1994 08 31 IAB Minutes INVESTMENT~ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 31, 1994 I CALL TO ORDER Special meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory board was called to order at the hour of 5:40 P.M. by Chairman Lewis, .followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Board Members Brown, sales and Chairman Lewis ABSENT: Board Members *Gilreath and Wilson OTHERS PRESENT: Richard Parzonko, Finance Director and Debbte DeRenard, Secretary II PUBLIC COMMENTS JOE IRWIN, 44-065 Camlno La Cresta, spoke regarding.the City's investment strategy III CONSENT CALENDAR - None IV BUSINESS SESSION A. Continued Consideration of. Banking Services Request for Proposal. Mr. Parzonko presented the final draft Banking RFP for review and approval by the Investment Advisory Board. Mr. Parzonko advised that the Banking RFP has been edited and custodial service have been included. Mr. Parzonko reviewed the Banking RFP (Exhibit A) with the Board. Sections reviewed are listed as follows: 1, Proposal Calendar 2. Introduction 3. Bidding Instructions 4. Bank Credit Evaluation 5. Scope of Banking Services 6. Current City Operations 7. Required Banking Services 8. Account Maintenance Services 9. Optional Services 10. Custodial Services for Investments 11. Bidding Forms. Mr. Parzonko advised that it would be a good idea to send an Investment Policy along with the Banking RFP. Board Members concurred. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Brown/sales to approve the Banking Services RFP for submission to the City Council for approval. Motion carried unanimously. B. Investment Policy Compliance Review. Mr. Parzonko advised that this item is in regards to compliance with the Investment Policy as to whether the City should take action regarding the transferring of a portion of the government pools investment into another security. This would bring the City into compliance with the Investment Policy. Mr. Parzonko advised that the Board previously discussed the potential of looking at a U.S. Treasury investment. He presented the Board with a five (5) year U.S. Treasury Note Yield schedule. In response to Board Member Sales, Mr. Parzonko advised that the 1994-95 Budget has a surplus of $120,000. He further indicated that there are conservative budget estimates for the Transient Occupancy Tax. In response to Board Member Sales, Mr. Parzonko advised that the City is over invested in the Government Pools. In order to come into compliance the City would need to invest $1,000,000 into another investment account. In response to Board Member Sales, Mr. Parzonko suggested an investment in two (2) year Treasury Notes. Board Member Brown commented that the Investment Advisory Board has been very successful in regards to the Investment Policy and it is incumbent upon the Investment Advisory Board to make the recommendation to come into compliance with what the City Council has identified as acceptable. Mr. Parzonko advised that it is not necessary for him to have Council's approval to invest the $1,000,000 in a approved investment account. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sales/Brown to recommend to the Finance Director to come into compliance with the City's Investment Policy that has been established. The Investment Advisory Board suggests that the Finance Director review the two (2) year Treasury Note. Motion carried unanimously. V BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS - None VI ADJOURNMENT MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Brown/Sales to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.