1994 08 10 IAB4 4a 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA Study Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 August 10, 1994 - 5:30 P.M. I CALL TO ORDER a. Pledge of Allegiance b. Roll Call II PUBLIC COMMENT (This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled on the agenda.) III CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes from the June 22, 1994 Meeting. IV BUSINESS SESSION A. Consideration of Banking Services Request for Proposal. B. Investment Advisory Board Attendance/Criteria V STUDY SESSION VI BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS VII OTHER VIII ADJOURNMENT MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 �� s BU S I NE S S S E S S= ON I T E M: A CITY OF LA QUINTA BANKING SERVICES REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL CALENDAR Date Event Description 7/20 - 8/10 Finance Director prepares a banking services RFP document with the Investment Advisory Board. 9/13 Staff Report to Council requesting authorization issuance of RFP submitted to City Clerk's Office. 9/20 Council Approves release of Banking Services RFP Document. 9/21 RFP documents issued by the Finance Department to interested banking institutions. 10/14 5:00 p.m. Deadline for submission of proposals by financial institutions to the Finance receipts counter. 10/14 - 10/26 Evaluation of submitted proposals performed by Finance Department. 10/28 A review of the banking services RFP with the City Manager including selection of a banking institution. 11/08 Awarding of a banking institution contract by City Council. 11/09 Banking Supplies ordered by Financial staff. 11/10 Formal agreement entered into with the selected institution. 12/01 Banking Services inaugural date. RP/DD/R CITY OF LA QUINTA BANKING SERVICES REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL The City of La Quinta invites qualified local banking institutions to submit proposals for the providing of basic banking services and expert assistance as described in the attached specifications. Written proposals using the official forms provided herein will be received until 5:00 p.m. on October 14, 1994 at the Finance Cashier's counter, City of La Quinta, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California 92253. CONDITIONS QUALIFYING A BANKING INSTITUTION TO PROPOSE 1. Report of Capital and Surplus A proposer shall have on file with the Finance Director the of f idavit of one of its of f icers of the amount of its capital stock and surplus. The bank selected to perform banking services shall maintain a capital structure equal to or greater than the amount that the City has on deposit with them at any one time during the term of the agreement. This calculation shall include both demand deposits and term deposits such as certificates of deposit and savings accounts. 2. Required Financial Information Each proposer shall submit wit quarterly call reports for the past financial reports for the past three be used by the City to determine proposer. The successful proposer this contract, continue to furnish each report in a timely manner. PROCEDURAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. Intent h their proposal copies of their two (2) years and their annual (3) years. These reports will the financial strength of the shall, during the duration of to the City updated issues of The intent of this Request for Proposal is to select one banking institution to provide basic banking services. However, the City may also elect to award an agreement(s) to the winning proposer of any or all optional services. 2. Proposal Form A proposer shall use the attached Proposal Form, Exhibit A, and Optional Services Proposal Form, Exhibit B, or copies thereof in submitting a proposal. It is required that the proposal be completed in its entirety. 3. No Proposal If a service requirement cannot be met by a proposer, then the term "No Proposal" should be entered on the Proposal Form for that specific requirement. In the case of a "No Proposal" remark, the proposer may offer an alternative equivalent service. 4. Multiple Proposals A proposer may submit multiple and alternative equivalent proposals for any and all of the optional banking services. 5. Sealed Proposals A Proposal must be submitted in a sealed envelope or package bearing the title "City of La Quinta Banking Services" along with the proposer's name and address. The proposer shall return two (2) copies of completed Proposal Forms and other pertinent information (call reports, annual financial reports, availability schedules, etc.) to La Quinta City Hall, Attention: Richard Parzonko, Finance Director, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California 92253, no later than 5:00 p.m. Friday, October 14, 1994 to the Finance Cashier's counter. It is the responsibility of the proposer to ensure that the proposal arrives on time at the right place. Any proposals received after the above time will be disqualified. 6. Public Information All submitted proposals and information included therein or attached there to shall become public record upon their delivery to the Finance Director's office. 