1995 06 14 IABOf .4a QU& ricav 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA • Study Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 June 14, 1995 I CALL TO ORDER a. Pledge of Allegiance b. Roll Call H CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA III PUBLIC COMMENT (This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled on the agenda.) IV CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of May 10, 1995. V BUSINESS SESSION A. Transmittal of Treasurers Report dated April 30, 1995. B. Consideration of a Specific Task Outline. VI BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS A. 1. LAIF Investments (Board Member Irwin) 2. Investment Policy (Board Member Irwin) VII INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Transmittal of Audit and Auditors Management Letter for year ended June 30, 1994. B. Transmittal of Balance Sheet for period ending April 30, 1995. C. Whither LAIF (Board Member Irwin) o � oz V � OF TNt INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING: June 14, 1995 Business Item: A ITEM TITLE Transmittal of Treasurer's Report dated April 30, 1995 ISSUE AND DISCUSSION: The attached is a Treasurer's Report dated April 30, 1995. Additional attachments in the form of correlating statements are included with the copy presented here. RECOMMENDATION: Review, receive and file. Approved for submission to the Investment M. Falconer ice Director CITY OF LA QUINTA TREASURER'S REPORT APRIL 30, 1995 ASSETS UNDER THE INVESTMENT DIRECTION OF THE CITY TREASUll RER TYPE OF MATURITY INTEREST INVESTMENT INSTITUTION DATE RATE AMOUNT POOLED CASH CHECKING MONEY MARKET LAIF/98-33434 LAIF/65-33-017 CITY PETTY CASH MONEY MARKET DEFERRED COMP RDA RESTRICTED CASH CONSTRUCTION DISTRIBUTION OF CASH AND INVESTMENTS CITY GENERALFUND GAS TAX FUND COMMUNITY PROJECT FUND LANDSCAPE & LIGHTING.FUND CAPITAL PROJECT FUND QUIMBY FUND INFRASTRUCTURE FUND VILLAGE PARKING FUND ASSESSMENT DIST FUNDS TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS BANK OF AMERICA BANK OF AMERICA STATE OF CALIF. STATE OF CALIF. N/A BANK OF THE DESERT ICMA BANK OF AMERICA 1ST INTERSTATE 1STINTERSTATE N/A N/A (323,006) N/A 3.35 217,156 DEMAND 5.96 3,536,640 DEMAND 5.96 7,901,W8 TOTAL POOLED CASH 11,332,658 N/A N/A 1,000 N/A 2.79 9,550 DEMAND 7.6 AVG 233,530 TOTAL CITY 244,080 RESTRICTED 3.89 4,885 RESTRICTED 4.00 519,848 DEMAND 4.00 1,934,828 TOTAL RDA 2,459,541 TOTAL 14,036.279 14,036,279 4,522,464 (75) 861,716 1 (25,547) 783,349 3,210,802 23,042 340,535 1,495,376 11,211,653 RANK RDA PA 81 PA 82 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS (2,714,943.00) 1,78307.00 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 1,430,762.00 1,394,574.00 LOW/MOD FUNDS (4azae1•00) 1,423,127.00 (1,777,072.00) 4,601,688.00 2,824,616 TOTAL 14,036,279 14,036,279 1 1 N/A N/A 1 1 2 2 2 2 a Fiscal Year 94/95 La Quinta Redevelopment Agency RDA 91 series 07/01/94 BEGINNING SAL TRNS TO CKING 7/11 F.A. SURETY BOND 7/11 JUL INTEREST TRNS AUG INTEREST TRNS DEBT SERV SEPINTEREST OCTINTEREST NOVINTEREST DECINTEREST JAN INTEREST FEBINTEREST TRNS, DEBT SERV MPRINTEREST .TRNS APRINTEREST MAYINTEREST JUNINTEREST BALANCE "MBIA SURETY BOND $728,175.00 file: RDABND94/5 INTEREST PAYMENT REDEMPTION RESERVE DEBT SERVICE FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND totals 117349300 117349301 117349302 117349303 117349304 227.87 0.02 0.00 735.284.51 (0.01) 735.512.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 (716,501.45) 0.00 (716,501.45) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (21,000.00) 0.00 (21,000.00) 0.69 0.00 0.00 2.217.94 0.00 2,218.63 0.00 766.57 0.00 (766.57) 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.00 0.00 766.00 0.00 766.74 285,829.98 199,233.41 0.00 0.00 465,063.39 930,126.78 (266,059.41) (200,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (465.063.39) 0.00 0.78 0.09 0.00 2.43 0.00 3.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 259,684.41 78.86 0.00 (2.86) 259.654.41 519,444.82 (259.684.41) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (250.783.26) (519,447.67) 0.00 2.48 0.00 0.00 78.85 81.33 2.49 (2.49) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.14 79.30 0.00 0.00 0.01 82.45 82.45 3 Fiscal Year 94/95 La Quinta Redevelopment Agency RDA 94 series 07/01/94 BEGINNING BAL JUL INTEREST APGINTEREST SEPTINTEREST OCTINTEREST NOVINTEREST DECINTEREST JAN INTEREST DEBT SRV FEBINTEREST DEBT SRV MPRINTEREST APRINTEREST MAY INTEREST JUNINTEREST BALANCE " MBIA SURETY BOND $2,632040.00 INV VALUE DEBT RESERVE REBATE ALTERNATIVE SERVICE FUND ACCOUNT PENALTY 117496800 117496801 117496802 117496803 239,290.93 " 0.00 0.00 219.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 777.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 818.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 819.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 864.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 904.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 996.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,191.051.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,051.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,435,739.58) 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,709.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,783.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 81e: RDABND94/5 totals 239,290.93 219.39 777.34 816.02 819.63 864.58 904.50 996.69 1,191,051.50 1,051.07 (1,435,739.58) 3,709.33 22.24 0.00 0.00 4,783.64 ID] 11 Fiscal Year 94/95 La Quinta Redevelopment Agency RDA PA#2 92 Series 07/01 /94 BEGINNING BAL CITY OF L.Q. 7/11 JUL INTEREST AAGINTEREST SEPINTEREST OCTINTEREST TRNS TO CITY NOVINTEREST REC FROM CITY TRNS FROM SPCL FUND DECINTEREST DEBT SERV PYMT JAN INTEREST FEBINTEREST TRNS TRNS TO CITY 3123 MARINTEREST APRINTEREST MAYINTEREST JUNINTEREST ESCROW SPECIAL FUND FUND 8116202-OW 8116202-001 8116202-002 4,317,478.53 526.865.64 0.00 (19,360.13) 0.00 0.00 13.061.02 1,593.85 0.00 13,979.54 1,708.93 0.00 14,905.61 1,827.10 0.00 15,085.98 1,849.21 0.00 (32,134.61) 0.00 0.00 16,115.83 1,977.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 275,897.86 0.00 0.00 (275,897.86) 17,146.06 2,117.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,857.04 2,328.58 0.00 18,955.34 2,340.72 0.00 362,919.00 (380,000.00) 0.00 (3,024,387.00) 0.00 0.00 18,581.18 2,294.52 0.00 17,538.30 1,182.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BALANCE 1,768,741.69 168,085.87 0.00 SPECIAL INT FUND 8116202-M 279.91 0.00 20.36 0.97 1.04 1.05 0.00 1.12 0.00 195,924.30 85.56 (196,228.75) 27.88 0.48 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.54 0.00 0.00 Ig348Z'1. SLo LDhISTPiODN 11 file: RDABND94/5 PRINCIPLE FUND 8116202-004 26.00 0.00 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 79,973.58 34.54 (801000.00) 11.46 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.19 022 0.00 0.00 RESERVE FUND 8116202-005 483,608.50 0.00 1,462.99 1.568.63 1,677.09 1,697.38 0.00 1,815.04 0.00 0.00 1,943.46 0.00 2,137.40 2,148.54 17,081.00 0.00 2,106.13 2,429.98 0.00 0.00 14 totals 5,328,258.58 0.00 16,138.30 17,258.15 18,410.93 18,633.71 (32,134.61) 19,909.38 275,897.86 (0.00) 21.326.92 (276,228.75) 23,362.36 23,445.28 0.00 (3,024,387.00) 22,982.50 21,151.67 0.00 0.00 Oil LA QUINTA FINANCING AUTHORITY TREASURER'S REPORT APRIL 30, 1995 TYPE OF MATURITY INTEREST INVESTMENT INSTITUTION DATE RATE AMOUNT RANK CIVIC CENTER BOND PROCEEDS: CASH -CONSTRUCTION BANK OF AMERICA CASH -RESERVE BANK OF AMERICA CASH -REDEMPTION BANK OF AMERICA DEMAND 0 0 2 DEMAND 3.46 722,249 2 DEMAND 3.46 70,032 2 TOTAL 792,281 0 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK RECONCILEMENT APRIL 30, 1995 04/30/95 BANK STATEMENT BALANCES BANK OF AMERICA: STATE OF CALIF: LAW LAW CHECKING M/M 98-33434 65-33-017 CHECKING 130,846.00 M/M 217,155.95 TOTALS 130,846.00 217,155.95 LAW 98-33434 3,536,640.35 3,536,640.35 LAIF 65-33-017 7,901,868.31 7,901,868.31 04/30/95 TOTAL BANK STATEMENT BALANCES 130,846.00 217,155.95 3,536,640.35 7,901,868.31 11,786,510.61 LESS OUTSTANDING TRANS LESS OUTSTANDING CHECKS: A/P (461,593.87) (461,593.87) P/R (1,008.34) (1,008.34) ADD OUTSTANDING DEPOSITS: 01 /30/95 10,737.55 10,737.55 04/30/95 ADJUSTED BANK STATEMENT BALANCES (321,018.66) 217,155.95 3,536,640.35 7,901,868.31 11,334,645.95 04/30/95 G/L BALANCE POOLED CASH (323,006.55) 217,155.95 3,536,640.35 7,901,868.31 11,332,658.06 ADJ JE'S POSTED IN MAY95 1,987.89 1,987.89 0.00 0.00 04/30/95 ADJUSTED G/L BAL - CASH S INVESTMENTS (,321,018.66) 217,155.95 3,536,640.35 7,901,866.31 11.334.645.95 I Z�7is'S y5� 353�7(J, �o /Slob, 3 GENERAL LEDGER - GL3050 ACCOUNT SUMMARY 12:01PM 05/30/95 CITY OF LA QUINTA AS OF 04/30/95 PAGE 1 ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION PRIOR YTD CURRENT MONTH YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT DEBIT AMOUNT CREDIT AMOUNT AMOUNT Pooled Cash 101 000 101 000 Pooled Cash 4,626,394.40 1,017,305.00 -1,131,906.73 4,511,792.67 201 000 101 000 Pooled Cash 0.00 21,593.03 -21,667.61 -74.58 205 000 101 000 Pooled Cash 1,405,900.48 15.87 -544,200.31 861,716.04 210 000 101 000 Pooled Cash 4,578.42 0.08 0.00 4,578.50 215 000 101 000 Pooled Cash 0.84 0.00 0.00 0.84 220 000 101 000 Pooled Cash 189,540.36 .595,519.75 -1,711.22 783,348.89 225 000 101 000 Pooled Cash 2,925,691.28 285,654.87 -543.68 3,210,802.47 230 000 101 000 Pooled Cash 23,'041.51 0.42 0.00 23,041.93 235 000 101 000 Pooled Cash 32,742.13 0.60 0.00 32,742.73 240 000 101 000 Pooled Cash 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 245 000 101 000 Pooled Cash 529,614.70 16,388.10 -1,038,894.15 -492,891.35 246 000 101 000 Pooled Cash 1,433,064.92 130.40 -10,068.26 1,423,127.06 301 000 101 000 Pooled Cash 1,390,806.99 38,458.94 -3,369.21 1,425,896.72 302 000 101 000 Pooled Cash 910,388.45 352.89 -36,014.97 874,726.37 310 000 101 000 Pooled Cash 0.00 122.00 0.00 122.00 401 000 101 000 Pooled Cash 240,101.73 211,098.44 -477,747.65 -26,547.48 405 000 101 000 Pooled Cash -2,701,419.29 41,802.38 -55,326.50 -2,714,943.41 406 000 101 000 Pooled Cash -107,508.50 46.65 -43,379.74 -150,841.59 407 000 101 000 Pooled Cash 340,529.19 6.27 0.00 340,535.46 408 000 101 000 Pooled Cash 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 701 000 101 000 Pooled Cash 229,315.81 912.12 -60.36 230,167.57 710 000 101 000 Pooled Cash 229,289.64 3,600.65 -2,571.91 230,318.38 715 000 101 000 Pooled Cash 176,016.74 426.71 -1,048.43 175,395.02 720 000 101 000 Pooled Cash 143,416.74 340.44 -2,656.99 141,100.19 725 000 101 000 Pooled Cash 279,919.15 816.69 -8,040.86 272,694.98 730 000 101 000 Pooled Cash 177,620.15 3.24 -1,774.74 175,848.65 FINAL TOTAL 12,479,045.84 2,234,595.54 -3,380,983.32 11,332,658.06 L�7ii= /,i 3 3 Z� S"8 OCR 141 The Complete Statement" DIRECT INQUIRIES TO (216) ;•aLM DESERT ESTATES OFFICE 77-900 FRED WARING DRIVE PALM DESERT CA 92260 (619)322-4200 (397) ACCT NO. 216-9-19904 (BUS) ITMO43850 First Interstate Bank CITY OF LA QUINTA PO BOX 1504 21 LA QUINTA CA 92253-1504 1 M X PAGE 1 THIS STATEMENT DATE APRIL 28, 1995 NEXT STATEMENT DATE MAY 31, 1995 SAVE SPACE# TIME, AND WORRY! FREE YOURSELF FROM FILING & STORING YOUR CANCELLED CHECKS BY ENROLLING IN FIRST INTERSTATE'S NEW SAFEKEEPING SERVICE, CHECKSAFE, AVAILABLE MAY 1. A SPECIAL NOTE TO BASICCHECKING`ACCOUNT HOLDERS: EFFECTIVE JUN It YOU WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE ENROLLED INTO THIS NEW SERVICE. FOR DETAILS, PLEASE SEE THE ENCLOSED STATEMENT INSERT. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARKET INTEREST ACCOUNT 216-9-19904 SUMMARY BALANCE FORWARD AS OF 04-10-95 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 TOTAL DEPOSITS/CREDITS . 262, 000.00 INTEREST PAID THIS PERIOD 155.95 TOTAL CHECKS/DEBITS . . . . . . . 45, 000.00 SERVICE CHARGES . . . . . . . . . ENDING BALANCE . . . . . . . . . 217,155.95 INTEREST PAID THIS YEAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MINIMUM BALANCE ON 04-10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 E AVERAGBALANCE. . . . . . . . . . 100,850.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RATE AND BALANCE INFORMATION YOUR AVERAGE ANNUALIZED RATE IS 3.35X BASED ON YOUR AVERAGE COLLECTED BALANCE OF $94,388 FOR THIS STATEMENT PERIOD 04-10 THROUGH 04-27. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARKET INTEREST ACCOUNT TRANSACTIONS DEPOSITS DATE AMOUNT DATE AMOUNT DATE AMOUNT DATE AMOUNT 04-21 262,000.00 ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS AND DESCRIPTIVE TRANSACTIONS DATE TYPE OF TRANSACTION �I145 40W.00 DEPOSITS 04-25 STELE XFER 45,000.00 04-27 INTEREST PAID 155.95 Note: An asterisk (') next to any check listed above means there has been a break in the Notice: Please see reverse side and any accompanying statement(s) for important informvorl numerical sequence of your checks. Examine this statement carefully and report any irregularities promptly. v!/ the Complete Statement" DIRLCT INQU`19IES TO (216 ) PALM DESERT ESTATES OFFICE 77-900 FRED WARING DRIVE PALM DESERT CA 92260 (619)322-4200 CITY OF LA QUINTA PUBAGT OPERATING ACCOUNT PO BOX 1504 LA QUINTA CA 92253-1504 (397) ACCT NO. 216-8-98001 159 (BUS) MAN014008 19. First Interstate Bank 21 1 3 X PAGE 1 THIS STATEMENT DATE APRIL 28, 1995 NEXT STATEMENT DATE MAY 31, 1995 SAVE SPACE, TIME, AND WORRY! FREE YOURSELF FROM FILING & STORING YOUR CANCELLED CHECKS BY ENROLLING IN FIRST INTERSTATE'S NEW SAFEKEEPING SERVICE, CHECKSAFE, AVAILABLE MAY 1. A SPECIAL NOTE TO BASICCHECKING ACCOUNT HOLDERS: EFFECTIVE JUN 1, YOU WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE ENROLLED INTO THIS NEW SERVICE. FOR DETAILS, PLEASE SEE THE ENCLOSED STATEMENT INSERT. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECKING ACCOUNT 216-8-98001 SUMMARY BALANCE FORWARD AS OF 03-31-95 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 TOTAL DEPOSITS/CREDITS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 428, 939.39 TOTAL CHECKS/DEBITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 298, 438.44 SERVICE CHARGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nn ENDINGBALANCE . . . . . . . 0. 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130, 5 MINIMUM BALANCE ON 04-04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47- AVERAGE BALANCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75,127 .00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------ CHECKING ACCOUNT TRANSACTIONS CHECKS CHECK NO DATE AMOUNT CHECK NO DATE AMOUNT CHECK NO DATE AMOUNT 11737 04-25 11778 04-24 " 1,218.81 21308* 04-24 .--434.88 11738 04-21 _"-951.00 1,029.50 11779 04-24 v 414.13 21309 04-26 ,420.60 11739 04-24 -'l,481.90 11780 04-24 i1,116.04 21310 04-21 98.56 11740 04-24 -1,071.03 11781 04-24 ,1673.54 21312* 04-26 339.12 11741 04-26 -752.65 11782 04-25 --j 681.56- 21313 04-24 1,907.09 11742 04-21 1,406.62 11783 04-24 " 673.45 21314 -04-24 13.12 11743 04-24 •1,107.59 11784 04-25 -'", 678.47 21315 04-25 -,24,325.05 11744 04-25 -1463.82 11785 04-24 566.15 �'648.72 21316 04-25 20.00 11745 04-25 1,796.33 11786 04-27 21317 04-24 72.07 11746 04-24 --795.44 11787 04-26 `116.89 21318 04-27 16..468.89 11748* 04-24 --.1448.76 11788 04-24 21319 04-25 .2,373.95 11749 04-26 .275.14 11789 04-24 21320 04-21 .27,238.50 11750 04-24 147.07 11790 04-24 '-377.58 21321 04-25 392.36 11751 04-24 808.21 11791 04-25 `<932.84 21322 04-25 1,095.18 117.52 04-24 831.08 11792 04-25 '83.11 21323 04-25 852.51 11753 04-24 '-2,494.E8 11793 04-21 '-980.72 21325* 04-27 54.15 11754 04-24 11,131.15 11794 04-24 �-997.60 21326 04-24 437.50 11755 04-24 A1,260.85 11795 04-24 ,'1,274.34 21327 04-24 82.56 11756 04-24 -1436.30 11796 04-24 `i,245.14 21328 04-20 294.78 11757 04-24 -1,293.09 11798* 04-26 "-1,186.10 21330* 04-21 764.93 11758 04-21 A1455.75 21282K 04-26 `''<917W 21332* 04-25 387.29 11759 04-21 ­4 1,482.60 21284* 04-25 ---216.78 21333 04-26 1,250.00 11760 04-25 ­,L148.66 21286* 04-27 1287.74 21334 04-24 300.00 11761 04-24 _)663.55 21287 04-26 '1494.00 21336* 04-27 20.15 11762 04-24 578.19 21288 04-26 a2,257.54 21338* 04-26 7,448.91 11763' 04-24 -314.71 21289 04-24 ---,96.32 21339 04-26 5.92 11764 04-24 482.95 21290 04-26 'N423.16 21340 04-25 36.95 11765 04-24 753.69 21291 04-24 398.94 21341 04-25 15.19 11766 04-24 437.94 21292 04-25 1-,7..693.85 21342 04-24 -62.70 11767 04-24 ~1,160.33 21294* 04-28 �289.00 21343 04-26 4,193.78 11768 04-24 '- 828.99 21295 04-25 21345* 04-24 22.82 11769 04-25 "1,610.39 21296 04-27 '­1093.00 21346 04-26 147.00 11770 04-24 ---1,107.58 21297 04-27 I00.00 21347 04-25 .680.09 11771 04-24 a1,258.82 21298 04-26 ,350.19 21348 04-25 155.70 11772 04-21 -400.65 21300* 04-28 '-,33,214.0 21349 04-26 :70.00 11773 04-25 1,346.33 C 04-26 21350 04-25 149.00 11774 04-24 a958.78 21302 04-25 "-4 51.71 21351 04-27 147.00 11775 04-24 -413.59 21303 04-25 3,963.08 21352 04-24 .550.00 11776 04-24 "824.43 21304 04-24 ,2�118.51 21353 04-25 78.39 11777 04-24 _879.75 21305 04-25 65.00 21354- 04-27 3,091.20 Note: An asterisk () next to any check listed above means there has been a break in the Notice: Please see reverse side and any accompanying statement(s) for important info aU n'1 "Limencai sequence of your checks. Examine this statement -carefully and report any irregularities promptly. � ((��!! �_. Bank of America L Your Bank of America P.O. Box 30746 Business Analyzed Los Angeles, CA 90030-0746 Checking Statement 0916 E 232-3 Statement Period: April 1 through April 28, 1995 Account Number: 09160-15464 CITY OF LA QU I NTA At Your Service P 0 BOX 1504 Call: 619-340-1867, 24 hours, LA QUINTA CA 92253 7 days a week Indio Main Office 81-800 Hwy 111 Indio, CA 92201 Customer since 1982 Bank of America appreciates your business and we enjoy serving you. Summary of Your Business Analyzed Checking Account Beginning Balance on 04/01/95 $186,371.79 Number of branch/ATM deposits 10 Total Deposits and Other Credits + 776,674.57 1 Number of checks paid 231 Total Checks and Other Withdrawals - 962,701.31 Number of 24 Hour Customer Service Calls Self -Service 8 Ending Balance $345.05 Assisted 0 ❑ Important Information About Your Account Your Business Analyzed Checking Analysis Statement provides details regarding monthly analysis charges. ❑ Bank of America News Introducing the new BankAmericard Business Card: the ultimate financial tool. Manage cash flow, track employee spending and travel & entertainment expenditures and provide your company with the added security of overdraft protection. Apply today! Visit your local branch or call us at 1-800-477-5899 ext. 805 for an application. ❑ Branch/ATM Deposits Number Date Posied Amount Number Date Posts?d Amount 04/03 ' 306,145.10 04/ 11 2.00 04/04 141,509.42 04/20 192,166.23 04105 6 37 2 C i 04/25 30.000.00 04/06 535.30 1 - 04/26 15,000.00 04/07 �� 3. Total of 10 Branch/ATM Deposits $776,674.57 04/10 123,038.93 ' ❑ Checks Paid ' Gap in check sequence Date Paid Number Amount Date Paid Number Amount 04/11 11660 $`116.90 04/10 11677 1,481.90 04/04 ' 11672 `420.88 04/10 11678 •1.071.03 04/10 ` 11675 1,028.68 04/19 11679 - 752.65 04/13 11676 1,029.50 04/10 11680 1.406.62 Continued on next page 0029802.001.123 Page 1 of 3 BR3001-BANK RECONCILIATION OUTSTANDING CHECKS 11:24AM 06/08/95 CITY OF LA QUINTA Pan-ml kVAI ` PAGE 1 BANK CHECK C E 4K-VENDOR f4rN4DRR NAME CHECK ACCT. NO. DATE NO. AMT. 20483 01/18/95 &00003 TAMARA RADER 40.00 20789 02/16/95 &00007 AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF SO CAL 7.06 20834 03/01/95 &00023 PENNY SIPES 110.00 20954 03/01/95 WOL010 KAY WOLFF 50.00 20973 03/14/95 &00029 JUDY BUCHANAN 75.00 21044 03/14/95 LIT010 LITTLER, MENDELSON, 50.00 21070 03/14/95 SOU005 SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY 164.57 21125 03/29/95 &00047 INTERSTATE SHEET METAL IN 25.00 21127 03/29/95 ANNO10 ANNENBERG CENTER AT 20.00 21132 03/29/95 BLI010 RINA BLISS 39.26 21149 03/29/95 DEN010 DENBOER ENGINEERING AND 2041.00 21154 03/29/95 ELRO10 EL RANCHITO 100.00 21167 03/29/95 HER010 JERRY HERMAN 300.00 21172 03/29/95 INT050 INTERSTATE STRIPING 24609.16 21181 03/29/95 LEA015 LEAGUE OF CALIF CITIES 410.00 21196 03/29/95 NES010 WALLACE NESBIT 250.00 21264 03/31/95 WOL010 KAY WOLFF 50.00 21273 04/06/95 LAQ050 LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES 52.50 21281 04/12/95 &00050 DAVID SALVATIERRA 11.00 21285 04/12/95 ALL050 ALL BRANDS COMPUTERS 12231.98 21293 04/12/95 CAD010 CADET UNIFORM SUPPLY 237.66 21299 04/12/95 CRWO10 CRW ASSOCIATES 440.00 21306 04/12/95 DOU010 DOUBLE PRINTS 1 HR PHOTO 8.43 21307 04/12/95 ESS050 ESSEX INN 540.05 21311 04/12/95 FRA020 FRANKLIN QUEST CO 25.54 21324 04/12/95 HOL010 HOLMAN INDUSTRIES 75.73 21329 04/12/95 JPRO10 JP REPROGRAPHICS 42.24 21331 04/12/95 KLI050 BOB KLINE FENCE CO 80.00 21335 04/12/95 LAQ100 LA QUINTA VOLUNTEER FIRE 1362.75 21337 04/12/95 LQV010 LA QUINTA VOLUN FIRE PGA 593.50 21344 04/12/95 NAT003 NATIONAL ANIMAL CONTROL 22.95 21355 04/12/95 RIV101 RIC COUNTY SHERIFF/INDIO 1407.60 21357 04/12/95 SM0010 DONNALDA SMOLENS 80.00 21365 04/12/95 TIE050 TIERRA PLANNING & DESIGN 1500.00 21374 04/12/95 WAL010 WAL MART STORES INC 35.65 21388 04/20/95 CLE010 CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT 200.00 21392 04/20/95 LAQ050 LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES 52.50 21398 04/20/95 DES030 DESERT HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL 1000.00 21401 04/25/95 &00053 BRYAN WILLICK 6.00 21402 04/25/95 &00054 MANNES CONSTRUCTION 750.51 21403 04/25/95 &00055 PATRICIA MATA 8.00 21404 04/25/95 &00056 JO ANN KANNER 6.00 21405 04/25/95 &00057 J W MOFFITT INC 50.00 21406 04/25/95 &00058 KATHLEEN PRIDDY 80.00 21407 04/25/95 AD0010 DON ADOLPH 878.94 21408 04/25/95 AND005 PAUL ANDERSON 71.22 21409 04/25/95 ASCO01 A & S COFFEE SERVICE 236.00 21410 04/25/95 BAK005 PEGGY BAKER 40.00 21411 04/25/95 BAN060 BANK OF AMERICA CORPORATE 4812.39 BR30'01-BANK RECONCILIATION OUTSTANDING CHECKS CITY OF LA QUINTA 11:24AM 06/08/95 PAGE 2 BANK CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR NAME ACCT. NO. DATE NO. CHECK AMT. A 21412 04/25/95 BR0050 TONI BROWN 52.55 A 21413 04/25/95 BSIO10 BSI CONSULTANTS INC 6488.15 A 21414 04/25/95 CAD010 CADET UNIFORM SUPPLY 399.61 A 21415 04/25/95 CAL010 CAL WEST ENGINEERING 210.00 A 21416 04/25/95 CAL080 CA SOC MUICIPAL FINANCE 100.00 A 21417 04/25/95 CAT010 CATHEDRAL CITY OFFICE SUP 18.26 A 21418 04/25/95 COA025 COACHELLA VALLEY ICBO 200.00 A 21419 04/25/95 COA050 COACHELLA VALLEY LAND 619.31 A 21420 04/25/95 COA080 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 4723.98 A 21421 04/25/95 COM030 COMSERCO 116.05 A 21422 04/25/95 DAY010 DAY -TIMER 32.25 A 21423 04/25/95 DECO10 DECRATREND PAINTS 612.25 A 21424 04/25/95 ECO010 ECONO SEWER SERVICES 150.00 A 21425 04/25/95 ECO050 ECONOMICS INC 1291,33 A 21426 04/25/95 EIS010 EISENHOWER IMMEDIATE CARE 178.00 A 21427 04/25/95 ESQ010 ALEX ESQUIBEL 300.00 A 21428 04/25/95 FED010 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 28.50 A 21429 04/25/95 FID010 FIDELITY 245.27 A 21430 04/25/95 FRA010 MARNI FRANCISCO 45.13 A 21431 04/25/95 GAR010 WAYNE GARDNER 723.69 A 21432 04/25/95 GAT010 GATEWAY 2000 10318.15 A 21433 04/25/95 GTE010 GTE CALIFORNIA 609.08 A 21434 04/25/95 HIG010 HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC 488.71 A 21435 04/25/95 HOL010 HOLMAN INDUSTRIES 22.06 A 21436 04/25/95 IBM010 IBM CORPORATION UW3 233.23 A 21437 04/25/95 IMP010 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 4743.69 A 21438 04/25/95 JUD010 JUDICIAL DATA SYSTEMS COR 100.00 A 21439 04/25/95 KEL010 KELLY TEMPORARY SERVICES 789.60 A 21440 04/25/95 LAQ040 LA QUINTA CHAMBER COMMERC 2500.00 A 21441 04/25/95 LIE050 LIEBERT, CASSIDY & FRIERS 2500.00 A 21442 04/25/95 MAL005 T I MALONEY INC 13375.95 A 21443 04/25/95 MCDO10 MC DOWELL AWARDS 74.34 A 21444 04/25/95 MCK010 McKESSON WATER PRODUCTS 97.96 A 21445 04/25/95 MKC010 MK CAMERA AND PHOTO 55.60 A 21446 04/25/95 MOU050 LESLIE MOURQUAND 37.76 A 21447 04/25/95 MUN010 MUNI FINANCIAL SERV INC 3544.80 A 21448 04/25/95 MUN015 MUNICIPAL SERVICES GROUP 23160.33 A 21449 04/25/95 MUN020 MUNICON 1150.00 A 21450 04/.25/95 NEP010 NEPTUNE ELECTRIC 530.00 A 21451 04/25/95 NEW010 ELWIN NEWKIRK 690.43 A 21452 04/25/95 PAL050 CITY OF PALM SPRINGS 347.50 A 21453 04/25/95 PCT010 PC TROUBLESHOOTER 512.95 A 21454 04/25/95 PIT010 PITNEY BOWES CREDIT CORP 616.34 A 21455 04/25/95 PIT020 PITNEY BOWES 171.86 A 21456 04/25/95 POS010 POSTAGE BY PHONE SYSTEM 2000.00 A 21457 04/25/95 RIV100 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFFS 142868.97 A 21458 04/25/95 RIV101 RIC COUNTY SHERIFF/INDIO 118.16 A 21459 04/25/95 RIV130 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SUPPLY 57.87 A 21461 04/25/95 ROS010 ROSENOW-SPEVACEK GROUP 28291.80 t13 BR3UO1-BANK RECONCILIATION OUTSTANDING CHECKS CITY OF LA QUINTA 11:24AM 06/08/95 PAGE 3 BANK CHECK CHECK VENDOR ACCT. NO. DATE NO. 21462 04/25/95 RUB010 21463 04/25/95 SHAO10 21464 04/25/95 SOU010 21465 04/25/95 STA050 21466 04/25/95 STE020 21470 '04/25/95 STRO10 21471 04/25/95 SUN050 21472 04/25/95 SWA050 21473 04/25/95 TAU010 21474 04/25/95 TAY010 21475 04/25/95 TH0050 21476 04/25/95 TOP010 21477 04/25/95 VAL010 21478 04/25/95 VIK010 21479 04/25/95 VIN010 21480 04/25/95 WAL010 21481 04/25/95 WEL010 21482 04/25/95 ZEE010 21484 04/26/95 REG040 21485 04/28/95 ABE001 21486 04/28/95 AD0010 21487 04/28/95 AND005 21488 04/28/95 BAN010 21489 04/28/95 BAR010 21490 04/28/95 BER010 21491 04/28/95 BES010 21492 04/28/95 BUT010 21493 04/28/95 CAT005 21494 04/28/95 CHE010 21495 04/28/95 GAR010 21496 04/28/95 IRWO20 21497 04/28/95 KEL005 21498 04/28/95 MUL010 21499 04/28/95 NEW010 21500 04/28/95 PED010 21501 04/28/95 PEL050 21502 04/28/95 PEN010 21503 04/28/95 PER010 21504 04/28/95 PRIO10 21505 04/28/95 SEA010 21506 04/28/95 SNIO10 21507 04/28/95 STJO10 21508 04/28/95 WOL010 21509 05 02 95 BUI010 21510 05/04/95 BYRO10 21511 05/04/95 CAL040 21512 05/04/95 CLE010 21513 05/04/95 COV050 21514 05/04/95 EMP050 VENDOR NAME MICHAEL J RUBINO SHADOW PALMS GARDENING SOUTHERN CALIF GAS CO STAPLES STEVE'S OFFICE SUPPLY STRADLING, YOCCA, CARLSON SUN BADGE CO SWANA DAVID TAUSSIG & ASSOC INC STEVE TAYLOR & SON THOMPSON PUBLISHING GROUP TOPS'N BARRICADES INC VALLEY OFFICE EQUIP INC VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS VINTAGE LANDSCAPE MAINT WAL MART STORES INC WELCH'S UNIFORM RENTAL ZEE SERVICE CO REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY JAQUES ABELS DON ADOLPH PAUL ANDERSON GLENDA L BANGERTER KATIE BARROWS NORRIS S BERNARD LAWRENCE BEST RICHARD BUTLER JAMES Y CATHCART JESSIE ANN CHESTNUT WAYNE GARDNER BARBARA IRWIN KATE KELLY STACEY MULLEN ELWIN NEWKIRK KATHRYN PEDERSEN BRUCE PELLETIER JOHN PENA RONALD A PERKINS PRICE COSTCO B J SEATON STANLEY SNIFF VICTORIA ST JOHNS BUILDING HORIZONS COIS M BYRD SHERIFF CALIFORNIA VISION SERVICE CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT COVER T-SHIRT COMPANY EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT CHECK AMT. 7878.75 8750.00 54.50 64.64 1099.43 107377.91 241.49 63.00 1939.77 550.00 531.00 218.24 217.34 96.69 11987.45 17.34 93.74 206.56 260.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 692.57 50.00 75.00 25.00 100.00 750.00 25.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 100.00 25.00 50.00 1394.11 750.00 1033.03 25.00 690.57 50.00 63915.41 267.74 972.73 200.00 377.00 2989.03 14- 44. J.a r.a ic_c�i: (:;I hrCK CHECK CHECK CUMUI_A C 1 Vk: Nl.Jrtl�E:l'� TYF'C: 1�A'T E'AYEM:: -MOUNT' Sl.1F+11.. 1.44 :3 REGULAR i./:L9/?3 '1640 PENA, ;JOHN 55+00 :;`:;.00 :14641. NEGOUL..AR 2/16/93 2670 DESERT F'AC:1LIITES CORD 435+00 490.00 1'5 744 f,.E-.GULAR 6/30/93 821 HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC 8664 23 :1613:37 REGULAR 11/02/93 1174 LEONE, DEAN 3.00 1359 * 2 3 :17:149 REGULAR 12/07/93 1640 PENA, JOHN 14.84 1374.07 :19866 REGULAR 10/31/94 1394 MULLEIN, STACEY 25400 1399.0 7 20084 REGULAR 11/30/94 2353 WEPT+ FOODS, JOSE PH 115.00 1514.07 ('0'TAL or ALL OU'T'STANTJING CHECKS 1514+07 1514.0"? � 115 BR3001-BANK RECONCILIATION CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK CHECK CHECK ACCT. NO. DATE P 11747 04/21/95 1 02 05/05/95 11 3 05/05/95 118 05/05/95 11805 05/05/95 11806 05/05/95 11807 5/05/95 11808 0 05/95 11809 05 5/95 11810 05/ 95 11811 05/05 5 11812 05/05/ 11813 05/05/9 11814 05/05/95 11815 05/05/95 11816 05/05/95 11817 05/05/95 11818 05/05/95 11819 05/05/95 11820 05/05/95 11821 05/05/95 11822 05/05/95 11823 05/05/95 11824 05/05/95 11825 05/05/95 11826 05/05/95 11827 05/05/95 11828 05/05/95 11829 05/05/95 11830 05/05/95 11831 05/05/95 11832 05/05/95 11833 05/05/95 11834 05/05/95 11835 05/05/95 11836 05/05/95 11837 05/05/9, 11838 05/05/ 11839 05/05 95 11840 05/ /95 11841 05 5/95 11842 /05/95 11843 5/05/95 11844 05/05/95 1184 05/05/95 118 05/05/95 11 47 05/05/95 848 05/05/95 OUTSTANDING CHECKS ,P�Rb EMPLOYEE EMPLOYEE NAME NO. 0000000066 GATES, WILLIAM L 0000000001 CABRERA, ADOLFO 0000000006 HARTUNG, THOMAS A 0000000008 HIRDLER, ROGER T 0000000010 KOCHELL, STEVE M 0000000020 VREEKEN, JOHN R 0000000027 NESBIT, WALLACE H 0000000045 KIRKLAND, RICHARD L 0000000047 SHEPHERD, ELEANOR L 0000000058 HERMAN, JEROLD D 0000000063 SAWYER, BETTY J 0000000066 GATES, WILLIAM L 0000000067 JUHOLA, SAUNDRA L 0000000068 JOHNSON, DANNY R 000000069 CEBALLOS, MISAELA 00000071 CONTRERAS, GEORG E 00 000075 PONCE, MARIO 000 00078 GENOVESE, THO S P 0000 0081 WHELCHEL, DO D L 000000 84 RISLEY, JO J 0000000 7 ANGULO, IO C 00000000 SAWA, ST EY B 0000000089 MITH, ILYN 10:50AM 05/31/95 PAGE 1 0000000090 EER STEVEN D 0000000092 O , MARK S 0000000094 C TIANSEN, SHARON K 0000000096 M A, ROBERT M 0000000097 RE , DEBORAH 000000010 SPIDELL CRISTAL C 00000001 GUZMAN, CTOR 0000000 7 GASTON, GI ER L 00000 109 BAKER, FRED IC M 0000 0110 BANKS, KERRY 000 00113 LI CALSI, PAME J 0 0000115 DOMINGUEZ, ANNA 00000116 VERLENGIA, ROMANO 0000000117 BOUMA, FRED R 0000000118 CROFT, GENIENE D 0000000120 TROUSDELL, GREG S 0000000121 DEXTER, LEANN R 0000000122 PELLETIER, BRUCE A 0000000123 STEINER, EDWARD J 0000000125 TROPPLE, KELLY S 0000000127 FREELAND, JOHN M 0000000128 PARKER, PATSY L 0000000132 MOURIQUAND-CHER, LESLIE J 0000000137 STULL, PAMELA J 0000000142 MONTELLANO, ENRIQUE K 0000000143 VERDUGO, RUBEN H CHECK AMT. 1008.34 1107.59 1063.82 1696.33 795.44 1008.34 1048.75 275.14 117.07 808.21 664.63 2517.37 1039.23 1260.85 884.50 1293.09 1055.75 1441.85 1148.66 663.55 246.15 814.71 882.95 753.69 637.94 1160.33 828.99 1610.38 370.68 1107.58 1258.82 400.65 1346.33 958.78 413.59 855.09 854.82 218.81 14.13 1 6.03 74 .27 657. 9 621. /6 T a 0 4hf 4 4 a" [ENT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING: June 14, 1995 Business Item: B ITEM TITLE Consideration and Discussion of a Specific Task Outline ISSUE AND DISCUSSION: See Attached Mission Statements. Approved for submission to the Investment Advi Mission Statement Board Member Brown It is necessary to identify a written outline/task enumeration from Council in order to clarify the purpose and function of the Investment Advisory Board. This need was identified early by Board Member Wilson as he questioned the need to spend significant Board time with the Treasurers report each month. If, in fact, our function is to thoroughly review these reports and statements should our board be concerned with issues such as methods or reporting/approving including internal policy recommendations? More importantly, it is necessary to develop contact with the Council Members on a regular basis. Through this exposure and communication questions, directions and requests can be promptly addressed. This ca be accomplished by a representative from Council attending regular Board meetings either as a permanent or rotating assignment. Further, it may be necessary for the Board to reorganize the date/time of meetings in order to accomplish this goal and accommodate Council. Finally, staff should be commended for their constant assistance through these first several meetings of the Investment Advisory Board developments. Mission Statement Board Member Sales The City of La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was created by an Ordinance for the purpose of strengthening the internal controls for safeguarding cash and investment owned or controlled by the City. Ordinance No. 222 added Chapter 2.70 of the Municipal Code which sets forth the functions of the Board. 1) Review account statements and verifications to ensure accurate reporting. 2) Monitor compliance with existing policy and procedure. 3) Review and make recommendations concerning investment policy and procedures, investment contracts, and investment consultants. The mission of this initial Board should be to establish specific guidelines to accomplish the functions set forth in the ordinance. Such specific guidelines could include. Under No. 1) A. Request Staff that account statements be in such form and content to be readily understood by all members of the Board. B. Sufficient back-up detail be provided to ensure accuracy. Again, staff recommend the detail. C. Require a report from someone other than the preparer, that such reports are independently verified. Under No. 2) A. Request from Staff details of current policies and procedures. Under No. 3) Establish some method to determine when an investment is contemplated and or actually made. Devise a standard method of reporting to the City Council in accordance with the Ordinance. Mission Statement Board Member Gilreath believe that the primary purpose of the Investment Advisory Board is to act as a "watchdog", therefore preventing the recurrence of the Wymer debacle. I also believe that there are instances in which this Board could act as an investigative body thereby relieving the council Members to pursue more important problems. As an example of this possibility: In the minutes of the Council Meeting of January 18th, 1994, there was a request made for financial assistance from Coachella Valley Youth, Inc. Council Member McCartney wished to have more detail with regards to the use of which such money would be put, etc. A Member of this Board could easily undertake such a project. Mission Statement Chairman Lewis Mission is to make recommendations to the City Council about where to invest City money including reserves that fall outside State mandated procedures that encompass monies that must be placed in a prescribed way. This would be done with care looking to safety first and liquidity and yield second. Mission Statement Board Member Irwin The mission of the Board is to address at each meeting: 1. Account statements and verifications to ensure accurate reporting. 2. Monitor compliance with existing policy and procedures. 3. Review and make recommendations concerning investment policy and procedures, investment contracts and investment consultants. The review of account statements is intended to be an overview i.e. Do they appear to be reasonable to the facts and circumstances known to the Board? The Board is bound to make inquiries of staff regarding such statements when appropriate but can not assume the role of a controller or auditor. The review and ultimate approval of City accounts and statements by the Board should complement but not be confused with the attest faction borne by the City's Finance Director and independent auditors. (There is an odd redundancy here in that the Treasurer's report is not submitted to the Board for review and approval until it has been reviewed and approved by Council). (The Ordinance also states that the Board will report to Council after each meeting either in person or through correspondence at a regular Council meeting. Does a copy of our minutes suffice for this purpose?) (Paragraph 2) Policies and procedures to be monitored relate primarily to those policies and procedures that relate to the preparation of significant City and RDA financial statements, the effectiveness of procedures for handling receipts and disbursements and the selection of depositories. (Paragraph 3) Policies and procedures to be monitored include development of recommendations to Council as to fundamental investment policies, day4o-day compliance by staff and advisors with those policies and a review of procedures employed by staff to deal with its depositories and -other elements of the investment community. The Board will advise staff regarding current market conditions that may impact the City's portfolio. T Aj 4hf 4 4a Qumra 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 June 8, 1995 TO: Members of the Investment Advisory Board FROM: John Falconer, Finance Director Mission Statement: The mission of the Investment Adviso and ensure existing investment policies adherE Council to ensure the proper safecg ding oil The Investment Advisory BoaEWould Review Review Review Ing Inves LTrana ea ruinta, California is to nd updates to the City ments. ure: iciest orts a Vnce Sheets, and; er Comments. MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Board Member Comments Item A. Investment Advisory Board Agenda Items for June Meeting Business Matters 1. Recommend that funds presently invested with LAIF be redeployed into more suitable investment vehicles. 