1994 12 14 IABT � �/ � Qaar4 78-495CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA Study Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 December 14,1994 I CALL TO ORDER a. Pledge of Allegiance b. Roll Call H CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA III PUBLIC COMMENT (This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled on the agenda.) IV CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Investment Advisory Board Minutes of September 14, 1994. V BUSINESS SESSION . A. Transmittal of Treasurers Report dated August 31, 1994. B. Transmittal of Treasurers Report dated September 30, 1994. C. Transmittal of Treasurers Report dated October 31, 1994. VI BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS VU ADJOURNMENT MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 1 o� o • 00, 2 • v 5: OF INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING: December 14, 1994 Business Item: A ITEM TITLE Transmittal of Treasurer's Report dated August 31, 1994 for the City Council Meeting of October 4, 1994 ISSUE AND DISCUSSION: The attached Treasurer's Report of August 31, 1994 was transmitted to the La Quinta City Council at the October 4, 1994 City Council Meeting. Additional attachments in the form of correlating statements are included with the copy presented here. RECOMMENDATION: Review, receive and file. Approved for submission to the Investment Advisory B Thomas P. Genovese City Manager 4 G� 440 CV u AGENDA CATEGORY: J. ofBUSINESS SESSION: ...,. COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: October 4, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TI' E: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING:. Transmittal of Treasurer's Report Dated August 31, 1994 RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file the transmittal of the Treasurers Report for the La Quanta Financing Authority dated August 31, 1994. BACKGROUND & OVERVIEW: I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with California Government code Section 53645 as amended 1/l/86; and is in conformity with City Code 3.08.010 to 3.08.070 Investment of Money and Funds. I hereby Certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet next month s estimated expenditures. Thomas P. Genovese, Executive Director 2 CITY OF LA QUINTI, TREASURER'S REPORT AUGUST 31, 1994 ASSETS UNDER THE INVISTKENT DIRECTION OF THE CITY TREASURER, TYPE OF KATURITT INTEREST INVESTAINT INSTITUTUION DATE RATE wwwwwwww MOUNT wwwwww RANK wwww wwwwwwwwr. p00LED CASH CHECXING wwrrrwwwwwr• wwww.ww• BMI OF AKERICA NIA N/A 108,631 1 KONEY KARRET BAND 01 AKERICA K/A 3.07 181138 LAIF/98-33-434 STATE OF CALIF, DIKAND - 4,823 6,384,89b0 X/A LAIF/65.33-011 STATE OF CALIF. DEKAND 4,813 4,199,91 000000000000. �11,312,115 CITY PETTY CASH N/A N(A NSA 11000 1 1 KONEY KARXET BANX OF THE DESERT K/A 2,19 91318 1 DEFERRED COX? ICKA DEKAKD 1,6 AVG INT 20066 wwwwwwwwwwwwb �115,344 RDA RESTRICTED CASH BANE OF AKERICA RESTRICTED 2.51 31600,919 2 1 1ST INTERSTATE RESTRICTED 2.52 408,141 CONSTRUCTION 1ST INTERSTATE DEKAND 2.52 4,916,198 1 wwwww�wwwwwwr #8,925,864 TOTAL wwwwww.wrwwww ; 20,Si3,393 #20,513,383 DISTRIBUTION OF CASH AND INVBSTKEN?S wwwwww.wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwiww CITY GENERAL FUND i4,313,113 GAS ?AY FUND 15,091 COKKUNITY PROJECT FUND 1,585,16 QUIKBY FUND 111,164 INFRAS?RUC?URE F UND 1,114,328 VILLAGE PARKING FUND 22,089 Sb1,115 ASSESSKENT DIST FUNDS 1,112,195 TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS wwwwwwrwww.ww �10,5]0,314 RDA PA 11 PA #1 CAPI?AL IKPROVEKENT FUNDS I#1,341,8411 11,302,282 DEB? SERVICE FUNDS 51542,726 1,199,529 LOW/KOD FUNDS 1r903,294 1,238,085 ww•wwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwww #5,103,113 $0 39,896 �9,943,069 wwwwww•rw••w• #10,513,383 $20,513,383 isi::i::::www 3 U QUIN?A FINANCING AUTHORITY ?REASURBR'S REPORT AUGUST 311 1994 ASSETS UNDER THS INVSSTKBN? DIRIC?ION OY THI YINANCING AUTHORITY ?RBASURBR. TIPS OF KA?URITI INTEREST INVES?ltBN?, IUS?ITU?UION DA?E RATE wwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwww wwwwwwww 0000000000 CIVIC CIN?BR BOND PROCEEDS: CASH-CONS?RUC?IONBAXK OY WRICA DIWD CASH -RESERVE BAND Of WRICA MAID CASE-RBDB!!P?ION BANX OY MIRICA DSWD 2.37 2.37 2.31 ?O?AL ., AKOUI? wwwwww 12,214 1b1,168 504 wwwwwwwwwwwww �163, 886 ,iww ww5ww•ww_www wx wwww 4 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK RECONCILEMENT AUGUST 31,1994 08/31 /94 BANK STATEMENT BALANCES LAW LAW CHECKING M/M 98-33-434 65-33-017 BANK OF AMERICA: CHECKING 151,640.59 M/M 79,738.43 STATE OF CALIF: 08/31 /94 TOTAL BANK STATEMENT BALANCES 98-33-434 65-33-017 LESS OUTSTANDING CHECKS: A/P P/R ADD OUTSTANDING DEPOSITS: 08/31/94 08/31 /94 ADJUSTED BANK STATEMENT BALANCES 08/31 /94 G/L BALANCE POOLED CASH & INVESTMENTS ADJ JE'S POSTED IN JUL 94: F/A DEPOSIT 8/3/94 INTEREST SRV CHG/BK STMT UNRECONCUM AMOUNT 08/31 /94 ADJUSTED G/L BAL - CASH & DWESTMENT3 6,384,895.59 4,799,910.31 151,640.59 78.739.43 6,384,895.59 4,799,910.31 (67,851.21) (2,069.56) 120,469.52 74,936.50 6,384,895.59 4,799,910.31 (11,882.70) (544.95) 2,216.27 1,585.66 (2.45) TOTALS 151,640.59 78,739.43 6,384,895.59 4,799,910.31 11,415,184.92 (67,851.21) (2,069.56) 26.319.60 11,380,211.92 (11,882.70) (544.95) 2,216.27 1,585.66 (2.45) 6i ,,c of America ,.A QU I NTA Q Account Activity Date Frosted Description Other Deposits and Credits 08/03 Check Deposit Adjustment 08/23 Credit To Reverse Previously Posted Debit Total Other Deposits and Credits Other Withdrawals 08/01 Bankamerit Ax Activity Fee 080194 RECEIPT 08/01 Tax Pymt Call-818-6668000 080194 941 95-3740431 08/05 Telephone/Telegraphic Transfers 08/10 Telephone/Telegraphic Transfers 08/15 Bankamerit Ax Activity Fee 081594 RECEIPT 08/15 Tax Pymt Call-818-6668000 081594 941 95-3740431 08/19 Deposited Item Returned 08/29 Bankamerit Ax Activity Fee 082994 RECEIPT 06/29 Tax PyiTit Coal i-818-6668000 082994 941 95-3740431 Total Other Withdrawals eeeew ❑ Bank of America: In Balance To assist you in reconciling your account, we have prepared this personalized tool for you to use. Use it each month to balance your statement with your checkbook register. We have filled out certain information to make it even more convenient for you! • Mark off each deposit, withdrawal, and check shown on this statement in your checkbook register. • Make sure that all transfers are written in your checkbook register, including automatic deposits, automatic payments, or transfers you made between accounts. Continued on next page 003C246.005.123 Statement Period: July 30 through August 31, 1994 Account Number: 09160-15464 Reference Number Amount $18.00 'J5,558.67 $35,576.67 $1.00 J 13,981.14 360,000.00 100,000.00 1.00 \-�13,870.03 333.60 1.00 v 1'i, 168.22 $502,355.99 1 1 Your ending balance from this statement $ 151,640.59 2 List deposits and credits that do not appear on this statement Date Amount Date Amount Total from 2: 3 Subtotal by adding 1 and 2 $ Page 5 of 6 ! 