7. ResDonses to Proposer Questions A proposer may submit written questions in order to clarify any matters relating to this RFP. The proposer's question and the City's answer will become public records and will be shared with all proposers to whom the RFP has been sent. 8. Finance Directors Contact Office The Finance Director, Richard Parzonko, shall be the only contact office in regards to this RFP. 9. Right to Reject Proposals and Waive Information The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any non -material irregularities or information in any RFP, and to accept or reject any item or combination of items. 10. Execution of Agreement If a banking institution does not execute an agreement within twenty (20) days after being notified of selection, the City may give notice to the bank of the City's intent to select the next most qualified proposing bank or call for new proposals, whichever the City deems most appropriate. SELECTION PROCESS 1. Criteria for Selection Criteria for evaluation of proposals will be 1) adequately and completeness of the proposal with regard to the specifications of this RFP; 2) least total cost to the City; 3) financial strength and capacity of the banking institutions; 4) availability of services (both basic and optional) within this RFP; 5) services proposed beyond RFP requirements. Judgement of criteria listed is not necessarily in the order presented. 2. Responsiveness to Criteria Responsiveness to the criteria will be measured as follows: A check will be made to ensure that the submitted proposal forms are complete and that the required financial data has been attached. Financial strength and capacity evaluation will be based upon the information contained in the annual financial reports and call reports as required. Tests on these reports shall include but not be limited to the following: -Gross loans, as a percentage of Deposits -Loan loss reserves, as a percentage of gross non-performance loans -Core deposits, as a percentage of total assets -Borrowed funds, as a percentage of total assets -Equity capital, as a percentage of total assets -Equity growth -Return of assets -Equity growth in relation to asset and deposit growth Services will be evaluated on availability, time schedules, reporting, and in the case of interest -bearing demand accounts, interest rates. All proposals from qualified public depositories that pass the completeness test and financial strength/capacity tests and provide a satisfactory service level will then be ranked based upon least total cost to the City. Least total cost to the City is defined as the lowest combination or projected monthly service costs, float factors, highest earnings factor specified in the bank's proposal and the resulting direct fee basis or non -interest bearing certificate of deposit. The City of La Quinta Finance Director will judge the merit of the proposals received. The sole object of the evaluation will be to recommend the entity whose proposal is most responsive to the City's needs. The specifications of the RFP represent the minimum performance necessary for response. Additional services proposal's will be weighed in the final selection. CONTRACT TERMS 1. Contract Period The selected institution shall be designated as the City's depository for an initial three-year term which is anticipated to commence December 1, 1994. The depository contract shall contain an automatic renewal clause which may be used for the following one (1) year under the same terms and conditions, thereby providing for four (4) years of depository and banking services. 2. Cancellation of Contract The depository contract shall provide that the City reserves the right to cancel any agreement at any time upon ninety ( 90 ) days prior written notice of its intent to terminate any agreement. The designated depository shall provide the City at least ninety (90) days prior written notice of its intent to terminate any agreement. A decision to terminate the depository contract may not be as a result of an offering of a lower price from another bank during the contract period. 3. Award of Contract The contract will be awarded to that entity whose proposal conforming to the Request for Proposal, is most advantageous to the City. The City of La Quinta Banking Services Contract is expected to be awarded at the La Quinta City Council meeting to be held at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 8, 1994 at the La Quinta City Council Chambers located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California 92253. BANKING NEEDS DESCRIPTION OF OPERATING SYSTEM 1. Background The City of La Quinta currently has 2 checking ( Petty Cash and Operations) and 1 demand account at Bank of America's Indio branch. The savings account is earning interest at a moneymarket savings account rate and the checking account is non -interest bearing analysis account. 2. Current Needs The City of La Quinta will in conjunction with this request for proposal utilize two accounts: one (1) interest bearing operating sweep account and one (1) petty cash checking account. 3. City of La Quinta Pooled Funds Operating Account This account is the City's general operating checking/savings account. This account receives all revenues pertaining to City of La Quinta. All interest earnings are to be credited to this account. All investment activity via wire transfers will be conducted through the operating account. Also, if the City desires the use of the selected financial institution's investment services, the interest earning operating account will be used for disbursement and receipt of investment activity. All disbursements, are made through this account for the City with City of La Quinta vouchers. An on -going basis is used in preparation of computerized checks with reviews performed by the Accounting Supervisor. Checks on this account must bear two actual signatures for any amounts. All City Employees are paid bi-weekly and approximately 70 payroll checks are produced. The City is currently paying federal taxes bi-weekly and quarterly through automated payments and is interested in the availability of this payment method for various expenditures. 4. City of La Quinta Petty Cash Account This account is utilized for the reimbursement of expenditures amounting to $50 or less per transaction. The City requests a non - interest bearing checking account not to exceed $500 be made available. 5. RFP Needs It is the City's goal to create one money market interest bearing operating account in place of a separate savings account and checking account, and one petty cash checking account. REQUIRED SERVICES General Information The categories listed below are the basic required package of banking services. Each proposer shall submit a comprehensive list of service prices by completing the service cost section of the Proposal Form. This list will be considered all-inclusive and the prices shown on the list shall be incorporated into the agreement and will be effective through the term of the agreement. In completing the "Interest bearing account proposal" portion of the proposal form, the "Basis for Determining Rate" section shall specify the money market instrument upon which proposed rate is based and the method to be used in calculating the rate (e.g., 90% of prime rate, etc.). Vague references to "managerial discretion" or "competition" are not acceptable. 1. Depository Requirements - City of La Quinta Operating Account A. Pooled Funds Operating Account This account will be an interest -bearing demand account. It is anticipated that there will be approximately 400 to 600 individual item deposits per month to this account. It is further anticipated that there will be 300 to 400 checks issued per month. Payroll checks are issued on bi-weekly Fridays. Approximately 70 payroll checks are distributed for each payroll period. Dependent upon the acquisition of a new computer system, the City would most likely be interested in obtaining payroll direct deposit services. Please provide cost information and program requirements. The bank shall daily notify the City of the level of available collected funds in the account by 9:00 a.m. If the bank can, in addition, offer mid -day notification, it should be outlined in the proposal. The level of available funds will be determined on the following schedule: i. Items on the depository, wire transfers, ACH deposits, cash SAME DAY ii. Items on local institutions NEXT DAY iii. Other Items FEDERAL RESERVE AVAILABILITY SCHEDULE The above schedule shall be the maximum clearing schedule. If the bank can offer faster clearing services, they should be outlined in the proposal. If a proposer is using an availability schedule other than the Federal Reserve Schedule, a copy must be attached to the proposal. Interest shall be paid on all collected balances in the account at the end of the business day. Proposals shall include the type of account (i.e., Sweep, ZBA, Now, Super Now, etc.), the basis for determining interest rate and fee necessary to cover all services relating to general operating outlined below. B. Bags and Night Drop Services i. The bank shall provide the following depository bags at no cost to the City. Price lists for additional bank bags shall be included in the proposal. 5 - 12" x 15" locking 5 - 8" x 11" locking 3 - 5 1/2" x 10" zippered ii. The bank shall provide night depository services as needed by the City for those departments receiving revenues during the weekend. C. Wire Transfers It is estimated that the City will have approximately 4 to 8 outgoing and 6 to 10 incoming wire transfers per month. D. Stop Payments It is estimated that 0 to 2 stop payments will be issued per month. All stop payments (including those against payroll and current expense accounts) shall be against this account. E. Traveler's Checks and Cashier's Checks The Bank will provide traveler's checks and cashier's checks for use on City business for City employees at no cost to the City. F. Printing The City will provide checks and the bank is to supply deposit slips printed in conformity with City specifications at no additional cost to the City. Approximately 10-15 deposit slip books in duplicate form are needed. G. Direct Sends From time to time the City receives out -of -town checks in amounts large enough to justify same day clearing at the Federal Reserve. Proposers shall indicate whether they are able to provide direct delivery to the Fed and the price for which this service is available. If the bank can offer faster special clearing services they should be outlined in the proposal along with the cost of such services. H. Other Proposers are requested to list any other services that will be provided to the City at no cost. I. Courier Service Proposers are requested to submit the monthly cost of a daily courier service made available through the institution. No cash will be transported through the courier service. ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE GENERAL INFORMATION Each proposal shall include specific times when the information and material requested below will be provided to the Finance Director. The Finance Director has established suggested standards which are set forth in parentheses, (-); although proposers can propose earlier times which best fit individual banks. 1. Daily Reports The daily balance in each account will be communicated to the Finance Director's staff during the morning of the next banking day at 9:00 a.m. When this information. is not available at the specific time, the finance department personnel will estimate the account balances and make investments according to their best estimates of the account balances. The City shall not be charged or penalized over the rate of compensation if an overdraft results because of the account balance information not being available at the specific time. 2. Weekly Statements A Weekly summary statement of the City of La Quinta and Operating Account showing all credit and debit transactions and the ending balance will be made available on the second banking day following each week at 11:00 a.m. 3. Monthly Statements Monthly statements for all accounts are to be provided to the Finance Director with documentation supporting all entries on the statement within five ( 5 ) business days after the last calendar day of each month. Canceled checks shall be sorted in numerical order and returned in boxes suitable for storage. The statement shall have checks listed in numerical order with any breaks in the order noted. A monthly analysis report showing overall activity in the City accounts shall also be provided to the Finance Director within ten (10) business days after the end of each calendar month. This report shall include a monthly analysis of the bank's cost of operating the City accounts. 4. Resource Personnel The bank shall identify a principal representative in its operations department who is available to answer questions pertaining to transactions which require more detailed explanation and have the ability to commit substantial periods of time to the City's accounts if requested. Qualifications and experience must be listed of the names principal representative. 5. Deposit Services The bank shall give all deposits received by 5:00 p.m. credit as good ledger balance funds for the same day. The bank shall similarly identify the time and branch(es) where a final daily deposit(s) will be accepted. 6. Wire Transfer Services The bank shall maintain wire transfer facilities to the Federal Reserve Bank for investment purchases or sales and other transactions with commercial banks. 7. Access to Records and Cooperation The bank shall, upon authorization from the City's Finance Director, allow reasonable access to bank records by the City's Financial Officers, the City's independent auditors, and where state or federal assistance is involved, to state and federal auditors, to examine records relating to the use of funds. The bank shall also cooperate in any prosecution for misuse of checks and misappropriation of funds. 8. New Accounts If the City develops a need for additional accounts or services during the life of the depository agreement, those new accounts or services shall be provided with the same conditions as apply to existing accounts at the time. If the Federal Reserve, Depository Institutions Deregulation Committee or other regulatory bodies provide for the establishment of new accounts or other regulations which are favorable to the City the bank shall make those new services available to the City. COMPENSATION 1. General Information Compensation shall be provided either in the form of a direct fee basis, or a non -interest bearing certificate of deposit. A. Direct Fee Proposal. Each proposer shall specify direct monthly fees of each account for services performed in maintaining each account. Under this method of compensation, interest will be paid to the City on the basis of ledger balances before float and fees will be deducted from interest income automatically. OPTIONAL BANKING SERVICES A proposer may, under separate cover, submit optional proposals for other services that the proposer feels would be in the best interest of the City. Any optional proposal will be considered separately from the basic service proposal. Each proposal is to be made separate, so that each can be considered as a complete entity. The "Selection Criteria" set forth previously herein applies to the selection of a bank for an additional banking service(s). Listed below are suggested areas the City is currently involved in and can be included in the RFP package or as an optional service. 1. Custodian The selected bank of the safekeeping optional service shall be the City's custodial agent in charge of safekeeping its investment securities. The agent bank shall control the securities through its own safekeeping department. All proposals should identify where safekeeping facilities will be located and what banks are used as correspondent banks. Proposals shall clearly specify services to be performed and the cost on a monthly basis. The objective of the City is to obtain a category 1 GASB audit rating for investment held by third parties. Proposals of custodian services which provide a significantly greater amount of service for the City's investments shall be seriously considered. 2. City of La Quinta State Warrants The City of La Quinta receives three state warrants per month form the State of California for sales and other taxes. Gross amount of these checks exceed $2.2 million annually. A courier service of obtaining warrants from the State Revenue Department by your affiliated bank may be arranged and then wired directly to the City's operating account. EXHIBIT A PROPOSAL FORM Richard Parzonko Finance Director 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quintal CA 92253 Dear Mr. Parzonko: We have read the Finance Director's Request for Proposal and fully understand its intent. We certify that we have adequate personnel, equipment and facilities to fulfill the requirements thereto. We understand that our ability to meet the criteria and provide the required services shall be judged solely by the Finance Director's Office. We have attached the following: 1. Call reports for the past two years. 2. Annual financial reports for the past three years. We further certify that we have filed with the Finance Director an affidavit of one of our officers of the amount of this institution's capital stock and surplus. It is understood that above information will be used as evidence of our ability to meet the capital structure requirements necessary to service this account. It is further understood that all information included in, attached to, or required by this Request for Proposal shall become public record upon their delivery to the City's Finance Director. Submitted by: (Bank) (Authorized Signature/Title) (Authorized Signature/Title) (Telephone) (Date) I. BANKING SERVICES COMPENSATION We compute a required compensating balance for the forth quarter of 1994 as follows: DIRECT FEE PROPOSAL Monthly Annual Units Units City of La Quinta Operating Account A. Deposits 1. Deposits 21 480 2. Items Deposited 260 6,000 3. Returned Checks 4 48 (NSFs) 4. Wire Transfer In 5 72 B. Withdrawals 1. Checks Written 400 3,600 2. Stop Payments 2 24 3. Wire Transfers Out 7 72 II. Other Charges A. ACH Items B. Account Maintenance C. Courier Service D. Direct Deposit E. F. G. Estimated Unit Annual Cost Cost INTEREST EARNINGS PROPOSAL Interest bearing account proposals: Average Interest Basis for Type of Rate for the Determining Account Account Month of July 1994 Rate* Operating * (i.e. percent of federal funds rate, percent of Prime, percent of T-Bill, discount rate, etc.) ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE INFORMATION We agree to furnish the following account maintenance information at the time specified below. We understand that the times are general standards established by the Finance Director and that any other time may be proposed for furnishing the information. Service Description Daily Account Balance Reporting Weekly Statements Monthly Statements Cost of Operating City Service Charge Statement Suggested Standards Proposed 9:00 a.m. next banking day 11:00 a.m. 2 days after end of week 5 days after end of month 10 business days after end of month OPTIONAL SERVICE PROPOSAL FORM Richard Parzonko 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Mr. Parzonko: We have read the City of La Quintas' Finance Director's Request for Proposal and fully understand its intent. We certify that we have adequate personnel, equipment, and facilities to fulfill the requirements thereto. We understand that our ability to meet the criteria and provide the required services shall be judged solely by the Finance Director's Office. We have attached the following: 1. Call reports for the past two years. 2. Annual financial reports for the past two years. We further certify that we have filed with the Finance Director the affidavit of one of our officers of the amount of this institution's capital stock and surplus. It is understood the above information will be used as evidence of our ability to meet the capital, structure requirements necessary to service this account. It is further understood that all information included in, attached to, or required by this Request for Proposal shall become public record upon their delivery to the City's Finance Director. Submitted by: (Bank) (Authorized Signature/Title) (Authorized Signature/Title) (Telephone) (Date) SAFEKEEPING We agree to furnish custodial services for the City of La Quinta. The City of La Quinta will select a bank as its safekeeping, or custodial agent for its security investments. The following services, and costs are proposed: Custodial Account Annual Maintenance Fee Securities Held in safekeeping: Cost Per $100,000 Cost Per $1,000,000 Cost Per Transaction Check -List Items to submit for completeness criteria -optional services. Safekeeping Option A. Location of safekeeping facilities. B. List of safekeeping correspondent banks. C. Specific services performed. D. Estimated monthly service cost. E. Cost per item. STATE TAX WARRANTS We agree to furnish "Instant Deposit" services for the City of La Quinta. The City of La Quinta will select a bank to act as its agent in receiving warrants from the State of California office located at . The bank selected will provide courier service for receipt of warrants upon notification that the warrants are indeed ready for issuance. Cost of services should be either a flat fee or percentage of warrant amount. Amount of Warrant Percent of Warrant Flat Fee $ 50,000 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 750,000 11000,000 1,250,000 1,500,000 Cost per warrant or trip service COW � - a r.- OF TNti INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD August 10, 1994 MEETING DATE: ITEM TITLE: Investment Advisory Board Attendance and Criteria SUMMARY: AGENDA CATEGORY: CONSENT CALENDAR• BUSINESS SESSION: STUDY SESSION: A schedule of the Investment Advisory Board Attendance Record (Attachment 1) and a excerpt of Ordinance No. 237 (Attachment 2) has been attached for the Board's review. RECOMMENDATION: Approved for submission to the Investment Advisory Board: Richard Parzonko - Finance Director At--tacl-.merit 1 INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD ATTENDANCE RECORD A - Absent P - Present Board Member Date Date Date Date Date 7/23/93 9/08/93 10/13/93 11/10/93 12/08/93 Brown P P P P P Gilreath P P P P P Lewis P P P P P Sales P P P A P Wilson A A P P P Board Member Brown Gilreath Lewis Sales Wilson Date Date Date Date Date 1/12/94 2/09/94 3/08/94 4/13/94 5/11/94 A P P P P P P P P P P P P A P P P A P P P A P A P Board Member Date 6/22/94 Brown P Gilreath P Lewis P Sales P Wilson A * Excused Absence Date Date Date 7/20/94 8/10/94 9/14/94 P A* P P A Date 10/12/94 Attachment 2 B. Board: a group of Council appointed persons who provide advise on City issues. C. Committee: a temporary group of persons chosen by the Council to give special consideration, investigation, and prepare a report on a pending City issue. 2.06.020 General Rules Regarding Appointments, Terms, and Vacancies. A. Unless otherwise provided by law, ordinance, resolution, or unless by the very nature of a situation the provisions of this Section may not be made applicable, all members of boards and commissions of the City shall be appointed for three year terms commencing on July 1st of the year of appointment, and all members of a committee shall be appointed to terms as determined by the Council; provided that interim vacancies shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term of the member replaced. These rules shall not, however, apply in regard to a newly established board or commission to which initial appointments are made on a staggered term basis. B. Any member of a board or commission of this City may be removed from office at any time with or without cause, by a majority vote of the City Council. If a member absents him/herself from three consecutive regular meetings or from twenty-five percent (25 %) of the scheduled meetings of the board, commission, or committee, in which he/she serves, within any fiscal year without advance permission from that board, commission, or committee or the appointment authority, his/her office shall become vacant and shall be filled as any other vacancy. C. Unless otherwise provided by law, ordinance, or resolution of the City Council, all members of boards, commissions, and committees of the City appointed by the City Council shall be initially, and during their incumbencies, bona fide residents and registered voters of the City, and no such member at or during such time shall be an employee of the City. 2.06.030. Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Selection and Terms. Unless otherwise provided by law, ordinance, or resolution of the City Council, each board, commission, or committee of the City shall annually at its first meeting held after June 30th, except for committees who shall at their first meeting, choose one of its number as chairperson and one as vice chairperson. Each chairperson and vice chairperson shall have authority and perform such duties as are commonly associated with their respective titles, or as may be specially prescribed by law or by the bylaws or other rules of the board, commission, or committee. Vacancies in either such position occurring prior to July 1st for boards and commissions and anytime for committees, may be filled as in the first instance, and a new chairperson or vice chairperson may be chosen at anytime by majority vote of all members of the board, commission, or committee. SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. ORDDRFT.037 4 MEMORANDUM TO: Investment Advisory Board FROM: Richard Parzonko, Finance Director DATE: July 28, 1994 Our revised Investment Policy was approved by the City Manager and City Attorney without any changes for Council's August 2nd Agenda. This month's meeting will focus on the City's Banking Service needs. A draft banking service RFP document has been prepared for the Board's review. A banking service RFP calendar has also been drafted. Our objective is to edit the present RFP document and submit the revised document to Council for approval on the September 20th Agenda. Board Member meeting attendance is an item to discuss and take formal action on. Attendance records for each Board Member are detailed on an attached report. Enclosed for your reading pleasure, is the July '94 "TRACs" Newsletter. Author Jeff Flynn provides an independent candid monthly update on the credit markets. I have found his predictions to be quite accurate as well as informative. The newsletter's annual cost is $200.00 and the City is a current subscriber. Future copies will be forwarded upon receipt. The City Clerk also forwarded copies of the material distributed at the presentation made by the City Attorney on Tuesday, July 26th, 1994 regarding the Brown Act. If you have any questions concerning the information, please feel free to call me. BANK O F AME R I CA - F E E AMALY S= S U.I Bank of America Corporate Account Analysis Statement r ACCOUNT NUMBER: 1-03850-99999 PAGE: 1 OF 3 000916 CITY OF LA QUINTA PO BOX 1504 LA QUINTA CA 92253-1504 - - - - - COMBINED PARENT ANALYSIS STATEMENT - - - - - FOR THE PERIOD 05/01/94 THRU 05/31/94 ---------------- BALANCE COMPUTATION ----------------- AVERAGE DAILY LEDGER BALANCE 574,006.18 LESS AVERAGE DAILY FLOAT 40p483.48 AVERAGE DAILY COLLECTED BALANCE 533,522.70 - - - - - - - - - - - ACCOUNT POSITION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .......BASIS.......... PRICE BALANCE EARNINGS ALLOWANCE (3.71%) 1P513.00 533,522.70 LESS INTEREST CHARGES .00 .00 LESS ACTIVITY CHARGES 117.68 41r497.06 FREE COLLECTED BALANCE 492,025.64 - - - - - - - - - - - INTEREST CHARGE DETAIL - - - - - - - - - - - CHARGE BAL REQ INT ON UNCOLL FUNDS (8.10%) •00 0 TOTAL INTEREST CHARGES •00 0 ACTIVITY CHARGE DETAIL UNITS CHARGE BAL REQ ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE 1 15.00 5289 --BRANCH PROCESSED DEPOSIT '16 22.40 7899 DEPOSIT -REGULAR HOURS 9 9.90 3491 _VAULT COIN DEPOSITED-MISC LOOSE, ROLLS .,11 .33 116 BRANCH CURRENCY DEPOSITED/5100 _20 2.40 846 CENTRAL/VAULT CURRENCY DEPOSIT .6 .72 254 CHECKS DEPOSITED-BOFA ITEMS 3.83 1351 CHECKS DEPOSITED NON -SOFA ITEMS 188 17.86 6298 CHECKS PAID AGAINST ACCOUNT 377 45.24 15953 TOTAL ACTIVITY CHARGES 117.68 41497 TOTAL CHARGES 117,.68 41497 APX-813c AFP tr•v'a 2/92) 0002397 EDP-384OR 9-91 (Reprint t 2-93) Bank of America NT&SA • Member FDIC Mw - --11- —t A --- — --T— - %-p'■ Damn cal 14merlcd e Account Analvsls Statement ACCOUNT NUMBER: 1-03850-99999 PAGE: 2 OF 3 000916 CITY OF LA QUINTA $3512.6262 XN COLLECTED BALANCE WILL OFFSET $1.00 OF CHARGE -'THIS FACTOR INCLUDES A PROVISION FOR RESERVES 10.0000 IS THE FEDERAL RESERVE REQUIREMENT FOR THIS PERIOD IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR ANALYSIS STATEMENT, PLEASE CALL ACCOUNT ANALYSIS CUSTOMER SERVICE AT 1-800-355-2012, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY# 8:00 AM TO 6:00 PM. APX-813c AFP (rev'd 2/92) 0002397 EDP-384OR 9-91 (Reprint t 2.93) Bank of America NTSSA • Member FDIC mQ.mr%li w4 A rweriw•� %.orporaie iwcount Hnmysis wiatemem ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0916-0-15464 PAGE: 3 OF 3 000916 CITY OF LA QUINTA - - - - - DETAIL ACCOUNT ANALYSIS STATEMENT - - - - - PARENT -SUBSIDIARY ACCOUNT IS 1-03850-00000 FOR THE PERIOD 05/01/94 THRU 05/31/94 ---------------- BALANCE COMPUTATION ----------------- AVERAGE DAILY LEDGER BALANCE 574,006.18 LESS AVERAGE DAILY FLOAT 40,483.48 AVERAGE DAILY COLLECTED BALANCE 533,522.70 - - - - - - - - - - - ACCOUNT POSITION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .......BASIS.......... PRICE BALANCE EARNINGS ALLOWANCE (3.71%) 1,513.00 533,522.70 LESS INTEREST CHARGES .00 .00 LESS ACTIVITY CHARGES 117.68 41,497.06 FREE COLLECTED BALANCE 492,025.64 INTEREST CHARGE DETAIL CHARGE BAL REQ INT ON UNCOLL FUNDS (8.10%) .00 0 TOTAL INTEREST CHARGES .00 0 - - - - - - - - - - - ACTIVITY CHARGE DETAIL - - - - - - - - - - - IINTTS PRTr;: rwaPr_; Rei Qcn ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE BRANCH PROCESSED DEPOSIT VAULT DEPOSIT -REGULAR HOURS COIN DEPOSITED-MISC LOOSE, ROLLS BRANCH CURRENCY DEPOSITED/$100 CENTRAL/VAULT CURRENCY DEPOSIT CHECKS DEPOSITED-BOFA ITEMS CHECKS DEPOSITED NON-BOFA ITEMS CHECKS PAID AGAINST ACCOUNT TOTAL ACTIVITY CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES ArA—G13C AFP trev'd 2/92) 1 15.0000 15.00 5289 16 1.4000 22.40 7899 9 1.1000 9.90 3491 11 .0300 .33 116 20 .1200 2.40 846 6 .1200 .72 254 45 .0850 3.83 1351 188 .0950 17.86 6298 377 .1200 45.24 15953 117.68 41497 117_AR G1G97 EDP-384OR 9-91 (Reprint 12-93) Bank of America NT&SA • Membe, -JiC