2. Recommend that Investment Policy reference to "government pool" be clarified. Discussion Item 1. Revisit the limits in the investment plicy as to the maximum amount of funds to be placed in various investment vehicles. JAI 5/15/95 op pp� —r Qv� •c9ti OZ V � OF THE INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING: June 14, 1995 Informational Item: A ITEM TITLE Transmittal of Audit for year ended June 30, 1994 and Transmittal of Auditor's Management Letter. ISSUE AND DISCUSSION: Attached is the Audit Report and the Auditor's Management Letter and City comments for year ended June 30, 1994. Approved for submission to the Investment AdKsory Poard: J hn M. Falconer Fi ance Director CITY OF LA QUINTA La Quinta, California General Purpose Financial Statements and Supplemental Data Year ended June 30, 1994 (With Independent, Auditors' Report Thereon) CITY OF LA QUINTA General Purpose Financial Statements and Supplemental Data Year ended June 30, 1994 TABLE OF CONTENTS Exhibit< Page Independent Auditors' Report 1 General Purpose Financial Statements: Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups AA 2 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - All Governmental Fund Types BB 5 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual - All Governmental Fund Types CC 6 Notes to Financial Statements 8 Supplemental Data: Special Revenue Funds: Combining Balance Sheet A-1 30 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances A-2 32 State Gas Tax Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual A-3 34 Community Service Projects Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual A-4 35 Federal Assistance Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual A-5 36 Assessment District 89-1 Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual A-6 37 Quimby Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual A-7 38 CITY OF LA QUINTA General Purpose Financial Statements and Supplemental Data (Continued) TABLE OF CONTENTS. (CONTINUED) Exhibit Page Village Parking Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual A-8 39 South Coast Air Quality Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual A-9 40 Low Income Housing Project Area No. 1 Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual A-10 41 Low Income Housing Project Area No. 2 Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes. in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual A-11 -42 Debt Service Funds: Combining Balance Sheet B-1 44 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures- and Changes in Fund Balances B-2 45 Redevelopment Agency Project Area No. 1 Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual B-3 46 Redevelopment Agency Project Area No. 2 Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual B-4 47 Financing Authority Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual B-5 48 Capital Projects Funds: Combining Balance Sheet C-1 50 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances C-2 52 CITY OF LA QUINTA General Purpose Financial Statements and Supplemental Data (Continued) Assessment District 88-1 Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes In Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Assessment District 89-2 Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Assessment District 90-1 Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Assessment District 91-1 Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Assessment District 92-1 Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Infrastructure Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Redevelopment Agency Project Area No. 1 Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Redevelopment Agency Project Area No. 2 Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Agency Funds: Combining Balance Sheet - All Agency Funds Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities - All Agency Funds Exhibit Page C-3 54 C-4 55 C-5 56 C-6 57 C-7 58 C-8 59 C-9 60 C-10 61 D-1 64 D-2 65 (This page intentionally left blank) CONRAD 'ASSOCIATES A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of La Quinta La Quinta, California CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1100 MAIN STREET. SUITE C IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92714 (714) 474.2020 We have audited the accompanying general purpose financial statements of the City of La Quinta, California as of and for the year ended June 30, 1994, as listed in the table of contents. These general purpose financial statements are the responsibility of the management of the City of La Quinta, California. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these general purpose financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the general purpose financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the general purpose financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the aforementioned general purpose financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the City of La Quinta, California as of June 30, 1994, and the results of its operations for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Our audit was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. The combining and individual fund financial statements listed in the table of contents are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the general purpose financial statements of the City of La Quinta, California. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the general purpose financial statements, and in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. December 2, 1994 -1- MEMBERS OF AICPA AND CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS PRIVATE COMPANIES PRACTICE SECTION CM OF LA QUINTA Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups June 30, 1994 Governmental Fund Tvoes Special Debt Capital General Revenue Service Projects Assets Cash and investments (note 2) $4,152,450 2,259,358 1,972,6S0 2,96S,438 Cash with fiscal agent (note 2) - - 2,144,169 4,921,S74 Accounts receivable 273,2SS - - - Prepaid expenses - - 399,971 - Notes receivable - 67,120 - - Due from other funds (note 21) - 4,056,211 1,S89,903 260,361 Due from other governments 223,861 192,1S4 - Land held for resale - 361,340 - .1,142,260 - Advances to other funds.(note 12) 4,321,796 - - - Deposits 32,343 - - S,122 Property, plant and equipment (note 4) - Amount available in debt service fonds Amount to be provided for general long-term debt - - - _ Total assets 6,106,693 9,294,755 Liabilities and Fund &Mitt' Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 612,18S 129,1S6 649,937 718,198 Accrued expenses 71,442 7,197 - - Compensated absences payable - - _ _ Deposits payable 178,04S 34,840 - S2,100 Claims and settlements payable (notes 18 and 23) - - - _ Deferred compensation payable (note 16) - - - _ Deferred revenue _ _ _ _ Retentions payable _ _ _ 94,978 Due to other funds (note 21) - 260,361 SS1,038 5,09S,076 Due to bondholders _ _ Advances from other funds (note 12) Obligations under pass -through agreements (notes 8, 9 and 10) Tax allocation bands (note 6) Revenue bonds (note 7) Notes payable (note 11) Total liabilities 861,672 431.S54 1,199,975 S.960.342 Find equity: Investment in fixed assets - _ _ _ feneral Fund balances note IS): Reserved for: Bond reserve requirements - - 1,9S7,747 - Advances to other funds 4,321.7% - - - Prepaid expenses - - 399,971 Deposits 32,343 _ _ 5,122 Notes receivable - 67,120 - - Land held for resale - 361,340 - - TDC omer participation agreement - - - 1,920,793 Unreserved: Designated for equipment replacement 82,674 - - _ Designated for debt service - _ 2,S49,000 _ Designated for emergency reserve 1,22S,243 - - - Designated for operations/projects/transfers 2,494,977 6,076,169 - 1.508.498 Total fund equity 8,147,033 6.504•629 4,906,718 3,334,413 Total liabilities and fund equity 59.008.705 6.93M 6,1� 9.,294,755 See accompanying notes to financial statements. -2- FMIBIT AA Fiduciary Fund Iges Account Grows _ Totals General General (Memorandum Only) Aaencv Fixed Asset Long -Term Debt 1994 1993 1,857,049 - - 13,206,945 19,238,631 - - - 7,065,743 8,026,698 - - - 273,2SS 3S9,410 - - - 399,971 - - - - 67,120 149,719 - - - 5.906,475 2.006,419 49,647 - - 1,612,922 876,898 - - - 361.340 - - - - 4,321,796 S,291.736 - - - 37.46S S8.639 - 20,S9S.339 - 20,595,339 19,286.53S - 1.90� - - 20,595,339 4,906,719 77,027,499 81.934.217 4,906,713 77,027,499 135.782.588 3,22S,324 76,132,814 134.652.823 - - - 2,108,466 .1,35S.709 - - - 73,639 97,9S7 - - 297,017 297,017 2S6,03S 187,727 - - 4S2,712 349,411 - - - - 2,114,8S6 204,966 - - 204,966 242,487 - - - - 5.750 - - - 94,978 1,067,934 - - - 5,906,475 2,006.419 1.514,003 - - 1,514,003 1,191.778 - - 4,321,796 4,321,796 5,291,737 - - 26,743.004 26,743,004 21,723,487 - - 40,810,000 40,810,000 40,08S.000 - - 8,S1S.000 81S1S1000 8.S1S1000 1.247.400 1,247,400 1,663,200 1,906,696 81,934,217 92,294,456 85,966.760 - 20,S9S,339 - 20.S9S,339 19.286,535 - - - 1,9S7.747 2,236,391 - - - 4,321,796 5,291,737 - - - 3".971 - - - - 37,46S 58,639 - - - 67,120 149,719 - - - 361.340 - - - - 1,820,793 29183,124 - - - 82,674 82,056 - - - 2,549,000 998,933 - - - - - 1,22S,243 10,069,644 - 18,408,929 - 1.9s 20.S9S.339 20.59S.339 91,934,217 43,498,132 135.782.588 49,696,063 134.6S2.823 -3- (This page intentionally left blank) -4- EXHIBIT BB CITY OF LA QUIDTA Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - All Governmental Fund Types Year ended June 30, 1994 Totals Special Debt Capital (Memorandum Only) General Revenue Service Projects 1994 1993 Revenues: Taxes $4,212,604 2,171,571 11.061,864 - 17,446,039 16,297,026 Licenses and permits 777,241 - - - 777,241 622.107 Charges for services 469,695 - - - 469,695 384,000 Fines and forfeitures 21.027 - - - 21,027 11,546 Intergovernmental. 1,579,005 824.127 - 2,97S,7SO 5,378,892 19692.231 Developer fees - 76,485 - 1,465,144 1,S41,629 909,267 Interest 585,264 270.872 189,555 213,091 1,259.782 1 776,972 Special assessments - 622.136 - 258,601 880,737 60S,462 Rental income - - 226,994 - 226,994 - Miscellaneous 1,042,972 535 3.995 25.000 1,072,402 279,902 Total revenues 9,697,709 3,96S.776 11,492,409 4,937,596 29.073,479 22,567,513 Expenditures: General government 2,359,673 - - - 2,3S9,673 3,292,761 Public safety 2,786,57S - - - 2,786,57S 2,393,202 Community services 119.265 - - - 119,26S 222,186 Planning and development S11.416 2,709,107 19S,854 1.416.00S 4,832,382 2,369,172 Public works 673,144 1,070,678 - - 1,743.922 1,667,593 Capital projects - 446,496 - 14,296,844 14.733,330 15,464,OS1 Debt service: Principal - - 8SO.000 - 850,000 760.000 Interest - - 3,947,238 16,929 3,964,066 3,8S3,942 Payment of advances - 21,715 8151010 137,210 973,935 9,8S1,766 Payments under pass -through obligations - - 6,217,002 - 6,217,002 8,1S2,245 Mandated education contribution - - 551,039 - S51.039 1,597,351 Total expenditures 6.4SO.073 4,247,986 12,576,142 1S.856.887 39,131,099 49,674,269 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures 2.237.635 (282,210) (1,093,734) (10,919,301) (10,057.610) (27,106,756) Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in 110,624 761.069 239.290 3,27S,047 4.386,029 14,916,182 Operating transfers out (273,171) (1,042,339) (942,769) (2,227,7S2) (4,386,029) (14,916.182) Proceeds of bonds (net of discount and issue costs) - - - 29,932,827 29,932,827 S.S90,416 Payments to refunded bond escrow agent - - - (27,922,S26) (27,922,526) - Litigation settlement proceeds 109,013 - 3,378,606 52,9SS 3,540.S74 - Litigation settlement payments - - - (2,000,000) (29000,000) - Proceeds of advances from City - - - - - 9,279,019 Total other financing sources (uses) (53,534) (291,270) 2,775,129 1,110,551 3,550,975 14,969,435 Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses 2,134,101 (563.480) 1,681,394 (9,808.7SO) (6,506,73S) (12.237,321) Fund balances at beginning of year 5,962,932 7,068,109 3.22S.324 13,143,163 29.399.528 41,636,849 Fund balances at end of year 58.147.033 4.906.718 3.334.413 22.892.793 29.399.528 See accompanying notes to financial statements. -5- 4.ia x Wr a.A YULAAA Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual - All Governmental Fund Types Year ended June 30, 1994 General Fund Variance - Budget Favorable Revenues: Actual (Unfavorable) Taxes $3,783,400 4,212,604 429,204 Licenses and permits 503,S00 777.241 273,741 Charges for services 301,S10 469,695 168,185 Fines and forfeitures 13,OSO 21,027 7,977 Developer fees _ Intergovernmental 1,719,181 i,S79,00S (140,176) Interest 146,100 S8S,264 439,164 Special assessments - _ _ Rental income _ _ _ Miscellaneous 105.73S 1,042,872 937,137 Total revenues 6.S72.476 8,687,709 2.115.232 Expenditures: General government 2,1SS,21S 2,3S9,673 (204,4S8) Public safety 3,049,378 2,786,S7S 262,803 Community services 183,916 119,26S 64,6S1 Planning and development 484,S18 S11,416' (26,899) Public works 6S2,466 673,144 (20,679) Capital projects _ _ _ Debt service: Principal Interest Payment of advances Payments under pass -through obligations Mandated education contribution Total expenditures 6.S2S.493 6.4SO.073 7S.420 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures 46.993 2.237.63S 2.190.652 Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in 110,273 110,624 351 Operating transfers out (151,923) (273,171) (121,248) -- Proceeds of bonds Payments to refunded bond escrow agent _ _ _ Litigation settlement proceeds - 109,013 109,013 Litigation settlement payments Total other financing sources (uses) MAN) (53:534) (11,994) Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses S,333 2,194,101 2,178,769 Fund balances at beginning of year 5,962,933 Fund balances at -end of year See accompanying notes tofinancialstatements. EXHIBIT CC Special Revenue Funds Debt Service Funds Capital Proiects Funds Variance - Variance- Variance- Budget Actual Favorable (Unfavorable] Budget Actual Favorable (Unfavorable) Budget Actual Favorable (Unfavorable) 2,330,079 2,171,571 (159,508) 11,811,725 11.061,864 (749,861) - - - 170,000 76,48S (93,S1S) - - - 925,000 1,465,144 S40,144 8SS,654 824,127 (31,S27) - - - 491SS,303 2,975,750 (1,179,SS3) 176,07S 270.372 %,797 213,407 189,5SS (28,SS2) 422,S00 213,091 (209,409) 539,789 622,186 92,397 - - - - 2S8,601 2S5,601 - - 53S - 535 23S,000 - 226,994 3.995 -(8,006) 3.995 - - - 2S.000 - 2S.000 4.071.597 3.96S.776 (105,921) 12,265,132 11,492,409 (792,724) S.502.803 4.937.S86 (56S.217) 1,312,867 2,709,107 (1,396,240) 3,000 19S,8S4 (192,8S4) 1,381,9S3 1,416,00S (34,052) 1,026,069 1,070.679 (44,609) - - - - - - 1,9SS,306 446,496 1,S08,820 - - - 19.444,386 14,286,844 S,1S7,S42 21,71S (21,71S) 4,294,242 4,247,986 46.256 (222,645) (292,210) (S9.S65) 1,089,396 761,068 (328,323) (1,201,S84) (1,042,338) 1S9,246 (112.188) (281.1�70) (169,082) 815.000 8S0,000 (3S.000) - - - 3,367,SSS 3,947,233 (S79,683) - 16,828 (16,828) 83S,000 81S,010 19,990 - 137,210 (137,210) 2,267,874 544.885 6.217.002 SS1.038 (3,949;128) (6.1S3) - - - - - - 7,933,314 12,576,142 (1,093,734) (4,742,829) (S.52S.S52) 20,926,339 (15.323.S36) 15.8S6.887 (10,919,301) 4,969,452 4.404.23S 4,431,919 - 239,290 239,290 1,916,4% 39*275,047 1,3S8,S51 (100,000) (842,769) (742,765) (1,S90,33S) (2,227,7S2) (637,417) - - - 29,932,827 29,932,827 - - - - (279922,526) (27,922,526) - - 39379,606 3,378,606 - S21955 52,955 - - 2.77S.128 - 2.87S.128 (2,300,000) 36.462 (2,000,000) 1.110.SS1 300,000 1,074,089 (100,000) (334,833) (563,490) (228,647) 4,331,818 1,691,394 (2,650,424) (15,287,074) (9,808,7SO) S,478,324 7,068,109 7,068,109 - 3.22S.324 3.22S.324 - 13,143,163 13,143,163 - L 73� 3 276 6.50� 629 (22 ) 7,557,142 4,906.719 (2-65 ) (2.143.911) 3 334,413 5.478.324 Do CITY OF LA QUINTA Notes to the Financial Statements June 30, 1994 The City of La Quinta was incorporated May 1, 1992 under the general laws of the State of California. The City operates under the Council — Manager form of government. The City provides many community services including public safety, highway and street maintenance, health and social services, cultural and leisure services, public improvements, planning and zoning services, and community development services. The accounting policies of the City conform to generally accepted accounting principles as applicable to governments. As required by general accepted accounting principles, these financial statements present the government and its component units, entities for which the government is considered to be financially accountable. The City is considered to be financially accountable for an organization if the City appoints a voting majority of that organization's governing body and the City is able to impose its will on that organization or there is a potential for that organization to provide specific financial benefits to or impose specific financial burdens on the City. The City is also considered to be financially accountable if an organization is fiscally dependent (i.e., it is unable to adopt its budget, levy taxes, set rates or charges, or issue bonded debt without approval from the City). In certain cases, other organizations are included as component units if the nature and significance of their relationship with the City are such that their exclusion would cause the City's financial statements to be misleading or incomplete, All of the City's component units are considered to be blended component units. Blended component units, although legally separate entities, are, in substance, part of the government's operations and so data from these units are reported with the interfund data of the primary government. The following organizations are considered to be component units of the City: The La Quinta Redevelopment Agency has established two redevelopment project areas pursuant to the State of California Health & Safety Code Section 33000 entitled "Community Redevelopment Law". On November 29, 1993 and May 16, 1989, the City Council approved and adopted the Redevelopment Plans for the La Quinta . Redevelopment Project Areas No. 1 and No. 2, respectively. These plans provide for the elimination of blight and deterioration which was found to exist in the project areas. Even though it is legally separate, it is reported as if it were part of the City because the City Council also serves as the governing board of the Agency. Upon completion, separate financial statements of the Agency can be obtained at City Hall. —9— 5M (a) (b) CITY OF LA QUINTA Notes to the Financial Statements (Continued) The La Quinta Public Financing Authority (Authority) was established pursuant to a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement dated November 19, 1991, between the City of La Quinta and the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency. The purpose of the Authority is to provide, through the issuance of debt, financing necessary for the construction of various public improvements. Although it is legally separate, it is reported as if it were part of the City because the City Council also serves as the governing board of the Authority. Upon completion, separate financial statements of the Authority can be obtained at City Hall. The basic accounting and reporting entity is a "fund." A fund is defined as an independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self —balancing set of accounts, recording resources, related liabilities, obligations, reserves and equities segregated for the purpose of carrying out specific activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions or limitations. The accounting records of the City are organized on the basis of funds and account groups classified for reporting purposes as follows: GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS General Fund The General Fund is the general operating fund of the City. All general tax revenues and other receipts that are not allocated by law or contractual agreement to some other fund are accounted for in this fund. Expenditures of this fund include the general operating expenses which are not paid through other funds. Special Revenue Funds The Special Revenue Funds are used to account for proceeds of specific revenue sources that are restricted by law or administrative action for specific purposes. Debt Service Fund The Debt Service Funds are used to account for resources set aside for repayment of general long term debt. Caul Project Funds Capital Project Funds are used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities. . —9— CITY OF LA QUINTA Notes to the Financial Statements (Continued) FIDUCIARY FUNDS Aggncy Funds The Agency Funds are used to account for assets held by the City in an agency capacity for individuals, private businesses and other governmental agencies. ACCOUNT GROUPS General Fixed Assets Account Groun The General Fixed Assets Account Group is used to account for the costs of fixed assets acquired to perform general government functions. Assets purchased are recorded as expenditures in the governmental funds and capitalized at cost in the general fixed assets account group. Fixed asset records include estimates of original historical cost as determined by knowledgeable individuals in the City. Contributed fixed assets are recorded in general fixed assets at fair market value when received. Fixed assets acquired under a capital lease are recorded at the net present value of future lease payments. Fixed assets consisting of certain improvements other than buildings, including roads, bridges, curbs and gutters, streets and sidewalks, drainage systems and lighting systems, have not been capitalized. Such assets normally are immovable and of value only to the City. Therefore, the purpose of stewardship for capital expenditures is satisfied without recording these assets. No depreciation has been provided on general fixed assets. The General Long —Term Debt Account Group is used to account for all long—term debt of the City. Governmental (general, special revenue, debt service and capital projects) fund types are accounted for on a "spending' measurement focus. Accordingly, only current assets and current liabilities are included on their balance sheets. The reported fund balance provides an indication of available, spendable resources. Operating statements for governmental fund types report increases (revenues) and decreases (expenditures) in available spendable resources. —10— CITY OF LA QUINTA Notes to the Financial Statements (Continued) Agency funds are custodial in nature (assets equal liabilities) and do not involve measurement of results of operations. The modified accrual basis of accounting is followed by the governmental and agency funds. Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, revenues are susceptible to accrual when they become both measurable and available. Available means collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay liabilities of the current period. Expenditures, other than interest on long-term debt, are recorded when a current liability is incurred. Liabilities are considered current when they are normally expected to be liquidated with expendable available financial resources. Taxes, subventions, and entitlements held at year-end by an intermediary collecting government are recognized as revenue under the modified accrual basis of accounting. Reimbursement grant revenues are recognized when the related expenditures are incurred. Revenues from the use of money and property are recorded when earned. Material delinquent and total uncollected current year property taxes (net of estimated. uncollectibles) are recorded as current year receivables. Property taxes (net of estimated uncollectibles) that are levied and measureable in the current year, but not available to finance current period expenditures, are recorded as a receivable and as deferred. revenues. The deferred revenues are recognized as revenue in the fiscal year in which they become available. Licenses, permits, fines, forfeitures, charges for services, taxpayer -assessed taxes and miscellaneous revenues are recorded as governmental fund revenues when received in cash because they are generally not measurable until actually received. The City adopts an annual budget prepared on the modified accrual basis of accounting for all funds except for the South Coast Air Quality, Financing Authority, Assessment District 88-1, Assessment District 89-2, Assessment District 90-1, Assessment District 91-1, and Assessment District 92-1 Funds. The City Manager or his designee is authorized to transfer budgeted amounts between the accounts of any department. Revisions that alter the total appropriations of any department or fund are approved by City Council. Prior year appropriations lapse unless they are approved for carryover into the following fiscal year. Expenditures may not legally exceed appropriations at the department level. Reserves for encumbrances are not recorded by the City of La Quinta. ' -11- CITY OF LA QUINTA Notes to the Financial Statements (Continued) (1) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies. (Continued) (e) Interfund Transfers Nonrecurring transfers of equity between funds are reported as an adjustment to beginning fund balance. Operating transfers are reported as other sources and uses of funds in the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance. MI - • 7MITM Long-term interfund advances are recorded as a receivable and in the long-term debt account group. (g) Investments Investments are valued at cost. An estimated loss is accrued for an impairment of investment market value when it is probable that the loss will become realized and the amount of loss can be reasonably estimated. In management's opinion, it is not probable that the temporary declines in the market value of the City's investments will become realized because it is management's intention to hold the investments to maturity or until the market value of the investments equals or exceeds their cost. Therefore, temporary market value declines are not reflected in the accompanying financial statements. Any losses resulting from a permanent decline in investment market values are recorded as a reduction of interest income. The amounts recorded as a receivable due from other governments include sales taxes, property taxes, and grant revenues, collected or provided by Federal, State, County and City Governments and unremitted to the City as of June 30, 1994. The County of Riverside assesses, bills, and collects property taxes for the City. Land held for resale represents property acquired by the Agency for resale. The property is recorded at original cost. No write -down for a lower market value has been reflected in the accompanying financial statements. II•I L"RITM 11,743 Sick time is vested on a percentage based on number of years employed at the City. Maximum accumulation of sick and vacation is 30 days per type of leave. Upon termination or retirement, permanent employees are entitled to receive compensation at their current base salary for all unused vacation leave. If an employee terminates with a minimum of two years. service, the employee is entitled to receive 25% of the value of his unused sick leave. The percentage Bta CITY OF LA QUINTA Notes to the Financial Statements -(Continued) increases by 25% for each five year period until the employee is entitled to 75% of the value of his unused sick leave. This will occur upon the completion of ten years of continuous employment. The City records a liability for material litigation, judgments, and claims (including incurred but not reported losses) when it is probable that an asset has been impaired or a material liability has been incurred prior to year end and the probable amount of loss (net of any insurance coverage or available funds on deposit) can be reasonably estimated. The City does not provide postemployment benefits (other than pension benefits) for its employees. (m) Capital Projects Capital projects expenditures include public domain or infrastructure projects which are not capitalized as additions to general fixed assets. Columns in the accompanying financial statements captioned "Totals (Memorandum Only)" are not necessary for a fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, but are presented as additional analytical data. Interfund balances and transactions have not been eliminated and the columns do not present consolidated financial information. Cash and investments held by the City at June 30, 1994 consisted of the following: Book Balance Petty cash and change funds. $ 11000 Deposits 3049174 Investments 19,967,514 Total 120.272.688 —13— CITY OF LA QUINTA Notes to the Financial Statements (Continued) (2) Cash and Investments. (Continued) Cash and investments are classified in the accompanying combined balance sheet as follows: Cash and investments $1392069945 Cash with fiscal agent 7,065,743 Total $20,272,689 The City and its component units are generally authorized under state statutes and local resolutions to invest in the following types of investments: Demand deposits with financial institutions Savings accounts Certificates of deposit U.S. Treasury Securities Federal Agency Securities State of California notes or bonds Notes or bonds of agencies within the State of California Bankers' acceptances California Local Agency'Investment Fund Repurchase Agreements Deferred compensation investments held in a fiduciary capacity for City employees include investments legally authorized for the City as well as investments in mutual funds. Under the California Government Code, a financial institution is required to secure deposits made by state or local governmental units by pledging securities held in the form of an undivided collateral pool. The market value of the pledged securities in the collateral pool must equal at least 110% of the total amount deposited by the public agencies. California law also allows financial institutions to secure City deposits by pledging first trust deed mortgage notes having a value of 150% of the secured public deposits. Deposits of cities and other state or local governments are classified in three categories to give an indication of the level of credit risk assumed by the City. Category 1 — includes deposits that are insured or collateralized with securities held by the City or its agent in the City's name. Category 2 — includes deposits collateralized with securities held by the pledging financial institution's trust department or agent in the City's name. Category 2 also includes deposits collateralized by an interest in an undivided collateral pool held by an authorized Agent or Depository and subject to certain regulatory requirements under State law. —14— CITY OF LA QUINTA Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) Category 3 - includes deposits collateralized with securities held by the pledging financial institution, or by its trust department or agent but not in the City's name. Category 3 also includes any uncollateralized deposits: Cate og_ry Bank Book Form of Deposit 2 3 Balance Big Demand deposits Investments of cities in securities are classified in three categories to give an indication of the level of custodial risk assumed by the entity. Category 1 - includes investments that are insured or registered or for which the securities are held by the City or the City's custodial agent (which must be a different institution other than the party through which the City purchased the securities) in the City's name. Investments held "in the City's name" include securities held in a separate custodial or fiduciary account and identified as owned by the City in the custodian's internal accounting records. Category 2 - includes uninsured and unregistered investments for which the securities are held in the City's name by the dealer's agent (or by the trust department of the dealer if the dealer was a financial _institution and another department of the institution purchased the securities for the City). Category 3 - includes uninsured and unregistered investments for which the securities are held by the dealer's trust department or agent, but not in the City's name. Category 3 also includes all securities held by the broker -dealer agent of the City (the party that purchased the securities for the City) regardless of whether or not the securities are being held in the City's name. Carrying Market Form of Investment Amount Value Mutual Funds $ 7,065,743 790659743 Local Agency Investment Fund 129696,805 129696,805 Deferred compensation 204,966 204,966 Total investments $19.967.514 19.967.514 The investments above are not classified by custodial risk because they do not represent a direct investment in securities. -15- CITY OF LA QUINTA Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) Under California law, property taxes are assessed and collected by the counties up to 1 % of assessed value, plus other increases approved by the voters. The property taxes are recorded initially in a pool, and are then allocated to the cities based on complex formulas. Accordingly, the City of La Quinta accrues only those taxes which are received from the County within sixty days after year end. Lien date March 1 Levy date June 30 Due dates November 1 and February 1 Collection dates December 10 and April 10 The La Quinta Redevelopment Agency's primary sources of revenue comes from property taxes. Property taxes allocated to the Agency are computed in the following manner: (a) The assessed valuation of all property within the project area is determined on the date of adoption of the Redevelopment Plan. (b) Property taxes related to the incremental increase in assessed values after the adoption of the Redevelopment Plan are allocated to the Agency; all taxes on the "frozen" assessed valuation of the property are allocated to the City and other districts. The Agency has no power to levy and collect taxes and any legislative property tax shift might reduce the amount of tax revenues that would otherwise be available to pay the principal of, and interest on, debt. Broadened property tax exemptions could have a similar effect. Conversely, any increase in the tax rate or assessed valuation, or any reduction or elimination of present exemptions would increase the amount of tax revenues that would be available to pay principal and interest on debt. A summary of changes in general fixed assets follows: Balance at June 30. 1993 Balance at Additions Retirements June 30. 1994 Land $ 89041,393 - - 8,0419393 Equipment and furniture 537,909 15,054 - 552,963 Vehicles 3299101 - - 329,101 Leasehold improvements 2019070 - - 2019070 Construction in progress 109072,612 1,2939750 1092079783 1,1589579 Buildings 104.450- 10,207,783 - 10.312.233 Total -16- CITY OF LA QUINTA Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) Changes in general long-term debt for the year ended June 30, 1994 were as follows: City: Compensated absences payable Claims payable** RDA Project Area No. 1: Taz allocation bonds Revenue bonds Pass through agreements payable: Due to County of Riverside Desert Sands Unified School District Coachella Valley Unified School District Notes payable - individuals Advances from other funds* RDA Project Area No. 2: Taz allocation bonds Due to County of Riverside Notes payable - individuals Advances from other funds* Total Balance at Balance at July 1. 1993 Additions Deletions June 30. 1994 $ 2S6,03S 40,932 - 297,017 2,114,8S6 - 2,114,8S6 -- 34,240,000 26,66S,000 2S,90S,000 3S.000.000 8.SiS1000 - - 8,515,000 4,669.328 5,847,810 - 10,517,138 3,090,270 - 524,OSO 2,S66,220 13,672,712 - 776,3S3 12,896,3S9 708,709 - 177,177 531,S31 120,333 - 120,333 - 5,84S,000 - 3S,000 5,8101000 - 763,287 - 763,237 9S4,492 - 239,623 71S,869 S.171.403 849,607 4,321,796 * Advances from other funds are monies owed by the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency to the City of La Quinta, which also include interest accrued on the advances. ** No amounts are presented as a liability for claims payable since amounts held on deposit with CVJPIA of $189,310 exceed the estimated liability for claims incurred to date of $184,629. _ 7 • :•1• As of June 30, 1994, the following issuances of Tax Allocation Bonds were outstanding: La Quinta Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1991, were issued by the Agency, October 1, 1991, in the amount of . $8,700,000 for Project Area No. 1. Interest is payable semi-annually, on March 1, and September 1 of each year commencing March 1, 1992. Interest rates are 6.375% per annum. Term Bonds maturing on September 1, 2014 are subject to mandatory sinking fund redemption, in whole or in part, on September 1, 2010 and on each September 1, thereafter, through September 1, 2014, at a prepayment price equal to 100% of the principal amount plus accrued interest. -17- CITY OF LA QUINTA Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) .. . .