2001 12 05 CCO� �p • OF T9� City Council Agendas are now Available on the City's Web Page @ www./a-quinta.org City Council Agenda City Council Chambers 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Special Meeting to be held jointly with The La Quinta Planning Commission December 5. 2001 - 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL Council Members: Planning Commissioners: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA ANNOUNCEMENTS PRESENTATIONS - NONE PUBLIC COMMENT Beginning Res. No. 2001-NA Ord. No. -NA Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena Butler, Kirk, Robbins, Tyler, Chairman Abels, Members of the public may address the City Council and Commission on any matter listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and present it to the City Clerk prior to the start of City Council consideration of that item. The Mayor will invite individuals, who have requested the opportunity to speak, to come forward at the appropriate time. _o 0,1 VII. PUBLIC HEARING 1. JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING ON THE GENERAL PLAN UPDATE. Vill. ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council will be held at 2:00 p.m. in Closed Session and 3:00 p.m. in Open Session on Tuesday, December 18, 2001, in the City Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. The next regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission will be held at 7:00 p.m. on December 11, 2001, in the City Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the Special City Council meeting, to be held jointly with the Planning Commission, on December 5, 2001 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin board at the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce and at Stater Bros., 78-630 Highway 1 1 1, on Friday, November 30, 2001. DATED: November 30, 2001 JUNE S. GREEK, CMC City Clerk, City of La Quinta, California PUBLIC NOTICE The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's Office at 777-7025, 24-hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. 0020 Page 2 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: December 5, 2001 Joint City Council Planning Commission Public Meeting on the General Plan Update RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Review the Draft General Plan Update, Draft Master Environmental Assessment, and Draft Environmental Impact Report; and schedule a Planning Commission Public Hearing for January 30, 2002; and schedule a City Council Public Hearing for February 27, 2002. Provide direction on requested changes. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CITY CHARTER IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Adopted in 1992, the City's General Plan is outdated as a result of the City's growth and expansion, changes in State law, and City Council goals. Some portions of the plan have been updated periodically, but no comprehensive update has been undertaken since 1992. On October 26, 1999, a Joint Meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission initiated the General Plan Update process. On November 2, 1999 the City Council held its first Public Hearing to take public comment and to review Land Use Alternatives for the General Plan Update including potential annexation areas. General Plan Update Public Hearings were continued monthly through the year 2000; several AACC and PC staff rpt. 12-05-01.wpd meetings focused on specific issues of community interest such as multi -purpose trails and the potential for street legal golf carts. On December 19, 2000 City Council closed the Public Hearing and directed staff and its planning consultant, Terra Nova Planning and Research, to prepare the General Plan Update documents (Draft General Plan Update, Draft Master Environmental Assessment, and Draft Environmental Impact Report) for public review. These documents have been available for public review since July 13, 2001. On September 19 and November 14, 2001 joint meetings of the City Council and Planning Commission were held to review the Draft General Plan Update, Draft Master Environmental Assessment, and Draft Environmental Impact Report. Upon conclusion the November 10 meeting (Attachment 1), City Council and the Planning Commission requested an additional joint meeting to complete the work effort on selected portions of the Draft General Plan. A review of comments received from the Council and Commission will be given by the planning consultant focusing on the Planning consultant memorandum (Attachment 2) which includes the "agree and disagree" notations received on the remaining portion of the Council and Commission written comments not reviewed at of the November 141h General Plan meeting. As noted, in some instances discussion of an item is requested. The following schedule is suggested which allows the consultant and staff adequate time to make the requested changes to the General Plan document, and to prepare staff reports: Tentatively schedule a Planning Commission January 30, 2002 Hearing to make a recommendation to (7:00 PM) City Council on the General Plan and EIR Tentatively schedule a City Council Hearing February 27, 2002 to adopt the General Plan and Certify the EIR (7:00 PM) A Notice of Availability (NOA) of the EIR was advertised on July 17, 2001 with comments due on August 27, 2001. This comment period was extended by the City until September 10, 2001. The comments on the Draft EIR and a Response to Comments will be transmitted to all parties who commented on the Draft EIR and will be available prior to the January 30th Planning Commission Public Hearing, and the February 27th City Council Public Hearing as required by California law. AACC and PC staff rpt. 12-05-01.wpd 004 9 0., f.. The Draft General Plan Update and Master Environmental Assessment will be printed with any changes in the documents as directed from the General Plan meetings. Also included will be corrected typographical errors, consistent nomenclature, and current titles and names of people and places. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Review the Draft General Plan Update, Draft Master Environmental Assessment, and Draft Environmental Impact Report; and schedule a Planning Commission Public Hearing for January 30, 2002; and schedule a City Council Public Hearing for February 27, 2002. Provide direction on requested changes; or 2. Review the Draft General Plan Update, Draft Master Environmental Assessment, and Draft Environmental Impact Report; and do not schedule a Planning Commission Public Hearing for January 30, 2002; and do not schedule a City Council Public Hearing for February 27, 2002. Do not provide direction on requested changes; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, J rry He man ommunity Development Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Draft Minutes of the Joint Meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission November 14, 2001 2. Planning consultant memorandum regarding proposed changes to the General Plan A:\CC and PC staff rpt. 12-05-01.wpd 005 �U� ATTACHMENT #1 LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION JOINT MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 14, 2001 A special joint meeting of the La Quinta City Council and Planning Commission was called to order at the hour of 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Pena CITY COUNCIL ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins{.Sniff, Myr lien ABSENT: None ................................................ PLANNING COMMISSION ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Planning Commissioners Butler, Kirk, n Abels ABSENT: Planning Commissioner Robbins MOTION - It was moved by Commjeioners "'`y:r rk to ` `excuse Commissioner Robbins. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Pena led the audience n i e Pledge of All ance. Tri Maddy Waers 50 Av5 voiced concern about not being able to continue farming her prr ;r y which is'1140.0iffikimately 300 feet from a residential development recently aPpr've+d y th+a City. ISOhe stated State and Federal laws prohibit chemical spraying of grapes vritlt '{ mile of residences. She intends to file legal action against all parties involved and rxat do other farms may face the same situation in the future. - Confirmed TS - None PRESENTATIONS - None 006 J05 City Council/ 2 November 14, 2001 Planning Commission Minutes PUBLIC MEETING 1. JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC MEETING ON THE GENERAL PLAN UPDATE. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC MEETING O Community Development Director Herman introduced Nica�l rstx Planning Consultant with Terra Nova Planning &Research Ms. Criste then ;:proceeded to review previous City Council and Plannin Ct emission commer}ts related to various sections of the General Plan for the p p+ps .,of attaining a consensus. General Comments: Vision Statement -Commissioner Kiflikiites�ed his reso`s for suggesting the addition of a Vision Statement A. $omew t cif, a summary of what the City wants to achieve in the General Plan.,ftrtef discussion, there was consensus to place a brief statement up to ttr+' sentences at the beginning of each element to reflect..... goalf each individual element. 00( J00 City Council/ . 3 November 14, 2001 Planning Commission Minutes Tying Goals, Policies, and Programs to Budget and ClP - Ms. Criste confirmed references are made throughout the document to the budget and CIP. Updated Demographic Information - Ms. Criste advised 2000 Census figures and suggested a reference be incl, the document. The Council and CommissionApWpcurrd Pictures and Graphics - There was concurrence to a City facilities, etc. and graphics where appropriate Administration Element Comments: Traffic Control and Visual Pollution/Impadts - A bfi consensus to include a discussion of bath items in thf the General Plan and Master Envir. jM:: .n. 0--is nces. Mayor Pena a mites# availability of f'-e. the beginning of icturese. land uses, ussion resulted in a riate elements of d Spepifi.'lts Council Member Adolph ent velation +off the City Code by the Council, he first paragraph on Page 6 be deleted. erring the language in the sentence to reflect be consistent with the General Plan and the Th r+ was concurrence to retain the term. and Master Plans for Open Space Owned by the e Council and Commission concurred to add both ed public comment would be taken at this time. Betty Mangan ` Smith, 82-470 Avenue 54, commented on the differences between Cray property and farm land and voiced concern that the City is teen+ ad developers instead of property owners. She also voiced concern abut losing fertile farm lands to development and water shortage. Maddy Waters, 81-950 Avenue 53, reiterated her comments from earlier in the meeting (Page 1) regarding residential development being approved on property next to her grape fields. 008 J 0'7 City Council/ 4 Planning Commission Minutes November 14, 2001 Council Member, 4enderson noted the City cannot require new developments to implement & policy that has not been adopted and that will remain the case until the updated General Plan is adopted. Ca noted some of the property owners do not receive public hearing +s because their land is beyond the distance outlined for noticing uirements and she asked that they be notified of tract map changes, etc. Mayor Pena noted hearing notification is a common problem throughout the City and is difficult to deal with. 009 Jos City Council/ 5 Planning Commission Minutes November 14, 2001 Council Member Henderson suggested placing public notices on the City's web page. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Herman edvise+d notices are sometimes mailed to properties beyond the required no.0 0. tt0n limit. Mayor Pena suggested mailing a notice to them notify the affected property owners, process when it's clear what is nappening a Mayor Pena noted pl cumulative impact. rea hat the rea in " m m u nits COutci.l and I ett n dells, attorney with Best, Best, ningues, i.e. agricultural and it p`esevbton, and water usage, of a rural erne, He understood the evelopren by :meeting with the u come up with a community plan to findings in the EIR for the Vista id hro gh a future environmental nd whet the impacts are. e-meal" fashion can result in a d findn+ a way to plan the area without being so ............... hreatened. Ms. Crise a,ised prag�`rrt EI''Rs do not preclude future environmental review and the [ty s oklgated trcer CEQA to look at specifics through the process. She noted it's ureltic to think there will be no further environmental analysis for individual pojeots :or project areas. Lee Anderson, 59-777 Calhoun, Thermal, stated he didn't feel agricultural land should be suWect to an overlay and understood staff was going to suggest that very -low density residential and low density residential also allow agriculture in Mayor Pena confirmed that policy has been suggested. He also noted residents still have the opportunity to meet with City staff and the consultant to provide input. There being no further requests to speak, Ms. Criste continued reviewing the City Council and Planning Commission comments. 010 J09 City Council/ 6 November 14, 2001 Planning Commission Minutes Land Use Element Comments: Rural Living Land Use Designation - Commissioner Tyler suggested a Rural Living Land Use designation, as a way to address some of the residents' desires. After a brief discussion, it was agreed not to ittolude the designation at this time. �G 8 of Gene�`l Lind Use 11- Gels Policies - A brief discussion ensued y policy "....careful) aret ,a cons su „was reached to modif the olic to read, y Isd:rhere of rn:luence and subsequent annexations...." LowDenty"rc�fi/e - Corot Member Adolph suggested adding "Maintain a low density rcfi as a third 'goal. A brief discussion ensued regarding the diffiduIty of apIy n+g the goal to the entire City and consensus was reached not to add the proposed�al. Compatible Development - There was consensus to modify Policy 2 under Residential Godals & Policies to read, "Encourage compatible development....." �4ddi pan of Perimeter Berming & Compatible Wall Treatments - After a brief Mcussion, there was concurrence to add language to encourage compatible wall treatments and to address the issue of perimeter berming in the Zoning Ordinance. Modification of Language Related to New Hotels - There was consensus to modify Policy 4 under Commercial Goals & Policies to read, ".......development of hotels as a key component of its economic base." ,0 J1 City Council/ 7 Planning Commission Minutes November 14, 2001 Development Ad 1acent to Airports and Public Utilities Standards - Consensus was reached to retain Policies 5 and 5.1 under Industrial and Airport Goals and Policy 2 under Other Land Use Goals & Policies. .............. /f Cad` fp ps - Ms Gie commented on the liability issues related golf cart r` tes and there was concurrence not to include it. Fables 3� �` and 3.2 - Ms. Criste explained the purpose of including streets outside City Limits in the Tables and the Council and Commission concurred to 1'`6've the names in the Tables. Commissioner Tyler noted errors in some of the street names. Addition of Local Streets to Exhibit 3.3 - There was consensus to add local streets to Exhibit 3.3. 0 �' City Council/ 8 Planning Commission Minutes November 14, 2001 Goff Cart Transportation Program - Commissioner Tyler suggested changing Golf Cart Route System to Golf Cart Transportation Program for consistency and the Council and Commission concurred. Changing Adams Street and Dune Palms Commissioner Butler commented on the amo increase on Adams Street when the fire staff recent traffic analysis shows a secondary ; consensus to downgrade the appropriate se± Palms Road to secondary arterial streets Mayor Pena suggested the joint meeting comments. Road to `eondary Arterials - tr of traff� and noted traffic will 5n is built, 111. Ciste stated the arterial ff1,Old re was tions. d Adams Std JD une to finish reviewing the ief discussion, there consensus to continue the joint public Decerrtbet, 2001, at 6:00 p.m. Mr. Herne r +do sed theid p 11-ments agreed upon by the majority will be place on theenc a .a: consent calendar item and can be pulled for discussion if needed. being no furtho discussion, it was moved by Council Members Henderson/Sniff )urn the City Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously. ATTACHMENT#2 City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/December 5, 2001 MEMORANDUM November 30, 2001 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chair and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Nicole Sauviat Criste Planning Consultant RE: Results of City Council and Planning Commission Input Following the joint meeting of November 14th, staff collected the comments from City Council and Planning Commission, and has tabulated the results. We have also included the direction we received on the items covered in the meeting. All direction is shown in bold, in parenthesis, next to each comment. If further discussion is needed, it has been so noted. Staff will only bring up those items which require further discussion, either because a Council Member or Commissioner asked for discussion, or because there was not a majority opinion on an issue. As with the previous meeting's memo, Council and Commission Members' names are abbreviated as follows: Mayor Pena: (JP) Council Member Henderson: (TH) Council Member Sniff: (SS) Council Member Adolph: (DA) Planning Commissioner Tyler: (RT) Planning Commissioner Abels: (JA) Planning Commissioner Robbins (SR) Planning Commissioner Butler (RB) No comments were received from Council Member Perkins and Commissioner Kirk. If an individual Council Member or Commissioner disagrees with the direction for an individual comment below, he or she may bring it up during the discussion for additional consideration. 1. Comments relating to the entire General Plan A. Add a Vision Statement to the General Plan. (TK) (Staff will draft short statements for the beginning of each Element, based on Commissioner Kirk's Vision Statement) B. Delete the northern Planning Area (Bermuda Dunes area) and references to Bermuda Dunes. (TH, DA, RT, TK) (The Bermuda Dunes planning area will 014 be deleted. In addition, the southeastern planning area will be modified to .9,' 3 reflect the boundaries shown in the EIR as Annexation No. 12 and Sphere of City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/December 5, 2001 Influence boundary, now to be referred to as Planning Area 1 and Planning Area 2, respectively) C. Change all references to La Quinta General Plan buildout to Planning Area buildout (the larger, all encompassing number). (TH) (All statistical analysis will be broken down as follows: City and existing Sphere of Influence together, Planning Area 1, Planning Area 2, and a Total number) D. Delete references to the community of Thermal where possible (three occurrences found). Related comment: Change any reference to Thermal Airport to Desert Resorts Regional Airport (TH, RT) (This change will be made) E. Add implementation chapter or separate document which ties goals, policies and programs to annual budget and capital improvement programs. (TK) (This change will not be made) F. Update demographic information where available. (TH, RT) (This change will be made) G. Add pictures and other graphics throughout the document. (TK) (This change will be made) H. Change Whitewater River to Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel. (RT, SR) (This change will be made where appropriate) I. Amend all maps to show the annexed lands at the northwest corner of Jefferson and Fred Waring. (RT) (This change will be made. Also, the Palms annexation will be added) 2. Comments relating to specific Elements of the General Plan Administration Element A. Add Traffic Control to Infrastructure and Public Services Element. (DA) (This change will be made, and discussion added to the Circulation Element) B. Add Visual Pollution to Environmental Hazards Element. (DA) (This change will be made, and discussion added to Open Space Element regarding protection of the visual assets of the mountains) C. Delete the second sentence of the first paragraph on page 6. (DA) (The language in the sentence will be reversed) D. Page 7, last paragraph: change the term "police powers." Also page 8, second paragraph. (DA) (This change will not be made) E. Policy 2, page 8: add CVAG. (DA) (This change will be made) 14 City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/December 5, 2001 F. Program 4.1, page 8: Add master plans for open space areas owned by the City. (DA) (This change will be made) Land Use Element A. Comprehensive land use planning of the southeastern planning area is needed. (TK) (This change will not be made) B. Suggest the creation of a Rural Living land use category, with 5 to 10 acre minimums. (RT). (This change will not be made) C. Include General Plan Amendments and changes such as the vacation of Avenue 53 within Country Club of the Desert, which have occurred since the Land Use Map was released. (RT) (This change will be made) D. Page 12, Resort Mixed Use and Tourist Commercial are marked, but no comment is provided. (DA) (No change needed) E. Page 13: Add Light Manufacturing to the name of the Industrial land use designation. (DA) (The term shall be Industrial/Light Manufacturing) F. Page 14, Open Space: Add reference to lands owned by the City to be preserved as Open Space which are not in the mountainous areas. (DA) (This change will be made) G. Page 17, General Land Use Goals: Add a Goal 3, to read "Protection of our natural elements." (DA) (This change will be "Protection of our natural environment") H. Page 18, Policy 6: define in -fill. (DA) (This will be added to the glossary) I. Page 18, Policy 8: add "sphere of influence and subsequent..." after "carefully consider." (DA) (This change will be made) J. Page 18, Residential Goals: Add Goal 3 to read "Maintain a low density profile. (DA) (This change will not be made) K. Page 18, Policy 2: start the policy with the word "Compatible." (DA) (The text will be changed to "Encourage compatible") L. Page 19, Policy 5: Add "perimeter berming" after "height" and before "pad elevations." Also, add at the end of the sentence " and not disrupt the tranquility of adjacent properties." (DA) (This change will not be made) M. Page 19, Policy 4: delete the phrase "mid -sized," and "particularly those planned with golf course or other recreational amenities." (DA, RT) (This change will be made) 016 115 City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/December 5, 2001 N. Page 20, Policy 5 and Program 5.1: Policy and Program are premature. (DA) (This change will not be made) O. Page 20, Policy 2: How will policy be enforced? (DA) (No change is needed) P. Discuss the issue of Park Fee credits in Program 4.2, page 20. (TH) (The policy will be modified to allow partial credit only for retention basins) Q. Policy 10, page 18: should dark sky principles be applied on a regional rather than local level? (TK) (No change will be made) Circulation Element A. A southeastern corridor (much like Highway 111) is needed in the southeastern planning area. (TK) (No change will be made) B. All street with 25 mile per hour speed limits and all streets in residential and business districts should be designated Class III golf cart routes. (RT) (No change will be made) C. A street naming policy should be included, requiring that new streets which are extensions of existing streets carry the same name for their entire length. (RT) (This change will be made) D. Add a discussion about the width of medians, page 21. (TH) Also, medians should be no more than 12 to 14 feet in width. (RP) (This change will be made) E. Table 3.1, page 23, and Table 3.2, page 29: Delete streets outside the City (please see Commissioner Tyler's comments for a full list of those streets he wishes to eliminate from the Table. (RT) (No change will be made) F. Add local streets to Exhibit 3.3, page 25 (such as those in the Village. (TK) (This change will be made) G. Page 30: Change "Golf Cart Route System" to Golf Cart Transportation Program." (RT) (This change will be made) H. Exhibit 3.5, page 31: Adams and Dune Palms have been downgraded from Primary to Secondary Arterials — was this intentional? (RT) (No change will be made) I. Exhibit 3.8: clarify the City Hall icon. (TK) NB: Staff requests direction on how Commissioner Kirk would like this clarified. (Discussion is requested) 017 P16 City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/December 5, 2001 J. Page 37, second and third paragraphs, left hand columns: change "should" to "shall." Also, second paragraph, third line from the bottom, add "hopefully" after "the City." (DA, RT) (Councilwoman Henderson requests discussion; Agree: JP, DA, SS, RB, JA, RT, SR) K. Page 38, Policy 2: add reference to homeowners' associations which tie private streets to City streets. (Councilwoman Henderson and Commissioner Robbins request discussion. Commissioner Tyler requests deletion of Adams St.) L. Page 3 8, Program 2.2: Adams Street should be removed from the Program. (RT) NB: Adams has been identified in the past as requiring attention to minimize turning conflicts. The potential conflicts still exist, despite the reduction in roadway classification. Staff recommends that the Program remain as is. (Agree with staff recommendation: JP, TH, SS, SR, RT, Disagree: TH, DA, JA, RB. The program will remain as is.) M. Page 38, Program 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8: the phrase "to City Engineer review and approval" is circled and underlined, but no comment is provided. (DA) (No change is required. Councilman Adolph had a question) N. Page 38, Program 2.3: The reduction in intersection spacing on Major Arterials is a bad idea. (RT) (Commissioner Robbins has a question. Discussion is requested. Agree: JP, DA, SS, RT, Disagree: TH, RB, JA) O. Page 38, Program 2.5: Program is a bad idea. (DA) (Councilwoman Henderson and Commissioner Robbins have a question. Discussion is requested. Agree: DA, RT, Disagree: JP, SS, JA, RB) P. Page 3 8, Program 2.9: Plan has been completed, delete. (DA) NB: The program was added at the request of the City Engineer's office, and the Plan has not yet been undertaken. (Councilwoman Henderson has a question. Agree: RT, Disagree: SS, JA, RB. The program will remain) Q. Change the words "concerted effort" in Program 5.1, page 39 (no alternative given). (TH) (Commissioners Robbins and Tyler have a question. Agree: DA, Disagree: TH, SS, JA, RB) R. Page 39, Policy 6 and Program 6.2: The policy and program are not realistic. (DA) (Agree: DA, TH, SS, SR, RT, JA, RB. The policy and program will be removed.) S. Program 6.2, page 39, should be deleted. (TH, RT) (The program will be removed. See item R above) T. Bicycle lanes should be at least 6 feet wide.(RP) 018 017 City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/December 5, 2001 NB: This is a development standard which should be added to the City's Development Code, although Program 7.2 on page 40 could be modified to include this minimum. (Unanimous agreement. The program will be modified.) U. The speed limit on streets posted for 45 mph or more should be painted in each lane, parallel to each posted sign. Also, left turn pockets should be 10 feet long for each 10 mph of speed limit (50 mph requires 500' long turn pocket. Also, dual left turn lanes should be 6 feet long for each 10 mph of speed limit (50 mph requires 300' turn lane). All traffic signals should be equipped with LED lights as soon as possible. Parking stall size and location should also be regulated (please see Councilman Perkins' comment for the complete discussion he submitted. (RP) NB: These requests represent development standards, and should be added to the Municipal Code. A new program, 2.14 on page 39, could be added which requires the amendment to the Code for these items. (Councilman Adolf requests discussion for clarification. Agree: JP, TH, SS, RB, JA, RT, SR) V. Page 40, Program 7.3: The first sentence is questioned, but no comment noted. (DA) (No change is needed. Councilman Adolf marked the item while reading.) W. Page 40, Program 7.4: This program singles out the Cove, and not the other neighborhoods in La Quinta, which is inappropriate. (RT) (Councilwoman Henderson and Commissioner Robbins have a question. Agree: JP, DA, SS, RT, JA, RB) X. Page 40, Program 7.5: Program should be deleted and made part of the stand- alone Golf Cart Program. (RT) (Councilwoman Henderson and Commissioner Robbins have a question. Agree: JP, DA, SS, RT, JA, RB. The program will be deleted) Y. Add Desert Resorts Regional Airport to Policy 9 and Policy 10, page 40. (TH) (Agree: JP, TH, SS, SR, RT, JA, RB. The program will be modified) Z. Page 40, Policy 9 and Program 9.1: Should be accomplished without overage of signage. (DA) (Agree: JP, TH, SR, RT, JA, RB, Disagree: SS. The program will be amended to include a statement that signage should not be excessive) AA. Page 40, Policy 12: Delete Interstate 10. (RT) (Agree: JP, RT, Disagree: DA, TH, SS, JA, RB. This Policy will remain as written) BB. Page 40, Policy 14: Add "minimum" before "landscape." (RT) (Agree: JP, DA, TH, SR, RT, JA, RB, Disagree: SS. The policy will be amended) CC. Page 41: Add Policy 18, requiring berming along roadways. (Commissioner Robbins has a question. Agree: JP, DA, JA, RB, Disagree: TH, SS, RT. The policy will be added) City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/December 5, 2001 Open Space Element A. Program 2.3, page 43: Add "properties which provide scenic vistas which cannot be replaced" before "hillside and alluvial fan areas." (Councilman Sniff and Commissioner Robbins have a question. Agree: JP, DA, RT, JA, RB, Disagree: TH. The text will be added) B. Page 43, Policy 3: Add "whenever possible" at the end of the sentence. (Agree: JP, DA,SR, RT, JA, RB, Disagree: TH, SS. The policy will be changed) C. Page 44, Program 7.1: Comment noted. (DA) (No change needed) D. Page 44: New policy which reads: "The City shall encourage CVWD to landscape their various existing, barren future well sites within La Quinta, to convert these into mini -neighborhood parks for the enjoyment of nearby residents." (RT) (Agree: JP, DA, TH, SS, RT, JA, RB, Disagree: SR. The policy will be added) Parks and Recreation Element A. Page 45, under Future Buildout Needs: Concerned about the buildout population number. (DA) (The buildout number will change, based on the discussion above under item 1.C.) B. Policy 2, Program 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, Policy 3, Program 3.1: Concerned about how these will be implemented. (DA) (Commissioner Robbins has a question. Mayor Pena suggests the use of the word "should." Discussion is requested) Natural Resources Element A. Page 50, Policy 1, Program 1.2, Policy 2, Program 3.1: Why the focus on industrial facilities when there are none in the City? (RT) NB: The land use map includes industrial areas in the southeastern planning area, which abut residential land use designations. In order for the residential land uses to be protected should these areas be annexed, the policies and programs were included in the Plan. (No change is needed. Councilman Adolph made notes while reading) B. Page 50, Policy 2: Questions how Policy will be accomplished (DA) (No change is needed. Councilman Adolph made notes while reading) C. Page 50, Program 5.1: Add Golf Cart Transportation Plan (RT) (Agree: JP, DA, TH, SR, RT, JA, RB, Disagree: SS. The program will be amended) D. Questions Program 5.5, page 51. (TH) (Commissioners Abels, Butler and Tyler have a question. Agree: DA, TH, SR, Disagree: SS. Discussion is requested) 020 J 19 City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/December 5, 2001 E. Page 51, Program 6.2: This is SCAQMD's responsibility. (DA) NB: The City is responsible for enforcement of its Fugitive Dust Ordinance, as part of the regional effort to improve PM10 conditions. (Councilman Adolf requests discussion. Agree with staff comment: TH, SS, SR, JA, RB, Disagree: RT) F. Page 53, Program 2.2: Change "vehicles" to "vehicle fleet." (RT) (Agree: JP, DA, TH, SR, RT, Disagree: SS, JA, RB. Program will be changed) G. Page 53: Goal 2, Policy 4, Program 4.1, Policy 5 and Policy 6 are not applicable in La Quinta. (DA, RT) NB: State law requires that policies regarding the potential for mineral resources be included in a General Plan. Staff recommends that the items remain. (Agree with staff recommendation: JP, DA, TH, SS, SR, RB, Disagree: RT, JA. The text will not be changed) H. Add to page 54, top paragraph in the right hand column, first sentence, " in cooperation with the Multi -Species Habitat Conservation Plan." (TH) (Agree: JP, TH, RT, JA, RB, Disagree: SR, SS. The language will be added) I. Page 62, Program 1.3: Is this necessary? (RT) (Several question marks were placed next to this item. The City must include information in its General Plan relating to biological resources. It is not required that the City create the map, insofar as the mapping effort which has been completed for the MSHCP can be secured from CVAG and used by the City. Staff recommends that the policy reflect the use of the CVAG material, and be retained as amended.) J. Program 3.1 on page 62: Has this already been done? (DA) (The City has plant palettes in its code. It does not, however, have a prohibited or desirable plant brochure or flyer available for the public. Discussion is requested.) K. Page 63, Program 4.2: Where is this located? (DA) NB: the land is designated Open Space on the Land Use Map. It is south of the Cove. (No change is required) L. Page 64, Program 1.2: Add "all future" before "Specific Plans". (RT) NB: The text refers to application forms, not the documents themselves. (Agree: SR, RT, Disagree: DA, TH, SS, RB. The text will not be changed) M. Page 66, first sentence of the first paragraph under "Future Buildout Needs": Disagree with the statement. (DA) (Commissioners Abels, Tyler and Butler have a question. Discussion is requested. Agree: JP, DA, SR, Disagree: TH, SS) 021 A 2 0 8 City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/December 5, 2001 N. Disagree with Policy 1, page 66. (TH) (Agree: JP, DA, TH, SS, JA. Councilwoman Henderson had a specific concern regarding the word "ensure" since the City does not control water supplies. Staff requests discussion and recommends that the wording of the policy be changed to: "The City shall support the Coachella Valley District in its efforts to supply adequate domestic water to residents and businesses.") O. Add at the end of Program 1.2, page 66: "especially dealing with water saving fixtures." (Agree: JP, DA, TH, SR, RT, JA, RB, Disagree: SS. The program will be changed) P. Add "where possible" to Program 2.2, page 66. (TH) (Agree: JP, DA, TH, SR, RT, JA, RB, Disagree: SS. The text will be changed) Q. Add lakes to Program 2.3 and Policy 5, page 67. (Agree: JP, DA, TH, RT, JA, RB, Disagree: SS, SR. The text will be changed) R. Page 67: Add Policy 17 to read "The City shall notify those homeowners who over water lawns, resulting in most water going into gutters, that the problem must be rectified." (DA) (Agree: DA, SR, Disagree: TH, SS, RT, JA, RB. The text will not change) Infrastructure and Public Services Element A. Add to the listing on the left side of page 68: Animal Control and Shelters. (DA) NB: Staff recommends that if this item is added, a discussion also be added in this document and the MEA on the subject. (Agree: DA, SR, RT, JA, RB, Disagree: JP, TH, SS. The text will be added) B. Page 69, last sentence under Public Libraries: The sentence should be deleted since it will not be applicable in the foreseeable future. (DA) (Agree: JP, DA, TH, SR, RT, JA, RB, Disagree: SS. The sentence will be deleted) C. Page 69, Fire Protection section: Add a sentence that another paid employee should be provided at the station. (DA) (Commissioner Robbins has a question. Discussion is requested. Agree: DA, RT, JA, RB, Disagree: JP, TH, SS) D. Page 69, Law Enforcement section: Delete "the planning area at buildout will require approximately 208 officers." (DA) NB: We are required to quantify the potential impacts associated with the buildout of the General Plan. This number will change if the Bermuda Dunes area is eliminated, however, staff recommends that the statement remain, with correction if needed. (This number, and that for fire protection, will be corrected to reflect the new planning areas, as discussed in item 1.C, above) E. Page 69, Potable Water section: change 56 to 58. Also page 70, end of first 022 paragraph in right hand column. (DA) j 21. City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/December 5, 2001 NB: The information was provided by CVWD. (Staff will verify the data provided by CVWD) F. Delete references to Myoma Dunes Water District. (DA) NB: If the Bermuda Dunes area is deleted, all references to services or facilities within that area will also be deleted. (See item 1.C, above) G. Add to Goal, page 70, after "fire protection": "including paramedics." (DA) (Agree: JP, SA, SR, RT, JA, RB, Disagree: SS. TH: add "if funded." Discussion requested) H. Policy 4, page 71: How will the City accomplish this? (DA) (No change needed) I. Program 4.1, page 71, change language to read that the City will work with the District, and delete references to City staff contacting institutions directly. (TH) (Commissioner Robbins has a question. Agree: JP, DA, TH, RT, JA, RB, Disagree: SS. The changes will be made) J. Delete Policy 6, page 71. (TH) (Commissioner Tyler has a question. Agree: TH, SR, JA, RB, Disagree: DA, SS. The text will be deleted) K. Education Facilities, Policy 4 and Program 4.1, page 71: Requests the use of a term other than post graduate, to identify all types of education, from high school through post graduate. (RT) (Agree: JP, DA, SR, JA, RB, Disagree: SS, RT. RT & TH request language in item I, above be used. Discussion is requested) L. Page 71, Policy 5 and Program 5.1: Delete references to seniors, the disabled and other special populations. (RT) (Agree: DA, TH, SS, SR, RT, Disagree: JA, RB. The text will be deleted) M. Page 72, Program 1.2: Add "special provisions for special pick-ups along roadways dumping." (DA) NB: Staff asks for clarification of Councilman Adolph's proposed addition. (Commissioners Robbins, Butler and Tyler have a question. Agree: JP, JA, Disagree: TH,SS. Discussion is requested) N. Page 72, Program 2.2 in Solid Waste Management section: delete "of the Thermal community," and the second reference to Thermal in the Program (RT) (Unanimous agreement, also see item 1.0 above) O. Page 73, Policy 3 under Public Utilities, top of right hand column: Disagree with policy. All electric should be undergrounded, and 34.5 kv lines may remain with approval of Council. (DA) NB: The costs associated with undergrounding large (34.5 kv or more) electric lines is generally prohibitive. The City has been operating under this standard in recent years. Staff recommends the policy remain. (Commissioners Robbins and 10 023 J22 City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/December 5, 2001 Tyler have a question. Agree: DA, JA, Disagree: JP, TH, SS, RB. The text will not be changed) M. Page 73, Program 4.1, right hand column: Add that undergrounding is preferred. (DA) (Agree: JP, DA, TH, SR, RT, JA, RB, Disagree: SS. The text will be changed) Environmental Hazards Element A. Add a discussion regarding "human -induced" emergencies, given the events of September 11. (TK) (Agree: SR, RT, JA, RB, Disagree: SS. The text will be added) B. Page 75, first full paragraph of left hand column: Disagree with City implementing its own hazardous monitoring programs. (TH) (Commissioner Robbins has a question. Agree: JP, DA, SS, RT, JA, RB, Disagree: TH. The reference will be deleted) C. Page 75, Policy 4: Don't understand the use of the word "encourage." (RT) NB: CVWD is the sanitary sewer purveyor in the City. Therefore, the City can only encourage, and not require that CVWD connect all new development to sewer, particularly in newly urbanizing areas which may be annexed in the future. (Commissioner Robbins disagrees with the staff comment. Agree: JP, DA, TH, SS, JA, RB, Disagree: RT. Discussion is requested.) D. Page 76, Program 6.1: Change the word "development" to "use" on the third line. (DA) (Agree: JP, DA, SR, RT, Disagree: TH, JA, RB. The text will be changed) E. Page 76, Program 6.2: Add a last sentence to read: "Testing for compliance of storage integrity is required, and a copy of the report shall be given to the City." (DA) (Mayor Pena and Commissioner Robbins have a question. Agree: DA, TH, JA, RB, Disagree: SS, RT. The text will be added) F. Page 77, "Future Buildout Needs" section, questions the word intense on the 6"' line. (TH) NB: VLDR is proposed east of the airport. LDR is proposed west of the airport. Either designation represents an intensification of current land use as allowed by the County. (Staff suggests that the words "an intensification of development" replace the current text. Discussion is requested) G. Page 87, Policy 2: Add "and southern area" after "Cove". (DA) These routes should be established for all areas