1995 01 11 IAB Minutes INVES~4EIq? ADVISORY BOARD
JANUARY 11, 1995
Regular meeting of the La 0uinta Investment Advisory Board was
called to order at the hour of 5:30 P.M. by Chairman Lewis,
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: Board Members Gilreath, Irwin, Sales and
Chairman Lewis
ABSENT: Board Member Brown
OTHERS PRESENT: Thomas Genovese, City Manager, John Risley,
Accounting Supervisor, Debbie DeRenard,
A. Approval of Investment Advisory Board Minutes of December
14, 1994.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Gilreath/Irwin tO
approve the Minutes of December 14, 1994. Motion carried
A. Transmittal of Treasurers Report dated August 31, 1994.
Board Member Irwin commented that much effort was taken
to prepare and review the statements and he is very
'grateful for the effort.
john Risley advised that it was a joint effort between
himself and Account Technician Geniene Croft.
In response to Board Members Sales, Mr. Risley advised
Investment Advisory Board 2 January 11, 1995
that the bank reconcilement balances.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Irwin/Gilreath to
approve the Treasurers Report dated August 31, 1'994.
Motion carried unanimously.
B. Transmittal of Treasurers Report dated September 30,
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Irwin/Gilreath to
approve the Treasurers Report dated September 30, 1994.
Motion carried unanimously.
C. Transmittal of Treasurers Report dated October 31, 1994.
Board Member Sales questions why the Treasurers Reports
do not balance.
Mr. Risley explained the October Treasurers Report to
Board Member Sales, noting the pooled cash adjusting
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sales/Gilreath to
approve the Treasurers Report dated October 31, 1994.
Motion carried unanimously.
D. Transmittal of Treasurers Report dated November 30, 1994.
In response to Board Member Sales, Mr. Risley advised
that he would provide a Balance Sheet as of Decembe~ 31,
1994 for the Board.
MOTION -It was moved by Board Members Sales/Gilreath to
approve the Treasurers Report dated November 30, 1994.
Motion carried unanimously.
Board Member Sales advised that he is still concerned whether
the City is in compliance with the Investment Policy. He
advised that he read the memo from John Risley explaining the
Investment Policy being in compliance. It appears that Mr.
Risley may have been looking at total available assets versus
available fUnd investments.
Mr. Risley advised that in reviewing the Investment Policy,
the maximum percentage, it interprets in context of the total
Investment Advisory Board 3 January 11, 1995
Board Member Sales advised that he interprets it as total
portfolio, and the total portfolio would exclude things that
you do not have any control over, as far as investments are
Thomas Genovese, City Manager advised that in theory the City
would have control over restricted investments. They are
restricted because the bond indentures say you must follow
certain guidelines, we flow into their process. The City
could find other types of investments.
Board Member Sales advised that it was the understanding of
the Board that the City has no control over the restricted
cash items.
Mr. Risley advised that the use of the funds are restricted,
but the direction ~of investment of the funds within the
guidelines can be changed by the City. The City can choose
another trustee to handle the funds within the parameters of
what can be invested.
Board Member Sales advised that at one point the Board agreed
that the City was out of compliance with the Investment
Chairman Lewis advised that at the time the Investment
Advisory Board thought the City was not in compliance with
Investment Policy, the City had most of their funds invested
in LAIF. He further advised that he did not recall the City
having the funds in the construction account.
Mr. Genovese advised that the funds have been in the
Construction since 1992 and are derived from the 1992 Project
Area NO. 2 Bond issue.
In response to Board Member Sales, Mr. Risley advised that the
Bond Proceeds are from the Project Area No. 2 Redevelopment
Agency Agreement. This Agreement is with TDC for the
development of the Infrastructure at the Walmart Center.
In response to Board Member sales, Mr. Genovese advised that
this infrastructure will be required as soon they produce the
Owner Participation Agreement (OPA).
Board Member Irwin advised that the Internal Revenue Services
places a lot Of time-period complex requirements as to hOw
funds such as these are reinvested. The onus is not placed on
the City directly, but rather on the City's investors.
Investment Advisory Board 4 January 11, 1995
In response to Board Member Irwin, Mr. Genovese advised that
the City does take advice from Bond Counsel. He further
advised that this very issue was recently reviewed. The City
is not in any danger at this point in relation to this
Mr. Risley added that the City engages professionals from
Municipal Financial Services for Arbitrage Services on the
Bond Issues.
Board Member Irwin commented.that after reviewing the 1992/93
LAIF report he feels comfortable with the City investing in
Mr. Risley advised that at the next meeting he will bring back
a recap of the indenture agreements and what is available to
be invested.
Mr. Genovese added that Staff will determine what'the yield
restrictions are.
Discussion continued with Mr. Risley advising that he would
bring back the investable funds and a summary of any
restrictions that are in the trust agreement and/or the tax
Board Member Sales requested a copy of the final report of the
The Board Members thanked Mr. Genovese for being present.
Mr. Genovese advised that the Finance Directors position
should be filled by the first of March.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sales/Gilreath to
adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.