� :.l,1_ •1 1 ti4 Under the terms of the issue, the maximum annual debt service amount of $734,480 is to be set aside in reserve funds unless the Agency elects to maintain the reserve requirement by obtaining a letter of credit for the amount. A total of $735,284 was set aside at June 30, 1994. The amount of principal outstanding on the 1991 Tax Allocation Bonds payable at June 30, 1994 was $8,335,000. La Quinta Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1992, were issued by the Agency, December 1, 1992, in the amount of $5,845,000 for Project Area No. 2. Interest is payable semi-annually on June 1 and December 1 of each year, commencing June 1, 1993. The interest on and principal of the bonds are payable solely from pledged tax increment revenues. Interest payments range from 4.5% to 6.9% per annum. The bonds maturing on or after December 1, 1996 are subject to mandatory redemption in part without premium on June 1, 1996. Under the terms of the bond, the maximum annual debt service amount of $509,490 excluding the principal amount of the proceeds of the bonds held in the escrow fund, is to be set aside in reserve funds unless the Agency elects to maintain the reserve requirement by obtaining a letter of credit for the account. As of June 30, 1994, the amounts deposited in the reserve and escrow funds were $493,608 and $526,866, respectively. The principal balance of outstanding bonds at June 30, 1994 was $51,8109000. Tax allocation refunding bonds, Series 1994, in the amount of $26,665,000 were issued by the Agency to refund the outstanding aggregate principal amount of the Agency's Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1989 and 1990. The remaining proceeds was used to finance certain capital improvements within the La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 1. Interest rates on the bonds ranges from 3.90% to 8% and are payable semi-annually on March 1 and September 1 of each year until maturity. The interest on and principal of the bonds are payable solely from pledged tax increment revenues. The bonds are not subject to redemption prior to maturity. A portion of the proceeds was used to obtain a surety agreement to satisfy the bond reserve requirement. The principal balance of outstanding bonds at June 30, 1994 is $26,665,000. A portion of the bond proceeds, in the amount of $27,922,526, were deposited in an irrevocable trust with an escrow agent to provide for all future debt service payments on the 1999 and 1990 Tax Allocation Bonds. As a result, the bonds are considered to be defeased and the liability for those bonds has been removed from the general long-term debt account group. As of June 30, 1994, $7,075,000 and $18,015,000 of the 1989 and 1990 defeased bonds are outstanding, respectively. CITY OF LA QUINTA Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) La Quinta Financing Authority Local Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 1991, were issued on December 1, 1991 by the Financing Authority in the amount of $9,515,000 to finance construction of the new Civic Center. Interest is payable semi-annually on October 1 and April 1 of each year commencing April 1, 1992. Interest payments range from 5.7% to 6.2% per annum. The bonds maturing on or before October 1, 2000 are not subject to optional redemption prior to maturity; however, bonds maturing on or after October 1, 2001 are subject to optional redemption, as a whole or in part, on any Interest payment date on or after October 1, 2000, at a redemption price equal to the principal amount, plus accrued interest, plus a premium of .5% to 2%. Term bonds maturing on October 1, are subject to mandatory sinking fund redemption in part or in whole, on October 1, 2004 and on each October 1, thereafter, through October 1, 2019, at a prepayment equal to 100% of the principal amount plus accrued interest. Under the term of the issue, the amount $704,718, is to be set aside in a reserve. A total of $704,718 was set aside as of June 30, 1994. The principal balance of outstanding bonds at June 30, 1994 was $9,515,000. - Project Area No. 1 Based on an agreement amended December 21, 1993 between the Agency, the City of La Quinta, and the County of Riverside (County), the Agency will pay to the County $10,517,139 from increment revenue relating to Project Area No. 1. This agreement is in consideration of the tax revenues lost by the County as a result of the formation of Project Area No. 1. The tax increment is to be paid to the County over a payment schedule through June 30, 2006 in annual amounts ranging from $386,764 to $2,190,473. Unpaid balances accrue interest at 5.5% per annum. The balance at June 30, 1994 was $10,517,138. Project Area No. 2 Based on an agreement dated July 5, 1999 between the Agency and the County, until the tax increment reaches $5,000,000 annually in Project Area No. 2, the Agency will pay to the County 50% of the County portion of tax increment. At the County's option, the County's pass -through portion can be retained by the Agency to finance new County facilities- or land costs that benefit the County and serve the La Quinta population. Per the agreement, the Agency must repay all amounts withheld from the County. The Agency is required to begin repayment in the year in which tax increment reaches $5,000,000 in ten equal annual installments. Interest does not accrue on this obligation. The balance at June 30, 1994 was $763,287. -1.9- CITY OF LA QUINTA Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) Based on an agreement dated June 21, 1998 between the Agency, the City of La Quinta and the Desert Sands Unified School District (District), the Agency identified all tax increment revenue associated with the District for Project Area No. 1. The tax increment is paid to the District over a payment schedule through July 1, 1999 in amounts ranging from $21,505 to $547,505 for a total amount of $4,132,020. Alternatively, such tax increment revenues plus interest accrued required by this agreement may be retained by the Agency to pay on behalf .of the District principal and interest on loans, construction projects or money advanced to finance a sports complex and related amenities as specified by the District. Tax increment payments outstanding at June 30, 1994 totaled $2,566,220. An agreement was entered into in 1991 between the Agency, the City of La Quinta and the Coachella Valley Unified School District (District) which provides for the payment to the District of a portion of tax increment revenue associated with properties within District confines. Such payments are subordinate to other indebtedness of the Agency incurred in futherance of the Redevelopment Plan for Project Area No. 1. This tax increment is paid to the District over a payment schedule through August 1, 2012, in amounts ranging from $353,699 to $934,076, for a total amount of $15,284,042. Tax increment payments outstanding at June 30, 1994 totaled $12,896,359. The District agrees to use such funds to provide classroom and other construction costs, site acquisition, school busses or expansion or rehabilitation of current facilities. IMIEWST MOM 6. MIN �. In the fiscal year ended June 30, 1991, the Agency purchased several parcels of land from individuals and as a result incurred $3,383,500 of debt. Interest on the notes ranges from 9% to 103% per annum and is payable monthly and quarterly. The principal balance outstanding on the notes at June 30, 1994 for Project Area No. 1 and 2 was $531,531 and $715,969, respectively. The following represents a summary of the various transactions between the City of La Quinta and the Agency, accounted for as advances from the City: Balances at Balances at July 1. 1993 Proceeds Reflavm_ ents June 30. 1994 Agency expenditures incurred by the City: Project Area No. 1 $ 120,333 - 1209333 - Project Area No. 2 5.171.404 849,608 4,321,796 Total - 96� 4.321.796 There is no stipulated repayment date established for the City advances. Interest is paid at 10% per year. -20- CITY OF LA QUINTA Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) Pass -through Agreements Redevelopment Agency RDA Financing Project Area No. 1 Motes Project Area No. 1 EA #E2 Authority_ Desert Coachella Payable TAX Tau Tas Revenue Sands Valley to Year Allocation Allocation Allocation Bonds Unified Unified Coouty Individuals Ending June 30 Series 1991 Series 1994 Series 1992 Series 1991 School District Sdbool District of Riverside (PA #E1 431 PA #2 57%) Total 1994-95 $ 72S,743 1,435,740 472,457 699,477 661,560 624,473 396.764 528,066 5,534,28( 1995-96 722.675 2,306,S82 493.8S7 696,403 629.000 474,S17 386,764 490,644 6,199,44: 1996-97 723,810 2,629,8Si 503,607 697,S70 707,6SO S26,560 396,764 4S3.222 6,629,03- 1997-98 723,988 2,632.040 502,127 697,987 569,010 S80,683 773,528 - 6,479,36. 1999-99 723,210 2,62S.330 S10,06S 697,623 - 621,976 773,S28 - 5.9S1,73: 1999-00 721,475 2,624,696 501,80S 696,407 - 649,927 773,529 - S,967,83; 2000-01 723.62S 2,624,88S S08,26S 694,413 - 670,817 1,803.70S - 7,02S.71i 2001-02 724,500 2,620.31S S03,500 696,467 - 694,233 1,803,70S - 7,032,72, 2002-03 719,2S9 2,620.SSS S08.100 697,399 - 697,919 1,803.70S - 7,047.23 2003-04 722.744 2,S99,46S S0115S0 692,327 - 711,877 2,190.473 - 7,418.43 2004-OS 719,794 2,612,140 S09,490 690,766 - 726,114 2,190,473 - 7.448.77 2WS-06 720,409 2,597,700 SOS.890 692.479 - 740.636. 2,190,473 - 7,447.S8 2006-07 719,431 2,S93,4S6 506,400 692,361 - 7SS.449 - - S,267,S9 2007-08 716,960 2,590,816 S05,650 691.914 - 770,SS8 - - S.27S.79 2009-09 717,S3S 2.S84,232 MAN 629.636 - 78S.968 - - S,281,22 2009-10 716,297 2.S78,160 506,000 690,863 - 801.683 - - S,293,00 2010-11 713,080 2,S71.868 S06,7SO 690.426 817,722 - - S.299,84 2011-12 712,720 2.S69,442 506,100 688.328 - 834,076 - - 5,310.66 2012-13 714,9S9 2,S60.15S 509.050 684,S66 - 421,167 - - 4,889.89 2013-14 709,799 - SOS.2SO 683.976 - - - - 1,899,02 2014-15 712,079 - SO A O 686.22S - - - - 1,903.35 201S-16 - = 503.100 691.313 - - - - 1,184,41 2016-17 - - S09.400 694.072 - - - - 1,193.47 .2017-18 - - SOS.= 679,339 - - - - 1,187,S8 2019-19 - - - 681.94S - - 691.94 Principal and interest 1S.103.992 47.977,723 12,095,563 17,274,791 2.S66.220 12,896,3S9 1S,463,410 1,471.932 124.949,91 Less: Interest (6,768,992) (21,312,728) (6,295,563) (8.7S9.781) - - (4,946,272) (22_2) (48.297.8( Total principal 5,00026.665.000 5,910,000 3.515.000 2.56� 12,896,359 10.517.138 24� 76 -21- CITY OF LA QUINTA Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) (14) Debt Without Governmental Commitment The City of La Quinta has entered into the sale of Improvement Bonds issued pursuant to the California State Improvement Act of 1915. The Bonds are payable from the annual installments collected on the regular property tax bills sent to owners of property having unpaid assessments levied against land benefited by the projects. The Bonds are not general obligations of the City nor any other political subdivision and the full faith and credit of the City is not pledged for repayment thereof. The City is in no way liable for repayment of the debt, but is only acting as agent for the property owners in collecting the assessments, forwarding the collections to bondholders, and does not constitute an obligation of the City; they are not reflected in the general long—term debt account group in the accompanying financial statements. The following is a summary of improvement bonds outstanding at June 30, 1994: Proceeds Maturity Date Interest Rate Amount outstanding at June 30, 1994 Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment District No. 88-1 District No. 89-2 District No. 90-1 District No. 91-1 District No. 92-1 $855,984 1.153,974 1,227,iSS 2,240,866 11880,891 September 2, 2004 September 2, 2004 September 2, 2005 September 2. 2006 September 2,2008 6.60%-7.2S% 6.40X-6.7S% 6.0%-7.0% 6.70%-6.80% S.0%-S.40% $690,000 9051000 110501000 2,035,000 118801891 The City establishes "reserves" of fund equity to segregate amounts representing noncurrent assets which are not considered expendable available financial resources, and amounts legally restricted by parties external to the City. Fund "designations" also may be established by the City to indicate plans for the use of financial resources. Fund balances at June 30, 1994 consisted of the following reserves and designations: Total General Fund Special Revenue Debt Service Capital (Memorandum Reserved for: Proiects Only) Bond reserve requirement $ - - 1,957,747 - 1,957,747 Advances to other funds 4,321,796 - - - 4,321,796 Prepaid expenses - - 3",971 - 399,971 Deposits 32,343 - - 5.122 37,465 Notes receivable - 67,120 - - 67,120 Land held for resale - 361.340 - - 361.340 TDC owner participation agreement - - - 1,820,793 1,920,793 Subtotal 4,354.139 428,460 2.357.718 1.825.915 8,966,232 Unreserved: Designated for: Equipment replacement 82,674 - - - 82,674 Debt service - - 2,549,000 - 2,549.000 Emergency reserve 1,225,243 - - - 1,225,243 Operations/projects/transfers 2,484,977 6,076,169 - i.S08.498 10,069,644 Subtotal 3,792,894 6,076,169 2,549,000 1,508,499 13,926,561 Total fund balances S -22- CITY OF LA QUINTA Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) The City has made available to its employees a deferred compensation plan, created in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 457, whereby employees authorize the City to defer a portion of their salary to be deposited in individual investment accounts. Funds may be withdrawn by participants upon termination of employment or retirement. The City makes no contribution under the plan. As of June 30, 1994, the deferred compensation liability included in an Agency Fund was $204,966 carried at market value. All amounts of compensation deferred under the plan, all property and rights purchased with those amounts, and all income attributable to those amounts, property, or rights, are solely the property and rights of the City, subject only to the claims of the City's general creditors. Because the City handles these funds in a fiduciary capacity, the Deferred Compensation Fund is reported as an Agency Fund in the accompanying financial statements. The City of La Quinta contributed to the California Public Employees Retirement System (PERS), an agent multiple -employer defined pension plan that acts as a common investment and administrative agent for participating public entities within the State of California. The City's payroll for employees covered by PERS, for the year ended June 30, 1994 was $2,149,787. The total payroll for the year was $2,303,024. All full-time City employees are eligible to participate in PERS. Part-time hourly employees do not participate in PERS. Benefits vest after five years of service. City employees who retire at or after age fifty, with five years of credited service are entitled to an annual retirement benefit, payable monthly for life, in an amount equal to the average monthly pay rate for the last twelve. consecutive months. PERS also provides death and survivor's benefits. These benefit provisions and all other requirements are established by State statute and City ordinance. Contributions required of City employees are paid by the City on behalf of the employees. The rates are set by statute and therefore remain unchanged from year to year. The present rates are: Member Rates as a Category Percentage of wages Local miscellaneous members 7% The City is required to contribute the remaining amounts necessary to fund the benefits for its members, using the actuarial bases recommended by the PERS actuaries and actuarial consultants and adopted by the Board of Administration. -23- CITY OF LA QUINTA Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) The amount shown below as the "pension benefit obligation" is a standardized measure of the present value of pension benefits, adjusted for the effects of step -rate benefits, estimated to be payable in the future as a result of employee service to date. The measure is intended to.help assess the funding status of PERS on a going -concern basis, assess progress . made in accumulating sufficient assets to pay benefits when due, and make comparisons among employers. The measure is the actuarial present value of credited projected benefits and is independent of the funding method used to determine contributions to PERS. The pension benefit obligation was computed as part of an actuarial valuation performed as of June 30, 1993. Neither an actuarial valuation nor an annual update as of June 30, 1994 is available at this time. Significant actuarial assumptions used in the valuation include (a) a rate of return on the investment of present and future assets of 8.75 percent a year compounded annually, (b) projected salary increases of 5.25 percent a year compounded annually, attributable to inflation, (c) additional projected salary increases of 1.75 percent a year, attributable to seniority/merit, and (d) no post retirement benefit increases. The total unfunded pension obligation applicable to the City employees was $74,505 at June 30, 1993, as follows: Pension benefit obligation: Retirees and beneficiaries currently receiving benefits and terminated employees not yet receiving benefits Current employees: Accumulated employee contribution including allocated investment earnings Employer -financed vested Employer -financed non -vested Total pension benefit obligation Net assets available for benefits at cost (Market value is $1,882,143) Unfunded pension benefit obligation Changes in the pension benefit obligation from last year resulted from the following: Changes in benefit provisions Changes in actuarial assumptions Total $ 312,431 715 , 264 442,846 227,901 1,698,442 1.623.937 74-505 (79,704) -24- CITY OF LA QUINTA Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) PERS used the Entry Age Normal Actuarial Cost Method which is a projected benefit cost method. That is, it takes into account those benefits that are expected to be earned in the future as well as those already accrued. According to this cost method, the normal cost for an employee is the level amount which would fund the projected benefit if it were paid annually from date of employment until retirement. PERS uses a modification of the Entry Age Cost method in which the employer's total normal cost is expressed as a level percent of payroll. PERS also uses the level percentage of. payroll method to amortize any unfunded actuarial liabilities. The amortization period of the unfunded actuarial liability ends in the year 2000 for prior service benefits and current service benefits. The significant actuarial assumptions used to compute the actuarially determined contribution requirement are the same as those used to compute the pension benefit obligation, as previously described. The contribution to PERS for the year ended June 30, 1994 of $331,457 was made in accordance with actuarially determined contribution rates provided to the City before the beginning of the fiscal year and based upon an actuarial valuation performed as of June 30, 1992. The contribution consisted of the following: Percent of Covered Amount Payroll Normal cost $2819152 13.08% Amortization of unfunded (overfunded) actuarial accrued liability 50,305 2.34% Total contribution t331,457 15.42% Contribution: Employer 1779830 8.27% Employee 153,627 7.15% Total contribution 15.42% —25— CITY OF LA QUINTA Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) • I 1 VON R, •, For the three years ended June 30, 1992, 1993 and 1994, the total contribution to PERS was 12.34%, 13.47% and 15.42%, respectively, of the annual covered payroll. The total contribution paid by the City included the employer contributions as well as the member contribution for which the City is contractually obligated to pay on behalf of its employees. The total contributions paid by the City was based upon actuarially determined requirements. Since the required ten-year information for the City of La Quinta alone is not displayed in the California PERS annual report, this information must be disclosed in the financial statements of the City. This ten-year historical trend information gives an indication of the progress made in accumulating sufficient assets to pay benefits when due. However, the year ended June 30, 1987 is the first year that this actuarial information was made available by PERS. Moreover, such information for the year ended June 30, 1994 is not yet available. Until ten years of data are available, as many years as are available will be presented. Showing unfunded pension benefit obligation as a percentage of annual covered payroll approximately adjusts for the effects of inflation, thereby enhancing comparability for trend analysis purposes. Available trend information (in hundreds) is summarized as follows: (6) (4) Unfunded Pension Actuarial (1) (2) (3) Unfunded (5) Benefit Obligation Valuation Net Assets Pension Percentage Pension Benefit Annual as a Percentage as of Available Benefit Funded Obligation Covered of Covered Payroll June 30 for Benefits Obligation (11/(2) (2) - (1) Payroll (41/(S) 1987 $ 2,664.0 $ 1,886.9 .140.1% $ -757.2 $ 7,172.1 -10.6% 1988 3,74S.S 2,614.0 143.3 -1,131.S 7.862.4 -14.4 1999 S.467.8 4,266.4 129.2 -1,201.6 12,012.6 -10.0 1990 7,770.3 6,S08.0 119.4 -1.262.3 14,973.3 -8.S 1991 10,279.3 8,550.1 120.2 -1,729.4 19,272.4 -9.0 1992 13,911.9 14,389.6 96.7 476.6 21,337.2 2.2 1993 16,239.3 16,984.4 9S.6 745.0 22,591.4 3.3 —26— CITY OF LA QUINTA Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) (18) Claims Payable/Self Insurance The Coachella Valley Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CVJPIA) was formed under a joint exercise of powers agreement between local governments and special districts under the sponsorship of the Coachella Valley Association of Governments for the purpose of jointly funding insurance programs. The CVJPIA is composed of twenty-one cities and one transit agency with equal governing , powers and no management authority. The City of La Quinta joined the CVJPIA in order to achieve long term premium stability. Each member city must remain in the pool for three years and may be assessed up to three times their annual premium if the need arises. The likelihood of the need for excess premiums is remote given the claims history of the cities involved and the length of time necessary to settle large claims. Generally, individual claims in excess of the self -insured amount for workers' compensation and general liability (up to a maximum of $5,000,000 per incident) fall under the insurance policies purchased by the City. The CVJPIA provides for liability insurance coverage in excess of $125,000 with a maximum of $10,000,000 per claim. The Capital Project Redevelopment Agency Project Area No. 1 fund reported a deficit fund balance of $2,753,391 at June 30, 1994. 