1993 12 08 IABT a 0 4bf 4 4 QUM& 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 2 NV E S THE NT ADVISORY BOARD AG E NDA Study Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 December 8, 1993 - 5:30 p.m. I CALL TO ORDER a. Pledge of Allegiance b. Roll Call II PUBLIC COMMENT (This is the time set for public comment on any matter not scheduled on the agenda.) III CONSENT CALENDAR (Consent Calendar Items are considered routine in nature and will be approved by one motion.) A. Approval of Minutes from the meeting of November 10, 1993. IV BUSINESS SESSION A. Transmittal of Treasurer's Report Dated October 31, 1993. B. Consideration of Recommending to the Redevelopment Agency a Proposal to Solicit Bids for Investment Agreements for RDA Bond Reserve Funds. V STUDY SESSION VI OTHER A. Staff Information Reports. VII ADJOURNMENT MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 � � T Ou INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING DATE: December 81 1993 ITEM TITLE: TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT DATED OCTOBER 31 1993 FROM THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 71 1993. ISSUE AND DISCUSSION: AGENDA CATEGORY: CONSENT CALENDAR: BUSINESS SESSION: STUDY SESSION: The attached Treasurer's Report of October 31, 1993 wasr7ceiv�e�3 and filed by the La Quinta City Council at the December , City Council Meeting. Additional attachments in the m of correlating statements are included with the copy presented RECOMMENDATION: Review, receive, and file. Approved for submission to the Investment Advisory Board: 4�lww Thomas J. O'Reilly - Finance Director J. (J a �i Au F�o� 9� COUNCIL MEETING DATE: ITEM TITLE: DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT FINANCE DIRECTOR DECEMBER 7, 1993 TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT AGENDA CATEGORY.: PUBLIC HEARING: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: Transmital of October 31, 1993 Treasurer's Report. I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with California Government Code 3Sec ionn5to 45 ass 70 amended 1/1/86; and is in conformity with Y Code Investment of,Moneys and Funds. As Treas urer of the City of La Quinta, I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet next months estimated expenditures. �Vff 1w a Thomas J O'R it Dat City Treasurer RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File Submitted by: 74) Approved for submission Lo City Council I . 4t0z;,-- w ROBERT L. HUNT CITY MANAGER CITY OF LA QUINTA TREASURER'S REPORT OCTOBER 311 1993 ASSETS UNDER THE INVESTMENT DIRECTION OF THE CITY TREASURER. TYPE OF MATURITY INTEREST INVESTMENT INSTITUTUION DATE -------- RATE -------- AMOUNT ------ RANK --- ---------- ------------ a PETTY CASH & REGISTER DRAWER N/A _. N/A VA $ 700 1 CHECKING ACCOUNT BANK OF AMERICA N/A = N/A 128,497 1 MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT BANK OF AMERICA DEMAND 2.32 75,943 1 LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND STATE OF CALIF. DEMAND 4.38 8346,041 N/A EMPLOYEES — DEFFERED COMPENSATION ICMA DEMAND — 1.9 AVG INT 250,726 2 TOTAL $ 8,801,907 DISTRIBUTION OF CASH AND INVESTMENTS GENERAL FUND GAS TAX FUND PARKS AND RECREATION FUND QUIMBY FUND INFRASTRUCTURE FUND VILLAGE PARKING FUND ASSESSMENT DIST FUNDS TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS $144,473 (47, 846 ) 1, 2121 944 651861 21 2681 338 26, 766 3,232,969 1, 3101 402 TOTAL $8, 801, 907 03 LA QUINTA FINANCING AUTHORITY TREASURER'S REPORT OCTOBER 31, 1993 ASSETS UNDER THE INVESTMENT DIRECTION OF THE FINANCING AUTHORITY TREASURER. TYPE OF MATURITY INTEREST INVESTMENT INSTITUTUION DATE RATE ---------- ------------ -------- -------- CIVIC CENTER BOND PROCEEDS: CASH - CONSTRUCTION BANK OF AMERICA DEMAND CASH - RESERVE BANK OF AMERICA DEMAND CASH - REDEMPTION BANK OF AMERICA DEMAND 1.80 1.80 1.80 TOTAL AMOUNT RANK $2,168 2 745,324 2 3201 797 2 ----- ------ $1,068,289 04 a AGENCY MEETING DATE: ITEM TITLE: DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT FINANCE DIRECTOR DECEMBER 71 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING:. BUSINESS SESSION: CPL. CONSENT CALENDAR: TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT STUDY SESSION: Transmital of October 31, 1993 Treasurer's Report. I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with California Government Code section 53645 as amended 1/1/86; and is in conformity with City Code 3.08.010 to 3.08.070 Investment of Moneys and Funds. As Treasurer of the City of La Quinta, I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet next month's estimated expenditures. i Thomas J. 'Reilly v Date/ City Treasurer RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File Submitted by: 7-14 TWO) 7� V , Ui % A�ffo,�A Approved for submission to Redevelopment Agency of— l tic . ROBERT L. HUNT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 05 �f VI LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TREASURER'S REPORT OCTOBER 311 1993 ASSETS UNDER THE INVESTMENT DIRECTION OF THE AGENCY TREASURER. TYPE OF MATURITY INTEREST INVESTMENT INSTITUTUION DATE -------- RATE -------- AMOUNT RANK ---- -- ---- - -- -- - ------------ 7- CHECKING ACCOUNT BANK OF AMERICA N/A N/A $ 2333 MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT BANK OF AMERICA DEMAND 2,2 95,783 1 LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND STATE OF CALIF. DEMAND 4.38 3,841,014 N/A RESTRICTED CASH - BANK OF AMERICA TRUSTEE: 89,90,91 SERIES BONDS PACIFIC HORIZONS RESTRICTED 1.80 1-548,864 2_- RESTICTED CASH - 1st INTERSTATE BANK TRUSTEE: 92 SERIES BOND PAC AMERICAN FUND RESTRICTED 1.85 1,788,296 2., �.. CONSTRUCTION - 1st INTERSTATE BANK TRUSTEE. 92 SERIES BOND PAC AMERICAN FUND RESTRICTED 1.85 3,597,430 2 92 SERIES BOND INTEREST PAC AMERICAN FUND RESTRICTED 1.94 77 2 ------------ TOTAL $12, 875, 797 ------------ - DISTRIBUTION OF CASH AND INVESTMENTS ------------------------------------ PROJECT AREA #1: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS DEBT SERVICE FUNDS LOW/MOD FUNDS PROJECT AREA #2: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS DEBT SERVICE FUNDS LOW/MOD FUNDS $2, 699, 818 (428,915) 3,704,307 $5, 975, 210 $3, 891, 411 2, 093, 961 915,215 ------------ 6, 900, 587. - ---------- TOTAL $12, 875, 797 a ,A w� t as Fiscal Year 93/94 file: RDABNDCS La Quinta Redevelopient Agency RDA 91 series ------------------------ BOND BOND INTBRBST PAYMENT REDEMPTION RESERVE DEBT SERVICE FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND totals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 117349300 117349301 117349302 117349303 117349304 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/01/93 BEGINNING BAL 59.92 0.00 0.00 744,966.85 5.59 745,032.36 JUL INTBRBST 0.13 0.00 0.00 1,585,70 0.01 11585.84 TRANS FROM 117349303 12,072.55 0.00 0.00 (12,072.55) 0.00 0.00 TRANS FROM 117349304 5.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 (5.63) 0.00 AUG INTBRBST 0.13 0.00 0.00 11660.50 0.02 1, 660.65 TRANS FROM 117204600 259,977.31 190,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 449,977.31 INTEREST PYKT (272,115.66) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (272,115.66) PRINCIPAL PYKT 0.00 (190,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (190,000.00) SBP INTBRBST 20.20 14.01 0.00 11665.00 0.00 11699.21 OCT INTEREST 0.04 0.03 0.00 11593.71 0.00 1,593.78 NOV INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEC INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 JAN INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEB INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANS FROM (117204600) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INTBRBST PYKT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MAR INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 APR INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 KAY INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 JUN INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BALANCE ----•-............... 20.25 ----............. 14.04 --- 0.00 ............... 739,399.21 -....................... (0.01) ---- 739,433.49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 ZZZII�,G�L� 739433.49 No u, 7�-:. 24 Fiscal Year 93/94 La Quinta Redevelopment Agency RDA 90 series file; RDABNDCS ------------------------ bond bond debt excess redemption interest payment service investment fund fund fund reserve earnings totals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 117283404 177283400 117283401 117283402 117283403 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/01/93 BEGINNING BAL 0.00 153.92 1.01 1.00 0.00 155.93 JUL INTBRBST 0.00 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 AUG INTBRBST 0.00 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 TRANS FROK (117204600) 0.00 697,858.25 459,998.99 0.00 0.00 11157,857.24 INTBRBST PYKT 0.00 (698,012.50) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (698,012.50) PRINCIPAL PYKT 0.00 0.00 (460,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (460,000.00) SBP INTBRBST 0.00 51.81 33.93 0,00 0.00 85.74 OCT INTBRBST 0.00 0.11 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.18 NOV INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEC INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0100 0.00 0.00 JAN INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FIB INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANS FROK (117804600) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INTBRBST PYKT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MAR INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 APR INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 KAY INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 JUN INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BALANCB 0.00 52.26 34.00 1.00 0.00 87.26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ � 25 Fiscal Year 93/94 file: RDABND92/3 La Quinta Redevelopaent Agency RDA 89 series ------------------------ bond bond debt special interest paysent service holding fund fund fund reserve fund totals 117204600 117204601 117204602 117204603 07/01/93 BEGINNING BAL 209.08 63.18 0.13 752,569.42 752,841.81 JUL INTEREST 0.44 0.13 0.00 11601.88 11602.45 AUG INTEREST 0.46 0.14 0.00 11677.44 11678.04 DEPOSIT 2,037,467.92 18,571.30 0.00 0.00 21056,039.22 TRANS TO 117283401 (459,998.99) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (459,998.99) TRANS TO 117204602 (164,999.87) 0.00 164,999.87 0.00 0.00 TRANS TO 117204601 (264,842.89) 264,842.89 0.00 (18,571.30) (18,571.30) TRANS TO 117283400 ( 697, 858.25) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (697,858.25) TRANS TO 117349300 (259,977.31) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (259,977.31) TRANS TO 117349301 (1901000,00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (190,000.00) INTEREST PYNT 0.00 (283,477,50) 0.00 0.00 (283,477.50) PRINCIPAL PYNT 0.00 0.00 (165,000.00) 0.00 (165,000.00) SEPT INTEREST 148.23 21.04 12.17 11681.89 11863.33 OCT INTBRBST 0.31 0.04 0.03 1,595.83 1,596.21 NOV INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEC INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 JAN INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEB TAX INCREMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEB INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANS TO (117349300) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANS TO (117283400) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANS TO (117204601) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INTBRBST PYNT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MAR INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 APR INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MAY INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 JUN INTEREST 0.00 , 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BALANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 149.13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21.22 12.20 740,555.16 740,737.71 total restricted cash 740,737,71 Nav .-%', 26 La Quinta Redevelopment Agency RDA PA#2 92 Series ............. . .......... ESCROW SPECIAL SPECIAL INT PRINCIPLE RESERVE FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND totals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8116202-000 8116202-001 8116202-002 8116202-003 8116202-004 $116202-005 07/01/93 BEGINNING BAL 31698,443.05 1,377,535.44 0.00 76.31 0.00 394,461.33 5,470,516.13 JUL INTEREST 8,615.15 31096.40 0.00 0.17 0.00 886.66 12,598.38 AUG INTEREST 81699.52 31239.99 0.00 0.18 0.00 927.78 12,867.47 CK TO CITY (121,233.46) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (121,233.46) SEP INTEREST 81538.91 31248.55 0.00 0.18 0.00 930.23 12,717.87 OCT INTEREST 8,015.40 31085.80 0.00 0.17 0.00 883.63 11,985.00 CK TO CITY (13,648.47) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (13,648.47) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 JAN INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEB INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MAR INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 APR INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 HAY INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BOND PYMT FROM CITY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 JUN INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 trns to 8116202-003 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 debt sery int pyat 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -------------------------------------------- ---- --------------- -------------- ---------------------- BALANC 31597,430.10 1,390,206.18 0.00 7.01 0.00 398,089.63 5,385,802.92 340 ao�,i� + 3g8ogq,63 . f j)` 88,a9 6 Ve"', 27 1 INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING DATE: December 8, 1993 ITEM TITLE: TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT DATED OCTOBER 31 1993 FROM THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 71 1993. ISSUE AND DISCUSSION: AGENDA CATEGORY: CONSENT CALENDAR: BUSINESS SESSION: STUDY SESSION: The attached Treasurer's Report of October 31, 1993 was received and filed by the La Quinta City Council at the December 7, 1993 City Council Meeting. Additional attachments in the form of correlating statements are included with the copy presented here. RECOMMENDATION: Review, receive, and file. Approved for submission to the Investment Advisory Board: Thomas J. O'Reilly - Finance Director �l s W C00 F�OF9 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: ITEM TITLE: DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT FINANCE DIRECTOR DECEMBER 7, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT STUDY SESSION: Transmital of October 31, 1993 Treasurer's Report. I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with California Government Code Section 53645 as amended 1/1/86; and is in conformity with City Code 3.08.010 to 3.08.070 Investment of Moneys and Funds. As Treasurer of the City of La Quinta, I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet next month's estimated expenditures. ' a Thomas J O'R it Batew City Treasurer RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File Submitted by: YN, NOW, 0 9 - Approved for submission to City Council ROBERT L. HUNT CITY MANAGER 0ti 1 CITY OF LA QUINTA TREASURER'S REPORT OCTOBER 31, 1993 ASSETS UNDER THE INVESTMENT DIRECTION OF THE CITY TREASURER. TYPE OF MATURITY INTEREST INVESTMENT ---------- INSTITUTUION ------------ DATE -------- RATE -------- PETTY CASH & REGISTER DRAWER N/A _ N/A .N/A CHECKING ACCOUNT BANK OF AMERICA N/A N/A MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT BANK OF AMERICA DEMAND 2.32 LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND STATE OF CALIF. DEMAND 4.38 EMPLOYEES - DEFFERED AMOUNT RANK ------ ---- • $ 700 1 128, 497 1 75, 943 1 8, 346, 041 N/A COMPENSATION ICMA DEMAND - 1.9 AVG INT 250,726 2 ------------ TOTAL $ 8,801,907 DISTRIBUTION OF CASH AND INVESTMENTS GENERAL FUND $144,473 GAS TAX FUND (47,846) PARKS AND RECREATION FUND 1,212,944 QUIMBY FUND 651861 INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 2,268,338 VILLAGE PARKING FUND 26,766 ASSESSMENT DIST FUNDS 1231969 TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS 1,310,402 ------------ TOTAL M801,907 03 _ v ,��_ M LA QUINTA FINANCING AUTHORITY TREASURER'S REPORT OCTOBER 31, 1993 ASSETS UNDER THE INVESTMENT DIRECTION OF THE FINANCING AUTHORITY TREASURER. TYPE OF MATURITY INTEREST INVESTMENT INSTITUTUION DATE RATE ---------- ------------ -------- -------- CIVIC CENTER BOND PROCEEDS: CASH - CONSTRUCTION BANK OF AMERICA DEMAND CASH - RESERVE BANK OF AMERICA DEMAND CASH - REDEMPTION BANK OF AMERICA DEMAND 1,80 1080 1,80 TOTAL AMOUNT RANK $2,168 2 745, 324 2 3204797 2 ------ ------ $1, 068, 289 w i CAJ 44 OF AGENCY MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 7, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT FINANCE DIRECTOR TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT PUBLIC HEARING:. BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: Transmital of October 31, 1993 Treasurer's Report. I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with California Government Code section 53645 as amended 1/1/86; and is in conformity with City Code 3.08.010 to 3.08.070 Investment of Moneys and Funds. As Treasurer of the City of La Quinta, I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet next month's estimated expenditures. i a Thomas J. 'Reilly v Datew City Treasurer RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File Submitted by: Fg W�, qw, Signature Approved for submission to Redevelopment Agency o� I. tic ROBERT L. HUNT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR �5 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TREASURER'S REPORT OCTOBER 311 1993 ASSETS UNDER THE INVESTMENT DIRECTION OF THE AGENCY TREASURER. TYPE OF MATURITY INTEREST INVESTMENT INSTITUTUION DATE RATE ---------- ------------ -------- -------- CHECKING ACCOUNT BANK OF AMERICA N/A N/A MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT BANK OF AMERICA DEMAND 2.2 LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND STATE OF CALIF. DEMAND 4.38 RESTRICTED CASH - BANK OF AMERICA TRUSTEE: 89,90.91 SERIES BONDS PACIFIC HORIZONS RESTRICTED 1.80 RESTICTED CASH - ist INTERSTATE BANK TRUSTEE: 92 SERIES BOND PAC AMERICAN FUND RESTRICTED 1.85 CONSTRUCTION - 1st INTERSTATE BANK TRUSTEE: 92 SERIES BOND PAC AMERICAN FUND RESTRICTED 1.85 92 SERIES BOND INTEREST PAC AMERICAN FUND RESTRICTED 1.94 DISTRIBUTION OF CASH AND INVESTMENTS ------------------------------------ PROJECT AREA #1: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS DEBT SERVICE FUNDS LOW/MOD FUNDS PROJECT AREA #2: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS DEBT SERVICE FUNDS LOW/MOD FUNDS TOTAL AMOUNT ------ RANK ---- $ 2, 333 1 95,783 1 3,841014 N/A $2, 699, 818 (428,915) 3, 704, 307 ------------ $3, 891, 411 2,093,961 25 915, TOTAL 3,548,864 2. . .r 1, 788, 296 2. .:r 3,597,430 2 77 2 ------------ $12, 875, 797 $5, 975, 210 6, 900, 587. $12, 875, 797 .oli}IJ 4 � .?k• s` - � ^ _v i.MC. +}�'. /�(,,, � � . t , � :.. 1 a �tF rin � - - .� _ ._ .:c T7.4���yyf. �i� � r- ..:t �� s•7r Slr ��a� _ `^�+�5'T��. "��' �# ��.. � *� �''wi�J►�r �!�: CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK OF AMERICA CHECKING ACCOUNT # 9160-15464 BANK RECONCILEMENT OCTOBER , 1993 BALANCE PER BANK STATEMENT 191,873.39 LESS OUTSTANDING CHECKS: (75,204.80) LESS OUTSTANDING TRANSFERS OUT 0.00 PLUS OUTSTANDING DEPOSITS: 7,954.31 ADJUSTMENTS: ---------------- ADJUSTED BANK BALANCE 124,622.90 GENERAL LEDGER CASH AND INVEST BALANCE 8,550,481.69 LESS : MONEY MARKET (75,943.09) LESS LAIF (81346,040.95) ---------------- 128,497.65 ADJUST NSF CHECK (18.75) 10/29/93 DEPOSIT (31500.00) REVERSE JE #19 10/31/93 (500.00) VOID CK # 16606 J.PENA 33.39 UNRECONCILED DIFFERENCE 110.61 ADJUSTED G/L BALANCE 124,622.90 P7 GL62 CASH BALANCE BY FUND SUMMARY PAGE 1 12/01/93 PERIOD ENDING 10/31/93 9.29.00 GtVS Lei i C_IT CI?y FUND DESCRIPTION TOTAL 1 GENERAL FUND 143,772.98,/lXAN3,04>�P,3yL,ONU.At� 2 STATE GAS TAX FUND \'47,846.18- 3 COMMUNITY PROJECT FUND - 1,212,944.00 12 FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND ,� 34,286.83 13 LANDSCAPE MAINT. DISTRICT #1 .00 14 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 88-1 90,374.03 15 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 89-2 106,752.80 16 CITY-WIDE ASSESSMENT DIST 89-1 16,720.12 17 QUIMBY FUND 653,860.79 18 INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 2,268,338.80 19 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND .00 20 VILLAGE PARKING FUND 26,765.75 21 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 90-1 265,087.06 22 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 91-1 768,325.95/ 23 ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES 166,151.96 24 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 92-1 1,985,709.33 39 SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY \"' 9,446.25 41 88-1 AGENCY FUND 211,635.67 Cl-T w 51 89-2 AGENCY FUND �. 179,733.55 C 52 90-1 AGENCY FUND �- 178,372.61 53 91-1 AGENCY FUND C&SON21- 41 280, 049.39 I Z$,y47.GS 60 RDA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PA41 2,699,817.82 62 RDA LOW/MOD FUND PAN1 3,704,307.19 63 RDA DEBT SERVICE FUND PA#1 _ 3,977,779.21- 66 RDA DEBT SERVICE FUND PA#2 1,695,794.81 67 RDA CAPITAL PROJECTS PA#2 1,096,225.50- 68 RDA LOW/MOD FUND PA#2 3,9 vi iSO..S 3 915, 215.42 70 LA QUINTA FINANCING AUTHORITY .00 TOTAL CASH FUND BALANCE 12,491,612.22 L4 5S LES S ¢�4 R-D41 Vr1�.v� 1,A 112 Bank of America Statement P. 0. BOX 30746 LOS ANGELES, CA 90030-0746 24 HR CUSTOMER SERVICE 619-340-1867 DATE OF THIS STATEMENT 10/29/93 PAGE 1 OF 5 1111111111111 11111 1111111111111 11111111111 111111111111111111 11 E366 CITY OF LA QUINTA 0916 P 0 BOX 1504 LA QUINTA CA 92253-1504 CHANGE YOUR PAYROLL PROCESSING AND POCKET A $50 DISCOUNT. ASK AT YOUR NEAREST B OF A BRANCH FOR DETAILS ON ADP PAYROLL PROCESSING AND HOW TO GET A DISCOUNT. OFFER EXPIRES DECEMBER 31, 1993. �ms�__�_aaa�a__as ��=a—was — -- �.—�s=���=�_�_�..ssmsaaswiassaoYmaan�ssas:aasasapzcsaa�aa�rs�m�saars::�sz�a��� CNECKZNG 09160-15464 BUSINESS ANALYZED CHECKING TAX ID 95-3740431 CUSTOMER SINCE 1982 SUMMARY STATEMENT PERIOD= OCTOBER 01 THROUGH OCTOBER 29, 1993 PREVIOUS STATEMENT BALANCE ON 09-30-93..............................154,825.10 TOTAL OF 25 DEPOSITS FOR..........................................715,020.09 TOTAL OF 1 OTHER CREDIT FOR.........................................600,000.00 TOTAL OF 361 CHECKS FOR. .....................................1,138,053.41 TOTAL OF 10 OTHER DEBITS FOR........................................139,918.39 STATEMENT BALANCE ON 10-29-93 .......................................191,873.39 CHECKS/ CHECKS OTHER DEBITS CHECK DATE CHECK DATE NUMBER POSTED AMOUNT NUMBER POSTED AMOUNT Ito016 10-25 150.00 � 9169 10-13 755.4V 9039 10-05 1,572.59 -" 9170 10-12 1,046.221 0171 i n_i 72r . 26- 9146M 10-12 886.86- 9172 10-13 1,615.17 9147 10-18 1,692.57 9173 10-13 744.32 9148 10-12 2,099.17 9174 10-13 329.39- 9149 10-13 1,572.59. 9175 10-08 645.92-- 9150 10-12 852.25, 9176 10-12 1,042.36- 9151 10-08 643.15 9177 10-12 1,035.00- 9152 10-12 1,061.85- 9178 10-13 1,168.35_ 9153 10-14 155.05 9179 10-13 1,208.08- 9154 10-13 683.47, 9180 10-12 1,246.79- 9155 10-12 755.27. 9181 10-13 1,244.63- 9156 10-08 900.16. 9182 10-12 1,259.42- 9157 10-12 1,844.80- 9183 10-08 1,203.89- 9158 10-08 479.15- 9184 10-08 955.75- 9159 10-12 1,394.32, 9185 10-08 1,173.05- 9160 10-12 572.93- 9186 10-12 681.37 9161 10-08 1,047.51- 9187 10-12 1,511.13 9162 10-13 1,655.32- 9188 10-12 1,426.39, 9163 10-12 865.18- 9189 10-12 637.29- 9164 10-12 1,384.81- 9190 10-13 972.57- 9165 10-25 1,034.52, 9191 10-12 883.24-- 9166 10-13 877.36, 9192 10-08 907.20- 9lo025.74.- 9167 10-15 952.34- 9193 10-12 9168 10-12 926.17- 9194 10-12 734.01- Bank of America NT&SA • Member FDIC Bank of America Statement P. 0. BOX 30746 LOS ANGELES, CA 90030-0746 24 HR CUSTOMER SERVICE 619-340-1867 DATE OF THIS STATEMENT 10/29/93 PAGE 5 OF 5 CITY OF LA QUINTA CHECKING 09160-15464 BUSINESS ANALYZED CHECKING (CONTINUED) CHECKS/ OTHER DEBITS OTHER DEBITS DATE TRANSACTION POSTED DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 10-01 TELEPHONE/TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERS.............................17,000.Ou0 10-12 TELEPHONE/TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERS ............... ............... 6,000.000 10-13 10-14 DEPOSITED ITEM RETURNED.. ..... ..... ...= TAX PYMT CALL-818-6668000 101493 941 95-3740431... ......... 10-15 TELEPHONE/TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERS......... .1 , 10-18 10-25 TELEPHONE/TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERS.............................20,000008 DEPOSITED ITEM RETURNED.. .............................. 5.0 10-26 TELEPHONE/TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERS ............................. 50;0 07s 10-28 DEPOSITED ITEM RETURNED... . .... ... ............. :-s- 7. 10-28 TAX PYMT CALL-818-6668000 102893941 95-3740431............,.13,9 0 DEPOSITS/ DEPOSITS OTHER CREDITS DATE DATE POSTED AMOUNT POSTED AMOUNT 10-01 11,155.48 10-18 72,132.35 10-04 7,736.75 ✓ 10-19 4,883.19t/ 10-05 94,467.61-' 10-20 53,847.02,/ 10-06 3,039.81'/ 10-20 60,000.000 10-06 20,000.00• 10-21 8,155.51:i 10-07 9,744.80✓ 10-22 10,048.05 ✓ 10-07 70,000.0010 10-22 54,000.00s 10-08 5,393.70 ✓ 10-25 61,218.62 10-12 7,640.67< 10-26 2,740.89,- 10-12 8,453.87/' 10-27 6,946.33-- 10-13 9,799.44/ 10-28 1,676.53- 10-14 39,600.55 ✓ 10-29 90,766.67ok 10-15 1,572.25 ^-ru gCTTC CRE�1ADOI 1 S. DATE TRANSACTION POSTED DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 10-21 CREDIT ADJUSTMENT..........................................600,000.004 Bank of America NTBSA • Member FDIC 711. Bank of America Statement P. 0. BOX 30746 LOS ANGELES, CA 90030-0746 24 HR CUSTOMER SERVICE 619-340-1867 DATE OF THIS STATEMENT 10/29/93 PAGE 2 OF 5 CITY OF LA QUINTA CHECKING 09160-15464 BUSINESS ANALYZED CHECKING (CONTINUED) CHECKS/ CHECKS OTHER DEBITS CHECK DATE CHECK DATE NUMBER POSTED AMOUNT NUMBER POSTED AMOUNT 9195 10-12 71.90,- 9250 10-25 i,037.55 " 9196 10-12 787.83- 9251 10-26 1448.50k 9197 10-12 776.41., 9252 10-25 954.59,- 9198 10-13 251.55e 9253 10-25 706.50, 9199 10-13 614.21, 9254 10-25 942.41, 9200 10-12 615.17, 9255 10-25 781.39- 9201 10-13 729.39E 9256 10-26 99.23, 9202 10-15 760.10- 9257 10-26 619.21_ 9204* 10-25 886.84- 9258 10-26 615.17, 9205 10-26 lo692.56, 9259 10-25 734.37- 9206 10-26 2,099.16- N16029* 10-25 685.91 -- 9207 10-29 1,572.58-- -16067* 10-08 500.00 1 9208 10-25 675.64, "%,+16130* 10-26 50.00,- 9209 10-25 $52.23, �16246* 10-28 50.00=- 9210 10-22 648.13' y I6295* 10-05 280.00✓ 9211 10-22 I O61.84,, �•16333* 10-05 .430.97/ 92.12 10-25 160.05 , "-16402* 10-04 243.00 i 9213 10-25 683.45, %-16403 10-06 222.00 i 9214 10-25 755.26e "-J16408* 10-08 3,483.00- 9215 10-22 900.14- `-16411* 10-14 25.00/ 9216 10-25 1,844.80• '*-16412 10-05 840.00 ,- 9217 10-22 479.15" \-16417* 10-07 1,181 .00 -' 9218 10-22 1,394.30, 9219 10-25 572.93' %16427X 10-01 785.92 9220 10-25 lo047.49• v 16428 10-18 .58.00� 9221 10-25 1,655.30, \.16440* 10-01 101.20 9222 10-25 670.35- \,j16441 10-04 1,508.94 9223 10-25 865.17. ,16448X 10-12 51000.00 9224 10-26 1,384.80• j16455* 10-07 25.00i" 9225 10-25 1,039.52 16467* 10-06 46,713.14 9226 10-25 P.82 . 35- ,-- t 6448 ? 0-05 of 5. 00 9227 10-27 840.85 `°16470* 10-12 1,680.75 - 9228 10-25 931.15• 'v 16475* 10-06 198.31= 9229 10-25 760.46- \ 16484* 10-04 47.05 � 9230 10-26 1,046.20- "-16485 10-04 32.45 i 9231 10-25 729.24• '-16497* 10-01 350.00 - 9232 10-25 1,615.16, `•16500* 10-04 1,027.70- 9233 10-25 744.30. \J16502* 10-06 400.001- 9234 9235 10-26 10-22 334.39- 678.59• �- 16504* \-16506* 10-14 10-07 135.00-"" 773.00 " 9236 10-25 1,042.36- 16511* 10-29 45.00-" 9237 10-25 1,040.00. ` 16512 10-01 50.00-' 9238 10-25 1,173.35- "16514M 10-05 35,601.75 9239 10-25 1,213.06, '-16515 10-05 121.55: 9240 10-25 1,251.79- `•16517* 10-13 50.00--, 9241 10-25 1,249.63- 16513 10-07 50.00,/ 9242 10-26 1,264.40, \-16519 10-05 687.91 � 9243 10-25 1,203.89- "-16520 10-15 100.00 `50.00� 9244 10-22 955.75- 16521 10-13 9245 10-22 1,173.02- 16522 10-06 50.00---', 9246 10-25 686.35- V 16523 10-07 -50.00-" 9247 10-25 1,160.92 16524 10-18 1 1 50.00% 9248 10-25 1, 426 .37- --16525 10-05 50.00 �- 9249 10-25 977.55- �� 16526 10-04 �50.00 Bank of America NT&SA • Member FDIC ..p y Bank of America Statement P. 0. BOX 30746 LOS ANGELES, CA 90030-0746 24 HR CUSTOMER SERVICE 619-340-1867 DATE OF THIS STATEMENT 10/29/93 PAGE 3 OF 5 CITY OF LA QUINTA CHECKING 09160-15464 BUSINESS ANALYZED CHECKING (CONTINUED) CHECKS/ CHECKS OTHER DEBITS CHECK DATE CHECK DATE NUMBER POSTED AMOUNT NUMBER POSTED AMOUNT 16527 10-06 -100.00 `16590 10-i2 -271.53 i ,16528 10-13 -50.00 i 16591 10-13 '119.00- .16529 10-21 50.00- .16592 10-12 170.54.- -16530 10-06 50.00 --, 16593 10-19 250.00., -16531 10-04 4 50.00 " .16594 10-13 32.43- -.►16.532 10-04 ��, 5000 ! 16595 10-12 6.47 ,--j 16534* 10-12 685:91 '1416596 10-13 2,820.04, -,.A6535 10-05 50.00 -16597 10-08 •3, 263. 94, -16536 10-05 -*1,40028 i NW16598 10-13 -182.00 ..16537 10-04 -- -750:00� -16599 10-08 =966.75- A6538 10-06 -, ti 50. 00 ✓ -16600 10-12 12, 034.24% -.16539 10-06 ,450.00 '%16602X 10-12 � 105.00/ 16540 10-05 •. -.50. 00 i -16603 10-12 � 2, 239.43' -4 16541 10-01 �.-,,_ `� 685.91/ �-16604 10-22 „ 4,7OO. OOj - 16542 10-04 ,v `4744.60 i 6605 10-12 � 48.90/ ,..16543 10-06 150.00� -.,16607)E 10-12 , 88.09, L 165513* 10-01--1 1 96.50� 10-12 2, 000.00t v 16552- 10-12 ' 32.33/ `-16609 10-12 j134.69,- �16553 10-13 °139.45- 10-14 -61.83" 16554 10-19 " 25.00, `-16611 10-19 •61.89, 416555 10-14 v 561.90, �16612 10-13 164.15, -j16556 10-12 -a 70.00, \-16613 10-13 103.79- -16557 10-14 -370.17:- rL6614 10-13 59.80� ,16558 10-12 132.10- `,16616)( 10-13 13,772.38- 16559 10-18 i222.00' 416617 10-12 4,453.50- '16560 10-13 10,266.84- '``16618 10-12 47.25 -16562X 10-13 .,7,837.32- .wt6619 10-13 - 2,100.00- 16563 10-14 '" 132.20- "116620 10-12 726.71- N16564 10-13 101.27' -16621 10-12 200.00- `a 16565 10-12 150.00- --16622 10-13 73.22. -'65E6 10-13 4,071,00- .16623 10-08 725.59. '16567 10-13 --1,124.95- --16624 10-13 -1,140.00- " 16568 10-12 123.19' .16625 10-13 91.94� �16569 10-13 -16626 10-12 .1,619.3Z^ 316570 10-12 636.99/ 16627 10-08 -70.00.- 16571 10-14 20.00.� -16628 10-14 49.55- '16572 10-13 67.07' 16629 10-12 .2.64- ,16573 10-12 2P707.00- 16630 10-20 -1,006.11- 16574 10-08 �6,557.00. 16631 10-25 1,540.00, 16575 10-12 .130.00, '16632 10-12 145.55- 16576 10-14 59.00,- �g6633 10-13 32.45- 16577 10-13 155.51Y -16635)( 10-08 2,108.34- -16578 10-14 125.00- •16636 10-13 -182.97- 16579 10-12 215.82- •16637 10-12 60.00- 16580 10-18 43.80- -16638 10-19 356.25- 16581 10-15 420.00= 16639 10-18 39.00, .16582 10-12 18.01, 16640 10-21 -2,893.02' 16583 10-13 16.50- 16641 10-29 13,035.74,- 16584 10-08 '1,827.65- 16642 10-15 1,962.50' 16585 10-12 475.00' 16643 10-08 -9,584.00- 16586 10-13 .223.51- 16644 10-14 '48.00, -16587 10-14 258.28- '16645 10'-1,2 25,541.57/ 16588 10-13 �1118.60- 16646 10-18 120.00./ 16589 10-12 `-12,387.33- 16647 10-26 -52.00- Bank of America NT&SA • Member FDIC Bank of America Statement P. 0. BOX 30746 LOS ANGELES, CA 90030-0746 24 HR CUSTOMER SERVICE 619-340-1867 DATE OF THIS STATEMENT 10/29/93 PAGE 4 OF 5 CITY OF LA QUINTA CHECKING 09160-15464 BUSINESS ANALYZED CHECKING (CONTINUED) CHECKS/ CHECKS OTHER DEBITS CHECK DATE CHECK DATE NUMBER POSTED AMOUNT NUMBER POSTED AMOUNT '16648 10-i9 649.96- 16702 10-20 40.E4/ ,16649 10-26 160.00- 16703 10-25 2,728.38z •16650 10-27 578.97, 16704 10-26 50.28/ 16651 10-27 -,81.00- 16705 10-25 100.59/ `16652 10-27 62.12- 16708M 10-27 110.00/ -°.W53 10-26 `475.14- 16709 10-26 259.14/ A166554 -10-28 40.00- 16710 10-28 237.23/ 16655 10-25 33.39, 16711 10-25 5,300.001 16657* 10-29 30.17- 16712 10-26 212.37.e `=16658 10-28 606.22- 16713 10-27 140,624.50/ y166603( 10-28 10,225.24- 16714 10-27 189.65� .16661 10-26 542.98- 16715 10-26 276.75Z -16662 10-26 104.44- 16716 10-25 20,746.83, '16663 10-25 235.87- 16717 10-25 79.87, �16664 10-22 6,970.11/ 16718 10-26 96.17' �16665 10-25 2,630.18- 16719 10-25 53.41/ ,16666 10-28 41.82- 16720 10-29 60.00, 16668* 10-22 13,700.00- 16721 10-25 345.96, 16669 10-29 25.00- 16722 10-25 20P785.93, 16670 10-25 2,228.40, 16723 10-25 769.43- 16671 10-26 9.94, 16724 10-25 36.84- 16672 10-25 130.00- 16725 10-25 164,843.57- 16673 10-28 75.00,- 16726 10-26 68.83- 16674 10-26 151.00- 16727 10-26 1,380.00-� 16675 10-22 1,610.57- 16728 10-26 462.77- 16676 10-25 691.09, 16730M 10-25 320.78 - 16677 10-26 2,945.55, 16731 10-29 9,984.00- 16678 10-21 213,735.29, 16732 10-25 57.00-, 16679 10-26 3,816.00- 16733 10-26 83.41� 16680 10-26 169.22-, 16734 10-28 409.02- 16681 10-26 57 .45- 16735 i 0-?.7 32 .45- 16684* 10-26 43.78. 16736 10-28 52.65< 16685 10-26 543.92-' 16737 10-25 417.47,, 16686 10-26 86.20- 16738 10-19 26,518.25-- 16687 10-27 695.28, 16739 10-18 671.76, 16688 10-28 316.51- 16740 10-19 150.00, 16689 10-25 423.57' 16741 10-26 499.99- 16690 10-26 40,000.00/ 16742 10-29 13,457.47• 16693M 10-25 13,114.71' 16743 10-28 535.48- 16694 10-29 64.52' 16745)E 10-26 2,895.74- 16695 10-25 180.00' 16747M 10-26 1,962.50, 16696 10-26 93.74' 16749* 10-29 723.00- 16697 10-28 31.95, 16750 10-22 9,584.00- 16698 10-26 140.41, 16751 10-26 48.00- 16699 10-22 2,917.56� 16752 10-22 397.97- 16700 10-25 27.75' 16789)E 10-29 8,091.00� 16701 10-26 27 5.00- 13 Bank of America NTBSA • Member FDIC CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK OF AMERICA MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT #09168-16233 BANK RECONCILEMENT OCTOBER, 1993 BALANCE PER BANK STATEMENT $ 75,943.09 LESS OUTSTANDING CHECKS: $ 0.00 DEPOSITS IN TRANSIT $ 0.00 ---------------- AJUSTED BANK BALANCE 75,943.09 ---------------- ---------------- CASH SHEET 11/01/93 $ 74,555.97 ADJUSTMENTS: 2/93 SVCS CHG (8.50) 9/93 SVCS CHG (7.50) INTEREST FOR 9/93 197.76 INTEREST FOR 10/93 1205.36 ---------------- ADJUSTED LEDGER BALANCE 75,943.09 ---------------- ---------------- 14 Bank of America Statement P. 0. BOX 30746 LOS ANGELES, CA 90030-0746 24 HR CUSTOMER SERVICE 619-340-1867 DATE OF THIS STATEMENT 10/29/93 PAGE 1 OF 2 ' '����' '��'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfIII IIIIIII Ifill Itill II i ,),: ✓;:,. E6 CITY OF LA QUINTA 0916 P 0 BOX 1504 J. 1 LA QUINTA CA 92253-1504 vi Uj lint%• �'�-� .' a —a--s—�=`m—:�===--�==ss���c�s MONEY MARKET 09168-16233 BU5iNt55 MuNEY MAKKE i ACCOUNT T HR T X 11J 7- U 'I 1 7—J! `1U'fJl SUMMARY STATEMENT PERIOD: OCTOBER 01 THROUGH OCTOBER 29, 1993 PREVIOUS STATEMENT BALANCE ON 09`-30-93..............................195,447.04 TOTAL OF 6 DEPOSITS FOR.....:..:`..............'...............3,383,290.69 TOTAL OF 1 OTHER CREDIT FOR....."......................................1,205.36 TOTAL OF 2 CHECKS FOR..........................................3,300,000.00 TOTAL OF 4 OTHER DEBITS FOR ......................... .................204,000.00 STATEMENT BALANCE ON 10-29-93................ ....`.:"::............... 75,943.09 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE YIELD EARNED THIS STATEMENT PERIOD ......................2.32/. INTEREST PAID THIS STATEMENT PERIOD...............................•....1,205.36 INTEREST PAID THIS YEAR..............................................3,718.72 CHECKS/ CHECKS OTHER DEBITS CHECK DATE CHECK DATE NUMBER POSTED AMOUNT NUMBER POSTED AMOUNT 10-07 1000000.00 10-13 3,200,000.00 OTHER DEBITS DATE TRANSACTION POSTED DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 10-06 10-07 1tLtrNUNEi1ELLu*AirhiC TELEPHONE/TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERS TRANSFERS .............................d%��+•�� .............................70,000.00 10-20 TELEPHONE/TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERS .............................60,000.00 10-22 TELEPHONE/TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERS .............................54,000.00 DEPOSITS/ DEPOSITS OTHER CREDITS DATE DATE POSTED AMOUNT POSTED AMOUNT 10-01 17,000.00 10-15 19,000.00 10-08 3,271,290.69 10-18 20,000.00 10-12 6,000.00 10-26 50,000.00 OTHER CREDITS DATE TRANSACTION POSTED DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 10-29 INTEREST PAID FROM 10/01/93 THROUGH 10/29/93.................1,205.36 15 Bank of America NUSA • Member FDIC Bank of America Statement P. 0. BOX 30746 LOS ANGELES, CA 90030-0746 24 HR CUSTOMER SERVICE 619-340-1867 DATE OF THIS STATEMENT 10/29/93 PAGE 2 OF 2 CITY OF LA QUINTA MONEY MARKET 09168-16233 BUSINESS MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT (CONTINUED) DAILY DATE AMOUNT DATE AMOUNT DATE AMOUNT BALANCE 10-01 212,447.04 10-12 3,299,737.73 10-20 78,737.73 10-06 192,447.04 10-13 99,737.73 10-22 24,737.73 10-07 22,447.04 10-15 118,737.73 10-26 74,737.73 10-08 3,293,737.73 10-18 138,737.73 10-29 75,943.09 DAILY DATE AMOUNT RATE DATE AMOUNT RATE INTEREST CALCULATION 10-01 2.1Z,447..04 2:"300 10-15 118,737.73 2.300 BALANCE 10-06192447.04 2300 I0�4$ 138,737.73 2.300 10-07 ?:,d 22",447.04 2�ZO'O' �FM£ . 0 20-, 78,737.73 2.200 10-08 3o293,737.73 2'.300 24,737.73 2.200 10-12 3,r.299,737 .73 2 -300 ;10-26 a.. 74,737 .73 2.200 10-13 99..737.73 2:200 .2. ,' ,for rh'',j ,',�'yf —A: � iAd"r $' i'il2 d>•',g � ;V "y f °1,a, .r.5 �. �. Yre�e. a'Se�� d14;>i+-x';€w'i4.a..d. �iL"� �'V:'.A 4+Js ^%$t'� ,•` firss..6+,. „„�. <.fi`.:;. ;,. ,,.,.wsan✓G.icd&'r gw .S. ,.".P9. i3-C„ � T�`�e ".ia ',µ' '; ^�"° ``iP>'. �a use �i' '.. R�ir�r%Y✓.t .e,£''�.`.At'. p4 16 Bank of America NTBSA • Member FDIC STATE OF CALIFORNIA KATHLEEN BROWN, Treasurer OFFICE OF THE TREASURER P.O. BOX 942809 ?fed SACRAMENTO, CA 94209-0001 ` LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND R E C EIV E O P.O. BOX 942809 NOV 17 19M Date: 10/31/93 SACRAMENTO, CA 94209-0001 Page: 01 OCTOBER, 1993 STATEMENT AnS'd_____._.___- ACCOUNT NUMBER: 98-33-434 CITY OF LA QUINTA ATTN: FINANCE DIRECTOR P.O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA CA 92253 EFFECTIVE TRANSACTION TRAN CONF AUTH TRANSACTION DATE DATE TYPE NO CALLER AMOUNT --------- BEGINNING ----------- ---- BALANCE - REG ------ ------ --------------- 10/07/93 10/06/93 RD 577 TJO $100,000.00 10/13/93 10/12/93 RD 578 TJO $3,200,000.00 10/15/93 10/14/93 DD 579 SYS $82,512.94 10/21/93 10/20/93 RW 580 TJO -$600400.00 ENDING BALANCE - REG NO BOND PROCEEDS GRAND TOTAL REG B/P TOTAL TRAN COUNT 3 0 3 TOTAL DEPOSIT AMT ----------------- $3,382,512.94 $0.00 ----------------- $3,382,512.94 BALANCE --------------- $5,563,528.01 $5,663,528.01 $8,863,528.01 $8,946,040.95 $8,346,040.95 $8,346,040.95 --------------- $8,346,040.95 TOTAL WITHDRAWAL ANT -------------------- -$600,000.00 $0.00 -------------------- -$600,000.00 17 132.242922532425 002NNNN4ONN999999999 2425 457 DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN STATEMENT FOR THE QUARTER i ENDING 06/30/93 ACCOUNT NUMBEk: 2425 TAX ID a : 953740431 CITY OF LA QUINTA P 0 Box 1504 LA DUINTA, CA 921.71504 S1,rMAFY OF ACTIVITY FOR 2ND QUARTER (IN Si FOR 457 DEFERRED COMPENSATI-NPLAN------ Balance on 04/01/93 250725 33 -- Contributions 11.015.00 Acct Maint Fees 13.50- tund Transfers Adjustments 24,170.82- I i'� %�v►o�.iTet 1 1,��,�Uded D i s bu r s even i s EARNING, 04/30 05/ 31 1 , 321 .40- 4.091 �, E K tr► B,S �/ve 111 ►1 t , �1 to 06/ 30 .86 2.160.10 G . L 5 � 9atance On 06/30/93 242,486.77 CITY OF LA DUINTA ACCT.#2425 TAX ID#: '953WG31 SUmMAR Y 8Y FUND FOR 'ND 0LJART E R (IN S) --��--ws��.w•����-�-��ww-�-�-�w������� GROWTt; STOCK LOUI TY INDEX ASSET ALLOCATION ORE BOND _ FUND FUND FUND FUND Balance On 04/01/93 35.029.64 5.585.17 28,911.35 12.429.83 Contributions 2.655.00 498.00 1,988.00 505.50 .4cc t Maint Fees F and T rans fern Adjustftwnts Disbursements F ARN 1 NG". 04130 OS/37 06/ 30 Bat*5nce on 06/30/93 I Balance On 04/01/93 Contributions Acct maint Fees Fund Transfers Adjustments Disbursements c?.673-41-- 1 , 5t"9. 53- 670.41 29.626.40 TREASURY F UND 987.99 37.50 170. 24- 1!. 1.39 27.40 6.081.72 CASH MANAGEPIENT FUND 5.310.18 321.00 3.786.37- 4 ,687.16- 710.46- 84.04 493.98 -53- 2.84.55 1 ;1.:,.63 27,181.05 8,488.21 PLUS )UARANTt•ED FUND FUND 95,dy7.99 66,573.38 5.010.00 13.50- 4.458.63 10.482.51- EARNINGS 04/30 05/ 31 06/30 10.89 3. 67- 22.09 31.27 19. 63- .d&6.57 553.26 600.13 587.44 409.38 406.01 365.00 BaLanc a On 06/30/93 1,054.79 5,689,39 107,093.95 .2 71. 26 ,� c C T. �--, ?41 �-1 �J?�48 Ai- 1� lu 2' La Quinta Financing Authority Revenue Bonds Series 91 ------------------------ BOND RESERVE CONSTRUCTION REBATE FUND FUND FUND FUND totals 117355200 117355201 117355202 117355203 07/01/93 BEGINNING BAL 318,013.93 738,855.48 1,282.18 0.00 0.00 1,058,151.59 JUL INTEREST 683.94 1,589.04 872.22 0.00 0.00 3,145.20 AUG INTEREST 709.50 1,648.42 4.49 0.00 0.00 2,362.41 TRANS TO 147607 CKING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SBP INTEREST 709.57 1,648.58 4.79 0.00 0.00 2,362.94 INTEREST PYKT-10/01/93 (274,176.25) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (274,176.25) OCT INTEREST 680.79 1,582.70 4.60 0.00 0.00 21268.09 NOV INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEC INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANS 09160-15464 CKING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 JAN INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEB INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 KAR INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 trans 0916-15464 CKING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 APR INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INTEREST PYKT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NAY INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 JUN INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 trans 0916-15464 eking 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BALANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 46,621.48 745,324.22 21168.28 0.00 0.00 794,113.98 794,113.98 19 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BANK OF AMERICA CHECKING & MONEY MARKET ACCOUNTS #09168-15323/#09161-15398 BANK RECONCILEMENT OCTOBER, 1993 BALANCE PER BANK STATEMENT CHECKING $ 2,333.75 MONEY MARKET 95,782.78 LAIF 3,843,014.01 $ 0.00 DEPOSITS IN TRANSIT $ 0.00 ---------------- AJUSTED BANK BALANCE 3,941,130.54 ---------------- ---------------- GENERAL LEDGER ACCOUNT #1000-000-000 FUND 60 $ 2,699,817.82 FUND 62 3,704,307.19 FUND 63 (3,977,779.21) FUND 66 1,695,794.81 FUND 67 (lr096,225.50) FUND 68 9151215.42 ---------------- $ 3,941,130.53 ADJUSTMENTS: ADJUST TO BALANCE 0.01 ---------------- ADJUSTED LEDGER BALANCE 3,941,130.54 ---------------- ---------------- 20 Bank of America Statement P. 0. BOX 30746 LOS ANGELES, CA 90030-0746 24 HR CUSTOMER SERVICE 619-340-1867 --- DATE OF THIS STATEMENT 10/29/93 PAGE 1 of 1 E3 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT 0916 AGENCY P 0 BOX 1504 LA QUINTA CA 92253-1504 CHANGE YOUR PAYROLL PROCESSING AND POCKET A $50 DISCOUNT. ASK AT YOUR NEAREST B OF A BRANCH FOR DETAILS ON -ADP PAYROLL PROCESSING AND HOW TO GET_A DISCOUNT. OFFER EXPIRES'DECEMBER 31, 1993. 1 SUMMARY STATEMENT PERIOD: OCTOBER 01 THROUGH OCTOBER 29, 1,993 PREVIOUS STATEMENT BALANCE ON 09-30-93..........::...°...................83.44 TOTAL OF 3.DEPOSITS FOR. .....`...................' ...............41,541.00 TOTAL OF 1 OTHER CREDIT FOR .... .............. .:...°:.......... ...3,272,000.00 TOTALOF 1 CHECK FOR .......................... .:::.. .........�'..3,271,290.69 TOTAL OF 2 OTHER DEBITS FOR........................ ............:.."...40,000.00 STATEMENT BALANCE ON 10-29-93... ............... ...'.:.................. 2,333.75 CHECKS/ CHECKS OTHER DEBITS CHECK DATE CHECK DATE NUMBER POSTED AMOUNT NUMBER POSTED AMOUNT 560 10-08 3,271,290.69 UIHER DEBITS DATE TRANSACTION ..aJa�;a� POSTED DESCRIPTION ,..s. AMOUNT 10-07 TELEPHONE/TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERS..':,. r .'39, 000. 00 10-08 TELEPHONE/TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERS..'.............................1,000.00 DEPOSITS/ DEPOSITS OTHER CREDITS DATE DATE POSTED AMOUNT POSTED AMOUNT 10-06 26.00 10-20 2,315.00'- 10-06 -39,200.00 OTHER CREDITS DATE TRANSACTION POSTED DESCRIPTION 2 1 AMOUNT 10-08 CREDIT ADJUSTMENT ..................... ................... 3,272,000.00 Bank of America NTBSA • Member FDIC A Bank of America Statement P. 0. BOX 30746 LOS ANGELES,. CA 90030-0746 24 HR CUSTOMER SERVICE 619-340-1867 DATE OF THIS STATEMENT 10/29/93 PAGE 1 OF 1 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENC E1 78 105 CALLE ESTADO 0916 LA QUINTA CA 92253 MONEY MARKET 09161-15398 BUSINESS MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT TAX ID 95-3740431 SUMMARY STATEMENT PERIOD: OCTOBER 01 THROUGH OCTOBER 29, 1993 PREVIOUS STATEMENT BALANCE ON 09-30-93...............................95,615.57 TOTAL OF 2 DEPOSITS FOR..........................................40,000.00 TOTAL OF 1 OTHER CREDIT FOR ..................................... ......167.21 TOTAL OF 1 CHECK FOR ............................................... -..40,000.00 STATEMENT BALANCE ON 10-29-93......................... .............. .95,782.78 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE YIELD EARNED THIS STATEMENT PERIOD ......................2.2270 INTEREST PAID THIS STATEMENT PERIOD ............................ 167.21 INTEREST PAID THIS YEAR .......... .................................... .2,419.91 CHECKS/ CHECKS OTHER DEBITS CHECK DATE CHECK DATE NUMBER POSTED AMOUNT NUMBER POSTED AMOUNT 10-07 40,000.00 DEPOSITS/ DEPOSITS OTHER CREDITS DATE DATE POSTED AMOUNT POSTED,\ AMOUNT 10-07 �39,000.00 10-08 11000.00 OTHER CREDITS DATE TRANSACTION POSTED DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 10-29 INTEREST PAID FROM 10/01/93 THROUGH 10/29/93.................... 167.21 DAILY DATE AMOUNT DATE AMOUNT DATE AMOUNT BALANCE 10-07 94,615.57 10-08 95,615.57 10-29 95,782.78 DAILY DATE AMOUNT RATE DATE AMOUNT RATE INTEREST CALCULATION 10-01 95,615.57 2.200 10-08 95,615.57 2.200 BALANCE 10-07 94,615.57 2.200 22 Bank of America NT&SA • Member FDIC STATE OF CALIFORNIA KATHLEEN BROWN, Treasurer OFFICE OF THE TREASURER y'.. SACRAMENTO ���•a 1 �� r4 RECEIVEQ LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND NOV 17r 1993 P.O. BOX 942809 .!. Date: 10/31/93 SAOCTOBERO t CA 1993 STATEMENT A11Sd............ Page: 01 ACCOUNT NUMBER: 65-33-017 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY . ATTN: FINANCE DIRECTOR P.O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA CA 92253 EFFECTIVE TRANSACTION TRAN CONF AUTH TRANSACTION DATE DATE TYPE ------ NO CALLER AMOUNT ------ --------------- --------- BEGINNING ----------- ---- BALANCE - REG 10 07 93 / / 10 06 93 RD / / 536 TJO �$40,000.00 10/08/93 10/07/93 RW 537 TPG $3 272,000.00 10/15/93 10/14/93 DD 538 SYS `Q; $92,628.82 ENDING BALANCE - REG NO BOND PROCEEDS GRAND TOTAL TRAN COUNT xE0 2 B/P 0 TOTAL 2 SUMMARY TOTAL DEPOSIT AMT ----------------- $132,628.82 $0.00 ----------------- $132,628.82 BALANCE --------------- $6,982,385.19 $7,022,385.19 $3,750,385.19 $3,843,014.01 --------------- $3,843,014.01 --------------- $3,843,014.01 j TOTAL WITHDRAWAL AMT -------------------- -$3,272,000.00 $0.00 -------------------- -$3,272,000.00 23 Fiscal Year 93/94 file: RDABNDCS La Quinta Redevelopaent Agency RDA 91 series ------------------------ BOND BOND INTEREST PAYMENT REDEMPTION RESERVE DEBT SERVICE FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND totals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 117349300 117349301 117349302 117349303 117349304 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/01/93 BEGINNING BAL 59.92 0.00 0.00 744,966.85 5.59 745,032.36 JUL INTEREST 0.13 0.00 0.00 11585.70 0.01 11585.84 TRANS FROM 117349303 12,072.55 0.00 0.00 (12,072.55) 0.00 0.00 TRANS FROM 117349304 5.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 (5.63) 0.00 AUG INTEREST 0.13 0.00 0.00 11660.50 0.02 11660.65 TRANS FROM 117204600 259,977.31 190,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 449,977.31 INTEREST PYKT (272,115.66) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (272,115.66) PRINCIPAL PYKT 0.00 (190,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (190,000.00) SBP INTBRBST 20.20 14.01 0.00 1,665.00 0.00 11699.21 OCT INTEREST 0.04 0.03 0.00 11593.71 0.00 1,593.78 NOV INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEC INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 JAN INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEB INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANS FROM (117204600) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INTEREST PYKT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MAR INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 APR INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MAY INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 JUN INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BALANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20.25 14.04 0.00 739,399.21 (0.01) 739,433.49 739433.49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 24 Fiscal Year 93/94 file: RDABNDCS La Quinta Redevelopment Agency RDA 90 series ------------------------ bond bond debt excess redemption interest payment service investment fund fund fund reserve earnings totals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 117283404 177283400 117283401 117283402 117283403 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/01/93 BEGINNING BAL 0.00 153.92 1.01 1.00 0.00 155.93 JUL INTEREST 0.00 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 AUG INTEREST 0.00 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 TRANS FROM (117204600) 0.00 697,858.25 459,998.99 0.00 0.00 11157,857.24 INTBRBST PYRT 0.00 (698,012.50) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (698,012.50) PRINCIPAL PYNT 0.00 0.00 (460,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (460,000.00) SEP INTBRBST 0.00 51.81 33.93 0.00 0.00 85.74 OCT INTBRBST 0.00 0.11 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.18 NOV INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEC INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 JAN INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEB INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANS FROM (117804600) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INTBRBST PYNT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MAR INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 APR INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MAY INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 JUN INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BALANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0.00 52.26 34.00 1.00 0.00 87.26 �9g D/Z-sv 25 Fiscal Year 93/94 file: RDABND92/! La Quinta Redevelopaent Agency RDA 89 series ------------------------ bond bond debt total special interest paynent service holding restricted fund fund fund reserve fund totals cash ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 117204600 117204601 117204602 117204603 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/01/93 BEGINNING BAL 209.08 63.18 0.13 752,569.42 752,841.81 JUL INTBRBST 0.44 0.13 0.00 11601.88 1,602.45 AUG INTBRBST 0.46 0.14 0.00 1,677.44 1,678.04 DEPOSIT 21037,467.92 18,571.30 0.00 0.00 21056F039.22 TRANS TO 117283401 (459,998.99) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (459,998.99) TRANS TO 117204602 (164,999.87) 0.00 164,999.87 0.00 0.00 TRANS TO 117204601 (264,842.89) 264,842.89 0.00 (18,571.30) (18,571.30) TRANS TO 117283400 (697,858.25) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (697,858.25) TRANS TO 117349300 (259, 977.31) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (259, 911.31) TRANS TO 117349301 (190,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (190,000.00) INTBRBST PYKT 0.00 (283,477.50) 0.00 0.00 (283,477.50) PRINCIPAL PYKT 0.00 0.00 (165,000.00) 0.00 (165,000,00) SEPT INTBRBST 148.23 21.04 12.17 11681.89 11863.33 OCT INTBRBST 0.31 0.04 0.03 1,595.83 11596.21 NOV INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEC INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 JAN INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEB TAX INCREMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEB INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANS TO (117349300) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANS TO (117283400) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANS TO (117204601) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INTBRBST PYKT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MAR INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 APR INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MAY INTBRBST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 JUN INTBRBST 0.00. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BALANCB -------------------------------------------------------------------------•---------- 149.13 21.22 12.20 740,555.16 740,737.71 740,737.71 ll�lljZi�� ZNOV J ® 1, ls�,agl•�� 26 La Quinta Redevelopment Agency RDA PA12 92 Series ESCROW SPECIAL SPECIAL INT PRINCIPLE RESERVE FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND totals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8116202-000 8116202-001 8116202-002 8116202-003 8116202-004 8116202-005 07/01/93 BEGINNING BAL 3,698,443.05 11377,535.44 0.00 76.31 0.00 394,461.33 5,470,516.13 JUL INTEREST 8,615.15 3,096.40 0.00 0.17 0.00 886.66 12,598.38 AUG INTEREST 81699.52 3,239.99 0.00 0.18 0.00 927.78 12,867.47 CK TO CITY (121,233.46) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (121,233.46) SEP INTEREST 8,538.91 31248.55 0.00 0.18 0.00 930.23 12,717.87 OCT INTEREST 8,015.40 31085.80 0.00 0.17 0.00 883.63 111985.00 CK TO CITY (13,648.47) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (13,648.47) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 JAN INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEB INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 KAR INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 APR INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 RAY INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BOND PYNT FROM CITY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 JUN INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 trns to 8116202-003 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 debt sery int pymt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BALANC 3,591,430.10 1,390,206.18 4.00 7.01 0.00 398,089.63 5,385,802.92 I,390 a0 �0I + 398 ogq,43 . f I)�88, a 4 27 CF / � 1\],lam' � •� v 1 � • INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING DATE: December 8, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: CONSENT CALENDAR: CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDING BUSINESS SESSION: , TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY A PROPOSAL TO SOLICIT BIDS FOR INVESTMENT AGREEMENTS STUDY SESSION: FOR RDA BOND RESERVE FUNDS. ISSUE AND DISCUSSION: At the September 8, 1993 Board meeting, approval was given to invest bond reserves in LAIF (Local Agency Investment Fund), with the concurrence of the Bond Trustees. The City Council ratified the Boards recommendation in October and staff pursued discussions with the Bond Trustees and Bond Counsel. There was one (1) bond issue (for the Financing Authority) that specifically authorized state investment pools (LAIF) and staff has the reserves for that bond issue being transferred to LAIF. The three ( 3 ) remaining RDA bond issue reserves would have required (per the Bond Trustees) special amendments from Bond Counsel because a state investment pool option was not specifically mentioned in the bond documents. Bond Counsel did not feel it was prudent to go back and amend the allowable investment language because of Council's sensitivity to investment concerns. In line with the Board's direction to staff to also explore other investment vehicles, the attached proposal to solicit bids for investment agreements is being presented. The reserves for the three issues involved, $389,440 for the Project Area No. 2 (P.A. No. 2) - 1992 Tax Allocation Bond (TAB), $734,480 for the P.A. No. 1 - 1991 TAB, and $735, 600 for the P.A. No. 1 - 1989 TAB, each have a separate bid document that is drafted to conform with the corresponding bond documents (reference EXHIBITS A, B, and C). As Trustee reserve investments, the investment contracts would be held by First Interstate Bank and Bank of America. In doing reference checks on Cynthia Bonneau, the bid coordinator, staff spoke with the cities of West Covina, Moreno Valley, Chino, and Fontana. All had positive responses such as reputable, professional, honest, and helpful.. The only trepidation voiced was the issue of a bid contract being with a bank owned by a foreign corporation. This is an issue that should be discussed further, along with all other Board concerns and questions, while reviewing the bid proposals during this business session. Bond counsel has been forwarded copies of the draft bids for their comment, which has not been received as of this memo draft. The differences in possible interest earnings are as follows: Reserve Current Annual Possible Annual Annual Issue: Amount Rate Interest Rate Interest Increase PA2-1992 $389,440 1.9% $ 71399 5.25% $20,446 $ 11305 PAl-1991 $734,480 1.8% $13,221 5.25% $38,560 $25,339 PAl-1991 $735,600 1.8% $13,241 5.25% $38,619 $25,378 $33,861 $97,625 $52,022 RECOMMENDATION: Recommend that the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency approve the proposal to solicit bids for, investment agreements for RDA bond reserve funds. Approved for submission to the Investment Advisory Boa d: r r Thomas J. O'Reilly - Finance Director C L BONNEA U & Co. November 29, 1993 Mr. Thomas O'Reilly, Finance Director CITY OF LA QUINTA 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Dear Tom: In preparation for the meeting on December 8, 1993, I have enclosed the following: 1) Investment Analysis of Bond Reserve Funds - for only those reserve accounts discussed last week. 2) Draft Request For Bids documents for each reserve account. I look forward to seeing you on December 8th. Please let me know what time you would like me at the meeting. Sincerely, Cynthia L. Bonneau Enclosures. 17202 Erwin, Huntington Beach, California 92647 • (714) 848-2771 • FAX (714) 841-4188 n•r n � a� a CD CD CD O Q. cr CD ?� C CD z C p a ., i cD � rA CD CDCD O p n � !W "t A� CD 71 G O CFQ F 04 A A� 04 c� r N 00 ON Cr iA N \0 1O 0 `� O U� 0 00 CD Cl ul 0 O N (p b � �102. 0 C L BONNEA U & Co. DRAFT REQUEST FOR BIDS $5,845,000.00 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 2 Tax Allocation Bonds, Issue of 1992 (Bank Qualified) The La Quinta Redevelopment Agency (the "Issuer") is soliciting your interest in providing the investment agreement (the "Agreement") for the Reserve Account on the above referenced financing through C L Bonneau & Company. BIDDING WILL BE RESTRICTED TO FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CONFORMING TO LEGAL AND PERMITTED INVESTMENTS AS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND AS APPROVED BY THE ISSUER. BACKGROUND & PURPOSE OF FINANCING The Bonds are dated December 1, 1992. The proceeds from the sale of the Bonds were used to: (1) finance a portion of the cost of implementing the Agency's Redevelopment Plan; ( 2 ) make a deposit to the Reserve Account; (3) make an initial deposit to the Escrow Fund; and (4) pay costs of issuance of the Bonds. TIMING AND RESPONSE Bidding for the Agreement will be held on Wednesday, December 22, 1993 Firm bids will be due at 10: 00 a.m. Pacific Time in care of: Cynthia L. Bonneau C L Bonneau & Company 17202 Erwin Huntington Beach, Telephone: (714) FAX: (714) California 92647 848-2771 841-4188 Telephonic or facsimile transmitted bids will be accepted. The winning bidder (the "Agreement Provider") will be notified and the Agreement awarded no later than 12:00 noon Pacific Time that same day. The Agreement will close and monies wired no later than Wednesday, January 5, 1994. 17202 Erwin, Huntington Beach, California 92647 • (714) 848-2771 Page 2 of 4 RFB - La Quinta RDA December 81 1993 QUALIFIED PROVIDER Financial institutions, approved by the Issuer whose current long- term unsecured debt obligations are rated "AA" or better by Standard & Poor's Corporation ("S&P") and Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's"). UPON DOWNGRADING - The Agreement Provider will be required to notify the Trustee and Issuer of a rating downgrade by S&P or Moody's within ten (10 ) business days. This notification will also apply to a withdrawal or suspension of rating. Should the Agreement Provider's long-term unsecured debt rating fall below the "AA" category by S&P and Moody's, the Agreement Provider must pledge collateral (within ten business days) as follows: Treasuries/GNMA'S FNMA'S/FHLMC/S 105% Frequency of valuation: Weekly Cure period: One (1) day Collateral must be delivered to the Trustee or to a third party custodian, approved by the Issuer, giving the Trustee a perfected first lien security interest for the benefit of the Issuer. Should collateral not be pledged (or during the term of the Agreement restored) to the required levels, the Trustee will have the right to immediately withdraw funds without penalty or breakage fee. Notwithstanding the above, should the Agreement Provider's rating fall below one of the top three rating categories by S&P or Moody's, the Issuer, with a notice period of ten (10) business days, shall have the right to withdraw a l l funds without penalty or breakage fee. NOTE: Proceeds of collateral may be released by the Trustee or third party custodial agent to the Agreement Provider only to the extent of any excess over the collateral requirement. FUNDS FOR INVESTMENT 1. RESERVE ACCOUNT: a. Dollar Amount: Approximately $389,440.00 b. Maturity: December 1, 2017. First optional redemption is December 11 1999. C. Withdrawals: Will be permitted for any purpose outlined in the Bond documents. Funds must be available at par upon such withdrawals with no penalty, conditions or breakage fees to either the Page 3 of 4 RFB - La Quinta RDA December 81 1993 Issuer or Trustee. Withdrawals will also be permitted with no penalty in connection with an election by the Issuer to effect an optional redemption, partial redemption or mandatory redemption of the Bonds (also see "Additional Requirements"). d. Replenishments: Replenishments by the Issuer or the Trustee will be permitted at the contract interest rate of the Agreement. Replenishments may be made within a twelve (12) month period. e. Deposits: Deposits may be made up to the reserve requirement under the Bond documents. f. Interest: Will be calculated on a 30/360 day basis (based upon twelve 30 day months) and paid semi- annually one (1) business day prior to December 1 and June 1, beginning on June 1, 1994. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Notice: Bids must provide for a notice period of seven (7) days or less for withdrawals. Facsimile notice followed by written notice must be acceptable. 2. Documentation: The Agreement Provider will be required to circulate a draft of the Agreement (along with sample legal opinions) to all persons on the distribution list no later than Monday, December 27, 1993. The Agreement must conform to the requirements of the Trust Agreement. The Agreement Provider must be prepared to execute a final Agreement that conforms to the requirements of this Request For Bids and is in a form acceptable to the Issuer. 3. Provider's Certificate: The Agreement Provider will be required to execute a certificate substantially in the form attached as Appendix A which states that based upon the Agreement Provider's reasonable expectations on the date the Agreement is entered into, obligations will not be purchased pursuant to the Agreement at a price in excess of their fair market value. 4. Legal Opinion: The Agreement Provider must provide an opinion of counsel addressed to the Issuer that the Agreement constitutes a valid, legal and binding obligation of the Agreement Provider, enforceable by its Page 4 of 4 RFB - La Quinta RDA December 81 1993 terms in a form acceptable to the Issuer. 5. Expenses: All expenses incurred by the Agreement Provider associated with the preparation and execution of the Agreement and legal opinions will be paid by the Agreement Provider. All custodial fees and expenses with regard to the pledging and valuation of collateral, if required, will be paid by the Agreement Provider. 6. All amounts may be withdrawn at no penalty to the Issuer or Trustee and in immediately available funds, for any reason specified in the Bond documents including, but not limited to, withdrawals made (1) in the event of a deficiency in the Installment Payment Fund; (2) upon acceleration after any event of default; (3) upon a defeasance and/or refunding of the Bonds in whole or in part; (4) in the event the reserve requirement for such Bonds is reduced; and (5) if a determination is later made by nationally recognized bond counsel that investments must be yield -restricted. 7. The Agreement may not be assigned or amended by any party without the prior written consent of the Issuer. 8. The Agreement must state that it is unconditional and must expressly disclaim any right of set-off or counter- claim. 9. The Issuer, Trustee, Bond Counsel, Financial Advisor and C L Bonneau & Company will not have any liability if the Agreement closing does not occur as scheduled. THE ISSUER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ALL BIDS. 10. C L Bonneau & Company will be paid a fee of 5 basis points on the dollar amount of funds placed for representing the Agreement Provider in the placement of the Reserve Fund. This fee will be paid by the Agreement Provider. BIDS Upon meeting the requirements specified herein, the selection of the Agreement Provider will be made on the basis of yield. Very truly yours, Cynthia L. Bonneau Attachments - Appendix A APPENDIX A AGREEMENT PROVIDER CERTIFICATE I, The undersigned, do hereby certify that I am an officer of , (the "Bank") and as such am authorized to execute and deliver this Certificate on behalf of the Bank. As such officer I do further certify as follows: 1. The Bank and First Interstate Bank of California, the Trustee entered into an Investment Agreement on the date hereof (the "Investment Agreement") concerning the investment by the Trustee of Bond proceeds. 2. Based on my reasonable expectations on the date hereof, non -purpose obligations will not be purchased pursuant to the Investment Agreement at a price in excess of their fair market value nor sold pursuant to the Investment Agreement at a price less than their fair market value. 3. The yield on the Investment Agreement is at least equal to the yield offered on similar obligations under similar investment contracts and is the same yield as would ordinarily be paid by the Bank to persons other than governmental units or 501(c)(3) organizations with respect to obligations of comparable expected average life in transactions in which yield on tax-exempt bonds is not relevant to either party. 4. We are paying to C L Bonneau & Co. (the "Broker") a fee which has been negotiated without regard to the yield on the Bonds or the current level of tax-exempt rates. In our experience, the fee is customary for transactions such as the Investment Agreement. No payments will be made by or on behalf of the Bank to or for the benefit of the Issuer other than as specified in the Investment Agreement. 5. The fee being paid to the Broker was determined as the result of arm's length negotiations between the Bank and the Broker. 6. We understand that the Issuer and its Bond Counsel will rely on this certification in accepting the Investment Agreement and consent to such reliance. Date: January , 1994 By. Its• C L BONNEAU & Co. DRAFT REQUEST FOR BIDS $8,700,000.00 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY La Quinta Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1991 MBIA INSURED The La Quinta Redevelopment Agency (the "Issuer") is soliciting your interest in providing the investment agreement (the "Agreement") for the Reserve Fund on the above referenced financing through C L Bonneau & Company. BIDDING WILL BE RESTRICTED TO FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CONFORMING TO LEGAL AND PERMITTED INVESTMENTS AS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND AS APPROVED BY THE ISSUER AND THE INSURER. BACKGROUND & PURPOSE OF FINANCING The Bonds are dated October 11 1991. The proceeds from the sale of the Bonds were used to: (1) finance a portion of the cost of implementing the Agency's Redevelopment Plan; ( ) make a of the Bonds. to the Reserve Account; and (3) pay costs of issuance TIMING AND RESPONSE Bidding for the Agreement will be held on Wednesday, December 22, 1993 Firm bids will be due at 10 : 00 a.m. Pacific Time in care of: Cynthia L. Bonneau C L Bonneau & Company 17202 Erwin Huntington Beach, California 92647 Telephone: (714) 848-2771 FAX: (714) 841-4188 Telephonic or facsimile transmitted bids will be accepted. The winning bidder (the "Agreement Provider") will be notified and the Agreement awarded no later than 12:00 noon Pacific Time that same day. The Agreement will close and monies wired no later than Wednesday, January 51 1994. 17202 Erwin, Huntington Beach, California 92647 0 (714) 848-2771 Page 2 of 5 RFB - La Quinta RDA, series 1991 (MBIA) December 81 1993 QUALIFIED PROVIDER Financial institutions, approved by the Insurer and Issuer whose current long-term unsecured debt obligations are rated "AA" or better by Standard & Poor's Corporation ("S&P") and Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's"). UPON DOWNGRADING - The Agreement Provider will be required to notify the Fiscal Agent and Issuer of a rating downgrade by S&P or Moody's within ten (10 ) business days. This notification will also apply to a withdrawal or suspension of rating. Should the Agreement Provider's long-term unsecured debt rating fall below the "AA" category by S&P and Moody's, the Agreement Provider must pledge collateral (within ten business days) as follows: Treasuries/GNMA'S FNMA'S/FHLMC/S 105% Frequency of valuation: Weekly Cure period: One (1) day Collateral must be delivered to the Fiscal Agent or to a third party custodian, approved by the Issuer, giving the Fiscal Agent a perfected first lien security interest for the benefit of the Issuer. Should collateral not be pledged (or during the term of the Agreement restored) to the required levels, the Fiscal Agent will have the right to immediately withdraw funds without penalty or breakage fee. Notwithstanding the above, should the Agreement Provider's rating fall below one of the top three rating _categories by S&P or Moody's, the Issuer, with a notice period of ten ( 10 business days, shall have the right to withdraw all funds without penalty or breakage fee. NOTE: Proceeds of collateral may be released by the Fiscal Agent or third party custodial agent to the Agreement Provider only to the extent of any excess over the collateral requirement. FUNDS FOR INVESTMENT 1. RESERVE FUND: a. Dollar Amount: Approximately $734,480.00 b. Final Maturity: September 11 2014. NOTE: The contract will be written with an initial maturity date of January 11 1999 with subsequent five year roll-over periods, provided that each new roll-over peroid is approved by the Insurer and Issuer. First call date is September 1, 2000. Page 3 of 5 RFB - La Quinta RDA, series 1991 (MBIA) December 81 1993 C. Withdrawals: Will be permitted for any purpose outlined in the Bond documents. Funds must be available at par upon such withdrawals with no penalty, conditions or breakage fees to either the Issuer or Fiscal Agent. Withdrawals will also be permitted with no penalty in connection with an election by the Issuer to effect an optional redemption, partial redemption or mandatory redemption of the Bonds (also see "Additional Requirements"). d. Replenishments: Replenishments by the Issuer or the Fiscal Agent will be permitted at the contract interest rate of the Agreement. Replenishments may be made within a twelve (12) month period. e. Deposits: Deposits may be made up to the reserve requirement under the Bond documents. f. Interest: Will be calculated on a 30/360 day basis (based upon twelve 30 day months) and paid semi- annually one (1) business day prior to September 1 and March 1, beginning on March 1, 1994. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Notice: Bids must provide for a notice period of seven (7) days* or less for withdrawals. Facsimile notice followed by written notice must be acceptable. 2. Documentation: The Agreement Provider will be required to circulate a draft of the Agreement (along with sample legal opinions) to all persons on the distribution list no later than Monday, December 27, 1993. The Agreement must conform to the requirements of the Bond Resolution and the Insurer. The Agreement Provider must be prepared to execute a final Agreement that conforms to the requirements of this Request For Bids and is in a form acceptable to the Issuer and Insurer. 3. Provider's Certificate: The Agreement Provider will be required to execute a certificate substantially in the form attached as Appendix A which states that based upon the Agreement Provider's reasonable expectations on the date the Agreement is entered into, obligations will not be purchased pursuant to the Agreement at a price in excess of their fair market value. *Or such notice period required by the Insurer. Page 4 of 5 RFB - La Quinta RDA, series 1991 (MBIA) December 81 1993 4. Legal Opinion: The Agreement Provider must provide an opinion of counsel addressed to the Issuer that the Agreement constitutes a valid, legal and binding obligation of the Agreement Provider, enforceable by its terms in a form acceptable to the Issuer and Insurer. 5. Expenses: All expenses incurred by the Agreement Provider associated with the preparation and execution of the Agreement and legal opinions will be paid by the Agreement Provider. All custodial fees and expenses with regard to the pledging and valuation of collateral, if required, will be paid by the Agreement Provider. 6. All amounts may be withdrawn at no penalty to the Issuer or Fiscal Agent, and in immediately available funds, for any reason specified in the Bond documents including, but not limited to, withdrawals made (1) in the event of a deficiency in the Installment Payment Fund; (2) upon acceleration after any event of default; (3) upon a defeasance and/or refunding of the Bonds in whole or in part; (4) in the event the reserve requirement for such Bonds is reduced; and (5) if a determination is later made by nationally recognized bond counsel that investments must be yield -restricted. 7. The Agreement may not be assigned or amended by any party without the prior written consent of the Issuer and Insurer. 8. The Agreement must state that it is unconditional and must expressly disclaim any right of set-off or counter- claim. 9. The Issuer, Fiscal Agent, Bond Counsel, Financial Advisor and C L Bonneau & Company will not have any liability if the Agreement closing does not occur as scheduled. THE ISSUER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ALL BIDS. 10. C L Bonneau & Company will be paid a fee of 5 basis points on the dollar amount of funds placed for representing the Agreement Provider in the placement of the Reserve Fund. This fee will be paid by the Agreement Provider. Page 5 of 5 RFB - La Quinta RDA, series 1991 (MBIA) December 8, 1993 BIDS Upon meeting the requirements specified herein, the selection of the Agreement Provider will be made on the basis of yield. Very truly yours, Cynthia L. Bonneau Attachments - Appendix A APPENDIX A AGREEMENT PROVIDER CERTIFICATE I, The undersigned, do hereby certify (the "Bank") execute and such officer deliver this Certificate I do further certify as that I am an officer of and as such am authorized to on behalf of the Bank. As follows: 1. The Bank and Security Pacific National Bank, N.A., the Fiscal Agent entered into an Investment Agreement on the date �� hereof (the Investment Agreement") concerning the investment by the Fiscal Agent of Bond proceeds. 2. Based on my reasonable expectations on the date hereof, non -purpose obligations will not be purchased pursuant to the Investment Agreement at a price in excess of their fair market value nor sold pursuant to the Investment Agreement at a price less than their fair market value. 3. The yield on the Investment Agreement is at least equal to the yield offered on similar obligations under similar investment contracts and is the same yield as would ordinarily be paid by the Bank to persons other than governmental units or 501(c)(3) organizations with respect to obligations of comparable expected average life in transactions in which yield on tax-exempt bonds is not relevant to either party. 4. We are paying to C L Bonneau & Co. (the "Broker") a fee which has been negotiated without regard to the yield on the Bonds or the current level of tax-exempt rates. In our experience, the fee is customary for transactions such as the Investment Agreement. No payments will be made by or on behalf of the Bank to or for the benefit of the Issuer other than as specified in the Investment Agreement. 5. The fee being paid to the Broker was determined as the result of arm's length negotiations between the Bank and the Broker. 6. We understand that the Issuer and its Bond Counsel will rely on this certification in accepting the Investment Agreement and consent to such reliance. Date: January , 1994 By. Its• C L BONNEAU & CO. DRAFT REQUEST FOR BIDS $8,000,000.00 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY La Quinta Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1989 The La Quinta Redevelopment Agency your interest in providing the "Agreement") for the Reserve Fund on through C L Bonneau & Company. (the "Issuer") is soliciting investment agreement (the the above referenced financing BIDDING WILL BE RESTRICTED TO FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS �CO F APPROVED ING TO LEGAL AND PERMITTED INVESTMENTS AS DESCRIBED HEREIN I) BY THE ISSUER. BACKGROUND & PURPOSE OF FINANCING The Bonds are dated January 1, 1989. The proceeds from m the salecontrol of the Bonds were used to: (1) finance certain improvements in the Project Area; ( 2 ) make a deposit to the Reserve Fund; and ( 3 ) pay costs of issuance of the Bonds. TIMING AND RESPONSE Bidding for the Agreement will be held on Wednesday,Time e n care of , 1993 Firm bids will be due at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Cynthia L. Bonneau C L Bonneau & Company 17202 Erwin Huntington Beach, Telephone: (714) FAX: ( 714 ) California 92647 848-2771 841-4188 Telephonic or facsimile transmitted bids will be accepted. The winning bidder (the "Agreement Provider") will bentifiedtandd the Agreement awarded no later than 12:00 noon Pacific same day. The Agreement will close and monies wired no later than Wednesday, January 51 1994. 17202 Erwin, Huntington Beach, California 92647 0 (714) 848-2771 Page 2 of 4 RFB - La Quinta RDA, Series 1989 (Project Area 1) December 8, 1993 QUALIFIED PROVIDER Financial institutions, approved by the Issuer whose current long - unsecured debt obligations are rated �'AA" or stobetter by Service term S&p ) and Moody s Investors Standard & Poor s Corporation (" " 1� 's" . The A reement must be structured as a col1atrincized ( Moody )of the certif icate of de osit. The collateral ate 10until an event of „-} �„ riPnosit) ma be held in-hous downgrade. UPON DOWNGRADING - The Agreement Provider will be ade b required S&P or notify the Fiscal Agent and, Issuer of • a Thisng will also Moody's within ten (10) business dayShould the apply to a withdrawal or suspension debtof rrating fall below the Agreement Provider's long-term Moodysscu the Agreement Provider must 11pp,11 category by as follows: pledge collateral (within ten business days) Treasuries/GNMA'S 105% FNMA'S/FHLMC/S Weekly Frequency of valuation: One (1) day Cure period: collat eral must be delivered to the Fiscal Agent or1 Agent ira party custodian, approved b the Issuer, giving the Fist perfected first lien security interest for the benefit of the perf or Burin Issuer. Should collateral not be Aired levels, the duringthe Agent the Agreement restored) to the required will have the right to immediately withdraw funds without penalty or breakage fee. Notwithstandingthe above should the A reemen rat; na fall belOW one of the top three rating categories penalty or breakage fee. the Fiscal Agent or NOTE: Proceeds of collateral may be released Provider only to the third party custodial agent to theg extent of any excess over the collateral requirement. FUNDS FOR INVESTMENT 1. RESERVE FUND: a. Dollar Amount: Approximately $735,600.00 b. Maturity: September 1, 2012. First optional redemption is September 1, 2002. C. Withdrawals: Will be permitted for any purpose Page 3 of 4 RFB - La Quints RDA, Series 1989 (Project Area 1) December 81 1993 outlined in the Bond documents. Funds must be s with no such penalty, conditions or g available at par uponbreakae fees to either the Issuer or Fiscal Agent. Withdrawals will also be permitted with no penalty in connection with an election by the Issuer to effect an optional mandatory redemption, partial redemption or redemption of the Bonds (also see "Additional Requirements"). d. Replenishments: Replenishments by the Issuer or the Fiscal Agent will be permitted at the mcontract interest rate of the Agreement. Rep ents may be made within a twelve (12) month period. e. Deposits: Deposits may be made up to the reserve requirement under the Bond documents. f. Interest: Will be calculated on a 30/360 day aid semis (based upon twelve 30 day onthi annually one (1) business day por to September 1 and March 11 beginning on March 11 1994. ADDITIONAL REOUIRE14OTSTS 1. Notice: Bids must provide for a notice perioFacsim d e ofseven ( 7 ) days or less f withdrawals. be •acceptable . otice followed by written notice 2. Documentation: The Agreement Provider will be required to circulate a draft of the Agreement (along ibut with ion sample legal opinions) to all persons 27 the 199dis 3. The Agreement no later than Monday, December, must conform to the requirements of the Bond R execute na The Agreement Provider must be prepared final Agreement that conforms to the requiorements of this Request For Bids and is in a form acceptable to the Issuer. 3. Provider's Certificate: The Agreement Provider will be required to execute a certificate substantially form attached as Appendix A which states that based upon the Agreement Provider's reasonable expectations on the not date the Agreement is entered into obligations aatoas will price in be purchased pursuant to the Agreement excess of their fair market value. 4. Le al Opinion: The Agreement Provider must that the an opinion of counsel addressed to the Issu Page 4 of 4 RFB - LQuints RDA, Series 1989 (Project Area 1) December 8, 1993 Agreement constitutes a valid, legal and binding obligation of the Agreement Provider, enforceable by its terms in a form acceptable to the Issuer. 5. Expenses: All expenses incurred by the Agreement Provider associated with the preparation and executionthe of the Agreement and legal opinions ial feesleand expenses with Agreement Provider. All custodial regard to the pledging and valuation of collateral, if required, will be paid by the Agreement Provider. 6. All amounts may be withdrawn at no penityto funds, eIss er or Fiscal Agent, and in immediately available any reason specified in the Bond documents inc event ding, ofua not limited to, withdrawals made (1) in th deficiency in the Installment Payment ef ault (3 ) upon a Fund;(2) upon acceleration after any event defeasance and/or refunding of the Bonds innthole o in part; (4) in the event the reserve requireme ch Bonds is reduced; and (5) if a determination is later made by nationally recognized bond counsel that investments must be yield -restricted. 7. The Agreement may notbe assigned or amended byany party without the prior written consent of the issuer. S. The Agreement must state that it is unconditional and must expressly disclaim any right of set-off or er- claim. 9. The Issuer, Fiscal Agent, Bond Counsel, Financial Advisor and C L Bonneau & Company will not vas any lischeduled . lif iability the Agreement closing does not occur ISSUER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ALL BIDS. 10. C L Bonneau & Company will be paid a fee of 5 basis points on the dollar amount of funds placed for representing the Agreement Provider in the placement of the Reserve Fund. This fee will be paid by the Agreement Provider. B_ Upon meeting the requirements specified herein, the selecield,tion of the Agreement Provider will be made on the basis o y Very truly yours, Cynthia L. Bonneau Attachments - Appendix A APPENDIX A AGREEMENT PROVIDER CERTIFICATE I, The undersigned, do hereby certify (the "Bank") execute and such officer I deliver this Certificate I do further certify as that I am an officer of and as such am authorized to on behalf of the Bank. As follows: 1. The Bank and Security Pacific National Bank, the Fiscal Agent entered into an Investment Agreement on the date hereof (the "Investment Agreement") concerning the investment by the Fiscal Agent of Bond proceeds. 2. Based on my reasonable expectations on the date hereof, non -purpose obligations will not be purchased otheir fair market ursuant to the Investment Agreement at a price in excess value nor sold pursuant to the Investment Agreement at a price less than their fair market value. 3. The yield on the Investment Agreement is at least equal to the yield offered on similar obligations under similar investment contracts and is the same yield as would ordinarily be paid by the Bank to persons other than governmental units or 501(c)(3) organizations with respect to obligations of comparable expected average life in transactions in which yield on tax-exempt bonds is not relevant to either party. 4. We are paying to C L Bonneau & Co. (the "Broker") a fee which has been negotiated without regard to the yield on the Bonds or the current level of tax-exempt rates. In our experience, the fee is customary for transactions such as the Investment Agreement. No payments will be made by or on behalf of the Bank to or for the benefit of the Issuer other than as specified in the Investment Agreement. 5. The fee being paid to the Broker was determined as the result of arm's length negotiations between the Bank and the Broker. 6. We understand that the Issuer and its Bond Counsel will rely on this certification in accepting the Investment Agreement and consent to such reliance. Date: January , 1994 By. Its: EXHIBIT A PA #2 - 1992 'certificate or opinion of, or representation by, an officer or Officers of the Agency, unless such counsel knows, or in the exercise of reasonable care should have known, that the certificate, opinion or representation with respect to the matters upon which his or her opinion may be based, as aforesaid, is erroneous. "Outstanding", when used as of any particular time with reference to Bonds, means, subject to the provisions of Article XI, all Bonds except: (a) Bonds theretofore cancelled by the Trustee or surrendered to the Trustee for cancellation; (b) Bonds paid or deemed to have been paid pursuant to Section 1101 and Section 306 hereof; and (c) Bonds in lieu of or in substitution for which other Bonds shall have been authorized, executed, issued and delivered by the Agency pursuant to the Indenture or any Supplemental Indenture. "Parity Bonds" means any additional tax allocation bonds (including, without limitation, bonds, notes, interim certificates, debentures or other obligations) issued by the Agency as permitted by Section 214 of this Indenture payable out of Pledged Revenues and ranking on a parity with the Bonds. "Pass -Through Agreements" means the agreements entered into on or prior to the date hereof pursuant to Section 33401 of the Health and Safety Code with (i) County of Riverside; (ii) Desert Sands Unified School District, (iii) Coachella Valley Water District; (iv) Desert Community College District; (v) County of Riverside Superintendent of Schools; (vi) Coachella Valley Mosquito Abatement District; and (vii) Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District. "Paying Agent" means any paying agent appointed by the Agency pursuant to this Indenture. Permitted Investments. The term "Permitted Investments" means any of the following: (1) direct, non -callable obligations of the United States of America and securities fully and unconditionally guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest by the United States of America, provided that the full faith and credit of the United States of America must be pledged to any such direct obligation or guarantee ("Direct Obligations"); 12/10/92 2000Q/2338/15 -8- EXHIBIT A PA #2 - 1992 (2) direct obligations and fully guaranteed certificates of beneficial interest of the Export -Import Bank of the United States; senior debt obligations of the Federal Home Loan Banks; debentures of the Federal Housing Administration; guaranteed mortgage -backed bonds and guaranteed pass -through obligations of the Government National Mortgage Corporation; guaranteed Title XI financing of the U.S. Maritime Administration; mortgage -backed securities and senior debt obligations of the Federal National Mortgage Association; and participation certificates and senior debt obligations of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (collectively, "Agency Obligations"); provided, however, not more than 10% of the unexpended Certificate proceeds may be invested in Agency Obligations; (3) direct obligations of any state of the United States of America or any subdivision or agency thereof whose unsecured general obligation debt is rated "Aa" or better by Moody's Investors Service or "AA" or better by Standard & Poor's Corporation, or any obligation fully and unconditionally guaranteed by any state, subdivision or agency whose unsecured general obligation debt is rated "Aa" or better by Moody's Investors Service or "AA" or better by Standard & Poor's Corporation; (4) commercial paper rated "Prime-l" by Moody's Investors Service or "AA" or better by Standard & Poor's Corporation; (5) obligations rated "Aa" or better by Moody's Investors Service or "AA" or better by Standard & Poor's Corporation; (6) time or interest bearing deposit accounts, including certificates of deposit, federal funds or bankers acceptances of any domestic bank (including Trustee), including a branch office of a foreign bank which branch office is located in the United States, provided if it is a branch of a foreign bank, legal opinions are received to the effect that full and timely payment -of such deposit or similar obligation is enforceable against the principal office or any branch of such foreign bank, which: (a) has an unsecured, uninsured and unguaranteed obligation rated "Prime-l" or "Aa" or better by Moody's Investors Service or a "AA" or better by Standard & Poor's Corporation, or (b) is the lead bank of a parent bank holding company with an uninsured, unsecured and unguaranteed obligation meeting the rating requirements in (a) above; 12/10/92 2000Q/�338/15 -9- EXHIBIT A PA #2 - 1992 (7) deposits of any bank (including Trustee) or savings and loan association which has combined capital, surplus and undivided profits of not less than $3 million, provided such deposits are fully insured by the Bank Insurance Fund or the Savings Association Insurance Fund administered by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; (8) investments in a money-market fund rated "AA" or "Al" or better by Standard & Poor's Corporation or "Aa" or better by Moody's Investors Service, if such funds are rated by Moody's Investors Service, or which invest solely in securities in clauses (1) and (2) above including funds for which First Interstate Bancorp, its affiliates or subsidiaries provide investment advisory or other management services; (9) repurchase agreements with a term of one year or less with any institution with debt rated "AA" by Standard & Poor's Corporation or "Aa" by Moody's Investors Service or commercial paper rated "AA" by Standard & Poor's Corporation or "Aa" by Moody's Investors Service; (10) repurchase agreements collateralized by Direct Obligations or Agency Obligations with any registered broker/dealer subject to the Securities Investors' Protection Corporation jurisdiction or any commercial bank, if such unguaranteed obligation is rated "Prime-l" or "Aa" or better by Moody's Investors Service, and "AA" or better by Standard & Poor's Corporation, provided: a. a master repurchase agreement or specific written, repurchase agreement governs the transaction; and b. the securities are held by the Trustee or an independent third party acting solely as agent for the Trustee free and clear of any lien, and such third party is (i) a Federal Reserve Bank, (ii) a bank which is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and which has combined capital, surplus and undivided profits of not less than $25 million; and C. a perfected first security interest under the Uniform Commercial Code, or book entry procedures prescribed at 31 C.F.R. 306.1 et seq. or 31 C.F.R. 350.0 et seq. in such securities is created for the benefit of the Trustee; and d. the repurchase agreement has a term of thirty days or less; and 12/10/92 2000Q/2338/15 -10- EXHIBIT A PA #2 - 1992 e. the repurchase agreement matures at least ten days (or other appropriate liquidation period) prior to a debt service payment date, and f. the market value of the securities in relation to the amount of the repurchase obligation, including principal and interest, is equal to at least 100%; and (11) investment agreements with a bank, insurance or financial institution company which has an unsecured and uninsured obligation (or claims -paying ability) rated "Aa" or better by Moody's Investors Service or "AA" or better by Standard & Poor's Corporation, or is the lead bank of a parent bank holding company with an uninsured, unsecured and unguaranteed obligation meeting such rating requirements, provided: a. interest is paid at least semiannually at a fixed rate during the entire term of the agreement, consistent with Interest Payment Dates, and b. moneys invested thereunder may be withdrawn without any penalty, premium, or charge upon notice (provided such notice may be amended or canceled at any time prior to the withdrawal date), and C. the agreement is not subordinated to any other investment agreements of such insurance company or bank, and O d. the same guaranteed interest rate will be paid on any future deposits made to restore the reserve to its required amount, and e. the Trustee received an opinion of counsel that such agreement is an enforceable obligation of such insurance company or bank. (12) time or interest bearing deposit accounts with banks (including the Trustee), provided that either such accounts are fully insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or if not so insured, such accounts are collateralized in the manner required for the deposit of public funds: "Pledged Revenues" means the Tax Revenues, less the Tax Revenues set aside as provided in Sections 33334.2 and 33334.3 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California and less amounts payable or required to be set aside by the Agency under the Pass -Through Agreements. 12/10/92 2000Q/2338/15 -11- EXHIBIT A PA #2 - 1992 Section 502. Investment of Moneys in Funds and Accounts. Moneys in the Special Fund and the Accounts therein, the Redevelopment Fund, the Escrow Fund and the Redemption Fund shall be invested and reinvested by the Trustee in Permitted Investments, as directed by an Authorized Officer of the Agency in writing, provided that such investments mature by their terms on or prior to the date on which such moneys are required to be paid out hereunder. Such investments shall be made in specific investments meeting the requirements of this section as directed in writing by an Authorized Officer of the Agency (such written request to be received by 12:00 noon two (2) Business Days prior to such investment) or, in the absence of such written direction, by the Trustee in Permitted Investments described in part (8) or (12) of the definition thereof. The Trustee shall be protected from any liability in acting in accordance with this section or the Agency's direction. Moneys in the Rebate Fund shall be invested in Government Obligations which mature before the date such amounts are required to be paid to the United States. Obligations purchased as an investment of moneys in any Fund or Account held by the Trustee hereunder shall be deemed to be part of such Fund or Account. Any or all interest or gain received from such investments of moneys in any Fund or Account shall be deposited by the Trustee in the respective Fund or Account and any loss incurred in connection with such investments shall be debited against the Fund or Account from which the investment was made. Notwithstanding the foregoing the Trustee may commingle money in the Funds and Accounts for investment purposes provided that such Funds and Accounts are accounted for separately. The investment constituting a part of any Fund or Account shall be valued at the lower of cost or the then estimated or appraised market value of the investment. The Trustee shall have no liability or responsibility for any loss resulting from any investment made in accordance with the provisions of this Section 502. Section 503. Investments. The Trustee may make any and all investments permitted by the provisions of Section 502 hereof and the Tax Certificate delivered on the Delivery Date, through its own bond or investment department; provided, however, that the Trustee shall establish to the satisfaction of the Agency that such investments have been made at market value. As and when any amount invested pursuant to this Article may be needed for disbursement, the Trustee may cause a sufficient amount of such investments to be sold and reduced to cash to the credit of such Funds or Accounts. 12/10/92 2000Q/2338/15 -34- EXHIBIT B PA #1 - 1991 The Pledged Tax Revenues received by the Agency on or after the date of issue of the Bonds are hereby irrevocably after pledged to the payment of the principal of, premium, the Series 1990 Bonds and interest on the SerPa�lt98gaswithout preference, and and the Bonds, and any Parity Bonds, until all of the Bonds and all interest beenirrevocably thereon, have been paid ocably set (or until moneys for that purpose t aside), the. Pledged Tax Revenues (subject to the exceptiona set forth in Section 15(d) shall be applied solely to the p y ment of the Series 1989 Bonds, the Series 1990 Bonds andthe Bonds and any Parity Bonds plus premium if any, and the st thereon as provided in this Resolution. This allocation Seron and ies pledge is for the exclusive benefit of the Owners 1989 Bonds, the Series 1990 Bonds and the Bonds and shall be irrevocable. Annually, on or before each September Agency shall certify to the Fiscal Agenthatithas s as transferred to the Fiscal Agent Pledged Tax required by this Section 14. provisions of this Section are a portion The foregoing of the provisions of said Article 6 of the Law as applied to the Bonds and shall be interpreted in accordance with said Article 6 of the Law, and the further provisions and definitions contained in said Article 6 of the Law are hereby incorporated herein by reference and shall apply. Section 33645 of the Health and Safety Code provides, in applicable part as follows: "The resolution, trust indenture, or mortgage shall provide that tax incrementnfunds allocated to an agency pursuant to Section 33670 shall be P ayable to a trustee on account of any issued bonds when redeem sufficient funds have been placed with the trustee all outstanding bonds of the issue." This Resolutnisand presently in compliance with the above quoted provision shall be so construed. Section 15. Special Fund. All Pledged Tax Revenues, and other moneys identified herein, deposited in the Special Fund in accordance with Section 14 hereof shall bealllooca8ted4as provided herein and in Section 15 of Resolution Nosshall be and RA 90-4. The interest on the Bonds until maturity After paid by the Fiscal Agent from the Bond In ent all interest then due on the Bonds on the next t nt re,st pa Fund date has been paid or provided for, moneys i shall be applied to the payment of the principal, including Minimum Sinking Fund Payments, of the Bonds. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing and e for the purpose of assuring that the payments referred too above will be made as scheduled, the Pledged Tax Rev accumulated ccumul in the Special Fund shall be used the thatfollowing depositsphave been provided, however, that to the extent 10/21/91 -18- 6820u/2338/014 EXHIBIT B PA #1 - 1991 made in any of the Funds referred to below from the proceeds not the sale of the Bonds or otherwise, the deposits below be made: (a) Bond Interest Fund. Deposits shaall be made into the Bond Interest Funds for tdeSeries lnterestlFund created. Bonds, the Series 1990 Bonds and the Bon herewith on or before the last day in February h ruary and on amount in before August 31 of each Bond Year so al am the each of said Funds on said date shall a equal payable on aggregate amount of interest becoming the Series 1990 the then outstanding Seriesnext 8succeeding interest payment 9u Bonds and the Bonds on the date. Moneys in the Bond Interest Fund shall be used for the payment of interest on the Bonds as the samedue. (b) Bond Payment Fund. After the deposits have been made pursuant to subparagraph (a) above, depose ts shall next be made into the Bond Payment Funds for t e SeriesymentFund 1989,Bonds, the Series 1990 Bonds and the created herewith so that the balance in each of laid Funtheds on or before August 31 of each Bond Year is equal Series to principal coming due on the then outstanding Bonds, including 1989 Bonds, the Series 1990 Bonds and Minimum Sinking Fund Payments, on the next succeeding September 1. (c) Debt Service Reserve Fund. After deposits have been made pursuant to subpthegDebtService Reserve Funds a and (b) above, deposits shall be made to established for the Series 1989 Bonds, the Series 1990 Bonds and under this Resolution from available Pledged Tax Revenues, if necessary, pro rata in order to cause the amounts on deposit therein to equal the Reserve Requirement. Money in the Debt Service Reserve tuedBo all be transferred to the Bond Interest Fund and/or Payment Fund to pay interest on and principal of the Bonds, including Minimum Sinking Fund Payments, as they become due to the extent Pledged Tax Revenues areinsufficient therefor. Any portion of the Debt Servicebe which is in excess of the Reserve Requirement shall on or transferred to the Bond stFund, on or before August 31. before the last day in February and The Agency may elect to maintain the Reserve(11 ) a letter of credit, a Requirement by obtaining (i) 1 surety bond, or (iii) a policy of insurance in aamount which will guarantee to the Agency the full amount of te Reserve Requirement at such times as all or any portion of the Reserve Requirement is needed for transfer to1 a Bond Interest Fund and/or the Bond Payment Fund as here stated, provided that the letter of credit bank is rated in 10/21/91 -19- 6820u/2338/014 EXHIBIT B PA #1 - 1991 the top two rating categories by Moody's Investor's Service, Inc. and Standard & Poor s Corporation and that upon the expiration of the letter of cred,if letter of extended, the Agency shall obtain a substitute credit, a surety bond or a policy of insurance as hereinafter provided, or shall deposit cash that the Debt issuer Service Reserve Fund, and f erolicvlshall be rated in of any .surety bond or insurancepolicy the top three rating categories by Moody s Investor's Service, Inc. and Standard & Poor s Corporation. The shall Agency shall acquire such alternate security n direct the Fiscal Agent to pay from money in the Debt Service Reserve Fund the letter of credit fees, the cost of a surety bond, or the insurance policy premium, as the case may be. Any money in the Debt Service Reserve Fund after the Agency acquires the alternate security and pays the appropriate costs as herein provided shall be transferred to the Agency for deposit into the Redevelopment (d) Holding Fund. The Fiscal Agent shall trasferall the from the Special Fund and deposit into ding Fund moneys then remaining in Special Fund end after the above rovided however, mentioned transfers have taken place; p that if 120% of Annual Debt Service was placed in the Special Fund in such Bond Year, and the Agency is notinReserve Series default under the Resolutidthe Debt 1989 Bonds, the Series Funds established for the to the 1990 Bonds and under this Resolution are equal respective Reserve Requirements, then all money then remaining in the Holding Fund may be returned itotthe Agency for any lawful purpose. Except as set forth he preceding sentence, all money in the Holding Fund shall be used and withdrawn by the Fiscal Agent for the apurpose o f replenishing the Bond Interest F90d$ondsaandsestablished this Series 1989 Bonds, the Series 19 Resolution, pro rata, the Bond Payment Funds established for the Series 1989 Bonds, the Series 1990 and under this Resolution, pro rata, and the Debt Service Reserve Funds established for the Series 1989 Bonds, the Series 1990 Bonds and under this Resolution, pro rata, in such order, in the event of any deficiency at any time in such Funds, or for the purpose of paying the interest ontheredempt on res 990 premiums, if any, on the Series 1989 Bonds, Bonds, or the Bonds, in the event that no other money of the Agency is lawfully available therefor, or rSfor the 1990 retirement of all the Series 1989 Bonds, as the Bonds or the Bonds then outstanding, and, at thelong request of Agency is not in default hereunder, the Agency, for the purchase or redemption of the SerieA 1989 Bonds, the Series 1990 Bonds or the Bonds. 10/21/91 -20- 6820u/2338/014 EXHIBIT B PA #1 - 1991 (e) Payments under the Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy. (i) In the event that, on the second Business Day, and again on the Business Day, prior to an Interest -Payment Date, the Fiscal Agent has not received sufficient moneys to pay all principal of and interest on the Bonds due on the second following or following, as the case may be, Business Day, the Fiscal Agent shall immediately notify MBIA or its designee on the same Business Day by telephone or telegraph, confirmed in writing by registered or certified mail, of the amount of the deficiency. (ii) If the deficiency is made up in whole or in part prior to or on the Interest Payment Date, the Fiscal Agent shall so notify MBIA or its designee. (iii) In addition, if the Fiscal Agent has actual knowledge that any Bondowner has been required to disgorge payments of principal or interest on the Bond to the Agency or its trustee or Fiscal Agent in Bankruptcy or creditors of others pursuant to a final judgment by a court of competent jurisdiction that such payment constitutes a voidable preference to such Bondowner within the meaning of any applicable bankruptcy laws, then the Fiscal Agent shall notify MBIA or its designee of such fact by telephone or telegraphic notice, confirmed in writing by registered or certified mail. (iv) The Fiscal Agent is hereby irrevocably designated, appointed, directed and authorized to act as attorney -in -fact for Owners of the Bonds as follows: A. If and to the extent there is a deficiency in amounts required to pay interest on the Bonds, the Fiscal Agent shall (1) execute and deliver to Citibank, N.A., or its successors under the Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy (the "Insurance Paying Agent"), in form satisfactory to the Insurance Paying Agent, an instrument appointing MBIA as agent for such Owners in any legal proceeding related to the payment of such interest and an assignment to MBIA of the claims for interest to which such deficiency relates and which are paid by MBIA, (2) receive as designee of the respective Owners (and not as Fiscal Agent) in accordance with the tenor of the Policy payment from the Insurance Paying Agent with respect to the claims for interest so assigned and (3) disburse the same to such respective Owners; and (B) If and to the extent of a deficiency in amounts required to pay principal of the Bonds, the Fiscal Agent shall (1) execute and deliver to the Insurance Paying Agent in form satisfactory to the 10/21/91 6820u/2338/014 -21- EXHIBIT B PA #1 - 1991 Insurance Paying Agent an instrument appointing MBIA as agent for such Owner in any legal proceeding relating to the payment of such principal and an assignment to MBIA of any of the Bonds surrendered to the Insurance Paying Agent of so much of the principal amount thereof as has not previously been paid or for which moneys are not held by the Fiscal Agent and available for such payment (but such assignment shall be delivered only if payment from the Insurance Paying Agent is received), (2) receive as designee of the respective Owners (and not as Fiscal Agent) in accordance with the tenor of the Policy payment therefor from the Insurance Paying Agent and (3) disburse the same to such Owners. (v) Payments with respect to claims for interest on and principal of Bonds disbursed by the Fiscal Agent from proceeds of the Policy shall not be considered to discharge the obligation of the Agency with respect to such Bonds, and MBIA shall become the owner of such unpaid Bond and claims for the interest in accordance with the tenor of the assignment made to it under the provisions of this subsection or otherwise. (vi) Irrespective of whether any such assignment is executed and delivered, MBIA and the Fiscal Agent hereby agree for the benefit of MBIA that: (A) the Agency recognizes that to the extent MBIA makes payments directly or indirectly (as by paying through the Fiscal Agent), on account of principal of or interest on the Bonds, MBIA will be subrogated to the rights of such Owners to receive the amount of such principal and interest from the Agency, with interest thereon as provided and solely from the sources stated in this Resolution and the Bonds, and (B) the Agency will accordingly pay to MBIA the amount of such principal and interest (including principal and interest recovered under subparagraph (ii) of the first paragraph of the Policy, which principal and interest thereon as provided in this Resolution and the Bond, but only from the sources and in the manner provided herein for the payment of principal of and interest on the Bonds to Owners, and will otherwise treat MBIA as the owner of such rights of the amount of such principal and interest. (vii) In connection with the issuance of Parity Bonds, the Agency shall deliver to MBIA a copy of the disclosure document, if any, circulated with respect to such Parity Bonds. 10/21/91 6820u/2338/014 -22- EXHIBIT B PA #1 - 1991 In the event that amounts held in the Special Fund are insufficient to provide for all amounts of interest on and principal of the Series 1989 Bonds, the Series 1990 Bonds and the Bonds due on any payment date, such amounts shall be applied pro rata to the payment of interest on the Series 1989 Bonds, the Series 1990 Bonds and the Bonds, without priority _among them and then to the payment of principal of the Series 1989 Bonds, the Series 1990 Bonds and the Bonds, pro rata and without priority. In the event of acceleration of the Bonds, the provisions of Section 25B hereof shall govern. Any remaining Pledged Tax Revenues after providing for (a), (b), (c), and (d) above shall be transferred to the Agency and may be used in a manner provided by law for the purpose of aiding in financing the Project, including early redemption or purchase of the Bonds, as provided in this Resolution. Section 16. Deposit and Investment of Moneys in Funds. All moneys held by the Fiscal Agent in the Special Fund, the Holding Fund, the Redemption Fund or the Rebate Fund shall be (i) invested at the written direction of the Agency in Federal Securities, or (ii) held in trust accounts, time or demand deposits, including certificates of deposit, in any commercial bank or trust company authorized to accept deposits of public funds (including the banking department of the Fiscal Agent) which are fully insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation or are secured at all times by Federal Securities, or secured at all times by bonds or other obligations which are authorized by law as security for public deposits, of a market value at least equal to the amount required by law, or (iii) invested in a taxable government money market portfolio restricted to obligations with maturities of one year or less, issued or guaranteed as to payment of principal and interest by the full faith and credit of the United States or repurchase agreements collateralized by such obligations. If the Fiscal Agent receives no written directions from the Agency as to the investment of moneys held in any Fund or Account, the Fiscal Agent shall, pending receipt of instructions, invest such moneys in a taxable government money market portfolio as described in (iii) above. (a) Moneys in the Redevelopment Fund may be invested in any investment authorized by law for the investment of Agency money, which will by their terms mature not later than the date the Agency estimates the moneys represented by the particular investment will be needed for withdrawal from such Fund. (b) Moneys in the Bond Interest Fund and the Bond Payment Fund shall be invested only in obligations which will by their terms mature on such dates as to ensure that before each interest payment date and principal payment 10/21/91 6820u/2338/014 -23- EXHIBIT B PA #1 - 1991 date there will be in such Funds, from matured obligations and other moneys already in such Funds, cash equal -to the interest and principal payable on the respective payment dates. (c) Except as provided in Section 15(c) hereof, moneys in the Debt Service Reserve Fund shall be invested in obligations which will by their terms mature prior to the date which is the final maturity date of the Bonds. Except as otherwise provided herein, obligations shall purchased as an investment of moneys in any of be deemed at all times to be a part of such respective Fusuchnd the interest accruing thereon and any gain andanyloss realized investment shall be credited to such Fund resulting from any such authorized investment shall be charged to such Fund without liability to the Agency or the members and officers thereof or to the Fiscal Agent. The Agency bestthe Fiscal Agent, as the case may be, shall s ell at the price obtainable or present for redemptionany on so obligation ligatdo siin order to purchased whenever it shall be necessary provide moneys to meet any payment or transfer from such Fund as required by this Resolution. The investment constituting a part of such Fund shall be valued at the thenf stimaaceountted or appraised market value of such investment o thereof, which ever is lower; provided, however, that investments in the Bond Interest Fund and the Bond Payment Fund shall be valued at the face amount thereof. Aency Section 17. Issuance ofar Pity Bondsgondseingsuch may provide for the issuance of, and sell, Parity principal amounts as it estimates will be needed for the Redevelopment Project purposes. The issuance and sale of any Parity Bonds shall be subject to the following conditions precedent: (a) The Agency shall be in compliance with all covenants in this Resolution; (b) The Parity Bonds shall be on such terms and conditions as may be set forth in a supplemental substantially resolution, which shall provide for (1) onds in accordance with the Resolution, (ii) the deposit of a portion of the Parity Bond proceeds into the Debt Service Reserve Fund, or the acquisition of an alternate security as provided in Section 15(c) hereof, in an amount sufficient, together with the balance of the Debt Service Reserve Fund, to equal the Maximum Annual Debt Service on all Bonds expected to be outstanding including the the disposition outstanding Bonds and Parity Bonds, substantially the same of surplus Pledged Tax Revenues manner as Section 15(d) hereof; 10/21/91 _24- 6820u/2338/014 EXHIBIT C PA #1 - 1989 The foregoing provisions of this Section are a portion of the provisions of said Article 6 of the Law as applied to the Bonds and shall be interpreted in accordance with said Article 6 of the Law, and the further provisions and definitions contained in said Article 6 of the Law are hereby incorporated herein by reference and shall apply. Section 33645 of the Health and Safety Code provides, in applicable part as follows: The resolution, trust indenture, or mortgage shall provide that tax increment funds allocated to an agency pursuant to Section 33670 shall not be payable to a trustee on account of any issued bonds when sufficient funds have been placed with the trustee to redeem all outstanding bonds of the issue." This Resolution is presently in compliance with the above quoted provision and shall be so construed. Section 15. Special Fund. All Pledged Tax Revenues, and other moneys identified herein, deposited in the Special Fund in accordance with Section 14 hereof shall be allocated as provided herein and in Section 15 of Resolution No. RA 85-5. The interest on the Bonds until maturity shall be paid by the Fiscal Agent from the Bond Interest Fund. After all interest then due on the Bonds on the next interest payment date has been paid or provided for, moneys in the Special Fund shall be applied to the payment of the principal, including Minimum Sinking Fund Payments, of the Bonds. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing and for the purpose of assuring that the payments referred to above will be made as scheduled, the Pledged Tax Revenues accumulated in the Special Fund shall be used in the following priority; provided, however, that to the extent that deposits have been made in any of the Funds referred to below from the proceeds of the sale of the Bonds or otherwise, the deposits below need not be made: (a) Bond Interest Fund. Deposits shall be made into the Bond Interest Fund for the Series 1985 Bonds under Resolution No. RA 85-5 and the Bond Interest Fund created herewith on or before the last day in February and on or before August 31 of each Bond Year so that the amount in each of said Funds on said date shall be equal to the aggregate amount of interest becoming due and payable on the then outstanding Series 1985 Bonds and Bonds on the next succeeding interest payment date. Moneys in the Bond Interest Fund shall be used for the payment of interest on the Bonds as the same becomes due. (b) Bond Payment Fund. After the deposits have been made pursuant to subparagraph (a) above, deposits shall next be made into the Bond Payment Fund for the Series 1985 Bonds under Resolution No. RA 85-5 and the Bond Payment Fund created herewith so that the balance in each of said 01-04-89 2563n/2338/003 -19- EXHIBIT C PA #1 - 1989 Funds on or before August 31 of each Bond Year is equal to the principal coming due on the then outstanding Series 1985 Bonds and Bonds, including Minimum Sinking Fund Payments, on the next succeeding September 1. (c) Debt Service Reserve Fund. After deposits have been made pursuant to subparagraphs (a) and (b) above, deposits shall be made to the Debt Service Reserve Funds established under Resolution No. RA 85-5 and under this Resolution from available Pledged Tax Revenues, if necessary, pro rata in order to cause the amounts on deposit therein to equal the Reserve Requirement. Money in the Debt Service Reserve Fund shall be transferred to the Bond Interest Fund and/or the Bond Payment Fund to pay .interest on and principal of the Bonds, including Minimum Sinking Fund Payments, as they become due to the extent Pledged Tax Revenues are insufficient therefor. Any portion of the Debt Service Reserve Fund which is in excess of the Reserve Requirement shall be transferred to the Bond Interest Fund, semiannually on or before the last day in February and on or before August 31. The Agency may, at any time after the date on which the 1985 Bonds are no longer outstanding, elect to maintain the Reserve Requirement by obtaining (i) a letter of credit, (ii) a surety bond, or (iii) a policy of insurance in an amount which will guarantee to the Agency the full amount of the Reserve Requirement at such times as all or any portion of the Reserve Requirement is needed for transfer to the Bond Interest Fund and/or the Bond Payment Fund as hereinbefore stated, provided that the letter of credit bank is rated in the top two rating categories by Moody's Investor's Service, Inc. and Standard & Poor is Corporation and that upon the expiration of the letter of credit, if not extended, the Agency shall obtain a substitute letter of credit, a surety bond or a policy of insurance as hereinafter provided, or shall deposit cash in the Debt Service Reserve Fund, and further provided that the issuer of any surety bond or insurance policy shall be rated in the top three rating categories by Moody's Investor's Service, Inc. and Standard & Poor's Corporation. The Agency shall acquire such alternate security and shall direct the Fiscal Agent to pay from money in the Debt Service Reserve Fund the letter of credit fees, the cost of a surety bond, or the insurance policy premium, as the case may be. Any money in the Debt Service Reserve Fund after the Agency acquires the alternate security and pays the appropriate costs as herein provided shall be transferred to the Agency for deposit into the Redevelopment Fund. (d) Holding Fund. The Fiscal Agent shall transfer from the Special Fund and deposit into the Holding Fund all moneys then remaining in the Special Fund after the above 01-04-89 2563n/2338/003 -20- EXHIBIT C PA #1 - 1989 mentioned transfers have taken place. If (a) the Series 1985 Bonds are still outstanding, and (b) 125% of Annual Debt Service was placed in the Special Fund in such Bond Year, and (c) the Agency is not in default under the Resolution, and (d) the Debt Service Reserve Fund is equal to Maximum Annual Debt Service, then all money then remaining in the Holding Fund may be returned to the Agency for any lawful purpose. If (a) the Series 1985 Bonds are no longer outstanding, and (b) 120% of Annual Debt Service was placed in the Special Fund in such Bond Year, and (c) the Agency is not in default under the Resolution, and (d) the Debt Service Reserve Fund is equal to the Reserve Requirement, then all money then remaining in the Holding Fund may be returned to the Agency for any lawful purpose. Except as set forth in the preceding sentence, all money in the Holding Fund shall be used and withdrawn by the Fiscal Agent for the purpose of replenishing the Bond Interest Fund, the Bond Payment Fund, and the Debt Service Reserve Fund, in such order, in the event of any deficiency at any time in such Funds, or for the purpose of paying the interest on or redemption premiums, if any, on the Bonds, in the event that no other money of the Agency is lawfully available therefor, or for the retirement of all the Bonds then outstanding, or, so long as the Agency is not in default hereunder, and, at the request of the Agency, for the purchase or redemption of Bonds. In the event that amounts held in the Special Fund are insufficient to provide for all amounts of interest on and principal of the Series 1985 Bonds and the Bonds due on any payment date, such amounts shall be applied pro rata to the payment of interest on the Series 1985 Bonds and the Bonds, without priority among them and then to the payment of principal of the Series 1985 Bonds and the Bonds, pro rata and without priority. In the event of acceleration of the Bonds, the provisions of Section 25B hereof shall govern. Any remaining Pledged Tax Revenues after providing for (a), (b), (c), and (d) above shall be transferred to the Agency and may be used in a manner provided by law for the purpose of aiding in financing the Project, including early redemption or purchase of the Bonds, as provided in this Resolution. Section 16. Deposit and Investment of Moneys in Funds. All moneys held by the Fiscal Agent in the Special Fund, the Holding Fund, the Redemption Fund or the Excess Investment Earnings Fund shall be (i) invested at the written direction of the Agency in Federal Securities, or (ii) held in trust accounts, time or demand deposits, including certificates of deposit, in any commercial bank or trust company authorized to accept deposits of public funds (including the banking department of the Fiscal Agent) which are fully insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation or are secured at all times by Federal Securities, or secured at all times by bonds or other 01-04-89 2563n/2338/003 -21- EXHIBIT C PA #1 - 1989 obligations which are authorized by law as security for public deposits, of a market value at least equal to the amount required by law, or (iii) invested in a taxable government money market portfolio restricted to obligations with maturities of one year or less, issued or guaranteed as to payment of principal and interest by the full faith and credit of the United States or repurchase agreements collateralized by such obligations. If the Fiscal Agent receives no written directions from the Agency as to the investment of moneys held in any Fund or Account, the Fiscal Agent shall, pending receipt of instructions, invest such moneys in a taxable government money market portfolio as described in (iii) above. (a) Moneys in the Redevelopment Fund may be invested in any investment authorized by law for the investment of Agency money, which will by their terms mature not later than the date the Agency estimates the moneys represented by the particular investment will be needed for withdrawal from such Fund. (b) Moneys in the Bond Interest Fund and the Bond Payment Fund shall be invested only in obligations which will by their terms mature on such dates as to ensure that before each interest payment date and principal payment date there will be in such Funds, from matured obligations and other moneys already in such Funds, cash equal to the interest and principal payable on the respective payment dates. (c) Except as provided in Section 15(c) hereof, moneys in the Debt Service Reserve Fund shall be invested in obligations which will by their terms mature prior to the date which is the final maturity date of the Bonds. Except as otherwise provided herein, obligations purchased as an investment of moneys in any of said Funds shall be deemed at all times to be a part of such respective Fund and the interest accruing thereon and any gain realized from such investment shall be credited to such Fund and any loss resulting from any such authorized investment shall be charged to such Fund without liability to the Agency or the members and officers thereof or to the Fiscal Agent. The Agency or the Fiscal Agent, as the case may be, shall sell at the best price obtainable or present for redemption any obligation so purchased whenever it shall be necessary to do so in order to provide moneys to meet any payment or transfer from such Fund as required by this Resolution. The investment constituting a part of such Fund shall be valued at the then estimated or appraised market value of such investment or face amount thereof, which ever is lower; provided, however, that investments in the Bond Interest Fund and the Bond Payment Fund shall be valued at the face amount thereof. 01-04-89 2563n/2338/003 -22-