in the City. (RT) NB: The Cove was singled out because the geologic consultant identified that area as being potentially isolated in the event of an earthquake or flood. (Agree: DA, TH, SS, SR, JA. The text will be changed) 11 024 J23 City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/December 5, 2001 H. Delete Exhibit 8.4, and rely on Exhibit 8.1. (TK, RT) NB: General Plan guidelines require that we identify potential environmental hazards in the General Plan. Wind hazards are an identified geologic health and environmental threat (as demonstrated by the Valley's non -attainment for PM10 standards at both the state and federal level). Staff recommends that the exhibit remain. (Commissioner Robbins has a question. Agree with staff recommendation: DA, TH, SS, RB, Disagree: RT, JA. The exhibit will remain) 11. Exhibit 8.5 is misleading. Add discussion about the flood threat. (TK) NB: The flood hazard areas are mapped by FEMA, and in order to clear City plan check, development must meet certain standards in those areas. The FEMA maps used were the most recent available. (Commissioner Robbins has a question. Agree with staff comment: TH, SS, RB, Disagree: DA, RT, JA. Discussion is requested) J. Page 91, Program 1.1: Maintain the City's current 60 dBA CNEL noise standard. (RT) (Commissioner Robbins has a question. Agree: SS, DA, RT, JA, RB, Disagree: TH. Staff strongly recommends that the standard be set at 65 dBA. The standard is for noise levels in back yards. If it remains at 60, the only result will be the continued construction of 6 foot walls on 5 foot berms, in order to mitigate to the 60 dBA level in new back yards, as a mitigation measure in noise studies. The noise levels generated by City streets currently are high, and are requiring increasingly high walls to compensate. Discussion is requested) K. Page 91, Noise policies: Should the City enact an ordinance about car radios, similar to that in effect in Indio? (DA) (Mayor Pena and Commissioner Butler have a question. Agree: RT, JA, Disagree: TH, SS. Discussion is requested) Cultural Resources Element A. Program 3.1.6, page 95 is marked, but no comment is made. (TH) NB: Staff requests clarification from Councilwoman Henderson. (Councilwoman Henderson was concerned about waiving fees. Several other members had questions. Discussion is requested) B. Page 95, Policy 2.3: The Policy should be reworded to reflect what the City is currently doing. (DA) (Agree: DA, TH, SR, RT, JA, RB, Disagree: SS. The text will be changed) C. Page 96, Program 4.2.4: Disagree with the program, unless the signage is made with natural materials, not plastic. (DA) (Commissioner Robbins has a question. Agree: DA, JA, Disagree: TH, SS, RT, RB. The program will remain as is) 025 1 2 J24 City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/December 5, 2001 D. Page 97: New Policy which encourages the City to work with tribal councils in enhancing knowledge of artifacts and history. (DA) (Agree: DA, TH, SR, RT, JA, Disagree: SS. The policy will be added) 026 A- 25 13 COMMENTS FROM ow MA YOR PENA FOLL O W 027 City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/November 14 2001 Land Use Element A. Comprehensive land use planning of the southeastern planning area is needed. (TK) B. Suggest the creation of a Rural Living land use category, with 5 to 10 acre minimums. (RT). C. Include General Plan Amendments and changes such as the vacation of Avenue 53 within Country Club of the Desert, which have occurred since the Land Use Map was released. (RT) D. Page 12, Resort Mixed Use and Tourist Commercial are marked, but no comment is provided. (DA) E. Page 13: Add Light Manufacturing to the name of the Industrial land use designation. (DA) F. Page 14, Open Space: Add reference to lands owned by the City to be preserved as Open Space which are not in the mountainous areas. (DA) G. Page 17, General Land Use Goals: Add a Goal 3, to read "Protection of our natural elements." (DA) H. Page 18, Policy 6: define in -fill. (DA) I. Page 18, Policy 8: add "sphere of influence and " (could not read) after "carefully consider." (DA) NB: Staff requests that Councilman Adolph clarify the last word in the phrase. J. Page 18, Residential Goals: Add Goal 3 to read "Maintain a low density profile. (DA) K. Page 18, Policy 2: start the policy with the word "Compatible." (DA) L. Page 19, Policy 5: Add "perimeter berming" after "height" and before "pad elevations." Also, add at the end of the sentence " and not sirupt the tranquility of adjacent properties." (DA) M. Page 19,'Policy 4: delete the phrase "mid -sized," and "particularly those planned with golf course or other recreational amenities." (DA, RT) N. Page 20, Policy 5 and Program 5.1: Policy and Program are premature. (DA) O. Page 20, Policy 2: How will policy be enforced? (DA) P. Discuss the issue of Park Fee credits in Program 4.2, page 20. (TH) Q. Policy 10, page 18: should dark sky principles be applied on a regional rather than local level? (TK) NB: The issue raised pertains more to zoning ordinance standards than General Plan policy. However, a policy could be added which states that the City will promote dark sky principles throughout the Valley. Circulation Element A. A southeastern corridor (much like Highway 111) is needed in the southeastern planning area. (TK) B. All street with 25 mile per hour speed limits and all streets in residential and business districts should be designated Class III golf cart routes. (RT) C. A street naming policy should be included, requiring that new streets which are extensions of existing streets carry the same name for their entire length. (RT) D. Add a discussion about the width of medians, page 21. (TH) Also, medians should be no more than 12 to 14 feet in width. (RP) 02- %* . "B. d City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/November 14, 2001 E. Table 3.1, page 23, and Table 3.2, page 29: Delete streets outside the City (please see Commissioner Tyler's comments for a full list of those streets he wishes to eliminate from the Table. (RT) NB: Traffic is not a local issue, and the General Plan is supposed to show both decision makers and developers how the City fits into the regional context. The level of service, capacity and buildout impacts to those roadways should be identified in the Plan. Staff recommends that the data be maintained. F. Add local streets to Exhibit 3.3, page 25 (such as those in the Village. (TK) G. Page 30: Change "Golf Cart Route System" to Golf Cart Transportation Program." (RT) H. Exhibit 3.5, page 31: Adams and Dune Palms have been downgraded from Primary to Secondary Arterials — was this intentional? (RT) NB: Yes. The traffic analysis performed for this General Plan found changes in ' the circulation pattern. These streets do not need to be as large at buildout as thought in the 1992 Plan. I. Exhibit 3.8: clarify the City Hall icon. (TK) I NB: Staff requests direction on how Commissioner Kirk would like this clarified. Page 37, second and third paragraphs, left hand columns: change "should" to "shall." Also, second paragraph, third line from the bottom, add "hopefully" after "the City." (DA, RT) K. Page 38, Policy 2: add reference to homeowners' associations which tie priate streets to City streets. L. Page 38, Program 2.2: Adams Street should be removed from the Program. (RT) NB: Adams has been identified in the past as requiring attention to minimize turning conflicts. The potential conflicts still exist, despite the reduction in roadway classification. Staff recommends that the Program remain as is. M. Page 38, Program 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8: the phrase "to City Engineer review and approval" is circled and underlined, but no comment is provided. (DA) NB: Staff requests clarification of the marks from Councilman Adolph. N. Page 38, Program 2.3: The reduction in intersection spacing on Major Arterials is a bad idea. (RT) O. Page 38, Program 2.5: Program is a bad idea. (DA) P. Page 38, Program 2.9: Plan has been completed, delete. (DA) NB: The program was added at the request of the City Engineer's office, and the Q. Plan has not yet been undertaken. Change the "concerted "1 words effort" fort inPro ram 5.1 page 3 iv g � P g 9 (no alternative given). (TH) R. Page 39, Policy 6 and Program 6.2: The policy and program are not realistic. S. (DA) Program 6.2, page 39, should be deleted. (TH. RT) T. Bicycle lanes should be at least 6 feet wide.(RP) NB: This is a development standard which should be added to the City's Development Code, although Program 7.2 on page 40 could be modified to include this minimum.. U. The speed limit on streets posted for 45 mph or more should be painted in each lane, parallel to each posted sign. Also, left turn pockets should be 10 feet long for each 10 mph of speed limit (50 mph requires 500' long turn pocket. Also, dual left turn lanes should be 6 feet long for each 10 mph of speed limit (50 mph 4 016 City of La Quinta General Plan lot Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/November 14, 2001 requires 300' turn lane). All traffic signals should be equipped with LED lights as soon as possible. Parking stall size and location should also be regulated (please see Councilman Perkins' comment for the complete discussion he submitted. (RP) NB: These requests represent development standards, and should be added to the Municipal Code. A new program, 2.14 on page 39, could be added which requires the amendment to the Code for these items. V. Page 40, Program 7.3: The first sentence is questioned, but no comment noted. (DA) NB: Staff requests direction from Councilman Adolph. W. Page 40, Program 7.4: This program singles out the Cove, and not the other neighborhoods in La Quinta, which is inappropriate. (RT) X. Page 40, Program 7.5: Program should be deleted and made part of the stand- alone Golf Cart Program. (RT) - Y. Add Desert Resorts Regional Airport to Policy 9 and Policy 10, page 40. (TH) AZ. Page 40, Policy 9 and Program 9.1: Should be accomplished without overage of signage. (DA) A.A. Page 40, Policy 12: Delete Interstate 10. (RT) f NB: The City can control where trucks can travel. Interstate 10 is an appropriate �T location. Staff recommends the text remain. . BB. Page 40, Policy 14: Add "minimum" before "landscape." (RT) i CC. Page 41: Add Poli y 18, Tequiring berming along roadways. Open Space Element"' A. Program 2.3, page 43 : Add "properties which provide scenic vistas which cannot be replaced" before "hillside and alluvial fan areas." -L2* , ;,l ��c t1 Key- _114vlt k B. Page 43, Policy 3: Add whenever possible" at the end of the sentence. C. Page 44, Program 7.1: Comment noted. (DA) D. Page 44: New policy which reads: "The City shall encourage CVWD to landscape their various existing, barren future well sites within La Quinta, to convert these into mini -neighborhood parks for the enjoyment of nearby residents." (RT) Parks and Recreation Element A. Page 45, under Future Buildout Needs: Concerned about the buildout population number. (DA) B. Policy 2, Program 2.1, 2.2,•2.3, 2.4, 2.5, Policy 3, Program 3.1: Concerned about how these will be implemented. (DA) Natural Resources Element A. Page 50, Policy 1, Program 1.2, Policy 2, Program 3.1: Why the focus on industrial facilities when there are none in the City? (RT) NB: The land use map includes industrial areas in the southeastern planning area, which abut residential land use designations. In order for the residential land uses to be protected should these areas be annexed, the policies and programs were included in the Plan. O 2 3 B. Page 50, Policy 2: Questions how Policy will be accomplished (DA) VV Old City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/November 14, 2001 C. Page 50, Program 5.1: Add Golf Cart Transportation Plan (RT) D. Questions Program 5.5, page 51. (TH) E. Page 51, Program 6.2: This is SCAQMD's responsibility. (DA) NB: The City is responsible for enforcement of its Fugitive Dust Ordinance, as Part of the regional effort to improve PM10 conditions. F. Page 53, Program 2.2: Change "vehicles" to "vehicle fleet." (RT) G. Page 53: Goal 2, Policy 4, Program 4.1, Policy 5 and Policy 6 are not applicable in La Quinta. (DA, RT) NB: State law requires that policies regarding the potential for mineral resources be included in a General Plan. Staff recommends that the items remain. H. Add to page 54, top paragraph in the right hand column, first sentence, " in cooperation with the Multi -Species Habitat Conservation Plan." (TH) I. Page 62, Program 1.3: Is this necessary? (RT) J. Program 3.1 on page 62: Has this already been done? (DA) K. Page 63, Program 4.2: Where is this located? (DA) NB: the land is designated Open Space on the Land Use Map. It is south of the Cove. L. Page 64, Program 1.2: Add "all future" before "Specific Plans". (RT) NB: The text refers to application forms, not the documents themselves. q M. Page 66, first sentence of the first paragraph under "Future Buildout Needs": / Disagree g e with the statement. (DA) N. Disagree with Policy 1, page 66. (TH) 14O. Add at the end of Program 1.2, page 66: "especially dealing with water saving A- fixtures." P. Add "where possible" to Program 2.2, page 66. (TH) Q. Add lakes to Program 2.3 and Policy 5, page 67. R. Page 67: Add Policy 17 to read "The City shall notify those homeowners who over water lawns, resulting in most iater going into gutters, that th problem must be rectified." (DA) � Infrastructure and Public Services Element,' A. Add to the listing on the left side of page 68: Animal Control and Shelters. (DA) NB: Staff recommends that if this item is added, a discussion also be added in this B. document and the MEA on the subject. Page 69, last sentence under Public Libraries: The sentence should be deleted since it will not be applicable in the foreseeable future. (DA) C. v Page 69, Fire Protection section: Add a sentence that another paid employee should be provided at the station. (DA) D. Page 69, Law Enforcement section: Delete "the planning area at buildout will require approximately 208 officers." (DA) NB: We are required to quantify the potential impacts associated with the buildout of the General Plan. This number will change if the Bermuda Dunes area is eliminated, however, staff recommends that the statement remain, with correction if needed. E. Page 69, Potable Water section: change 56 to 58. Also page 70, end of first paragraph in right hand column. (DA) NB: The information was provided by CVWD. 6 018 c City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/November 14. 2001 F. Delete references to Myoma Dunes Water District. (DA) NB: If the Bermuda Dunes area is deleted, all references to services or facilities within that area will also be deleted. �-- G. Add to Goal, page 70, after "fire protection": "including paramedics." (DA) H. Policy 4, page 71: How will the City accomplish this? (DA) I. Program 4.1, page 71, change language to read that the City will work with the District, and delete references to City staff contacting institutions directly. (TH) J. Delete Policy 6, page 71. (TH) K. Education Facilities, Policy 4 and Program 4.1, page 71: Requests the use of a term other than post graduate, to identify all types of education, from high school through post graduate. (RT) L. Page 71, Policy 5 and Program 5.1: Delete references to seniors, the disabled and other special populations. (RT) M. Page 72, Program 1.2: Add "special provisions for special pick-ups along roadways dumping." (DA) NB: Staff asks for clarification of Councilman Adolph's proposed addition. N. Page 72, Program 2.2 in Solid Waste Management section: delete "of the Thermal community," and the second reference to Thermal in the Program (RT) O. Page 73, Policy 3 under Public Utilities, top of right hand column: Disagree with policy. All electric should be undergrounded, and 34.5 kv lines may remain with approval of Council. (DA) NB: The costs associated with undergrounding large (34.5 kv or more) electric lines is generally prohibitive. The City has been operating under this standard in recent years. Staff recommends the policy remain. M. Page 73, Program 4.1, right hand column: Add that undergrounding is preferred. /— (DA) Environmental Hazards Element A. Add a discussion regarding "human -induced" emergencies, given the events of September 11. (TK) B. Page 75, first full paragraph of left hand column: Disagree with City implementing its own hazardous monitoring programs. (TH) C. Page 75, Policy 4: Don't understand the use of the word "encourage." (RT) NB: CVWD is the sanitary sewer purveyor in the City. Therefore, the City can only encourage, and not require that CVWD connect all new development to sewer, particularly in newly urbanizing areas which may be annexed in the future. D. Page 76, Program 6.1: Change the word "development" to "use" on the third line. (DA) 7 E. Page 76, Program 6.2: Add a last sentence to read: "Testing for compliance of storage integrity is required, and a copy of the report shall be given to the City." ' (DA) F. Page 77, "Future Buildout Needs" section, questions the word intense on the 6`h line. (TH) NB: VLDR is proposed east of the airport. LDR is proposed west of the airport. Either designation represents an intensification of current land use as allowed by the County. 030 019 City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/November 14, 2001 G. Page 87, Policy 2: Add "and southern area" after "Cove". (DA) These routes should be established for all areas in the City. (RT) NB: The Cove was singled out because the geologic consultant identified that area as being potentially isolated in the event of an earthquake or flood. H. Delete Exhibit 8.4, and rely on Exhibit 8.1. (TK, RT) NB: General Plan guidelines require that we identify potential environmental hazards in the General Plan. Wind hazards are an identified geologic health and environmental threat (as demonstrated by the Valley's non -attainment for PMIO standards at both the state and federal level). Staff recommends that the exhibit remain. I. Exhibit 8.5 is misleading. Add discussion about the flood threat. (TK) NB: The flood hazard areas are mapped by FEMA, and in order to clear City plan check, development must meet certain standards in those areas. The FEMA maps used were the most recent available. J. Page 91, Program 1.1: Maintain the City's current 60 dBA CNEL noise standard. (RT) K. Page 91, Noise policies: Should the City enact an ordinance about car radios, similar to that in effect in Indio? (DA) Cultural Resources Element A. Program 3.1.6, page 95 is marked, but no comment is made. (TH) NB: Staff requests clarification from Councilwoman Henderson. B. Page 95, Policy 2.3: The Policy should be reworded to reflect what the City is currently doing. (DA) C. Page 96, Program 4.2.4: Disagree with the program, unless the signage is made with natural materials, not plastic. (DA) D. Page 97: New Policy which encourages the City to work with tribal councils in enhancing knowledge of artifacts and history. (DA) %0. 10-2110 COMMENTS FROM CO UNCILMEMBER AD OLPH FOLL O W 03A Citv of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Plannine Commission Meetino/November 14, 2001 E. Table 3.1, page 23, and Table 3.2, page 29: Delete streets outside the City (please s Commissioner Tyler's comments for a full list of those streets he A s to elimi from the Table. (RT) NB: Tr i ' not a local issue, and the General Plan is s osed to show both decision makers developers how the City fits in e regional context. The level of service, capacr d buildout impact those roadways should be identified in the Plan. Staff re mends at the data be maintained. F. Add local streets to Exhibit 3.3, p such as those in the villaee fIrTIr) G. Page 30: Change "Golf Cart to System- Golf Cart Transportation p Program." (RT) • H. Exhibit 3.5, page 3 dams and Dune Palms have been raded from VO Ir Primary to Sec ary Arterials — was this intentional? (RT) NB: Yes. T traffic analysis performed for this General Plan found changes in the c' tion pattern. These streets do not -need to be as large at buildout as thought in the 1992 Plan. I. Exhibit 3.8: clarify the City Hall icon. (TK) NB: Staff requests direction on how Commissioner Kirk would like this clarified. A I Page 37, second and third paragraphs, left hand columns: change "should" to "shall." Also, second paragraph, third line from the bottom, add "hopefully" after "the City." (DA, RT) A K. Page 38, Policy 2: add reference to homeowners' associations which tie priate streets to City streets. T-�) L. Page 38, Program 2.2: Adams Street should be removed from the Program. (RT) NB: Adams has been identified in the past as requiring attention to minimize turning conflicts. The potential conflicts still exist, despite the reduction in �J jj Wf Qjw- - -- roadway classification. Staff recommends that the Program remain as is. M. Page 38, Program 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8: the phrase "to City Engineer review n10 and approval" is circled and underlined, but no comment is provided. (DA) NB: Staff requests clarification of the marks from Councilman Adolph. N. Page 38, Program 2.3: The reduction in intersection spacing on Major Arterials is a bad idea. (RT) O. Page 38, Program 2.5: Program is a bad idea. (DA) 0, 11.101UT -W15 VbD P. Page 38, Program 2.9: Plan has been completed, delete. (DA) � Dot NB: The program was added at the request of the City En ineer's officeand t Plan has not yet been undertaken. g he .At Q. Change the words "concerted effort" in Program 5.1, page 39 (no alternative given). (TH) A. R. Page 39, Policy 6 and Program 6.2: The policy and program are not realistic. (DA) A S. Program 6.2. page 39, should be deleted. (TH, RT) A T. Bicycle lanes should be at least 6 feet wide.(RP) PC5tPANB: This is a development standard which should be added to the City 's Development Code, although Program 7.2 on page 40 could be modified to include this minimum.. ? U. The speed limit on streets posted for 45 mph or more should be painted in each lane, parallel to each posted sign. Also. left turn pockets should be 10 feet long for each 10 mph of speed limit (50 �,tJ�12�f1CQ`('It71J mph requires 500' ion g turnpocket. Also, dual left turn lanes should be 6 feet long for each 10 m h of m speed limit 50 h p ( P 035 0' �. y City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/November 14, 2001 requires 300' turn lane). All traffic signals should be equipped with LED lights as soon as possible. Parking stall size and location should also be regulated (please see Councilman Perkins' comment for the complete discussion he submitted. (RP) NB: These requests represent development standards, and should be added to the Municipal Code. A new program, 2.14 on page 39, could be added which requires the amendment to the Code for these items. V. Page 40, Program 7.3: The first sentence is questioned, but no comment noted. (DA)' ,u g uE_E 4-,_ IT tity N f %" 6S 1' 9F40 . NB: Staff requestsrdirection from Councilman Adolph. X W. Page 40, Program 7.4: This program singles out the Cove, and not the other X. neighborhoods in La Quinta, which is inappropriate. (RT) Page 40, Program 7.5: Program should be deleted and made part of the stand- C1� Y. alone Golf Cart Program. (RT) Add Desert Resorts Regional Airport to Policy 9 and Policy 10, page 40. (TH) Z. Page 40, Policy 9 and Program 9.1: Should be accomplished without overage of P � signage. (DA) AA. Page 40, Policy 12: Delete Interstate 10. (RT) NB: The City can control where trucks can travel. Interstate 10 is an appropriate location. Staff recommends the text remain. BB. Page 40, Policy 14: Add "minimum" before "landscape." (RT) A CC. Page 41: Add Policy 18, requiring berming along roadways. Open Space Element A. Program 2.3, page 43: Add "properties which provide scenic vistas which cannot be replaced" before "hillside and alluvial fan areas." B. Page 43, Policy 3: Add "'whenever possible" at the end of the sentence. C. Page 44, Program 7.1: Comment noted. (DA) D. Page 44: New policy which reads: "The City shall encourage CVWD to landscape their various existing, barren future well sites within La Quinta, to convert these into mini -neighborhood parks for the enjoyment of nearby residents." (RT) Parks and Recreation Element A. Page 45, under Future Buildout Needs: Concerned about the buildout population number. (DA) h4l Z B. Policy 2, Program 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, Policy 3, Program 3.1: Concerned about V1200A ct f • how these will be implemented. (DA) Natural Resources Element A. Page 50, Policy 1, Program 1.2, Policy 2, Program 3.1: Why the focus on I? industrial facilities when there are none in the City? (RT) Sty ��I NB: The land use map includes industrial areas in the southeastern planning area. which abut residential land use designations. In order for the residential land uses to be protected should these areas be annexed. the policies and � programs were included in the Plan. ���S` B. Page 50, Policy 2: Questions how Policy' 036 will be accomplished (DA) s L- Oil City of La Quinta General Plan Joint Citv Council/Planning Commission Meetin&November 14. 2001 A C. Page 50, Program 5.1: Add Golf Cart Transportation Plan (RT) A+ D. Questions Program.).-), page 51. (TH) E. Page 51roarn 6.2: This is SCAQMD's responsibility. (DA) IVB: The City is responsible for enforcement of its Fuizitive Dust Ordinance. as_ Part of the r ort to improve PM10 conditions A F. Page 53, Program 2.2: Change "vehicles" to "vehicle fleet." (RT) G. Page 53: Goal 2, Policy 4, Program 4.1, Policy 5 and Policy 6 are not applicable in La Quinta. (DA, RT) 0v IVB: State law requires that policies regarding the potential for mineral resources be included to a General Plan. Staff recommends that the items remain. •� ���.iU� L-�H. Add to page 54, top paragraph in the right hand column, first sentence. " in cooperation with the Multi -Species Habitat Conservation Plan." (TH) A L .,•� J. Page 62, Program 1.3: Is this necessary? (RT) 7 Program 3.1 on page 62: Has this already been done? (DA) bA*WRP- " P-W y lbW - i e. Co. of. CM tS �7K. Page 63, Program 4.2: Where is this located? (DA) :16A A. OJ011l O0i COVrc. NB: the land is designated Open Space on the Land Use Map. It is south of the Cove. (� L. Page 64, Program 1.2: Add "all future" before "Specific Plans". (RT) NB: The text refers to application forms, not the documents themselves. f.� M. Page 66, first sentence of the first paragraph under "Future Buildout Needs": Disagree with the statement. (DA) A N. Disagree with Policy 1, page 66. (TH) O. Add at the end of Program 1.2, page 66: "especially dealing with water saving fixtures." �► P. Add "where possible" to Program 2.2, page 66. (TH) Q. Add lakes to Program 2.3 and Policy 5, page 67. A R. Page 67: Add Policy 17 to read "The City shall notify those homeowners who over water lawns, resulting in most water going into gutters, that the problem must be rectified." (DA) Infrastructure and Public Services Element A. Add to the listing on the left side of page 68: Animal Control and Shelters. (DA) NB: Staff recommends that if this item is added. a discussion also be added in this document and the MEA on the subject. B. Page 69, last sentence under Public Libraries: The sentence should be deleted since it will not be applicable in the foreseeable future. (DA) C. Page 69, Fire Protection section: Add a sentence that another paid employee should be provided at the station. (DA) D. Page 69, Law Enforce tion: Delete "the planning area at buildout will require approxi - 208 offi rs." (DA) XB: We are required to quantify the potential impacts associated with the ��i • buildout of the General Plan. This number will change if the Bermuda Dunes area is eliminated, however, staff recommends that the statement remain, with correction if needed. E. Page 69, Potable Water section: change 56 to 58. Also page 70, end of first in right hand column. DA 031 paragraph g ( ) 1VB: The information was 2rovided by CVWD. 01 iA& • '- . �� w -�+ • City of La Quinta General Plan -.w Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/November 14. 2001 �A'1& i10 VIA %jp M. Delete references to Mvoma Dunes Water District. (DA) 1VB: If the Bermuda Dunes area is deleted, all references to services or facilities within that area will also be deleted. Add to Goal, page 70, after "fire protection": "including paramedics." (DA) Policy 4, page 71: How will the City accomplish this? (DA) -bo wE Lima, 40 AWAVe f- . Program 4.1, page 71, change language to read that the City will work with the District, and delete references to City staff contacting institutions directly. (TH) Delete Policy 6, page 71. (TH) r Education Facilities, Policy 4 and Program 4.1. page 71: Requests the use of a term other than post graduate, to identify all types of education, from high school through post graduate. (RT) Page 71, Policy 5 and Program 5.1: Delete references to seniors, the disabled and other special populations. (RT) Page 72, Program 1.2: Add "special provisions for special pick-ups along 41 At�0�4 �� �`'►Q�� roadways dumping." (DA) LC)AT? piA-fS ' NB: Staff asks for clarification of Councilman Adolph's proposed addition. �- N. Page 72, Program 2.2 in Solid Waste Management section: delete "of the Thermal community," and the second reference to Thermal in the Program (RT) O. Page 73, Policy 3 under Public Utilities, top of right hand column: Disagree with a olicy. Allelectric should be under r unded, and 34.5 kv lines may remain with pproval of Council. (DA) �--�,,.LCLM_ he sts associated with undergrounding large (34.5 kv or more) electric lines i �e,zera11, prohibitive. he City has been operating under this standard in recent years. recommends the policy remain. M. Page 73, Program 4.1, right hand column: Add that undergrounding is preferred. (DA) Environmental Hazards Element A. Add a discussion regarding "human -induced" emergencies, given the events of September 11. (TK) B. Page 75, first full paragraph of left hand column: Disagree with City implementing its own hazardous monitoring programs. (TH) C. Page 75, Policy 4: Don't understand the use of the word "encourage." (RT) NB: CVWD is the sanitary sewer purveyor in the City. Therefore, the City can A only encourage, and not require that CVWD connect all new development to sewer, particularly in newly urbanizing areas which may be annexed in the future. A D. Page 76, Program 6.1: Change the word "development" to "use" on the third line. (DA) E. Page 76, Program 6.2: Add a last sentence to read: "Testing for compliance of storage integrity is required, and a copy of the report shall be given to the City." (DA) n F. Page 77, "Future Buildout Needs" section. questions the word intense on the Oh line. (TH) NB: VLDR is proposed east of the airport. LDR is proposed west of the airport. Either designation represents an intensification of current land use as allowed by the County. 7 City of La Quinta General Ph, - Joint Citv Council/PlanninQ Commission Meetine/November 14. IOU, �j G. Page 87, Policy 2: Add "and southern area" after "Cove". (DA) These routes should be established for all areas in the City. (RT) NB: The Cove was singled out because the geologic consultant identified that area as being potentially isolated in the event of an earthquake or flood. �' � H. Delete Exhibit 8.4. and rely on Exhibit 8.1. (TK, RT) NB: General Plan guidelines require that we identify potential environmental hazards in the General Plan. Wind hazards are an identified geologic health and environmental threat (as demonstrated by the Valley's non -attainment for P.M]0 standards at both the state and federal level). Staff recommends that the exhibit �— remain. I. Exhibit 8.5 is misleading. Add discussion about the flood threat. (TK) NB: The flood hazard areas are mapped by FEMA, and in order to clear Crry• plan check, development must meet certain standards in those areas. The FEM4 maps used were the most recent available. J. Page 91, Program 1.1: Maintain the City's current 60 dBA CNEL noise standard. (RT) �jwK. ��� Page 91, Noise policies: Should the City enact an ordinance about car radios. similar to that in effect in Indio? (DA) Ca o�mr� Cultural Resources Element A. Program 3.1.6, page 95 is marked, but no comment is made. (TH) NB: Staff requests clarification.from Councilwoman Henderson. B. Page 95, Policy 2.3: The Policy should be reworded to reflect what the City is currently doing. (DA) C. Page 96, Program 4.2.4: Disagree with the program, unless the signage is made with natural materials, not plastic. (DA) /�N D. Page 97: New Policy which encourages the City to work with tribal councils in . enhancing knowledge of artifacts and history. (DA) 031 COMMENTS FROM CO UNCILMEMBER HENDERSON FOLLOW pq�) 037 11 119)01 ' U A City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/November 14, 2001 Land Use Element A. Comprehensive land use planning of the southeastern planning area is needed. � (TK) B. Suggest the creation of aZural Living land use category, with 5 to 10 acre minimums. (RT). C. Include General Plan Amendments and changes such as the vacation of Avenue 53 within Country Club of the Desert, which have occurred since the Land Use Map was released. (RT) D. Page 12, Resort Mixed Use and Tourist Commercial are marked, but no comment is provided. (DA) E. Page 13: Add Light Manufacturing to the name of the Industrial land use designation. (DA) F. Page 14, Open Space: Add reference to lands owned by the City to be preserved as Open Space which are not in the mountainous areas. (DA) G. Page 17, General Land Use Goals: Add a Goal 3, to read "Protection of our natural elements." (DA) H. Page 18, Policy 6: define in -fill. (DA) I. Page 18, Policy 8: add "sphere of influence and " (could not read) after "carefully consider." (DA) NB: Staff requests that Councilman Adolph clarify the last word in the phrase. J. Page 18, Residential Goals: Add Goal 3 to read "Maintain a low density profile. (DA) K. Page 18, Policy 2: start the policy with the word "Compatible." (DA) L. Page 19, Policy 5: Add "perimeter berming" after "height" and before "pad elevations." Also, add at the end of the sentence " and no"rupt the tranquility of adjacent properties." (DA) M. Page 19, Policy 4: delete the phrase "mid -sized," and "particularly those planned with golf course or other recreational amenities." (DA, RT) N. Page 20, Policy 5 and Program 5.1: Policy and Program are premature. (DA) O Page 20, Policy 2: How will policy be enforced? (DA) P. Discuss the issue of Park Fee credits in Program 4.2, page 20. (TH) Q. Policy 10, page 18: should dark sky principles be applied on a regional rather than local level? (TK) NB: The issue raised pertains more to Zoning ordinance standards than General Plan policy. However, a policy could be added which states that the City will promote dark sky principles throughout the Valley. Circulation Element A. A southeastern corridor (much like Highway 111) is needed in the southeastern planning area. (TK) B. All street with 25 mile per hour speed limits and all streets in residential and business districts should be designated Class III golf cart routes. (RT) C. A street naming policy should be included er quiring that new streets which are extensions of existing streets carry the same name for their entire length. (RT) D. Add a discussion about the width of medians, page 21. (TH) Also, medians should be no more than 12 to 14 feet in width. (RP) City of La Quinta General Min _ Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/November 14. 2001 E. Table 3.1, page 23, and Table 3.2, page 29: Delete streets outside the City (please d see Commissioner Tyler's comments for a full list of those streets he wishes to eliminate from the Table. (RT) NB: Traffic is not a local issue, and the General Plan is supposed to show both decision makers and developers how the City fits into the regional context. The level of service, capacity and buildout impacts to those roadways should be identified in the Plan. Staff recommends that the data be maintained. -Add local streets to Exhibit 3.3, page 25 (such as those in the Village. (TK) G. Page 30: Change "Golf Cart Route System" to Golf Cart Transportation Program." (RT) H. Exhibit 3.5, page 31: Adams and Dune Palms have been downgraded from Primary to Secondary Arterials — was this intentional? (RT) NB: Yes. The traffic analysis performed for this General Plan found changes in the circulation pattern. These streets do not need to be as large at buildout as thought in the 1992 Plan. I Exhibit 3.8: clarify the City Hall icon. (TK) 0 PT c It, NB.- Staff requests direction on how Commissioner Kirk Auld like this clarified S t v 5 s 1 cd `✓.4. Page 37, second and third paragraphs, left hand columns: change "should" to "shall." Also, second paragraph, third line from the bottom, add "hopefully" after "the City." (DA, RT) s , o d %/K. Page 38, Policy 2: add reference to homeowners' associations which tie priate streets to City streets. L. Pa e 38, Program 2.2: Adams Street should be removed from the Program. (RT) B✓ Adams has been identified in the past as requiring attention to minimize A, turning conflicts. The potential conflicts still exist, despite the reduction in roadway classification. Staff recommends that the Program remain as is. ? ` M. Page 3 8, Program 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8: the phrase "to City Engineer review and approval" is circled and underlined, but no comment is provided. (DA) NB: Staff requests clarification of the marks from Councilman Adolph. -- N. Page 38, Program 2.3: The reduction in intersection spacing on Major Arterials is _ a bad idea. (RT) — O. Page 38, Program 2.5: Program is a bad idea. (DA) �= �5 ew�►i w c-)'t�oi- +� � � t i'A a 1— l4-4 e,� . P. Page 38, Program 2.9: Plan has been completed, delet�e. (Df PJek_,,, d/►5'i NB: The program was added at the request of the City Engineer's office, and th Plan has not yet been undertaken. brrul Q. Change the words "concerte effort" in Program 5.1, page 39 (no alternative given). (TH) ,%kX- A R. Page 39, Policy 6 and Program 6.2: The policy and program are not realistic. (DA) A S. Program 6.2, page 39, should be deleted. (TH, RT) T. Bicycle lanes should be at least 6 feet wide.(RP) LCNB - This is a development standard which should be added to the City's HE�evelopment Code, although Program, 7.2 on pa e 0 could be modi ied to include this minimum.. LO h e, C.e �_� S AL - i -rP-4e �N � SP� U. The speed limit on streets posted for 45 mph or more should be painted in eac Ct NNE lane, parallel to each posted sign. Also, left turn pockets should be 10 feet long for each 10 mph of speed limit (50 mph requires 500' long turn pocket. Also, dual left turn lanes should be 6 feet long for each 10 mph of speed limit (50 mph ois 4 I City of La Quinta General Plan Joint Citv Council/Planning Commission MeetinJNovember 14, 2001 requires 300' turn lane). All traffic signals should be equipped with LED lights as soon as possible. Parking stall size and location should also be regulated (please n see Councilman Perkins' comment for the complete discussion he submitted. (RP) NB: These requests represent development standards, and should be added to the Municipal Code. A new program, 2.14 on page 39, could be added which requires the amendment to the Code for these items. V. Page 40, Program 7.3: The first sentence is questioned, but no comment noted. (DA) ,t0 6- NB: Staff requests direction from Councilman Adolph W. Page 40, Program 7.4: This program singles out the ove and not theLstand)--�,. og g neighborhoods in La Quinta, which is inappropriate. ) X. Page 40, Program 7.5: Program should be deleted and made part of th alone Golf Cart Program. (RT) Add Desert Resorts Regional Airport to Policy 9 and Policy 10, page 40. (TH) A Z. Page 40, Policy 9 and Program 9.1: Should be accomplished without overage of signage. (DA) AA. Page 40, Policy 12: Delete Interstate 10. (RT) NB • The City can control where trucks can travel. Interstate 10 is an appropriate location. Staff recommends the text remain. A `"BB. Page 40, Policy 14: Add "minimum" before "landscape." (RT) �--- CC. Page 41: Add Policy 18, requiring berming along roadways. t) A , nj d e Q e t6 ►�. ��' Nd-.n 2 �..s Open Space Element �-�- A. Program 2.3, page 43: Add "properties which provide scenic vistas which cannot be replaced" before "hillside and alluvial fan areas." �`'ARe Cc c''i' es Al 10 t9 P— e t 4-- r2 i� h} C F V� B. Page 43, Policy 3: Add "whenever possible" at the end of the sentence. C. Page 44, Program 7.1: Comment noted. (DA) A --- D. Page 44: New policy which reads: "The City shall encourage le WD to landscape their various existing, barren future well sites within La Quint$ eny@ii *tom se— ee rrt�—' (RT) ' �,f-r— s�� i- e � �F ..� } Parks and Recreation Element A-- A. Page 45, under Future Buildout Needs: Concerned about the buildout population number. (DA) 0 ) rjLA t0 -- B. Policy 2, Program 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, Policy 3, Program 3.1: Concerned about l.t. I• how these will be implemented. (DA) Natural Resources Element a Page 50, Policy 1, Program 1.2, Policy 2, Program 3.1: Why the focus on industrial facilities when there are none in the City? (RT) NB: The land use map includes industrial areas in the southeastern planning area, which abut residential land use designations. In order for the residential land uses to be protected should these areas be annexed, the policies and programs were included in the Plan. Page 50, Policy 2: Questions how Policy will be accomplished (DA) 1 City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City CounciUPlanning Commission MeetinJNovember 14. 2001 C. Page 50. Program 5.1: Add Golf Cart Transportation Plan (RT) D. Questions Program 5.5, page 51. (TH) &e L e+e_ S �' E. Paize 51., Program 6.2: This is SCAQMD's responsibility. (DA) N The City is responsible for enforcement of its Fugitive Dust Ordinance, as part of the regional effort to improve PMIO conditions. /-� F. Page 53, Program 2.2: Change "vehicles" to "vehicle fleet." (RT) G. Page 53: Goal 2, Policy 4, Program 4.1, Policy 5 and Policy 6 are not applicable in La Quinta. (DA, RT) NB State law requires that policies regarding the potential for mineral resources e included in a General Plan. Staff recommends that the items remain. A— H. Add to page 54, top paragraph in the right hand column, first sentence, " in (J;cooperation with the Multi -Species Habitat Conservation Plan." (TH) Page 62, Program 1.3: Is this necessary? (RT) J. Program 3.1 on page 62: Has this already been done? (DA) . Page 63, Program 4.2: Where is this located? (DA) the land is designated Open Space on the Land Use Map. It is south of the ove. L. Page 64, Program 1.2: Add "all future" before "Specific Plans". (RT) NB The text refers to application forms, not the documents themselves. M. Page 66, first sentence of the first paragraph under "Future Buildout Needs": Disagree with the statement. (DA) N. Disagree with Policy 1, page 66. (TH) 0 �y � t� "�� �3y e �v��' �''S N O. Add at the end of Program 1.2, page 66: "especially dealing with water saving fixtures." A —P. Add "where possible" to Program 2.2, page 66. (TH) Q. Add lakes to Program 2.3 and Policy 5, page 67. -- R. Page 67: Add Policy47 to read "The City shall notify those homeowners who over water lawns, resulting in most water going into gutters, that the problem must be rectified." (DA) () P L i N A ,tee e-- rte A A I oe v-ss _fA # 5 Nc!* SeNee Ai_ Pt- A)J Infrastructure and Public Services Element [) A. Add to the listing on the left side of page 68: Animal Control and Shelters. (DA) NB: Staff recommends that if this item is added, a discussion also be added in this document and the MEA on the subject. B. Page 69, last sentence under Public Libraries: The sentence should be deleted since it will not be applicable in the foreseeable future. (DA) ©� C. Page 69, Fire Protection section: Add a sentence that another paid employee should be provided at the station. (DA) D. Page 69, Law Enforcement section: Delete "the planning area at buildout will proquire approximately 208 officers." (DA) Z,: We are required to quantify the potential impacts associated with the dout of the General Plan. This number will change if the Bermuda Dunes area is eliminated, however, staff recommends that the statement remain, with correction if needed. E. Page 69, Potable Water section: change 56 to 58. Also page 70, end of first paragraph in right hand column. (DA) NB: The information was provided by CVWD. City of La Quinta General Plan r• Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/ November 14. 2001 to references to Myoma Dunes Water District. (DA) NB: the Bermuda Dunes area is deleted, all references to services or facilities within that area will also be deleted. f dd to Goal, page 70, after "fire protection": "including paramedics." (DA) U Policy 4, page 71: How will the City accomplish this? (DA ) r- /'�`,� I. Program 4.1, page 71, change language to read that the City will work with the District, and delete references to City staff contacting institutions directly. (TH) ) A J. Delete Policy 6, page 71. (TH) K. Education Facilities, Policy 4 and Program 4.1, page 71: Requests the use of a term other than post graduate, to identify all types of education, from high school through post graduate. (RT) AL. Page 71, Policy 5 and Program 5.1: Delete references to senio s, the disabled and other special populations. (RT) tt�-r- CLAA,, (�►^�- -- M. Page 72, Program 1.2: Add "special provisions for special pick-ups along roadways dumping." (DA) NB: Staff asks for clarification of Councilman Adolph's proposed addition. A-- N. Page 72, Program 2.2 in Solid Waste Management section: delete "of the Thermal community," and the second reference to Thermal in the Program (RT) O. Page 73, Policy 3 under Public Utilities, top of right hand column: Disagree with policy. All electric should be undergrounded, and 34.5 kv lines may remain with approval of Council. (DA) The costs associated with undergrounding large (34.5 kv or more) electric Ines is generally prohibitive. The City has been operating under this standard in recent years. Staff recommends the policy remain. -- M. Page 73, Program 4.1, right hand column: Add that undergrounding is preferred. (DA) Environmental Hazards Element A. dd a discussion regarding "human -induced" emergencies, given the events of September 11. (TK) -- B. Page 75, first full paragraph of left hand column: Disagree with ity ee w R 5 implementing its own hazardous monitoring programs. (TH) -:K C. Page 75, Policy 4: Don't understand the use of the word "encourage." (RT) CVWD is the sanitary sewer purveyor in the City. Therefore, the City can only encourage, and not require that CVWD connect all new development to sewer, particularly in newly urbanizing areas which may be annexed in the future. — D. Page 76, Program 6.1: Change the word "development" to "use" on the third line. (DA) �-�- E. Page 76, Program 6.2: Add a last sentence to read: "Testing for compliance of storage integrity is required, and a copy of the report shall be given to the City." (DA) F. Page 77, "Future Buildout Needs" section, questions the word intense on the 6tn line. (TH) NB: VLDR is proposed east of the airport. LDR is proposed west of the airport. � t✓ij iher designation represents an intensification of current land use as allowed by L / the County. vv � fll9 7 City of La Quinta General Fian Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/November 14. 2001 G. Page 87, Policy2: Add "an ar "Cove". ea after Cove . (DA) These routes s ould be established for all areas in the City. (R e ove was singe out ecause t e geologic consultant identified that area as being potentially isolated in the event of an earthquake or flood. Zazards te Exhibit 8.4, and rely on Exhibit 8.1. (TK, RT) General Plan guidelines require that we identify potential environmental in the General Plan. Wind hazards are an identified geologic health and environmental threat (as demonstrated by the Valley's non -attainment for PjV10 standards at both the state and federal level). Staff recommends that the exhibit remain. I. E 'bit 8.5 is misleading. Add discussion about the flood threat. (TK) NB The flood hazard areas are mapped by FEMM, and in order to clear City plan check, development must meet certain standards in those areas. The FEMM maps used were the most recent available. Q J. Page 91, Program L l : Maintain the Ci 's current 60 dBA CNEL noise standard. (RT) — J't" & 0 4 8 A Np K. Page 91, Noise policies: Should t e City enact an ordinance about car radios, e + similar to that in effect in Indio? (DA) N� Cultural Resources Element rnA. Program 3.1.6, page 95 is marked, but no comment is made. (TH) � NB: Staff requests clarification from Councilwoman Henderson. A B. Page 95, Policy 2.3: The Policy should be reworded to reflect what the City is currently doing. (DA) D —C. Page 96, Program 4.2.4: Disagree with the program, unless the signage is made with natural materials, not plastic. (DA) — D. Page 97: New Policy which encourages the City to work with tribal councils in enhancing knowledge of artifacts and history. (DA) ID-120 8 COMMENTS FROM CO UNCILMEMBER SNIFF FOLL O W 041 City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/November 14. 2001 ATTACHMENT # MEMORANDUM November 121, 2001 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chair and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Nicole Sauviat Criste Planning Consultant RE: Proposed Changes to the General Plan Following the last ioint City Council and Planning Commission public hearing, staff was directed to collect comments from members of the City Council and Planninp- Commission regar inproposed--chances to the General Plan. The purpose of this memorandum is to summarize the comments receive hey are appended in their entirety to this document for your review. This memorandum is organized as follows: Comments�pertaining to the General Plan in i s entiretv/blanket comments. (71%f--omments pertaining to each Element, in the order they are included in the General Plan ' document. Pj.,/rThe author of the comment's initials are included in brackets at the end of each comment. as follows: Councilwoman Henderson: (TH) Councilman Perkins: (RP) Councilman Adolph: (DA) Planning Commissioner Tyler: (RT) Planning Commissioner Kirk: (TK) Planning Commissioner Robbins (SR) 01 Comments or questions by staff are provided in italics where they have arisen. `C � h t Each item will be brought up individually at the meeting of November 14 , and consensus as to whether the change should be made shall be secured prior to moving on tot the next rtem As previously stated, comments relating to typographical errors and formatting of the document are not included here. The items listed below relate specifically to additions or deletions which affect the policy of the City. 01. Comments relating to the entire General Plan A. Add ra VisionStat__iue ent to the General_21=. (T NB: Please see he Visiotement drafted v Commissioner Kirk, and attached ------------------ to his written submittal for the complete text he is proposi�. 0 r City of La Quinta General Plan Joint Citv Council/Plannina Commission Meeting/November 14. 2001 B. Delete the northern Planning Area (Bermuda Dunes area) and references to Bermuda Dunes. (TH, DA. RT, TK) C. Change all references to La Quinta General Plan buildout to Planning Area buildout (the larger, all encompassing number). (TH) D. Delete references to the community o re possible (three occurrences found). Relate comment: Change any reference to Thermal Aimort ert Resorts Regional Airport (TH, RT) ID E. Add implementation chapter or separate document which ties goals, policies and programs o annua u get and capital improvement programs. (TK) F. Update demographic information where available. (TH, RT) NB: Please note that only very limited data is currently available from the 2000 Census. We will be able to change population and ethnic mix only. Income, household composition, etc. will not be available until well into 2002. G. Add pictures and other graphics throughout the document. (TK) H. Chang, __ hitewater River to Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel. (RT, SR). NB: Please note that t e correct name is the Whitewater River to the centerline of Washington Street. Therefore, we will change statements relating to the Channel within and south of the City. References to the primary drainage through the Valley, or to areas to the west of the r wr ewater River. I. Amend all maps to show t e annexed lands at the northwest corner of Jefferson and Fr_egrin . RT) at annexation is complete. Another, to bring The Palms into the City will shortly be completed. Staff recommends that this area be added as well. Comments relating to specific Elements of the General P a J Administration Element A. Add Traffic Control to Infrastructure and Public Services Element. (DA) 02, NB: Staff suggests that a discussion of traffic controls might be better placed in �Jthe Circulation Element, and would request clarification from Councilman Adolf as to the potential content of that discussion. B. Add Visual Pollution to Environmental Razardds Elemement. (DA) ___----- 0­1 NB Sta .suggests that an expansion of aesthetic value of the surrounding mountains in the Open Space Element might be appropriate, and would request clarification from Councilman Adolf as to the potential content of that discussion. C. Delete the second sentence of the first paragraph on page 6. (DA) t`r_ the This sentence explains the requirements of state law. Staff recommends that the sentence remain. D. Page 7, last paragraph: change the term "police powers." Also page 8, second paragraph. (DA) E. Policy'-?, page 8: add CVAG. (DA) F. Program 4.1, page 8: Add master plans for open space areas owned by the City. (DA) 04 4RJiFG City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City CounciUPlanning Commission Meet] nJNovember 14, '001 Lan=UseElem:e�nt) A. Comprehensive land use planning of the southeastern planning area is needed. (TK) B. Suggest the creation of a Rural Living land use category, with 5 to 10 acre minimums. (RT). C. Include General Plan Amendments and changes such as the vacation of Avenue 53 within Country Club of the Desert, which have occurred since the Land Use Map was released. (RT) D. Page 12, Resort Mixed Use and Tourist Commercial are marked. but no comment is provided. (DA) E. Page 13: Add Light Manufacturing to the name of the Industrial land use designation. (DA) F. Page 14, Open Space: Add reference to lands owned by the City to be preserved as Open Space which are not in the mountainous areas. (DA) G: Page 17, General Land Use Goals: Add a Goal 3, to read "Protection of our natural elements." (DA) H. Page 18, Policy 6: define in -fill. (DA) I. Page 18, Policy 8: a "sphere of influence and / " (could not read) after "carefully consider." (DA) NB: Staff requests that Councilman Adolph clarify the last word in the phrase. J. Page 18, Residential Goals: Add Goal 3 to read aintain low density profile. (DA) K. Page 18, Policy 2: start the policy with the word "Compatible." (DA) L. Page 19, Policy 5: Add "perimeter berming" after "height" and before "pads elevations." Also, add at the end of the sentence " and not sirupt the tranquility of adjacent properties." (DA) . M. Page 19, Policy 4: delete the phrase "mid -sized," and "particularly those planned with golf course or other recreational amenities." (DA, RT) N. Page 20, Policy 5 and Program 5.1: Policy and Program are premature. (DA). 0. Page 20, Policy 2: How will policy be enforced? (DA) P. Discuss the issue of Park Fee credits in Program 4.2, page 20. (TH) Q. Policy 10, page 18: should dark sky principles be applied on a regional rather than local level? (TK) NB: The issue raised pertains more to Zoning ordinance standards than General Plan policy. However, a policy could be added which states that the City will prron ote dark sky principles throughout the Valley. Circulation Element A. A southeastern corridor (much like Highway 111) is needed in the southeastern planning area. (TK) B. All street with 25 mile per hour speed limits and all streets in residential and business districts should be designated Class III golf cart routes. (RT) C. A street naming policy should be included, requiring that new streets which are extensions of existing streets carry the same name for their entire length. (RT) D. Add a discussion about the width of medians, page 21. (TH) Also, medians should it _ be no more than 12 t� to 14 feet in width. (RP) "�' 1 City of La Quinta General Plan Joint Citv CounciUPlannina Commission Meeting/November 14. 2001 E. Table 3.1, page 23, and Table 3.2, page 29: Delete streets outside the City (please see Commissioner Tyler's comments for a full list of those streets he wishes to eliminate from the Table. (RT) NB: Traffic is not a local issue, and the General Plan is supposed to show both decision makers and developers how the City fits into the regional context. The level of service, capacity and buildout impacts to those roadways should be identified in the Plan. Staff recommends that the data be maintained. F. Add local streets to Exhibit 3.3, page 25 (such as those in the Village. (TK) G. Page 30: Change "Golf Cart Route System" to Golf Cart Transportation Program." (RT) H. Exhibit 3.5, page 31: Adams and Dune Palms have been downgraded from Primary to Secondary Arterials — was this intentional? (RT) NB: Yes. The traffic analysis performed for this General Plan found changes in the circulation pattern. These streets do not need to be as large at buildout as thought in the 1992 Plan. Exhibit 3.8: clar'fy the City Hall icon. (TK) NB: Staff requests erection on Commissioner �irklould like this clarified. Page 37, second and third paragraphs, left hand columns: change "should" to "shall." Also, second paragraph, third line from the bottom, add "hopefully" after "the City." (DA, RT) Page 38, Policy 2: add reference to homeowners' associations which tie priate streets to City streets. Page 38, Program 2.2: Adams Street should be removed from the Program. (RT) NB: Adams has been identified in the past as requiring attention to minimize turning conflicts. The potential conflicts still exist, despite the reduction in roadway classification. Staff reco vends that the Program remain as is. M. Page 38, Program 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8: t e phrase "to City ngineer revie and approval" is circled and underlined, but no comment is provided. (DA) NB: Staff requests clarification of the marks from Councilman Adolph. N. Page 38, Program 2.3: The reduction in intersection spacing on Major Arterials is VD a bad idea. (RT) O. Page 38, Program 2.5 : Program is a bad idea. (DA) P. Page 3 8, Program 2.9: Plan has been completed, delete. (DA) B: The pruram was added at the request of the C' En ineer's office, and the -4o,1 an a s nit yet een un erta en. Qh' K. �L. v-i5� Q. Change the words "concerted effort" in Program 5.1. page 39 (no alternative given). (TH) rA R. Page 39, Policy 6 and Program 6.2: The policy and program are not realistic. Pro (DA) QS Program , g m 6.22, page J9, should be deleted. (TH, RT) Bicycle lanes should be at least 6 feet wide.(RP) NB: This is a development standard which should be added to the City's Development Code, although Program 7.2 on page 40 could be modified to include this minimum.. The speed limit on streets posted for 45 mph or more should be painted in each lane, parallel to each posted sign. Also, left turn pockets should be 10 feet long for each 10 mph of speed limit (50 mph requires 500' long turn pocket. Also, dual left turn lanes should be 6 feet long for each 10 mph of speed limit (50 mph 4 SI`'�0 City of La Quinta General Plan Joint Citv Council/Plannin2 Commission Meeting/November 14. 2001 requires 300' turn lane). All traffic signals should be equipped with LED lights as soon as possible. Parking stall size and location should also be regulated (please see Councilman Perkins' comment for the complete discussion he submitted. (RP) NB: These requests represent development standards, and should be added to the Municipal Code. A new program, 2.14 on page 39, could be added which requires the amendment to the Code for these items. r1*)1910_ Page 40, Program 7.3: The first sentence is questioned, but no comment noted. V4 (DA) NB: Staff requests direction from Councilman Adolph. Page 40, Program 7.4: This program singles out the Cove, and not the other neighborhoods in La Quinta, which is inappropriate. (RT) Page 40, Program 7.5: Program should be deleted and made part of the stand- alone Golf Cart Program. (RT) Add Desert Resorts Regional Airport to Policy 9 and Policy 10, page 40. (TH) Page 40, Policy 9 and Program 9.1: Should be accomplished without overage of signage. (DA) AA. Page 40, Policy 12: Delete Interstate 10. (RT) NB: The City can control where trucks can travel. Interstate 10 is an appropriate location. Staff recommend. the text remain. BB age 40, Po icy 14: Add "minimum" before "landscape." (RT) Page 41: Add Policy 18, requiring berming along roadways. pace Element � t LW�0 emu- � A. Program 2.3, page 43: dd "properties which provide scenic vistas which cannot be replaced" before "hillside apiJalluvi 1 fan areas." B. Page 43, Policy 3 henever possible at the end of the sentence. V Page 44, Program omment note . A) . Page 44: New policy which reads: "The City shall encourage CVWD to landscape their various existing, barren future well sites within La Quinta, to convert these into mini -neighborhood parks for the enjoyment of nearby residents." (RT) Parks and Recreation Element OA.age 45, under Future Buildout Needs: Concerned about the buildout population umber. (DA) B. olicy 2, Program 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, Policy 3, Program 3.1: Concerned about `�Lrn how these will be implemented. (DA) atural Resources Element A. age 50, Policy 1, Program 1.2, Policy 2, Program 3.1: Why the focus on ndustrial facilities when there are none in the City? (RT) NB: The land use map includes industrial areas in the southeastern lannin area, w7izch "aO7ut7'eSTUen`tza1_Fa_nd use designations. In order or the residential la ec e snUu-ld t ese areas be annexed, the policies and pl'Og1'an2S 11 �v' age icy will be accomplished (DA) �J v �� City of La Quinta General Plan Joint Citv CounciUMannine Commission Meeting/November 14. 2001 \)VIP C. Page 50, Program 5.1: Add Golf Cart Transportation Plan (RT) D. Questions Program 5.5, page 51. (TH) E. Page 51. Program 6.2: This is SCAQMD's responsibility. (DA) NB: The City is responsible for ems, rn•nt of its Fugitive Dust Ordi art of the -regional 1 effort to improve P nditi Page rogram ange "vehicles" to "vehicle fleet." (RT) . Page 53: Goal?, Policy 4, Program 4.1, Policy 5 and Policy 6 are not applicable in La Quinta. (DA, RT) ate law requires that policies regarding the otential for mineral resources bei10-0 n eta GenerafFkan. Staff recommends tha main. H. ' d to page 54, top paragraph in the right hand column, first sentence, "in cooperation with the Multi -Species Habitat Conservation Plan." (TH) Page 62, Program 1.3: Is this necessary? (RT) Program 3.1 on page 62: Has this already been done? (DA) K. Page 63, Program 4.2: Where is this located? (DA) NB: the land is designated Open Space on the Land Use Map. It is south of the Cove. a L. af�ge 64, Program 1.2: Add "all future" before "Specific Plans". (RT) NB: Thee te_t refers to -application for res. not the documents themselves. 4 M. Page 66, first sentence of the first paragraph under "Future Buildout Needs": . Disagree with the statement. (DA) NAA *%� N. Disagree with Policy 1, page 66. (TH) OkAgk W �� O. Add at the end of Program 1.2, page 66: "esnecially dealing with water eavino fix,tl.ires." P. Add "where possible" to ogram 2.2, page 66. (TH) tiw Q. Add Lis to Program 2.3 and Policy 5, page 67. s,,W R. Page 67: Add Policy 17 to read "The Ci tify those homeowners who over water lawns, resulting irLpaetrwater going into gutters, that the problem must be rectified." (DA) NV Infrastructure and Public Services Element A. Add to the listing on the left side of page 68: Animal Control and Shelters_ (DA) NB: Staff recommends that if this item is added, a discussion also be added in this document and the MEA on the subject. J4 0 B. Page 69, last sentence under Public Libraries: The sentence should be deleted since it will not be applicable in the foreseeable future. (DA) A,� A C. Page 69, Fire Protection section: Add a sentence that another paid employee should be provided at the station. (DA) Mir D. Page 69, Law Enforcement section: Delete "the planning area at buildout will require approximately 208 officers." (DA) NB: We are required to quantify the potential impacts associated with the buildout of the General P1 aage if the Bermuda Dunes area is eliminated, owever, staff recommends that the statement remain, with 2 correction i needed. . p1h � E. Page 9, Potable Water section: change 56 to 58. Also page 70, end of first O A paragraph in right hand column. (DA) NB: The information was provided by CVWD. ,, _ 0 t0tv( City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City CounciManning Commission Meet] n go/November 14. 2001 F. Delete references to Mvoma Dunes Water District. (DA) NB: I the Bermuda Dunes area is deleted all references t ' ies within that area will also be deleted. Q G. to oa , ge , a e protectio cIudinQ ara.medics." DA H. P ( ) Policy 4, page 71: How will the City accomplish this? (DA*Y it I. Program 4.1, tl page 71, change language to read that the City will work wi th District, and delete references to City staff contacting institutions directly. (TH) J. Dejete Policy 6, page 71. (TH) "a�t.� K. Education Facilities, Policy 4 and Program 4.1. page 71: Requests the use of a term other than post graduate, to identify all types of education, from high school through post graduate. (RT) L. Page 71, Policy 5 and Program 5.1: Delete references to senior, the disabled and other special populations. (RT) �� ram XtAVV M. Page 72, Program 1.2: Add "special provisions for spe r:*I%P-ick-ups along roadways dumping." (DA) 'k," t kA 4 NB: Staff asks for clarification of Councilman Adolph's proposed addition. N. Page 72, Program 2.2 in Solid Waste Management section: delete "of the Thermal community," and the second reference to Thermal in the Program (RT) Al, e—r O. Page 73, Policy 3 under Public Utilities, top of right hand column: Disagree with policy. All electric should be undergrounded, and 34.5 kv lines may remain with approval o Council. (�A);;-G� NB: The costs associated with undergrounding large (34.5 kv or more) electric lines is generally prohibitive. The City has been operating under this standard in recent years. St recommends the policy remain. Q,.�.� M. Page 73, Program 4.1, rig t an co umn: at undergrounding is preferred. (DA) �W Environmental Hazards Element A. Add a discussion regarding "human-induQ " inergencies, given the events of September 11. (TK) B. Page 75, first full paragraph of left and column: Disa Lee with City implementing its own hazardous monitoring programs. ( � C. Page • �� ' r an e use o e wor encoura� (RT�+�C, NB: CVWD is the sa v Sy�pr n,�,-vevnr i� the ('ink There ore, the City can only encourage, and not require that CVWD connect all new development to a sewer, pa-r-f-ic-ulartly in newly ur anz.-zng areas —which may be annexed in the future. D. Page 76, Program--C a�i nge the word "development_to "use" on the third line (DA) E. Page 76. Program 6.2: Add a last sentence to read: "Testing for compliance of storage integrity is required, and a copy of the report s a e given tote ity." (DA)� C" F. Page 77, Future Buildout Needs" section, questions the word intense on the 6tn line. (TH) NB: VLDR is proposed east of the airport. LDR is pro osed west of the airport. Either eszgnatzon represents an intensification of current land use as a owe b the ounty. y �� fll9 b� 1W City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/November 14. 2001 G. Page 87, Policy 2: Add "and southern area" after "Cove". (DA) These routes should be established for all areas in the City. (RT) NB: The Cove was singled out because the geologic consultant identified that .. area as being potentially isolated in the event of an earthquake or flood. ern UU H. Delete Exhibit 8.4, and rely on Exhibit 8.1. (TK, RT) 0 4-4. NB: General Plan guidelines require that we identify potential environmental hazards in the General Plan. Wind hazards are an identified aelP1r health.and environmental threat (as demonstrated by the Valle0 standards at o 117777te and lederallevel). Staff recommends that the exhibit remain. �,t►, c. I. Exhibit 8.5 is misleading. Add discussion about the fld threat. TK NB: The flood hazard areas are mapped by FEMA, and in or er to clear City plan ch eve opment must meet ceriain standards in t ose areas. The FEMA maps us recent available. eCTIOU- J. Page 91, Pruglain f.t. MaMIT17the ity's current 60 dBA CNEL noise standard. (RT) GL. k,C%AAL K. Page 91, Noise policies: Should the City enact an or finance about car radios, similar to that in effect in Indio? (DA) =ulturalResources Elemen A. Program 3.1.6, page 95 is marked, but no comment is made. (TH) NB: Staff requests clari Councilwoman Henderson.' B. Page 95, Policy 2.3: The Policy should be reworded to reflect what the City is currently doing. (DA) 'sv�.O 4" C. Page 96, Program 4.2.4: Disagree with the program, unless the signage is made with natural materials, not plastic. (DA) 'VA�► 01A D. Page 97: New Policy which e t 'bal councils in enhancing knowle ge of artifacts and history. (DA) 1 10 COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONER ABELS FOLL O W 05� City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City CounciManning Commission Meeting/November 14, 2001 E. Table 3.1, page 23, and Table 3.2, page 29: Delete streets outside the City (please see Commissioner Tyler's comments for a full list of those streets he wishes to eliminate from the Table. (RT) NB: Traffic is not a local issue, and the General Plan is supposed to show both decision makers and developers how the City fits into the regional context. The level of service, capacity and buildout impacts to those roadways should be identified in the Plan. Staff recommends that the data be maintained. F. Add local streets to Exhibit 3.3, page 25 (such as those in the Village. (TK) G. Page 30: Change "Golf Cart Route System" to Golf Cart Transportation Program." (RT) H. Exhibit 3.5, page 31: Adams and Dune Palms have been downgraded from"'""'' Primary to Secondary Arterials — was this intentional? (RT) NB: Yes. The traffic analysis performed for this General Plan found changes in the circulation pattern. These streets do not need to be as large at buildout as thought in the 1992 Plan. I. Exhibit 3.8: clarify the City Hall icon. (TK) NB: Staff requests direction on how Commissioner Kirk would like this clarified. RJ. Page 37, second and third paragraphs, left hand columns: change "should" to "shall." Also, second paragraph, third line from the bottom, add "hopefully" after "the City." (DA, RT) K. Page 38, Policy 2: add reference to homeowners' associations which tie priate streets to City streets. pL. Page 38, Program 2.2: Adams Street should be removed from the Program. (RT) NB: Adams has been identified in the past as requiring attention to minimize turning conflicts. The potential conflicts still exist, despite the reduction in roadway classification. Staff recommends that the Program remain as is. M. Page 38, Program 2.3, 2.4, 2.62 2.7 and 2.8: the phrase "to City Engineer review and approval" is circled and underlined, but no comment is provided. (DA) NB: Staff requests clarification of the marks from Councilman Adolph. N. Page 38, Program 2.3: The reduction in intersection spacing on Major Arterials is a bad idea. (RT) O. Page 38, Program 2.5: Program is a bad idea. (DA) P. Page 38, Program 2.9: Plan has been completed, delete. (DA) IV NB: The program was added at the request of the City Engineer's office, and the Plan has not yet been undertaken. Q. Change the words "concerted effort" in Program 5.1, page 39 (no alternative given). (TH) R. Page 39, Policy 6 and Program 6.2: The policy and program are not realistic. (DA) S. Program 6.2, page 39, should be deleted. (TH, RT) T. Bicycle lanes should be at least 6 feet wide.(RP) NB: This is a development standard which should be added to the City's Development Code, although Program 7.2 on page 40 could be modified to include this minimum.. U. The speed limit on streets posted for 45 mph or more should be painted in each lane, parallel to each posted sign. Also, left turn pockets should be 10 feet long for each 10 mph of speed limit (50 mph requires 500' long turn pocket. Also, dual 0left turn lanes should be 6 feet long for each 10 mph of speed limit (50 mph 4 016 ts Z)69 . City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/November 14, 2001 requires 300' turn lane). All traffic signals should be equipped with LED lights as soon as possible. Parking stall size and location should also be regulated (please see Councilman Perkins' comment for the complete discussion he submitted. (RP) NB: These requests represent development standards, and should be added to the Municipal Code. A new program, 2.14 on page .39, could be added which requires the amendment to the Code for these items. 7 V. Page 40, Program 7.3: The first sentence is questioned, but no comment noted. ' (DA) NB: Staff requests direction from Councilman Adolph.- W. Page 40, Program 7.4: This program singles out the Cove, and not the other neighborhoods in La Quinta, which is inappropriate. (RT) X. Page 40, Program 7.5: Program should be deleted and made part of the stand- alone Golf Cart Program. (RT) Y. Add Desert Resorts Regional Airport to Policy 9 and Policy 10, page 40. (TH) Z. Page 40, Policy 9 and Program 9.1: Should be accomplished without overage of signage. (DA) A.A. Page 40, Policy 12: Delete Interstate 10. (RT) NB: The City can control where trucks can travel. Interstate 10 is an appropriate location. Staff recommends the text remain. BB. Page 40, Policy 14: Add "minimum" before "landscape." (RT) CC. Page 41: Add Policy 18, requiring berming along roadways. Open Space Element A. Program 2.3, page 43: Add "properties which provide scenic vistas which cannot be replaced" before "hillside and alluvial fan areas." B. Page 43, Policy 3: Add "whenever possible" at the end of the sentence. C. Page 44, Program 7.1: Comment noted. (DA) D. Page 44: New policy which reads: "The City shall encourage CVWD to landscape their various existing, barren future well sites within La Quinta, to convert these into mini -neighborhood parks for the enjoyment of nearby residents." (RT) Parks and Recreation Element A. Page 45, under Future Buildout Needs: Concerned about the buildout population number. (DA) B. Policy 2, Program 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, Policy 3, Program 3.1: Concerned about how these will be implemented. (DA) Natural Resources Element A. Page 50, Policy 1, Program 1.2, Policy 2, Program 3.1: Why the focus on industrial facilities when there are none in the City? (RT) NB: The land use map includes industrial areas in the southeastern planning area, which abut residential land use designations. In order for the residential land uses to be protected should these areas be annexed, the policies and programs were included in the Plan. 0 rj 27 B. Page 50, Policy 2: Questions how Policy will be accomplished (DA) .r �- - 0 1 co ty / &a City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/November 14, 2001 C P age 50, Program 5.1. Add Golf Cart Transportation Plan (RT) 7 7 D. Questions Program 5.5, page 51. (TH) A E. Page 51, Program 6.2: This is SCAQMD's responsibility. (DA) NB: The City is responsible for enforcement of its Fugitive Dust Ordinance, as part of the regional effort to improve PM10 conditions. F. Page 53, Program 2.2: Change "vehicles" to "vehicle fleet." (RT) G. Page 53: Goal 2, Policy 4, Program 4.1, Policy 5 and Policy 6 are not applicable in La Quinta. (DA, RT) NB: State law requires that policies regarding the potential for mineral resources be included in a General Plan. Staff recommends that the items remain. H. Add to page 54, top paragraph in the right hand column, first sentence, " in cooperation with the Multi -Species Habitat Conservation Plan." (TH) ? ? I. Page 62, Program 1.3: Is this necessary? (RT) • J. Program 3.1 on page 62: Has this already been done? (DA) 7 K. Page 63, Program 4.2: Where is this located? (DA) n, NB: the land is designated Open Space on the Land Use Map. It is south of the Cove. L. Page 64, Program 1.2: Add "all future" before "Specific Plans". (RT) NB: The text refers to application forms, not the documents themselves. % 7 M. Page 66, first sentence of the first paragraph under "Future Buildout Needs": Disagree with the statement. (DA) N. Disagree with Policy 1, page 66. (TH) O. Add at the end of Program 1.2, page 66: "especially dealing with water saving fixtures." P. Add "where possible" to Program 2.2, page 66. (TH) Q. Add lakes to Program 2.3 and Policy 5, page 67. R. Page 67: Add Policy 17 to read "The City shall notify those homeowners who over water lawns, resulting in most water going into gutters, that the problem must be rectified." (DA) Infrastructure and Public Services Element A. Add to the listing on the left side of page 68: Animal Control and Shelters. (DA) f ` NB: Staff recommends that tf this item is added, a discussion also be added in this document and the MEA on the subject. B. Page 69, last sentence under Public Libraries: The sentence should be deleted since it will not be applicable in the foreseeable future. (DA) Q C. Page 69, Fire Protection section: Add a sentence that another paid employee I� should be provided at the station. (DA) j� D. Page 69, Law Enforcement section: Delete "the planning area at buildout will YI require approximately 208 officers." (DA) NB: We are required to quantify the potential impacts associated with the buildout of the General Plan. This number will change if the Bermuda Dunes area is eliminated, however, staff recommends that the statement remain, with correction if needed. E. Page 69, Potable Water section: change 56 to 58. Also page 70, end of first paragraph in right hand column. (DA) NB: The information was provided by CVWD. 6 t City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/November 14, 2001 F. Delete references to Myoma Dunes Water District. (DA) NB: If the Bermuda Dunes area is deleted, all references to services or facilities within that area will also be deleted. G. Add to Goal, page 70, after "fire protection": "including paramedics." (DA) H. Policy 4, page 71: How will the City accomplish this? (DA) A I. Program 4.1, page 71, change language to read that the City will work with the District, and delete references to City staff contacting institutions directly. (TH) J. Delete Policy 6, page 71. (TH) K. Education Facilities, Policy 4 and Program 4.1, page 71: Requests the use of a term other than post graduate, to identify all types of education, from high school through post graduate. (RT) L. Page 71, Policy 5 and Program 5.1: Delete references to seniors, the disabled and other special populations. (RT) M. Page 72, Program 1.2: Add "special provisions for special alon pick-ups g roadways dumping." (DA) NB: Staff asks for clarification of Councilman Adolph's proposed addition. N. Page 72, Program 2.2 in Solid Waste Management section: delete "of the Thermal community," and the second reference to Thermal in the Program (RT) O. Page 73, Policy 3 under Public Utilities, top of right hand column: Disagree with policy. All electric should be undergrounded, and 34.5 kv lines may remain with approval of Council. (DA) NB: The costs associated with undergrounding large (34.5 kv or more) electric lines is generally prohibitive. The City has been operating under this standard in recent years. Staff recommends the policy remain. M. Page 73, Program 4.1, right hand column: Add that undergrounding is preferred. (DA) Environmental Hazards Element A. Add a discussion regarding "human -induced" emergencies, given the events of September 11. (TK) B. Page 75, first full paragraph of left hand column: Disagree with City implementing its own hazardous monitoring programs. (TH) C. Page 75, Policy 4: Don't understand the use of the word "encourage." (RT) NB: CVWD is the sanitary sewer purveyor in the City. Therefore, the City can only encourage, and not require that CVWD connect all new development to sewer, particularly in newly urbanizing areas which may be annexed in the future. D. Page 76, Program 6.1: Change the word "development" to "use" on the third line. (DA) E. Page 76, Program 6.2: Add a last sentence to read: "Testing for compliance of storage integrity is required, and a copy of the report shall be given to the City." (DA) F. Page 77, "Future Buildout Needs" section, questions the word intense on the 6tn line. (TH) NB: VLDR is proposed east of the airport. LDR is proposed west of the airport. Either designation represents an intensification of current land use as allowed by the County. 7 City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting/November 14, 2001 G. Page 87, Policy 2: Add "and southern area" after "Cove". (DA) These routes should be established for all areas in the City. (RT) NB: The Cove was singled out because the geologic consultant identified that area as being potentially isolated in the event of an earthquake or flood. H. Delete Exhibit 8.4, and rely on Exhibit 8. L (TK, RT) NB: General Plan guidelines require that we identify potential environmental hazards in the General Plan. Wind hazards are an identified geologic health and environmental threat (as demonstrated by the Valley's non -attainment for PM10 standards at both the state and federal level). Staff recommends that the exhibit remain. I. Exhibit 8.5 is misleading. Add discussion about the flood threat. (TK) NB: The flood hazard areas are mapped by FEMA, and in order to clear City plan check, development must meet certain standards in those areas. The FEMA maps used were the most recent available. J. Page 91, Program 1.1: Maintain the City's current 60 dBA CNEL noise standard. (RT) K. Page 91, Noise policies: Should the City enact an ordinance about car radios, similar to that in effect in Indio? (DA) Cultural Resources Element A. Program 3.1.6, page 95 is marked, but no comment is made. (TH) NB: Staff requests clarification from Councilwoman Henderson. B. Page 95, Policy 2.3: The Policy should be reworded to reflect what the City is currently doing. (DA) C. Page 96, Program 4.2.4: Disagree with the program, unless the signage is made with natural materials, not plastic. (DA) D. Page 97: New Policy which encourages the City to work with tribal councils in enhancing knowledge of artifacts and history. (DA) v. 8 COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONER BUTLER FOLL O W N1 � NOV-16-01 FRI 0:07 RICH BUTLER FAX NO. 17603606801 P. 01 FAX TRA.NS, TTAI. Aa-��&& -�Kv" 15.35 SOLTIH ,D" STREFT S,,A,N BF-R.NTARDLNT0, CA 921408 (909) 3'81-6007 FA-X (909) 381-0041 DATE: 11 ) 6 .2001 TO: NAME. . ..... CONKPAINFY: FAX NT-TNOER: FRc),.%,4: NAME: DEPARTIVENT: C C)N.,af ENT 5: Page 1 Of 3 didonal iiafwrmaljo�a, pleast call me. at If you have auv questions or r quire ad Thank You. ff t-7 11-16-01 00:16 RECEIVED FROM:17603606801 P.&I NOV-16-01 FRI 0:07 RICH BUTLER FAX NO. 17603606801 P.02 r� Zi City of La Quitnta General Plan Joint City CouncibTisming Commission ;VMeetin;yNcvember 14, 2001 Table 3.1, page 23, and Table 3.2, page 29: Delete streets outside the City (please see Commissioner Tyler's comments fora fall list of those streets he wishes to eliminate from the Table. (RT) A, Traf c is not a local issue, and the General Plan rs supposed to show both decision makers and developers how the City f is into the regional context. The level of service, capacity and buildout impacts to Those roadways should be identified in the Plan. Staff recommends that the data be maintained. Add local streets to Exhibit 3.3, page 25 (such as those in the Village. (TK) Page 30, Change "Golf Cart Route System" to Golf Cart Transportation Program." (RI) . Exhibit 3.5, page 31: Adams and Dune Palms have been downgraded from Primary to Secondary Arterials — was this intentional? (RT) NB: Yes. The traffic analysis performed for this General Plan found changes in the circulation pattern. These streets do not need to be as large at buildout as thought in the 1992 Plan. �. Exhibit 3.8: clarify the City 14all icon. (TK) NB: Staff requests direction on how Commissioner Kirk would like this clarified J. Page 37, second and third paragraphs, left hand columns: change "should" to ":hall." Also, second paragraph, third line from the bottom, add "hopefiilly" after "the City." (DA, RT) A� K. Page 38, Policy 2: add reference to homeowners' associations .which tie priate streets to City streets. L. Page 38, Program 2.2: Adams Street should be removed ffrorn the Program. (RT) NB: Adams has been identified in the past as requiring attention to minimize turning conflicts. The potential conflicts still exist, despite the reduction in roadway classification. Staffrecommends that the Program rema,��.i.�_.�_ M. Page 38, Program 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8: the phrase iity Engineer revie " D c and approval is circled and urldeilined, but no comment is prove e ( ) NB: Staff requests clarification of the marks from Councilman Adolph. N. Page 38, Program 2.3: The reduction in intersection spacing on Major Arterials is a bad idea. (RI) p. Page 38, Program 2.5: Program is a bad idea. (DA) jf�> P. Page 38, Program 2.9: Plan has been completed, delete. (DA) NB: 777e program was added at the request of the City Engineer's office, and the Plan has not yet been undertaken. 1) Q. Change the words "concerted effort" in Program 5.1, page 39 (no alternative given). (TH) }- R. Page 39, Policy 6 and Program 6.2: The policy and program are not realistic. (DA) 4�_ S. Program 6.2, page 39, should be deleted, (TH, RT) T. Bicycle lanes should be at least 6 feet Wide.(RP) XB: This is a development standard which should be added to the City's Development Code, although program 7.2 on page 40 could be modi led to include this minimum.. U. The speed limit on streets posted for 45 mph or more should be painted in each lane, parallel to each posted sign. Also, left turn pockets should be 10 feet long for each 10 mph of speed limit (50 mph requires 500' long turn pocket. Also, dual (} left turn lanes should be 6 feet long for each 10 mph of speed limit (50 mph 016 _ A ` 11-16-01 00:10 RECEIVED FROM:17603606801 P•02 NOV-16-01 FR I 0 : 08 RICH BUTLER FAX NO. 17603606801 P. 03 City of La Quinta General Platt Joint Ciry ColmciLPiai:ning Commission ;N5eeting/November 14, 2001 requires ' 00' turn lane). All traffic signals should be equipped with LBD lights as soon as possible. Parking stall size and location should also be regulated (please see Councilman Perkins' conunent for the complete discussion he submitted. (RP) NB: These requests represen! development standards, and should be added to the ,Vunrcipal Code. A new program, 2.,14 on page 39, could be added which requires the amendment to the Code for these items. V. Page 40, Program 7.3: The first sentence is questioned, but no comment noted. (DA) . NB: Staff requests direction frorn Councilman Adolph. . W.-Page 40, Program 7.4: This program singles out the Cove, and not the other neighborhoods in La Quinta, which is inappropriate. (RT) - X. Page 40, Program 7.5; Program should be deleted and made part of the stand- alone Golf Cart Program. (RT) Y. -Ndd Desert Resorts Regional Airport to Policy 9 azad policy 10, page 40. (TH) Z, Page 40, Policy 9 and Program 9.1: Should be accomplished without overage of si gnage. (DA) l� AA. Page 40, Policy 12: Delete Interstate 10. (RT) 11\1 Tl�e City can control where trucks can travel, Interstate 10 is an appropriate location. Staff recommends the text remain. L7'r BB, Page 40, Policy 14: Add "minimum" before "landscape." (RI) 4 CC. Page 41: Add Policy 18, requiring berming along roadways. Open Space Element A. Program 2.3, page 43: Add "properties whicb provide scenic vistas which cannot be replaced" before "hillside and alluvial fan areas." B. Page 43, Policy 3: Add "whenever possible" at the end of the sentence. C. Page 44, Program 7.1: Comment noted.(DA) D, Page 44: New policy which reads: "The City shall encourage CV`'VD to landscape their various existing, barren future well sites within La Quinta, to convert these into mini -neighborhood parks for the enjoyment of neuby residents." (RT) Parks and Recreation Element A. Page 45, under Future Buildout Needs: Concerned about the buildout population number. (DA) B. Policy 2, Program 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, Policy 3, Program 3.1: Concerned about how these will be implemented. (DA) Yatura1 Resources Element A. Page 50, Policy 1, Program 1.2, Policy 2. Program 3,1: Why the focus on ,indpstrial facilities when there are none in the City? (RT) land use map includes industrial areas in the southeastern planning area, which abut residential land use designations. 1'n order for the residential land uses to be protected should these areas be annexed, the policies and programs were included in the Plan, -� B. Page 50, Policy 2: Questions how Policy will be accomplished (DA) $4.0 W 0 17 _ s 11-16-01 00:11 � RECEIVED FROM:17603606801 r --my NOV-16-01 FR I 0 : 09 RICH BUTLER FAX NO. 17603606801 P. 04 City of La Quinta General Plan ]uint City Council,'Planning Commission Meeting/November 14, 2001 C. Pa e 50 P g rogram 5.1: Add Golf Cart Transportation Plan (RT) D. Questions Program 5.5, page 51. (T14) E. Page 51, Program 6.2: This is SCAQMD's responsibility. (DA) NB: The Ciry is responsible for enforcement of its Fugitive Dust Ordinance, as Part of the regional effort to improve PM10 conditions. 1> F. Page 53, Program 2.2: Change `vehicles" to "vehicle fleet" (RT) G. Page 53: Goal 2, Policy 4, Program 4.1, Policy 5 and Policy 6 are not applicable in La Quinta. (DA, RT) NState law requires that policies regarding the potential for mineral resources be included in a General Plan. Stgfj-reconimcnds that the items remaim 44 H. Add to page 54, top paragraph in the right hand column, first sentence, " in cooperation with the Multi -Species Habitat Conservation Plan." (TI-1) 1. Page 62, Program 1.3: Is this necessary? (RI) J. Program 3.1 on page 62: Has this already been done? (DA) K. Page 63, Program 4.2: Where is this located? (DA) 1 (\ ,�Dhe land is designated Open Space on the Land Use Map. It is south of the Cove. :age 64, Program 1.2: Add "all future" before "Specific Plans". (RT) ' he text refers to application forms, not the documents themselves, M. Page 66, first sentence of the first paragraph under "Future Buildout breeds": Disagree with the statement. (DA)V_N' vJ 1) rT. Disagree with Policy 1, page 66. (Tn 0. Add at the end of Program I.2;page 66: "especially dealing with water saving fixtures." P. Add "where 'possible" to Program 2.2, page 66. (TH Q. Add lakes to Program 2.3 and Policy 5, page 67. R, Pnge 67: Add Policy 17 to read "The City shall notify those homeowners who over water lalvns, resulting in most water going into gutters, that the problem must be rectified." (DA) 1rifrastructure and Public Services EIement 4- A. Add to the listing on the left side of page 68: Animal Control and Shelters. (DA) NB: Staff recommends that if this ite»i is added, a discussion also be added in this r4B. document and the MEA on the subject. Page 69, last sentence under Public Libraries: The sentence should be deleted A.C. since it will not be applicable in the foreseeable future. (DA) page 69, Fire protection section: Add a sentence that another paid employee �D. should be provided at the station. (DA) Page 69, Law Enforcement "the section: Delete planning area at Buildout will require approximately 208 officers." (DA) 0 N We are required to quantify the potential impacts associated with the { : bul dour of the General Plan. This number ivill change if the Bermuda Dunes area is eliminated, however, sraff recommends that the statement remain, with correction if needed. E. Page 69, Potable Water section: change 56 to 58, Also page 70, end of first U' h in right hand column. (DA) U66 e information was provided by CV1VD. 018 11-16-01 00:11 6 �� - �' 'ter' ��' r RECEIVED FROM:17603606801 P.04 NOV-16-01 FRI 0:09 RICH BUTLER FAX NO. 17603606801 P.05 ' City of La Quints General Plan Joint City Council/Planning Commission MeetingfNovembef 14, 2001 F. Delete references to Myoma Dunes Water District, (DA) NB: If the Bermuda Dunes area is deleted, all references to services or facil ilies ivithin that area will also be deleted. 1- G. Add to Goal, page 70, after "fire protection": "including paramedics." (DA) r---H. Policy 4, page 71: How will the City accomplish this? (DA) Program 4.1, page 71, change language to read that the City will work with the District, and delete references to City staff contacting institutions directly. (11-1) -- J. Delete Policy 6, page 71. (TH) K. Education Facilities, Policy 4 and Program 4.1, page 71: Requests the use of a term other than post graduate, to identify all types of education, from high school through post graduate. OM �--- L. Page 71, Policy 5 and Program 5.1: Delete references to seniors, the disabled and other special populations. (RT) M, page 72, Program 1.2: Add "special provisions for special pick-ups along oadways dumping." (DA) • taff asks for clarification of Councilman Adolph's proposed addition. „ N. Page 72, Program 22 in Solid Waste Management section: delete "of the 'thermal coj unity," and the second reference to Thermal in the Program (RT) O. Page 73, Policy 3 under Public Utilities, top of right hand column: Disagree with policy. All electric should be undeigrounded, and 34.5 kv lines may remain with a roval of Council. (DA) 6.0 .The costs associated with undergrounding large (34.5 kv or more) electric 777es is generallyprohibitive. The City has been operating under this standard in recent 31ears. Staff recommends the policy remain. M. Page 73, Program 4.1, right hand column: Add that undergrounding is preferred. (DA) En-vironmental Hazards Element 4 A. Add a discussion regaTding "human -induced" emergencies, given the events of September 11. (TK) B. Page 75, first full paragraph of left hand column: Disagree with City implementing its own hazardous monitoring programs. (T11) SAeC7�5,Policy 4: Don't understand the use of the word "encourage." (RI) 'WD is the sanitary sewer purveyor in the City. Therefore, the City can only encourage, and not require that CMD connect all new development to server, parriczalarly in newly urbanizing areas which may be annexed in the future. ' D. Page 76, Program 6.1: Change the word "development" to "use" on the third line. (DA) B. Psge 76, Program 6.2: Add a last sentence to read: "Testing for compliance of storage integrity is required, and a copy of the report shall be given to the City." (DA) P, Page 77, "Future Buildout INleeds" section, questions the word intense on the 6cb line. (TH) 444VLDR is proposed east of the airport. LDR is proposed west of the airport. ,,er designation represents an intensification of current land use as allowed by qq the County. \7 7 11-16-01 00:12 RECEIVED FROM:17603666801 P.05 t NOV-16-01 FRI 0:10 RICH BUTLER FAX NO. 17603606801 P.06 City of La Quinta Genera! Plan Joint City Cou►}ciLPlanning Commi'scion Meeting/November 14, 2001 G. Page 97, PoIicy 2: Add "end southern area" after "Cove". (DA) n3ese routes should be established for all areas in the City. (RI) The Cove was singled out because the geologic consultant identified that area as being potentially isolated in the event of an earthquake orflood. H. Delete Exhibit 8.4, and rely on Exhibit 8.1. (TK, RT) 0-feneral Plan guidelines require that we identify potential environmental a:.ards in the General Plan. i3,ind hazards are an identified geologic health and environmental threat (as demonstrated by the Valley's non -attainment for PMJ0 standards at both the state and federal level). Staffrecommends that the exhibit remain. I. Exhibit 8.5 is misleading. Add discussion about the flood threat. (TK) .�--�NThe flood hazard areas are mapped by FEAdA, and in order to clear City plan check, developnzent nwr meet certain standards in those areas. The FEAM maps used were the most recent available. 1. Page 91, Program 1.1: Maintain the City's current 60 dBA CNEL noise standard. (RT) --� K. Page 91, Noise policies: Should the City enact an ordinance about car radios, ` similar to that in effect in Indio? (DA) Cultural Resources Element A, Program 3.1.6, page 95 is marked, but no comment is made. (TM YB: Staff requests clan f cation from Councihvonian Henderson. B. Page 95, Policy 2.3: The Policy should be reworded to reflect what the City is currently doing. (DA) C� C. Page 96, Program 4.2.4: Disagree v�ith the program, unless the signage is made with natural materials, not plastic, (DA.) -D. Page 97: New Policy which encourages the City to work with tribal councils in etflmncing knowledge of artifacts and history. (DA) 11-16-01 00:12 RECEIVED FROM:17603606801 a P.06 COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONER ROBBINS FOLLOW Nov-20-01 08:50am 6*ATER STR10 Name �1 City From -WATER DISTRICT/COACHELLA VALLEY +7603983711 I CO.ACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT Past Office. Box 1038 Coachella, California 92236 FACSNILE TRANSIvIMAL INFORMATION SHEET k File: T-488 P.01 F-662 Telecopier No. ,( 77'? 2 "�l Is S or Speed Dial No. 1 rom�le� _ _vm ,Authorized by GM-CE Asst. GM Asst. to GM Originator File Total number of pages sent (including transmittal) Please review and call Original to follow by mail YesNo Per your request _,e�< For your information • "I, 1 10 If you do not receive all pages or they are not legible, please call as soon as possible. Telephone (760) 398-2651 Ask for ,.1-- Date —' ev Time 40. 6-,!g0' CVWD-133 (Kcv. 2a) A111MC. M1 11"-a1 Te' t OCNrlVY^ p q Nov-20-01 08:51am From -WATER DISTRICT/COACHELLA VALLEY +7603983711 T-488 P.02 F-662 City of La Quints Gencral Plan Joint City Cou;I61/planning. Commission Meeting/November 14, ?001 ATTACHMENT It2 MENIORANDUM November 1 y, 2001 TO: Honorable Mayor :end Members of the City Council Honorable Chair and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Nicole Sauviat Criste Planning Consultant RE: Proposed Changes to the General Plan Following the last joint Cary Council rind Planning Commission public bearing, staff was directed to collect comments from members of the City Council and Planning Commission regarding proposed changes to the General Plan. The purpose of this memorandum is to ,urnmarize the comments received. They are appended in their entirety to this document for your review. This memorandum is organized as follows: 1. Comments prr wining to the General Plan in its entirety/blanket comments. ?. Comments pertaining to each Element, in the order they are included in the General Plan document. 3. 11e author of the comment's initials are included in brackets at the end of each comment, as follows: Councilwoman I3enderson. (TH) Councilman Perkins: (RP) Councilman Adolph: (DA) Planning Commissioner Tyler: (RT) Planning Commissioner Kirk: (TK) Planning Commissioner Robbins (SR) Comments or questions by staff are provided in italics where they have arisen. Each item will be brought up individually at the meeting of November 10, and consensus as to whether the change should be made sha11 be secured prior to moving on to the next item. As previously stated, comments relating to typographical errors and formatting of the document are not included here. The items listed below relate specifically to additions or deletions which affect the policy of the City. 1. Comments relating to the entire General Plan A. Add a Vision Statement to the General Plan. (TK) N.B: Please see the Vision Statement drufled by Commissioner Kirk and attached to his Written si bmittal for the complete text he is proposing. y wn1I.1-Pto-PRM1 TI IF Rq: S1 TFI : 7rWI-777-71 c-%ci HOOP: PI n Tr unPk q P P Nov-20-01 08:51am From -WATER DISTRICT/COACHELLA VALLEY +7603983711 T-488 P.03 F-662 City of La Quinta General Plan Joint City Coinicil/Plnnning Commission Mcetin /November 14, 2001 B. Delete the, noTthern Planning Area (Bermuda Dunes area) and references to A C�, V,>U Bermuda Dunes. (TH, DA, RT, TK) C. Cbange all references to La Quinta General Plan buildout to Planning Area , buildout (the larger, all encompassing number). (TH) D. Delete references to the comn7unity of Thermal where possible (three occurrences found). Related comment: Change any reference to Thermal Airport to Desert A � Resorts Regional Airport (TH, RT) E. Add implemelttation chapter or separate document which ties goals, policies and programs to annual budget and capital improvement programs. (TK) F. Update demographic information where available. (TH, RT) jVB: Please note that only lWy Iir77iied data is currently available from the .000 Ccnsus. T3'e will be able to change population and ethnic mix only. Income., household composition, etc. 11,117 not be available until well into 2002. G. Add pictures and other graphics throughout the document. ('TIC) H. Cbange Whitewater River to Coachella Valley Sionnwater Channel. (RT, SR), NB: Please note that the correct 170me is the i•' hitel aier River to the centerline of lffashingion Street. Therefore, we ivill change starements relating to the Channel 14"ithin and smith of the 04References to the primary drainage through the llcdley, or io areas to the west of the City will remain ftirewater River. I. Amend all maps to show the annexed lands at the northwest corner of Jefferson and Fred Waring. (R.'1) RIB: That annexation is complete. Another, to bring The Palms into the City will shof-tly be co»7pleted, tiStaff reconurtcnds that this area be added as well. 2_ Con-iments relating to specific Elements of the General plan Administration Element A. Add Traffic. Control t. - n rol to Infrast� ucture and Public Services Element. (DA) NB: Staff suggests that a discussion of traffic controls alight be better placed in the Circulation L7ement, and would request clarification frorn Councilman Adolf as to the potential content of that discussion. Q(�� B, Add Visual Pollution to Environmental Hazards Element. (DA.) NB: Staffsuggesis that an expansion of aesthetic value of the surrounding . Q'vr_l inountains in the Open Space Element might be appropriate, and would request elor f cation from Couticil,770n Adolf as to the potential content of that discussion. C. Delete the second sentence of the first paragraph on page 6. (LEA) NB: This sentence explains the requirements of state law. Sta,,�j''recommends that � ��� the sentence remain. D. Page 7, last paragraph: change the learn "police powers."Also page 8, second',__ paragraph. (DA) E. Policy 2, page 8: add CVAC. (DA) ` - Cs?CL__ F. Program 4.1, page S: Add master plans for open space areas o-%vned by the City. (DA) 76 f 2 wnu-PM-PMM1 TI IF Aq: 51 TFI : WX71-777-71 �r-_ tA0M1=: PI IRI Tf IxU'ipvc P � Nov-20-01 08:51am From -WATER DISTRICT/COACHELLA VALLEY +7603983711 T-488 P.04/09 F-662 City of La Quinta General flan Joint City CounciUPlanning Commission Meeting/November 14, 2001 Land Use Element �1 A. Comprehensive hand use planning of the southeastern planning area is needed. (TK) B. Suggest the creation of a Rural Living land use category, with 5 to 10 acre minimums. (RT). C, Include General Plan Amendments and changes such as the vacation of Avenue 53 -within Country Club of the Desert, -alhich have occurred since the Land Use f Map was released. (RT) D. Page 12, Retort Mixed Use and Tourist Commercial are marked, but no comment is provided. (DA) E. Page 13: Add Light Manufacturing to the name of the Industrial land use c� designation. (DA) F. Page 14, Open Space: Add reference to lands owned by the City to be preservedas Open Space which are not in the mountainous areas. (DA) G, Page 17, General Land Use Goals: Add a Goal 3, to read "Protection of our .._. `7 natural elements." (DA.) v H. Page 18, Policy b; define in -fill. (DA) L Page 18, Policy 8: add "sphere of influence and "(could not read) ...� after "carefully consider." (DA) NB: Siaffrequesrs ihat C0u7Tcil77zan .Adolph clorifil the last word- i» jlt�j2 asB. J. Page 18, Residential Goals: Add Goal 310 read Maintain a Iow density profile �-- (DA) K. Page 18. Policy 2: Start the policy with the word "Compatible." (DA,) L. Page 1 c• Policy 5. Add perimeter bem-iing" u after height" cc and before pad elevations." Also, add at the end of the sentence " and not sirupt the tranquility of ----- adjacent properties." (DA) _7 M. Page 19, Policy 4: delete the phrase "mid -sized," and "particularly those planned --- ,,vith golf course or other recreational amenities." (DA, RTC N. Page 20, Policy 5 and Program 5.1: Policy and Program are premature. (DA) O. Page 20, Policy 2: How will policy be enforced? (DA,) •--•— -k3a c -1?06C.1 i ��'" P. Discuss The issue of Park Fee credits in Program 4.2, page 20. (TH) �{G. Q. Policy 10, page 18: should dark sky principles be applied on a regional rather than local level? (TK) NB: The issue raised perioins More to .0,1h7g ordinance standards than General., Plan policy. However, a policy could he folded ivhich stares that the City will pro172ore dark sk-y principles throughout the Valley. Circulation Memenit A. B. C. D. A southeastern corridor (much like Highway 111) is needed in the southeastern planning area. (TK) All street with 25 mile per hour speed limits and all streets in residential and business districts should be designated Class III golf cart routes. (RI) � C A street naming policy should be included, requiring that new streets which area extensions of existing streets carry the same name for their entire length. (RI) Add a discussion. n �p idth of medians, page 21. (TH) Also, medians 5bou.ld ; be no more than.112 to 14 fee in width. (RP) •'7 3 AJni 1 _ =In _ �DPA 1 TI ID Mq - O�P Tom) - 7r-.M - 777 - 71 OZC� K101AP • DI K:N T f` 1. IrIPVC D d MI Nov-20-01 08:52am From -WATER DISTRICT/COACHELLA VALLEY +7603983711 T-488 P.05/O9 F-662 City of La Quinto General flan Joint City CounciLTI=r►ing. Commission Meeting/November 14, 2001 E. T.-Lble 3.1, page 23, and Table 3.2, page 29: Delete streets outside the City (please see Gornmissioner Tyler's comments fora filll list of those streets he wishes to eliminate from the Table. (.R'T) NB: Trq �c is not a local ' y ,,�' 1 i.s„ue, rand the C1eneral.Plan is supposed to show both r decision makers and developers how the City firs into the regional context. The level of scrvice, capaelly and buildoui impacts to those roadways should be idenrilfled in the Plan. ,Staff r-ecornmcnds that the data be maintained. F. Add local streets to Exhibit 3.3, page 25 (such as those in the Village. (TK) G. Page 30: Change "Golf Cart Route System" to Golf Cart Transportation,___, Program. (RT) H. Exhibit 3.5, page 31: Adams and Dune Palms have been downgraded from Primary to Secondary Arterials — was this intentional? (RT) - JJ B: Yes. The trraff e analysis performed for this General .flan found changes in � the cir-culorion pattern. These streets do not Deed to be as large at buildout as thought in the 1992 Plan. I. Exhibit 3.8: clarify the City Hall icon. (TK) IVB: Staff requests direction on how COM777issioner Kirk would like this clarified. J. Page 37, second ;and third paragraphs, left bai3d columns: change "should" to j "shall." Also, second paragraph, third Iine from the bottom, add "hopefully" after "the City." (DA, R D K. Page 38, Policy 2: add refe-rer)ce to horn oyviiers, associations which tie priate stTeetS to City Streets. L. Page 38, Program 2.2: Adams Street should be t•emoved from the Program. (RT) XB: Adams has been identified in the just as requiring attention to minimize turning conflicts. The potential conflicts still exist, despite the reduction in roadway class :l'cation..Staff recoinmends that the Program reinain as is. 3 M. Page 38, Program 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8: the phrase "to City Engineer review and approval" is circled and underlined, but no comment is provided. (DA) NB: Staff requests clarification of the marks from Councilman Adolph. N. page 38, Program 2.3: The reduction in intersection spacing on Major Arterials is -^-- a bad idea. (RT) 1177 r' O. Page 38, Program 2.5: Program is a bad idea. (IAA) --�-- P. Page 38, Program 2.9: Plan has been completed, delete. (DA) NB: The program was added at the request of the City Engineer's office, and the�� Plan has not yet been undertaken. Q. Change the words "concerted effort'' in Program 5.1, page 39 (no alternative given). (TH) R. Page 39, Policy 6 and program 6.2: The policy and program are not realistic. --- A CAP. (DA) S. Program 6.2, page 39, should be deleted. (TH, RI) T. Bicycle lanes should be at least 6 feet wide.(RP) NB: This is a develo ,� pnnent standard i•vhich should be add � ed to the City s ,,,...•-� Development Code, although Program 7. 2 on page 40 could be mod f ed to include this minimum.. 11 The speed Iimit on streets posted for 45 mph or more should be painted in each lane, parallel to each posted sign. Also. left turn pockets should be 10 feet long f P � l g or each 10 mph of speed limit (50 mph requires 500' long turn pocket. Also, dual left turn lanes should be 6 feet long for each 10 niph of speed Iimit (50 mph a -W 016 kIf•1I I-00A-OWAI TI IC MCI- SP TFI • W.M- 777-71 CZC:� KIOMP. PI IRI Tr I.IfIPVc-- P Cz Nov-20-01 08:52am From -WATER DISTRICT/COACHELLA VALLEY +7603983711 T-486 P.06/09 F-662 City of La Quinta General Plan, Joint City Council/Planning Commission Mceting November 14, 2001 requires '00' turn lane). All traffic signals should be equipped with LED lights as scan as possible. Parking stall size and location should also be regulated (please see Councilman Pell ins' comment for the complete discussion he submitted. (RP) NB: 717ese requests represent dcv lopment srandards, and should be added to the MuKc-al Code. A new program, 2.14 on page 39, could be added which requires the a ne ndmel7t to the Codefor these items V. 13age 40,1'rogram 7.3: The first sentence is questioned, but no comment noted. --� (DA) NB: Sluff requests direction from Councilman Adolph.- W. Page 40, Program 7.4: 771ais program singles les out the Cove and not the other . 1- g g o er neighborhoods in La Quinta, which is inappropriate. (RT) X. Page 40, P-Togmm 7.5: Program should be deleted and made part of the stand- alone Golf Cart Program. (RT) Y. Add Desert resorts Regional Airport to Policy 9 and Policy 10, page 40. (TH) � Z. Page 40, Policy 9 and Program 9.1: Should be accomplished without overage of i signage. (DA) AA. Page -10, Policy ] 2: Delete Interstate 10. (RT) NB: 777e (".`Ity can C011t7-01 14'here trucks can trui.,e Il'�tersrate �d t c�n�a �r �i �� pp opr ate location, ��raj�"reevmrrlends the test ren�sin. BB. Page 40, Policy 14: Add "minimum" before "landscape." (RT) "- CC. Page 41: Add Policy 18, requiring berming along roadways. C Open Space Element A. Program 2.3, page 43: Add "properties which provide scenic vistas which cannot (? be replaced" before "hillside and alluvial fan areas." 13. Page 43, Policy 3: Add "whenever possible" at the end of the sentence. C. Page 44, Program 7.1: Comment noted. (DA) `� D. Page 44: New policy which reads: "The City shall encourage CVWD to landscape their various existing, ban -en future well sites vyithin La Quinta, to convert these into mini -neighborhood parks for the enjoyrrieni of nearby residents." (RT) Parks and Recreation Element A. page 45, under Future Buildout Needs: Concerned about the buildout population number. (DA) R. Policy 2, Program 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, Policy 3, Prograrn 3.1: Concerned about bow these will be implemented. (DA) "— Natural Resources Element A. Page 50, Policy 1, Program 1.2, Policy 2, Program 3.1: Why the focus on industrial facilities when there are none in the City? (RT) NB: The land use »lap includes h7dus•rrial areas in the southeastern planning 4-4 area, which abut residential land use designations. In order for the residential land uses to be protected should these areas be annexed, the policies and programs were included in the flan. .c7 B. Page 50, Policy 2: Questions how Policy will be accomplished (DA) . �1 10 5 .�.. .... t .►..� rsr . r� r r� _ —ar r� �-.� -� w rr . 9^"r- . r.1 u"bl 'r I— I lr►rnir— n r Nov-20-01 08:52am From -WATER DISTRICT/COACHELLA VALLEY +7603983711 T-488 P.07/09 F-662 City of La Quinta General plan Joint City Council[Phmning Commission Meeting/November 14, 2001 C. Page 50. Program 5.1: Add Golf Cart Trwasportation Plan (RT) D. Questions Program 55, page 51. (TIT) A4,— E. Page 51, Program 6.2: This is SCA.QMD's responsibility. (DA) f A7B: The Ci is res onsihle or en orcetnew o itsFugitive0 �' p f f f Dust Ordinance, as . part of the regional effort to improve PA110 conditions. F. Page 53, Program 2 2: Change ``vehicles" to "vehicle fleet." (RT) --� G. Page 53: Goal 2, Policy 4, Program 4.1, Policy 5 and Policy 6 are not applicable in La Quinta. (DA, RT) s NB: Slate law requires that policies regarding the potential for milleral resources be included in a General Plan. S1a,,{f'recon7mends that the items remaim H. A Lid to page 54, top paragraph in the right hand column, first sentence, " in cooperation with the Multi -Species Habitat Conservation Plan." (T� 1)t 1. Page 62, Program 1.3: Is this necessary? (RT) J. Program 3.1 on page 62: Bas this already been done? (DA) K. Png.e 63, Program 4.2: Where is this located? (DA) NB: the land is designated Open Space can the Land Use Map. It is south of the Cove. L. Page 64, Program l .2: Add "all future" before "Specific Plans". (RT) IVB: The text refers to application forms, not the documents themselves. M. Page 66, first sentence of the first paragraph under "Future Buildout Needs": Disagree Nvith the statement. (DA) ~� t N. Disagree with Policy 1, page 66. (TH) C> �_Ik O. Add at the end of Program 1.2, page 66: "especially dealing with water saving fixttues." P. Add ";where possible" to Program 2.2, page 66. (TH) �-�-- ��.--- Q. Add lakes to Program 2.3 and Policy 5, page 67. R. Page 67: Add Policy 17 to read "The City shall notify those homeowners who over «eater lawns, resulting in most \vaier Ding into gutters, that the problem 6- P-6L must be rectified.)') (DA) JJ C-X, tD Tc.: 1c.� 1-Kott6 -7444j j Mai 1(-' y t Infrastructure and Public Services Element A. Add to the listing on the left side of page 68: Animal Control. and Shelters. (DA) NB:.5taff-eco1rnnends that if this item is odded, u discussion also be added in this docU177e11 and the AIEA on the subject. B. Page 69, last sentence under Public Libraries: The sentence should be deleted since it will not be applicable in the foreseeable future. (DA) C. Page 69, Fire Protection section: Add a sentence that another paid employee '-7 should be provided at the station, (DA) d D. Pace 69, Law Enforcement section: Delete "the planning area at buildout will require approximately 208 officers." (DA) r� NB: We are required to quant fiy the potential impacts associated smith the buildout of the General ,flan. This numb. cr shill change if the Bermuda Durres area is eliminoted, however. staff recommends rhut the statement remain, with correction if needed. Page 69, Potable Wnier section: change 56 to 58. Also page 70, end of fuse paragraph in right hand column. (DA) b 7 v NB: The information was provided by CYT' D. � 018 E. 2 hi ni 1_VrA__DMr;%1 TI IG Mq! c7 T1=I - 7r_M-777-71 c= 1%10twIG- (at = Tr P 7 Nov-20-01 08:53am From -WATER DISTRICT/COACHELLA VALLEY +7603983711 T-488 P.08/O9 F-662 City of La Quints General Plan Joint City Council Phinning Commission Mecting/November 14, 2001 F. Delete references to Myoma Dunes Water District. (DA) ,.�- N�3' If the �3errr�t�da Dunes area is deleted, All rcfer�ences to sere ces or facilities within that area will also be deleted. G. Add to Coal, Page 70, after "fire protection": "including paramedics." (DA) H. Policy 4, page 71: How will the City accomplish this? (DA) I. Program 4.1, page 71, change language to read that the City will work with the District; and delete references to City staff contacting institutions directly.`--f �. J. Delete Policy 6, page 7I. (TH) ---- � j_..,.- K, Education Facilities, Policy 4 and Program 4.1, page 71: Requests the use of a term other thalt post graduate, to identif37 all types of education, from high school through post graduate. (RT) L. Page 71, Policy 5 and Program 5.1: Delete references to seniors, the disabled and other special populations. (RT) M. Page fit, program 1.2: Add "special provisions for special pick--tps along roadways dumping." (DA) NB: �Igff asks for elarif carton (-If Counc3 n n .4do7ph's proposed addition, *`7 N. Page 72, Program 2.2 in Solid Waste Management section: delete "of the Thermal ---"' • . community,," and the second reference to Thermal in the Program (RT) Q. Page 73, Policy 3 under Public Utilities, top of right hand column: Disagree with policy. All electric should be undergrounded, and 34.5 kv lines may remain with ee= approval of Council. (DA) NB_ the costs associcited ii th undcrgrOunding large (34.5 kv or more) electric lines is generally Prohibitive. The City has been o erarin 7 d h' d d ' p $ �n er t zs scan ar jn recent 1 ears..Stoff recommends the pUlicy remain. } M. Page 73, Program 4.1, right hand column: Add that undergrounding is referred. (DA) g P Environmental Hazards Element � A A. B. C. D. F. F. Add a discussion regarding "Duman -induced" emergencies, given the events of September 11. (TK) Page 75, first full paragraph of left hand column: Disagree with City 1.00, -, implementing its own hazardous monitoring programs. (TH) r Page 75, Policy 4: Don't understand the use of the word "encourage." (RT) NB: 0,11,T is the SQ77iraly seiner- purveyor in the City. Therefore, the Ciry can only encourage, and not require that CJIIYD connect all new development to sewer, particularly in neu'ty urbanizing areas it-hich may be annexed in the future. Page 76, Program 6.1: Change the word "development" to "use" on the third line. .` C? (DA) Page 76, Program 6.2: Add a last sentence to read: "Testing for eomplianee of r--? storage integrity is required, and a copy of the report shall be given to the City." �" r (DA) r Page 77, "Future Buildout Needs" section, questions the wQrd intense on the 61h line. (TH) NB: VLDR is proposed east of the airport. LD14 is proposed ~vest of the airport. ,G Either designation represents an inrensificarion of current land use as allowed by the Counry. 071 %, U 19 7 wntt-PR-PnM1 TI IF A9:97% TFI : W.G1-777-71 c%-c; tJGMF: PI IRI Tr I.IrGVq P P Nov-20-01 08:53am From -WATER DISTRICT/COACHELLA VALLEY +7603983711 T-488 P.09/09 F-662 City of La Quints GeneTal PIan Joint City Cot1ndt?hnnh)g Commission Mctting/November 14, 2001 G. P,9 e 87, Polic 2: Add "rind southern area" after" " ,,•.-� � Cov+e . (DA} These routes should be esiablished for all areas in the City. (RT) NB: The Coke i as singled out because the geologic consultant identified that area as behig poten ially isolated in the event of an earthquake or flood ' H. Delete E -Mbit 8.41 and rely on Exhibit 8.1. (TK, RT) ,M, - General PIai7 o7jide7ines rc 7 irQ tl t , 'd 1. Jr. K. b V. �r� n e i enlify potential environmental hazards hi the General Plan. I'Vind hazards are an identified geologic health and eiiviroi-imentt7111veai (as demonstrated by the Tlcrlley's non -attainment, for .1 AIJ O standards at both the state acid federal level). Staff recommends that the exhibit rennin. Exhibit 8.5 is misleading. Add discussion about the flood threat. (TK) _r-- 111B: The flood hazard areas are mapped by FEMA, and in order to clear City I?Ian check, d6yelopment must meet certain stanclards in those areas. The FEAM n7aps used ivere the most recent available. Paige 91, Program 1.I : Maintain the City's current 60 dBA CNEL noise standard. (RT) Page 91, No]se poljcies: Should the City enact an ordinance about car radios, Similar 10 that in effect in Indio? (DA) Cultural )Resources Element A. Program 3.1.6, page 95 is marred, but no comment is made. (Ili) ., B: Staff requests clan jic'atlon from Councilworrion 1*nderson, B. Page 95, Policy 2.3: The Policy should be reworded to reflect what the City is currently doing. (DA) C. Page 96, Program 4.2.4: Disagree with the program, unless the signage is made with natural materials, not plastic. (DA) D. Page 97'. New Policy which encourages the City to work with tribal councils in enhancing knowledge of artifacts and history. (DA) wni I-PM-PPIM TI P Rq: E:-%4 TR ' 71=P-777-71 Sr-, MOMP • PI U:4 Tf 1.1f-1P1f(_- COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONER TYLER FOLL O W 0 rb FF'iO11 FAX NO. ?GO 345 2717 No-*,-. 12. 2'001 OG: ccP11 F1 COMMENTS ON GENERAL PLAN COMMENTS COMMISSIONER ROBERT TYLER LA QUINTA PLANNING COMNUSSION November 18, 2001 Open Space Element (page 017) A Agree? (Subjective) $ Agree C ?7? D Agree Parrs and Recreation Element (page 017) A ?`.?? Make it correct. B ?? Agree with DA's concerns Natural Resources Eknent (page 017/018) A Agree B Agee C Agree D ?? Motherhood!! E Disagree City must comply with SCAQMD regulations. F Agree G Agree NIA to La Quinta H Agree I Agree is this required? J Agee K Agree L Agree Page 2 of 4 pages 11-18-01 05:45 RECEIVED FROM:760 345 2717 P.01 FF'ON FAX NO. ,60 1 45 2717 18 22001 OES: c5F'P1 F' ' COMMENTS ON GENERAL PLAN COMMENTS [; OAI[MISSIONER ROBERT TYLER LA QUNTA PLANNING COMMISSION November 18, 2001 Reference: Staff Report dated 11-14-2001 Circulation Element (Page 016) I Agree J Agree K Agree But delete Adams St. L Agree M N Leave as is Agree O Agree w/DA F Agree or re -write as Wing been conVleted. Q R Agree S Agree T Agree U Agree V ?? W Agree X Agree Y Agree Z Agree AA Agree BB Agree CC Disagree Zoning Code/Ordidnance? Page 1 of 4 Pages 11-16-01 05:45 RECEIVED FROM:766 345 2717 P-02 FROM FAX NO. . 760 345 -2?1? No -.:A. 18 2001 Ot-1: c5r,F'M F' COMMENTS ON GENERAL PLAN COMMENTS COMMISSIONER ROBERT TYLER LA QUINTA PLANNING C0MMSSION November 19, 2001 M 'r?� N Agree? CVWD responsibility? 0 Agree P Agree Q -4gree R Disagree Would require a new "Water Police" force to make this happen. Infrastructure and Public Services Elemeut (page 018/019) A Agree B Agree C Agree at each station D Agree But use the correct n-wnber here autd Fire Protection also E Agree Verify street numbers with CVWD F Agree G Ague H This is a Poaic document, not a `how to" guide. I Agree J ??? K Disagree I like TH recommendation under `T' above. L Agree M ??? Belongs in the Waste Management contract? N Agree 0 ?? As written, Policy 3 reflects present City Council policy. M (PI-15 Agree Page 3 of 4 Pages 11-18-01 05:46 RECEIVED FROM:766 345 2717 P•03 FROM : FAX NO. : 760 '45 2717 Nov. 1S 20,=11 0E.:57PH P4 COMMENTS ON GENERAL PLAN COMMENTS COMMISSIONER R.OBERT TYLER LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION November 18, 2001 Envimumental Hazards Element (Page 0191020) A Agree B Agree C V?? D Disagree "Land Use" is recognized Planing terminology. E Disagree I suspect such testing/reporting is already required by other. agencies. F ??? Now a moot point?? G ???? The entire City should be included, not gust isolated "pockets" H Agree I Agree Is 1991 FEMA data the latest? Add explanation in the text. 3 Agree Who cares what the rest of the State does? K Agree But are they enforceable? Cultural Resources Element (page 020) A ??? What did TH have in mind? B Agree C Disagree D Agree Isn't the City already doing this? Page 4 of 4 pages 11-18-01 05:47 RECEIVED FROM:760 345 2717 r P•04