1 .- . - . A .. •.10. .� Expenditures for the year ended June .30, 1994 exceeded the appropriations of the following funds: Special revenue funds: State Gas Tax Assessment District 89-1 Low Income Housing Project Area No. 1 Debt service funds: Redevelopment Agency PA #1 Redevelopment Agency PA #2 Variance - Favorable Budget Actual .(Unfavorable) $ 434,236 450,498 (16,262) 635,183 660,493 (25,310) 193729227 298099023 (1,4369796) 5,083,499 99288,396 (4,204,897) 2,198,462 2,7379393 (538,931) Annual budgets have not been adopted for certain capital projects funds. —27— CITY OF LA QUINTA Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) Current interfund receivables and payables balances at June 30, 1994 are as follows: Special Revenue Funds: Low Income Housing -Project Area #1 Low Income Housing -Project Area #2 Federal Assistance Debt Service Funds: Redevelopment Agency -Project Area #1 Redevelopment Agency -Project Area #2 Capital Project Funds: Infrastructure Redevelopment Agency -Project Area #1 Redevelopment Agency -Project Area #2 Current Current Interfund Interfund Receivables Pavab, les $2,759,160 19297,051 260,361 6129520 511,903 9779383 399135 260,361 - 298599777 - 2,235,299 The Agency has entered into an Owner Participation Agreement (OPA) with Washington/Adams, a California limited partnership. In this Agreement, Washington/Adams is responsible for the development of a retail center located at the intersection of Washington Avenue and Highway Ill. The Agency and Washington/Adams are to share in specific infrastructure improvements, with the Agency being responsible for a maximum of $3,156,000. In addition, the Agency agrees to reimburse Washington/Adams a maximum of $575,460 for engineering design, permit fees, plan checks and inspections, and general contractor fees. As of June 30, 1994, $1,820,793 remains to be expended under this agreement. Various claims and suits have been filed against the City in the normal course of operations. Although the outcome of these lawsuits is not presently determinable, in the opinion of management, the resolution of these matters will not have a material adverse effect on the financial position of the City. Litigation settlement payments include the payments made to Iowa Trust in settlement of a claim by Iowa Trust with regard to funds previously invested by the City with an investment management company. -29- SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS -29- CITY OF LA QUINTA Special Revenue Funds Combining Balance Sheet June 30, 1994 Assets Cash and investments Accounts receivable Notes receivable Due from other funds Due from other governments Land held for resale Total assets Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued expenses Deposits payable Due to other funds Total liabilities Fund balances: Reserved for: Notes receivable Land held for resale Unreserved: Designated for operations/ projects Total fund balances Total liabilities and fund balances Community Assessment State Service Federal District Gas Tax Projects Assistance 89-1 $ 41665 19620t971 264,606 22,223 - 123,410 $2 1.620.971 399,016 $13,817 361,160 - 31,249 - - - 17,066 36,160 260,361 151,461 42,089 19�4 35,417 3,948 34,840 74,205 -30- EX-iIBIT A-1 Low Income Loa Income Village South Coast Housing- Housing- Totals Quimby Parking Air Quality_ PA #1 PA #2 1994 1993 1779125 229084 189446 - - 29259,358 69902,750 - - - _ _ - 749248 67,120 - 67,120 1279520 - 29759,160 19297,051 4,0569211 - 4,432 - - 192,154 541,320 361,340 361,340 - 17� 22,084 22,878 3.197,620 1,297,051 6.936,183 7.158,838 42,255 1,507 129,156 35,049 - - 71197 139703 - 34,840 34,840 260,361 7,137 42,255 1,507 431,554 90,729 67,120 - 67,120 127,520 - - 3619340 - 3619340 - 177,125 22,084 22,878 2,716,905 1,295,544 6,076,169 6,940,589 177.125 22,084 22,878 3,145,365 1,295,544 6,504,629 7,068,109 17 22i, 084 22 -31- CITY OF LA QUINTA Special Revenue Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Year ended June 30, 1994 Community Assessment State Gas Tax Service Projects Federal Assistance District 89-1 Revenues: Taxes $ - - _ Intergovernmental 2869701 - 5169024 - Developer fees - - _ _ Interest - 521,122 4,345 3,834 Special assessments - - - 622,186 Miscellaneous - - - 535 Total revenues 286,701 52,122 520•369 626,555 Expenditures: Community services - - _ _ Planning and development - - - '199977 Public works 430,162 - - 640,516 Capital projects 201,336 1569239 - - Debt service: Payment of advances - _ Total expenditures 450,498 156,239 - 660,493 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures ) (104,117) 520,369 (33.938) Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in 2029041 5259000 349027 - Operating transfers out (689054) - (426,741) (49550) Proceeds of advances from City - _ _ _ Total other financing sources (uses) 133, 525,000 (392,714) (4,550) Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing -uses (299810) 4209883 1279655 (389488) Fund balances at beginning of year Fund balances at end of year -32- EXHIBIT A-2 Low Income Low Income Quimby- Village Parking South Coast Air Quality Housing- PA #1 Housing- PA #2 Totals 1994 1993 - 1,700,574 4709997 29171,571 29068,455 _ - 219402 - - 824,127 3109585 429725 - - 339760 - 769485 84,302 22,276 986 576 139,682 47,051 270,872 2979077 _ _ _ _ _ - 622,186 535 605,462 51,012 65,001 986 21,9,78 1,874,016 518,048 3,965,776 3,406,893 _ _ _ _ _ - 1359500 4,168 295499631 1359331 29709,107 195389034 _ _ - 1,070,678 190679340 231,487 59463 - 2409961 - 446,486 4419953 18,431 3,284 21,715 23,487 5,463 4.168 2,809,023 138,615 4,247,986 3,182,827 41,514 (4,477) 17,810 (935,007) 379,433 (282,210) 224,066 _ _ - 761,068 153,022 (525,000) (109973) (41680) (29340) (19042,338) (706,639) 517,779 (525,000). - (10,.93) (4,680) (2,340) (281,270) (35,838) (483,486) (4,477) 6,837 (939,687) 3779093 (563,480) 188,228 660,611 22,,561 16,041 4,085,052 919,451 7,069,109 6,879,881 3,145,365 1.295.544 6,50.4,624 7,068.109 -33- EXHIBIT A-3 CITY OF LA QUINTA Special Revenue Funds State Gas Tax Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 1994 Variable Favorable 1993 Budget- Actual (Unfavorable) Actual Revenues: Taxes $ _ Intergovernmental 269,140 286,701 17,561 287,965 Developer fees _ _ _ Interest _ 1,000 - (1,000) 11,699 _Special assessments - Miscellaneous _ _ _ 10,992 Total revenues 286,701 16,561 310,656 Expenditures: Community -services Planning and development _ _ Public works 414,236 430,162 (15,926) 471,544 Capital projects 20,000 201,336 (336) 29,733 Debt service: Payment of advances Total expenditures 4.4 450.498 (16,262) 501,277 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures (164,096) (163,797) 299 (190.621) Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in 1629896 2029041 39,145 509000 Operating transfers out (849027) (689054) 159973 - Proceeds of advances from City - Total other financing sources 78,869 133,987 55,118 -50,,000 (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses (859227) (299810) 559417 (1409621) Fund balances at beginning of year 39,632 39,632 180,253 Fund balances (deficit) at end of year ) 9,922 5 -34- EXHIBIT A-4 CITY OF LA QUINTA Special Revenue Funds Community Service Projects Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 1994 Revenues: Taxes Intergovernmental Developer fees Interest Special assessments Miscellaneous Total revenues Expenditures: Community services Planning and development Public works Capital projects Debt service: Payment of advances Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Proceeds of advances from City Total other financing sources (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses Fund balances at beginning of year Fund balances at end of year Variable Favorable 1993 Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual 521,500 529122 52,500 52,122 1,499,907 156,239 1,499,907 156,239 (378) 91,562 (378) 91,562 135,500 1,343,668 409165 1,343,688 175,665 (1,447,407) (104,117) 1,343,290 (84,103) 926,500 525,000 (401,500) - (520,907) 420v883 941,790 (84,103) 1,163,928 1,163,928 1,248,031 $ 643.021 1.594.811 941.790 -35- EXHIBIT A-5 CITY OF LA QUINTA Special Revenue Funds Federal Assistance Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Year ended June 3.0, 1994 Variable Budget-- Actual- Favorable 1993 (Unfavorable) Actual Revenues: Taxes $ _ Intergovernmental 570,014 516,024 (53,990) - Developer fees _ _ _ Interest - 4,345 4,345 - Special assessments _ _ _ _ Miscellaneous Total revenues 570,014 520,369 .(42i645) - Expenditures: Community services Planning and development Public works Capital projects Debt service: Payment of advances Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures 570,014 520,369 (49,645) _ Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in - 349027 341,027 - Operating transfers out (5709014) (426,741) 143,273 - Proceeds of advances from City _ Total other financing sources (uses) ) (392_114) 177,300 - Excess (deficiency) -of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses - 1279655 127,655 - Fund balances at beginning of year _ _ Fund balances at end of year - 1,2�7__6555 127.65 _ -36- EXHIBIT A-6 CITY OF LA QUINTA Special Revenue Funds Assessment District 89-1 Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 1994 Variable Budget_ Actual Favorable (Unfavorable) 1993 Actual Revenues: Taxes $ - - - - Intergovernmental - - - - Developer fees - - - - Interest 4,100 3,834 (266) 4,850 Special assessments 5399789 6229186 82,397 6059462 Miscellaneous - 535 535 11,548 Total revenues Expenditures: Community services - - - - Planning and development 23,350 19,977 3,373 - Public works 611,833 640,516 (28,683) 595,796 Capital projects - - - 739621 Debt service: Payment of advances - - - - Total expenditures 635,183 660,493 (25,310) 669.417 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures 4) (33,,93$) 57^.356 (47.557) Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in - - - 103,022 Operating transfers out (49550) (49550) - - Proceeds of advances from City - - - - Total other financing sources (uses) 4 ) (4,550) - 103,022 Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses (95,844) (38,488) 579356 559465 Fund balances at beginning of year 157,833 157,833 - 102,368 Fund balances at end of year S 61,9$4 lls 57,356 157-933 -3T- EXHIBIT A-7 CITY OF LA QUINTA Special Revenue Funds Quimby Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 1994 Variable Budget Actin Favorable (Unfavorable) 1993 Actual_ Revenues: Taxes $ Intergovernmental Developer fees 25,000 429725 17,725 - Interest 48,750 22,276 (26,474) 53,613 Special assessments - - _ _ Miscellaneous Total revenues 73,750 65,001 (8,749) _53.,613 Expenditures: Community services - _ _ _ Planning and development Public works - _ _ _ Capital projects 1859600 239487 1629113 419594 Debt service: Payment of advances - _ Total expenditures 185,600 23,487 162,113 41,594 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures ) 41,514 153,364 12,019 Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in - _ - _ Operating transfers out (5259000) (5259000) - - Proceeds of advances from City - Total other financing sources (uses) ) (525,000) - - Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses (6369850) (483,486) 1539364 129019 Fund balances at beginning of year Fund balances at end of year -38- EXHIBIT A-8 CITY OF LA QUINTA Special Revenue Funds Village Parking Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 1994 Variable Favorable 1993 Actual (Unfavorable) Actual Revenues: Taxes $ - - - - Intergovernmental - - - - Developer fees - - - 8,838 Interest 29000 986 (1,-014) 19856 Special assessments - - - - Miscellaneous - - - Total revenues 2.000 986 (1,014) 10,694 Expenditures: Community services - - - - Planning and development - - - Public works - - - - Capital projects 89838 59463 39375 - Debt service: Payment of advances - - - - Total expenditures 8,838 5,463 3,375 - Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures (6,838) (4,477) 2,361 14,694 Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in - - - - Operating transfers out - - - - Proceeds of advances from City - - - - Total other financing sources (uses) - - - - Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses (6,838) (49477) 29361 109694 Fund balances at beginning of year 26,5,61 26,561 1,5,867 Fund balances at end of year 11� 22"„084 2-361 26,561 -39- EXHIBIT A-9 CITY OF IA QUINTA Special Revenue Funds South Coast Air Quality Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 1994 Revenues: Taxes Intergovernmental Developer fees Interest Special assessments Miscellaneous Total revenues Expenditures: Community services Planning and development Public works Capital projects Debt service: Payment of advances Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Proceeds of advances from City Total other financing sources (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses Fund balances at beginning of year Fund balances at end of year Variable Favorable 1993 Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual 16,500 21,402 49902 22,620 725 576 (149) 959 17.225 21.978 4.7S3 23,579 59527 4,168 19359 7,538 5.527 4.168 1,359 7.538 11,698 17,810 6,112 16,041 (109973) (109973) (14.,973) (10,973) - 725 6,837 6,112 169041 16,041 16,041 - Z 22,979 6,112 16 - 041 -40- EXHIBIT A-10 CITY OF LA QUINTA Special Revenue Funds Low Income Housing Project Area No. 1 Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 1994 Variable Budget Actual Favorable (Unfavorable) 1993 Actual Revenues: Taxes $19861,329 197009574 (160,755) 116649567 Intergovernmental - - - - Developer fees 1459000 33,760 (111,240) 759464 Interest 58,000 139,682 81,682 1029247 Special assessments - - - - Miscellaneous - - - 28.472 Total revenues 2,064,329 1,874,016 (190,313) 1,870,750 Expenditures: Community services Planning and development - 19131,266 - 21549,631 - (194189365) - 194849635 Public works Capital projects 240,961 240,961 - 2569840 Debt service: Payment of advances - 18,431 (18,431) - Total expenditures 1,372,227 2,809,023 (1,436,796) 1,741,475 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures 692,102 (935.007) (1,627,109) 129,275 Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in - - - - Operating transfers out (49680) (49680) - (6039617) Proceeds of advances from City - - - 471,918 Total other financing sources (uses) (4,680) (4,680) - (131.699) Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses 6879422 (9399687) (1,6279109) (29424) Fund balances at beginning of year 4,085,052 4.085.052 - 4,097,476 Fund balances at end of year U.772.474 ( ) 4,095,052 -41- EXHIBIT A-11 CITY OF LA QUINTA Special Revenue Funds _Low Income Housing Project Area No._ 2 Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 1994 Variable Budget Actual Favorable (Unfavorable) 1993 Actual Revenues: Taxes $ 468,750 470,997 29247 4039888 Intergovernmental _ _ _ _ Developer fees - _ _ _ Interest 9,000 47,051 38,051 17,863 Special assessments _ - _ _ Miscellaneous Total revenues 477,750 518,048 40.298 421,751 Expenditures: Community services - _ _ _ Planning and development 1529724' 1359331 17,393 45,861 Public works - Capital projects _ _ Debt service: Payment of advances - 3.284 (3.284) _ Total expenditures 152,724 138,615 14.109 45.861 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures 325,026 379,433 54,407 375,890 Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in - _ Operating transfers out (29340) (29340) - Proceeds of advances from City _ - - 45.861 Total other financing sources (uses) (2,340) (2,340) 45,861 Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses 322,686 3779093 549407 4219751 Fund balances at beginning of year 918,451 918,451 - 496,700 Fund balances at end of year -42- DEBT SERVICE FUNDS -43- MMIBIT• B-1 Assets Cash and investments Cash with fiscal agent Prepaid expense Due from other funds Due from other governments Total assets Liabilities and Fund Balance Liabilities: Accounts payable Due to other funds Obligations under pass -through agreements Total liabilities Fund balances: Reserved for: Bond reserve requirement Prepaid expenses Unreserved: Designated for debt service Total fund balances Total liabilities and fund balances CITY OF LA QUTATA Debt Service Funds Combining Balance Sheet June 30, 1994 Redevelopment Redevelopment Financing Totals Age -PA #1 Aaencv-PA #2 Authority 1994 1993 $1,306,731 165,869 97S.765 406,684 399,971 - 612,S20 977,383 1-54 - 1,972,6SO 1,846,144 761,720 2,144,169 2,950,720 - 399,971 - 1,S89,903 - 57.OS9 76� 6,10� 4,953,923 $ 467,946 178,991 2,000 648,937 - 511,903 39,135 - SS1,038 1;337,422 291,117 979,849 218,_126 2.000 1,199,975 1.628.S99 735.294 493,608 738,8SS 199S7,747 2,236,391 399,971 - - 399,971 - 1,679,933 848,20220.865 2.S49.000 989,933 2,915,199 1,33_1,910 7S9,720 4,906,719 3.22S.324 11,795,037 1.54� 76� 6-10� 4.85.E or -FIN ..