30043 KSL LandT-.,df 4 4Q" MEMORANDUM TO: June Greek, City Clerk FROM: James Lindsey, Assistant Engineer DATE: September 21, 2001 RE: Tract 30043, KSL Land Corporation Dust Control Security The developer, KSL Land Corporation, has submitted a Certificate of Deposit (CD No. 63868) in the amount of $10,000.00 to be held as dust control security. cc: Project Files Tract 30043, File I T:\PWDEPT\STAFF\LINDSEY\TRACTS\30043\Memo Dust Security.wpd om dw N O CL 0 W J m � a Oo all" z V Z L V I M M MIN I a i � , AZI Frier DOCUMENT NO. 63868 c VTBAW MAY 309 2001 44 KSL LAND CORPORATION, PAYABLE TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA----------------XAS DEPOSITED a 4. ,�. � ;; •� a �itlll `� .�'!�1!l��w'iri �11ir"� ttltlr I.r t� r�rl DOLLARS $10,000.00 Rej�Xable to the above depositor upon return} of Certificate properly endorsed on or after MAY 30.9 2002 , with an interest rate of 4 •yy % and an annual percentage yield of�+ • i � %. This Certificate "is" 'NAW" automatically renewed at maturity unless directed otherwise by the Payee or the Bank. If the term of the Certificate is in excess of one month and the Certificate is renewable, the Bank reserves the right to change the interest rate by giving ten days notice prior to any renewal date. This Certificate is not negotiable, not assignable or transferable except to this Bank. This deposit is subject to the FirstBank Deposit Account Agreement as well as all applicable federal and state laws and regulations. If this is a consumer account, additional disclosures are included on the attached sheet(s). Tax I. D. No. Certificate Account No. 33-0589256 78-6993 Authorized Signature OUTSTANDING BOND REPORT Name: KSL Land Corporation Tract No. 30043 Date of Contract: Required Bond Amounts: Dates of Bond Reductions: Outstanding Bonds: Amount: Bond No. $10,000 (PM 10) CD#63868 Date Cancelled/Released: