1995 06 14 IAB Minutes Investment Advisory Board
June 14, 1995
Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the
hour of 5:30 P.M. by Chairman Lewis, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: Board Members Brown (6:10), Gilreath, Irwin, Sales and
Chairman Lewis
OTHERS PRESENT: John Falconer, Finance Director and Debbie DeRenard,
Chairman Lewis requested that Board Member Comments, Item lA and lB be
moved to Business Session as Items C and D.
A. Approval of Minutes of May 10, 1995.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Irwin/Sales to approve the
Investment Advisory Board Minutes as submitted. Motion carried
. A. Transmittal of Treasurers Report dated April 30, 1995.
In response to Board Member Sales, Mr. Falconer advised that the
Treasurers Reports are prepared by Geniene Croft Account Technician,
John Risley Accounting Supervisor and the Finance Director. He advised
that the bank statements are received on the 10th of the month and cannot
be prepared sooner. Mr. Falconer advised that the Treasurers Report has
Investment Advisory Board 2 June 14, 1995
been reviewed by the Council.
Board Member Irwin advised that the Treasurers Report are reviewed by the
Investment Advisory Board after the City Council has reviewed them. This
seems redundant.
Mr. Falconer advised that this is due to the timing of the Board meetings. He
advised that the Board can-comment on any item, if there are any
corrections they will be brought to the Councils attention.
Chairman Lewis advised that this issue was brought up last meeting and
because of the Boards concern, the Balance Sheet was provided.
In response to Board Member Irwin, Mr. Falconer advised that the
Management Letter was included in the Audit Report that was submitted to
the Board Members.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sales/Gilreath to accept and
approve the Treasurers Reports as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
B. Consideration of a Specific Task Outline.
Board Member Sales advised that the Mission Statement prepared by Mr.
Falconer is adequate, but missing detail.
Chairman Lewis advised that mission statements are usually short, and do
not contain a lot of detail.
Board Member Irwin advised that he likes the draft that Mr. Falconer
submitted, but is still bothered by the Ordinance that governs the Board. 'He
further advised that he is troubled by some citizen's group that would impose
the review .of the monthly treasurers report, balance sheet and financial
statements. If any on the Board are not trained as auditors or accountants
and those of us that are, know little about municipal accounting. Municipal
acc, ounting is a very specialized area of accounting.
Chairman Lewis questioned staff whether the Board approves or receives
the Treasurers reports.
Ms. DeRenard advised that the recommendation on the Staff Report for the
Board is to Review, Receive and File the Treasurers Report.
Investment Advisory Board 3 June 14, 1995
Chairman Lewis advised that the Board is not approving the Treasurers
Report, as much as the Board is saying that they have reviewed and
received it.
Board Member Irwin advised that the context of the term review imposes a
duty on the Board that is bothersome.
Chairman Lewis advised that the Boards need to make sure the City is in
compliance with the investment policy. The Treasurers Report is the only
report the' Board receives containing the information regarding compliance
with the investment policy.
Board Member Sales advised that he would like to see a report presented
to this Board on a monthly that shows any additional investments that have
been made, any funds that have become available or are available for
investments and a form that is easily understood by the Board.
Mr. Falconer advised that Finance Department can provide a report
regarding the change of the investments.
Action Item
In response to Board Member Irwin, Mr. Falconer advised that the Finance
Department can provide a consolidated report of the Investment Funds.
Action Item
Chairman Lewis volunteered to provide a copy of the Bank of the Desert
changes in investment report.
The Board reviewed the Ordinance and after further discussion the Board
requested the following changes (~!i~):
2,70.030 Board functions.
The Board will annually elect a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson at
the first meeting held after each June 30.
The following are functions of the Board that are to be addressed at
each meeting: (I) review account statements and verifications to ensure
accurate reporting ~ ii~ i~~iii~ ~iiii~~~ii~; (ii) monitor
compliance with existing ~',ilpolicy and procedures; and (iii) review
and make investment contracts, and investment consultants.
The Board will report to City Council after each meeting either in
Investment Advisory Board 4 June 14, 1995
person or through correspondence at a regular City Council meeting.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sales/Gilreath to continue the
Consideration of a Specific Task Outline. Motion carried unanimously.
C. LAIF Investments
Board Member Irwin advised that he has two problems with the investment
in LAIF. The first problem is that the Investment Policy allows the City to
invest 90 percent of all funds into this investment. Second, he advised that
he doesn't believe LAIF is the investment vehicle for a small town like La
Quinta. LAIF does many things that the City is not.permitted to do under the
City's Investment Policy. He advised that his concerns were that LAIF does
not offer financial statements and the monthly reports that have been
received recently are hard to read.
In response to Board Member Sales, Board Member Irwin advised that any
financial statement that lacks an audit opinion of a major accounting firms is
not a generally accepted accounting practice.
Board Member Sales disagreed.
Action Item
Board Member Irwin advised that there is no information offered on LAIF's
investment policies.
Chairman Lewis advised that he is not as uncomfortable with LAIF as Board
Member Irwin. He further advised that he feels the City has too much of their
investments in LAIF. LAIF is a giant mutual fund. If LAIF does not have a
stated purpose, other than just simply investing and returning a yield to
investors, this is a little broad.
Mr. Falconer advised that Staff is open to looking into diversifying in other
investment vehicles. He further advised that advantages to being invested
in LAIF are that if the City has a major purchase, they can have the money
wired the next day. An investment would not have to be broken to make the
major purchase.
In response to Board Member Irwin, Mr. Falconer advised that mutual funds
are not insured.
Investment Advisory Board 5 June 14, 1995
Board Member Sales questioned what insurance the City would have with
LAIF other than the assurance of the State of California.
Mr. Falconer advised that the City would have the market value of the
securities behind them.
In response to Chairman Lewis, Mr. Falconer advised that the investment
are pledged to the individual investors as collateral.
Action Item
Mr. Falconer advised,that he would research to see if there is a contract with
LAIF and the City of La Quinta.
Action Item
In response to Board Member Sales, Mr. Falconer advised that he would
research who is the custodial account holder for La Quinta.
Board Member Irwin advised that he was hoping to have a resolution for this
item, but that if it has to be continued, have it continued for specific reasons.
Action Item
Chairman Lewis requested this item be continued until next meeting and that
each Board Member bring back general recommendations as to what
percentage the City should move out of LAIF and what percentage the City
should invest in treasuries, agencies, CD, mutual funds and what sort of
Action Item
Mr. Falconer advised that he would obtain Treasurers Reports from other
cities in the Valley.
Action Item
Chairman Lewis requested a month to month report comparison showing.
how much the City has had invested in LAIF for the last six months. He
would like the report to show a high and Iow figure for the month.
MOTION- It was moved by Board Members Irwin/Sales to continue the LAIF
Investments. Motion carried unanimously.
D. Investment policy
Investment Advisory Board 6 June 14, 1995
Board Member Irwin advised that the specific item he wanted to discuss was
the term govemment pool on page 8. He advised that this term needs to be
changed and the percentage lowered.
Chairman Lewis advised that the idea behind the 90% investible in
government pools was that it was somewhere the City could park the money
and it would continue to earn interest as opposed to a demand checking
account at a financial institution. The idea was not that the City would
invest 90% in LAIF and leave it there. It was meant for a short term parking
while new investment were being sought.
In response to Board Member Irwin, Mr. Falconer advised that there are
other Government Pools besides LAIF.
Board Member Irwin advised that the term Government Pool needs to be
Board Member Brown advised that she recalled in previous minutes, a draft
investment policy was prepared for Council and the Council manipulated the
Board Member Irwin suggested amending the Investment Policy to limit the
City to a certain percentage, vehicle and a specific institution.
Chairman Lewis requested that the Board bring back their recommendations
as to what would be an appropriate limitation and term per Institution or Pool.
Action Item
Mr. Falconer advised that in conjunction with the City Manager he would
bring his recommendations back to the Board.
Action Item
Mrs. DeRenard advised that she would provide copies of June, July and
August, 1994 Investment Advisory Board minutes.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sales/Gilreath to continue the
Investment Policy. Motion carried unanimously.
Investment Advisory Board 7 June 14, 1995
Chairman Lewis advised that Council Member Bangerter questioned whether a
monthly meeting was appropriate because it seems it takes a long time to get thing
Chairman Lewis expressed that he did not feel that the Board needed to meet more
than once a month at the present time. He advised that in the future if the Boards
work increased and decisions need to be made, the meetings could be held more
Chairman Lewis asked for the Boards input:
Board Member Brown: Monthly meetings are adequate at the present time and
quarterly once the policy is in place.
Board Member Sales: Willing to meet more often if necessary. Increasing the
meetings should be considered when the new Board
Members are present. Until then there should be no
change until the September meeting. At the September
meeting, if the Board has not made progress the
meetings should be increased.
Board Member Gilreath: Agreeable with Board Member Sales.
Board Member Irwin: The Board should meet more frequently - at a minimum
of twice a month. If the Board gets to the point where
things a running smooth, the Board could cutback to
once a month. Does not feel the Board should ever
change to quarterly meetings.
Chairman Lewis: Recommends that the Board meet on the current
meeting schedule, and at this point make the
determination as to what need to be accomplished.
Meeting any less frequently than monthly would be
inappropriate of the Board.
Chairman Lewis stated that he has enjoyed being the Chairman for the last two
years and would be willing to serve as Chairman again.
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