��I. EXHIBIT B-2 CITY OF IA QUIRTA Debt Service Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Year ended June 30, 1994 Revenues: Taxes Interest Rental income Miscellaneous Total revenues Expenditures: Planning and development Debt service: Principal Interest Payment of advances Payments under pass -through obligations Mandated education contribution Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Litigation settlement proceeds Total other financing sources (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses Fund balances at beginning of year Fund balances at end of year Redevelopment Redevelopment Financing Totals AMM-PA #i Agency -PA #2 Anthority 1994 1993 $9,177,876 1.883,988 - 11.061,864 10,646,741 76,185 88.443 24,927 189,55S 2Z4,219 - - 226,994 226,994 3,995 - 3.995 9,258,056 1,972,431 251,921 11,482,408 10.870,960 193,854 815,000 2,495.561 5,272,079 511,903 9,288,396 239,290 (842,763) 3,379,606 - 2,000 195.854 10,902 35.000 - 850,000 760,000 903,324 548,3S3 3,947,238 3,853,942 815,010 - 815,010 9,8S1.766 944,924 39.E - 6,217,002 - SS1.038 8,152,24S 1.587.351 2.737,39,E SSO.3S3 12.576.142 24,216,206 (764,962) (298,432) (1,093,734) (13,345,246 239,290 9,979,914 (842,768) - 3.378.606 - 2,744,783 (764,962) (298,432) 1,681,394 (3,365,332) 70,400 2,096,772 1.0S8.1S2 3.22S.324 6.590.656 S2.815.188 LmULJ ,Q 7S = 4,906,719 3.2ZS.324 -45- CITY OF LA QUINTA Debt Service Funds EXHIBIT B-3 Redevelopment Agency Project Area No. 1 Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 1994 Revenues: Taxes Interest Rental income Miscellaneous Total revenues Expenditures: Planning and development Debt service: Principal Interest Payment of advances Payments under pass -through obligations Mandated education contribution Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Litigation settlement proceeds Total other financing sources (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses Fund balances at beginning of year - Fund balances at end of year Variable Favorable 1993 Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual $ 99936,725 9,177,876 (758,849) 99031,189 949800 76,185 0 8,615) 809265 3.995 3.995 10,031,525 9,258,056 (773,469) 9,111,454 193,854 (193,854) 101,902 815,000 815,000 - 760,000 29416,973 294959561 (789588) 29681,798 - - - 9,629,729 193459373 5,2721,078 (31,926,705) 7,435,947 506,153 511,903 (5,750) 1,437,383 5,093,499 9,288,396 (4,204,897) 21,955,759 4,948,026 (30,340) (4,978,366) (12,844,305) - 2399290. 2399290 99573,855 (1009000) (8429768) (742,768) - - 3,378,606 3,378,606 (100,000) 2.775.128 2,875,128 9,573,855 4,8489026 21744,788 (29103,238) (39270,450) 70.400 70.400 - 3.340,850 $ 4.918.426 2,815,199 ( ) 70.400 -46- EXHIBIT B-4 CITY OF LA QUINTA Debt Service Funds Redevelopment Agency Project Area No. 2 Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 1994 Variable Favorable 1993 Budset Actual (Unfavorable Revenues: Taxes $198759000 19883,988 89988 196159552 Interest 101,635 88,443 (13,192) 1039408 Rental income - - - - Miscellaneous - - - - Total revenues 1,976,635 1,972,431 (4,204) 1,718,960 Expenditures: Planning and development - - - - Debt service:. - Principal - 35,000 (359000) - Interest 402,229 9039324 (5019095) 6239791 Payment of advances 835,000 8159010 199990 2229037 Payments under pass -through obligations 922,501 9449924 (229423) 7169298 Mandated education contribution 38.732 39.135 (403) 149,968 Total expenditures 2,198,462 '2.737.393 (538,931) 1,712,094 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures (221,827) (764.962) (543,135) 6.866 Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in - - - 4069059 Operating transfers out - Litigation settlement proceeds - - - - Total other financing sources (uses) - - - 406,059 Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses (2219827) (764,962) (5439135) 4129925 Fund balances at beginning of year 2,096,772 2,096,772 - 1,683,847 Fund balances at end of year 11.874,945 1,331,810 (54,-135) 2.096.772 -47- EXHIBIT B-5 CITY OF LA QUINTA Debt Service Funds Financing Authority Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 1994 Variable Favorable 1993 ..budget Actual (Unfavorable), Actual Revenues: Taxes Interest 21,972 24,927 2,955 40,546 Rental income 2359000 2269994 (8,006) - Miscellaneous Total revenues 256,972 251,921 (5,051) 40,546 Expenditures: Planning and development 39000 2,000 1,000 - Debt service: Principal _ _ _ Interest Payment of advances 548,353 _ 548,353 _ - 5489353 Payments under pass -through obligations Mandated education contribution Total expenditures 551,353 550,353 1,000 548,353 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures (294,381) (298.432) (4.051) (507,807) Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Litigation settlement proceeds Total other financing sources (uses) _ Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses (2949381) (298,432) (49051) (5079807) Fund balances at beginning of year 1,058-152 1,058,152 - 1.565,959 Fund balances at end of year (4=) 1-059-152 -49- CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS -49- CITY OF LA QUINTA Capital Projects Funds Combining Balance Sheet June 30, 1994 Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment District 88-1 District District 89-2 90-1 District 91-1 Assets Cash and investments $ - - 339456 39092 Cash with fiscal agent - - - _ Accounts receivable - Due from other funds - Due from other governments - - - _ Deposits - - - 5,122 Total assets _ 3,56 8-214 Liabilities and Fund Balance Liabilities: Accounts payable - - 339456 - Accrued expenses _ _ _ _ Deposits payable Retentions payable Due to other funds Total liabilities - - 33,456 - Fund balances: Reserved for: Deposits - - - 5,122 TDC owner participation agreement - - _ _ Unreserved: Designated for operations/projects - - - 3.092 Total fund balances - - - 8,214 Total liabilities and fund balances 33,456 8,214 -50- EXHIBIT C-1 Assessment District Redevelopment Redevelopment Totals 92-1 Infrastructure Agency-PA#1 Agency-PA#2 1994 1993 405,871 295239019 - - 299659438 798079589 - - - 4,921,574 499219574 590759978 - - - - - 39973 - 2609361 - - 2609361 199289918 - 50,000 563,017 529,243 1,142,260 - - - 5,122 405-871 2.833,380 563,017 5,450.817 9,294,755 6019409 15_417.867 1149921 456,631 1139180 7189188 4669789 - - - - 19021 52,100 - - 52,100 779100 94,978 - - 94,978 1,067,934 261,999 3,316,408 2,348,479 5,960,342 2,274,704 - - 5,122 - - 19820t793 .1,820t793 2,1839124 405,871 2,571,381 (2,753,391) 1,281,545 1,508,498 10,960,039 405,871 2,571,381 (2,753,391) 3,102,338 3,334,413 13,143,163 405,871 2.833.380 5.450,817 9,294,755 15.417-967 -51- CITY OF LA QUINTA Capital Projects Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Year ended June 30, 1994 Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment District District District District 88-1 89-2 90-1 91-1 Revenues: Intergovernmental - - - - Developer fees - - - - Interest 19220 19442 39580 209007 Special assessments - - - - Miscellaneous - - - - Total revenues 1.220 1.442 3,580 20,007 Expenditures: Planning and development - - - - Capital projects 901,902 107,377 300,093 616,109 Debt service: Interest - - - - Payment of advances - - - - Total expenditures 90,902 107,377 300,093 616,109 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures (89,682) (105,935) (296,513) (596,102) Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in - - 33,456 - Operating transfers out - - - - Proceeds of bonds - - - - Payments to refunded bond escrow agent - - - - Litigation settlement proceeds - - - - Litigation settlement payments - - - - Proceeds of advances from City - - - Total other financing sources 33,456 - Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses (89,682) (105,935) (263,057) (596,102) Fund balances (deficit) at beginning of year Fund balances (deficit) at end of year 14 -52- EXHIBIT C-2 Assessment District Redevelopment Redevelopment Totals 92-1 Infrastructure -PA#1 Aaen -PA#2 1994 1993 _ - 195089784 194669966 2,9759750 2259605 - 194239367 - 419777 194659144 8239965 369952 97,653 - 529237 2139091 190279355 2589601 - 25.000 - - - - 258,601 25.000 - 9.249 295.553 1,546,020 1,508,784 1.560.980 4,937,586 2,086,174 - - 190459837 3709168 194169005 1,4219255 1,223 1,4369540 8,366,478 39368,122 14,286,844 15,0229098 _ - - 16,828 105,897 - 31.313 16,828 137,210 - - 1,223 1.436.540 9,535,040 3,769,603 15,856,887 16,443,353 294,330 109,480 (8,026,256) (2,208,623) (10,919,301) (14,357,179) - 3929714 2,242,395 6069482 3,275,047 4,7839246 (1,3999627) (559000) (767,663) (5,462) (29227,752) (1491599543) 19582,901 - 289349,926 - 29,9329827 59590,416 - - (27,9229526) - (2799229526) - _ - 529955 - 529955 - - - (29000,000) _ - (290009000) - - 8,761,240 183,274 337,714 (44,913) 601,020 1,110,551 4,975,359 477,604 447,194 (89071,169) (1,607,603) (998089750) (91381,820) 5,317,778 4,709,941 13,143,163 22,524,983 r (2.753.391) 3.102.338 3.334.413 13.143.163 -53- EXHIBIT C-3 CITY OF LA QUINTA Capital Project Funds Assessment District 88-1 Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 1994 Variable Budget Favorable Actual (Unfavorable) 1993 Actual Revenues: Intergovernmental $ - - - - Developer fees - - - - Interest - 1,220 19220 69261 Special assessments - - - - Miscellaneous - - - - Total revenues - 1,220 1,220 6,261 Expenditures: Planning and development - - - - Capital projects - 90,902 (90,902) - Debt service: Interest - - - - Payment of advances - - - - Total expenditures - 90.902 (40,902) - Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures - (89.682) (89,682) 6.261 Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in - - - - Operating transfers out - - - - Proceeds of bonds - - - - Payments to refunded bond escrow agent - - - - Litigation settlement proceeds - - - - Litigation settlement payments - - - - Proceeds of advances from City - - - - Total other financing sources (uses) - - - - Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses - (899682) (89,682) 61,261 Fund balances at beginning of year 89.682 89.68Z - $421 Fund balances at end of year ,$9_ (99,6821) 892 682 -54- Ex1iIBIT C-4 CITY OF LA QUINTA Capital Project Funds Assessment District 89-2 Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 1994 Revenues: Intergovernmental Developer fees Interest Special assessments Miscellaneous Total revenues Expenditures: Planning and development Capital projects Debt service: Interest Payment of advances Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Proceeds of bonds Payments to refunded bond escrow agent Litigation settlement proceeds Litigation settlement payments Proceeds of advances from City Total other financing sources (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses Fund balances at beginning of year Fund balances at end.of year Variable Favorable 1993 Actual (Unfavorable) Actual 19442 1,442 8,039 1,442 1.442 8,039 1079377 (1079377) - - (105,935) (1059935) 89039 105,935 .10.E - 97, M (105-935) -55- FXHIBIT C-5 CITY OF LA QUINTA Capital Project Funds Assessment District 90-1 Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 1994 Variable Actual Favorable 1993 Actual Budget Revenues: (Unfavorable) Intergovernmental $ - - = - Developer fees - - - - Interest - 39580 3,580 26,020 Special assessments - - - - Miscellaneous - - - - Total revenues - 3,580 3,580 26,020 Expenditures: Planning and development - - - - Capital projects - 3009093 (3009093) - Debt service: Interest - - - - Payment of advances - - - - Total expenditures - 300,093 (300,093) - Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures - (296,513) (296•513) 26,020 Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in - 33,456 33,456 - Operating transfers out - - - - Proceeds of bonds - - - - Payments to refunded bond escrow agent - - - - Litigation settlement proceeds - - - - Litigation settlement payments - - - - Proceeds of advances from City - - - - Total other financing sources (uses ) - 33,56 33,456 - Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under)'expenditures and other financing uses - (2639057) (2639057) 269020 Fund balances at beginning of year 263,057 263,057 - .237.037 Fund balances at end of year $263,,,057 - (26�Z) 263-057 -56- EXHIBIT C-6 CITY OF LA QUINTA Capital Project Funds Assessment District 91-1 Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 1994 Revenues: Intergovernmental Developer fees Interest Special assessments Miscellaneous Total revenues Expenditures: Planning and development Capital projects Debt service: Interest Payment of advances Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Proceeds of bonds Payments to refunded bond escrow agent Litigation settlement.proceeds Litigation settlement payments Proceeds of advances from City Total other financing sources (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses Fund balances at beginning of year Fund balances at end of year Variable Favorable 1993 Actual (Unfavorable) Actual 209007 209007 629523 20,007 20,007 62.523 6169109 (6169109) 3399332 4759168 475.168 - (5969102). (596,102) 1989359 604,316 604,316 - 445.,957 :160.4.1& 9-214 (596-102) 604,316 -57- EXHIBIT C-7 CITY OF LA QUINTA Capital Project Funds Assessment District 92-1 Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 1994 Revenues: Intergovernmental Developer fees Interest Special assessments Miscellaneous Total revenues Expenditures: Planning and development Capital projects Debt service: Interest Payment of advances Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Proceeds.of bonds Payments to refunded bond escrow agent Litigation settlement proceeds Litigation settlement payments Proceeds of advances from City Total other financing sources (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses . Fund balances (deficit) at beginning of year Fund balances (deficit) at end of year Variable Favorable 1993 Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual 369952 369952 (19039) 258,601 2589601 - 295,553 295,553 (1,039) 1,223 (1,223) 57,181 (193999627) (1,3999627) - 195829901 19582,901 183,274 193,274 - 4779604 477,604 (589220) .�(71.,133) - (13,513) 405.871 (21..) -58- EXHIBIT C-8 CITY OF LA QUINTA Capital Project Funds Infrastructure Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 1994 Variance Budge_ Actual Favorable (Unfavorable) 1993 Abtual Revenues: Intergovernmental $ - - - Developer fees 820,000 1,423,367 603,367 9239965 Interest 209000 979653 779653 3539346 Special assessments - - - - Miscellaneous 25,000 25,000 Total revenues 840,000 1,546,020 706,020 1,177,311 Expenditures: Planning and development - - - - Capital projects 393899497 194369540 19952,957 796449180 Debt service: Interest - - - - Payment of advances - - - - Total expenditures 3,389,497 1,436,540 1,952,957 7,644,180 Excess (deficiency) of revenues (under) over expenditures (2,549,497) 109.480 2,658,977 (6,466,869) Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in 560,014 392,714 (167,300) 4,3089078 -Operating transfers out (655,000) (559000) 600,000 - Proceeds of bonds - - - - Payments to refunded bond escrow agent - - - - Litigation settlement proceeds - - - - Litigation settlement payments - - - - Proceeds of advances from City - - - - - . .Total other financing sources (uses) (94,986) 337,714 432,700 4,308,078 Excess (def iciency) "of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses Fund balances.at beginning of year Fund balances (deficit) at end of year (2,644,483) 447,194 39091,677 (29158,791) 2,124,187 2,124,187 - 4,282,978 :1'(520.296) 2-571.391 3.091.677 -59- CITY OF LA QUINTA Capital Project Funds EXHIBIT v,-9 Redevelopment Project Area No. 1 Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 1994 Revenues: Intergovernmental Developer fees Interest Special assessments Miscellaneous Total revenues Expenditures: Planning and development Capital projects Debt service: Interest Payment of advances Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Proceeds of bonds. Payments to refunded bond escrow agent Litigation settlement proceeds Litigation settlement payments Proceeds of advances from City Total other financing sources (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses Fund balances at beginning of year Fund balances (deficit) at end of year Variance Favorable 1993 Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual $ 290639773 195081,784 (554,989) - 4009000 - (400,000) 427,151 9.249 2,463,773 1.508,784 (954.989) 436,400 919,502 1,045,837 (126,335) 1,008,623 9,4149570 893669478 19048,092 416399783 16,828 (169828) - 105.897 (105,897) - 10.334.072 9,535,040 799,032 5,648,406 1009000 292429395 291429395 (9299873) (7671,663) 1629210 (9,445,406) 28,3499926 2893499926 - - (27,922,526) (27,9229526) - - 529955 529955 - (29300,000) (290009000) 300,000 - 6,858,317 (2,702,473) (44,913) 2.657.560 (2,587,089) (1095729772) (8t071,169) 2,5019603 (7,799,095) 5,317,778 5,317,778 - 13..116.873 -60- EXHIBIT C-10 CITY OF LA QUINTA Capital Project Funds Redevelopment Area Project No. 2 Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 1994 Variance Favorable 1993 Actual (Unfavorable) Actual Revenues: kdu t Intergovernmental $290919530 194669966 (6249564) 2259605 Developer fees 1059000 419777 (63,223) - Interest 29500 529237 499737 719128 Special assessments - - - - Miscellaneous Total revenues 2,199,030 1,560,980 (638,050) 296,733 Expenditures: Planning and development Capital projects Debt service: Interest Payment of advances Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Proceeds of bonds Payments to refunded bond escrow agent Litigation settlement proceeds Litigation settlement payments Proceeds of advances from City Total other financing sources (uses) 4629451 3709168 929283 4129632 61,640,319 31368,122 3,272,197 29341,622 (4,903,740) (2,208,623) 2,695,117 19256,482 606,482 (650,000) (59462) (59462) - (406,059) - - - 59590,416 Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing'uses (396529720) (196079603) 290459117 49629,759 Fund balances at beginning of year 4,709,941 4.709.941 - 80.182 Fund balances at end of year 11.057.221. 3.102.339 2.045.117 4.709.941 -61- (This page intentionally left blank) -62- MEMORANDUM T0: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager J DATE: March 13, 1995 RE. Tran smittal of Auditor's Management Letter Relating to Year Ended June 30, 1994 94. As noted in the opening of the letter, find attached the Management Letter for the year ended June 30, 1 19not find Please the auditors for the City of La auinta didany reportable conditions or material weaknesses in internal control. Additionally it is noted the Cy it has an excellent internal control structure. The Auditor has indicated to some additional internal control recommendations that the City will be able implement during the upcoming year. As you will not e, under the category "City Comments Regarding Corrective Actions to , Planned or Taken", the points raised by the City's Auditor will allow the City maintain and increase its internal control structure. uestions regarding the contents of this Management Should the Council have any q Letter, feel free to contact me. TPG:pjs CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 'ASSOCIATES A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS IlW MAIN �o I Ktt 1. WI I t l- IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92714 (714) 474-2020 '35 FEB 10 Pal 1 36 C 1 Y Llvesembe» 2, 1994 Mr. Tom Genovese City Manager City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Dear Mr. Genovese: During our audit of the financial statements of . the City of La Quinta, California for the year ended June 30, 1994, we became aware of certain matters that we believe may provide an opportunity for the City of La Quinta to strengthen its internal controls. The items below do not represent reportable conditions or material weaknesses in internal control. In general, the City has an excellent internal control structure. We offer the following recommendations as suggestions for consideration by the City to further strengthen its internal control structure. Included with each recommendation are City comments with regard to corrective action already taken by the City as a result of our preliminary discussion with management: (1) Cash Receipts Drawer During the day, all amounts received are kept in a drawer in the Finance Department. Although the drawer has a lock, it is only locked up overnight. The cash drawer is visible from the cashier's station. However, at times the cashier must leave this area and the cash drawer is then not visible to other employees in the Finance Department. In addition, access to this area is not restricted to Finance employees only. We recommend that the City consider further reducing the opportunity for unauthorized access to the cash receipts drawer. Possible solutions might include keeping the drawer locked during the day, reconfiguring the layout of the Finance Department, etc. The key to the drawer should be kept in the custody of the designated personnel. City Comments Regarding Corrective Actions Planned or Taken The lock box will be locked during the day and the key will be held at a different location where only authorized personnel have access. MEMBERS OF AICPA AND CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS PRIVATE COMPANIES. PRACTICE SECTION Mr. Tom Genovese City Manager December 2, 1994 Page Two (2) prenumbered Receipts Presently, only the cashier accounts for the sequence of prenumbered cash receipts. An irregularity could occur if a cash receipt form was lost or destroyed and the monies not deposited. Internal control standards recommend that the sequence of cash receipt form numbers be verified by a non -cashiering individual to verify that there is no gap in the sequence of receipts supporting the daily deposit. We recommend that the uninterrupted sequence of cash receipt form numbers be re -verified by an individual other than the cashier. The Department Secretary, who prepares the deposit, has a numerical listing of receipt numbers and she checks to make sure that all receipts turned in from the cash receipts drawer are accounted for and that none are missing. �3) Control Over Licenses Business licenses are not maintained by the cashier. receipt form prepared and sequentially numbered and other than the cashier. ' - • t t - � •FIR611 prenumbered. Numbers are issued from a listing As a result, two licenses could be issued, but only one the related amount deposited.. Licenses should be the numbers accounted for chronologically by someone When new forms are ordered, pre -numbered forms should be purchased. The uninterrupted sequence of these forms should be ascertained by someone other than the cashier in conjunction with the review of the sequence cash receipt form numbers. Prenumbered forms will be ordered. (4) Access to EDP Files A number of finance employees have access -to the "Owner" function, which gives access to the master file. As a result, the master file is vulnerable ile or inadvertent changes to the data. The ability to update or access the master f should be limited. Mr. Tom Genovese City Manager December 2, 1994 Page Three Recommendation When the City's new computer system is fully operational, password restrictions should be used to limit to only the necessary people each of the following: (a) Ability to update current data files (b) Ability to set up and change master data files City Comments Reszar��r� corrective Actions Planned or Taken Through the Novell network, "read only" access will be assigned to all individuals who are not authorized to affect the master files. (5) S QaLion of PavTOUR ers^nrpl_ actions The payroll and personnel functions are performed by the same person.r heme Payroll control standards recommend that these functions be segregated P yr clerk should have no access to the payroll master R CODDen ation We recommend that all personnel functions, including personnel file maintenance be performed by a personnel clerk. The payroll clerk should not be phermitpetee to establish or delete employees on the computer system. All updates master data file on the computer (i.e., new employee additions, employee deletions, pay increases, etc.) should be input by the personnel clerk. city Comments Re=ar dii g Correctiy mens AiTaken Recent reorganization within the City will be utilized to enhance the internal control standards regarding the segregation of these duties. (6) Fixes rise Procedures During the audit of the City, we noted the following conditions with regard to fixed asset records: (a) Additions purchased during the year are not immediately assigned a fixed asset number. (b) The fixed asset clerk is not always notified of deletions of fixed assets. (c) An annual physical inventory is not performed by the City. Mr. Tom Genovese City Manager December 2, 1994 Page Four Recommen ation We recommend that the City assign fixed assets a number immediately upon receiving the asset to adequately safeguard theassets City. In addition, we completed by the recommend that the City implement a form which �chwould be department head and forwarded to Finance to provide notification of list is ditions com lete. and deletions to/from fixed assets to ensure that the fixed asset P Internal controls would also be enhanced if a physical inventory was omplwould the ed annually by each department and forwarded to Finance. responsible for investigating any large variances from the fixed asset list. City ComArti„ns Plannedor Taken -_ We plan to schedule Marshall and Stevens to perform a physical inventory in July of 1995. All new items will be tagged as acquired. Since the City now has an itemized listing (which can be sorted by department), the finance department will request, annually, that each department provide a physical inventory of their fixed assets. In addition to the, above mentioned conditions, there were also several findings mentioned in the previous year for which corrective action had been implemented by the City during the year under audit: (h�gg� Warrants The accounts payable clerk has the function of mailing signed warrants to vendors. A person independent of the accounts payable function should receivestanthe warrants after they are signed and mail the warrants k of to the irre endorse larities. control feature would further reduce the irregularities. Ci y Comments R estardi .. Corrective Actions Taken Checks are no longer returned to the accounts payable clerk after signature is obtained. The Finance Secretary now receives the warrants and mails them out. (2) Revenue r The Mail Ch ecks which are received through the mail are opened, posted and deposited by the cash receipts cashier. A person independent of the cash receipts function should open the mail, prepare a control listing and restrictively end r the cash se checks. This standard control practice would add to the existing controls receipts area. CityComments Re arding Corrective Ac i ns Planned or _Take The Finan ce Secretary now opens the mail, prepares the deposit,. and enters all checks received onto a control log. Mr. Tom Genovese City Manager December 2, 1994 Page Five If you have any questions, please give me a call. Very truly yours, CONRAD do ASSOCIATES Ken Al —Imam, CPA Partner KA.I:dac 2534H 1 AGENCY FUNDS -63- E)MIBI't D-1 CITY OF LA QUIRTA Combining Balance Sheet - All Agency Funds June 30, 1994 Arts in Employee's Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Public Deferred District District District District District Totals places_ Cowensat ion No. 88-1 No, 894 No. 90-1 No. 91-1 No. 92-1 _ 1994 1993_ Assets Cash and investments $187,727 204,966 253,2S3 243,86S 236,821 419,836 310,591 1,857,049 1,SS6,033 Due from other 5.078 4,949 9,084 17,306 13.230 49,647 37.349 governments Total assets .18� 20� 25� 24 24� 437,142 32� 1. LAM 1-59� 3 382 Liabilities _ - 187,727 159.117 Deposits payable $187,727 - - Deferred compensation _ _ _ 204,966 242,487 204 , 966 - - 437_ 323 - S U 14 1,191, 778 payable - 248.814 24 Due to bondholders - Total liabilities 187 , 727 204$,,3+1 24K814 Z45,905 437,142 -64- EXHIBIT D-2 AM IA PUBLIC PLACES Assets Cash and investments Liabilities Deposits payable EMPLOYEE'S DEFERRED ODIM ATION Assets Cash and investments Liabilities Deferred compensation payable ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AO. 88-1 Assets Cash and investments Due from other governments Total assets Liabilities Due to bondholders ASSESSl1it.RT DISTRICT NO, 89-2 Assets Cash and investments Due from other governments Total assets Liabilities Due to bondholders CITY OF LA QUTATA All Agency Funds Combining Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities Year ended June 30, 1994 Balance at Balance at July 1. 1993 Addi_ Delete June 30. 1994 $ 252,889 111,488 111,124 253,253 9.087 i5,078 9,087 S-078 $ 253,622 148,235 157,992 243,865 10.046 -4,99 10.046 4,949 41� 431,705 316,239 4 -65- EXHIBIT D-2 (Continued) CITY OF LA QUIIATA Agency Funds Combining Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities (Continued) Balance at Balance at July 1. 1993 Additions_ Deletions June 30. 1994 SSF,SSMM DISTRICT R0. 90-1 Assets Cash and investments $ 247,860 149,355 160,394 236,821 Due from other governments 7.422 9,094 7,422 9.094 Total assets S 255.282 15! 167,816'.+ 905 Liabilities Due to bondholders S 255,292 30� 31 ASSESSMERT DISTRICT R0. 91-1 Assets Cash and investments $ 400.058 284,682 264,904 419,836 Due from other governments 10,794 17.306 10.794 17,306 Total assets S 410,952 71�?,941 6$,6,551 437+.:42 Liabilities Due to bondholders 1 410,952 1,2� 1.25� 43 7,142 SSESSMEIrr DISTRICT M. 92-1 Assets Cash and investments $ - 381,027 70,446 310,581 Due from other governments - 13,230 -- ---` Total assets S - .9�ZSZ70,446 323,9:1 Liabilities Due to bondholders S - -6+51+963 052 323, 911 -66- EXHIBIT D-2 (Continued) CITY OF LA QUIRTA Agency Funds Combining Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities (Continued) TOTALS -AIL AGENCY FUNDS Balance at July 1, 1993 Additions Balance at Deletions June 30. 1994 Assets Cash and investawts $1,06,033 1.221,632 920.616 1,8S7,049 Due from other governments 37.349 49,647 37,349 49,647 Total assets Liabilities $1,593,392 1-27a i_4 qql-qAc -90 Deposits payable 159.117 123,893 95,283 137,727 Deferred compensation payable 242,497 7S,569 113,090 204,966 Due to bondholders 1,191,779 2,772,203 1,514,003 Total liabilities $1,52 2-9771 665 2,65� 1-90 6,696 -67- (This page intentionally left blank) —69— ov La��Q•cy U OF THt INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING: June 14, 1995 Informational Item: B ITEM TITLE Transmittal of Balance Sheet for period ending April 30, 1995. ISSUE AND DISCUSSION: Attached is the Balance Sheet dated April 30, 1995. Approved for submission to the Investment AdNsory/qoarda M. Falconer Finance Director NQO�Q c�V n gN�� m aD &I q 888 ON F4 19 s W 9-aq N� 8 a88 &1F4q i 9g;Q§12 9 Aou� i ab a"d^ o v �5 'c^RiiS� _Z to O N (V L n M �j m 6 P- N r aD aD 0 CC14l " � i�i 0 L` .r. (D N eN N cr N O N N N N N O O O O O oz� 0 ru o 0 0 R'i R°i F°v LU a U W p : i i O ly v v v U. a �oZ F- a LL .- z U. Z12 s s 0. m 9 LL IL W t7 N N in °gx S LRCL w a 8 8 � 8 8 p p o 0 0 ci �� N N N L. M m cn Z :rc' 8 8 8 0a � 8 8 z ° LL n .�- fV N N N N c� m N qr � CV w L cn ch aS t7 v v a a ao H W H H m O O O W (A (A w 0 Z= rz J FCO) 5 �w u�t° t0 �W w m w h W a a� ��a a� > o QLL � o a t Z'� ��Ir� J v z c °° ~ Q) �w wa Rio mot ww w zW° O mwJ w °w 0CL w}(1) �- LL Im > w� Q �p wzo�u� ° w °JUG SQ w W W U N) > W a LL wDWZ CO)z CY JwZ()wz �QatA v z w�°= WUwww ww w as a0L°izEZrg. a °°a v w a °mow vW a�Wz> a(n m °w } wJ W Cy �° z Q 2 W O 0 W NW 0 0 0 d°' w w> a O O t X m a w w� Q O W ~ Z Q m N Z � p W U� F O W o w m m m m U° a w U W J i O W W LL W ax °UOiW j0����2W �w°w s fZOOW�C7L-Zz w�aaLLrw gw 1.h Y°Q UU LLLLLLLL0XW, �e }�pj�00(��Opa (I zpVzW°Z° xx 0 0 m� U 8- D D°° Z Q W 3 w 0< J a O a a m LLi(= U w$< o 2 Q p M- U ;e m 4 N (V ui l+1 N N O O 0 0 to Ln a v m w co C9 0 N 8. 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XM:3 crzz H W JWwwW W wo H L=LLLLw WZZ ��mmmmmmz W W W z 0 0 g� a �BjOO�OC I� � cc Cl - cN+�N-cc ItN 5 8 F LO i IM M N N i :ri ai I CO co P- M I e- i- N N i� �I z Co QJ W 0 c,* 8 5 v -,j W Z 0 W s- CO wzam C!= ¢w aLLW:3 LL}WWgz� J aa 0pzMwQ ZOOWuwiU�OUDa �000SW00000E J(�» V»O w w w »>z m¢00¢00zoo0� gJ to LO c� v R ►J Y r N8 HZr N N�c� N O O 0 Q = � Z z ? LL C9 Z)- LL, Z Z 0 � 0 ccVV (V N Z O Z LL O Z j LL ¢ 5 4 Nv� O Qz¢ U O U Z ; Q.V W W N W wwF— W wXLEz 0 0 0 =tummy Q¢L LL L¢ LL V vco) cnco pwww wWwIr HOco) ccocco 1-0V yarno)a) Q 88 8 Lh ch $8 O � v v Ln � L6 Ln Ln N LO U) Lf) ao rn ao m a� gg 5g Z5 ZS Qg 75 5g� � 5g� Z5 Lf) Ln Ln L( Ln Lf) Lf) N Lf) ao Cd 0606 00 M M N� O� N� Of co CO) pIW W 5Q CO) LL O Lu w O �— 00 Ix P a w m O z D O J J J Q � O w J co Q m w NI U a ¢ Z ¢ J za DN m a J JUO �: m¢ co �J W H W w N J Q m Informational Item: C Whither LAIF? The present investment policy permits the investment of up to 90% of City and RDA funds in a "Government Pool". Presumably that inartful term includes the Local Agency Investment Fund, often referred to as LAIR LAIF is administered by the State Treasurer who has elected to invest these moneys with State funds as part of the Pooled Money Investment Account (PIMA). I am quite uncomfortable with this degree of exposure of City funds for reasons set out below. In summary, PIMA accepts risks prohibited by the City's investment policy, has high turnover, does not report portfolio changes or investor values as promptly as other institutions, does not issue GAAP statements nor is it subject to independent audit by a major accounting firm and is not subject to regulation by the SEC. Investors are not advised of PIMA's investment objectives nor when they are modified or otherwise changed. Recently reported yields tend to be below market. On February 8, 1995 I submitted to the Board comments from my review of 1992- 93 and 1993-94 PIMA annual reports. Those comments were repeated and expanded at the Board meeting of May 10 based on a review of monthly data recently made available to the City by PIMA for the months of November, 1994, January and February, 1995. This note will summarize those comments. • No GAAP financial statements are prepared for investors, as with banks and money market funds. • No audit of financial statements that are furnished by an independent accounting firm, as with banks and money market funds. • PIMA is neither registered with nor regulated by the SEC, as are money market funds. • PIMA has not offered any discussion of investment policies, strategies or its current view of markets. No disclosure of specific, or even general, investment objectives as required of money market funds. • Slow reporting of results to investors. (Seven months to distribute annual reports compared to 30-45 days by other institutions.) • PIMA fails to publish daily, monthly or annual net asset share values. • The City is advised monthly by PIMA of monthly income but is unable to independently confirm interest calculations or its share of capital gain or loss. • Difficult to meaningfully compare investment results of PIMA to other investment vehicles due to its unusual diversity of maturities. Maturities range from intra-day and overnight to 30 year treasuries and occasionally longer FBLB maturities. In addition to treasury and agency obligations PIMA invests in commercial paper, CMO's and an occasional foreign security. At times it leverages itself, usually with reverse repo's. Recent advice from the State Treasurer's office states that reverse repo's are now limited to no more than 10% of the portfolio and maturities must be matched to the reinvestment. PIMA has successfully employed financial derivatives for yield enhancement, particularly in 1992-93, but to a lesser extent in later periods. • Based on average maturities, PIMA's portfolio turnover appears to be quite high. Annualized turnover during November, 1994 was 552%, increasing to 1,164% during the month of January and 1,548% in February. During these periods, the average maturity was 448 days, 374 days and 365 days respectively. Why would a portfolio with an overall maturity of one year turnover five to fifteen times? • Yields reported for the months of November, January and February are less than the average yields of government notes with comparable maturities. November January February PIMA average maturity (days): 448 374 365 PIMA Yield 5.3 8% 5.61 % 5.78% Average Yields: (Barron's) One Year Treasury Notes 6.53% 6.98% 6.67% There are a number of investment vehicles that the City could consider that offer safety, liquidity and yield in that order. They include CD's issued by large commercial banks, direct investment in T-Bills and notes, and low cost, short maturity, money market funds that limit their investment to T-Bills. CD maturities may, at times, compromise the City's need for instant liquidity. The magnitude of the City's non -mandated investable funds is not sufficient to effectively invest directly in treasury bills or notes as a matter of routine. Short term money market funds are an alternative to complement or substitute bank CD's and LAIF/PIMA. For example the Vanguard Admiral US Treasury Money Market Portfolio (CUSIP# 921932109), currently with assets of $1.5 billion is 99.8% invested in US Treasury bills with an average maturity of 40 days. The fund does not restrict large withdrawals and will honor same -day requests for wire transfer if received before 10:45AM EST. Next -day wire transfers will be honored if received before 4PM EST. Redemptions are normally made by check. Other large, publicly traded money market funds have similar rules. The City's existing investment policy would permit the immediate reinvestment of a substantial portion (or all) of PIMA funds into more conservative investment vehicles. Carefully selected money market funds are an important part of a diversified investment portfolio because they offer a degree of liquidity that is superior to bank CD's, a level of safety equal to or superior to that available from banks and yields generally superior to those of CD's. Based on information presently available, there are many reasons to redeploy assets presently invested with LAW and few to continue the City's present position with LAIF. JAI 5/12/95