1983 03 22 PC Minutes.*.*' ~ '~ ~' *'" ~- LA QUI~TA PLANNING COMIYJlSSI. ON PLANNING COMMIISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA ey i~,/~ /_/,~ A regular meeting held at the La Quinta DATE _,- City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California March 22, 1983 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Chairman Pro Tern Imkamp called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. She then called upon Sandra Bonner, Associate Planner, to lead the flag salute. 2. ROLL CALL A. Chairman Pro Tern Imkamp requested the roll call. The Secretary called the roll: Present: Cc~Tnissioners Reilly, Kl~.~.i~v~icz and Chairman Pro T~ Imkamp Absent: Cc~Tnissioner Goetcheus and Chainm3n Thornburgh Moved by Comnissioner Reilly, seconded by CcmTnissioner Klimkiewicz to excuse OonTnissic~er Goetcheus and Chairman Thornburgh. Unanimously adopted. Also present were City Manager Frank Usher, Associate Planner Sandra Bonner and Secretary Donna Velotta. 3. HEARINGS A. The first item on the agenda was a public hearing regarding Tentative Tract Map No. 19203 and the related negative declaration regarding environmental impact, a request for a 61-unit statutory condcmdnium project on a 15.8 acre parcel located at the northeast corner of Avenida Bermudas and Avenue 52, The Desert Club of La Quinta, Applicant. Chairman Pro Tern Imkamp infonned all those present that the Applicant had requested a continuance of this hearing to the next regular Planning C~ssion meeting on April 12, 1983. She then requested staff to give their report on this matter. 1. City ~nager Frank Usher stated staff had no further report to make regarding this agenda item and requested that the Planning Cc~mission move to continue Tentative Tract Map No. 19203 and the related negative declaration regarding enviro~tal impact to the next regular meeting on April 12, 1983. 2. Chairman Pro T~n Imkamp then called for the motion to continue this request. Co~T~issioner Reilly moved that the hearing be continued to Tuesday, April 12, 1983 at 7-00 p.m., a regular meeting of the Planning Cc~ssion. M~tion w~s seconded by Ccmmissioner Klimkiewicz. Unanimously adopted. B. The second item on the agenda was a public hearing regarding Conditional Use Permit Case No. 83-002, a request for an off-site sign advertising a subdivision, to be located 500 feet north of the intersection of Eisenhower Drive and Washington Street, Anden Corporation, Applicant. Chairman Pro Tem Imkamp info~ all those present that the Applicant had requested a continuance of this hearing. She then requested a report from staff. MINUTES - PLANNING CC~b~SSICN March 22, 1983 Page Tw~. 1. Associate Planner Sandra Bonner stated that the request for continuance on this age _r~__a item to the next regular meeting in April is due to the fact that staff is looking at the possibility of a joint sign being used by a number of subdivisions. She stated that she is in the process of investigating how the City of Rancho Mirage's joint sign system works and will have a more detailed report by the April meeting. She further - informed the Cc~aission that the Anden Corporation is in favor of this type of sign and will withdraw further requests for advertising signs if the Cc~xaission does, in fact, rule in favor of a joint sign advertising system. There being no further cc~m~_nts, Chairman Pro Tern Imkamp called for a motion. 2. Ccmmkissioner Klimkiewicz moved that the public hearing regarding Conditional Use Permit No. 83-002 be continued to the next regular Planning Cc~xaission meeting on April 12, 1983 at 7: 00 p.m. Cc~nissioner Reilly seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted. C. Third item on the agenda was a public hearing regarding a proposed amendment to the Municipal Land Use Ordinance No. 348 regarding height and setback requirements for walls and fences. Chairman Pro Tern Im~ called upon Sandra Bonner, Associate Planner, to present staff's report on this item. 1. Associate Planner Sandra Bonner explained that right now Municipal Land Use Ordinance No. 348 does not specifically denote setbacks for walls for residential purposes. She stated that enforcement of the present ordinance is based on interpretation rather than anything specific. The county allowed six- foot fences along all property lines, including property lines on conm~rcial - lots, which has resulted in problems of visibility at intersections, residents pulling out of driveways unable to see traffic and/or pedestrians, etc. Therefore, staff is recc~z~ending that the Planning Cc~m%ission adopt this proposed amendment to the ordinance which specifically discusses residential fences. The main point of the amendment is that fences within the front 20 foot setback of residential houses be 3½ feet in height, that there be corner cutbacks of 20 feet and fences, walls and hedges located in that outback area be limited to 2½ feet in height. Ms. Bonner also suggested to the Planning Cc~mission that they may want to add a section to the amendment prc~ibiting barbed wire frcm being placed on top of fences. After scme discussion regarding the lot sizes in the cove area with regard to fence heights, visibility problems, road widths, curbs and gutters, parking along roadways, etc., Chairman Pro Tern Imkamp opened the hearing for public ccm~nt. Audrey Ostrowski, 77-400 Calle Sinaloa, La Quinta, CA. requested staff to define what they meant by "wall". Associate Planner Bonner replied that the ordinance covers walls, fences and landscaping which includes solid walls, w~oden fences, hedges, etc. MINUTES - PLANNING CC~MISSION March 22, 1983 Page Three. Michael Head, 53-800 Avenida ~bntezuma, La Quinta, CA. questioned whether a chainlink fence is legal to use in regard to the question of visibility and safety. Paul Morway, 77-395 Calle Durango, La Quinta, CA. stated he felt a chain- link fence gave visibility to whatever may be in your backyard (swinnuing - pool, etc. ) and a chainlink fence being climbable would not keep children or whenever frcm getting inside. He went on to explain his situation with regard to a block wall he is building around his hcme and the height restrictions being imposed by ordinance. He felt that he should not have to go through the steps of requesting a variance at this ~ due to the fact that v~ had no specific requirements in our ordinance regarding set- backs and height restrictions at the time he began his construction. Frank Usher, City Manager, stated we should be sensitive to the problems people have on their lots given the orientation of their house. He noted that there are other areas which we nust also be sensitive to which are public safety and use of the streets. As there were no further public ccnm~_nts, Chairman Pro Tern Imkamp closed the public hearing. At this point, the Planning Cc~nission decided not to rule on this agenda item at this hearing as they did not agree with the proposed amendment as written. So that they may study this matter further, the Cc~nission agreed to continue this request to the next regular meeting on April 12, 1983 at 7:00 p.m. M~mbers of the Cc~nission also agreed to meet on April 11, 1983 at 3:30 p.m. so they could take a tour of the cove area to visually see the many existing problems in regard to fence heights and setbacks. Chairman Pro Tern Imkamp called for a motion to this effect. - Moved by Cc~nissioner Reilly, seconded by Cc~mtissioner Klimkiewicz to continue the public hearing regarding the proposed amendment to the Municipal Land Use Ordinance No. 348 with reference to height and setback requirements for walls and fences to the April 12, 1983 meeting at 7:00 p.m. Unanimously adopted. D. The next item on the agenda was a public hearing regarding a proposed amendment to Section 21.36 of the Municipal Land Use Ordinance No. 348 regarding hcme occupations. Chairman Pro Tern Imkamp informed all those present that staff had requested a continuance for this agenda item to the April 12, 1983 meeting in order to prepare a more thorough report. There being no further discussion, she called for a motion. Cc~mtissioner Klimkiewicz made a motion to continue the public hearing with reference to Municipal Land Use Ordinance No. 348, Section 21.36, regarding hcme occupations to the meeting of April 12, 1983 at 7:00 p.m. Ccnmtissioner Reilly seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted. MINUTES - PLANNING CC~MLISSION March 22, 1983 Page Four. 4. CCNSENT CAT.~TDAR Moved by Connissioner Klimkiewicz, seconded by Commissioner Reilly to adopt the consent calendar, approving the minutes of March 8, 1983 as suhnitted. -- A. The minutes of the regular meeting of March 8, 1983 were approved as sutmuit~. Unanimously adopted. 5. BUSINESS A. Chainm%n Pro Tem Imkamp explained the agenda item under new business was a review of Plot Plan No. 83-009, a request to construct a single-family house on a lot located on the west side of Avenida Madero, 50 feet south of Calle Ensenada, Mike Head, Applicant. She then called upon staff to present their report. 1. Sandra Bonner, Associate Planner, stated that this is a single-family house which ccmplies with all requirements of our ordinance in regard to square footage, clear dimensions of the bedrocks and the two-car garage. She c~ted that this is a pueblo style home and although the houses ~iately next to it have peaked roofs, there are other hones in the area similar to this one. Ms. Bonner therefore requested that the Planning Ccn~ission approve Plot Plan No. 83-009 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to conditions listed in the staff report. Chain~an Pro Tem Imkamp invited connents frcm the Applicant. Michael Head, 53-800 Avenida Montezuma, La Quinta, spokesman for Afford__~ble Hones, requested information regarding the construction of the hcme. -- Staff advised him to contact the Building Department for advise in this direction. Chairman Pro Tem Imkamp then ~opened the hearing for public omment. There being none, she requested the matter be closed. After a short discussion regarding roof drainage, the question of ownership was raised. The application shows that Michael Head is owner/builder, but on the design maps the name of a Dr. Harmon appears. Therefore, the Cc~mission questioned the Applicant as to who was to live in the house or was it being built for resale. Mr. Head answered the Connission by stating he ~Duld be living in the hume. Ommissioner Reilly brought out the fact that on one page of the Plot Plan it stated, "Hone for Dr. Harmon" and on another page the statement "Proposed New Home for Dr. Harmon" was noted. Dr. Harmon then stated, "The man who drew up the plans put those statements on the plot plans gratuitously and did not charge me extra for it." Dr. Harmon then asked if there was a restriction as to how many hcmes could be build for speculati°n purposes. Associate Planner Bonner advised him that only five hones could be built at any one time for speculation purposes. MINUTES - PLANNING CC~MISSION March 22, 1983 Page Four. Cc~mzissioner Reilly asked the Associate Planner to explain the point in staff report regarding the Applicant having to obtain an encroac~t permit frcxn the C~munity Develotmnent Department before the issuance of a building penmzit. Associate Planner Bonner explained that the street right of way belongs to the City and if the builder needs to work in the right of way, before he can do so he must get an encroachment permit frcrn the City to assure that any work he does in our right of way is up to our standards and to also let us know what work is going on in the City right of ways. City Manager Usher went on to explain that there are two utilities that residents need to be connected to that have lines in the public right of ways and scme places in the cove area only one utility. These are water and gas. The encroachment permit is required to 'cut the street' on the City right of way to connect these services to the residence. There being no further ~ts, Chairman Pro Tem Imkamp called for a motion. 2. Ccrmzissioner Klimkiewicz rode a motion to approve Plot Plan 83-009 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to conditions as noted in the staff report. O~xaissioner Reilly seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted. B. At this point, City Manager Frank Usher passed among the Ccmnissioners a list of goals and objectives that the City Council has adopted, which cover a broad area of responsibilities that the City has. He pointed out a specific area on this list regarding the goals of the City Council in regards to the General Plan and the time frame attached to these goals. Ccrmzissioner Reilly stated that previously the Planning Ccmrmission had requested that a letter or memo be given to the City Council urging them to proc~cd as rapidly as possible with regard to the General Plan. She stated that this list was certainly acceptable to see that so tach thought had been put into a plan of action. Ho~-=ver, she felt that Chairman Thornburgh still felt, and she concurred with him, that a letter frcxn the Planning Ccrm%ission supporting this plan of action would be appropriate and that followup be made. City Manager Usher stated that this would be done. ADJOURNM~T There being no further items of agenda to ccme before the Planning Ccmmzission, Cha~ Pro Tem Imkamp called for a motion of adjournment. Ccxmnissioner Klimkiewicz moved and ~ssioner Reilly seconded the motion to adjourn to the next regular meeting of the Planning Cc~nission to be held on April 12, 1983 at 7:00 p.m. at La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA. The regular meeting of the Planning Ccxmzission of the City of La Quinta, CA. was adjourned at 8:40 p.m., March 22, 1983, at La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado,