1983 12 13 PC Minutes APPROVED LA QUINTA PLANNING C0~IS$ION MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A Regular Meeting Held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California December 13, 1983 7: 00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER - A. Chairman Klimkiewicz called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. and led the flag salute. 2. ROT,T, C.~T,T, A.Chairman Klimkiewicz requested the roll call. ~ne Secretary called the roll: Present:Cc~m~ssioners Salas, Goetcheus, Imkamp, Thornburgh and Chairman Klimkiewicz Absent: None Also present were City Manager Frank Usher, Principal Planner Sandra Bonner and Secretary Donna Velotta. 3. HEARINGS A. Chairman Klimkiewicz introduced the f~rst hearing which regarded Tentative Tract Map No. 18766, ~ded No. 1, a request to divide 15.5+ acres into three lots for the purpose of constructing 28 statutory condcminium units, located at the southeasterly corner of Eisenhow~r Drive and Avenue 50; Landmark Land ~y, Applicant. He then called upon staff for their report. - 1. Frank Usher, City Manager, responded stating that staff has not had an opportunity to fully integrate scme of the City Engineer's recc~mendations with staff's in respect to this tract. He stated that staff has discussed this with the Applicant and they are agreeable, so we feel it would be beneficial to both the City and the Applicant to continue this hearing to the Planning Commission meeting of February 14, 1983. 2. ~ssioner Thornburgh made a motion to continue this hearing regarding Tentative Tract Map No. 18766, Amended No. 1, to the regular Planning Commission meeting to be held on February 14, 1984. Seconded by Conm~ssioner Goetcheus. Unanimously adopted. B. Chairman Klimkiewicz introduced the next public hearing regarding General Plan ~dment No. 83-001, a request to amend the General Plan Land Use Element frcm Very Low Density Residential and Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential, 6 dwellings per acre; and a request to amend the Circulation Element Designation of Adams Street frcm a major highway to a secondary highway; VTN Consolidated, Inc., Applicant. He then called for the report frc~ staff. 1.Sandra Bonner, Principal Planner, reported that this is a 154-acre site located at the northeast corner of Washington Street and MINUTES - PLANNING~SSION December 13, 1983 Page Two. Avenue 48 alignment. Applicant is requesting a change to the current General Plan designation frc~ Very Low Density Residential on the eastern half of the property which allows up to 3 units per acre, and Low Density Residential on the western portion which allows 5 units per acre. Appli- cant is requesting the entire parcel be designated Medium Density Residential to allow 6 units per acre. Staff is recc~mending this request be approved based on three primary findings: 1. Since the annexation of the area adjacent to the east boundary of the site, ar~ the subsequent redesignation of this area frc~ Very Low Density Residential to General Cc~mercial and Low Density Residential, the current General Plan designation of Very Low Density Residential on the site's eastern portion is no longer appropriate or cc~patible. 2. The City has amended the Circulation Element adjacent to the property. The City updated Ad_~_ms Street frc~ a local street to a major highway with four travel lanes. We also extended Avenue 48 as a major highway to Washington Street. The traffic consultant has stated that there is a possibility of Washington Street being upgraded to a six-lane highway sc~etime in the far future. On the basis of this, changes in the Circulation Element that occurred since the property originally was general planned are, the City feels, adequate enough so that the streets will be able to handle a higher density residential use than currently designated. 3. As far as utility services to the site are concerned, both the gas and electric cc~panies have stated that they have the capacity to serve the proposed develo~x~ent. There are existing water mains in Washington Street and along Highway 111. Sewer service will be provided by CVWD. As a part of the General Plan Amendment, the Applicant is requesting that Adams Street be downgraded to a Secondary Highway (88-foot-wide right of way). The City Engineer has commented that A~__~_ms Street should remain 100 feet wide within 500 feet of the intersections at Highway 111 and Avenue 48 to provide for future left and right turn circulation. The Applicant has agreed with the City Engineer's recc~mendations. On the basis of the findings in the staff report, staff recc~mends that the Planning Commission recc~mend to the City Council the following: 1. Approval of General Plan Ame_ndment No. 83-001, amending the Land Use Element frc~VeryLowDensityResidential and LowDensityResidential to MediumDensityResidential with amaximumof 6 dwellings peracre in accordance with Exhibit 1, and 2. Approval of General Plan Amendment No. 83-001, amending the Circulation Element designation of Adams Street between Highway 111 and Avenue 48, with the exception of those portions of Ad_a_ms Street within 500 feet of Highway 111 and Avenue 48, in accordance with Exhibit 3. The Cc~missioners discussed traffic concerns in great length. Another concern of the Cc~mission was that if they ruled to downgrade Ad_~_ms Street to a Secondary Street, they would be, in fact, deciding at this time that Adams Street would not be the City's second main entrance street into the MINUTES - PLANNING COMMISSION December 13, 1983 Page Three. City as had originally been discussed. Cc~ssioner Imkamp questioned if Dune Palms Road was an adequate choice for the main entrance street or would the Cc~mission be making this decision based on the fact that the developer has plans. Cc~ssioner Imkamp wondered if the developer did not have plans what would be the best thing for the City as far as a secondary entrance road was concerned. - Chairman Klimkiewicz opened the hearing for public conm~_nt. John _A~__s_ms, VTN Consolidated, 2301 Campus Drive, Irvine, CA, thanked the C~ssion and staff for their time and cooperation with regard to the processing of this project. He stated that he has discussed the traffic circulation with the City Engineer. He went into detail with regard to traffic circulation re this project and noted that they did have a traffic study cc~pleted. He concurred with staff's findings re density. He requested that the Planning Cc~ssion approve the General Plan Amendment. Mervin Johnson, 400 N. Tustin Avenue, Santa Ana, CA, the project's developer, referred to the rendering suk~itted to the City by their architect, who Mr. Johnson introduced to the ~ssion at this time to explain the rendering. Pete Potasi, Architect, Kiyotoki Associates, Irvine, CA, explained the rendering to the Cc~ssion. At this point, Chairman Klimkiewicz advised that the next item on the agenda was being considered in conjunction with the General Plan Amendment item just discussed. He therefore introduced the next item of agenda. C. Chairman Klimkiewicz introduced the next item of agenda as a public hearing regarding Change of Zone Case No. 83-003, a request to change zoning frcm R-l, R-l-8000 and R-1-12,000 to R-2 for a 154.5 acre site located at the - northeast corner of Washington Street and Avenue 48 ali~t; VTN Consolidated, Applicant. He then called for the report frcm staff. 1. Sandra Bonner, Principal Planner, stated that although the R-2 zoning would have no suffix specifying the allowed density as the existing zoning does, the General Plan would limit the maximum density permitted. She noted that this request was sutm~itted concurrently with General Plan Amendment No. 83-001 and Tentative Tract Map No. 19458. Staff has reccm~=_nded approval of the proposed amendment to the general plan land use element to Medium Density Residential, 6 units per acre; therefore, based on the findings contained in the report on General Plan Amendment No. 83-001, staff now makes the additional finding that the rezoning frcm the current zoning to such zones which would permit the proposed develop- ment would be cc~patible with the surrounding area development, zoning and general plan designations. Ms. Bonner stated that the determination of compatibility was based primarily on the tentative design of the project with the higher density located in the center of the development and lower density along the perimeter. Therefore, staff re~ds that the new zoning be made specific to the project as was the case for Indian Wells Villas which was recently approved. Ms. Bonner advised the Cc~ssion that the r~ded zoning is consistent with the General Plan as amended by General Plan Amen~t No. 83-001, that the proposed zoning is ccmpatible MINUTES - PLANNING ~SSION December 13, 1983 Page Four with the area development and zoning and that approval of this request will not significantly adversely affect the environmant. At this point, Ms. Bonner advised the Cc~mission that she wished to make one change in the report submitted by staff. The requested change to R-2-2900 zoning should be corrected to read R-2-2800. Based upon findings in the staff report, Ms. Bonner requested that the Planning Commission recc~m~ to the City Council denial of Change of Zone No. 83-003 frcm R-l, R-l-8000 and R-l-12,000 to R-2, as shown in Exhibit 1; however, that they reccmmend adoption of a Resolution for Change of Zone Case No. 83-003, as amended frcm R-l, R-l-8000 and R-l-12,000 to R-2-2800 (maximum 374 total dwellings), R-2-9600 (maximum 520 total dwellings) and R-5, as shown on Exhibit 2, as amended. During the discussion that follow~d, it was noted that there was an error in the computation with regard to the amount of acreage involved. The request of change of zone to R-2-2800 should be corrected to read R-2-2500. At this time, Chairman Klimkiewicz asked if anyone wished to speak for or against either of the items open for discussion. George Marzicola, 73640 E1 Paseo, Palm Desert, CA, a property cx~ner in the area of this project, wish to convey his approval of same. He also wish to add his concerns with regard to the traffic circulation to those of the Cc~xnission, as well as the concern regarding the secondary entrance to the City. As there w~re no further cc~m~_nts, Chairman Klimkiewicz closed the two public hearings and called for a motion on Item B of the agenda. Cc~missioner Thornburgh made a motion to reccm~end to the City Council approval of General Plan Amendment No. 83-001 amanding the Land Use Element frcm Very Low Density Residential and Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential with a maxinum of 6 dwellings per acre in accordance with Exhibit 1; and approval of General Plan Amendment NO. 83-001 amending the Circulation El~nent designation of Adams Street be~ Highway 111 and Avenue 48, with the exception of those portions of A~__~_ms Street within 500 feet of Highway 111 and Avenue 48, in accordance with Exhibit 3. ~ssioner Salas seconded the motion. The motion was adopted by a vote of 4 ayes, with Cc~missoner Imkamp voting nay. Chairman Klimkiewicz called for a motion regarding Itsm C of the agenda. Cc~mmissioner Thornburgh made a motion to r~d to the City Council denial of Change of Zone Case NO. 83-003 frc[n R-l, R-l-8000 and R-l-12,000 to R-2, as shown on Exhibit 1; however, adoption of a Resolution for Change of Zone Case NO. 83-003, as amended frcm R-l, R-l-8000 and R-l-12,000 to R-2-2500 (maximum 374 total dwellings), R-2-9600 (maximum 520 total dwellings) and R-5, as shown on Exhibit 2, as amended. MINUTES - PLANNING COMMISSION December 13, 1983 Page Five. Ounnissioner Imkamp seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted. D. Chairman Klimkiewicz introduced the next item as a public hearing regarding Tentative Tract Map No. 19458, a request to divide a 154.5 acre site into 555 lots for the purpose of constructing 520 attached single-family dwellings and 374 statutory (air space) condominiums, a total of 894 dwellings. The property is located at the northeast -- corner of Washington Street and 48th Avenue alignment; VTN Consolidated, Inc., Applicant. He then called for the report frcm staff. 1. Sandra Bonner, Principal Planner, requested that this hearing be continued to th~ January 10, 1984 meeting. 2. Cc~ssioner Imkamp moved, C~ssioner Thornburgh seconded to continue this hearing to the regular meeting of January 10, 1984. Unanimously adopted. E. Chairman Klimkiewicz introduced the next item as a public hearing regarding Environmental Assessment No. 83-012, prepared for General Plan Amendment NO. 83-001, Change of Zone Case No. 83-003 and Tentative Tract Map NO. 19458. He then called for staff's report. 1. Sandra Bonner, Principal Planner, referred the Cc~ssion to the brief sunm~ry of the environmental assessment prepared by staff. On the basis of this assessment, staff has tentatively determined that the project's potential impacts on the environment can be adequately mitigated by the proposed design of the project and conditions of approval with which the Applicant has agreed to cc~ply. This is consistent with state law which provides for a mitigated negative declaration. Therefore, the Applicant was not required to prepare an envirorm~_ntal impact report. Ms. Bonner requested that the Cc~ssion, based upon the findings in the staff - report, r~d to the City Council adoption of the negative declaration prepared for the Environmental Assessment. 2. C~ssic~er Thornburgh made a motion to recc~mend to the City Council adoption of the negative declaration prepared for the Environmental Assessment with the following mitigation: 1. Prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits, the Applicant shall present evidence to the City Building Department that financial arrangements have been cc~pleted between the Applicant and the State Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife Service for the purchase of or provision of funds for the purchase of an appropriate amount of acreage within the area designated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as critical hsbitat for the Coachella Valley fringe-toed lizard (as published in the Federal Register). 2. Prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits, or prior to the recordation of the final map, the Applicant shall submit to the City a signed contract agreeing to the required street and traffic safety improvements r~ded by the City Engineer and attached as conditions of approval to Tentative Tract Map No. 19458. MINUTES - PLANNING ~SSION December 13, 1983 Page Six. Chainaan Klimkiewicz seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted. 4. CC~SENT CALENDAR A. ~btion made by ~ssioner Salas, seconded by ~ssioner Imkamp to adopt the Consent Calendar approving the minutes of November 8, 1983. - 1. The minutes of the regular meeting of November 8, 1983, were approved as subaitted. Unanimously adopted~ B. Motion made by Ccem~ssioner Salas, seconded by C~ssioner Imkamp to adopt the Consent Calendar approving the minutes of November 30, 1983. 1. The minutes of the adjourned regular m~etJ~g of November 30, 1983, were approved as subaitted. Unanimously adopted. 5. BUSINESS A. Chairman Klimkiewicz introduced the first item of business as a request for an extension of time re Tentative Tract Map No. 16449, Amended No. 1, located at the southwesterly corner of Miles Avenue and Adams Street alignment; LQD, Inc., Applicant. He called for the report frcm staff. 1. Ms. Bonner, Principal Planner, requested that this item be continued to the meeting of January 10, 1984. 2. ~ssioner Thornburgh made a motion to continue this item to the next regular n~=eting of January 10, 1984. Cc~missioner Goetcheus seconded. Unanin~usly adopted. B. Chairman Klimkiewicz introduced the ne3Cc item of business as a request for extension of time re Tentative Tract Map No. 16450, Amended No. 1, - located at the southwest corner of Fred Waring Drive and Adams Street alignment; LQD, Inc., Applicant. He called for the report froa staff. 1. The Principal Planner requested that this item be continued to the meeting of January 10, 1984. 2. C~ssioner Thornburgh made a motion to continue this item to the next regular meeting of January 10, 1984. Con, missioner Goetcheus seconded. Unanimously adopted. 6. ADJOURNMI~T There being no further items~ of agenda to ccme before the Planning CoNnission, ChaJ_rman Klimkiewicz called for a motion to adjourn. Cc~ssioner Thornburgh made a motion to adjourn to the m~eting of January 10, 1984, at 7:00 p.m., in La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. The regular meeting of the Planning ~ssion of the City of La Quinta, California was adjourned at 9: 25 p.m., December 13, 1983, at La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California.