2001 06 26 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL
JUNE 26, 2001
A special meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of
1:00 p.m. by Mayor Peda.
PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Peda
1. Conference with legal counsel pursuant to Government Code Section
54956.9(b), potential exposure to litigation.
Council recessed to Redevelopment Agency and to Closed Session to and until the
hour of 2:00 p.m.
2:00 P.M.
The City Council meeting reconvened with no decisions being made in Closed Session
which require reporting pursuant to Section 54957.1 of the Government Code (Brown
Mayor Pe~a led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council Member Adolph announced CVAG's Human & Community Resources
Committee will be discussing a document on the potential Valleywide Animal Campus
City Council Minutes 2 June 26, 2001
at their July 13th meeting. He wished to have Council's input on the document prior
to the July 13th meeting.
Council Member Henderson announced she attended the CVAG General Assembly
Meeting in Blythe and that Mayor Pe~a will be the Executive Committee Chairman for
FY 2001/2002.
City Manager Genovese presented a brief staff report.
Finance Director Falconer presented major highlights of the budget and budget
In reference to the General Fund Revenue tables, Council Member Henderson
suggested property taxes be included as a separate piece of the pie chart.
In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Falconer advised the majority of
"outside source" funding is transportation related. Public Works Director Vogt
confirmed if Measure A is extended, the City could submit new transportation
projects to be included in the Measure A list of projects.
Robert Cox, 78-315 Crestview Terrace, encouraged Council to consider
increasing staffing levels at the fire stations.
Mr. Genovese referred to Attachment No. 8 and noted the chart shows both -
budgeted and non-budgeted requests for funding.
Special Projects Contingency Fund/Grant Program:
Mayor Pe~a suggested the $8,000 for school funding be rolled into the grant
process and considered as requests are received. After a brief discussion,
Council concurred to also reduce the school funding to $6,000.
City Council Minutes 3 June 26, 2001
Council Member Henderson commented on the priority for public safety needs
of the City and suggested the entire grant program funding be reduced.
Council Member Perkins agreed and expressed the need for a second motor
Council Member Adolph agreed public safety is top priority but noted a sergeant
and a motor officer were added last year. He stated he hasn't noticed a
substantial increase in crime and feels Council should look at all the needs.
Council Member Sniff concurred public safety is important and noted the
addition of a Community Services Officer will free up a patrol officer. He
supported continuing the Special Projects Contingency Fund/Grant Program and
Council having the latitude to consider funding requests as they come forward.
He suggested an analysis be done on the value of adding an additional motor
Mayor Pe~a suggested reducing the Special Projects Contingency Fund to
$60,000 and stated he didn't feel organizations receiving funding one year
should be eligible for funding the next year.
Council Member Perkins suggested a grant fund amount of $50,000.
Council Member Henderson stated she could agree with $50,000 and noted it
could be increased at mid-year budget if needed.
Mayor Pe~a suggested staff bring back the criteria for grant requests for Council
to consider.
After a brief discussion, Council concurred to reduce the Special Projects
Contingency Fund to 955,000, including the school grant requests.
Police Services:
Mr. Genovese referred to Attachment No. 1 and noted Option No. 1 has been
included in the budget.
Captain Singerton, of the Riverside County Sheriff's Department, advised the
actual annual cost for an additional motor officer is $144,000 with the
remaining amount being one-time costs for a motorcycle and training. She also
reviewed the number of motor officers in other valley cities.
City Council Minutes 4 June 26, 2001
Council Member Henderson stated she would support going beyond Option
No. 1 now or at least during mid-year budget review. She said she would have
a hard time funding other areas of the budget in-lieu of polices services.
Mayor Pe~a suggested going with Option No. 1 and making adjustments later
if needed. He felt the addition of a Target Team Member and Community
Services Officer will have a tremendous impact in the short term.
A brief discussion ensued regarding the Plan Checker and Senior Code
Compliance Officer positions. Mr. Genovese confirmed the Plan Checker
position would replace the current contracted services. Building & Safety
Director Hartung noted contract services cost more than an employee position.
Council concurred to include the Plan Checker and Senior Code Compliance
Officer positions in the budget.
In regard to the Secretary position, City Clerk Greek commented on the
difficulty of training temporary personnel to operate the scanning
equipment/software only to have them leave after a short period of time.
Council concurred to include the Secretary position in the budget.
Community Services Director Horvitz explained the Senior Center experiences
a similar situation in having to retrain volunteers and temporary Title 5
Council concurred to increase the %-time Office Assistant to a full-time
Mainstreet Marketplace:
Council Member Sniff suggested the possibility of the Community Services
Department 'taking on the Mainstreet Marketplace events, Mr. Genovese
advised the department would have to contract it out because of the workload.
Valerie Smith, of La Quinta Chamber of Commerce confirmed the Chamber is
willing to do the events but will also have to hire someone.
Mayor Pe~a noted the costs are basically the same for Kiner/Goodsell to do the
City Council Minutes 5 June 26, 2001
Council Member Perkins suggested one event during the Christmas holidays and
one in conjunction with the City's anniversary.
Council Member Henderson questioned the Mainstreet Marketplace events being
an economic development tool and expressed hesitancy in supporting the
expenditure. She stated, however, she would support doing two events, given
the improvements the village has undergone this last year, and suggested not
worrying about.getting vendors.
Council Member Adolph spoke in support of having six events and stated he
feels it brings the community together.
Council Member Sniff stated he believes the City owes it to the village to make
an additional effort to promote and showcase the village by continuing with the
events at least one more year. He suggested one event in the fall, one during
the Christmas holidays, several in the spring, and one in conjunction with the
City's anniversary.
Mayor Pe~a advised he was leaning toward two events but will support at least
four events, perhaps under a new title. He suggested changing the concept and
getting people to come look at the new street. He supported the Chamber of
Commerce putting on the events.
Council Member Henderson noted Kiner/Goodsell's estimate for doing the events
is $6,450 each and she wished to have a more specific proposal. She
supported Kiner/Goodsell doing the events because the Chamber is very busy.
Ms. Smith confirmed the Chamber is very busy but is willing to do the events
because of the City's past support. ·
After a brief discussion, Council concurred to contract with Kiner/Goodsell for
six events at $61,800.
American Red Cross:
Council Member Henderson supported the American Red Cross funding request
going through the grant process.
Council concurred.
City Council Minutes 6 June 26, 2001
Boys & Girls Club-La Quinta Unit:
After a brief discussion, Council concurred to include $25,000 in the budget for
the Boys & Girls Club for Maintenance and Repair.
Mayor Pe~a stated he would support at least $15,000 for fireworks for the
City's 20th Anniversary Celebration.
Council Member Henderson noted if the City provides some money for the
fireworks it might provide incentive for others to contribute.
Council Member Adolph stated he would go along with it but voiced opposition
to "burning up money" and expressed concern about the possible fire hazard
fireworks create.
Council concurred to include 815,000 in the budget for fireworks for the City's
20th Anniversary Celebration.
La Quinta Arts FoUndation:
Council Member Adolph expressed support for the Arts Foundation's request for
8100,000, which represents an additional 825,000 over last year's funding
Council Member Perkins stated he would not support the increase.
Council Member Henderson stated she is supportive of the Arts Foundation but
could not support the requested increase.
Council Member Sniff noted it's the beginning of a unique time for the Arts
Foundation and spoke in support of the request.
Council Member Perkins stated he would go along with a 815,000 increase.
Council Member Henderson suggested revisiting the request during the mid-year
budget process.
Council Member Sniff suggested with-holding the additional funds if the Arts
Foundation is not able to produce the event on their property in November.
City Council Minutes 7 June 26, 2001
Council Member-Henderson stated she would support setting aside $15,000
specifically earmarked for the November event.
Council concurred to include an additional $15,000 in the budget for the
La Quinta Arts Foundation.
Council Member Perkins stated he wished to have staff come back with possible
funding alternatives to add a second motor officer this year.
MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to adopt the Fiscal
Year 2001/2002 Preliminary Budget as amended (per Council's discussion) and
direct staff to prepare a Fiscal Year 2001/2002 Final Budget for the July 17,
2001, City Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.
Council complimented staff on the preparation of the budget.
There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to
adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk
City of La Quinta, California