1983 06 14 PC Minutes ~ APPROVED ~ ~ LA ~l.,k~A PLANNING COMMISSION" PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA ~j~ D~E /~/ /~g~ '~ A regular meetlng held at the La Qulnta City Hall, 78-105 Calle gstado, La Qulnta, California June 14, 1983 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDgg A. Chalrman Thornburgh called the Plannlng Commission meetlng to order at 7:00 - p.m. He called upon Commissioner ?at geilly to lead the flag salute. 2. AOLL CALL A. Chal~man Thornburgh requested the roll call. The Secretary called the ro11: Present:Commissioners geilly, Goetcheus, K11mklewlcz, Imkamp and Chalrman Thornburgh Absent: None Also present were City Councilmembers John Henderson, Judy Cox, Larry Allen and Fred Wolff; City Manager Frank Usher, Associate Planner Sandra Bonner and Secretary Donna Velotta 3. HEARINGS 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Moved by Commissioner Klimkiewicz, seconded by Commissioner Goetcheus to adopt the Consent Calendar, approving the minutes of May 10, 1983 as submitted. A. The minutes of the regular meeting of May 10, 1983 were approved as submitted. Unanimously adopted. Moved by Commissioner Imkamp, seconded by Commissioner Klimkiewicz to adopt the Consent Calendar, approving the minutes of May 24, 1983 as submitted. B. The minutes of the adjourned meeting of May 24, 1983 were approved as submitted. Unanimously adopted. 5. BUSINESS A. Chairman Thornburgh explained the first item under new business to be a review of Plot Plan No. 83-021, a request to install a mobile home on a double-wide lot located at the northwest corner of Avenida Diaz and Calle Temecula; Thomas and Marguerite Murphey, Applicants. He then called for the report from staff. 1. Associate Planner Bonner explained that this mobile' home is "T"-shaped with the front and narrowest end (24vfoot wide) facing east towards Avenida Diaz. The Applicant proposed to have a two-car, detached garage with the driveway entering Avenida Diaz. Because of the location of the garage and the shape of the mobile home, the dwelling may have the appearance of size and bulk which is comparable with other homes in the area. Ms. Bonner stated that staff suggests that the Commission consider requiring that the garage be placed adjacent to the mobile home so that the width of the home as viewed from Avenida Diaz will be increased. MINUTES - PLANNING COMMISSION June 14, 1984 Page Two. Ms. Bonner explained that this request is consistent with the zoning, state law and county ordinance which states that mobile homes are permitted in R-1 zones provided that they are compatible on the basis of siding, roofing material and eaves. She explained that this request complies with setback requirements and has approximately 2,015 square feet of living area which exceeds the zoning requirement. The design includes two bedrooms with 10-foot clear dimensions and two full baths. The garage is detached and therefore has no connecting door into the house. Ms. Bonner stated that the Commission must make the finding that the house conforms substantially with the intent of the standards. The mobile home has wood-textured, metal lap siding. The existing homes within the surrounding area have stucco or sheet wood siding. Ms. Bonner explained that the Commission may make the finding that the mobile home's siding is compatible with the surrounding homes, or the Commission may require that the siding be changed to either stucco or real wood. This mobile home has a slightly pitched roof covered with asphalt shingles. The front and sides have roof eaves which comply with the requirements. However, when the present car- port is removed, the Applicant will install 18-inch eaves. The rear of the mobile home does not have any eaves presently. The landscape plan shows gravel ground cover with twelve, 40-gallon tree~ Commissioner Reilly requested information as to how the mobile home would be secured to its foundation. Associate Planner Bonner replied that there are requirements in this regard as far as the building code is concerned. This part of the installation is overseered by our Building Official. She also stated that the Applicant is adding tie downs as an added feature in securing the home to it foundation. Commissioner Reilly requested to know if this mobile home complies with the seismic regulations in the State of California. Chairman Thornburgh requested this reply from the Applicant. Mr. Thomas Murphey stated that the mobile home was constructed in 1978 in the State of California. He further added that it does not comply with seismic regulations at present, but that it will when it is fastened to this founda- tion as steel cross members will be added. Commissioner Goetcheus requested to know if any of the neighboring residents voiced their opinions for or against this mobile home being compatible with the neighborhood. Ms. Bonner replied that we do not publish requests for single-family dwellings so the neighbors would have no knowledge of it being installed. She stated we have not received any correspondence with regard to this request. Commissioner Reilly stated that she is increasingly concerned with the fact that trees are being planted that are not indigenous to this area. She stated this concern did not apply to just this application, but to all single-family dwelling applications. Commissioner Reilly feels that the City should compile a list of trees that are not pollen producing, that are drought and heat resistent, etc., and make this list available to persons coming in from out of the area who are not familiar with desert vegetation. MINUTES - PLANNING COMMISSION June 14, 1983 Page Three. After some discussion, it was agreed that the following conditions be required: 12. The mobile home shall have stucco siding. 13. The mobile home shall have 18-inch eaves. -- 2. Commissioner Klimkiewicz made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 83-021 in accordance with exhibits and attached conditions, as amended. Commissioner Reilly seconded the motion. Motion was adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes and 1 Abstaining. B. Chairman Thornburgh explained the next item of business to be a request to construct a single-family house on a lot located on the west side of Avenida Alvarado, 50 feet north of Calle Colima; Bruce Hicks, Applicant. He then requested the report from staff. 1. Associate Planner Bonner explained that this proposal is consistent with the zoning. She stated if the house is constructed with the conditions of approval, it will be in compliance with the City's adopted standards. Further, based upon the Commission's determination regarding roofing material, the house's appearance is compatible with the existing, surrounding development. Approval of this request will not have any significant adverse impact on the environment. After a short discussion, the Commission agreed that the Applicant should comply with the requirement to have lO-foot clear dimension in all bedrooms. 2. Commissioner Imkamp made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 83-020 in accordance with exhibits and subject to attached conditions. Commissioner Reilly seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted. -- C. Chairman Thornburgh explained the next item under new business was a request to construct a single-family house on the west side of Avenida Herrera, 200 feet south of Calle Potrero; Rick Johnson Construction, Applicant. He then called for staff's report. 1. Associate Planner Bonner explained that the Applicant had been before the Commission on May 24, 1983 with a request to construct a single-family dwelling which was approved. The present request is the same plan as the one approved with some minor changes. At the prior meeting, the Applicant had requested asphalt shingles be permitted, but the Commission ruled that crush rock would be more compatible to surrounding houses. Ms. Bonner further explained that after speaking to the Applicant again this date, there is a structural reason for the asphalt shingles and that is the 4 and 12 roof pitch which is not appropriate for crushed rock. For that reason, the Associate Planner requested that perhaps the Commission would reconsider the previous approval and allow the asphalt shingles for the previous request as well as the current one. MINUTES - PLANNING COMMISSION June 14, 1983 Page Four. After some discussion, it was agreed to add a condition as follows: 10. Roofing material may be asphalt shingle of an earthtone color. 2. Commissioner Imkamp made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 83-022 in accordance with exhibits and attached conditions, as amended. Commissioner - Reilly seconded. Commissioner Klimkiewicz wished to state that he felt that being this house and the one approved at the last meeting are of the same plan and are in fact being built on adjacent lots, there should be a condition noted to the effect that the house should not look identical as far as outside appearance. The motion on the floor was passed by a vote of 4 Ayes and 1 Nay. In response to staff's request that the Planning Commission reconsider their condition requesting crushed rock roofing material for Plot Plan No. 83-015, Commissioner Imkamp made a motion to change said condition to allow asphalt shingle of a light, desert-tone color. Commissioner Reilly seconded. Unanimously adopted. At this point, Chairman Thornburgh turned the meeting over to Chairman Pro Tem Imkamp as the remainder of this meeting was a joint discussion between City Council Members present and the Planning Commission with regard to Mr. Thornburgh's Tentative Tract Map No. 19203, Amended No. 2, and other items of concern. One concern of the Councilmembers was the fact that the report regarding this tract map was received by them the "day before" their City Council meeting, which did not give enough time to study this in order to rule on it. - In response, the City Manager explained that the reason for this was the time staff had spent on the LAFCO presentation the week before, leaving a very short time to prepare and distribute this report to the City Council. Another concern of Council was that support letters had been omitted from the report submitted to them. In response, the City Manager explained that the first hearing of Planning Commission with regard to this tentative tract map was continued due to the fact that all required items had not as yet been turned in to staff. These items were received by the next Planning Commission hearing. However, these support letters were inadvertently omitted from the report to City Council. A lengthy discussion was held regarding the establishment of an ordinance providing square footage for any condominium development within the City of La Quinta rather than rule on each application individually. Input from both the City Council and the Planning Commission as to what the ordinance should entail was discussed. City Councilmember Judy Cox requested that staff prepare a Procedures Manual explaining exactly what items are required when submitting plans, etc., to the Community Development Department and listing the sequential route that these items must follow from start to finish. She stated that this should be a workable policy wherein if the applicant does MINUTES - PLANNING COMMISSION June 14, 1983 Page Five. not submit all items to the Department by a certain time, then staff would not accept the application. This policy would, in turn, take some of the burden from staff time. City Councilmember Larry Allen, adding to the above, stated staff should prepare this list to be issued to applicants as a handout when they initially contact the Community Development Department. -- 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no further items of agenda to come before the Planning Commission, Chairman Pro Tern Imkamp called for a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Goetcheus made a motion to adjourn to the meeting of July 12, 1984, at 7:00 p.m., in La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA. Seconded by Commissioner Klimkiewicz. Unanimously adopted. Councilmember Larry Allen made a motion to adjourn the City Council meeting. Councilmember Judy Cox seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted. The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, CA was adjourned at 10:10 p.m., June 14, 1983, at La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA.