1983 03 08 PC Minutes APPR~F..i)
A regula~ meeting held at the La Quinta
Cit~z Hall, 78-10.5 Calle Es~ado, La Quanta,
March 8, 1983 ?: 00 p.m.
1. C~T.T. ~ ORDER
A. Chaizman Tho~h called the Planning Ccm~ssion Hear~ ~o order at
?:00 p.m. He ~hen called upon cc~ssioner Kljmkiew±cz to lead the flag
- salute.
A. Chaizman Thornburgh requested roll call. The Secretary called the roll:
Present:Cc~ssioners Reilly, Goetcheus, Klimkiewicz, Imkamp and
Chainman Thornburgh
Absent: None
A. The first item on the agenda was a public hearing regarding Change of Zone
Case No. 83-001, for property located on the west side of Eisenhower Drive,
southerly fr~ Avenue 50, Landmark Land Ccmpany, Applicant. Chairman
Thornburgh called upon Sandra Bonner, Associate Planner, to present the
staff report explaining this request.
1. Sandra Bonner, Associate Planner, explained that the applicant has
presented the C~ssion with a request to rezone the .51 acres
described above frcm R-2 (Multiple Family Residential) to R-5 (Open
Space Combining Zone - Planned Developments). She stated that this is
excess land fr~n when the flood channel was constructed. The zoning
had been recently changed, when the Specific Plan was revised, frcm
- W-1 (Water Course) to R-2 (Single Family Residence). Ms. Bonner explained
that the applicant intends to sell this excess land to a party owning the
adjacent condominium units located within the Santa Rosa Cove develo~m~_nt.
To accc~plish this, Landmark Land Cc~pany has filed Tentative Parcel Map
No. 19168 in conjunction with this zoning request. The proposed purchaser
plans to use the land for recreational purposes.
Ms. Bonner stated that staff has requested and the applicant has agreed
that the change of zone frcm R-2 to R-5 be done to guarantee that the
property remains for recreational use and open space rather than be used
for a single family residence. The reason for this concern is that there
is no access to the site. Based upon the findings explained in the staff
report, staff recc~mended that the Planning Cc~mission approve Change of
Zone Case No. 83-001.
Cc~missioner Thornburgh invited cc~r~n~ frcm the Applicant.
Kevin Manning, Planner for the Landmark Land Ccmpany, stated that the
Associate Planner had succinctly presented their request and he therefore
had no further cc~nen~ other than to thank the Cc~mission for processing
this application.
PLANNING CC~b~ISSION MINUTES - March ,8;.,' ~983.~ ~
Page T~D.
Chairman Thornburgh then opened the hearing to public cc~ment. There
being none, he closed the hearing at this time.
2. After a short discussion, Chaizman Thornburgh called for a motion.
Motion made by Cc~missioner Reilly to r~d to the City Council
approval of Change of Zone Case No. 83-001, and approval of a Negative
Declaration regarding environmental impact. Cc~n%issioner Goetcheus
_ seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted.
B. The second item on the agem_d_a was a public hearing regarding the following
proposed Resolution:
Chairman Thornburgh called upon Sandra Bonner, Associate Planner, to present
staff's report on this item.
1. Ms. Bonner began by stating that staff recc~x~ended that the Planning
Cc~mission recc~m~_nd to the City Council adoption of the Riverside
County Cove Cc~mtmities General Plan, Coachella-Thermal-Indio General
Plan and Circulation Element, as amended, and adoption of the Negative
Declaration. The reason for this r~dation is that the General
Plan is needed as the first step toward our annexation proceedings.
She went on to state that although the City has 30 months to adopt a
General Plan, this is basically a requirement for annexation and it
will not hinder or otherwise put off a decision to have a new General
Plan done.
With regard to the Circulation Element, Ms. Bonner stated that after
review of Riverside County's Circulation Element, staff and the City
Engineer concluded that the plan adequately addresses the needs of the
- City. She noted that staff is recc~x~ending two amendments to this plan
and they are: (1) Calle Tampico, west of Eisenhower Drive, be reduced
frcm a major street with a 100 foot wide right of way to a local street
with a 60 foot right of way. The basis for this being that traffic along
this portion does not warrant a 100-foot-wide street esPecially in light
of the fact that its northern boundary will remain in golf course use
and not be developed into residential lots. (2) The Avenue 48 bypass
from Highway 111 be totally deleted or a request be made that Avenue 48
be included in the General Plan as a 100' wide major street between
Jefferson and Washington Streets. Ms. Bonner explained that an original
plan of the County was to funnel traffic frcm Highway 111 via the Avenue
48 bypass. However, none of the property owners supported this and neither
did Indio as they have their cc~mercial areas on Highway 111. Indio had
then adopted a plan to abandon the bypass, but it never went through
formal approval.
Ms. Bonner went on to state that as the City is covered by both the Cove
Cc~nunities General Plan Land Use Element and the Coachella-Thermal-Indio
General Plan, staff recc~m~=_nds the consolidation of these tw~ land use
elements with the following amendments:
Page Three.
1. For that area west of Washington betw~e~ Fred Waring Drive and the
Whitewater River Channel, change the designation frcm High, Medium
and Low Density Residential to Low Density Residential. The .uurpose
for this is to eliminate high density uses along Washington Street
and to make La Quinta's General Plan ccmpat~le with Indian Wells'
General Plan.
- 2. For that area east of Washington Street to the midsection line
(which is in line with Washington Street south of Highway 111),
change the designation frcm High, and Very Low Density Residential
to Msdium Density Residential. Staff recc~x~nds that high density
uses, which may include apartments, offices and hotels, be limited
to the Highway 111 corridor area.
3. That the designation be amended frcm Very Low Density Residential to
Low Density Residential for the following areas: Be~ Fred Waring
Drive and Miles Avenue; frcm _Ad__mms Street ali~t one-half mile to
west; between Miles Avenue and the Whitewater River Channel; frcm
Dune Palms Road one mile to the west; between Westw-drd Ho Drive and
the Whitewater River Channel; from Dune Palms Road east to the Indio
City Limits. The purpose for this is to make the General Plan
consistent with existing develotm~nnt within the area.
4. For that area betw~_n Fred Waring Drive and Westward Ho Drive frcm
the Ads_ms Street alignment to the Whitewater River Channel, amend
the designation frc~n Very Low Density Residential to Very Low Density
Residential/Planned Develotznents. The purpose for this is to ensure
that future develotmnents are consistent with the adjacent Bermuda
Dunes Country Club and the Indian Springs Country Club areas.
5. For that area be~ Highway 111 and the Whitewater River Channel,
from Washington Street to Jefferson Street, from Medium Density
Residential to General ~cial. The current designation allows
- quasi-commercial uses such as offices and hotels. In addition,
Riverside County has approved cc~m~rcial zoning within this area.
The ccx~nercial designation would not be a substantial change frcm
the previous plan and would provide a more logical and appropriate
land use designation. This area will be included within the proposed
"Highway 111 North Specific Plan Area".
6. For that area generally 1,000 feet south of Highway 111 between
Washington Street and the Indio City Limits, amend the designation
frcm Medium and Low Density Residential to General Omnnercial. The
purpose for this is the same as mentioned in the above amen~t.
In addition, the wider area will allow for develoFment other than
strip commercial and aid in the develotmrent of a secondary road
access system needed to concentrate and funnel traffic frcm ~cial
businesses along Highway 111 in lieu of each lot having direct high-
way access. This area will be included within the proposed "Highway
111 - South Specific Plan".
PLANNING ~SSION MINUTES - March 8, 19831'.
Page Four.
7. For that area south of the above mentioned ~cial area and the
Avenue 48 alignment frcm Washington Street to Jefferson Street, frc~
Very Low and Lc~ Density Residential to Low Density Residential.
This designation wc~ld provide for a sui%~ble bu~er be%w~_n %he
cc~m_=rcial area and the lower density Figgie Corporation develo~aent
to the south while still being consistent with existing area develo~aent.
Ms. Bonner further advised the Planning Cc~aission that, tying in with
what they ~Duld be doing at the joint meeting with the City Council on
March 15, 1983, there will be a prezoning of the area we are looking at
for our Sphere of Influence which is a way to implement this General
Plan. This means that although we are requesting commercial zoning on
both sides of Highway 111, the zoning will say that it is a Specific Plan
area and no develo~aent can occur in that area until the City does an
overall area plan and looks at traffic, access, etc.
After discussing itsms such as building height limitations, setbacks,
densities, topography, zoning, etc., with the Planning Cc~mission, Ms.
Bonner restated staff's reccmaendation to adopt the Riverside County
Cove ~ities General Plan, Coachella-Thenaal-Indio General Plan and
the County Circulation Element, as amended, and adoption of the Negative
Chainaan Thornburgh then opened the hearing to public ~t. As there
was none, he closed the hearing at this time.
2. Chainman Thornburgh called for a motion. Ccmm%~ssioner Imkamp made the
motion to adopt Resolution No. P.C. 83-1, A Resolution of the Planning
Ccmaission of the Ci%y of La Quinta, Caiifornia, approving a General Plan
for the City. The motion was seconded by Cc~nissioner Klimkiewicz.
At this point, Cc~missioner Reilly stated that she understood that this
General Plan adoption is a temporary thing, but she still had a lot of
concerns based primarily on the Cove ~ities General Plan document
itself published over 10 years ago and wherein they grossly underestimated
the population growth in Coachella Valley. Therefore, she wished to
strongly urge that the Planning Ccmmfussion add a r~dation to the
passage of this to go to the City Council requesting they begin the work
of revising the adopted General Plan as soon as possible.
After scme discussic~ on how to process such a request, the Planning
Commission requested that staff develop a written resolution to the City
Council relaying the aobve request to them in a positive manner.
~nL ~j~T,T, AYES: ~ssioners Imkamp, Reilly, Goetcheus, Klimkiewicz
an~ Chairman Thornburgh
NOES: None
Resolution No. P.C. 83-1 was unanimously adopted.
Page Five.
MDved by Cc~missioner Goetcheus, seconded by Com~ssioner Klimkiewicz to adopt
the Consent Calendar, subject to correction of the minutes of February 8, 1983,
indicating an additional statement be added to Paragrat~h 5.C. stating the study
sessions to be held the MDnday prior to each regular Planning CoNaission meeting
were to be held to discuss the agenda for the regular meeting and also to discuss
future planning concerns for the City.
A. The minutes of the regular m~eting of February 8, 1983 were approved as
corrected. Unanimously adopted.
A. There being no business to discuss, Chairman Thornburgh closed this agenda
There being no further items of agenda to cone before the Planning CoNaission,
Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion to adjourn.
Commissioner Goetcheus moved and Ccem%~ssioner Klimkiewicz seconded the motion
to adjourn to the study session of March 14, 1983 at 11:00 a.m. at the La Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California.
The next regular meeting of the Planning Ccem~ssion will be a joint session with
the City Council to be held in the La Cita Rocm at the La Quinta Hotel, 49-999
Eisenhower Drive, La Quinta, California at 7:30 p.m. on March 15, 1983.
The regular mccting of the Planning Ccmmission of the City of La Quinta,
California, was adjourned at 9:15 p.m., March 8, 1983, at La Quinta City Hall,
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California