1983 01 11 PC MinutesMINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California January 11, 1983 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDEH A. The flag salute was led by Commissioner I~kamp. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Goetcheus, I~kamp, Elimkiewicz, Reilly and Chairman Thornburgh Absent: None 3. HEARINGS: A. The City Manager explained the Public Hearings regarding a Change of Zone and Tentative Tract Map No. 18767 and related Environmental Assessaents ~16680 and 16633 for property on the southerly side of Avenue ~0 between Eisenhower Drive and Washington Street; Landmark Land Company, Applicant. The City Manager introduced Sandra Bonner, Associate Planner, who presented the staff report regarding Tentative Tract Map No. 18767 and Change of Zone Case No. 3879, which recommended approval of the Change of Zone and approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 18767, subject to various amendments to the conditions. Chairman Thornburgh invited comments from the Applicant, Landmark Land Company. [evin Manning, Planner for Landmark Land Company, addressed the Commission explaining the concerns presented by staff and the Commission, and further discussed various staff conditions for this tract. Chairman Thornburgh opened the hearing to public comment. Comment was heard from the following persons: . Audrey Ostrowsky, 77-~ Calls Sinoloa, La Quinta, referred to her letter written to the City Manager and members of the City Council wherein she requested that all major construction be halted immediately until a time frame has been scheduled for completion of the sewer plant. She also expressed concern regarding the heavier traffic flow that would be generated from this project. 0 The City Manager explained that we had received satisfactory answers from the Coachella Water District and from the California Water Resources Board, which supervises the suitability of the temporary treatment facility; that it is sufficient and has the capacity to serve both those properties which are presently on the lines and those properties, including this development, which will be on the line at the completion of the development. The City Manager stated he received an estimate from the California Resources Board indicating an additional capacity of at least 1,O00 dwelling units and this particular project is for an 82 dwelling unit capacity. Bill Bird, P.O. Box 837, La Quinta, expressed his concern re density. He questioned the developer as to why they felt they had to build two-story units, instead of one story, 'above dike level. Chairman Thornburgh explained that the density re this project is excellent and felt it was not a problem, per plans submitted. . £evin MA~-i-g, Plan-er for Landmark Land Company, explained that the acreage involved is 26.8 and zoning allows for 13~ units on the property and Landmark is putting up 50 units less than what is allowed by the density on the-property. Dick Matlock, 77-965 Lago Drive, La Quinta, questioned whether or not the density figures included the golf course also. Chairman Thornburgh explained that we use the total acreage of the project to determine density. MINUTES _ Planning Commission ~anuary 11, 1983 Page Two. Andy Vossler, Landmark Land Company, explained the density is ~.6 on the acreage that is in Lot 1, which is the eondoainiums. The density figured on Lot 1 and Lot 2 is 3 per acre, so the maximum density any way you figure is ~.6 per acre. Roxie Yesse~an, ~9-055 Avenida Anselmo, La Quinta, questioned the number of units on the dike compared to the number of units across from them. . ~uanita Gayer, 1~.9.-8~5 Lago, La Quinta, questioned why the bedrooms in the units to be built on the dike had to be on the third story. She felt they could be on the street level and living quarters on top of the dike for scenic view purposes, thus making a two-story instead of three-story unit. She felt the three-story structures would block the scenic view from the Lagos, where she resides. Andy Vossler, Landmark Land Company, in answer to the above, requested permission of the Commission to present profile plats for their and the public's view. He stated this profile makes it very clear that from the Lagos, you will not be able to see the units on the dike and the units on the dike will see the units closest to Avenue 50. 6. Adele Bramlett, ~9-885 Lago Drive, La Quinta, asked if this project was going to extend all the way to Eisanhower Drive. Chairman Thornburgh advised that it would not extend that far. 0 Rupert Yessayian, P. O. Box 251, La Quinta, stated he had no objections to this project and felt it would be an asset to the Community complementing Landmark Land Company on the quality of their projects. He was primarily concerned with the landscaping of the project, feeling that we are being faced with a water shortage here in the desert. He felt that less land- scaping or a desert-type landscaping should be more appropriate than requiring more green belts that take much irrigation, therefore depleting our water supply. He also felt that the sewage problem mentioned previously may pose a problem eventually. There being no further public comment, the Chairman closed the public hearing. After discussion regarding various tract map conditions of approval, the following changes to the conditions were approved. NO. 1. Changed to Read: 5Otb Avenue road easements shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the governing body accepts or abandons such offers. Ail dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the City Engineer. Street names shall be subject to approval of the Road Commissioner. ~0. 5. Changed to Read: Street trees shall be planted along all public road frontages. A landscaping, lighting, amenities, trash storage, walkway layout and irrigation plan shall be submitted to the Planning Director for approval prior to isw_,_~nce of a building permit. The landscape plan shall include a substantial number of full size trees. A minimum of one tree per unit, no smaller than the height of the unit adjacent thereto shall be planted and maintained. Ail air-conditioning units shall be ground mounted. No final inspection or occupancy shall be given by the Building Department to this project until the aforemen- tioned approved plans and construction shall have been completed. NO. 7. (From Road Department Letter) Delete. Changed to Read: The entrance street shall be expanded to provide for two access lanes and one exit lane, with a median for security facilities and gates, if applicable. The gates shall be located to provide a minimum two-car storage as measured between the gate and the curb face along Avenue 50. The design of street, gates and entryway shall be submitted to and approved by the City Community Development Department and City Engineer prior to the issuance of any development permits. MINUTES - Planning Commission January 11, 1983 Page Three. FOR THE RECORD: With regard to Condition No. 24 previously written, Chairman Thornburgh stated that the Commission can require that the entryway and location of gates be redesigned or relocated at the time the adjacent property is developed. Andy Vossler, Landmark Land Company representative, agreed to this requirement. Change of Zone Request from R-2-8000, R-1 and R-5 to R-2-8OOO and R-5: After a short discussion, it was moved by Commission Imkamp and seconded by Commissioner Klimkiewicz to approve this request. Unanimously approved. Due to the fact that the Commission and Applicant could not agree entirely with Condition No. 15 in regard to setback requirements, the Commission agreed to review an alternative theory; that being a reduction in the width of Avenue 50. Landmark Land Company agreed to submit a preliminary street plan showing this theory to the Commission. Therefore, a motion was made by Commissioner Imkamp and seconded by Commissioner Klimkiewicz to continue consideration of Tentative Tract Nap No. 18767 to an adjourned regular meeting of the Ple,~ing Commission to be held Tuesday, January 25, 1983, at 7:00 p.m., in Commission Chambers. Unanimously approved. 3B. The City Manager explained that the Applicant, Landmark Land Company, has requested a continuance of the Public Hearing regarding Tentative Tract Map~ No. 18766, so they may submit further exhibits to staff. Therefore, Commissioner Imkamp moved and Commissioner Klimkiewicz seconded that this hearing be continued to Tuesday, February 8, 1983, at 7:00 p.m., a regular meeting time of the Planning Commission. Unanimously approved. CONSENT CALENDAR Moved by Commissioner Goetcheus, seconded by Commissioner Klimkiewicz, to approve the Consent Calendar. Unanimously approved. A. The Minutes of the regular meeting of December 1~, 1982, were approved as submitted. 5. BUSINESS SESSION A. The City Manager explained the proposed rev~ sions to the .propOsed ordinance regarding Valet Parking. 'Chaii~nan Tho~nburgh opened the hearing to Public Comment. David Irwin, Attorney representing Landmark Land Company, stated that he bad no problem with the modifying of an ordinance and applying it to new applications, but to take an ordinance such as this one and assume it to be retroactive was disagreeable to him. Commissioner Reilly stated that she could see no reason for the Planning Commission to concern itself with the logistics of the disposition of patrons' vehicles unless failure of the Commission to intervene would result in some hazard or abuse to the public. Commissioner Klimkiewicz stated that he could not support an ordinance that did not solve a problem and feels that it is unnecessary interference in private enterprise. Chairman Thornburgh closed the Public Hearing. A motion was then made by C.ow~issioner Goetcheus and seconded by Commissioner Reilly to recommend to City Council to reject this proposed ordinance. Roll Call AYES: Commissioners Goetcheus, Imkamp, Xlimkiewicz and Reilly NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Chairman Thornburgh MINUFES - P1A~ing Commission January 11, 1983 Page Four. The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta was adjourned to the meeting of January 25, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. at La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of La quinta, California, was adjourned at 10:25 p.m., January 11, 1983, at La quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California.