1983 02 08 PC Minutes ' " .... APPROVED
A regular meting held at the La Quinta DAI£ . . /:.~; g_~
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, ~.~ ~-~u~~~
California .~.~~.. ~~~/F~
February 8, 1983 7: 00 p.m.
A. The flag salute was led by Cc~x~issioner Reilly.
Present: Ccemissioners Reilly, Goetcheus, Klimkiewicz, Imkamp and
Chairman Thornburgh
Absent: None
A. The City Manager explained the Public Hearing regarding Tentative Tract
Map No. 18766 for property located on Eisenhower Drive, southerly frcm
Avenue 50, Landmark Land Cc~pany, Applicant.
1. The City Manager explained this proposal as being subject to request
for continuance by both' Applicant and Staff to allow both additional
time to review this proposal. He requested that the Planning ConTaission
continue Tentative Tract Map No. 18766 to the April 12, 1983 Cc~nission
2. Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion to continue this request.
Cc~mzissioner Reilly moved that the hearing be continued to Tuesday,
April 12, 1983 at 7:00 p.m., a regular meeting of the Planning
Cceanission. Motion was seconded by Ccmmzissioner Klimkiewicz.
Unanimously adopted.
B. The City Manager eXPlained that this public hearing was regarding
Conditional Use Case No. 83-001, a request to install an off-site sign
advertising subdivision sales on property located at the southeast corner
of Eisenhower Drive and Avenue 50, Anden Corporation, Applicant.
1. The City Manager introduced Sandra Bonner, Associate Planner, who
presented the staff report regarding Conditional Use Case No. 83-001,
which included Staff's recc~nended conditions of approval. Ms. Bonner
went on to state that the staff report makes no recommendation, but
rather suggests that the Ccmm~ssion approve this sign or consider the
following alternatives:
a. That they consider ruling on signs for this and each individual
subdivision or,
b. Staff report mentions that the City of Rancho Mirage's Chamber
of Cc~merce has installed a monument sign and lists all the
subdivisions in that city on a single sign with directions to
the areas. They refer to this as a model homes tour. The
Chamber of Ccm~nerce maintains the sign and charges each subdivision
accordingly. This type of sign is usually placed at the major
February 8, 1983
Page Two.
traffic entrances to the area and this type of sign might limit
the number of off-site signs we would have as each subdivision
is entitled to two advertising signs.
After scme discussion be~ Staff and the Cc~nission with regard to sign
sizes, styles, allowable locations, etc., Chairman Thornburgh invited
- c~ts frcm the Applicant.
Michael O'Rourke, Anden Corporation, P.O. Box 780, La Quinta, CA addressed
the Ccxmtission concerned that, after listening to the discussion be~
the Ccmmtission and Staff, they were trying to make a decision on a sign
program at this time. He stated that he felt Anden Corporation ~ould be
agreeable if the O2nmtission would approve this sign at this hearing and
then, if the City approved a firm sign ordinance in future, Anden would
bring the sign into cc~pliance at that time. Mr. O'Rourke was also con-
cerned that the Cc~nission was considering changing the requested size
of the sign frcm 6' x 10' to 3' x 5'. He felt that a larger size sign
would give them an edge to being more successful.
Chairman Thornburgh then opened the hearing to public ccnm~nt. As there
was no public cc~n~nt, he closed the hearing at 7:35 p.m.
Sandra Bonner, Associate Planner, made ~t that since the ~ssion
was tending toward individual design, they should consider size and color
of this sign. She stated that Staff was recc~ra~qding that the size be
reduced to approximately 3' x 5' or 4' x 5' since it will be mainly
directional and there is a monument sign in front of the units. Staff
would also like to r~d that the background color be changed to a
subtle earthtone instead of the white proposed, due to the fact that this
is a residential area.
- After further discussion regarding the conditions of approval, the following
changes to the conditions were approved:
NO. 3. CHANGRD TO READ: The sign face shall be no larger than 4' x 8'
and have an overall height frcm grade of not more than 8 feet.
NO. 8. CHAN~RD TO READ: The use hereby approved by this permit shall
terminate February 8, 1984.
NO. 10. ADDED: If the Planning Cc~xnission and City Council, through
ordinance, est_~blishes regulations relating to off-site advertising
signs which may be more restrictive than the sign presently permitted,
the Applicant shall bring this sign into compliance with the newly
established regulations.
2. ~ssioner Reilly made a motion to approve Conditional Use Case No.
83-001 subject to conditions~ of approval as amended. Cc~missioner
Goetcheus seconded this motion. Unanimously adopted.
February 8, 1983
Page Three.
Moved by Cc~issioner Klimkiewicz, seconded by ~ssioner Imkamp to adopt
the Consent Calendar, approving the minutes of January 11, 1983 as ~tted
and subject to correction of the minutes of the adjourned meeting of January 25,
1983, indicating that the Planning Cc~mission had requested Staff to send a
- letter to those persons who had filed a protest regarding Plot Plan 83-001
(Golf Course Equi~nent Storage Facility) advising them of what has transpired
A. The minutes of the regular meeting of January 11, 1983 were approved as
sutm~tted. The minutes of the adjourned meeting of January 25, 1983 w~re
approved as corrected. Unanimously adopted.
A. Cc~m~ssioner Reilly requested that the Cc~mission seriously consider having
study sessions on a regularly scheduled basis. She felt that it ~Duld save
time for the Applicant and the general public who attend the hearings if
the Planning Cc~m~ssion's questions were answered in advance.
Cc~missioner Reilly was also concerned with the fact that discussions that
w~re started in the meetings w~re never cc~pleted because of lateness of
hour or lack of time, and therefore feels the need for these study sessions
to begin as soon as possible. She stated that the City of La Quinta is
moving along rapidly and the ~ssion should begin formulating their ideas.
Cc~missioner Reilly was concerned with problems such as the General Plan,
Adr~ms Street, traffic problems, water, wood shingles, new state single family
resident standards for energy efficienty, etc.
The City Manager inforn~=d the ~ssioner that a traffic study has been
- ccmpleted by the Autcmobile Club and that copies of this report would first
go to the City Council and then to the Planning Cc~mission for review.
B. Cc~missioner Goetcheus stated that he is quite concerned with the lack of
a bike path/walking path between Avenue 50 and Avenida Tampico. People
stand at the edge of Washington Street bridge waiting to walk or ride
across on bicycles and because of speeding traffic it is a very d_~_ngerous
C. After further discussion, the Cc~xnission decided to meet for a study session
the ~nday before the regular Planning ~ssion r~eetings at 3:30 p.m. in
order to discuss the agenda for the regular monthly meeting. ~ ~ ~
D. Cc~m~ssioner Klimkiewicz suggested that Staff give the Cc~mission an oral
report of any City Council rulings, etc., that would pertain to the Planning
Cc~mission's role in the cc~munity. He suggested that this report be made
a part of the agenda for the regular monthly hearings.
The City Manager stated that Staff would do this as a part of the regular
meetings in future.
February 8, 1983
Page Four.
Moved by Cc~nissioner Goetcheus, seconded by Chaj_rman Thornburgh to adjourn.
The regular meeting of the Planning ~ssion of the City of La Quinta was
adjourned to the meeting of March 8, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. at La Quinta City
Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California.
The regular meeting of the Planning Ccnmtission of the City of La Quinta,
California, was adjourned at 9:20 p.m., February 8, 1983, at La Quinta City
Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California.