omissions in the performance of Artist's obligations hereunder, Artist agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, agents, employees, and representatives from and against any and all claims, demands, defense costs, liability or consequential damage of any kind or nature arising out of Artist's (including its subcontractors, agents, employees, assigns or licensees) negligent and/or willful acts, errors or omissions in the performance of Artist's obligations under this Agreement. With respect to acts, errors or omissions in the performance of the City's obligations hereunder, the City agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Artist from and against any and all claims, demands, defense costs, liability or consequential damages of any kind or nature arising out of the City's (including its contractors') negligent and/or wilful acts, errors or omissions in the performance of the City's obligations under this Agreement. The foregoing indemnities shall be in effect without regard to the maintenance of insurance coverage for any such loss, costs, claims, damages or expenses. ARTICLE XIX. INSURANCE 19.1 _Policies. Throughout fabrication of the Artwork the Artist shall maintain Comprehensive General Liability Insurance, or Commercial General Liability Insurance, including coverage for Premises and Operations, Contractual Liability, Personal Injury Liability (employee and contractual exclusions deleted), Products/Completed Operations Liability, Broad -Form Property Damage and Independent Contractors' ($1,000,000) per occurrence, combined single limit, written on an occurrence form, and such other forms and amounts of insurance as the City may deem necessary or desirable. All required insurance shall be evidenced by an -insurance policy or policies (or the renewal or replacement thereof) reasonably acceptable to the City. Artist shall not proceed with any work nor receive payment under this Agreement until, among other things, the City has received the appropriate insurance certificates. Artist, prior to completion, shall maintain or cause to be maintained standard all- risk property insurance in an amount equal to or greater than the full replacement value of the Artwork. The Artist's General Liability policy required by this Agreement.shall contain the following clauses: "The City of La Quinta and its officers, agents, employees, representatives, and volunteers are added as additional insureds as respective operations and activities of, or on behalf of the named insured, performed under contract S:\Community Services\Civic Center Campus ArtworkMARE-MONUMENT ART PURCHASE AGREEMENT 341 020 Art Purchase Agreement with the City of La Quinta. " Prior to commencing any work under this Agreement, Artist shall deliver to the City insurance certificates confirming the existence of the insurance required by this Agreement, and including the applicable clause referenced above. Also, within thirty (30) days of the execution date of this Agreement, Artist shall provide to the City an endorsement to the General Liability policy, which adds to this policy the applicable clause referenced above. Said endorsement shall be signed by an authorized representative of the insurance company and shall include the signator's company affiliation and title. Also, the City has the right to demand, and to receive within a reasonable time period, copies of any insurance policy required under this Agreement. In addition to any other remedies the City may have if Artist fails to provide or maintain any insurance policies or policy endorsements to the extent and within the time herein required, the City may, at its sole option: a. Terminate this Agreement. Exercise of any of the above remedies, however, is an alternative to other remedies the City may have, and is not, the exclusive remedy for Artist's failure to maintain insurance or secure appropriate endorsements. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting in any way the extent to which Artist may be held responsible for payments of damages to persons or property resulting from Artist's, or its respective agents' contractors' or subcontractors', performance of the work covered under this Agreement. ARTICLE XX. GENERAL 20.1 Any provisions of this Agreement which shall prove to be invalid, void, or illegal shall in no way affect, impair or invalidate any other provision hereof, and such remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 20.2 Whenever in the specifications any materials or process is indicated or specified by patent or proprietary name or by name of manufacturer, such specification shall be deemed to be used for the purpose of facilitating description of the material and/or process desired, and shall be deemed to be followed by the words "OR EQUAL", and Artist may offer any material or process which shall be equal in every respect to that so indicated or specified. 20.3 Artist shall offer any substitute in said proposal or if a substitute so offered by Artist is not found to be equal to that so indicated or specified by name, if one only be so specified or named, or, if more than one be so specified or named, then such one as shall be specified in the proposal, or if none be so specified, then such one shall be required by the City. 20.4 Unless a different date is provided in this Agreement, the Effective Date shall be S.Tommunity Services\Civic Center Campus Artwork\WARE-MONUMENT ART PURCHASE AGREEMENT 342 Cr2 Art Purchase Agreement the latest Date of Execution, hereinafter set forth below the names of the signature hereto. Should the Artist fail to enter a Date of Execution, the Effective Date shall be the Date of Execution by the City. 20.5 The City shall give any subsequent owner of the Artwork written notice of the covenants contained herein, and shall cause each such successive owner to be bound thereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year first written above. ATTEST: JUNE GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California CITY: CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California municipal corporation A THOMAS P. GENOVESE, City Manager City of La Quinta, California ARTIST: S:\Community Services\Civic Center Campus Artwork\WARE-MONUMENT ART PURCHASE AGREEMENT 343 Art Purchase Agreement [.Y•Z•� • EXHIBIT A 1. Artist shall furnish all labor, engineering, material, tools, equipment, etc., required to design, fabricate and install the Artwork in accordance with the quality level and intent of the concept drawings as previously prepared by Artist and approved by the City, along with all governing agency requirements and code criteria. 2. Artist is responsible for submitting all required documents relating to the Artwork design to appropriate government agencies so that building plan check and all required permits may be obtained in a timely manner. 3. Artist shall immediately notify the City in writing of any cost impact or schedule impact whether increase or decrease, resulting from any modifications to the design. Any redesign fees or any other costs incurred by the City due to Artist's negligence or failure to keep the City informed of scope variances in a timely manner shall be charged to the Artist. 4. Artist shall complete the design in sufficient scale and detail as required by the City and governmental authorities for approval. The design documents shall bear the stamp of a professional Mechanical, Structural and/or Electrical Engineer(s) licensed in the State of California deemed necessary. 5. Artist's design and specifications shall be subject to approval by the City and its consultants. II. GENERAL ITEMS OE INCLUSION: As a further clarification to the plans and specifications, the work shall include but not necessarily be limited to the following: 1. Artist shall examine or cause to be examined all supporting and adjacent surfaces and record any defects to the City prior to installing any material. The installation of any material constitutes the Artist's complete acceptance of all substrates as compatible with the work under this Agreement. 2. Any work not provided for in this Agreement must be authorized by the City prior to the installation of such work. 3. Artist is responsible for all repairs or replacement of any existing property or work which is damaged as a result of the performance of the work under this Agreement. S:\Community Services\Civic Center Campus Artwork\WARE-MONUMENT ART PURCHASE AGREEMENT 344 23 Art Purchase Agreement 4. Artist shall provide all unloading, hoisting, scaffolding, and bracing for the Artwork. 5. Artist shall provide all drilling, coring, cutting, fastening, and welding required for the Artwork. 6. Artist shall supply all specialty lighting required to complete the Artwork. • s). •Lei 1. The Artwork consists of three bronze "mountain ranges"; each mountain range is to be contain approximately seven pieces of bronze, representing the mountains. 2. Each mountain range will be approximately seven feet high, width six to seven feet and four to five feet deep. 3. Wiring for specialize lighting will be placed inside each "mountain range" to illuminate the artpiece at night. This option to be installed by the City at a later date. 4. Additional conditions are provided as attachments to this exhibit, as provided by the Artist. 5. The Artwork is to be located on the Civic Center Campus (on the southwest comer of Calle Tampico and Washington Street) as outlined on the Master Plan for the project. 6. The City will provide a location for the art piece, all other structures needed for the installation is the responsibility of the artist. 7. It is a relief piece with detail only on one side. Panels of bronze will be installed on the "mountains" in such a manner that the panels can be removed for engraving. 8. The entire Artwork is to be constructed of bronze. 9. It will not be polished, but allowed to let the natural environment create the effect on the metal. S:\Community Services\Civic Center Campus Artwork\WARE-MONUWENT ART PURCHASE AGREEMENT 3 4 J C24 allow r* June 15, 2000 Dodie Horvitz Community Services Director 78-495 Calle Tampico_ La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Selection Team: Once again, I am interested in being considered for artwork for the La Quinta Civic Center Campus Project. I am offering the following preliminary thoughts for your review and consideration. GEYSER WATER FEATURE One approach to integrating art with the geyser would be to work with the natural movement of the water (ripples). Seven large, appropriate to. scale, butterflies or birds that come out -,of -the water at least 8' Refer to sketch ' "A" and "B" . Another idea would be to create three large sculptures of water lily pads with cut out butterfly wings and/or dragonflies. Refer to sketch licit All of the water sculptures would be constructed of maintenance free aluminum and stainless steel. I would work closely with the lake and geyser builder to insure proper anchorage of the artwork. This work sets a dialogue with the environment and engages the viewer in.a sense of place. ACKNOWLEDGMENT AREA A somewhat contemporary freestanding bronze sculpture reflecting the La Quinta mountain range. Designed and presented in a way that allows the viewer to walk around the art and read names of selected honorees, or possibly stated history La Quinta facts, such as, "Gem of the Desert" founded in 1982. This, can be done with the use of water -jet :or laser cutting process. My design would include some bolted panels in such a way that they could be unbolted for future cutting of names and, then put back into place. The opportunity exist to use art to inspire, welcome, and educate its users. Refer to sketch "D". The enclosed ideas and examples of my work will hopefully generate ilit-afost fey €UFbur 1pafift . Sincerely, ; w ) J. LI Ptrn w William Ware 346 (*t"-3y6Sony ,o 4dv ��- �� MAssSr e PALM WsarcA. 9xi60 C25 A d ,06 T N LL � T � LU 347 C-2 ' y,, . . t y. r � �b• b ,a: Y. • ( tt 0 340 50245OZ Jul-05-00 11:03A war4�1►ipp 76' P•01 BUDCET FOR PROPOSFrn ART FOR THE LA QUINTA CIVIC CENTER PARK PROJECT Acknowledgment Area: Mountain View Bronze Memorial Sculpture Cost: $&a—r a 0. 90, Uw Cost includes: Artist design, bronze, hardware, patina finish, labor cost, fabrication, deliveries, installation lighting plan, workinq with and assisting landscape architect, and all other appropriate engineers and inspectors needed.fees. Not included in cost: Base, installation -of special lighting, and laser cutting of selected script. Quail Family. Bronze, Edition of one with rights to use as a "Quail Award" for casting cost only. Cost: $7,000. (7 Fir F9) 3Y0-SOz,I.78-tot MA35W aT O PAtPOOFxatT CA-9xas0 3�0 GP;29 Art Purchase Agreement EXHIBIT B SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCE �_� The project will take approximately 6 months to complete the fabrication of the Artwork. Work will commence during the month of October 2000, and completed and installed by April, 2001, or as required as a part of the Civic Center Campus project. The ARTIST will coordinate the installation of the artwork with the Design Consultant and/or Landscape Architect. . REVIEWS: There may be one review by the Cultural Arts Commission of the work in progress if the Commission deems it necessary to be conducted prior to the installation of art feature. The project may be reviewed by the City Council as deemed appropriate. S:1Community Services\Civic Center Campus ArtwoTkMARE-MONUMENT ART PURCHASE AGREEMENT -1 1 3,5 1-- 0030 Art Purchase Agreement EXHIBIT C 6Y4ti i� ► PRICE: Basic Contract: Total Not to Exceed SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS: First payment due upon project approval (50%) $45,000 Second payment due upon completion of 75 % of the project $22,500 Final payment due upon filing of Notice of Completion for the project $22,500 S:1Community Services\Civic Center Campus Artwork\WARE-MONUMENT ART PURCHASE AGREEMENT r3 Co Art Purchase Agreement EXHIBIT D Piece of Artwork: La Quinta Mountain Range WHEREAS, by that certain Art Purchase Agreement dated , 200 ("Agreement"), THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California municipal corporation (the "City") contracted with WILLIAM WARE to provide certain "Artwork" (as defined in the Agreement); and, WHEREAS, as referenced in the Agreement, the City shall furnish Artist with a Notice of Completion upon completion of the fabrication and installation of the Artwork; and, WHEREAS, such certificate shall be conclusive determination of satisfactory completion of the fabrication and installation of the Artwork, as required by the Agreement, has been satisfactorily completed. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto certify as follows: 1. As provided in the Agreement, the City does hereby certify that the fabrication and installation of the Artwork has been fully performed and completed. Any executory obligations pursuant to the Agreement, which are hereby incorporated herein by reference, shall remain enforceable according to their terms. 2. Nothing contained in this instrument shall modify in any other way any executory portions of the Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Agency has executed this certificate this day of , 2001. CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California municipal corporation by: S:\Community ServicesTivic Center Campus ArtworkMARE-MONUMENT ART PURCHASE AGREEMENT 17 3 t; 3 2 ATTACHMENT 2 v�MCC CD CD CD CD CW' C7 F 00 CD cD C/1 �' ru cD O o • • CD C i O . `z a ° a � '� O ° CAD o c9 n cr ID CD '.�' O CD to O c� I� CD O O `C > cn (+ 'tea a. * w CD 'd d o O �n O O n N •-� n Oq O v' OZ cD rD o'CD O CD aWCWD QCD D ( CD cD `� F d y p o CD 0 r O cC'D 0 4. O y� y ' cD ao void 5°��. orq�o I CD CD 0 CD CD CD 0 '0 Cr-L OD moa'�0 cD ° p cD oC PtCD rL . P. o CD ' cO �cD �, 0; r* M CD A� c cD "w cD cD 0(" v 0 Cn�. CD CD a o �. a o o o o CD w q Uq 0p CD C a, p CD O rt 'd n '� 0 O al CD �-r r� N bq CD A+ CD V (D C) a CA W o 0 CD O tlq CD ..t O .'3 A+ 0 n CD CD �0°~~CDID V4. cn CD CD Qq �.CD cn En CD 0 cn CD cD cD a P CD ElcD � a UQ CD � p, O ram. CD sw ► t tv `� 'rt En !4 00 p' O. � o `d � `En 0cf) � F 3 0 � �-r CD o CO CD CD w CD C a : -0 CCDD arq `� 0 cn CD r- cn CD a� a �. CD W CD •� a o 7d Cr CD( cWn ate '' CD �. �• �* ° c CD ~' CD 0 CD CD orq c� Q v im, c 0 '� " ,� CD �U eCDCD CD CD CD A�rCD w CD `j a n ram-+ c O �. � a xe 0 u 354 Cis 0" �d w �d o -Pa, " cCD n W (A � w " O °� O' CD C .y o � � CD p.. � CDCD CD ~' as � P) C" cnD o o o CD CD �• d O rr. �• t n �In.rl o (�D ° �*� 0 CD CD cn � ( C P CD o CD O' w CD o �' 00 c) � �CDD �C CP--- � to b W ppCD _ CD 0 ►... ww• o ° CD ° 0 o a •d 121 '(DCD p CD Cro rA : Py CD `� CD CD CD `� �' ° o C 0 b a cn o cra CD � in CC° w � � CD O 0o � 0 'CD ° 0 `l C d P AD CD oa CD �, * 'd 0 ►, cro ... �D �p CD a b O `d CD o O CD0 'r o 0 0 0 a 0' CD a a n ►� cD CD �, CD o v� n p o CD o .- • CD �r C7 Fr-p CD CD o bq o a r . `y' v a o O ,.d o ol CD a .O ►,' CD CD .P.— `�a� CD CD CDCD � CD �. o� p o �•,� CD CD cn CD l 0 0 " CD oCD 0 • `c o CD o • � o a� a. 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' CD c �' �. �v t 'd o c� o OH, CD .� �+ CD w, CD ( CD M O �, 0 d a 0En CD C o CD cD" o o �+ CD CD CD �n CD 3 5 -) C34 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 7, 2001 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: Consideration to Adopt Standard Drawings STUDY SESSION: Related to Infrastructure Improvements in PUBLIC HEARING: the City of La Quinta. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council approving standard drawings related to infrastructure improvements constructed in the City of La Quinta. None. WARTi •L1 None. It is standard practice for governing bodies that own and maintain infrastructure to adopt and publish a set of standard drawings that detail the shape and configuration of various infrastructure components commonly constructed for common benefit and protection of the public. Doing so provides a number of benefits such as: • The drawings provide a convenient means for communicating design details that the City has adopted for implementation, and • The drawings provide a means for establishing a specific design detail, or method, for uniform use within the City instead exposing the City to multiple concepts advocated and used by others elsewhere, and • The drawings promote infrastructure uniformity within the City and enhance City plan review effort by avoiding time consuming review, evaluation, and discussion of competing alternate concepts that may or may not be in the City's best interest, and T:\PWDEPT\COUNCIL\2001\010807d.wpd q3k!;; ' • California Government Code Section 830.6 provides design immunity for agencies with respect to design standards that have been adopted by the governing body. The City adopted by reference the County of Riverside Standard Drawings shortly after City incorporation in 1982. Many of the infrastructure components detailed in the County standard drawings are ideal for continued use. In fact, infrastructure concepts detailed in forty-eight (48) County standard drawings are recommended for continued use and adoption in the proposed La Quinta standard drawings. Those forty-eight proposed standard drawings are a duplicate version of the County standard drawings and have been reproduced utilizing the La Quinta standard drawing format and logo. In addition to the County Standard Drawings, there are a number of standard drawings that have been developed over the years that are specific to the City. The newer standard drawings were created for the following reasons: • Some County standard drawings do not apply in the City of La Quinta because of variations between the City General Plan and the County General Plan with respect to street geometrics. In these instances, it is necessary for La Quinta to have its own standard drawings. • The County does not have a standard drawing to address certain infrastructure design details. Thus the City needs to adopt a standard to fill the void in the County standards. • In lieu of a collection of standard drawings from various agencies that are adopted by reference, it is less confusing and more efficient to adopt a set of City standard drawings that duplicate the standards used by other agencies. Doing so unifies the collection and provides a uniform method of identity but at the same time does not create massive deviation from standard design concepts that are commonly used by other agencies. As already noted, forty-eight (48) of the proposed standard drawings are duplicate concepts carried over from the County standard drawings that the City was already using by reference. In addition to the County standard drawings, twenty-one (21) of the proposed standard drawings are duplicate concepts derived from the standard drawings published by the American Public Works Association (APWA). One proposed standard drawing is a duplicate concept derived from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACDPW) and nineteen (19) proposed standard drawings are original drawings containing concepts that are unique to the City of La Quinta. Of the nineteen (19) unique standard drawings, twelve (12) of the drawings are unique only because of street geometrics prescribed by the City General Plan. These twelve (12) drawings are non -sequentially numbered 100 through 153. The other seven (7) unique drawings are related to: 3 5 %7 TAMDEPT\COUNCIU2001\010807d.wpd W V 2 • Title Page - Standard 001 • Universal Widening Concept - Standard 190 • Sandfilter - Standard 370 • Transverse Trench Backfill & Paving Detail - Standard 600 • Longitudinal Trench Backfill & Resurfacing Requirement - Standard 601 • La Quinta Standard Drawing - Standard 990 • Approval Signature Block - Standard 991 Although the proposed La Quinta Standard Drawings establish city identity for efficient reference, there is very little real uniqueness with respect to design details in the drawings that would create broad controversy. La Quinta's Standard Drawings duplicate standard concepts that are widely used elsewhere in the Coachella Valley. As a result, the proposed standard drawings are not a big step out of line with other infrastructure design concepts employed in the Valley. The most notable exceptions are Standards 600 and 601 related to the trench backfill and pavement restoration methods preferred in La Quinta. On July 27, 2001, the CVAG Technical Transportation Advisory Subcommittee (TTAS) approved valleywide trench restoration standards that closely match La Quinta's standards 600 and 601. The only difference is the full pavement replacement from the trench edge to the gutter lip when the trench is within three feet (T) of the curb and gutter. This is referred to as the "floater strip" of pavement. Over a year ago, the Public Works Department transmitted a copy of the proposed standard drawings to the Building Industry Association (BIA) for comment. The BIA conducted a meeting at City Hall that was attended by several contractors in the Coachella Valley. To date, the Engineering Department has received no written or oral comment from the BIA regarding the proposed standard drawings. The proposed standard drawings, as currently presented, show an approval date of 00/00/00 for the purpose of demonstrating format style. Upon receiving City Council approval, staff will place the actual approval date on the drawings prior to publishing the standard drawings for use and public circulation. 353' TAMDEFRCOUNCIL\2001 \010807d.wpd The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council approving standard drawings related to infrastructure improvements constructed in the City of La Quinta; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council approving standard drawings related to infrastructure improvements constructed in the City of La Quinta; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully s bmitted, Chris A. Vog Public Works Director/City Engineer Approved for submission by: l ` Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Proposed La Quinta Standard Drawings 359 TAPWDEPT\COUNCIL\2001\010807d.wpd V V RESOLUTION NO. 2001- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF LA QUINTA APPROVING STANDARD DRAWINGS RELATED TO INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta adopted the County of Riverside Standard Drawings shortly after City incorporation in 1982 as a means for maintaining efficient continuity in the early years of cityhood; and WHEREAS, the City Council now desires to adopt a set of standard drawings that establish city identity for easy reference and provide an efficient means for maintaining and updating City standards as needed and when needed; and WHEREAS, City staff has prepared ninety-nine standard drawings for adoption as listed on Exhibit A. WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works/City Engineer has reviewed the standard drawings and has already approved each of them. WHEREAS, in the professional opinion of the Director of Pubic Works/City Engineer, a registered civil engineer, the standard drawings are reasonable. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section . All ninety-nine standard drawings listed in Exhibit A are approved for use in the City of La Quinta. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 7th day of August, 2001, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None JOHN J. PEIVA, Mayor City of La Quinta, California 360 004A ATTEST: JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON , City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 361 004B ATTACHMENTS 36? T:\PWDEPT\COUNCIL\2001\010807d.wpd �� f REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 ATTACHMENT 1 Infrastructure Development STANDARDS TITLE PAGE 006 STANDARD 001 3 �F SHEET 1 OF 1 EXHIBIT A LA QUINTA DWG DESCRIPTION REFERENCE KEY STD DWG# AGENCY STD DWG # STREETS & ALLEYS 100 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA 100 110 MAJOR ARTERIAL "A" LA QUINTA 110 115 MAJOR ARTERIAL "B" LA QUINTA 115 120 PRIMARY ARTERIAL "A" LA QUINTA 120 125 PRIMARY ARTERIAL "B" LA QUINTA 125 130 SECONDARY ARTERIAL-88' R/W LA QUINTA 130 140 COLLECTOR "A" 74' R/W LA QUINTA 140 145 COLLECTOR "B" 64' R/W LA QUINTA 145 150 LOCAL STREET 60' R/W LA QUINTA 150 151 LOCAL STREET 60' R/W LA QUINTA 151 152 LOCAL STREET 50' R/W LA QUINTA 152 153 LOCAL STREET 50' R/W LA QUINTA 153 160 TYP. ALLEY AND A. APRON SECT. R.C.T.D. 500 190 UNIVERSAL WIDENING CONCEPT LA QUINTA 190 CURBS, GUTTERS, SIDEWALKS, & DRIVEWAYS 201 6" CURB AND GUTTER R.C.T.D. 200 202 8" CURB AND GUTTER R.C.T.D. 201 203 TYPE "C" CURB R.C.T.D. 202 204 ASPHALT CONCRETE DIKES R.C.T.D. 212 205 CURB TRANSITION R.C.T.D. 211 208 CURB AND GUTTER JOINTS R.C.T.D. 205 210 6" MEDIAN CURB R.C.T.D. 204 220 DRIVEWAY LOC. AT INTER. CURB RET. R.C.T.D. 208 221 CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APPROACH R.C.T.D. 207 225 COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY R.C.T.D. 207A 230 CROSS GUTTER LAYOUT R.C.T.D. 209 231 CROSS GUTTER (TYPIAL SECTION) R.C.T.D. 209A 240 SIDEWALK AND CURB R.C.T.D. 401 241 CURB SIDEWALK JOINTS A.P.W.A. 112-0 245 MEANDERING SIDEWALK R.C.T.D. 404 250 CURB RAMP CASE A R.C.T.D. 403 260 EQ. TRAIL EASMNT. ADJ. TO PUB. ST. R.C.T.D. 405 DRAINAGE 300 (1 of 2) CURB INLET CATCH BASIN NO. 1 R.C.T.D. 300 300 (2 of 2) CURB INLET CATCH BASIN R.C.T.D. 300A 301 COMB. INLET CATCH BASIN NO.2 R.C.T.D. 301 302 (1 of 2) COMB. INLET CATCH BASIN NO. 3 R.C.T.D. 302 302A (2 of 2) COMBINATION INLET CATCH BASIN SPE. R.C.T.D. 302A 310 CURB SUPPORT DETAIL R.C.T.D. 304 311 CATCH BASIN MANHOLE FRAME AND A.P.W.A. 312-1 364 007 LA QUINTA DWG DESCRIPTION REFERENCE KEY STD DWG# AGENCY STD DWG # 312 MANHOLE FRAMES AND COVERS R.C.T.D. 608 315 GRATE AND FRAME DETAIL R.C.T.D. 305 320 CURB OUTLET R.C.T.D. 308(1,2) 321 PRIVATE DRAIN THROUGH CURB R.C.T.D. 310 322 CURB DRAIN A.P.W.A. 150-1 323 RECTANGULAR FRAME AND COVER A.P.W.A. 152-0 330 GUTTER DEP. FOR CURB OPEN. C. BAS R.C.T.D. 311 331 GUTTER DEP. FOR GRATE OPEN. C. B. R.C.T.D. 312 340 MANHOLE PIPE TO P. (MAIN L. ID=36") A.P.W.A. 320-0 341 MANHOLE PIPE TO PIPE (ID=33") A.P.W.A. 321-0 342 MANHOLE PIPE TO P. LARGE S. INLET A.P.W.A. 322-0 343 MANHOLE -CONCRETE BOX (storm drain) A.P.W.A. 323-0 350 JUNCT. STRUCT.P. TO P. INLET ID>26" A.P.W.A. 331-0 351 JUNCT. STRUCT.-PIPE TO P. (ID<24) A.P.W.A. 332-0 352 JUNCTION STRUCTURE -PIPE TO RCB A.P.W.A. 333-0 353 JUNCT STRUCT. PIPE TO RCB (ID<30") A.P.W.A. 334-0 354 TRANSITION STRUCTURE PIPE TO PIPE A.P.W.A. 340-0 360 AS. OVERSIDE DRAIN R.C.T.D. 306 370 SAND FILTER LA QUINTA 370 GEOMETRICS 401 OFFSET CUL-DE-SAC R.C.T.D. 800 401 OFFSET CUL-DE-SAC R.C.T.D. 800 (A) 405 STANDARD KNUCKLE R.C.T.D. 801 410 PROP. LINE -CORNER C.B., CURB R. RA R.C.T.D. 805 415 MEDIAN TAPER A.P.W.A. 140-1 416 MEDIAN FLARE A.P.W.A. 141-0 420 CONCRETE BUS PAD A.P.W.A. 131-0 450 LOC. OF CABLE TV DUCTS AT ST. INT. R.C.T.D. 819 451 FIXED OBJ. PLMENT FOR INT. RWY COND. R.C.T.D. 820 452 SM, FIRE H., & UTILITY POLE LOCAT. R.C.T.D. 400 TRAFFIC SIGNS & STRIPING 500 STREET NAME SIGN R.C.T.D. 816 505 STREET NAME SIGN POST L.A.C.D.P.W. 1920-0 ANCILLARY IMPROVEMENTS 600 TRANS. TRENCH BACKFILL & PAVING DET. LA QUINTA 600 601 LONG. TRENCH BACKFILL & RESURF. REQ. LA QUINTA 601 620 BARRICADE R.C.T.D. 810 630 MULT. MAILB. INST. FOR NEW S/W R.C.T.D. 812 631 MULT. MAILB. INST. FOR EXIST. S/W R.C.T.D. 813 635 TYPICAL WATER METER INSTALLATION R.C.T.D. 700 365 11: LA QUINTA DWG DESCRIPTION REFERENCE KEY STD DWG# AGENCY STD DWG # 636 FIRE HYDRANT INSTALLATION R.C.T.D. 701 637 VALVE BOX, FRAME AND COVER R.C.T.D. 703 650 BUS TURNOUT R.C.T.D. 814 LANDSCAPING 700 TREE -STAKING A.P.W.A. 518-0 705 TREE WELL A.P.W.A. 519-1 710 SHRUB AND TREE PLANTING A.P.W.A. 520-0 711 TREE ROOT BARRIER A.P.W.A. 522-0 750 PRESSURE REGULAR INSTALLATION A.P.W.A. 521-0 MONUMENTING 800 TIE -OUT STANDARDS R.C.T.D. 900 801 STREET CENTERLINE MONUMENT R.C.T.D. 901 802 TYPE "B" MONUMENT R.C.T.D. 903 DRAFTING 001 TITLE PAGE LA QUINTA 001 990 LA QUINTA STANDARD DRAWING LA QUINTA 990 991 APPROVAL SIGNATURE BLOCK LA QUINTA 991 366 J R/W 70' i 70' R/W ®. • 50' 12' 58' 58' 12' 50' 62' 45' 26' 45' 62' Q GENERAL CROSS SECTION 58' 58' 8' 12' 12' 13' 26' 13' 12' 12' 8' Q 0 0 (9) MID —BLOCK LANE WIDTHS 58' 1 58' 8' 12' 12' 13' 15' 12' 12' 12' 12' 8' 0 0 © 0 0 9� STRIPING NOTES 10 Caltrans detail 12 Q Coltrane detail 35 GENERAL NOTES LANE WIDTHS AT INTERSECTION DETAIL NOTES The City General Plan calls for a landscape setback Q Caltrans detail 270 0 area adjacent to the right of way. OMeandering sidewalk shall be constructed In right of way, and In blanket easement for sidewalk purposes covering landscape setback area. 1. Highway 111 is a State Highway administered by Coltrane. The Information on drawing represents the City of La Quinta understanding of Coltrane. REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 c&t O Refer to Standard 201 regarding parkway and landscape setback grading design requirements. O See standard 201 for curb and gutter detail. O The City has constructed a 0.55' AC on 0.50' CL 2 All structural section for some Highway 111 projects. However, Highway 111 Is a State Highway, pieces check with Coltrane for actual design requirements. © This Ions width configuration applies only If traffic study Indicates additional left turn or right turn lanes are not needed. 010 HZGHWAY 111 STANDARD 100 SHEET 1 OF 1 R/W 60, 60' R/W • s • 0 20' 12' 48' 48' 12' 20' 32' 39, 18, 39, 32' 0 Q 8' 1 I..-� 0 GENERAL CROSS SECTION 48' i 48' 5' 11 11 12' 18' 12' 11' 11' 5' Q 10 D MID —BLOCK LANE WIDTHS 48' 48' 5' 11 11 12' 7' 12' 11 11 11' 5' 0 1Q 1Q — Q LANE WIDTHS AT INTERSECTION DETAIL NOTES O Sound barrier height for residential areas shall be STRIPING NOTES determined by nolse study. Maximum allowable (�K exposed wall face Is six (6) feet. If sound barrier 1� Coltrane detail 12Q Caltrons detail 39 height is higher than six feet, wall must be placed on earthen berm. QZ Coltrane detail 38 Q4 Caltrons detail 39A'0�` 2 O Meandering sidewalk shall be constructed in right of way, and In blanket easement for sidewalk purposes covering landscape setback area. Refer to Standard GENERAL NOTES 160. ORefer to Standard 161 regarding parkway and landscape setback grading design requirements. 1, See Standard 180 for specific design parameters regarding this street classification. O See standard 201 for curb and gutter detail. 2. See Standard 181 for spacing requirement regarding O The City General Plan calls for a landscape setback access connections to streets In this classification. area adjacent to the right of way. © This Ions width configuration applies only if traffic study Indicates additional Is" turn or right turn lanes are not needed. 011 REVISIONS: APPROVED .0 STANDARD 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT f `"°f �44. 110 CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 MAJOR ARTERIAL "All 3 &EET 1 OF 2 • • R/W R/W 63' 67' 9' 54' 58' 9' 5' 11 11' 12' 4' 10' 11' 11' 11' 1 V 4' 11' LANE WIDTHS AT INTERSECTION WITH: 1. Dual left turn lanes 2. Exclusive right turn Ions R/W R/W 60' 64' 12' 48' 55' 9' REVISIONS: APPROVED 01 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 12' 7' 12' 11' 11' 11' 4' 11' LANE WIDTHS AT INTERSECTION WITH: 1. Exclusive right turn lane r G , CU .of, 012 STANDARD 110 MAJOR ARTERIAL "All 3 691 SHEET 2 OF 2 • 0 R/W 60' 60• R/W r 0 20' , 9' , 51' , 51' , 9' , 20' , 29' , 44' , 14' , 44' , 29' , 0 GENERAL CROSS SECTION 51' 51' (D 0 110 7' 12' 12' 13' 14' 13' 12' 12' 7' 19) T T 0 0 MID —BLOCK LANE WIDTHS i 51' , 51' , 7' 12' 12' 13' 3' 12' 12' 12' 12' 7' .(D <D © 0 0 LANE WIDTHS AT INTERSECTION DETAIL NOTES STRIPING NOTES OSound barrier height for residential areas shall be 1� Coltrane detail 12 30 Coltrane detail 39 determined by noise study. Maximum allowable exposed wall face is six (6) feet. If sound barrier 02 Coltrane detail 38 40 Coltrane detail 39A height is higher than six feet. wall must be placed on earthen berm. O Meandering sidewalk shall be constructed In right of GENERAL NOTES way, and in blanket easement for sidewalk purposes covering landscape setback area. Refer to Standard 160. 1. See Standard 180 for specific design parameters 3 O Refer to Standard 161 regarding parkway and regarding this street classification. landscape setback grading design requirements. 2. See Standard 181 for spacing requirement regarding O See standard 201 for curb and gutter detail. access connections to streets In this classification. O The City General Plan calls for a landscape setback area adjacent to the right of way. © This lone width configuration applies only If traffic study indicates additional left turn or right turn lanes are not needed, 013 REVISIONS: APPROVED -�L �, STANDARD 00/00/00 QUWA �4 CHRIS A. VOGT f `MOF ` 115 CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 MAJOR ARTERIAL SHEET 1 OF 2 Ell • • R/W � R/W 65' 74' g' 56' 65' 1 9' 7' 12' 12' 1 13' 3' _1 0' 12' 1212' 12' 4' 12' LANE WIDTHS AT INTERSECTION WITH: 1. Dual left turn lanes 2. Exclusive right turn Ions R/W � R/W 60' 69' g' 51' 60' 9' 7' 12' 12' 13' 3' 12' 12' 12' 12' 4' 12' LANE WIDTHS AT INTERSECTION WITH: 1. Exclusive right turn Ian• 014 REVISIONS: APPROVED � STANDARD 00/00/00 �°` �� � a sCV CHRIS A. VOGT f'"°F M` 115 CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 MAJOR ARTERZAL "B " 3 7 _ SHEET 2 OF 2 R/W 55' i 55' R/W • • C� Q5 20' 1243' 43' 12' 20' 32' 34' 18' 34' 32' (a)l (1) (�) GENERAL CROSS SECTION 0 43' 43' 8' 13' 13' 18, 13' 13' 8' 0 ( 0 MID —BLOCK LANE WIDTHS 43' 43' 8' 13' 13' 7' 12' 12' 13' 8' 0 (D 0 LANE WIDTHS AT INTERSECTION DETAIL NOTES STRIPING NOTES O Sound barrier height for residential areas shall be determined by nolse study. Maximum allowable 10 Coltrane detail 12 30 Coltrons detail 39 exposed wall face Is six (6) feet. If sound barrier height Is higher than six feet, wall must be placed Q2 Caltrans detail 38 4Q Caltrans detail 39A on earthen berm. OMeandering sidewalk shall be constructed In right of way, and In blanket easement for sidewalk purposes GENERAL NOTES covering landscape setback area. Refer to Standard 160. O Refer to Standard 161 regarding parkway and 1. See Standard 180 for specific design parameters landscape setback grading design requirements. regarding this street classification. 0 See standard 201 for curb and gutter detail. 2. See Standard 181 for spacing requirement regarding access connections to streets In this classification. O The City General Plan calls for a landscape setback area adjacent to the right of way. © This lane width configuration applies only If traffi- study indicates additional left turn or right turn lanes are not needed. 015 REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 4 f � S �J �J 4 f 4'. �y or STANDARD 120 PRIMARY ARTERIAL "All 3i '-1 SHEET 1 of R/W 50' 50' R/W • • 20' 1 1238' 38' 12' 1 20' 32' 32' 12' 32' 32' 0 4O GENERAL CROSS SECTION 38' 38' 7' 12' 13' 12' 13' 12' 7' 0 (D <D (D MID —BLOCK LANE WIDTHS 38' 38' 7' 12' 13' 2' 11' 12' 12' 7' 11fL-_ O LANE WIDTHS AT INTERSECTION DETAIL NOTES STRIPING NOTES Sound barrier height for residential areas shall be determined by nolse study. Maximum allowable 1� Caltrons detail 12 3> Caltrans detail 39 exposed wall face Is six (6) feet. If sound barrier height is higher than six feet, wall must be placed 11 Caltrans detail 38 4Q Caltrons detail 39A on earthen berm. OMeandering sidewalk shall be constructed In right of GENERAL NOTES way, and In blanket easement for sidewalk purposes covering landscape setback area. Refer to Standard 160. 1. See Standard 180 for specific design parameters O Refer to Standard 161 regarding parkway and landscape setback grading design requirements. regarding this street classification. 2. See Standard 181 for spacing requirement regarding 4Q See standard 201 for curb and gutter detail. access connections to streets In this classification. OThe City General Plan calla for a landscape setback area adjacent to the right of way. © This lane width configuration applies only if traffic study indicates additional left turn or right turn lanes are not needed. 016 REVISIONS: APPROVED STANDARD 00/00/00 • j S Cv CHRIS A. VOGT ° `"OF 125 CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 PRIMARY ARTERIAL "B '437 3 SHEET 1 OF 1 E • R/W 44' 44' R/W 10' 12' 32' 32' 12' 10' GENERAL CROSS SECTION. 14' i 12' 1 12' 1 12' i 14' (D 6 6 0 MID —BLOCK LANE WIDTHS 14' 12' 1 12' 12' 14' 1� 6 Q4 STRIPING NOTES 1D Coltrane detail 9 QY Coltrane detail 16 GENERAL NOTES LANE WIDTHS AT INTERSECTION 30 Coltrane detail 22 4Q Coltrane detail 38 1, See Standard 180 for specific design parameters regarding this street classification. 2. See Standard 181 for spacing requirement regarding access connections to streets In this classification. REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 DETAIL NOTES O Sound barrier height for residential areas shall be determined by noise study. Maximum allowable exposed wall face is six (6) feet. If sound barrier height Is higher than six feet, wall must be placed on earthen berm. OMeandering sidewalk shall be constructed in right of way, and in blanket easement for sidewalk purposes covering landscape setback area. Refer to Standard 160. ORefer to Standard 161 regarding parkway and landscape setback grading design requirements. O See standard 201 for curb and gutter detail. OThe City General Plan calls for a landscape setback area adjacent to the right of way. © This lane width configuration applies only If traffic study Indicates additional left turn or right turn lanes are not needed. 0171 STANDARD s CV _W 130 OF � SECONDARY ARTERIAL - 88 ' R � w SHEET 1 OF 1 R/W 37. i 37. R/W �11 L_J 10' 12' 25' 25' 12' 10' O 1 0 GENERAL CROSS SECTION 7' 18 18 7' MID —BLOCK LANE WIDTHS 7' 12' 12' 12' i 7' 0 LANE WIDTHS AT INTERSECTION STRIPING NOTES DETAIL NOTES 10 Caltrans detail 2 40 Caltrans detail 38 1 0 Sound barrier height for residential areas shall be 12 Caltrans detail 39 5Q Caltrans detail 39A determined by nolse study. Maximum allowable exposed wall face is six (8) feet. If sound barrier 03 Caltrans detail 22 height is higher than six feet. wall must be placed on earthen berm. OMeandering sidewalk shall be constructed In right of way. and In blanket easement for sidewalk purposes covering landscape setback area. Refer to Standard GENERAL NOTES 160. O Refer to Standard 161 regarding parkway and 1. See Standard 180 for specific design parameters landscape setback grading design requirements. regarding this street classification. O See standard 201 for curb and gutter detail. 2. See Standard 181 for spacing requirement regarding this O The City General Plan calls for a landscape setback access connections to streets in classification. area adjacent to the right of way. © This lane width configuration applies only If traffic study Indicates additional left turn or right turn lanes are not needed. 018 REVISIONS: APPROVED oo/oo 00 �` � �� , STANDARD s CHRIS A. VOGT f"or ` 140 CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 COLLECTOR "All 741 R 1 w ,, �, SHEET 1 OF 1 R/W 32, i 32. R/W r • • 10' 12' 20' 20' 12' 10' 0 O O 0 GENERAL CROSS SECTION 20' i 20' MID —BLOCK LANE WIDTHS 15' 12' 13' LANE WIDTHS AT INTERSECTION STRIPING NOTES 1Q Caltrans detail 2 3Q Caltrans detail 38 02 Caltrans detail 22 GENERAL NOTES 1, See Standard 180 for specific design parameters regarding this street classification. 2. See Standard 181 for spacing requirement regarding access connections to streets In this classification. REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 c� j S �M OF DETAIL NOTES O Sound barrier height for residential areas shall be determined by noise study. Maximum allowable exposed wall face Is six (6) feet. If sound barrier height Is higher than six feet. wall must be placed on earthen berm. OMeandering sidewalk shall be constructed in right of way. and In blanket easement for sidewalk purposes covering landscape setback area. Refer to Standard 160. ORefer to Standard 161 regarding parkway and landscape setback grading design requirements. Q See standard 201 for curb and gutter detail. OThe City General Plan calls for a landscape setback area adjacent to the right of way. © This lane width configuration applies only If traffic study Indicates additional left turn or right turn lanes are not needed. 019 COLLECTOR "B" 64' R/W 37 STANDARD 145 SHEET 1 OF 1 • • • R/W 30' 30' R/W 10' 20' 20' 10' 40' 1 O 1 z GENERAL CROSS SECTION GENERAL NOTES 1. See Standard 180 for specific design parameters regarding this street classification. 2. See Standard 181 for spacing requirement regarding access connections to streets In this classification. DETAIL NOTES tO See Standard 202 for sidewalk detail. O2 See Standard 201 for curb and gutter detail. O3 See Standard 161 regarding parkway grading and landscaping requirements. 020 REVISIONS: APPROVED ` VAR STANDARD 00/00/00 iZ SCv CHRIS A. VOGT f `"°fTM� 150 CITY ENGINEER 3 �►� RCE 44250 LOCAL STREET 601 R 1 w SHEET 1 OF 1 • LJ • R/W R/W 30' 30' 12' 18' i 18' i 12' 36' 1 � 2 GENERAL CROSS SECTION O GENERAL NOTES 1, See Standard 180 for specific design parameters regarding this street classification. 2. See Standard 181 for spacing requirement regarding access connections to streets In this classification. REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 S sTAT 4 CRh U � DETAIL NOTES O See Standard 202 for sidewalk detall. O See Standard 201 for curb and gutter detail. O See Standard 161 regarding parkway grading and landscaping requirements. LOCAL STREET 601 R / W 37 021 STANDARD 151 SHEET 1 OF 1 • • R/W 25' R/W 25' 18' 7' 369 I---50 3Q 0 2 GENERAL CROSS SECTION GENERAL NOTES 1, See Standard 1130 for specific design parameters regarding this street classification. 2. See Standard 181 for spacing requirement regarding access connections to streets In this classification. f VISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 DETAIL NOTES 1O See Standard 202 for sidewalk detail. Q See Standard 201 for curb and gutter detail. O3 See Standard 161 regarding parkway grading and landscaping requirements. 023 o` STANDARD 3 � OF LOCAL STREET OCALSTREET 50' R/W 38. 153 SHEET 1 OF 1 0 0 La 0 Z o c U Q R/W 20' MINIMUM RIW A 1/2 WIDTH 112 WIDTH A \i7 — R/W B A.C. PAVEMENT CLASS "Blo ONCRETE g N B ALLEY PR ON A .:;t:.: PA t SION JOINT EXPANSION (JOINT N I SIDEWALK SIDEWALK o w O Z t CURB FACE GU CURB FACE ER I---4''--►I PLAN 2'%4" REDWOOD HEADER — i R 2"X41' R/R/W20' MI IMUM /W REDWOOD 1/2 WIDTH 1/2 WIDTH HEADER i _LEVEL LINE0.40'_______ 2 1/2" MINIMUM A. C. PAVEMENT SECTION A -A 20' MINIMUM 4" MINIMUM BASE SIDEWALK 1/2 WIDTH 1/2 WIDTH SIDEWALK 16. 6" MIN. 7EXEXPANSION JOINT PANSION JOINT SECTION B-B ALLEY WIDTH AS SPECIFIED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. * WHEN REQUIRED OR PERMITTED 024 REVISIONS: APPROVED a STANDARD 00/00/00 FF -+ C,eN CHRIS A. VOGT 01 4 160 CITY ENGINEER TYPICAL ALLEY AND ALLEY RCE 44250 381 SHEET 1 OF 1 APRON SECTIONS • E C T O M �- SEE DETAIL BELOW 0.1' OVERLAY EXISTING PAVEMENT OVERLY VEMENT EXISTING PA STREET CLASSIFICATION STANDARD M T C MAJOR ARTERIAL A 110 9 39' 48' MAJOR ARTERIAL B 115 7' 44' 51' PRIMARY ARTERIAL A 120 9' 34' 43' PRIMARY ARTERIAL B 125 6' 32 38' SECONDARY ARTERIAL 130 6' 26' 32' DETAIL NOTES OTaper overlay thickness from 0.1 foot to zero In 2.5 feet of width. OStructural section per standard drawing for Intended street classification. O Saw cut edge of existing pavement. OSee standard drawing for Intended sheet%zlcl classification for striping configuration In the travel way. REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 STRIPING NOTE 1O Caltrons detail 29 j Scu fN OF UNZ V ERSA L WIDENING CONCEPT 025 STANDARD 190 SHEET 1 OF 1 • Is E R 3/8" 1 12 1/2" ROADBED WIDTH TO THIS POINT i 31 1/2" CLASS "B" CONCRETE 1.601 C U. FT. / L.F. 1 CU. YD. = 16.86 L.F. MINIMUM PERMISSIBLE GRADE IS 0.50% UNLESS SPECIFIC APPROVAL IS GIVEN BY THE CITY ENGINEER PRIOR TO DESIGN. REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 LEVEL LINE NOTE: IF AN EXIST. EXPANSION JOINT IS 10' OR LESS AWAY FROM THE DIMENSIONED JOINT, REMOVE EXIST. CURB TO THE EXIST. EXPANSION JOINT IN LIEU OF THE SAW CUT. 026 1 a • STANDARD � s `M 201 6 " CURB AND GUTTER 3 SHEET 1 of 1 • T 0 N O Z 0 H co 8 r7 R 3/8" ROADBED WIDTH TO THIS POINT i i 2" SURFACING i R 1" i 2% 24" i i 8" CURB FACE 3/4" D i D D p R 3/4" ' D D 14 1 /2" p A p p p p D D D D p cn D D D D D D V D • D D D D D D p LEVEL LINE 32" CLASS "B" CONCRETE 1.73 CU. FT. / L.F. 1 CU. YD. = 15.60 L.F. MINIMUM PERMISSIBLE GRADE IS 0.50% UNLESS SPECIFIC APPROVAL IS GIVEN BY THE CITY ENGINEER PRIOR TO DESIGN. 2" NOTE: IF AN EXIST. EXPANSION JOINT IS 10' OR LESS AWAY FROM THE DIMENSIONED JOINT, REMOVE EXIST. CURB TO THE EXIST. EXPANSION JOINT IN LIEU OF THE SAW CUT. 027 REVISIONS: APPROVED a STANDARD 00/00/00 F ,CHRIS A. VOGT 202 f"°' CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 1 $ CURB AND GUTTER 384 SHEET 1 OF 1 0 0 2'-2" 11-6" 1'-7 3/16 " ROADBED WIDTH TO THIS POINT w ROA 1 z i J I c/) I � 1 p i z N W i OC z i I i i i i i i i SURFACING i i i i i LA t' v v . t' 7 2'-4' CLASS "B" CONCRETE o N O Z NOTE: IF AN EXIST. EXPANSION JOINT c IS 10' OR LESS AWAY FROM THE ~ DIMENSIONED JOINT, REMOVE N EXIST. CURB TO THE EXIST. EXPANSION JOINT IN LIEU OF ~ THE SAW CUT. v REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 1.418 CU FT. / L.F. 1 CU. YD. = 19.05 L.F. MINIMUM PERMISSIBLE GRADE IS 0.50 % UNLESS SPECIFIC APPROVAL IS GIVEN BY THE CITY ENGINEER PRIOR TO DESIGN. 028 o CU 4 A. j t OF STANDARD 203 TYPE "C" CURB 385 SHEET 1 OF 1 l� 1/4"PER r^^mvl L%l no 1/4"PER FOOT SLOPE N T N 0 Z 0 0 U 0.25' , 0.42' , 0.25' L ROADBED WIDTH TO THIS POINT I i I I I I 6" A.C. DIKE 0.33' 0.42' , 0.33' ROADBED WIDTH TO THIS POINT — i i i i i i i i 8" A.C. DIKE 029 Q REVISIONS: APPROVED a� Y,� • STANDARD 00/00/00 uT4, , FF CHRIS A. VOGT ..of 4 204 CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 ASPHAL T CONCRETE DIKES 3 8 SHEET 1 OF 1 • C7 AP"A TYPE licit 10 MIN. TRANSITION LENGTH E CURB "A=8" CURB BACK OF CURB I r--r--- ------------------------------------------------------------- _ o o O y-.Msiiiv�itiliiEii_i`C-�-r--------------------------------- ^^r�-0' ROLL SECTION 000 - 000 00 - -- FLAT SECTION TYPE licit CURB— EXPANSION JOINT PLAN VIEW ISOMETRIC VIEW TYPE "A-6" OR "A-8" CURB CLASS "B CONCRETE MAINTAIN GUTTER GRADIENT 030 REVISIONS: APPROVED STANDARD 00/00/00 j aT4h CHRIS A. VOGT .f"°'205 CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 CURB TRANSZTION 38 SHEET 1 OF 1 f s GUTTER A-�-- - • EXPANSION I JOINT ArI --- CURBFACE I B�-• WEAK ENED PLANE JOINT I gr--- 10'-0" TOP OF BUR WEAKENED PLANE JOINT TYPICAL PLAN VIEW TOP OF FILLER 1/4" BELOW SURFACE ° . p R 1/4"� R 1/4": ° • • PREMOLDED p' v p' v p•• EXPANSION • • JOINT FILLER 1 /2" —►I I�— SECTION "A —A" EXPANSION JOINT EXPANSION JOINTS TO BE INSTALLED AT ALL B.C.'S, E.C.'S, CURB RETURNS, AND STRUCTURES. 3/16"—mil•— 111 " If 1 to D • p p • SECTION "B—B" WEAKENED PLANE JOINT 10' INTERVAL BETWEEN TRANSVERSE JOINTS MAY BE VARIED TO ALLOW MATCHING OF JOINTS IN ADJACENT EXISTING INMPROVEMENTS. 031 REVISIONS: APPROVED a STANDARD 00/00/00 a s CHRIS A. VOGT f"°' 208 CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 CURB AND GUTTER JOINTS 3 8 SHEET 1 OF .1 11 • CLASS "B" CONCRETE 0.888 CU FT. / L.F. 1 CU. YD. = 30.41 L.F. MINIMUM PERMISSIBLE GRADE IS 0.50 % UNLESS SPECIFIC APPROVAL IS GIVEN BY THE CITY ENGINEER PRIOR TO DESIGN. 0321 REVISIONS: APPROVED � • STANDARD 00/00/00 j°6j I CHRIS A. VOGT "°' .4 210 CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 6" MEDIAN CURB 3 8 9 SHEET 1 OF 1 0 co 0 N 0 z 0 0 0 0 EDGE OF DRIVEWAY LL 01 5, (MIN.) F' (RESID.) �I Q----------------------------------- ----- •.--------------- > > O ; w ; TOP OF CURB / CURB FACE w RIGHT OF WAY I GUTTER ' 150' (MIN.) (COMMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL) 5' (MIN.) • • .• . • (REBID.) --� : • ' ' • RESIDENTIAL ONLY: NO PORTION OF ANY DRIVEWAY SHALL BE PERMITTED WITHIN 5' OF THE POINTS OF CURVATURE. COMMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL: NO PORTION OF ANY DRIVEWAY SHALL BE PERMITTED WITHIN 150' OF THE CENTERLINE OF AN INTERSECTING STREET OR AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 033 REVISIONS: APPROVED a STANDARD 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT Of 220 CITY ENGINEER DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS AT 39, RCE 44250 INTER 'S ECTION CURB RETURNS I SHEET 1 OF 1 r 1� 7-,� LL Ow p WEAKENED PLANE i i c � JOINT AT 5' INTERVALS -� i i W o RNV w RAN RNV I r Z w � J Lij�. � p Lu } ! L0 m W r C/9 I Z LLU c� r r �v a� _ 4 z y w a w f/ x Z f- i =, U) _ �� j C9 Tn a cri V�. Rp O � a 6' RESIDENTIAL 12' MIN. 30' MAX. 6' 1-21 COMMERCIAL 24' MIN. 40' MAX. MIN. WHEN NO SIDEWALK WITH SIDEWALK EXISTS OR IS NOT REQUIRED NOTES: 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE CLASS "B" CONCRETE. 2. 20' OF FULL HEIGHT CURB REQUIRED BETWEEN DRIVEWAYS WITHIN ANY ONE PROPERTY FRONTAGE. NOV E Tlo s' 0I0 034 REVISIONS: APPROVED �t STANDARD 00/00/00 5 s cu CHRIS A. VOGT Mof 221 CITY ENGINEER CONCRETE DRIVEWAY RCE 44250 391 SHEET 1 OF 1 APPROACH 0 U a ti 0 N O Z C CD G F- L� - _R/W 4' MAXIMUM 20' 20' MINIMUM MINIMUM CLLj _ U �1' MIN. MEDIAN DETAIL 23' 1 12' _ L 24' MINIMUM �_ 12' Ali 23' • 40' MAXIMUM TYPE A-6 OR A-6 CURB �� i 23' OF ADDITIONAL R/W — PROVIDE ACCESS RAMPS PER CITY OF LA QUINTA STD. No. 250 COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY RJW 035 REVISIONS: APPROVED a STANDARD 00/00/00 j f fy " ,�� CHRIS A. VOGT Cl 440 225 CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY 39 SHEET 1 OF 1 • • J VARIABLE R 25p RIGHT OF WAYS VARIABLE - -% , , �l 14; , 10 CROSS GUTTER FOR USE WITH TYPES "A-6" AND "A-8" CURB. O2 APRON THICKNESS TO BE 6" MINIMUM. O3 CROSS GUTTER THICKNESS TO BE 6" MINIMUM. O4 CLASS "B" CONCRETE. O PLACE 6" BASE UNDER ENTIRE SPANDREL AREA O WEAKENED PLANE JOINTS TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT 1/3 POINTS ON 25' RADIUS SPANDRELS, AND AT 1/4 POINTS ON 35' RADIUS SPANDRELS. O7 CONSTRUCT WEAKENED PLANE JOINT(S) PER STANDARD #208 AT MIDPOINT OF CROSS GUTTERS LESS THAN 40' LONG, OR AT 1/3 POINTS OF CROSS GUTTERS OF 40' OR LONGER. O8 THIS PORTION OF SPANDREL AND CROSS GUTTER SHALL HAVE AN ADDITIONAL 6 INCHES OF CLASS "B" CONCRETE. O9 CONSTRUCT EXPANSION JOINT PER STANDARD # 208. 10 CONSTRUCT WEAKENED PLANE JOINT PER STANDARD # 208. 11 CONSTRUCT CROSS GUTTER PER STANDARD # 231. 0361 REVISIONS: APPROVED STANDARD 00/00/00 4 � s E. - vo CHRIS A. VOGT ,M OF 230 CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 r CROSS GUTTER LAYOUT 393, SHEET. 1 OF i • • CONCRETE10 to SURFACING SURFACING - CLASS "B" if LEVEL LINE i i - - - - - - - - - - - - - A - - -- - - - - - - - •}: lr •i 1 J 'i' •:iiJi LiJS�:JJJA • .}• .. •:}.� i 'i r.� •'i r �`i I � .1 } .i.l.. .!'1` j. f_•�:�/ � •• �i. . /../ .�'!::i. .�_.%! .;i � .:ti•� ;}:;ii�i ,� }•� :rl 1`. � �:? .;} '/;J ;j?-'r . ,•• '•. �/• �/..i,o,�'i:,/,?.�•!.:�. :!'.:;I �':' -�. .� .}. . -�.•:• � }-':.i � ' "• i'�`i `/ '/ /:�:./����,}: !�i1;�.,.1!...?��.•:�:. �'`1 ���::.Cl. �'\: •: 1� 1 ��- l �� /'_'1� �1 �.: `5,4:1. ���J :�.. � jr �•� 1'�Y�"'�1: / rR• /:.r � 1/���� ji1��/, R•�/�`I l:�!:'I. /.!:: _ c, ._�_,,. % •...1_ �/,.iT._ ?/I.1)' `_ir i.}..: } • '.__� _ _... r.. :.r,i.;..,.•.•...4. Y.�_:./4. �!_.....ti .�... R.. 1;.•_..:_$.,,...svu:...._ COMPACTED SUBGRADE i GRAVEL OR BASE MATERIAL—� CROSS GUTTER - SURFACING SURFACING 17' 17' i 6" MIN. i CROSS GUTTER __ LEVEL LINE -_�-4 - _ ... .. ah COMPACTED SUBGRADE i I 4 MIN. 4" MIN.. GRAVEL OR BASE MATERIAL 1" 0371 REVISIONS: APPROVED , a �� • STANDARD 00/00/00 j CHRIS A. VOGT Of 231 CITY ENGINEER CROSS GUTTER (TYPZCAL RCE 44250 -- 3 9 4 SHEET 1 OF 1 SECTION s VARIES 6' 5'-4 1/2" IF 6" C.F. 61 ' 5'-4" IF 8" C.F. 14 2 SIDEWALK ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE CLASS "B" CONCRETE. NOTE: AGGREGATE BASE OR APPROVED SELECT MATERIAL WHEN SOILS REPORT INDICATES PRESENCE OF EXPANSIVE SOIL CONDITIONS. ROADBED WIDTH TO THIS POINT 1 1/211IF 6" C.F. 2"IF8"C.F. REVISIONS: APPROVED Tw 00/00/00 A a �� 0 STANDARD it CHRIS A. VOGT `"°` 240 CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 SIDEWALK AND CURB 3 9 P SHEET 1 of 1 0 �J • a X W .ov lYA✓ CL x w ACCESS RAMP c _. cLu EXP JT EXP JT BCR \ i . I a � 3 3 T 0. DRIVEWAY W P J = WEAKENED PLANE JOINT EXP JT = EXPANSION JOINT SCR = BEGINNING OF CURB RETURN ECR = END OF CURB RETURN w P J NOTES:. 7- 1. WEAKENED PLANE JOINTS SHALL BE USED FOR ALL JOINTS, EXCEPT EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED IN CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK AT THE BCR AND ECR, AND AROUND TREE WELL UTILITY POLES LOCATED IN SIDEWALK AREAS. 2. CURB AND GUTTER SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED SEPARATELY FROM SIDEWALK. W P J` 3. WEAKENED PLANE JOINTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AT REGULAR INTERVALS, NOT r W P T I EXCEEDING 10 FEET IN WALKS OR 20 FEET IN GUTTERS. WALK AND -CURB JOINTS W P J SHALL BE ALIGNED. CURB GUTTER EXP JT ACCE REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 a 3 x W 039! `tip • STANDARD s . 4a of 241 CURB SIDEWALK J01 NT S 390 SHEET 1 OF 1 • • R=600' M I N, 1000' MAX. T MIN. V TO FL CF- -CF R=3' 14' TO 20' 5' WW 20' SIDEWALK 11 TO 12 EASEMENT PARKWAY R=600' VARIES 1 80'TO 220' R=1000' VARIES 240' TO 280' LANDSCAPING NOT CITY MAINTAINED TO BE MAINTAINED BY OTHERS (ONLY SIDEWALK MAINTAINED BY THE CITY) NOTES: 1. RADII FOR CURVED SIDEWALK SHALL BE BETWEEN 600' AND 1000'. 2. ALL RADII SHALL BE STAGGERED. 3. EASEMENT REQUIRED FOR SIDEWALK THAT EXTENDS BEYOND RIGHT OF WAY LINE. 0 4. SIDEWALK SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF V IN WIDTH ADJACENT TO CURB 5. SIDEWALK SHALL BE T AWAY FROM CURB FACE EXCEPT AT CURB RETURNS AND BUS STOPS. z° 6. SIDEWALK LAYOUT ON PLANS IS CONCEPTUAL ONLY. APPROVAL OF THE FINAL SIDEWALK c LAYOUT SHALL BE MADE IN THE FIELD AND ADJUSTED AS NECESSARY TO MEET FIELD N CONDITIONS AS APPROVED BY THE INSPECTOR PRIOR TO FINAL CONSTRUCTION. 040 REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 a � STANDARD S � s t4 RMof. 2.45 MEANDERING SIDEWALK ' SHEET 1 OF 1 0 v 0 z 0 0 • 1/2 DELTA �- - -- - - - - - - - - BCR•-- b 114 pELTA c�1\\ OI \\\\ & I Q NI �\ \\ •9 N 10 21 01 \\A WEAKENED PLANE JOINT" (SEE NOTE 8) \\ l EXPANSION JOINT (SEE STD. NO. 208) CURB AND GUTTER PER STD. NO. 201 OR 202 4' SEE NOTE 13 —VTOFL EXPANSION JOINT (SEE STD. NO. 208) CROSSWALK 4' MIN. SEE TABLE X ON SHEET 3 A RAMP CONSTRUCTION N O SHALL INCLUDE CURB U AND GUTTER AND g' I SIDEWALK FROM I �BCR TO ECR I 10' _ I 2' 2' Y (SEE TABLE Y BELOW) 4' MINIMUM MAX. TOP OF RAMP ROUNDED (SEE NOTE 1) FLUSH (SEE NOTE 4) __--- - ?%-___--- % PVMTi - jr_ 33 o m . .- .a. .- - 8 .- . AV 4"MIN. TABLE Y CF Y 6" 7.90' 8" 10.53' Y- CURB FACE (FT.) 6.33% COLD JOINT "'SEE NOTE 9 SECTION A -A 0411 REVISIONS: APPROVED STANDARD 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOLT R"°` 250 CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 CURB RAMP CASE A 3 9 /9 SHEET 1 OF 4 • s 1/2 DELTA -------- BCR -- M I\\ 114 DEL 7•q E JOINT PLAN WEAKENED (SEE NOTE 8 ) \ —6'TOFL EXPANSION JOINT (SEE STD. NO. 208) CROSSWALK 4' MIN. EXPANSION JOINT ' SEE TABLE X ON SHEET 3 (SEE STD. NO. 208) Y Q RAMP CONSTRUCTION N O SHALL INCLUDE CURB CURB AND GUTTER PER W U AND GUTTER AND STD. NO. 201 OR 202 8' SIDEWALK FROM SEE NOTE 11 AND DETAIL BELOW BCR TO ECR I 10' _ 4, SEE NOTE 13 CONSTRUCT RETAINING 2' 12' CURB UNLESS MAX. I OTHERWISE SPECIFIED FLUSH (SEE NOTE 4) ?%----- 2% PiMTj - ---- �-- 2% MAX. COLD JOINT SECTION A -A 4" MIN SEE NOTE 9 1.67" �-® 0 0 2.35" 1.67" T- 0 0 0 ` f 2.35" APART ® ® ®"' `C APART 14v1l\ >\ RAISED TRUNCATED DOME PATTERN 0.45" -l'i � 0.20" 0.90"--{ 0 RAISED TRUNCATED DOME DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE SEE NOTE 11 0421 REVISIONS: APPROVED a STANDARD 00/00/004 j f - CHRIS A. VOGT 250 F"°' CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 CURB RAMP CASE B 399 SHEET 2 OF 4 r� u 11, cr) 0 0 z 0 0 0 U 0/4 IC_ -TOP OF CURB 0/2 TC GRADE E A/4 Ole -F-CURB'rAC ITC S�� - F LovqLjNE �-- Oi 0R 8 CF FL X 4' X No i SHORT APRON LONG (15' MAX.) . PROFILE TABLE X CF RADIUS SIDE SLOPE X TC GRADE (ALONG CURB RETURN) 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 6" 35' 10% XS 4.6 4.2 3.9 3.6 3.4 3.2 XL 5.6 6.3 7.2 8.4 10.0 12.5 8" 35' 10% XS 6.1 5.6 5.2 4.8 4.5 4.2 XL 7.5 8.4 9.6 11.2 13.4 15.0 6" 25' 8.33% XS 5.4 4.9 4.5 4.1 3.8 3.5 XL 6.9 7.9 9.4 11.6 15.0 15.0 8" 251 3R 8.33% XS 7.2 6.5 5.9 5.5 5.0 4.7 XL 9.1 10.6 12.5 15.0 15.0 15.0 TO CALCULATE "X" DIMENSION: SHORT SIDE (DOWN SLOPE): CURB FACE (FT) XS (F� SIDE SLOPE + TC GRADE LONG SIDE (UP SLOPE): CURB FACE (FT) XL (F� SIDE SLOPE - TC GRADE ENGINEER TO SHOW Xs AND XL ON IMPROVEMENT PLANS 1 /4" 3/4" IN 12" BORDER 1-1/2" IN 4' APRON -►i I�--1 /4" GROOVING DETAIL IREVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER. RCE 44250 3 STi, 4f .01 4 0431 STANDARD 250 CURB RAMP 4100 SHEET 3 OF 4 • CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 1. IF DISTANCE FROM CURB TO BACK OF SIDEWALK IS TOO SHORT TO ACCOMODATE RAMP AND 4' LANDING, THEN THE SLOPE OF THE FLARED SIDE SHALL NOT EXCEED 8.33%. ONLY 6" CURBS WITH 35' RADII MEET REQUIREMENTS FOR 10% SIDE SLOPES. ALL OTHER CURBS REQUIRE 8.33% SIDE SLOPES. 2. IF SIDEWALK IS LESS THAN 6' WIDE, THE FULL WIDTH OF THE SIDEWALK SHALL BE DEPRESSED AS SHOWN IN CASE B. 3. THE RAMP SHALL HAVE A 12" WIDE BORDER WITH GROOVES 1/4" WIDE AND 1/4" DEEP APPROXIMATELY 3/4" ON CENTER. SEE GROOVING DETAIL. 4. TRANSITIONS FROM RAMPS TO WALKS, GUTTERS, OR STREETS SHALL BE FLUSH AND FREE OF ABRUPT CHANGES. 5. WHEN RAMP IS LOCATED IN CENTER OF CURB RETURN IT SHALL BE GROOVED IN A HERRINGBONE PATTERN WITH GROOVES 1/4" WIDE AND 1/4" DEEP APPROXIMATELY 1-1/2" ON CENTER. SEE GROOVING DETAIL. GROOVES SHALL BE ALIGNED PARALLEL TO CROSSWALK LINES TO DIRECT VISUALLY IMPAIRED PEDESTRIANS INTO THE CROSSWALK. 6. RAMP SIDE SLOPE VARIES UNIFORMLY FROM A MAXIMUM OF UP TO 10% AT CURB TO CONFORM WITH LONGITUDINAL SIDEWALK SLOPE ADJACENT TO TOP OF THE RAMP (EXCEPT IN CASE B). 7. WHERE SPACE LIMITATIONS PROHIBIT THE USE OF A 8.33% RAMP SLOPE, THE SLOPE MAY BE INCREASED UP TO 10% FOR A MAXIMUM RISE OF 6 INCHES. (REDUCES RAMP LENGTH Y DIMENSION BY 1.32'). 8. CONSTRUCT WEAKENED PLANE JOINTS AT 1/4 DELTAS WHEN RADIUS EQUALS 35' AND AT INSIDE EDGE OF GROOVED BORDER WHEN RADIUS EQUALS 25'. 9. IF EXPANSIVE SOIL IS ENCOUNTERED, THEN RAMP SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OVER CLASS 2 AGGREGATE MATERIAL. 10. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS B. 11. CURB RAMPS THAT HAVE A RAMP SLOPE FLATTER THAN 6.67% SHALL HAVE A DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE THAT EXTENDS THE FULL WIDTH OF THE RAMP AND 24 MINIMUM LENGTH, SIMILAR TO THAT SHOWN ON CASE B WITH DETAIL. DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACES, AT THE OPTION OF THE CONTRACTOR, SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED BY CAST -IN -PLACE OR STAMPED METHOD. 12. WHEN A DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE IS NOT REQUIRED ON A CURB RAMP, OR WHEN RAMP IS NOT LOCATED IN CURB RETURN, THE CONCRETE FINISH OF THE RAMP AND ITS FLARED SIDES SHALL HAVE A TRANSVERSE BROOMED SURFACE TEXTURE ROUGHER THAN THE SURROUNDING SIDEWALK. 13. MAXIMUM SLOPES OF ADJOINING GUTTERS, THE ROAD SURFACE IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO THE CURB RAMP AND CONTINUOUS PASSAGE TO THE CURB RAMP SHALL NOT EXCEED 5% WITHIN 4' OF THE TOP OR BOTTOM OF THE CURB RAMP. REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 5 s CHRIS A. VOGT Of CITY CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 CURB RAMP CONSTRUCTION NOTES 044 STANDARD 250 SHEET 4 OF 4 • 0 0 It 0 z 0 ca c 1- REVISIONS: APPROVED 00 00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 TRAIL EASEMENT 10' MIN. 2°Y° ► STREET RM ■ VARIABLE Y � Lu ■ w ■ z I � O ■ Lu 6' w O O SIDEWALK -j 2% � 2% P.C.C. CURB o Lei 6' O GRADED SHOULDER LL 2 ' / A.C. DIKE PARKWAY 10' MIN. a4 s F - f'M Of EQUESTRIAN TRAIL EASEMENT ADJACENT TO PUBLIC STREET 045 1 STANDARD 260 SHEET 1 OF 1 1� u is EXCEPT FOR REINFORCING BAR SHOWN ADJACENT TO FRAME, REINFORCE TOP SLAB WITH NO.3 BARS SPACED 6" C-C 2" CLEARANCE (TYP) BACK OF CURB FL -► GUTTER EXPANSION JOINT '*`� FRAME I23 3/4" OPENINGr T�- -.,T 2" 2" To Qf, 311 +++ o �illl IllI L ;— �, I IIII I I IIII I nTTTTT_L�l�_1lriT`� 444I4—LIfJ—+a4-1--61 PARKWAY COVER & FRAME STD. NO. 312. ANCHOR R=411 CURB DEPRESSION 1 1/2" OR AS NOTED �,� I•-; - -''- 6-0" MIN -► —►� 4'-0" MIN. OPENING �— Q.4' 'Q OPENING TO BE SPECIFIED co �� ON IMPROVEMENT PLAN. c SEE NOTES - STD. 300. \ :!*-- FL GUTTER EXPANSION JOINT I SEE STD. 330 FOR GUTTER DEPRESSION Q 11-611 TYP. SEE STD. NO. 310 FOR DETAIL OPENING NORMAL GUTTER FLOWLINE 6'-0" 4" J — — — n . ----- f7 to 2 1/2"-►I cv 691 :II ' - • .. • . : . III • NO.4 BARS @ 18" C-C J ', _ 414 II • MIN. 3" EMBEDMENT �����1111 CONSTRUCTION JOINT ' 1 1/2" CLEAR TYPICAL co I T T I�-- —�i 3 SECTION A -A CATCH BASIN SHALL BE CLASS "A" P.C.C. *TOP OF CATCH BASIN TO BE POURED MONOLITHIC WITH SIDEWALK, 6 FT. 046, REVISIONS: APPROVED a STANDARD 00/00/00 3 s E - CHRIS A: VOGT 'Gf1 v 300 CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 CURB INLET CATCH BASIN NO. 1 SHEET 1 OF 2 • C CONNECTION PIPES MAY BE PLACED ANY POSITION AROUND THE WALLS, PROVIDED THEY POINT IN THE PROPER DIRECTION AND THE POSITION IS OTHERWISE CONSISTENT WITH THE IMPROVEMENT PLAN. CURVATURE OF THE LIP AND SIDEWALLS AT GUTTER OPENING SHALL BE FORMED BY CURVED FORMS AND SHALL NOT BE MADE BY PLASTERING. DIMENSIONS: T = 6" IF H IS 8 FEET OR LESS. T = 8" IF H IS GREATER THAN 8 FEET AND LESS THAN 20 FEET. H = 3 FEET 6 INCHES, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. FLOOR OF BASIN SHALL BE GIVEN A STEEL - TROWELLED FINISH. MANHOLE SHALL BE PLACED AS SHOWN ON STANDARD NO.300, UNLESS NOTED DIFFERENTLY ON IMPROVEMENT PLANS. OUTLET PIPE SHALL BE TRIMMED TO THE FINAL SHAPE AND LENGTH BEFORE CONCRETE IS POURED. OPENING SHALL BE 4'-0" UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE NO.3 ROUND DEFORMED BARS IN TOP SLAB AND NO.4 BARS AT 18" CENTERS IN THE SIDES OF BOX. STEPS: 3/4 INCH PLAIN ROUND GALVANIZED STEEL STEPS (ALHAMBRA FDY. A-3320 OR EQUAL) ARE REQUIRED AS FOLLOWS: IF H IS 3.5 FEET OR LESS, NO STEPS ARE REQUIRED. IF H IS MORE THAN 3.5 FEET, AND NOT MORE THAN 5 FEET, INSTALL 1 STEP 16" ABOVE FLOOR OF BASIN. IF H IS MORE THAN 5 FEET, INSTALL STEPS 12 INCHES APART, WITH THE TOP STEP 6 INCHES BELOW THE SURFACE OF THE BASIN. ALL STEPS SHALL BE 4 INCHES FROM THE WALL, EXCEPT THE TOP STEP, WHICH SHALL BE 21/2 INCHES (CLEAR) FROM THE WALL, AND ANCHORED NOT LESS THAN 5 INCHES IN THE WALL OF THE BASIN. SURFACE OF ALL EXPOSED CONCRETE IN BASIN SHALL CONFORM IN SLOPE, GRADE, COLOR, FINISH AND SCORING TO EXISTING OR PROPOSED CURB AND WALL ADJACENT TO THE BASIN. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS "A" WHEN THE BASIN IS TO BE CONSTRUCTED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF A PROPOSED SIDEWALK OR IS CONTIGUOUS TO SUCH A SIDEWALK THE TOP OF THE BASIN SHALL BE POURED MONOLITHIC WITH THE SIDEWALK, USING Q USING CLASS "A" CONCRETE IN THE SIDEWALK AND THE TOP OF THE CATCH BASIN FINISHED PER SIDEWALK STANDARDS. D D O Z H 0 04, 047 REVISIONS: APPROVED STANDARD 00/00/00 5 s f CHRIS A. VOGT Of 300 CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 CURB INLET CATCH BASIN NO. 1 SHEET 2 OF 2 0 0 o 0 z 0 N c F- • SPACING cn SCORING LINE # 4-BARS o ANCHOR W 17"17"17"I5o SEE STD. 310 FOR CURB SUPPORT DETAIL ;3 1 A I I I O� _j i B 0 �_ _ B — -4--1— = N _ ANCHOR i T♦ FOR SCORING LINE Q 18 ADDITIONAL TIE ---- ---- ANCHOR BOLT IN �A SEE FRAME 3'-0° NOTE 5 THE OUTER EDGES OF THE WALLS SHALL CONFORM TO THE STREET OR LOCAL DEPRESSION SURFACE. THE GRATING SHALL BE LAID IN THE PLANE OF THIS SURFACE, SEE STD. NO. 331 CASE B FOR GUTTER DEPRESSION. PLAN 1140 8" �„� 90° 900 #3 BAR DETAIL OF DOWEL TOP OF ADDITIONAL - CURB-7 ANCHOR.BOLT 6" RADIUS I� W SEE STD. 315 FOR FRAME & GRATING ' W / ANCHOR BOLTS EXIST. ST. ANCHOR = BOLT 3" RADIUS gr SLOPE TO OUTLET FROM ALL DIRECTIONS SECTION "A -A" CURB FACE CN I v N FLOW T LINE NOTES: W rr 1. DIMENSIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED y W T H 3'-0" 2' 3" 71* 61'* 4' 611* 6" V OR LESS SECTION "B-B" 8" 5' TO 8' 10" B' OR GREATER 2. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS "A" PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE (6 SACK). 3. THE REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE NUMBER 4 DEFORMED BARS. CLEARANCE SHALL BE 1 1/2" FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE SLAB. 4. THE SURFACE OF ALL EXPOSED CONCRETE SHALL CONFORM TO SLOPE, GRADE COLOR, FINISH, AND SCORING IN THE EXISTING OR PROPOSED CURB AND WALK ADJACENT TO THE BASIN. THE BASIN FLOOR SHALL BE GIVEN A TIGHT WOOD FLOAT FINISH. CURVATURE OF THE LIP AND SIDEWALLS AT THE GUTTER OPENING SHALL NOT BE MADE BY PLASTERING. THE OUTLET PIPE SHALL BE TRIMMED TO FINAL SHAPE AND LENGTH BEFORE THE CONCRETE IS POURED. 5. STEPS: 3/4 PLAIN ROUND NON -GALVANIZED STEEL STEPS, OR MATERIAL AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINGEER, SHALL BE INSTALLED 16 INCHES APART WHEN H EXCEEDS 4 FEET 6 INCHES. THE TOP STEP SHALL BE 6 INCHES BELOW THE TOP SURFACE AND SHALL BE 2 1/2 INCHES CLEAR FROM THE WALL. ALL OTHER STEPS SHALL BE 4 INCHES CLEAR OF THE WALL. ONLY ONE STEP 12 INCHES FROM THE BOTTOM SHALL BE INSTALLED IF H IS 4 FEET 6 INCHES OR LESS. ALL STEPS SHALL BE ANCHORED NOT LESS THAN 4 INCHES INTO THE WALL OF THE BASIN. 048 REVISIONS: APPROVED STANDARD 00/00/00 � s . . . .f' CHRIS A. VOGT `M Of 301 CITY ENGINEER COMBINATION INLET CATCH RCE 44250 BASIN N0. 2 SHEET 1 OF 1 A NORMAL CURB FACE AT ' EXP. JOINT. T.C. & FL. ALHAMBRA FDY. I NO.4 DEFORMED BARS ELEV. AS SPECIFIED ON IMPROVEMENT PLANS. A-33200 OR EQUAL I I (SPACED 8-1 I ---- I I I I I 1 (GALVANIZED) ..' RAffUS SCORING LINE W W w. 0 ZA. = F z_ I' 1/2" STEEL BOLTS D co _ I & LOCKWASHERS FL �� 0 o 0 co a qZ `tea CURB DEPRESSION w B j 1 1/2" OR AS SPECI- a °� w _ O t_ ;� FIED AT OPENING o 4" �- I q 2'-11 3/8" OPENING -01 w EXP. JOINT;; --+ of ;, EXP. JOINT , ----, 0 SEE STD. 331 CASE A FOR " GUTTER DEPRESSION T 3' \ J T W SEE NOTES FOR 6' PLACEMENT OF ' CONNECTION PIPE s �-► A -- FOR CURB BAR & SUPPORT DETAILS SEE STD. NO. 310 rAND FOR FRAME & GRATING DETAILS ANCHORAGE SEE STD. NO. 315 41-01-0{ 1/2" STEEL BOLTS & LOCK WASHERS (PLACE BETWEEN GRATE SLATS) TOTAL-4 z -►I T 2'-9" - --►� T 3" MINIMUM EMBEDMENT c I 611J L SLOPE TO OUTLET IN ALL DIRECTIONS co SECTION A -A c CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS "A' P.C.C. REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE ' 44250 5WF185--r SECTION B-B 5 s COBINATZON INLET CATCH BASIN NO. 3 v�p 049 STANDARD 302 SHEET 1 OF 2 NOTES: BASIN SHALL HAVE ONE GRATING UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ON IMPROVEMENT PLANS. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS "A". WHEN THE BASIN IS TO BE CONSTRUCTED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF A PROPOSED SIDEWALK, OR IS CONTIGUOUS TO SUCH A SIDEWALK, THE TOP OF THE BASIN SHALL BE POURED MONOLITHIC WITH THE SIDEWALK, USING CLASS "A" CONCRETE IN THE SIDEWALK. THE TOP OF THE CATCH BASIN SHALL BE FINISHED PER SIDEWALK STANDARDS. CONNECTION PIPES MAY BE PLACED IN ANY POSITION AROUND THE WALLS, PROVIDED THEY POINT IN THE PROPER DIRECTION AND THE POSITION IS OTHERWISE CONSISTENT WITH THE IMPROVE- MENT PLAN. CURVATURE OF THE END -WALLS AT CURB OPENING SHALL BE FORMED BY CURVED FORMS AND SHALL NOT BE MADE BY PLASTERING. DIMENSIONS: GRATE SHALL BE PARALLEL TO PLANE OF GUTTER SLOPE 3/4" TO T-O". T = 6 INCHES IF H IS 8 FEET OR LESS. T = 8 INCHES IF H IS GREATER THAN 8 FEET AND LESS THAN 20 FEET. H = 3 FEET 6 INCHES, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ON IMPROVEMENT PLANS. W = 2 FEET 11 3/8 INCHES FOR ONE GRATING. ADD 3 FEET 5 3/8 INCHES FOR EACH ADDITIONAL GRATING. EXPOSED SURFACES OF THE CATCH BASIN SHALL CONFORM IN SLOPE, GRADE, COLOR, FINISH AND SCORING TO EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS ADJACENT TO THE BASIN. WHERE NO SIDEWALK EXISTS, THE TOP SHALL BE FINISHED TO CONFORM TO STANDARD SIDEWALK SLOPE AND ER OF EXPOSED END WALLS ABOVE THE STREET SURFACER WHERE NO CURB EXISTS, THE BATTER SHALL CONFORM TO BATTER FOR STANDARD CURB. FLOOR OF BASIN SHALL BE GIVEN A STEEL - TROWELLED FINISH. OUTLET PIPE SHALL BE TRIMMED TO THE FINAL SHAPE AND LENGTH BEFORE CONCRETE IS POURED. REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE NO. IN TOP SLAB AND ED BARS. AT 8 NCHRANCE SHALL BE CENTERSIIN/SIINCHES DES OF BOXM INSIDE OF BOX. SPACING IS AS S SLOPE OF FLOOR PARALLEL WITH CURB SHALL BE 1 IN 12 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. SLOPE FLOOR FROM ALL DIRECTIONS TO THE OUTLET. STEPS: 3/4 INCH PLAIN ROUND GALVANIZED STEEL STEPS (ALHAMBRA FDY. A-3320 OR EQUAL) ARE REQUIRED AS FOLLOWS: IF H IS 3.5 FEET OR LESS, NO STEPS ARE REQUIRED. IF H IS MORE THAN 3.5 FEET, AND NOT MORE THAN 5.0 FEET, INSTALL ONE STEP 16" ABOVE FLOOR Q OF BASIN. c IF H IS MORE THAN 5.0 FEET, INSTALL STEPS 12 INCHES APART, WITH THE TOP STEP 6" BELOW THE co TOP OF GRATING. E WALL ALL STEPS SHALL BE 4 INCHES CLEAR FROM TH ANCHORED NOT PLESS THAN 5 INCT THE TOP STEP�HESI CH INWALLSHALOF E z 2 1/2 INCHES (CLEAR) FROM THE WALL AND BASIN. 0 0 4(7- 050 REVISIONS: APPROVED • STANDARD 00 00/00 i. .. E CHRIS A. VOGT 302 CITY ENGINEER COMBINATION INLET CATCH RCE 44250 BASIN SPECI Fl CA T ION SHEET 2 OF 2 • 0 co 0 z c CD cc 0 114 1/4" R. / 5/8" \`^° 311660 2 1 '---=- - _--=- .i 11U CUT REINFORCING STEEL TO CLEAR FACE PLATE. 4 1/2" ZIC7 5/16" I VZt 24° I� m p!- [-:�l '1/4„ m �-Ip 2 i 5" v wjQ 0 1 1/8" HOLE IN PLATE Q / N ADJUSTING NUTS TO BE TIGHTENED AND mly� m SECURED IN PLACE WHEN STEEL PLATE Gu I TER FLpw LINE a� 3 ANGLE IS IN PROPER POSITION. �. 3 i CL R=1' MIN. :. ' • ' • 2 1/2" 0 STIRRUP, WELD AS SHOWN 3" R. /4 " NOTES: O1 FACEPLATE 5/16" X 10" ROLLED PLATE (ASTM A36) FORMED AS SHOWN (ALHAMBRA FOUNDRY NO. A-3911 OR EQUIVALENT) & EXTEND LENGTH OF BOX. ' :- : i .• .• O2 FACEPLATE ANCHORAGE 1/2" 0 STEEL • ' • :• ANCHOR 42" O.C. (MAX.) PLACE AS SHOWN. -- -- O PROTECTION BAR: PLAIN ROUND STEEL BAR 1" DIA. SHALL BE INSTALLED WHEN NORMAL CURB HEIGHT IS GREATER THAN 6". BAR SHALL BE EMBEDDED 5" AT EACH END. O SUPPORT BAR 1" DIA. X 22" LONG WITH T SQUARE HEAD AND HEX NUT, BEND AS SHOWN. SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED 4 FEET. O ALL EXPOSED METAL PARTS SHALL BE GALVANIZED. 4��8 051 REVISIONS: APPROVED STANDARD 00/00/00cv #.7 CHRIS A. VOGT 310 CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 CURB SUPPORT DETAIL1---SHEET 1 OF 1 I L- s • 3/4" DIA PICK HOLE 2" X 1" DIAMOND MAT 1/8" DEEP INSTALL LOCKING DEVICE —t AGENCY DESIGNATED INSCRIPTION. ALL LETTERS I HIGH. INSTALL LOCKING DEVICE pn L T 14" J PLAN 23 5/e" OUTSIDE DIA. OF COVER DETAIL i► 7/ e N M I •T DETAIL "C" •; • • •—� 22" DIA. CLEAR OPENING SECTION A -A FINISHED SU 5/8 R" GAP IN RIM OF COVER OPPOSITE PICK HOLE 1 1/4" BOTTOM OF MANHOLE COVER DRILL AND TAP HOLE AND INSTALL 3/•-X 1'i4" STAINLESS STEEL SOCKET SET SCREW WITH 3/.•' RECESSED HEX HOLE ALL THREADS cues I we u r N LOCKING DEVICE OUTLINE WHERE RIB JOINS RIM OUTLINE WHERE I RIBS JOIN SAME ANGLE 3/8'-J 3/4 L7 THROUGHOUT 3/8" DETAIL "C" ve 3/16' . 5/e" o� -:Ii N m J 3M" 1/Z" U 22" DIA 1/16" R 2" 4 U G CLEAR OPENING p � � m J c7 a O Q DETAIL. "B" � 052 REVISIONS: APPROVED a STANDARD 00/00/00 � s CHRIS A. VOGT �oF 311 CITY ENGINEER CATCH BASZN MANHOLE FRAME AND RCE 44250 1 (;OVER SHEET 1 OF 2 • NOTES: 1. THE CAST IRON USED SHALL CONFORM WITH ASTM A-48 CLASS 35B. 2. THE FRAME AND COVER SHALL BE COATED WITH ASPHALTUM OR BITUMINOUS PAINT AFTER TESTING AND INSPECTION. 3. FOUNDRY IDENTIFYING MARK, HEAT AND DATE SHALL BE CAST ON THE BOTTOM OF THE COVER AND ON THE INSIDE OF THE FRAME. 4. IMPORTED COVERS AND FRAMES SHALL HAVE THE COUNTRY OF ORIGIN MARKING IN COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL REGULATIONS. 5. WEIGHT OF FRAME SHALL BE 30 POUNDS. WEIGHT OF COVER SHALL BE 85 POUNDS. ACTUAL WEIGHTS. SHALL BE WITHIN A RANGE OF 95% TO 110%. 6. THE MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO SHIPMENT TO THE JOB SITE. ACCEPTANCE WILL BE INDICATED BY THE AGENCY'S MARK. 7. THE PROOF -LOAD FOR TEST METHOD B OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS IS 28,600 POUNDS. r N r !o O Z G 1— a • 40a a Q REVISIONS: APPROVED �a 00/00/004 y P � CHRIS A. VOGT OF CITY ENGINEER CATCH BASIN MANHOLE FRAME AM RCE 44250 1 OVER 053 STANDARD 311 SHEET 2 OF 2 co 0 co 0 z c 0 H • 2"X1" DIAMOND MAT, 1/8" DEEP ONE OF TWO /4 LOCKING LUGS / 718„ - 3/4" DIA. LV(( PICK HOLE :: PLAN TOP OF COVER SMOOTH 3/4" 3/4" MACHINE FINISH 3/16" 6 RIBS PICK HOLE LOCKING LUG PLAN BOTTOM OF COVER 1l " 1 8' SMOOTH 1/8" MACHINE PLAN 3/4" FINISH PORTION OF FRAME —")�23 5/8" DIA.— �1/16" COVERCN v RIB LOCKING LUG 3/8" bo � cf) 1 /4" FRAME 7l8" nFTAIl "A" 24 3/4" DIA. (FRAME �23 5/8" O.D. (COVER4 Pj M 22" MIN. DIA. SEE CLEAR OPENING DETAIL SECTION "A" FRAME AND COVER PARKWAY TOTAL WEIGHT - APPROX. 130 LBS. REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 I— nFTAIL "A SEE DETAIL "A" PLAN TOP OF COVER '4" 1/2" 6 RIBS 3/4" SMOOTH MACHINE FINISH PLAN BOTTOM OF COVER SMOOTH MACHINE FINISH 3/4" 12 RIBS PLAN PORTION O'F FRAME 26 1/2" DIA. 24" DIA. v �— �22" DIA. R 3"-- -- N 3 1/2" 23 3/4" DIA. co 30 3/4" DIA. SECTION FRAME _ iV ,* 24"DIA. 314. �*-3/4" 3/4`q�-- 23 1/2" DIA. 1/4" SECTION COVER ROADWAY 4 WEIGHT - APPROX. 380 LBS.IPITAL 054 o` o, .c�`br dArA • 4f h Z MANHOLE FRAMES AND COVERS STANDARD 312 SHEET 1 OF 1 • O ch 0 z N 0 n P5 3/16" i BLOCK / x �I �m l��rwu !7 31/2" X 1/2" BAR —J SECTION A -A rr rr rr ri it rr rr it rr.rr 3 1/2" 1' -11 5/8" t �-X xm Qm W 1 518" W N � � — co 5/8" OR 3/4" DIA. HOLES BAR SPACER BOLTED END BLOCK BAR 1/2" OR 518" BOLTS 1 5/8" —►{ W CUT WASHERS — SPOT WELD N _ SPACER �X OR PEEN 5/8" OR 314' BOLTING DETAIL ALTERNATIVE ALTERNATIVE ALTERNATIVE SPACER WELDED GRATE BOLTED GRATE GRATE DETAILS (SEE TABLE BELOW) :BARS " W " " X " USAGE F 9 2" 1 9116" USE IN LOCATIONS OFF THE ROADBED ON ALL TYPES OF HIGHWAYS USE WITHIN THE ROADBED ON HIGHWAYS WHERE BICYCLES AND PEDESTRIANS ARE EXCLUDED, 24 -12 12 1 3/8" 1 1/4" OR FOR RURAL CONDITIONS. USE WITHIN THE ROADBED UNDER URBAN CONDITIONS WHERE BICYCLES AND PEDESTRIANS ARE 24 -18 18 3/4" 15/18" PERMITTED. a c� m AF U W N J Q w 2, -1 1120 OMIT ANCHOR IF W BEAM SUPPORT IS USED ------------------------------ �4 2 3/16"k-1 FRAM E DETAILS 1/2" 0 ANCHORS REVISIONS: I APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 WEIGHTS TYPE WELDED BOLTED 24 -9 200 230 24 -12 258 286 24 -18 372 400 24" FRAME 90 GENERAL NOTES: O1 GRATE TYPE NUMBERS REFER TO WIDTH OF GRATE IN INCHES AND NUMBER OF BARS RESPECTIVELY. O2 CONTRACTOR HAS THE OPTION OF USING WELDED OR BOLTED GRATES. O GRATES AND FRAMES TO BE PAINTED. O4 ROUNDED TOP OF BARS OPTIONAL ON ALL GRATES. •■ O5 GRATE SHALL BE PLACED SO THAT BARS ARE PARALLEL TO DIRECTION OF PRINCIPAL SURFACE FLOW. d I I 055 a a s R''r Of GRATE AND FRAME DETAIL STANDARD 315 SHEET 1 OF 1 • • • mw 2 1/2" X 1 1/2" X 1/4" GALVANIZED STEEL ANGLE NO. 3 REBAR NO. 3 REBAR N0. 5 DEFORMED BAR 12" C-C (MAX) 3�� 6" C-C (MAX) U 3" LEG N0.3 DEFORMED BAR 1 1/2" AT 90" 90° 6" VARIES - - - - 311 .: ..,D 10" 8" ANCHOR DETAIL DOWEL DETAIL W SECTION X-X 2" CLR (TYP) 2�� • R/W OR EDGE OF WALK 2" _ TRANSITION LL -i SEE NOTE NO. 8 1 (SHEET 2) LAID RADIALLY NO. 3 REBAR I X `1 ' 2-211 sy •. INLET PIPE 1 I I I MAY JOIN I I STRUCTURE ,�'r. AT ANY %- K ANGLE. DOWEL IS TO BE USED `,�� ' '%! �: - I WHEN TOP IS POURED%h� ;<' >; ��',� I DIRECTION SEPARATELY. ONE AT �•� %,; W �',,'; _ �_ _ _ I C1 SHALL BE EACH CORNER. � i INDICATED i'� fit, X�Y SCORE LINE - `� `•�'' ON PLAN. A D ----=r ��-`-=----= =- --;r-- • CURB �.l 1 7 ECURB f �' 0 Y'lle I'mNCHOR w s., `~ LL W TRANS. Q J DOWEL LENGTH OF CURB TRANSITION—�1r—► 7 TO BE SPECIFIED ON PLAN co TOP VIEW CONC. TRANS. NO. 3 REBAR 22" DIA. CLEAR OPENING FRAME 6„ 12" C-C (MAX) AND COVER, ALHAMBRA FOUNDRY SEE PAGE 2 OF 2 FOR A1535 OR APPROVED EQUAL. CURB TRANSITION NO.3 REBAR PROFILE 3" 6" C-C (MAX) 2% 611 4'2%MIN. a PARALLEL WITH INVERT SECTION Y-Y 056 REVISIONS: z -L ►- APPROVED a 0 STANDARD 00/00/00 4 3 SS CHRIS A. VOGT ..Of 320 CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 CURB OUTLET SHEET 1 OF 2 • 0 0 0 dz co 0 0 0 z 0 0 C11 1. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS "A" WHEN STRUCTURE IS TO BE CONSTRUCTED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF A PROPOSED SIDEWALK OR IS CONTIGUIOS TO SUCH SIDEWALK, THE TOP OF THE STRUCTURE SHALL BE POURED MONOLITHIC WITH THE SIDEWALK, USING THE SAME CLASS OF CONCRETE AS IN THE SIDEWALK. 2. DIMENSIONS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ON THE PLAN' A-B=5' C,-D,=3' E-F=5' W = 3' 3. FLOOR OF STRUCTURE SHALL BE GIVEN A STEEL -TROWELED FINISH AND CONSTRUCTED ON A STRAIGHT GRADE FROM BACK OF STRUCTURE TO GUTTER FLOW -LINE AT POINT A. THE V-SECTION SPECIFIED FOR INVERT SHALL EXTEND FROM PIPE OUTLET TO A POINT 3' FROM THE GUTTER, FROM WHICH POINT THE INVERT SHALL BE WARPED TO JOIN THE GUTTER FLOW -LINE AT THE STRUCTURE. 4. REINFORCING STEEL BARS SHALL BE 1" FROM BOTTOM OF THE SLAB. 5. SURFACE OF ALL EXPOSED CONCRETE SHALL CONFORM TO EXISTING OR PROPOSED CURB AND WALK ADJACENT TO THE STRUCTURE. 6. CORRUGATED METAL FORMS SHALL NOT BE USED FOR SUPPORTING THE TOP SLAB. 7. TOP OF STRUCTURE SHALL SLOPE 2% TOWARD CURB EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLAN OR TO FIT EXISTING SIDEWALK. 8. TRANSITION FROM PIPE TO STRUCTURE, IF REQUIRED, TO BE IN BACK OF SIDEWALK. DIMENSIONS OF TRANSITION SHALL BE SPECIFIED ON THE PLAN. 10' TRANSITION �t co cc N O O 1 in 10' TRANSITION NORMAL CURB LINE i PROFILE PROTECTION BAR 057 REVISIONS: APPROVED a STANDARD 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT"°' 320. CITY ENGINEER o CURB OUTLET. `� � RCE 4425 SHEET 2 OF 2 • R/W 4" WYE AS REQUIRED 6' VARIES -00 F.L. OF PIPE 1/2" SIDEWALK owl INSTALL ABOVE GUTTER 6 � REMOVABLE PLUG FLOW LINE I INVERT ELEV. A , 4" P.V.C. PER PLAN i 2% INV. ELEV. PER PLAN CURB & GUTTER 3"X4" REDUCER 4"X4"X4" TEE 3" MIN. P.V.C. (SCHEDULE 40) 3" MIN. RECTANGULAR CAST IRON PIPE 4" MIN. ROUND CAST IRON PIPE ELEVATION INSTALL POLYETHYLENE PLASTIC JOINTMATERIAL "QUICK JOINT' OR EQUAL. 1 1/2" MIN. COVER • a v a v a v a v a v a• ' a a v a v a v a v a a • a ' FOO N r2 SECTION A -A 414 0581 REVISIONS: APPROVED a STANDARD 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT F"°' 321 CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 PRIVATE DRAIN THROUGH CURB SHEET 1 OF 1 • • 1 Q 3 a Q �J R/W PIPE PER..IMPROVEMENT OR GRADING PLAN MAX. SLOPE I: 1 i I I I I I I I HINGE COVER AT TOP OF FRAME INLET PER CASE I.II. OR III i t 1 1 I I I I I RECTANGULAR FRAME AND COVER I I l i P E R C.L.Q STD. No. 323. 1 L, SEE NOTE I 3" MIN. 1 I 1 1 R/W LINE A ,* »e _� �_ • 6" TYPICAL N-4"C.I. PIPES (SEE NOTE 51 IZIIZI 4., r CASE IINLET TRANSITION STRUCTURE SECTION 1R/W1/2" MIN. CLEARANCE f / WALK ISEE NOTE 4) / / J SEE NOTE 10 FRAME 8 GRATE. SEE NOTE 9 1" MIN. NO.� BAR TOP OF CURB LINE • r 6" TYPICAL `— — — — — — - ---- 2' . 0" MIN..—.� i- '---- CASE 11 INLET FLOW I DROP INLET CATCH BASIN SECTION E.G. I SEE CURB PROFILES BELOWI ` _-__ - -J R/W I 2SEENOTE 2 —1 PEN DITCH PER IMPROVEMENT J w SR GRADING PLAN A "- WALK � 1" w 'rl ..f :. 0. al - �) PLAN CASE III INLET GRADED DITCH SECTION 18" 18" T.C. LINE 6" 6" EXPANSION NO. 3 BAR JOINT EXPANSION JOINT F.L. 2112" MIN. FOR 6" AND 7" CURB FACES. 31/2" MIN. FOR 8" CURB FACE. Li F PARKWAY WIDTH PER IMPROVEMENT PLAN 1/2" CLEAR 4" C.I. PIPES T.C. LINE FINISHED PARKWAY GRADE NOTE APPLIES TO ANY NUMBER OF PIPES P.C.C. WALK (6"C.F.)-SEE NOTE 4 Z I CURB PROFILE -SEE NOTE 4 7"C.F. OR 8" C.F 6X6-10/10 GALV. WIRE FABRICS 77. 1 8" CURB FACE NO. 3 BAR — � /2"-I - - - ------ i I I 5' w� SEE INLET DETAILST.C. LINE . 4" C.I.. PIPE EXPANSION N0. 3 BAR # � EXPANSION JOINT SIGN P.C.C. CURB 8 GUTTER SEE NOTE 8 JOINT F.L. I GUTTER TO ` u MATCH EXISTING 1/2" CLEAR 4" C.I. PIPES NOTE: APPLIES TO ANY NUMBER OF PIPES SECTION A — A NORMAL T.C. GRADE LINE AS SHOWN ON PROFILE CURB PROFILE 059 6" CURB FACE REVISIONS: APPROVED ♦ STANDARD 00/00/00 4 CHRIS A. VOGT Of 322 CITY ENGINEER 415 RCE 44250 CURB DRAIN SHEET 1 OF 2 • • r O Lo r 0 Z co 3 a Q C� NOTES I. IF THE TOE: OF SLOPE IS ALLOWED WITHIN THE R/W, INLET CASE I BEGINS AT THE TOE RATHER THAN THE R/W LINE. 2. FOR OPEN DITCH (CASE INLET 111), THE 2' EXTENSION BEYOND THE R/W LINE IS NOT REQUIRED WHEN BACK OF WALK IS 2' OR MORE FROM THE R/W LINE: HOWEVER, PIPE SHALL EXTEND TO R/W LINE. 3. TOP OF INLET STRUCTURE (CASE I AND II) TO BE FLUSH WITH ADJACENT SURFACE WHERE PRACTICABLE 4. CONSTRUCT P.C.C. WALK WHEN SPECIFIED ON PLAN. THE CONTRACT PRICE PAID FOR P.C.C. WALK ITEM SHALL INCLUDE WALK CONSTRUCTED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PARKWAY CULVERT. 5. "N" EQUALS NUMBER OF PIPES (MAXIMUM OF THREE) AS SPECIFIED ON PLAN. 6. INLET CASE TO BE SPECIFIED ON IMPROVEMENT OR GRADING PLAN. 7. ANGLE "A" EQUALS 0° , UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 8. TYPE. DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF P.C.C. CURB AND GUTTER PER IMPROVEMENT PLAN. 9. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, FRAME AND GRATE FOR CASE 11 INLET SHALL BE ALHAMBRA FOUNDRY 14"X14" A-2012 (GALVANIZED). LONG BEACH IRON WORKS. INC. X-31113 (GALVANIZED) OR EQUAL. 10. AT LOCATIONS OF LESS THAN 8 INCH CURB FACE. USE 6X6-10/10 GALVANIZED WIRE FABRIC. WIRE FABRIC TO EXTEND 8 INCHES BEYOND THE EDGE OF CAST IRON PIPES. 1.1 REVISIONS: APPROVED a STANDARD 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT fNo� 3 2 2 CITY ENGINEER 4 1 6 RCE 44250 CURB DRAIN SHEET 2 OF 2 • 0 N In V_ O Z C co Q 3 a �11 1 • I • 1 • • p ijg pil Iffilill - -•----------------- C E Air� i� F. _�.- F 2�_r. ---; _ 112- I Dlu -:_ - - -- - ---------------------------- D 118" x 114" x 1' PAD IN EACH CORNER } 318" RIB IN EACH CORNER---' PLAN 118" 1 518" 1 718" u 518" 1' 718" N OD h � SECTION B-B SECTION C-C 1 518" 118" 16 318" 1 518" 12 718" 1 518" I 118" I 318" 1 114' 112" 11 2 318_" r- 3JE• 12"x12' CLEAR OPENING Ir -_3/8" 318" CORE, 4 HOLES FRAME 318-16 NC-2 REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RICE 44250 SECTION A -A SECTION D-D SECTION E-E SECTION F-F C� La c�`� � z � u S Iy OF t1{ RECTANGULAR FRAME AND COVER 061 41 *7 STANDARD 323 SHEET 1 OF 2 1� u Q 3 a Q • I I VARIABLE VARIABLE NORMAL C.F. NORMAL C.F. 3' 6 T + 4" i IE OPENING T T + 4" 6 T T C.F. TAPERED C.F. 12" SIDE OPENING NORMAL TAPERED T SIDE OPENING NORMAL SD C.F. I BASIN BASIN BASIN C.F. TOP OF CURB H SLOPE BREAK LINE N D D vPSTRAIGHT GRADE I STRAIGHT GRADE 1/2" EXPANSION SEE NOTE 1'-6" (TI,P) JOINT MATERIAL CASE A "H 2 (TYP 6' TAPERED TAPERED 31 NORMAL T T W C.F. SIDE OPENING C F. NORMAL C.F. BASIN C.F. O STR. GR. ---------------- j 0STR. R. ' " WARPED a -o a v4 GUTTER 1/2" EXPANSION SEE NOTE 1'-6" (TYP.) JOINT MATERIAL 2 (TYP,) CASE B (CONTINUOUS GRADE) gNORMAL NORMAL TAPERED T W T TAPERED C.F. C.F. SIDE OPENING C.F. C.F. BASIN �. 7LIOWSTR. GR. *=== STIR. GR. FLOW �! 4'-0" WARPED VA(�EY Y V PL GUTTER h 1/2" EXPANSION SEE NOTE 1'-6" (TYP.) JOINT MATERIAL 2 (TYP.) CASE C (SAG) T- cr) NOTES: 1. GUTTER DEPRESSION SHALL BE CASE B UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ON PROJECT DRAWINGS. 4. WHERE NO CURB EXIST, CURBS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED BETWEEN ENDS OF GUTTER DEPRESSION. CURB SECTION SHALL CONFORM G Z 2. ELEVATIONS OF OUTER CORNERS SHOWN ON TO THAT OF CONTROLLING AGENCY. c] PROJECT. IF NO ELEVATIONS ARE SPECIFIED, THE OUTER EDGE OF GUTTER DEPRESSION SHALL 5. DEPRESSION SHALL BE CLASS "B" CONCRETE. ~ � CONFORM TO FINISHED STREET SURFACE. + CATCH BASIN OPENING = NORMAL CURB HEIGHT 3. A= 4 FEET UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. +4 INCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. T= SEE STANDARD DRAWING 300 (2 of 2) DIMENSIONS. I— W= 4 FEET MIN., UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. J Q REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 TOP OF CURB GUTTER FLOW LINE ROUND OFF GUTTER DEPRESSION SECTION H-H a s M OF GUTTER DEPRESSION FOR CURB OPENING CATCH BAST N 063 41-9 STANDARD 330 SHEET 1 OF 1 • E N T O Z I— cn F- 6 Q NORMAL 6 T T 3' C.F. NORMAL C.F. STIR. GR. D SEE VP NOTE #2 1--0" (TYP.) OPENING I STR. R. n, t �--- FOR L GRATINGS y�_ D `(� SLOPE B K LINE D� SEE NOTE 1/2" EXPANSION 2 (TYP.) JOINT MATERIAL CASE A CATCH BASIN OPENING = NORMAL CURB FACE + 4 INCHES UNLESS NORMAL s- T 1---W—� T 3- OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. C.F. NORMAL Fii —-- ----CF. � I STIR. GR. D SEE V 0 "� NOTE #2 ' � IGHT V-6" (TYP.) 1 OPENING t-- FOR — GRATING BREAK LINE Dom' _ 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL CASE B fV a SEE NOTE 2 ('TYP..) NORMAL 3- T W --01 T rW --►1 T r+-- W —►1 T 3 -- NORMAL C.F. D C.F. r--------- ------ I QW STR. G OPENINGI t<. urn —v — rwvv ? GRAT NG� FORV,���y. I D SEE JP a NOTE #2 STF��GHT GRp`DE STRAIGIiT GCE SLOPE BR K LINE D-01 SEE NOTE 1---- (TYP.) 1/2" EXPANSION 2 MP-) JOINT MATERIAL CAS E C NOTES: 1. GUTTER DEPRESSION SHALL BE: (A) CASE "A" SEE STD. NO. 302 COMBINATION CATCH BASIN, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPEC- IFIED. (B) CASE "B" SEE STD. NO. 301 COMBINATION INLET CATCH BASIN, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 2, ELEVATIONS AT OUTER CORNERS SHOWN ON THE PROJECT DRAWINGS. IF NO ELEVATIONS ARE SPECIFIED, THE OUTER EDGE OF THE GUT- TER DEPRESSION SHALL CONFORM TO THE FIN- ISHED STREET SURFACE. 3. A = 4' UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. T = SEE STD. DRAWING NO. 302 (2 of 2) DIMENSIONS. W = SEE STD. DRAWING 302 (2 of 2) DIMENSIONS. 4. WHERE NO CURB EXISTS, CURB SHALL BE CON- STRUCTED BETWEEN ENDS OF GUTTER DEPRES- SION. CURB SECTION SHALL CONFORM TO THAT OF CONTROLLING AGENCY. 5. DEPRESSION SHALL BE CLASS B CONCRETE. A VAR VAR. FLOW LINE 12. PAVEMENT MIN. 3HLDR.SLOPE e^ 1' DEPRESSION (MAX IN SHOULDER) SECTION D-D 064 REVISIONS: APPROVED ac. STANDARD 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOLT fhoF 331 CITY ENGINEER GUTTER DEPRESSION FOR GRATE RCE 44250 OPENING CATCH BASIN I SHEET 1 OF 1 r I*, a 3 a a F Di F OPTIONAL OUTSIDE --' EDGES TO BE EDGE OF CONCRETE I ROUNDED D BARS B, a i TO 3' R 3" OC #3 TIE BAR �'P R=1D OF SPUR Ct tC 446. E BARS At -1 i 3'-3' LONG. I J L J 4-114 H BARS SEE NOTE 2 —#3 TIE BAR 3'-0' LONG D BARS 4'-0 SEE NOTE 9 BI a DETAIL „Nf, STREET GRADE -- MANHOLE SHAFT PER STD. PLAN 324 3-#4 J BARS 4'-8' (RINGS AND COVER NOT SHOWN) LONG 3' OC CON' T. (SEE NOTE I) F I D2 j�F ADD'L. BARS 6' OC TO INSIDE EDGE OF PLAN MANHOLE. SEE NOTE 2 (SHAFT NOT SHOWN) -MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER PER STD. PLAN 630 24" i w J 5'x2" PIPE m SEAT E BARS JFTIE BARS N STEPS- , TIE BAR 5' F g F J BARS ROUND EDGES SPRING LINE TO 3'R #4018" OC TT1 INLET ELEVATION BOTH WAYS. APPLIES AT TO BE USED THIS POINT WHEN D2 IS 60' OR OVER SECTION A —A TABLE OF VALUES FOR F D��- D2 F 36' . 6 1/2' 78" II 3/4" 39 ' 7' 84• 12 1/2' 42' 7 1/2" 90' 13 1/4' 45' 7 3/4" 96' 1 14" 48" 8' 102' 15 1/2" 51" 8 1/2" 108" 16" 54` 9' 114' ! 16 1/2' 57` 9 1/4" 120' 1 17' 60" 9 1/2" 126' 17" 63" 66" ' 10" 10 1/4" 132'4-17 1/2 138'*1 17 1/2' 72' II" REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 z o� PIPE SEAT LEVEL. aI SEE NOTE 8 N a E BARS N 3'� R D B�4R S I N o PSI 2'-4'!2'-4` (P o �I GRADE POINTS, \\ SEE NOTE 4 SECTION B—B CONCRETE RINGS PER ST' PLAN 3; OMIT TI STEP It PAVED STREET H BARS 16' FOR F STREETS. FOR UNPX STREETS CTorcT GRADE RING SEAT H BARS SEE TABLE VARIABLE E BARS SECTION C—C #3 OR #4 TIE BARS J BARS ROUND EDGES TO 3'R TABLE OF VALUES FOR M (SEE NOTE 1) SECTION PAVED STREET UNPAVED STREET MAX. MIN. MAX. MIN. Z-10112" 3'.6" 11" 8112" 16" 15" a , o` � s E - _v .- of 4 MANHOLE PIPE TO PIPE (MAIN LINE ID=36" OR LARGER 0651 NOTES I. WHEN DEPTH M FROM STREET GRADE TO THE TOP OF THE BOX IS LESS THAN 2'-10 1/2" FOR PAVED STREETS OR 3'-6" FOR UNPAVED STREETS, AND DETAIL "N". CONSTRUCT MONOLITHIC SHAFT PER SECTION C-C SHAFT FOR ANY DEPTH OF MANHOLE MAY BE CONSTRUCTED PER SECTION C-C. WHEN DIAMETER Di IS 48" OR LESS, CENTER OF SHAFT MAY BE LOCATED PER NOTE 2. 2. CENTER OF MANHOLE SHAFT SHALL BE LOCATED OVER CENTER LINE OF STORM DRAIN WHEN DIAMETER Di IS 48" OR LESS, IN WHICH CASE PLACE E BARS SYMMETRICALLY AROUND SHAFT AT 450 WITH CENTER LINE AND. OMIT J BARS. 3. L AND P SHALL HAVE THE FOLLOWING VALUES UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THE PROJECT DRAWINGS: A. D2= 96" OR LESS, L= 5' -6", P= 5" B. D2 OVER 96", L= 6' -0" P= 8" L MAY BE INCREASED OR LOCATION OF MANHOLE SHIFTED TO MEET PIPE ENDS. WHEN L GREATER THAN THAT SHOWN ABOVE IS SPECIFIED, D BARS SHALL BE CONTINUED 6"0C. 4. STATIONS OF MANHOLES SHOWN ON PROJECT DRAWINGS APPLY AT CENTER LINE OF SHAFT. ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN AT CENTER LINE OF SHAFT AND REFER TO THE PROLONGED INVERT GRADE LINES. 5. REINFORCEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A 615, GRADE 40, AND SHALL TERMINATE 1 1/2" CLEAR OF CONCRETE SURFACES UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. 6. FLOOR OF MANHOLE SHALL BE STEEL TROWELED TO SPRING LINE. 7. BODY OF MANHOLE SHALL BE POURED IN ONE CONTINUOUS OPERATION EXCEPT THAT A CONSTRUCTION JOINT WITH A LONGITUDINAL KEYWAY MAY BE PLACED AT SPRING LINE. 8. THICKNESS OF THE DECK SHALL VARY WHEN NECESSARY TO.PROVIDE A LEVEL SEAT BUT SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN THE TABULAR VALUES FOR F SHOWN ON TABLE SH. I. 9. D BARS SHALL BE o4 FOR D2= 39" OR LESS. M5 FOR D2= 42" TO 84" INCLUSIVE AND N6 FOR D2=90" OR OVER. 10. CENTER LINE OF INLET PIPE SHALL INTERSECT INSIDE FACE OF CONE AT c SPRING LINE UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. c N II. STEPS SHALL CONFORM TO STANDARD PLAN 635 OR 636 UNLESS OTHERWISE cr SHOWN, STEPS SHALL BE UNIFORMLY SPACED 14" TO 15" OC. THE LOWEST c STEP SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 24' ABOVE THE INVERT. z c; 12. THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA SHALL BE USED FOR THIS MANHOLE F- A. MAIN LINE = 36" INSIDE DIAMETER OR LARGER. EXCEPT IF MAIN LINE co RCP DOWNSTREAM OR MANHOLE IS 36" TO 42" INSIDE DIAMETER AND Q MAIN LINE RCP UPSTREAM IS 33" OR LESS STANDARD PLAN 321 SHALL 066 3 BE USED . Q REVISIONS: APPROVED a t44 STANDARD it 100/00/00 . - f CHRIS A. VOGT OF 340 CITY ENGINEER MANHOLE PIPE TO PIPE (MAIN RICE 44250 LINE 1 D=36 " OR LARGER) SHEET 2 OF 3 • ��4 3 a Q B. THE OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF THE LATERAL MUST BE LESS THAN OR . EQUAL TO 112 THE INSIDE DIAMETER OF THE MAIN LINE. IF THE UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM DIAMETERS OF THE MANHOLE ARE NOT THE SAME, THE GOVERNING INSIDE DIAMETER OF THE MAIN LINE SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE THAT WHERE THE EXTENDED CENTER LINE OF THE LATERAL ENTERS THE MANHOLE. C. IN NO INSTANCE SHALL THE INSIDE DIAMETER OF THE LATERAL TO THE MANHOLE BE GREATER THAN 30". 13. MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER SHALL CONFORM TO STANDARD PLAN 630- UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. 14. MANHOLE SHAFT SHALL CONFORM TO STANDARD PLAN 324 UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. 15. WHERE A MANHOLE SHAFT - 36-INCH WITHOUT REDUCER IS SPECIFIED REFER TO STANDARD PLAN 326. 16. WHERE A PRESSURE MANHOLE SHAFT - WITH ECCENTRIC REDUCER IS SPECIFIED REFER TO STANDARD PLAN 328. 17. WHERE A PRESSURE MANHOLE SHAFT - 36-INCH WITHOUT REDUCER IS SPECIFIED REFER TO STANDARD PLAN 329. THE FOLLOWING A.P.W.A. STANDARD PLANS ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE: 324 326 328 329 630 633 635 636 0 REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 MANHOLE SHAFT - WITH ECCENTRIC REDUCER MANHOLE SHAFT - 36-INCH WITHOUT REDUCER PRESSURE MANHOLE SHAFT - WITH ECCENTRIC PRESSURE MANHOLE SHAFT 36-INCH WITHOUT_ REDUCER 24 - I NCH MANHOLE FRAME AND .COVER 36-INCH MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER STEEL STEP POLYPROPYLENE PLASTIC STEP CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 04 3 S E OF .. MANHOLE PIPE TO PIPE (MAIN LINE ID=36" OR LARGER ;) J 067 STANDARD 340 SHEET 3 OF 3. E�- Sl B ♦"' EDGES TO BE ROUNDED T TO3'R C? + C At co t j- J \ �' R = I D f— OF SPUR ± —_ E �( ALL STEEL REINF. #4 0 4. OC ___/ DETAIL "N" PLAN .. B (RINGS AND COVER NOT SHOWN) PLAN SEE_ • (SHAFT NOT SHOWN) STREET GRADE MANHOLE FRAME STREET GRADE AND COVER PER CONCRETE RINGS 5'xl' RING STD. PLAN 630 PER STD. PLAN 324 SEAT J _ 24 OMIT THIS STEP ``' CID IN PAVED STREETS 2 wm a `- MANHOLE 24' N a SHAFT 16' FOR PAVED =__ 00 w PER STD. STREETS. 2'-2' 9' : �+ v) PLAN 324 FOR UNPAVED M T 3'-6' T W W 3'-0" STREETS c__ 7' J m ~O 5 s a z - '" PIPE SEAT 5x2 W Q W v T L'3- 3'-6" T ROUND EDGES 1/2" > cn OF INLETS ROUND EDGES co s � I /2' INLET ELEVATION SECTION C—C APPLIES AT THIS POINT SECTION A -A STEPS r I+ L t� 4• L+2T-8" 4. • ao ap G y OPTIONAL BOTTOM GRADE POINTS. SEE NOTE 5 Q TABLE OF VALUES FOR M (SEE NOTE 1) SECTION PAVED STREET UNPAVED STREET . MAX. MIN. MAX. MIN. A -A 2' -10 1 /2' 3' -6• C-C II" 8 1/2• 16' 15' • SECTION B-B 4 o? IT a Q REVISIONS: APPROVED a STANDARD 00/00/00 $ s E CHRIS A. VOGT 341 �'� OF -PZPE--TO PZPE (ONE 0 CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 BOTH MAIN L ZNE t D ' S 33 " OR SHEET 1 OF 3 11 0 N C9 O Z G co n 3 a Q -J NOTES I. WHEN DEPTH M FROM STREET GRADE TO THE TOP OF THE BOX IS LESS THAN 2'-10 1/2" FOR PAVED STREETS OR 3'-6- FOR UNPAVED STREETS, CONSTRUCT SHAFT PER SECTION C-C AND DETAIL "N". DEPTH M MAY BE REDUCED TO AN ABSOLUTE LIMIT OF 6" WHEN LARGER VALUES OF M WOULD REDUCE H IN SECTION C-C TO 3'-6" OR LESS. 2. H (IN SECTION A -A AND B-B) SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 4'-0", BUT MAY BE INCREASED PROVIDED THAT THE VALUE OF M SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN .THE MINIMUM SPECIFIED AND THAT THE REDUCER SHALL BE USED. FOR H (IN SECTION C-C) SEE NOTE I. 3. L SHALL BE 4' -0" UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. L MAY BE INCREASED OR LOCATION OF MANHOLE SHIFTED TO MEET PIPE ENDS. BUT ANY CHANGE IN LOCATION OF THE SPUR MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 4. T SHALL BE 8" FOR VALUES OF H UP TO AND INCLUDING 8'-0" AND 10" FOR VALUES OF H OVER 8' -0". 5. STATIONS OF MANHOLES) SHOWN ON PROJECT DRAWINGS APPLY AT CENTER LINE OF SHAFT. ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN AT CENTER LINE OF SHAFT AND REFER TO THE PROLONGED INVERT GRADE LINES. SEE NOTE 3. 6. REINFORCEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A 615. GRADE 40. AND SHALL TERMINATE 1 I/2" CLEAR OF CONCRETE SURFACES UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. 7. FLOOR OF MANHOLE SHALL BE STEEL TROWELED TO SPRING LINE. 8. BODY OF MANHOLE SHALL BE POURED IN ONE CONTINUOUS OPERATION EXCEPT THAT A CONSTRUCTION JOINT WITH A LONGITUDINAL KEYWAY MAY BE PLACED AT SPRING LINE. 9. THICKNESS OF THE DECK SHALL VARY WHEN NECESSARY TO PROVIDE A LEVEL SEAT BUT SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 8". 10. STEPS SHALL CONFORM TO STANDARD PLAN 635 OR 636. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. STEPS SHALL BE UNIFORMLY SPACED 14" TO 15" OC. THE LOWEST STEP SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 2.4" ABOVE THE LEDGE AT THE SIDE OF THE MANHOLE. 4 7 069 REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/004 s ..,y CHRIS A. VOGT of CITY ENGINEER MANHOLE PIPE TO PIPE (ONE OR RCE 44250 BOTH MAIN LINE I D ' S 3311 OR STANDARD 341 SHEET 2 OF 3 A 0 C` II. THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA SHALL BE USED FOR THIS MANHOLE: A. MAIN LINE = 33" INSIDE DIAMETER OR LESS. (EXCEPTION - IF THE MAIN LINE RCP DOWNSTREAM OF THE MANHOLE IS 36" TO 42" INSIDE DIAMETER AND THE MAIN LINE RCP UPSTREAM IS 33" OR LESS.) C.L.Q. STD. No. 340 OR C.L.Q. STD. No. 342 IS N 0 T APPLICABLE WHERE THE MAIN LINE CONDUIT IS LESS THAN 36" IN DIAMETER. B. SEE SECTION A — A. THE MAXIMUM SIZE LATERAL THAT MAY BE CONNECTED TO THIS MANHOLE IS .SUCH THAT THE DISTANCE FROM THE OUTSIDE (TOP) OF THE LATERAL TO THE BOTTOM OF THE 8" THICK TOP OF THE MANHOLE CHAMBER, MEASURED VERTICALLY FROM THE END OF THE RCP, SHALL BE A MINMUM OF 6". C. IF THE SIZE OF THE LATERAL IS SUCH THAT THE ABOVE -SPECIFIED MINIMUM DISTANCES CANNOT BE MAINTAINED, THEN ONE OF THE FOLLOWING ALTERNATE SOLUTIONS MUST BE USED. I. PROVIDE A SPECIAL STRUCTURE. 2. PROVIDE TWO STANDARD STRUCTURES, CONSISTING OF THIS MANHOLE PLACED UPSTREAM OR DOWNSTREAM FROM THE APPLICABLE JUNCTION STRUCTURE OR TRANSITION STRUCTURE. 12. MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER SHALL CONFORM TO STANDARD PLAN 630 UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. 13. MANHOLE SHAFT SHALL CONFORM TO STANDARD PLAN 324 UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. 14. WHERE A MANHOLE SHAFT*— 36—INCH WITHOUT REDUCER IS SPECIFIED REFER TO STANDARD PLAN 336. 15. WHERE A PRESSURE MANHOLE SHAFT - WITH ECCENTRIC REDUCER IS SPECIFIED REFER TO STANDARD PLAN 328. 16. WHERE A PRESSURE MANHOLE SHAFT — 36—INCH WITHOUT REDUCER IS SPECIFIED REFER TO STANDARD. PLAN 329. THE FOLLOWING A.P.W.A. STANDARD PLANS ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE: 324 MANHOLE SHAFT - WITH ECCENTRIC REDUCER 326 MANHOLE SHAFT - 36-INCH WITHOUT REDUCER 328 PRESSURE MANHOLE SHAFT - WITH ECCENTRIC 329 PRESSURE MANHOLE SHAFT — 36—INCH WITHOUT REDUCER 630 24—INCH MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER 633 36—INCH MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER 63 5 STEEL STEP 63 6 POLYPROPLYLENE PLASTIC STEP C ;' % 070 REVISIONS: APPROVED` STANDARD 00/00/00 E 4 CHRIS A. VOGT R"Of 341 CITY ENGINEER �MNHOLE PXPE TO PIPE (ONE RCE 44250 BOTH MAIN LINE ID ' S 33" OR SHEET 3 OF 3 0 3 44 J BARS. 4A 4'-8" LONG. 3-OC CONTINUE F pl F ADDITIONAL BARS 6-OC TO INSIDE EDGE OF MANHOLE y, STATION 5'x2' PIPE SEAT 3-D BARS. 3"OC CONTINUE 6'OC f P 4-#6 E BARS. ` SEE NOTE 3 #3 OR #4 O 18' OC ' TIE BARS A 8 B BARS , N f ;TAT10N PT. — — TATI N F D2 PLAN (SHAFT NOT SHOWN) STREET GRADE — -- ROUND TO 3' R OPTIONAL FILLET SPUR ANY STANDARD a PIPE JOINT P • Q~\ 4 R= 1 0 OF SPUR t WITH A MAX. M OF 3'-6' F MANHOLE MANHOLE FRAME' SHAFT AND COVER PER PER STD. w STD. PLAN 630 PLAN 324 m \ ta- D BARS w TIE BARS STEPS a, F BARS TIE BARS? 5"x2" PIPE SEAT A BARS 5. F I I J�K�,-B ELEV. R °c ELEV. S -I 5' BARS 7) ---#4018' OC BOTH ►� WAYS. TO BE #4018. OC BOTH WAYS. USED WHEN 8 TO BE USED WHEN D2 IS 60" OR MORE IS 60' OR MORE SECTION N—M—P—O TABLE OF BARS SIZES D2OR B A 8 B D OR F 12'-39" #503" #406" 42`-84" #603" #505" 90-144' #703' #606" Ct ^P T I ONAL' UTSIDE DGE OF ONCRETE 4 -#4 H BARS 3'-0" LONG DETAIL "N" , (RINGS AND COVER NOT SHOWN) SEE NOTE 2 OMIT THIS CONCRETE RINGS GRADE STEP IN PER STD. g• It I' PAVED PLAN 324 W J RING SEAT STREETS 5• Na r H BAR H BAR 16- FOR PAVED 24• m STREETS. 2'-2' FOR VARIABLE UNPAVED STREETS �.6',� ` _ E BARS TIE BARS 6. TIE BARS F F J BARS F BARS �r ROUND TIE EDGES BARS j TO 3'R ri SECTION G—G D BARS ROUND EDGES TO 3' R SECTION C-C rL SHAFT i 5'x2' PIPE SEAT BARS i IIP 2•_q STATION "� ELEVATION II STATION / ELEVATION LONGITUDINAL SECTION TABLE OF VALUL5 r UK r 02 F U2 F 36' 6 1/2' 78' 11 3/4' --39. 7" 84• 1221//2' 42' 7 1/2' 90' 13 I/4' 45' 7 3/4" 96" 14" qg• 8• 102° 15 1/2. 8 I/2' 108' 1b' Q -Sq• 9' 11416 1/2" N Q• 3 a 57' - 9 I/4' 120` 17' 45' U81126' 60' 9 1/2' 126' 17' 48' 17" 10' 132" 17 1/2" 51' 132' 17 1/2"66' 10 I/4' 138" ►7 1/2'S4`138' 17 i/2"9" 10 3/4" 14418' 57'144' 18' 72' II' 60' • 071 Q . REVISIONS: APPROVED a • 342 STANDARD 00/00/00 s .._� R,� 0/ CHRIS A. VOGT E LARGE CITY ENGINEER MANHOLE PIPE TO PIP RCE 44250 SIDE 1 NL ET 427 SHEET 1 OF :3] TABLE OF VALUES FOR M (SEE NOTE 2) SECTION PAVED STREET UNPAVED STREET MAX MIN. MAX. MIN. N-M-P-O 2'-10 1/2" 3' -6" C-C II' 8 1/2' 16" 15" NOTES I. VALUES FOR A, B. C. Di . D2. ELEVATION R AND ELEVATION S ARE SHOWN ON THE PROJECT DRAWINGS. ELEVATION S APPLIES AT INSIDE WALL OF STRUCTURE. 2 WHEN DEPTH M FROM STREET GRADE TO THE TOP OF THE BOX IS LESS THAN 2' -10 1/2" FOR PAVED STREETS OR 3 -G"O AND DAVEDILSTREETS. CONSTRUCT MONOLITHIC SHAFT PER SECTION SHAFT FOR ANY DEPTH OF MANHOLE MAY BE CONSTRUCTED SHAFT MAY SECTION C-C. WHEN DIAMETER D1 IS 48" OR LESS, CENTER LOCATED PER NOTE 3. 3. CENTER OF MANHOLE SHAFT SHALL BE LOCATED OVER CENTER LINE OF STORM DRAIN WHEN DIAMETER DI IS 48 OR SAT 45WW WITH CENTER LINE. CH CASE PLACE E BARS SYMMETRICALLY AROUND SHAFT 4. LENGTH OF MANHOLE MAY BE INCREASED AT OPTION TO MEET PI -PE ENDS, � BUT ANY CHANGE IN LOCATION OF SPUR MUST BE APPROVED BY E ENGINEER. 5. P SHALL BE 5" FOR D2= 96" OR LESS AND 8" FOR D2 OVER 96". 6. REINFORCEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A 615. GRADE -40. AND SHALL TERMINATE 1 112" CLEAR OF CONCRETE SURFACE SHOWN. 7. FLOOR OF MANHOLE SHALL BE STEEL TROWELED TO SPRING LINE. 8. BCOY OF MANHOLE SHALL BE POURED IN ONECONTINT US OPERATION EXCEPT THAT A CONSTRUCTION JOINT WITH A L KEYWAY MAY BE PLACED AT SPRING LINE. 9. THICKNESS OF THE DECK SHALL VARY WHEN NECESSARY PROVIDE OF LEVEL SEAT BUT SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN THE TABULAR F SHOWN ON TABLE, SH. I. 10. IF LATERALS ENTER ON BOTH SIDES OF MAN A ERA�HAFT SHALL BE LOCATED ON SIDE RECEIVING THE SMALLER L 11. STEPS SHALL CONFORM TO STANDARD PLAN 635 OR 636. UNLESS ESSHE LOTHERWISE SHOWN, STEPS SHALL BE UNIFORMLY A80VE � E INVERT. c WEST STEP SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 24 N c 12. THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA SHALL BE USED FOR THIS MANHOLE: c A. THIS STANDARD PLAN IS USED WHEN C.L.Q. STD. No.340 IS Z INADEQUATE. MAIN LINE = 36" INSIDE DIAMETER OR LARGER. c N B. LATERAL = 12" TO 144" INSIDE DIAMETER HOWEVER, THE INSIDE a DIAMETER SHALL NOT EXCEED THE INSIDE DIAMETER OF THE MAIN LINE. 072 3 _ oa a REVISIONS: APPROVED STANDARD 00 00 00TWT s4 .. � fy , + � 34.2 CHRIS A. VOGT. Of CITY ENGINEER MANHOLE PIPE TO PIPE (LARGE RCE 44250 1 v 428 SHEET 2 OF 3 SIDE INLET 0 • 13. MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER SHALL CONFORM TO STANDARD PLAN 630 UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. 14. MANHOLE SHAFT SHALL CONFORM TO STANDARD PLAN 324 UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. 15. WHERE A MANHOLE SHAFT - 36-INCH WITHOUT REDUCER IS SPECIFIED REFER TO STANDARD PLAN 326. 16. WHERE A PRESSURE MANHOLE SHAFT - WITH ECCENTRIC REDUCER IS SPECIFIED REFER TO STANDARD PLAN 328. 17. WHERE A PRESSURE MANHOLE SHAFT - 36-INCH WITHOUT IS SPECIFIED REFER TO STANDARD PLAN 329. THE FOLLOWING A.P.W.A. STANDARD PLANS ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE: 324 326 328 329 630 633 635 636 0 N N c� O Z H co Q 3 a Q REVISIONS: MANHOLE SHAFT - WITH ECCENTRIC REDUCER MANHOLE SHAFT - 36-INCH WITHOUT REDUCER PRESSURE MANHOLE SHAFT - WITH ECCENTRIC PRESSURE MANHOLE SHAFT - 36-INCH WITHOUT REDUCER 24 - I NCH MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER. 36-INCH MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER STEEL STEP POLYPROPYLENE PLASTIC STEP 073 APPROVED • STANDARD 00/00/00 #.,, CHRIS A. VOGT 342 CITY ENGINEER MANHOLE PIPE TO PIPE ( LARGE RCE 44250 SIDE INLET) 429 SHEET 3 OF 3 Ll SIZE AND SPACING OF STEEL AS SHOWN ON PROJECT DRAWINGS. EXCEPT THAT 5 BARS ON EACH SIDE OF SHAFT SHALL BE NOT SMALLER THAN* 5 0 4' OC OR EOUIVALENT A. _ _4- t B OR C? - _ t A PLAN (SHAFT NOT SHOWN) SECTION A - A MANHOLE FRAME AND STREET GRADE COVER PER STD. PLAN 630 -1 w J MANHOLE SHAFT PER STD. PLAN 324 5'x2- PIPE SEAT 0 !; N r7 'I -01 ZOMIT FILLET I f' p UNDER SHAFT 7" ( f c I STEPS Q 3 SECTION B - B a #50e4' OC x 5' —0" LONG t OR C 5 BARS 7'-0' LONG. 4" OC. OF SIZE SHOWN FOR TRANSVERSE STEEL. BUT NOT SMALLER THAN #5 BARS. WARP THESE BARS UNDER BARS THAT HAVE BEEN CUT FOR SHAFT OPENING 5'xl" RING SEAT STREET GRADE CONCRETE RINGS PER STD. PLAN 324 I51 w J a � F- UNDER SHAFT f' N --,.j I STEPS ' SECTION C - C SEE NOTE I TABLE OF VALUES FOR M (SEE NOTE 1) PAVED STREET UNPAVED STREET SECTION MAX MIN MAX. MIN. _10 C - C (SEE NOTE 01 8 1/2- (SEE NOTE 1) 15' 074 Q REVISIONS: APPROVED • STANDARD 00/00/00 s �V CHRIS A. VOGT 343 CITY ENGINEER MANHOLE -.CONCRETE BOX STORM RCE 44250 DRAIN 4 3 0 SHEET 1 OF 2 • 0 ch N co O Z O N Q 3 a Q i NOTES I. WHEN DEPTH M FROM STREET GRADE TO THE TOP OF THE BOX IS LESS THAN 2' -IO 1/2" FOR PAVED STREETS OR 3' -6" FOR UNPAVED STREETS, CONSTRUCT SHAFT PER SECTION C-C. 2. STATIONS OF MANHOLES SHOWN ON PROJECT DRAWING, G, APPLY AT CENTER LINE OF SHAFT. ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN AT CENT 3. REINFORCEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM 40, AND 0THERWSHALL TERMINATE 1 I/2" CLEAR OF CONCRETE SURFACES UNLESS SHOWN. 4. STEPS SHALL CONFORM TO STANDARD PLAN 635 OR 63,6. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN, STEPS SHALL BE UNIFORMLY SBPAvEDT 4 INOERT OC. THE LOW EST STEP SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 24 AO 5. MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER SHALL CONFORM TO STANDARD PLAN 630. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. 6. MANHOLE SHAFT SHALL CONFORM TO STANDARD PLAN 324 UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. 7. WHERE A MANHOLE SHAFT - 36-INCH WITHOUT REDUCER IS SPECIFIED REFER TO STANDARD PLAN 326. 8. WHERE A PRESSURE MANHOLE SHAFT - WITH ECCENTRIC REDUCER IS SPECIFIED REFER TO STANDARD PLAN 328. 9. WHERE A PRESSURE MANHOLE SHAFT - 36-INCH WITHOUT REDUCER IS SPECIFIED REFER TO STANDARD PLAN 329. THE FOLLOWING A.P.W.A. STANDARD PLANS ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE: 324 MANHOLE SHAFT _ WITH ECCWNTHOU TRIC T RDEDUCER UCER 326 MANHOLE SHAFT 36 INCH 328 PRESSURE MANHOLE SHAFT THNCHECCENTRIC THOUT REDUCER 329 PRESSURE MANHOLE SHAFT - 36 630 24-INCH MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER 633 36-INCH MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER 635 STEEL STEP 636 POLYPROPYLENE PLASTIC STEP REVISIONS: APPROVED a • 00/00/00 s %Qf CHRIS A. VOGT Q�( STORM CITY ENGINEER MANHOLE- CONCRETE B RCE 44250 DRAIN 431 075 STANDARD 343 SHEET 2 OF 2 is 0- MAIN LINE RCP OR REINFORCED MONOLITHIC ARCH. SEE NOTE 2 -' r4 J SEE NOTE 10 H ' H D R� 3' MIN. p� / c LATERAL/ CONNECTOR PIPE - I \ i G BARS w w #4 ® 6. OC h u F i m Z I ROUND -- #3 OR # 4 ® 18' OC U, o WZ ►- oZ o EDGE ---- ITO3'R TIE BARS z w I I �' E AND F BARS vWi # 5® 3' OC. u m I I + SEE NOTE 8 �- L- STA. POINT CONNECTOR PIPE 3' MIN. SEE NOTE 3 STA. POINT LATERAL SEE NOTE 3 PLAN SPUR REINFORCING STEEL 1 1 3' MIN. SPRING / LINE r /ROUND I I EDGES I • ELEV. S % / \ I 77 v- � UNDISTURBED EARTH 01 z a 3 a a REVISIONS: H I H SECTION Z-Z #3 OR # 4 0 18" OC TIE BARS T /---:G BARS #406' OC 5• co 5 ELEV. #ASB® F- F BARS # 5 0 3. OC — CONCRETE CRADLE. 420-C-2000. SEE NOTE 9 TABLE OF VALUES FOR T B (INCHES) T (INCHES) 12 5 15 5 18 5 21 5 24 • 5 1/2 27 5 1/2 30 6 33 6 I/2 36 6 I/2 39 7 : BARS G BARS SECTION M-M 076 APPROVED STANDARD 00/00/00 5 s �M Of 350 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER JUNCTION STRUCTURE - PIPE TO RICE 44250 ,� SHEET 1 OF 2 NOTES I. THIS JUNCTION STRUCTURE SHALL BE USED WHEN THE OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF THE LATERAL IS GREATER THAN 1/2 THE INSIDE DIAMETER D OF THE MAIN LINE; OR WHEN THE INSIDE DIAMETER B OF THE LATERAL IS GREATER THAN 24': B SHALL NOT EXCEED 3/4 D OR 39'. 2. IF THE MAIN LINE IS A REINFORCED MONOLITHIC ARCH STORM DRAIN. D SHALL REFER TO THE CLEAR SPAN OF THE ARCH. REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE CUT AND BENT INTO THE JUNCTION STRUCTURE IN THE SAME MANNER AS FOR A PIPE. A CONCRETE CRADLE IS NOT REQUIRED FOR A REINFORCED MONOLITHIC ARCH. 3. STATIONS SHOWN ON THE PROJECT DRAWINGS FOR LATERALS APPLY AT THE INTERSECTION OF CENTER LINES OF MAIN LINE AND LATERAL. STATIONS SHOWN ON THE PROJECT DRAWINGS FOR CATCH BASIN CONNECTOR PIPES APPLY AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE INSIDE WALL OF THE MAIN LINE WITH THE CONNECTOR PIPE CENTER LINE. 4. VALUES FOR A. B. C AND D SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE PROJECT DRAWINGS. ELEVATION R AND ELEVATION S SHALL BE SHOWN ONLY WHEN REQUIRED PER NOTE 5. 5. a. ELEVATIONS R AND S NEED NOT BE SHOWN ON THE PROJECT DRAWINGS IF THE INLET PIPE IS TO ENTER THE MAIN. LINE RADIALLY. b. ELEVATION R SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE PROJECT DRAWINGS ONLY IF A STUB IS TO BE PROVIDED IN THE MAIN LINE FOR FUTURE CONNECTION OF AN INLET PIPE. c. ELEVATION S SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE PROJECT DRAWINGS IF AN INLET PIPE IS TO ENTER THE MAIN LINE OTHER THAN RADIALLY. INLET PIPE SHALL BE LAID ON A STRAIGHT GRADE FROM ELEVATION S TO THE CATCH BASIN OR GRADE BREAK IN LINE. 6. THE INLET PIPE SHALL ENTER THE MAIN LINE RADIALLY UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. THE INLET PIPE MAY ENTER THE MAIN LINE OTHER THAN RADIALLY IF ANGLE A IS GREATER THAN 450. B IS LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 246 AND THE OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF THE INLET PIPE 15 LESS THAN 1/2 D: OTHERWISE. C.L.O. STD. No.354. 7. NO MORE THAN ONE OPENING SHALL BE MADE IN ANY ONE SECTION OF PIPE. 8. THE OPENING FOR THE BREAKOUT SHALL BE RECTANGULAR AND CUT NORMAL TO THE PIPE SURFACE WITHOUT DAMAGING THE REINFORCING STEEL. THE TRANSVERSE REINFORCEMENT OF THE MAIN LINE SHALL BE CUT AT THE CENTER OF THE OPENING AND BENT INTO THE TOP AND BOTTOM SLABS OF THE SPUR. 9. THE MAIN LINE S APPL BAB EREINFORCED ENCASEMENT (AS CONCRETE ENCASEMENT -IS REQUIRED IF A JOINT IN THE MAIN LITSHALLEXTEND 12ABOVETHETOPOFTHEMAIN ESWITHIN HTFEREE CONCRETE ENCASEMENT LINE AND TO THE LIMITS OF THE CRADLE. IF CONNECTING TO AN EXISTING STORM DRAIN, PORTION OF CRADLE co OPPOSITE INLET MAY BE OMITTED. z° 10. REINFORCING STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A 615. GRADE 40, AND BE PLACED 1 1/2' CLEAR FROM CONCRETE SURFACES. UNLESS OTHERWISE C SHOWN F BARS SHALL BE CARRIED TO A POINT NOT LESS THAN J cl) DISTANCE FROM CENTER LINE WITH J=7D/12 + 6'. a II. FLOOR OF THE SPUR SHALL BE STEEL —TROWELED TO THE SPRING LINE OF 3 THE SPUR. a Q REVISIONS: APPROVED 00 / 00 00 j6j E. o� CHRIS A. VOGT Of CITY ENGINEER JUNCTION STRUCTURE -PIPE TO RICE 44250 D T DF I TNI_ ET I D>24 " OR> 077 STANDARD 350 SHEET 2 OF 2 • • [ LATERAL/CONNECTOR PIPE —CONC. PIPE. RCP OR CSP , C MAIN LINE RCP t MAIN LINE RCP v e1� P RV I / 2' MIN. 4� CLASS C I v MORTAR I SEE NOTE 4 O N b I STA. PT., ? BEDDING OF ' B INLET PIPE B�45 Q)� SEE NOTE 6 �� BACKFILL WITH LA 45° 420—C-2000 CONCRETE OR v COMPACT SOIL TO RELATIVE DENSITY c.:. ::; .'::•:: 4- REOUIRED BY f SPECIFICATIONS ' UNDISTURBED EARTH BEDDING. PER CASE I SPECIFICATIONS PLAN CASE SECTION B-B FOR OUTLET SEE STD. / CATCH BASIN PLANS CATCH BASIN FLOOR �O d d 420—C-2000 1/2 OD MIN. CONC. ENCASEMENT. SEE NOTE 5 CONC. PIPE. BACKFILL d RCP OR CSP BEDDING SEE NOTE 3 I/2' MIN. SEE NOT 4 OD /_jB>450— -- 1 CASE I CASE 2 SECTION C-C, (SEE NOTES 9 B 10) O N C9 t'9 0 Z 0 a 3 CI: Q pREVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 PLAN vna,F4 TO SUIT DNS SECTION CASE 3 SADDLE CONNECTION CLASS C MORTAR 078 a STANDARD 4 at . f 351 PIPE (ID < 2411) 434 SHEET 1 OF 2 NOTES CASE I AND CASE 2 I. IF ANGLE A IS LESS THAN 45' OR IF D IS LARGER THAN 24", THEN ANOTHER STANDARD STRUCTURE SHALL BE SPECIFIED. 2. THE OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF THE INLET PIPE SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE-HALF THE INSIDE DIAMETER OF THE MAIN LINE. 3. THE INLET PIPE SHALL ENTER THE MAIN LINE RADIALLY. IF THE INLET PIPE CANNOT ENTER RADIALLY, THEN ANOTHER STANDARD STRUCTURE SHALL BE SPECIFIED. 4. THE SIZE OF THE OPENING INTO THE MAIN LINE SHALL BE THE OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF THE INLET PIPE PLUS I" MINIMUM TO 3" MAXIMUM. 5. ALL CONNECTOR PIPES FOR CASE 2 SHALL BE ENCASED IN CONCRETE IF LAID WITHIN THE MAIN LINE EXCAVATED TRENCH OR IF LAID ON FILL WHICH HAS NOT BEEN DENSIFIED. 6. BURN OR CHIP END OF CONNECTOR PIPE FLUSH WITH INNER SURFACE OF MAIN LINE. ROUND EDGE OF CONCRETE PIPE OR RCP. . 7. ALL CSP AND FITTINGS SHALL BE GALVANIZED. 8. STATION SPECIFIED ON THE PROJECT DRAWINGS APPLIES AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE INSIDE WALL OF MAIN LINE AND THE CENTER LINE OF INLET PIPE. 9. CASE 2 SHALL NOT BE USED TO CONNECT TO THE FLOOR OF A GRATING CATCH BASIN WHERE THE GRATE WILL BE SUBJECT TO VEHICLE TRAFFIC. 10. FOR CASE 2, NOT MORE THAN 12' OF INLET PIPE SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN THE MAIN LINE EXCAVATED TRENCH. CASE 3 11. CONNECTIONS TO PIPES 21" OR LESS IN DIAMETER WITHOUT JUNCTION STRUCTURES OR PRECAST Y BRANCHES SHALL BE MADE WITH SADDLES. 0 12. THE OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF THE. INLET PIPE SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE-HALF f THE INSIDE DIAMETER OF THE MAIN LINE. co 0 13. TRIM OR CUT SADDLE TO FIT SNUGLY OVER THE OUTSIDE OF THE MAIN LINE Z SO ITS AXIS WILL BE ON THE LINE AND GRADE OF THE CONNECTOR PIPE. 6 14. THE OPENING INTO THE PIPE SHALL BE CUT AND TRIMMED TO FIT THE 0 SADDLE SO THAT NO PART WILL PROJECT WITHIN THE BORE OF THE . PIPE SADDLE Q � 079 3 15. THE CONNECTOR PIPE SHALL BE SUPPORTED AS SHOWN IN CASES 1 AND 2. IL Q 0.1 REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 u � , $ s e„y Of STANDARD 351 1 um J I /"fuL.l uric - PZPE (ID < 2411 SHEET 2 OF 2 • • -� MAIN LINE RCB i z tD W N W BARS SEE NOTE 3 i ROUND EDGE I TO 3- R STATION POINT. I SEE NOTE 2 I ' z I , . cD I N � I CONSTRUCTION JOINT #3 OR #4 0 18" OC IL - 46 (Z.T LATERAL / T 8 CONNECTOR PIPE T #4 0 18" OC F BARS BOTH WAYS TO BE USED WHEN B IS 60" OR MORE SECTION G—C #3 OR #4 0 18' OC ROUND EDGES TO APPROXIMATE R OF ID OF LATERAL WITH A MAXIMUM OF 3'-0" DaEBARS D.E.HaGBARS CONSTRUCTION JOINT PLAN INEW OR EXISTING RCB, SEE NOTE 6 i W BARS D BARS ANY STANDARD F BARS PIPE JOINT 2-H BARS 4" OC. ►- SEE NOTE 3 ROUND p EDGES #3 OR 94 1---- 0 18" OC m I ELEV. R. SEE NOTE 8 ELESEEVNOTE 8 E BARS !r) 2-G BARS 4' OC. SEE NOTE 3 o. ..o. t- O °..:; .. UNDISTURBED EARTH Z c. ••o n BACKFILL WITH 420-C-2000 MIX �— CONCRETE. OR COMPACT SOIL TO y RELATIVE DENSITY REQUIRED BY cj i SPECIFICATIONS. BACKFILL MAY BE OMITTED IF STRUCTURE IS LAID ON Q UNDISTURBED EARTH TO STORM 3 SECTION—� GRAIN WALL BARS B (INCHES) T (INCHES) a m co 2 W ou. Q m 12 5 0 2 15 5 18 5 21 5 24 5 1/4 27 5 1/2 30 6 33 6 1/4 36 6 I/2 39 7 42 7 1/2 a`0 t 0 `� ,n 45 7 3/4 48 8 51 8 1/2 54 9 57 9 1/4 60 9 1/2 63 10 66 10 1/4 69 10 3/4 72 II 78 II 3/4 84 12 1/2 90 13 1/4 ti 0 �o 96 14 102 15 1/2 108 16 114 16 1/2ko 120 17 126 17 132 17 1/2 138 17 1/2 144 18 Q 080 REVISIONS: APPROVED a STANDARD 00/00/00 5 CHRIS A. VOGT RNor 352 CITY ENGINEER JUNCTION STRUCTURE - PIPE TO RCE 44250 RCB 4 3 6 SHEET 1 OF 2 v NOTES • .o 0 z 0 co �o 3 a Q I. VALUES FOR A, B AND C SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE PROJECT DRAWINGS. ELEVATION R AND ELEVATION S SHALL BE SHOWN WHEN REQUIRED PER NOTE 8. 2. STATIONS SPECIFIED ON THE PROJECT DRAWINGS APPLY AT THE INTER- SECTION OF CENTER LINES OF MAIN LINE AND LATERALS. EXCEPT THAT STATIONS FOR CATCH BASIN CONNECTOR PIPES APPLY AT INSIDE WALL OF STRUCTURE. 3. REINFORCING STEEL SHLL CONFORM 2A CLEAR OF CONOCRETE SURFIACES UNLESS � AND SHALL TERMINATE I OTHERWISE SHOWN. o. W BARS ARE OF SIZE AND SPACING SPECIFIED FOR WALL STEEL ON PROJECT DRAWINGS, AND SHALL BE CUT IN CENTER OF OPENING AND BENT INTO TOP AND BOTTOM OF JUNCTION STRUCTURE. b. OMIT H BARS WHEN SOFFIT OF SPUR IS 12" OR LESS BELOW SOFFIT OF MAIN LINE. AND OMIT G BARS WHEN INVERT OF SPUR IS 12" OR LESS ABOVE FLOOR OF MAIN LINE. 4. JUNCTION STRUCTURE SHALL BE POURED MONOLITHICALLY WITH MAIN LINE. MANHOLE OR TRANSITION STRUCTURE. 5. FLOOR OF STRUCTURE SHALL BE STEEL -TROWELED TO THE SPRING LINE. 6. WHEN CONNECTING TO EXISTING RCB. BREAKOUT LIMITS AND DETAILS SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE PROJECT DRAWINGS. 7. cMBEDMENT, P. SHALL BE 5" FOR B = 96" OR LESS AND 8" FOR B OVER 96". 8. IF ELEVATIONTHEN THDE O INLET OPENING SHALL FALL W6' BELOW THEN ON THE SOFFIT ECT DRAWINGSSSOFFIT OF THE MAIN LINE WITH THE INLET PIPE LAID ON A STRAIGHT GRADE FROM MAIN LINE TO CATCH BASIN OR TO GRADE BREAK IN INLET LINE. ELEVATION S SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE PROJECT DRAWINGS IF THE INLET OPENING FALLS MORE THAN 6" BELOW THE SOFFIT OF THE MAIN LINE WITH THE INLET PIPE LAID ON A STRAIGHT GRADE AS STATED ABOVE. ELEVATION R SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE PROJECT DRAWINGS ONLY WHEN A STUB IS TO BE PROVIDED FOR A FUTURE CONNECTION. 9. LATERALS OR CONNECTOR PIPES 24" OR LESS IN DIAMETER SHALL BE NO MORE THAN 5' ABOVE THE INVERT. LATERALS OR CONNECTOR PIPES 27" OR LARGER IN DIAMETER SHALL BE ' NO MORE THAN. 18" ABOVE THE INVERT, WITH THE EXCEPTION THAT CATCH BASIN CONNECTOR PIPES LESS THAN 50' IN LENGTH SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 5' ABOVE THE I NVER T. 10. THE NEED FOR AN EDGE BEAM AND/OR ADDITIONAL REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE INVESTIGATED BY THE ENGINEER FOR ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: o. ANGLE A IS LESS THAN 30° b. TOP OF INLET PIPE IS LESS THAN 6" BELOW THE SOFFIT c. FLOW LINE OF INLET PIPE IS LESS THAN 7" ABOVE THE FLOOR OF THE RCB AT THE INSIDE FACE REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 081 STANDARD Twit r 4 �4v Of 352 JUNCTION STRUCTURE -PIPE TO RCB 4371 SHEET 2 OF 2 t MAIN LINE RCB---j L A L 45°. SEE NOTE I #5 1. cy-'< #506" OC- #5 PLAN w BURN OR CUT PIPE TO SURFACE I-- OF CONCRETE. ROUND EDGES OF Z z CONC. PIPE OR RCP �w #504" # 5 0 4` OC N N #5 #5 N CONC. PIPE. RCP OR CSP ( i' CONC. PIPE. #5 o I / RCP OR CSP x 2® - OCLot G SEE NOTE 3-i LEV S i RC BEAM #5°''f' ' BEDDING FOR ° �' SUPPORT �' a INLET PIPE 1 1/2` N 18" N # 5 4' OC ° ° o . ° c .' COLUMN SUPPOR T BACKFILL WITH UNDISTURBED EARTH :.°° :.: ° 420-C-2000 CONCRETE, UNCOMPACTED BACKFILL OR COMPACT SOIL 3'-0' TO RELATIVE DENSITY -0" #5 ® 4" OC REQUIRED BY THE MAX. SPECIFICATIONS CA_ SECTION A -A CASE 2 BEAM SUPPORT COLUMN SUPPORT • 0 f 4 0 !r) O Z G H co Q 3 a Q REVISIONS: APPROVED • STANDARD 00/00/00 5 s 353 (v ?& E'M Of 438 SHEET 1 OF 3 D = 30" MAX. o� MINIMUM BEARING SURFACE = 00/2 IINIMUM BEARING o ,URFACE = 013/2 15 ® 6" OC :'....o .: . 00 SECTION C-C SECTION B-B D = 30" MAX. 082 CHRIS A. VOLT CITY ENGINEER ROE 44250 u / lV/Y RCB INLET lD < 30") • 0 B BARS - # 6 0 4" OC. LENGTH = D+3' -0" PLACED UNDER CUT BARS AND ON TOP OF UNCUT BARS. OMIT BARS THAT FALL OVER SIDEWALLS. 6" CONC. PIPE OR RCP c D' 2• B BARS B BARS 0 f cr) # 5 0 4 " 01 BE PLA( Q REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 FOR OUTLET SEE STANDARD CATCH BASIN PLANS CATCH BASIN FLOOR 420-C-2000 CONCRETE / ENCASEMENT WHEN MORE THAN ONE SECTION OF 6. PIPE IS USED +D RC BOX NOTE: WHEN CATCH BASIN FALLS B BARS ON TOP OF BOX. THE OPENING MAY BE FORMED THROUGH FLOOR OF CATCH CASE 3 BASIN AND TOP SLAB OF BOX. TOP SLAB ENTRANCE D = 30' MAX. B BARS CUT BARS 2' CLEAR OF OPENING SECTION D-D 083 a • STANDARD � s .= ET4 353 RM Of RCB(ZNLET I D< 30 "-) 4 3 SHEET 2 OF 3 NOTES I. USE JUNCTION STRUCTURE PER C.L.Q.STD.No.352 INSTEAD OF THIS JUNCTION S'TRUCTURE UNDER ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: o. DIAMETER OF INLET PIPE EXCEEDS 30". b. TOP OF PIPE IS LESS THAN 12" BELOW SOFFIT OF -BOX. c. FLOW LINE OF PIPE IS LESS THAN 13" ABOVE FLOOR OF THE BOX AT INSIDE FACE. d. ANGLE A IS LESS THAN 450. 2. ALL CSP AND FITTINGS SHALL BE GALVANIZED. 3. ELEVATION S SHALL BE SPECIFIED ON PROJECT DRAWINGS ONLY IF THE TOP OF PIPE IS MORE THAN 12 BELOW SOFFIT OF BOX. 4. LATERALS OR CONNECTOR PIPES 24" OR LESS IN DIAMETER SHALL BE NOT MORE THAN 5' ABOVE THE INVERT. LATERALS OR CONNECTOR PIPES 27" OR LARGER IN DIAMETER SHALL BE NOT MORE THAN 18 ABOVE THE INVERT, WITHTHE EXCEPTION NCLENGTH THAT CATCH BASIN CONNECTOR PIPES LESS THAN 50'• SHALL BE NOT MODE THAN 5 ABOVE THE INVERT. o ' c� co 0 z o N Q 3 084 a Q REVISIONS: APPROVED oil • STANDARD 00/00/00 '- 0 �'M CHRIS A. VOGT Of CITY ENGINEER JUN Tt N RCB (INLET ID C 30 STRUCTURE -PIPE T 353 RCE 44250 " 4 SHEET 3 OF 3 • • TABLE FOR DIMENSIONS AND BAR SIZES D2 F 4 4 OR m OR m cc)u LL. B T 0 0 0 a 0 a o (INCHES) (INCHES) 12 4 15 4 1/4 18 4 1/2 21 5 0 0 24 5 1/4 27 5 I/2 30 6 ROUND. EDGES TO RADIUS OF APPROXIMATE ID OF LATERAL. MAXIMUM 36" - A8B BARS— u_ r-- —p SEE NOTE 8 �i STATION — STATION PT T N 6/ C.- LATERAL / CONNECTOR PIPE T C / � v ROUND EDGES �6- TO 3" R P QL MAIN LINE m STATION N' M #3 OR #4. SEE NOTE 4 D BARS PLAN D BARS #3 OR #4 I ELEV. ELEV. I STA. 57A. II I I 33 6 1/4 '-4#4018" OC. BOTH 36 6 1/2 WAYS, TO BE USED 39 7 WHEN D2 IS 60" OR 42 71/2 LONGITUDINAL SECTION MORE 45 7 3/4 46 8 'n 51 8 1/2 54 9 0 o A BARS �1 I D BARS 57 9 1/4 r83 OR 04 60 9 I/2 M � ~ F BARS 1 63 10 0 66 10 I/4 69 10 3/4 I 72 11 co Q 18" OC B BARS 0 78 11 3/4 1 c) 84 12 1/2 1 ELEV. R ELEV. S 90 13 I/4 I O 96 14 Z 102 IS I/2 108 16 0 0 ~ �- n4 16 1/2 ;� 9D 04018" OC, BOTH WAYS. TO BE 120 17 ® @ m USED WHEN B IS 60" OR MORE d (I. MAIN LINE Q 126 17 3 132 171/2 SECTION N'-N"-Nl" a. 144 17182 PROJECTED ON M-M-N"' 085 a REVISIONS: APPROVED ,` STANDARD 00/00/00 s f40f CHRIS A. VOGT 354 CITY ENGINEER TRANSITION STRUCTURE PIPE RCE 44250 4 SHEET 1 OF 2 PIPE NOTES i. THE HORIZONTAL ANGLE OF CONVERGENCE OR DIVERGENCE, e, SHALL NOT EXCEED 5 45 . 2. VALUES FOR A, B. C, DI AND D2 ARE SHOWN ON THE PROJECT DRAWINGS. ELEVATION R AND ELEVATION S ARE SHOWN WHEN REQUIRED BY NOTE 10. 3. FLOOR OF STRUCTURE SHALL BE STEEL TROWELED TO SPRING LINE. 40. 4. REINFORCEMENT STEEL SHALL CONOOF AND SHALL TERMINATE 1 1/2 CLEAR CONCRETE SURF�ACESDE UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. LONGITUDINAL BARS SHALL BE #3 OR #4 SPACED 18" OC OR LESS. 5. ELEVATION S APPLIES AT INSIDE WALL OF STRUCTURE. 6. TRANSITION STRUCTURE SHALL BE POURED IN ONE CONTINUOUS OPERATION. EXCEPT THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE THE OPTION OF PLACING AT THE SPRING LINE A CONSTRUCTION JOINT LONGITUDINAL KEYWAY. 7. THE LENGTH OF THE STRUCTURE A BE INCREASEDOPTION OF THE CONTRACTOR TO MEET RCPNG D BARS,THE LONGITUDINAL AND BOTTOM REINFORCEMENT IN EXTENDED PORTION OF SAME DIAMETER AND SPACING ASSPECIFIED THE LOCATION OF SPUR BE APPROVED TABLE. BYTHEBUT ANY CHANGE IN • ENGINEER. 8. EMBEDMENT P SHALL BE AS SPECIFIEDINTHE TABLE, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THE PROJECT DRAWINGS. 9. WHEN THERE IS NO SPUR REQUIRED. A a B BARS SHALL BE OMITTED. 10. WHEN ELEVATION R AND ELEVATION S ARE NOT SHOWNON PROJECT DRAWINGS. INLET PIPE SHALL ENTER MLINE RADI WHEN INLET PIPE ENTERS MAIN LINE OTHER THANRADIALLY, ELEVATION S SHALL BE SHOWN ON PROJECT DRAWINGS. PE SHALL BE LAID ON A STRAIGHT GRADE FROM VAT ON RELEVATION SHALL BE SHOWNAONN GRADE BREAK IN INLET LINE. EL OR PROJECT DRAWINGS ONLY WHEN STUB IS TO BE PROVIDED IN MAIN o LINE FOR FUTURE CONSTRUCTION OF INLET PIPE. 0 It cr) 11. THE MAXIMUM COVER ABOVE THIS STRUCTURE SHALL BE 25'. IF THE STRUCTURE SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR c COVER EXCEEDS 25 A SPECIAL Z THE COVER AND DETAILED ON THE PROJECT DRAWINGS. 0 co a 3 a Q REVISIONS: APPROVED a STANDARD ® OO/00/00 j4 ' CHRIS A. VOGT Of 354 CITY ENGINEER I TRANSITION STRUCTURE PIPE TO RCE 44250 PIPE 4409"o SHEET 2 OF 2 g� w SHOULDER 0.42' o lei CROSS -FALL PER 1/2 : 1 0 STREET PLANS --► �.;� z Z i 12u m N i SECTION A - A LL W 013 Illn -1 a 0.42' I�— o= I w Co coU. 0 a E oIll uli o 0 <55 o. (L0u- 0 SECTION B -B ozz INN .J O � ; a 6 J 3' R. NOTE: _ CROSS - SECTION OF SLOPE DITCH MAY BE C A SEMICIRCULAR, VEEOR TRAPEZOIDAL. A MIN. TOP WIDTH = 2i, MIN. DEPTH = 8". 9" i� �-► C 2'R. TOP OF DIKE i PLAN SECTION C - C m 0 0 0 z c 0 U Q REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 TO BE USED ON FILL SLOPES FLATTER THAN 4 : 1. USE MIN. 10' LENGTH OF GUTTER ON BOTH SIDES IN A SAG LOCATION. USE PIPE DOWNDRAINS FOR SLOPES STEEPER THAN 4 : 1 SLOPES.. a � cu� s of 4 ASPHALT CONCRETE OVERSI DE DRAZN 443 087 STANDARD 360 SHEET 1 OF 1 • STEEL GRATE, THREE Q) SECTIONS 36" CLEAR SPACE W413 SUPPORT BEAM -NATIVE GROUND 6" NUISANCE WATER INLET --� FINE SAND, 33" DEEP --- FILTER FABRIC COURSE ROCK FOOTING --/ ADZ VENT ASSEMBLY MODIFIED PRECAST UTILITY VAULT (TWO PIECES) ,---4"DRAIN LINE ,-ARCH-TYPE LEACH LINE ELEUTION VID LENGTH AS SPECIFIED ON PROJECT PLANS PLAN VIEV COURSE ROCK BEDDING 444 088 REVISIONS: APPROVED • STANDARD 00 00/00 94of CHRIS A. VOGT 370 CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 .SAND FI L TER SHEET 1 OF 7 • BI � 82 PLAN VIEV DETAIL 1, PAGE i yr v DETAIL 2, PAGE 3 0 FAIL 3, PAGE 3 OF 6 a PRECAST UPPER VAULT SECTION - W-0" x 6'-0" x 4'-0" I.D. I b PRECAST LOVER VAULT SECTION - 8'-0" x 6'-0" x 3'-0" I.D. O CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE FLOOR O CAST-IN=PLACE CONCRETE FOOTING REVISIONS: APPROVED G 00 00/00 � s . moo.. CHRIS A. VOGT Of CITY ENGINEER SAND FI L TER RCE 442 T-0` 8'-0" SECTION B2-B2 445 M, STANDARD 370 SHEET 2 OF 7 • • 2 96" 4" 88" 4" 4" 1 32" 1 DETAIL 2 DETAIL 1 4' 32' DETRIL 3 @ PRECAST LOVER WALL PIECE Q2 CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE FLOOR 152o-C•2500) O CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE FOOTING 1520-C-25001 DETAIL REVISIONS: APPROVED 00 00/00 j S vt f'M OF CHRIS A VOGT CITY ENGINEER SAND FI L TER (floor & footing RCE 44250 - detaiIS2 44 1 090 STANDARD 370 SHEET 3 OF 7 • • NATIVE GROUND DE1 ,•. ;to- \i� RECOMPRCTED NATIVE SOIL ,. ., y............ ,x:>;. lB5% RELATIVE COMPACTION) `'' ff 'n OVERLAP FAB1C 18" flINIfRX1 CL O r O r O 36' SECTION A -A FIELD DRILL 5.0.5 IN HOLES IN LID O O 10 DETAIL C 4O 1'•2" OPEN GRADED GRAVEL 5O 34'WIDE x 15' HIGH ARCH -TYPE CHAMBER O NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE ENGINEERING FABRIC lO 10" DIA. IRRIGATION VALVE BOX O 1'x1'x2" SCHEDULE 40 PVC TEE gO SAND REVISIONS: to 13 1� To LERCH FIELD FLOW 13 DETAIL D DETAIL E IS II 0000 0000 DETAIL F Ip N .D. SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE II 4'O.D. PERFORATED SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE Ip 4'O.D. SCHEDULE 40 PVC COUPLING 13 4'O.D. SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE 14 4'x4'x2' SCHEDULE 40 PVC TEE 15 4' SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE CAP APPROVED 00/00/00 ' h Z OF CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER SAND FILTER 447 RCE 44250 091 STANDARD 370 SHEET 4 OF 7 C C • TYPICAL LOCATION FOR GRATE FASTENER PLAN VIEW OF GRATE A VANDAL -PROOF BOLT GRATE FASTENER / BEARING BARS (TYPICAL) r---BEAM FLANGE ,,,�� VT F-I. , "W TO FLANGE UNDERSIDE �_6 I �_ 6'� A _ A B. _ B 092 REVISIONS: APPROVED a • STANDARD • 00/00/00 s ' CHRIS A. VOGT Of 44 370 CITY ENGINEER RATE FRAMZNG DETAILS 4 4 RCE 44250 G SHEET 5 OF 7 • SANDFILTER SIZING CALCULATIONS Calculation #1 - Determines how many standard size sandfilters are needed. No.* of Sandfilters = homes _ 40 homes/sandfilter " Round all fractions up to the nearest whole number Comment: Each sandfilter has 48 sf of filter surface (ie 6' x 8'); assume the incoming nuisance water will percolate through the sand at the rate of 4.6 inches per hour. The sandfilter must be sized to handle the "surge inflow rate" of 0.458 cf/house/hour, which is based on the assumption that, on average, each house releases 12 gallons in a 3.5 hour "surge" period. Therefore, each sandfilter is capable of handling 18.4 cf/hour. As a result, each sandfilter can handle the nuisance water released by 40 homes (18.4/0.458=40). Calculation #2 - Determines how long the leach line must be. Leach Line Length* = homes x 0.617 If/home * In feet to be divided evenly between the number of sandfilters Comment: Usually, the critical aspect in sizing the leach line length is related to its storage capacity during the surge period. During the surge period, the sandfilter delivers filtered nuisance water to the leach line chamber at a rate faster than the water can percolate into the soil (the soil percolation rate is assumed to be 2 inches per hour). Therefore, the leach line chamber must be sized to handle the entire 3.5 hour surge flow of 1.604 cf per house. The leach line chamber has a 2.6 cf capacity per lineal foot, therefore, the per house length of leach line chamber is 0.617 If/home (1.604/2.6=0.617) . NOTE: The standard formula for Calculation #2 is good for soil conditions where the soil infiltration rate is as low as 1.5 inches per hour. If, however, the infiltration rate is less than 1.5 inches per hour, the leach line must be sized using the following alternate formula, which has a 2.0 factor of safety included in the formula. LLL=2x(2.674xNH) =(5.66xSIR) Where: LLL = Leach Line Length; SIR = Soil Infiltration Rate (in/hr); NH = Number of Houses REVISIONS: :APPROVED0/00/00 4 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER D FILTER 449 RCE 44250 SAND 093 STANDARD 370 SHEET 6 OF 7 • • SANDFILTER Materials Specifications • Precast Vault Structure - The vault structure shall be a precast utility vault manufactured in two sections: 1-36" section, and 1-48" section, similar to Quikset Series 450 & 650 as manufactured by Associated Concrete Products, Inc., of Santa Ana, CA. (1-714-557-7470), or approved equal. A galvanized steel frame to accommodate the grate shall be fitted per Sheet 5 of 7 prior to casting the top section. • Sandfilter Grate - The sandfilter grate shall be galvanized welded steel bar, Model GW-100 with (1 x 3/16" bars) and banded ends, as manufactured by the McNichols Co. (1-800-237-3820), or approved equal. Four (4) grate panels measuring 37" x 49" shall be provided, (Note: Gross opening size is 8'-3" x 6'- 3"). Use CB saddle type retainer clips as manufactured by McNichols to secure grates. • Support Beam - The grate support beam shall be W4x13, 8'-2" long, Fy=36 ksi steel. • Leach Line - The leach line shall be constructed of arch -type chamber sections, High Capacity Infiltratorym model, as distributed by Boyd Tanks Co. (1-909-657- 6966), or approved equal. • Engineering Fabric - The engineering fabric shall be fine spun non -woven, Dupont's Typar Style 3601, as distributed by Aldrich Supply Co (1-909-371- 3018), or approved equal. • Filter Sand - The fine filter sand shall be, 100% passing a No. 45 sieve (.35mm) with a uniformity coefficient between 2 and 3. REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 • Z u . 44 ..Of SAND FILTER 450 094 STANDARD 370 SHEET 7 OF 7 • v"04 `�N� � aim wo i GVRV E 2 4 4 2� /O 1 J N w ' 1 U ' C0 - 1 ,- -' w � LLJ U v i w I I 0 0 ao • ---------------- 0 z 0 H co NOTE: OFFSET MAY BE LOCATED EITHER LEFT OR RIGHT. U 095 REVISIONS: — APPROVED STANDARD 00 00 00 5 s iii- fy CHRIS A. VOGT 0 4 401 CITY ENGINEER E� SAC RCE 44250 OFFSET CUL-DE-SAC 4 51 SHEET 1 OF 2 • r� Q O O co O Z 0 co • RIB i GuRv E 2 a 4 � N W i 1 U Q W) m cn U _1 i = y U W 7 W W U I 1 J C LL B B U. C NOTE: A A OFFSET MAY BE LOCATED I— wide EITHER LEFT OR RIGHT. IREVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 m J co O co c�0 m ' N e! co CD m ce WIt C ccoo rn I.: m �j N t� in m to rn co 1` -O � N O r- coo ch OC U W Q W M U W >� U 4 _ «cn M N N ED M N N N _ N N _ N N to IT N N N M O N J N T O T v- cv v-- N !+7 T- m tV N co OO N c I m OC U J O T �apO cD c i T C c i T c� ef) !- �p 03 T N allo T -rw- C4 S v T N j Q W Q N « M � cED o 0 v- 0 0�p N 0 M (=j N N N N N N N N J ti 4 N 9 u I ¢ 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i .- W U LL o W V - O -_ N N N p o) O iV O � iV (� O T T T T r e- !- v- !- e- v-r- v- 1 co T U 44 ccn mN N N N c) N vb-) N N c�~0 N � N N N cr) ch W o cqt (Vi co c j ti ch `�, N v N m cr) it) IV ti !) cC co cV ei co C31d M v- v- N N v- 1LQ C7 v- W Q W T T !- v- V- N T i m ao to N N N C=.± Q N ED N cM M m w 9 Lti - I OFFSET CUL - DE - SAC 452, 0961 STANDARD 401 SHEET 2 OF 2 • • LJ r r r � r r C �- [FL ' B { 2 R CURB AND GUTTER 4 , r � �-- ; R 5 i R 3 B R r ��. FL CURBAJV0 G �i� r'�- r 2 C DER gp-pply" \ftft PRO Rif' LINE E ' A3 �\ I _ — CROWN UNE r _ h �.p. �.� N , R, �1 r 251 ♦i ----------i I� i � D 25' REGARDLESS OF R/W WIDTH W I SEE STANDARD #452 FOR SIDEWALK I R5 ON INSIDE OF KNUCKLE. R4 02 N � ---------------- — — ---- -------- I I p3=&1(VARIABLE) + 2A2 Y=E+T U. I� D + T1= 50.00' A A ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT R/V11 WIDTH A B C D E 50' 32' 25' 16' 9' 40.91' 69.09' 56' 36' 28' 18' 10' 40.99' 70.00' 60' 36' 30' 18' 12' 41.04' 70.60' 60' 40' 30' 20' 10' 41.04' 70.60' 6' 44' 33' 22' 11' 41.12' 71.49' 78' 56' 39' 28' 11' 41.26 73.23' 88, 64' 44' 32' 12' 41.38' 74.65' REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 A2IR.IT,IRr,IT 34' 51' 60' 10023' 20" 100' 9.09' 109' 9.91' 35' 56' 66' 10017' 48" 100, 9.01, 110, 9.91' 37' 58' 70' 10014' 12" 100, 8.96, 112' 10.03' 35' 60' 70' 10014' 12" 100' 8.96' 110' 9.85' 36' 65' 76' 10* 08' 58" 100, 8.88' 111' 9.86' 36' 77' 88' 9° 58' 58" 100' 8.73' 111' 9.69' 37' 86' 98' 90 51' 06" 100' 18.62' 112' 9.65' � s �M OF 44a 097 STANDARD 405 STANDARD KNUCKLE 453 SHEET 1 of i • • • BACK R = 25' IF BOTH STREETS HAVE A WIDTH LESS THAN HIGHWAY STANDARD o NO.145 (INDUSTRIAL COLLECTOR "Boll 64' RIW} co R = 35 IF EITHER STREET HAS A WIDTH EQUAL c TO OR GREATER THAN STANDARD NO. z 145, EXCEPT IN CASES WHERE SPECIAL c DESIGN EXISTS. N C . REVISIONS: APPROVED 00 00 00 5 s cu ty ' CHRIS A. VOGT OF CITY ENGINEER PROPERTY L l NE - CORNER RCE 44250 CUT -BACK-BACKY CURB RETURN RADIUS 098 STANDARD 410 SHEET 1 OF 1 • Q n. Q Y=2.25W(-)1 L L=LENGTH OF TAPER W=MAXIMUM OFFSET DISTANCE X=DISTANCE ALONG BASELINE Y=OFFSET FROM BASELINE L DISTANCE X 6 0' 5' 10' 15' 2 0' 2 5' 3 0' 3 5' 4 0' 4 5' 5 0' 5 5' 6 0' 72' 6' 12' 18' 24' 30' 36' 42' 48' 54' 60' 66' 72' 90' 7.5' 15' 22.5' 30' 37.5' 45' 52.5' 6.0' 77.5 75' 82.5' 90' 12 0' 10' 20' 30' 40' 50' 60' 70' 80' 90' 100' 110' 12 0' 150' 12.5' 25' 37.5' 50' 162.5' 75' 87.5 100 112.5' 125' 137.5 150' W OFFSET Y 10' 0.16' 0.62' 1.41' 2.50' 3.75' 5.00' 6.25' 7.50' 8.59' 9.38' 9.84' 10.00' 11' 0.17' 0.69' 1.55' 2.15' 4.13' 5.50' 6.88' 8.25' 9.4 5' 10.31' 10.83' 11.00' 12' 0.19' 0.75' 1.69' 3.00' 4.50' 6.00' 7.50' 9.00' 10.31' 11.25' 11.81' 12.00' 19' 0.30' LIT 2.67' 4.75' 7.13' 9.50' 11.88' 14.25' 16.33' 17.81' 18.70' 19.00' 2 0' 0.31' 1.25' 2.81' 1 5.00' 7.50' 10.00' 12.50' 15.00' 17.19' 18.75' 19.69' 20.00' 21' 0.33' 1.31' 2.95' 5.25' 7.88' 10.50' 13.13' 15.75' 18.05' 19.69' 20.67' 21.00' 22' 0.34' 1.38' 3.09' 5.50' 8.25' 11.00' 13.75' 16.50' 18.91' 20.62' 21.66' 22.00' NOTE TO DETERMINE OFFSET DISTANCE FOR ANY LENGTH OF TAPER USE THE FORMULA Y= 2.25W(C2 1 FOR THE PORTIONS AB' AND C'D' WHICH ARE PARABOLIC CURVES. THE PORTION B'C' IS A TANGENT. WHEN THE BASELINE IS CURVED, THE OFFSETS ARE APPLIED TO THE CURVED BASELINE AND B-C' IS NO LONGER A TANGENT. pgg REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 a � , ,~j S E MEDIAN TAPER 455 STANDARD 415 SHEET 1 OF 1 • PARABOLIC L FLARE Z Wa x and EASE Li_ Y=w(X)z L = LENGTH OF FLARE IN FEET W = MAXIMUM OFFSET DISTANCE IN FEET. X —DISTANCE ALONG BASE LINE IN FEET Y = OFFSET FROM BASE LINE IN FEET OFFSET Y TAN 8 = _ T = R TAN T = TANGENT R = RADIUS OF NOSE IN FEET T MEDIAN NOSE X I p' I S' 2 0' 25, 3 0' 4 0' 1 451 --5 0 6 0' 7 0' 7 5' 8 0' go, I too FOR W/ L - I: 5 2 5 0. 9 0' 1.8 0' 3. 20' 5.00' 50' 0.40' 0.90' 1.60' 2.50' 3.60' 6.40 8.10' 10.00' FOR W/ L = 1:10 150' 0.20' 0.45' 0.80 1.25 1.90' 3.20' 4.05' 5.00' 100' 0.10' 0.23' 0.40 0.63' 0.90' 1.60' 2.03' 2.50' 3.60' 4.90' 5.63' 6.40 8.10' 10.00' FOR W/L • 1:15 O 45' 0.15' 0.33' 0.59' 0.93' 1.33' 2.37' 3.00' 75' 0.09' •(I.20' 0.36' 0.56' 0.80' 1.42' 1.80' 2.22' 3.20' 4.36 5.00 0 .67 Z 90' 0 O7' 0 17' 0 30' 0.46' 0.67' I. 19' 1.50' 1.85 2 G F tl� a NOTE: 3 IF STATION OF RADIUS POINT IS NOT GIVEN ON PLAN, TANGENT 'T' MAY BE IGNORED. a Q REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 100 STANDARD a � s 416 b I„y Of MEDIAN FLARE 450 SHEET 1 OF 1 • • CURB AND GUTTER u m A CURB FACE EDGE OF GUTTER SEE No rE 3 ; PCC ON CMB z SEE NOTE 3 0 02 a r r LA W W � AC PVMT W/2 N W/2 L � / r TYPICAL BUS PAD SEE NOTE 2 w _ SEE NOTE 3 SIDEWALK CURE AND GUTTER PCC F I SEE NOTE 4 c*� m 0 Z EX. CURB 0 AND GUTTER y CM8 3 SECTION B-B a Q REVISIONS: SECTION A -A SEE NOTE II Ex. SIDEWALK. •� . N Q CURB AND ' GUTTER 3/4" m CMB SEE NOTE 5 SECTION C-C m 4T PCC 101 FCH1APPROVED STANDARD 00 00 00 j s E � V 420 RIS A. VOGT TY ENGINEER CONCRETE BUS PAD 4 5'� RCE 44250 CONC SHEET 1 OF 2 W Ex. GUTTER • WIDTH OR 2' w r- ; �-- SEE NOTE 6 f~ O PCC a W 0 EX. CURB— m. 1 t SEE NOTE 4 I—— CMB SECTION D-D PCC rKAG W 12" AC PAVEMENT (C2-AR-4000) PCC JOIN �N EX. AC M PVMT •.o m CM8 SECTION E-E SEE NOTE 14 -AC PVMT^ I'h TO 12 BATTER SECTION F-F . NOTES I. DIMENSIONS' (UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN) L= 85' T= 8" W= 10. 8= 6" 2. USE SECTION B-B FOR EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER THAT IS TO REMAIN USE SECTION C-C FOR NEW CURB AND GUTTER USE SECTION D-D FOR EXISTING CURB THAT IS TO REMAIN 3. USE SECTION E-E FOR EXISTING AC PAVEMENT USE SECTION F-F FOR NEW AC PAVEMENT 4. AT LOCATIONS WHERE PCC PAVEMENT WILL BE ABUTTING AGAINST EXISTING CONCRETE. AN EPDXY, APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. SHALL BE APPLIED TO THE EXISTING CONCRETE SURFACES PRIOR TO CONCRETE PLACEMENT. ER NEW URB AND 5, IF g + T IS EOUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 12". CMB SHALL T TO MATCHTEND ADJOINIDNG EXISTCNG GUTTERUwIDTH, OR 2' 6. CONSTRUCT LONGITUDINAL WEAKENED -PLANE JOIN IF NO ADJOINING GUTTER EXISTS. 7. USE 2'X4" HEADER CTo FORM ORNERS 3018E INCHROUSTEP.DED TOP OF TH i2 ERADIUS. ADER HALL BE SET TO LINE AND GRADE. 8. ALL EXPOSED PCC � cr) 9. SURFACE OF CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A ROUGH TRANSVERSE BROOM FINISH. Irl 10. WHERE DESIGNATED BY THE ENGINEER, UNDESIRABLE SUBGRAQE MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED AN REPLACED WITH CMB. Z II. WHERE NEW CURB AND GUTTER IS CONSTRUCTED ADJACENT TO EXISTING SIDEWALK, SIDEWALK SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED TO NEAREST SCORELINE. H 12. CONSTRUCT TRANSVERSE WEAKENED -PLANE JOINTS IN BUS PAD PAVEMENT AT REXISTANGLCURB/CURB INTERVALS. N 13. CONSTRUCT TRANSVERSE WEAKENED -PLANE JOINTS IN BUS PAD PAVEMENT AT ALL 8 GUTTER CONSTRUCTION JOINTS AND OR WEAKENED -PLANE JOINTS. Q 14. AT THE OPTION OF THE ENGINEER. THE EXISTING PAVEMENT MAY BE NEATLY SAWCUT AROUND THE • DIMENSIONS OF THE BUS PAD AND CONCRETE IS POURED DIRECTLY USING THE EXISTING PAVEMENT AS A FORM. 3 a THE CONCRETE EDGES SHALL BE ROUNDED WITH A 1/2" RADIUS. 102 a REVISIONS: APPROVED STANDARD 00 00 00 � s cu CHRIS A. VOGT Of 42'0 CITY ENGINEER p 458 RCE 44250 CONCRETE BUS PA SHEET 2 OF 2 STAMP "TW IN 3" LETTERS IN FACE OF CURB AT EACH CONDUIT LOCATION U V m Lujif 10, ; ECR BCR 3" CABLE T.V. DUCT 'o I TYPICAL 3" CABLE T.V. DUCT • f. •L .ti. SEE STANDARD NO. 410 I FOR CURB RETURN RADIUS REQUIREMENTS. 3" CABLE T.V. DUCT I STAMP "TV" IN 3" LETTERS IN FACE OF CURB AT EACH CONDUIT LOCATION U w m r• 1 0' I L • ,1' ••L ECR BCR o I TYPICAL 3" CABLE T.V. DUCT a 6' 1' 1' 6' SIDEWALK . SIDEWALK aL J I LL in uj Q� T m o I 3" CABLE T.V. DUCT z o TYPICAL CROSS SECTION y 3" CABLE T.V. DUCTS SHALL BE SCHEDULE 80 P.V.C., RIGID GALVANIZED STEEL CONDUITS, OR c APPROVED EQUAL. 103 o� REVISIONS: APPROVED a • STANDARD 00/00/00 3 S f. � E'M CHRIS A. VOGT Of 450 CITY ENGINEER LOCATION OF CABLE TV DUCTSL,T RCE 44250 STREET INTERSECTIONS SHEET 1 of 1 • u 0 N m o z 0 0 c rTREVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/OO RIS A. VOGT TY ENGINEER RCE 44250 iT LANE 1 WIDTH VARIES 10'-12' 6„ MIN. VARIABLE 8 FT MINIMUM FROM EDGE OF TRAVELLED WAY (ETW) INCLUDING 6 FT MINIMUM FROM EDGE OF PAVEMENT AS RIGHT OF WAY ALLOWS FIXED OBJECT (UTILITY POLE, FIRE HYDRANT, ETC.) ON A CASE BY CASE BASIS, DISTANCE MAY BE LESS FOR UNUSUAL CONDITIONS, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER OR DESIGNEE. NOTE: TO AVOID FUTURE RELOCATIONS, ALL INSTALLATIONS SHOULD BY MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARDS 452. FOR APPLICATIONS ADJACENT TO CURB AND GUTTER USE STANDARDS 452. loi STANDARD a 4 cu � Z s E fM Of �..� � 451 FIXED OBJECT PLACEMENT FOR -- INTERIM ROADWAY CONDITIONS SHEET 1 of 1 4 • NED PLANE JOINT AT APROXIMATELY V INTERVALS VARIABLE 6' MIN. TO FL I SIDEWALK ON INSIDE OF KNUCKLE '. 1/2" EXPANSION MATERIAL ` SIDEWALK CURB FACE UTILITY POLE OTHER THAN LINE TRANSMISSION POLE SHALL BE PLACED BEHIND SIDEWALK R/W WEAKENED PLANE JOINT AT APROXIMATELY V INTERVALS VARIABLE 6' MIN. FIRE HYDRANT T-6" FROM SIDEWALK & 1' FROM CURB RETURN LINE TO FL FACE OF TRANSMISSION POLE SHALL BE PLACED V-6" BEHIND _______, FACE OF CURB. SIDEWALK SHALL BE WIDENED TO MIN. 6' CLEAR- ' ' ANCE FOR MIN. LENGTH OF 20. MINIMUM TRANSITION LENGTH SHALL BE 10'. 10' 20' 10' MIN. MIN. - -MIN. co SIDEWALK CURB FACE SIDEWALK ACCESS RAMP REQUIRMENTS 1/21, EXPANSION MATERIAL SEE STANDARD NO. LOU NOTE: 1. VARIABLE DISTANCES TO BE SHOWN ON APPLICABLE TYPICAL ROAD SECTION STANDARD. 2. CONSTRUCTION TO BE OF CLASS111311 CONCRETE 4 MINIMUM THICKNESS. 105 REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 STANDARD AjOOF4 452 SIDEWALK, FIRE HYDRANT, & 46. UTILITY POLE L OCAT ION SHEET 1 of 1 • E m T 0 z 0 co A WHITE REFLECTIVE LETTERS ON INTERSTATE B GREEN REFLECTIVE SHEETING II GALVANIZED POST 2" I.D. STD. PIPE 12'-0" LONG C EXPANSION tD PAPER r— E C II B (ONE PIECE) I I 7 C I I D SIDEWALK - r •� ^ �••'�• �:• .'%ter o io\ '.•� CONCRETE :. N N COMPACTED <•, 0�— EARTH •;' :••:' •'. 1 " ROUND ROD ANCHOR OR SQUARE DIRT LOCATION 1; A - 5/8" X 15" CADMIUM PLATED CARRIAGE BOLT B -14 GUAGE TOP AND CROSS SADDLE OF ANODIZED ALUMINUM C - SIGN PLATES. (ANODIZED ALUMINUM co EXTRUSION OF 6063 T-4 ALLOY MATERIAL.) D - CAST ANODIZED ALUMINUM POST WITH THREE 3/8" ALLEN HEAD STAINLESS STEEL s SET SCREWS. E - PLUG 1'-0" X 1'-0" X 1'-0" DEEP, EXPANSION PAPER ON ALL SIDES. SIDEWALK LOCATION 24" OR 30" 5/8" HOLE uJ C-p C� 2" LETTERS J U. U. 6' SIDEWALK w -�j j�-6' SIDEWALK SIGN SIGN LOCATION co I LOCATION NE : • LINE LI�- - CL j - LK WN 3 ii 3 w MINOR STREET INSIDE OF KNUCKLE 0 INTERSECTION SIGN INSTALLATION DETAILS REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 NOTE. ONE COMPLETE NAME SIGN UNIT IS RE- QUIRED ON EACH INTERSECTION WHEN PAVED WIDTH OR CURBED WIDTH IS 40 FEET OR LESS; TWO COMPLETE NAME SIGN UNITS ARE REQUIRED FOR WIDTH GREATER THAN 40 FEET. WHEN TWO SIGN UNITS ARE PLACED THEY SHALL BE ON DIAGONALLY OPPOSITE CORNERS SO THAT THEY WILL BE ON THE FAR RIGHT-HAND SIDE OF THE INTERSECTION FOR TRAFFIC ON THE MORE IMPORTANT STREET. 101 STANDARD 500 STREET NAME SIGN 4 5 `' _m SHEET 1 of 1 • • 0 0 N 0 T NOTES 2� I. STREET NAME AND BLOCK NUMBER PLATES SHALL BE ALUMINUM ALLOY 6061 T6, 0.125 INCH THICK. = 2. STREET NAME AND BLOCK NUMBER PLATES SHALL BE COVERED WITH HIGH INTENSITY REFLECTIVE SHEETING. 3. STANDARD SHALL BE SILVER -WHITE LEGEND ON BLUE BACKGROUND. o � N = tU -i J w Ln POST 2SO. POST DETAIL -GROUND DRIP RIVETS LINE N � t0 SLEEVE 2 1/ZA SQ. `O N ANCHOR a —DRIVE RIVETS ff ONS. APPROVED 00 00 00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 REFLECTIVE STREET SIGN POST INSTALLATION 4. STREET NAME SHALL BE 4 1/2 INCH UPPER CASE SERIES 'C' LETTERS AND NUMBERS AND 3 3/8 INCH LOWER CASE SERIES T LETTERS. BLOCK NUMBER / PRIVATE PLATE SHALL BE 3 INCH UPPER CASE SERIES 'C' LETTERS AND NUMBERS. WHEN THE TO REDUCED 41 GE INCHES.LENGTH HE MESSAGE 2SHALL BE INCHES DV DED OINTOETWO SIGNS. TO ONE OVER THE OTHER. 5. MANUFACTURE OF SIGN TO BE PER LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGH INTENSITY REFLECTIVE STREET NAME VENDOR WRITTEN WARRAApwARRANNUMBER FROM MANUFACTURER OF,I REFLECTIVE SHEETING. 6. TYPE A BRACKET - 15 INCHES LONG TO ACCOACCOMMODATE BLADE AND E. 23 INCHES LONG TO ACCOMMODATE 2 BLADES AND BLOCK NUMBER PLATE. TYPE BBRACKET - ADE ONLY. 18 INCHES LONG TO ACCOMMODINCHES LONG TO ATE 2TE LQLADES. 7. TWO FASTENERS (RIVETS) SHALL BE USED TO ATTACH TCHSTREET TBRACKET. ETHREE NAME SIGN BLADES OF 24 AND 30 INCH SIGNS TO FASTENERS SHALL BE ENCHUSED SIG S TO BRACKET.STREET NAME SIGN BLADES OF 36 INCH D 8. THE BLOCK NUMBERING SHALL BE OF EVEN HUNDRED AND IDENTICAL TO THE BLOCK NUMBER OF THE CORRESPONDING CORNER. THE BLOCK FOLLOWED TION OF THE STREET FOR EX EXAMPLE: HE DIRECTIONAL DESIGNATION 2700N. 9. POST, ANCHOR PERFORATIONS ALONETO EGALVANIZED STEEL ALONG THE ENTIRE LENGTH. ONE 12 GAUGE ALL4SI ES. 10. PERFORATIONS TO BE 7/16 INCH. DIAMETER, 1 INCH ON CENTER LINE. 11. WHEN T TOGIETHERSN LEAVING AOR AND SLEEVE SHOULD BE PRO PROTRUSION OF I OR 2 INCHESEN INTO SOILINSTALLING ABOVE GROUND. 12. POST. ANCHOR AND SLEEVE SHALL TELESCOPE FREELY. 107 STANDARD -� 505 OF STREET NAME SIGN POST 46rl -� SHEET 1 OF 1 L-1 EDGE OF PAVEMENT 3 +SEI SECTION A -A BELOW City Street q 3Nf EDGE OF PAVEMENT "BUTT" JOINT Less than 12" "GREENBOOK" CLASS B-AR-4000 A.C., OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL, 3" LIFT, SEE SECTION 2.1.03, ENGINEERING BULLETIN 98-07 PROPOSED UTILITY SECTION A -A "BUTT" JOINT EXISTING BASE (VARIES IN DEPTH) EXISTING PAVEMENT (VARIES IN DEPTH) "GREENBOOK" CLASS 100-E-100 TRENCH BACKFILL SLURRY, OR CITY APPROVED CONTROLLED DENSITY FILL (CDF), SEE SECTION 2.1.01, ENGINEERING BULLETIN 98-07 108 REVISIONS: APPROVED of • STANDARD 00 00 00 s Of f V 600 CHRIS A. 4 VOGT CITY ENGINEER TRANSVERSE TRENCH BACKFILL & RCE 44250 %At L# 1 4 SHEET 1 OF 5 PAVING DE • • EDGE OF PAVEMENT 3 *SEE SECTION A -A BELOWCity Street q 3 EDGE OF PAVEMENT "GREENBOOK" CLASS B-AR-4000 A.C.. OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL, 2 LIFTS, VARIES 4" MIN.. SEE SECTION 2.2.03. ENGINEERING BULLETIN 98-07 (36" — 48 BUTT" JOINT "BUTT" JOINT 1 • EXISTING BASE (VARIES IN DEPTH) EXISTING PAVEMENT "GREENBOOK" BASE MATERIAL. DEPTH (VARIES IN DEPTH) VARIES, 4" MIN., SEE SECTION 2.2.02. ENGINEERING BULLETIN 98-07 PROPOSED UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL. SEE SECTION 2.2.01, ENGINEERING BULLETIN 98-07 VARIES ( 1290 — 24") SECTION A -A 109 REVISIONS: APPROVED STANDARD 00 00/00 y $ s4 f"of n.4 CHRIS A. VOGT 600 CITY ENGINEER TRANSVERSE TRENCH BACKFI L L 44250 4 SHEET 2 OF 5 RCE PAVING DETAIL # 2 • 1� 3 D� City Street EDGE OF PAVEMENT SEE SECTION A -A BELOW A A 14 q `-EDGE OF PAVEMENT 0.10' DEEP A.C. COLD MILL AND OVERLAY WITH "GREENBOOK" CLASS C2-AR-4000 A.C.. OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL, SEE SECTION 2.3.04, ENGINEERING BULLETIN 98-07 "BUTT" JOINT -% 3. VARIES REATER THAN - "GREENBOOK" CLASS B-AR-4000 A.C.. OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL, 2 LIFTS, 4" MIN., SEE SECTION 2.3.03, ENGINEERING BULLETIN 98-07 PROPOSED UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL, SEE SECTION 2.3.01, ENGINEERING VARIES BULLETIN 98-07 (GREATER THAN 24" SECTION A -A 3' "BUTT" JOINT / __,EXISTING BASE (VARIES IN DEPTH) EXISTING PAVEMENT (VARIES IN DEPTH) "GREENBOOK" BASE MATERIAL, DEPTH VARIES, 4)j" MIN., SEE SECTION 2.3.02, ENGINEERING BULLETIN 98-07 1101 REVISIONS: APPROVED STANDARD 00 00/004 ,. �7 fig. " - ., Fy Of v CHRIS A. VOGT - 1. 600. CITY ENGINEER TRANSVERSE TRENCH BACKFILL & RCE 44250 PAVING DETAIL # 3 4 HEET 3 OF 5 • is • 3 City Street =_MEDIAd_(TYP_)_ r-a L►y SEE SECTION A -A BELOW LANE LINE (TYP.) "GREENBOOK" SEALCOAT, OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL, SEE SECTION 3.1.05, ENGINEERING BULLETIN 98-07 VARIES (WIDTH OF PARKING LANE) SEE SECTION 3.1.01 FOR DEFINITION exw i inu rnvtMLN l (VARIES IN DEPTH) EXISTING BASE (VARIES IN DEPTH) / EXISTING CURB. AND GUTTER TRENCH PAVEMENT SECTION, EE NOTE BELO SEE SECTION 3.1.04, TRENCH BASE SECTION, ENGINEERING BULLETIN 98-07 SEE SECTION 3.1.03, PROPOSED UTILITY -► ENGINEERING BULLETIN 98-07 TRENCH BACKFILL SECTION, SEE SECTION 3.1.02, VARIES ENGINEERING BULLETIN 98-07 *NOTE: FOR SPECIFIC TRENCH BACKFILL AND SECTION A — A REQUIREMENTS, I NITIAL REFER TO PAVING THE TRANSVERSE TRENCH BACKFILL AND PAVING DETAILS, AS APPRO- PRIATE FOR THE TRENCH WIDTH. REVISIONS: oo/ooVoo � � • STANDARD CHRIS A. VOGT R"°' 44Q 600 CITY ENGINEER LONGITUDINAL TRENCH BACKFILL RCE 44250 & PAVING DETAIL # 1 461SHEET 4 OF 5 • • • City Street o` 3 - MEDIAN (TYP.) a SEE SECTION A -A BELOW — LANE LINES (TYP.) 0.10' DEEP A.C. COLD MILL AND OVERLAY WITH "GREENBOOK" CLASS C2-AR-4000 A.C., OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL, SEE SECTION 3.2.05, ENGINEERING BULLETIN 98-07 VARIES "BUTT" JOINT (WIDTH OF TRAVEL LANE, 12' TYP.) SEE SECTION 3.2.01 FOR EFINITION"BUTT" JOINT EXISTING BASE (VARIES IN DEPTH) / L EXISTING PAVEMENT TRENCH PAVEMENT SECTION, _� *SEE NOTE BELO (VARIES IN DEPTH) SEE SECTION 3.2.04, ENGINEERING BULLETIN 98-07 - TRENCH BASE SECTION, SEE SECTION 3.2.03, PROPOSED UTILITY ENGINEERING BULLETIN 98-07 TRENCH BACKFILL SECTION, SEE SECTION 3.2.02, VARIES ENGINEERING BULLETIN 98-07 *NOTE: FOR SPECIFIC TRENCH BACKFILL AND SECTION - A - A REQUIREMENTS, I TIAL REFER ER TO PAVING THE TRANSVERSE TRENCH BACKFILL AND PAVING DETAILS, AS APPRO- PRIATE FOR THE TRENCH WIDTH. 1121 REVISIONS: APPROVED STANDARD 00 00 00 s CHRIS A. VOGT `"° 4 600 CITY ENGINEER LONGITUDINAL TRENCH BACKFILL RCE 44250 1 & PAVING DETAIL # 2 4183HEET 5 OF 5 TRANSVERSE TRENCHES BACKFILL & RESURFACING REQUIREMENTS *Based on Size of Excavated Trench* 1. Less than 12" in Size (Typically performed by rock saw or other similar methods.) • . Backfill Requirements: CDF or 1-sack slurry backfill ONLY ► Backfill up to 3" below finish surface of street ► Testing not required Backfill depth independent of street structural section • Resurfacing Requirements: No V-saw cut required at trench edges (Provided trench edges are vertical, straight, and stable.) Tack oil coat at edges Paving with 1/4" a.c. material ► In one lift ► Depth of 3", flush with finish surface of street Compaction via powder puff or other mechanical means ► Compaction to 95% ► Testing not required No grinding or capping with '/2" a.c. material required • See Transverse Trench Backfill & Paving Detail # 1 2. 12" to 24" in Size (Typically performed with backhoe bucket or other similar methods.) • Backfill Requirements: CDF or 1-sack slurry backfill (optional) P. No testing required Native or select material backfill ► Compaction via special conditions to 90% ► Backfill depth up to appropriate subgrade elevation ► Testing required Crushed Aggregate or Crushed Miscellaneous Base material backfill ► Compaction to 95% ► Backfill depth up to appropriate base grade elevation (4'/2" minimum) ► Testing required Backfill depths dependent upon street structural section 113 REVISIONS: APPROVED d STANDARD 00/00/00 s T4ht 4 .M CHRIS A. VOGT F 601 CITY ENGINEER TRANSVERSE TRENCHES BACKFI LL RCE 44250 & RESURFACING REQ. 461 SHEET 1 OF 2 r1 Resurfacing Requirements: 1'-saw cut required at trench edges Tack oil coat at all saw -cut edges Paving with 3/4" a.c. material 10, In at least two lifts Depth to 1" thicker than existing a.c. section (4" minlnluill) Compaction via vibroplate, tamper, or other mechanical mcans ► Compaction to 95% ► Testing required No grinding or capping with %" a.c. material required See Transverse Trench Backfill & Paving Detail #2 3. Greater than 24" in Size (Typically performed with backhoe bucket or other similar methods.) REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 Backfill Requirements: CDF or 1-sack slurry backfill (optional) P. No testing required Native or select material backfill ► Compaction via special conditions to 90% ► Backfill depth up to appropriate subgrade elevation ► Testing required Crushed Aggregate or Crushed Miscellaneous Base material backfill ► Compaction to 95% ► Backfill depth up to appropriate base grade elevation (4'/z" minimum) ► Testing required Backfill depths dependent upon street structural section Resurfacing Requirements: 1'-saw cut required at trench edges Tack oil coat at all saw -cut edges Base paving with 3/4" a.c. material ► In at least two lifts ► Depth to 1" thicker than existing a.c. section (4" minimum) ► Finished surface to 0.10' below saw -cut edge Compaction via vibroplate, tamper, or other mechanical means P. Compaction to 95% ► Testing required 3'-grind beyond 1'-saw cut at trench edges P. Depth of grind to 0.10' below existing finish surface of street Finish paving with '/2" a.c. material ► In one lift, via Barber -Green paver or other similar means Compaction via roller ► Compaction to 95% ► Testing not required See Transverse Trench Backfill & Paving Detail #3 a � 5 s f• � h � TRANSVERSE TRENCHES BACKF I L L 114 STANDARD 601 & RESURFACING REQ. 474 SHEET 2 OF 2 FLAT PLATE WASHER CUT STEEL WASHER 5/8" CARRIAGE BOLT WITH HEX NUT 8" X 8" ROUGH D.F. POST (CREOSOTE TREATED) TYPICAL POST SPACING 12'-6" C TO C NOTES: 1. GUARD RAIL ELEMENT MAY BE EITHER STEEL OR ALUMINUM. 2. STEEL RAIL SHALL BE GALVANIZED PER ASTM DESIGNATION A-123. 3. STEEL RAIL THICKNESS SHALL BE MIN. 12 GAUGE. 4. ALUMINUM RAIL THICKNESS SHALL BE MIN. 0.105 IN.. 27"+/- Z! 12 1 /2" LAP Coll o 4 1/2" 121 /2" 4 1/2" 22" CL POST BOLT SLOT 29/32" X 1 1/8" --- ' '------ SLOTS 3/4" X 21/2" -=k-- ----- 4-- SLOT -- ,---- 5/8" X 1 1/4" BUTTON HEAD OVAL SHOULDER BOLTS WITH 1 1/4" RECESSED HEX NUTS - TOTAL: 8 PER SPLICE AND 4 PER TERMINAL SECTION. RAIL SPLICE 6 1/4' 4 1/4" 2" SLOTTED c� HOLES T SAME AS RAIL ELEMENT SECTION TERMINAL SECTION STD. NO. W31- 30" GALV. METAL CHANNEL U-POST (GALV. 10 GA.) TYPE WIRED ELEVATION 2'-6" MINIMUM J END OF RIGHT OF WAY OR. BEGINNING OF BUFFER STRIP. coT - _ 0 Z N 0 REVISIONS: APPROVED 19 00 00 00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 PLAN BARRl LADE 4 7 t SHEET 1 OF 1 • • 7 ---------------------------------------------------- -- - -------------- 63.42' WIN J -' --' SIDEWALK-'" i MULTIPLE MAILBOX TO BE FURNISHED BY U. S. POSTAL SERVICE 2.17' I , i 1' IM 6' tl� I T� j ` f FOUNDATION ANCHOR Be SIDEWALK N T' 1.15' 0 0 R 12, --------------------------------------------------= W �om lOIQ z° OI J Y w . Y a? LL vv Q .J 0 m m ca NOTE: MAILBOX LOCATION, FOUNDATION c ANCHOR BOLTS, AND BOLT HOLES SHALL F.: CONFORM TO SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED v BY THE POSTMASTER. Q REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 4 fy h- CHRIS A..VOGT ! CITY ENGINEER MULTIPLE MAILBOX ZNSTALLATION RCE 44250 FOR NEW SIDEWALK 116 STANDARD 630 SHEET 1 OF 1 • 0 MULTIPLE MAILBOX TO / BE FURNISHED BY U. S. POSTAL SERVICE �3'—►I 4" THICK CONCRETE SLAB ,TION 1/2' -EXPANSION JOINT PER STD. NO. 208. arL- T- co U-I w �oleo OI Q z 61 n- U D V c -'� °a°v mcf) y NOTE: MAILBOX LOCATION, FOUNDATION ANCHOR BOLTS, AND BOLT HOLES SHALL CONFORM TO SPECIFICA- TIONS FURNISHED BY THE POSTMASTER. MAILBOX FOUNDATION AND SLAB TO BE A MONOLITHIC POUR. 117 t; A " n y • v REVISIONS: APPROVED STANDARD 00 00 004 5 CHRIS A. VOGT 631 �' ' CITY ENGINEER MULTIPLE MAILBOX INSTALLATIO RCE 44250 FOR EXISTING SIDEWALK SHEET 1 OF 1 0 • z 0 NOTE: CORPORATION STOP WATER MAIN 0 ALL LOT SERVICE LATERALS TO BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO PAVING OF STREET, INCLUDING FIRE Z SPRINKLER PREVENTION SERVICE. c c REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00 00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 PRECAST CONCRETE FLEXIBLE PIPE, MATERIAL PER WATER DISTRICT OR AGENCY SPECS. 'r Of T YPI CAL WATER METER I NSTAL LAT 1 ON 474 118 STANDARD 635 SHEET 1 OF 1 • • FIRE HYDRANT NOTE: 1. FIRE HYDRANT SHALL BE PLACED: a.) 7'-6" BEHIND THE FL WHEN THE WIDTH OF SIDEWALK IS 6' FROM FL. b.) 7 -6 BEHIND THE FL WHEN THERE IS NO SIDEWALK OR AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 2. FIRE HYDRANT SHALL NOT BE PLACED WITHIN THE CORNER CUT BACK AT ANY TIME. AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT PLAN. Ct OF WATER MAIN VALVE BOX, FRAME, AND COVER PER STD. . ......�uralsT I �C<I 1 IlJltl�7 i ltl Irl/1f�L-V � 18"X18"X18" CONCRETE ANCHOR BLOCK 0 z NOTE: 1. FIRE HYDRANT TO BE AS APPROVED BY SERVING AGENCY. ca 0 0 cc REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 1 CG o1V"Urvn -- r 119 V '1 �W STANDARD s 636 FIRE HYDRANT INSTALLATION SHEET 1 of 1 • • co 0 ti 0 z 0 cn c 3/8" RADIUS NOTCH A 1 1/2 PL.Ar OF COVE FRAME PAVEMENT P NS: PPED0/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 1/2 PLAN OFFRAME 11 1 /2" 10" 5 3/4" 1 /8"--►1 N �W,N, �� ; � .. 73/411 . , SECTION "A -All 6" PIPE OF PROPER LENGTH TO SERVE AS VALVE BOX 5 s cu I.,y Of VALVE BOX, FRAME AND COVER 476 120 STANDARD 637 SHEET 1 OF 1 1� - - - — STREET CENTERLINE - - - - 48' MIN. 50' MIN. A i—Fp 48' MIN. �'— —FL�— -- -- - -- -- Q Q w BUS STOP SIGN `' "H _ir Q a o N z � A US STOP BUS STOP - ED SHELTER SIGN Q Z z N N _O BD F- 12' TURNOUT 14' ADDITIONAL R/W o 6" OR 8" 7.5' 8' 6' ' CURB FACE SIDEWALK MIN. I w 2% CURB DATA 2% 2% 20k .; ..: ' R = 50 -- . • - 2W 21' 27" 6" L = 24.75' 0.15' CURB FACE T=12.63' F.S. CEMENT TREATED BASE C9' <v �• PCC SECTION A —A N— 1. THICKNESS OF PCC AND BASE DEPENDS UPON ADT VOLUME AND SOIL TYPE. STRUCTURAL SECTION CALCULATIONS ARE REQUIRED. 2. LOCATION OF BUS TURNOUT SHOULD BE AS APPROVED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, AND IN CONSULTATION WITH THE APPROPRIATE TRANSIT AGENCY. (FAR SIDE IS PREFERRED LOCATION). r I _ _ c NEAR SIDE FAR SIDE co ■ 121 REVISIONS: APPROVED a STANDARD 00 00/00 cu -- `v f' CHRIS A. VOGT Of 650 CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 BV.S TURNOUT '4 7 SHEET 1 OF 1 JUST BELOW HEAD OF TREE WIRE AND HOSE TIE (TWO REQUIRED) 1 LOOP HOSES 1" GREATER THAN DIAMETER 611-811 PREVAILING 0 c #12 BWG. ZINC COATED WIRE TREE WIND f PLAN VIEW two I FINISHED GRADE N yl Lo t TREE STAKE N ELEVATION TWIST WIRES TOGETHER BEND DOWN WIRE LODGE POLE PINE STAKE WIRE DETAIL NOTES: 1. EACH WIRE SHALL BE WRAPPED TIGHTLY AROUND AND THROUGH LODGE POLE (IN OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS) PRIOR TO BEING TWISTED TOGETHER. BEND TWISTED WIRE DOWNWARD. 0 2. TREE STAKES: ao CASE 1 1--1 /'2" DIAMETER, SCHEDULE 40, GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE STAKE to CASE 2: 21' DIAMETER LODGE POLE PINE TREATED WITH COPPER NANTK4iATE 0 z 0 a a Q REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 SINGLE STAKING 122 STANDARD ° s4 rAcu 409mOf 700 TREE- STAKING 478 F 3 SHEET 1 0 Ll _� • DRILL HOLE (TYPICAL) 2" DIAMETEF POLE PINE (TWO REQUIF FINISHED GR ELEVATION D HOSE TIE LOW HEAD OF TREE TWIST WIRES TOGETHER LOOP HOSES 1" GREATER BEND DOWN THAN DIAMETER WIRE LODGE POLE WIRE #12 BWG. ZINC COATED WIRE TREE PINE STAKE PLAN VIEW DETAIL NOTES: 1. EACH WIRE SHALL BE WRAPPED TIGHTLY AROUND AND THROUGH LODGE POLE (IN OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS) PRIOR TO BEING TWISTED TOGETHER. BEND TWISTED WIRE DOWNWARD. 2. STAKES SHALL HAVE UNIFORM DIAMETER, AND BE TREATED WITH COPPER NANTHANATE. DOUBLE STAKING 1231 REVISIONS: APPROVED STANDARD 00/00/00 5 s 4oj CHRIS A. VOGT 700 F"°` CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 TREE - STAKING 4 � _ 9 -- SHEET 2 OF 3 • • 0 c� r 0 0 Z 0 co a 3 a Q C7 TRUNK GUYS WIRE SIZES (TYP.) 24% 36• BOX 1 STRAND # 12 BWG. ZINC COATED WIRE (SAME AS USED 36"- 48- BOX 2 STRAND 012 FOR GUYS) BWG. ZINC COATED OVER 48• 3 STRAND H 12 BWG. ZINC COATED LOOP HOSES 1" GREATER THAN DIAMETER MULTIPLE STRANDS SHALL BE TWISTED TOGETHER WIRE AND HOSE TIES _ GUYS WIRES 41IX4"X2'-6" REDWOOD DEADMEN (TYP.) COMPACTED BACKFI (TYP.) -�-- TRENCH i DEADMAN TWIST WIRE I i L4--- TRENCH_ EXCAVATION LINE PLAN DEADMAN Y TYING PLAN INSTALL WIRE TIES BETWEEN INDIVIDUAL GUYS PRIOR TO TENSIONING GUYS. — 1/2" DIA. WHITE POLYETHYLENE PLASTIC TUBE 5' LONG. -- 3-5" GALVANIZED TURNBUCKLES r--FINISHED GRADE - - , .-,%, ,S 450 ELEVATION DEADM,AN WIRE 1200 PLAN DEADMAN PLACEMENT TREE GUYING 124' REVISIONS: APPROVED 00 00 00 j s f"°' STANDARD 700 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 -STAKING TREE 480 SHEET 3 OF 3 I 4' — 2" I 4" DIA. PIPE 4" DIA. PIPE j I_ - - JT I .• 3" DEEP I PREMOLDED •. IIIi 16"_DIA.16" DIA. HOLE LE JOINT FILLEIII1IiR !III CENTERED CENTERED • iIIII � _HOLE _ �:y� A � I A I t Ln Il -3" co Ucc l.. � ! 7 4" DIA, PIPE ^�I 1/2 3" DEEP PREMOLDED JOINT 1 FILLER. THICKNESS AS REQUIRED FOR TIGHT FIT. (4 SIDES) /4'-t" 4" DIA. PIPE 1/2" X 4'-1" X 3" THICK, NATURAL COLOR �j PERMEABLE CONCRETE TREE WELL COVER / I J 1/2- (TYP1 DIMENSIONS ©1/4" CASE 1 `- 2'-11" X 5'-6" X 3" THICK, NATURAL COLOR -_ PERMEABLE CONCRETE TREE WELL COVER DIMENSIONS 01/4" CASE 2 T 1 T 0 Z 0 a 3 a Q REVISIONS: 1-1 2" TREE WELL COVER 7- 3" LAYER OF N0. 4 AGGREGATE _ o Z I 4" DIA. PIPE FILLED WITH NO. 4 CONCRETE AGGREGATE (TYPICAL) . i- PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER LTOP OF CONCRETE AGGREGATE SECTION O TYPE 1 NOTE: SEE SHEET 4 FOR NOTES PERTAINING TO THIS SHEET APPROVED u �� 00/00/00 4 Qum r4 CHRIS A. VOGT"°' CITY ENGINEER F' RCE 44250 TREE WELL 481 125 STANDARD 705 SHEET 1 OF 6 r r Lo 0 z c a 3 a a �J 41-211 �- M.. f1 .1'Yr 1 3' —0`N " _ I 4 DIA. PIPE i I (TYP.) — 2-6d NAILS PER JOINT I i - 2"X4" RWD. I I HEADER I I I �I I I I I - p�� _ I ml I I �5I I I I I UR, , ,. --.r-D JOINT I I _ _ 1�= --aFILLER. THICKNESS AS IT 1 f 6" PREMOLDED JOINT REQUIRED FOR A TIGHT FIT. I,9/1611 9_61 FILLER THICKNESS AS (4 SIDES) �'�`,'- c14 REQUIRED FOR TIGHT CASE 2 FIT. (4 SIDES) MANHOLE BRICK 2-1/2" X 3-1/8" X 8-1/4" LAID TIGHT WITHOUT MORTAR CASE 1 TOP OF CONCRETE AGGREGATE PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER (TYP. 3.5/8" -�7-5� I ! I I ! I 1 I p A ca �I I I 2 -6 d NAILS REDWOOD. HEADER la PER JOINT 2' -6" RWD . - -, - - I HEADER _ . ..w4; , o •. i I� N I : 3" LAYER OF NO. 4 ! z II AGGREGATE r^ 4" PIPE FILLED WITH NO. 4 AGGREGATE IIi N� -- -11/16- (TYP.) JI - -1- -HOLLOW CONCRETE BLOCKS SECTION OA 4" DIA. PIPE 5-5/8" X 3-5/8" X 7-5/8" AND 5-5/8" X 7-5/8" X 7-5/8" LAID TIGHT WITHOUT MORTAR CASE 3 NOTE: SEE SHEET 4 FOR NOTES PERTAINING TO THIS SHEET. TYPE 2 m INEMANd loll 11OEM REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 1261 STANDARD 705 TREE WELL 4 $ � SHEET 2 OF 6 • • i. WEAKENED -PLANE JOI PARKWAYS LESS THAN 8' 1 COVER REQUIRED CASE I: 1'6" X 3' TREE WELL CASE II: 2' X 4' TREE WELL TREE WELLS C � POROUS, PERMEABLE P.C.C. r----' REINFORCED WITH 21/4" X 2'/4" 16 GAUGE WIRE MESH (SEE NOTE 6) POROUS TREE WELL COVER E. WEAKENED -PLANE JOINTS PARKWAYS 8' OR GREATER 2 COVERS REQUIRED CASE III: 3' X 3' TREE WELL CASE IV: 4' X 4' TREE WELL CASE A B C D R 1 3'-0" 1'-6" 2'-11" 1'-5'h" 9" II 4'-0" 2'-0" 3'-11" 1'-11'/2" 15" III 3'-0- 3'-0- 2'-11" 1'-5'f2" 9" IV 1 4'•0" 4'-0- 3'-11" 1'•11'fr" 15" DIRT TO BE FLUSH WITH ADJACENT 73 WALK ---- TYPICAL SECTIONS NOTES: 1. TREE WELLS SHALL BE SPACED AS DIRECTED OR INDICATED ON THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 2. LOCATION OF TREE WELLS WILL BE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM CONDITIONS: A. 50' FROM THE BCR ON THE APPROACH TO AN INTERSECTION. B. 15' FROM THE ECR ON THE EXIT FROM AN INTERSECTION. C. 20' FROM LIGHT STANDARDS. D. 10' FROM FIRE HYDRANTS. E. 10' FROM DRIVEWAYS. 3. COVERS ARE TO BE COLORED BUFF USING AN ACCEPTABLE COLORING AGENT. 4. TREE WELLS ARE TO BE BACKFILLED WITH CLEAN DIRT AND FLUSH WITH ADJACENT WALK UNTIL TREES ARE PLANTED. 5. PARKWAYS LESS THAN 8': CASE I - UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. CASE II - USE WHERE THERE'S AN EXISTING FENCE OR WALL AT THE PL. PARKWAYS 8' OR GREATER: CASE III - UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. CASE IV - MAY BE SPECIFIED WITH WALKS 7' OR GREATER. 6. FOR MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS, SEE NOTE 1 FOR TYPE 1 TREE .WELL ON SHEET 4. E ISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 a � s �'� Of TYPE 3 TREE WELL 483 127 STANDARD 705 SHEET 3 OF 6 y • Q 3 a a • NOTES FOR TYPE I TREE WELL 1. THE COVER SHALL BE MADE OF PERMEABLE CONCRETE WITH A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 1200 PSI AND SHALL BE CAST -IN -PLACE OR PRECAST "AGRIPERM" OR EQUIVALENT. CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE SHALL CONSIST OF ONE PART CEMENT TO FOUR PARTS 3/8" GRAVEL AND APPROXIMATELY FOUR GALLONS OF WATER PER SACK OF CEMENT. THE GRAVEL SHALL BE CLEAN WITH FINES REMOVED. THE CONCRETE MIXTURE SHALL BE DEPOSITED AS NEAR AS POSSIBLE TO ITS FINAL LOCATION.THE EXCESS CONCRETE SHALL BE RODDED OFF IN A SAWING MOTION. A SURPLUS OF CONCRETE SHOULD BE MAINTAINED AGAINST THE FRONT SURFACE OF THE SCREED IN ORDER THAT LOW AREAS WILL BE FILLED AS THE SCREED PASSES OVER. RODDING SHALL BE HELD TO A MINIMUM. AFTER THE SURFACE IS FLAT NO OTHER FINISHING WILL BE REQUIRED. CURING COMPOUND TO WHICH WATER PROOFING MATERIALS HAVE BEEN ADDED WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. 2. EXISTING SIDEWALK SHALL BE CAREFULLY SAWCUT PREPARATORY TO INSTALLATION OF TREE WELL COVERS. SAWCUT OVER -RUNS SHALL BE CLEANED AND FILLED WITH EPDXY APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER AND FINISHED TO SIDEWALK GRADE. 3. THE PIPE MAY BE CIP, ACP, VCP, ABS, PVC, GALV. STL. OR ASPHALT IMPREGNATED FIBER DUCT AND IT MAY BE BELL OR PLAIN END. 4. AFTER ALL OTHER WORK PERTINENT TO PLANTING HAS BEEN COMPLETED, EACH TREE SHALL BE WATERED IMMEDIATELY WITH A MINIMUM OF 20 GALLONS OF WATER, AND REPEATED 2 TIMES IN THE NEXT 3 DAYS. AFTER THE TREE HAS BEEN WATERED AND THE SOIL IS SUFFICIENTLY DRY. THE SOIL SHALL BE GRADED AND TAMPED. THE 3-INCH LAYER OF AGGREGATE SHALL BE PLACED AND GRADED TO ACCEPT THE TREE WELL COVER FIRMLY, WITHOUT ROCKING, AND FLUSH WITH THE TOP SURFACE OF THE SIDEWALK. THE PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER SHALL BE CAREFULLY PLACED TO INSURE A TIGHT FIT WITH THE TOP OF THE JOINT FILLER FLUSH WITH THE ADJACENT SIDEWALK. 5. IF CAST -IN -PLACE, THERE SHALL BE A 3 MIL PLASTIC LINER BETWEEN WALK AND AGGREGATE. NOTES FOR TYPE 2 TREE WELL 1. EXISTING SIDEWALK SHALL BE CAREFULLY SAWCUT PREPARATORY TO LAYING OF* CONCRETE BLOCKS OR BRICK. SAVICUT OVER -RUNS SHALL BE CLEANED AND FILLED WITH EPDXY APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER AND FINISHED TO SIDEWALK GRADE. 2. THE PIPE MAY BE CIP, ACP, VCP, ABS, PVC, GALV. STL. OR ASPHALT IMPREGNATED FIBER DUCT, AND IT MAY BE BELL OR PLAIN END. 3. NAILS SHALL BE GALVANIZED STEEL BOX. 4. AFTER ALL OTHER: WORK PERTIND,IT TO PLANTING HAS BEEN COMPLETED, EACH TREE SHALL BE WATERED IMMEDIATELY WITH A MINIMUM OF 20 GALLONS OF WATER AND REPEATED 2 TIMES IN THE NEXT 3 DAYS. AFTER THE WATER HAS SETTLED AND THE SOIL IS SUFFICIENTLY DRY, THE SOIL SHALL BE GRADED AND TAMPED. A 3-INCH LAYER OF AGGREGATE SHALL BE PLACED AND GRADED TO ACCEPT BRICKS FLUSH WITH THE TOP SURFACE OF THE SIDEWALK. THE PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER. AND HEADERS SHALL BE CAREFULLY PLACED TO INSURE A TIGHT FIT WITH THE TOP OF THE JOINT FILLER FLUSH WITH THE ADJACENT SIDEWALK. 128 REVISIONS: I APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 STANDARD 705 TREE WELL 484 1 SHEET 4 OF 6 -r- SEE FRAME DETAIL ON SHEET NO. 6 • r a� r L0 6 z H co) Q 3 a Q • PLAN GRATING FLUSH WITH SIDEWALK ISOMETRIC VIEW NOTES: i CURB 60" GRATE PLAN 3/4" r.6 l -==-I N 60" SECTION 0 1" DEEP SAWCUT IN EXISTING SIDEWALK�1-1i2" �c 04 NO 4 BAR (TYP) 1„ n 3" LAYER OF �i 6-1/2" o NO. 4 AGGREGATE -CIO 4" PIPE FILLED WITH NO. 4 -- AGGREGATE SECTION O 1. GRATE MATERIAL TO BE CAST IRON. 2. GRATE PATTERN AS SPECIFIED ON PROJECT PLANS AND/OR IN SPECIFICATIONS. 3. EXISTING SIDEWALK SHALL BE CAREFULLY SAWCUT PREPARATORY TO LAYING OF FRAME. SAWCUT OVER —RUNS SHALL BE CLEANED AND FILLED WITH EPDXY APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER AND FINISHED TO SIDEWALK GRADE. 4. THE PIPE MAY BE CIP. ACP, VCP, ABS, PVC, GALV. STL. OR ASPHALT IMPREGNATED FIBER DUCT, AND IT MAY BE BELL OR PLAIN END. 5. AFTER ALL OTHER WORK PERTINENT TO PLANTING HAS BEEN COMPLETED, EACH TREE SHALL BE WATERED IMMEDIATELY WITH A MINIMUM OF 20 GALLON OF WATER AND REPEATED 2 TIMES IN THE NEXT 3 DAYS. AFTER THE WATER HAS SETTLED AND THE SOIL IS SUFFICIENTLY DRY, THE SOIL SHALL BE GRADED AND TAMPED AND 3—INCH LAYER OF CONCRETE AGGREGATE SHALL BE PLACED AND GRADED. REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RICE 44250 TYPE 4 3 s cu TREE WELL 129 STANDARD 705 485_ SHEET 5 OF 6 1J T- T- W) O Z C F- 0 :Do a. a 1 314'x 1 3/4'x 1 /4" 4- 1/2x3" STUD ANCHORS STEEL ANGLE FRAME �CUROY — ._ _ 1 3/4" m 1/8" 4" BOTTOM AND OUTSIDE FACES C4 ONLY (TYP) N N 9 m O m 7/ 18- DIA - 2 PLACES 54 3/4" 1 1/2"x2 1/2'x1/4" ANGLE a . 7/ 18'x3/4' SLOT HOLES CIA 0 20 1/4" 20 1/4" 20 1/4' . N 80 3/4" 58 3/4" N FRAME DETAIL 23 16/18' 6 7/811 23 15/18" 1 t 1" 1 SECTION @B co SEE NOTE 1 1 O/I" 54 3/4" 7/ 18" DIA. 1/4'x2" FLAT BAR SECTION OA SEE NOTE t 3/4" 2 3/4"x 1 1/20x 1/8'x2 C—SPACERS NOTES: 1. SECTION A AND B REQUIRED ONLY WHEN TREE GUARD IS REQUIRED. 2. ALL METAL PARTS AND FRAME SHALL CONFORM TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SHALL BE HOT DIP GALVANIZED AFTER FABRICATION. TYPE REVISIONS: APPROVED a Y 00/00/00 • 5 s t CHRIS A. VOGT f"°' 4 CITY ENGINEER 486 RCE 44250 TREE WELL 1301 STANDARD 705 SHEET 6 OF 6 • it 0 0 N to O Z G co Q 3 c. Q I EXISTING SLOPE - 2 : 1 OR FLATTER ONLY' ROOT BALL - DO NOT COMPACT ROOT BALL SOIL. ALLOW ROOT BALL TO SETTLE TO FINISHED GRADE. --7 FINISHED GRADE FREE OR WATERING BASIN SHRUB TRUNK \ 1 1/2 1 MULCH MAX COMPACT SOIL TO \ �-- --� FORM LGPBP IN FOR SLOPE PLANTING PREPARED SOIL MIX 1 1/2 : 1 MAX. S UBGRADE'*-, 4 871 1311 REVISIONS: APPROVED STANDARD 00/00/00 j sT41T 4 aj CHRIS A. VOGT "°` 710 CITY ENGINEER ANTING RCE 44250 SHRUB AND TREE PL SHEET 1 OF 1 • O N N 0 z 0 F- Q 3 a Q • 46" DIA.(MIN) 38' DIA. (MIN) 30" DIA.(MIN) TREE 22" DIA.(MIN) 4" TREE (TV.) .• I I v - &A - ROOT BALL—'' RAISED RIBS i PREPARED SOIL MIX (SEE NOTE 2) ROOT BARRIER c �� .. ° o I .0 i; No. 3 CONCRETE AGGREGATE OR 1" CRUSHED ROCK TYPE 1 TYPE 2 W rz- c TOP OF TREE WELL COVER A LAYER OF No. 3 CONCRETE AGGREGATE V OR GRATING (SEE NOTE 1) OR 1" CRUSHED ROCK U. w0 w I v Z—ZL �� �aO.�R1 4" TYP.) 0 RAISED RIBS (SEE NOTE 2) ROOT BARRIER (SEE NOTE 2) PREPARED SOIL MIX (SEE NOTE 31B) ROOT BALL No. 3 CONCRETE AGGREGATE N �' o • ` / �\ \ ° ' OR 1" CRUSHED ROCK (SEE NOTE 3A) 0 COMPACTED, PREPARED SOIL MIX TO BOTTOM OF ROOT BALL (SEE NOTE 3B) JETTED PREPARED SOIL MIX BACKFILL (SEE NOTE 3A) I � TYPE 1 f' 30" DIA. (MIN.) TYPE 2 46" DIA. (MIN.) ~� ` FS SECTION ® NOTE: Ir; l \~,'-' I •. FINISHED SURFACE WHEN 1 TREE WELL COVER OR GRATING IS NOT USED SHALL BE AS ��� �o• SHOWN AT RIGHT. NOTES: 1. SEE PROJECT PLANS FOR TYPE OF TREE WELL COVER OR TREE GUARD AND GRATING TO BE USED. 2. ROOT BARRIER SHALL BE FABRICATED FROM A HIGH DENSITY AND HIGH IMPACT PLASTIC SUCH AS POLYVINYL CHLORIDE. ABS OR POLYETHYLENE AND HAVE A MINIMUM THICKNESS 0.06 INCH. THE PLASTIC SHALL HAVE 112-314 INCH HIGH RAISED VERTICAL RIBS ON THE INNER SURFACE SPACED NOT MORE THAN 6-8 INCHES APART. 3. PLANTING SHALL CONFORM TO SUBSECTION 308-4 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, EXCEPT THAT: A. THE LOWER 10 INCHES OF THE EXCAVATION SHALL BE BACKFILLED WITH PREPARED SOIL MIX AND JETTED PRIOR TO PLACING THE ROOT BARRIER AND THE NO.3 CONCRETE AGGREGATE. OR 1" CRUSHED ROCK. B. PREPARED SOIL MIX SHALL BE PLACED IN THE PLANTING HOLE AND COMPACTED TO BOTTOM OF ROOT BALL ELEVATION PRIOR TO PRECEEDING WITH TREE PLANTING. 13 REVISIONS: APPROVED STANDARD 00/00/00 j s rV E V CHRIS A. VOGT �yo. 711 CITY ENGINEER BARRIER RCE 44250 TREE ROOT 4 8 SHEET 1 OF 1 3" FOR 36" LONG BOXES AND 2" FOR SHORTER BOXES NO. 6 GAUGE (HARD- CONTINUOUS WELDED REINFORCED CONCRETE COVER WITH SURFACE) WIRE LOOP • / • NO. 9 GAUGE L1 GALVANIZED STEEL CONTINUOUS DOUBLE TOGGLE LOCK WELDED WIRE REINFORCE CONCRETE VALVE LOOP _� • BOX LOCKING GALVANIZED MALLEABLE CONCRETE COVER IRON UNION WITH BRASS OR COPPER SEATS. TYPICAL _ U� �b I I FLOW� I �I 3" MIN. Y • TYP. ._ i 83i." x 141/z" LOCKING CAST IRON LID EMBOSSED "PRV" t�C fu Q L PRESSURE , �' REGULATOR Lu a 0. BRASS o N NIPPLE b Q �� Y STRAINER t.CRUSHED ROCK MAIN LINE SUMP /.` 8'x 141h` LOCKING CAST ' � I IRON LID EMBOSSED "PRV' .ens GALVANIED STEEL DOUBLE TOGGLE LOCK COVER FOR BOXES 17-1/4" LONG ELEVATION d L & 'o, 5 lip TOP OF BOX TO BE 1" ABOVE GRADE FOR GROUND COVER AREA AND '/z" FOR LAWN AREA CENTERED CAST IRON LID u �• `'. � ,l � FINISHED � GRADE 3" TYPICAL ALL SIDES f� MAIN LINE NOTES: O i. PRESSURE REGULATOR AND Y-STRAINER SHALL BE OF BRONZE AND/OR BRASS CONSTRUCTION. N2. PRESSURE SETTING SHALL BE SET AS SPECIFIED. 3. Y-STRAINER SHALL BE FITTED WITH A 30.MESH SCREEN OF STAINLESS STEEL OR MONEL, UNLESS O OTHERWISE SPECIFIED AND SHALL BE FITTED WITH AGLOW -OFF COCK. p 4. VALVE BOX SHALL BE OF SUFFICIENT SIZE TO ACCOMMODATE ENTIRE Y-STRAINER AND PRESSURE Z REGULATOR ASSEMBLY. 5. Y-STRAINER AND PRESSURE REGULATOR SHALL BE INSTALLED APPROXIMATELY HORIZONTAL SO G THAT Y-STRAINER BLOW -OFF COCK, ADJUSTMENT NUT, AND MAIN CAP ON PRESSURE REGULATOR N ARE ACCESSIBLE. 6. ALL FITTINGS, EXCEPT AS NOTED, SHALL BE THREADED, SCHEDULE 80� PVC. Q 7. AREA AROUND BOX CAN EITHER BE PLANTED, HARD -SURFACE OR COMBINATION. 3 8. CRUSHED ROCK SHALL COVER VALVE BOX PIPE OPENING TO PREVENT SOIL ENTRY. 9. CLOSE NIPPLES SHALL NOT BE USED. 4 CI {] 133 a I' Q REVISIONS: APPROVED STANDARD ® 00 00/00 3 CHRIS A. VOGT 750 CITY ENGINEER INSTALLATION RCE 44250 PRESSURE REGULAR SHEET 1 OF 1 1� u CI q � I ' L&T I �111 I L&T �II ---a-- y II --;---, R/W LINE Y 1 ' 1� TYPE "A" OR "B" ��,-° �� FACE OF CURB MONUMENTS TYP FACE OF CURB II ••'b SEWER MANHOLE 11 11 ' 11 RNV LINE '' 11 ' II L&T I L&T III � III 1 MONUMENTING STREET CENTERLINES WHEN SEWERS ARE LOCATED ON CENTERLINE 619, I STANDARD "A" OR "B" I STANDARD "A" OR "B" MONUMENTS IN PAVEMENT I MONUMENTS IN PAVEMENT � I PROPERTY- LINE - - -v,G, •SST - - �Q; •'•.'9i� TIE TO STD. "D" MONUMENT 0�5' I ••cF IF STREETS ARE NOT PAVED ----- ------ PROPERTY LINE � I 1 STANDARD "A" OR "B" STANDARD "A" OR "B" MONUMENTS IN PAVEMENT I ' MONUMENTS IN PAVEMENT I MONUMENTING STREET CENTERLINES WHERE CURBS ARE NOT REQUIRED NOTES: 1. L & T AS SHOWN HEREON INDICATES LEAD AND TACK OR STEEL PIN MONUMENT SET IN CURB. 2. LEAD AND TAG OR STEEL PIN MONUMENT WITNESS TO PROPERTY CORNER MAY BE SET, NOT REQUIRED. 3. SEE MONUMENT SPECS 21 FOR TYPE "A, C, D, & E" MONUMENT DESCRIPTION AND STD. 903 FOR TYPE "B" MONUMENT DRAWING. SEE SPECS 21.07 FOR MONUMENT SCHEDULE. 134 REVISIONS: APPROVED ♦ STANDARD 00/00/00 � s CHRIS A. VOGT"°' 800 CITY ENGINEER 4 90 RCE 44250 T ZE - OUT STANDARDS SHEET 1 OF 1 1J • • I L&T I PROPERTY LINE � OF �TREET--------------- CURB TYPE "E" MONUMENT (OPTIONAL) LOT LINE I / L. & T TYPE "A" OR "B" MONUMENTS TYPE "E" MONUMENT i (OPTIONAL) ' _ _ _ _ _ _.� ' _ _ —. _ _ TYPE "E" MONUMENT ui (OPTIONAL) Z _ _ I ___♦ _z J I J L&T , ; I L&T ~O J I � � MONUMENTING STREET INTERSECTIONS WHERE CURB AND GUTTERS ARE INSTALLED I TYPE "A" OR "B" I (MONUMENT) L&T I L&T RADIAL LINE E.C. DIST DIST �• 1 4o • • TYPE "E" MONUMENT / TYPE"Ell • � • MONUMENT (OPTIONAL) J� /V (OPTIONAL) J4r 2� i L & T / TYPE "A" OR "B" 4f (MONUMENT) MONUMENTING s� ., L & T BEGINNING AND e ENDING OF CURVE. REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 NOTES: 1. L & T SHOWN HEREON INDICATES LEAD AND TACK OR STEEL PIN MONUMENT SET IN CONCRETE CURB. 2. LEAD AND TAG OR STEEL PIN MONUMENT WITNESS TO PROPERTY CORNER MAY BE SET, ("E" MONUMENT), IN LIEU OF SETTING FRONT LOT CORNERS. 3. THE P.I. OF THE CURVE CENTERLINE OF A STREET MAY BE MONUMENTED IN LIEU OF E.C. & B.C. IF THE P.I. FALLS WITHIN THE TRAVELED WAY. IT SHALL BE REFERENCED WITH L & Ts IN CURB. 4. SEE MONUMENT SPECS 21 FOR TYPE "A, C, D, & E" MONUMENT DESCRIPTION AND STD. 802 FOR TYPE "B" MONUMENT DRAWING. SEE SPECS 21.07 FOR MONUMENT SCHEDULE. STREET CENTERLINE MONUMENT 49i 135 STANDARD 801 SHEET 1 OF 1 �J 0 rn 0 z G co G E TOP OF PAVING co 1 7l8' ' STAMPED: R.E OR L.S. NUMBER I III�� �fll I I III I III I I I I III III j.--iIj1 1/2"1 Ij 1 1 I III III I II II I II II I I I I I BRASS OR BRONZE HEAD II I II II II I PERMANENT COMPRESSION FIT I I I I COPPER COVERING I I I I I j 5/8" I I II•-- MOLTEN WELDING JOINT I I I I I I I --.I j•►- STEEL CORE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 13 REVISIONS: APPROVED a STANDARD 00/00/00 s cv CHRIS A. VOGT"°` 4 802 CITY ENGINEER �� �� 4 � � RCE 44250 TYPE B MONUMENT SHEET 1 OF 1 • r� • 0.25" TOP AND BOTTOM MARGIN DRAWING AREA 7.25" x 9.0" 0.85" LEFT MARGIN 0.40" RIGHT MARGIN T2 O 0 � g O 7.25' x 0.20' box with 0.051' tall leffering—Romand.shx © 1.45' x 0.35' box with 0.09' tall leMering—Monos.txt (solid characters) O 1.45' x 0.93' box with 0.11' fall leffering—Monos.txt (solid characters) ® 4.35' x 0.75' box with custom lettering provided by My O 4.35' x 0.55' box with 0.17' fall lettering—Monosbl.fxf (solid aharoaters) © 1.45' x 0.35' box with 0.11' tall lettering—Monos.txt (solid characters) �] 1.45' x 0.65' box with 0.23' tall lettering—Monos.txt (solid characters) ® 1.45' x 0.30' box with 0.11' fall lettering—Monw.bd (solid characters) 137 REVISIONS: APPROVED '� �,L STANDARD 00/00/00 � k CHRIS A. VOGT Of 990. CITY ENGINEER STANDARD DRAW1 NG 493 RCE 44250 TITLE BLOCK DETAILS SHEET 1 OF 1 APPROVED BY: CITY OF LA QUINTA CHRIS A. VOGT, P.E. DATE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. NO. 44250 EXP DATE 12-31-01 REVISIONS: APPROVED 00/00/00 CHRIS A. VOGT CITY ENGINEER RCE 44250 APPROVAL SIGNATURE BLOCK 494 138 STANDARD 991 SHEET 1 OF 1 � T V �44 - C. OF AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: O COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 7, 2001 Consideration of Selection of a Voting Delegate and an Alternate to the League of California Cities Annual Business Meeting - September 12-15, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve the selection of a voting delegate and an alternate for the League of California Cities Annual Conference business meeting. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Each year, prior to the League of California Cities Annual Conference, the member cities are asked to designate a voting representative and an alternate who will attend the business meeting, which is conducted as part of the annual conference. _ This year, Mayor Pena and Council Member Henderson are planning to attend the annual conference in Sacramento, CA - September 12 through September 15, 2001. (Attachment 1) FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve the selection of a voting delegate and an alternate for the League of California Cities Annual Conference business meeting; or 495 2. Do not approve the selection of a voting delegate and an alternate for the League of California Cities Annual Conference business meeting; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, J e . Greek, CMC City Clerk Approved for submission by: homas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. League of California Cities Memorandum dated June, 2001 2. Voting Delegate Form 002 496 Better Cities —A Better Life June 2001 To: From: Re: league of (dlifornid Cities RECEIVE. 1 : 35 CiT Y ' J:= 1 CUIrNTA The Honorable Mayor and City Council David Fleming, League President, Mayor, Vacaville ATTACHMENT 1 Designation of Voting Delegate for League Annual Conference This year's League Annual Conference is scheduled for Wednesday, September 12 through Saturday, September 15, 2001 in Sacramento, CA. One very important aspect of the annual conference is the annual business meeting when the membership takes action on conference resolutions. Annual conference resolutions guide cities and the League in our efforts to improve the quality, responsiveness and vitality of local government in California. It is important that all cities be represented at the annual business meeting on Saturday, September 15, 2001, at 9:15 a.m. at the Sacramento Convention Center. League bylaws state that "Any official of a Member City may, with the approval of the city council, be designated the city's designated voting delegate or alternate delegate to any League meeting. Designated voting delegates (or their alternates) registered to attend the Annual Conference constitute the League's General Assembly." To expedite the conduct of business at this important policy -making meeting, each city council should designate a voting representative and an alternate who will be registered at the conference and present at the annual business meeting. League bylaws provide that each city is entitled to one vote in matters affecting municipal or League policy. A voting card will be given to the city official designated by the city council on the enclosed "Voting Delegate Form." Please complete and return the enclosed "Voting Delegate Form" to the Sacramento office of the League at the earliest possible time (not later than Friday, August 17, 2001), so that proper records may be established for the conference. The voting delegate may pick up the city's voting card at the designated Voting Card desk located in the League registration area. The voting procedures to be followed at this conference are printed on the reverse side of this memo. Your help in returning the attached "Voting Delegate Form" as soon as possible is appreciated. If you have any questions, please call Lorraine Okabe at (916) 658-8236. 497 004 CITY: LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 2001 ANNUAL CONFERENCE VOTING DELEGATE FORM ATTACHMENT 2 1. VOTING DELEGATE: (Name) (Title) 2. VOTING ALTERNATE: (Name) (Title) ATTEST: (Name) (Title) Please complete and return to: League of California Cities Attn: Lorraine Okabe 1400 K Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Fax: (916) 658-8240 Deadline: Fridav, August 17. 2001 LO Policy\acres\votedel.ltr 096 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: I COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 7, 2001 CONSENT CALENDAR: Consideration of an Implementation Agreement Relating to the Pre -Payment of Debt Pursuant to the Replacement Cooperation Agreement Between the County of Riverside, the City of La Quinta, and the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency RECOMMENDATION: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve the attached Implementation Agreement, and authorize the Mayor and City Manager to execute the documents necessary to implement this agreement. FISCAL IMPACT: The Implementation Agreement would provide for the repayment of the outstanding principal due on the loan between the Redevelopment Agency Project Area 1 and the County of Riverside ( Attachment 1) . The funds for the repayment would come from the upcoming bond sale scheduled to close on August 22, 2001. The principal outstanding on the loan is $8,639,845. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: During the fiscal analysis of the upcoming bond sale, staff reviewed the various pass through obligations between the Redevelopment Agency (RDA) as they relate to Project Area 1. In conjunction with the efforts to proceed with the Bond Issuance, staff has been in discussions with the County on the repayment of the loan and the net present values associated with the early payment. The Implementation Agreement includes a place holder for the actual amount of the prepayment which is currently being reviewed by the County of Riverside and will be provided at the meeting on the 7th. In the event the amount is not agreed upon by the 7t'', Staff is requesting that the Executive Director be given direction to approve the final amount to be inserted into the Implementation Agreement. The existing Cooperation Agreement is provided as Attachment 2. 499, The alternatives available to the City Council include: 3. Approve the attached Implementation Agreement, and authorize the Mayor and City Manager to execute the documents necessary to implement this agreement; or 2. Do not approve the attached Implementation Agreement; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, hn Falconer, Finance Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1 . Implementation Agreement 2. Cooperation Agreement with the County dated December 21, 1993 J400 090 ATTACHMENT 1 IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT RELATING TO PRE -PAYMENT OF DEBT PURSUANT TO THE REPLACEMENT COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, THE CITY OF LA QUINTA -AND THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY THIS IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT RELATING TO PRE- PAYMENT OF DEBT PURSUANT TO THE REPLACEMENT COOPERATION AGREEMENT ("Implementation Agreement") is made and entered into as of this day of August, 2001, by and between the City of La Quinta ("City"), the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency ("Agency") (collectively "La Quinta"), and the County of Riverside ("County"). WHEREAS, on December 21, 1993, La Quinta and County did enter an agreement entitled "REPLACEMENT COOPERATION AGREEMENT" ("Replacement Agreement"); and WHEREAS, Section 6 of the Replacement Agreement sets forth payment schedule for the repayment of a certain debt owing by the Agency to the County, which payments are scheduled to continue to and including fiscal year 2005-2006; and WHEREAS, Section 9 of the Replacement Agreement provides the Agency the option to retire the debt in advance of the scheduled payments; and WHEREAS, the Agency desires to exercise its right to pre -pay the debt in connection with the successful close of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 1 Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2001, for the Agency contemplated in Resolution No. RA-2001-03; and WHEREAS, the County desires to have the Agency retire the debt at this time. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above recitals and the covenants herein contained, and for good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 501 0.1,14 Section 1: CONDITION PRECEDENT This Agreement shall become binding and effective only upon the successful close and funding of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, La Quinta Redevelopment, Project Area No. 1 Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2001, for the Agency contemplated in Resolution RA-2001-03. Section 2: PAYMENT On or before August 22, 2001, the City shall pay, or cause to be paid, in good funds the dollar sum of $ to the County pursuant to wire transfer instructions provided by the County to the City's Director of Finance on or before August 17, 2001. Section 3: ACCEPTANCE OF PAYMENT AS FULL SATISFACTION OF DEBT The County agrees to accept the payment set forth in Section 2 as full and complete payment, discharge and satisfaction of the Amounts Owed and Payment Amounts Owed, including all remaining principal and interest obligations, pursuant to the Replacement Agreement. Section 4: DEFINITIONS All terms shall be as defined in the Replacement Agreement, except as set forth herein. Section 5: COUNTERPARTS This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Implementation Agreement as of the dates set forth next to their respective signatures below. Dated: August_, 2001 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE RIVERSIDE COUNTY FREE LIBRARY RIVERSIDE COUNTY STRUCTURAL FIRE 0 Jim Venable Chairperson, Board of Supervisors 500 -2- 005 ATTEST: Gerald A. Maloney, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors APPROVED AS TO FORM: RIVERSIDE COUNTY COUNSEL By: Attorneys for County of Riverside Dated: August _, 2001 CITY OF LA QUINTA ATTEST: June S. Greek, City Clerk Dated: August _, 2001 ATTEST: June S. Greek, Agency Secretary By: John J. Pena, Mayor LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Terry Henderson, Chairperson 503 00 6 -3- APPROVED AS TO FORM RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP M. KATHERINE JENS ON M. Katherine Jenson City Attorney for City of La Quinta and Agency Counsel for La Quinta Redevelopment Agency 5(). M I' ATTACHMENT 2 REPLACEMENT COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY THIS REPLACEMENT COOPERATION AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of this day of December, 1993, by and between the City of La Quinta ( "City") , the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency ("Agency") (collectively "La Quinta"), and the County of Riverside ("County"). WHEREAS, in 1983 La Quinta began the redevelopment of certain areas of the City and 1,206 acres of adjacent unincorporated territory as described in the "Redevelopment Plan for the La Quinta Redevelopment Project," of the Agency; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Riverside County Ordinance No. 605 and •the companion agreement, the County and La Quinta entered into an agreement to alleviate any financial burden or detriment imposed .upon the County as a result of this redevelopment project and the tax increment financing as proposed therein; and WHEREAS, Section 33401 of the Health and Safety Code authorizes the Agency to pay an affected taxing entity with territory within a redevelopment project area that amount of money which the Agency determines is appropriate to alleviate the financial burden or detriment caused to such entity by a plan adoption or a plan amendment; and WHEREAS, La Quinta has found and -determined that it would be appropriate to alleviate any financial burden or detriment which 505. 1 008 4 may be imposed upon the County as a result of the redevelopment process and the tax increment financing included in said redevelopment project; and WHEREAS, on or about November 29, 1983, the Cooperation Agreement was entered into by the County and La Quinta. The Cooperation Agreement is a "pass through agreement," pursuant to Section 33401 of the Health and Safety Code. The Cooperation Agreement was designed to alleviate any fiscal detriment to the County as a result of the Agency's use of tax increment financing; and WHEREAS, as of the date of the execution of this Agreement, no payments have been made by the Agency to the County pursuant to the Cooperation Agreement; and WHEREAS, on May 27, 1993, the Auditor -Controller filed a Complaint in Interpleader alleging that he was in possession of the Withheld Tax Increment, that the County and La Quinta had made conflicting demands on him for the Withheld Tax Increment and that he was unable to determine the validity of the conflicting demands. The Complaint in Interpleader sought to compel the County and La Quinta to interplead and litigate their respective claims to the Withheld Tax Increment; and WHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement believe it would be in their respective best interests to enter into this Agreement on the terms and conditions set forth herein; and thereby to resolve and settle, once and for all times, all past, present and future controversies, claims, causes of action, purported causes of 506 2 009 action, differences or disputes, both real and potential, relating to the Project Area and the Cooperation Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above recitals and the covenants hereinafter contained, and for good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: Section 1. Definitions. As used in this Agreement, including the preceding Recitals, the terms identified below shall have the following meanings: (a) "Amount Owed" shall mean the total sum, as agreed upon herein by the parties to this Agreement, owed by the Agency to the County (including the Riverside County Free Library District and the Riverside County Structural Fire District) pursuant to the Cooperation Agreement, as that term is defined herein. (b) "Base Year Valuation" shall mean the valuation of the real property within the Project Area, as that term is defined herein, as shown on the assessment roll for the Fiscal Year in which the Redevelopment Plan for the La Quinta Redevelopment Project was originally adopted (and, as to any geographic areas added by amendment, the Fiscal Year in which said amendments adding said areas were adopted). (c) "Bonded Indebtedness" shall mean the debt owed to holders of instruments resulting from public debt offerings, including, but not limited to, notes, bonas, loans, anu c:f--i L.iii1..:aU=0 vi. participation (whether funded refunded, assumed, or otherwise), incurred in connection with the Project Area, regardless of when 3 07 010 incurred, funded, refunded or as including, but not limited to, the following bond issuances: (1) La Quinta Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Bonds, series 1991, in the amount of Eight Million Seven Hundred Thousand dollars ($8,700,000.00); (2) Local Agency Revenue Bonds, series' 1991, in.the amount of Eight Million Five Hundred Fifteen Thousand dollars ($8,515,000.00); (3) La Quinta Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds, Series 1990, in the amount of Nineteen Million Six Hundred Ninety Five Thousand dollars ($19,695,000.00); (4) La Quinta Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Bonds, series 1989, in the amount of Eight Million dollars ($8,000,000.00); (5) Any future bonds issued in connection with the Project Area, including, but not limited to bonds issued for the purpose of prepaying the outstanding balance of the Amount Owed; and ( 6 ) Any refunding or refinancing of any of the bond issuances listed above. (d) "Cooperation Agreement" shall mean the "Cooperation Agreement between the County of Riverside, the City of La Quinta and the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency" entered into by the County and La Quinta on or about November 29, 1983. (e) "County" shall mean the County of Riverside, a political subdivision of the State of California, and shall include Riverside 4 508 ell t County Free Library and Riverside County Structural Fire, which are County governed districts. (f) "Effective Date" shall mean the first date on which all of the conditions set forth in Section 13, below, have been met. (g) "Fiscal Year" shall mean the period from July 1 to and including the following June 30. (h) "Litigation" shall mean that action entitled Anthony J. Bellanca as the Elected Auditor -Controller of the County of Riverside v County of Riverside, et al, San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. SCV 05777, including the County's Cross -Complaint filed therein, and all claims and causes of action arising under and related to the Cooperation Agreement. (i) "Payment Amount" shall mean the amount specified in the payment schedule set forth at Section 6, below, as the payment to be made by the Agency to the County for a given Fiscal Year. (j) "Plan" shall mean the "Redevelopment Plan for the La Quinta Redevelopment Project," including all amendments thereto. (k) "Plan Expiration Date" shall mean the date on which the Plan expires, pursuant to its terms, including any amendments which may be made thereto. (1) "Prior Pass Through Indebtedness" shall mean obligations of the Agency pursuant to the following "pass through" agreements entered into pursuant to Section 33401 of the Health and Safety Code: (1) Agreement for Cooperation Between the Desert Sands Unified School District and the City of La Quinta and La Quinta Redevelopment Agency; 5 509 01? (2) Agreement for Cooperation between the City of La Quintal La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and the Coachella Valley Water District; (3) Agreement for Cooperation Between the Coachella Valley Unified School District; and (4) Settlement and General Release and Cooperative Agreement (between the Coachella Valley Mosquito Abatement District, and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of La Quinta, and the City of La Quinta) . (m) "Project Area" shall mean the geographic area identified as the redevelopment area of the La Quinta Redevelopment Project in the Plan (Proj ect Area 1) . (n) "Repayment Period" shall mean Fiscal Year 1994-95 through Fiscal Year 2005-06, as set forth in the Payment Schedule contained in Section 6 of this Agreement. (o) "Set Aside Amounts" shall mean the portion of tax revenues required to be expended or set aside by the Agency pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33334.2 or any successor statute, and/or any other payments, repayments, or transfers required by State law to be made from the Agency's tax increment revenue funds. (p) "Tax Increment" shall mean that portion of property taxes resulting from the increase in assessed valuation in the Project Area over the base year assessed valuations in the Project Area, as defined in Section 33670 of the Health and Safety Code. "Tax Increment" shall refer to those taxes raised as a result of the 1% levy allowed under Article XIIIA of the Constitution of the State 510 �.13 of California. "Tax Increment, " as referred to in this Agreement, shall not include those taxes levied in excess of the to general levy. (q) ,withheld Tax Increment" shall mean the Five Million Nine Hundred Thirty -Eight Thousand Three Hundred Ninety -Four Dollars ($5,938,394.00) in Tax Increment for the 1992-93 Fiscal Year which was withheld from the Agency by the Auditor -Controller, plus all interest actually. earned thereon commencing from the date it was withheld until the date the payment to the Agency required by Section 4 of this Agreement is made. Section 2. 100% Pass Throucrh. In addition to that portion of the taxes levied upon taxable property within the Project Area to which the County is entitled pursuant to Section 33670(a) of the Health and Safety Code, beginning with Fiscal Year 1993-94, and for each Fiscal Year thereafter until the Plan Expiration Date, the County shall also be entitled to all of that portion of the Tax Increment attributable to the County's Share of Tax Increment levied on real property located within the Project Area for each such Fiscal Year. As used herein, the County's Share of Tax Increment is that portion of the Tax Increment levied on real property located within the Project Area for each Fiscal Year which would be paid to the County in the absence of the Plan, as determined by the Auditor -Controller in accordance with the applicable California Codes, and is hereinafter referred to as the 11100o Pass Through". 7 511 0.14 Section 3. Amount Owed. The parties to this Agreement agree that the Amount Owed is Twelve Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($12,700,000.00), inclusive of any and all interest except as provided in Sections 5 and 6. This amount represents a compromise between the claims of the County and those of La Quinta. Section 4. Payment to Agency. Within Ten (10) days of the Effective Date of this Agreement, the County, through the Auditor -Controller, shall pay to the Agency the total Withheld Tax Increment minus the amount of Two Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,700,000.00). Said Two Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2, 700, 000.00) shall be paid to the County and shall be applied to and shall reduce the outstanding balance of the Amount Owed to Ten Million Dollars ($10, 000, 000 . 00) . Section S. Interest Rate. The outstanding balance of the Amount Owed remaining after the payment referred to in Section 4, above, shall accrue interest at the fixed annual rate of Five and One Half Percent ( 5 .5 %) , as set forth in the Payment Schedule contained in Section 6 of this Agreement. Any amounts subordinated pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall also accrue interest at the fixed rate of Five and One Half Percent (5.5 0 ) annually from the date of the payment in which the subordinated amounts are paid to the Agency pursuant to Sections 7 and 8 of this Agreement. Section 6. Repayment of Debt. The repayment of the remaining Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000.00) of the Amount Owed shall be amortized over a 8 519 U 15 twelve (12) year period as set forth in the Repayment Schedule contained in this Section. Subject to the provisions of Sections 7, 8, 9, 17, and 18 of this Agreement, the Payment Amount for each Fiscal Year shall be payable at the end of each such Fiscal Year, unless the Auditor -Controller directly deducts payments pursuant to Section 7 of this Agreement. Subject to modification pursuant to Sections 7, 81 91 17, and 18 of this Agreement, the Agency shall pay the remaining balance of the Amount Owed to the County pursuant to the following graduated payment schedule ("Payment Schedule"): PAYMENT SCHEDULE Fiscal Principal Interest Unpaid Payment Ending Year to be Paid to be Interest Affio lnt Balance Paid Added to Princinal 1994-95 0 386,764 163,236 386764 10,163,236 1995-96 0 386,764 172,214 3869764 10,335,450 1996-97 0 386,764 181,686 3869764 10,517,136 1997-98 195,086 578,442 0 773 528 10,322,050 1998-99 205,815 567,713 0 7739528 10,116,235 1999-00 217,135 556,393 0 7739528 9,899,100 2000-01 1,259,255 544,450 0 1 803 705 8,639,845 2001-02 1,328,514 475,191 0 19803,705 7,311,332 2002-03 1,401,582 402,123 0 1 803 705 5,909,750 2003-04 1,865,437 325,036 0 2,1909473 4,044,313 2004-05 1 1,968,036 222,437 0 291909473 2,076,278 2005-06 2,076,278 114,195 0 29190,473 0 9 513 016 The parties to 'this Agreement hereby acknowledge and agree that the above Payment Schedule assumes annual payments made at the end of each Fiscal Year during the Repayment Period. If the Auditor -Controller directly deducts payments in one or more Fiscal Years, pursuant to Section 7 of this Agreement, the Agency's final payment shall be reduced to reflect the interest savings due to the actual dates of principal payment. In no event shall this Agreement be construed to require the Agency to pay more than Five and One Half Percent ( 5 .5 0 ) interest during the Repayment Period on the remaining balance of the Amount Owed as reduced by principal payments. Section 7. Direct Deduction of Payment Amounts and Pass Through. (a) Current Practices. The parties hereby acknowledge and agree that under current practice (with the exception of the Withheld Tax Increment), the Auditor -Controller distributes to the Agency the Tax Increment allocated to the Agency in two installments per Fiscal Year (in January and May), which installments are based on the Locally Assessed Roll and the State Board of Equalization Roll, plus occasional supplemental payments which are distributed throughout the Fiscal Year. The parties also acknowledge and agree that. under current practice, the Auditor -Controller produces and provides to the Agency, in or about August of each year, a report entitled "Increment of Assessed Value" which indicates, among other things, the net assessed value of the property within the Project Area, as shown on the Locally Assessed Roll, and states the portion of that 10 514 e1r7 value which is comprised of Tax Increment and the portion which constitutes the adjusted Base Year Valuation. The referenced report does not include information relating to that portion of the Tax Increment derived from the State Board of Equalization Roll. (Tax Increment as used in this Agreement is derived from both the Local Assessed Roll and the State Board of Equalization Roll.) (b) Direct Deduction from Tax Increment Installment. For the sake of convenience, the parties to this Agreement acknowledge and agree that the following constitute written instruction from the Agency to the Auditor -Controller, requesting that the Auditor -Controller modify the method of distribution of the Tax Increment so as to implement the agreement between the County and La Quinta as set forth in this Agreement. The Auditor - Controller, unless he or she receives a Notice of Subordination as referred to in Section 8(g), below, shall be instructed to deduct and pay directly to the County from each of the two installments of Tax Increment allocated and paid to the Agency from the Project Area for that Fiscal Year, the following amounts: (1) beginning in Fiscal Year 1993-94, one-half of the 100% Pass Through as defined in Section 2 above; and (2) beginning in Fiscal Year 1994-95, one-half of the Payment Amount for that Fiscal Year as indicated in the Payment Schedule set forth in Section 6 above. If, in any Fiscal Year, the number of installments in which the Tax Increment is paid to the Agency is more or less than two (2), the portion of the Payment Amount and the 1001i Pass Through for that Fiscal Year which the Auditor -Controller may deduct from �� 515 - 18 each installment shall be adjusted accordingly. In no event shall the Auditor -Controller, pursuant to this Agreement, deduct in one Fiscal Year, for payment to the County, more than 100 0 of the total of the following sums: (1) Payment Amount for that Fiscal Year; ( 2 ) the 1000i Pass Through for that Fiscal Year; and (3) any amount previously subordinated pursuant to Section 8 of this Agreement if the Agency has given its express written consent to the deduction of said previously subordinated amount. After each deduction by the Auditor -Controller pursuant to this Section, and the deduction authorized by the Agreement for Cooperation between the City of La Quinta, La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and the Coachella Valley Water District, the remaining Tax Increment ("Remaining Tax Increment"), shall be paid directly to the Agency in accordance with Health and Safety Code Sections 33670 (b) and 33675 (d) . Supplemental payments of Tax Increment, if any, shall be paid directly to the Agency without deductions being made therefrom for the Payment Amount. The County and La Quinta hereby agree that the terms of this Agreement regarding distribution of taxes constitute written direction to the Auditor -Controller for the life of the Plan. - Section 8. Subordination. (a) The obligation of the Agency for all payments to be made to the County pursuant to this Agreement and the direct deduction of the payments authorized by Section 7 (b) (1) and ( 2 ) of this Agreement are expressly junior and subordinate to the Agency's payments for Bonded Indebtedness. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to impair the Agency's ability to repay its Bonded 12 j 516 Indebtedness. Additionally, the Agency's obligation to pay the Amount Owed pursuant to Section 6 of this Agreement and the direct deductions of the Payment Amounts authorized by Section 7 (b) (2 ) of this Agreement are expressly junior and subordinate to the Agency's payments required by the Prior Pass Through Indebtedness and to the Set Aside Amounts. (b) If, during any Fiscal Year, the Agency is unable to pay the full amount due and owing to the County for that Fiscal Year pursuant to this Agreement, the deficit shall be paid by the Agency to the County out of the next available Tax Increment funds not needed to pay Bonded Indebtedness, the Set Aside Amounts, or the Prior Pass Through Indebtedness, and in no event later than the Plan Expiration Date. As to any amounts subordinated, the Agency • shall provide an annual statement with its Statement of Indebtedness setting forth any amount subordinated, and the interest thereon, determined pursuant to Section 5 of this Agreement. (c) The Agency agrees to size any new bond issuances for the Project Area (excluding refunding of existing bonds) in such a way that sufficient funds are projected to be available to satisfy its obligations to the County pursuant to this Agreement without subordination. (d) Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to give the County the right to approve Agency Bonded Indebtedness or to require the Agency to retire existing Bonded Indebtedness at any specific time. 13 517 (e) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, no payment shall be made by the Agency or deducted in any Fiscal Year pursuant to this Agreement if such payment or deduction would impair the Agency's ability to make payments for Bonded Indebtedness. (f) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, the Agency's obligation to pay the Amount Owed pursuant to Section 6 of this Agreement and the direct deductions of the Payment Amount authorized by Section 7(b)(2) of this Agreement are expressly junior and subordinate to the Agency's debt incurred for the purpose of prepaying the outstanding balance of the Amount Owed. With the written consent of the County, the Agency's obligation to pay the County the 100a Pass Through may also be subordinated to debt incurred for the purpose of prepaying the outstanding balance of the Amount Owed. (g) If, based on the Auditor -Controller's Increment of Assessed District Value report for a particular Fiscal Year and the Agency's best estimate of the Tax Increment anticipated from the State Board of Equalization Roll, and taking into account the available uncommitted funds on hand, the Agency determines that direct deduction by the Auditor -Controller of the amounts specified in Section 7(b)(1) and (2) above will leave the Agency with insufficient funds to meet the requirements of the Bonded Indebtedness, to provide for all required Set Aside Amounts, and all requirements of the Prior Pass Through Indebtedness, the Agency shall transmit to the Auditor -Controller, along with its Statement of Indebtedness as required by Section 33675 of the Health and 14 513 Safety Code, a "Notice of Subordination," substantially similar in form to the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A. " The Notice of Subordination shall state the following information: (1) the Remaining Tax Increment to be paid to Agency, as estimated by the Agency based on the information contained in the Increment of Assessed District Value report; (2) the requirements of the Bonded Indebtedness; (3) all required Set Aside Amounts; (4) the requirements of the Prior Pass Through Indebtedness; (5) the Dates on which payments on items (2), (3), and (4), above, are due; and (6) the "Total Amount to be Subordinated." Upon receipt of the Notice of Subordination, the Auditor - Controller in accordance with Section S of this Agreement, shall reduce the amount to be directly deducted from the Tax Increment pursuant to Section 7(b)(1) and (2), above, by the appropriate Total Amount to be Subordinated, as indicated on the Notice of Subordination. The Total Amount to be Subordinated shall then be paid to the Agency along with the Remaining Tax Increment pursuant to Section 7 (b) . If the total of the amounts specified in Section 7 (b) (1) and (2) exceeds the Total Amount to be Subordinated, the Auditor Controller may deduct the Total Amount to be Subordinated and pay the difference directly to the County. The Total Amount to be Subordinated shall not exceed the amount specified in Section 7 (b) (1) and (2) . For each Fiscal Year of the life of the Plan, the Auditor - Controller shall provide the Agency with an Increment of Assessed District Value report for the Project Area, or provide the Agency 15 519 with equivalent information, no later than September 1 of each such Fiscal Year. section 0. Pre�aym2nt The Agency, at its sole discretion, may elect to pay any or all of the Payment Amounts early. All such prepaid amounts shall be credited to the outstanding principal of the Amount Owed. There shall be no penalty for the early payment of any portion of the Amount Owed. In the event the Agency elects to prepay a portion of the Amount Owed, the prepaid amounts shall be credited to the outstanding principal to be paid in the final year of the Repayment Period which has not previously been prepaid. As a result of each such prepayment of principal, the interest to be paid as part of payments made subsequent to such prepayment shall be reduced to -reflect the decrease in the outstanding principal amounts owed. In no event shall the Payment Amount for any Fiscal Year be revised upwards from the amount indicated for that Fiscal Year in the Payment Schedule set forth in Section 6. Section 10. Cooperation -By County. It is understood by the parties to this Agreement that the Agency currently proposes to amend the Plan to, inter alia, (a) raise to One Hundred Million Dollars ($1001000,000.00) the amount of Bonded Indebtedness which the Agency may undertake for the Project Area; and/or (b) increase to Nine Hundred Million Dollars ($900,000,000.00) the cumulative total of tax increment revenues which may be allocated to the Agency from the Project Area (collectively, the "Proposed -Amendment"). As a condition of this Agreement, including the 100o Pass Through to the County for the life of the Plan, the County agrees not to object in any way, directly or indirectly, to any amendments of the Plan which do not increase the geographic area encompassed by the Project Area, such as the Proposed Amendment. Section 11. Non -liability of City officers and E=lovees. No officer, official, employee, agent, representative, or volunteer of La Quinta shall be personally liable to the County or the Auditor -Controller, or any successor in interest, in the event of any default or breach by the Agency, or for any amount which may become due to the County, or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this Agreement; provided, however, that nothing in this Section shall prevent the County from seeking appropriate legal remedies against the City or Agency for any breach by them or by their officers, employees, or agents of the terms of this Agreement. Section 12. Cooperation Agreement Superseded. This Agreement is intended by the parties to terminate, supersede, and replace the Cooperation Agreement, and this Agreement, together with the Settlement Agreement and Release between the parties, supersede, terminate, and replace any and all previous negotiations and agreements between the parties, whether oral or written, concerning the Litigation and redevelopment issues in the Project Area. Section 13. Conditions to Effectiveness. This Agreement, even if signed, shall not be effective unless and until all of the following actions are taken: 17 521 0?4 (a) approval and execution of this Agreement and the Settlement Agreement and Release by the Board of the Agency on behalf of the Agency, the City Council on behalf of the City and the County' s Board of Supervisors on behalf of the County, the Fire District and the Library District; and (b) approval and execution of the Settlement Agreement and Release by the Auditor -Controller. Section 14. Condition Subsequent. This Agreement shall cease to be effective and shall thereafter be null and void if the Litigation is not dismissed with prejudice within seventy (70) days of the Effective Date, as required by the Settlement Agreement and Release between the parties executed concurrently herewith. If the Litigation is not dismissed within that time period, this Agreement shall not be used for any purpose. Section 15. Advice of Counsel; Interpretation. The undersigned, and each of them, declare and represent that in effecting this Agreement, each has received full legal advice as to his/her/its respective legal rights and each hereby certifies that he/she/it has read all of this Agreement and fully .understands the same. This Agreement has been fully negotiated by all the parties hereto and shall be construed as if drafted by all parties. Section 16. Fees and Costs Previously Incurred. Each party shall be responsible for his/its own costs and fees previously incurred in connection with the above -referenced Litigation and disagreements, including attorneys' fees, expert fees and all other litigation costs. 18 52? 0 25 Section 17. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended at any time by an instrument in writing with the consent of the parties to this Agreement. Section 18. Modification and Termination. If after this Agreement is executed, the State of California or the Federal Government enacts laws or policies in conflict with all or any portion of this Agreement, La Quinta and the County may mutually agree to excuse performance of all or any portion of this Agreement by La Quinta or the County. Section 19. Severability. In the event any section or portion of this Agreement shall be held, found, or determined to be void, unenforceable or invalid for any reason whatsoever, the remaining provisions shall remain in effect if to do so would not deprive any party to this Agreement of the benefit of the Agreement. The parties hereto shall take further actions as may be reasonably necessary and available to them to effectuate the intent of the parties as to all provisions set forth in this Agreement. Section 20. Default. Except to the extent required by law or otherwise permitted by this Agreement, failure or delay by any party to perform any obligation imposed by this Agreement constitutes a default under this Agreement. Prior to a failure or delay being deemed a default hereunder or the period to cure, correct, or remedy being deemed to have commenced, the nondefaulting party shall serve the defaulting party with notice of default. Upon receipt of notice of default, the party who so fails or delays to perform must immediately 19 523 ri i � + commence to cure, correct, or remedy such failure or delay, and shall complete such cure, correction, or remedy within thirty (30) days. For such defaults or delays that cannot be cured, corrected, or remedied within thirty (30) days, the defaulting or delaying party shall commence to cure, correct, or remedy the failure or delay within thirty (30) days and shall diligently prosecute such cure, correction, or remedy to completion within a reasonable period of -time after commencement. If the failure or delay is not cured, corrected, or remedied within the required period of time, the defaulting party shall be liable for any damages caused by such default and the non -defaulting party may thereafter commence an action for damages with respect to such default or for specific performance of this Agreement. Section 21. Notices. All notices required by this Agreement or by law shall be in writing and delivered by personal delivery, by United States mail, prepaid, certified, return receipt requested, or by a reputable document delivery service that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery. Notices personally delivered or delivered by document delivery shall be effective upon receipt. Notices sent by United States mail shall be effective on the second business day following deposit. Notices shall be addressed to: If to the Agency La Quinta Redevelopment Agency or the City: 78485 Calle Tampico P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta CA 92253 Attn: Executive Director 20 5`'4 7 n If to the County of Riverside County: 4080 Lemon Street, Riverside CA 92501 Attn: Chief Administrative Officer If to the Auditor- Riverside County Auditor - Controller: Controller P.O. Box 1326 Riverside CA 92501-1326 Section 22. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the dates set forth next to their respective signatures below. Dated: December cP/, 1993 ATTEST: �Pwyy Geral Malone lerk o the and of Suvisors APPROVED AS TO FORM: RIVERSIDE COUNTY COUNSEL LEE A. VINOCOUR, DEPUTY COUNTY COUNSEL By \-A-A- At Lee A. Vinocour Attorneys for County of Riverside Dated: Decembers-1993 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE RIVERSIDE COUNTY FREE LIBRARY RIVERSIDE COUNTY STRUCTURAL FIRE By Patricia Larson, Chairperson, Board of Supervisors • •ip A iu.. 21 525 ``'_8 AT gundra AJuhola ity Clerk Dated: December 01/, 1993 A EST: L . fiva�- Robert L. Hunt, Executive Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: RUTAN & TUCKER M. KATHERINE JENSON ;11 By / M. Katherine Jen n Attorneys for City of La Quinta and La Quinta Redevelopment Agency LA QUINTA RED VELOPMENT AGENCY CITY OF Q TA ti By Jo Vefia, Chairperson 526 22 TO. FROM: DATE: NOTICE OF SUBORDINATION RIVERSIDE COUNTY AUDITOR -CONTROLLER LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1. Estimated Remaining Tax Increment to be paid to the Agency: 2. Total current Bonded Indebtedness requirements: (Section 7 (b) (1) and (2) ) 3. Total current Prior Pass Through Indebtedness requirements: (Section 7 (b) (2) only) 4. All current required Set Aside Amounts: ( Section 7 (b) (2 ) only) 5. Agency's total current Requirements: (Total of lines two, three and four, minus uncommitted available funds on hand) 6. Dates on which payments are due: 7. Total Amount to be Subordinated: (Line five minus line one) By Executive Director, La Quinta Redevelopment Agency 030 REPORT/INFORMATIONAL ITEM: %( Investment Advisory Board Minutes INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD Meeting June 13, 2001 CALL TO ORDER June 13, 2001 Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the hour of 5:30 P.M. by Chairman Osborne followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Board Members Osborne, Lewis, Olander, and Mahfoud ABSENT: Board Member Moulin, and Felice OTHERS PRESENT: Tom Genovese, City Manager, Kathy Jenson, City Attorney, John Falconer, Finance Director and Vianka Orrantia, Secretary. II PUBLIC COMMENT - None III CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA 1. Mr. Falconer distributed an article from Board Member Lewis regarding U.S. Treasury Notes and asked that it be considered under Board Member comment. 2. Mr. Falconer stated that Board Member Moulin has requested that the Board move the July Investment Board Meeting to a later date. Board Member Moulin had an unexpected commitment. Mr. Falconer asked that this item be discussed under Board Member comments. IV CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of Meeting on May 9, 2001 of the Investment Advisory Board Board Member Lewis stated that there was minor change on Page 12, the paragraph stating "a motion was made by Chairman Osborne", the motion was made by Board 1 5`08 Investment Advisory Board Minutes Member Lewis to continue. June 13, 2001 Chairman Osborne stated that on page 8, the middle of the paragraph, "Chairman Osborne stated that last year the Board agreed on the LAW percentage in May at 20% and that it was discussed and changed in June to 15%." Chairman Osborne asked if that was Board Member Lewis, due to the fact he was not in attendance at the particular meeting. Board Member Olander had one other minor change on Page 12, first paragraph, and change the word "strap" to alleviate. Board Members Lewis/Olander moved to approve the Minutes of Meeting on May 9, 2001 of the Investment Advisory Board, as amended, motion carried unanimously. V BUSINESS SESSION A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for April 2001 Mr. Falconer stated that our average daily maturity is getting lower and he has been trying to stay ahead of the yield curve. Mr. Falconer wanted to bring to the Boards attention that due to the drop in rates, it's hard to get a rate of 4% on new investments. Chairman Osborne asked Mr. Falconer if the yield is 5.53%? Mr. Falconer stated that on May 31$t this was the rate, however, it will be decreasing since half of our portfolio will turn over on May 31 st. Mr. Falconer stated that in those two particular days May 301" and 31 st, he had to reinvest $30 million, with the property tax money that was received and with investments that had rolled over. Board Member Lewis asked Mr. Falconer what sort of maturities were the monies being invested in. Mr. Falconer stated that they have been in three months due to the flat yield curve and did not want to invest in two years at 4%. Chairman Osborne stated that he noticed that six month U.S. Treasuries were down to 3.79% from 6.79% a year ago. Chairman Osborne asked Mr. Falconer if we had fully invested in Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSE)? Mr. Falconer stated that he had purchased quite a few GSE's the first part of June. Specifically, Mr. Falconer stated that when he had made his investments in GSE's, Sallie Mae's were not available, but that he had invested in Freddie Mac for the first time. Mr. Falconer also stated that he had invested a little over $2 million in Federal Farm Credit GSE's. Chairman Osborne asked Mr. Falconer if commercial paper rates had dropped? Mr. Falconer stated that these rates were currently at 3.95%-4% for 30-day commercial paper. N 529 Investment Advisory Board Minutes June 13, 2001 Board Member Lewis stated that he was not aware that commercial paper rates had dropped so much. Board Member Mahfoud stated that these rates would remain in this range for the next 5 to 6 months. Board Members Lewis/Olander moved to approve the April 30, 2001 Treasury Report, motion carried unanimously. B. Consideration of Fiscal Year 2001 /02 Investment Policies Chairman Osborne asked at this time if the City Manager or City Attorney had any comments on the Investment Policy for FY 2001 /02. Mr. Genovese, City Manager stated that he had reviewed the policy with Mr. Falconer and did not have any comments. City Attorney, Kathy Jenson stated that she had no comments. Board Member Lewis/Olander moved to approve the FY 2001 /02 Investment Policy, motion carried unanimously. Mr. Falconer stated that at past Council Meetings, a representative from the Investment Advisory Board has been present to address any questions that the Council might have with the Policies. The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 19t`'. Chairman Osborne did not believe he could be at the meeting; however, Vice Chairman Mahfoud, and Board Members Moulin and Olander stated that they would be at the meeting. C. Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2001 /02. Board Member Lewis, referenced the U.S. Treasury handout he had distributed earlier in the meeting and stated that based on the first paragraph of the hand out, Mr. Greenspan states that there is a possibility, that the U.S. Treasuries could become non-existent. With this in mind, Board Member Lewis stated that we have in the Investment Policy a safety net of 100% in U.S. Treasuries, which could mean that that if Mr. Greenspan is correct there may someday be no realistic market in U.S. Treasuries for the City to invest in. Board Member Lewis stated that the U.S. Government could go back into deficit spending and require U.S. Treasuries. Board Member Olander suggested that we should look into a contingency plan. Board Member Lewis suggested that we start considering alternative safe investments for the City looking at the possibility that U.S. Treasuries may become scarce in the future. Board Member Mafoud asked the Board if we had just increased the investment in U.S. treasuries to 3 530 Investment Advisory Board Minutes June 13, 2001 100%. Board Member Lewis stated that 100% is the investment percentage even if U.S. Treasuries are non-existent, and that we would not have a problem. Board Member Olander recommended and Board Member Lewis agreed that this item should be on the Investment Board's Work Plan for FY 2001 /02. Chairman Osborne asked if there were any other items to add to the FY 2001 /02 Work Plan and suggested that the Board continue Item C to the July Board meeting. Mr. Falconer stated that a Staff Report is needed for the City Council to report what the Work Plans are for each of the Commissions and the Board for FY 2001 /02. Mr. Falconer requested that this U.S. Treasury item and any other items be included in the Work Plan for FY 2001 /02. A motion was made by Board Member Olander/Lewis to add the U.S. Treasury buy back program and its effects on the City investment limit in U.S. Treasuries to the FY 2001 /02 Work Plan, motion carried unanimously. VI CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL A. Month End Cash Report - May 2001 Board Member Olander referenced the T-Bill at 3.6% and the discount rate at 3.5%, which are usually 50 basis points of each other. If the T-Bill rate gets higher than the discount rate, the banks will go to the bond window and start buying the yield on the Treasuries, which will have the an affect on the liquidity of the country. Mr. Falconer questioned, for his own understanding, instead of banks using money that the banks have for loans, will they invest in U.S. Treasuries? Board Member Olander stated that was correct, the money would be used to invest in risk free U.S. treasuries and not in loans. Currently, the spread is 10 basis points; however, if the Fed lowers the discount rate the spread might go up to 25, 30, 40 or 50 basis points with no exposure. Board Member Lewis asked Board member Olander if the market has priced in a Fed rate cut? Board Member Olander responded that it was currently assuming at least a quarter point. B. Pooled Money Investment Board Reports - March 2001 Board Member Lewis referencing the year to year comparison LAIF performance 4 531- Investment Advisory Board Minutes June 13, 2001 report, states that LAW yield was dropping drastically and they were also shortening their maturity dramatically. They shortened their maturity through March 2001 and May 2001, by almost 20 days. And while the rate has been fairly stable it dropped from 5.97% to 5.19%. Chairman Osborne stated that if you look at the difference at the 5.19% for LAW versus the 3.5% or 3.56% for U.S. Treasuries and that the difference is growing, and is greater than the last meeting. Board Member Olander concurred that the LAW rate looked very attractive compared to U.S. Treasuries. Mr. Falconer stated that he wanted to note total portfolio in March was $42 billion and the end of May it's $49.6 billion, so it has gone up 20% in two months. Chairman Osborne stated that looking at the investments made by LAIF, they have consistently remained at 85% of the types of investments made by the City. VII BOARD MEMBER ITEMS Board Member Olander stated that the July meeting needed to be rescheduled. The Board agreed to move the meeting on from July 11 t' to July 19t''. Chairman Osborne and Board Member Lewis stated wanted to publicly acknowledge the contributions made by Joe Irwin while serving on the Board. VI11 ADJOURNMENT MOTION - It was moved by Chairman Osborne to adjourn the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Submitted by, Vianka Orrantia Secretary 5 532 REPORT/INFORMATIONAL ITEM: /% CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES June 21, 2001 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Shamis presided over the meeting. Commissioner Reynolds led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Denise Diamond Commissioner Elaine Reynolds Commissioner Rosita Shamis (Chairperson) MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Leslie McMillan STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Terri DeTamble, Secretary II. PUBLIC COMMENT - None III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of May 10, 2001 B. Art in Public Places Financial Report for May 2001 C. Monthly Department Report for April 2001 Commissioners Reynolds/Diamond moved to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. Unanimous. V. PUBLIC HEARING - None VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Point Happy Art Work The Point Happy Project is located on the northwest corner of Washington and Hwy. 111. The developers of the project would like to include an art piece in the center of their project. The building style of the project is somewhat of a Santa Barbara/Mission style, with warm beige, terra cotta and deep green tones. During the excavation, Indian remains were found, so it is believed that this could have been some type of sacred ground. Ms. Valerie Miller, representative of the developer, gave a presentation of the artist's work to the Commission. Overall height of the piece will be approximately 9 feet high, which includes 2 feet for the fountain base. Ms. Miller presented a marquette of the piece which will be a bronze sculpture, depicting four female Indian figures in various poses, one of whom is holding a child in a pack on her back. The approximate width of the fountain basin will be 10 feet wide. The color in the piece would be different shades of warm beige and bronze patina. SACommunity Services\CAComm\CACMIN.06-21-Ol.wpd 533 Commissioner Reynolds asked where exactly the sculpture would be located within the project. Ms. Horvitz commented that it does need to be accessible to the public. Ms. Miller explained that it would be in the center of the complex and accessible to the public. Ms. Miller said that the price of the piece would probably be closer to $85,000 than to the $70,000 - $75,00 which was originally expected. After Ms. Miller's report on the art piece was complete Commissioner's asked questions and gave their opinions about the sculpture. Commissioner Diamond commented that she likes the concept and the art piece itself, however, the proportion of the art piece as depicted in the drawing is somewhat unbalanced, the art piece seems much too large. Also, the art piece seems to have no relation to the plaza itself and seems to be sitting out there with nothing to draw the public in for a closer look. She stated her opinion that the water area doesn't necessarily need to be round, and any other shape might be more inviting to the public. Commissioner Shamis agreed that the height of the piece as shown in the drawing seems much too large in proportion to the buildings. Ms. Miller responded that the sculpture depicted in the drawing is shown much larger in proportion to the buildings than it would really be. The art piece will actually be approximately six to seven feet tall, four feet wide, and setting on top of a two foot tall pedestal. The diameter of the base is approximately ten feet across. The courtyard around the piece will about 25 feet in circumference. Commissioner Shamis commented that she would like to request another more accurate drawing so that the Commission could get a more actual visual depiction of the art piece. Commissioner Reynolds commented that the basin below the sculpture which holds the water, seems too commercial and looks poured as opposed to being a work of art. A base made out of stone or rock or something more representative of nature, rather than cement, would enhance the sculpture rather than detract from the art. She also agreed with Commissioner Diamond on the point about the basin not necessarily needing to be round. Everyone agreed that benches placed outside the building so that people could sit and enjoy the art piece, would be a great benefit to the public as well as to the businesses in the complex. Ms. Miller said that she would take all suggestions presented at tonight's meeting and discuss them with both the artist and the developers. She reminded the Commission that changes could possibly mean an increase in the asking price for the art piece. Ms. Horvitz suggested that the Commission might provide direction to Ms. Miller to address all of the issues which the Commission had concerns. When all the details are worked out with the artist and the developers, then the price tag can be looked at, rather than trying to make necessary changes within an already established price tag. Commissioner Reynolds asked if the water fountain was a necessary component of the art piece or if it could be done away with. Ms. Miller answered that the developer requested the fountain. It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Diamond to proceed with this art piece and requested that Ms. Miller return with the modifications for the Commission to consider. Unanimous. S:\Community Services\CAComm\CACMIN.06-21-Ol.wpd 534 002 VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS Vlll. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. CALAA Conference Report - Diamond Commissioner Diamond explained that due to a family emergency she had not attended the CALAA Conference, but that Commissioner McMillan had attended in her place. She stated that she had spoken briefly with Commissioner McMillan, but had not come prepared to give a full report since she assumed that Commissioner McMillan would be here to give the report herself. However, she did know that the conference went very well, Governor Davis was not in attendance and the City of La Quinta was the only one to present a proclamation which was very well received. The City should be receiving a letter of acknowledgment for the proclamation. Commissioner Diamond will present a report at the next meeting after she's discussed the details with Commissioner McMillan. B. Commissioner Shamis commented that she went to an art show with Commissioner Reynolds, met artist Jeffrey Fowler and he sent her pictures of his sculptures. She would like his information kept on file. Commissioner Shamis requested a report on the Cultural Arts Committee budget and whether or not it was approved at the last Council meeting. C. Commissioner Diamond said that she and Commissioner Reynolds were both at the Council meeting and the budget was approved at $3,000 per event, and that would include three or four events. D. Commissioner Shamis asked Ms. Horvitz for an update on the De Martino Art Piece at the corner of Hwy. 111 and Washington. Ms. Horvitz stated that the Art Purchase Agreement was signed. The patina on the base is going through stages of darkening. She shared a sample of the aquamarine color which Mr. De Martino plans to use. The swirls on the bronze area are going to be worked out to be wider and less conspicuous. Commissioners Diamond commented that in her opinion the base is dark enough as it is at this point. Commissioner Shamis suggested that each Commissioner should each take a look at the art piece again and call Ms. Horvitz if they would like to make a recommendation to Mr. De Martino that the base is dark enough. Commissioners all felt that the color presented was not a true translucent aquamarine that had been agreed on, but rather it was closer to a turquoise opaque color. Ms. Horvitz explained that Mr. De Martino was having trouble matching the color exactly to an aquamarine translucent shade. Commissioner Diamond stated that she had a concern with this choice of color. Commissioner Shamis suggested that they should look at the color again and think about the contrast to the other shades of color used in the piece before making a recommendation to change it. E. Commissioner Shamis commented that she spoke with artist John Weidenhammer regarding the Temporary Art Program, and learned that unfortunately his insurance company will not cover his art work if it were to be displayed at City Hall. He will not be participating in the Temporary Art Program. F Commissioner Reynolds asked if it would be possible to set up an artist's bank for the Performing Arts. Also, she requested that the application for the Temporary Art Program should be reviewed as artists have mentioned to her that they're not exactly sure what the City is looking for. Ms. Horvitz explained that the application had been reviewed approximately two years before, however if the Commission requested it could be reviewed again. 535 SACommunity Services\CAComm\CACMIN.06-21-Ol.wpd �4 Commissioner Reynolds stated that there is a corner at the Senior Center off of Calle Tampico which would be perfect for a sculpture. She asked artist John Kennedy if he would be interested in displaying one of his pieces at this spot as a temporary art piece. Mr. Kennedy submitted a copy of his most recent sculpture for consideration, Commission Reynolds doesn't believe that installation and insurance would be a problem for him. He will be advised to complete an application for the Temporary Art Program if he's interested. Commissioner Diamond asked why the art piece couldn't be permanent rather than temporary, since the Senior Center is such an important and permanent part of this community. Commissioner Shamis answered that this Commission has a list of priorities which have been previously established and it would be unfair to take the priorities out of sequence. Commissioners agreed that the list should be reviewed again to make sure that priorities were well placed and still applicable. IX. ADJOURNMENT Ms. Horvitz requested that the next meeting date of July 12, be changed due to the fact that she would be out of town at a conference. It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Diamond to change the next meeting date to July 26, 2001. Unanimous. It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Diamond to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION July 26, 2001 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room Next agenda: • Cultural Arts Events • Election of Officers • Fall CALAA Event • Artist's Bank for the Performing Arts • Temporary Art Program Application • List of priorities • Meeting dates Submitted by: LL - Terri DeTamble, Commission Secretary 536 SACommunity Services\CAComm\CACMIN.06-21-Ol.wpd t 0 4 DEPARTMENT REPORT: 3-A. AUGUST 21 SEPTEMBER 4 SEPTEMBER 12-15 SEPTEMBER 18 SEPTEMBER 25 OCTOBER 2 OCTOBER 16 NOVEMBER 6 NOVEMBER 20 CITY COUNCIL'S UPCOMING EVENTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY COUNCIL MEETING - CANCELLED LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE - SACRAMENTO CITY COUNCIL MEETING SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL MEETING WITH CITY COMMISSIONS/BOARDS CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY COUNCIL MEETING 537 August 2001 Monthly Planner .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 2 3 4 10:00 AM ALRC July September S MT W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 6 7 13 14 2 3 9 10 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 29 30 31 30 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2:00 PM City 9:00 AM RCTC- 12:00 PM Energy/ Council Meeting Pena Envi-Sniff 5:30 PM Invest- ment Advisory Board 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10:00 AM Public 7:00 PM C.V. Safety -Perkins Mosquito Abate. 12:00 PM Transp. -Perkins -Perkins 6:00 PM League of Cities-Riv.Div. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 9:00 AM CVB- 12:00 PM CVAG 9:00 AM Henderson Human/Comm- LAFCO- 2:00 PM City Adolph Henderson Council Meeting 4:00 PM DRRA Airp-Henderson 26 27 28 29 30 31 6:00 PM CVAG- 7:00 PM Planning Exec Com-Pena Commission Meeting Printed by Calendar Creator Plus on 7/30/2001 538 September 2001 Monthly Planner Printed by Calendar Creator Plus on 7/30/2001 539 October 2001 Monthly Planner :. ..... ,.... ,,..I I 14a ... , I 16,19-KIVAer. tRiUrd. 1 2 3 4 5 6 2:00 PM City 10:00 AM ALRC Council Meeting 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10:00 AM Public 7:00 PM C.V. 9:00 AM RCTC- 12:00 PM Energy/ Safety -Perkins Mosquito Abate. Pena Envi-Sniff 12:00 PM Transp. -Perkins 5:30 PM Invest- 7:00 PM Cultural -Perkins 7:00 PM Planning ment Advisory Arts Commission 6:00 PM League Commission Board of Cities-Riv.Div. Meeting 7:00 PM Commu- nity Services Commission 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9:00 AM CVB- 3:30 PM Historic Henderson Preservation 2:00 PM City Commission Council Meeting 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 7:00 PM Planning 12:00 PM CVAG 9:00 AM Commission Human/Comm- LAFCO- Meeting Adolph Henderson 4:00 PM DRRA Airp-Henderson 28 29 30 31 6:00 PM CVAG- Exec Com-Pena eptember November 0 S MT W T F S S M T W T F S Daylight Savin s g Halloween 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time Ends 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 on 7/30/2001 Printed by Calendar Creator Plus 540 DEPARTMENT REPORT: 4-A CV MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Tom Hartung, Director of Building and Safety t4 DATE: August 7, 2001 RE: Public Safety Tax Measure Timeline Attached please find a tentative schedule that was generated by MuniFinancial that identifies key elements involved in the creation of a special tax. It should be noted that all of the elements are not mandatory (i.e. citizens committee, opinion polls) but are included if the City Council decides to utilize them. The issue of a special tax will be brought back before the City Council on September 18, 2001 for consideration of the elements contained in the tentative schedule and approval to proceed. The schedule will have to be modified slightly to accommodate a September start date, but it will still be feasible to complete the necessary tasks for the issue to be placed on the March 5, 2002 ballot. 541 'T1 .m► O N N N N N N �D W V 0 � co A 4 W N O C o o o o c -o o -o o D o O O O T (n n m n o n n� `� 01 N A, •< `� p O tG C O 3 Go co- C '< N < O N N ff O 5 x �D y \ ..{ Z7 CD Cn C 0 O 0 O n' y l0 vi fl n C N H = C7 p N y O to cD fD co Cl)N � < N N � O c N W � G)' Cn O � N cD X m 3>> w to m N '� - m 3 N y p 47 cD N ,� cn nZi 3 m < - n. n. N .i7 ;on O y O to m A CD cD M;u m O;a fD C (D CD O n _ < Q N 41 < y S. 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L .J 0 W J d 7 J J \ J J N O W n z w O '� r a� lJ c m 547 007 rn-T- DEPARTMENT REPORT: 5-A La jNCO POMTED OF f9 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL JERRY HERMAN, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORQ1'!�.7> AUGUST 7, 2001 REQUEST FOR A JOINT CITY COUNCIL /PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING ON THE GENERAL PLAN Staff is requesting the City Council set the following dates for Public Hearings on the General Plan, Master Environmental Assessment, and Environmental Impact Report: Joint City Council and Planning Commission Receive Public Input Planning Commission Recommendation to City Council City Council Adopt General Plan and Certify the EIR September 19, 2001 (7:00 PM) October 23, 2001 (7:00 PM) November 20, 2001 (7:00 PM) 543 ia�5 c� DEPARTMENT REPORT:UP fo' V S OF tNtiv TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: DODIE HORVITZ, COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTO DATE: AUGUST 7, 2001 SUBJECT: FRANCES HACK LA QUINTA COMMUNITY PARK IMPROVEMENT As a condition of Proposition 12 (Safe Neighborhood Park Bond Act of 2000) the City and the Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District (CVRPD) were to come to an agreed upon percentage of funds which would be allocated to CVRPD from the City's portion of funds. On December 5, 2000, the City Council adopted Resolution 2000-163 allocating 20% of the City's portion of Proposition 12 funds to CVRPD for capital improvements to the Frances Hack La Quinta Community Park (Frances Hack Park). It is anticipated that the amount would total approximately $53,000. CVRPD then began the design phase for the Frances Hack Park improvements. The improvements to be included as part of the park project are provided in Attachment 1. On July 11, 2001, The Board of Directors of CVRPD approved the final plans for the Frances Hack Park project, as provided in Attachments 2 and 3. This information is provided for City Council review. CVRPD has not requested additional funding from the City for this project, nor has a construction schedule been provided. 549 ATTACHMENT 1 45-871 Clinton Street, Indio, California 92201 (760) 347-3484 / (760) 347-4660 fax Memo To: City of La Quinta City Council From: Don Martin, General Manager-CVRPD and Rudy Acosta, Project Manager -Evans & Assoc. CC: Date: 7/27/01 Re: Francis Hack La Quinta Community Park The proposed improvements to Francis Hack La Quinta Community Park include renovations of the existing park features with additional "new" features. In order to provide the citizens of La Quinta a maximum of activities, this proposal adds to the existing amenities; an outdoor Amphitheater, a Memorial Rose Garden, lighted sidewalk paths, picnic shelters, landscaped entry monuments, a restroom facility, a baseball bleacher shade structure, updated ball field lighting and architectural renovations to the community center. Other features are proposed to be enhanced with modern applications so that the park will be operated by systems using the latest most "cost-effective" technology. The proposed architectural character of the new and existing features reflect the "village" motif that has been promoted by the City 's proposed downtown improvements. The building facades have been designed with accommodations to provide public art applications that will promote the City's reputation for quality cultural enrichment programs. Dm 550 C4 013, rn z G � w_ N 5It. m z w 55fN La Quinta YMCA Childcare August 7, 2001 7:00 p.m. 1. Akila Adams 2. Malik Blankenship 3. Makenzy Borowski 4. Juan Carlos DeLeon 5. Landon Duarte 6. Karina Guerrero 7. Christina Hane 8. Brittney Hatfield 9. Tabatha Henderson 10. Kimberly Licea 11. Emily Loe 12. Adam Luna 13. Guiseppe Marrero 14. Anthony Martinez 15. Emiliano Martinez 16. Francisco Mascorro 17. Joseph Mexia 18. Zachery Murillo 19. Anthony Noriega 20. Ashton Raymie Owens 21. Robert Owens 22. Alexus Pavia 23. Cassandra Peters 24. Austin Rohland 25. Adrian Rubalcava 26. Chandler Smith 27. Dazy Smith 28. Kadeashia Smith 29. Lakeishia Smith 30. Quashana Smith 31. Caylee Stanley 32. Daylen Velasques 33. Ah'Vay Watson 553 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 7, 2001 Continued Public Hearing to Certify a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for Environmental Assessment 2001-418, and a Request to Change the Zoning Designation to Low Density Residential and the General Plan Designation to Low Density Residential Within the Sphere of Influence of the City of La Quinta for Subsequent Annexation for Approximately 240 Acres, Bounded on the North by Avenue 52, on the East by Monroe Street, on the South by Avenue 53, and East of the Existing City Limits Applicant: NRI, La Quinta Limited Partnership RECOMMENDATION: ru, AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Continue the Public Hearing to September 18, 2001, as requested by the applicant. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Staff has received a request from the applicant (Attachment 1) to continue this item to the City Council meeting of September 18, 2001. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Continue the Public Hearing to September 18, 2001, as requested by the applicant; 2. Do not continue the Public Hearing; or 554 G:\WPDOCS\ccjhCCDesCont.wpd 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Jerry Herman Community Develop ent Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Letter from La Quinta Land Partners dated July 31, 2001. 55 j !� 9 G:\WPDOCS\ccjhCCDesCont.wpd ATTACHMENT /t1 nta Lan PartnersLa Q'Ui July 31, 2001 Jerry Herman Director of Community Development City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253-1504 Re: NRI-LQLP Land, LLC Pre -Zoning Hearing — 240 Acre Annexation to the City of La Quinta Dear Jerry: �P aUINT RECE/VEp cl JUL 312001 z Per our conversation, we hereby request to continue the above item, scheduled for the City Council on August 7t', to instead be heard at the City Council meeting of September 18, 2001. Thank you. Sincerely, Nancy Aaron President, inta Land Partners CC: Jack Franks Grant Hornbeak Tim McCarthy 5 5 G P.Q. F�)Ox 1 540 La QQuint.1, CA 92253 760-39 t -5200 Fax 760-39 t -52 t i -04 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 7, 2001 a) Pursuant to Section 2.04.130 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, Determination of the Scope of Participation in the Hearing; b) Public Hearing to Consider Appeals to the City Council of the Planning Commission Decision to Allow Deviation from the Public Works Department Approved Mass Grading Plan for the Property Located on the North Side of Avenue 54, Between Jefferson Street and Madison Street ACTION REQUIRED PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARING: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Prior to opening the Public Hearing, Pursuant to Section 2.04.130 of the La Quinta Municipal Code the City Council shall determine the following: A. Limit participation in the hearing to the directly interested parties; or B. Allow participation by the public. RECOMMENDATIONS: Uphold the Planning Commission approval of the deviation from the mass grading plan. BACKGROUND: The appellants, Joan Brooke, David and Chang Stein-Roberdes, Mervyn E. Kirshner, and PGA West Residential Association, Inc., submitted appeals relating to the decision of the Planning Commission to allow deviation from the mass grading plans for the Country Club of the Desert. The City Council at its November 21, 2000 meeting, approved the Specific Plan, Conditional Use Permit and Tentative Tract Map for Country Club of the Desert generally located on the north side of Avenue 54 between Jefferson Street and Monroe Street. Tract Map 29894 subdivided 988 acres into 819 residential lots and golf, common area, street, and miscellaneous lots. 557 P:\CHRISTI\ccStfRptCCDevberm8-7-01.wpd The City Council, at its June 19, 2001 meeting, adopted a Resolution granting conditional approval of final map and subdivision improvement agreement for Tract 29894-2 (Attachment 1). An unrelated issue was raised by Council Member Adolph and members of the public about the Planning Commission's action regarding the berm height along Avenue 54. The City Attorney concluded that an appeal from the Planning Commission would be governed by the general appeal provision of the Municipal Code (Section 204.100). The City Attorney also pointed out that neither the Specific Plan approved by the City Council, nor the City Code sets a limitation on the berm height. This general appeals procedure provides a 10-day window in which a person who becomes apprised of an action may request written notification of the action and within ten days of receipt of the notification, the person may file an appeal. The Planning Commission, at its May 22, 2001 meeting, approved the deviation from the Public Works Department approved mass grading plan (Attachment 2). Along Avenue 54 the developer has deviated from the mass grading plan in that the berm heights, at their highest point, now reach a height of 21 feet above the grade of Avenue 54 with an average of 16 feet in height above the grade of Avenue 54. The walls will be located below the top of the berm along the street frontage. The wall setback varies between 15 to 25 feet for an average of 20 feet from the ultimate right of way. Plans will be available at the meeting. Appellant's Request: Each of the appellants submitted the same "Summary of Grounds for Appeal" as an attachment to their appeals application (Attachment 3). Staff has reviewed each of the issues and addresses them as follows: 1. Insufficient Notice of Hearing; and 2. Insufficient Consideration Given to Rights of Adjacent Property Owners Planning Commission approval pertains only to the deviation of the Public Works mass grading plan and does not involve any modification to the Tentative Tract Map and/or the Specific Plan. The Community Development Director has the discretion to send the mass grading plans to the Planning Commission to ensure it is consistent with its decision. This review process does not require a public hearing or public notice. The appellants refer to Section 9.200.1 10 of the Municipal Code with regard to their argument that they were entitled to notice of the Planning Commission action. Section 9.200.110 only applies to "development review actions." "Development review actions" as used in the Municipal Code, include the land use decisions listed in Table 9.23 of the Municipal Code (e.g., General Plan Amendments, Zone Changes, etc.). The approval or modifications of the mass grading plan does not fit within the scope of that term. Normally, mass grading plans are approved by City staff. There are no public notice or public hearing requirements relating to such decisions. Instead those items are processed by staff, which reviews the plans to ensure consistency with the approved Conditions of Approval. 558 uU2 P:\CHRISTI\ccStfRptCCDevberm8-7-01.wpd 3. Inconsistency with the Specific Plan. The Specific Plan Section 4.4.1 Streetscapes references Exhibit 17 as the streetscape component for perimeter roadways. This exhibit states, "Vine covered chain link fence on top of +/- 4-0 min. berm." The chain link was changed as part of the Conditions of Approval to wrought iron or tubular steel. Also, the fence is now proposed off the top of the berm and will be located 15 to 25 feet away from back of curb. Therefore, the grading plan is consistent with the Specific Plan. Section 1.4: The appellants state that the proposed berming along Avenue 54 is not, per the Specific Plan, "Compatible with and complementary to other surrounding development in the area." They further state that the berm is out of character with all roads in La Quinta. The development pattern of County Club of the Desert along Avenue 54 and Jefferson Street is unique in that there are no other golf course developments in the City where the golf course in its entirety, encircles the houses. However, compatibility does exist in that the proposed berm replaces typical development patterns of other neighborhoods where the rear yards of houses abut the perimeter street. In those situations, a combination of berming and wall is closer to the street and the wall is on top of the berm. The highest berm/wall combinations are Lake La Quinta at 15-feet high along Avenue 48 and Rancho La Quinta at 16-feet along Washington Street. Both berm/wall combinations are five feet closer to the back of curb than the ridge of the Country Club of the Desert's berm along Avenue 54. Additionally, the wall is at the top of the berm whereas Country Club of the Desert is below the ridge of the berm. Section 4.4.3: The appellants state that the proposed berming does not, per the Specific Plan, have "gracefully meandering berms, layered landscape and a security barrier placed on top of the berm." The proposed berm will undulate along the entire length of Avenue 54 between Jefferson and Madison Streets. The grading plan which deviates from the mass grading plan will be graceful in appearance in that the berm will have an interesting proportion and movement along Avenue 54. The proposed landscape plan proposes a layered design concept with the formal plantings consisting of groundcover, shrubs, minimal turf, Palm and other tree species along the street and behind the wall will be native grasses covering the berm. Lastly, with regards to security, the wall proposed along the back of the landscape setback and not on the top of the berm provides the same security level. The wall height along Avenue 54 will remain at 6 feet from the landscape setback side. Also, moving the wall away from the berm will soften the view impact from the street. Exhibit 26 (page 4-17) (Attachment 4): The appellants are requesting that the berming along Avenue 54 be modified to match the conceptual design of the berming, as shown in the exhibit, along Avenue 52. However, the conceptual design has similar language regarding berm height, "+/- 5'0" high slump block wall on 3'0" min. high berm vines on fence." The approved wall/berm plans for Avenue 52 are a maximum ten feet high from the grade of the street and set back 15-25 feet from the ultimate right- of -way. v erm8-7-01.w d 559 003 P:\CHRISTI\ccStfRptCCDe b p 4. Insufficient Cause to Deviate From the Grading Plan The modification to the mass grading plan reflects a design preference by the Country Club of the Desert. This issue would be best addressed by the developer. 5. Relief Requested From the City Council The request by the appellants is to either, 1) deny the berm height deviation from the mass grading plan and show a maximum of an eight foot high berm along Avenue 54; or 2) return the item to the Planning Commission as a Public Hearing. As discussed previously the Specific Plan does not specify a maximum berm height, but does state that a minimum berm height of four feet is allowed. Therefore, the proposed deviation does not require a specific plan amendment and need not be returned to the Planning Commission. RECOMMENDATION: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Uphold the Planning Commission approval of the deviation to the Public Works Department mass grading plan; or 2. Deny the request to deviate from the Public Works Department mass grading plan; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, J rry H9Irm6ffi ommunity Development Director Approved for submission by: V Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1 . City Council Minutes of June 19, 2001 2. Planning Commission Minutes of May 22, 2001 3. Appellant's "Summary of Grounds to Appeal" 4. Specific Plan Exhibit 26 5 G 0 U04 P:\CHRISTI\ccSttRptCCDevberm8-7-01.wpd ATTACHMENT #1 City Council Minutes 2 June 19, 2001 David Roberdes, 54-015 Southern Hills, spoke regarding the height of a berm along Avenue 54 at the Country Club of the Desert development and expressed concern that it will heavily impact the views of PGA West residents. He also stated PGA West residents were not notified of the Planning Commission hearing to change the height of the berm. Wayne LeBlang, 54-51 1 Southern Hills, also spoke in opposition to the berm height and presented photographs of the area. Michael Raines, 54-533 Southern Hills, stated he was opposed to the berm height and voiced concern that it might cause a "venturi' effect. Robert Tyler, 44-215 Villeta Drive, spoke regarding Council's upcoming consideration of a contract with Waste Management and noted the 64-gallon recycling containers have been omitted from the resolution. Rob Ballew, 43-930 San Pablo, Palm Desert, of Family YMCA of the Desert, invited the Council to attend VIP Day at Camp Oakes on June 27, 2001. Mervyn Kirshner, 54-063 Southern Hills, expressed concern that the berm height along Avenue 54 would restrict light and air flow and create a canyon effect. Council Member Adolph stated he has a problem with the grading at Country Club of the Desert and questioned the appropriateness of the Planning Commission approving the berm height without bringing it back to Council for final approval. He wished to discuss the issue under the Tract Map approval (Consent Item No. 10). City Attorney Jenson advised there is a minimum height requirement for the berm but not a maximum height. She further advised the 15-day appeal period since the Planning Commission approval has expired. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Council Member Adolph requested Consent Item No. 10 be moved to Business Session Item No. 9 and that Consent Item No. 8 be pulled for separate action. u06 561 City Council Minutes 13 June 19, 2001 Planning Commission: The following applicants gave a brief presentation on their background and qualifications: Steve Robbins Richard Butler Mervyn Kirshner David Thoms (Paul Strohecker, Rick Lantz, William Hamilton, Roderick Royer, James Booth, Michael Zellner, Donna Nelson, Thomas Gorney, Stuart Roth, and Mark Diamon were not present) Ballot No. 1 Council Member Adolph voted for Steve Robbins and Richard Butler Council Member Henderson voted for Steve Robbins and Richard Butler Council Member Perkins voted for Steve Robbins and Richard Butler Council Member Sniff voted for Steve Robbins and Richard Butler Mayor Pena voted for Steve Robbins and Richard Butler MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to appoint Steve Robbins and Richard Butler to two-year terms on the Planning Commission effective July 1, 2001. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2001-88. Council recessed to and until 7:00 p.m. 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT Judy LeBlang, 54-511 Southern Hills, spoke against Tract Map approval 29894-2 based on the berm issue. Mike Raines, 54-533 Southern Hills, spoke against the berm height along Avenue 54 at the County Club of the Desert development. 569 u07 City Council Minutes 14 June 19, 2001 Jeannine Puglisi, 80-679 Oak Tree, also spoke in opposition to the berm height and questioned the earth moving activity during early mourning hours at the site. PRESENTATIONS - None PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON LANDSCAPE & LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 89-1 FISCAL YEAR 2001 /2002. Public Works Director Vogt presented the staff report. Council Member Adolph questioned how long this rate has been in effect. Council Member Henderson remarked it hasn't been increased because of Proposition 218. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 7:09 p.m. and there being no requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:12 p.m. RESOLUTION NO. 2001-81 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, CONFIRMING THE DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2001/2002 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 89-1 (pursuant to the Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972). It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2001-81 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. 2. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER CERTIFICATION OF AN ADDENDUM TO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 41; GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2001-078, AND ZONE CHANGE 2001-101 TO CHANGE LANDS CURRENTLY DESIGNATED TOURIST COMMERCIAL TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL; SPECIFIC PLAN 121-E, AMENDMENT #5 ESTABLISHING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 65 SINGLE FAMILY HOMES, COMMON AREA FACILITIES AND AN AMENDMENT OF THE LANDSCAPING PLANT PALETTE; SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2001-703 FOR THE DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR THE 563 u 0 8 City Council Minutes 28 June 19, 2001 9. CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF A FINAL MAP AND SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR TRACT 29894-2, COUNTRY CLUB OF THE DESERT, LLC. (This item was moved from the Consent Calendar.) Public Works Director Vogt presented the staff report and explained the conditional approval process which includes bonding for improvements. Council Member Adolph asked if grading was a part of the improvements, to which Mr. Vogt responded "no." In response to Council Member Adolph, City Attorney Jenson stated the 15-day appeal time period she referred to earlier, applies to development review actions and permits. She felt the current situation may fall under a general appeal provision of the Code because neither the Specific Plan approved by Council nor the City Code sets a limitation on the berm height. The Community Development Director presented the modified grading plan to the Planning Commission to make sure it is consistent with what the Planning Commission had in mind. She advised the general appeal time period for issues other than development review actions is 10 days from when written notice is received. When there is no written notice, the general appeal provision of the Code provides a 10-day window in which a person who becomes apprized of the situation may request written notification and upon receipt of that notification file an appeal within 10 days. In response to Mayor Pena, Ms. Jenson advised the Community Development Director has discretion to approve minor changes, such as landscape material or streetscape design, without an amendment to the Specific Plan. Council Member Adolph questioned raising the berm height to 20 feet being a minor change. Ms. Jenson referred to Condition No. 32, which deals with the slopes, and stated the slopes cannot exceed 5 to 1 within the public right-of-way and in the private areas the slopes cannot exceed 3 to 1. She felt the grading plan is consistent with that condition. She further stated the EIR does not indicate a view impact and that the street scape would be compatible with streets and entries just south of the site. Council Member Adolph noted the renderings presented to Council during approval of the project did not show a "mountain range" along Avenue 54 and was a totally different concept than what currently exists. U� 564 City Council Minutes 29 June 19, 2001 Council Member Henderson asked if this issue was taken to the Planning Commission as a business item, to which Mr. Herman responded yes. Nancy Aaronson, 81-100 Avenue 53, of Country Club of the Desert, noted the request for final map approval is a separate issue from the grading. She felt it would be an infringement upon the developer's rights if the conditional approval is not approved. In response to Mayor Pena, Ms. Jenson confirmed the Council has the right to continue this item to a future meeting. Ms. Aaronson stated she felt the grading should have been apparent for some time given the stockpiling of dirt along Avenue 54. Mayor Pena noted it did appear to be a "stockpile" and not necessarily a permanent berm. Ms. Aaronson stated she felt a majority of the Planning Commissioners were initially opposed to the grading based on their field visit and seeing the berms in their current form but approved the grading based on the merits of the design. She noted the berms are less bulk and mass than the 28-foot high homes that could have been built along the perimeter. She further noted a lot of the trees on the PGA West side of Avenue 54 are 60-70 feet high from the streetscape and that Country Club of the Desert would have similar "view obstruction" issues if they had existed prior to PGA West being approved. In regard to complaints of vehicle noise at night, she stated they are committed to controlling dust from the project and sometimes run water trucks at night. She stated they wish to be good neighbors and hope the PGA West residents will be more supportive of the finished product. Council Member Adolph stated he had discussed his concerns about the berm height with staff over the last few months_ and understood the berm would be lowered. Mayor Pena noted the berm issue is not a part of the item before Council at this time and should be addressed in some other manner. Council Member Sniff agreed and noted the residents who have an issue with the berm should file an appeal. Ms. Aaronson stated they wish to go on record that they have moved forward with their grading construction based on approvals from the City. 565 u10 City Council Minutes 30 June 19, 2001 Jim Donnelly, 56-548 Pebble Beach, asked to speak to the City Attorney regarding the berm issue and Mayor Pena suggested he speak to her after the meeting. RESOLUTION NO. 2001-88 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING CONDITIONAL FINAL MAP APPROVAL OF TRACT 29894-2 AND AUTHORIZING A TIME EXTENSION FOR SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF THE CONDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS TO VALIDATE THE APPROVAL. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2001-88 as submitted. In response to Council Member Adolph, Ms. Jenson confirmed if an appeal is filed it will come before Council but noted the developer could argue that the general appeal process does not apply. She further confirmed the filing of an appeal will not delay the applicant's final map approval. Council Member Perkins noted this has placed the Council in an awkward position and stated he wished to avoid having something like this happen again. Mayor Pena stated he felt the issue of berm heights should be revisited with planning staff. Motion carried unanimously. 7. CONSIDERATION OF A MEETING SCHEDULE REGARDING VISTA SANTA ROSA. (This item was continued from Page 8.) After a brief discussion, Council concurred to direct staff to schedule a Study Session on July 5, 2001, at 7:00 p.m. with interested parties to include Supervisor Wilson, all persons who spoke at the LAFCO hearing, and the Vista Santa Rosa Community Council. STUDY SESSION - None ATTACHMENT 2 Planning Commission Minutes May 22, 2001 VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Tract Map 29894; a request of Country Club of the Desert for a deviation from the Public Works Department approved mass grading plan for the property located on the north side of Avenue 54 between Jefferson Street and Madison Street. 1. Chairman Robbins asked for the staff report. Planning Manager Christine di lorio presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Robbins asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Tyler asked staff to clarify Attachment 1 as to whether or not it had been approved by Council. Staff stated the design details for the perimeter landscaping were conceptual when approved and the height of the berm was not defined until the mass grading plan was submitted. Commissioner Tyler asked staff to clarify what the Code required in regard to the wall, sidewalk, and height. Staff did so. 3. Chairman Robbins asked if there was a wall proposed. Staff stated it is proposed to be set back a distance ranging 15 to 25 feet along Avenue 54. Chairman Robbins questioned the 3:1 slope behind the wall. 4. Commissioner Butler asked how this occurred without staff knowing it. Staff stated that since they have not completed the grading there was no need to inspect it. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated that for any project other than a golf course, the pad elevations would be defined and they would have to grade to that plan. During the course of grading for a golf course, the City's inspectors do not check detailed elevations and the developer grades at their own risk. At the completion of the grading they are required to submit a certificate to the City certifying that the grading was completed to the approved plans. In this instance, there is no doubt they have deviated from the approved plan. 5. Commissioner Kirk reviewed the approval process and asked why it was now before the Commission. Staff clarified that when the wall plans were submitted for approval, the grading issue was brought to staff's attention. Commissioner Kirk asked if staff had a recommendation. Staff stated they did not. 567 u12 r..\wPnnCS\PC5-22-01_.wpd 2 Planning Commission Minutes May 22, 2001 6. Chairman Robbins stated it appears the golf course is 20 + feet below the street so the golf course is in a 40 foot hole below the top of the berm. 7. Commissioner Butler asked if there were any City codes that would allow this type of berm to be approved. Staff stated there are some issues in regard to this because in some instances a noise issue may require a higher berms than normal, such as in the case of Rancho La Quinta and Lake La Quinta. Commissioner Butler stated he did not entirely object to the berm. 8. Commissioner Abels asked what the height of the berm would be at its highest point with the wall on top. Staff stated the wall will not be on the top of the berm. It will be near the bottom and six feet in height. 9. Commissioner Tyler asked if there was a site plan for the interior of the project. Staff stated the applicant would address this. 10. Chairman Robbins asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Ms. Nancy Aaronson, representing Country Club of the Desert, stated they are trying to find a location for excess dirt on the site. They are trying to balance the dirt out over the entire project. Aesthetically from inside the project the berming is essential to protect the value of the project. They had two different grading plans approved for their project. One was the right of way and the other was for the golf course. Steve Garcia, landscape architect for the project, showed photographs that had been taken of the site. The dirt is stockpiled and will be sculptured at a later date. Within the right of way they have maintained the 3:1 slope with a meandering sidewalk. The wall is set back to be no closer than 15 feet from the right of way. Discussion followed as to the landscaping materials that would be used and the grading elevations on both sides of the berm. 11. Chairman Robbins asked if there were any questions of the applicant. Commissioner Kirk asked if the Specific Plan required the landscaping to match the other side of Avenue 54. Staff stated yes. Mr. Garcia stated their plans calls for a maximum 30% turf in the perimeter right of way area. 12. Commissioner Butler asked what type of vegetation would be used on the berm. Mr. Garcia stated desert perennials and drought tolerant shrubs. 568 G:\WPD0CS\PC5-22-01.wpd 3 u13 Planning Commission Minutes May 22, 2001 13. Commissioner Tyler stated there would be a fantastic view to the south, but the height of the berm would mask the view of the mountains. - Mr. Garcia stated the reason for the height was to hide the view of roof tops at PGA West. 14. Commissioner Kirk asked at what point they were viewing the south view. Mr. Garcia stated at the end of the residential cul-de- sacs. 15. There being no further discussion, it was before the Commission for discussion. 16. Commissioner Kirk stated he believes the applicant has made a point in that if houses were built there it would be a hardscape and this softscape is a relief. His concern is that they do not know how the berm will be sculptured. If there is to be no more dirt to be added he would have no objection. 17. Commissioner Abels stated it was a nice presentation and he would have no objections. 18. Commissioner Butler stated he likes the concept of buffering the golf course from the street. He supports the project. 19. Commissioner Tyler stated that driving by presently it is like driving through the Grand Canyon. There has been a lot of concern voiced by the residents of PGA West. He had strong objections and after the presentation his opinion is somewhat tempered. 20. Chairman Robbins stated he too was concerned after driving by, but after hearing the presentation and the intent of the applicant, he does like the concept. 21. Commissioner Tyler asked if this concept would be carried all the way down Avenue 54. Ms. Aaronson stated yes. 22. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Butler to adopt Minute Motion 2001 -011 approving the deviation to the approved mass grading plan for Tract Map 29894. Unanimously approved. 563, u14 G:\WPDOCS\PC5-22-01.wpd 4 Ol 11itJ 11:55 FAZ 1- T60 3Z3 1735 S S S ': a •e ATTACHMENT N3 1)Insufficient Notice gf : It is submitted that notice of the hearing before the Planning Commission on the Country Club of the Desert's C`CCD") request for permission to maintain a berm in eawAm of twenty feet along Avenue 54 should have been given in accordance with 'Section 9.200.110 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. Among other things, Applicant complains that such notice was not given pursuant to 9.200.11 OD. Le. (mailing to all owners within SW of the subject property) and 9.200.110.D.2 (publication in a newspaper of general circulation). It is submitted that notice to, and the presence oC owners at PGA West would have been beneficial to the Planning Commission in evaluating all sides of the berm issue. 2) J= ;dent CC1Wdera6on Oven to Rights of Adiacent EMAMIXw Due perhaps in part to the absence of notice to the owners at PGA West, there was insufficient contemplation or consideration given to the impact of the 201+ berm to the homeowners at PGA West which is adjacent to the berm. Among other things, the berm blocks the view of such owners to the mountain range to the north of PGA West. Furthermore, the berm is unsightly, out of character, and an extraordinary deviation from the other berms in the City of La Quinta and the project itself. By way of example, the proposed berm planned for Avenue 52 on the other side of the project is planned at only three feet. 3) Inconsistenc: With the Specific Plan: The proposed berm is inconsistent with the specific plan, and its objectives, for, among other things, the following reasons: a. Section 1.4., bullet point 6 of the Specific Plan ("SP"), identifies the objective of assuring that the project is "compatible with and complementary to other surrounding development in the area" (SP, page 1-6.) A 20+' berm does not compliment PGA West and is inconsistent with, and out of character for, any road in La Quinta. b. Section 4.4.3, subheading "Perimeter Walls & Fame (SP, page 4-13) , describes the planned perimeter walls and fences as "gracefully meandering berms, layered landscape and a security barrier placed on top of the berming." The berm is in excess of 20' in height, it is not graceful, it does not meander, and there is no security barrier planned for installation at the top thcreof. C. Exhibit 26 (SP, page 4-17) depicts a 3' berm along Avenue 52, which such berm height would be consistent with the Specific Plan. In contrast, a 20+' berm is inconsistent with the Specific Plan and any other such area in La Quinta. 4) Insufficient Cause to Deviate From the Grading Plan: The only concrete explanation offered by CCD for the W berm was that CCD was attempting to attempt "find a location for excess dirt on the site." It is submitted that, given the interests of the owners at PGA West, the better alterative would be for CCD to simply haul its "excess dirt' off the development site and to properly dispose of it. The creation of a berm of this height is not an appropriate t.) 15 0 sir �� ���.. �� • •r• � sir i • Y.Y YiV i � V V V V � J solution and any convenience to CCD is far outweighed by the burden imposed on the owners at PGA West. 1) Request is made that the City Council reverse the approval of the Planning Commission on May 22, 2001, and order that the application for deviation be denied and that Country Club of the Desert construct the berm at a height no greater than eight feet as originally depicted in the approved mass grading plan or at other height which will reasonably preserve the northernly view of the owners at PGA West; or 2) In the alternative, request is made that the City Council refer the matter back to the Planning Commission for further review and study on the impact of the proposed berm on the views of the owners at PGA West and to conduct a duly noticed public hearing on the application for deviation to allow all concerned parties to participate in such hearing. qu VU0 [:1DATAWWA-ASSM12170.1 1201%1137AW 2 571 r-71 ( 4 6 k� ''IA s L- — 7) PA C m N C O � EL a � .� E ATTACH -MEN T N � L >i w W #4 u 1'7 cu 4 44 QN&rA AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 7, 2001 CONSENT CALENDAR: Public Hearing to Consider Approval of Addendum to Previously Certified Mitigated Negative Declaration (Environmental Assessment 2000- 406), for Previously Approved Specific Plan 2000-050 (Santa Rosa Plaza), Previously Approved Village Use Permit 2000-005 and Previously Approved Tentative Parcel Map 28909; and to Consider Approval of a Modification to Village Use Permit 2000-005 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: 3 RECOMMENDATION: 1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council approving an Addendum to the previously certified Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment 2000-406; and 2. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council approving the applicant's proposed modification to Village Use Permit 2000-005, reducing the maximum hotel building height to four stories/55 feet. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Santa Rosa Specific Plan site is currently vacant desert land. The site is bounded on three sides by roadways, specifically Calle Tampico on the south, Avenida Bermudas on the west, and Desert Club on the east. (Attachment 1). The modification now before the City Council involves only the main Hotel building site of the Santa Rosa Specific Plan. On February 6, 2001, the City Council adopted a Resolution certifying a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for Environmental Assessment 2000- 406. Thereafter, the Council adopted Resolutions approving Specific Plan 2000-050, Village Use Permit 2000-005, and Tentative Parcel Map 29909 (the "Previously Approved Project"). The Previously Approved Project included approval of 145 hotel rooms for the main hotel building, 72 casitas hotel rooms, lots 4, 5, 6, 7 can be developed with casitas hotel units (at a maximum density of 34 room per acre) or GAWPDOCS\ccjhSRHotel.wpd ii J retail/office commercial space, and 49,160 square feet of retail and office commercial space. The main hotel building, an Embassy Suites Atrium hotel, was approved with a maximum height of six stories/78 feet ("Previously Approved Hotel Design"). A lawsuit entitled Conserve Our Village Environment v. City of La Quinta, subsequently was filed by Kimberly Bird and Conserve Our Village Environment ("COVE"). The petitioners challenged the City's actions relating to the Previously Approved Project, alleging that the City had violated CEQA in certifying the Mitigated Negative Declaration. Prior to any determination by the Superior Court on the merits of that action, the applicant reached a settlement with Kimberly Bird and COVE, whereby the lawsuit against the City was dismissed with prejudice in exchange for the applicant agreeing to certain specific design modifications of the Previously Approved Hotel Design. Specifically, the applicant agreed to a reduction in the maximum height of the main hotel building from six stories and 78 feet, to a maximum height of four stories and 55 feet. Under the Settlement Agreement, only the center architectural tower/pediment may reach the agreed upon 55-foot height limit. The Settlement Agreement states that the "ridgeline" of the main hotel building shall not exceed 48 feet in height. It also provides that there may be up to four additional architectural tower/pediments, two of which shall not exceed 52 feet in height, and two which shall not exceed 50 feet in height. To implement that settlement agreement, on June 21, 2001, the applicant filed its proposed modification of Village Use Permit 2000-005 with the City's Community Development Director, as required by Municipal Code Section 9.200.090. The applicant's proposed modification maintains the same number of hotel rooms as previously approved by the City Council but reduces the maximum height of the hotel to four stories and 55 feet. After reviewing the application, and in light of the prior litigation concerning the Previously Approved Project, the City's Community Development Director elected to refer the application to the original decision -making authority, i.e., the City Council, as provided for in Municipal Code Section 9.200.090. (That Code Section does not provide for Planning Commission review in situations such as this where the original decision -making authority was the City Council.) Environmental Issues and CEQA Compliance: The primary focus of opposition to the Previously Approved Project, during the public hearing process and in the subsequent litigation, was the opponents' concern that a six story hotel building might obstruct scenic views. The applicant's willingness to reduce the maximum height of the hotel to four stories/55 feet appears to have sufficiently addressed the concerns of COVE and Ms. Bird, since they agreed to dismiss the litigation against the City on that basis. The dismissal with prejudice of the COVE/Bird lawsuit, and the expiration of the application statutes of limitation for any further challenge to the Mitigated Negative Declaration previously certified on February 6, 2001, and the City Council's determinations with respect thereto, are now presumed to be adequate, complete and correct, and not subject to further legal challenge for any purported failure to comply with CEQA. G:\WPDOCS\ccjhSRHotel.wpd 574 '0 2 With respect to the applicant's proposed modification to Village Use Permit 2000-005, implementing the settlement agreement by reducing the height of the hotel, the City has prepared an Addendum, pursuant to the CEQA Guidelines, § 15164(b). The Addendum, when considered with the previously certified Mitigated Negative Declaration, satisfies all applicable requirements for CEQA compliance for the proposed modification to Village Use Permit 2000-005. In response to the City staff's request, the applicant had prepared and submitted a line of sight report (the "Visual Impact Report" Attachment 2). The Visual Impact Report was prepared by experts specializing in the field of visual impact analysis, and demonstrates the visual effects of the revised hotel design, i.e., with a maximum hotel height of four stories and 55 feet, and expressly certifies that it accurately depicts what the visual impact will be. The Visual Impact Report, and the other information/expert reports submitted by the applicant on drainage and traffic circulation, provide substantial evidence in support of the Addendum's determination that the revised hotel design will not result in any new adverse environmental impacts nor increase the severity of any environmental impacts previously disclosed and mitigated in the Mitigated Negative Declaration. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The findings necessary to approve the applicant's proposed modification and the Addendum are set forth in the attached Resolutions. The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council approving the Addendum to the previously certified Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment 2000-406; and adopt a Resolution approving the applicant's proposed modification to Village Use Permit 2000-005; or 2. Do not adopt the above referenced Resolutions; or 3. Provide Staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, •ry He'fman mmunity Development Director ,IP7 ve for Submi ion Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Reduced Plans with Visual Impact Simulations 575 o03 G AWPDOCS\ccjhSRHotel.wpd RESOLUTION NO. 2001- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN ADDENDUM TO PREVIOUSLY CERTIFIED MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2000-406 ADDENDUM TO MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2000-406 APPLICANT: SANTA ROSA PLAZA, LLC WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 6th day of February 2001, consider and approve the application of Santa Rosa Plaza, LLC to develop a 145-room hotel and perimeter improvements on a portion of a 14.3 acre site by adopting the following four resolutions: (1) Resolution No. 2001- 08, certifying a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for Environmental Assessment 2000-406 prepared for Specific Plan 2000-050, Village Use Permit 2000-005 and Tentative Parcel Map 29909; (2) Resolution No. 2001-09, approving design guidelines and development standards for development of a hotel, casitas and commercial retail/office space on 14.3 acres; (3) Resolution No. 2001-10, approving Village Use Permit 2000-005 to allow development of a 145-room hotel and perimeter improvements; and (4) Resolution No. 2001 -11, approving Tentative Parcel Map 29909 to allow the subdivision of 14.3 acres into nine numbered lots and two lettered lots (collectively, the "Previously Approved Project"); and WHEREAS, a lawsuit entitled Conserve Our Village Environment v. City of La Quinta, Riverside County Superior Court Case No. INC 021658 (the "COVE Lawsuit"), was filed subsequently by petitioners COVE and Kimberly Bird challenging the City's actions in certifying the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Previously Approved Project; and WHEREAS, prior to any determination by the Superior Court on the merits of the COVE Lawsuit, Santa Rosa Plaza, LLC and the petitioners reached a settlement, whereby the COVE Lawsuit was dismissed with prejudice, in exchange for the project applicant agreeing to certain design modifications of the Previously Approved Project, limiting the maximum height of the main hotel building to four stories and fifty-five feet, rather than the previously approved six stories and seventy-eight feet; and WHEREAS, to implement the settlement agreement in the COVE Lawsuit, the project applicant filed a proposed modification of Village Use Permit 2000-005 with the City's Community Development Director, as required by Municipal Code Section 9.200.090. This modification maintains the same number of hotel rooms as previously approved, but reduces the maximum height of the hotel to four stories and to fifty to fifty-five feet for architectural towers/pediments, and to forty-eight feet for the ridgeline (the "Revised Project"); and G:\WPDOCS\ResoCCSRPEAAdd.wpd City Council Resolution 2001-_ Environmental Assessment 2000-406-Addendum Santa Rosa Plaza Adopted: August 7, 2001 WHEREAS, after reviewing the application, and in light of the prior litigation concerning the Previously Approved Project, the City's Community Development Director elected to refer the application to the original decision -making authority, the City Council, as provided for in Municipal Code Section 9.200.090; and WHEREAS, the City has prepared an Addendum/Initial Study to examine the potential environmental effects of the proposed modification to Village Use Permit 2000-005 and to evaluate whether the Revised Project could have any new or more severe potential adverse environment effects beyond what was considered in the previously certified Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Previously Approved Project; and WHEREAS, the City has complied with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), the CEQA Guidelines, and "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (as amended; Resolution 83-68 adopted by the La Quinta City Council), in that: (1) the City has prepared an Addendum/Initial Study and determined that the Revised Project will not have any new or substantially more severe adverse environmental effects than the Previously Approved Project; (2) none of the circumstances permitting or warranting a subsequent environmental impact report or new mitigated negative declaration are present; and (3) the previously certified Negative Declaration for the Previously Approved Project, when considered with the Addendum/Initial Study, is adequate to fully address all potentially adverse environmental effects of the Revised Project; and WHEREAS, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said City Council did find the following facts, findings, and reasons to justify approval of said Addendum/Initial Study: 1. The Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Previously Approved Project was approved and certified by the City Council on February 6, 2001. The COVE lawsuit challenging the City's certification of that Mitigated Negative Declaration was dismissed with prejudice on April 18, 2001. 2. The applicant's proposed modification to the Village Use Permit 2000-005 does not constitute a substantial change which will require major revisions of the Mitigated Negative Declaration, due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects, that were previously disclosed and mitigated to a level of insignificance. 57A U05 G:\WPDOCS\ResoCCSRPEAAdd.wpd City Council Resolution 2001-_ Environmental Assessment 2000-406-Addendum Santa Rosa Plaza Adopted: August 7, 2001 3. No substantial changes have occurred with respect to the circumstances under which the Revised Project will be undertaken, which will require major modifications or revisions of the Mitigated Negative Declaration, due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects, that were previously disclosed and mitigated to a level of insignificance. 4. No new information of substantial importance which was not known, and could not have been known, with the exercise of reasonable diligence, at the time the Mitigated Negative Declaration was adopted, has become available which shows any of the bases for requiring a Subsequent EIR or New Mitigated Negative Declaration under CEQA Guidelines Section 15162(a)(3). 5. Based upon these findings and the Addendum/Initial Study, the City has determined that no SEIR or new Mitigated Negative Declaration is required or appropriate under Public Resources Code § 21166, and that an Addendum is sufficient to make the previously certified Mitigated Negative Declaration apply to the Revised Project. 6. These factual findings are based upon the previously certified Mitigated Negative Declaration, the Addendum/Initial Study, the submission of the applicant, including but not limited to the revised line of sight analysis/report and the updated letter of the applicant's engineer on the project, and the records and files of the City's Planning Department. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the City Council in considering and adopting the Addendum to the previously certified Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact. 2. That it does hereby adopt this Addendum to the previously certified Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and as stated in the Addendum/Initial Study on file in the Community Development Department. 3. Pursuant to Title 14, California Code of Regulations, Section 735.5, the City Council finds and declares that: (1) an initial study was conducted to evaluate the potential for adverse environmental impacts; (2) considering the record as a whole, there is no evidence before the City Council that the proposed modification to Village Use Permit 2000-005 will have potential for an adverse G:\WPDOCS\ResoCCSRPEAAdd.wpd t) City Council Resolution 2001-_ Environmental Assessment 2000-406-Addendum Santa Rosa Plaza Adopted: August 7, 2001 effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife depends; and (3) the City has, on the basis of substantial evidence, rebutted the presumption, if any, of adverse effect contained in Title 14, California Code of Regulations Section 735.5(d). Pursuant to Section 735.5(c)(1), the City Council further finds that the name and address of the project proponent is Santa Rosa Plaza, LLC, P.O. Box 1503, La Quinta, CA 92253-1503; the project site is located in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, and is bounded by Calle Tampico on the south, Avenida Bermudas on the west, and Desert Club on the east. The Village Use Permit which is the subject of the modification authorizes the development of a 145-room hotel and perimeter improvements on a portion of a 14.3 acre site. The modification reduces the height limitation on the hotel structure as set forth above. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council, held on this 71h day of August 2001, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JOHN J. PENA, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 571 t ) C 7 G:\WPDOCS\ResoCCSRPEAAdd.wpd RESOLUTION NO. 2001- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING MODIFICATION TO VILLAGE USE PERMIT 2000-005, REDUCING THE MAXIMUM HOTEL BUILDING HEIGHT CASE NO.: MODIFICATION TO VILLAGE USE PERMIT 2000-005 APPLICANT: SANTA ROSA PLAZA, LLC WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 6th day of February 2001, consider and approve the application of Santa Rosa Plaza, LLC to develop a 145-room hotel and perimeter improvements on a portion of a 14.3 acre site by adopting the following four resolutions: (1) Resolution No. 2001- 08, certifying a mitigated negative declaration of environmental impact for Environmental Assessment 2000-406 prepared for Specific Plan 2000-050, Village Use Permit 2000-005 and Tentative Parcel Map 29909; (2) Resolution No. 2001-09, approving design guidelines and development standards for development of a hotel, casitas and commercial retail/office space on 14.3 acres; (3) Resolution No. 2001-10, approving Village Use Permit 2000-005 to allow development of a 145-room hotel and perimeter improvements; and (4) Resolution No. 2001 -11, approving Tentative Parcel Map 29909 to allow the subdivision of 14.3 acres into nine numbered lots and two lettered lots (collectively, the "Previously Approved Project"); and WHEREAS, a lawsuit entitled Conserve Our Village Environment v. City of La Quinta, Riverside County Superior Court Case No. INC 021658 (the "COVE Lawsuit"), was filed subsequently by petitioners COVE and Kimberly Bird challenging the City's actions in certifying the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Previously Approved Project; and WHEREAS, prior to any determination by the Superior Court on the merits of the COVE Lawsuit, Santa Rosa Plaza, LLC and the petitioners reached a settlement, whereby the COVE Lawsuit was dismissed with prejudice, in exchange for the project applicant agreeing to certain design modifications of the Previously Approved Project, limiting the maximum height of the main hotel building to four stories and fifty-five feet, rather than the previously approved six stories and seventy-eight feet; and WHEREAS, to implement the settlement agreement in the COVE Lawsuit, the project applicant filed a proposed modification of Village Use Permit 2000-005 with the City's Community Development Director, as required by Municipal Code Section 9.200.090. This modification maintains the same number of hotel rooms as previously approved, but reduces the maximum height of the hotel to four stories and fifty-five feet as required by the parties' settlement agreement (the "Revised Project"); and G:\WPDOCS\ResoCCSRPVUP.wpd City Council Resolution 2001- Village Use Permit 2000-005 Santa Rosa Plaza Adopted August 7, 2001 WHEREAS, after reviewing the application, and in light of the prior litigation concerning the Previously Approved Project, the City''s Community Development Director elected to refer the application to the original decision -making authority, the City Council, as provided for in Municipal Code Section 9.200.090; and WHEREAS, the City has prepared an Addendum/Initial Study to examine the potential environmental effects of the proposed modification to Village Use Permit 2000-005 and to evaluate whether the Revised Project could have any new or more severe potential adverse environment effects beyond what was considered in the previously certified Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Previously Approved Project; and WHEREAS, the City has complied with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), the CEQA Guidelines, and "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (as amended; Resolution 83-68 adopted by the La Quinta City Council); in that: (1) the City has prepared an Addendum/Initial Study and determined that the Revised Project will not have any new or substantially more severe adverse environmental effects than the Previously Approved Project; (2) none of the circumstances permitting or warranting a subsequent environmental impact report or new mitigated negative declaration are present; and (3) the previously certified Negative Declaration for the Previously Approved Project, when considered with the Addendum/Initial Study, is adequate to fully address all potentially adverse environmental effects of the Revised Project; and WHEREAS, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said City Council did find the following facts, findings, and reasons to justify approval of the proposed modification to Village Use Permit 2000-005: 1. The proposed modification to the Village Use Permit is consistent with the City's General Plan in that the site is designated for Village Commercial. The use is consistent with the goals and policies and intent of the General Plan Land Use Element (Chapter 2) provided the previously imposed conditions are met. 2. The approval of this modification to the Village Use Permit is consistent with the Zoning Code and Specific Plan, in that construction of the hotel and perimeter improvements will conform to development standards outlined in Specific Plan 2000-050 namely parking, lighting, building height, setbacks and landscaping. The building height has been substantially reduced from the maximum height permitted under Specific Plan 2000-005. 3. The application to modify Village .Use Permit 2000-005 has been processed in compliance with CEQA. GAWPDOCS\ResoCCSRPVUP.wDd City Council Resolution 2001- Village Use Permit 2000-005 Santa Rosa Plaza Adopted August 7, 2001 4. The modification to Village Use Permit 2000-005 will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to, or incompatible with other land uses in that all potentially negative impacts of the modified hotel project have been mitigated to a level of insignificance through the previously adopted mitigation measures, including any potential impacts on aesthetics and visual resources, and the modification further reduces the potential for impacts by lowering the height of the structures. 5. The modification to Village Use Permit 2000-005 complies with the architectural design standards for Specific Plan 2000-050, and implements the architectural style, materials, colors, architectural details, and other architectural elements contained in that document, and in the Village Commercial Development Standards. 6. The design of the Revised Project is compatible with the surrounding development and the quality of design required in the Village at La Quinta Design Guidelines, in that it encourages pedestrian circulation, and provides site design elements which are compatible with surrounding properties and land uses. 7. The Revised Project is consistent with the landscaping standards and palette in Specific Plan 2000-050, and will provide plantings of sufficient size, variety and coverage to provide visual relief, screen undesirable views, and provide a harmonious transition to adjacent land uses, in conformance with the Village at La Quinta Design Guidelines. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the City Council in this case; 2. That the City Council does hereby approve the proposed modification to Village Use Permit 2000-005 to allow development and architectural design of a 145- room hotel and perimeter improvements, limited to a maximum height of four stories and fifty-five feet, and subject to the previously approved Conditions of Approval which are incorporated by this reference, with the modification to Condition No. 69 attached hereto. rJg 12) U10 G:\WPDOCS\ResoCCSRPVUP.wpd City Council Resolution 2001- Village Use Permit 2000-005 Santa Rosa Plaza Adopted August 7, 2001 PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council, held on this 7th day of August 2001, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JOHN J. PENA, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California ui1. GAWPDOCS\ResoCCSRPVUP.wpd 583 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2001- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL VILLAGE USE PERMIT 2000-005 SANTA ROSA PLAZA AUGUST 7, 2001 Condition No. 69 shall be revised to read as follows: 69. Prior to the issuance of building permits the architectural plans shall be modified as follows: A. Windows throughout the building shall be recessed a minimum of 8 inches. B. On the east, west and north elevations, on walls where no windows or other surface relief occur, the walls shall be embellished with either raised banding, medallions or other appropriate articulation at regular intervals. C. No portion of the "ridgeline" of the main hotel building shall exceed 48 feet in height. No portion of the main hotel building shall exceed 48 feet in height except as follows: The center architectural tower/pediment shall have a maximum height of 55 feet. The main hotel building may have up to four additional architectural tower/pediments, two of which may have a maximum height of 52 feet, and two of which may have a maximum height of 50 feet. All height measurements shall be made from 42 feet above mean sea level. 584 012 G:\WPDOCS\ResoCCSRPVUP.wpd d .mo W Y Fill 0 A6. J e ATTACHMENT #1 Q I e t loll 1 a � g M �" 5$� u14 Ja%F1Ep Fr/4 P• in. 2 ` O BERMUDA DUNES r Desert Sands Unified School District RANCHO MIRAGE � ~ INDIAN WELLS W PALM DESERT '► 47-950 Dune Palms Road • La Quinta, California 92253 • (760) 771-8515 • FAX: (760) 771-8522 LA GUINTA �a `gyp INDIO y� - Facilities Services - BOARD OF EDUCATION John Benoit Tina A. Godecke Jim Koedyker Gary Tomak Dr. Marcile K. Wright August 7, 2001 Mayor John Pena La Quinta City Council 78-495 Calle Tampico] La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Santa Rosa Plaza, L.L.C. Project Honorable Mayor Pena: The Desert Sands Unified School District has two areas of concern regarding the proposed Embassy Suites project. First is the availability of sufficient on -site parking for employees. A resort and related businesses will generate a substantial number of employees that will need to have parking for their vehicles. If the employees park along Desert Club Drive, this will impact the student pedestrian traffic and vehicular traffic for the parents of Adams Elementary School students. The second issue is the distance of the project from Adams Elementary School relative to the sale of alcoholic beverages. The California Business and Professional Code Section 23789 (b) The department is specifically authorized to refuse the issuance, other than renewal or ownership transfer, of any retail license for premises located within at least 600 feet of schools and public playgrounds or nonprofit youth facilities, including, but not limited to, facilities serving Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, or Campfire Girls. This distance shall be measured pursuant to rules of the department. Sincerely, * 04o Peggy Reyes Director, Facilities Services cc: Board of Education Douglas J Evertz, Stadling, Yocca, Carlson & Rauth, District Special Counsel �5 L-' G"u 4� SHAME II � 2001 7 August �v�• q; �3 P g 1. At the April 3rd Council meeting on this matter the City Attorney rejected the petition. In order to show her objectivity she said that we had gained an advisory opinion on the matter. The rumor is that the opinion was obtained from the firm of Best, Best and Krieger. Is this the same firm which represents Santa Rosa Plaza and the hotel? a. If so the City Attorney has brought SHAME on our City. SHAME on the City Attorney for acting with such low professional standards. b. And SHAME on the City Council for allowing it to happen.. 2. At the April 3rd meeting the Mayor retired to close session with the council and full staff. He returned promising that when the new plans were available there would be a public hearing at the Planning Committee level. This has not happened. a. SHAME on the Mayor for misleading us --leading us on promising something which never happened. 3. Not only a question of height limitations. This project goes against the whole sprit and substance of the current General Plan which was drawn up over a two year period with many highly attended "Town Hall" public meetings and represents the will of La Quinta's citizenry. a. The proposed project is IN VIOLATION of six(6) policies and Statements in the current plan. I will submit xerox of them at the conclusion of my statement.. b. The massive proposed height variance not only places in jeopardy all Zoning regulations in the city but makes a complete mockery of the current General Plan. C. SHAME on City Council to allow this to happen. 4. NIGHTMARE. a. It is a couple of years from now and I am standing at the corner of Desert Club Drive and Calle Estado. Right by the beautiful new fountain this City Council has provided us.. b. I am telling my grandchildren the wonderful saga of Native Americans in this land for millennia before us. We all know it. 587 How in the summer the Indians escaped the heat and retreated to cool of mountains to our south. At night they would come down, under moon light they would head to three small mountain to the north to take the low passes into Indian Wells to get water. C. I turn to look North. There are no mountains, there are no passes. Instead my grandchildren and I are confronted by a huge monolith. Several Hundred feet wide and 55 feet high d. The only water available is fire water in a hotel bar at $6.00 a shot. 5. SHAME on Santa Rosa Plaza for trying to Hijack this precious view. Take it away from the citizens of this city and turn over to 50 Hotel rooms costing $300-400 per night. 6. SHAME on the City Council for allowing, it to happen, no indeed promoting it to happen. 7. I can understand why the people of Santa Rosa Plaza are doing this. They will each share in a multi -million dollar profit. 8. What I can not understand is why this City Council will allow it. a. The members of this council have no personal economic interest in this project. b. The City surely does not need the bed tax from a hotel. IT IS AWASH IN MONEY. i. EXHIBIT - City Economic Overview. Value of Real Estate up over 1 Billion dollars in the last ten years. Washington and 111 truly bursting with no business. Best Buy and Cosco , others are interested in site in the villiage (which will not require such variances. I What will the city do with all this money? .Nobody knows. ? 9. SHAME on this Council for trying to change the character of this city in contravention of the existing General Plan, Zoning Regulations and expressed desires of an enraged citizenry. 10. Why do they want to split this city into bitter factions?. More petitions on this issue. Perhaps a recall petition as well. For sure there will be a vicious and divisive municipal election a year from now. 11. SHAME SHAME SHAME 583 Policy 2-4.1.2 The maximum F.A.R. of a project in a CC category shall be 0.30. The maximum building height shall not exceed three stories. Projects in CC areas shall be located on sites ranging from 10 to 50 acres and shall be located on, and with direct access to, and primarily at the intersections of arterial streets. Policy 2-4.1.3 The City shall ensure that all projects developed in the CC category include appropriate site planning and urban design amenities to encourage travel by walking, bicycling and public transit, particularly for residents from adjacent neighborhoods. Policy 2-4.1.4 Developers of projects in CC areas shall demonstrate through appropriate studies that a market exists within the trade area of the site to ensure the financial viability of the project. Objective 2-4.2 The General Plan shall include a Neighborhood Commercial (NC) category on the Land Use Policy Diagram. Policy 2-4.2.1 The NC category shall provide areas for businesses offering the provision and sale of food, drugs, sundries and personal services which meet the daily needs of an immediate neighborhood trade area. Typical neighborhood commercial trade area populations range from 3, 000 to 6, 000 people. Typical businesses allowed in the NC category include grocery super- markets, drugstores, eating and drinking establish- ments, automobile service stations, personal services, such as a laundry and barber salon, and small-scale administrative/ professional offices, such as medical services, finance, insurance and real estate offices. Policy 2-4.2.2 The maximum F.A.R. of a project in the NC category shall be 0.25. The maximum building height shall be two stories. Projects in NC areas shall be located on sites which are a maximum of 20 acres in size and shall be located on, and shall directly access, arterial streets. BRW, Inc. w-,oPLAO-2MT Policy 2-4.2.3 Developers of projects in NC areas shall demonstrate through appropriate studies that a market exists within the trade area of the site to ensure the financial 40 viability of the project. Policy 2-4.2.4 The City shall ensure that all projects developed in the NC category include appropriate site planning and urban design amenities to encourage travel by walking, bicycling and public transit, particularly for residents from adjacent neighborhoods. Objective 2-5.1 The General Plan shall include a Village Commercial (VC) category on the Land Use Policy Diagram. Policy 2-5.1.1 The VC category shall provide for the development of the Village area as the center of a year-round commercial, residential, recreational and community government center. The VC category shall allow specialty commercial, eating and drinking establish- ments, professional offices and neighborhood commercial uses, all located in a unique pedestrian - oriented atmosphere. Policy 2-5.1.2 The City shall utilize the adopted Village Specific Plan as the basis for appropriate development standards and design criteria, including F.A. R.'s, building heights, landscaping, signage, building architecture and street - scope criteria. Policy 2-5.1.3 The City shall place a priority on facilitating the development of the Village within the context of real estate market opportunities and constraints. Chapter 2 - Land Use Element 2-16 City of La Ouints General Plan 58 • not identical boundary conformity, between the General Plan and the zoning of land within the City. OPEN SPACE ELEMENT DEVELOPMENT POLICIES The City of La Quinta's official development policies related to open space are presented below. In the context of this General Plan, development policies include goals, objectives, policies and standards based on the following general definitions: Objective A specific end, condition or state that is an intermediate step toward attaining a goal. An objective should be achievable and, when possible, measurable and time -specific. Policy A specific statement which guides decision -making. A policy is clear and unambiguous and is based on the General Plan's goals and objectives, as well as the analysis of data. Standard A rule or measure establishing a level of quality or quantity which must be complied with or satisfied. Standards define the abstract terms of goals, objectives and policies with concrete specifications. These development policies are established to guide the designation, identification, preservation and management of open space in the future. Develop- ment policies by topical area are presented on the following pages. Objective 4-1.1 The General Plan shall establish a definition of open space which includes criteria utilized in the identification of open space areas. Policy 4-1.1.1 Open space shall be defined as areas which include outstanding and significant natural and/or manmade features which contribute to the preservation of natural resources; the managed production of resources; the reservation of areas for outdoor recreation, including the demands for trail -oriented uses; and the protection of the public health and safety. Policy 4-1.1.2 Criteria which shall be used in the identification of open space areas shall include, but not be limited to, areas with outstanding topographical contrast, areas with significant scenic value, areas with known, or potentially available, significant historic and prehistoric cultural resources, according to practitioners in the field of "Cultural Resource Management",-, areas which are recognized by the community to hold "special cultural value** floodplains and other areas which are subject to severe flooding and/or land subsidence; areas which contribute to the protection and maintenance of water quality; areas which provide a buffer between otherwise incompatible land uses (i.e. noise mitigation; areas which include the habitat of threatened and endangered plant and wildlife species; areas designated as having significant mineral deposits; areas currently under agricultural production or which have historically been utilized for agricultural production; areas with prime agricultural soils, existing golf courses; areas of existing and future park facilities; and existing and future facilities which link open space areas. BRW, Inc. Chapter 4 - Open Space Element City of La Ouinta mm-,moo-.,T 4-4 General Plan �J E ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ELEMENT DEVELOPMENT POLICIES The City of La Ouinta's official development policies related to environmental conservation are presented below. In the context of this General Plan, develop- ment policies include goals, objectives, policies and standards based on the following general definitions: Objective A specific end, condition or state that is an intermediate step toward attaining a goal. An objective should be achievable and, when possible, measurable and time -specific. Policy A specific statement which guides decision -making. A policy is clear and unambiguous and is based on the General Plan's goals and objectives, as well as the analysis of data. Standard A rule or measure establishing a level of quality or quantity which must be complied with or satisfied. Standards define the abstract terms of goals, objectives and policies with concrete specifications. These development policies are established to guide the designation, identification, preservation and management of environmental resources in the future. Development policies by topical area are presented on the following pages. Objective 6-1.1 The City shall utilize a variety of alternative means to ensure that the scenic resources of the Coral Reef and Santa Rosa Mountains are preserved in perpetuity. Policy 6-1.1.1 The City shall designate the Coral Reef and Santa Rosa Mountains as Open Space on the Conservation Policy Diagram. The areas designated as open space shall be consistent with the Open Space Policy Diagram in the Open Space Element and the Land Use Policy Diagram in the Land Use Element Development in the mountains shall be consistent with the applicable policies in the Land Use and Open Space Elements. Policy 6-1.1.2 The City shall utilize street corridors to provide scenic vistas of the Coral Reef and Santa Rosa Mountains. Landscaped setbacks along streets shall be required pursuant to Policy 3-4.1.11 in the Circulation Element of the General Plan. The setbacks areas follows: • Highway 111 - 50 feet • Other Major Arterials - 20 feet • Primary Arterials - 20 feet • Secondary Arterials - 10 feet • Collector Streets - 10 feet Policy 6-1.1.3 Development in the City shall respect the natural topography and minimize significant alteration of the natural landform. Policy 6-1.1.4 Point Happy, a significant topographical feature, and part of the Santa Rosa Mountains, shall be preserved. 591 BRW, Inc. Chapter 6 - Environmental Conservation Element City of La Ouinta Wd-TO AO-.RPT 6-10 General Plan u • r-� 07/31/01 15:07 FAX 760 773 5856 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE 0 004/018 -7R P •`-^ - S ,-p I a lt. City Council Resolution No. 2001-M provided that Santa Rosa comply with all millpfion manures contained in Environmental Asscssment.'-VO-406, except that the Resolution deleted Planning Commission Community Devclopment Co 'ition 15A. Condition 15A had restrictcd the height of tie hotel to a maximum of 55 feet with fou; stories, City Council Resolution 2001-04containsanew CommunilyDevelopment Department Condition! 5Awhichprovidex: "The height of the hotel shall not exceed 76 feet. The 35-foot maximum height limit shall apply to all other structtmes on the Proj=t site 1. On March 6, 2001. petitioners filed a Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief and a Petition for Writ of Mandate in the Superior Coun of the Statc of Cali fumia, Riverside County, California. Case No. INC 021658 catitled CoUlogOur Village Enviror)ment. et at. V. The Cif, f La QuintA, ct ai, (the "CHQA Action"). J. The parties desire to setde the CrQA Action by stipulating to a ,maximum overall building height for the hotel, in exchaagc ofrt dimissal ofthc CEQA Action with pnjudiee in order to avoid the delay, expense and uncertainty of protracted litigation. NOW. THEREFORE. in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants hereinafter set forth. the partial agree as follows: I - 1NCORPURATION Up RL1.S. The above Recitals are hereby incorporated by this reference. 2. MIEL-H91GHT LIMITATION. Santa Rosaand Qwneragreethm, notwithst8rrding any otherheight limitation(s) contained in La Quinta City Council ResclutionNo. 2001-09, 2001.09, 2001-10. or 2001-I 1(collectively, the "Resolutions"). the building height for the hotel shall strictly satisfy the following critcrLa: 2.1 All height measurements shall be made from 42 feet above mean sea Ievcl. 2.2 No portion of the " ' ' e" of the main hotel building (which has been limited by the Resolutions to a width o shall exceed 48 feet in height. 2.3 No portion of the main hotel building may exc,cc:d a height of 49 feet except as hereinafter pmvided, 2.4 No buildings appmved by the Resolutions. other than the main hotel building. shall exceed a height of 37fect. 2.5 tower/Pedimsnt9. 2.6 fiat. P110%r ..t J11 wpp The main hotel building shall have a maxitnttm of 5 architectural The center architectural lower/pediment shall have a maximum height of 55 2 "A*41181 Re Sol Niglio .1 go( 1) .wrr1,k%*W1 AUKITMEN1 59� Order: SDTM Descriptian: 2001.147262 Page 3 of 27 Comment:: a Qu P94i5 RECEIVED AUG —2 2001 z Law Offices of CRISTE, PIPPIN & GOLDS 73-550 ALESSANDRO DRIVE ROBERT L. PIPPIN SUITE 200 TELEPHONE: (760) 862-1111 MICHAEL A. CRISTE PALM DESERT, CA 92260 FACSIMILE: (760) 776-4197 IRWIN L. GOLDS GAYLE D. PERLO PAUL D. BOJIC July 31, 2001 VIA FACSIMILE / (760) 777-1233 AND FIRST CLASS MAIL Jerry Herman Director Community Development CITY OF LA QUINTA Planning Department 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Re: Proposed Embassy Suites Assessor's Parcel Nos. 770-020-001 and 770-020-002 Dear Jerry: This firm represents Kimberly Bird and Conserve Our Village Environment (together "COVE"). COVE is the beneficiary of that certain Settlement Agrement dated March 28, 2001 entered into by and between COVE and Santa Rosa Plaza, LLC ("Agreement"). The Agreement was recorded on April 9, 2001 as instrument number 2001-147262 in the Official Records of Riverside County, and encumbers the real property identified above. Please note section 2 of the Agreement, which provides explicit criteria for the development of a structure on the property. Our clients now understand that Santa Rosa Plaza, LLC has an application pending before the City for approval of a structure to be built on the property, and our clients further understand that the planned structure may not be in conformance with the criteria set forth in the Agreement. i1g/bird.L01 593 Jerry Herman Director Community Development CITY OF LA QUINTA July 31, 2001 Page 2 Although the City is not a party to the Agreement, please be aware that COVE intends to fully and strictly enforce (as to Santa Rosa Plaza, LLC) the criteria set forth in the Agreement, including by any and all legal avenues as is necessary. To the extent, if any, that the planned structure does not conform with the Agreement, we hope that the City will not expend public time and public resources to process an approval of such structure, given that such approval will not be in compliance with the Agreement and therefore will, on our clients' initiative, be made moot. Please call should you have any questions as to the foregoing. Thank you, and we look forward to hearing from you. Criste, Pippin & Golds ilg/ Enclosure cc: Client ilg/bird.L01 594 07/31/01 15:06 FAX 760 773 5856 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE 9002/018 NIT - � o ��• -eftwwr v ! i When recorded mall to: Robert L Pippino Esq. CRISTE, PIPPIN a GOLDS 73-550 Akseandro, Suite 200 Palm Desert, CA 92260 Dec M see s.. s4"82 WOW MI M:MR /oc:N.M paw 1 of 17 AM"ril" /n Offlaial Lorin CrAiy of AiveraiN Wy L. Ore* OMNMr, 611hul 1 Clark O 11atoryr 111111111111 F i Piet a t� a Peer wecr to � K 1 T YS 81EMEME T AGRIMENT Title of DommeM "ft*Mwffrr+1 Mtff" n+o W6 M 0 AM"Unadmim Filly red Chmw n& oamwilr "awneii no r"pMabdit rag I= 11—orwiligiiu" (] r Order: SCTM Denaription: 2001.147262 Page I of 17 Cci=ent 07/31/01 15:06 FAX 760 773 3856 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE 0 003/018 SMaUb= AGBUMLNT THIS SETI'Lr. ENT AGR UMENT ("Agreement") is made by and between, on the one hand, CONSERVIt OUR VILLAGE EIWIRONMEN'T, a California unincorporated association; JKIMBE1tLY IIIRD, an individual ("Petitioners") and, on the other hand, and SANTA ROSA ✓ PLAZA, LL[:, a California limited liability company ("Santa Rose"). coliecovely tk ("Parkes"). A. tianta Rosa is the developer of a hotel, cusitus and commercial/retail project ("the Project") in the City of La Quints. B. Santa Rosa has prepared the Santa Rosa Pram S;wcitic Plan (Sprasifle Plan 2000.050 ) for the Project. C. Santa Rosa has applied to the City of 1.8 Quints for approval of those entitlements necessary for the development of the Project, which entitlements include approval of the Santa Rosa Plws Specific Plan, a Village Use Permit. a Tentative Parcel Map, and those related approvals required pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (*CFQA"). 1). On January 3.2001. the Architecture and Landscaping Review Committer ofthe City of La Quints held a duly -noticed public tnwting to review Santa RoWs toques( for design approval of the hotel architecture and project -wide landscaping. E. On January 23. 2001, the Planning Commission of thu City of La Quints, (1) held a duly-antieed public hearing to consider Environmental Assesmttn1200A-406 prepared for: (a) Specific Plan 2000-050; (b) Village Use Permit 2000.005; and (c) Tentative Parcel Map 24909; and (2) hold a duly -noticed public hearing for Speeilir Plan 1000-050; and (3) recommended approval of Resolutions 2001-OR (Certifying a mitigated negative declaration of environmental impact kw Environmental 1lsseaament 2000.406 prepared forSpocificPlan 2000-050, Village Usa Hermit 2000• 005 and 'Tentative Parcel Map 29909� 2001.09 (approving Specific . Plan 2000-050). 2001-10 (approval of Village Ube Permit 2000-005). and 2001.11(approving Tentative Parcel Map 29909). f . On Febrtary 6. 2001. the City Council of the City of Le Quints held a duly -noticed publie hearing to consider Santa RoWs Prefect. 0. At the February 6. 2001 City Council meeting. the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2001-08 (certifying a mitigated negative declaration ofenvironmenlal impact for l;nvironmental Assessment 2000-406 for the ProjeaCs Specific Plan, Village Use Permit,and'1'entative Parcel Map), adopted Resolution No, 2001-09 (Specific Plan 2000-050). adopted Resolution No. 2001.10 (Village Use Permit). 2000-005. and adopted Resolution No. 2001-11 (Tentative Parcel Map 29909). 1100TWw dill Old Olt 11*1 rMP41 Af;ari MI K i I64.181�eerlfu�2�w Order: SUTIM Descript1on: 2001.147262 Page 2 of 17 Comment: 07/31/01 15:07 FAX 760 773 5856 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE Z 004/018 it. City Council Resolution No. 20014W provided that Santa Rosa comply with all mitigation manures contained in Environmental Assessment "100-406, except that the Resolution deleted Planning Commission Community Development Co- 'Rion 1 SA. Condition 1 SA had restricted the height of the hotel to a m uimum of 55 feet with fou; stones. City Council Resolution 2001-Ocontains a new Community Devek pment MpuLmmt Condition! SA which provide4; "The height of the hotel shall not exceed 76 feet. The 25-foot maximum height limit shall apply to all other structures, on the Project site", 1. On March 6, 2001, petitioners filed a Complaint for Ucciaratoty ad injunctive Relief and a Petition for Writ of Mandate in the Superior Gaups of the Statc of California. Riverside ('runty, California, Case No. INC 021658 cntilled CoI41Me Our Village Environment. et al. v. The City of La Ouinta, ct A. (the "CHQA Action"). J. 'fhe parties desire to settle the CrQA Action by stipulating to a Maximum overall building height for the howl. in exchange ofs dismissal ofthe CEQA Action with prejudice in order to avoid the delay. expense and uncertainty of protracted litigation. NOW, THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants hereinafter set firth. the parties agree as follows: 1. INCORPUR.A1 IM F RMIAi,S. The above Recites are hereby incorporated by this reference. 2. H TELHEIGHTLIMITATtt?N. Santa RomandOwneragaethat,notwithstwWing any othcrheight limitation(s) contained in La Quints, City Council ResolutionNo. 2001-08, 2001.09, 2001-10. or 2001.1 l (collectively, the "Resolutions"). the building height for the hotel shall strictly satisfy the following criteria: 2.1 All height measurements shall be made from 42 feet shove mean sea level. 2.2 No portion of the "ridge line" of the main hotel building (which has been limited by the Resolutions to a width of i80 feet) shall exceed 48 feet in height. 2.3 No portion of the main hotel building may execud a height of 48 feet except as hercinaticr priwided. 2.4 No buildings approved by the Resolutions. other than the main hotel building. shall exceed a height of 37 feet. . 2.5 The main hotel building shall have a maximum of 5 architecwml tower/pedic l=M 2.6 The center architectural tower/pediment shall have a maximum height of 55 feet. Ary-cewe01 w10 Z �i14f-It,hali'N1 AcHWMI.M1 IU11111111jilliffill 6wf1 got 59 Order: SUTJW Description: 2001.247262 Page 3 of 27 Co=ent: 07/31/01 15:07 FAX 760 773 5856 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE 0005/018 2.7 Of the remaining 4 wchitectural tnweNpediments. 2 shall have a maximum height of 52 feet and 2 shall have a trttatimttm height of SA feet. 3. D'ShMASAL OF Cam\ A TIM - WIT11 ■ EJU IC . Immediately upon execution of this Settlement Agreement, acquisition orthe feel property upon which the Project is to be consttvcted (the "Rvrdened Property') by Santa Rosa, and recordation of this Settlement Agreement, Petitioners shall dismiss the CGQA Action with prejudice. Petitioners will lodge no further objections to the Resolutions and will otberwise take no affirmative steps of tiny kind to block impkmentation of the Resolutions, asmodified by this Settlement Agecen: ent. Petitioners will take no Wher steps to block, hinder or otherwise delay the construction of the Project pur9uant to the Resolutions, as nwdifted by this Settlement Agreement. 4. MI-ADMISSIONOPLIABIL . This Settlement Agreement shall never at any time, for any purpose constitute an admission of liability by any party hereto. The Parties further acknowledge; that this is a good faith settlement of disputed issues. S. E7IBE AORL-E, This Settlement Agreement, and the documents it Incorporates. constitute the entire written agreement of compromise. settlement and release by and among the Parties, and there are no other apmements modifying its term%. -Phis Settlement Agreement can only be modified by a writing, signed by the Patties hereto, expressly stating that such modification is intended. 6. ADViCE OE C SEL. Each party hereto, by its due execution of this Settlement Agreement, nprea mts to every other puny that it has reviewed each provision of this Settlement Agreement with its legal counsel or hat been adviwd to do so. and that hereafter no party shall deny the validity of this Settlement Agreement on the ground that such party did not have the advice of legal counsel. 7. H1_ND,1N0 L FECT. The Parties each further expremly understand and agree that this Settlement Agreement shall be binding upon their respective heirs, administrators, executors. ►ucee%mra, predecessors and msigns. Thiar Setticnxnt Agreement shall he intcrprOW'd pursURnt to the laws of the State of Califomin. 9. SI;V( $A1911.I.Ty. If any part of this Settlem-ni Agnwment is found to be unenforceable, the remaining provisions hereof shall nevertheless N. carried into effect. 9. A110KNEY-T- FrE'.3. Santa Rosa warrants that the City of La Quinta has not responded to the CEQA Action and has incurred no attorneys' fees or costs in connection with the CEQA Ae iott, Each party to this Settlement Agreement shall bear their own attornwys, fees and coats with respect to the CEQA Action. However. in the event any action or proceeding is commenced between the parch hcreto (including the i3omnitcd Parties as hereinafter defined) to enforce the tcnns of this Settlement Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to e11 fees, costs and expertm" incurred by it in connection with such action or proceeding. including reasonable attorneys' fees. 1021efte "! INN 110111111101111 2091-147 a.ss/.oe) aof o sell • or I, W-M rmr-wT t Order: suTm Description: 2001.147262 Page 4 of 17 Caw=ent: 598 07/31/01 15:07 FAX 760 773 5856 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE Q 006/018 10. - ' ' : " . 'lids Settlement Agreement shall become. effective upon execution nand recnrdatlon of the Agreement. 11 • M�.This Settlement Agreement i x doomed to have been jointly negotiated by the Parties. Any uncertainty or ambiguity shall not be construed for or against any PeMy, based on attribution ordnniling to any Party, It is Agreed and represented by all Parties that this Sadement AgreeniM was the t+esult of extended negotiatlow between counsel Ibr the Parties hereto, and t)nat avid parties were of rclative)y equal bargaining power. In no way whatsovever shall it be deemed that this Settlement Agreement isa contract ofadhesiott. is uftmAwnable or unconscionable. or that any Party entaW into this Settle meal Agrvenw nt under duress. 12. CON 1 . This Settlement Agreerncrnt shall be enforced, interpreted and construed in its entirety according to its fair and logical meaning. and in accordance with the laws of the State of t'al'tfornin. 13• ESQ IER DQUIUM-15. Each PeAy hereto agrees to execute such farther papers or documents that shall be necessary or proper in order to fulfill the terms and conditions of this Settlement Agreement. 14. ' ' ' M. This Settlement Agreemwnt nay he lexucuted in two or more counterparts, each of which drat l constitute an original. and all a Pwhich together shall constitute one Settlement Apectnent. 1S. A s . Each of the Panics to this SCttlo:ment Agreement covenants and agrees that the Persons executing this Settlement Agreement are authorized and empowcmd to enter into and execute this SeWernent Agmement. and by their execution hereof, each respective perms they represent, and all pe"si. partnerships. corporations. unimvrporated susociation. annul any pem- a or thing Misted themwith sMI1 be bound by the ktms hereon. ettt! that each Party is the owner of, and has not amigned, ttwferred or hypothecated any of dw claims each Im asserted. whether known or unknown, or which relate in any way to said claims or to the Action. 16. �[t OE THE ESSENCE. Time is of the essence with rempect to any act or perfonw= called for undo? the Settlement Agreement, 17. The headings contained in Ibi9.Setticment Agreement tine forreterettce purposes only, and shall in no way affect the neaning or interhrttaliotn thereof. 16. p .. ;CJEQ HY'rfflS ACT• The real property affected by this Agroxmtent is legally described as Assessors Parcel Nos. 770.020.001 and 770.020.002 (the "Burdened Property"). See attached Exhibit "A" for legal description of Burdened Property, F*None our Na 1111101011 N�e��� AA lf1I114 SCT 11.1 hU141 ACat11•PA01 Order: 3UMM Deseri tion: 2001.147262 P 5 9 ;, P age 5 of 17 Camluea t 07/31/01 15:08 FAX 760 773 5856 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE _. 0007/018 19, ,Y. This Agmnent Mall be applicable to this Project and shell be =orded and shall be cOvcnantst, conditions and restrictions that runs with tht; land. Thlt Agreement may be enforced by petitioners, the City of La tluinta or by any owner offal propoy within the City o(La Quinta (collectively, the "Beaelitted Property" and/or the "Benelltted Panics"). 11aecovenants, conditions and Mtrictions contained in this Agreement shall be enforceable equitable servitudes and shall inure to the benefit of and bind all Beneficted Property, Each denef'7tted party shill have the right ofaetion to enforce by proeftdings at law or in equity, all covenants. conditions and resMetiow now or hereafter imposed by the provisions of this Agreement, or any anxndment thereto. including the right to prevent the violation of such mshiWons. conditions, covenants, and the right to recover darnages for such violation. 20. MORTCIAQEk PROTECTION. No breach or violation of this Agreement shell defeat or render invalid the lien ofany mortgage, deed of trust or similar instrument (a "Mongage") securing a loan made in good faith and for value, provided, that all of the covenant, conditions and restrictions set forth in this Agreement shalt be binding Upon and effective n&nst any subsequent owner whose title is acquired by or as a result of foreclosure, trustee's gale, deed in lieu of foreclosure, or otherwise pursuant to arch liens rights. IN WITNESS W"F-kMF, the Patties have executed this Settlement Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. Date: Q 3 Z 0 .2001 CONSFRVE OUR VILLA66 ENVIRONMENT a California unincorporated association BY: Kimbe4 turd Its; Authuriad Representative Fete: Za _. 2001 �� KIMBEF&Y RIKI), n individual [)Me: 312<f .zoos By: $414 anr,Mtl WO S sPni.Em-Ni Aomi-i-MFNI Order: SUTRM Deacript:ion: 2001-147262 Page 6 of 17 Comment : 600 07/31/01 15:08 FAX 760 773 5856 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE 0 008/018 Dote: 2001 SANTA ROSA PLAZA, LLC a California limited liability company By Daniel grown, Trustee 4the Fleetwood Sally Trust Its: Managing Member Date: �L `2001 SANTA ROSA PLAZA, LLC 8 California limited liability company BY: Bridget M s, TLA'rt'h8#K'0zJKeeK& Trust J Its: Managing Member ► Date: _ -. _ ► 2001 BEST BEST & KR IEGER LLP f dy: Dah J. k4m Attorney for Santa Rosa Plaza, LLC U rtn"Wr MM16910 11111-V A�/A�Mr A ? MA Order: 9U2%K Deacription: 2001.147262 Page 7 of 17 Camment: 07/31/01 15:08 FAX 760 773 5856 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE Q 009/018 W16A7'F; OV C;AI.IKORN1A (1)UNTV Ole RIVKI SIDF. On AA2teh re , 2001, before me, Cc -Cc G. Talley, a Notary public in and for said County surd State, persorollyappmW KIMl)PlU.Y BIRD, proved to me on the basisofsetisfoctory �. evidence to be the person whmc name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the some in her authorized capacity, and that by her signature on the instr utnent, tlx: person, or the entity upon Whalf ofwfiich the person acted, executed thl: instrument. WITNFSS my hand and official seal. CE-cE O, TAW � • War" lewcatmg-aw-M "A. WWWWM- CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER: NOTARY PU LI Individual Corporate _ C)2iicr�sl Partnerl4) .. Attorney -in -Fact Trustee(s) Subscribing Witness Guardianlconservator Other THIS CERTIFICATE Title or Typc ofDocumcnt; avx tear) L -07* MUST BE ATTACHED _ _ TO THE DOCUMENT Number Wt eges: I&A e �9 DESCRIBED AT Date of Document: Sle o /p 1 RIGHT: Sioner(s) Other Than Name Above: nn:-mt dal .1W 1111111111MININ o-4/W19 of IIa IIOA K1 ILWI I A01111 WHI 60;} Order: SU72M Description: 2001.147262 Page 9 of 17 Comment: 07/31/u1 15:08 FAX 760 773 5856 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE Q010/018 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss. COUNTY OF RI VKILSIDF Uh M44CA to . 2001, bet'ore me. Ce-Cu G. Talley. a Notary Public in and for said C'Qunty wW State. personally appeared KIMBEIRLY BIRD, proved to me on the basis ol, gallsfactory evideacc to be tlx: person whOw name is subscribed to the within instrument and ackni/wledgcd tU me that she executed the saint in her Authorized capacity. and that by her signature on the instrument, the parson. or the entity upon behalf of which the peron acted, executed the instrumcm. WIINFMS my hand wW official nal. CE-Ci 7 TAL= y r` IIOAIIOA • 171 I �� tawrNda 4waMI Mrtlon�e�itat�l.� CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER. - Individual Corporate U1Ticer(s)... ... . . . Paflner(s) Attorney -in -Fact Trustcc(s) Subscribing Witness (luardian/conwrvator Other NOTARY PUBLIC: THIS CERTIFICATE Title or Type of I)ocument:_, 5 L,? �r MUST BE AITACHED _ TO TFIR DOCUMENT Nutnbcr of Pages: c/t ! .9 DESCRIBED AT Date of Document: RIGHT: Signers) Mher Than Nu me Abovc,: *Jw,ado[ •ne �I Yvllsolffin I zee'a"I so on NFTftLmjNI w4e0j-MN1vI 603 Order: SUTI?I Description: 2001.147262 Page 9 of 17 Cament: 07/31/01 15:08 FAX 760 773 5856 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE Q 011/018 STATE OF CAI.IFIMNIA COUNTY OF RIVE. SIDE On IV L(Ah AS . 2001, before me. Ce-Ce 0. Tolley. a Notary public in rind for. Id County aW State, personally Appeared ROBRRT 1„ PIPPIN, personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity. wW that by his signature on the instrument, the person, or the Why upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the utstrument. WIT NP-SS my Wind and *fftcial seal. C! Ck C. tALLEy N`" a tC Ma NOTARY Pustic. t.APACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER: Individual Corporate Oiiiccns)-- Alturney-in-Fact Trustee(s) Subscribing Witness Guutdisn/conservator Other THIS CERTIFICATE: MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE DOCtIMENT DESCRIBED A14 RIGHT: Title or type of ncwurriant: L�t'�KGEitcer� C e oe t e Nutnhet of Pages; / i A e (q) Ode of Docurnent:.0%8 /o Signer(s) Other Than Name Above; 11p:•1w,r A11 %N INNINNIN111 I e4.� r«iMam sL r1 LkA10411 Auwi'! 1► NT Order: OMW Deecriptt=: 2001.147262 Page 10 of 17 Comment: 604 07/31/01 15:09 FAX 760 773 5856 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE 0012/018 Under the provisions of Govenvnent Code 27361.7t 1 cerdfY under the penalty of perjury that the notaty sell on the document to which this statement is attached reads ss follows: a t K me of No ar} 1 Commission V.. Place of Execution; Date Commission Expires: Date. -a Signature: SIMSIV46"I go son 11MMINIMMIN It tit i's - - - 605 Order: SUMM Deaeription: 2001.147262 Page 11 of 17 Comment: 07/31/01 15:09 FAX 760 773 5856 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE 013/018 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) Ns, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) On April A. 2001, before me, ,� More R. Ajolos ,_ a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Mni-mi sram —Mo (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidenc►a) to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within imtrumes and acknowiedsed to me that they executed the saute in their authorized capacities, and that by their signature on the instrument, the person, or the entity upon behalf orwhm the persons acted, executed the inurument. WI'TNE3S my hand and official seal. BZpRAF.ALflw A04: Canfr+irl0r� a If�t4� Noas1►PAo •cdtam M '1 NOTARY IMMEM01011911 la ot 17 6U6 Order: SUTRM Description: 200.1-147262 page 12 of 17 Comment: 07/31/01 15:09 FAX 760 773 5856 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE Z 014/018 STATE OP CALIFORNIA � to. COUNTY OF RIVM: MME ) c V"%�t,tt1l jA9 .2001, before me. Ae. a Notary Public in mW for said County and State, pervonal ly appea W Af/6 cr F lyre s Is proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose narne is subscribed to the within instrument And acknowledged to me that)WIFIkeeutcd the some in MO&autherind capacity. and the by*cxecuted signature on the Ingrumenl, the p�:rson, or the craity upon behalf' of which the person a . the instrument. WITNUSS my hand and Oircial seal. A OILRtiil�Adl101t te�rtRiioA� 11�1� MW" �.<. CWA* �►cea+.o•�a�oan CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER: Indh-idual Pa►nner(a) Attorney -in -Fact T ustee(s) _ Subscribing Witnesa i iuetdtaNCOnge!'Yat�r Wor_ THIS CF;tt rmcAn: MUST BF. ATTACHED TO THE nOMMENT DUCRIBED AT RIGHT: NOTARY PUi3LIC Title or'1'ypc of Documeni: T1ts.470 it, 0' o jC--,,er 2?a� w Number of Pagcs: Date of Document: V ,9loi Sigwr(s) 01her Then Namc Above: lipNone Jill %IW SP I I LUMI•N I AUKj-J-MI:N 1 6 () 1 Order: SUTRM Deacxiption: 2001.147262 Page 13 of 17 Comment: 07/31/01 15:09 FAg 760 779 5856 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE 0 015/018 STATE Of CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVI.RSI DE 0 .A cA Imo, 2001. berate me. 4& I C �aseo � e Nottuy Publtic in and fbr said County and Stec, pctyonelly •PPe� .Z�Iy� 4 �r1).erJ{��/Y•R �t�w;�,� - be the per,Sun whose nano: ubscribed the within instrument end acknowledged to nw thet600 executed the some in . ' authorized capacity. and that by&�* aigrt Me un the Instrument, the per:mm or the entity upon behalf' of which the person acted. executed the instrument. WITNESS nay hand and Official srei. �-� I.:t�t.R4C►�tpSpH now ca�,nxuron r tr6» '-: r�:vyavbac-c�tarnto� h1r�'rarrn�� �1 CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER: Individual alum, partner(s) Attorney -in -Fact Trustee(a) Subscrihin0 Wimm Civasdian/cons:r�+ator NOTARY PU .(' THIS CERTIFICATE Titic or Typc of i)acumcnv-c � ��-��, a= MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT Number of Pages: fr u�/�•����►� DESCRIBED AT Dote of Documrnt: adp/oi RIGHT: Signers) Other Than Name Above: N�•Awe 001 �Id � 1'111�M1�M A�1RLI.M1'N 1 608 Order: BUTRDf Description: 2001.147262 page 14 of 17 Ccmm=t: 07/31/01 15:09 FAX 760 773 5856 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE 0 016/018 BXHIOIT "A" O�W Na 13800006 I�F.SCKIVr10N THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHYEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION •, TOWNSHIP G SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN AERNAROINO MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION, 356.00 FEET WATHERLY FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF: THENCE NORTHERLY ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 160.00 FEET; THENCE EASTERLY AND PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAJO NORTHWEST DUARTCR 175.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY AND PARALLEL NIIN THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 160.00 FEET; THENCE WESTERLY AND PARAILEI WITH THE SOUTHFRLY IINE OF SAID NORTHWFST QUARTER, 175,00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THAT PORTION LOCATED WITHIN AVENIDA BERMUDAS, AN UNDIVIDED ONE-HALF (1/P) INPEREST OF AM UNDIVIDEO ONF-HALL INTLREST IN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF LA OUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING APPROXIMATELY 13.37 ACRES, ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 769-030-046 I^ (FORMERLY 780-030.037). MORE PARTICULARLY OESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: sw T THE WESTERLY 660 FEET OF THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHMIEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST h QUARTER OF SECTION G. TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND 1RI1DIAN, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY Of RIVERSIDF, STATE OF CALIFORNIA# i ACCORDING TO 111E OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF. ON FILE IN THE DISTRICT LAND OFFICE, LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN THE 0690 TO COACHELLA VALLEY CO11N1Y WATER DISTRICT, RECORDED SEPYEMKR 14, 1978 AS INSTRUMENT NO, 193547 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDL COUNTY, CALIFORNIA • EXCEPT THi=REF ROY THE SOUTHERLY 30 FEET AS OESCR I BBd IN THE DEED TO COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, RECORDED DECEMBER 4, 1828 IN BOOK 791, PAGE 354 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; ALSO EXCEPT THEREFROM Tw.. NORTHERLY 20 FEET OF THE SOUTHERLY SO FEET OF THE EASTERLY 270 FEET OF THE WESTERLY 100 FEET AND THE EASTERLY 3 FEET OF THE WESTERLY 33 FEET OF THE SOUTHERLY 250 FEET OF SAID NORIHWL11 QUARTER AS DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TO THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, RECORDED NOVE'iINER 28, 1903 AS INSTRUMENT NO, 124960 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; ALSO EXCEPT THERFFROY THE WESTERLY 30 FEET OF THE -aOUTHERLY 260 FEET OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 6; ALSO EXCEPT THEREFROM THAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN THE OLEO 10 Tilt CIRCLE K CORPORATION. RECORDED MARCH 11, 1070 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 22763 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED THEREIN AS FOLLOWS COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NOIITHUST QUARTER OF SECTION 5. TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 14, PAGL 42 OF MAPS. RECORDS O1 RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; THENCE NORTH 0' 05' 00" WEST. $9.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 09' 53' 20" EAST, 113.00 FEET, TO TNF TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 02 05' 00" WFST, 150.00 FEET: THENCE NORTH 89. 63' 20" EAST, 112.41 FFFT; THENCE SOUTH 2' 31' 20" EAST, 160.14 FEET; THENCE. SOUTH 69• 53' 20" WEST, 68.81 FEET TO THE TRUE. POINT OF BEGINNING; 609 Order; SUTPM Description: 2001.147262 Page 15 of 17 Comment. 07/31/01 15:10 FAX 760 773 5856 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE P�y e 2 DESCRIPTION or Na 1380=0 ALSO EXCEPT TH6111EFROM THAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN T11E DEED TO FRANC I S L. KACK, RECORDED DECEMBER 2, 1970 AS INSTRUMENT W. 12MI OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COuffV, CALIFORNIA. AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY OESCR10E0 THEREIN AS FOLLOWS: BEG1NN1NG AT A POINT ON THE DESTERLY LINE OF 7NL NORTHMEST QUARTER 01 SAID SOUTHEAST 355 FEET NORTHERLY FRO TIIC SOUTHWEST CORNER THL•REOF; THFNCL NORTMERLY ON THE WESTERLY LIVE 01' SAID SECTION, 160 FEET; THENCE EASTERLY AND PARAt.LEI. WITH THE SOUTHERLY LINO OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER 176 FEET: 1HENCE SOUTHERLY AND PARALLFI W17H THE VSMRLV LINE OF SAID SECTION. 160 FEET; THENCE 11WERLY AND PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTHERLY L I NE OF SAID NORTHREST QUARTER. 175 FF-E r To THE POINT OF BEGINNING; ALSO EXCEPT THEREFROM THAT PORTION OESCRIBLD IN SIXTM EXCCPTION OF THE DEED TO DAVID ALTMAN AND WIFE, BETTY, RECORDED JULY 7, 1972 AS INSTRUMENT 00. 89391 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVCRSIDE COUNTY, CALIFOAhIA, AND BEING MDRE PAR11CULARLY DESCRIBED THEREIN AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE WLST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE NORTH 0' 06' 00" WEST, 50 FEET: THENCE NORTH it* 53' 20" EAST, 33 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE C014T1NUING NORTH 69' 63' 20" EASY, 80 FEET: THENCE NORTH 0' 06' 00" NEST, 105 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 89' 63' 20" WEST, 80 FEFT; THENCE SOUTH 0' 06' 00" EAST, 105 FEET TO 7W TRUE POINT OF BE01 KN I NG; ALSO EXCEPT THEREFROM THAT PORTION INCLUbEO WITHIN THE LINES Of THE LAND DESCR I BED IN THE LAST EXCEPTION OF THE DEED TO DAV I D AL1 MAN AND WIFE. BETTY. RECORDED JULY 7, 1972 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 89391 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COWTY, CALIFORNIA. AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED THEREIN AS FOLLOWS: COMIENCING AT THE swTNMESI CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH 0' 06' 00" VESY, 50 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89' 53' 20" EAST, 201.81 FFET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL CONVEYED TO THE CIRCLE K CORPORATION. BY DEED RECORDED MARCH 11. 1970 AS INSTRUMENT 00. 72763 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; THENCE SOMM 0' 00' EAST, 20 FEET TO THL TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 60' 63' 20' EAST, 100.09 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00' 08' WEST, 200 I'EET; THENCE SOUTH 89. 63' 20' NEST TO THE INTERSECTION OF A LINE THAT SEARS NORTH 02' 31' 20" WEST FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL CONVEYED TO THE CIRCLE K CORPORATION BY DEED RECORDED MARCH 11, 1970 AS 1NS1RUKNT NO. 22763 OF OFFICIAL REGORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORKIA; THENCE SOUTH 02* 31' 20" EAST TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL CONVEYED TO THE CIRCLE K CORPORATION; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 07. 31' 20" EAST ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL. 160.14 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH 0' 06' 00" EASY. 20 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; 8601NNING AT A POINT DISTANT 30.00 FEET NORTHERLY, MEASURED AT NIGHT ANGLES. FROM THE CENTERLINE OF CAI.LE TAMPICO, SAID POIW BEINC THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE PARCEL. OF LAID DESCRIBED IN "EXHIBIT B" OF 1 IRE EASEMENT CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF LA QUINIA, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION. 6V DOCUMENT klCORDED OCTOBER S. IOU/ AS I NSTRUMSNT NO. 297363 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; THENCE SOUTH 89• 69' 000 NEST, PARALLEL WITII SAID CENTERLINE OF CAILC 7AMPICO, AND ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE THEREOF, A OISTANCL OF 210.04 FEET TO THC SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE PARCEL OF LAND CONVEYED TO TIIC COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BY DOCUMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 26, 1983 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 124060 Of OFFICIAL RECORDS OF i.�:,ad ��III�III 1l:trb 0 017/018 610 Order: SU77H Description: 2001.147262 Page 16 of 17 Cb=eut: 07/31/01 15 :10 FAX 760 773 5856 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE Q 018/018 0% Na 3A000Od DESCRIPTION` RIVERSIDE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA; THENCE NORTH 00' 02' IS- ItST ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF LAST SAID PARCEL A A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET 10 A POINT DISTANT 60.00 FEET NORTHERLY, MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES, FROM THE CENTERLINE OF CALLE TAMPICO; THENCE NORTH A9' 59' 00" EAST PARALLEL WITH SAID CENTERLINE A DISTANCE OF 210.06 FEET TO THE NOMMEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED IN "EXHIBIT B" HEREINABONE DESCRIBED; THENCE SOUTH 00' 01' 00" EAST ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF LAST SAID PARCEL OF LAND A D I STANCE OF 20.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. 111011m 2691 •• 147Z62 ills 0'19 'M j •v • MIA �� t! of 17 -- 611 Order: S177RM Description: 2001.147262 Page 17 of 17 Comment: