1983 05 24 PC Minutes APPROVED
PLANNING COMMISSION - CIty OF La Q~adjourned n~eting held at the La Quinta~~"/~/'~
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, ~--~
May 24, 1983 7:00 p.m.
- A. Chainman Thornburgh called the Planning Ccmmtission meeting to order at
7:00 p.m. He called upon ~ssioner John Klimkiewicz to lead the flag
A. Chairman Thornburgh requested the roll call. The Secretary called the roll:
Present: Ccmnissic~ers Reilly, Goetcheus, Klimkiewicz, Imkamp and ChaJ_rman
Absent: None
Also present w~re City Manager Frank Usher, Associate Planner Sandra L.
Bonner and Secretary Donna Velotta.
At this point, Chairman Thornburgh turned the m~eting over the Chairman Pro Te~n
Imkamp, as the Comnission was again reviewing a project submitted by him.
A. ChaJ_rman Pro Tem In~ explained the first item of agenda to be a public
hearing which had been continued frc~n May 10, 1983 regarding Tentative Tract
Map No. 19203, Amended No. 1, and its related environmental negative declara-
tion, a request for a 60-unit statutory condcminium project on 15.8 acres
_ located on the east side of Avenida Bermudas at Calle Sinaloa, Desert Club
of La Quinta, Applicant. She then called for ~ts frcm staff.
1. Associate Planner Sandra Bonner advised the Planning Con~nission that in
response to their concerns stated at the May 10th meeting, the Applicant
submitted a revised set of site and building plans. These plans address
the concerns outlined in the staff report and also cc~ply substantially
with the reccmm~_nded conditions of approval. No~nally a developer waits
until after approval of the tentative tract map before redesigning the
project to comply with the ccmditions of approval. Then the redesigned
or final map is submitted to the City Council for its review and approval.
In this case, the Applicant voluntarily chose to ~t the revised plans
prior to tentative approval as a means to demonstrate to the Planning
Cgmmtission and City Council that by complying with the conditions of
approval, the final design of the project will alleviate %he concerns
mentioned in the staff report. Unfortunately, Ms. Bonner explained %hat
these plans w~re sukmtitted to staff the same day as the Planning Ccmnission
packets were delivered (5-20-83) for this meeting. Therefore, there was
inadequate tin~ for staff to review the plans and receive ~ts frcm
other agencies. She went on to explain that since the Applicant did not
support a continuance of the hearing to June to provide additional time
May 24, 1983
Page Two.
for staff review, the Amended No. 2 tract map and building plans were
given to the Cc~missi~ for their information only.
Ms. Bonner again explained the options open to the ~ssion with
regard to the requested 750 square foot, one-bedrocm units. One option
is a change of ordinance and another is a request for zone change for
- this particular property only. The Applicant is willing to take either
course o
Associate Planner Bonner continued to go through scme of the major condi-
tions explaining why they were being addressed.
Chairman Pro Tem Imkamp then requested cc~nents frcm Mr. Thornburgh, the
Tcm Thornburgh, 49-452 Avila, La Quinta, CA, stated that he approved and
accepted 19 of the conditions presented him, but had questions on scme of
the others. He stated that he did not care to be annexed into the
Coachella Valley Water District, but if he had to he would. He questioned
the condition of full improvements cn Avenida Bermudas adjacent to the
develo~m~nnt and new Avenue 52. He stated that in order to get his subdivi-
sion map approved by City Council, he ~Duld request th~ to record these
into lots and he would put up a bond to complete all of his off site
improvements within one year. Then when he breaks ground and before he
can get an occupancy permit or move anyone in, all of the offsite work
must be completed.
Chairman Pro T~n Imkamp opened the hearing to public ~t.
John Cody, 77-895 Avenida Montezuma, La Quinta, who is the architect for
Mr. Thornburgh's project, explained the layout of the colored renderings
presented which addressed the conditions outlined in this staff report.
Associate Planner Bonner asked Mr. Cody about the two laundry rocks that
were planned and wondered, now that there are stackable washers/dryers
that can be set in a 3' x 3' area, if the Applicant would consider pro-
viding for these types of applicances within each condcndr~'um unit.
Mr. Cody stated that they can inoorporate this into the units (Mr. Thornburgh
stated that he wanted this to be done), but requested that the two buildings
shown as laundry rocms on the plot plan be allo~=d to remain and be used as
storage areas for lawn equipment, pool equipment, etc.
Audrey Ostrcwsky, 77-400 Sinaloa, La Quinta, CA, was very concerned that
she was not notified of this project and this mee~, as she owns scme
property close to the Desert Club. She was also upset that scmething as
important as this was being discussed at 10:00 p.m. With regard to the
project, she stated her concerns with density, the traffic that would be
generated, the two-story buildings, sewage probl~s, etc.
May 24, 1983
Page Three.
Cameron Marshman, 53-955 Velasco, La Quinta, CA, stated his concern
that staff seemed to be talking about this proposed project as an
accomplished fact. He also voiced his objection to the 750 square foot,
Joe Connors, 77-545 Arroba, La Quinta, CA, stated his concerns about the
- 750 square foot, one-bedrocm units and also with the parking area for the
project with regard to how the traffic will flow.
James Rae, 53-805 Alvarado, La Quinta, CA, wondered why all offsite
improvements could not be done at ~_e same time as the project w-as being
built so it would all be tied together.
As there w~re no further ccmnents frcm the public, Chairman Pro Tern Imkamp
closed the public hearing.
After scme discussion, the Cc~nission detennined that the conditions be
amended as follows:
5.b. Changed to Read:
Avenida Ben~adas: Dedication and installation of full improvements,
including concrete curb, gutter, m/nialnn four-foot-wide sidewalk and
connecting A.C. pavement, of the 44-foot half-width in accord__~nce with
· City Standard No. 108 for that portion ~iately adjacent to Lot 1;
and that bonding for the same type of improvement be provided for the
portion fronting Avenida Bermudas consisting of the frontage of Lot 2
with improvement required to be done within two (2) years or the bond
will be exorcised.
5.c. Delete.
- 15. Delete.
25. Added:
Prior to recordation of the final map, City Council will adopt a
Change of Zone to R-3-4000.
2. Comnissioner Klimkiewicz made a motion to r~d approval of
Tentative Tract Map No. 19203, Amended No. 1, in accordance with
findings noted in the staff report and subject to the attached
conditions. ~ssioner Reilly seconded the motion. Unanimously
This portion of the meeting was chaired by Chairman Thornburgh.
A. Chairman Thornburgh explained the first item under new business as the review
of Plot Plan No. 83-015, a request to construct a single family house on a
lot located on the west side of Avenida Herrera be~ Calle Tecate and
Calle Potrero, Rick Johnson Construction, Applicant.
May 24, 1983
Page Four.
He then called upon staff for ~ts.
1. Associate Planner Sandra Bonner stated that this house is in
compliance with the zoning, it ccmplies substantially with the City's
adopted standards for single-family houses. She explained to the
Cc~m~ssion that the Applicant had_ requested a roof covering of asphalt
- shingles, however this was not consistent with surrounding hcmes so
staff was requesting a change to rock or gravel. Based on these findings,
staff is therefore recommending that the Planning Cc~mission approve
Plot Plan No. 83-015 in accordance with exhibits and subject to the
attached conditions.
Nick Ortega, 45-456 Aladdin Street, Indio, CA, representative of the
Applicant, stated that the Applicant would prefer asphalt shingles,
but ~ould go along with the change to rock or gravel if required to
do so. He also noted a change in the plans for square foot livable
area frcm the original 1,356 feet to 1,520 feet.
After a brief discussion, it was agreed to change Condition No. 9
to read as follows:
9. ~ne roofing material shall be rock or gravel.
2. ~ssi~ner Im~ made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 83-015 in
accord_~nce with exhibits and attached c~nditions, as amended.
Omm~ssioner Klimkiewicz seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted.
B. Chairman Thornburgh explained the next item under new business as a review of
Plot Plan No. 83-016, a request to install a modular hc~e on a 50-foot wide
lot located on the east side of Eisenhower Drive, 250 feet north of Calle
Colima, L. D. McMachen, Inc., Applicant. He called upon staff for their report.
- 1. Associate Planner Bonner explained that this request is consistent
with the z~ning, it cc~plies substantially with the City's adopted
standards for single-family houses and is compatible with the
surrounding development. Therefore, staff r~ds that the
Planning Ccxm~ssion approve Plot Plan No. 83-016 in accordance with
exhibits and subject to the attached conditions.
Joe Connors, 77-545 Calle Arroba, La Quinta, CA, questioned the size
of the one bedrocm being below the required standard.
Audrey Ostrowsky, 77-400 Sinaloa, La Quinta, CA, concerned about the
fact that this house was modular.
L. D. McMachen, Applicant, 74-855 Joni Drive, Palm Desert, CA, stated
that a crane can pick the prebuilt portions of these modular hcmes up
without them ccming apart. You cannot do that with a stick house.
2. ~ssioner Goetcheus made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 83-016
in accordance with exhibits and attached conditions. Cc~m%tssioner
Imkamp seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted.
May 24, 1983
Page Five.
C. Chairman Thornburgh explained the next it~n of business as a review of a
Plot Plan No. 83-017, a request to construct a single-family house on a
50-foot-wide lot located on the east side of Avenida Ramirez, 50 feet north
of Calle Chihuahua, Zeke Martinez, Applicant. He called for a report frcm
- 1. Associate Planner Bonner explained that if the house is built in accord__~nce
with the condition of approval requiring 1,200 square feet of living space,
it will be in compliance with the City's adopted zoning and design require-
ments. As the plans are now, there is only 1,140 square feet of livable
area. Also, if the roofing material is changed as r~ded, the design
and appearance w~]l be cc~patible with the surrounding houses. Therefore,
staff is r~ding that the Planning ~ssion approve Plot Plan No.
83-017 in accordance with exhibits as amended and subject to conditions.
After a short discussion, it was determined that Condition No. 10 regarding
roofing materials ~Duld be deleted.
2. Cc~ntissioner Reilly made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 83-017 in
accord__a_nce with exhibits as amended and subject to conditions as amended.
Chairman Thornburgh seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted.
D. Chairman Thornburgh presented the next itam explaining it is a review of Plot
Plan No. 83-018, a request to construct a single-family house on t~o lots
located at the southwest corner of Avenida 5bntezuma and Avenida Vallejo,
Angelina "Kiki" Haynes, Applicant. He call for ccnn~nts frcm staff.
1. Associate Planner Bonner stated that it is staff's opinion that although
the proposed structure will be the first split-level house in the vicinity,
the design, cc~bined with the large lot and setbacks will make it cc~patible
with existing development. She further advised if the roof height is
reduced as required by the conditions of approval, the house will be con-
- sistent with the City's zoning and design requirements and also, the proposed
house is compatible with surrounding develo~nent. Therefore, staff is
recc~nmnding that the Planning Ccmmtission approve Plot Plan No. 83-018,
in accordance with exhibits' and subject to the attached conditions.
After a short di.'scussion, it was determined that Condition No. 5 should
be amended to require six (6) 15-gallon street trees be required due to
the fact that t_he hcme was being built on two lots, one of which is a
corner lot.
2. Cc~nissioner Reilly made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 83-018 in
accordance with exhibits and subject to conditions as amended.
Ccmmtissioner Klimkiewicz seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted.
E. Chairman Thornburgh explained the last agenda item was a proposed amen~t
to the Municipal Land Use Ordinance No. 348 regarding the location and height
of walls and fences. He called upon Associate Planner Bonner for staff's
May 24, 1983
Page Six.
1. Associate Planner Bonner explained that at its May 17th hearing,
the City Council approved the proposed ordinance amen~t as shown
on the attached exhibit- The Council now has referred this ordinance
back to the Planning Commission for its review and report on the
following changes:
_ o Fences shall be set back five (5) feet frcm the front property
line, with the setback area landscaped.
o The ordinance shall not apply to the height of vegetation or
o On corner lots, no fence over 3% feet in height shall be
penuitted within the 20-foot corner cutback area.
o The height of the fences shall be measured frcm the level of
the natural grade.
Staff r~ds that the Planning Cc~mission report to the City
Council that it supports the proposed changes in Section 18.40,
an amen~t to the Municipal Land Use Ordinance No. 348.
2. After discussion, Cc~missioner Lmkan~ made a motion to report to
City Council the Cc~missi~n's support of all changes except the
first. She moved that the fences be kept on the property line,
taking out the five (5) foot setback requir~m~ent. Commissioner
Klimkiewicz seconded the motion. ChaJ_rman Thornburgh voted nay.
6. ADJ~
There being no further items of agenda to ccme before the Planning Omm~ssion,
Chaizman Pro Tem Imkamp called for a motion to adjourn.
- Chairman Pro Tem Imkamp made a motion to adjourn to the m~eting of June 14, 1983,
at 7:00 p.m., in La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA.
Secc~ded by ~ssioner Klimkiewicz. Unanimously adopted.
The adjourned meeting of the Planning Ccxm~ssion of the City of La Quinta, CA was
adjourned at 10:55 p.m., May 24, 1983, at La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado,