MAY 11, 1994
Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was
called to order at the hour of 5:30 P.M. by Chairman Lewis,
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: Board Members Brown, Gilreath, Sales, Wilson
and Chairman Lewis
OTHERS PRESENT: Richard Parzonko, Finance Director and Debbie
DeRenard, Secretary
A. Approval of Minutes from the meeting of April 13, 1994.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Brown/Gilreath to
approved the Minutes of April 13, 1994 as submitted.
Motion carried unanimously.
A. Transmittal of Treasurer's Report Dated March 31, 1994.
Board Member Brown advised that she would like additional
information for the following checks: No. # $610,000.00,
No. # $200,000.00, No. # $180,000.00, 17700 $90,000.00,
Ck 17740 $134,597.27, Ck 17786 $76,368.90, Ck 17800
$55,282.50, Ck 17818 $687,320.15, Ck 17830 $57,664.00,
Ck 17851 $48,513.73, Ck 17863 $87,160.00, Ck 17864
$43,881.00, Ck 17865 $73,977.00, Ck 17900 $140,000.00, Ck
17910 $79,671.74, Ck 17929 $116,475.90, Ck 17942
$212,572.14, Ck 17951 $717,045.74, Ck 17953 $70,820.20,
Ck 17984 $70,957.04, Ck 18027 $58,022.00.
Chairman Lewis suggested that in the future the Finance
Department could supply the Investment Advisory Board
with information on all checks over $40,000.00.
Investment Advisory Board 2 May 11, 1994
Mr. Parzonko advised that the warrant registers could be
forwarded to the Investment Advisory Board.
Board Member Brown advised that her reason for a thorough
check is due to the change in the Administration with
regards to the termination of Mr. O'Reilly and Mr. Hunt's
Mr. Parzonko advised that he will come back with a
proposal to expedite the process of the check
distribution to satisfy the Board. He further advised
that there is a check and balance system in the
organization and there was no fraud involved in the
terminations of Mr. O'Reilly and Mr. Hunt.
Board Member Sales advised that since the City has had
two major changes, if there was any malfeasance, perhaps
it should be shared with the Board.
Mr. Parzonko advised that there was no fraud involved in
either situation.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Brown/Gilreath to
accept the Treasurers Report dated March 31, 1994.
Motion carried unanimously.
A. Investment Policy Review
- Banking Services
Mr. Parzonko advised that investment policies from City
of La Quinta and the City of Encinitas were included in
the Agenda packets for the Boards review. He further
advised that the Investment Advisory Board policy should
be approved by the City Council annually.
The Board reviewed the investment policies submitted and
made the necessary changes, additions and deletions.
Mr. Parzonko advised that he would have the draft policy
typed and mailed to each Board Member for their review
before the next IAB meeting.
Board Member Brown suggested that when the Board receives
the Draft Policy, if there are any questions, Members
should refer them to Chairman Lewis.
Board Member Brown advised that it appears the previous
policy has not been reviewed by Council on an annual basis.
Investment Advisory Board 3 May 11, 1994
B. Investment Risk
Mr. Parzonko advised the Board that the excerpt on
investment risks will give the Board a perspective on the
risk scale for investments.
A. Banque Audi Condemnation
Mr. Parzonko advised that Board Member Brown requested
information on the Banque Audi Condemnation payment of
The City was exercising eminent domain on the property
known as the Avenue 52 Extension Project. The property
owner - Banque Audi thought the property should have been
appraised higher. The matter could not be resolved and
litigation proceedings were initiated.
B. Bond Reserve Funds
Mr. Parzonko advised that he researched the City's bond
issues to determine how much the City is currently
yielding. There are nine outstanding issues. The City
is currently refinancing 3 Redevelopment Agency Bond
Issues and they have been excluded from the list enclosed
in the staff report. He advised that the Bond Reserve
Funds work sheet indicates the reserve amounts required
by the bond indenture, arbitrage yield and the current
reserve yield.
Mr. Parzonko advised that he spoke with the City's Bond
Counsel and a arbitrage calculation firm. The City is
currently reporting negative arbitrage and the City can
go well beyond the yield to make up this difference
during the life of the issue. Mr. Parzonko advised that
he requested a calculation that will maximize the City
out over the life of the issue and still be in compliance
without having to set aside monies to pay IRS. For the
91' series an Investment Agreement would be the best
alternative. It basically takes risk from the Bond
issue and passes it along to the individuals who are
handling the investment agreement. In return the City
can lock a yield on the bond reserve for the length of
the issue. This option is not available for the other
issues. The bond indentures that were adopted identify
specific investments such as US Treasury obligations.
Investment Advisory Board 4 May 11, 1994
Right now the key focus is on the 91' bond series issue.
Mr. Parzonko requested input from the Board regarding the
direction the City should take.
Board Member Wilson suggested having an Investment
Agreement firm present it to the Council.
Mr. Parzonko advised that in order to expedite the
process, the Board might want to delegate the authority
to the Finance Director, having him draft a report at the
next meeting authorizing him to move forward with an
investment agreement.
Board Member Brown suggested that the recommendation with
regard to the investment of the Bond series along with
the Investment Policy be presented at the next meeting.
Mr. Parzonko advised that the City is in the Budget
process currently. He advised that he would bring the
Investment Policy back to the Board for approval at the
June Meeting and the Investment Agreement at the July
C. TRACs Newsletter
Mr. Parzonko advised that if the Board was interested in
receiving the TRACs Newsletter, a copy will be forwarded
to each Board Member.
The Board agreed that the Newsletter would be helpful.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Wilson/Gilreath to
adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.