24890-7 JM Peters 90CITY OF LA QUINTA SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ai%,4 day of ,.,n , 19 `%O , by and between -J . M . Peters Uompany, , Inc._ hereinafter referred to as "SUBDIVIDER", AND CITY OF LA QUINTA, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "CITY". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Subdivider has prepared and filed a final subdivision map of Tract No. 24890-7 in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, for approval by the City; and WHEREAS, as a condition precedent to the approval of said map by City, Subdivider is required to offer dedication of those parcels of land intended for public utility use ; and WHEREAS, Subdivider, by said map, has offered for dedication to City for public utility use certain easements shown on said map; and WHEREAS, City desires to accept the easements shown on said map for public utility use; and WHEREAS, Subdivider, by said map, has proposed to utilize certain parcels of land for private streets, and also to construct and install or agree to construct and install certain improvements; and WHEREAS, even though said private streets shall not be dedicated to City for public use, City desires to insure that said streets are constructed to the same standards and specifications required by City for public streets; and WHEREAS, the total cost of such improvements has been estimated by the City Engineer to be approximately $619,370.00 Dollars; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED by and between the parties thereto as follows: 1. Subdivider, at his sole cost and expense, shall construct and install the street, drainage,landscaping, domestic water, sanitary sewer and other improvements required to be constructed or agreed to be constructed as a condition precedent to the approval of said final map and acceptance of such easements, as shown on the "Improvement Plans for Tract No.24890-711; copy of which is now on file in the office of the City Engineer of the City and which is referred to and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT - Tract 24890-7 Page 2 2. Subdivider shall furnish to City securities satisfactory in form and substance to City Attorney executed by a corporation authorized to transact surety business in the State of California, one class security to be in the aggregate sum of $914,400.00 dollars to assure the faithful performance of this Agreement, said security class hereinafter referred to as "Performance Bond(s)", and one security to be in the aggregate sum of $447,500.00dollars to assure the payment of the cost of labor and materials supplied to construct the required improvements, said security class hereinafter referred to as "Payment Bond(s)". All securities furnished pursuant to this Agreement shall be furnished in amounts commensurate with the estimated value of the various improvement items set forth in Exhibit 'A' which is attached hereto and made apart hereof. Subdivider shall furnish a minimum of two (2) separate Performance Bonds and a minimum of one (1)separate Payment Bonds as identified by the respective Bond Groups shown in Exhibit W. 3. Subdivider shall commence the construction and installation of said improvements within ninety (90) days from the approval of such "Improvement Plans" for Tract No. 24890-7 by the City Engineer, and shall complete the construction of said improvements within eighteen (18) months from the date of commencement. Subdivider may at its sole discretion extend the completion period described herein past the eighteen (18) months time period to any future date that Subdivider may select. It is understood, however, that a condition precedent to extending the completion period, Subdivider shall furnish to City securities similar in form and substance to those required by Article 2 herein to cover the extended completion period selected by Subdivider. The value of said securities shall be sufficient to insure the performance of improvement work that remains incomplete at the time of said time extension. The security posting amount shall be determined by the City Engineer. 4. Before final approval of the street improvements, the Subdivider will place survey monuments in accordance with the provisions of the State Subdivision Map Act and the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of La Quinta as shown on the Tract Map. After the monuments are set, Subdivider shall furnish to the City Engineer written notice that the monuments have been set, and written proof that the engineer or surveyor has been paid for setting the monuments, or as otherwise provided in the Subdivision Map Act. SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT - Tract 24890-7 Page 3 5. The City Engineer, or his duly authorized representative, upon written request of Subdivider, shall inspect the Streets and improvements herein agreed to be constructed by Subdivider, and determine if said Streets have been constructed in compliance with the standards and specifications required by City for public streets. 6. Subdivider shall complete such improvements plans including any corrections and revisions thereto necessary to comply with the applicable City standards as determined by the City Engineer, within thirty (30) days after approval of the final map. 7. Subdivider hereby guarantees such improvements for a period of one year following the completion by Subdivider, and acceptance by City, against any defective work or labor done, or defective materials furnished, in the performance of this Subdivision Improvement Agreement by Subdivider and shall repair or replace any such defective work or materials subsequently discovered. 9. The labor and material security required by Article 2 herein shall be retained to secure payment to the contractor, his subcontractors and to persons renting equipment or furnishing labor and materials for six (6) months after completion and approval of the work required by Article 1 herein. 10. Ten percent (10%) of the performance security required by Article 2 herein shall be retained by the City for one (1) year to support the guarantee of the improvements required herein. 11. In the event that the Subdivider fails to perform any obligation hereunder within sixty (60) days after the City has mailed written Notice of Default to the Subdivider at the address given below, the Subdivider authorizes City to perform such obligation and agrees to pay the entire cost of such performance by City. 12. In the event that Subdivider fails to perform any obligation hereunder, Subdivider agrees to pay all costs and expenses incurred by City in securing performance of such obligations, including costs of suit and reasonable attorney's fees. In the event that Subdivider is unable to perform within the time limits herein due to causes beyond his control, such as strikes, acts of God, etc., all time limits will be extended by the same amount of time as caused by such delay. 13. Subdivider hereby binds itself, its executors, administrators and assigns, and agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the City harmless of any losses, claims, demands, actions or causes of action of any nature whatsoever, arising out of or in any way connected with Subdivider's performance hereinunder in the construction of the improvements agreed to be constructed and installed hereunder by the Subdivider, including costs of suit and reasonable attorney's fees. SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT - Tract 24890-7 Page 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written above. CITY OF LA QUINTA By: Ronald L. Kiedrowski City Manager f ATTEST:' City Clerk-," SUBDIVIDER: By: Address: 12526 High Bluff Drive, Ste. 280 J. Peters Co p ny, Inc. By: San Dief4o, CA 92130 Subs ribed and Sworn to before me this day of,, 19 qu OFFICIAL SEAL ROBERTA M. KERN Seal of Notary = `D�lNOTARY PUBLIC • CALIFORNIA PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN ORANGE COUNTY top My Commission Exp. Oct 10, 1992 REVIEWED AND APPROVED •/f'"C C' v E5adineer Date SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT-24890-7 Page 5 EXHIBIT A Estimated Value of Improvement Items BOND IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION PERFORMANCE PAYMENT GROUP BOND BOND 1 On -site streets and Drainage $619,370 309F685 Improvements Sanitary sewer facilities 85,400 42,700 Domestic water facilities 190,230 95,115 2 Survey monuments 19,400 -0- Each improvement item listed hereon may be bonded individually, or bonded collectively with other improvements with a single bond, provided however, that improvements which are grouped together and bonded with a single bond are correspondingly identified in the 'Bond Group' column as being of the same group. Performance Payment Bond Bond Bond Group 1 - Totals = $ 895,000.- $ 447,500`" Bond Group 2 - Totals = 19,400�- -0- GRAND TOTALS = $ 914,400 $ 447,500 FAITHFUL PERFORMMICE (CALIFORNIA) ixecuted In one ;'i) original Sand Sp00075907 rnttial Prenvum $ 9.144.00 / two years WHF-REAS. Tne Co?? Council at the City of La Quirtt3, Sate of California. anct .1 M Pete rIC h+eneutaftef designated "!he forrrar Subdivider', have entered into an agreement Oared the day of ,tint. IE% and wneratly. Sheffiei4-Citrus LLC mere:nafcer aesugnate� as 'Prinapal." agrees to install ana complete tree following aesignatiad pum c improvements Citrus Cautsa Traci 2 9d_ 7 (Cily of La C-u+n�ounty of Riverside. California) on -Site Streets and Crainage lr�zprovements Sanitary Sewer Facll:ljes Domestic Wlaxer Facilities i Survay Menurnents j whlch said ag, eamanc is narat1y rererr3q to and magi a part hereof, and Whereas, Said principal is regwr04 vnaer the terms of saicl ar ^cement to furmish a 4ond W iris faartfut perkirmance Of no agreement. Naw, triereftita, we. tree pnncipal ana Frontier Pacific Insurance Company as surety. are held firmly '!3=nd Nnm he City La Owinta -heresnafftw capita in the penal SUM Of NI.�e..Me,"Giva Fourteen Theusarld- Four Hgngrecj and Nail00 dollars ($914,40CLOO wwfui money of the unitact States, for ma paymant of W111C t suns wf--gf ano truly to ce Via, we Dime ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and a4minrs'tr Mrs, jointly aM saverally, firmly by lhtM- presar! - Tne condition of tnss =((gat;�i1 is such u,ci; F5, Me above bcunaed pnncipal, nis or its heirs, executors. adauni.Ur80 im successors ar assigns. stall !n all things stared to and aoide joy, and well and truly keep and petfbrm the covenwft. conditions ana prouos;ores in the sa-M agreemant and any alteration thereof mane as therm pmvideci, on nis or Mew p8ut, to ire kept and pei-fcrrN--o at me mriz and in tha manner therein specified, ana in all respects accorcling to their true intent and meaning, and shall inoemnN,. and sale harmiess Cily of La Quint„_a its ofticem. agents and employees, as Marvin stipulated, then this nNig:tion shag: became mill ana void. otnerwise it Shall be and remain in full farce and effect As part of the ontiga1.cn Saczirea nereby and in addition to the face amount specifieb therefore. there shall pe Mciv led costs and reasonanie expensas and fees trtcl,,�drng reasonattle attamey's tees, incurred bll city in successfully enforcing such V o.. oc XaXeCl a cns;o and ;nciuclecl in any judgment rendered. Tice surety naraby 3t►pulates :�I;o agrees ►,- at no r4na; ga, axtension of time. aiterawn or addition to true terms of the agreement or to the •,vorx to r?a palfarrned Maraunaer cc me specifications accompanying that same snail in anywise affect Its ot3liganans in Chia bor d, EmQ It do^;:s narLoy waive notice of any such change. extension of time, aiterat on or ailaition to Lrie terms of the agr %,;menu w ►a the uorK or to tree spscificattans In wrmess whereof. Mis instrument nas teen owy executed by the principal and surety above named, an Novembe-r 2, j g 98 SHEFF1 �-L q..CrTRug Frontier Pacific Insurance Company By: Sheffield Homes LLC Fr;rttipai Its Manag i em r BY ----------�- _ at`rarney-+n-Fad e 4Z50 Executive S �7(lf; *� --�- La Jolla, � � 9 « ) 3 Dodge Warren & Peters n�er�rs .�ddre Insurance Services, Inc. 430 N. Vineyard Ave #330 Ontario, Ca 91764 LABOR AND MATERIAL. (CALIFORNIA) j I] urusmai Bono SD00075907 Premium included in Performance Bond WHEREAS. The City Council of the Cary Of 1_3 Quinia. State of California, and j.M. Aeters GomMy_rnr _ wrainaftier designated -the fouler Suncliviaef , have entered into an agreement dato the 11st day of L, 19M an0 wllempy. Sheeffiei itrus LLC hereinafter iesignated as "Pnncipai," agrees tD install and complete the falkming daigngted public improvements. Citrus Courso TMZ 2483C ; Qgg pf ��_Counri, r,# p i- :rs;de_ Califomial On -Silo Streets at -to Drainage Irnprovaments Sanitary Sewer Fac►logo Domestic wamer Fac:tit:th.s which said agreement is hereoy refartgxt V% 3nd rnada a part hereof, and Whereas. Under the terms of said agreonwt, principal is required before entering upon the perfomwnce of the warK 0 file a good and sufficient payment mm with the City of La Quanta to secure the claims to wt ch reii"rice is mares q, Tula 15 (commencing wan Section 3082) of Part 4 of DivigicM 3 of the Civil Cadc of the State of Ca tibmin. Now, therefore, said principal and the unaersagnea as corporate surety, are held far ly twand unto the City of La Quints and all comeactn:s. subconvac=z, materia Mn and other psr+ealte errtpioyed in thee: parfernwincee: of the akarcank! agreement ono referral ;o in the aformad Code of Civil Procedure ,n the sure of Four F Fie t•tc,ndrao Inc Nc�•t ooaaac5 {$447.54fl.t1furnished or for materials furnishor labor thereon of any king. or for ammints due under the Unernpkoyrnant lnS4;mn= ftt with respeCt to such work or labor, that said Surety will pay, Vie Sarnee In an amount nor exceeding the arnoLint hereinanave set brth, and also in case suit is brought upon this t iond, wdl pay M addition to the Face arnoun; dhamof, costs and reasonable expenses and fees. including reasonable attamays fees. incurred by ctty in Su=tSs;ully enforcing such obligation, to oe awarded and fixed by the court, and to ha taxetaid ms costs and to be included in lie judvfl ant therein rendared. It is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed that :tA bond small Inure to the benefit of any and all pamwe. Comp rda 4n4 corpor0ana endued to nit Gl irno undar Title 15 (commencing wait Secton 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of tt►a �Civll Code, so an to give a rfgm of sctmn 10 1h3m Of ::'peer aaslgns in any suit brought upon this Mond. i Shoula ttte cor.di►ion of this Dona C : fultj re&-4fineC1....n rhtS obligation shall become null and vad, otherwise it SW be and remain :n Tw! force Mfid affaci Tne suit ty hereby stipul4aams ar.4 agrees thst no ir7i'ange, extension of time, alteration or addition is trio terms of said agrealrient or the spe.rn .atr:zj:=rvrpanying t~;a same shall in any manner of oct ds obligations an this Dom, and it class M,*M y waivai nctl,=e of any sumn change, oxtensicn. afteration or addition. In witness whereof, Iris instrument nay pseft dQy exact L by the principal and surety above narked, on November 2, 19 98 SHgFF1gLD-C TRlJS LLC By: Sheffield Homes LLC Principal Its Managin b ohn el -MrMlU e r Werra. Frontier Pacific Insurance sir Dayf d C _ Ranf er- AfDmay-M•FMO 4250 Execatjj& Square #200 Dodge Warren & Peters Agencs Auciress: Insurance Services, Inc 430 N. Vineyard Ave #330 Ontario, Ca 91764 T-Vf 44Q" MEMORANDUM TO: Saundra Juhola, City Clerk FROM: Marcus Fuller, Assistant Engineer I Vr DATE: January 15, 1999 RE: Citrus Tract 24890-7 Dust Control Security Please accept the attached Payment Bond Certificate (Certificate No. 30097; $26,000.00) as dust control security during construction of the above mentioned project. The Public Works Department will advise when the security can be released, upon completion of the project. MF/mf cc: T24890-7 Project file II Permit 2878 file K:\PWDEPT\STAFF\FULLER\MEMOS\1999\990115b.wpd UNION r BANK OF PAYMENT BOND CERTIFICATE CALIFORNIA _ Automatic Renewal, Non -Negotiable Certificate Serial Number:30097 Office of Account: = _; Account Number _._._ OnI-'* �t 1. z� r _..__ _.__._ _ __ Amount Deposited $ F� was deposited for-,-, _' , t _r __ _ Dollars b (Depositor) and is payable to on_. 11 the Maturity Date), upon presentation of this Certificate, properly endorsed This deposit will earn interest at the rate of compounded daily using a 365-day y year, for an annual percentage yield of Interest will be paid to the Depositor, '' , "_1! °� = - -- within - -- If this Certificate is not presented for payment on the accounts Maturity Date or days after that date, the deposit will be renewed for a like term at the interest rate in effect on the account's Maturity Date. This Certificate Is ' "' _ transferable. If all or any part of this deposit is withdrawn before the account's original or subsequent maturity date, the amount wn may be sub' ct to an early withdrawal or compensating fee. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE OUTSTANDING BOND REPORT Name: J.M. Peters Company Tract No. 24890-7 Date of Contract: July, 31, 1990 Required Bond Amounts: $ 619,370 - on -site streets/drainage $309,685 - labor $ 85,400 - sewer $ 42,700 - labor $190,230 - water $ 95,115 - labor $ 19,400 - monuments Dates of Bond Reductions: Outstanding Bonds: Amount: Bond No. $ 19,400 3SM 760 055 00 $ 895,000 3SM 759 292 00 $ 447,500 3SM 759 292 00 $ 1,361,900 LOC #9790098 $ 895,000 4983-FP $ 447,500 4983-FP $ 19,400 4984-FP $ 914,400 00075907 $ 447,500 00075907 $ 26,000 #30097 Date Cancelled/Released: replaced 7/10/97 by LOC #9790098 replaced 7/10/97 by LOC #9790098 replaced 7/10/97 by LOC #9790098 replaced 8/26/97 with Bond Nos. 4983, 4984 replaced 12/14/98 by Bond #SD00075907 replaced 12/14/98 by Bond #SD00075907 replaced 12/14/98 by Bond #SD00075907