6 c� 0 .,r Bank of America CITY OF LA QUINTA Statement Period: July 30 through August 31, 1994 Account Number: 09168-16233 ❑ Account Activity Continued — Date Posted Description Reference Number Amount Interest Paid 08/31 Interest Paid From 07/30/94 Through 08/31/94 $1,585.66 ❑ Daily Balance Date Amount Date Amount Date Amount 08/03 $ 682,152.77 08/18 142,152.77 08/30 77,152.77 08/05 1,042,152.77 08/23 342,152.77 08/31 78,738.43 08/10 1,142,152.77 08/24 142,152.77 ❑ Bank of America: In Balance To assist you in reconciling your account, we have prepared this personalized tool for you to use. Use it each month to balance your statement with your checkbook register. We have filled out certain information to make it even more convenient for you! e Mark off each deposit, withdrawal, and check shown on this statement in your checkbook register. e Make sure that all transfers are written in your checkbook register, including automatic deposits, automatic payments, or transfers you made between accounts. e Add $1,585.66 for interest paid to your checkbook register.. 0016074.002.123 1 Your ending balance from this statement $ 78,738.43 2 List deposits and credits that do not appear on this statement Date Amount Total from 2: Date Amount 3 Subtotal by adding 1 and 2 S S 4 List outstanding checks, withdrawals, and debits that do not appear on this statement Check # Amount Check # Amount Total from 4: $ 5 Subtract 4 from 3. This should match the balance in your checkbook register $ Page 2 of 2 7 low v � _ = F-- CFI OF INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING: December 14, 1994 Business Item: b ITEM TITLE Transmittal of Treasurer's Report dated September 30, 1994 for the City Council Meeting of November 1, 1994 ISSUE AND DISCUSSION: The attached Treasurer's Report of September 30, 1994 was transmitted to the La Quinta City Council at the November 1, 1994 City Council Meeting. Additional attachments in the form of correlating statements are included with the copy presented here. RECOMMENDATION: Review, receive and file. Approved for submission to the Investment Advisory Thomas P. Genovese City Manager -• rye V � ��• , M,��,,��� AGENDA CATEGORY: of TNv� BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL(RDA MEETING DATE: ITEM TITLE: November 1, 1994 Transmittal of Treasurer's Report Dated September 30, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file the transmittal of the Treasurers Report for the La Quinta Financing Authority dated September 30, 1994. BACKGROUND & OVERVIEW: I certifythat this report accurately reflects all pooled investmentsand is in compliance with California Government Code Section 53645 as amen 1/1/86; and is in conformity with City Code 3.08.010 to 3.08.070 Investment of Money and Funds. I hereby Certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet next month s estimated expenditures. Thomas P. Genovese, Executive Director E CITY OP LA QUIRTA ?REASURER,5 REPORT SEPTIKBIR 30, 1994 ASSETS UNDIR ?HI INVISTKIN? DIRICTION Of THI CITI TREASURER. TIPE 01 - KAIORI?Y IBVISTKENT I157I7U?UION DATE wwmwrwggww swwww;;Oww*a wwmmsgwo RIA POOLED CASK CHICKIRG BANI AKERICA UOBII XARKIT BABx 01 AKIRICA Rik LAI1198-33.434 S?A?I 0? CALIT, DI W1D LAI1I65-33-017 S?A?E 01 CALIF. DIKAND CITY PETTY CASE M/AI jolly KARKE? BAiI OI THI DESIR? NIA OEIIRRED COKP ICIA DIKAKD RDA US?RICTID CASH BABI 01 WRICA RISTRICTED 2,51 181 IBIIRSTATE WRIC?ID 2,87 COBS?RUCTION 15? IBTIRSTA?E DIWiD 2,87 DIS?RIBU?IOB 01 CASH AID INVISTXENTS INTEREST RA?I MOUNT RANK •srowrwo wwwrsr smog 11IA 1 (333,?48) 1 2,53 �a,aaa 1 5,146 6138096 Ilk 5,106 3,554,910 X�A •wwsrmwgowwww ;9,664,946 N1A 1,400 1 2,79 l,378 1 7.6 AVG IN? 204,966 2 =215,344 31603,852 2 411,393 2 4,949,22Z 2 wswmrrggsswr• $8,964,467 wwwmssoogwsw0 ?DIAL � 18,844,757 ;18,844,151 CITY 13,305,156 GENERAL FUND O. GAS TAI ?DID 11533,397 COKKUNI?T PROJECT TURD 202,189 CAPITAL PROJECT TURD 1810152 QUIKBY TURD 2,859,321 INTRAS?RUC?URE TUND 221092 VILLAGI PARKING FUND 43L M ASSISSKINT DIS? FUNDS 1,140,944 ?RUST AND AGENCY FUNDS •swsswsowwwo• �9,68Z,093 RAA PA #1 PA #Z CAPITAL IKPROVIKEN? FUNDS (�1,931,834)1'335188 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 1,631,974 1, LOV/XOD FUNDS 4,411,l63 1,ZZ7,894 wwrswoorsowgwrw gwwmgwgrsoww �4,317,6Q5 $4,835,059 �9,16Z,664 wwwrwrs.rwwws �18,844,751 �18,844,751 i wwmwww• wmw 3 U QUINTA FINANCING AUTHORITT ?RSASURBR'S RSPOR? SIPTIKBSR 30, 1994 ASSETS UNDER ?HS INVSSTKSNT DIRECTION OF THS FINANCING AUTHORITY TREASURER. TYPE OP KATURITY INTSRSST INVESTMENT INS?I?U?UION DATE RATE wwrrwrrwr. wwwwwwwwwwww •wrwwwww •wwwwww• CIVIC CEN?SR BOND PROCUDS; CASH-CONSTRUC?IONBANK OF AKSRICA DEMAND CASH-RBSBRVB BANK OF AKERICA OSKAND CASH-RSDEKP?ION BASK OF AKSRICA DEMAND 2.70 2.70 2,10 TOTAL MOUNT wwwwwr $2,228 765,619 $50 rwwwwworwowww �168,b91 w wwwwwwwwwww iwwwwwrwiwwww 4 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK RECONCIIIMENT SEPTEMBER 30, 1994 09/30/94 BANK STATEMENT BALANCES LAIF LAIF CHECKING WM 98-33434 65-33-017 TOTALS BANK OF AMERICA: CHECKING 400,135.38 400,135.38 M/M 59,987.91 58,887.91 STATE OF CALIF: 98-33434 6,394,895.59 6,384,895.59 65-33-017 3,554,910.31 3,554,910.31 09/30/94 TOTAL BANK STATEMENT BALANCES 400,135.38 58,887.91 6,384,895.59 3,554,910.31 10,398,829.19 LESS OUTSTANDING CHECKS: A/P (734,469.46) (734,469.46) P/R (1,008.63) (1,008.63) ADD OUTSTANDING DEPOSITS: 09/30/94 4 479.31 4 479.31 09/30/94 ADJUSTED BANK STATEMENT BALANCES 330 863.40 58 887.91 6,384,895.59 3 554 910.31 9.667.830.41 09/30/94 G/L BALANCE POOLED CASH & INVESTMENTS (331,531.73) 56,671.64 6,384,895.59 3,554,910.31 9,664,945.81 ADJ JE'S POSTED IN NOV 94: 2,310.00 2,310.00 NSF (35.00) (35.00) F/A DEPOSIT 8/3/94 2,216.27 2,216.27 CK 10729P.LICALSI (1,602.40) (1,602.40) SRV CHG/BK STMT (4.27) (4.27) UNRECONCILED AMOUNT 09/30/94 ADJUSTED G/L BAL - CASH & INVESTMENTS ('Alt) RM An) SR RR? Ot F 1Re Roc co 1 cce Ot n 1t I O r.47 Qan At 5 Bank of America CITY OF LA QUINTA Statement Period: September 1 through September 30, 1994 Account Number: 09160-15464 ❑ Account Activity Date Posted Description Reference Number Amount Other Withdrawals 09/12 Bankamerit Ax Activity Fee 091294 RECEIPT $1.00 09/12 Tax Pymt Call-818-6668000 091294 941 95-3740431 13,954.78 09/15 Deposited Item Returned 97.00 09/22 Deposited Item Returned ._5.6_00 09/23 Deposited Item Returned '385. OW29 Deposited Item Returned --3-6 00 09/30 Bankamerit Ax Activity Fee 093094 RECEIPT \ 1.00 09/30 Tax Pymt Call-818-6668000 093094 941 95-3740431 V 13,973.90 Total Other Withdrawals $28,503.84 ❑ Bank of America: In Balance To assist you in reconciling your account, we have 1 Your ending balance from prepared this personalized tool for you to use. Use it each this statement $ 400,135.38 month to balance your statement with your checkbook register. We have filled out certain information to make it 2 List deposits and credits that even more convenient for you! do not appear on this statement Date Amount Date Amount • Mark off each deposit, withdrawal, and check shown on this statement in your checkbook register. • Make sure that all transfers are written in your checkbook register, including automatic deposits, automatic payments, or transfers you made between accounts. Total from 2: 3 Subtotal by adding 1 and 2 4 List outstanding checks, withdrawals, and debits that do not appear on this statement Check ## Amount Check ## Amount Total from 4: $ 5 Subtract 4 from 3. This should match the balance in your checkbook register $ 0030527.005.123 Page 5 of 5 6 01 Bank of America CITY OF LA QUINTA ❑ Account Activity Continued Statement Period: September 1 through September 30, 1994 Account Number: 09168-16233 Date Posted Description Reference Number Amount Other Withdrawals Total Other Withdrawals $1,265,063.39 Interest Paid 09/30 Interest Paid From 09/01/94 Through 09/30/94 $212.87 ❑ Daily Balance Date Amount Date Amount Date Amount 09/01 $ 78,675.04 09/26 58,675.04 09/23 358,675.04 09/30 58,887.91 ❑ Bank of America:.in Balance To assist you in reconciling your account, we have prepared this personalized tool for you to use. Use it each month to balance your statement with your checkbook register. We have filled out certain information to make it even more convenient for you! • Mark off each deposit, withdrawal, and check shown on this statement in your checkbook register. • Make sure that all transfers are written in your checkbook register, including automatic deposits, automatic payments, or transfers you made between accounts. 1 Your ending balance from this statement $ 58,887.91 2 List deposits and credits that do not appear on this statement Date Amount Date Amount • Add $212.87 for interest paid to your checkbook register. Total from 2:. 3 Subtotal by adding 1 and 2 4 List outstanding checks, withdrawals, and debits that do not appear on this statement Check # Amount Check # Amount Total from 4: $ 5 Subtract 4 from 3. This should match the balance in your checkbook register $ 0016420.002.123 Page 2 of 2 7 Z) o'ef'oft"All v � OF TNT INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING: December 14, 1994 Business Item: ITEM TITLE Transmittal of Treasurer's Report dated October 31, 1994 for the City Council Meeting of December 6, 1994 ISSUE AND DISCUSSION: The attached Treasurer's Report of October 31, 1994 was transmitted to the La Quinta City Council at the December 6, 1994 City Council Meeting. Additional attachments in the form of correlating statements are included with the copy presented here. RECOMMENDATION: Review, receive and file. Approved for submission to the Investment Advisory Bga�d: Thomas P. Genovese City Manager T0 CV litif 4 Qaea COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: ITEM TITLE: Transmittal of Treasurer's Report as of October 31, 1994 Receive and File. December 6, 1994 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Transmittal of Treasurer's Report dated October 31, 1994 for the City of La Quinta. I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with California Government Code Section 53645 as amended 1/1/86; and is in conformity with City Code 3.08.010 to 3.08.070 Investment of Money and Funds. I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet next month's estimated expenditures. Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 2 CITY OF LA UUINTA TREASURER'S REPOR"T OCTOBER 31. 1994 ASSETS UNDER TIIE LNVESTMENT DIRECTION OF TIIE CITY TREASURER. TYPE OF INVESTMENT POOLED CASH CHECKING MONEY MARKET LALF/98-33-434 LAIF/65-33-017 CITY PETTY CASH MONEY !MARKET DEFERRED COMP RDA RESTRICTED CASH CONSTRUCTION DISTRIBUTION OF CASH AND INVESTMENTS GENERAL FUND GAS TAX FUND COMMUNITY PROJECT FUND CAPITAL PROJECT FUND QUIMBY FUND INFRASTRUCTURE FUND VILLAGE PARKING FUND ASSESSMENT DIST FUNDS TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS RDA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS DEBT SERVICE FUNDS LOW/MOD FUNDS MATURITY IIaMST INSTITU UION DATE RATE AMOUNT RANK BANK OF AMERICA N/A N/A S (331,478) BANK OF AMERICA N/A 143 39.009 1 STATE OF CALIF. DEMAND 5.243 6.366.542 WA STATE OF CALIF. DEMAND 3.243 3,614,857 N/A 9,688,930 N/A N/A N/A 1,000 1 BANK OF THE DESERT N/A 2.79 9,421 1 ICMA • DEMAND 7.6 AVG INT 204,966 2 213.317 BANK OF AMERICA RESTRICTED 2.83 972.632 2 1ST INTERSTATE RESTRICTED 190 413,090 2 1ST INTERSTATE DEMAND L90 4,966,158 2 6,351,880 TOTAL S 16,256,197 16,256.197 3,680,838 0 1,519,141 228,486 183,311 2,885, 404 22,428 407,617 1.136.357 10,084,002 PA Al PA K2 (S2,134, 222) S Z 192,377 1 W8767 1314981 1776760 1233532 $1.431,305 S4,740,890 417Z 195 16,256,197 16,236,197 3 CITY OF LA QUINTA TREASURER'S REPORT OCTOBER 31. 1994 ASSETS UNDER THE INVESTMENT DIRECTION OF THE CITY TREASURER. TYPE OF MATURITY INTEREST INVESTMENT INSTITLTTUION DATE RATE AMOUNT RANK POOLED CASH CHECKING BANK OF AMERICA N/A N/A S (351,479) 1 MONEY MARKET BANK OF AMERICA N/A Z45 39,009 1 LAIF/98-33-434 STATE OF CALF. DEMAND 5.243 6,366,542 N/A LAIF/63-33-017 STATE OF CALIF. DEMAND 3.243 3,614,957 N/A 9,688,930 CITY PETTY CASH N/A N/A N/A 1,000 1 MONEY MARKET BANK OF THE DESERT NIA 2.79 9,421 1 DEFERRED COMP ICMA DEMAND 7.6 AVG INT 204,966 2 215,387 RDA RESTRICTED CASH BANK OF AMERICA RESTRICTED Z83 972,632 2 1ST INTERSTATE RESTRICTED Z90 413,090 2 CONSTRUCTION 1ST INTERSTATE DEMAND 190 4,966,158 2 6,351,880 TOTAL S 16,256,197 16,256,197 DISTRIBUTION OF CASH AND INVESTMENTS CITY GENERAL FUND 3,690,858 GAS TAX FUND 0 COMMUNITY PROJECT FUND 1,519,141 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND 228,486 QUIMBY FUND 133,511 INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 2,885,404 VILLAGE PARKING FUND 22,428 ASSESSMENT DIST FUNDS 407,617 TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS 1,156,557 10,084,002 RDA PA #1 PA #2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ($2,154,222) S2,192,377 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 1808767 1314981 LOW/MOD FUNDS 1776760 1233532 S1,431,305 S4,740,890 6,17Z 195 16,256,197 16,256,197 4 LA QUINTA FINANCING AUTHORITY TREASURER'S REPORT OCTOBER 31, 1994 ASSETS UNDER THE INVESTMENT DIRECTION OF THE FINANCING AUTHORITY TREASURER. TYPE OF MATURITY INTEREST INVESTMENT INSTTTITTLTON DATE RATE CIVIC CENTER BOND PROCEEDS: CASH -CONSTRUCTION BANK OF AMERICA DEMAND 176 CASH -RESERVE BANK OF AMERICA DEMAND 176 CASH -REDEMPTION BANK OF AMERICA DEMAND L76 TOTAL -� Z236 2 767.973 2 1.941 2 772.030 5 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK RECONCILIDAE1T OCTOBER 31. 1994 10/31/94 BANK STATEMENT BALANCES LAIF LAIF CHECKING M/M 98-33434 65-33-017 TOTALS BANK OF AMERICA: CHECKING 93,604.43 95,604.43 M/M 59,009.19 59,009.19 STATE OF CALM: 98-33-434 6,366,541.79 6,366,541.78 65-33-017 3,614,856.65 3,614,956.65 1051/94 TOTAL BANK STATE 4ENT BALANCES 95.604.43 59.009.19 6,366,541.79 3,614,856.65 10,136,012.05 LESS OUTSTANDING CHECKS: A/P (443,386.14) (443,386.14) P/R (3.091.36) (3.091.36) ADD OUTSTANDING DEPOSITS: 09/30/94 1,534.00 1,534.00 9 691 068.55 10/31 /94 ADJUSTED BANK STATEMENT BALANCES 9 59 009.19 6,366,541.78 3,614.856.65 10/31 /94 G/L BALANCE POOLED CASH &. INVESTMENTS (349,261.46) 56,792.92 6,366,541.78 3,614,856.65 9,688,929.89 ADJ JE'S POSTED IN NOV 94: NSF (33.00) (35.00)- F/A DEPOSIT 8/3/94 2.216.27 2,216.27 CK 10729 P.LICALSI (1.602.40) (1,602.40) SRV CHG/BK STMT (6.25) (6.25) CK 10849 C.SPMELL (743.96) (743.96) AJE (85.00) (85.00) JD SYS DEPOSIT 2,395.00 2,395.00 10/31 /94 ADJUSTED OIL BAL - CASH & DIVESTMENTS 4 3 9. 7 59,009.19 6,366,541.79 3,614.856.65 9,691,068.55 t1l Bank of America CITY OF LA QUINTA Statement Period: October 1 through October 31, 1994 Account Number: 09168-16233 p Bank of America: In Balance To assist ,you in reconciling your account, we have prepared this personalized tool for you to use. Use it each month to balance your statement with your checkbook register. We have filled out certain information to make it even more convenient for you! 1 Your ending balance from this statement S 59,009.19 2 List deposits and credits that do not appear on this statement Date Amount Date Amount • Mark off each deposit, withdrawal, and check shown on this statement in your checkbook register. • Make sure that all transfers are written in your checkbook register, including automatic deposits, automatic payments, or transfers you made between accounts. • Add $121.28 for interest paid to your checkbook register. Total from 2: $ 3 Subtotal by adding 1 and 2 S 4 List outstanding checks, withdrawals, and debits that do not appear on this statement Check ## Amount Check ## Amount Total from 4: S 5 Subtract 4 from 3. This should match the balance in your checkbook register $ 0042567.002.T23 Page 2 of 2 7 Bank of America CITY OF LA OUINTA Statement Period: October 1 through October 31, 1994 Account Number: 09160-15464 0 Account Activity Continued Late F'osted Description Reference Number Amount Other Withdrawals 10/21 Deposited Item Returned 136,979.24 10/24 Bankarnerit Ax Activity Fee 102494 RECEIPT Pymt 102494 941 95-3740431 1.00 \+13,300.13 10/24 Tax Call-818-6668000 Total Other Withdrawals $164,372.85 C3 Bank of America: In Balance To assist you in reconciling your account, we have prepared this personalized tool for you to use. Use it each month to balance your statement with your checkbook rey4sicr. :^.'c have fi!!ed out certain information to make it even more convenient for you! • Mark off each deposit, withdrawal, and check shown on this statement in your checkbook register. • Make sure that all transfers are written in your checkbook register, including automatic deposits, automatic payments, or transfers you made between accounts. 0030368,005.123 1 Your ending balance from this statement $ 95,604.43 2 List deposits and credits that do not appear on this statement Date Amount Date Amount Total from 2: 3 Subtotal by adding 1 and 2 s 4 List outstanding checks, withdrawals, and debits that do not appear on this statement Check ## Amount Check # Amount Total from 4: $ 5 Subtract 4 from 3. This should match the balance in your checkbook register $ Page 5 of 5 8 0 INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD Board Member Brown Gilreath Lewis Sales Wilson Board Member Brown Gilreath Lewis Sales Wilson Brown Gilreath Lewis Sales Wilson Board Member Brown Gilreath Lewis Sales Irwin A* - Excused Absence M/C Meeting Canceled ATTENDANCE RECORD 7/23/93 9/08/93 10/13/93 11 /10/93 12/08/93 p p p P P p p p P P p p p P P p p p A P A A P p p 1 /12/94 2/09/94 3/08/94 4/13/94 5/11 /94 A P p p p p p p P P P P p A p p- p A P P P A p A p 6/22/94 7/20/94 8/17/94 8/31 /94 9/14/94 P P p p p P A* A* A* p P P P P P P P p p p A A A A A** 10/12/94 11 /09/94 12/14/94 1 /11 /94 /08/94 M/C M/C M/C M/C M/C M/C M/C M/C M/C M/C