1982 10 12 PC Minutes '-.. - "-': APPROVED LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. October 12, 1982 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. The flag salute was led by Commissioner Imkamp. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Imkamp, Goetcheus, Klimkiewicz, Reilly and Chairman Thornburgh. Absent: None. 3. HEARINGS A. The City Manager explained the public hearing regarding Tract No. 18765, Amendment No. 1, EA #16485, Landmark Land Company, Applicant. Mr. Jeff Mann, Supervising Planner, Riverside County Planning Department, introduced Sarah Knecht, Assistant Planner, who presented the staff report regarding Tract No. 18765, which recommended adoption of the Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 16485 and approval of Tentative Tract 18765 Amended #1, subject to various conditions. Mr. Mann explained that County staff had not received the Applicant's revised map until the meeting, and that County - staff had not had the opportunity to review this map, and -- expressed concerns about processing a map which had been revised and submitted without proper staff review. Mr. Mann answered questions pertaining to signalization, landscaping, air quality, sewer capacity and water. The Chairman invited comment from the applicant, Landmark Land Company. Kevin Manning, Planner, and Andy Vossler, Project Director, addressed the Commission and explained the concerns presented by staff and the Commission, and discussed various staff conditions for this Tract. There being no public comment, the Chairman closed the public hearing. After discussion regarding various tract map conditions of approval, the following changes to the conditions were approved: No. 14. This condition was deleted and approval granted for meandering sidewalks, per the County Road Department ordinance. No. 15. Deleted. - No. 16. Changed to read: Treatment of boundary walls, walkways and/or landscaping shall be consistent with the approved treatment of Tract 14496. Said landscaping shall be shown on the parking and landscaping plan and subject to the approval of the Director of Building and Safety and the Planning Department. No. 23. Changed as follows: Prior to issuance of building permit, the lighting amenities, trash storage, walkways, swimming pool equipment and irrigation systems shall be reviewed by the Planning Department and Building and Safety Department. MINUTES - Planning Commission October 12, 1982 Page 2. No. 27. Curbs and gutters shall be installed on all private streets, excluding driveways, within the subdivision. Moved by Commissioner Klimkiewicz, seconded by Commissioner Goetcheus, to adopt the Negative Declaration for EA #16485 and recommend approval to the City Council of Tentative _ Tract Map No. 18765 Amended #1, subject to the specified revised conditions, above. Unanimously adopted. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Moved by Commissioner Goetcheus, seconded by CommisSioner Reilly, to approve the Consent Calendar. Unanimously adopted. 1. .The Minutes of the regular meeting of September 14, 1982, were approved as submitted. 5. BUSINESS SESSION A. A Plot Plan Review regarding a single-family residence develop- ment located on Lot 53, La Quinta Golf Estates, No. 1, San Isidro Street, James Belknap, Applicant, was presented by Jeff Mann, Riverside County Planning Department. After discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Reilly, seconded by Commissioner Goetcheus, to approve the plot plan provided the Applicant submits a landscaping plan for review and approval by the Riverside County Planning Department. Unanimously adopted. B. The City Manager presented a report regarding proposed - _ Planning commisSion rules and procedures. RESOLUTION NO. 82-2. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS AND RELATED FUNCTIONS AND ACTIVITIES. Moved by Commissioner Goetcheus, seconded by Commissioner Klimkiewicz, to adopt the proposed resolution, subject to the following change proposed by Commissioner Reilly. D. Meetings 3. (a) Agendas for all regular meetings shall be delivered to members not less than four (4) days prior to such meetings. Unanimously adopted. C. The City Manager presented a summary memorandum regarding requirements for development of residences in the R-1 zone which have been adopted by the City Council. The City Manager explained changes made by the City Council regarding garages, burglary resistant measures and automatic sprinklers. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission to gather further information regarding burglary resistant measures for submittal to the City Council at a future meeting. D. The Commission discussed future possibilities regarding Adams Street and Washington Street. 6. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Commissioner Goetcheus, seconded by Commissioner Reilly, to adjourn. The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, was adjourned at 9:43 p.m., on Tuesday, October 5, 1982, at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California.